Creedon Preschool Lesson Math Hungry Caterpillar

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Hungry Caterpillar Math Lesson

Name: Nicole Creedon

Targeted Age Group: 4 year olds

Lesson Objectives (minimum of 2):

1. Students will be able to accurately count quantities of objects up to 10 by
drawing a given number of their favorite food.

Before Reading
Anticipatory Set: To begin the lesson, the teacher will have a caterpillar tapped to the
floor made of paper with a number on each circle (its body). The teacher will have
students walk through the caterpillar when they walk into the classroom. The teacher
will give the students a minute to look at it and possible count the circles that make up
its body. The teacher will then have the students sit down and as for a volunteer. The
teacher will ask that the students count out loud as the volunteer hops from one circle
to the next. (There are 10 circles) Next, the teacher will explain that today we are
going to practice counting.

Book Introduction
Title: 1,2,3 To The Zoo
Author: Eric Carle
Illustrator: Eric Carle
Vocabulary (Indicate if Tier 2 or Tier 3)
Picture Book
Purpose for Reading:
Lets read to
count the animals that go to the zoo. The purpose is to practice counting up to 10.

During Reading
Pg. # Prompt (minimum of 5 ex. question, picture, think aloud, vocabulary, predictions, etc.)
The teacher will ask students what animal is in the picture, an elephant.
Pg. 1 The teacher will ask how many elephants are in the picture.
The teacher will ask how many hippopotamus are in the picture.
Pg. 2
The teacher will ask students how many giraffes are in the picture.
Pg. 3
The teacher will ask what a lion says.
Pg. 4 The teacher will ask how many lions are in the picture.
The teacher will ask how many bears are in the picture.
Pg. 5
The teacher will ask how many alligators are in the picture.
Pg. 6
The teacher will ask how many seals are in the picture.
Pg. 7
The teacher will ask what animal is in the picture.
Pg. 8 The teacher will ask how many monkeys are in the picture.
The teacher will ask how many snakes are in the picture.
Pg. 9
The teacher will ask how many birds are in the picture.
Pg. 10
After Reading
Revisit purpose
How many of each animal went to the zoo? The purpose it to practice counting up to 10.
Extending activities (2)
1. The students will participate in a game called The Hungry Caterpillar. (A game of my
own invention.) The teacher will split the students into groups of four or five and
provide each student with a toilet paper roll that has a caterpillar painted on it and a slit
cut out for its mouth. (If there are too many students or if other students need
assistance, students may play this game in pairs.) The teacher will give each group a
spinner, with a picture of an apple, a pear, a plum, a strawberry, and an orange. The
teacher will also provide each group with a ten-sided die. Every turn, the student has to
spin to find out what fruit they need and roll the die to find out how many. There will be
colored beads to represent each fruit. When it is a students turn they need to spin, roll,
and feed their caterpillar. The first one to fill their caterpillar wins.

2. To close the lesson, the teacher will have assign each student a number by providing
them with a blank sheet of paper with just a number in the top corner. The teacher will
ask that the student draw that number of their favorite food. For example, if a student
likes cookies and is assigned the number 4, they will draw 4 cookies.

Standards: (2013 NJ Preschool or CCSS CIRCLE ONE) Include a minimum of 2

with notation and description
K.CC.4 Understand the relationship between numbers and quantities (i.e., the last word stated when
counting tells how many): (a)Accurately count quantities of objects up to 10, using one-to one-
correspondence, and accurately count as many as 5 objects in a scattered configuration.
Assessment of Learning Objectives:
Objective #1- The teacher will collect and review the students drawings of their favorite food and
assess students by seeing if they were able to accurately portray that quantity.

When reading students who need preferential seating will sit wherever is best for them.
For students who need assistance, pairs will be made for the Hungry Caterpillar game.
Also, the teacher will request a student draw a simple shape if a food is too difficult.

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