PB245 SpecSheet
PB245 SpecSheet
PB245 SpecSheet
PB 245
123kV 245kV63kA
Pennsylvania Breaker American Owned, American Designed, Assembled in Canonsburg, PA USA
Dedicated Breaker Experts State-of-the-Art Technology
As circuit breaker experts, the employees and Pennsylvania Breaker R&D engineers have
management of Pennsylvania Breaker (PAB) designed the industrys most modern circuit
are dedicated to designing and building the breaker configurations using the most
industrys best high-voltage circuit breakers. powerful, sophisticated software design tools
All of PABs operations are located in Everything we do revolves around circuit available. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD),
Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, USA, breakers; our time and attention are not diluted finite element analysis (FEA), and 3-D CAD
including all Management, R&D, or distracted by other products that need sold layout design systems have enabled PABs
Production, and Technical Support or serviced. Breakers are our namethey R&D engineers to develop complete breaker
are who we are. You can be sure that your families of ratings in significantly less time than
functions. Being strategically located in
PAB circuit breaker was developed and is ever before in the industry. The expert use of
the USA means all directives, including
supported by a team of professionals focused the latest design technologies has enabled
management and technical decisions, solely on the advancement of high-voltage PAB to implement the industrys fastest
are made quickly and consistently circuit breaker products. operating mechanisms and highest X/R
without relying on offices half a world ratio interrupters.
away. Locating R&D personnel with
Production ensures that equipment
is built to the designers standards.
PB123 PB145
PB170 PB245
T r a n s i e n t R e c o v e r y V o lt a g e T e s t i n g 6 0 H z C a p a c i t i v e S w i t c h i n g V o lt a g e W a v e
4 2 4 5 k V / 6 3 k A T 10 0 T R V r e q u i r e m e n t s ( 1. 5 ) 4 2 4 5 k V C a p a c i t i v e S w i t c h i n g ( 1. 2 )
4 5 5 0 k V h a l f p o l e / 6 3 k A T 10 0 T R V r e q u i r e m e n t s ( 1. 5 ) 4 2 4 5 k V C a p a c i t i v e S w i t c h i n g ( 1. 4 )
4 A c t u a l 6 3 k A T 10 0 T R V t e s t ( 1. 5 ) 4 A c t u a l Te s t 5 5 0 k V / 2 C a p a c i t i v e S w i t c h i n g ( 1. 4 )
600 1 0 0 0
Applied Voltage ( kV )
U (kV)
300 500
10 0
10 0
0 0
200 400 600 800 10 0 0 12 0 0 14 0 0 16 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Time ( s ) Time ( ms )
Design Features
Internal Tank Heater PABs internal tank heater design Integral Particle Trap Improved dielectric performance
provides the most efficient means of heating the over the life of the circuit breaker is ensured because
interrupters SF6 gas. Tank heaters are installed in the of PABs patented particle trap design. Each breaker
interrupter tank to directly heat the SF6 gas instead of is supplied with a particle trap integral to the interrupters
being mounted on the outside of the tank as typically enclosure. The trap ensures that any particles or arc
done with inefficient conventional tank heater systems. by-products generated during breaker operation
Within a few minutes, the heater element can be easily are electrically shielded at the enclosures lowest point.
exchanged without opening the tank or removing the
SF6 gas.
D I M ENSIONS ( i n c h e s )
P B12 3 - 6 3 139 78 76 76 65 159 119 84 71 48 20 185 80 45 42
P B14 5 - 6 3 139 78 76 76 65 159 119 84 71 48 20 185 80 45 42
P B 17 0 - 6 3 145 79 79 79 69 165 119 86 75 56 20 193 80 45 43
PB245-63 160 92 88 88 75 176 119 96 81 71 20 208 80 45 43
Standard Features
Integral particle trap
Internal tank heater L
B D J Required for
Porcelain insulators Bushing Removal
Slip-over CT design
NEMA four-hole universal
positioning terminals Strike
Galvanized support frame
Powder-coated NEMA 3R control cabinet
Stainless steel door handles A N
Shipping F Required for
Stainless steel SF6 tubing Height Lowest Interrupter Removal
Ganged SF6 monitoring
SAE hardware G
Lowest O
Fully assembled shipments Ungrounded
Optional Features
Low-temperature performance to -50C P