Hoists Kito CB PDF

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KilO Manual Chain Hoists
CB Series Up to 50 ton Capacity as Standard
KITO MIGHTY Model M3 is Lighter weight, higher efficiency KITO's exclusive impraved
manufactured with the leading and more compact size, these pracess technology and years of
design concept. The Model M3 is hoists are valuable in lifting experience assure superior quality
a leader in its design. Capacity applications. This successful and performance. We are
range from O.5t to 50t. The Model design derives fram the confident that the Model M3 will
M3 was developed by KITO. development by the KITO's fulfill user's needs because of the
The Model M3 results fram the smallest yet ultra strong link load following important features .
application of high technology with chain. Unparalleled in the world,
emphasis on overall performance these load chains have a breaking
required in a quality chain hoist. strength of 1,OOON/mm


Best De -g
Highest Efficle cy Outstanding features

Durable and Reliable!!

and Reliability The high-c1ass load chain with the
breaking strength of 1000N/mm
(100kgf/mm ) constitutes the main

factor for reliable and safe

KilO MODEl M3 operation . Aiso dry type braking

mechanism pravides excellent
This model is designed for hard

Mode! fj'f}~
For details of appearance, specifications and dimensions, refer to page 6 and 7.


0.5t to 50t




specifications f, dimensions

KilO MIGHlY:wnuiJ

15t s 50t


I----"v _.r- s

oAny lift of chain is available upon request.

oAs Kito chains are heat treated , splicing of the load chain is prohibited. In case longer lifting height is required , specify required lifting height wh en ordering.

Chain Pull Mass [weight]
Rated Hand Chain Load Chain Mass
Load Std .Lift Folded Length ta Traverse Test Load (Net'Weight) in kg for Additional
Code Dia. x Chain Fall
(m) (m) Full Load (t) (kg) One Meter of Lift
(W.L.L.)(t) (mm)
(N) [kgf] (kg)
0.5 CBSG(CBSP)005 2.5 2.5 10 [1] 5.0x1 0.75 23(15) 2.4(1.5)
1 CBSG(CBSP)010 2.5 2.5 20 [2] 6.3x1 1.5 24(19) 2.7(1.8)
1.5 CBSG(CBSP)015 2. 5 2.5 29 [3] 7.1x1 2.4 32(28) 3.0(2 .1 )
2 CBSG(CBSP)020 3.0 3.0 39 [4] 8.0x1 3 37(33) 3.3(2.3)
2.5 CBSG(CBSP)025 3.0 3.0 49 [5] 9.0x1 3.8 52(48) 3.6(2 .7)
3 CBSG(CBSP)030 3.0 3.0 59 [6] 7.1 x2 4.8 48(44) 4.1 (3 .2)
5 CBSG(CBSP)050 3.0 3.5 137 [1 4] 9.0x2 7. 5 92(87) 5.4(4.4)
7.5 CBSG075 3.5 4.0 225 [23] 9.0x3 9. 5 175 7.1
10 CBSG100 3.5 4.0 294 [30]* 9.0x4 12.5 185 8.8
15 CBSG150 3.5 4.5 221x2 [23x2] 9.0x6 20 395 12.3
20 CBSG200 3.5 4.5 294x2 [30x2]* 9.0x8 25 495 15.8
30 CBSG300 3.5 4.5/5.0 441 x2[45x2]* 9.0x10 40 670 21.1
' CBSG and CBSP mean the CB Series connected with TS Series geared trolley and plain trolley respectlvely.
' Figures in parentheses show the data for plain trolley. Other data are same bath for plain and geared trolleys.
' The data for standard I-beam width and minimum radius for curve are same as the ones shawn in the page 9.
' In case of 7.5 ton and over cap., "j" show the data for hook suspension type.
' 15 ton and over capacity trolleys have 8-wheel construction and "n" shows the distance between outside wheel centers.
' 40 ton and over cap. are available on reques!. . ": does not accord with EN13157

Rated Head
Load room a a' b d e f g h i j k k' m n 0 p q r t u
rNU.)(t) :C (Max)

0.5 305(295) 275(173) 309(204) 236(182) 2500 116(46 2200 27 106(82 71(60) 28(19) 95(76) 106 56(47.5 112(84) 50(42) 69(54) 10 50(38) 25(22) 183
1 305 275(215) 309(249) 236 2500 116(56) 2200 29 106 71 28 95 106 56 112 50 69 10 50 25 183
1.5 365 349(218 385(300 280 2500 154(69 2200 34 127 85 34 112 109 71 131 63 83 10 62 32 183
2 380 349(218) 385(300) 280 3000 154(69) 2700 36 127 85 34 112 109 71 131 63 83 10 62 32 183
2.5 435 359(280) 398(320) 324 3000 157(79 2700 40 148 100 36 134 11 4 80 152 74 102 10 68 36 183
3 535 359(280) 398(320) 324 3100 157(79) 2700 42.5 148 100 36 134 114 80 152 74 102 10 68 36 183
5 660 377(273 401(297) 400 3600 156(53 3200 46 .5 169 118 47 144 131 81 178 70 104 10 88 54 183
7.5 870 443 595 480 4300 182 3700 72 .5 185 155 53 170 165 120 196.5 104 89 8 153 70 214
10 860 443 595 480 4300 182 3700 72 .5 185 155 53 170 165 120 196.5 104 89 8 153 70 214
15 1150 454 677 1000 4800 182 4200 80 185 155 62 170 165 120 716.5 104 89 8 203 80 214
20 1310 454 677 1000 4900 182 4200 81 185 155 62 170 165 120 716.5 104 89 8 203 80 214
30 1450 790 - - 5000 300 4700 103 218 175 62 197 199 103 833 85 100 8 147 80 214


oShape of theSuspender for 3t is similar ta the shapeof theSuspender for 5t. ' Shape of the Suspender for 3t is similar ta the shape of the Suspender for 5t.


Bumpers (Protective Lugs) Ultra Light Model
KITO's TS Series Trolleys have bumpers, which hold trolley Design of trolleys with KITO's experience made it possible ta
surely on the beam and guard against damage ta a trolley and release the ultra light and compact trolleys .
wheels arising from a collision with the stopper or between two Track Wheel with better Durability
trolleys. Buffers are available as option ta install on the Through KITO 's unique press process and heat treatment,
bumpers. Also, extended arms are available as option ta install wheels have much better durability for long life.
on the bumpers ta help prevent damage ta Special Contour Wheels
a hoist from collision between the hoists Special attention has been given ta the contour of steel trolley
suspended from trolleys on the same wheels in arder ta provide good contact between wheels and
beam. flange surfaces.
nr~'n;Olr.,t1 as option. Pivot Mounted
Bath side plates are pivot mounted sa that trolleys can move
freely at adeguate angles with frange surface. Even if there are
irregularities on flange surface such as welded joints, the weight
of load is evenly distributed on ail the four wheels.
Wide selection of Beam width Bali Bearings
Trolleys are adjustable for various widths of bath tapered and High grade sealed bail bearings are used on ail the wheels for
fiat flanges by changing the adjusting spacers . Also, they can smooth operation. Sa no lubrication is required.
fit on the beams up ta 305mm -flange width by replacing
suspension shaft and spacers, etc.

8ide plate 8


Above sus pen der

is used on
v 3 ton and 5 ton cap.
This part i5 used for
direct cannection.

This hale is used for

hook suspension.
Inner adjusting spacers

Code Flange Width Adjustability (mm) Min. Mass Hand Chain Dimensions (mm)
Rated Radius (Net Weight) Folded
Load Plain Geared Option for Curve (kg) Length
(WHHI) Trolley Trolley Standard v W x y z
W20' W30' (mm) TSP TSG (m)

0.5 TSP005 TSG005 50101 02(58101 27) 103t0203(128t0203) 204 ta 305 1100(1300) 4.5 12 2.5 93(106) 26(28) 33(37) 14(18) 14(18)
1 TSP010 TSG010 58 ta 127 128 ta 203 204 ta 305 1300 8.0 12 2.5 106 28 37 18 18
1.5 TSP015 TSG015 82 ta 153 - 154 ta 305 1500 14 18 2.5 129 32 40 22 22
2 TSP020 TSG020 82 ta 153 - 154 ta 305 1500 14 19 3.0 129 32 40 22 22
2.5 TSP025 TSG025 82 ta 153 - 154 ta 305 1700 23 27 3.0 144 36 44 27 25
3 TSP030 TSG03<1 82 ta 153 - 154 ta 305 1700 23 27 3.0 169 40 48 24 30
5 TSP050 TSG050 100t0178 - 179 ta 305 2300 50 56 3.5 228 60 70 33 36
7.5 - TSG075 150 ta 220 - 221 ta 305 3000 - 112 4.0 connection with CB Series
10 - TSG100 150 ta 220 - 221 ta 305 3000 - 112 4.0 is hook suspension type
15 - TSG150 150 ta 220 - 221 ta 305 00 - 265 4.5 for 7.5 ton and over cap.
20 - TSG200 150 ta 220 - 221 ta 305 00 - 265 4.5 as standard.
oFigures in ( ) are for T8G005. o ': W20 and W30 mean 203 and 305mm flange width adjustability as option.
oln case of 7.5t and over capacity, trolley wheels for tapered flange are standard. Wheels for fiat flanges are available as option. If you prefer wheels for fiat flanges, please specify it in advance.
oln case of only straight I-beam, 0.5ton plain trolley can be used on 57mm and less width beam and Hon plain trolley and geared trolley can be used on 73mm and less width beam and 2.5 & 3ton
plain and geared trolley can be used on 89mm and less.


Overload Protection Hoist with Extended Spark

Deviee (OLL) Shaft Hand Wheel Resistant
The hoist with overload limiter protects It is convenient to use a chain hoist with KITO also produces special spark
hoist mechanism from damage due to an extended hand wheel shaft when it resistant chain hoists to be used in
overloading. When an overload is is necessary to operate a hoist at a places where any sparks are
applied to the hoist, the overload limiter distance due to the conditions of the undesirable. Clients can consult with
actuates to stop lifting. work site. The standard length of the the nearest KITO distributor about the
extended shaft is 1m. conditions of job sites.
Friction plate B

Chain Container
Spring dise seat
ln case load chain on no-Ioad side
becomes a hindrance to work when
Spring d ise
! load is raised , it can be kept in a chain
Female thread nut container attached to a chain hoist.
Both steel and canvas chain containers

are available upon request.
Brake proof washer
(for fixing female thread nut)

Female thread Rail Clamp Deviee

Rail clamp is a device to prevent a
manually operated trolley from travelling
of itself. It is fixed to a beam by
Corrosion Trolleys manipulating hand chain. The trolley
Resistant N.D. Chain for Curved Bearn with rail clamp is convenient when fixing
We recommend chain hoists with ND Specially small radius for curve is the trolley at a pre-set position in a
(Nickel Diffused) chain, with outstanding available upon request by removing rolli ng and pitch ing ship or in a sloped
corrosion resistance, for use at work protective lug as follows. Please tunnel , etc.
sites under the strong influences of consult with the nearest KITO
rainwater, seawater, vapor or distributor for detail. Large Capaeity Chain Hoist
chemicals, etc. Since the ND chains Large capacity chain hoists up to 1DOt
are manufactured by giving a unique Std. Min. radius
Rated are available upon request.
flange for
osmotic-diffusion treatment to special Load
(W.L. L.)(t) width Curve
metals with KITO's unique technology, (mm) (mm)

they have extremely strong resistance 74 ta 127 450

(58 ta 102) (350)
to corrosion. Aiso there is no peeling
1 74 ta 127 450
off of plating. Clients are 2 82 ta 153 550
requested to consult with 2.5 90 ta 153 650
the nearest KITO 3 90 ta 153 650
distributor before use of Figures in ( ) show the data for plain trolley.

these chains because of

their corrosion resistant
efficiency differs,
depending upon which
chemicals are in the
environ ment.


For aload range O.a-9t, use K/TO LEVER HO/ST Model L5.

Much lighter and tougher

Seven capacities range from 0.8 to 9 tons to choose the one that best suits your application.

Extremely compact and light

Kito's innovative technology makes this model smaller
and lighter than ever before. It's easy to carry and store,
and the Lever Hoist is much easier to use, even in a
narrow working spaces.

Nickel-plated chain
Kito's unique R&D produces world-class performance.
The grade 100(1000 N/mm' ) chain, made from a special
high strength alloy, features an unbeatable combination
of toughness and resistance to corrosion and wear.
(For special environments consult your Kito distributor
since corrosion resistance varies depending on
corrosives involved)

High-strength frame
High grade alloy steel with solid construction , a patented
induction hardening process on the load-supporting
part, and increased material thickness produces an
extremely strong and rigid frame.
*:Based on comparison of Model L4
1.5110 Model LS 1.61.

For details please refer to the "KITO LEVER HOIST Model L5" catalog.

Extremely compact, lightweight,

portable design for ease of use in elevated work positions.
5mall hand-pull force for highly reliable pulling and lifting to the last click.

Reliable load-holding performance

The LX series, designed with a single-step reduction gear,
is characterized by a small manual fastening force and
assured load holding . Rel iable load fastening can be
provided to the last clicking of the lever.

Extremely compact and light

Kito's innovative technology makes the LX series extremely
compact and light. It's very easy to carry, and easy to use,
even in tight quarters or in elevated work locations.
What 's more, it can be conveniently stored in a special
carrying case (Lx003 only).

Nickel-plated chain
Kito's unique R&D produces world-class performance.
The grade 100(1000 N/mm ) chain, made from
a special high strength alioy, features an unbeatable
combination of toughness and resistance to corrosion & wear.
(For special environments consult your Kito distributor since
corrosion resistance varies depending on corrosives involved)

" '!NbOJ.'I.]i
For details please refer to the" KITO LEVER BLOCK LX Series " catalog.


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