Solenoid Operated Directional Valves Catalog
Solenoid Operated Directional Valves Catalog
Solenoid Operated Directional Valves Catalog
) +1-206-319-9433
Vickers DG4V-3 flows DG4V-3S flows ISO 4401,
to 80 l/min to 40 l/min size 03; ANSI/
Solenoid Operated Directional Valves (21 USgpm), (10.5 USgpm), B93.7M-D03
Catalog 6* design 6* design
Introduction 01
Features and Benefits 02
Characteristics 03
Functional Symbols 04
Model Code 05
Operating Data 07
Performance Data 09
Installation Dimensions 12
DG4V-3-*A(L)-(V)M-S6-U-**-60 14
DG4V-3-*A(L)-(Z)-(V)M-S3-FPA5W-*2-60 14
DG4V-3-*A(L)-(Z)-(V)M-S4-FPA5W-*2-60 14
DG4V-3-*A(L)-(Z)-(V)M-S5-F-*2-60 14
Electrical Plugs and Connectors 15
Subplates, Connection Plates and Mounting Surfaces 18
DGMA-3-B-1* Blanking Plate 19
DGMA-3-C2-11 Crossover Plate 19
DGMA-3-T*-1*-* Tapping Plate 19
DGAM-3-01-1*-R (Metric bolt tapping) DGAM-3-01-1* (UNC bolt tapping) 20
Adaptor plate, Size 05 to 03 for pressure up to 210 bar (3000 psi) 20
DGVM-3-1*-*, DGMS-3-1E(Y)-1*-* Single station subplate, rear and side tapped port 21
DGMS-3-3E-1*-* Multi-station subplate 22
Mounting Surface 23
Appendix 24
Mounting Bolts 24
Spare Parts Data 25
Seal Kits 25
Solenoid Coils 25
Mass, approx. kg (lb) 25
Mounting Attitude 25
Temperature Limits 26
Fluid Temperature 26
Fluid Cleanliness 26
Ordering Procedure 26
General description
400 400
5000 5000
300 300 4000 4000
200 200 3000 3000
2000 2000
100 100 1450 1450
10 20 30 40 10 50 60 20 70
30 80 40 50 60 70 80
Flow rate (l/min) Flow rate (l/min)
DG4V-3 DG4V-3
Eaton Vickers Solenoid Operated Directional Valves Product Catalog V-VLDI-MC011-E September 2008 1
pressure drop, High reliability Scratch-proof manual
i.e. 2,5 bar (36 psi) at Design of spring forces and override seal
30 l/min (7.9 USgpm) profile of DC solenoid force Internal seals are located
Achieved by optimization of characteristics ensure spool such that they are beyond
the valve body, spool and position selection under reach of any bore damage
spool-stroke design. The extreme operating condi- caused by small tools used to
results: low energy consump- tions. Result is a valve with operate the manual override.
tion and improved efficiency. high reliability when being Result is no messy oil drips
energized or de-energied. from the manual overrides.
Pressure Pressure
differential differential Performance leader Small diameter manual over-
bar psi Vickers rides prevent inadvertent
Flow rate (USgpm) operation.
solenoid force
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 Normal solenoid
14 200 force range on DG4V-3 High Performance
12 the market
10 150
Vickers spring
8 force
6 Normal spring
4 50 force range on
2 the market
0 0 Solenoid Solenoid
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 energized de-energized
Flow rate (l/min)
Electrical connections
P Conduit box design that
simplifies electrical wiring
A DG4V-3S Standard
B connections to solenoids.
Orientation tabs prevent Performance
incorrect positioning.
Mounting surface to
ISO 4401 size 03
Ease of servicing
Wet-armature solenoid,
screw-in core tube design
allows coils to be changed
without removing valve from
installation and without oil
spillage or risk of contaminat- Surge supression for
ing system fluid. DC valves
Surge suppression is used
to prevent coil damage by
reducing contact burnoff
increasing switch life and
protecting electrical control-
lers from inductive spikes.
Three coil options are
ISO4400 (DIN 43650)
coil shown D1 Encapsulated diode
(Industrial application)
D2 Encapsulated diode
(Mobile application)
D7 Transzorb type
2 Eaton Vickers Solenoid Operated Directional Valves Product Catalog V-VLDI-MC011-E September 2008
Eaton Vickers Solenoid Operated Directional Valves Product Catalog V-VLDI-MC011-E September 2008 3
Symbols Double solenoid valves, Single solenoid valves, Single solenoid valves,
two position, detented solenoid at port A end solenoid at port B end
SSool.l. BB PP
S ol. B TTSSooPl.l. AA T S ol. ASol.
TSol. Sol. A
Double solenoid valves,
spring centered
Spool types shown repre-
sent the highest proportion SSool.l. BB SPoPl. B TT P SSoolT.l. AA S ol. A
of market requirements. For s Transient condition only
other spool functions that may
be required, consult your
Eaton sales representative. The valve function schematics apply to both U.S. and European valves.
Solenoids identified to U.S. DG4V-3(S)-*N(V) DG4V-3(S)-*A(V) DG4V-3(S)-*AL(V)
Functional symbols related to 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
solenoid identity A and/or
B according to NFPA/ANSI 2 2 2 2 2 2
standards, i.e. energizing
solenoid A gives flow P to 22 22 22 22 22 22
A, solenoid B gives flow P
to B (as applicable). 24 24 24 24 24 24
Port A Port P
DG4V-3(S)-*C(V) DG4V-3(S)-*B/F(V) DG4V-3(S)-*BL/FL(V)
Solenoid Solenoid 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Port B 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Port T
For 6 6 6
6 6 6 6 6 6
Solenoid type Solenoid 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66
B All A 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
8 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22
A 8only B
33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33
For valves with type 8spools, 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34
solenoid identity to U.S.
convention is the same as for 52 52 52 5 2 15 2 1 521 52 52 52
European convention.
56 56 56 5 6 15 6 1 561 56 56 56
Solenoids identified to
European standards DG4V-3(S)-8C(V) DG4V-3(S)-8BL(V) DG4V-3(S)-8B(V)
(specify V in model code)
Functional symbols related 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
to solenoid identity A and/
or B according to European
convention i.e. solenoid A European solenoid standard
adjacent to A port, solenoid Double solenoid valves, Single solenoid valves, Single solenoid valves,
B adjacent to B port of two position, detented solenoid at port A end solenoid at port B end
Port A Port P
AA Sol.P AP T T Sol.
B BT Sol.
Sol.BA A
Sol. P AP
Sol. TT P PTP T T P Sol.
Sol. Sol. B
Solenoid Solenoid
Double solenoid valves,
Port B spring centered
Port T
For differences in valve func- A B
tion, refer to Performance
Data page 11. P T
Sol. A Sol. B
F build spools.
s Transient condition only
4 Eaton Vickers Solenoid Operated Directional Valves Product Catalog V-VLDI-MC011-E September 2008
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
1 odel Series
M 6 olenoid energization
S 9 Coil type 11 Housing (F type coils only)
D Directional valve identity U ISO 4400 (DIN 43650) W1
/2" NPT thread
GS ubplate/manifold mounted V Solenoid A is at port A mounting u wiring housing
4 Solenoid operated end and/ or solenoid B is U1 Connector fitted J2
0 mm thread wiring
at port B end, indepen- housing
V Pressure rating 350 bar dent of spool type U6 Connector fitted w/lights
(5075 psi) on P, A & B ports U11 C
onnector fitted
Omit for U.S. ANSI B93.9 12 S
urge suppressor/
standard requiring solenoid w/rectifier & lights**
2 tandard or high
S damper
A energization to connect U12 C
onnector fitted
performance P to A and/or solenoid B to D1 E
ncapsulated diode
3 High performance specifi- connect P to B, independent (Industrial applications)
of solenoid location. F1
/2" NPT thread
cation: up to 80 l/min (21 D2 E
ncapsulated diode
conduit box
USgpm) at 350 bar (5075 psi) NOTE: Type 8 spool valves (Mobile applications)
conform to both U.S. and KU Top exit flying leads*
3S Standard performance D7 Transzorb type
specification: up to 40 European solenoid designa- SP1 Single 6,3 mm spade* u (F,KU,U,SP1,SP2 only)
l/min (10.5 USgpm) at tions. When ordering an 8 SP2 Dual 6,3 mm spade* u
350 bar (5075 psi) spool, designate a V in the 13 Solenoid indicator lights
model code. X1 F
lame resistant sole-
noids TP EEx-d-11B-T4 Not available on PA, KU, U,
Spool type SP1& SP2
7 Flag symbol X2 H
azardous location
See Functional symbols section. solenoids to meet
lectrical options and 14 Coil rating
UL & CSA approval
4 features
pool Spring
S X3 Special protection Full power coils, see
Arrangement solenoids to BASEEFA Operating Data.
8 Spool indicator switch
A Spring offset, end-to-end standar SFA009:1972, A 110V AC 50Hz
AL Same as A but left Available on high performance protection class EX-S-11-T4
hand build models, DG4V-3, only. Omit B 110V AC 50Hz/120V AC 60 Hz
when not required.
u emale connector to be
B Spring offset, end to center supplied by customer C 220V AC 50 Hz
BL Same as B but left DG4V-3-*A(L)-(V)M models D 220V AC 50 Hz/240V AC 60 Hz
hand build with type U (ISO4400) electri- * DC service only
C Spring centered cal connector to solenoid; ** AC service only G 12V DC
F Spring offset, shift to center spool type 0, 2 or 22 only: H 24V DC
FL Same as F but left S6 LVDT type DC switch with 10 Electrical connector For DG4V-3 only (not usable
hand build Pg7 connector plug. T Wired terminal block with DG4V-3S):
NN o-spring detented DG4V-3-*A(L)-(Z)-(V)M-S*-FPA5W Low power coils, see Operating
PA Instaplug male Data. (Not available with N
valves with mechanical type receptacle only
5 Manual override option AC (~) switch, wired to 5-pin No-spring detented models)
receptacle: PB Instaplug male & BL 110V 50 Hz/120V 60 Hz
No symbol Plain override(s)
female receptacle
in solenoid S3 Switch, wired normally open DL 220V AC 50 Hz/240V AC 60 Hz
end(s) only s PA3 Three pin connector
S4 Switch, wired normally GL 12V DC
H Water-resistant override(s) closed PA5 Five pin connector
on solenoid end(s) s HL 24V DC
H2 Water-resistant override DG4V-3-*A(L)-(Z)-(V)M-S5-F(T) For 60 Hz or dual frequency
both ends of solenoid. W/J valves with mechanical
P2 Plain override both ends type AC (~) switch: Contact your Eaton representa-
of single solenoid. tive for additional coil voltage
S5 Switch, free leads
Yl Latching manual over- options.
ride on solenoid ends
(includes H feature
seal) s
Z No overrides at either end
s No override in non-solenoid
end of single solenoid valves
l Not available on DG4V-3S,
AC models
Eaton Vickers Solenoid Operated Directional Valves Product Catalog V-VLDI-MC011-E September 2008 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
16 Design number
60 Basic design
61 Type 8 spool
6 Eaton Vickers Solenoid Operated Directional Valves Product Catalog V-VLDI-MC011-E September 2008
Performance data is typical with fluid at 36cSt (168 SUS) and 50C (122F).
Eaton Vickers Solenoid Operated Directional Valves Product Catalog V-VLDI-MC011-E September 2008 7
Spool Position Indicator This product has been achieve effective protection
Models, high performance designed and tested to levels see this leaflet and the
valve DG4V-3 ONLY meet specific standards out- Installation Wiring Practices
Spool/spring arrangement lined in the European Electro- for Eaton's Vickers Electronic
types 0A (L), 2A(L), 22A(L) magnetic Compatibility. Products leaflet 2468. Wiring
Directive (EMC) 89/336/EEC, practices relevant to this
DC model type S6 Directive are indicated by
(see page 14 for Installation amended by 91/263/EEC,
92/31/EEC and 93/68/EEC, Electromagnetic
Dimension) Compatibility (EMC).
article 5. For instructions on
installation requirements to
Supply voltage 10 to 35V DC inclusive of a maximum 4V pk-to-pk ripple
Current, switch open 5 mA
Current, switch closed 255 mA
Voltage 1V below input at maximum load
Maximum continuous current 250 mA
Maximum load impedance 136 at maximum input volts
Maximum switching frequency 10 Hz
Plug connections:
Pin 1 (output 1) Normally open (ie. not connected to pin 3)
Pin 2 Supply +ve
Pin 3 0V
Pin 4 (output 2) Normally closed (ie.connected to pin 3)
Switching point Within the spool spring offset condition
Connector Pg7 plug (supplied with valve)
Protection Overload and short-circuit protected; self re-setting.
IEC 144 class IP65 with connector correctly fitted.
Factory setting ensures this condition under all combinations of manufacturing tolerance and of temperature drift (see Temperature Limits).
Wiring Connections
All power must be switched
off before connecting or
disconnecting any plugs
LVDT Solenoid
Customers protective ground connection
8 Eaton Vickers Solenoid Operated Directional Valves Product Catalog V-VLDI-MC011-E September 2008
Graph 1 Graph 2
AC solenoid valves with dual AC solenoid valves with
frequency coils operating at D
ual frequency coils Single frequency (50 Hz)
50 Hz operating at 60 Hz coils operating at 50 Hz
6 5
150 150
2000 2000
100 100
9 8
1000 1000
50 50
0 0 0 10 20 30 40 l/min
0 10 20 30 40 l/min
0 2 4 6 8 10 USgpm 0 2 4 6 8 10 USgpm
Flow rate Flow rate
4 22A(L) 9 8 7
22B(L) & 22C 7 7 6
150 8
2000 5 24A(L) 6 6 5
100 33B(L) & 33C 4 4 4
7 34B(L) & 34C 6 6 5
1000 6
50 52BL, 52C, 6 6 5
56BL & 56C 6 6 5
0 0 66B(L) & 66C 3 3 5
0 10 20 30 40 l/min
521B & 561B 6 6 5
0 2 4 6 8 10 USgpm
onsult Eaton regarding each application that will jointly have
Flow rate flow rates approaching this curve and a pressurized volume
exceeding 2000 cm3 (122
Eaton Vickers Solenoid Operated Directional Valves Product Catalog V-VLDI-MC011-E September 2008 9
6 48 9
3000 200 3000 200
7 9 3
150 150
2000 8 2000 4 8
5 7 6
100 100
1000 1000
50 50
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 l/min 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 l/min
0 3 6 9 12 15 USgpm 0 3 6 9 12 15 USgpm
Flow rate
Spool/ Graph Graph Graph
spring 4 5 6
code curve curve curve
Graph 6 0A(L) 2 2 3
DC solenoid valves 0B(L) & 0C, 0F 1 1 2
2A(L) 2 2 3
psi bar 2B(L) & 2C, 2F 1 1 1
5000 350 2N 1 1 2
6 3 1 6B(L) & 6C, 6F 6 5 6
4000 7 4 2 7B(L) & 7C, 7F 1 1 2
250 8B(L) & 8C 5 s 4 s 5s
22A(L) 8 7 8
3000 200
4 22B(L) & 22C 7 6 7
8 6 24A(L) 9 8 5
2000 33B(L) & 33C 4 3 4
100 34B(L) & 34C 4 3 6
1000 52BL, 52C, 6 5 6
50 56BL & 56C 6 5 6
4&6 66B(L) & 66C 3 9 6
0 521B & 561B 6 5 6
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 l/min
s C
onsult Eaton regarding each application that will jointly have
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 USgpm flow rates approaching this curve and a pressurized volume
Flow rate exceeding 2000 cm3 (122
10 Eaton Vickers Solenoid Operated Directional Valves Product Catalog V-VLDI-MC011-E September 2008
Pressure drops
Pressure drop
100 80
80 6
1 60
60 800 14
40 40
2 400 13
20 20
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 l/min 0 10 20 30 l/min
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 USgpm 0 2 4 6 8 USgpm
Flow rate Flow rate
DG4V-3S & DG4V-3
t Curve for spool type 6: not recommended for flows in excess of 60 l/min (15.8 USgpm).
Models for use with ISO 4400 (DIN 43650) connectors 3rd angle
Double solenoid models s Single solenoid modelss
DG4V-3(S)-*C-**-(V)M-U-**-60 DG4V-3(S)-*A(-**) n DG4V-3(S)-*AL(-**) n
As Spolenoid
DG4V-3(S)-*N-**-(V)M-U-**-60 DG4V-3(S)-*B(-**) n shown DG4V-3(S)-*BL(-**) n and end cap
DG4V-3(S)-8BL(-**) DG4V-3(S)-8B(-**) interchanged
DG3V-3(S)-*F n DG4V-3(S)-*FL(-**) n
74,00 Alternative plug positions by
D (2.91) loosening knurled nut, turning
coil, and re-tightening.
Coil types: U (shown), KU, SP1,
and SP2 (see Model Code)
Port P
Port A
Port B
Port T
n Not applicable to type 8 spool. Model type AC or DC A Dim. B Dim. C Dim. D Dim.
s See page 25 for solenoid information.
All DC = 220 (8.66) 156 (6.14) 61 (2.5) 73 (2.87)
Can vary dependent on source of plug.
DG4V-3 AC ~ 200 (7.87) 146 (5.75) 51 (2.1) 63 (2.48)
Dimensions in mm(in). DG4V-3S AC ~ 200 (7.87) 146 (5.75) 45 (1.7) 63 (2.48)
DG4V-3(S)-****(L)-H-(V)M-**-**-60 DG4V-3-****(L)-Y-(V)M-**-**-60
DG4V-3S-****(L)-Y-(V)M-**-**-60, DC coil models only
General use where finger operation is required (standard manual Application
overrides cannot be operated without using small tool). Stainless steel lever/latch mechanism and water-resistant seal
make this feature ideal for vehicle-mounted and exposed
applications requiring emergency selection of valve for a period
of time in the event of electrical failure.
Overall length
Overalloflength of
Manual Manual 15 Overall
15 length
valve with 40 40 valve withvalve
with standard
must must (0.6) standard
(0.6) standard
manual manual
overrides Lever inLever
in latched
(1.6) (1.6)manual manual
overrides overrides
be appliedbewithin
applied within Lever inLever
free position
in free position Lift latchLift
to latch to
this diameter:
this diameter: release release
lever lever
20(0.75). 20(0.75). Push lever
Pushto lever to
Spacer prevents
Spacer prevents operateoperate
valve; valve;65
by by latch holds
in lever 65
larger device.
larger device. operatedoperated (2.5) in (2.5)
Spacer Spacer
Note: Notes:
H feature is not field convertible from other models; 1. O
pposite solenoid (on C and N double solenoid models)
specify with order. should not be energized while the valve is latched in selected
position; AC solenoid coils will burn out under
this improper usage.
2. Y feature is field-convertible from H type manual override
(omitting spacer), but is not field-convertible from other models.
12 Eaton Vickers Solenoid Operated Directional Valves Product Catalog V-VLDI-MC011-E September 2008
Port P
Port A
Port B
Port T
Codes FJ and FW: 2 lead wires for each solenoid, approximately 150,00 (6.00) long. M3 (#6)
terminals provided for customer connection.
Codes FTJ and FTW: Valve supplied with lead wires connected into terminal strip suitable
for M3 (#6) terminals for customer connection.
Eaton Vickers Solenoid Operated Directional Valves Product Catalog V-VLDI-MC011-E September 2008 13
DG4V-3-*A(L)-(Z)-(V)M-S4-FPA5W-*2-60 See page 16 for details of connections
DG4V-3-*A(L)-(Z)-(V)M-S5-F-*2-60 to pre-wired 5-pin receptacle for:
S3 normally open and
Single solenoid models with Conduit box with leads, or S4 normally closed.
mechanical type switch moni- pre-wired to NFPA T3.5.29-
toring of spool movement. 1980 receptacle.
Location of switch and housing
for RH build models
Normally closed lead (Monitor switch)
sleeving identification color white.
Common lead (Monitor switch)
sleeving identification color black.
Normally open lead (Monitor switch)
no color identification.
Location of solenoid 100 (3.94)
for RH build models
For LH build (DG4V-3-*AL ) 54 (2.12)
solenoid and switch locations are reversed. 200 (7.87) with AC solenoid for removal
210 (8.27) with DC solenoid of switch hsg.
14 Eaton Vickers Solenoid Operated Directional Valves Product Catalog V-VLDI-MC011-E September 2008
28,50 30,00
(1.12) (1.18)
1. For DC coils the +ve ing leads to double solenoid 2. For correct light indica- terminals are common with
lead(s) must be connected valves (i.e. common neutral) tion of energized solenoid each outer pair of solenoid
to the terminal(s) marked +. the inner pair of terminals ensure that solenoid leads terminals according to the
When using 3-wire incom- must be interconnected. are correctly connected: light side with + mark.
DG4V-3(S)---FPA---60 plug is inside a wire housing longer ground post provides Optional solenoid indicator
DG4V-3(S)---FPBW---60 with external terminals for first make/last break ground lights are pre-wired to the
Eaton 2-part Insta-Plug machine wire connections. connection. female plug. Solenoids A
eliminates breaking electrical Captive thumb screws, when The PBW configuration com- and/or B are identified on
inputs for valve disconnect. loosened, permit the wire bines both male and female the wiring housing.
A male half is pre-wired to housing to be pulled clear of plugs in the wiring housing for
the valve body. The mating the valve for disconnect. A a self-contained plug-in unit.
71,1 (3.88) WARNING TAG
(2.80) 69,0 Electrical power
(2.72) must be
47,5 ref.
(1.87) disconnected
ref. before removing or
replacing this
Port A Port A Port B
Port B
The conduit box dimensions used for the PA/PBW type connector are different from
those on the other F type coil models.
Dimensions in mm(in).
Eaton Vickers Solenoid Operated Directional Valves Product Catalog V-VLDI-MC011-E September 2008 15
16 Eaton Vickers Solenoid Operated Directional Valves Product Catalog V-VLDI-MC011-E September 2008
Connector can be positioned 18 sq. 27
Recptacle Voltage Part Numbers (1.06)
at 90 intervals on valve by (AC or DC) Gray Black (0.71)
re-assembling contact holder "A" sol. "B" sol. 1,5
into appropriate position U1 Coils 710776 710775 (0.06)
inside connector housing. without lights
Use U12 or U11 type connec- U6 Coils 12-24 977467 977466 thread 30,5 sq. 5,5
tors with 12 and 24V DC coils with lights 100-125 977469 977468 (1.20) (0.22)
if rectification is required. 200-240 977471 977470
Connectors with and without U11 Rectified 12 DC 02-141358
coils with 24 DC 02-141359
indicator lights are available
lights 98-240 VDC 02-141360
(order separately): 200-240 VDC 02-141361
U12 Rectified 02-141357 26,5
27,5 (1.04)
coils without (1.08)
lights 22,5
(No 1) D1 (No 1)
Eaton Vickers Solenoid Operated Directional Valves Product Catalog V-VLDI-MC011-E September 2008 17
18 Eaton Vickers Solenoid Operated Directional Valves Product Catalog V-VLDI-MC011-E September 2008
73,0 P
(2.9) T
22,0 (0.9)
24,4 (1.0)
48,5 (1.9)
46,0 (1.8) 11,0 (0.43)
A Nameplate
75,0 P
22,0 (0.9)
2 tapped ports P T B A
for DGMA3T*1*B, G 1/8 (1/8 BSPF)
for DGMA3T*2*S, 7/16 20 UNF 2B (SAE)
(for 1/4 O.D. tubing)
48,4 (1.9) P T B A
46,0 (1.8)
(3.0) P P
T 4 holes 5,6 T
B (0.22 dia.)
Dimensions in mm(in).
Eaton Vickers Solenoid Operated Directional Valves Product Catalog V-VLDI-MC011-E September 2008 19
A 90,4 A
P T (3.56) Standard T
40,5 54,0 port (TA )
(1.59) P
B Additional T
B port (TB )
Dimensions in mm(in).
Eaton Vickers Solenoid Operated Directional Valves Product Catalog V-VLDI-MC011-E September 2008 21
P 68,0 38,0 P
(2.68) (1.5)
37,5 A A A
T (1.47) 5,0 T
B 6,0
These two ports are present 4 holes per model type P and T ports tapped
in 4, 5, and 6 station models. BSPF ports: M5-6H x 12,0 (0.47) deep according to model type:
Optional in 2 and 3 station SAE ports: #10-24 UNC-2B x 12,5 (0.5) deep DGMS-*E(X)1* R:
models, specify G1/2 (1/2 BSPF)
DGMS32EX 1** or DGMA-*E(X)-1*-S:
DGMS33EX 1** 3/4:-16 UNF-2B (SAE)
50,0 50,0 35,0 (0,6)
(1.97) (1.97) (1.38)
(2.36) 38,0
effective (1.5)
bolt length
u T
hru connection P and T ports on types DGMS-3-2EX-1*-*
and DGMS-3-3EX-1*-*
Dimensions in mm(in).
22 Eaton Vickers Solenoid Operated Directional Valves Product Catalog V-VLDI-MC011-E September 2008
Mounting Surface
70 (2.75) min.
When a subplate is not used,
a machined pad must be 40,5 0,1 (1.594 0.004)
provided for mounting. The
pad must be flat within 0,01 30,2 (1.890)
mm per 100 mm (0.0001" per
1") and smooth within 0,8 m 21,5
(32 in). (0.85)
The interface conforms to 12,7
ISO 4401-AB-03-4A (size 03) (0.5) 0,75 0,1
(0.03 0.004)
plus location pin hole
ANSI/B93.7M (and NFPA)
size 03 CETOP R35H4.2-03, (0.20) T
plus location pin hole
DIN 24340 Form A6, plus 15,5
location pin hole 25,9 (0.61) A B
Dimensional tolerance = 31,0 0,1 31,75 0,1
0,2 ( 0.008) except where (1.22 0.004) (1.25 0.004)
otherwise stated. 48
Prior to installing a valve, min.
ensure that both valve and P
mounting surface are clean
and free from burrs.
4,0 x 4,3 7,5 (0.29)
min. deep
4 holes, M5-6H x 12,0 (0.16 dia x
(0.47) min. full thread depth 0.17 deep)
ISO 4401 gives dimensions for locating pin
s 4 ports 6,3 (0.25 dia). For all
in mm. Inch conversions Vickers size 3 valves this
are accurate to 0.01" unless diameter may be increased to
stated. 7,5 (0.29 dia).
Dimensions in mm(in).
Eaton Vickers Solenoid Operated Directional Valves Product Catalog V-VLDI-MC011-E September 2008 23
Mounting Bolts
Inch bolt kits, #1024 UNC2B Metric bolt kits, M5 Metric bolt kits, M6
Size x length, in (mm) Size x length, mm (in) Size x length, mm (in)
#10-24 x 12,7 (0.50) BK590715 M5 x 20 (0.79) BK466834M M6 x 16 (0.63) BK534564M
#10-24 x 19,05 (0.75) BK466847 M5 x 25 (0.98) BK465723M M6 x 20 (0.79) BK534565M
#10-24 x 25,4 (1.00) BK304 M5 x 30 (1.18) BK616452M M6 x 25 (0.98) BK534566M
#10-24 x 31,8 (1.25) BK590716 M5 x 40 (1.57) BK02156493M M6 x 30 (1.18) BK534567M
#10-24 x 38,1 (1.50) BK306 M5 x 50 (1.97) BKDG3699M M6 x 40 (1.57) BKDG01633Mu
#10-24 x 44,4 (1.75) BK02-156494 M5 x 55 (2.17) BK986135M M6 x 45 (1.77) BK534569M
#10-24 x 50,8 (2.00) BKDG3698 M5 x 60 (2.36) BK466836M M6 x 50 (1.97) BK534570M
#10-24 x 57,2 (2.25) BK02-139165 M5 x 70 (2.76) BK464125M M6 x 55 (2.17) BK534571M
#10-24 x 60,3 (2.38) BK466849 M5 x 75 (2.95) BK869720M M6 x 65 (2.56) BK534572M
#10-24 x 69,9 (2.75) BK870017 M5 x 80 (3.15) BK466837M M6 x 70 (2.76) BK534573M
#10-24 x 69,9 (2.75) BKDGFNL- M5 x 90 (3.54) BK466838M M6 x 75 (2.95) BK534574M
694Mu M5 x 95 (3.74) BK869721M M6 x 80 (3.15) BK638873M
#10-24 x 76,2 (3.00) BK02-156496 M5 x 100 (3.94) BK466839M M6 x 80 (3.15) BKDGFN01637Mu
#10-24 x 79,4 (3.13) BK466850 M5 x 110 (4.33) BK466840M M6 x 85 (3.35) BK978478M
#10-24 x 88,9 (3.50) BK466851 M5 x 120 (4.72) BK466841M M6 x 90 (3.54) BK534576M
#10-24 x 95,3 (3.75) BK869704 M5 x 130 (5.12) BK466842M M6 x 100 (3.94) BK978479M
#10-24 x 100 (3.94) BK466852 M5 x 140 (5.51) BK466843M M6 x 110 (4.33) BK978480M
#10-24 x 101,6 (4.00) BK02-156497 M5 x 150 (5.91) BK466844M M6 x 115 (4.53) BK534580M
#10-24 x 109,5 (4.31) BK466853 M5 x 160 (6.30) BK466845M M6 x 120 (4.72) BK534581M
#10-24 x 120,7 (4.75) BK466854 M5 x 170 (6.69) BK466846M M6 x 140 (5.51) BK638878M
#10-24 x 127,0 (5.00) BK02-156499 M5 x 200 (7.87) BK464468M
#10-24 x 130,2 (5.13) BK466855
#10-24 x 133,4 (5.25) BK02-156498
#10-24 x 139,7 (5.50) BK466856
#10-24 x 150,9 (5.94) BK466857
#10-24 x 160,3 (6.31) BK466858
#10-24 x 170,0 (6.69) BK466859
#10-24 x 177,8 (7.00) BK890325
24 Eaton Vickers Solenoid Operated Directional Valves Product Catalog V-VLDI-MC011-E September 2008
Eaton Vickers Solenoid Operated Directional Valves Product Catalog V-VLDI-MC011-E September 2008 25
Ambient range: Proper fluid condition is es- fluid pressure levels in the Fire resistant fluids usually
-20C to 70C (-4F to +158F) sential for long and satisfac- system and are coded in the have higher specific gravities
tory life of hydraulic compo- chart below. Fluids other than than oil. The specific gravity
Fluid Temperature nents and systems. Hydraulic petroleum, severe service cy- of a fluid may be obtained
fluid must have the correct cles or temperature extremes from its producer.
Fluid Mineral Water balance of cleanliness, mate- are cause for adjustment of
Temp. oil containing rials and additives for protec- these cleanliness codes. See
Minimum -20C +10C tion against wear of compo- Eaton's Vickers publication
(-4F) (+50F) nents, elevated viscosity and 561 for exact details.
Maximum* +70C +54C inclusion of air. Eaton products, as any com-
(+158F) (+129F) Essential information on ponents, will operate with
the correct methods for apparent satisfaction in fluids
* To obtain optimum service life
treating hydraulic fluid is with higher cleanliness codes
from both fluid and hydraulic
system, 65C (150F) is the
included in Eaton publica- than those described. Other
recommended maximum tion 561;Vickers Guide to manufacturers will often rec-
fluid temperature, except for Systemic Contamination ommend levels above those
water-containing fluids. Control, available from your specified.
local Eaton distributor or by Experience has shown, how-
For synthetic fluids, consult contacting Eaton, Incorpo-
fluid manufacturer or Eaton ever, that life of any hydraulic
rated. Recommendations on components is shortened
representative where limits are filtration and the selection of
outside those for mineral oil. in fluids with higher cleanli-
products to control fluid con- ness codes than those listed
Whatever the actual tempera- dition are included in 561. below. These codes have
ture range, ensure that fluid Recommended cleanliness been proven to provide a long
viscosities stay within the levels, using petroleum oil trouble-free service life for
limits specified in Hydraulic under common conditions, the products shown, regard-
Fluids. are based on the highest less of the manufacturer.
System Pressure Level
bar (psi)
Product <70 (<2000) 70207 (20003000) 207+ (3000+)
Vane pumps, fixed 20/18/15 1 9/17/14 18/16/13
Vane pumps, variable 18/16/14 17/15/13
Piston pumps, fixed 19/17/15 18/16/14 17/15/13
Piston pumps, variable 18/16/14 17/15/13 16/14/12
Directional valves 20/18/15 20/18/15 19/17/14
Proportional valves 17/15/12 17/15/12 15/13/11
Servo valves 16/14/11 16/14/11 15/13/10
Pressure/Flow controls 19/17/14 19/17/14 19/17/14
Cylinders 20/18/15 20/18/15 20/18/15
Vane motors 20/18/15 19/17/14 18/16/13
Axial piston motors 19/17/14 18/16/13 17/15/12
Ordering Procedure
26 Eaton Vickers Solenoid Operated Directional Valves Product Catalog V-VLDI-MC011-E September 2008
Hydraulics Operations USA
14615 Lone Oak Road
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Tel: 952-937-9800
Fax: 952-294-7722
Eaton Hydraulics Operations Asia Pacific
2008 Eaton Corporation Hydraulics Operations Europe 11th Floor Hong Kong New World Tower
All Rights Reserved Route de la Longeraie 7 300 Huaihai Zhong Road
Printed in USA 1110 Morges Shanghai 200021
Document No. V-VLDI-MC011-E Switzerland China
Supersedes GB-2072B Tel: +41 (0) 21 811 4600 Tel: 86-21-6387-9988
September 2008 Fax: +41 (0) 21 811 4601 Fax: 86-21-6335-3912