ESEJ Vol2 2016 03
ESEJ Vol2 2016 03
ESEJ Vol2 2016 03
2 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
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ISSN 2377-9848
3 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
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4 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
Editorial Board:
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5 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
Date of issue:
6 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
7 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
Martin Dlouh1, Jana Hjkov, Irena Svobodov, Vra Kuhnov, Ladislav Pokorn
The paper deals about an educational process in hospital schools because the education and
teaching in hospital schools is not an independent process, but it is of a medical treatment.
The paper deals about an establishment of personal contacts with sick children as en essential
solution of educational work in children departments, followed by a necessity of teachers
cooperation in a hospital school with a home school of the pupil and with organization
shielding educational process of hospitalized children. The main part is devoted to didactics of
hospitalized children an educational theory, i.e. a necessary modification of a grammar
content and range based on a pupil health state and based on a fact for how long is the pupil
allowed to study from medical point of view. It is pointed out that a possibility based on
newly accepted VP of integration of children diseases principles and treatments
presentation by which a child is exposed during staying in a hospital. In the hospitalized
children education theory the authors deal about what educational methods, forms, and
instruments are the most acceptable for the education needs of pupils from hospital school:
specialties of hospitalized childrens educational methods motivational, exposal with a focus
on didactic tools, fixative, and a roll of an independent work and classification of sick children,
including self-classification of pupils.
Key words
hospital primary schools, educational theory, teaching theory, education and teaching as a
part of a medical treatment, teaching organization, didactics of hospitalized children,
structure of education in hospital schools, didactic methods.
Katedra tlesn vchovy, Pedagogick fakulta, Univerzita Karlova, Praha, esk republika,
8 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
teorii vzdln, tj. nutn prav obsahu a rozsahu uiva s ohledem na kv zdravotn stav a
na to, jak dlouho je kovi oetujcm lkaem povoleno astnit se vyuovn. Poukazuje se
zde na monost s ohledem na nov zaveden VP do vzdlvac oblasti lovk a jeho zdrav
vhodn zalenit i vysvtlovn podstaty onemocnn dt, lebnch zkrok a procedur,
kterm se dt bhem jeho pobytu v nemocnici podrobuje. V teorii vyuovn hospitalizovanch
k se autorky zabvaj tm, jak vyuovac metody, formy a prostedky se jev jako
nejvhodnj pro poteby vyuovn k v nemocninm prosted, a vlastn strukturou
vyuovacho procesu ve kole pi nemocnici: zvltnostmi didaktickch metod u
hospitalizovanch k motivanch, expozinch se zamenm na didaktick pomcky,
fixanch a roli samostatn prce a klasifikaci nemocnch k vetn sebehodnocen k.
Klov slova
For sick or healthy weakened children and pupils in hospitals there are nurseries and primary
schools at hospitals established (school law 561/04 Coll., Not. 62/07 Coll.). In these schools
there can be health weakened or longitude sick pupils educated if it is enabled based on their
health condition. Primary schools might provide consultation in common educational subjects
even to pupils of high schools located in such institutions. An enlistment in hospital schools is
based on an attending physician and an agreement of a pupils legal representative. A range
and organization of pupils education assigns a headmaster of school based on an agreement
with attending physician (Coll. 73/05 Not., 4).
The educational process in hospital schools is based on a pupils health condition that is
affected by a state of disease in which a patient is in. Michalickova (1961) mentions three
stages of a disease:
Acute stage beginning of disease, time during a surgery and immediately after it, etc.
A child needs an absolute quiet in this stage. The more is disease difficult, the more
significant is this requirement. A child is generally lying or sleeping, a child is not caring
about people or things. So that any pedagogical intervention steps back.
After an acute stage comes a stage when a child is not fully recovered, but a first
stadium of disease is successfully overcome. Improvement of a health condition is
basically shows in fall of temperature, increase in appetite, and interest in
environment. At this time it is already possible to begin with the educational process,
e.g. helping with tiding up a bad table, borrowing a book or a toy. It is still necessary
to keep in view a fact that a child can be still quickly tired and needs a rest.
9 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
With a withdrawal of a disease comes the third stage, the last stage, in which a child
is again involved in the educational process, whereas a time and a range are based on
a doctors decision. A cooperation of a doctor and a pedagogue in hospital is more
than desirable. A pedagogues observation of a pupil behavior and his or her remarks
might help to an appropriate diagnosis of a pupil.
Some children are surprised by a pedagogue presence in a hospital. From the beginning even
disappointed (I am ill so that I do not need to study). Others are, on the other hand, kindly
surprised when a suspected doctor turns into a pedagogue from whom there is no threat of
any painful treatments. The pedagogue is for a child a person that is much more familiar than
others and he or she can become a mediator between a child and hospital staff. If a
pedagogue manage to established a close personal relation to a sick child, it is expressed not
only in a pupils approach to the work, but it is also a child relation to the treatment
significantly affected a child is more patient, brave, better cooperating (Sasn, 1965).
Education and teaching in hospital schools is not an independent and freelance process. It
specifications lies in a fact, that it is a part of a medical treatment. The education has to be
under any circumstances realized in a way that it is appropriately affecting a child state,
thereby contributing to a positive development of a health process. Several ground conditions
is affected by a doctor (child enrolment in the education, canceling the education, a stress
rate, creating groups possibilities, submission of the education in a day program, etc.).
The main meaning of hospitalization is a treatment. The main influence in a workplace has
medical staff. Every single step of a school, no matter how it is affecting an established way
of work, childrens regime or a workplace modification, has to be discussed with a hospital
management in advance. That is way the school innervations can not be independent and
10 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
direct, but they have to be subordinated to the treatment itself. An air in the children
departments is full of negative emotions: homesickness (if there are no parents with a child),
a desire of returning into a former environment, an anxiety from medical treatments, and a
fear of hospital. An intensive balancing of these emotions by diversity and optimism is a
specialty of pedagogues work in a hospital. There are significant requirements posed on a
pedagogues personality his or her balance, relation to children of every age level from
children of pre school age to teenagers (Hiblbauer, 1963).
A pedagogue in a hospital school is, from a very first meeting with a pupil, facing a problem
how to currently observe and educate, diagnose and measure. Therefore a good special
pedagogue has to have not only a solid experience and knowledge, bud even a fantasy and a
pedagogical intuition. He or she has to be able not only a solid observation, but also a
pedagogic improvisation, have an ability to feel what is desirable at a certain moment (Sasn,
Educational and didactic work is effective only then if a pedagogue is able to understand to
personal problems of a child, if he or she can promptly adopt age differences, and if he or she
is successful in an establishing of relations process. This presumesa good knowledge of sick
children psychology (Hiblbauer, 1963).
Important roles play sensitive individual approach with a solid amount of tolerance and
understanding of every single issue of a sick child. To teach children not only a new knowledge
and stabilize gained knowledge, but to teach them a mutual tolerance, help to each other.
This leads to good relations between the younger and the older, between the boys and the
girls, etc. Relaxation and pleasant atmosphere of relationships is the best that can be added
to pills and injections (kov, 1978).
The education is, without any doubt, one of the best forms of activity for a sick child. It helps
to return to a common way of living, it brings a feel of joy, self-confidence, and will to pull
oneself together. The education divers, in a good way, a child thinking about a disease,
focuses a child thoughts to working tasks, keep a child fresh and in a working activity. It also
benefits to a fact that a child, in a hospital environment, meets a similar regime like a former
one (learning in the morning, homework and entertainment in the afternoon reading,
games, TV, visits, etc. (Kalendov, 1985).
Hospitalized pupils are educated only in the mornings, but often hospital schools are not
limited to only the morning education. It is connected with afternoon activities in a public
nursery that is a part of the whole day educational-medical system. An effort of
schoolmistresses working in a public nursery is establishing such an environment that is the
most similar to a family environment. Children can do, to a certain extant, activities according
to their hobbies and ways of interest. They have theirs favorite toys from home, on several
departments some instruments if they do not want to miss music lessons. In the most
11 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
children departments there are libraries available with a child literature, lots of social games,
TVs, and DVD players in a common room or directly in the rooms of small patients, and various
materials for working and art education (DLOUH, DLOUH, KAPAR, In. NEUBAUER, KALIBA
(ed.), 2012 a).
Teaching of school aged children takes place in a study room or directly in a hospital room of
a concrete pupil. The advantages of teaching in class rooms are among others that school
aged children are presented. If there are in a same department pupils of the same year
hospitalized, a group teaching is suitable and a closed class room is at least partly clear of a
hospital rush (Plevov, 1997).
Not an every department can provide a separate room for teaching of hospitalized pupils
using for only this purpose in the morning. If there is such a room available, generally
pedagogues with pupils are sharing such a place with secondary doctors that are using these
rooms for meetings. A more frequent variant is either teaching in a game room or directly in
12 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
hospital rooms. Pupils are generally working by a table; they can help each other, which is
usually a positive motivation (DLOUH, DLOUH, 2012).
Teaching in hospital rooms is taking place by a dinning table or by a hospitalized pupils bed.
Expect for unique cases, it is an individual teaching in a time range of 20 minutes. For
administrative needs of the hospital school, only pupils with longer period of hospitalization
than 3 weeks are registered, nevertheless pedagogues interest is focusing even on children
that are staying in a hospital for a shorter period (DLOUH, DLOUH, 2015).
Often, especially by older school aged pupils, when a pedagogue is working with a one pupil,
the others are unobtrusively watching from their beds and they often join the solution
process of an educational issue. Even if it is, for example, a studying matter from lower
classes, such a form is a benefit for a pupil, but even for a roommate that is watching the
teaching. This leads a pupil to an activation that serves not only for a repetition of former
studying matter, but within focusing on a task or help to a friend with a studying difficulties,
it serves to free oneself from thoughts on a diseases and on a time of a possible ending of
hospitalization. A cooperation of older pupils with the younger or with pupils thought
according to General educational program (RVP) for a basic teaching, modified for a pupils
with a light mental disability, has a priceless pedagogic effect and it is a concrete realization
of the education in praxes. By a high school aged pupils a request for a consultation is
generally initiate by a pupil him or herself. His or her questions are addressing to studying
matters that are not fully clear and that are related to profile or graduations subjects.
In the nineties, a survey shielded by Amsterdam hospital school was realized in European
hospital schools. In the survey, through a questionary, 19 European countries were addressed
including the Czech Republic. The survey oriented on pedagogical and didactical aspects in
the sick children education issue, i.a. questions and answers in which ways is the education
different in hospital schools from a regular teaching in common schools. A continuity of
educational process was observed; prevention and elmination of learning issues, prevention
of isolation feelings from the hospitalization, perspective in the future, and an assistant to
children with their returning in home institutions.
The survey results pointed out that a minimalization of isolation feelings and returning of a
child into a home school are among priorities (see figure 1). Other objectives are seen by
respondents nearly with the same priority; the lowest priorities get the offer of future
perspective and the elimination of learning issues (these are evidently seen by respondents
among other articles).
Figure num. 1.: Identification of educational objectives in hospitals (Knol, Courlaner, 1993)
13 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
In the Czech Republic, according to Plevova (1997), there is implicitly seen the educational
objectives, i.e. objectives mentioned in the table in the first four rows (Learning issues
prevention, assisting in returning process into home institutions, educational process
continuity, learning issues elimination). No less important objectives are seen in a so called
psychotherapeutics category, i.e. sustenance of a good psychical condition, overcoming of a
critical period during a hospitalization, sustenance of a psychic development level, and
returning back home and back into a home institution.
The principle of the education of hospitalized child theory is consisted of a selection and a
modification of the educational content with regard to educational objectives. By hospitalized
pupils, modification of studying matter content is necessary with regard to a pupil health
condition and with regard to an allowed time for learning by an attending doctor. The front
place in an educational plan takes a Czech language education, including language and
literature parts, mathematics, and foreigner languages.
A ground education is seen as an assisting subject in the first level, later on a homeland study
and general science; in the second level there are social subjects seen in the same way such
as civics, history, and general sciences subjects chemistry, physics, natural science, and
geography. Working, graphic education, and partly muscal education take place in the
afternoon activities (in a conformity with the school reform and with the school law 561/2004
Coll). From a school year 2007/2008 all the hospital schools educate their pupils according to
their own educational programs (VP) that had been created a year before.
In VP schools generally do not fulfill a time dotation, not even a minimal time dotation for
single educational sections in RVP. The length of a teaching hour and number of teaching
hours in a day and in week are determinate after a discussion with an attending doctor in a
relationship with a day regime actual for single children departments.
In interaction with educational plans that were created based on Educational programs of
primary schools schema, in educational programs of hospital schools according to an actual
RVP for a basic education and VP of single schools, there are not all educational sections
submitted, but an education of other sections is intensified. The main stress is upon an
education in a language section, mathematics and its application, whereas there are not some
of their parts included based on an environment, materil equipment, and above all on a
health condition of a pupil. There is also no second foreigner language included in the
14 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
educational program. A choice of sectional themes into hospital schools schemas is based on
concrete conditions and time possibilities of a particular school. In a case of a hospitalization
of pupils with disabilities, specific learning alienations, behavioral alienations, and with an
autism diagnosis, a pedagogue is closely cooperating with the hospital staff, with parents that
are, in many cases, hospitalized with their children, and with a home school. A health and a
mental condition of a child are carefully observed. An educational program of such a pupil is
strictly individual based on an agreement with a home school and with parents. Based on this
cooperation it is possible to educate pupil in subjects from a different year or help a pupil to
confirm gained knowledge, or eventually to catch up on missed studying matter. A specific
pedagogical care is targeting even genius pupils. Even here it is necessary to ensure a close
cooperation with parents and with a home school pedagogue. A pedagogue can proceed
faster in teaching, set more complicated homework, puzzles, quizzes, etc. A pupils work
might be sending into various regional or whole republic competitions. Even theses pupils are
lead towards an adequate approach to less talented friends, to tolerance, and to a willingness
to help younger, eventually disabled friends.
With regard to a fact that it is all about the education of hospitalized pupils, it is adequate to
dedicate more interest to an educational section Human and Health, and to its section
Health education. The education deals about prevention, protection and responsibility for
own health, fixation of hygienic, catering, and working habits, injuries prevention, and
foreseen of risk situations. Into the educational section Human and health it is adequate
to integrate an explanation of children disease fundamentals, medical treatments and
procedures that a child is meeting during the hospitalization. This explanation generally goes
trough parents - hospital staff explains to the parents, whose know the child the best, what is
ahead of their child and it is upon them how they explain it to the child. Some of hospital
departments employ game specialists. Their job description is to fulfill a leisure time of sick
children, but first of all preparation of a child on procedures, explanation what is ahead of a
child in a hospital, and an attendance at treatments. If a department has a game specialist
and a pedagogue, a school is fully focusing on primary objectives, i.e. ensuring a continuity of
the education and teaching of children and enable smooth return to a home institution.
Pedagogues are still one of a solid support and confidents of small patients and parents. The
explanation of medical treatments is then upon game specialist. If a departure has no game
specialists, an integral parts of a pedagogues job description are even activities including a
psychotherapeutic child preparation for medical treatments. The aim of these activities is to
free a child from a fear of medical treatments. Older children may use working pages
cards, where are detail descriptions of medical treatments. Pedagogues and game specialist,
after a discussion with the hospital staff, are taking a part in cards production process.
The main methods using for the explanation of diseases to a small patients are game activities
and demonstrations a child is explained a procedure on a doll of a boy or a girl (adequate to
a child age, mental level, and psychic state), which parts of the body are involved in the injury
or in the disease and what methods will be used for a full recovery. By means of manipulation
15 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
a child can all alone try what is going to happen with a childs body and the fear from an
unknown procedure might be lived in advance. Except the dolls, there are even puppets
used for the demonstrations. Mistress teacher can borrow real instruments from doctors, e.g.
phonendoscope, ORL mirror, injections etc. By older children there can be educational
method used a discussion by an opened anatomy book, photo documentation, video
projection of a treatment etc.
A pedagogue hast to act carefully and sensitively. Every single child is the individuality. Not
every child is able to absorb some information about treatments form psychical point of view.
There should be even a shame taken in an account, especially by older children. Therefore,
the one (a pedagogue or a game specialist) that is discussing a medical treatment with a child
has to choose a strictly individual approach with a preservation of privacy and discreteness.
There are some parents that from a religious or others reasons do not want to a child to be
informed (by whom a presentation of a treatment might have a contra productive effect). All
the factors have to be considered carefully in advance.
A pedagogue makes sure him or herself about a state of pupils knowledge trough a repetition
of studying matter and based on a health condition he or she can moves on. During the
teaching a pedagogue explains a new matter and enters homework. The homework is solved
out independently. During the teaching a pedagogue is checking the work; if some troubles
appear a teacher will recheck the work and practice it again (Vtkov, 2006).
An every day question, that pedagogues of sick pupils ask him or herself, is what should be
chosen as the most effective approach in the educational process to meet the educational
and teaching objectives; i.e. balance in an adequate way a choice of the most effective
methods in a relation to the objectives and to a content, with regard to the pupils abilities
and skills (Jani, 2006). For needs of educational process in hospital schools it is necessary to
16 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
take in account an actual health condition of pupils, their psychic conditions, actual
knowledge, hobbies etc. We result from a procedural aspect or from a summary of
educational methods from Mojek (1988):
An education in hospital schools is specific in fact that a vision of teaching is motivation on its
own. The school education is a variegation of a monotones hospital regime; an opportunity
to focus on other thoughts than on diseases and homesickness; a touch of a normal reality
in an adverse environment that a pupil is in during a hospitalization. The pupils, especially
from a first level of primary school, are keen to show off their knowledge to a pedagogue and
they make an effort to continue in teaching. Pupils from higher years are often afraid of a
possibility of missing the studying matter and they welcome a school work with a hope that
it will not be so bad after returning back to a home institution. The pedagogues are of
course taking in account changes in a health condition, based on which they put adequate
requirements on theirs pupils.
Thanks to an individual approach the pupils are often achieving better results than in their
home institutions. It is managed to hold a pupil interest with a little footsteps, free her or his
thoughts from the pain and fear, and return a hunger for learning and gathering new
information. Pupils of an older age are often choosing a studying matter on their own, which
they missed or did not understood properly in their home institutions. A self confidence of a
child is often returning back even after a longitude missing cooperation between a home
institutions pedagogue and parents; the motivation and a positive approach to the education
is again developed. If the reactions of the children on a school work are positive and
integration into educational activities is spontaneous - it reflects that the methods are
effective and adequate.
An individual work with an every pupil is subsequently enchanted and extended by work in a
group; where is a varied age-class distribution, pupils from different schools and different
domiciles are meeting whit each other. Thanks to the cooperation, support and motivation
there are more easily accepting new knowledge; they are behaving in more open way and
they are more tolerant, they learning how to respect others and how to be respected
From other motivation methods seems as a suitable the protracted motivation in the
ending of a lesson of an exposure type, a pedagogue is using some attractive items to evoke
an interest about next studying matter in a next lesson. A pupil is looking forward to a next
lesson and in a free time he or she can find some information about the subject thanks the
internet in advance. Information of a didactic aim as a motivation is generally advised in the
education of older pupils, but here it has its foundation by all age-classes, of course
information adequate to a mental and age level of a pupil. Pedagogues are often listening
17 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
from their pupils if it is necessary to study in a hospital, for how long, what subjects, and why.
An explanation what studying matter will be discussed and presentation of an approximate
pupils schedule bring a light into these questions and might be motivating into a school work.
In the motivation methods there can be even examples from praxes included. In the hospital
environment these examples might be implicated to a day regime and to situations that a
child is usually found in and that a child is usually solving.
For example during a mathematic lesson, during teaching percentage and fractions, a
discussion might be touching a snack; how to split an apple, a cake or icecream cake for two,
three or more friends in a room, in the way that all of them will have the same piece. What
piece will eat a child in a room where are four children? And what if some impolite child will
eat a piece belonging to his friend? Etc.
A thankful motivation factor, especially by young children, is a ritual. It brings a certain feeling
of security in an unknown environment that is connected with a lot of pain, stress, and
anxiety. The ritual might be a concreted signal whit that a pedagogue is knocking on the room
doors of their pupils and he or she is in such a way announcing an arrival. It might be a greeting
that is used between a pedagogue and pupils as a mutual welcome in the beginning. Next
ritual might be a song or a poem that is entering or ending a lesson.
Not only by preschool aged children, but even by first school level pupils, it seems very
effective a usage of thematic leitmotivs; topics, that are fading into all subjects in certain
time intervals, most common in a week or in a fortnight. These topics are generally planed in
the beginning of the year in a skeleton plan. It deals about the year seasons usage and related
changes in the nature, traditions, public holidays, anniversaries, etc. The education in such a
section is then fulfill with e.g. the fore spring theme, spring flowers, etc.; the sections might
be also vitalized with nontraditional activities mask production, balls organization, etc.
These activities have to be consulted with an attending doctor, in some departures, e.g.
immovable patients; these activities are not suitable at all.
A motivation for participation in the education and for a smooth communication with a
pedagogue is an emotional support of children expression of a frank interest of a pedagogue
about a childs problems and his or her school results, smiles, caresses, cheers, a promise of
a small material prize. This might a candy of course based on a childs health condition,
furthermore a picture, stickers, puzzles, sudoku; it is based on a child age, gender, and
The most frequent exposure methods used in hospital schools are verbal methods, whether
monological or dialogical.
18 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
Especially by younger school aged children a method of narration it is suitable. Besides a fact
that the method is effecting as a motivator, it strikes children with its emotional elements and
it has ability to establish a close social interaction a pedagogue a pupil. This method might
be suitable supported by pictures demonstration, by photos or didactics tools.
Demonstrative methods are especially pleasant, because they clearly show a principle of an
issue or a studying matter. A good assistant during the explanation of studying matter and
during a further practicing is adequately chosen teaching tools. However they have to be
suitable for specific conditions of work in hospital schools. It is advisable to have same or
similar teaching tools, which are the pupils using in home institutions.
The tools variegating the education have to meet following criteria. Above all the have to be
suitable form a hygienic point of view the most suitable are some tools in transparent
washable covers made of plastics, pictures, graphs, tables, surveys etc. If a pedagogue is
preparing some tools, the most common are some papers or cards from paper; it is suitable
to laminate them, namely not only because of hygiene, but even because of durability. A next
criterion during a preparation of the tools is their size. In contrast to a teaching in a common
class it is necessary to use tools of smaller size, especially by lying pupils. The tools should be
also light, easily portable; it is also necessary to take a notice of a child safeness, so that a
child will not be harmed by a manipulation with them (Kalendov, 1985).
During the teaching in hospital rooms there is no possibility to use blackboards. It is advisable
to use, for a better clearness of a teaching subject, mentioned graphs, tables, etc. (especially
by older pupils) for a longer durability again laminated in a transparent cover. A good tool
for a work with a bedridden pupil is a washable writing table with markers.
The most suitable tools are generally those, which based on manipulation lead to thinking,
decision making process, acting, and to support an activity of a child. By younger pupils it is
necessary to keep in view game and entertainment factors than information; that is why there
should be more frequent those tools that are enabling game occupation. Among these tools
might be various social games that a pedagogue is preparing on him or her own. Their usage
is very broad; they will serve for an exposure of a new studying matter as well as during
repetition and practicing of an older studying matter. A game might be played with a one
pupil during an individual teaching as well as with more pupils by a table in a room or in a
playroom or in a classroom. It might be made as a play ground where the players are moving
their figures in certain boxes and they fulfill tasks prepared on cards. A topic and a way of
elaboration is based on a pedagogue fantasy and on a didactic objective, i.e. what is a game
meant for (exposure, fixation, concrete subject or concrete studying matter). Elaborating of
such a tool takes a solid amount of a pedagogue time; if it is already elaborated it might be
use for a long time period. After a certain time spends in a hospital school a creative
pedagogue has several pieces of these nontraditional teaching tools so that he or she
creates a special-interest portfolio. Expect of the games that are function on playing boxes,
19 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
figures, playing dices bases; there are also often used games on pexeso, domino, and puzzle
A significant toll in education of hospitalized patients is a computer. Today, nearly every single
children departure has some in a playroom, or in a classroom, in a hall, or directly in a
patients room. Some hospital schools use notebooks in the work with bedridden patients.
The work with a computer brings a broad spectrum of possibilities for educational work of a
pedagogue. If a computer is connected to the internet, there might be some information
found relevant to a studying matter (e.g. for homework). A role of computers and the internet
can not be overestimated, at time pupils are spending more time than is desirable using the
internet as a tool for a longitude fulfillment of a leisure time, this tool can not be
recommended. In a hospital environment a computer has lot of positives. Thanks this tool
children can find not only some information relevant to the educational process, but they
might be in a contact with the outside world. They can email to friends from home and from
a school, receive emails form parents, and chat with close persons.
Expect a classical demonstration, there can be also a comparative demonstration used. This
method might be predominantly used with pupils that are educated in groups within various
competitions. For example in art education pupils are drawing pictures on a concrete
motive, final works are collected, and they alone choose the bests that will be used for a
decoration of halls or directly of patients rooms.
An initiative to fill in gaps of pupils in a studying matter, catch up missing matter, and keep
up with a home institution might take priority over an interpretation than over a
20 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
recapitulation. A significant amount of time is anyway dedicated to fixation methods that are
focusing on the repetition and the training, especially knowledge repetition methods. The
most frequent are questions and answers methods the form of question during studying
matter exposition and after it in the end of a pedagogue interpretation and in the end of a
For the repetition serves also homework in this case not home, but work set by a
pedagogue to a pupil in the end of classes that should be prepared to a the next lesson. In a
home environment supervision upon this process is in parents hands; a pupil is elaborating
them under parents supervision, or parents just only confirm them with their signature that
the pupil elaborated homework. In a hospital school this is not possible; children older than
6 years are not usually hospitalized with their parents, pupils are so that lead to an
independent work.
There broad possibilities for an independent work of pupils in this type of schools. This fact
comes from the educational conditions, especially from a chronicle absence of time for a
direct pedagogic work. It takes only a fragment of time; it is followed with an individual work
of children that is significant thanks highly productive peaces of the educational process.
A pedagogue hast to very carefully think about the individual work of their pupils and there
have to be a very good organization. A variance in a longitudinal lack of the direct educational
time and in a potential excess of a pupils study time can not be solve out with extensive
homework after an opening instruction. Children have no possibility to check the homework
if they are right or not; a feedback is missing. The experience shows that pupils are losing their
motivation and confidence during a continual work and a level of results has a decreasing
tendency (Sasn, 1970).
The individual work has nothing in common with such a work when pupils are only occupied
thanks activities, or remaining silence, or order in a departure is not
disturbed. Individually pupils may work:
Thanks to the individual work a pupil is stabilizing and deepening a new studying matter. A
pupil is also trained in an individual thinking and he or she is learning how to use gained
This work has also a significant educational and educationaltechnique meaning a pupil is
learning how to study. It is really hard for a pedagogue to prepare for the pupils individual
21 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
work such tasks that would bring not only the new knowledge, but also that would entertain
them and occupied them, and that would help them to overcome a boredom, homesickness,
and unpleasant medical treatments and diseases. That is why is so necessary to choose
different entertaining and various forms of the occupation for the pupils individual work. By
older pupils a basement of the individual work is remaining in studying books, textbooks, or
other text. A pupil must be well oriented in a textbook and a pupil must know how to use it.
The direct teaching is connected to the previous individual work of a child and it is again
setting new tasks for the next individual work. Form the beginning a pedagogue is submitting
easier tasks and subsequently the tasks are getting harder. But the individual tasks have to be
chosen carefully (ask form pupils only the knowledge that they know and that they can
manage elaborate).
During the direct teaching a pedagogue has to think of an adequate procedure for the
individual work; lead a pupil towards an adequate work organization. These abilities and
habits are valuable for the individual and active work and a pupil has to consequently master
them. Abilities and habits of the individual work are conditional on volitional qualities of a
pupil. The quality of the individual work affects predominantly: self-discipline, endurance,
determination, discipline, as well as concentration of an attention (Kalendov, 1985).
During pupils knowledge verification process unsubstantial place occupies the criteria
pedagogical diagnostics a pedagogue is verifying what level of knowledge a pupil can
manage (i.e. studying matter that had been though in a home institution before
hospitalization). During educational process in a hospital school the criteria diagnostics is
supplemented by an individual diagnostics. During this diagnostics a pedagogue is observing
progresses of a pupil from the very first meeting. Results form the individual diagnostics serve
for speed and quality diagnoses of knowledge adoption process during the pedagogical
intervention (Zelinkov, 2001).
For pedagogues in hospital schools the individual diagnostics and the individual approach are
significant. In the very first place stands a success of an individual and self confidence support
of young patients. Children are able to risk more during the individual teaching even for a high
price a failure. They are often surprise thanks to theirs achievements and therefore they are
becoming more self confident and independent (
The individual diagnostics is also a good tool for an auto evaluation of a pedagogue revision
of an approach to a pupil, usage of a pedagogical and special-pedagogical methods, forms,
and instruments. The individual diagnostics may serve for a support of a pupils positive
approach to the school e.g. highlighting results that a pupil achieved during the stay in a
22 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
hospital school. There might be found a collision between the criteria diagnostics and the
individual diagnostics systems during a classification process.
Educational plans represent criteria that a child should be meeting and according to a level of
fulfillment a child is classified. If a pedagogue for classification of a pupil (weakened by a
longitudinal diseases and with a restricted time that can be devote to the school by
treatments and examinations) is using only the criteria approach without an emphasis of the
individual achievements, there might be expected a motivation lost, lack of interest, even
some disciplinary issues might occurred or ingrown of a pupil in his or herself, and an
invariability or a degradation of a childs health condition.
A pedagogue in a hospital school sees his or her pupil from a wider perspective. A child is not
subjecting to the family and home institution influence; a pedagogue often sees a child in
intimate situations, sees a childs relation and behavior to other patients, hospital staff, and
to the school work. These observations enable a complex view on a pupil and the pupil is
unwittingly unfolding his or her cause of failure and causes of conflicts in behavior (Dvokov
et al., 1975).
A classification of a sick pupil is a responsible and difficult task. A pupil can not be classified
insensitively without taking in account a health condition. On the other hand a pupil has to
be classified objectively, so that a pupil will not abuse his or her health condition in
classification process. Usually is classified mastered studying matters and as a bets form of
classification is seen an oral formulation (Vtkov., 2006).
Legitimate representatives of pupils, if they are hospitalized with their children, are
continuously informed about educational outcomes after an agreement with a pedagogue; in
other cases information handover is made during visits in a hospital, by a phone, or by emails.
A part of a complex classification in hospital school is a pupils self classification. It develops
self-respect and self-confidence of pupils, if it is observed and revised by a pedagogue it helps
to develop a pupils personality; it brings to a pupil an overview on her or his achievements
23 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
and usage of educational styles. It teaches a pupil how to cope with failures and mistakes that
are occurring during a school work to accept them as a natural part of the process.
Pedagogues are discussing the mistakes with theirs pupils and the pupils might also correct
same of their work. A pupil is led onwards to the state when he or she is able to discuss his or
her performance and results, try to describe what is on sufficient level and what is not, and
how to continue in the work. It is desirable to establish so called teaching diary written
remarks are not as passing as oral comments, they might be recalled. There might be some
experience from a hospital mentioned in such a dictionary experiences from a day to day
routine in a department, from extraordinary activities hospital jesters visits, trips outside a
hospital zoo, etc.
The dictionary might be filed in with some pictures or photos from these actions. After
returning back home, this might serve as a memory; If a pupil is asked to present the stay in
a hospital to classmates experience and experiences, or classmates and friends are curious
about the stay in hospital, the dictionary enables a better recollection and photos can
underline the experiences.
For a class teacher of home institution the evaluation of pupils work is the most valuable
output (exercise books and work sheets) that enables a complex point of view on a state of
studied matters in a hospital school.
Hospital schools pedagogues count with a variant that a pupil after hospitalization may
remain home for a longer time period. Already during a pupils stay in a hospital they are
trying to prepare the pupil on this fact and explain subject matter in advance. Some hospitals
schools are also offering a possibility of consultations, when a child during a check up is
coming to consult the subjects (
Others are offering a professional assistance to home institutions pedagogues during teaching
provision or during returning of a pupil in a home institution in the way that obligations from
the school law about an attendance and about a teaching of a longitudinal sick child would
be fulfill. For example The special primary school at the Child hospital on ernopoln 9 in
Brno, elaborated a project Home teacher focusing on longitudinal sick children that are not
able to attend classes during a whole year in a home institution and they have to usually
interrupt studying because of a health condition; or after the returning they have to pass an
exam from a half-year or wholeyears subject matter. A home institution pedagogue is usually
starting to attend a pupil after a half of the year absence. To ensure the same conditions for
these children as their contemporaries have, there is preparing a project called Integrational
home education. A home pedagogue is used the most by children with oncology diseases,
cardiac, children with immunity disorders, and chronically sick children
24 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
A care about bedridden pupils is usually shielded by a home institution. It would be definitely
desirable if a home institution, after a concrete time period from returning of a pupil from a
hospital or from a home therapy, would send a report about a pupils re-integration in to an
educational process; this is however happing very rarely. Children after moving off a hospital,
with an exception in children that are hospitalized regularly, are literally disappearing and
feedbacks that would certainly bring significant outcomes about pedagogical fruitfulness of
pedagogues in hospital schools are lost.
The school education is without any doubt belonging between one of the best occupation of
a sick child. It helps a child to return to a common life, it brings joy, selfconfidence, and a will
to recover. It indisposes a child attention from a disease, focuses child thoughts on
homework, and keeps a child fresh and in a stable working activity. It also contributes to a
fact that a child in a hospital environment, usually unknown environment, meets a regime
similar to a former one (education in the morning, after the rest homework and
entertainment in the afternoon reading, games, TV, pleasant visits, etc.).
A pedagogue in a hospital school is facing an issue form a fist meeting with a pupil how to
simultaneously observe and educate, do diagnostic and compare. A good special pedagogue
has to have not only solid experience and knowledge, but he or she should be characterized
by fantasy and pedagogical institution. In present days it is necessary to be not only a
pedagogue but also a manager; with the regard to distribution of a financial support from
grants on nontraditional activities, play rooms and class rooms equipments, purchase of
didactical tools, etc., coordination of voluntarys activities, cooperating with a game
specialists (if a specialist works in a department).
The presented text tried to discuss some spheres from the educational process in hospital
schools area and from hospitalized children didactics; that is only a small part from
problematic spheres in somatopedy; or its part that is dealing with the educational and
25 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
teaching issue of hospitalized children. This problem is closely connected to a sick children
quality of life and its correct solution enables a faster process of recovery. There are lots of
other tasks ahead of it, demanding further elaboration. Spheres dealing not only about the
educational issue and teaching in a hospital school, but spheres discussing a fact, what part
plays hospital teaching in a complex health care about children with regard to a todays
technological advance in medicine, trend in shortening of hospitalization, and a newly
occurring phenomenon focusing on a psychical support of children and on quality leisure time
voluntary activities, application of expressive forms of psychotherapy, hospital jesters,
games specialist, etc.
26 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
27 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
Jarmila Hudkov2
Kov slov
The aim of this paper is to analyse the trade competitiveness of the automotive industry in the
Slovak Republic over a period 2010-2015. In order to achieve the objective were used indices:
RCA, RCA1, RCA2, Michaely index, Grubel-Lloyd index. Import and export data (in USD) on
automotive industry by HS code for Slovak Republic and world are available in UN Comtrade
Internationl Trade Statistics Database. Results showed that Slovakia has a comparative
advantage in commodity motor vehicles. In addition, RCA1 reached positive value greater than
1, what is index competitiveness growth. RCA2 is positive, this means that export of vehicles is
higher than import in this period. Michaely index are comparable with the results of the
evaluation based on indicators RCA and it confirms competitiveness of Slovak Republic.
Grubel-Lloyd index values showed a high degree of representation of the commodities of inter-
sectoral character in foreign trade. Export of motor vehicles has share of total export of Slovak
Republic 18.68 %.
stav ekonomiky a manamentu, Fakulta prrodnch vied, Univerzita Kontantna Filozova v Nitre, Trieda
Andreja Hlinku 1, 949 74 Nitra
28 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
JEL Classification
F11, F14
I. Introduction
In the past several decades, the Slovak economy moved from isolation and centrally
commanded international trade to openness and integration into the European Union and
global markets. Now, the Slovak economy is highly open. The Slovak economy is a small
domestic market what does not allow producers to take advantage of economies of scale. In
my view, economic reforms in Slovakia created an investment friendly environment that
helped to attract foreign direct investment.
Slovakia has become one of the leading car manufacturers in Central Europe, mainly due to
the presence of three world-class automotive companies: Volkswagen Slovakia, Bratislava;
PSA Peugeot Citroen Slovakia, Trnava and Kia Motors Slovakia, ilina. Currently it comes to
Slovakia fourth car producer Jaguar Land Rover. It is expected that the first cars will be made
in 2018 and in the first phase is expected production of 150 thousand vehicles (Speth, 2015).
Slovakia is the first in the production of cars per capita. In 2014, it produces 183 cars per 1,000
inhabitants (Sario, 2015). Slovak development into one of the world's most important
automotive hubs began in the early 90 years, when the German Volkswagen decided to build
the factory for car production. Further impetus for growth and development of the
automotive industry and supply sector in Slovakia was the arrival of powerful automakers PSA
Peugeot Citroen of France and Kia Motors from South Korea both of which started production
in 2006.
The theory of comparative advantage (Ricardo, 1821) is perhaps the most important concept
in international trade theory. The sources of the misunderstandings are easy to identify. First,
the principle of comparative advantage is clearly counter-intuitive. Many results from the
formal model are contrary to simple logic. Secondly, the theory is easy to confuse with
another notion about advantageous trade, known in trade theory as the theory of absolute
advantage. The logic behind absolute advantage is quite intuitive. This confusion between
these two concepts leads many people to think that they understand comparative advantage
when in fact, what they understand is absolute advantage. Finally, the theory of comparative
29 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
advantage is all too often presented only in its mathematical form. Using numerical examples
or diagrammatic representations are extremely useful in demonstrating the basic results and
the deeper implications of the theory. However, it is also easy to see the results
mathematically, without ever understanding the basic intuition of the theory. Theoretical
foundation and empirical measures of comparative advantage have long been analysed by
trade economists. Especially, Ricardian comparative advantage has long been perceived as a
useful pedagogical tool: The modern version of the Ricardian Model assumes that there are
two countries, producing two goods, using one factor of production, usually labour. The
model is a general equilibrium model in which all markets (i.e., goods and factors) are
perfectly competitive. The goods produced are assumed to be homogeneous across countries
and firms within an industry. Goods can be costlessly shipped between countries (i.e., there
are no transportation costs). Labour is homogeneous within a country but may have different
productivities across countries. This implies that the production technology is assumed to
differ across countries. Labour is costlessly mobile across industries within a country but is
immobile across countries. Full employment of labour is also assumed. Consumers (the
labourers) are assumed to maximize utility subject to an income constraint. However,
Ricardian comparative advantage received little attention in empirical studies. The main
reason behind this lack in empirical tests of Ricardian model is the absence of a clear
theoretical micro-foundation and theoretically consistent measure of comparative
The Balassa Index of Revealed Comparative Advantage (Balassa, 1965) has been widely used
to approximate countries sectorial specialization (Amighini et al., 2011) but suffers both
theoretical foundation and empirical distribution weaknesses. Theoretical foundation of the
Balassa Index has long been debated in the literature since it does not really match the
original Ricardian idea of comparative advantage (Vollrath, 1991). Ricardian comparative
advantage, indeed, is based on the intrinsic (ex-ante) nature of the country in being relatively
more efficient in the production of a certain good. Unfortunately, Balassa index fails in fitting
this idea since it is based on the actual (ex-post) realization of bilateral sectors trade flows,
mixing up exporter with importer and sector specific factors affecting trade. Balassa Index has
also been criticised for its poor empirical distribution characteristics (Hinloopen and Van
Marewijk, 2001).
The Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) index has been used as an indicator of trade
competitiveness, which reveals the export efficiency. The advantage of the RCA index is
simplicity and quite good interpretation. Various modifications of RCA index are applied.
There are following formulas in the paper:
30 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
x export of commodity
m import of commodity
X total transportation export of country
M total transportation import of country
If RCA > 0, the country has a comparative advantage in commodity, if RCA < 0, then it reaches
comparative disadvantage and if the result is equal to 0, then we cannot talk about
comparative advantage or disadvantage.
RCA1 = (2)
If RCA1 > 1, the country specialises in export fo the commodity and has a comparative
advantage in the analysed commodity. If RCA1 < 1 it is not and has not any comparative
2 = (3)
RCA2 reaches values between -1 (when export does not exist) and +1 (when import does not
exist). In case the results are negative, up to -1, the country has a comparative disadvante. On
the other hand, if the results are positive, the country has a revealed comparative advntage.
Another index of competitiveness evaluation, we chose the Michaely index to examine
whether both the indices demonstrates the same trend or not. The indicator was developed,
by Michael Michaely (1962/67), as an index of dissimilarity for a country (Laursen, 1998).
31 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
= (3)
As Laursen (1998) interprets, the measure ranges between -1 and +1, with a neutral value of
0. A positive index value denotes a countrys specialization in a commodity and a countrys
under-specialization in a commodity while given a negative value.
The Original Grubel-Lloyd index measures export potential at the macroeconomic level. It was
modified for the evaluation at industry level and its calculation indicates the level of
commodity representation in the intrasectoral foreign trade of the country. The formula to
calculate it is:
= 1 (4)
The values of GLI are in intervals from 0 to 1.
Import and export data (in USD) on automotive industry by HS code for Slovak Republic and
world are available in UN Comtrade Internationl Trade Statistics Database. UN Comtrade is a
repository of official trade statistics and relevant analytical tables. It contains annual trade
statistics starting from 1962 and monthly trade statistics since 2010.
Graph no. 1 shows that the automotive industry produced a trade surplus. The values of net
export had a slight decreasing trend in last two years, but over six years net exports increased
to 61.3% of the initial amount. The automotive industry represented an average share of
16.45% of the national export in Slovak republic. The highest share was in 2015 of 18.68% of
the national export. This percentage will rise after starting production in the producer Jaguar
Land Rover in 2018.
Graph 1 Net export
32 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
Graph no. 2 shows the share of motor vehicles export in total export from Slovak Republic.
This share was increasing every year. In 2010, it achieves value 14.23% of total export, in 2015
share was 18.65%. There is probability increasing this share continue because another car
producer is coming to Slovak Republic.
33 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
Selected indicators of trade competitiveness at the sectoral level were inspired by the effort
to determine whether the automotive industry succeeded on foreign markets. The
information was gained using the coefficient of RCA and its various modifications, RCA1,
RCA2, Michaely index. The achieved results of individual parameter are given in table 1.
We calculated the positive value for RCA. Slovak Republic has been competitive throughout
the whole analysed period. RCA indicator had fluctuating development. The country has
comparative advantage in commodity if the RCA is greater than zero. The lowest value of RCA
was in 2010 of 1.15. The highest value of RCA was in 2012 of 1.5813. According to the research
Bobkov (2007) this indicator was in 1997-2003 between 0.061 and 0.638. In this period,
Slovakia had competitive disadvantage.
RCA1 reached positive value greater the 1, therefore based on this index, Slovakia has been
competitive during the whole period. The country specialises in export for the commodity. If
the results of RCA2 are positive, the country has a revealed comparative advantage. We can
see, in the table 1, all data are positive and it reached value from 0.6887 to 0.8009. In the
research by ir (2011) are indicators RCA1 and RCA2 in period 2004-2008. RCA1 had value
from 0,387 to 0,472. The indicator RCA2 had value from 0,156 to 0,210. Value of indicators in
the period of our research was improved and the competitiveness was increased.
The results of evaluation of the competitiveness of the automotive industry by Michaely index
are comparable with the results of the evaluation based on indicators RCA. Michaely index
confirms competitiveness of Slovak Republic. Its value is between 0.1162 and 0.1584.
Kolov in her research for year 2013 indicated that most of the benefits of Slovakia were
concentrated mainly in the export of vehicles. She also proved comparative advantage for
automotive industry for RCA1 - 3,21.
The values of Michaely index are quite low level, what showed low specialization of the
country but specialization of the country is growing during the selected period. According
Bobkov this indicator was in 1997-2003 between 0.006 and 0.115 in 2003 and also
according ir was this indicator lower than our one. In period 2004-2008, Michaely index was
between 0,067 and 0,096. Michaely index was also improved in period 2010-2015.
34 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
If GLI=1 there is only intra-industry trade, no inter-industry trade. This means for example the
country in consideration exports the same quantity of goods as much at it imports (x ij=mij).
Controversely if GLI=0, there is no intra-industry trade, only inter-industry trade. This would
mean that the country in consideration only either exports or only imports good. In table 2
the Grubel-Lloyd index values showed a high degree of representation of the commodities of
inter-sectoral character in foreign trade. It means that the export of motor vehicles is much
higher than import of them to Slovak republic.
If we compared vehicle produced per capita by country in 2013 and 2014, Slovakia was on the
first post of top ten producers. The average for European Union was 35 cars per 1000
IV. Conclusion
Slovak economy is highly open. Slovakia has become one of the leading car manufacturers in
Central Europe. The aim of this paper is to analyse the trade competitiveness of the
automotive industry in the Slovak Republic over a period 2010-2015. In order to achieve the
objective were used indices: RCA, RCA1, RCA2, Michaely index, Grubel-Lloyd index. Import and
export data (in USD) on automotive industry by HS code for Slovak Republic and world are
available in UN Comtrade Internationl Trade Statistics Database. Based on results we can
35 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
conclude that Slovak Republic has a comparative advantage in production of motor vehicles.
All used indicators point to competitiveness of Slovakia. In addition, RCA1 reached positive
value greater than 1, what is index competitiveness growth. RCA2 is positive, this means that
export of vehicles is higher than import in this period. Michaely index are comparable with
the results of the evaluation based on indicators RCA and it confirms competitiveness of
Slovak Republic. Grubel-Lloyd index values showed a high degree of representation of the
commodities of inter-sectoral character in foreign trade. We expected improving of these
indicators when Jaguar Land Rover starts its production in 2018.
(1) AMIGHINI, A., LEOBE, M. and RABELLOTTI, R. (2011). Persistence versus Change in the
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Trade Policy and Economic Development. New York, University Press.
(2) BOBKOV, V., HEKOV, J., (2007). Analza konkurencieschopnosti slovenskho
spracovateskho priemyslu. Politick ekonomie, 4, 2007.
(3)COSTINOT, A., DONALDSON, D. and KOMUNJER, I. (2012). What goods do countries trade?
A quantitative exploration of Ricardos Ideas. Review of Economic Studies, 79, 581-608.
(4) HINLOOPEN, J. and VAN MARREWIJK, C. (2001). On the empirical distribution of the
Balassa Index. Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, pp. 1-35.
(5) MICHAELY, M. 1962. Concentration in International Trade, Contributions to Economic
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(6) LAURSEN, K. December 1998. Revealed Comparative Advantage and the Alternatives as
Measures of International Specialisation [Electronic Version] from
(7) RICARDO, D., (1821). On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation. London: John
Murray. In: Library economics Liberty:
(8) SPETH, D.,R., Chief Executive Officer & Director at Jaguar Land Rover Automotive Plc. In:
(9) IR, E., (2011). Impact of the Economic Crisis to the Machine Engineering Industry of SR. Fakulta
manamentu, Preovsk Univerzita v Preove, In: Project Vega 1/0641/10.
(10) VOLLRATH, T. (1991). A Theoretical Evaluation of Alternative Trade Intensity Measures of
Revealed ComparativeAdvantage. Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 127, pp. 265-280.
(11) -Statistica of International Organization of Motor Vehicle
(12) - Official trade statistics.
36 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
Dagmar Intitorisov3
Prspevok s nzvom Inscencie hry Hamlet Williama Shakespeara po roku 1989 Dagmar
Intitorisovej sa zaober analzou recepcie inscenci hry Williama Shakespeara Hamlet, ktor
vznikli v slovenskej inohernej profesionlnej kultre po roku 1989. Zkladom analzy je
otzka, ako inscentori alebo divadeln kritici v hodnotench inscencich reflektovali hlavn
tmu hry, ktor sa vyprofilovala na zklade pretudovania dostupnej literatry a autopsie
autorky tdie. Ide o otzku: Ako sa d i v dobe, ktor nti iba k neslobodnm rozhodnutiam?
Kov slov
JEL Classification
I. vod
Fedinova 2, 851 01 Bratislava,
37 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
nrodnom divadle v Bratislave do polovice roka 2016 bola uveden celkovo dvadsap krt.
Z tohto potu viac ako polovica ptns - patr inscencim, ktor vznikli po roku 1989.
V opernej podobe bola vak doteraz natudovan iba dva razy, v muziklovej ilo dokonca
o prevzat inscenciu a ako baletn interpretcia nevznikla vbec.4
inohern inscencie:
1925 Slovensk nrodn divadlo Bratislava ria: Milo Nov ako hos
1931 Slovensk nrodn divadlo Bratislava ria: Janko Borod
1950 Slovensk nrodn divadlo Bratislava ria: Jn Budsk, Ivan Lichard,
Tibor Rakovsk
1962 ttne divadlo Koice ria: Jozef Palka
1964 Divadlo Jna Palrika Trnava ria: Janda Dezider
1964 Slovensk nrodn divadlo Bratislava ria: Tibor Rakovsk
1974 Slovensk komorn divadlo Martin ria: Ivan Petrovick
1974 Nov scna Bratislava, Bratislava ria: Milo Pietor
1983 Divadlo Jna Palrika Trnava (pod ria: Juraj Nvota
nzvom Hamlet III.)
1983 Divadlo Jona Zborskho Preov ria: Eduard Grtler
1993 ttne divadlo Koice, obnoven ria: Anton Nekovar
premira: 1994
2001 Divadlo Andreja Bagara Nitra ria: Alfldi Rbert
2001 Tlav divadlo Trnava (pod nzvom ria: Jakub Nvota
Hamlet, alebo nlez lebky)
2003 Divadlo Jozefa Gregora Tajovskho ria: Andrzej Rozhin
2003 Divadlo Arna Bratislava (pod nzvom ria: Anton ulk
Hamlet, prbeh vraha)
2004 Divadlo Alexandra Duchnovia ria: Rastislav Ballek
2004 Divadlo Thlia Koice ria: Sndor Beke
2007 Slovensk nrodn divadlo Bratislava ria: Peter Mikulk
2007 Mestsk divadlo - Divadlo z Pase ria: Jn H. Miku
Bansk Bystrica (pod nzvom Hamlet a
Spis inscenci bol vytvoren na zklade dajov uvedench na webovej strnke Divadelnho
stavu v Bratislave. [online]. Dostupn na internete:, overovan
tie v monografich J. Wild a v bulletinoch v skromnom archve autorky tdie.
Spis neobsahuje inscencie, ktor vznikli na zklade inpircie hrou Hamlet.
38 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
Opern inscencie:
2000 Slovensk nrodn divadlo Bratislava ria: Pavol Smolk
(libreto: Michal Carr, Jules Barbe)
2004 Slovensk nrodn divadlo (pod ria: Martin Huba
nzvom The Players, libreto vzniklo na
zklade anglickho originlu a
nemeckho, latinskho, franczskeho
a talianskeho prekladu hry z pera Juraja
Muziklov inscencie:
2001 Nov scna Bratislava (pv. uvedenie v ria: Zdeek Troka
Divadle Kalich Praha, 1999, libreto: Jan
Vysokokolsk inscencie:
1985 Vysok kola mzickch umen ria: Ivan Svetko
2003 Akadmia umen v Banskej Bystrici, ria: Peter Koan
Bansk Bystrica
2011 Akadmia umen Bansk Bystrica (pod ria: Eva tofkov
nzvom Hamlet, alebo nlez lebky)
S tradciou inscenovania hry Hamlet svis aj vznik celho radu inscenci, ktorch textov
predlohy vznikli i u ako inpircia samotnou hrou alebo tm, ktorch je nositeom. Do tdie
vak nie s zaraden. Dvodom je prlin rka zberu tmy, menia miera autopsie danch
inscenci a profesijn zameranie autorky na inohern profesionlne inscencie. Ide
naprklad o inscenciu hry britskho dramatika eskho pvodu Toma Stopparda Rosenkrantz
a Guildenstern s mtvi (Divadlo ASTORKA Korzo 90 Bratislava, Bratislava, 1992, ria:
39 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
40 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
Inscenciu Hamlet, alebo nlez lebky reisr Jakub Nvota pripravil v roku 2001 so svojim
trnavskm Tlavm divadlom6 na princpe improvizcie a doteraz patr k najspenejm
poulinm divadelnm produkcim tohto divadla. Zkladom tvarovania vpovede je sce
forma tudentskej recesie a mystifikcie7, avak inscencia neobila ani zkladn otzku.
Odpove vak J. Nvota naiel v zotret akchkovek prekok, ktor by mohli vies
k slobodnmu konaniu Hamleta a monosti rozhodn sa tak. ije v dekadentnej rodine,
v ktorej nie s iadne podmienky pre vytvorenie vlastnho nzoru. Tto skutonos je
dokonca podporen aj tm, e nem vlastn identitu (ten ist herec hr Hamlet i jeho otca),
matku - osemdesiatsedemron Gertrdu nezaujma ni in, ako vek jej novho milenca.
Neschopnos otca Hamleta vldnu je vyjadren jeho telesnm postihnutm. Inscenan
princp naruby bol vyuit aj v svislosti so spolonosou, ktor Hamleta obklopuje. ije iba
medzi majitemi nevestincov, ktorch vlastnkmi s Rosencrantz a Guildernstern, v hereckej
spolonosti, ktorej nik nerozumie a uprostred bohov ako Fortinbras, ktor s prezleen za
hlpych montrov. (Poda INTITORISOV, In. INTITORISOV, ORAVEC, BALLAY, 2007, s.
Samozrejme, s danm asovm ohranienm iastone svis aj osobn sksenos autorky tdie
s inscenciami, ktor vznikli na zklade hry Hamlet.
Ete pod nzvom umeleck skupina Prepadlo.
V prvej verzii scenra z roku 2001 sa naprklad J. Nvota pod vodn autorsk vstup s nzvom Vrenie bubnov
podpsal ete inicilami W. S. (NVOTA, 2001, s. 3).
41 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
V roku 2003 bol Hamlet inscenovan hne dva razy. Prvou bola z hadiska kvality a etiky
divadla vemi kontroverzn inscencia s nzvom Hamlet, prbeh vraha v rii Antona ulka,
ktor natudoval v bratislavskom Divadle Arna a druhou inscencia v Divadle Jozefa Gregora
Tajovskho Zvolen v rii poskho reisra Andrzeja Rozhina.
42 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
s ou narbali pomerne brutlne8. Odpove na zkladn otzku reisr A. ulk obiiel tm,
e sa zameral hlavne na analzu stavu budceho vraha. Zsadn zmena optiky na inscenciu
vyvolala vemi odmietav a pobren recenziu Mrie Jenkovej, ktor v nej dokonca
neuviedla ani men tvorcov. (JENKOV, 2003, s. 25).9
Inscencia Hamlet10 v rii Rastislava Balleka z 2004 v Divadle Alexandra Duchnovia Preov
sa niesla v duchu konfrontcie starho, zatuchnutho sveta a sveta, v ktorom dochdza iba
k neustlej reprezentcii a sebareprezentcii. Star svet bol spodoben formou inscenanho
jazyka, ktor pripomnal pdesiate roky a svet sasn bol stvrnen ako snaha vetkch
postv iba o majesttne prezentovanie seba samch. Samozrejme, s vnimkou Hamleta.
Permanentn tba po zdrazovan vlastnej osoby a majesttu bola u vetkch postv okolo
Hamleta podporovan tylizovanmi postojmi a pzami, ktor vdy zdrazovali ich majestt.
Tba bola vyjadren aj materilovo, prostrednctvom scnickho prvku. Bol nm przdny
rm, do ktorho postavy priebene ako do obrazu zarmovvali Rosencrantz a Guildernstern.
Rmovali vak aj realitu, ktor ich obklopovala. Na rozdiel o tchto postv bolo zobrazenie
Hamleta v slade s konvennmi predstavami o om. Bol vhav, prli premav
a odpovede na vetky otzky sa snail njs v knihch. R. Ballek touto koncepciou nedospel ku
kompromisu v rieen odpovede na zkladn otzku, a ani sa nepostavil na iadnu stranu.
Iba zvraznil podobu problmov, ktor viedli ku fatlnemu konfliktu, a to vsostne
divadelnmi prostriedkami. Vzhadom na to, e Shakespearov text neupravoval, je jeho
prstup k danej otzke najoptimlnej. (Poda INTITORISOV, In. INTITORISOV, ORAVEC,
BALLAY, 2007, s. 178 - 179).
Nechali ju naprklad dlh as na suchu.
Uveden recenzia patr medzi ojedinel divadelno-kritick reflexie inscencie.
K inscencii nie s k dispozcii iadne divadeln recenzie.
43 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
V roku 2004 premirovalo Hamleta aj Divadlo Thlia Koice v rii Sndora Bekeho.
K inscencii vak nie s dostupn iadne materily v inom ako maarskom jazyku, preto sa jej
nebudeme venova.
alia inscencia Hamleta v inohre Slovenskho nrodnho divadla Bratislava v roku 2007 v
rii Petra Mikulka mala vnimon symbolick - postavenie. Slvnostne otvorila Nov
budovu Slovenskho nrodnho divadla a hlavnm dvodom vberu premirovanho titulu
bola skutonos, e SND zaalo svoju innos taktie premirou Shakespearovho Hamleta, a to
4. 2. 1925. Zkladn prbehov truktra bola v inscenci dodran, z vznamovho hadiska
koncepcia nepriniesla ni interpretane zaujmavho. Na konvennos celkovho rmcovania
inscencie nemal vplyv ani preorganizovanie niektorch ast textu ako napr. prchod hereckej
skupiny v civilnom odeve v vode inscencie11 a pod. Reisr objasnil svoju koncepciu pred
verejnosou iba poas tlaovej konferencie pred premirou. V elektronickch i printovch
mdich je najastejie citovan jedno jeho vyjadrenie, ktor na nej odznelo: Netreba
definova miesto a as, kedy sa to odohrva, lebo sa to odohrva v dui loveka. Vetky
Shakespearove problmy s problmami dnench ud. (SITA. 2007). K odpovedi na nau
zkladn otzku sa oproti inm inscencim snaili dospie i odhadn ju viac kritici, ako
samotn inscentori i u koncepciou inscencie alebo zverejnenmi vyjadreniami k nej.
Naprklad novinr a kritik Juraj Kunierik v recenzii v tomto zmysle pe: O om je vlastne
Hamlet? Naprklad o tom, ak dleit je pam a o tom, e pravda sa nakoniec uke. Alebo
aj o tom, e vo svete je vdy viac bezcharakternch krov a tupch fzlov, ne akmi otzkami
zoieranch Hamletov... (KUNIERIK, 2007). Rad divadelnch kritk vak najastejie
zdrazuje postavu Hamleta v interpretcii Roba Rotha pri hadan odpovede na zkladn
otzku ako urujcu. Je pre nich v inscencii rebelom (naprklad ULIIANSKA, 2007, s. 12),
prpadne ... tudentsk rebel, sympatick chulign. (AVOJSK, L. 2007, s. 9) alebo iba ...
klaunom, ktor sa zabva na vlastnej intelektulnej a mravnej prevahe nad svojm okolm.
(TEFKO, 2007). Je teda zosobnenm mladho mua, ktor jasne vid vetky prekky
a rebelskm postojom dva najavo svoju bezmocnos pred mocou a rezignciu na akkovek
pozitvne rieenie svojej situcie.
V roku 2011 inscenovalo Hamleta12 Divadlo Kontra zo Spiskej Novej Vsy, a to v rii poskej
reisrky a dramatiky Klaudyny Rozhin ijcej vo Vekej Britnii, ktor ho tm natudovala po
tret raz. Inscentori sce textov predlohu zjednoduili, pretoe prbeh odohrvaj iba dvaja
herci, avak ponechali vek rad i u hlavnch alebo vedajch postv. Zkladom poetiky
inscencie je spodobovanie vetkch postv obomi hercami, vrtane Hamleta a schopnos
rchleho vctenia sa do kadej tak, aby vynikol pocit osamelosti a zfalstva Hamleta. Reisrka
K. Rozhin sa v svislosti s naou otzkou sa v jednom rozhovore vyjadrila nasledovne: N
Herci v om pozvali divkov aj na ostatn inscencie divadla.
Inscencia zskala viacero ocenen, ako naprklad v roku 2013 cenu Objav roka na medzinrodnom festivale
kremnick gagy a dve ceny Zlat lebky na najprestnejom 17. ronku festivalu Shakespeara v Eurpe v
poskom meste Gdask. Ich Hamlet si vyslil dve ceny Zlat lebka od festivalovch kritikov.
44 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
Hamlet je mu, ktor - rovnako ako mnoh z ns - stratil dveru vo svet. Je osamel, hlboko
sklaman, pochybovan a rozorvan konfliktnmi emciami. Zosmieuje nadriadench, je
vystavovan li, never v dobrotu a krsu, je posadnut smrou. Sce sa sna, ale neme njs
miesto vo svete a zmysel ivota vo svete, v ktorom u neexistuj iadne hodnoty - zostal len
zdrvujci smtok. Je pomsta pre neho dostaton dvod k ivotu? (Grodzka Gate - NN
divadlo, 2012). V bulletine tie pe: Hra kladie vetky vek otzky, ak je len mono poloi,
ale nedva iadne odpovede. Muste hada sm. Je to tie hlbok a pokoru uiaca sksenos.
(SHAKESPEARE, 2011, s. 3). Reisrkina odpove na nau otzku je jednoznan strata
dvery v svet a zmysel ivota. Divadelnch kritk na inscenciu nevylo vea, autorka jednej
z nich - Hana Rodov - vak reisrkin koncept plne podporila i v svislosti s hadanm
odpovede na nau otzku. Mimoriadne ocenila skutonos, e ... najm vemi sugestvna
priama hra na divka a s divkom... (RODOV, 2011) zasiahla naplno divkov.
V roku 2012 sa k inscentorom hry Hamlet pridalo aj Mestsk divadlo - Divadlo z Pase
Bansk Bystrica, ktor ju natudovalo pod nzvom Hamlet a syn (Hereck spolonos princa
Hamleta) v rii Jn H. Mikua s prihliadnutm na viacero slovenskch i eskch prekladov.
Inscentori vytvorili prbeh o stredovekej hereckej spolonosti, ktor sa zaoberal otzkou
hrdinstva ako takho a jeho chpanm v sasnosti. Vystavali ho ako modelov situcie,
v ktorch pomocou zkladnch tm z Hamleta (ale aj grckej mytolgie, vlastnho ivota at.)
snaili odpoveda na zvolen otzku. Njden hrdinstvo i hrdinov opisovali, i u slovne alebo
konanm vo vybratch situcich. (INTITORISOV, 2012). Odpove na nau otzku nali
netandardn, slovami dramaturgiky inscencie Jany Miku Hanzelovej: Prelnanm
navonok absurdnch asov a stretov (stretnutie stredovekej spolonosti s Hamletom,
stredovek kritik citujci komentre sasnch shakespearolgov...) sme sa snaili
podiarknu najpodstatnejiu tmu: znovuobjavenie divadla, ktor nezatvra oi pred
okolitm svetom, pred spolonosou, v akej ijeme. Snaili sme sa, aby aj herci mali pocit, e
divadlom sa daj zmeni veci okolo ns, alebo sa o tom meme minimlne aspo neustle
poka. (JAREMKOV, 2012).
Slovensk komorn divadlo Martin uviedlo natudovanie Hamleta v rii Doda Gombra pod
nzvom Hamlet (prbeh rodiny) v roku 2013. Inscentori sce zkladn prbehov truktru
zachovali, cel ju vak aktualizovali. Vytvorili sasn prbeh o sdliskovej rodine, v ktorej je
Hamlet hudobnkom fajiacim marihuanu a holdujci alkoholu, vaka omu trp preludmi
o svojom mtvom otcovi. Nevedia si s nm da rady nielen rodiia, ale ani susedia i plach
Oflia. Neustla depresvnos ho neprosne vedie k tragickmu koncu. Reisr sa o koncepcii
Hamleta vyjadril nasledovne: ... V prave sme odbremenili text od politickch, spoloenskch
a historizujcich udalost a upriamili pozornos na prbeh rozpadajcej sa, rozvrtenej rodiny.
Rodina, ktor m v svojom vntri zakliatu chorobu - to je v mojich oiach leitmotv. Kad, kto
je sasou rodiny, by tam zrkadlenie nachdza mal. (...) je to sdliskov prbeh, ktor by sa
pokojne mohol odohrva naprklad tu v Kotoch. (...) Je to prbeh silnho naviazania syna na
otca a po strate prve tohto piliera v rodine sa v Hamletovi zan odohrva rzne
protichodn, ako definovaten pochody a poryvy, ktorm on podlieha. (KOVAIKOV,
45 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
Poslednou inscenciou, ktor vznikla v sledovanom obdob je Hamlet z roku 2014 v Teatro
Wstenrot Bratislava.13 Vzhadom na to, e k inscencii nie je zachovan videozznam a je
k dispozcii iba jedna kritika, ktor sa nevyjadruje k naej otzke, nebudeme sa jej venova.
Ide o obnoven kolsk inscenciu z roku 2003 na Akadmii umen Bansk Bystrica, obe ria: Peter Koan.
46 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
Odlinos odpoved analyzovanch inscenci na hlavn otzku vak nesvis s rznosou ich
prin v sasnosti, i pred rokom 1989 alebo v dobe ivota W. Shakespeara. S IBA
potvrdenm univerzalizmu tm Shakespeara, jeho dramatickho majstrovstva a aktulnosti
a vznamovej a vrazovej flexibility textov jeho hier.
Referencie a citcie
(1) AVOJSK, L. 2003. By i neby, to je stle otzka! In. asopis Literrny tdennk,
ro. 15, 2003, ISSN 1335-7786, . 29 30, s. 15 - 16.
(2) AVOJSK, L. 2007. Shakespeare v lete i v zime. asopis Literrny tdennk, ro. 20,
2007, ISSN 1335-7786, . 33 34, s. 1 a 7.
47 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
48 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
49 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
Katarna Klimov14
The article presents possible ways to create a connection between teaching of literature and
tourism in education of future interpreters and translators. The article deals with literary parks
in Italy and explains how the competences of an interpreter in the role of a tourist guide
overlap with those of an expert in literary science.
Kov slov
JEL Classification:
KRO, Filozofick fakulta Univerzita Mateja Bela, Tajovskho 40, Bansk Bystrica,
50 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
51 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
52 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
rmec pre sriu turistickch trs nielen pre milovnkov prrodnch krs, ale i literatry.
Trasy nadvzuj na star tradcie zabudnutch remesiel a tradin kuchyu reginu
V Picu preil Landolfi nielen svoje detstvo, ale i najkreatvnejie okamihy ivota. asto
sa sem vracal na dlh obdobia, do rodnho domu zdedenho po predkoch zo
sedemnsteho storoia, ktor je sasne hrdinom mnohch prbehov a predovetkm
miestom literrnej tvorby:
[...]pero, ktor tam dole (v Picu) uha, tu (v San Reme, kde bval) sa vzpiera a pohne
sa len zsahom Bom (Rien va, 1963) .
53 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
(...) Sme teda doma. Na obzore sa u rtaj bizarn a hrub obrysy pohoria Aurunci (za
nimi je more pri mestekch Formia a Gaeta, severn asti mesta Neapol), zranen
tokom prekliateho akvaduktu , u mono zazrie t mal horu Pote , ktor vrh napriek
tomu obrovsk tie na mj dom. (...) .
U v roku 1935 bolo v oblasti Cassinate (okres Frosinone) zriaden Zdruenie Acquedotto
degli Aurunci, zahajce devtns obc, so sdlom v meste Cassino. Ilo o jeden z
najvznamnejch poinov povojnovho Talianska. Vrch Pota dosahuje nadmorsk
vku 640 m n. m.
Nrodn park pohoria Aurunci zaloen v roku 1997 je chrnenou prrodnou oblasou
kraja Lazio a nachdza sa na hranici medzi okresmi Frosinone a Latina. Pohorie Aurunci,
z vekej asti sas rovnomennho Regionlneho prrodnho parku, je horskm
psmom Strednch a Junch Apenn. Vinu zemia tvor svetl vpenec, irok
kamenist svahy a such, hol boia, ojedinele pokryt krkmi a trvou. Hoci s v
sasnosti mestek Formia a Gaeta sasou okresu Latina v kraji Lazio, v minulosti
patrili zhruba tisc rokov pod Neapolsk krovstvo. Pri Landolfiho opise nm v zpt
zde na um, e sa narodil do jednej z najstarch a najvenejch rodn v kraji. Prbuzn
z otcovej strany mali oddvna vemi blzky vzah k vladrom na neapolskom trne.
Akvadukt Aurunci je po technickej strnke povaovan za jeden z najvznamnejch
vodrenskch komplexov postavench v danom obdob v Eurpe a vznikol pod ztitou
Organizcie pre rekontrukciu Cassinata (E.RI.CAS.), ako sa uvdza v programe
niekdajieho Ministerstva verejnch prc. Zsobovanie junch oblast vodou sa stalo,
za zmerom spoloenskho a ekonomickho vyuvania a rozvoja juhu Talianska,
jednm z hlavnch cieov vldnych investci. Prce zaali v septembri v roku 1951 a
stavba bola dokonen v priebehu troch rokov vaka podpore ttu a Fondu pre jun
Taliansko. Celkov nklady predstavovali 6 milird lr.
54 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
... Mali by ste prs pookria zaal vtedy priate do lona nho vidieka. No nemyslite
na nejak mal melancholick mesteko (...) predstavte si skr mal dedinku, osadu
straten v horch. V dobch, kedy sa odohral prbeh, ktor vm budem rozprva, som
tam il a navye (dodal s smevom) som sa tam narodil. (...)
Zbierka La spada bola najprv publikovan v jednom zvzku s Landolfiho zbierkou Il Mar
delle Blatte e altre storie, Firenze: Vallecchi, 1942, 1944, potom v Racconti, Firenze:
Vallecchi, 1961, a napokon v Opere I., Milano: Rizzoli, 1976, s. 279-356. Obsahuje
poviedky: La tenia mistica, La spada, Il babbo di Kafka, Lettera di un romantico sul gioco,
La notte provinciale, Il ladro, La paura, Il matrimonio segreto, Una cronaca brigantesca,
Da: La melotecnica esposta al popolo, Nuove rivelazioni della psiche umana. Luomo
di Mannheim, Voltaluna, Colpo di sole, Il fuoco, Il racconto della piattola. Tieto poviedky
sa najviac pribliuj Landolfiho tematikm strachu a stle sa zavrhujceho
metafyzickho okzlenia, ktor sa vak opakovane vynra s obsesnm znepokojenm; a
to priahuje i odpudzuje svojou krutosou prvho Landolfiho (diela z rokov 1937 1947).
Zbierka La spada je teda tematicky vemi zloit a heterognna a v kadej poviedke
meme njs rezistenciu voi poniujcej a prehnanej banalite ivota (Mesrov,
2011, s. 47).
55 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
(...), ili na prvom poschod, v malom byte pozostvajcom z niekokch tesnch izieb
Landolfi je ironick u v nzve poviedky. Slovo zittelle mono preloi ako nevydat
eny (star dievky), no zrove ako mliace, ni nehovoriace, bez slov: ide o ostr, a
sarkastick kritiku udskej malichernosti. Poviedku napsal v roku 1943, nsledne
vychdzala na pokraovanie v iestich slach asopisu Il Mondo v roku 1945, no
knine bola vydan a vydavatestvom Bompiani v roku 1946. Samotn autor ju neskr
nazval svojou najlepou poviedkou. Prv dve kapitoly prbehu popisuj monotnny
ivot dvoch sestier ijcich so svojou starou matkou za mrmi pochmrneho edho
bytu, no tento pokojn, kadodenn ivot sa zahka men na nieo in. Kvli svojej opici
menom Tombo sa sestry ocitn uprostred neprjemnej prhody: zd sa, e v noci toto
zviera (po tom ako otvor klietku a zbav sa reaz) navtevuje blzky kltor a
napodobujc liturgick obrad si pochutnva na posvtnch hostich a npoji, m sa
dopa svtokrdee. Dilemou zostva otzka, ako potresta opicu a dochdza k stretu
nzorov dvoch cirkevnch hodnostrov liacich sa vekom, postavenm i nzormi:
Monsignora Tostiniho a otca Alessia. Nasleduje proces o vine i nevine zvieraa a
rozsudok smrti: sestry zabij Tomba ihlicou, kov postavu poviedky, zhadn
stvorenie, milovan zvieratko (dar od brata), vloia telo do pozinkovanej debniky,
sliacej na umiestnenie telesnch pozostatkov kresanov a pochovaj ho v roku
zhrady. Poviedku itate vnma ako teologick a morlne pojednvanie o hlavnch a
vekch problmoch, objavujcich sa vo svetovej literatre. Otec Alessio je akmsi
Dostojevskho Idiotom, ktor poukazuje na myln zdanie, odhauje absoltnu pravdu,
inmi neakceptovaten. Tombo doplca na svoju prirodzenos, na to, e nem rovnak
morlne princpy ako sestry a nsledky s extrmne:
Tombo je postavou bez slov, mtcou, o autor vyuva ako nhradn taktiku pre
vyjadrenie ticha, mlania a jeho prtomnos si vyaduje rozltenie. V poviedke narast
obaloba nedostatku cty, i repektu voi inakosti, rozdielnosti. Ako uvdza Mesrov
(2013, s. 53), v Landolfiho diele figuruje dvojzmyselnos ako zakladajca logika
samotnho rozprvania, a to sa tak naplno prejavuje ako vhajce. Autorovo psanie,
hoci pre dnenho itatea dnes azda prli archaick, neme nepriahova.
Literrny turista me alej pokraova na mal nmestie Largo San Rocco a Largo
Carbonari po ulikch, ktor poeticky opisuje Landolfiho sasnk, Eugenio Montale
(1896 1981), taliansky bsnik, novinr a spisovate, nosite Nobelovej ceny za
literatru (1975) v bsni Elgia na Pico Farnese (Elegia di Pico Farnese, 1939):
Cesty a schody stpaj v tvare pyramdy, hlbok zrezy,
56 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
Elgia je sasou zbierky pdesiatich bsn, napsanch v rozpt rokov 1928 a 1939 a
publikovanch pod nzvom Prleitosti (Occasioni, 1939). Nzov uvedenej zbierky sa odvolva
na zzran okamihy, aksi prleitosti, momenty chvkovho precitnutia. Tento motv sa v
Montaleho pozii objavuje opakovane ako vytrhnutie z mal di vivere a nahliadnutie do
transcendentnej sfry: Prleitosti s teda osudov okamihy existencie, ke v jedinom
zblesku je mon vytui in realitu, alebo jej in usporiadanie, je mon pochopi zmysel,
nepredvdan a nepredvdaten vzah. (Zampa, 1984, s. XXXVII).
Ako sme sa poksili znzorni, literrna sksenos sa stva pre loveka zvltnym, jedinenm
momentom, ktor akoby patril iba jemu samotnmu, lebo je vsostne osobn v dobe, kedy je
trendom prve zverova sa so svojimi zitkami na socilnych sieach a ustri si skromie sa
stva takmer nemonm. Poetick zobrazenie miest v originlnom jazyku i v prekladoch
pozie i przy, m podmaniv silu a vyvolva tak psobiv spomienky a dojmy, ktor v
kninom turistickom sprievodcovi, psanom opisnm a informanm postupom, rozhodne
nenjdeme. Literrne parky umouj bliie spozna autorov udsk rozmer, jeho siln i slab
strnky, m sa autor k itateovi pribliuje a ten sa stva jeho partnerom. Literatra sa
zrove men na dodaton prostriedok ochrany krajiny, miesta inpircie, kee spisovate
interpretuje zemie ako celok, spolu so svojimi prrodnmi, historickmi, umeleckmi i
kultrnymi zdrojmi z minulosti i zo sasnosti.
Sme toho nzoru, e literrny cestovn ruch ako sas kultrno-poznvacej formy
cestovnho ruchu predstavuje rozvjajcu sa formu turizmu, ktor bude stle viac priahova
pecifick skupiny turistov. Na tto situciu by mali zareagova aj tudijn programy
zameran na cudzie jazyky a kultry. Ako sme u v vode naznaili absolvent tudijnho
odboru prekladatestvo a tlmonctvo by mal by pripraven aplikova jazykovedn a
literrnovedn poznatky pri rozmanitch aktivitch vo sfre vzdelvania, umenia a kultry.
Sasou toho je aj schopnos sprostredkova bohatstvo talianskych literrnych tradci
slovenskmu turistovi, ale v neposlednej miere aj pribli slovensk kultrne dedistvo
v podobe literrnych pamiatok cudzincom. Predpokladom pre spen tlmoncku prcu v
literrnych parkoch je bezpochyby nielen znalos cudzieho jazyka, no i vedomosti tkajce sa
literrnej vedy terie, kritiky a dejn literatry.
57 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
Referencie a citcie
(1) AGORNI, M. 2012. Prospettive linguistiche e traduttologiche negli studi sul turismo.
Milano, Franco Angeli, 2012.
(2) ALMAGI, R. 1931. Enciclopedia italiana, vol. X. Roma, 1931.
(3) BARILARO, C. 2004. I Parchi Letterari in Sicilia. Un progetto culturale per la valorizzazione
del territorio. Catanzaro, Rubbettino Editore, 2004, p. 264.
(4) CURUZ, M. B. 2012. Un nuovo modo di produrre cultura per il turismo: "musei parlanti" e
comunicazione. In: AA.VV: Comunicare la citt. Turismo culturale e comunicazione: il caso di
Brescia. Milano, Franco Angeli, 2012, pp. 77 92.
(5) FILIPPI, P. M. 2012. "Perch al turista dovrebbe interessare la letteratura?" In: AGORNI, M.
(a cura di): Prospettive linguistiche e traduttologiche negli studi sul turismo. Milano, Franco
Angeli, 2012, pp. 101 113.
(6) GIBELLINI, P. 2012. "Brescia illetterata? Gli scrittori e limmagine della citt". In: AA.VV:
Comunicare la citt. Turismo culturale e comunicazione: il caso di Brescia. Milano, Franco
Angeli, 2012, pp. 67 76.
(7) LANDOLFI, T. 1960. Se non la realt (raccolta di articoli precedentemente apparsi su "Il
Mondo" e altre riviste). Firenze, Vallecchi, 1960; Milano, Adelphi, 2003.
(8) LANDOLFI, T. 1992. Le due zitelle. Milano, Adelphi, 1992.
(9) LANDOLFI, T. 2001. Le pi belle pagine scelte da Italo Calvino. Milano, Adelphi, 2001.
(10) LENOVSK, L. 2008. "Cestovn ruch ako kulturologick fenomn". In: Kontexty kultry a
turizmu. Nitra: Katedra manamentu kultry a turizmu FF UKF, 2008.
(11) LORENZO, A. S. 2005. Spirito rotariano e impegno associativo nel Lazio meridionale: i
Rotary Club di Frosinone, Cassino e Fiuggi, 1959-2005. Cassino, Universit degli Studi di
Cassino, 2005.
(12) MESROV, E. 2011. "Surrelna atmosfra a literrna invencia v Landolfiho zbierke La
Spada". In: a trimestrial European scientific Language review. . 4 (2011), Nitra,
Vzdelvanie Don Bosca, 2011, s. 45-50.
(13) MESROV, E. 2013. Protichodn trukturlne prvky a prvky fantastiky v diele Tommasa
Landolfiho. In: Nov filologick revue : asopis o sasnej lingvistike, literrnej vede,
translatolgii a kulturolgii. - ISSN 1338-0583. - Ro. 5, . 2 (december 2013), s. 45-54. Bansk
Bystrica : Univerzita Mateja Bela, 2013.
(14) MESROV, E. 2014. "Tommaso Landolfi". In: KOPRDA, P.: Talianska literatra 8b :
dvadsiate storoie za faizmu. Nitra, Univerzita Kontantna Filozofa, 2014, s. 195 211.
(15) MONTALE, E. 1984. Tutte le poesie. Milano, Mondadori, 1984, 1248 p.
(16) MONTALE, E. 1996. Le Occasioni (1928-39). Con Commento Critico Di D. Isella. Torino,
Einaudi, 1996.
E IL 1953 [Cit. 10.12. 2015]. Dostupn na internete:
58 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
(18) ZAMPA, G. 1984. "Introduzione". In: MONTALE, E.: Tutte le poesie. Milano: Mondadori,
59 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
Emphasis of this article was put on derivation of theoretical equations by M. Wickens using
principle of general dynamic approach in economy and their application when evaluating
sustainability of current account balance of Slovak Republic. Main advantage of dynamic
modelling is that it takes into consideration rate of growth of GDP which is better than
expression in absolute form (nominal monetary surplus or deficit) or relative form (ratio of
current account to product). Needed data for model construction were current account
balance, nominal product, rate of growth of GDP, inflation and net asset holding. In article
was used Monetary Money Fund prediction of macroeconomic data for Slovak Republic in
period 2016 to 2020 needed for formulations of assumptions of sustainability of current
account for given period. For expression of sustainability was established CAS index, which is
quantified measure of sustainability of balance of current account. As a result based on
predicted data of IMF current account balance of Slovak Republic is sustainable for period
2016-2020. It is consequence of relatively high and stable predicted rate of growth of GDP,
predicted surplus of current accoung since 2016, increase of relative ratio of current account
to GDP since 2018 and improvement of net asset position. CAS index was compoared with
other chosen european countries. Slovak Republic CAS index was better than most of studied
countries with the most significant positive trend up to 2020.
Key words
Katedra mikroekonmie, Vysok kola ekonomick v Prahe, Nm. W. Churchilla 1938/4
130 67 Praha 3,
60 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
produkt, tempo rastu produktu, inflcia a ist pozcia drania aktv. V prci boli pouit
z databzy Medzinrodnho menovho fondu predikovan makroekonomick dta pre
Slovensk republiku pre obdobie 2016 a 2020 nutn pre formulovanie predpokladov
udratenosti benho tu v danom obdob. Pre vyjadrenie stupa udratenosti bol zaveden
CAS index, ktor je kvantifikovanm mertkom udratenosti bilancie benho tu. V princpe
je mon kontatova dlhodob udratenos bilancie benho tu Slovenskej republiky pre
sledovan obdobie. To je dsledkom relatvne vysokho a stabilnho predikovanho tempa
rastu HDP, predikovanho prebytku benho tu od roku 2016, zvyovanie relatvneho
podielu prebytku bilancie benho tu na HDP od roku 2018 a zlepenie istej pozcie drania
aktv. Vvoj CAS indexu Slovenska bol porovnan s vybranmi eurpskymi krajinami. Slovensk
republika sa jav ako lep priemer s predikovanm vraznm zlepovanm CAS indexu smerom
k roku 2020, ktor je najvraznejie spomedzi vetkch pozorovanch krajn.
Kov slov
Ben et platobnej bilancie predstavuje shrn vetkch ekonomickch transakci medzi
rezidentmi a nerezidentmi Slovenskej republiky a teda otvorenos ekonomiky voi zvyku
sveta (Durkov, 2003). K jeho zlokm patr obchod tovarov (obchodn bilancia vrtane
spotrebnch tovarov, tovarov urench k spracovaniu aj.), obchod so slubami (prepravn
sluby poskytovan rezidentmi Slovenskej republike nerezidentom alebo naopak, pohyb
tovarov aj.), vnosy (odmeny zamestnancov zaplaten nerezidentnm pracovnkom alebo
zskan od nerezidentnch zamestnvateov a prjmy z kapitlovho majetku plynce zo
zahraninch finannch aktv a pasv), ben prevody (zahruj ben vldne prevody, platby
bench dan z prjmu a majetku a in platby). Z hadiska platobnej bilancie je dleit tie
finann et, ktor objasuje financovanie benho tu. Platobn bilancia obsahuje dovoz
a vvoz. Zporn bilancia (deficit) naznauje, e krajina pri transakcich s inmi krajinami viac
utrca ne zarba. Kladn hodnota benho tu (prebytok) sa vo veobecnosti povauje za
pozitvny jav pre domcu menu, pretoe odra situciu, kedy kapitl pritek do Slovenskej
republiky, o me by spsoben naprklad rastcim obchodnm zujmom o krajinu zo
strany zahraninch investorov. Na druhej strane zporn hodnota (deficit) odra situciu,
kedy zo Slovenskej republiky odtek viac kapitlu, ne do nej pritek. To spsobuje odliv
zahraninho kapitlu zo Slovenskej republiky. Deficit benho tu platobnej bilancie mus
by financovan prlivom investci alebo poklesom devzovch rezerv. Ten potom znamen
tlak na oslabenie meny. Analza udratenosti benho tu je preto kov z hadiska
dlhodobho smerovania ekonomickho vvoja.
61 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
Cieom tejto prce je odvodi vhodn postup pre vyhodnotenie udratenosti bilancie
benho tu a aplikova ho na konkrtnom prklade Slovenskej republiky v rokoch 2016-
2020 a alej porovna zskan vsledky s vybranmi krajinami, navrhn prpadn
odporania pre zlepenie.
Obchodn bilancia- vetky obchody s tovarmi a slubami , t.j. vvozy a dovozy fyzickch
tovarov, ktor preli cez hranice ttu teda hmotn toky bez ohadu na to, i vo
vykazovanom obdob nasledovala prslun platba alebo nie.
Bilancia sluieb- medzinrodn dopravn poplatky, poplatky za poskytnutie, poplatky
za profesionlne sluby.
Bilancia vnosov- na strane aktv eviduj prjmy z domceho kapitlu investovanho v
zahrani , ale aj prjmy rezidentov zo zamestnania v cudzine. Na strane pasv vdaje
spojen so zahraninmi investciami v domcej ekonomike.
Bilancia transferovch platieb- transakcie, pre ktor je charakteristick, e neved k
vzniku zahraninch pohadvok alebo zvzkov krajiny,
62 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
63 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
CAt PtT S t PtT * xtm Rt* S t Bt* Rt BtF S t Bt*1 BtF1 (1)
xt .............. export
xtm .............. import
Bt* .............. domce dranie zahraninch aktv vyjadren v zahraninej mene
BtF ............. zahranin dranie domcich aktv vyjadren v domcej mene
PtT ............. cenov hladina exportov vyjadren v domcej mene
PtT* .............. cenov hladina importov vyjadren v zahraninej mene
St .............. nominlny efektvny menn kurz
Rt ...............domca rokov miera
Rt* .............. zahranin rokov miera
Ft .............. ist pozcia aktv
CAt .............. nominlne vyjadren ben et v domcej mene
Finann aktva zahruj ako podielov tak aj vldne dlhopisy, priom podiely maj odlin
nvratnos kvli vyej rizikovej prmii. Pre jednoduchos je mon tento rozdiel zanedba a
tie vetky nsledky, ktor by z neho mohli plyn.
Niie uveden rovnica (2) je vyjadrenie rovnovhy platobnej bilancie ako proporcia
nominlneho HDP prostrednctvom delenia nominlneho HDP PtYt, kde Pt je veobecn
cenov hladina a yt je relne HDP, priom plat
S t Pt T * S t Pt * BtF Bt* F
, Q T
t , bt
, bt
, f t t Qt bt* btF (3)
Pt Pt Pt Pt Pt
64 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
t f (1 t 1 )(1 t 1 ) f t 1
(1 Rt* ) t (4)
t yt 1 st 1 t 1
Analza udratenosti platobnej bilancie zle na tom, i je rovnica (5) stabiln alebo
nestabiln diferencilna rovnica (Bergin, 2000). Predpokladajme, e nekryt rokov parita
plat a e t , t , Rt* , st s kontanty a nadobdaj hodnt t , t , Rt* , st 0 Potom plat, e
R=R* a rovnica (6) sa men na:
Preto analza zle na tom, i (1 )(1 ) je vie alebo menie ako 1+R*. V prpade
nekrytej rokovej parity to je pribline ekvivalentn porovnaniu, i je vie ako R.
V prvom prpade sa predpoklad, e R a (6) je stabiln diferencilna rovnica, ktor
je rieen sptne. Nestabiln prpad, kde R riei rovnicu dopredu. Ak je ft<0 musme
definova, i je sekvencia oakvanch budcich obchodnch prebytkov a deficitov
postaujca aby zaplatila sptne ist dlhy. Ak ft>0 musme definova i sekvencia budcich
oakvanch obchodnch prebytkov alebo deficitov je postaujca na to, aby mohli by
vyuit ist zahranin aktva (Freund, 2005).
f t (1 )(1 ) f t n (1 )(1 ) P T
n i
1 n
xt i QtTi xtmi
y t 1 R
1 R
1 R
t n i 0 t i y t i
Ak m ekonomika negatvnu ist pozciu aktv (ft/yt)<0 potom je nutn aby sasn hodnota
benho a oakvanho budceho relneho obchodnho prebytku
65 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
PT xt i QtTi xtmi
t i y t i
ako proporcia produktu bola pozitvna a dostatone vysok aby zaplatila ist dlh. A ak m
ekonomika pozitvnu pozciu drania istch aktv (ft/yt>0) potom sasn hodnota benho a
budceho obchodnho deficitu mus by postaujca na to aby vybilancovala ist aktva inak
by ekonomika drala nadbyton vku aktv (Chen, 2011).
PT xt i QtTi xtmi
0 (9)
t i y t i
ft 1 PT xt QtT xtm
y t R ( )
P y
Ak inflcia bude smerova k odpovedajco vym rokovm mieram a preto definujc relnu
rokov mieru R kontant, meme ignorova inflan efekt (Modigliani, 1954).
Je zrejm, e relny ben et je relna obchodn bilancia plus ist relny zisk z rokov a
preto dostvame
CA f
( )( ) (11)
Py y
Dynamick efektvnos vyaduje, aby ekonomick agenti (domcnosti, vlda, firmy) cielili k
presnej spotrebe ich aktv. Ak ich plnovan pln traty nie je postaujci aby spotrebovali
vetky ich aktva potom s dynamicky neefektvne. Pokia nemaj dedisk motv mali by
domcnosti zvi spotrebu. Ak m ekonomika ist zahranin pozciu aktv, potom by mala
ma v dlhom obdob deficit postaujci na to, aby znila mnostvo aktv (Cuestas, 2013). Preto
66 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
by ekonomika mala zaisti, aby pre f>0 mala obchodn deficit, ktor neprekrauje av stranu
x ( P / Pt )[ R ( )] f
Qt (12)
Poda tejto rovnice dlhodob rovnovha nevyaduje ani dlhodob rovnovnu bilanciu
relneho obchodu ani benho tu. Vyie exporty, niie importy, f>0, vyie rokov miery
a nzke tempo ekonomickho rastu bude smerova k vym rovnovnym mennm relcim.
PT / P
Q QT (13)
PT* / P *
Nsledne rozdiel medzi relnym menovm kurzom a smennmi relciami existuj hlavne
vaka rozdielom v domcich a zahraninch cench exportov relatvne k veobecnej cenovej
hladine. Ak s menn relcie kontantn a plat Qt=1 potom relny menov kurz v dlhom
obdob mus splova Q ( PT / P) /( PT * / P * ) , o sa d prepsa do veobecnej rovnice:
x ( P / Pt )[ R ( )] f P / P
xm PT * / P*
Tento vsledok me by kontrastne porovnan s fundamentlnym menovm kurzom (FEER),
ktor nie je zaloen na udratenosti benho tu ale dlhodobho benho tu. FEER
vyaduje tie vyrovnan vldny rozpoet v dlhom obdob (Holmes, 2010). Analza vyie vak
ukzala, e v dlhom obdob je mon dosahova permanentn negatvnu obchodn bilanciu
ako aj deficit benho tu.
67 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
nsledne dopotan pomocn parametre -CA/Py;, -f/y; (+))*(-f/y) potrebn pre finlny
vpoet indexu CAS (Current Account Sustainability) na zklade ktorho sa dalo rozhodn, i
je mon povaova bilanciu benho tu v danom roku za dlhodobo udraten alebo nie.
Index bol vypotan ako rozdiel -CA/Py a (+))*(-f/y) priom plat, m niia je vsledn
hodnota tohto rozdielu, tm lepie. Pri hodnotch nich ako nula je mon povaova
bilanciu benho tu za dlhodobo udraten, pri hodnotch vych ako nula za dlhodobo
neudraten, o bolo uveden v tabuke ako celkov zhodnotenie. Nsledne bol CAS index
zanesen do grafu pre vizualizciu trendu vvoja v danch rokoch. Praktick interpretciu a
vhodu dynamickho modelovania vidm predovetkm v zohadnen tempa rastu HDP
(Romer, 2006). Vo veobecnosti sa d bilancia benho tu vyjadri v absoltnej hodnote a
peanch jednotkch. Priom poda absoltnej vky, prpadne znamienka sa d usdi na
deficit alebo prebytok a jeho celkov hodnotu. Tento daj vak ni nevypoved napr. o
vekosti ekonomiky, kde to ist absoltne vyjadrenie me by pre jednu ekonomiku vemi
nzke (v prpade vekej ekonomiky ako USA) a naopak vemi vysok pre ekonomiku in (mal
ekonomiku ako je napr. R). Preto je lepie relatvne vyjadrenie pomerovo napr. k HDP, ktor
u lepie vyjadruje, i je prpadn deficit alebo prebytok benho tu vek alebo mal pre
dan ekonomiku. Viac menej ani toto vyjadrenie nie je idelne z hadiska dlhodobho
posdenia na udratenos, nakoko je statick (Barro, 2004). Dynamick modely umouj
zohadni tempo rastu HDP, o me ma nasledovn interpretan hodnotu. Ak je bilancia
benho tu deficitn, ale celkov produkt v ekonomike rastie dostatone rchlo, je mon
aby sa celkov relatvny podiel deficitu benho tu na HDP znioval a teda tento stav bol z
dlhodobho hadiska udraten (Apergis, 2010).
68 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
zvyujci sa nominlny produkt v danom obdob od 86, 198 mld. USD v roku 2015 a
po 115,111 mld. USD v roku 2020
od roku 2018 zvyovanie relatvneho podielu prebytku bilancie benho tu na HDP
relatvne stabiln predikovan tempo rastu HDP na rovni od 3,16 % a po 3,63 %
relatvne stabiln a mierne sa zvyujca inflcia s predikovanmi hodnotami od 0,06
% a po 2 %
zlepenie istej pozcie drania aktv od negatvnej hodnoty -0,027 mld. K v roku
2015 a po 0,855 mld. K v roku 2020
celkov zniovanie hodnoty CAS indexu a teda zlepenie vvoja predikovanej
dlhodobo udraten bilanciu benho tu
Obrzok 1, Vvoj CAS indexu v SR v obdob 2016-2020
CAS index
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Z grafu na obrzku 1 je zrejm klesajci trend vvoja indexu CAS (Current Account
Sustainability) o sved o pozitvnej perspektve udratenosti bilancie benho tu v danom
obdob. Rovnako tak je zrejm, e vetky hodnoty CAS indexu s menie ako nula a teda pre
kad rok je mon povaova bilanciu benho tu za dlhodobo udraten.
V tabuke 2 je pre porovnanie zobrazen vvoj CAS indexu vybranch eurpskych krajn v
obdob 2016-2020. Op bola pouit makroekonomick predikcia Medzinrodnho
menovho fondu a pri kontrukcii indexu dynamick modelovanie. Z dt v tabuke je zrejm,
e s vnimkou Grcka a eskej republiky od roku 2020 je predikovan bilancia bench tov
69 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
V grafe na obrzku 2 je pre lepiu vizualizciu zobrazen vvoj CAS indexu vybranch krajn.
Pripomeniem, e m je hodnota indexu niia, tm lepie. Je zrejm, e z hadiska
udratenosti je na tom najlepie Nemecko, nasledovan Luxemburskom. Naopak najhorie
panielsko a esk republika. Slovensk republika sa jav ako lep priemer s predikovanm
vraznm zlepovanm smerom k roku 2020. To indikuje vrazn stabilitu a naznauje prliv
alch investci, kde bilancia benho tu je kritickm ukazovateom pri vstupe investorov
na trh danej krajiny.
Obrzok 2, Vvoj CAS indexu vybranch krajn v obdob 2016-2020
70 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
Baharumshah a Lau uvdzaj vo svojej prci pri analze udratelnosti benho tu 4 krajn
ASEANU v rokoch 1961- 1999 a pouit medziasovch modelov, e deficity bench tov
neboli v dlhom obdob stle (Baharumshah, Lau 2003). To vedie k zveru, e ben ty tchto
krajn boli neudraten a ani sa nepohybovali smerom k externej rovnovhe, o je v rozpore
s Wickensovm modelom. Naviac permanentn deficit benho tu je mon povaova ako
indiktor finannej krze. V prpade Malajzie Lau a Baharumshah uvdzaj, e toky kapitlu z a
do tejto krajiny maj spolon stochastick trend do roku 1997 (zijskej krze) zatia o
v pokrzovom obdob s prebytky benho tu na neudratenej rovni (Lau, Baharummshah
2003). Dleit zistenie je prve v zdraznen importov (hlavne okamitch vstupov)
v exportoch. Pre ekonomiku, ktor je z hadiska svojho rastu zvisl na exportoch s importy
dleit v obnovovan externej rovnovhy vedcej k udratenmu stabilnmu vvoju. To
bolo zrejm pri znehodnoten meny, ktor viedla k poklesu importu, o v prpade ekonomiky,
ktor je silne zvisl na importovanom kapitle znamen spomalenie ekonomickho rastu.
Moore a Holder pri svojej analze udratenosti deficitu benho tu Barbadosu v rokoch
1960 az 2006 uvdzaj, e poda medziasovch modelov je ben et Barbadosu udraten
a devicie od dlhodobej rovnovhy medzi relnymi exportami a importami s upravovan
v krtkom obdob s importami, ktor sa prispsobuj (Holder, Moore 2011).
Ghosh a Ostry uvdzaj, e poda terie vyrovnavania spotreby, vysok stupe kapitlovej
mobility implikuje, e agenti s plne schopn prispsobi spotrebu zsobm (Ghosh, Ostry
1995). Tento lnok testuje, i ben et v rozvinutch krajinch funguje ako buffer pre
vyhladzovanie spotreby v okoch nrodnho cash flow, ktor je definovan ako produkt bez
investci a vldnych vdajov. Pre vinu z 45 krajn je zrejm, e teria vyhladzovania
spotreby sa ned vyli, nakoko kapitlov mobilita me by v tchto krajinch dos vysok.
71 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
Pre analzu boli v prci pouit z databzy Medzinrodnho menovho fondu predikovan
makroekonomick dta pre Slovensku republiku pre obdobie 2015 a 2020 nutn pre
kontrukciu modelu. Potrebn dta boli bilancia benho tu (CA), nominlne HDP (Py), rast
HDP (), inflcia () a ist pozcia drania aktv (f). Z nich boli nsledne dopotan pomocn
parametre -CA/Py;, -f/y; (+))*(-f/y) potrebn pre finlny vpoet indexu CAS (Current
Account Sustainability).
Zaveden index CAS (Current Account Sustainability) je absoltnym mert kom udratenosti
bilancie benho tu a vo svojej podstate je kvantifikovanm vyjadrenm. Umouje teda
porovna dlhodob udratenos bilancie benho tu medzi jednotlivmi krajinami,
hospodrskymi cyklami, i volebnmi obdobiami a vypoveda tak o retrospektve alebo
perspektve smerovania ekonomiky. Bol vypotan ako rozdiel -CA/Py a (+))*(-f/y) priom
plat, e m niia je vsledn hodnota tohto rozdielu, tm lepie. Pri hodnotch nich ako
nula je mon povaova bilanciu benho tu za dlhodobo udraten, pri hodnotch
vych ako nula za dlhodobo neudraten. Praktick vhoda dynamickho modelovania je
predovetkm v zohadnen dynamiky tempa rastu HDP, ktor je zrejme lepm spsobom ako
statick vyjadrenie v absoltnej (vka prebytku i deficitu v peniazoch) alebo relatvnej forme
(pomerovo k produktu).
Vvoj CAS indexu Slovenska bol porovnan s vybranmi eurpskymi krajinami. Z vvoja je
zrejm, e s vnimkou Grcka a eskej republiky od roku 2020 je predikovan bilancia bench
tov pre vinu krajn udraten. Z hadiska udratenosti je na tom najlepie Nemecko,
nasledovan Luxemburskom. Naopak najhorie panielsko, Grcko a esk republika.
Slovensk republika sa jav ako lep priemer s predikovanm vraznm zlepovanm CAS
indexu smerom k roku 2020, ktor je najvraznejie spomedzi vetkch pozorovanch krajn.
72 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
fiklnej politiky. Priom ben et by sa dal ako parameter analogicky prirovna v modeli
k celkovmu dlhu a ist dranie aktv k deficitu. Ostatn premenn ako inflcia, HDP a tempo
rastu produktu sa rovnako tak nachdzaj v obidvoch modeloch. Je teda zaujmav sledova
psobenie analogickch fenomnov a princpov v ekonmii v oblastiach, ktor so sebou
zdanlivo nesvisia.
Z hadiska parametrov ovplyujcich vstup dynamickho modelu je mon dosiahnu
pozitvny vsledok udratenosti benho tu znenm inflcie, zvenm tempa rastu HDP,
zvyovanm prebytku benho ctu, zvyovanim relatvneho podielu prebytku bilancie
benho tu na HDP a zlepovanim istej pozcie drania aktv. To je mon dosiahnu
konrtnymi fiklnymi opatreniami vldy ale aj sprvnou monetrnou politikou ako napr.
stanovenm sprvneho inflanho ciea, rokovej miery podporujcej rast HDP, podporou
domcich podnikateskch subjektov, vytvranm investinch prleitost i pro- exportne
ladenou politikou.
Je nutn vak doda, e aplikcia Wickensovho modelu a z neho plynce zvery s aj v tomto
prpade postaven na predikovanch dtach Medzinrodnho menovho fondu. Predikcia
me by teda zmerne pozitvna, nakoko v ekonmii je znmy princp oakvania
ekonomickch subjektov o budcom stave sveta a premietnutie reakcie budceho oakvania
do sasnho chovania.
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75 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
The contribution deals with comparison of gender differences in the level of coaching in every
day practice manager. The study aims to determine the perceived level of coaching among
University students of Management. The research sample consisted of 110 respondents, 55
women and 212 men aged from 19 to 24 years (with an average age of 20.69 and a standard
deviation of 0.921), who are students of Management. The research data were obtained
through a methods, that detects views on coaching and contains 20 items (Birknerov,
Frankovsk, Zbihlejov, 2015).
Kov slov
JEL Classification
Katedra manarskej psycholgie, Fakuta manamentu, Preovsk univerzita v Preove, Kontantnova 16, 080
01, Preov,
76 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
I. Kouing v manamente
77 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
78 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
Ukky poloiek:
Vedomosti z oblasti kouingu umouj pochopi sprvanie ud.
Kouing patr medzi zkladn metdy rozvoja manarskych kompetenci.
Vaka zskavaniu vedomost v oblasti kouingu doke manar lepie motivova ud.
Ako sme uviedli, cieom vskumu bolo zisti, i existuj tatisticky vznamn rodov rozdiely
vo vnman rovne kouingu a nzormi tudentov manamentu na kouing. Prostrednctvom
Mann-Whitneyho U-testu sme zisovali tatistick vznamnos rodovch rozdielov medzi
tudentmi a tudentkami Fakulty manamentu v posudzovan kouingu (tabuka 1).
79 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
V. Diskusia
80 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
Referencie a citcie
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Feldman, D. C., Lankau, M. J. (2005). Executive coaching: A review and agenda for future
research. Journal of Management, 31, 829-848.
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Bratislava: Vydavatestvo Univerzita Komenskho.
Kombarakaran, F. A., Yang, J. A., Baker, M. N. et al. (2008). Executive coaching: Itworks!
Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 60, 78-90.
Parma, P. (2006). Umn kouovat. Praha: Alfa Publishing.
Rutherford, S. (2011). Womens Work, Mens Cultures: Overcoming Resistance and Changing
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Stacke, . (2005). Kouovn pro manary a firemn tmy. Praha: GradaPublishing.
Such, J., Nhlovsk, P. (2007). Kouovn v manarske praxi. Kl k pozitvnm zmnm a
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Wasylyshyn, K. M., Gronsky, B., Haas, W. (2006). Tigers, stripes, and behavior change: Survey
results of a commissioned coaching program. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and
Research, 58, 65-81.
Whitmore, J. (2011). Kouovn. 3. vydn. Praha: Management Press.
WIlson, E. (2001). Organizational Behaviour Reassessed: The Impact of Gender. London: Sage
82 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
The paper presents the results of a partial analysis of the qualitative research project. This
project explore the transition from pre-primary to primary education. This study The research
in the area of the compulsory school attendance postponement is motivated by the main
research question "What is the reason for the postponement of the compulsory school
attendance in almost a quarter of the children in the Czech Republic?. This paper presents
answers to the partial research questions, namely: "What are the reasons for the
postponement of the compulsory school attendance on the part of the parents? "and " What
is the relationship between the formal reasons for the postponement of the compulsory school
attendance (i.e. professional expressions) and the reasons on the part of the parents? "
The data for this multiple case study has been obtained via seven in-depth semi-structured
interviews carried out with respondents from different regions of the country and with
different socio-economic status.
The results obtained show that the conditions, which affect the decision-making process of the
postponement of compulsory school attendance, widely exceed the area of school readiness
of the children. In the context of the socioeconomic status of the families, they show a wide
range of aspects and issues taken into account which further lead to the decision of the
postponement or of the beginning of compulsory school attendance.
stav vzkumu a rozvoje vzdlvn, Pedagogick fakulta, Univerzita Karlova, Myslkova 7, 110 00 Praha 1,
83 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
Klov slova
pechod mezi vzdlvacmi stupni, odklad povinn koln dochzky, rozhodovn, koln zralost
Kd klasifikace I240
I. vod
Evropsk zem, u kterch se podailo daj o odkladu PD zskat
84 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
Ze souasnch vzkum odklad povinn koln dochzky je mon zmnit vzkum E. melov
zabvajc se pedevm oblast koln zralosti a pipravenosti dtte, kter zkoum vsledky
dt na zklad nkolika test koln zralosti a porovnv spnost dt s odkladem a bez
odkladu povinn koln dochzky (PD) (melov et al., 2012). Tento vzkum nen zamen na
rozhodovac proces rodi, ale spe na dosaen koln zralosti a pipravenosti jednotlivch
dt. E. melov na celkovm vzorku 931 dt z esk republiky20 pedkld teorii o pozitivnm
vlivu odkladu na koln zralost a pipravenost, co dokld lepmi vsledky starch dt.
Nicmn u tohoto tvrzen je nutn vzt v potaz i to, e nen k dispozici srovnvac testovn
z pedchozho roku, kdy byl tmto dtem teprve odklad udlen, tud nen mon s jistotou
Ve vcarsku je povinn vzdlvn v pedkolnm zazen od ty let vku, ale daj uveden v tabulce uvd
procento dt, kter zstvaj v pedkolnm zazen ve vku vym ne est let
Vzorek eskch dt byl doplnn a porovnn se vzorkem 239 slovenskch dt a dle 127 dt ze Slovinska a
82 dt z Polska
85 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
tvrdit, e bylo udlen odkladu efektivn. Na data zskan u dt s odkladem bylo nahleno
pouze z hlediska odloen nebo neodloen povinn koln dochzky a nikoli s ohledem na
dal vlivy, kter mohly zapinit ni spnost dt u realizovanch test. Nebylo zkoumno,
zda napklad u dt s odkladem povinn koln dochzky pevauj dti z rodin s nim
vzdlnm nebo zda hor vsledky u nkterch odkladovch dt se netkaj prv dt
z rodin s nim vzdlnm, co by byly ppadn dal hypotzy, kter by se nabzely k oven
nebo vyvrcen a v tuto chvli tedy mus zstat na rovni dohad, stejn tak jako efektivita
udlenho odkladu povinn koln dochzky u tohoto vzkumnho. Dal aktuln vzkumn
poznatky tkajc se rozhodovn rodi o zahjen povinn koln dochzky a o vbru koly,
ve kter budou plnit povinnou koln dochzku, k dispozici v tuto chvli nejsou.
II. Metodologie
Ve vslednm vzorku byli zastoupeni respondenti z rzn velkch sdel (od malch obc po
hlavn msto), rznho vzdln (od osob se zkladnm vzdlnm a po absolventy vysokch
kol) a rznho zamstnaneckho statusu (zamstnanci, osoby samostatn vdlen inn i
rodie na rodiovsk dovolen). Struktury jednotlivch rozhovor byly sice pedem rmcov
pipraveny, ale respondenti dostvali maximln prostor a volnost pro sv odpovdi.
Rozhovory byly vedeny nejastji v domcnostech, ale i v jinm vhodnm prosted jako je
nap. kavrna i zasedac mstnost. Dlka rozhovor se pohybovala mezi 15 80 minut a
s kadm respondentem byl realizovn jeden rozhovor. Zskan rozhovory byly nahrny na
diktafon, pepsny dle transkripn konvence navren A. E. Leix (2006) a anonymizovny.
Projekt . 6388/2013 Pechod mezi preprimrnm a primrnm vzdlvnm studium faktor ovlivujcch
volbu vzdlvac drhy
22 byla pouita s clem oslovit rodiny, ke kterm bychom se jinak pravdpodobn tko dostvali
inzerc v pedkolnch zazench i metodou snhov koule.
86 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
87 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
nzor ostatnch, kter ale odmtali a nejevili ochotu nad touto problematikou dle uvaovat.
Seznam respondent s uvedenm jejich vzdln, bydlit a roku narozen dtte demonstruje
tabulka 3.
Analza dat byla realizovna v programu MAXQDA 11. Data byla kdovna a roztdna do
prvotnch kategori, kter byly srovnvny mezi sebou a porovnvny s datovmi ryvky
tkajcmi se rozhodovacho proces u(nap. Mayring, 2000, Miovsk, 2006, Hendl, 2005,
vaek, edov, 2007). Nsledn byly identifikovny kategorie, kter byly seskupeny a z nich
vytvoena zkladn aspekty tkajc se rozhodovacho procesu.
Clem realizovan analzy bylo zjistit, jak aspekty ovlivuj rozhodovac proces rodi pi
zvaovn, zda m jejich dt nastoupit v termnu nebo m mt povinnou koln dochzku
odloenou. V prbhu rozhovor jsem zjiovala, nad m rodie v rmci tohoto obdob
uvauj, co zjiuj, co povauj za dleit a co vechno z jejich hlediska pichz v souvislosti
s rozhodovnm o odkladu PD v vahu. Oblast koln zralosti a pipravenosti svch dt
zmiovali, jak jsem ji uvedla ve, v rozhovorech vichni rodie, co je s ohledem na platnou
legislativu a povinnost pedloit v ppad dosti o odklad potvrzen dokldajc urit
problmy v tomto smru, pochopiteln. Nicmn tato studie nebyla zamen na ovovn
zralosti dt a tato oblast byla definovna jako jeden z aspekt ovlivujcch rozhodovac
proces. Dle jsem se zjiovala, jak dal aspekty rodie zvauj.
88 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
Logopedick problmy
Celkov nezralost
Urit labilita
Aspekt koln zralosti a pipravenosti Hravost
Petrvvajc problematick chovn
Rodie sice uvdli zdnliv objektivn dvody, o kter je mon se pi doporuen odloit
zahjen koln dochzky opt, kter ale nejsou tak zvanho charakteru, kter by dle
89 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
odbornk jasn odklad indikoval. Rodie samozejm vd, e pro odloen PD je nutn mt
objektivn dvod a proto jimi uveden daje je mon interpretovat z uritho hlediska jako
odborn alibi pro jejich vlastn rozhodnut.
Citace z rozhovoru R2: dvala jsem mu odklad koln dochzky, no, z t jeho nevyrovnanosti,
Citace z rohovoru R7: patn mluv, m jakoby vadu no vadu, nejdou mu psmenka prost
Zrove nkte respondenti (konkrtn R1, R2, R5, R6) hovoili o tom, e pro n informace
o zralosti a pipravenosti jejich dtte nejsou z hlediska rozhodovn stejn a nemaj vrazn
vliv na jejich rozhodnut nebo od odbornk nedostvaj v tomto smru jednoznan
informace, podle kterch by se mohli rozhodovat.
Citace z rozhovoru R2 kdyby mi ekli, e je zralej, tak bych ho tam stejn nedala protoe to
bylo kvli tm vem, kvli tm okolnostem, kter oni prost nemohli posoudit
Citace z rozhovoru R6: najednou mi prost ve kolce pr dn ped zpisem ekli, e je hravej a
e by mu tam jako jet jako nebylo dobe v t kole.., tak jsme navtvili tu pedagogicko-
psychologickou poradnu teda, tam, tam teda prvotn bylo, e mi ta pan doktorka nebo co to
bylo, mi ekla, e nechpe, co tam kluk dl. Tak udlal ty rzn testy, dlal i psychotesty,
vecko pln dobr, a pak to jet eila s njakou psycholokou pro jistotu, no a prost odklad
m jenom pro jistotu
U tchto respondent mnohem silnji zaznvaly aspekty zamen na zskn urit vnitn
jistoty, e nic nezanedbali i ohled na provozn zleitosti rodiny.
Rodie vyjadovali obavy z toho, e dt koln dochzku nezvldne, e je jin, e by mohli nco
zanedbat, nechtli udlat chybu (napklad jako jejich rodie) nebo tak nevdli, jak se vyznat
v rozdlnch nzorech zastnnch stran (nzory M, prbh zpisu, vyjden odbornk,
z nich nkte odklad doporuuj a jin ne), co je smovalo spe k odkladu, kter jim v tomto
smru uritou mru jistoty poskytoval.
Citace z rozhovoru R2: on je na m hrozn podobn a vm, jak jsem se ctila v tom dtstv.
Snam se teka vt do t jeho jako pozice, jak mu je, abych j nedlala mu to, co dlali mn
ti rodie, protoe j si to jako stran taky citliv pamatuju
Citace z rozhovoru R5: . Oni tam sluovali dv koly, take oni eili editele a te budou eit
i uitele, take nevd, kdo pjde do t prvn, co prv je dal volba, ke kter j jsem prv
90 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
radi ten odklad zvaovala. Kdyby dostala takovoudle uitelku, co prv j se kvli mal
bojm, tak to radi to dt nechat dovyvinout, kdy u to pak pochop a njak si s touhle
uitelkou u pak v zsad porad .te kdyby la do prvn tdy a v poradn by ji napsali tenhle
a tenhle ohled, e m uitelka brt, tak ona by ho brt nemusela, by ekli, jo, tak mla mt
odklad, e jo, kdeto kdy pak u pjde do prvn tdy s odkladem a bude njak jet stle
vada, tak u na to budou muset brt, e jo, a chtj nebo nechtj
Citace z rozhovoru R6:. jakoe pro jistotu ten odklad, tak jsem to dala. j jsem mla strach,
aby si na nj teba nezasedli, kdyby mu nco nelo, tak aby neekli, my jsme vm to kali, mla
jste mu dt odklad.
Rodie hovoili v rozhovorech o nronosti vchovy dtte, provn dtte, jeho rznch
fyzickch i psychickch problmech, snaze ulehit dtti maximln vstup do koly a umonit
mu, aby se ctilo dobe. Odklad je pro n uritou formou potvrzen toho, e nic nepodcenili a
e nikdo neme nic ct. Odklad je rovn urit podklad pro ppadn dal jednn s uiteli,
pokud by se objevil njak problm. Obvaj se, e by je uitel mohli obvinit z toho, e mli
odklad dt, takto, pokud ho daj, nikdo jim neme nic vytat a jejich dtem se automaticky
mus vnovat zven pe.
Citace z rozhovoru R1: On mi kal, e teka by mi ho vbec nevzali, e pt rok budou otevrat
dv tdy. Si nedovedu pedstavit, e by teka ml jt do koly a jet pln nkam jinam,
ne je zvyklej tak jako myslm, e by ho to hodn vykolejilo
Respondentka (R1) pot s tm, e pt rok se j poda umstit dt v mst bydlit. Pestoe
u jejho dtte nen odklad jednoznan indikovn odbornm vyetenm, vol ho a douf, e
pt rok bude moci umstit dt do zvolen koly.
Citace z rozhovoru R7: ten dostal odklad vlastn, take te pjde, protoe je vlastn jakoby
mlad, tak jde vlastn do toho pedkolnho takt. e te budou spolu i ve td ve kolce
vlastn.a pt rok pjdou spolu k zpisu..bylo by to jednodu urit, kdyby li spolu,
sice troku lituju pan uitelky, ale pro ns by to bylo urit jednodu.
Zde (R7) je mon spatit uritou snahu o zjednoduen rodinn logistiky, pokud by se podailo
ob vkov si blzk dti umstit do stejnho ronku. Pestoe by tedy star dt mohlo
nastoupit v termnu, vol rodie odklad, s tm, e pokaj, jestli se mlad dt poda umstit do
koly bez odkladu a ob dti do stejn tdy.
91 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
Zatmco aspekt zamen na zskn vt jistoty pomoc odkladu povinn koln dochzky
souvis (by nkdy okrajov) se stavem dtte, kter se rodim me jevit z njakho (by
subjektivnho) dvodu jako nedostaten pipraven na povinnou koln dochzku, tak
zmiovan oblast organizanch zleitost s vvojem dtte zcela jednoznan nesouvis
Nen mon samozejm ci, e by se tito rodie rozhodovali bez ohledu na to, jak je jejich
dt do koly zral a pipraven, nicmn z jejich rozhodovacho procesu se jako nejsilnj
aspekt jevily prv oblasti, kter souvisej spe se zsknm rodiovsk jistoty i zohledujc
provozn zleitosti rodiny. Tyto aspekty byly pot doplnny objektivn zhodnocenm
stavem dtte, kter vykazovalo ve koln zralosti a pipravenosti urit nedostatky, kter
mohou, ale tak nemusej bt dvodem k odkladu. A tato kombinace nsledn vedla rodie
k rozhodnut odloit PD.
Citace z rozhovoru R3: urit chci odklad, prost z vlastnho rozhodnut, nehled na to, e
troku drhne e, kterou teda cvime, ale i tak bych ho chtl, prost v prvn ad prodlouit
tomu dtti to bezstarostn dtstv, v druh ad m rd fotbal, chce ho hrt, vod z
nastupuje, chci aby prost zaal, u tam bude muset nco dlat, e jo, prost zaal takhle
postupn, e po nm nkdo nco chce.
Je mon ci, e z tchto dt nebylo ani jedno jednoznan odbornky indikovno k odkladu
povinn koln dochzky na zklad zvanho zdravotnho nebo vvojovho dvodu. Rovn
92 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
ani jednomu z dt nebyl jednoznan doporuen nstup do prvn tdy, s tm, e by jim
doporuen k odkladu bylo odmtnuto. Jednalo se tedy o situaci, kdy musel rodi zvaovat
urit pro a proti a na jejich zklad dojt pot k finlnmu rozhodnut, ani by se mohl opt o
opravdu jednoznan stanovisko. Je pravdpodobn, e prv v tto situaci se do poped
dostvaj dal faktory ovlivujc rozhodovac proces a majc vliv na vsledn rozhodnut.
Uvdomme-li si, e nkte rodie se rozhoduj na zklad uritch obav, kter u nich
z pechodu do prvn tdy vyvstvaj a vol odklad jako uritou jistotu a zruku, tak si meme
v zvru poloit i otzku, co toto vlastn vypovd o naem kolskm systmu, kdy nkte
rodie nedaj dt do prvn tdy s ohledem na sv obavy a nejistotu?
Reference a citace
93 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
94 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
Balancing the claims arising from the competitive roles represented by both work and family
domain assumes the perception of overload and negative feelings, which may have a
significant impact on subjective well-being and satisfaction. The aim of the present article is
to analyse the conflict perceived by employed parents and identify their coping strategies. The
current research included 45 couples, which were married or in a relationship where both, the
male and female are employed and nurturing at least one child in age between three and
twelve years. Through semi-structured interviews, there were examined the intensity of
perceived conflict, its various types and coping strategies, used to effective fulfilment of
demands arising from work and family domains and thus balancing the work/family conflict.
Identifying of coping strategies effectively used to minimize the perception of work/family
conflict is an important predictor of successful participation in both work and family domain.
JEL Classification
Classification Code: I
I. Introduction
Greenhaus and Beutell (1985, p. 77) defined work family conflict as a form of interrole
conflict in which role pressures from the work and family domains are mutually incompatible
in some respect. Work/family conflict research identified different types of antecedents;
these are usually classified into three categories (Byron, 2005; Michel et al., 2011): 1. work
factors, 2. non-work factors, 3. demographic and individual factors. The research also focuses
on the consequences of work/family conflict - an example could be psychological distress,
chronic health problems, work performance reduction, job and overall life satisfaction
decrease (Grant-Vallone, Donaldson, 2001; Schieman, Glavin, 2011; Chelariu, Stump, 2011).
Department of Psychology, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Trnava, Nm. J.Herdu 2, Trnava,
95 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
II. Method
3.1. Participants
Both parents work full-time, men reported an average of 50 hours and women 41.5 hours per
week spent in paid employment. Professions of participants are different - from low-skilled
positions (manual workers, manufacturing sector), through administrative positions (officers,
administrative staff) to highly skilled professions requiring higher education (economists,
managers, teachers), even the business sector is represented in a sample. Subjective effects
of work and family interface, and subsequently elected coping strategies therefore can
significantly reflect the characteristics of a particular job.
96 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
3.2. Methods
Data have been collected through a semi-structured interview aiming on several spheres of
family-work interface. We have measured the degree of a self-conviction of a successful
balance between work and family demands; ways of coping in relation to the work/family
conflicts chosen by employed parents.
To what extent are you convinced you can fulfil duties arising from work and family?
If you could change anything at work or in family, what would it be? What measures
at work would help you to reconcile work and family responsibilities?
What helps you cope with demands arising from work and family responsibilities?
Do you have any strategies or procedures which help you deal with a potential
What personal qualities and skills help you reconcile the work demands and family
Who in your surrounding is most helpful in reconciling your work and family duties?
III. Results
Based on a content analysis of data gained from a literal transcript of completed interviews,
we have identified significantly most perceived demands of an active participation in a work
and family roles and coping strategies. Their subjective evaluation is presented in terms of 1.
a subjective success rate, including potential problem areas; 2. preferred strategies, or
sources used to meet requirements arising from a work-family interface.
In the group of fathers, theres a prevailing belief about their good coping with demand of
work-family interface. 18 fathers think that they do their duties up to 100% and have no
doubts or minimum about their skills in this area mainly as a result of a more difficult period
or a current stress situation: I manage everything to 100%, otherwise it would be my failure.
(Estimating clerk, 33); 100%. I have doubts rarelywhen its too much pressure at work.
(Sales manager, 47). Similar ideas are found in 16 women, however, compared to men, their
responses about how well they manage situations say they do not have any other options
because of their status being an employed mother. Absolutely. What else can we do?
(Saleswoman, 36); Yes, definitely. I have to. (Secretary, 28).
97 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
Slightly more numerous (22 men, 22 women) is a group of parents who admit certain
deficiencies in role play duties and have relevant doubts, however, not as vividly, so it does
not affect their emotions in a negative way: It is not 100%, but Im trying. (Teacher, 36),
Circa 80%, Im not a superwoman, but I usually manage to reconcile all the necessities.
(Economist, 48). Feelings of insecurity are situational: I and my wife have experienced
many situations and I think we manage family and work lives relatively well. Doubts are
present only in stress situations. (Technician, 39); It is not a100%, but we are ok. Doubts
come along with our exhaustion. (Nurse, 38); and are associated mainly with the parental
role: I have no doubts at work, primarily in my own childrens upbringing, thats where Im
not absolutely sure (Teacher, 36); Im doing finebut sometimes feel worried if my son is
happy. (Officer, 30).
Last and at the same time the least numerous group of parents (5 men, 4 women) expresses
a significant pressure due to competitive role requirements; this is mainly caused by lack of
time devoted to the family and is expressed by negative emotional feelings: No, I failI must
be at work all the time, no one cares I have a family. (Businessman, 43); Hard to say. Time
is the enemy. (Businessman, 36); Its like a carousel. I do not manage things well, Im
stressed out (Teacher, 33).
The most significant problem being faced by working parents is the lack of time. Most of the
responses refer to working hours overtimes, multi-shift plants, night shifts, low flexibility
(22 men, 21 women): If only I had an eight-hour shift and my work did not exceed to my
family time (Development engineer, 39); The problem in my case is caused by afternoon
shifts. (Saleswoman, 31). Work management is problematic for most parents, many of them
would appreciate more flexible working hours or the possibility to work from home at least
several times in a month: Work processes should be rationalized and thus would people
spend less time at work would be able to work 2-3 days/month from home. (IT technician,
33). With regard to working hours, wage is often mentioned 11 men and 10 women consider
their earnings low in regard to all the job requirements.
Human relationships seem to be problematic mainly in the working environment. Six men and
five women declare tense relationships at work, specifically employers behaviour worries
them most: I miss a higher sense of responsiveness from the employers. (Welder, 34),
Relationships at my workplace are really bad. (Nurse, 33).
Employed parents participating in our study indicate relatively successful work and family
interface. Incompatibility of the role requirements resulting in more or less intense conflicts
between work and family experience most of them. Ways of dealing with the conflicts differ
98 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
(and of course, participants do not mention only one particular way, but usually more
methods considering the situation). The most common is the ability to relax (23 men, 15
women), thus breaking away from current problems and gain new strength: It is important
to find and take time to relax. Then Im a new person and have a completely different view
on problems. (Policeman, 38); Sunday relax. (Tailor, 33). This includes an active leisure time
sport, hobbies or passive relaxation. Fifteen men and nine women advise spending time
with a partner and family, or friends: go out with friends. (Supervisor, 35); evening talks
with my partner. (Operator, 37); A cup of coffee with friends. (Assistant, 48).
Thirteen men and nineteen women identify their strategy as an effort to get a potential
problem under control, eliminate significant affective sensation, gaining an overview and
choose a rational solution: Quietly think about it. (Technician, 39); I usually armour myself,
think realistically and do not solve things affectively. (Nurse, 33). The emphasis is focused on
a good planning and a good organization: I analyse the situation and look for solutions. (IT
technician, 33); I systematically do what is necessary, from the most urgent ones.
(Businessman, 36); In case of several problems, its important to find the priority and solve
them step by step.(Accountant, 36).
Fourteen men and ten women indicate a social support as an important strategy for handling
work and family requirements. It can be an instrumental or emotional support (usually both)
provided mainly by a partner and close family, also friends and colleagues at work: My
strategy is my wonderful wife, she means everything to me. She supports me. (Businessman,
36); I find the support in my husband. (Teacher, 33) Searching for a social support is a
strategy relating to the abovementioned participants often relax with their family and
friends: Turning off the phone, stag party and relax. (Businessman, 44); Drinking coffee
with a friend and talking. (Assistant, 48), relax means time spent together with the family:
Slowing down, spending more time with the family. (Kindergarten principal, 37); Relax,
family time. (Waiter, 34), problems are usually solved by partners through discussions and
planning: We try to communicate, solve things together, plan and support each other.
99 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
(Businessman, 35); Not keeping problems inside and find a common solution. (Assistant,
34). When talking about social support, women in comparison to men emphasize the
opportunity to talk associated with an emotional release, sharing feelings: A nice talk and
everyone feels better. (Saleswoman, 36).
Among the aforementioned are also other (usually short-lasting) ways of dealing with a
conflict between work and family. One of them is via alcohol and cigarettes (7 men, 5 women):
Im developing a bad habit smoking. (Doctor, 58); Having one shot of vodka. (Cook, 30).
An important part of coping strategies is the emphasis on individual characteristics that
participants perceive as essential to meet the role demands, thus evenly important are
personal beliefs regarding life values. These are discussed separately in other chapters; as
well as more detailed descriptions of social support systems which are used by employed
An optimistic approach as well as the ability to deal with stress via humor appears to be very
important (12): Perseverance and belief that everything will be fine. (Operator, 38).
Humor. Its a necessity. (Teacher, 36).
Eight men besides the responsible and caring attitude present the importance of real time
management ability: My strengths? Work organization. (Physician, 58).
Seven men consider the determination, strong will, ability to gain respect and be the authority
both - at work (especially on the basis of skills and self-confidence in their profession), and in
the family of which they take great care: I believe in myself - At work because Im good at it
and at home because everyone must obey and notice my opinions. (Engineer, 42).
100 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
In terms of good relationships that are necessary to maintain within family as well as at work,
men appreciate in themselves characteristics such as flexibility and ability to make
compromises (7), steadiness (6) and patience (4): Im tolerant, attentive, calm and serene.
(Engineer, 42).
Unlike men who present self-confidence as the key characteristic for reconciling work and
family spheres, womens statements reveal responsibility and reliability as the most
important characteristics (18) both in terms of responsibilities towards family and also
towards duties arising from work sphere: Reliability. When I say Ill do something this way,
it holds. And its always done on time. (Assistant, 30).
Almost equally is seen an emphasis on good organizational skills, clear priority setting (17)
which are largely connected to the above mentioned characteristics to meet the
requirements it is important to manage single activities well or possibly with the help of
others: I plan, think ahead, organize time and involve all members of the household if
necessary. (Sales manager, 38).
Caring and sacrificing approach and will to help is very similarly significant both in women and
men (11) and their responses identify direction of provided care mainly to the family, their
children: I care about my children so they feel finein spite of a great effort. (Elementary
teacher, 33); My strength embodies in great care love for children and people in general.
(Kindergarten principal, 37).
Nine women stated that an optimistic view and humor help: I believe everything will get
solved. (Secretary, 28); Im well-oriented and have a sense of humor. (Clerk, 25). The ability
to think positively also in tense situations is related to calm and balanced (8), patient (6) and
sometimes placid attitude: Theres no need to solve everything. Im a quiet type, not
everything must be done perfectly. (Officer, 39).
Same as men, women do not neglect the importance of tolerance and respect (6) in human
relationships both in work and family environments to which is closely related the ability to
adapt, find compromises (4), or (mainly in a work environment) place emphasis on flexibility
Compared to men, women tend to put less emphasis on self-confidence, its importance for
handling work and family roles declare 6 women: I trust myself. (Assistant, 34). Trust in
ones skills is significant not only in the work sphere, where women are convinced about their
101 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
well-done work (5): Im an expert in the area. Responsibility for the carried out work and
consistency are my strengths. (Economist, 34); but also in family where its closely related to
the overall atmosphere and relationships: Im capable of keeping the whole family solid and
functioning. (Businesswoman, 46).
Specifically only the group of women indicates empathy to be a significant skill for human
relationships, especially those in the family: In family, empathy is my strength. (Officer, 48).
There are some external sources found in a social environment which markedly participate in
coping with family and work demands. Generally, we talk about a social support provided in
the family as well as work spheres which (as mentioned in the previous chapter) 14 men and
10 women see as an important strategy for handling demands of linking both these areas.
Its specific model is primarily pictured in the childcare. While parents are at work, usually
participants parents or his/her in-laws take care of children. 11 couples said it would be very
difficult to manage childcare if their parents did not help regularly. Partners each other
support is also relevant: It is not difficult if you share the duties. My wife and I manage
everything. (Firefighter, 37).
19 men put their wives or his partner in first place who helps them most in reconciling work
and family life particularly by taking care of children: Childcare is mainly in my partners
hands. (Sales manager, 28), however, emotional support from a partner is also essential
when solving problems: My wife is the only person I look up to when having problems.
(Policeman, 38).
Women (unlike men) do not seek first aid in partners; however, we find quite substantial help
from them (14): The fact that I wanted to pursue more work, become a doctor, I have spent
less time with the family. I fully trust my husband, he spends more time with the children.
(Teacher, 39)
Not substitutable source of a social support within the family environment are parents (or in-
laws, or both sides) 22 men state they are greatly helpful especially with younger children
who need to be picked up from kindergarten or school and looked after them until their
parents return from work. This support is even more emphasized by women (29): I would
not be able to work if I did not have my parents and if I had no one to take care of the
children. (Operator, 36). In addition to a direct assistance with children from parents,
participants mention some other ways of support for example material help, common
activities, willingness to help, etc.; these continuously occur in everyday life: Parents help us
all the time (Firefighter, 37). Helpful may also be other members of a close family, such as
siblings (6 men, 8 women), 2 couples get an occasional help from their friends.
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Regarding the working environment, employed parents in our study usually rely on
themselves (11 men, 10 women). They consider themselves sufficiently capable so any help
or advice, according to them, is not necessary. Some of them do not ask for help even its
suitable because of bad relationships at work with their colleagues: I rely on myself only. Its
not worth trusting others. (Technician, 39); or sometimes the problem is, theres no one to
turn to. More often, people tend to find help with a potential problem in colleagues (15 men,
21 women) or supervisors (5 men, 3 women).
IV. Discussion
With regard to the consequences for the work domain, work-family conflict can be considered
as predictor of job satisfaction, as well as absenteeism and turnover or leave work intentions
(Chelariu, Stump, 2011), studies have confirmed significant impacts of work/family conflict
for work and life satisfaction (Allen et al., 2000; Boles et al., 2001; Boyar, Mosley, 2007). Based
on the findings arising from the content analysis of the interview can be concluded that the
balancing of work and family demands is considered to be complicated. However, a positive
finding is that most of the participants, despite some difficulties, perceive the overall
importance of the work and (especially) family roles in their lives, and active participation in
both domains mostly do not mean experience of conflict for them. The same results are
shown in the quantitative research (Fedkov et al., 2012), which show that the work/family
conflict is not perceived as conflict by participants.
In the area of working antecedents are mainly working time, social relationships of the
individual in the workplace, organizational culture negatively evaluated; thus, our findings are
consistent with the prior research (e.g. Byron, 2005). Furthermore, with the increasing
amount of time spent performing the work duties increase the likelihood of interference
between work and family activities that usually results in an increase of negative emotional
Coping research is usually based on two types of coping strategies: problem-focused and
emotion-focused (Lazarus, Folkman, 1984). The former refers to efforts directed at defining
the problem and acting to eliminate or circumvent the source of stress; in the second case we
are talking about trying to reduce emotional distress by managing feelings and emotions via
cognitive manipulations. Presented concept corresponds to categories of responses,
highlighting 1. attempt to get the situation under control, and organization, 2. attempt to
reduce negative affectivity, such as reframing or positive thinking efforts. For the
responsibilities organization (especially in work area) not only objective individual's
capabilities are important, (Somech, Drach-Zahavy, 2007), also a degree of autonomy in the
workplace, work control and job certainty (Parasuraman et al., 1996; Grzywacz, Marks, 2000;
Grzywacz, Butler, 2005). The strategy aims to reduce negative emotions is essential to balance
the demands of work and family roles - individuals with high levels of negative emotionality
103 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
tend to assess the situations in the work and family environment in a negative way, and
therefore the probability that work/family interface will be seen as less rewarding is higher
(Carlson, 1999; Bruck, Allen, 2003). Those complement employed parents statements about
the importance of relax - the ability to organize the time, plan implementation of subjectively
pleasant activities, can be evaluated as a linking of problem-focused and emotion-focused
coping strategies.
As an important coping strategy participants considered social support - its presence in both
domains increases the amount of resources (time and energy) that can be used to cope with
competitive demands of multiple roles (Krpoun, 2012). Social support in the family area is
obtained mainly from a partner and extended family. We have identified similar gender
differences, as Lee and Duxbury (1998), who found preference of support through help with
housework among men, women prioritized emotional support. At work, social support can
be provided by superiors or colleagues. Hladk (2003) presents social support in the
workplace as an important protective factor which can moderate or even eliminate the
negative effects of monotony. Our participants evaluated support provided by their superiors
as insufficient, what may be associated with higher level of negative experience (Lapierre et
al., 2008). According to Kim and Las Heras (2012), the earlier management in the
organizations understand the importance of employees family life on their work
performance, the more they can increase work efficiency. Because of this, the importance of
the institutional support in coping with the demands of work and family is emphasized,
especially in terms of childcare.
However, social support appears to be less significant predictor for work/family conflict
compared to some personality traits (Hargis et al., 2011), that corresponds with statements
of participants, emphasizing individual characteristics such as the self-confidence,
responsibility and care, optimism. The importance of some individual characteristics confirm
the findings of quantitative studies. For example, conscientious people are characterized by
lower levels of perceived negative family-to-work interference (Bruck, Allen, 2003; Malekiha
et al., 2012), and also reporting less frequent everyday difficulties (Vollrath, 2000) and lower
levels of perceived role-confusion and interpersonal conflicts (Cheng et al., 2009).
104 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
The most significant limit of research roots in its methodology. The findings of qualitative
approach bring a deeper insight into the research problems, but do not allow to formulate
concrete conclusions in terms of identifying relationships between areas. At the same time,
participants formed a strongly heterogeneous sample, they varied mainly in characteristics of
work (profession, job description and schedule). Therefore, a future research could be
realised in a more precise collected and homogeneous samples.
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107 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
This paper examines the introduction of excise duties in connection with the existence of
negative externalities arising from the environment. Opinions of famous economists on the
application of indirect instruments of environmental policy are listed here. Attention is
devoted to the current state of excise duties but especially to energy taxes applicable in the
Slovak Republic.
excise duty, harmonization of the tax system, environment, negative externalities,
environmental tax
Kov slov
spotrebn da, harmonizcia daovho systmu, ivotn prostredie, negatvna externalita,
environmentlna da
JEL Classification
E23, F15, G01, G18, H25, H20, H26, H27, H61
I. Ekologick ekonmia
Ekolgiu ako prv definoval E. Haeckel v roku 1869 ako vedu o vzahoch organizmov medzi
sebou a tie vzahy organizmov k okolitmu svetu. Dleitm pojmom vzhadom k ekolgii a
k ivotnmu prostrediu je pojem externalita. Mankiw uvdza, e externalita je vplyv innosti
jednho lovek na blahobyt ud, ktor sa nezastuj tejto innosti. Rozliuje medzi
pozitvnou a negatvnou externalitou. Pozitvna ovplyvuje nezastnen osoby pozitvne.
Katedra financi, Nrodohospodrska fakulta, Ekonomick univerzita, Dolnozemsk cesta 1, 852 35 Bratislava,,
108 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
Poda Costanza, ekologick ekonmia predstavuje nov odbor tdia, ktor sa zaober
vzahmi medzi ekosystmami a ekonomickm systmom v irch svislostiach. Prekrauje
hranice bench koncepci vedeckch discipln a sna sa o syntzu a integrciu prstupov
rznych vedeckch odborov. Zaha v sebe konvenn ekonmiu, ekolgiu, environmentlnu
ekonmiu a ekonmiu prrodnch zdrojov. Snahou ekologickej ekonmie je docieli
rovnovhu medzi ekonomikou a prrodou. Ekonmovia Daly a Farley mali nov pohad
zaloen na optimlnej alokcii zdrojov z hadiska dosiahnutia maximlneho itku
spolonosti. No optimlna alokcia zdrojov z hadiska funkcie celkovho ekonomickho itku
je nedostaton treba sa pta: Alokcia pre ak ciele? oho sa vzdme v prospech rastu?
Samuelson tvrdil, e tto veda predstavuje ekonomick jadro trvale udratenho rozvoja,
preto je logick, e je vedou pozitvnou a teda popisuje fakty a sprvanie v ekonomike, ale aj
vedou normatvnou, teda e zaha etiku a hodnotov sdy. Dleit prnos je v tom, e
uvauje o limitoch ekonomickho rastu. Priom koniec rastu neznamen koniec rozvoja, ktor
na rozdiel od rastu je chpan ako zmena kvality, nie kvalitatvna zmena. (Cudlinova, 2006)
Goulder priniesol do ekologickej ekonmie vnos dvojitej dividendy, ktor predstavuje
presunutie daovho zaaenia prce na ekologick dane, naprklad na dane z foslnych palv,
ktorch pouitie m nepriazniv vplyv na ivotn prostredie. Ak by teda prjmy z dan pre
zlepenie ivotnho prostredia boli pouit spolone so znenm daovho zaaenia prce,
dosiahol by sa vnos dvojitej dividendy.
109 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
zmenou klmy. (United Nations, 2014) No dohoda nekvantifikuje ani nespresuje zvzky
jednotlivch krajn o zniovan emisi sklenkovch plynov. Preto sa vyspel tty rozhodli
rokova o protokole, ktor by obsahoval opatrenia na zniovanie emisi. Po dlhotrvajcom sil
bol v roku 1997 prijat Kjtsky protokol, Eurpske spoloenstvo ho podpsalo o rok neskr.
Protokol riei zvzn a kvantifikovan ciele v svislosti s obmedzovanm a zniovanm iestich
druhov sklenkovch plynov (oxid uhliit, metn, oxid dusn, hydroflurovan uhovodky,
perflurovan uhovodky, fluorid srov). Zmluvn strany sa zavzuj, e spolone znia
mnostvo sklenkovch plynov do roku 2012 v porovnan s rovou z roku 1990 najmenej o
5%, v prlohe B s konkrtne zvzky ttov. Krajiny, ktor boli lenskmi ttmi E u pred
rokom 2004, s povinn do roku 2012 zni mnostvo emisi celkovo o 8%. Na dosiahnutie
cieov protokolu bolo navrhnutch viacero prostriedkov. Naprklad prostrednctvom
posilovania alebo zavdzania politk jednotlivch ttov tkajcich sa zniovania emisi cez
zvyovanie energetickej innosti, podpory udratench foriem ponohospodrstva, vvoj
obnovitench zdrojov energie a podobne. Medzi lenskmi ttmi sa mala vytvori
spoluprca vo vmene sksenost a informci, mala nasta koordincia politk jednotlivch
ttov vzhadom na emisn povolenia, mal sa vytvori spolon mechanizmus istho rozvoja.
Cieom celosvetovej konferencie OSN o klme, ktor zaala 2. decembra 2014, bolo dosiahnu
kompromis pri zniovan emisi sklenkovch plynov, ktor by viedol k obmedzeniu nrastu
globlnej teploty na najviac 2C oproti predindustrilnej re. Miera transparentnosti a
budovanie dvery dosiahli nov vrchol, ke niektor industrializovan krajiny boli predloen
k vsluchu o emisnch cieoch v rmci novho procesu zvanom Mnohostrann hodnotenie.
Ministersk deklarcia Limy na vzdelvanie a zvyovanie povedomia vyzva vldy, hovorila o
tom, aby sa zaviedla tma zmeny klmy do kolskch osnov a aby sa zaviedlo povedomie o
klme do nrodnch rozvojovch plnov. (United Nations, 2014) Delegti rokovali o konenej
podobe globlnej dohody o podneb, ktor bola podpsan koncom roka 2015 v Pari, do
platnosti by mala vstpi v roku 2020. Poda agentry Reuters by bolo nesmierne obtian
bez tejto komplexnej dohody eli globlnemu otepovaniu, a preto je hlavnm cieom
kompromis v oblasti zniovania emisie sklenkovch plynov, ktor by viedol k obmedzeniu
nrastu globlnej teploty. Po zdhavom a spornom vyjednvan sa zstupci jednotlivch krajn
dohodli iba na zkladnch bodoch pre budcu zmluvu o ochrane ovzduia.
110 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
V Eurpskej nii prebieha u od konca 60. rokov 20. storoia postupn harmonizcia
nepriamych dan, ktorch sasou s aj environmentlne dane. Medzi lenskmi krajinami
postupne dochdzalo k zjednocovaniu predmetu zdanenia nepriamych dan a neskr bol
prijat aj spolon systm zdaovania (v roku 1993). Tento druh dan je v E v podstate
harmonizovan, o znamen, e sa urila oblas zdaovania predmet zdanenia, avak o sa
tka daovch sadzieb, tak sa neurila priamo vka daovej sadzby, ale len minimlna vka,
ktor mus by uvalen na konkrtny predmet zdanenia. Vchodiskom tohto procesu bolo
prijatie tzv. systmovej smernice pre spotrebn dane . 92/12/EEC o veobecnch systmoch
pre vrobky podliehajce spotrebnej dani a o vlastnctve, pohybe a monitorovan tchto
vrobkov, ktor hovor o predmete zdanenia a zkladnch pravidlch spotrebnch dan v E,
priom vymedzuje za predmet zdanenia okrem inho aj minerlny olej. Tto smernica vak
bola nahraden novou smernicou . 2008/118/EC o veobecnom systme spotrebnch dan,
ktor, okrem inho, roziruje oblas zdanenia aj na energetick vrobky (uhlie a zemn plyn)
a elektrinu. Pre spotrebn da z minerlneho oleja definuje vyie uveden smernica
naprklad druhy minerlnych olejov, minimlne sadzby dane, vnimky zo zdanenia, daov
zvhodnenia a pod. (European commission, 2015) Smernica . 2004/74/EC, ktor lenskm
ttom stanovuje urit povinnosti. lensk krajiny naprklad musia uri minimlnu sadzbu
spotrebnej dane na elektrinu a zemn plyn pouit ako palivo na vykurovanie, ako aj na pevn
paliv (teda uhlie a koks). Je potrebn uvies, e uveden environmentlne dane nezaauj
priamo domcnosti, ktor s od tchto platieb osloboden, avak nepriamo ich platia v
cench za uveden produkty, pretoe daovnkmi s podnikatesk subjekty, ktor maj
povinnos tieto dane odvies. (Enviroportal, 2015)
Stav tchto dan v krajinch E sa oproti minulosti vrazne zlepil. Od 80. rokov minulho
storoia sa prjmy zo zelench dan zvili takmer a o 300 %. Najvmi priekopnkmi v
zavdzan tchto dan s seversk tty Eurpy a meme poveda, e tieto krajiny maj aj
najvyie vnosy zo zelench dan. Najv nrast vnosov bol v 90. rokoch minulho storoia,
kedy sa zaali uskutoova aj mnoh ekologick reformy v eurpskych ttoch. (Andersen,
1994) V grafe 1 meme vidie, ako sa vyvjali vnosy z ekologickch dan poas jednotlivch
rokov ich zavdzania v krajinch E 28. Graf znzoruje vnosy zo zelench dan ako percento
111 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
HDP v E 28. Zaujmav je, e vnosy z tchto dan v roku 2006 dosahuj takmer rovnak
rove HDP ako v poslednom porovnvanom roku 2013. Logicky by sa predpokladalo, e
tento trend bude silne rastci, avak dvodov, preo sa vyvja prve takto me by niekoko.
Prkladom me by, e irok verejnos sa zaala sprva k ivotnmu prostrediu etrnejie,
a preto nemus plati toko zelench dan, m logicky ich prjem do ttnych rozpotov
poklesne. Druhm dvodom me by, e tieto dane pri ochrane ivotnho prostredia
nemusia by a tak inn, ako vldy krajn E pvodne predpokladali. Najniie percento
HDP bolo v krzovom roku 2008, a to 2,28 %, najvyie 2,45 % v roku 2013. Od roku 2008
meme pozorova mierne narastajci charakter vnosov z ekologickch dan na HDP v
ttoch E 28.
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
112 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
Pozn.: lnok 8 ods. 2 zaha ponohospodrske, zhradncke alebo rybochovn prce a prce
v lesnctve, stacionrne motory, zariadenia a stroje pouvan v stavbrstve, pri ininierskych
stavbch a pri verejnch prcach a vozidl uren na pouvanie mimo verejnej cestnej siete.
Oblas environmentlnej politiky E upravuje viacero smernc a nariaden. Za
najvznamnejiu vak mono povaova u spomenut smernicu Rady 2003/96/ES o
retrukturalizcii prvneho rmca spoloenstva pre zdaovanie energetickch vrobkov a
elektriny z 27. oktbra 2003. Cieom tejto smernice je harmonizova rovne spotrebnch dan
z elektriny a energetickch vrobkov v rmci krajn E. Skutonosti, ktor viedli k prijatiu tejto
smernice s znzornen v schme 1. Aj napriek existencii smernc zaoberajcich sa
harmonizciou dane z minerlnych olejov sa v tejto smernici upravili minimlne sadzby tejto
dane, pretoe naposledy boli revidovan v roku 1996. Vka sadzieb je rzna pre rzne ely
pouitia energetickch vrobkov a elektriny. Minimlne sadzby stanoven smernicou, by vak
mohli spsobi vne hospodrske a socilne akosti z dvodu pomerne niej rovne v
minulosti uplatovanch spotrebnch dan, prebiehajcej hospodrskej transformcie,
pomerne nzkej vky prjmu a obmedzenej schopnosti novch lenskch ttov kompenzova
takto alie daov zaaenie znenm inch dan.
113 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
Dane z energi zahaj produkciu energie, ako aj energetick produkty uren pre dopravu
(najdleitejie s benzn a nafta) a tie pre stacionrne ely (rzne oleje, zemn plyn, uhlie
a elektrina). Do tejto kategrie zahame aj oxid uhliit (CO2), priom by sa mohol zaradi aj
do dan zo zneistenia. Podobne je to aj s daami z SO2 (oxid siriit). Novou oblasou, ktor
sem spad, s povolenia na emisie, ktor udeuje vlda priemyselnm firmm, ktor ich
vypaj do ovzduia, priom firmy mu s emisiami sklenkovch plynov obchodova
(predva ich a nakupova), priom im z tejto innosti vznikaj vnosy, z ktorch by mali
odvies dane ttu. ttu tm vznikaj daov prjmy, ktor plyn do verejnch rozpotov. Na
udranie systmu v obchodovan s emisiami existuje na medzinrodnej rovni Eurpsky
systm obchodovania s emisiami (EU ETS).
114 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
115 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
Dane z dopravy nezahaj pohonn hmoty pre ely dopravy, tie spadaj pod vyie
uveden skupinu dan z energi. Zahaj najm dane, ktor svisia s vlastnctvom a
pouvanm motorovch vozidiel. asto sa sem zarauj aj dane na motorov vozidl, ktor
s rozdelen poda rznych parametrov, ako napr. priemern emisie CO2 na 100 km,
priemern spotreba paliva na 100 km. asto s tieto dane spojen aj s inmi technickmi
parametrami, napr. hmotnosou a vkonom vozidla. alej sem zaraujeme rzne in
dopravn prostriedky a zariadenia, napr. lietadl, lode, a rzne dopravn sluby, pokia s v
slade so veobecnou definciu ekologickej dane (napr. njom, pravideln lety a pod.). Okrem
tchto predmetov zdanenia sem spadaj aj dane na dopravn prostriedky, ktor sa povauj
vo veobecnosti za relatvne etrn k ivotnmu prostrediu (napr. eleznin koajov vozidl,
dopravn prostriedky na elektrick pohon a pod). V niektorch mestch sa zaviedli aj dane,
resp. poplatky za prstup do centra mesta. V rznych krajinch maj rzne vlastnosti, avak
pokia s tieto dane/poplatky prjmom do ttneho rozpotu a nie do miestnych rozpotov,
mali by sa zaha do tejto kategrie. V SR mme prklad takejto dane da za vjazd a
zotrvanie motorovho vozidla v historickej asti mesta, ktor sa vak povauje za miestnu da
upravovan samostatnm zkonom (da z vjazd a zotrvanie motorovho vozidla v historickej
asti mesta upravuje Zkon . 582/2004 Z. z. o miestnych daniach a miestom poplatku za
komunlne odpady a drobn stavebn odpady v znen neskorch predpisov, priom sa takto
da vyber v Bratislave a Koiciach, a bliie ich pecifikuje Veobecn zvzn nariadenie) a
ktor je vyberan do rozpotu obce.
Do dan z prrodnch zdrojov zahame najm dane, ktor s spojen s abou alebo inm
vyuvanm prrodnch zdrojov, ako je voda, lesy, prrodn fauny a flry at. Zdauj sa teda
aktivity, ktor vyerpvaj obmedzen prrodn zdroje (naprklad odlesovanie). Nepatria
sem dane, ktorch cieom je naprklad prenjom pozemkov a pod. Takto zdanenie patr
vinou medzi dane z nehnutenost.
116 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
117 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
ttov Eurpy ako percento z HDP je v tabuke 2. Najvie zastpenie z krajn E m Dnsko
a Slovinsko, najmenie Litva a Slovensko
Tabuka 2, Environmentlne dane v rmci vybranch ttov Eurpy za rok 2014 (% z HDP)
tt %z HDP
Dnsko 4,08
Srbsko 4,04
Slovinsko 3,89
Chorvtsko 3,86
Grcko 3,68
Taliansko 3,60
Holandsko 3,36
Island 3,17
Cyprus 3,08
Malta 2,89
Fnsko 2,88
Bulharsko 2,73
Estnsko 2,67
Lotysko 2,67
Maarsko 2,60
Posko 2,51
Spojen krovstvo 2,48
rsko 2,43
Raksko 2,43
Rumunsko 2,42
Nrsko 2,31
Portugalsko 2,25
vdsko 2,21
esk republika 2,12
Belgicko 2,05
Franczsko 2,05
Nemecko 2,00
Luxembursko 1,99
panielsko 1,85
Slovensk republika 1,79
Litva 1,70
Zdroj: vlastn spracovanie poda Eurostat, 2016.
118 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
To, e Slovensko ete nem vybudovan systm ekologickch dan, meme vidie aj v grafe
3, kde je zobrazen vvoj vnosov z tchto dan ako percento hrubho domceho prjmu v
porovnan s ostatnmi lenskmi krajinami za roky 2008 a 2013, teda od ich zavedenia do
nho daovho systmu. Z grafu je jasne vidie, e Slovensko sa dr vo vbere
environmentlnych dan pod priemerom Eurpskej nie, ktor predstavoval v roku 2013
okolo 2,45 % HDP, o naznauje nzky podiel tchto dan na celkovch daovch prjmoch
naej krajiny. Slovensk republika bola ohodnoten ako tretia najslabia krajina v tejto oblasti
v roku 2013, priom niie prjmy mali u len panielsko a Lotysko.
119 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
Graf 3, Vvoj vnosov z ekologickch dan vyjadren ako % HDP v E 28 a SR za roky 2008 a
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
V nasledujcej tabuke 3 vak meme vidie, e od ich zavedenia v roku 2008 mal prjem z
tchto dan rastci charakter, avak v roku 2014 nastal obrat a v sasnosti s prjmy do
ttneho rozpotu z tchto dan pribline na rovni z roku 2010. Najvy vnos bol zatia
dosiahnut v roku 2013. V roku 2015 klesli prjmy z ekologickch dan o 234 tis. eur oproti
roku 2014, aj ke pvodne bola prognza daovch prjmov z tchto dan vo vke 41 292 tis.
eur. Za pokles me pravdepodobne zlepenie povedomia spotrebiteov o pouvan tchto
produktov, ale aj zvyovanie cien produktov. Najv prjem do ttneho rozpotu v
sledovanch rokoch zabezpeila da zo zemnho plynu (najviac v roku 2013), najni da z
uhlia (najviac v roku 2012).
120 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
Seversk krajiny dosahuj najvy podiel z environmentlnych dan ako percento z celkovch
dan a ako percento z HDP. Vzhadom na vznik negatvnych externalt na ivotnom prostred
Slovensk republika nespa normy Eurpskej nie z pohadu kvality ovzduia a vypania
emisi. Od roku 2000 pozorujeme neustly nrast emisi oxidov duska z cestnej dopravy. Dane
zo zneisovania ovzduia s na naom zem stle pomerne nzke a nerieia efektvnym
spsobom extern vplyvy, ktor maj negatvny dopad na zdravotn stav obyvatestva. Preto
by bolo vhodn posilni zkladu ekologickch dan uplatovanch v Slovenskej republike,
naprklad zavedenm dane z vypania emisi oxidu uhliitho. Slovensk republika nem
vybudovan systm environmentlnych dan. Dane tu uplatovan v daovej sstave nie s
definovan ako environmentlne, ale ako spotrebn a dosahuje sa z nich nezanedbaten
prjem do ttneho rozpotu. Netvoria sce nosn as ttneho rozpotu, maj vak svoje
vznamn miesto, ktorm sa okrem fiklneho charakteru, spolupodieaj na zlepovan stavu
ivotnho prostredia v naej krajine. Ekonomick subjekty tieto dane vnmaj, a pri svojich
rozhodnutiach zmaj racionlnejie ako v minulosti.
Slovensko vyuva aj in zelen nstroje ako s dane. Ide najm o ekologick poplatky, priom
rozliuje platby za zneisovanie ivotnho prostredia, najm za zneisovanie ovzduia, za
ukladanie odpadov a za vypanie odpadovch vd do povrchovch vd, a potom platby za
vyuvanie prrodnch zdrojov, ktorch sasou s naprklad poplatky za odber podzemnej a
povrchovej vody, vody z verejnch vodovodov, odvody napr. za zber lesnej a
ponohospodrskej pdy a hrady napr. za vydobyt nerasty, za vyuvanie
hydroenergetickho potencilu vodnch tokov a pod. Ekonomickch nstrojov, ktormi
mono vplva na ivotn prostredie, je teda niekoko ako rzne poplatky, environmentlne
poistenia, pokuty i emisn povolenia. Nie vetky plyn do ttneho rozpotu.
121 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
Referencie a citcie
(1) ANDERSEN, M. 1994. The Green Tax Reform in Denmark: Shifting the Focus of tax Liability.
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123 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
Evidence based practice, anaesthesiology and intensive medicine units, nursing care, barriers.
Katedra terie oetrovatestva a manamentu v nelekrskych odboroch, Fakulta oetrovatestva
a zdravotnckych odbornch tdi, Slovensk zdravotncka univerzita, Bratislava,
124 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
Kov slov
I. vod
125 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
Do vskumnho projektu bolo zaradench 164 sestier. Zkladnm kritriom pri generovan
vberovho sboru bolo pracovn zaradenie sestier na pracoviskch v odbore anestziolgia
a intenzvna starostlivos a ochota participova na projekte. Vek participujcich sestier sa
pohyboval od min. 23 rokov do max. 56 rokov, priemern vek respondentov bol 36,4 rokov.
Priemern dka odbornej praxe oslovench sestier bola 12,7 roka. Vzdelanie sestier zahalo
vetky mon stupne vzdelania v odbore oetrovatestvo. Najviac sestier, 50 (30,5%) malo
ukonen stredokolsk vzdelanie s maturitou, 32 (19,5%) sestier malo ukonen vyie
odborn vzdelanie, 36 (22,0%) malo 1. vysokokolsk (bakalrsky) stupe, 35 (21,3%) 2.
vysokokolsk (magistersk) stupe, 9 (5,5%) sestier ukonen vzdelanie rigorznym konanm
s titulom PhDr. a 2 sestry (1,2%) mali 3. stupe (doktorandsk tdium) s prislchajcim
titulom PhD. K zmapovaniu problematiky sme pristpili stratgiou analzy literrnych zdrojov
z medzinrodnch databz. Nsledne sme zvolili vskumn nstroj vlastnej kontrukcie -
dotaznk, priom sme vychdzali z platnej legislatvy, etickch princpov a informci
z odbornej literatry. Zber dt prebiehal anonymne na uvedench pracoviskch v mesiacoch
jn 2015 a december 2015. Zskan vsledky sme analyzovali prostrednctvom
deskriptvnych tatistickch postupov a overovanm tatistickej vznamnosti.
1.2. Vsledky
126 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Graf 1 vyjadruje postoj oslovench sestier k vhodm implementcie evidence based practice
do oetrovateskej praxe prostrednctvom generovanch faktorov.
4 podstatn
Graf 2 zobrazuje pohad osolench sestier na bariry, ktor svisia s implementciou evidence
based practice do klinickej praxe.
127 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
Na zklade tatistickej analzy dt sme zistili vskyt korelcie 0,393 u sestier, ktor vnmaj
vrazne pozitva sasne uvdzaj aj vrazn negatvna implementcie procesu a princpov
evidence based practice a naopak (tabuka 2).
N Correlation Sig.
128 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
Paired Differences
95% Confidence
Std. Interval of the
Std. Error Difference Sig.
Mean Deviation Mean Lower Upper t df (2-tailed)
Vhody -,04500 ,20943 ,01635 -,07729 -,01271 -2,752 163 ,007
2. Diskusia
129 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
poukazuj na najastejie aspekty vnmania barir implementcie EBP do klinickej praxe, ako
s nedostatok schopnosti pracova s potaom a nedostaton jazykov schopnosti.
Predchdzajce tdie potvrdzuj, e najdleitejm determinantom pri vyhadvan
najlepieho vedeckho dkazu je schopnos prce s potaom (Hajerbrahimi et al., 2014;
Clarke et al., 2005). Ako uvdzaj autori vskumov (Malcolm, 2016; Varaei, 2013)
najvznamnejou prekkou implementcie EBP je nedostatok asu zdravotnckeho
personlu. Tto skutonos potvrdzuje aj vskum v medicne (Hajerbrahimi et al., 2014).
Zmapovali sme siln a slab strnky procesu implementcie princpov EBP do oetrovateskej
praxe na vybranch pracoviskch anestziolgie a intenzvnej medicny, o mono povaova
za novtorsk. Zistili sme, e najvznamnejou barirou implementcie EBP do
oetrovateskej praxe je oblas nedostatonho zabezpeenia personlneho normatvu
v klinickej praxi. Pozitvnym zistenm je, e sestry vnmaj vrazn pozitvum implementcie
procesu EBP do oetrovateskej praxe v oblasti zvyovania kvality poskytovanej
oetrovateskej starostlivosti.
130 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848
Referencie a citcie
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132 Scientific eJournal, Vol. 2, 2016/ 03, ISSN 2377-9848