Vaishali P Nagulwar Government College of Pharmacy India
Vaishali P Nagulwar Government College of Pharmacy India
Vaishali P Nagulwar Government College of Pharmacy India
The Simple Process- Any activity that accepts inputs, adds values
to these inputs for customers, and produces outputs for these
customers. The customers may be either internal or external to
the organization. (BS 7850)
Recognizing and rewarding Quality
Promotion of high quality goods and services
Philip B. Crosby
W. Edwards Deming
Armand V. Feigenbaum
Kaoru Ishikawa
Joseph M. Juran
1930s-Walter Shewhart developed methods for statistical analysis and control of quality.
1950s-W. Edwards Deming taught methods for statistical analysis and control of quality to
Japanese engineers and executives.
Joseph M. Juran taught the concepts of controlling quality and managerial breakthrough.
Armand V. Feigenbaums book Total Quality Control, a forerunner for the present
understanding of TQM, was published.
Philip B. Crosbys promotion of zero defects paved the way for quality improvement in
many companies.
Today- Quality standards ISO 9000 series and quality award programs -Deming Prize and
the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award specify principles and processes that
comprise TQM.
Demings 14 Points on Quality Management
1. Create constancy of purpose for improving products and services.
Improve continuously
It focuses on the internal strengths and weaknesses of you, your staff, your
products, and your business
At the same time, it looks at the external opportunities and threats that may
have an impact on your business, such as market and consumer trends, changes
in technology, legislation, and financial issues
Whether you are making the most of the opportunities around you
Technological developments,
Mergers of businesses,
2) Financial benchmarking
3)Performance benchmarking
4) Product benchmarking
5)Strategic benchmarking
6)Functional benchmarking
The 5 requirements for effective leadership
Developing and publishing corporate beliefs,
values and objectives, often as a mission
Disadvantage of TQM:
01.Initial introduction cost.
On analysis of the views of the respondents, it was shown that the TQM
principles and its effects have direct correlation with each other.
Conclusion was
TQM encourages participation amongst all the employees and
Using quality management, rework reduction to nearly zero is an
achievable goal.
The negative cost of quality, which includes errors, delays, rework, etc., is
estimated to be 30 % of the cost of construction, not including dissatisfied
customers who do not come back.
There is high correlation between TQM principles such as training for
process improvement, supplier management with reduced number of
defects, cost of production and employee morale.
Total Quality Management Resources
The Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence Handbook, Fourth Edition
From Quality to Business Excellence: A Systems Approach to Management
Juran, Quality, and a Century of Improvement
Insights to Performance Excellence 2013-2014
ANSI/ISO/ASQ Q9001-2008: Quality management systems Requirements
ANSI/ISO/ASQ QE19011S-2008: Guidelines for management systems auditing U.S. Version
with supplemental guidance added
Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence Certification CMQ/OE
Quality 101
Introduction to Quality Management
Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence Certification Preparation
A Comprehensive Approach to Quality Aims at Inclusive Growth: Continual Improvement as a
Management Imperative OPEN ACCESS
Adapting TQM to Change Indian Bureaucracy: A View From Inside
Total Quality, Total Commitment OPEN ACCESS
TQM and Teamwork Effectiveness: The Intermediate Role of Organizational Design