Ultra Low Power Capacitive Sensor Interfaces
Ultra Low Power Capacitive Sensor Interfaces
Ultra Low Power Capacitive Sensor Interfaces
Consulting Editor: Mohammed Ismail. Ohio State University
Titles in Series:
Bracke, Wouter, Puers, Robert, Van Hoof, Chris
ISBN: 978-1-4020-6231-5
Haartman, Martin v., stling, Mikael
ISBN-10: 1-4020-5909-4
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Yuan, Fei
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Reynaert, Patrick, Steyaert, Michiel
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Rudiakova, A.N., Krizhanovski, V.
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del Ro, R., Medeiro, F., Prez-Verd, B., de la Rosa, J.M., Rodrguez-Vzquez, A.
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Philips, K., van Roermund, A.H.M.
Vol. 874, ISBN 1-4020-4679-0
van der Ploeg, H., Nauta, B.
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Doris, Konstantinos, van Roermund, Arthur, Leenaerts, Domine
Vol. 871 ISBN: 0-387-30415-0
Ultra Low Power
Capacitive Sensor Interfaces
Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
Published by Springer,
P.O. Box 17, 3300 AA Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
Foreword ix
1 Introduction 5
2 Multisensor microsystem 6
2.1 Sensors 6
2.2 Sensor interface chip 7
2.3 Microcontroller 8
2.4 Wireless link 9
2.5 Power management 9
3 Modular design methodology 10
3.1 Programming flow 11
3.2 Operational flow 13
4 Conclusion 14
1 Introduction 17
2 Capacitive sensors 18
3 Generic Sensor Interface Chip for capacitive sensors 20
3.1 Front-end architecture 21
3.2 Capacitance-to-Voltage convertor 24
3.3 Chopping scheme 28
3.4 SC amplifier 29
3.5 modulator 33
vi Contents
1 Realized developments 91
2 Suggestions for future work 93
References 95
Index 103
changes. The GSIC is also successfully tested with other accelerometers and
pressure sensors. Hence, the developed GSIC is a significant step towards a
generic platform for low cost autonomous sensor nodes.
Wouter Bracke
now with ICsense NV
January 2007
Chapter 1
and the new modular architecture for the smart sensor interface chip is de-
Chapter 3 describes the Generic Sensor Interface Chip for capacitive sen-
sors. Firstly, the front-end architecture and the design of the analog blocks
are discussed. Secondly, the configuration settings and noise calculations
are presented. Finally, experimental results are given in state-of-the-art
pressure sensor and accelerometer applications. The performance of the
implemented systems is compared with other generic sensor interfaces and
dedicated (U)LP capacitive sensor interfaces.
Chapter 4 studies the effect of programmability on generic (capacitive) sen-
sor interfaces. It also provides an algorithm, which calculates the optimal
configuration settings for each application. These settings enable a maxi-
mal accuracy of the sensor data for a given power consumption of the GSIC
(sample frequency and measurement time).
Chapter 5 presents a 1 cm3 physical activity monitoring system. This physi-
cal activity monitoring system has been implemented as a 3D stacked sensor
node, which contains a sensor (accelerometer and GSIC), a microcontroller
and a wireless layer. The sensor node communicates with a remote station,
which is implemented on the PC (USB stick). A Labview computer interface
displays the data in real time and allows to change the settings remotely.
Finally, chapter 6 presents some general conclusions.
Chapter 2
1. Introduction
During the past two decades, several smart sensor systems have been pre-
sented. In most of the cases, these systems contain one or more sensors, a
sensor interface and signal conditioning circuits, a microcontroller and/or a
dedicated digital signal processing unit and a display and/or a wireless core
for the communication. Most often, these sensor systems were developed for
a specific purpose. In the literature, one can find systems for a hugh vari-
ety of applications, such as intelligent prosthesis monitoring systems [Cla03],
tire pressure monitoring systems [Kol04], intelligent weather observation sys-
tems [Hua03], etc. Dependent on the application, one uses a different type of
amplifier, filter bank, analog-to-digital convertor (ADC) and digital signal pro-
cessing. In spite of these differences, there is still a common system framework
between most of the applications. Hence, one could benefit from a common
front-end architecture, where only the sensors and the microcontroller software
are customized to the selected application. Such a generic architecture would
provide a low cost, flexible and easy to use environment to create autonomous
In this chapter we present a generic architecture, which allows to create a
sensor interface out of configurable blocks. The configuration settings and
the combination of the blocks can be changed according to the needs of the
application. Furthermore, the modular system can be easily expanded with
new building blocks to provide extra features. Such a generic system can be
used as the core of a smart (e.g. human body) sensor network, which connects
several sensor nodes. By its generic nature, it opens opportunities for mass
production, which allows to lower the price.
6 Ultra Low Power Capacitive Sensor Interfaces
2. Multisensor microsystem
In the eighties, W. Sansen has developed the first conceptual view on a generic
Internal Human Conditioning System (IHCS) [San82]. When we combine
these insights with more recent work [Mas98, Pue99], we can define a general
smart microsystem that contains a multisensor array, a sensor interface chip, a
microcontroller, a wireless link and a power management (Fig. 2.1).
2.1 Sensors
Sensors are used in several commercial markets such as automotive indus-
try, consumer electronics and medical equipment. The function of the sensor
element is to convert energy from any energy domain (magnetic, chemical, op-
tical, mechanical or thermal) into the electrical domain [Mid89]. The obtained
electrical signal can be conditioned further by the interface electronics. Ideally,
the output of the sensor is proportional to its input signal and remains the same
over time. Unfortunately, real sensors are subject to spread in the production,
non-linearities, cross-sentivities and drift.
The variations due to the manufacturing processes cause a spread in the
sensor sensitivity and offset. These effects can be dealt with by calibration
after fabrication. During this calibration, reference signals are applied on the
system. This provides the necessary correction parameters to adjust the sensor
output signal, so that its input-output relation is well defined. This correction
can be implemented in the microcontroller or in the remote station. Furthemore,
the calibration parameters are also used to compensate for the non-linearities
and cross-sentivities, like temperature dependency, in the sensor system. For
this purpose, extra temperature measurements are performed, resulting in a
multisensor microsystem. In such a system, the measured temperature value is
used to correct the output.
Sensor 1
ADC Memory
Sensor 2
Clocking and Microcontroller
Interface Timing circuits
Sensor 3
electronics Control settings
2.3 Microcontroller
The microcontroller has several important tasks. First of all, it controls the
sensor interface chip. It provides the settings of the sensor interface chip, such
as the configuration of the readout electronics, the application mode and the
duty cycle. Secondly, it gathers the data coming from the sensor interface chip
and stores it in a memory. Furthermore, it can perform the digital linearization
and cross-sensitivity compensation. For this purpose, we can use look-up ta-
bles or implement polynomial evaluation. Look-up table algorithms offer good
accuracy but are very demanding on system memory. An attractive alternative
is polynomial evaluation, which uses significantly less memory than look-up-
table methods but is generally slower [Cra90, Yos97] . The microcontroller
can also implement smart compression algorithms to extract the relevant data
from the sensor signals. Hence, the amount of data, that needs to be transmit-
ted is decreased. This reduces the power consumption significantly, since the
telemetry link has a relatively large power consumption in the sensor node.
The microcontroller needs to be energy efficient to enable a large amount of
signal processing with a minimum of energy. Table 2.1 lists several low power
microcontrollers and their energy consumption per instruction normalized by
the number of bits in the datapath (source [War03]). The table contains both
general purpose microcontrollers (such as the TI MSP430 and the CoolRisc) and
digital signal processing units (MIT Sensor DSP). The latter have the advantage
that their architecture is more dedicated towards wireless sensor nodes. For
these applications, this results in more efficient implementations.
should have a high power supply rejection to cope with drift in the supply
The passive devices derive their power from an external radiofrequent (RF)
powering field. They only operate when this RF field is active and in the prox-
imity. Hence, they can only be used in non-continuous monitoring applications
where the external powering system is in close proximity to the monitoring
Analog front-end
Address 0
Address 1
CB 1 CB 2 CB 3 Address 2
Address 3
Configuration Configuration Configuration
Address 4
Address 5
Address 6
Configuration Configuration Configuration
Address 7
Address 8
CB 4 CB 5 CB 6 Address 9
Address 10
Address 11
Address 12
Act Address 13
Configuration Configuration Address 14
LF clock Main clock Address 15
1 If (ERN0 ERN1) equals (1 0), the sensor interface chip needs to be fully
reprogrammed. So, all the configuration flags become low. In this case, the
other 14 bits in the word are dont care bits.
3 If (ERN0 ERN1) equals (0 0), the data D0 . . . D9 are loaded at the config-
uration address A0 A1 A2 A3. Hence, the configuration flag of this address
becomes high.
Figs. 2.3 and 2.4 show the flow charts for the complete and fast configura-
tion modes.
The proposed interface combines simplicity with low power consumption.
It uses only 4 pins and saves a lot of energy, since the clock Dclk is only
provided during the programming phase. Furthermore, the fast reconfiguration
is an energy and time efficient option to change only one parameter during the
operation. This is attractive in many applications. As an example, we consider
4. Conclusion
A generic platform for autonomous sensors would be a significant step to-
wards low cost, flexible and easy to use sensor nodes for the smart environ-
ment. Such a general multisensor microsystem consists of a multisensor ar-
ray, a sensor interface chip, a microcontroller, a wireless link and a power
management. An open module architecture with plug and play approach al-
lows to create an adequate solution for each application. Hence, most of the
applications benefit from a generic sensor interface architecture, where only
the sensors and the microcontroller software are customized to the selected
In order to create such a generic platform, we have first derived the proper-
ties and design options for the different parts of the multisensor microsystem.
Secondly, a new modular architecture was presented, which allows to create
a complete sensor interface chip out of configurable blocks. The combination
and the settings of these blocks can be changed according to the varying needs
Generic Architectures for Autonomous Sensors 15
of the application. Furthermore, the sensor system can be expanded with addi-
tional building blocks during the development phase. The fast reconfiguration
offers a power and time efficient option to change only one interface parameter
during operation. The programmed sensor interface functions autonomously
and performs an asynchronous data transfer to the microcontroller.
Chapter 3
1. Introduction
A modular design approach for autonomous sensors was presented in the
previous chapter. These concepts are used to create an ULP Generic Sensor
Interface Chip (GSIC). The GSIC performs an interface to a broad range of
capacitive sensor applications with medium accuracy (8-10 bits) and low speed
requirements (bandwidth <100 Hz).
This chapter presents the specifications, design and results of the GSIC. In the
first section, the different types of micromachined capacitive sensors are studied.
This results in a classification for capacitive sensors, which eventually leads to
the specifications for the GSIC. Thereafter, several front-end architectures for
capacitive sensors are studied. An optimal architecture is presented, which
achieves the required specifications with a minimal total power consumption.
The complete sensor interface chip contains Capacitance-to-Voltage converters,
a Switched Capacitor (SC) amplifier, a modulator, an LF clock, a main
oscillator, timing circuits, a bandgap reference and bias circuits. The design of
these blocks is described in sections 3.2 to 3.7. All these blocks are highly
configurable. The many configuration settings allow to optimize the interface
for a broad range of applications (section 4). The noise calculations of the
interface chip are presented in section 5. Finally, the GSIC is tested in state-
of-the-art pressure and accelerometer applications. The implemented pressure
monitoring system achieves a power consumption of 7.3 W for a 10 Hz sample
frequency and 8-bit accuracy in the 100 to 130 kPa range. In the acceleration
monitoring system, we measured a 10.3 W power consumption for a 10 Hz
sample frequency and 9-bit accuracy in the 1 g range. Furthermore, the
performance of these systems is compared with other generic sensor interfaces
and dedicated (U)LP pressure and accelerometer systems.
18 Ultra Low Power Capacitive Sensor Interfaces
2. Capacitive sensors
Capacitive sensors can measure different types of physical signals like
humidity, acceleration, pressure and position. Capacitive sensors are suitable
for autonomous sensor applications since they dissipate no power and offer a
high sensitivity [Pue93]. The main disadvantage is the presence of high para-
sitic elements. Fig. 3.1 shows a simple electrical model of a single capacitive
sensor, including the effects of a shunting conductance Gp and two parasitic
capacitances Cp1 and Cp2 .
Mechanical capacitive sensors have a higher sensitivity, lower power con-
sumption, better temperature performance and are less sensitive to drift than
piezoresistive sensors. However, piezoresistive sensors have a simpler struc-
ture, fabrication process and readout circuit, since the resistive bridge provides
a low impedance output voltage. Hence, capacitive sensors are most often used
in low power and high performance applications. Mechanical capacitive sen-
sors can be developed with bulk or surface micromachining [Fre98, Yaz98].
In bulk micromachining, the wafer is etched from the backside to form the
desired structures in the silicon substrate. On the contrary, surface microma-
chined devices are fabricated from thin films deposited on the substrate. The
surface micromachining technique is compatible with CMOS technology and
allows to integrate the sensor and the interface circuit on the same die. This
reduces the device size and the parasitic capacitances significantly. However,
the smaller dimensions result in smaller capacitance values. Moreover, the sur-
face micromachined (accelerometers and pressure) sensors have a much lower
sensitivity and a larger mechanical noise due to their smaller mass. This re-
sults in harder noise requirements for the readout circuit, which gives a higher
power consumption for the input amplifiers. Hence, we will mainly focus on
bulk micromachined capacitive sensors in our ULP generic capacitive sensor
In order to characterize the capacitive sensors from different kinds of appli-
cations, we define the mean capacitance C0 and the relative full-scale deviation
Figure 3.1. An electrical model of a single capacitive sensor with sense capacitance Cx , para-
sitic shunt conductance Gp and parasitic capacitances Cp1 and Cp2 .
Generic Sensor Interface Chip 19
Cx,min + Cx,max
C0 = (3.1)
= (3.2)
where Cx,max and Cx,min are the maximal and minimal capacitance in the given
sensor application. In order to develop a generic capacitive sensor interface with
ULP consumption the following two difficulties need to be solved:
The various capacitive transducer applications that have been reported show
a wide range of mean capacitances and relative full scale deviations. Fig. 3.2
gives a graphical view of and C0 on different types of capacitor sensor
applications found in literature [Mas98, Pue97, Pue00, Lap96, Yaz03, Sel97,
Sei90, Tay00, Pue90, DB02, Cha02, Cha00, Egg00, Kan00, Lac03]. The
and C0 values depend on the type of excitation (acceleration, pressure,
humidity, etc.), the physical input range of the intended application, the
sensor structure and the technology.
The reduction of the effect of the parasitic elements with the lowest power
consumption requires new interface architectures.
Pressure sensor
Humidity sensor
0 5 C (pF) 10 15
Figure 3.2. The relative full-scale deviation, , as a function of the mean capacitance, C0 , for
several capacitive microsystems.
20 Ultra Low Power Capacitive Sensor Interfaces
Figure 3.3. Functional description of the Generic Sensor Interface Chip for capacitive sensors.
Generic Sensor Interface Chip 21
C. SC circuit
The SC circuit charges the sense capacitors with an opposite polarity and inte-
grates these charges on a capacitor, Cint (Fig. 3.6). Hence we obtain an output
Sync. Vout
Cx Demod. LPF
Vref- Cp
Vm+ Cx Rf
Sync. Vout
- Demod. LPF
Vm- Amp
Vref+ Cx Cint
Vref- Cp LPF
F2 Cx
Sensor Gate Microcontroller
Sensor interface Filter Comparator clock Bitstream or DSP
Non el. Analog Digital
Figure 3.7. Smart sensor system architecture with first order modulator.
Gp Fchop
to voltage
Cx Cp2 Fchop
F1 F5
SC Sigma
Amplifier Delta
Vref Cref2 Modulator
F2 Cp1 Gp F5
to voltage
This work presents a C-V converter, which uses class AB circuit techniques
and Correlated Double Sampling (CDS) operation to reduce the influence of
the parasitic shunting conductance while maintaining a low clock frequency
and low power consumption. The C-V converter performs charge leakage sup-
pression, which is several times higher than more conventional designs with the
same power consumption. The front-end also contains an enhanced chopping
scheme, which eliminates the effect of mismatches between both C-V convert-
ers. The capacitive sensor interface has two modes of operation. The first mode
is for single sensor operation with on chip reference capacitor, where the ref-
erence capacitor Cref 2 needs to be programmed to approximate C0 . The other
mode is for differential sensor operation, where the on chip reference capaci-
tor Cref 1 (or Cref 2 ) is programmed to compensate for the offset between Cx
and Cx . In both modes the amplification factor ASC of the SC amplifier and
the feedback capacitor Cf need to be programmed for optimal accuracy of the
F1d Vp F2 Cf
F2d F1 + Cl
Cp1 Cp2
contribution is due to the offset voltage of the OTA, which creates a leakage
charge proportional to Vof f set Gp Tphase2 . The third contribution originates
from the finite DC gain Av of the OTA, which in turn leads to a leakage charge
proportional to (Vout /Av )Gp Tphase2 .
In [Li02], Li et al. use the conventional state-of-the-art C-V converter in
combination with a chopping technique and the three-signal autocalibration
method. This interface eliminates the offset leakage and compensates for the
drift in the readout electronics. Unfortunately, the technique is not energy
efficient, since it requires four measurement cycles and three extra voltage
sources to determine Cx .
Fig. 3.10 shows the proposed ULP C-V converter. This interface needs only
one voltage source Vref and one measurement cycle to determine Cx . It uses
Correlated Double Sampling (CDS) to eliminate the effect of the offset voltage
on the sensor interface [Lam83]. During 1 , the capacitor Cs samples the offset
voltage. During 2 , the sampled offset is subtracted from the instantaneous one.
The C-V converter uses a class AB OTA with cascode output stage
(Fig. 3.11, 3.12). The class AB operation is a power efficient solution to re-
duce the transient leakage. After the transition from phase 1 to phase 2 , the
tail current of the OTA is boosted, which speeds up the charge transfer from
the sense capacitor to the feedback capacitor. During settling, the voltage Vp
approaches the virtual ground and the tail current falls back to a low quiescent
In order to understand the operation of the OTA circuit [Har99], it is important
to note that the common source voltage of M1 and M2 is forced by the internal
negative feedback to follow the larger of the two voltages Va and Vb . When
Vin is smaller than Vin+ , the output voltage Voutop2 of the op-amp op2 is
pulled to the positive supply and the common source voltage Vs equals Vb . So,
Vs is only determined by Vin+ , the bias current Ibias and the dimensions of the
transistor Mb . Since the input transistors are biased in weak inversion mode,
Cf F2
Gp F1d F1d
F1d Cs
Vref Vp
F2d F1 + Cl
Cp1 Cp2
Figure 3.10. Capacitance-to-Voltage converter with correlated double sampling and class AB
26 Ultra Low Power Capacitive Sensor Interfaces
M9 M10
- M3 M4 -
Vb Va
Op1 Ibias Op2
+ +
M1 Ma Mb M2
Va Vb
Vin- Vin+
M7 M5 M6 M8
M3a M4a M3
M1a M2a
Vina+ Vina-
+ - - ++ - - ++ - - ++ - - + Enhanced chopping
+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - Conventional chopping
Ts (= 125 ms)
Figure 3.14. Conventional and enhanced chopping scheme during one modulator conver-
sion period.
Enhanced chopping
Conventional chopping
Interference reduction
0 0.1 0.2 f/f 0.3 0.4 0.5
Figure 3.15. Frequency dependence of the interference reduction without chopping, with con-
ventional chopping and with enhanced chopping.
interface periods. This modulates the effects of the mismatch with the chopping
sequence. These components are filtered by the low pass operation of the
Fig. 3.14 compares the interference reduction of the enhanced chopping
with a conventional chopping scheme for a conversion time of 2 ms.
The enhanced chopping scheme is more efficient in eliminating low frequency
interference (f < 0.1fs , where fs is the SC interface frequency of 8 kHz)
(Fig. 3.15).
3.4 SC amplifier
Fig. 3.16 shows the fully differential SC amplifier, which amplifies the dif-
ference between the outputs of the C-V converters [Mar87]. It uses a correlated
30 Ultra Low Power Capacitive Sensor Interfaces
F4 C3
F3 C2 F3d
Vin+ F3d C1 F4d F5 Vout+
+ -
- +
Vin- F C1 C2 F4d F5 Vout-
3d Ch
F3 F3d
Figure 3.16. Fully differential SC amplifier with slew enhanced Correlated Double Sampling
double sampling scheme, which does not require any resetting of the output in
each clock period. This topology is power efficient, since it allows more relaxed
op-amp specifications for low frequency inputs. To reduce the influence of the
charge injection, the clocks 3d and 4d are slightly delayed with respect to
3 and 4 . The outputs of the SC amplifier are sampled on the hold capacitors
Ch and Ch during phase 5 , so a quasi continuous output voltage is provided
to the input of the analog-to-digital converter.
The behavior of the SC amplifier can be characterized in a state model.
Fig. 3.17 shows the half circuit for the differential mode characteristics.
Generic Sensor Interface Chip 31
F4 C3
F3 Q3 F3d
Vin F3d C1 Q2 Ch
- F4d F5
Va Vout
F4 Q1
where Adif f and Vof f set are the differential gain and the offset of the OTA.
During the signal phase 4 , we obtain the following set of equations:
With these sets of equations, we can derive a discrete state model of the form:
Yn = CXn (3.22)
32 Ultra Low Power Capacitive Sensor Interfaces
In this model, we take the state vector Xn = (x1,n = q1,n 1 , x2,n = q2,n 1 ,
2 2
x3,n = q3,n 1 , x4,n = q1,n , x5,n = q2,n , x6,n = q3,n ), the input vector
Vn = (v1,n = Vin,n 1 , v2,n = Vof f set ) and the output vector Yn = (y1,n =
Vout,n 1 , y2,n = Va,n 1 , y3,n = Vout,n , y4,n = Va,n ).
2 2
The step response of the amplifier converges to a voltage
C1 C1 + C2 C1 + C2 Vof f set
lim Vout,n = Vin 1 2 + (3.23)
n C2 C2 Adif f C2 Adif f
Hence, the gain error is reduced with a factor 1/(Adif f 2 ). This would allow
the use of a low gain OTA. However, the transient response is also affected by
the differential gain of the OTA. Adif f needs to be larger than 10000 to achieve
an error smaller than 0.004 after one clock period (Fig. 3.18).
The SC amplifier uses a fully differential folded cascode OTA with SC com-
mon mode feedback to achieve a high gain (Fig. 3.19). The input transistors of
the OTA are biased in weak inversion to reduce the power consumption. The
phase margins of the OTA and the common mode feedback equal 78 deg and
82 deg. The phases 3 , 4 and 5 take 3/8, 5/8 and 2/8 of the clock period.
The equivalent load capacitor, Cload , equals:
8 8
Cload = (Cl + Cc,cmf b + Cs,cmf b ) = Ch (3.24)
3 2
A =1000
1 A =100
10 diff
A =10000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
M10 M11
Vcmfb Vcmfb
Voutmin Voutplus
M12 M13 M14 M15
M1 M2
Reset_ Reset Reset_ Reset
Vinplus Vinmin
Vpb Vpb
Cl Cl
M6 M7
Vnb Vnb
M29 M30
Reset Reset
M4 M3 M5
M26 M25
Voutplus Voutmin
Ground Ground
F4d F4d
Cs,cmfb Cs,cmfb
Cc,cmfb Cc,cmfb
F4d_ F4d_
M21 M20
M24 M23
F3d_ F4d F4d F3d_
Figure 3.19. Differential folded cascode OTA with SC common mode feedback.
3.5 modulator
The modulator structure allows one to adapt the system and its energy
consumption to the selected sensor application. The accuracy of the ADC is
determined by the conversion time, i.e., the number of oversampling clock
periods that are used to acquire the digital bit code. Since many sensor signals
have a very small bandwidth (typical order of a few tens of Hz) and a medium
resolution is sufficient (8-10 bits), the system can operate in a duty cycle, where
the analog readout circuitry is only for a short period of time in the ON-state.
Other important advantages of the architecture are the immunity against
34 Ultra Low Power Capacitive Sensor Interfaces
digital interference and locking effects and the relaxed specifications for the
analog components [Bos88].
The modulator and the digital decimation filter become more complex with
increasing order of the sigma delta ADC. For higher order modulators the risk
for instability is higher, so only 1st and 2nd order modulators can be realized
with a reduced complexity [Jes00]. The choice between a 1st and 2nd order
modulator is an important dilemma. A 2nd order modulator has the advantage
that it gives 6 dB per octave oversampling ratio more resolution. Hence, the
measurement time can be decreased to achieve the same resolution as in a
1st order modulator. However, a 2nd order structure needs a higher order
decimation filter and a more complex modulator. A 1st order modulator can
use a simple digital counter as decimation filter. This counter can easily be
implemented on the sensor interface chip, which reduces power consumption.
Considering the overall medium resolution and low speed requirements, we
have opted for a 1st order modulator. For more accurate and faster appli-
cations a 2nd order modulator would probably be a better choice.
Traditionally, most of the modulators are SC realizations. However the
first order modulator presented in this work is a Continuous Time (CT)
implementation. For this type of modulator the bandwidth and slew rate re-
quirements are less stringent, which reduces the power consumption and makes
the structure less sensitive to noise and digital interference. On the feed-
back side, the reference voltage of a SC modulator requires buffering to attain
the oversampling speed (128 kHz). The DAC of the CT integrator can be
implemented with current sources, which do not load the voltage reference dy-
namically. The main drawback of this structure is the accuracy limitation by
the non-linearity of the voltage-to-current converter. For medium resolution
applications this does not pose any problem, because the total harmonic distor-
tion of the voltage-to-current converter can easily be better than -60 dB. Most
of the CT modulators presented in literature are higher order modulators, which
are designed for medium and high-speed applications. However, our first order
sigma delta modulator is an ULP low frequency design for autonomous sensor
systems. So, a review of the dominant error sources is necessary to achieve an
optimal design for our application. The most important issues, that have been
addressed in the design of the CT modulator, are given below.
The charge injections, induced by a falling and a rising transition in the
feedback DAC, are not perfectly equal in magnitude. So, every falling and
rising transition pair injects an extra charge in the integrator capacitor, Cint ,
which results in an accumulating error charge on Cint . This charge injec-
tion imbalance creates a non-linearity, which is larger in the middle of the
modulator input range, since at zero input the highest number of transitions
occurs. The charge injection imbalance has several causes: the difference
between the rising and the falling edge delay time of the quantizer output
Generic Sensor Interface Chip 35
A. RZ CT modulator
Fig. 3.20 shows the proposed RZ CT modulator. After the reset signal
becomes low, switches 1 and 3 are closed and switches 2 and 4 are open. The
output current of the VI converter is integrated on the capacitor Cint . The
regenerative comparator executes his decision during the modulation phase
mod . At the end of this phase, the output of the comparator is settled and
saved in the following latch. After the rising edge of the feedback clock f b ,
the switches in the current DAC are stimulated. If the state changes, the break
operation is executed before the make operation. The clocks zero1 and zero2
are created out of mod by a non-overlapping clock generator circuit. The delay
is chosen such that the falling edge of zero1 comes after the rising edge of f b .
36 Ultra Low Power Capacitive Sensor Interfaces
M1 M3 Delay
switch1 switch3 Ffb
Iref Iref
Reset switch1
switch2 switch4 Reset Vout1
Ffb clock switch2
Vin+ M2 M4 S
VI Cint Q R
converter -
Vin- Fzero1
Fmod S Vout1
Q_ R switch4
Ffb clock
B. Voltage-to-current converter
Fig. 3.21 shows the VI converter, which transforms a differential voltage into a
single ended current [Kwa91]. It contains a fully differential core to eliminate
the even order distortion components. It uses p-type input transistors biased in
subthreshold region with substrate to source connection, so the non-linearity and
noise of the input transistors are limited. It has a high-impedance cascode output
stage to reduce the integrator leakage. The total harmonic distortion decreases
M15 M3 M4 M16
Vpa Vpa
M13 M1 M2 M14
Vpb Vpb
Vin+ Vin-
M11 M12
Vnb C1 C2 Vnb
M9 M5 M7 M8 M6 M10
Vna Vna
Ct Vout 2G
gm1(Vin-Vout) go1
Cc go7
Figure 3.22. Half circuit of the input stage of the VI converter (small signal approximation).
38 Ultra Low Power Capacitive Sensor Interfaces
Figure 3.23. Bodeplot of the equivalent open loop transferfunction of the VI converter (C1 =
C2 =10 pF).
C. Current DAC
Fig. 3.24 shows the current DAC, which uses a cascode output stage and a break-
before-make timing scheme. This break-before-make timing scheme consists
M15 M14 M1
M16 M13 M2
Ground Vpb
Switch1 Switch2
M3 M4
R1 R2 Ground Iout
M5 M6
M9 M11 M7
Switch3 Switch4
M10 M12 M8
M5 M7
Vout1 Vout2
M1 M3 M9 M11
Reset Clock Clock Reset
M2 M4 M6 M8 M10 M12
Vss Vin1 Vin2 Vdd
of two SR latches (Fig. 3.25). When the outputs of the quantizer (Q and Q )
change, the latches first open the inactive switches and thereafter they close
the active switches. This ensures that at all times the switched current source
has a high output impedance. The simulated noise output current during one
modulator period ( 8s) equals 100 pARM S (=(Iref +,noise + Iref ,noise )/2).
This is much smaller than the required 1.25 nA, so the noise of the current DAC
is negligible.
D. Integrator
The integrator uses a two-stage op-amp to achieve a high DC gain (Fig. 3.26).
This limits the integrator leakage. After every transition, a residual voltage
M7 M11 M8 M9
M1 M2
Vin- Vin+
M5 M6
Vnb Vnb
M3 M4 M10
E. Comparator
Fig. 3.28 shows a regenerative comparator, which is used as a quantizer [Yin92].
This discrete time comparator combines a fast response with low power con-
sumption. The comparator consists of a differential input pair (M2 /M3 ), a top
and bottom regeneration loop (M11 /M12 and M4 /M5 ) with transfer transistors
(M6 /M7 ) and pre-charge transistors (M9 /M10 ) and a switch for resetting (M8 ).
The comparator operates in three phases: the reset phase, the bottom and top
regeneration phases. latch is high and reg is low in the reset phase. This
disconnects and resets the bottom and top regeneration latches. The differential
pair injects a differential current, proportional to the comparator input voltage
difference, into the bottom regeneration loop and generates a voltage difference
Figure 3.27. The residual voltage during a DAC transition (NRZ mode).
Generic Sensor Interface Chip 41
over M8 . This voltage will act as the initial imbalance for the regeneration.
When latch goes down, the imbalance is regenerated by the bottom regenera-
tion loop (bottom regeneration phase). After reg rises, the bottom and the top
regeneration loops are connected and they both start to regenerate the imbalance
(top regeneration phase).
The offset of this comparator is determined by the mismatch between the
input pair and the bottom regeneration loop. The mismatches in the top regen-
eration loop and the transfer switches can be neglected, since the imbalance
is already significantly larger at the start of the top regeneration phase. The
implemented comparator has a 3 offset of approximately 12 mV. This effect
is negligible in our modulator.
A non-overlapping clock generator creates the clocks for the comparator
(Fig. 3.28). The clock generation circuit uses two different delay cells: delay
cell 1 implements a large delay between 200 ns and 400 ns, dependent on the
supply voltage and process tolerances, whereas delay cell 2 gives a delay of a
few ns. Both delay cells are placed in the feedback path. Hence, the delays
M2 M3
Vinplus Vinmin
Voutmin Voutplus
M6 M7
M4 M5
Delay 1
Delay 2
only effect the start of the reset and top regeneration phases (latch and reg
become high), but they have no impact on the exact timing of the quantizer
decision phase (reg goes down). Consequently, the operation of the quantizer
is immune to power supply variations and process tolerances.
F. Performance
A decimation counter is used at the output of the bitstream to obtain a full digital
code. The conversion time of the modulator is programmable between 256, 512
and 1024 clock cycles. So, the resolution can be varied between 8, 9 and 10 bits.
The ADC performance is measured on the final GSIC circuit (section 6).
Figs. 3.29, 3.30, 3.31 and 3.32 compare the measured Integral and Differential
Non-Linearity (DNL and INL) of the proposed RZ modulator with a NRZ
version for a modulator clock of 128 kHz and a conversion time of 8 ms (=1024
clock cycles). Both the RZ and NRZ modulator achieve the specified resolution
of 10 bits (DNL and INL are smaller than 0.5 LSB). The NRZ modulator has a
larger DNL near midrange. This is caused by charge injection imbalance.
500 400 300 200 100 0 100 200 300 400 500
Output code
Figure 3.29. The measured differential non-linearity of the RZ modulator (10-bit mode).
Generic Sensor Interface Chip 43
500 400 300 200 100 0 100 200 300 400 500
Output code
Figure 3.30. The measured differential non-linearity of the NRZ modulator (10-bit mode).
500 400 300 200 100 0 100 200 300 400 500
Output code
Figure 3.31. The measured integral non-linearity of the RZ modulator (10-bit mode).
500 400 300 200 100 0 100 200 300 400 500
Output code
Figure 3.32. The measured integral non-linearity of the NRZ modulator (10-bit mode).
M7 M8 M10 M9
Vbias M32 M33 M34 M35 M36 M37
Figure 3.33.
M11 M12 M14 M15
nact act
IbiasCV IbiasSC IbiasVI Ibiasmod IbiasMCLK
nact M17 M18 M19 M20
M2 Rref
Q1 Q2 Q3 Ibias Vbiaspb
R3 R4
M38 M41
M39 M40
46 Ultra Low Power Capacitive Sensor Interfaces
With the base emitter voltage, Vbe (Tr ), at the reference temperature Tr , we can
rewrite this equation as
T T kT T
Vbe = Vg0 1 + Vbe (Tr ) + ( 1) ln (3.33)
Tr Tr q Tr
Equation 3.33 can be written as the sum of a constant term (Vg0 ), a linear term
(T ) and higher order terms (O(T 2 )):
Vg0 = Vg0 + ( 1) (3.35)
= Vg0 Vbe (Tr ) (3.36)
k Tr
O(T ) = ( 1)
T Tr + T ln (3.37)
q T
The cascode mirrors (M4 /M7 , M5 /M8 ) provide the same current through
the bipolar transistors Q1 and Q2 . Both transistors are implemented with a ratio
of 1:n (Q1 = 1 element, Q2 = n elements). Hence, the voltage difference over
the resistor R1 equals
Vbe1 Vbe2 = ln n (3.38)
The bias current through R1 is proportional to the absolute temperature. This
current is mirrored by the transistors M6 /M9 , which results in a PTAT voltage
R2 kT
Vptat = ln n (3.39)
R1 q
This PTAT voltage compensates the negative tempco of the Q3 base emitter
voltage for n = 10 and R2 /R1 = 8. The resistor R1 has a nominal value of
125 k. This sets the bias current in the bandgap circuit to 500 nA (300 K).
Hence, the circuit performs an adequate start-up behavior (a few tens of s) and
reduces the low-level injection effects [Wan00] in the bipolar transistors. The
circuit provides a bandgap voltage Vbg of 1.135 V, with a variation of 0.3 % in
the specified temperature range from 40 C to 85 C.
A buffer op-amp, with load resistor Rref , converts the bandgap voltage
into a reference current. The buffer op-amp uses a symmetrical input core
to enhance the Power Supply Rejection Ratio (PSRR) and to eliminate the
systematic offset. A Miller compensation capacitor, C, is added to obtain an
overdamped frequency response with GBW of 15 kHz and a phase margin of
77 deg. The resistor Rref is placed in close proximity of the resistor R from the
Generic Sensor Interface Chip 47
M2 Vref
M11 M10 M3 M17 M19 M20
Vbiaspa Vbiaspa
M12 M1 M2 Vbiaspb
Vbiaspb Vinplus Vinmin
B Vref
M14 M8 M9
Vbiasnb Vbiasnb
A. Main clock
The main clock of the GSIC is a 512 kHz square wave relaxation oscilla-
tor [Wak89]. The oscillator operates as follows (Fig. 3.36). If we assume
that the SR latch is in the state Vout1 = 0 and Vout2 = 1, the capacitor
C1 is shorted to analog ground and the current Icharge is loading the ca-
pacitor C2 . When the potential at node A becomes higher than Vturn , the
state of the SR latch is changed and the capacitor C1 is loaded. Hence,
we obtain a power supply independent oscillation frequency, which equals
Icharge /(2CVturn ).
Generic Sensor Interface Chip 49
M1 M3 M5 M7 M9
M2 M4 M6 M8 M10
M11 M16
Vturn Vturn
The capacitor C, the turning potential Vturn and the charge current Icharge
are chosen to reduce the clock jitter Tj, with respect to the modulator period
(Tmod 8s), so that
4 Tj, 1
< (3.40)
3 Tmod 1024
M14 M18
Figure 3.37. Fast continuous time comparator with low quiescent current.
B. LF clock
The 8 kHz LF clock is used for the timing between subsequent samples. It
is the only part of the system, which operates continuously. The LF clock
is biased when the power supply VDD is put on [Kha03]. After the GSIC is
Generic Sensor Interface Chip 51
M6 M7
M1 M2 M3 M4 M5
Vp Vn
M8 M9
Vn Cstart
M12 M17
Vturn Vturn
programmed, resetLF becomes low and the LF clock and sample timer start
operating (operational flow, section 3.2). The LF clock is implemented as a
relaxation oscillator with a bias circuit (Fig. 3.38). The oscillator uses simple
two-stage open-loop comparators.
4. Configuration settings
The GSIC is equipped with many programming settings to offer an inter-
face to a broad range of capacitive sensor applications. The capacitive sensor
interface has two modes of operation. The first mode is for single sensor op-
eration with on chip reference capacitor, where the reference capacitor, Cref 2 ,
needs to be programmed to approximate the base capacitance of the sensor, C0 .
The other mode is for differential sensor operation, where the on chip refer-
ence capacitor, Cref 1 (or Cref 2 ), is programmed to compensate for the offset
between Cx and Cx . The amplification factor, ASC , of the SC amplifier and
the feedback capacitor, Cf , of the C-V converters need to be programmed for
optimal accuracy of the interface. The sample period is 6-bit programmable
between 8 ms and 512 ms and the ADC accuracy is selectable between 8, 9
52 Ultra Low Power Capacitive Sensor Interfaces
Table 3.1. Description of the configuration memory of the Generic Sensor Interface Chip.
D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9
0 X X X X X X T T M od1 M od0
1b X X X X X X LF3 LF2 LF1 LF0
2c X X X X X X CL3 CL2 CL1 CL0
3d X X S5 S4 S3 S2 S1 S0 AD1 AD0
4e X X Cr1 7 Cr1 6 Cr1 5 Cr1 4 Cr1 3 Cr1 2 Cr1 1 Cr1 0
5f X X Cr2 7 Cr2 6 Cr2 5 Cr2 4 Cr2 3 Cr2 2 Cr2 1 Cr2 0
6g X X X X X X Cf 3 Cf 2 Cf 1 Cf 0
8i X X ActCV ActSC ActV I Actmod T T T T
9 X X X X X X X X X X
10 X X X X X X X X X X
11 X X X X X X X X X X
12 X X X X X X X X X X
13 X X X X X X X X X X
14 X X X X X X X X X X
15 X X X X X X X X X X
a The M od1 and M od0 bits select the interface mode (single or differential).
b The LF3 . . . LF0 bits select the LF clock frequency.
c The CL . . . CL bits select the main oscillator frequency.
3 0
d The sample period is selected by S . . . S . The LF clock, sample timer and analog front-end are off, if
5 0
these bits are low (resetLF = 1, Act = 0, Reset = 1). AD1 and AD0 set the conversion resolution (8,
9 or 10 bit). The analog front-end is always off, if both bits are low (Act = 0, Reset = 1).
r1 7 . . . Cr1 0 set the reference capacitor Cref 1 .
r2 7 . . . Cr2 0 set the reference capacitor Cref 2 .
f 3 . . . Cf 0 set the feedback capacitor Cf .
SC5 . . . ASC0 set the SC amplification factor ASC .
i Act
CV , ActSC , ActV I , Actmod offer a power down option for the C-V converters, SC amplifier, VI
converter and modulator.
Generic Sensor Interface Chip 53
5. Noise
The mechanical noise of the sensor, the electrical noise of the interface and
the quantization noise of the ADC contribute to the total noise in the system.
The electrical noise of the SC interface is studied in this section. In 5.1, a
methodology is presented to estimate the noise in SC circuits in a simple and
accurate manner. Subsection 5.2 presents the noise calculations in the C-V
converter. The global noise performance of the SC interface is studied in 5.3.
Thereafter, we compute the output phasor, Uout , at time t2 (i.e. the end of
the signal phase).
where Sun is the power spectrum of the noise source. With Sout,t2 as a
function of the frequency, equation 3.42 can be written as:
Sout,t2 (f ) = 2Sun u2 d (3.43)
2 out,g
where uout,g is the normalized output amplitude at t2
|Uout |
uout,g = (3.44)
The output signal is sampled by the following SC stage. This process can
be modelled by an ideal Sample and Hold operation [Fis82]. Hence, the
output spectrum after sample and hold, Sout,h (f ), is given by:
d j2f 1 2 f
Sout,h (f ) = Sout,t2 exp sinc (3.45)
fs f2 fs
where the discrete power spectrum Sout,t2 is given by:
d j2f
Sout,t2 exp = fs2 Sout,t2 (2f + 2kfs ) (3.46)
This equation expresses the noise aliasing caused by the sampling operation.
The noise has a finite bandwidth, BWnoise . If we take this in consideration,
we can approximate the infinite sum by
Sout,t2 (2f + 2kfs ) Sout,t2 (2f + 2kfs )
k= k=N
N = 10round (3.47)
The RMS-value of the sampled noise at the output, noise , is then given by:
fs /2 fs /2
noise = Sout,h (f )df = 2 Sout,h (f )df (3.48)
fs /2 0
C2 F2
F1 sw3 F1
F1 C3 sw4
sw1 - F2
C1 Una
sw5 F1 sw2 Cls
+ Cl
F2 Cp1 Cp2
Figure 3.39. C-V converter with switches, sw1 to sw6 , and OTA noise source, Suna .
are uncorrelated. So, the total noise can be found as a squared superposition of
their RMS values. The effects of the individual noise sources are estimated with
the Bennet model. Hereafter, only the noise calculations of the C-V converter
are presented. Similar computations have been made for the SC amplifier.
The noise in the C-V converter is caused by the input referred noise, Una , of
the OTA and the thermal noise of the switches (Fig. 3.39). The input referred
noise spectral density of the OTA, Suna , equals:
8kT KF
Suna (f ) = Nex + (3.49)
3gm f
where Nex is the noise excess factor [San94] and KF is the 1/f noise factor,
which depends on the technology, the type and the size of the transistors. The
switches can be replaced by their ON-resistance, Ron , in series with a white
noise source
Sunsw (f ) = 4kT Ron (3.50)
Vs Una
+ Cl
where A is the DC gain of the OTA and GBW1 is the gain bandwidth of the
OTA during the sampling phase.
GBW1 = GBW (3.52)
Cl + C3
The sampled and the instantaneous noise are subtracted during the signal
phase 2 (Fig. 3.41). Hence, the equivalent noise source at t2 equals
Veq = Una exp(jt2 ) Vs (3.53)
So, the phasor V equals
C2 Veq
V = (3.54)
j 1
(C1 + C2 + Cp2 ) 2GBW 2
+ A + C2
where GBW2 is the gain bandwidth of the OTA during the signal phase.
GBW2 = GBW C2 (C1 +Cp2 )
Cl + Cls + C2 +C1 +Cp2
V Veq
C1 Vs Una
Cl Cls Uout
Cp2 +
The noise at the output contains contributions of the thermal and 1/f noise
components of the OTA. The thermal component causes a noise voltage, noise ,
is independent of the transconductance gm . The bandwidth of the C-V
converter is proportional to the transconductance, gm . So, the noise aliasing
is also proportional to gm . On the other hand, the OTA noise input spectrum
decreases with gm (3.49). Hence, the noise voltage is not effected by gm .
decreases with a higher load capacitor, Cl .
is proportional to Cp2 /C1 .
The 1/f noise is adequately suppressed by the CDS operation.
B. Noise of switch 1
At the end of 2 , the thermal noise of switch 1 creates an indirect and a direct
noise component at the output. The indirect component stems from the sampled
noise (at the end of 1 ) on the series parallel combination of C1 , Cp2 , C2 and
C3 . During the signal phase, these noise charges are transferred to the feedback
capacitor Cf . The direct component is caused by the thermal noise during 2 .
This component is filtered by the low pass operation of the OTA, whereas the
indirect component is only limited by the 1/(2RON C) cut-off behavior. Since
the latter frequency is much higher, we can neglect the direct component.
The sampled (indirect) noise component is evaluated in Fig. 3.42. After
solving this network, we obtain the output phasor (at t2 ):
Q1 () Qp () Q2 () Q3 ()
Uout = + (3.57)
C2 C3
The found Uout is used to calculate the rms noise value, noise . This noise value
is independent of RON .
is inverse proportional to C1 (with a constant Cp2 /C1 ).
decreases with increasing Cp2 /C1 .
C. Noise of switch 2
The noise of switch 2 is also estimated by its indirect component. The solution
of the network (Fig. 3.43) gives the following output phasor:
Q1 () + Qp () + Q2 () Q3 ()
Uout = + (3.58)
C2 C3
The rms noise value
is independent of RON .
is inverse proportional to C1 (with a constant Cp2 /C1 ).
D. Noise of switch 3
The noise of switch 3 is estimated by its indirect component. The solution of
the network (Fig. 3.44) gives the following output phasor:
Q1 () + Qp () Q2 () Q3 ()
Uout = (3.59)
C2 C3
The rms noise value
is independent of RON .
is inverse proportional to C1 (with a constant Cp2 /C1 ).
E. Noise of switch 4
The noise contribution of switch 4 can be approximated by the sampled kT /C3
noise on C3 .
6. Experimental results
The GSIC is designed in a 0.5m CMOS technology (AMIS) for a supply
voltage between 2.7 and 3.3 V. The chip measures 3.2 mm by 2.9 mm (including
the IO ring) (Fig. 3.46).
Special care has been taken to reduce the influence of the digital and higher
frequency electronics on the sensitive analog read-out. For this purpose, the C-
V converters are placed on the opposite side of the ADC, the main oscillator and
the clock generation circuits. Furthermore, five different supplies with separate
IO pads are used: a supply for the external circuits in the IO ring (V SSE,
V DDE), a supply for the internal low noise transistors in the IO ring (V SSI,
V DDI), a supply for the digital core cells (V SSCO, V DDCO), a supply for
the guard rings (V SSS, V DDS) and an analog dual supply (AV SS, AGN D,
Generic Sensor Interface Chip 61
Figure 3.46. Die photograph of the Generic Sensor Interface Chip (size = 3.2 mm x 2.9 mm,
including IO ring).
AV DD). The guard rings are placed in close proximity of the digital circuits
and higher speed analog circuits. Hence, they provide a low impedance return
path for the injected current pulses [Ing97]. An n-well on the ground potential
AGN D shields the analog high ohmic poly resistors and capacitors from the
The system has a total current consumption of approximately 40A dur-
ing ON-state. Table 3.2 shows the current consumption of the analog blocks.
The averaged power consumption can be tailored towards the speed and ac-
curacy requirements of the application. Hence, the averaged current con-
sumption is smaller than 20A for sensor applications with small bandwidth
(<50 Hz) and medium resolution requirements (Fig. 3.47). As an exam-
ple, we consider the cases of a pressure sensor and an inclinometer
62 Ultra Low Power Capacitive Sensor Interfaces
8bit mode
9bit mode
Current consumption (A)
10bit mode
10 1 2
10 10
Sample frequency (Hz)
Figure 3.47. Averaged current consumption of the GSIC as a function of the sample frequency
and the resolution mode.
Figure 3.48. Test PCB with pressure sensor, connector and GSIC (covered with globtop coat-
Digital output code
Figure 3.49. Measured digital output code as a function of the applied pressure.
with linearization
0.2 without linearization
Pressure error (kPa) 0
100 105 110 115 120 125 130
Pressure (kPa)
Figure 3.50. Pressure error after 3 points calibration with the sensor model.
Digital output code
60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Pressure (kPa)
Figure 3.51. Measured digital output code as a function of the applied pressure.
Generic Sensor Interface Chip 65
with linearization
without linearization
Pressure error (kPa)
60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Pressure (kPa)
Figure 3.52. Pressure error after 3 points calibration with the sensor model.
A. Functionality test
In this test set-up, we select a 10 Hz sample frequency and 9-bit resolution to
measure the inclination from -90 to 90 degrees (equivalent with -1 g to 1 g ac-
celeration). With these settings, the GSIC consumes 10.3W (3 V supply). The
test PCB contains the accelerometer and the GSIC. It is connected to an incli-
nometer calibration fixture (Model 5560, Robert A. Denton) (Fig. 3.53). In this
static set-up, we can vary the orientation of the test accelerometer (gravitational
field) in steps of 10 degrees.
Fig. 3.54 presents the measured digital output code as a function of the in-
clination. Fig. 3.55 shows the equivalent output characteristic as a function
of the acceleration. In Fig. 3.56, we see that the non-linearity acceleration
error is smaller than 0.03 g. The repeatability of the output is, for a con-
stant acceleration, within 1 counts. Hence, the dominant noise source is the
66 Ultra Low Power Capacitive Sensor Interfaces
Figure 3.53. Inclination measurement set-up with test PCB (GSIC and accelerometer) con-
nected to the calibration fixture.
Digital output code
80 60 40 20 0 20 40 60 80
Inclination (degrees)
Figure 3.54. The measured digital output code as a function of the inclination.
Generic Sensor Interface Chip 67
Digital output code 150
1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Acceleration (g)
Figure 3.55. The measured digital output code as a function of the acceleration.
Acceleration error (g)
1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Acceleration (g)
2.7 V
200 3.3 V
Digital output code 150
80 60 40 20 0 20 40 60 80
Inclination (degrees)
Figure 3.57. The measured digital output code as a function of the inclination for supply
voltages of 2.7 and 3.3 V.
the sensor system is immune to a broad range of supply voltages. For this
purpose the GSIC is tested in 9-bit mode with a 10 Hz sample frequency
for a supply voltage between 2.7 V and 3.3 V. The GSIC consumed 8.2W
in the 2.7 V test and 12.4W in the 3.3 V test. In Fig. 3.57, we see that
the measured acceleration characteristic is nearly independent from the power
400 8bit
Digital output code 300
80 60 40 20 0 20 40 60 80
Inclination (degrees)
Figure 3.58. The measured digital output code as a function of the inclination for 10-bit and
8-bit resolution mode.
7. Performance comparison
The energy per accuracy level, En, gives a metric for the efficiency of the
sensor interface. It is defined as follows:
En = (3.63)
fsample 2b
Where Pav , fsample and b are the averaged power consumption, the sample
frequency and the accuracy (in a bit number). The type of output also effects
total efficiency. Sensor interfaces with digital outputs only need a serial or
parallel interface to transfer the data to the microcontroller. This transfer can
be extremely fast and power efficient, which allows the microcontroller to stay
for a long period in sleep mode. On the other hand, sensor interfaces with
analog output still need an external ADC, which consumes additional power.
While sensor interfaces with quasi-digital output (frequency, period or duty
cycle output) require a counting process, performed by the microcontroller, to
yield the digital code. Hence, the microcontroller cannot enter the sleep mode
during the conversion process. Tables 3.3 and 3.4 compare the energy per
accuracy level of the GSIC with other generic interfaces and dedicated (U)LP
capacitive sensor interfaces. We see that the GSIC outperforms the existing
generic sensor interfaces. It even achieves an efficiency, which is better than
most of the dedicated state-of-the-art ULP interfaces.
70 Ultra Low Power Capacitive Sensor Interfaces
Table 3.3. Performance comparison between the GSIC, other generic sensor interfaces (C0 =
10.3pF, C = 1 pF) and dedicated (U)LP pressure sensor systems.
Table 3.4. Performance comparison between the GSIC, other generic sensor interfaces (C0 =
2.5pF, C = 0.4pF) and dedicated (U)LP accelerometer systems.
8. Conclusion
In this chapter, the specifications, design and results of the Generic Sen-
sor Interface Chip for capacitive sensors have been presented. The GSIC is
designed as a complete system, which is optimized for Ultra Low Power con-
sumption. It contains the following blocks: Capacitance-to-Voltage converters,
a SC amplifier, a modulator, a bandgap reference and bias circuits, a main
oscillator and clock generation circuits, an LF clock, a configuration SRAM
and an interface to the microcontroller.
of the shunt conductance than conventional C-V converters (with the same
current consumption). The outputs of both C-V converters are chopped and
filtered by the modulator to eliminate the effects of mismatches and
to perform an adequate reduction of the common mode interference. The
fully differential SC amplifier amplifies the difference between the outputs
of both C-V converters and provides a quasi continuous input voltage for
the modulator.
The implemented CT modulator consists of a VI converter, a modulator
and a decimation counter. The CT modulator has the advantage that it
does not need a buffered reference voltage to attain the oversampling speed
(128 kHz). This results in a significant decrease of the power consumption.
The error sources in ultra low power CT modulators were examined.
The dominant error source is caused by charge injections. This effect is
eliminated by implementing a RZ switching scheme.
The bandgap reference and bias circuits provide the bias currents to the sen-
sor interface and the main oscillator. The system is immune to temperature
variations in the range from 40 C to 85 C. Furthermore, its operation
is quasi independent of the power supply in a range from 2.7 to 3.3 V. A
switch in the start-up circuit of the bandgap reference offers a power down
option for the total analog part of the system.
The main oscillator and clock generation circuits provide the clock signals
to the SC interface and the modulator. The main clock and the analog
read-out electronics are switched off during OFF-state. A conversion timer
is used to set the duration of the ON-state.
The 8 kHz LF clock is used for the timing during low power standby oper-
ation. It is the only part of the system, which operates continuously. It has
a very small current consumption of approximately 0.5A.
The GSIC has many configuration settings to provide an interface to a broad
range of capacitive sensor applications. The capacitive sensor interface has
two modes of operation. The first mode is for single sensor operation with
on chip reference capacitor, where the reference capacitor, Cref 2 , needs
to be programmed to approximate C0 . The other mode is for differential
sensor operation, where the on chip reference capacitor, Cref 1 (or Cref 2 ),
is programmed to compensate for the offset between Cx and Cx . In both
modes the amplification factor, ASC , of the SC amplifier and the feedback
capacitor, Cf , of the C-V converters need to be programmed for optimal
accuracy of the interface (chapter 4).
The sample frequency is 6-bit programmable between 2 Hz and 125 Hz and
the ADC accuracy is selectable between 8, 9 or 10 bits for a conversion time
72 Ultra Low Power Capacitive Sensor Interfaces
1. Introduction
Generic sensor interface design reduces the costs and offers a handy solution
for multisensor applications. However, previous generic readout circuits often
experienced a loss of performance and an increased power consumption. The
ability to program the front-end would have an important impact on the accuracy
of the sensor readout. The new design methods reported in this chapter allow
us to create a generic sensor interface with a minimum loss. Furthermore, an
algorithm is provided, which calculates the optimal interface settings for each
application. These settings enable a state-of-the-art performance from our ULP
generic sensor interface.
Section 2 studies the non-ideal effects (full-scale loss, leakage error, settling
error and noise) of configurable capacitive sensor interfaces. General design
methods are derived, which are illustrated on the generic interface architecture.
Section 3 presents an algorithm that estimates the optimal configuration of the
interface for each application. This algorithm is expressed as an optimization
problem, which minimizes the total error. The minimized objective function
considers the full-scale loss, leakage error, settling error, noise and ADC accu-
racy. In section 4, we apply the algorithm in a prototype biomedical pressure
monitoring system.
2. Programmability
The front-end architecture consists of a Switched Capacitor (SC) interface
followed by a modulator. The SC interface works on a lower clock frequency,
8 kHz, than the modulator, 128 kHz, to reduce power consumption. In the
Capacitance-to-Voltage (C-V) converter, the sense capacitance, Cx , is converted
to a proportional voltage. The SC amplifier amplifies the difference between the
74 Ultra Low Power Capacitive Sensor Interfaces
outputs of both C-V converters and produces a quasi continuous input voltage for
the modulator. The capacitive sensor interface has two modes of operation.
The first mode is for single sensor operation, where the reference capacitor Cref
needs to be programmed to approximate C0 . The other mode is for differential
sensor operation, where the on chip reference capacitor is used to compensate
for the offset between Cx and Cx . In both modes, the amplification factor ASC
of the SC amplifier and the feedback capacitor Cf of the C-V converters need
to be programmed for optimal accuracy of the interface.
The programmability (step size and range) of Cref , Cf and ASC strongly
influences the use of the dynamics and the settling performance of the interface.
This section introduces methods to estimate these influences mathematically.
Furthermore, the appropriate step sizes and ranges of Cref , Cf and ASC are
calculated for our generic architecture.
Xmin Xmax
0.5 Vfspp
Ideal curve DVmax
Realistic curve
-0.5 Vfspp Xmin Xmax
Figure 4.2. The input voltage of the modulator for an unlimited (ideal curve) and limited
(realistic curve) programmable SC interface.
The full-scale loss has two causes: firstly, the components are programmable
between certain boundaries, Pmin and Pmax ; secondly, they are programmable
in finite steps, Pstep .
The optimal settings are calculated with an algorithm, which maximizes the
accuracy (see section 3). This objective function considers not only the full-
scale loss, but also the settling error, leakage error, noise and ADC accuracy.
Due to the boundaries of the programming components, the optimal settings
may result in a full-scale loss that is significant. For our capacitive sensor
interface, this deterministic full-scale loss is given by:
dVref C0 ASC
V f srel = 1 (4.2)
Cf V f spp
0.5 Vfspp
Ideal curve
Realistic curve
-0.5 Vfspp
Xmin Xmax
Figure 4.3. The full-scale loss V f s for an offset deviation Vof f set .
This standard deviation gives a measure for the loss in dynamics, which is
caused by the finite step size, Cref,step , of Cref . In order to allow a good
exploitation of the system dynamics, we postulate that (V f srel ) needs to be
smaller than 25% for our interface (200fF< C <10pF and 1pF< C0 <15pF).
In Fig. 4.4 we see that this condition is met for a Cref,step value of 75 fF.
Hence, we obtain a Cref capacitance, which is 8-bit programmable between
0 and 19.125 pF (= Cref,max > C0,max ) in steps of 75 fF. The matching
properties of a standard analog CMOS technology do not pose any problem for
the development of such an 8-bit capacitor array (INL<< 0.5LSB).
2.3 Programmability of Cf
Fig. 4.5 shows the ULP C-V converter (section 3.2). During the sampling
phase 1 , the sense capacitor, Cx , is charged. During the signal phase 2 , Vp
becomes a virtual ground and the charge is transferred to the feedback capacitor,
Cf . At the end of the signal phase, assuming an ideal charge transfer, the voltage
at the output of the C-V converter equals Vref (Cx /Cf ). In reality, the charge
Algorithm for Optimal Configuration Settings 77
(Vfs ) (%) 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
C (pF)
Figure 4.4. Standard deviation of the full-scale loss as a function of C with Cref,step = 75
fF (d = 1).
transfer will be imperfect due to the finite transient response of the OTA. This
transfer error has two contributions: the leakage error and the settling error.
The potential Vp will settle in a certain time to the virtual ground, during this
time some charge will leak away through the parasitic shunt conductance, Gp ,
resulting in a leakage error. At the end of 2 , the potential Vp will be slightly
different from the ground level, so a small charge remains on Cp2 +Cx , resulting
in the settling error.
The C-V converter uses a class AB OTA with cascode output stage to reduce
the leakage and settling errors (Figs. 4.6 and 4.7). After the transition from
phase 1 to phase 2 , the tail current of the OTA is boosted, which speeds up
the charge transfer from the sense capacitor to the feedback capacitor. During
Cf F2
Gp F1d F1d
F1d Cs
Vref Vp
F2d F1 + Cl
Cp1 Cp2
Figure 4.5. Capacitance-to-Voltage converter with correlated double sampling and class AB
78 Ultra Low Power Capacitive Sensor Interfaces
M9 M10
- M3 M4 -
Vb Va
Op1 Ibias Op2
+ +
M1 Ma Mb M2
Va Vb
Vin- Vin+
M7 M5 M6 M8
B : 1 1 : B
settling, the voltage Vp approaches the virtual ground and the tail current falls
back to a low quiescent level.
During 2 , the charge transfer passes the following three phases:
During the first phase, the internal feedback op-amps op set the potential Vs
to follow the larger of the two voltages Va and Vb .
During the second phase, the current is strongly boosted and the output
current of the OTA, Iout , becomes:
Vin+ Vin
Iout = BIbias exp 1
Vin+ Vin
BIbias exp (4.6)
M3a M4a M3
M1a M2a
Vina+ Vina-
During the third phase, the current boosting is nearly exhausted and the OTA
output current shows a small signal settling behavior
Vin+ Vin
Iout = BIbias exp 1
Vin+ Vin
BIbias (4.7)
The total leakage error leakerr has contributions of the three phases:
t1 t3
Gp BIbias f t
leakerr = Vin (0)dt + nUT exp dt
Cx Vref 0 0 nUT Cout
Vin (0) BIbias f t
nUT ln exp + dt (4.8)
0 nUT nUT Cout
Vref Cx
Vin (0) =
Cx + Cp2 + Cf Cl /(Cf + Cl )
Cf (Cx + Cp2 )
Cout = Cl +
Cf + Cx + Cp2
f = (4.9)
Cf + Cx + Cp2
The time intervals t1 , t2 and t3 indicate the duration of each phase and
are given by the following formulas:
Vgs3 Cc
Vin (0) Cout nUT
t2 exp(1) exp
nUT f BIbias
t3 T2 (4.10)
The leakage and settling errors decrease with increasing Cf . Simulations show
that our interface has a good settling behavior if the feedback factor f is greater
80 Ultra Low Power Capacitive Sensor Interfaces
than 0.25. This implies that Cf,max needs to be higher than 1/3(Cx,max +
Cp2,max ) to provide a sufficient settling for the whole application range. On
the other hand, a larger Cf needs a larger chip area and a larger amplification
factor, ASC , for the SC amplifier to use the full input range of the ADC. This
results in a higher GBW specification and hence a higher power consumption
for the SC amplifier. If we make Cf 4-bit programmable between 0 and 27 pF
(= Cf,max ) in steps of 1.8 pF, we can always find a suitable Cf for the specified
application range.
In order to evaluate the validity of the leakage charge model, we compare
the mathematical model (4.8-4.10) with Cadence simulations. Fig. 4.8 shows
the leakage charge as a function of Cx and Cp2 with Gp = 0.01S and optimal
configuration settings (algorithm section 3, with d = 1, = 0.5 and b =
10bits). In Fig. 4.9, we see that the model has an accuracy of 5% for most of
the capacitor values. Only for small values of Cx (< 3pF) the error rises to
approximately 20%.
V f srel = (4.12)
leakage charge (fC)
15 9 10
7 8
10 6
4 5
5 3
1 2
Cp2 (pF) Cx (pF)
Figure 4.8. The leakage charge as a function of Cx and Cp2 (mathematical model=meshed
curve, Cadence simulation=marker points.
Algorithm for Optimal Configuration Settings 81
(leakmodleaksim)/leaksim (%)
15 9 10
7 8
10 6
4 5
5 3
1 2
C (pF) Cx (pF)
Figure 4.9. The relative deviation between the mathematical leakage charge model and the
Cadence simulation points as a function of Cx and Cp2 .
We assume that the full output range of the C-V converters is used for small
. Hence, we find that the interface can always provide an optimal usage of the
ADC input range (deterministic full-scale loss V f s(det) = 0) if
V f spp
ASC,max > (4.13)
dmin V f sCV
where V f sCV is the maximum allowable output voltage of the C-V converters.
Consequently, the output of the C-V converter will not saturate.
In our interface ( min = 0.05, V f sCV = 1V and V f spp = 0.5V for
single sensors d = 1) we choose ASC,max = 15.75 accoring to condition
0.5 Vfspp
Ideal curve 0.5 DVfs
Realistic curve
0.5 DVfs
2.5 Noise
The noise of the system depends on the configuration settings of the front-end
circuit. The noise presented at the input of the modulator Vrms,noise contains
(Vfs ) (%)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
C (pF)
Figure 4.11. Standard deviation of the full-scale loss as a function of C, with ASC,step =
0.25 and d = 2 (differential sensors).
Algorithm for Optimal Configuration Settings 83
contributions of the C-V converter and the SC amplifier. This noise is calculated
with the techniques from section 5.
3. Optimal settings
For every application, optimal settings for Cref , Cf and ASC can be obtained.
They are the solution of an optimization problem, which minimizes the total
error (4.18).
Given: a capacitive sensor application with the following properties: d, C0 ,
, Cp1 , Cp2 , Gp and an ADC accuracy of b bits. For a single sensor application
(d = 1), we set Cref C0 . In a differential sensor application (d = 2), we
program Cref to compensate for the offset between Cx and Cx .
The algorithm minimizes the objective function:
(leakerr (Cx = C0 ))2 + (settlingerr (Cx = C0 ))2
2 b 2 (4.18)
2b 2 noise
+ 1V f srel + 1V f srel
(V f srel (det))2 + ( (V f srel (ASC )))2
V f srel = (4.19)
+ ( (V f srel (Cref )))2
This formula has contributions of the leakage error (4.8), settling error (4.11),
the noise bnoise , the ADC accuracy b, the deterministic full-scale loss (4.2) and
the stochastic full-scale losses due to ASC (4.14) and Cref (4.5).
The feasible solutions of the problem are subject to the following four con-
The outputs of the C-V converter are not allowed to saturate.
V f sCV Cf Vref 1 + C0 (4.20)
4. Results
The computer algorithm is implemented in Matlab as a constraint based gra-
dient search optimization function and performs a smooth convergence. As
an example, we consider the case of bladder pressure measurements for uro-
dynamic tests. In this application we use a single capacitive absolute pressure
sensor (B012FA, VTI Technologies) to monitor the pressure in the range of 100-
130 kPa. The application properties are: = 0.1, C0 = 10.3pF, Gp = 0.001S
and Cp1 = Cp2 = 30pF. The ADC accuracy is set to 10 bits. Fig. 4.12 shows
the error function (4.18) for the feasible ASC and Cf values (4.20-4.23). The
algorithm gives Cref = 10.275pF, Cf = 16.2pF and ASC = 7.25 as optimal
solution. For these values, we obtain a leakage error of 0.01%, a negligible
settling error, a full-scale loss of 4% and noise bnoise of 11.5 bits. These set-
tings are the starting points of a calibration cycle. During this procedure, the
settings can be adjusted in order to cope with the technology variations of the
sensors and the interface chip. The measured full-scale loss is approximately
7%. The repeatability of the output is, for each applied pressure, within 1
Figure 4.12. Error function (4.18) for the feasible ASC and Cf values, the optimal settings
ASC = 7.25 and Cf = 16.2pF result in an error of 0.11%. The white region violates the
constraints (non-feasible region).
Algorithm for Optimal Configuration Settings 85
count. Hence, the dominant noise source is the quantization, as was predicted
by the calculated model (4.18).
5. Conclusion
The limited programmability of generic sensor interfaces results in a loss of
dynamic range (full-scale loss). Hence, the influence of noise increases and the
ADC accuracy is not exploited optimally. Furthermore, it is important that one
maximizes the interface accuracy for each application. This can be expressed
as an optimization problem. The minimized objective function considers the
leakage error, settling error, noise, ADC accuracy, deterministic and stochastic
full-scale losses. The obtained values for Cref , Cf and ASC estimate the
optimal configuration. These settings are the starting points of a calibration
cycle. During this procedure, the settings can be adjusted in order to cope with
the technology variations of the sensors and the interface chip.
Chapter 5
1. Introduction
The developed Generic Sensor Interface Chip enables low cost autonomous
sensor nodes for several state-of-the-art applications. This is illustrated in a
demonstrator for physical activity monitoring. The system can be used to
monitor the wellness of both humans and animals. The miniaturized sensor
node contains an accelerometer, the GSIC, a microcontroller and a wireless
transceiver. A computer interface displays the sensor data in real-time and
allows to change the interface settings during operation.
Section 2 presents the background and motivation for physical activity mon-
itoring. The implementation of the system is given in section 3.
Activity monitoring systems are also used for animal welfare observations. In
this application, the activity, heart rate and body temperature gives an indication
for the health of livestock [Wou95]. Hence, the productivity in farms can be
significantly increased.
3. Implementation
The physical activity gives a good indication for the health and wellness. For
this purpose, we have developed a wireless autonomous sensor system, which
monitors the acceleration in the range from -7.5 g to 7.5 g. This physical activity
monitoring has been implemented as a 3D stack, which contains a sensor, a
microcontroller and a wireless layer. The sensing layer is developed in this
work, whereas the microcontroller and wireless layers were already presented
in [Tor04]. Each layer has been made on a 14 mm x 14 mm printed circuit
board. The boards are connected vertically into a miniaturized cube (Fig. 5.1).
The sensor layer performs the sensing, amplification and analog-to-digital
conversion of the acceleration signal. It contains a differential capacitive ac-
celerometer (G012BA of VTI Technologies) and the GSIC (naked die covered
with globtop coating).
The microcontroller layer implements the data processing and control of the
entire module. An MSP430 microcontroller (Texas Instruments) was selected
for its low active power (0.6 nJ/ instruction), low standby power (2W) and fast
wakeup from standby to active mode (6s). To meet the size requirements, a
bare die component is used, which is encapsulated with globtop coating.
Figure 5.1. 3D stacked autonomous sensor cube, containing a sensor, a microcontroller and a
wireless layer (size 14mm x 14mm x 12mm).
Physical Activity Monitoring System 89
Digital output code
Figure 5.2. Output data for a sinusoidal acceleration (f=15Hz, peak-to-peak amplitude=10g,
Power spectral density (dB/bin)
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
Figure 5.3. Power Spectral Density of the output data for a sinusoidal acceleration (f=15Hz,
peak-to-peak amplitude=10g, offset=-1g).
90 Ultra Low Power Capacitive Sensor Interfaces
4. Conclusion
A modular autonomous sensor node for physical activity monitoring has
been developed. The 3D stacked cube is approximately 1 cm3 and contains a
sensor board (accelerometer and GSIC), a microcontroller board and a wireless
board. In this application, the GSIC consumes approximately 48W for a
sample frequency of 120 Hz and 8-bit accuracy. The digital sensor data are
temporarily stored in the memory of the microcontroller. No data compression
is performed, although application specific algorithms could be implemented in
the microcontroller. The wireless transceiver sends the sensor data in packages
of four words to the remote USB transceiver. The computer interface displays
the data in real time and allows to change the configuration settings of the GSIC
via the bidirectional wireless communication link.
Chapter 6
1. Realized developments
An increasing number of medical diagnostics, comfort, entertainment and
sports applications are making use of sensor systems in and around the body.
Power autonomy is still a major challenge in these applications and a significant
part of the power consumption stems from the sensor interface circuitry. Most
often, the sensor interface is tailored towards one specific application. This
leads to a high recurrent design cost. An Ultra Low Power (ULP) generic
multi-sensor interface would offer a solution to both problems. Several research
groups have already developed generic sensor interface architectures. Because
the power dissipation of these systems is in the mW range, the power autonomy
problem is not solved. ULP sensor interface circuits have also been reported,
but these are dedicated to a specific sensor and therefore do not address the
generic application requirement.
This work presents a new generic architecture for autonomous sensor nodes.
The modular design methodology provides a flexible way to build a complete
sensor interface out of configurable blocks. The combination and the settings of
these blocks can be changed according to the varying needs of the application.
Furthermore, the sensor system can be expanded with additional building blocks
during the development phase.
This architecture is illustrated in a Generic Sensor Interface Chip (GSIC)
for capacitive sensors. The GSIC contains a microcontroller interface, a con-
figuration memory and the following configurable blocks: LF clock, sample
timer, reference and bias circuits, main oscillator and clock generation circuits,
Capacitance-to-Voltage (C-V) converters, Switched Capacitor (SC) amplifier,
voltage-to-current (VI) converter, modulator, decimation counter and conver-
sion counter.
92 Ultra Low Power Capacitive Sensor Interfaces
the GSIC outperforms the existing generic sensor interfaces. It is even more
efficient than most of the dedicated ULP sensor interfaces.
A physical activity monitoring system is implemented in a 1 cm3 stack.
This demonstrator consists of a sensor layer (the GSIC and an accelerometer),
a microcontroller layer and a wireless layer. The bidirectional wireless link
(from the sensor node to the computer) makes it possible to display the data in
real time and to change the interface settings remotely. Hence, we have made a
smart autonomous sensor node, which can adapt at any time to changes in the
energy from the scavengers into a reliable supply voltage. They can be in-
tegrated with the GSIC (low cost) or implemented in a special technology
(higher conversion efficiency).
The narrowband communication front-end (NORDIC chip and folded dipole
antenna) can be replaced by an Ultra Wide Band solution. This would reduce
the power consumption significantly.
The drift in autonomous sensor nodes has to be studied. New algorithms
should separate the sensor signal from the long term drift. These algorithms
are able to adapt the interface settings of the GSIC (optimal settings) and to
digitally compensate for the sensor drift.
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