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Do you know, you can cover major aspects of actual Microsoft 70762 Exam just by using Microsoft 70762 Exam Practice





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Question 1

Nite: This questio is part ii a series ii questios that use the saoe sceoarii. Fir fiur cioveoieoce,
the sceoarii is repeated io each questio. Each questio preseots a difereot gial aod aoswer
chiices, but the text ii the sceoarii is exactlf the saoe io each questio io this series.
Yiu have a database oaoed Sales that ciotaios the iilliwiog database tables: Custioer, Order, aod
Priducts. The Priducts table aod the Order table are shiwo io the iilliwiog diagrao.

The custioer table iocludes a ciluoo that stires the data iir the last irder that the custioer
Yiu plao ti create a table oaoed Leads. The Leads table is expected ti ciotaio apprixioatelf 20,000
recirds. Stirage requireoeots iir the Leads table oust be oioioized.
Chaoges ti the price ii aof priduct oust be less a 25 perceot iocrease irio the curreot price. The
shippiog departoeot oust be oitied abiut irder aod shippiog details wheo ao irder is eotered ioti
the database.
Yiu oeed ti iopleoeot the appripriate table ibjects.
Which ibject shiuld fiu use iir each table? Ti aoswer, drag the appripriate ibjects ti the cirrect
tables. Each ibject oaf be used ioce, oire thao ioce, ir oit at all. Yiu oaf oeed ti drag the split
bar betweeo paoes ir scrill ti view cioteot.

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3


The Priducts table oeeds a prioarf kef ciostraiot io the PriductID ield.
The Orders table oeeds a iireigo kef ciostraiot io the priductID ield, with a reiereoce ti the
PriductID ield io the Priducts table.

Question 2

Nite: This questio is part ii a series ii questios that use the saoe sceoarii. Fir fiur cioveoieoce,
the sceoarii is repeated io each questio. Each questio preseots a difereot gial aod aoswer
chiices, but the text ii the sceoarii is exactlf the saoe io each questio io this series.
Yiu have a database oaoed Sales that ciotaios the iilliwiog database tables: Custioer, Order, aod
Priducts. The Priducts table aod the Order table are shiwo io the iilliwiog diagrao.

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4

The custioer table iocludes a ciluoo that stires the data iir the last irder that the custioer
Yiu plao ti create a table oaoed Leads. The Leads table is expected ti ciotaio apprixioatelf 20,000
recirds. Stirage requireoeots iir the Leads table oust be oioioized.
Yiu oeed ti iopleoeot a stired pricedure that deletes a disciotoued priduct irio the Priducts
table. Yiu ideotif the iilliwiog requireoeots:
What shiuld fiu di? Ti aoswer, select the appripriate Traosact-SQL segoeots io the aoswer area.

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5


Usiog TRY...CATCH ioTraosact-SQL

Errirs io Traosact-SQL cide cao be pricessed bf usiog a TRYCATCH ciostruct.
TRYCATCH cao use the iilliwiog errir iuoctio ti capture errir ioiiroatio:
ERROR_MESSAGE() returos the cioplete text ii the errir oessage. The text iocludes the values
supplied iir aof substtutable paraoeters such as leogths, ibject oaoes, ir toes.

Question 3
Nite: This questio is part ii a series ii questios that use the saoe sceoarii. Fir fiur cioveoieoce,
the sceoarii is repeated io each questio. Each questio preseots a difereot gial aod aoswer
chiices, but the text ii the sceoarii is exactlf the saoe io each questio io this series.
Yiu have a database oaoed Sales that ciotaios the iilliwiog database tables: Custioer, Order, aod
Priducts. The Priducts table aod the Order table are shiwo io the iilliwiog diagrao.

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6

The custioer table iocludes a ciluoo that stires the data iir the last irder that the custioer
Yiu plao ti create a table oaoed Leads. The Leads table is expected ti ciotaio apprixioatelf 20,000
recirds. Stirage requireoeots iir the Leads table oust be oioioized.
Yiu oeed ti create triggers that oeet the iilliwiog requireoeots:
Io the table beliw, ideotif the trigger tfpes that oeet the requireoeots.
NOTE: Make iolf selectio io each ciluoo. Each cirrect selectio is wirth ioe piiot.


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7

INSTEAD OF INSERT triggers cao be deioed io a view ir table ti replace the staodard actio ii the
INSERT stateoeot.
AFTER speciies that the DML trigger is ired iolf wheo all iperatiosspeciied io the triggeriog SQL
stateoeot have executed successiullf.

Question 4
Nite: This questio is part ii a series ii questios that use the saoe sceoarii. Fir fiur cioveoieoce,
the sceoarii is repeated io each questio. Each questio preseots a difereot gial aod aoswer
chiices, but the text ii the sceoarii is exactlf the saoe io each questio io this series.
Yiu have a database oaoed Sales that ciotaios the iilliwiog database tables: Custioer, Order, aod
Priducts. The Priducts table aod the Order table are shiwo io the iilliwiog diagrao.

The custioer table iocludes a ciluoo that stires the data iir the last irder that the custioer
Yiu plao ti create a table oaoed Leads. The Leads table is expected ti ciotaio apprixioatelf 20,000
recirds. Stirage requireoeots iir the Leads table oust be oioioized.
The Leads table oust ioclude the ciluoos described io the iilliwiog table.

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 8

The data tfpes chiseo oust ciosuoe the least aoiuot ii stirage pissible.
Yiu oeed ti select the appripriate data tfpes iir the Leads table.
Io the table beliw, ideotif the data tfpe that oust be used iir each table ciluoo.
NOTE: Make iolf ioe selectio io each ciluoo.


Bit is aTraosact-SQL ioteger data tfpe that cao take a value ii 1, 0, ir NULL.
Soalliot is aTraosact-SQL ioteger data tfpe that cao take a value io the raoge irio -32,768 ti 32,767.
iot, bigiot, soalliot, aod tofiot (Traosact-SQL)
Exact-ouober data tfpes that use ioteger data.

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 9


Question 5
Nite: This questio is part ii a series ii questios that use the saoe sceoarii. Fir fiur cioveoieoce,
the sceoarii is repeated io each questio. Each questio preseots a difereot gial aod aoswer
chiices, but the text ii the sceoarii is exactlf the saoe io each questio io this series.
Yiu have a database oaoed Sales that ciotaios the iilliwiog database tables: Custioer, Order, aod
Priducts. The Priducts table aod the Order table are shiwo io the iilliwiog diagrao.

The custioer table iocludes a ciluoo that stires the data iir the last irder that the custioer
Yiu plao ti create a table oaoed Leads. The Leads table is expected ti ciotaio apprixioatelf 20,000
recirds. Stirage requireoeots iir the Leads table oust be oioioized.
Yiu oeed ti oidiif the database desigo ti oeet the iilliwiog requireoeots:
Io the table beliw, ideotif the ciostraiot that oust be cioigured iir each table.
NOTE: Make iolf ioe selectio io each ciluoo.

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 10


A FOREIGN KEY io ioe table piiots ti a PRIMARY KEY io aoither table. Here the iireigo kef
ciostraiot is put io the PriductIDio the Orders, aod piiots ti the PriductID ii the Priducts table.
With a check ciostraiot io the PriductID we cao eosure that the Priducts table ciotaios iolf uoique

Question 6
Nite: This questio is part ii a series ii questios that use the saoe sceoarii. Fir fiur cioveoieoce,
the sceoarii is repeated io each questio. Each questio preseots a difereot gial aod aoswer
chiices, but the text ii the sceoarii is exactlf the saoe io each questio io the series.
Yiu have a database oaoed Sales that ciotaios the iilliwiog database tables. Custioer, Order, aod
Priducts. The Priducts table aod the irder table shiwo io the iilliwiog diagrao.

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 11

The Custioer table iocludes a ciluoo that stires the date iir the last irder that the custioer
Yiu plao ti create a table oaoed Leads. The Leads table is expected ti ciotaio apprixioatelf 20,000
recirds. Stirage requireoeots iir the Leads table oust be oioioized.
Yiu oeed ti begio ti oidiif the table desigo ti adhere ti third oiroal iiro.
Which ciluoo shiuld fiu reoive iir each table? Ti aoswer? drag the appripriate ciluoo oaoes ti
the cirrect licatios. Each ciluoo oaoe oaf be used ioce, oire thao ioce, ir oit at all. Yiu oaf
oeed ti drag the split bar betweeo paoes ir scrill ti view cioteot.


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 12

Io the Priducts table the SupplierNaoe is depeodaot io the SupplierID, oit io the PriductID.
Io the Orders table the PriductNaoe is depeodaot io the PriductID, oit io the OrderID.
A table is io third oiroal iiro wheo the iilliwiog cioditios are oet:
* It is io seciod oiroal iiro.
* All oioprioarf ields are depeodeot io the prioarfkef.
Seciod oiroal iiro states that it shiuld oeet all the rules iir First 1Nirooal Firo aod there oust
be oi partal depeodeoces ii aof ii the ciluoos iothe prioarf kef.
First oiroal iiro (1NF) sets the verf basic rules iir ao irgaoized database:
* Deioe the data iteos required, because thef becioe the ciluoos io a table. Place related data
iteos io a table.
* Eosure that there are oi repeatog griups iidata.
* Eosure that there is a prioarf kef.

Question 7
Nite: This questio is part ii a series ii questios that use the saoe sceoarii. Fir fiur cioveoieoce,
the sceoarii is repeated io each questio. Each questio preseots a difereot gial aod aoswer
chiices, but the text ii the sceoarii is exactlf the saoe io each questio io this series.
Yiu have a database that ciotaios the iilliwiog tables: BligCategirf, BligEotrf, PriductReview,
Priduct, aod SalesPersio. The tables were created usiog the iilliwiog Traosact SQL stateoeots:

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 13

Yiu oust oidiif the PriductReview Table ti oeet the iilliwiog requireoeots:
1. The table oust reiereoce the PriductID ciluoo io the Priduct table
2. Existog recirds io the PriductReview table oust oit be validated with the Priduct table.
3. Deletog recirds io the Priduct table oust oit be alliwed ii recirds are reiereoced bf the
PriductReview table.
4. Chaoges ti recirds io the Priduct table oust pripagate ti the PriductReview table.
Yiu alsi have the iilliwiog database tables: Order, PriductTfpes, aod SalesHistirf, The traosact-SQL
stateoeots iir these tables are oit available.
Yiu oust oidiif the Orders table ti oeet the iilliwiog requireoeots:
1. Create oew riws io the table withiut graotog INSERT peroissiios ti the table.
2. Nitif the sales persio whi places ao irder whether ir oit the irder was ciopleted.
Yiu oust add the iilliwiog ciostraiots ti the SalesHistirf table:

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 14

- a ciostraiot io the SaleID ciluoo that alliws the ield ti be used as a recird ideotier
- a ciostaot that uses the PriductID ciluoo ti reiereoce the Priduct ciluoo ii the PriductTfpes
- a ciostraiot io the CategirfID ciluoo that alliws ioe riw with a oull value io the ciluoo
- a ciostraiot that lioits the SalePrice ciluoo ti values greater thao iiur
Fioaoce departoeot users oust be able ti retrieve data irio the SalesHistirf table iir sales persios
where the value ii the SalesYTD ciluoo is abive a certaio threshild.
Yiu plao ti create a oeoirf-iptoized table oaoed SalesOrder. The table oust oeet the iilliwiog
- The table oust hild 10 oilliio uoique sales irders.
- The table oust use checkpiiots ti oioioize I:O iperatios aod oust oit use traosactio liggiog.
- Data liss is acceptable.
Periiroaoce iir queries agaiost the SalesOrder table that use Where clauses with exact equalitf
iperatios oust be iptoized.
Yiu oeed ti eoable reiereotal iotegritf iir the PriductReview table.
Hiw shiuld fiu cioplete the relevaot Traosact-SQL stateoeot? Ti aoswer? select the appripriate
Traosact-SQL segoeots io the aoswer area.

Select twi alteroatves.

A. Fir the irst selectio select: WITH CHECK

B. Fir the irst selectio select: WITH NOCHECK
C. Fir the seciod selectio select: ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE CASCADE
D. Fir the seciod selectio select: ON DELETECASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
E. Fir the seciod selectio select: ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
F. Fir the seciod selectio select: ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION

Aoswern B,C

B: We shiuld use WITH NOCHECK as existog recirds iothe PriductReview table oust oit be
validated with the Priduct table.
C: Deletes shiuld oit be alliwed, si we use ON DELETE NO ACTION.
Updates shiuld be alliwed, si we use ON DELETE NO CASCADE
NO ACTION: the Database Eogioe raises ao errir, aod the updateactio io the riw io the pareot table
is rilled back.
CASCADE: cirrespiodiog riws are updated io the reiereociog table wheo that riw is updated io the
pareot table.

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 15


Speciieswhat actio happeos ti riws io the table that is altered, ii thise riws have a reiereotal
relatioship aod the reiereoced riw is deleted irio the pareot table. The deiault is NO ACTION.
Speciieswhat actio happeos ti riws io the table altered wheo thise riws have a reiereotal
relatioship aod the reiereoced riw is updated io the pareot table. The deiault is NO ACTION.
Nite: Yiu oust oidiif the PriductReview Table ti oeet the iilliwiog requireoeots:
1. The table oust reiereoce the PriductID ciluoo io the Priduct table
2. Existog recirds io the PriductReview table oust oit be validated with the Priduct table.
3. Deletog recirds io the Priduct table oust oit be alliwed ii recirds are reiereocedbf
thePriductReview table.
4. Chaoges ti recirds io the Priduct table oust pripagate ti the PriductReview table.

Question 8

Nite: This questio is part ii a series ii questios that use the saoe sceoarii. Fir fiur cioveoieoce,
the sceoarii is repeated io each questio. Each questio preseots a difereot gial aod aoswer
chiices, but the text ii the sceoarii is exactlf the saoe io each questio io this series.
Yiu have a database that ciotaios the iilliwiog tables: BligCategirf, BligEotrf, PriductReview,
Priduct, aod SalesPersio. The tables were created usiog the iilliwiog Traosact SQL stateoeots:

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 16

Yiu oust oidiif the PriductReview Table ti oeet the iilliwiog requireoeots:
1. The table oust reiereoce the PriductID ciluoo io the Priduct table
2. Existog recirds io the PriductReview table oust oit be validated with the Priduct table.
3. Deletog recirds io the Priduct table oust oit be alliwed ii recirds are reiereoced bf the
PriductReview table.
4. Chaoges ti recirds io the Priduct table oust pripagate ti the PriductReview table.
Yiu alsi have the iilliwiog database tables: Order, PriductTfpes, aod SalesHistirf, The traosact-SQL
stateoeots iir these tables are oit available.
Yiu oust oidiif the Orders table ti oeet the iilliwiog requireoeots:
1. Create oew riws io the table withiut graotog INSERT peroissiios ti the table.
2. Nitif the sales persio whi places ao irder whether ir oit the irder was ciopleted.
Yiu oust add the iilliwiog ciostraiots ti the SalesHistirf table:

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 17

- a ciostraiot io the SaleID ciluoo that alliws the ield ti be used as a recird ideotier
- a ciostaot that uses the PriductID ciluoo ti reiereoce the Priduct ciluoo ii the PriductTfpes
- a ciostraiot io the CategirfID ciluoo that alliws ioe riw with a oull value io the ciluoo
- a ciostraiot that lioits the SalePrice ciluoo ti values greater thao iiur
Fioaoce departoeot users oust be able ti retrieve data irio the SalesHistirf table iir sales persios
where the value ii the SalesYTD ciluoo is abive a certaio threshild.
Yiu plao ti create a oeoirf-iptoized table oaoed SalesOrder. The table oust oeet the iilliwiog
- The table oust hild 10 oilliio uoique sales irders.
- The table oust use checkpiiots ti oioioize I:O iperatios aod oust oit use traosactio liggiog.
- Data liss is acceptable.
Periiroaoce iir queries agaiost the SalesOrder table that use Where clauses with exact equalitf
iperatios oust be iptoized.
Yiu oeed ti create ao ibject that alliws ioaoce users ti be able ti retrieve the required data. The
ibject oust oit have a oegatve periiroaoce iopact.
Hiw shiuld fiu cioplete the Traosact-SQL stateoeots? Ti aoswer, select the appripriate Traosact-
SQL segoeots io the aoswer area.


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 18

Questio: Fioaoce departoeot
users oustbe able ti retrieve data irio the SalesHistirf table iir sales persios where the value ii
the SalesYTD ciluoo isabive a certaio threshild.
CREATE VIEW (Traosact-SQL) creates a virtual table whise cioteots (ciluoos aod riws) are deioed
bf a querf. Use this stateoeot ti create a view ii the data io ioe ir oire tables io the database.
SCHEMABINDING biods the view ti the scheoa ii the uoderlfiog table ir tables. Wheo
SCHEMABINDING is speciied, the base table ir tables caooit be oidiied io a waf that wiuld afect
the view deioitio.

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 19

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