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PB245 SpecSheet

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Pennsylvania Breaker, LLC

High-Voltage Dead-Tank Circuit Breakers


PB 245


123kV 245kV63kA
Pennsylvania Breaker American Owned, American Designed, Assembled in Canonsburg, PA USA

Dedicated Breaker Experts State-of-the-Art Technology
As circuit breaker experts, the employees and Pennsylvania Breaker R&D engineers have
management of Pennsylvania Breaker (PAB) designed the industrys most modern circuit
are dedicated to designing and building the breaker configurations using the most
industrys best high-voltage circuit breakers. powerful, sophisticated software design tools
All of PABs operations are located in Everything we do revolves around circuit available. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD),
Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, USA, breakers; our time and attention are not diluted finite element analysis (FEA), and 3-D CAD
including all Management, R&D, or distracted by other products that need sold layout design systems have enabled PABs

Production, and Technical Support or serviced. Breakers are our namethey R&D engineers to develop complete breaker
are who we are. You can be sure that your families of ratings in significantly less time than
functions. Being strategically located in
PAB circuit breaker was developed and is ever before in the industry. The expert use of
the USA means all directives, including
supported by a team of professionals focused the latest design technologies has enabled
management and technical decisions, solely on the advancement of high-voltage PAB to implement the industrys fastest
are made quickly and consistently circuit breaker products. operating mechanisms and highest X/R
without relying on offices half a world ratio interrupters.
away. Locating R&D personnel with
Production ensures that equipment
is built to the designers standards.

Integrating R&D personnel with Technical

Support means you have quick access to
the people who know the product and its
applications bestthe design engineers.
Headquartered within the facilities of
Pennsylvania Transformer Technology, Inc.
PABs 90,000-square-foot production facility includes Simulated interruption modeled with CFD software.
(PTTI), PAB has direct access to PTTIs separate quality inspection areas, an interrupter-
350+ employee workforce, technical assembly clean room, and a high voltage test center
containing a 1,000,000-volt hi-pot transformer and
expertise, and financial resources. 2,500,000-volt impulse generator.

Trap-end Housing Redundant Tank Particle Trap and Internal Threaded-end

Heater Housing Tank Heater Housing Connection
PB245 Family of Breakers

PB123 PB145
PB170 PB245

Superior Performance Configuration

Coupling proven puffer interrupter technology with the high-speed OAV-16 operating mechanism Maintenance-free OAV-16 Mechanism
enabled PAB engineers to certify the combination as one-half of a 550kV/63kA pole. You get the Our nitrogen-spring hydraulic mechanism
confidence of a conservatively-designed breaker that is certified for robust Transient Recovery is designed for years of maintenance-free
Voltage, Capacitive Switching, High Asymmetry, and First-Pole-to-Clear performance. service. The mechanism is a completely
sealed system that prevents entrance of
Transient Recovery Voltage Performance Capacitive Switching Performance moisture and outside contaminants. Its internal
TRV testing for 100% terminal fault (T100) The PB245 Family was certified for capacitive filtering system maintains the cleanliness of
conditions was performed with peak voltages switching performance using half-pole 550kV the hydraulic fluid so you dont have to. All
required for half-pole 550kV breakers (290kV) values1.4 capacitive voltage factor (kc) value moving parts are located within the fluid and
and rate of rise as required for 245kV at 290kV. The result is superior kc factors of are lubricated for life; no routine lubrication for
breakerswell beyond ANSI standard 1.6 at 245kV and 2.8 at 145kV. you to perform. Proven, commercially-available
performance requirements. gaskets and valves operating at lower pressures
than with other hydraulic mechanisms ensure
leak-free performance.

T r a n s i e n t R e c o v e r y V o lt a g e T e s t i n g 6 0 H z C a p a c i t i v e S w i t c h i n g V o lt a g e W a v e
4 2 4 5 k V / 6 3 k A T 10 0 T R V r e q u i r e m e n t s ( 1. 5 ) 4 2 4 5 k V C a p a c i t i v e S w i t c h i n g ( 1. 2 )
4 5 5 0 k V h a l f p o l e / 6 3 k A T 10 0 T R V r e q u i r e m e n t s ( 1. 5 ) 4 2 4 5 k V C a p a c i t i v e S w i t c h i n g ( 1. 4 )
4 A c t u a l 6 3 k A T 10 0 T R V t e s t ( 1. 5 ) 4 A c t u a l Te s t 5 5 0 k V / 2 C a p a c i t i v e S w i t c h i n g ( 1. 4 )

600 1 0 0 0

Applied Voltage ( kV )

U (kV)

300 500


10 0
10 0

0 0
200 400 600 800 10 0 0 12 0 0 14 0 0 16 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Time ( s ) Time ( ms )

Design Features
Internal Tank Heater PABs internal tank heater design Integral Particle Trap Improved dielectric performance
provides the most efficient means of heating the over the life of the circuit breaker is ensured because
interrupters SF6 gas. Tank heaters are installed in the of PABs patented particle trap design. Each breaker
interrupter tank to directly heat the SF6 gas instead of is supplied with a particle trap integral to the interrupters
being mounted on the outside of the tank as typically enclosure. The trap ensures that any particles or arc
done with inefficient conventional tank heater systems. by-products generated during breaker operation
Within a few minutes, the heater element can be easily are electrically shielded at the enclosures lowest point.
exchanged without opening the tank or removing the
SF6 gas.
D I M ENSIONS ( i n c h e s )
P B12 3 - 6 3 139 78 76 76 65 159 119 84 71 48 20 185 80 45 42
P B14 5 - 6 3 139 78 76 76 65 159 119 84 71 48 20 185 80 45 42
P B 17 0 - 6 3 145 79 79 79 69 165 119 86 75 56 20 193 80 45 43
PB245-63 160 92 88 88 75 176 119 96 81 71 20 208 80 45 43

Standard Features
Integral particle trap
Internal tank heater L
B D J Required for
Porcelain insulators Bushing Removal
Slip-over CT design
NEMA four-hole universal
positioning terminals Strike
Galvanized support frame
Powder-coated NEMA 3R control cabinet
Stainless steel door handles A N
Shipping F Required for
Stainless steel SF6 tubing Height Lowest Interrupter Removal
Ganged SF6 monitoring
SAE hardware G
Lowest O
Fully assembled shipments Ungrounded

Optional Features
Low-temperature performance to -50C P

ASME Pressure Vessel Certification

Composite insulators
Extra-high creep/high-altitude insulators
High seismic performance RA T INGS P B 1 2 3 - 6 3 P B 1 4 5 - 6 3 P B 17 0 - 6 3 P B 2 4 5 - 6 3
Individually-phased SF6 monitoring Standards ANSI/IEEE ANSI/IEEE ANSI/IEEE ANSI/IEEE
NEMA 4X mechanism/control cabinet Maximum Voltage 123kV 145kV 170kV 245kV
Custom control package BIL 550kV 650kV 750kV 900kV (1050kV)
Extra auxiliary contacts
Frequency 60Hz 60Hz 60Hz 60Hz
Custom support structure
60Hz Withstand 260kV 310kV 365kV 425kV
Side-mounted position indicator for
Short-Circuit Current 63kA 63kA 63kA 63kA
long-distance viewing
Continuous Current 2kA/3kA/4kA/5kA 2kA/3kA/4kA/5kA 2kA/3kA/4kA/5kA 2kA/3kA/4kA/5kA
Interrupting Time 2 cycles 2 cycles 2 cycles 2 cycles
Duty Cycle O-0.3s-CO-15s-CO O-0.3s-CO-15s-CO O-0.3s-CO-15s-CO O-0.3s-CO-15s-CO
Temperature -50C to +50C -50C to +50C -50C to +50C -50C to +50C
Altitude above sea level up to 3,300ft up to 3,300ft up to 3,300ft up to 3,300ft
Seismic Qualification High High High High
Normal Operating Pressure 87psig @ 20C 87psig @ 20C 87psig @ 20C 87psig @ 20C
Minimum pressure to 72psig @ 20C 72psig @ 20C 72psig @ 20C 72psig @ 20C
interrupt fault current
Minimum pressure to 72psig @ 20C 72psig @ 20C 72psig @ 20C 72psig @ 20C
interrupt load current

Pennsylvania Breaker, LLC

A subsidiary of Pennsylvania Transformer Technology, Inc.

30 Curry Avenue Building 40

Canonsburg, PA 15317 USA
T: 724-873-2600 0314R0 Published specifications are current as of
F: 724-743-4850 the date of this document. PAB reserves the right
www.pabreaker.net to change specifications without prior notice.
[email protected] Copyright 2014. All rights reserved.

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