June 2010
June 2010
June 2010
JUNE -2010 Vol 1.96
Editorial -eases (e.g. aspergillosis, tuberculosis, hantavirus, etc.).
The general thinking that more involvement of Additionally, it is hypothesized that with the emergence
business with pharmaceutical industries would bring up of new processing technologies (such as cryogenic and
more drugs in market at cheaper rate has started to supercritical fluid techniques, as well as controlled
precipitation techniques) and next-generation delivery
plunge again. At this time, pharmaceutical industries
devices a variety of compounds may be administered
(bigger houses) have started to organize themselves with
systemically to treat disease states that may have
global economic changes. The result is quite obvious as
disseminated from the lung throughout the body.
reduction in supply of new chemical entities. Tighter To bring Ayurveda combating with world trade,
patent law compels them to disown their ownership it is necessary apply the newest technology of drug
maximum after 20 years of their grant of patent on delivery with more efficacy and lesser adverse effects.
particular drug/formulation/chemical structure etc. Those Leaves and roots of Adhatoda vasica, is used in asthma
investing good amount of money in research and and vasicine obtained from these part of plant is proved
development feel competition with opportunistic generic vasodilator, hence either extract or whole plant in powder
companies for their invention after the expiry of period form with size below aerodynamic diameter of 6 µm can
of patent. Now they have started to rethink over their be used in nebulizer. The additional drugs with same size
existing product design with extension of patent period. can be added looking to the compatibility of drugs. The
Advance formulation design may be the option for the size should not be lower than 0.1 µm, otherwise
subject when mode of drug delivery is such a way to disposition due to diffusion may be possible.
give more effective therapy with optimal therapeutic Inhalation of insulin is a novel, non-injectable
method for delivering insulin into the human body. Many
outcome for a particular drug. These all depend upon
patients do not like injections, and would prefer alternative
the understanding of various aspects of drug delivery
methods of insulin delivery. Inhaled insulin therapy offers
system with variety of formulation options. additional options for clinicians to improve glycemic
When we talk about the advances in pulmonary control in patients with diabetes. The dry-powder system
therapy, the increased market of Dry Powder Inhaler of number drugs used in Ayurveda can be used for the
(DPI) products pays close attention. The regular efforts purpose as seeds of Syzygium cumini, leaves of Psidium
are in continuation for the delivery of larger molecules guajava and Coccinia indica etc. An extensive
such as proteins and peptides to the lungs. There have exploitation modern drug delivery system with better
been many advances in nebulizer technology. The formulation design may also up-bring Ayurveda to world
importance of breathing pattern in aerosol delivery and standard of other system of medicines.
deposition is behind the design of devices that allow In This Issue
targeting of deposition to specific areas of the airways
1) Pharmacognostic evaluation of the leaves
and novel systems. These systems have provided control
of Kirganelia reticulata (Poir.) Baill.
of factors that affect drug deposition and dose.
Pulmonary administration of a variety of anti-infective
agents is likely to play an important role in the future. In 2) A view on Amavata
the example of pulmonary fungal infection a local 3) Identification of Crude Drugs
therapeutic effect is observed. This locally acting 4) Formulation Profile (Series-A/17)
administration is one approach that could be exploited Panchtikta Ghrita
5) Herbal Drug Profile (Series-A/18)
for an extensive list of infectious airborne pathogens
Columba root
whether they be fungal, bacterial, or viral infectious dis
Newsletter of ARMARC 2 JUNE-2010
Pharmacognostic evaluation of the leaves of Kirganelia reticulata (Poir.) Baill.
* S. D. Shruthi ** Dr. Prashant Kumar Jha
* Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Biotechnology, Kuvempu University
** Head, Quality Control Laboratories, ALNRAMC, Koppa
Abstract: The leaves of Kirganelia reticulata (Poir.) colic, constipation etc. and chemical studies demonstrated
Baill. (Euphorbiaceae) has been used in Indian the presence of octacosanol, teraxerol acetate, friedeline,
ethnomedicine since long as diuretic, cooling, teraxerone, betulin, sitosterol etc. (Rav et al., 1964; Joshi
antidiarrohoeal etc. Explored screening may bring vast et al., 1991). The leaves are employed as a diuretic and
potential of commercialization for this. This is a straggeling cooling medicine. The juice of the leaves is used to care
monoecious shrub. Leaves are oblong, elliptic, coriaceous. diarrhoea in infants. The stems are used to treat sore in
The outline of transverse section is dorsiventral type. eyes and the powdered leaf is used in sores, burns,
Sclerenchyma caps the vascular bundle. The quantitative suppurations and chafing of the skin (Chopra et al.,
microscopy has been done. The physico-chemical analysis 1956). The bark is used to treat rheumatism, dysentery
exhibits various extractives, quantity of inorganic salts etc. and venereal diseases (Yoganarasimhan, 1996).
The fluorescence study of the powder with alcohol, 10% For this drug, to be part of greater market, quality
NaOH, 50% HNO3 and 50% H2SO4 shows differences assurance is needed as per the WHO norms. However
in colour. a key obstacle, which has hindered the acceptance of
Keywords: Sclerenchyma, anomocytic, quantitative leaf the alternative medicines in the developed countries, is
microscopy etc. the lack of documentation of research work carried out
Introduction: After decades of serious obsession with on traditional medicines and stringent quality control
the modern medicinal system, people have started looking (Dahanukar et al., 2000). With this backdrop, it
at the ancient healing systems like Ayurveda, Siddha and becomes extremely important to make an effort towards
Unani. This is because of the adverse effects associated standardization of the plant material to be used as
with synthetic drugs (Thomas et al., 2008). Plants have medicine. Herbs show a number of problems when
been associated with the health of mankind from time quality aspect is considered. This is because of nature of
immemorial. In the past sickness was viewed as a the herbal ingredients and different secondary metabolites
punishment from the god and hence, was treated with present therein. It is also due to variation in the chemical
prayers and rituals which included “magic proportion” profile of herbs due to intrinsic and extrinsic factors like
prepared from local herbs (Sandhya et al., 2010). Herbal growth, harvesting, geographical source, storage and
drugs play an important role in health care programs drying etc (WHO, 2002). Other than these chances of
especially in developing countries. A good number of these adulteration and substitution also lie. To avoid them,
drugs have already earned the place and name among pharmacognostical study turns to be in pivotal position.
the people used either as whole or as extract. Kirganelia Hence, in the present work establishment of the
reticulata may be one among them. pharmacognostic profile of the leaves of Kirganelia
Kirganelia reticulata (Synonym: Phyllanthus reticulata is carried out.
reticulatus; Bengali name: Panjuli; Family- Materials and Methods:Fresh plant materials were
Euphorbiaceae) is a large, straggeling shrub with collected in winter season locally from Bhadra Wild Life
sarmentose branches. The plant grows throughout tropical Sanctuary, Karnataka (Southern India) in December
areas of India, Bangladesh, China, and the Malay Islands 2009. The taxonomic identification of the plant was done
(Kirtikar & Basu, 1980; Ghani, 2003). The biological after matching the characters mentioned with various
work performed so far on this plant showed hypotensive floras and it was confirmed by Dr. Y. L. Ramachandra,
effects and its folklore use in gastric complaints including Department of Biotechnology, Kuvempu University, Sh
Newsletter of ARMARC 3 JUNE -2010
-ankaraghatta (Voucher specimen number YLR429). A view on Amavata
*Dr. Ravindra kumar Arahunasi MD(Ayu)
Macroscopy: The macroscopic characters like size and
Lecturer, Dept. of Kaya chikitsa
shape, colour, surfaces, venation, presence or absence **Dr. Mahesh M. Madalageri MD (Ayu.)
of petiole, the apex, margin, base, lamina, texture, odour B. M. J. Ayurvedic medical college Gajendragad
and taste (Evans, 1996; Wallis, 1985) for the fresh leaves
Introduction: Amavata is one of the most common
were noted. For the purpose dissecting microscope was crippling disorders caused by the vitiation of Agni, Ama
used. and vitiation of vata and kapha dosha, producing the
Microscopy: Microscopical studies were done as symptoms like Joint pain, Stiffness, Swelling etc. Amavata
can be correlated with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Ama and
surface preparation, quantitative miscroscopy and free
vata dosha are the two main culprits to produce the
hand sectioning. Surface preparation included the peeling
of leaves for both abaxial and adaxial surfaces to see the
Discription of Amavata is not available in detail in
type of stomata (if present) and other epidermal make
Brihatrayas. The Nidana, Laxana and Samprapti are
up. This was cleaned with chloralhydrate thereafter.
explained in detail in Madhav nidana and Yogaratnakara.
Quantitative leaf microscopy was done to determine The Chikitsa, oushadha and Patyapatya etc are
palisade ratio, stomata number, stomata index, vein-islet elaborately said in Baishajyaratnavali.
number and veinlet termination number. The method Causative Factors of Amavata:
adopted for this was as per the Wallis (1985). For the 1) Virudha Ahara Vihara sevana
section study, after free hand sectioning, this was stained 2) Vyayama karma immediately after snigda
with various reagents (iodine, phloroglucinol+HCl etc.) Bhojana
to find out the nature of cells and their framework. 3) Guru Ahara sevana in Agnimandya stage
Physico-chemical analysis: The physico-chemical 4) Vega avarodha
analysis was done to determine moisture content, total 5) Adhika vyayama
ash, acid insoluble ash, water soluble ash, alcohol and 6) Deewaswapna
water soluble extractive values (British Pharmacopoeia, Samprapti (Pathogenesis of Amavata): The Agni and
1980). Ama are the two main culprits to produce the Amavata.
Due to the virudha ahara, vihara and sevana vata dosha
Fluorescence analysis: Powdered leaf material was
vitiation takes place. This vitiated vata along with vyayama
subjected to analysis under long ultra violet light after
karma immediately after indulging snigda ahara leads to
treatment with various chemical and organic reagents like
agnimandya and Amarasa utpatti such as Ama along with
alcohol, 50% sulphuric acid, 10% sodium hydroxide,
the vitiated vata dosha moves towards the shleshma sthana
50% nitric acid and water (Kokate, 1994). The colour like Amashaya, Sandhi, Ura, Sira, Kantha etc. The Ama
of flourescence was noted. inside the srotas and dhamanis due to ardhapakva or
Phytochemical investigation: Chemical tests were vidagdata and its atipicchilata gets obstructed into srotas
employed in the preliminary phytochemical screening for and promotes further vitiation of vata dosha.
various metabolites (both primary and secondary) such Due to obstruction of srotas by the Ama, it fur-
as carbohydrates, alkaloids, phytosterols, glycosides, ther leads to the vitiation of Tridosha. This vidhagda Ama,
saponins, flavonoids, proteins, tannins and gum. (Evans, here in kapha sthana is further contaminated by doshas
1996; Brain and Turner, 1975; Ciulei, 1981; Harborne, and assumes different colours. Such amarasa further
1992). moves in different srotas and produces the kledata. The
vitiated doshas and Ama take shelter in Hridaya and de
(Continued to next edition.......................)
Newsletter of ARMARC 4 JUNE -2010
-range the Avalambhaka kapha. It might manifest the 14) Chardi (Vomiting)
symptoms like Dourbalya, Hridgriha, Hridgourava etc.
15) Brama (Giddiness)
If vitiated dosha and Ama take sthanasamsraya in
16) Murcha (Drowsiness)
Amashaya and derange the kledaka kapha, it produces
17) Hridgraha (Heaviness of heart)
Agnimandya, Aruchi etc. Dosha and Ama shelter in shira
vitiates Tarphaka kapha and produces symptoms like 18) Vid vibadhata (Constipation)
shirashoola, shirogoura etc. 19) Jadyata (Heaviness of body)
If the doshas and Ama take sthanasamsraya in Trik 20) Antra koojana (Spasmodic pain
and others sandhi and vitiates Shleshaka kapha, it abdomen)
produces Sandhi shoola, sandhishotha, sandhigriha etc.
Management of Amavata
The vitiated dosha and Ama take shelter in jiwha and
1) Langhana
vitiate Bhodaka kapha and manifest symptoms like
2) Deepana
Aruchi etc.
Samanya Laxana (Signs and Symptoms of 3) Pachana (Tikta and katu dravya sevana)
Amavata) 4) Swedana
1) Angamarda ( Body-ache ) 5) Snehapana
2) Aruchi ( Loss of taste ) 6) Virechana
3) Trishna ( Thirst ) 7) Basti karma
4) Alasya ( Laziness ) Langhana- Langhana is nothing but the laghu ahara sevana.
5) Shareera gourava ( Heaviness of the It helps to increase the Agni so that Ama pachana and
body ) kapha dosha shamana take place.
6) Jwara ( Fever )
7) Apaka ( Indigestion ) Deepana- These drugs are mainly helpful to increase the
8) Shunata anganam (Swelling of the body Agni, so help in Agnimandya stage in Amavastha. The
specially in joints ) doshas are stuck strongly to srotas, so they can’t be
Symptoms of Pravridha Amavata Laxana removed directly by snehana and swedana, in such
1) Painfull swelling in Hasta, Pada, Shira, conditions deepana and pachana upakramas help to
Griva, Trik, Janu and Uru sandhi increase the Agni and does Amapachana, leading to the
2) Pain like Vrischika danshavat (scorpian
detachment of dosha from the srotas and clearance of
byte )
srotorodha for example, Pippali, Chavya, Hingu, Jeeraka
3) Agnimandya (Anoroxia )
4) Praseka (Excessive salivation)
5) Aruchi (Loss of taste)
Pachana- These drugs mainly help to digest the Ama for
6) Gourava (Heaviness of body)
example- shunthi, chitraka etc. Tikta and Katu rasa
7) Utsaha hani (Lack of enthusiasm)
aushadhi and ahara mainly help to increase the Agni
8) Asya vairasya
9) Daha (Burning sensation) deepana, amapachana, as well as kapha dosha nirharana.
10) Bahumutrata (Polyurea)
11) Kukshi kathinata and shoola ( Pain Swedana: a) Ruksha sweda- Valuka sweda
abdomen with distension ) b) Gurupravarana
12) Nidra viparyaya (Insomnia) c) Kshuda
13) Trit (Thirst) d) Upanaha sweda
Newsletter of ARMARC 5 JUNE -2010
Swedana karma relieves stambha, gourava of amavata. c. Anuvasana Basti- For anuvasana basti, ushna
Application of heat causes relaxation of muscles and teeksna dravyayukta taila like Saindavadi taila
tendons, improves blood cerculation and activates the can be used. It does Vatanulomana, Shodhana
local metabolic processes which may be responsible to and Deepana due to its gunas like ushna, sukshma,
relief the pain, swelling and stiffness. vyavayi etc.
Snehapana- According to Chakradatta, after the
Shsmana Aushadhi
Samyak Amapachana when the Agni will come to the
normal status on that condition, to control the Vata dosha
1. Vrindadrasna panchaka kwata
we have to give the snehapana, but this sneha should be
2. Rasna dwadasha kwata
prepared with tikta, katu aushadhi dravyas e.g., shunti
3. Shuntyadi kwata
grita, amrita grita etc.
4. Pippalyadi kwata
Abhyanga- In niramavastha using the ruksha and ushna
5. Rasnadi panchaka kwata
tailas like Vishagarbha taila, Pinda taila etc, we can do
the Abhyanga, after that swedana karma is vey essential.
1. Bhallatakadi churna
Virechana- Virechana has direct effect on Agni, Pitta,
2. Ajamodadi churna
Kapha and Vata dosha. By its shodhana guna, it clears
3. Panchasama churna
the srotas. It clears the Pitta dosha to increase the Agni.
4. Hingvadi churna
Virechana helps for Vatanulomana. It has also action on
5. Panchakola churna
removing the kapha dosha and probably virechana by its
6. Vaishwanara churna
systemic effect removes the free radicals, which have great
role in tissue damage in amavata.
1. Simhanada guggulu
Virechana Aushadhi
2. Maharasona pinda
1) Trivrit churna, Saindava, Shunti with
3. Kanda shunti avaleha
2) 7 times bhavita Trivrit churna with Trivrit
1. Shatapushpadi lepam
kwata along with kanji
3) Eranda taila with Dashamoola kwata 2. Ahisradi lepam *****
4) Eranda taila with Nagara kwata (Continued from previous edition.............)
5) Eranda taila is sreshta virechaka dravya Identification of Crude Drugs
in Amavata. It does Vata anulomana and * Dr. Prashant Kumar Jha, Head, Quality Control
shamana, kapha pitta shamaka, and it is Laboratories, ALNRAMC, Koppa
Mridu virechaka so that it can’t increase **Prof. T.N. Pandya, Head, Department of Dravyag-
the vata dosha. una, IPGT & RA, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jam.
Basti Karma- Basti is the prime chikitsa for vata dosha Except few common characters different
in Amavata. Useful Bastis are: identifying attributes are observed as macroscopic and
a. Vaitarana Basti- According to Chakra datta and microscopic charcters. These macroscopic and
Vangasena this basti is good in amavata it contains:
microscopic characters are common in stem and root
Amalaki-1 phala Guda- 1 shukti
apart from basic differences amongst them. Only few are
Saindava- 1 karsha Tila taila- 120 ml
mentioned here:
Gomutra- 240 ml (In Vangasena in place of Gomutra
Roots and Rhizomes
Godugda is mentioned)
1. Dimension and colour
b. Kshara Basti- Due to its properties like Lekhana, 2. Shape: a). Cylindrical, conical,fusiform,
Srotoshodhana, pachana, Teekshna, Ushna, Vata napiform etc.
kapha nashaka, it directly acts on Amavata. b). Straight, tortuous, fascicled etc.
Newsletter of ARMARC 6 JUNE -2010
Printed and Published by ARMARC on behalf of Honourable A. Ramesh Rao, Koppa, Chikmagalur Dt., Karnataka - 577126, India
(No. KARENG/2002/7924, RNI, New Delhi)
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