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NJTA Design Manual Section 2 Structures Design

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NJTA Design Manual Structures Design

Table of Contents
Page No
2.1 GENERAL...................................................................................................................1
2.2 BRIDGES ....................................................................................................................1
2.2.1 DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS ...................................................................................1
2.2.2 MODIFICATIONS TO CURRENT CODES ................................................................3
2.2.3 MATERIALS .......................................................................................................7 Structural Steel............................................................................................. 7 Concrete....................................................................................................... 8 Reinforcement Steel..................................................................................... 8
2.2.4 SUPERSTRUCTURE DESIGN ...............................................................................8 Stringers and Beams.................................................................................... 8 Deck Slabs ................................................................................................. 11 Bearings ..................................................................................................... 19
2.2.5 SUBSTRUCTURE DESIGN .................................................................................22 Piers ........................................................................................................... 22 Abutments .................................................................................................. 23 Scour Design.............................................................................................. 24
2.2.6 DESIGN FOR SEISMIC EVENTS .........................................................................25 Design Specifications................................................................................. 25 General Considerations ............................................................................. 25 Design Requirements................................................................................. 26 Retrofit Requirements ................................................................................ 27 References ................................................................................................. 28
2.2.7 COMPUTER SOFTWARE ...................................................................................28 Guidelines on Use ...................................................................................... 28 Commercial Structural Programs ............................................................... 29
2.2.8 PERMITS .........................................................................................................31
2.3 RETAINING WALLS.................................................................................................31
2.3.1 EARTH RETAINING STRUCTURES......................................................................31
2.3.2 ALTERNATE / PROPRIETARY RETAINING WALLS ................................................33
2.4 CULVERTS ...............................................................................................................34
2.5 SIGN SUPPORTS.....................................................................................................34
2.5.1 GENERAL DESIGN CRITERIA ............................................................................35
2.5.2 OVERHEAD SIGN STRUCTURE DESIGN .............................................................40

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NJTA Design Manual Structures Design

2.5.3 WALKWAYS AND HANGERS .............................................................................. 46

2.6 LIGHTING ................................................................................................................. 47
2.7 NOISE BARRIERS ................................................................................................... 48
2.7.1 PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATIONS ...................................................................... 48
2.7.2 DESIGN CRITERIA ............................................................................................ 48
2.7.3 LOAD COMBINATIONS ...................................................................................... 49
2.7.4 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS: ......................................................................... 50
2.7.5 MAINTENANCE CONSIDERATIONS:.................................................................... 51
2.7.6 NOISE BARRIERS ON BRIDGES:........................................................................ 51
2.7.7 TYPES OF BARRIERS ....................................................................................... 52
2.7.8 MATERIALS ..................................................................................................... 53
2.7.9 FOUNDATION DESIGN ...................................................................................... 53
2.8 BRIDGE REPAIR CONTRACTS .............................................................................. 54
2.8.1 FORMAT AND CONTENT ................................................................................... 54
2.8.2 DECK REPLACEMENT CONTRACTS ................................................................... 56 Details and Design..................................................................................... 56 Traffic Protection........................................................................................ 57 Repair of Spalls ......................................................................................... 59 Pay Items and Quantities........................................................................... 61
2.8.3 MISCELLANEOUS STRUCTURAL REPAIR CONTRACTS ........................................ 62 Traffic Protection........................................................................................ 63 Pay items and Quantities........................................................................... 63
2.8.4 DRAINAGE MODIFICATIONS CONTRACTS .......................................................... 65 Pay Items and Quantities........................................................................... 66
REFERENCES .....................................................................................................................66

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NJTA Design Manual Structures Design

List of Exhibits
Page No
Exhibit 2 - 1 One Course Bridge Deck Slabs .......................................................................12
Exhibit 2 - 2 Two Course Bridge Deck Slabs .......................................................................13
Exhibit 2 - 3 Reconstruction of Surfaced Decks (Surfacing 2 inches thick or less).............14
Exhibit 2 - 4 Reconstruction of Surfaced Decks (Surfacing up to 4 inches thick) ...............15
Exhibit 2 - 5 Reconstruction of Surfaced Decks (Surfacing up to 6 inches thick) ...............16
Exhibit 2 - 6 Reconstruction of Bare Concrete Decks ..........................................................17
SERIES 100 – BRIDGE DECK GEOMETRY........................................................................67
Exhibit 2 - 100 Turnpike Bridge Deck Geometry Mainline – 1 .............................................67
Exhibit 2 - 101 Turnpike Bridge Deck Geometry Mainline – 2 .............................................68
Exhibit 2 - 102 Turnpike Bridge Deck Geometry Mainline – 3 .............................................69
Exhibit 2 - 103 Turnpike Bridge Deck Geometry Ramps – 1 ...............................................70
Exhibit 2 - 104 Turnpike Bridge Deck Geometry Ramps – 2 ...............................................71
Exhibit 2 - 105 Turnpike Bridge Deck Geometry Ramps – 3 ...............................................72
Exhibit 2 - 106 Turnpike Bridge Deck Geometry Ramps – 4 ...............................................73
Exhibit 2 - 107 Turnpike Bridge Deck Geometry Ramps – 5 ...............................................74
Exhibit 2 - 108 Parkway Bridge Deck Geometry Mainline – 1..............................................75
Exhibit 2 - 109 Parkway Bridge Deck Geometry Mainline – 2..............................................76
Exhibit 2 - 110 Parkway Bridge Deck Geometry Mainline – 3 .............................................77
Exhibit 2 - 111 Parkway Bridge Deck Geometry Ramps – 1................................................78
SERIES 200 – SUBSTRUCTURE DETAILS ........................................................................79
Exhibit 2 - 200 Substructure Details – 1...............................................................................79
Exhibit 2 - 201 Substructure Details – 2...............................................................................80
Exhibit 2 - 202 Substructure Details – 3...............................................................................81
Exhibit 2 - 203 Substructure Details – 4...............................................................................82
Exhibit 2 - 204 Substructure Details – 5...............................................................................83
Exhibit 2 - 205 Substructure Details – 6...............................................................................84
Exhibit 2 - 206 Substructure Details – 7...............................................................................85
Exhibit 2 - 207 Substructure Details – 8...............................................................................86
Exhibit 2 - 208 Substructure Details – 9...............................................................................87
Exhibit 2 - 209 Substructure Details – 10.............................................................................88
Exhibit 2 - 210 Substructure Details – 11.............................................................................89
Exhibit 2 - 211 Substructure Details – 12.............................................................................90
Exhibit 2 - 212 Substructure Details – 13.............................................................................91

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NJTA Design Manual Structures Design

Exhibit 2 - 213 Substructure Details – 14............................................................................. 92

Exhibit 2 - 214 Substructure Details – 15............................................................................. 93
SERIES 300 – SUPERSTRUCTURE DETAILS ................................................................... 94
Exhibit 2 - 300 Superstructure Details – 1 ........................................................................... 94
Exhibit 2 - 301 Superstructure Details – 2 ........................................................................... 95
Exhibit 2 - 302 Superstructure Details – 3 ........................................................................... 96
Exhibit 2 - 303 Superstructure Details – 4 ........................................................................... 97
SERIES 400 – SIGN STRUCTURES ................................................................................... 98
Exhibit 2 - 400 Parkway Ground Mounted Signs – 1 ........................................................... 98
Exhibit 2 - 401 Parkway Ground Mounted Signs – 2 ........................................................... 99
Exhibit 2 - 402 Parkway Ground Mounted Signs – 3 ......................................................... 100
Exhibit 2 - 403 Parkway Ground Mounted Signs – 4 ......................................................... 101
Exhibit 2 - 404 Overhead Sign Structures Notes ............................................................... 102
Exhibit 2 - 405 Turnpike Overhead Sign Structures – 1..................................................... 103
Exhibit 2 - 406 Turnpike Overhead Sign Structures – 2..................................................... 104
Exhibit 2 – 407 Turnpike Overhead Sign Structures – 3.................................................... 105
Exhibit 2 - 408 Turnpike Overhead Sign Structures – 4..................................................... 106
Exhibit 2 - 409 Parkway Overhead Sign Structures – 1..................................................... 107
Exhibit 2 - 410 Parkway Overhead Sign Structures – 2..................................................... 108
Exhibit 2 - 411 Parkway Overhead Sign Structures – 3..................................................... 109
Exhibit 2 - 412 Parkway Overhead Sign Structures – 4..................................................... 110
Exhibit 2 – 413 Anti-Snag Nosing Details – 1 ..................................................................... 111
Exhibit 2 - 414 Anti-Snag Nosing Details – 2 ..................................................................... 112
SERIES 500 – PROPRIETARY WALL SERIES ................................................................. 113
Exhibit 2 - 500 Proprietary Retaining Wall Details – 1 ....................................................... 113
Exhibit 2 - 501 Proprietary Retaining Wall Details – 2 ....................................................... 114
Exhibit 2 - 502 Proprietary Retaining Wall Details – 3 ....................................................... 115
Exhibit 2 - 503 Proprietary Retaining Wall Details – 4 ....................................................... 116

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NJTA Design Manual Structures Design


This Section of the Authorities Design Manual provides guidance, policies, standard
practice and procedures for the development of bridge and/or structure projects.
One of the primary goals of this Section is to provide assistance to Engineers to
ensure that bridges constructed for the Authority are highly durable and economical.
Although this Section provides guidance on design procedure, it does not preclude
the need for a complete analysis and design to produce a safe, economical and
maintainable structure.

2.2.1 Design Specifications
Except as modified below, the design of all highway bridges shall be
governed by the latest edition of the American Association of State Highway
and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) LRFD Bridge Design Specifications
and all current Interim Specifications issued by the Association (referred to as
the AASHTO LRFD Specification).

The AASHTO LRFD bridge design philosophy dictates that bridges are
designed for specified limit states to achieve constructability, safety and
serviceability goals, while still achieving desired economy, aesthetics and
inspectability. The four main limit states are as follows:

1. Service Limit State

2. Fatigue and Fracture Limit State
3. Strength Limit State
4. Extreme Event Limit States

In general terms, bridges designed to the AASHTO LRFD Specifications are

not supposed to be specifically weaker or stronger than those designed using
the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, but should
provide more uniform levels of safety. The strength limit states were
calibrated based upon theories of structural reliability. The other limit states,
however, were calibrated based on past and current practices.

The Service Limit State limits stresses, deformations and crack widths
under normal service conditions.

The Fatigue and Fracture Limit State limits the allowable fatigue stress
range for anticipated stress cycles to control crack initiation and propagation
and to prevent fracture during the design life of the bridge.

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NJTA Design Manual Structures Design

The Strength Limit State ensures the bridge has the appropriate strength
and stability required to maintain its structural integrity under the load
combinations that it is expected to experience during its design life.

The Extreme Event Limit States ensure that the bridge is proportioned to
resist collapse due to unique occurrences such as earthquake, vessel
collision, flood etc.

The following basic equation is the basis of LRFD methodology and must be
satisfied for each Limit State:

ηΣγI QI ≤ φ Rn = Rr Where η = ηDηRηI ≥ 0.95 (AASHTO LRFD Eq.

η = A factor relating to ductility, redundancy and operational

ηR = A factor relating to redundancy
ηD = A factor relating to ductility
ηI = A factor relating to operational importance
γI = Load factor: A statistically based multiplier
φ = Resistance Factor: A statistically based multiplier
QI = Force Effect
Rn = Nominal Resistance
Rr = Factored Resistance: φ Rn

As stated in the AASHTO LRFD Specification commentary C1.3.2.1,

“Ductility, redundancy and operational importance are significant aspects
affecting the margin of safety of bridges. Whereas the first two directly relate
to physical strength, the last concerns the consequences of the bridge being
out of service.” As a result, a structural system designed using LRFD should:

• Be proportioned to ensure the development of significant inelastic

deformations prior to failure for ductility.
• Use multiple-load-path and continuous structures for redundancy.
• Establish the importance of the structure with regards to its social,
survival and security requirements.

Existing bridge members shall be evaluated using the current edition of

AASHTO Guide Manual for Condition Evaluation and Load and Resistance
Factor Rating of Highway Bridges (AASHTO LRFR Manual). For bridges that
were designed utilizing the AASHTO LRFD Specification, evaluation of
existing bridge members shall be in accordance with Section 6 of the
AASHTO LRFR Manual. For bridges that were designed utilizing the
AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, evaluation of existing
bridge members shall be in accordance with the Load Factor Method
specified under Appendix D.6.1 Alternate Load Rating of the AASHTO LRFR

Bridges constructed to carry railways shall conform to the latest edition of the
Manual for Railway Engineering published by the American Railway

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Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA), subject to the

requirements of the railroad concerned.

For local roads and State highways over Authority facilities, the jurisdiction for
structural maintenance shall be confirmed during Phase A. For local roads
and State highways that fall under the Authority’s maintenance jurisdiction,
the Authority’s Design Manual shall be followed for the bridges structural
integrity. The geometric requirements for these local and State Highways
shall conform to the requirements of the applicable agencies. For local roads
and State highways that fall under the maintenance jurisdiction of other
agencies, the current design standards of the applicable agencies shall be

2.2.2 Modifications to Current Codes

The following modifications to the current AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design
Specifications shall apply:

1.3.5 Operational Importance (AASHTO)

The Operational Importance strength limit state shall classify all Turnpike and
Parkway mainline and ramp bridges as “important”, therefore: ηI = 1.05.

2.3.3 Clearances (AASHTO)

The minimum vertical clearance over the full width of roadways and
shoulders of any roadway carrying Turnpike and Parkway traffic shall be 15
feet to the lowest projection of any structure. The minimum vertical clearance
for bridge reconstruction projects shall be 15 feet or the existing vertical
clearance, whichever is greater. Rideability (AASHTO)

The top ½ inch of the concrete deck slab thickness shall be considered as
dead load only and shall not be considered effective in carrying secondary
dead loads, live load or impact. Criteria for Deflection (AASHTO)

The following principles shall apply to deflections:
• When investigating the maximum absolute deflection in tangent bridges,
all design lanes should be loaded and all supporting components should
be assumed to deflect equally.
• When investigating the maximum absolute deflection in bridges with
horizontally curved girders, all design lanes should be loaded and
supporting components will deflect unequally. The deflection limit is
applied to each individual girder.
• The live load portion of Load Combination Service I of Table 3.4.1-1
should be used, including the dynamic load allowance, IM
• The live load shall be taken from Article
• The provisions of Article shall apply.

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Deflections of all Turnpike and Parkway bridges shall conform to the

• Vehicular load, general........................... Span / 1000
• Vehicular and/or pedestrian loads .......... Span / 1000
• Vehicular load on cantilever arms .......... Span / 400
• Vehicular and/or pedestrian loads
on cantilever arms .................................. Span / 400

The following additional criteria shall also be followed:

1. The gross composite section properties in both the negative and positive
moment regions of the span shall be used when calculating live load
deflections (i.e. uncracked deck slab in negative moment region).
2. The span length shall be defined as the distance between supports.
3. For the design of continuous beams, the total deflection range shall be
limited to Span / 800 to limit the “reversal” or “upward” deflection due to
live loading in other spans.

The deflections of bridges carrying State Highways shall be checked in

accordance with the current policy of the New Jersey Department of

3.5.1 Dead Loads: DC, DW and EV (AASHTO)

The dead load for bridges with unsurfaced decks shall include 25-psf
additional dead load, applied over the full width of deck between curbs to
provide for a future wearing surface. No additional dead load shall be applied
to bridges constructed with a wearing surface. The dead load for bridges with
reinforced concrete deck slabs supported by stringers shall also include 13-
psf applied over the deck slab soffit between stringers to provide for the
weight of corrugated metal deck forms and the additional concrete in the form

3.6 Live Loads (AASHTO)

The highway design live load to be used for all new bridges and for new
members in modifications to existing bridges shall be HL-93. Wherever a
wheel load is specified, a 20 Kip wheel shall be used.

In addition to the HL-93 analysis, a strength II limit state calculation shall be

made for the following New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT)
permit vehicle configuration:

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12’ 4’ 4’ 21’ 4’ 4’ 4’

16k 16 28 28 28 28 28 28

LRFD Permit Vehicle, NJDOT (200 Kips)

The permit vehicle shall occupy one design lane with all remaining design
lanes occupied by the HL-93 design vehicle.

Where the loading on existing members is altered by dead load or geometric

modifications, the capacity of the member to carry HS-20 live loadings shall
be checked in accordance with the Load Factor Method specified under
Appendix D.6.1 Alternate Load Rating of the AASHTO LRFR manual.
Members that are computed to be under strength shall either be
strengthened, if practical, or replaced.

3.11 Earth Pressure: EH, ES, LS and DD (AASHTO)

Earth pressure on structures retaining compacted fills shall be assumed to be
the forces from a backfill of cohesionless soil with a unit weight of 120 pounds
per cubic foot with an angle of internal friction of approximately 33 degrees.
Where structures retain cut soil faces, the value of the unit weight, cohesion
and angle of internal friction shall be determined from borings, but in no case
shall the forces used for design be less than those given above for fills. If a
structure is prevented from deflecting freely at the top, the computed earth
pressure forces shall be based on at-rest earth pressure in accordance with
AASHTO LRFD Section, but in no case shall this value be less than
50 percent greater than the active earth pressure. This condition may occur
in concrete rigid frame bridges, culverts and U-type abutments.

In the design of earth retaining structures, lateral earth pressures are

computed either by the Rankine Method, which uses the Plastic Equilibrium
Theory, or by the Coulomb Method, which uses the Wedge Theory. In both
cases, the soil is considered to be at the point of incipient failure. The
Coulomb method shall be used if the soil is predominantly granular, otherwise
the Rankine method shall be used.

3.10 Earthquake Effects: EQ (AASHTO)

This section shall not be considered in the design of new structures or the
rehabilitation of existing structures. Refer to Subsection 2.2.6 for seismic
design and retrofit criteria.

MAY 2007 2-5

NJTA Design Manual Structures Design Beam-Slab Bridges (AASHTO)

Replace the 11th paragraph of Article (Where bridges
meet the conditions specified) with the following:

The dead load considered as supported by the outside roadway stringer or

beam shall be that portion of the floor slab from the fascia to the centerline
between the outside stringer and the first interior stringer. Curbs, parapets,
railings, sidewalks, and safetywalks, if placed after the slab has cured, shall
be divided between the outside three roadway stringers in the ratio of 50
percent to the outside stringer, 35 percent to the first interior stringer and 15
percent to the second interior stringer. This distribution ratio is not applicable
to noise barrier mounted to superstructures and reference is made to
Subsection 2.7 for further guidance. Where there is an open joint in the
median, the dead load of the median barrier or raised median shall be
distributed in the same manner as for fascia stringers. Where the deck slab
is continuous through the median, the dead load of median dividers or
barriers shall be apportioned between the stringers assuming the slab to act
as a simple span between stringers. Wearing surface shall be considered to
be carried by the stringer or beam carrying the slab on which it is laid. Creep (AASHTO)

The average annual ambient relative humidity shall be taken as 70%.

5.4.4 Prestressing Steel (AASHTO)

The following is added:

Low relaxation strands shall be used and accounted for in the design of
prestressed concrete beams. Tension Stresses (AASHTO)

Article shall be replaced by the following:

For service load combinations that involve traffic loading, tension stresses in
members with bonded or unbonded prestressing tendons should be
investigated using Load Combination Service III and the tension in the
precompressed tensile zone shall be zero. Stress Limit limitations stated in
AASHTO LRFD Specification Table shall be accounted for in the
permit vehicle check.

5.12.3 Concrete Cover (AASHTO)

Article 5.12.3 shall be replaced by the following:

The minimum clear cover for all reinforcement shall be two inches except as
given below:

1. Concrete permanently in contact with earth: 3 inches

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2. Concrete exposed to salt or brackish water:

Piers and abutments: 4 inches
Walls and culverts: 3 inches
3. Concrete in piers and abutments exposed to flowing water other than the
above: 3 inches
4. Concrete deck slabs:
Top Reinforcement: See Section
Bottom Reinforcement: 1 inch

In piled foundations, reinforcement or supports for reinforcement shall be

positioned a minimum of three inches clear from the piles.

6.4.1 Structural Steels (AASHTO)

See Subsection for additional information.

6.7.2 Dead Load Camber (AASHTO)

In computing cambers, the weight of the concrete deck slab shall include the
permanent metal deck forms and the concrete contained in the forms.

In determining cambers in bridges containing overlays, the weight of the

overlay shall be taken as a superimposed dead load in computing deflections
of the steel section acting compositely with the first course concrete slab.

Steelwork shall be cambered to compensate for the weight of utilities. The

utility dead load shall be taken by the steel section only.

These instructions shall apply unless it is known that the construction method
will be such as to make them inappropriate.

2.2.3 Materials Structural Steel
Structural steel shall comply with AASHTO M270, Grade 50W (ASTM
A709, Grade 50W) unless otherwise approved by the Authority’s
Engineering Department. Hybrid designs incorporating Grade
HPS70W, in bottom flanges and negative moment top flanges with
conventional Grade 50W Steel in positive moment top flanges and all
webs, should be evaluated on a case by case basis to economize
structural steel designs.

All structural steel within a distance of 1½ times the depth of girder

from a bridge joint shall be painted. No other steel requires painting,
but the exterior surfaces of fascia stringers, including the underside of
the bottom flange, shall be blast cleaned in accordance with SSPC

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NJTA Design Manual Structures Design Concrete
Concrete for use in deck slabs for new bridges, widenings and major
deck reconstruction shall be High Performance Concrete (HPC) with a
minimum compressive strength (f’c) of 4,400 psi unless otherwise
directed by the Authority’s Engineering Department. The concrete
strength used for deck slab design using HPC shall be 4,000 psi.

Concrete for use in precast prestressed slabs, box beams and girders
shall have a minimum compressive strength at 28 days of 5,000 psi.
Higher strengths may be used, if required by the design, where this
can be justified on grounds of economy. The required minimum
concrete compressive strength at the time of application of the
prestress force (f’ci) shall be computed and shown on the plans to the
nearest 100 psi and shall not normally be less than 0.8 (f’c).

Concrete Class A, with a minimum compressive strength at 28 days

(f’c) of 4,500 psi, shall be used for median barriers, barrier parapets,
cast-in-place concrete bearing piles and all precast concrete except
prestressed precast concrete.

Concrete Class B, with a minimum compressive strength (f’c) of 4,000

psi, shall be used for deck slab rehabilitations, approach slabs,
safetywalks, sidewalks, culverts and for all pier elements.

Concrete Class C, with a minimum compressive strength (f’c) of 3,500

psi, shall be used for all cast-in-place walls, abutments and footings.

The value of the concrete strength (f’c) to be used for the design of
reinforced concrete using Class A, B or C concrete shall be 500 psi
less than the specified minimum compressive strength except for deck
slabs using high performance concrete. Reinforcement Steel

Reinforcement steel shall conform to the requirements of ASTM
Designation A615, Grade 60. See Subsection for
reinforcement requirements on Deck Slabs.

2.2.4 Superstructure Design Stringers and Beams
1. General
Continuous superstructures should be used whenever foundation
conditions and structure layout permit. The most important
considerations in this choice are the reduction in the number of
deck joints, economy and the possible reduction in structure
depth. The effects of differential settlement shall be included in
the design. When the settlement cannot be reliably predicted,
consideration should be given to the use of pile foundations.

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The spacing of stringers shall be set so that future deck

replacements may be made while traffic is maintained for the full
number of lanes on the bridge. The deck replacement shall be
assumed to be in any single bay between stringer centerlines, and
provisions shall be made for construction barrier to protect the
work area from traffic. In this condition, the full shoulder areas
may be used for traffic and no shoulders need be maintained
through the construction zone.

2. Composite Construction
Steel or precast prestressed concrete beams with a concrete deck
slab shall normally be designed as composite structures,
assuming that no temporary supports will be provided for the
beams or girder during the placement of the permanent dead load.

Shear connectors for steel stringers shall be end-welded studs, 7/8”

diameter. Stud heights are dependent on concrete haunch
dimensions. Studs shall extend at least 2 inches above the
bottom mat of deck slab reinforcement, but the stud head shall be
at least 3 inches below the top of slab. Whenever possible, use of
the same height stud on any one bridge is preferred.

In continuous spans, the positive and negative moment areas

shall be designed with composite sections. Shear connectors
shall still be provided through the negative moment areas at a
nominal pitch not to exceed 24 inches.

3. Curved Stringers
In general, outer stringers shall be curved in plan to match the
curvature of the bridge fascia unless the mid-ordinate of the curve
is so small that the curvature can be accommodated within the
normal slab overhang and the resulting appearance of the fascia
is not aesthetically objectionable.

4. Intermediate Stiffeners and Connection Plates

Transverse intermediate stiffeners for welded plate girders
preferably shall be single plates fastened to one side of the web
plate only. They shall not be placed on the exposed face of
exterior beams. Vertical connection plates shall be rigidly
connected to the web and both tension and compression flanges.
Ordinarily, the attachment shall be by fillet welding along each
edge of the connection plate.

5. Welded Details
Certain miscellaneous details - supports for screed rails and
reinforcement, steel deck forms, connection plates, gussets, etc. -
shall normally not be welded to members or parts subject to
tensile stress. At locations where welding cannot be avoided, the
maximum live load stress range at the point of attachment shall be
checked in accordance with AASHTO LRFD Specification Section

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6.6. The plans shall show clearly the flange areas where no
welding is permitted.

Fillet weld sizes as required by design shall be shown on the


6. Splices
For span lengths between 120 ft and 150 ft, an optional field splice
shall be permitted, preferably located between the 1/3 and outer ¼
points of the span (near dead load contraflexure points for
continuous spans). For spans in excess of 150 ft, optional field
splices shall be located between each of the 1/3 and outer ¼

When an optional field splice is shown on the plans, provisions for

it shall be made in the design by increasing the haunch and
underclearance to accommodate the splice plates and bolt heads.
Additionally, splice locations should be consistent with flange
thickness transitions to minimize butt weld requirements.

The Contractor should be given freedom to omit a splice and

transport the member in fewer pieces. The Contractor may submit
alternative designs or locations for the splices, at no extra cost, to
the Authority’s Engineering Department, subject to the approval of
the engineer, however, the Contractor should not be permitted to
introduce a field splice unless absolutely necessary.

Field splice locations shall also consider the impacts of the

erection process to construction staging and the maintenance and
protection of traffic. Splices shall preferably be located within
designated work zones so as to minimize lane shut downs.

Splices and connections shall be designed and the details and

locations shown on the plans. Field splices shall be designed and
detailed with ASTM A325 high-strength bolts.

7. End Diaphragms
End diaphragms and their connections shall be designed for the
effect of wheel loads which they may be required to support, for
the effect of transverse movement due to thermal, wind or seismic
forces and for jacking loads required for future bearing
replacement. The diaphragms and their connections shall be
designed to resist the forces listed above in appropriate

8. Depth of Stringers
Stringers, beams and girders shall generally be of uniform depth
for the full length of the structure, except where changes in depth
are absolutely necessary to meet underclearance requirements or
where a change in depth is desirable to enhance the appearance
of the structure. Changes in depth shall not normally be made in

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structures with varying spans. Interior stringers shall be made the

same depth as the fascia stringer.

9. Economics of Beam and Stringer Design

In the design of welded plate girders, consideration shall be given
to minimizing fabrication cost by reducing the number of
intermediate stiffeners and eliminating flange plate cutoffs. The
use of a fully-stiffened web of the minimum permissible thickness
is not normally the most economical solution, and greater
economy can be achieved with a thicker web and a lesser number
of stiffeners. For shallow beams, the use of an unstiffened web
may be economical. In the case of a flange plate cutoff, the cost
of the butt-welded splice must be carefully assessed in relation to
the weight of steel saved.

10. Flange Plate Welded Butt Splices and Thicknesses

A welded butt splice shall not normally be made in a plate that
exceeds two inches in thickness. Where a change in thickness of
a flange plate is made at a splice, the thicker plate will be tapered
down to the thickness of the thinner plate. In this case, the
thickness of the thinner plate shall not exceed two inches. The
Engineer shall ensure that plates of a thickness greater than two
inches can be obtained in the lengths shown without a splice
being required.

The change in plate area made at a welded splice shall normally

not exceed 50 percent of the area of the smaller plate. Small
changes in plate area at a welded butt splice should be avoided,
as the expense of the weld will probably exceed the savings in
material. Deck Slabs

1. General
Deck slabs shall be designed on the assumption that permanent
steel bridge deck forms shall be used. The wheel load for
calculating slab bending moments shall be 20,000 pounds.

The following deck designs shall be used for all bridges that are
owned and/or maintained by the Authority, as noted in Subsection

a. New Bridges, Widenings and Major Deck Reconstruction:

One course construction shall be used, consisting of a
reinforced HPC slab. Concrete cover for the top reinforcing
bars shall be 2½" minimum measured from the top of the slab.
Epoxy-coated bars shall be used for the top and bottom
reinforcing bar mats. The design shall include 25-psf
additional dead load to allow for a future wearing surface and
13-psf for permanent metal deck forms where corrugations
match the bar spacing. The design of these decks shall be

MAY 2007 2 - 11
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governed by AASHTO’s LRFD Specifications using the

applicable load and resistance factors specified in Chapters 3
and 9 of that manual using the “traditional method”. The
designs shall be in accordance with Exhibit 2 - 1 with the
specified slab thickness for each slab span held as a
minimum, and the effective overhang length held as a
maximum. Maximum overhang lengths detailed on bridges
shall consider the installation of scuppers and drain
pipes/downspouts. Drain pipes / downspouts shall not be
exposed to view along the outside face of the fascia stringer.


4'-0" to 5'-3" 2.50 ft 8 ½” #5 @ 8” #6 @ 8” #5 @ 11”

>5'-3" to 6'-1" 2.50 ft 8 ½” #5 @ 7” #6 @ 7” #5 @ 10”
>6'-1" to 6'-10" 2.75 ft 8 ½” #5 @ 6” #5 @ 6” #5 @ 9”
>6'-10" to 7'-6" 3.00 ft 8 ½” #5 @ 5 ” #4 @ 5” #5 @ 8”
>7'-6" to 8'-3" 3.33 ft 8 ¾” #5 @ 5 ½” #5 @ 5 ½” #5 @ 8”
>8'-3" to 8'-9" 3.75 ft 9” #5 @ 5 ½” #5 @ 5 ½” #5 @ 8”
>8'-9" to 9'-3" 4.00 ft 9 ¼” #6 @ 7” #6 @ 7” #5 @ 7”
>9'-3" to 9'-9" 4.00 ft 9 ½” #6 @ 7” #5 @ 7” #5 @ 7”
>9'-9" to 10'-6" 4.00 ft 9 ¾” #6 @ 6” #5 @ 6” #5 @ 6”
>10'-6" to 11'-3" 4.00 ft 10” #6 @ 6” #5 @ 6” #5 @ 6”
>11'-3" to 12'-0" 4.00 ft 10 ¼” #6 @ 6” #5 @ 6” #5 @ 6”

Slab Span (S) is defined as the distance from beam centerline to beam centerline.

The Additional Reinforcement In Overhang shall be placed in between the Transverse


On a case-by-case basis, the Authority may request the

Engineer to provide a two-course deck slab. When two-course
construction is specified, it shall consist of a Class B reinforced
concrete base slab and a latex modified concrete (LMC)
overlay, 1¼” thick. Concrete cover for the top reinforcing bars
shall be 2½" minimum measured from the top of the LMC
overlay. Epoxy-coated bars shall be used for the top and
bottom reinforcing bar mats. No allowance need be made for
a future wearing surface; however, the design shall include 13-
psf for permanent metal deck forms where corrugations match
the bar spacing. The design of these decks shall be governed

MAY 2007 2 - 12
NJTA Design Manual Structures Design

by AASHTO’s LRFD Specifications using the applicable load

and resistance factors specified in Chapters 3 and 9 of that
manual using the “traditional method”. The designs shall be in
accordance with Exhibit 2 - 2 with the specified slab thickness
for each slab span held as a minimum, and the effective
overhang length held as a maximum. Maximum overhang
lengths detailed on bridges shall consider the installation of
scuppers and drain pipes / downspouts. Drain pipes /
downspouts shall not be exposed to view along the outside
face of the fascia stringer.

4'-0" to 6'-6" 2.50 ft. 7 ¼” #5 @ 7” #6 @ 7” #5 @ 10”
>6'-6" to 7'-6" 3.00 ft 7 ¼” #5 @ 6 #5 @ 6” #5 @ 8”
>7'-6" to 8'-3" 3.33 ft 7 ½” #5 @ 5 ½” #5 @ 5 ½” #5 @ 8”
>8'-3" to 8'-9" 3.75 ft 7 ¾” #5 @ 5 ½” #6 @ 5 ½” #5 @ 8”
>8'-9" to 9'-3" 4.00 ft 8” #5 @ 5 ½” #6 @ 5 ½” #5 @ 8”
>9'-3" to 9'-9" 4.00 ft 8 ¼” #5 @ 5 ½” #6 @ 5 ½” #5 @ 8”
>9'-9" to 10'-6" 4.00 ft 8 ½” #6 @ 7” #5 @ 7” #5 @ 7”
>10'-6" to 11'-3" 4.00 ft 8 ¾” #6 @ 6” #5 @ 6” #5 @ 6”
>11'-3" to 12'-0" 4.00 ft 9” #6 @ 5 ½” #4 @ 5 ½” #5 @ 6”

Slab Span (S) is defined as the distance from beam centerline to beam centerline.

The Additional Reinforcement In Overhang shall be placed in between the

Transverse Reinforcement.

b. Deck Repair / Replacements:

Bridges with existing surfacing
The new deck shall be surfaced to match the existing
construction. However, the surfacing shall incorporate
membrane waterproofing on the new concrete deck prior to
reapplying the overlay surfacing in the case of an asphalt
concrete overlay.

Concrete cover for the top reinforcing bars shall be 1½"

minimum. Epoxy-coated reinforcing bars shall be used for
both the top and bottom reinforcing bar mats. No allowance
shall be made for future wearing surface in the design of these
slabs. The design loading shall include 13-psf for permanent

MAY 2007 2 - 13
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metal deck forms where corrugations match the bar spacing.

The design shall be allowable stress designs in accordance
with AASHTO’s Standard Specifications using the Working
Stress Design method and Exhibit 2 - 3, Exhibit 2 - 4 and
Exhibit 2 - 5 provided that the thickness of surfacing does not
exceed six inches. Where this thickness is exceeded, special
designs shall be made. The maximum allowable compressive
stress due to bending in the concrete shall be 1,200 psi, and
the maximum allowable tension stress in the reinforcement
steel shall be 24,000 psi.

TRANSVERSE LONGITUDINAL 8.00" 8.50" 9.00" 9.50" 10.00" 10.50" 11.00"

# 5 @ 9.00" # 5 @ 13.43" 3.62 4.03 4.44 4.84 5.22 5.60 5.96

# 5 @ 8.50" # 5 @ 12.69" 3.90 4.33 4.76 5.17 5.57 5.96 6.34
# 5 @ 8.00" # 5 @ 11.94" 4.21 4.67 5.11 5.54 5.96 6.36 6.76
# 5 @ 7.50" # 5 @ 11.19" 4.56 5.04 5.50 5.95 6.39 6.81 7.22
# 5 @ 7.00" # 5 @ 10.45" 4.95 5.45 5.94 6.41 6.87 7.31 7.74
# 5 @ 6.50" # 5 @ 9.70" 5.39 5.92 6.44 6.93 7.42 7.88 8.33
# 5 @ 6.00" # 5 @ 8.96" 5.90 6.46 7.00 7.53 8.03 8.52 8.99
# 5 @ 5.50" # 5 @ 8.21" 6.48 7.08 7.66 8.21 8.75 9.26 9.76
# 5 @ 5.00" # 5 @ 7.46" 7.16 7.80 8.42 9.01 9.58 10.12 10.64

# 6 @ 9.00" # 5 @ 9.46" 5.47 6.01 6.53 7.04 7.53 8.00 8.46

# 6 @ 8.50" # 5 @ 8.94" 5.83 6.39 6.94 7.46 7.97 8.46 8.93
# 6 @ 8.00" # 5 @ 8.41" 6.23 6.82 7.38 7.93 8.46 8.97 9.45
# 6 @ 7.50" # 5 @ 7.89" 6.67 7.29 7.88 8.45 9.00 9.53 10.04
# 6 @ 7.00" # 5 @ 7.36" 7.13 7.81 8.44 9.03 9.61 10.16 10.68
# 6 @ 6.50" # 5 @ 6.84" 7.46 8.41 9.06 9.69 10.29 10.86 11.41
# 6 @ 6.00" # 5 @ 6.31" 7.83 9.00 9.77 10.43 11.06 11.66 12.24
# 6 @ 5.50" # 5 @ 5.78" 8.24 9.46 10.59 11.29 11.95 12.58 13.19
# 6 @ 5.00" # 5 @ 5.26" 8.73 10.00 11.24 12.28 12.98 13.65 14.28

Effective Slab Span as established in accordance with Section 8.1.1 of AASHTO Standard Specifications

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TRANSVERSE LONGITUDINAL 8.00" 8.50" 9.00" 9.50" 10.00" 10.50" 11.00"

# 5 @ 9.00" # 5 @ 13.43" 3.58 3.98 4.38 4.77 5.14 5.51 5.86

# 5 @ 8.50" # 5 @ 12.69" 3.85 4.28 4.69 5.09 5.48 5.86 6.23
# 5 @ 8.00" # 5 @ 11.94" 4.16 4.60 5.03 5.45 5.86 6.25 6.63
# 5 @ 7.50" # 5 @ 11.19" 4.49 4.96 5.41 5.85 6.27 6.69 7.08
# 5 @ 7.00" # 5 @ 10.45" 4.87 5.36 5.84 6.30 6.74 7.17 7.58
# 5 @ 6.50" # 5 @ 9.70" 5.30 5.82 6.32 6.80 7.27 7.72 8.15
# 5 @ 6.00" # 5 @ 8.96" 5.79 6.34 6.87 7.38 7.87 8.34 8.79
# 5 @ 5.50" # 5 @ 8.21" 6.36 6.94 7.50 8.03 8.55 9.05 9.53
# 5 @ 5.00" # 5 @ 7.46" 7.02 7.64 8.23 8.80 9.35 9.88 10.38

# 6 @ 9.00" # 5 @ 9.46" 5.38 5.90 6.41 6.90 7.38 7.83 8.28

# 6 @ 8.50" # 5 @ 8.94" 5.73 6.28 6.80 7.31 7.80 8.28 8.73
# 6 @ 8.00" # 5 @ 8.41" 6.12 6.68 7.23 7.76 8.27 8.77 9.24
# 6 @ 7.50" # 5 @ 7.89" 6.54 7.14 7.71 8.26 8.80 9.31 9.80
# 6 @ 7.00" # 5 @ 7.36" 6.99 7.65 8.25 8.82 9.38 9.91 10.42
# 6 @ 6.50" # 5 @ 6.84" 7.30 8.22 8.85 9.45 10.03 10.59 11.12
# 6 @ 6.00" # 5 @ 6.31" 7.66 8.79 9.53 10.17 10.78 11.36 11.91
# 6 @ 5.50" # 5 @ 5.78" 8.06 9.23 10.32 10.99 11.63 12.24 12.82
# 6 @ 5.00" # 5 @ 5.26" 8.53 9.75 10.94 11.94 12.61 13.25 13.87

Effective Slab Span as established in accordance with Section 8.1.1 of AASHTO Standard Specifications

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TRANSVERSE LONGITUDINAL 8.00" 8.50" 9.00" 9.50" 10.00" 10.50" 11.00"

# 5 @ 9.00" # 5 @ 13.43" 3.54 3.93 4.32 4.70 5.07 5.42 5.77

# 5 @ 8.50" # 5 @ 12.69" 3.80 4.22 4.62 5.02 5.40 5.77 6.12
# 5 @ 8.00" # 5 @ 11.94" 4.10 4.54 4.96 5.37 5.76 6.15 6.52
# 5 @ 7.50" # 5 @ 11.19" 4.43 4.89 5.33 5.75 6.17 6.57 6.95
# 5 @ 7.00" # 5 @ 10.45" 4.80 5.28 5.74 6.19 6.62 7.04 7.44
# 5 @ 6.50" # 5 @ 9.70" 5.22 5.72 6.21 6.68 7.13 7.57 7.99
# 5 @ 6.00" # 5 @ 8.96" 5.70 6.23 6.74 7.23 7.71 8.17 8.61
# 5 @ 5.50" # 5 @ 8.21" 6.25 6.81 7.35 7.87 8.37 8.85 9.32
# 5 @ 5.00" # 5 @ 7.46" 6.88 7.48 8.06 8.61 9.14 9.65 10.14

# 6 @ 9.00" # 5 @ 9.46" 5.30 5.81 6.30 6.78 7.24 7.68 8.11

# 6 @ 8.50" # 5 @ 8.94" 5.63 6.17 6.68 7.17 7.65 8.11 8.55
# 6 @ 8.00" # 5 @ 8.41" 6.01 6.56 7.09 7.61 8.10 8.58 9.04
# 6 @ 7.50" # 5 @ 7.89" 6.42 7.00 7.56 8.09 8.61 9.10 9.58
# 6 @ 7.00" # 5 @ 7.36" 6.86 7.49 8.07 8.63 9.17 9.68 10.18
# 6 @ 6.50" # 5 @ 6.84" 7.16 8.05 8.65 9.24 9.80 10.34 10.85
# 6 @ 6.00" # 5 @ 6.31" 7.50 8.59 9.31 9.93 10.51 11.08 11.61
# 6 @ 5.50" # 5 @ 5.78" 7.89 9.02 10.07 10.71 11.33 11.92 12.48
# 6 @ 5.00" # 5 @ 5.26" 8.34 9.52 10.67 11.63 12.28 12.90 13.49

Effective Slab Span as established in accordance with Section 8.1.1 of AASHTO Standard Specifications

Bridges with Bare Concrete Decks

The new deck slabs shall be one-course Class B concrete
slabs. No LMC or other overlay shall be used.

Concrete cover for the top reinforcing bars shall be 2½"

minimum. Epoxy-coated reinforcing bars shall be used for
both the top and bottom reinforcing bar mats. The design shall
include 25-psf additional dead load to allow for a future
wearing surface and 13-psf to allow for permanent metal deck
forms where corrugations match the bar spacing. The design
shall be in accordance with AASHTO’s Standard
Specifications using the Working Stress Design method and
Exhibit 2 - 6. The maximum allowable compressive stress due
to bending in the concrete shall be 1,200 psi, and the
maximum allowable tension stress in the reinforcement steel
shall be 24,000 psi.

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TRANSVERSE LONGITUDINAL 8.00" 8.50" 9.00" 9.50" 10.00" 10.50" 11.00"

# 5 @ 9.00" # 5 @ 13.43" 2.75 3.18 3.60 4.01 4.41 4.80 5.18

# 5 @ 8.50" # 5 @ 12.69" 2.99 3.44 3.87 4.30 4.72 5.13 5.53
# 5 @ 8.00" # 5 @ 11.94" 3.25 3.72 4.18 4.63 5.07 5.49 5.91
# 5 @ 7.50" # 5 @ 11.19" 3.55 4.04 4.53 5.00 5.45 5.90 6.33
# 5 @ 7.00" # 5 @ 10.45" 3.88 4.40 4.91 5.41 5.89 6.35 6.80
# 5 @ 6.50" # 5 @ 9.70" 4.26 4.81 5.35 5.87 6.38 6.87 7.34
# 5 @ 6.00" # 5 @ 8.96" 4.50 5.27 5.84 6.40 6.93 7.45 7.95
# 5 @ 5.50" # 5 @ 8.21" 4.77 5.81 6.42 7.01 7.57 8.12 8.65
# 5 @ 5.00" # 5 @ 7.46" 5.08 6.17 7.09 7.72 8.32 8.90 9.46

# 6 @ 9.00" # 5 @ 9.46" 4.12 4.88 5.42 5.96 6.47 6.97 7.45

# 6 @ 8.50" # 5 @ 8.94" 4.29 5.21 5.78 6.33 6.87 7.39 7.88
# 6 @ 8.00" # 5 @ 8.41" 4.47 5.49 6.17 6.75 7.31 7.84 8.36
# 6 @ 7.50" # 5 @ 7.89" 4.66 5.72 6.61 7.21 7.79 8.35 8.89
# 6 @ 7.00" # 5 @ 7.36" 4.88 5.97 7.06 7.73 8.34 8.92 9.49
# 6 @ 6.50" # 5 @ 6.84" 5.13 6.25 7.38 8.31 8.95 9.57 10.16
# 6 @ 6.00" # 5 @ 6.31" 5.41 6.57 7.74 8.89 9.65 10.29 10.91
# 6 @ 5.50" # 5 @ 5.78" 5.72 6.94 8.15 9.34 10.45 11.13 11.78
# 6 @ 5.00" # 5 @ 5.26" 6.09 7.36 8.62 9.87 11.09 12.10 12.79

Effective Slab Span as established in accordance with Section 8.1.1 of AASHTO Standard Specifications

2. Reinforcement
For deck slab designs, the Authority’s standard shall be epoxy
coated reinforcing steel. On a case-by-case basis, however, the
Authority may consider other corrosion resistant reinforcing steel
to replace epoxy coated reinforcement or to use as an alternative
bid item.

Main reinforcement shall be straight continuous bars and the

same reinforcement shall be used in the top and bottom of the
slab. Longitudinal distribution reinforcement, computed in
accordance with the AASHTO LRFD Specification Article
for new bridges and AASHTO Standard Specification Article
3.24.10 for deck repair areas, shall be No. 5 bars in the bottom of
the slab spaced uniformly between stringers. Longitudinal top
reinforcement shall be No. 5 bars at 15 inches, spaced uniformly
over the full width of the deck.

Additional longitudinal reinforcement shall be provided in the

negative moment region of continuous spans. The additional
reinforcement shall not all be terminated at the same location and
shall be developed beyond the dead load point of contraflexure.

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The quantity of 7/8” diameter plain bars, weld metal, angles and
any other supports for reinforcement steel - such as chairs,
bolsters, etc. used to support the deck reinforcement on the
stringers/beams will not be measured for payment.

3. Concrete Haunch
Where concrete slabs are supported on steel or precast concrete
stringers, girders or other beams, the bottom of the concrete slab
shall be positioned above the top of the supporting beam so as to
provide a concrete haunch. The haunch shall be made deep
enough to ensure that the concrete slab can be constructed to the
nominal depth shown on the plans and with its top surface at the
required profile, without any decrease in slab depth over the beam
due to construction tolerances, variation in beam depth, variation
in camber, deflection of the beams or other causes. The
dimension from the top surface of the slab to the top of the beam
shall not be less than the nominal slab plus one-inch. The top of
the beam shall normally be set so as to provide the minimum
haunch depth over the thickest flange plate, except that for
continuous girders, the haunch may be reduced over the interior
support where the variability of the elevation of the top of the
beam may be expected to be less. Where field splices in the
stringers are shown on the plans, or permitted by the
Specifications, the haunch shall be a minimum depth of one-inch
over the splice plate. Bolt heads may project into the haunch, but
one-inch minimum of clear cover shall be maintained between the
main steel reinforcement and the bolts.

4. Permanent Steel Bridge Deck Forms

The main reinforcement in the slab shall be so arranged as to be
parallel to the direction of the corrugations in the permanent steel
bridge deck forms, and the spacing of the bars should be made
the same as a commonly-available corrugation pitch of the forms.
The main reinforcement shall be positioned over the centerline of
a depressed corrugation in the form, and the top surface of the
raised corrugation of the form shall be set one-inch minimum clear
of the longitudinal (distribution) reinforcement. The concrete cover
over the main bars shall be not less than one-inch clear in any
direction to the surface of the form, see Exhibit 2-301. Where it is
impracticable to arrange the main reinforcement parallel to the
slab corrugations, the level of the steel bridge deck forms shall be
dropped so as to provide one-inch of clear cover to the main
reinforcement over the top of the corrugations. Where forms are
dropped the appropriate dead load allowance for additional
concrete in both design and details must be included.

5. Slab Corners
The reinforcing of the acute corners of skewed slabs shall be
given special consideration. In these areas, it may be necessary
to place the main reinforcement in a fanned arrangement
extending into the corner and dropping the permanent steel bridge

MAY 2007 2 - 18
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deck forms as necessary to provide the required cover for the

reinforcement as shown in Exhibit 2-302.

An alternative method for accommodating acute deck slab

corners, however, would be to add 7 additional No. 5 bars splayed
equally beneath the top layer of reinforcement. These bars would
be placed to maintain 2” minimum clearance between bars and
would extend sufficiently to overlap the fully developed sections of
the main transverse reinforcement. If chosen, this method shall
be sufficiently detailed on the plans. Bearings
1. Standard Drawing Types:
Standard bearing designs have been made for Elastomeric Bearings
and Pot Bearings and are detailed on Standard Drawing Nos. BR-10
to BR-12.

Steel reinforced elastomeric bearings shall be designed in accordance

with Method B as outlined in the AASHTO LRFD Specification.
Accordingly, the following sections of the AASHTO Specifications will
be revised as follows:

Replace the first sentence of the first paragraph with the following:
“The elastomer shall have a specified shear modulus between 0.095
and 0.150 ksi.

The second paragraph shall be replaced with the following:

“The shear modulus of the elastomer at 73°F shall be used as the
basis for design. Acceptance criteria in the AASHTO Materials
Specification M 251 permits a variation of ± 15 percent in the specified
value for shear modulus. For design purposes, the specified shear
modulus shall be adjusted for ±15 percent tolerance permitted. The
adjusted value from this range which produces the least favorable
result shall be used in design. Other properties, such as creep
deflection, should be obtained from Table or from tests
conducted using the AASHTO Materials Specification M 251.”

2. New Designs, Widenings and Retrofits:

Bearings shall be designed in accordance with the appropriate
provisions of the AASHTO LRFD Specification. Seismic loadings
resisted by bearings and their connections shall be evaluated in
accordance with AASHTO LRFD Specification and Subsection 2.2.6.
Elastomeric Bearings are preferred where their use is practical. Pot,
disc, sliding, seismic isolation and other alternative bearing types will
be evaluated on a case by case basis. Their intended use must be
approved by the Authority prior to the Phase C plan submission.

Stability of seismic isolation bearings shall be evaluated in

accordance with the appropriate provisions of the AASHTO Guide

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Specifications for Seismic Isolation Design (supplemental to Articles

14 and 15 of Division I and Article 18 of Division II of the AASHTO
Standard Specifications). According to Article 12.3 of the Guide
Specifications for Seismic Isolation Design, bearing stability shall be
evaluated with a safety factor of 3, while Article of the
AASHTO Standard Specifications states the method for the
computation (Design Example C-1). For reinforced elastomeric
bearings, the bonded dimensions, instead of the gross dimensions,
will be used in computations pertaining to stability (Design Example
C-1 under 4. below). Bearing stability shall be evaluated using the
lower bound shear modulus (and not the average). Performance
measures for the bearings shall be presented on contract drawings
and specifications.

Pertinent References:
a. AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specification, 3rd Edition
b. AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, 17th
c. Guide Specifications for Seismic Isolation Design, 1999 including
2000 interims
d. Stanton, J.F., et al. Stability of Laminated Elastomeric Bearings,
ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 116, No. 6, June

3. Provisions for Substructure Movement:

Settlement of fill under and behind abutments is frequently
accompanied by horizontal movement of the abutment top, and small
rotations of tall piers will result in appreciable displacement of the
bearings. In these circumstances, and others where movements or
settlements may take place, provisions shall be made in the design for
resetting the bearings. The end diaphragm shall be positioned and
designed to provide for jacking the end of the span. Sufficient
expansion capacity shall be provided in the bearings to accommodate
the substructure movement, and so minimize the need to reset them.

4. Provisions for Bearing Replacement:

All bearing designs and details shall provide a means for ready
removal of the bearing for the purpose of inspection, maintenance and
replacement. As an example, the bearing may be placed between
steel plates so that removal does not entail the demolition of
reinforced concrete substructures. Substructures shall be designed to
furnish space for jacks or other devices for temporarily supporting the
superstructure. Superstructures shall be designed to accommodate
the loads imposed by these devices.

MAY 2007 2 - 20
NJTA Design Manual Structures Design

Design Example C-1: Seismic Isolation Bearing Stability

Bearing Properties:
t = 0.25 in δ
T = 2.5 in δ δ
L = 10 in
W = 17 in
δ = 0.5 in
L–2δ = 9 in δ
W–2δ = 16 in
Shear Modulus, G = 100 psi
Bearing Force, P = 175 kips

Compute net elastomer section properties.

Net moment of inertia: I=

(L − 2δ )3 (W − 2δ ) )

I = 972 in4

Net cross sectional area: Ar = (L − 2δ )(W − 2δ )

Ar = 144 in2

Net shape factor: S=
2((L − 2δ ) + (W − 2δ ))t

S = 11.5

Consider average compressive stress due to the total dead load and
live load.

AASHTO Standard Specifications Article

For bridges that are free to translate horizontally, use equation

σ TL ≤ .
3.84 rt
L 2.67

⎛ L ⎞
S (S + 2 )⎜1 +
S 1+ 2 ⎟
W ⎝ 4W ⎠

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According to Stanton (29), the critical compressive stress of the

bearing is:

σ TL ≤ ,
1.92 rt
L − 1.33
⎛ L ⎞
S (S + 2 )⎜1 +
S 1+ 2 ⎟
W ⎝ 4W ⎠

implying that the equation as presented in the AASHTO Standard

Specifications incorporates a factor of safety of 2. However, the
Guide Specifications for Seismic Isolation Design (Article 12.3) require
a factor of safety of 3. The following equation accounts for the higher
safety factor as well as the bonded dimensions of the bearing:

2 G
σ TL ≤
3 hrt
L − 2δ − 2.67
L − 2δ ⎛ L − 2δ ⎞
S 1+ 2 S (S + 2 )⎜⎜1 + ⎟⎟
W − 2δ ⎝ 4(W − 2δ ) ⎠

or σ TL ≤ .
L − 2δ − 4.00
L − 2δ ⎛ L − 2δ ⎞
S 1+ 2 S (S + 2 )⎜⎜1 + ⎟⎟
W − 2δ ⎝ 4(W − 2δ ) ⎠

σTL ≤ 1374 psi

Compute the compressive stress in the bearing:

σ TL =

σTL = 1215 psi

1215 psi ≤ 1374 psi, therefore the bearing is stable.

2.2.5 Substructure Design Piers
1. See Exhibit 2-214 for general guidelines on Turnpike pier details.

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2. Restrictions on the use of frame piers

These restrictions apply to all piers adjacent to the Turnpike /
Parkway or Turnpike / Parkway ramps unless they are positioned
more than 30 feet clear from the outer edge of shoulder.
a. Single shaft piers shall have a minimum horizontal cross-
section area of 30 square feet.
b. Frame piers shall have a minimum of three columns.

3. Footings
Frame piers shall generally be designed with a continuous footing
supporting all the shafts, except that piers founded on rock or piles
may have individual footings for each shaft. The footing width of
piers founded on soil shall be at least one-third of the height (from
bottom of footing to top of cap beam) and for piers founded on
rock or unyielding soil shall be at least one-fourth the height. Soils
with a bearing capacity of at least three tons per square foot may
be considered unyielding. If piles are used, the distance between
the outer rows shall be not less than one-fourth the height of the

4. Temperature and Shrinkage

Frame piers shall be designed for the combined effects of
temperature change and concrete shrinkage, unless a placing
sequence is specified for the cap beam that will reduce or
eliminate the shrinkage stresses. Open joints in cap beams and
footings shall only be used at a corresponding discontinuity in the
superstructure. Abutments
1. Design Criteria
The AASHTO LRFD Specification as modified herein shall govern
the design of the abutment’s structural concrete and foundation.

Abutments shall be designed to conform to the requirements for

Retaining Walls (Subsection 2.3) and to resist all vertical and
horizontal forces from the bridge superstructure and the bridge
approach slab. The use of fixed bearings upon abutments should
be avoided wherever possible.

2. Approach Slabs
Approach slabs shall be provided for all abutments and shall be
constructed for the full width of the roadway including shoulders.
Two conditions of support for the approach slab shall be
considered in the design of the abutment.
a. The “as-constructed” condition where the approach slab is
supported by the fill as a surcharge load.
b. The condition where the soil does not provide any support for
the approach slab immediately adjacent to the abutment and
the slab spans as a beam from the backwall to the soil. The
span of the slab shall be assumed to be 25 feet.

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3. Construction Condition
Abutments shall be designed for a construction condition where
the earth fill is fully placed before the superstructure is erected.
The design for this condition shall include a surcharge load for
construction equipment. For this condition, the resistance factors
may be increased by 25%.

4. Alternate Abutments Walls

a. Alternate type abutments; such as Mechanically Stabilized
Earth (MSE) or Prefabricated Modular Wall proprietary type
systems should be considered. Use of these systems should
be compared with other abutment types to determine which
option best meets project objectives, i.e., structure cost,
functionality, construction time, aesthetics and other project
specific parameters. Analysis and recommendations should
be included in the Bridge Type Study and Foundation Report.
b. Proprietary type abutment systems shall be designed based
on a 100 year life.
c. Refer to 2.3.2 for MSE and Prefabricated Modular wall system
requirements. Criteria stated therein shall be applied in such
Abutment designs.
d. The design of proprietary type wall systems supporting
abutment caps shall take into account the anticipated
movements and loads transmitted from the abutment caps.
Plans and/or specifications for the wall system shall clearly
state the additional loads and/or movements that will be
imposed on the wall system. On a project specific basis,
Engineers may need to consider certain design options, such
as adding soil reinforcement straps to the abutment backwall
cap, isolating the deep foundation from the wall face, requiring
the proprietary system to be designed for higher pressures,
e. Engineers shall contact wall system manufacturers during the
design process to discuss project specific design
requirements and details to ensure there will be no conflicts
during construction phasing. Scour Design

1. Bridge substructures and foundations shall be evaluated for scour
conditions in accordance with the AASHTO LRFD Specification.
Hydraulic and scour analysis shall be performed in accordance
with Section 4 of this Manual.

2. In accordance with the AASHTO Manual, new and replacement

bridges shall be designed for the scour condition for a recurrence
interval that is expected to produce the most severe adverse
condition, up to 100 years maximum. Other existing bridges
scheduled to be significantly rehabilitated or widened shall be
evaluated by the Authority on a project by project basis. Scour

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evaluations of existing bridge shall also take into account past

history of floods in the project area. The use of flood criteria
greater than 100 years may be necessary and shall be evaluated
on an individual bridge basis.

3. In accordance with the AASHTO Manual, new, replacement and

widened bridges shall be checked for the scour condition for a 500
year flood.

4. In accordance with Section 4 of this Manual, a Scour Report shall

be submitted which shall include scour countermeasure and
resistance recommendations.

5. Scour countermeasures to be considered include:

a. Designing the bridge for the scoured condition with the use of
deep foundations; such as, piles or drilled shafts.
b. Reduction of flood velocity by rounding the shape of a pier.
c. Driving sheet piling to protect existing footings.
d. Driving sacrificial piles to deflect flow and induce deposition in
a local scour hole at piers.
e. Scour monitoring program.
f. Armoring.

2.2.6 Design for Seismic Events Design Specifications
Except as modified below, the seismic evaluation of all highway
bridges shall be governed by AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design
Specifications, Third Edition, current through the 2006 Interim

In the absence of site-specific response spectra, response spectra

shall be developed in accordance with the 2003 NEHRP
Recommended Provisions for New Buildings (BSSC, 2003a and
2003b). Spectral response acceleration values shall be obtained from
the 2002 USGS National Seismic Hazard Program maps. The 2002
USGS maps, which may be accessed interactively online at the
following website:


It is also noted that site response evaluation (soil amplification) must

be applied and shall be in accordance with the 2003 NEHRP
Recommended Provisions for New Buildings. General Considerations

The most common and significant cause of earthquake damage is
ground shaking. In addition to ground shaking, seismic hazards can
also include ground failure, liquefaction, lateral spreading, differential
settlement and land sliding. Bridges shall be evaluated and

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proportioned to resist significant damage to such events. As such,

two levels of earthquake shaking hazard shall be used to satisfy the
basic safety objectives for all Turnpike structures: Functional and
Safety Evaluation Event Levels (FEE & SEE).

Under the Functional Evaluation objective, immediate operation is

required (following bridge inspection) and minimal damage is
permissible. This hazard level has a 10% probability of exceedence
in 50 years (return period of approximately 500 years).

For a bridge designated for a Safety Evaluation performance level,

significant disruption to service is permissible as is significant damage
and has a corresponding 2% probability of exceedence in 50 years
(return period of approximately 2,500 years).

These performance objectives represent a rational approach to

seismic retrofit as well as new design, and therefore will be used as a
basis for evaluating performance of bridges subjected to the functional
and safety evaluation level events. Design Requirements

For the design of bridges carrying Turnpike traffic, two events shall be
considered, having return periods of approximately 500 years and
2,500 years. Response Modification Factors (R) for the Functional
and Safety Evaluation Events are as follows:

Response Modification Factor, R

Element SEE
Critical Other
Wall Type Pier 1.5 1.5 2
RC Pile Bents
Only Vertical Piles 1.5 1.5 3
With Battered Piles 1.5 1.5 2
Single Column Bents 1.5 1.5 3
Multiple Column Bents 1.5 1.5 5
Connections Per Table in of
AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design

For the design of local road bridges over the Turnpike, including State
and Federal highways, the design shall be based on the lesser of the
two events, unless the owner has a published policy which requires

For the design of certain special bridges which the Authority deems to
be “critical”, the design shall be based on a performance objective of

MAY 2007 2 - 26
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immediate operation and minimal damage following the 2,500-year


For the SEE objective, the design spectral response acceleration

parameters shall be as described in Article 3.3.3 of the 2003 NEHRP
Recommended Provisions for New Buildings. For the FEE objective,
the design spectral response acceleration parameters SDS and SD1
shall be set equal to the maximum considered earthquake spectral
response acceleration parameters SMS and SM1, respectively, for the
500-year event. In effect, the 2/3 factor in Article 3.3.3 of the 2003
NEHRP Recommended Provisions for New Buildings shall be set to
unity for the FEE objective.

Bridges that are single span, bridges with less than 50,000 square ft
in deck area, or bridges with an overall length less than 1,000 linear
feet shall be designed using the NEHRP response spectra. Bridges
with a deck area exceeding 50,000 square ft or an overall length
exceeding 1,000 linear feet shall require a site-specific evaluation.

Site-specific procedures may be used for any bridge, but shall be

used where any of the following apply:

1. The bridge is located on Profile Type E or F soils (as defined by

2. A time history response analysis will be performed as part of the
design / retrofit.

For both the FEE and SEE objectives, the Seismic Zone at the site
shall be defined according to Table 3.10.4-1 in the AASHTO LRFD
Bridge Design Specifications except the value of “A” shall be taken as
the peak ground acceleration (PGA) from the 2002 USGS maps for
the 2,500-year event at the site. Retrofit Requirements

FHWA’s Seismic Retrofitting Manual for Highway Bridges shall be
used as a guide regarding evaluation procedures and upgrade
measures for retrofitting seismically deficient highway bridges. This
document is currently provided online at:


Seismic retrofit of existing bridges differs greatly from the design of

new bridges since remaining service life must be considered in
establishing a consistent level of safety. The AASHTO LRFD code is
based upon an average bridge service life of 75 years, and therefore,
seismic retrofit hazard should be a function of this estimate of bridge
life. The desired Life-Safety event is taken as 3% probability of
exceedence in 75 years, resulting in a return period that is nearly
identical to the 2% in 50 year event. Therefore, a consistent level of
risk can be proportionally established between bridge retrofit and new

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design requirements based on a specific accounting of a bridge’s

remaining life.

Bridges that are single span, bridges with less than 50,000 square ft
in deck area, or bridges with an overall length less than 1,000 linear
feet shall be retrofitted to resist the 10% in 50 year probability event
(return period of approximately 500 years) using the formulation of the
NEHRP response spectra described above for the FEE performance
level in Design Requirements above.

Isolation strategies, if employed, shall be evaluated for the 2% in 50

year event (return period of approximately 2,500 years) for design and
detailing of the isolation bearings.

Bridges with a deck area exceeding 50,000 square ft or an overall

length exceeding 1,000 linear feet should require a site-specific
evaluation based upon both the Functional and Safety Evaluation
Event Levels with approximate return periods of 500 years and 2,500
years respectively.

For both the FEE and SEE performance levels, the Seismic
Performance Category (SPC) at the site shall be defined according to
Table 1 in the FHWA Seismic Retrofitting Manual except the value of
“A” shall be taken as the PGA from the 2002 USGS maps for the
2,500-year event at the site. References
Building Seismic Safety Council, 2003a, NEHRP Recommended
Provisions for Seismic Regulations for New Buildings and Other
Structures, Part 1: Provisions, 2003 Edition, FEMA 450, Washington,

Building Seismic Safety Council, 2003b, NEHRP Recommended

Provisions for Seismic Regulations for New Buildings and Other
Structures, Part 2: Commentary, 2003 Edition, FEMA 450,
Washington, D.C.

Federal Highway Administration, Seismic Retrofitting Manual for

Highway Bridges¸1995 Edition, FHWA-RD-94-052, MacLean, VA.

2.2.7 Computer Software Guidelines on Use
The use of computer software has become a valuable tool to the
structural engineer. However, even the best computer software
cannot replace good engineering judgment and design practice. In
addition to the guidelines noted below, it is recommended that the
checked results be reviewed by senior structural engineers or
technical managers as part of the Engineer’s QA/QC process.

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A list of the computer software (including version) used for the

structural analysis and/or design of Authority structures shall be
submitted for review and approval. The Authority’s Engineering
Department approval will not relieve the Engineer of the responsibility
for the use of the program. The Engineer still assumes full
responsibility for the logic and results of the program.

The following guidelines shall be followed:

1. Program input and output shall always be checked by a second

Engineer. All input and results shall be printed out and placed in
the design calculations. Engineers shall be responsible for
verifying that the results of the computer software are correct.
Verification shall be in the form of a second computer program or
enough hand calculations to verify results.

2. All computer analysis and design shall be performed under the

direct supervision of an experienced structural engineer familiar
with the computer software program.

3. When utilizing spreadsheets, Mathcad, or computer programs

written by Engineers or obtained from other sources, the Engineer
and checking Engineer shall thoroughly check the language
and/or formulas to assure the integrity of the structural analysis
and/or design. Large or complex programs shall be verified by
hand calculations to assure the program is performing as

4. Design calculations shall include as much program documentation

as required to ensure that the program input and output can be
interpreted by the Authority. Commercial Structural Programs

The following computer software has been utilized by the Authority’s
Engineering Department. It shall not be construed as an
endorsement of any particular software by the Authority’s Engineering
Department and Engineers shall be fully responsible for the use of
such software. It is recommended that Engineers refer to the
corresponding manuals for more detailed instructions, specifications,
and limitations.

PENNDOT Programs:

ABLRFD: LRFD Abutment and Retaining Wall Analysis and Design

BPLRFD: LRFD Bearing Pad Design and Analysis
BXLRFD: LRFD Box Culvert Design and Rating
FBLRFD: LRFD Floorbeam Analysis and Rating
PSLRFD: LRFD Prestressed Concrete Girder Design and Rating
SPLRFD: LRFD Steel Girder Splice Design and Analysis
STLRFD: LRFD Steel Girder Design and Rating

MAY 2007 2 - 29
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ABUT5: Abutment and Retaining Wall

BAR7: Bridge Analysis and Rating
BOX5: Box Culvert Design and Rating
BSP: Beam Section Properties
CBA: Continuous Beam Analysis
PS3: Analysis And Design Of Prestressed Concrete Girder, Box
Beams And Voided Slabs.

Note: PENNDOT programs are written by and for the Pennsylvania

Dept. of Transportation and as such, there are defaults that are built
into the programs which apply to PENNDOT's design criteria. The
Engineer is advised to review and evaluate these defaults of the
program and make the necessary modifications to ensure that bridge
components are designed in accordance with the AASHTO design
criteria as modified by this Section.

CONSPAN LA: Analysis and design program for prestressed

concrete girders, box beams and voided slabs bridges. The bridge
can be single-span or multiple-span bridges, constructed as simply
supported beams and made continuous by reinforcing the cast-in-
place top deck and diaphragms. The Engineer can specify LFD or
LRFD design.

DESCUS I: Analysis and design (partial design) software for

horizontally curved composite or noncomposite steel I-girder bridges.
The Engineer can specify WSD, LFD or LRFD design methodologies.
The bridge can be continuous and skewed over supports.

DESCUS II: Same description as DESCUS I, but was specifically

written to analyze a horizontally curved structure composed of steel
box sections.

MERLIN-DASH: Analysis and Design program for tangent steel beam

and plate girder bridges. The Engineer can specify WSD, LFD or
LRFD design methodologies.

RC-Pier LA: Analysis and design of reinforced concrete piers based

on AASHTO LFD and LRFD codes. Wall, multi-column and
hammerhead piers are all handled by the program. Footings can be
either isolated, combined or strap and they can be either spread or on
piles. The program can easily switch between English and metric unit

SEISAB: Analysis of simply-supported or continuous deck girder-type

bridges for seismic response with no practical limitation on the
number of spans or the number of columns at a bent/pier. SEISAB
contains both the single mode and multi-mode response spectrum
analysis techniques included in AASHTO.

GTStrudl: Structural analysis program for static, dynamic, p-delta,

nonlinear, buckling or cable analysis. The program accepts truss,

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plane, floor, and space structural types. GTStrudl is capable of steel,

concrete and timber design. The program uses a common language-
based input format which can be created through an editor, a graphics
input generator, or through CADD-based input generators.

STAAD-PRO: Structural analysis program for static, dynamic, p-delta,

nonlinear, buckling or cable analysis. The program accepts truss,
plane, floor, and space structural types. STAAD is capable of steel,
concrete and timber design. The program uses a common language-
based input format which can be created through an editor, a graphics
input generator, or through CADD-based input generators.

2.2.8 Permits
For permit requirements to be considered during design, reference is made to
the Authority’s Procedure Manual. The following information is provided for
general guidance.

1. Navigable Waterways - U.S. Coast Guard

A navigation permit from the U.S. Coast Guard is required for crossings,
relocations or encroachment of waterways that are located within their

Navigation lights are required on all structures over navigable waterways

unless this requirement is specifically waived by the U. S. Coast Guard.
The Engineer shall determine navigational lighting requirements and
forward the necessary applications for U. S. Coast Guard approval of
navigational lighting requirements to the Authority’s Engineering
Department for their review and submission to the Coast Guard.

2. Other Waterways - NJDEP Stream Encroachment, Waterfront

Development, Coastal Area Facility Review Act.
Waterway openings and vertical clearances are contingent upon the
hydraulic and hydrologic analysis and shall be subject to the approval of
the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.


2.3.1 Earth Retaining Structures
1. Foundation Design
Foundations for earth retaining structures shall be designed to satisfy the
following conditions:

a. Retaining structures shall be sized to satisfy the overturning

requirement of AASHTO LRFD Section

b. Retaining structures shall be sized to satisfy the sliding requirements

of AASHTO LRFD Section and The final design
value of the coefficient of friction (AASHTO LRFD TAN δ) for the soil
should be estimated as part of the geotechnical investigation, but may

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be taken as 0.45 for granular soils as a preliminary estimate. The

value for other soils may be lower.

c. For structures founded on soil, the resultant of all the forces acting on
the structure above its base shall intersect the base within the middle
half. For structures founded on rock, the resultant shall intersect the
base within the middle three-fourths. No uplift shall be permitted on
piles except under seismic loadings.

d. The loads on the rear piles of abutments and retaining walls shall be
computed with the horizontal forces from the soil reduced to 75
percent of the maximum values. The pile resistance load shall not be
exceeded for this condition.

e. Careful consideration shall be given to the position of the water table,

and the stability of the structure for the service limit state shall be
checked with the water table at its highest normal level. Where
appropriate, the service limit state shall also be checked for
exceptional flood conditions, in which case the resistance factors may
be increased by 25%. In these cases, both the horizontal earth
pressures and the vertical dead loads should be reduced for material
below the water table. Possible drawdown conditions should be
considered and forces from the unbalanced hydrostatic head should
be added to the overturning moments. Pile loads and soil pressures
should be computed with the water table at its lowest normal

f. The passive resistance of the soil in front of the structure shall not be
considered as resisting either the horizontal forces caused by the
earth pressure or the bending moments in the stem due to those

g. The resultant horizontal force on each pile shall be computed and

shall not exceed the capacity of the pile. The horizontal component of
the axial load in the battered piles may be considered as resisting part
of the horizontal force. The capacity of the pile to resist unbalanced
horizontal force shall be determined from an analysis of the bending
forces in the pile taking into account the conditions of fixity of the pile
and the modulus of horizontal subgrade reaction of the soil. The
combined bending moment and axial load shall be evaluated by the
structural design provisions of the AASHTO LRFD Specification.

2. Wall Thickness
The minimum thickness of any cast-in-place concrete wall shall be 12
inches for walls up to 10 feet high, 15 inches for walls up to 14 feet high,
and 18 inches thick for walls higher than 14 feet. Low walls should be
designed with a vertical rear face and higher walls should be battered,
with a rear face batter of not less than 1 in 12. Battered faces shall
(where possible) be plane, and changes in batter shall be avoided.

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3. Backfill
The backfill behind abutments and walls shall consist of a layer of Porous
Fill which shall be a minimum of five feet wide, and shall be adequately
drained at its base to prevent the build up of water pressure at the back of
the structure.

2.3.2 Alternate / Proprietary Retaining Walls

1. Engineers are encouraged to use proprietary retaining wall systems at
select project locations. Proprietary retaining wall systems, Mechanically
Stabilized Earth Walls (MSE) and Prefabricated Modular Walls, are
generally considered to be more cost effective and provide a reduced
time for construction than standard cast-in-place reinforced concrete
cantilever retaining wall system. Allowing contractors to bid on alternative
proprietary retaining wall systems also encourages competitive bidding
and could potentially result in cost savings.

2. Use of these systems should be compared with other retaining walls

types to determine which option best meets project objectives, i.e.,
structure cost, functionality, construction time, aesthetics and other
project specific parameters. Analysis and recommendations should be
included in the Bridge Type Study and Foundation Report.

3. Designs of MSE and Prefabricated Modular Wall retaining wall systems

shall conform to either the AASHTO LRFD Specification or the AASHTO
Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges. The Supplementary
Specifications to the current New Jersey Turnpike Authority Standard
Specifications provides a list of approved Prefabricated Modular Wall
Systems and of approved MSE wall systems.

4. The Sample Plans and Exhibits 2-500 Series of this Manual may be
referred to for guidance in providing for proprietary wall presentations.
The following guidance shall also be followed:

a. In the design of Prefabricated Modular Walls, when the wall is to be

constructed in fills or cuts above the water table, one weep hole and a
2’ x 2’ stone pocket shall be provided behind the front face of each of
the lowest exposed units. If necessary, the weep hole may be
replaced with a 8 inch perforated corrugated metal pipe and a 2’ x 2’
stone pocket.

b. For MSE Walls and Prefabricated Modular Walls constructed in cuts

below the water table, an 8-inch P.C.M.P. and 2’ x 2’ stone pocket
shall be placed parallel to and behind the wall. The area above the
stone pocket behind the wall shall be backfilled with porous fill.

For MSE wall systems that are located adjacent to roadways that may
be chemically deiced, a high density polyethylene geo-membrane
shall be placed below the pavement and just above the first row of
reinforcements to intercept any flows that may contain the deicing
chemicals. The membrane shall be sloped to drain away from the

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wall facing. Reference is made to NJTA Supplementary

Specifications for type of material to be used.

5. Use of MSE wall systems that include geosynthetic reinforcements

(polymeric reinforcement) are not permitted.

The NJTA Supplemental Specifications for Prefabricated Modular Wall

Systems and for MSE Wall systems contain design and construction
criteria that shall be used as guidance when developing the project
specific specifications.

Engineers shall contact wall system manufacturers during the design

process to discuss project specific design requirements and details to
ensure there will be no conflicts during the construction phase.

Culverts shall be constructed as box culverts or 3-sided rigid frames with reinforced
concrete Class “B”. As a minimum, culverts shall be of sufficient length so that the
full roadway section, including shoulders and berms, can be maintained. Footings
for culvert wingwalls shall either be placed at the same time as the culvert floor slab
or shall be adequately keyed and doweled into it. Toe walls shall be provided along
the edge of culvert floor slabs or apron slabs.

Precast culverts shall be permitted and the design shall conform to either the
AASHTO LRFD Specification or the AASHTO Standard Specification for Highway
Bridges. Engineers shall contact precast manufacturers during the design to discuss
project specific design requirements and details to ensure there will be no conflicts
during the construction phase. Precast culverts shall not be used when the top slab
is to be used as a riding surface.


The various types of signs described in this section are either ground mounted or on
overhead sign structures. Each of these general categories is sub-divided into
various support methods:

1. Ground Mounted
Small Highway Signs (<50 square feet)
Large Highway Signs (≥50 square feet)

2. Overhead Type Structures

Span Type Structures
Cantilever Type Structures
Butterfly Type Structures
Bridge Mounted Structures

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2.5.1 General Design Criteria

All Sign Support Structure designs shall be completed in accordance with the
latest edition of the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Structural Supports
for Highway Signs, Luminaires and Traffic Signals and the current AASHTO
Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges. For sign placement layout
guidelines and sign panel requirements, see Sections 6A and 6B of this

1. Ground Mounted
a. Small Highway Signs (<50 square feet)

Turnpike – Channel/U Post

See Section 6.

Parkway - Timber Post

Small highway sign supports shall be timber posts. Having the values
of “H” and “W” of the sign panel, the Engineer can then use the
Tables on Exhibits 2-401 for determining the size of the timber post as
well as the depth of foundation embedments to be used on that

b. Large Highway Signs (≥50 square feet)

Turnpike - Single Aluminum Post

Many signs are of sizes which require a single tubular post for
support. Standard signs utilizing single posts are noted on Standard
Drawings SI-1 to SI-3. Any signs not covered by the standards which
have a panel width of at least 3’ and no greater than 5’-6” shall be
installed on a single extruded aluminum tube having an outside
diameter of 4” and a wall thickness of 0.250”. This type of post shall
have a cast aluminum cap and a two-piece cast aluminum base of the
same design as that used for the larger aluminum tubular posts (See
Standard Drawings SI-13). For foundation details, see Standard
Drawing SI-22.

Should the Engineer feel that if any of the standard signs or any other
small signs which are to be erected on a 4” aluminum tubular post are
considered to be in an area subject to frequent impact from vehicles, it
should be proposed to the Authority’s Engineering Department that
these signs be erected on multiple galvanized steel wing channel
posts or another type of support.

Turnpike - Multi-Aluminum Post

Many of the standard signs are of such a size they require two or
more extruded aluminum tubular posts as indicated on standard
Drawings SI-1 to SI-4. Further, contract signs of a certain size may
also require a similar multi-post support system.

The number of posts required to support any sign panel is dependent

on the width and height of the panel. In order to keep the stresses in

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the horizontal stringers, which hold the sheet sections together, within
allowable limits, limiting panel sizes are shown on Standard Drawing
SI-25 for either 2, 3 or 4 post mounting systems. To assist the
Engineer in determining the proper size and number of posts to use
on any particular ground mounted installation, the chart on Standard
Drawing SI-25 has been provided. The intersection of a sign panel’s
height and width will fall within an area which will indicate whether 2,
3, or 4 supports are required. On this drawing there is a series of
diagrams which show the proper spacing of the posts along the width
of the panel expressed as decimal fractions of the panel width.

Once the number of posts required to support the panel has been
determined, the Engineer shall calculate “h”. This dimension “h” is the
height of the longest post used on that installation. It is measured
from the middle of the sign panel to ground level, and is rounded off to
the next 2-foot increment. In determining “h”, the Engineer shall
assume that the ground outside of the berm area slopes 1 foot
vertically for every 2 feet horizontally, unless there is information
available to substantiate using a flatter or a steeper side slope. It is
desirable to provide posts of sufficient length to insure flush ground

Having the values of “h” and the area of the sign panel, the Engineer
can then use the charts on Standard Drawing SI-25 for determining
the post diameter to be used on that installation. The post size to be
used will be indicated by the curve (properly selected as to required
numbers of posts) which lies just above the intersection of “A” and “h”.
The post size indicated on that curve shall be the outside diameter
and wall thickness of all tubular supports for that installation. In some
instances, especially where large diameter and or heavy wall
thicknesses are indicated for a particular installation, consideration
should be given to the use of an additional post, whereby a tube of
smaller diameter and thickness of wall may be utilized.

On any ground mounted sign installation which will have two sign
panels, one mounted above the other, the length of “h” shall be
computed to the centerline of the combination, including the space
separating the two panels. The area to be used when determining the
post size shall be the total area of the two panels.

Each tubular aluminum post shall be equipped with an aluminum cap

and base. The anchor bolts are installed as detailed on Standard
Drawing SI-12. Foundation details are shown on Standard Drawing

c. Parkway - Multi-Timber Post / Pole

Many of the standard signs are of such a size they require two or
more timber posts or poles as indicated on Exhibits 2-402 and 2-403.
Further, contract signs of a certain size may also require a similar
multi-pole support system.

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The number of posts or poles required to support any sign panel is

dependent on the width and height of the panel. In order to keep the
stresses in the horizontal stringers, which hold the sheet sections
together, within allowable limits, limiting panel sizes are shown on
Exhibits 2-402 and 2-403 for either 2 or 3 pole mounting systems. To
assist the Engineer in determining the proper size and number of
poles to use on any particular ground mounted installation, the Tables
on Exhibit 2-402 and 2-403 have been provided.

For sign areas greater than 50 sq. ft. and less than 100 sq. ft. timber
posts shall be used in accordance with Exhibit 2-402. Having the
values of “H” and “W” of the sign panel, the Engineer can than use the
tables for determining the number of posts, size of the posts, as well
as the depth of post embedment.

For sign areas greater than 100 sq. ft., timber poles shall be used in
accordance with Exhibit 2-403. Once the number of poles required to
support the panel has been determined, the Engineer shall calculate
“A”. This dimension “A” is the height of the longest pole used on that
installation. It is measured from the underside of sign panel to ground
level. In determining “A”, the Engineer shall assume that the ground
outside of the berm area slopes 1 foot vertically for every 2 feet
horizontally, unless there is information available to substantiate using
a flatter or a steeper side slope.

Having the values of “H” and “W” of the sign panel, the Engineer can
then use the Tables on Exhibits 2-403 for determining the number of
poles, Class of timber pole as well as the depth and size of foundation
embedments to be used on that installation.

On any ground mounted sign installation which will have two sign
panels, one mounted above the other, the height of “H” shall be taken
as combination of both sign heights, including the space separating
the two panels. The area to be used when determining the post size
shall be the total area of the two panels.

2. Overhead Type Structures

a. Span-type Sign Structures

Turnpike Sign Structures General Criteria
These are to be used to support signs such that the panels hang
directly over the roadway lane to which the sign applies. The layout of
the sign structure shall be in accordance with Exhibits 2-405 to 2-407.

Span-type sign structures shall be four chord box trusses of cylindrical

tubes supported on tubular trussed end frames. The box truss shall
support the signs, and, if required, an inspection and maintenance
walkway, railing and the sign lighting system. Standard Drawings are
provided for aluminum and weathering steel structures. Only
weathering steel sign structures shall be permitted. Aluminum

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Standard Drawings are for reference, only when performing work on

pre-existing aluminum sign structures.

The Standard Drawings for the span-type sign structures provide two
(2) standard heights of end frames and five (5) standard lengths for
box truss sections. Span lengths from 45 ft. to 135 ft., in increments
of 5 ft., may be obtained by using the standard box truss sections in
appropriate combinations, as indicated on the Standard Drawings.
Sign structure spans shall be set in increments of 5 ft. wherever
possible. Where this is not possible, the standard truss sections shall
be combined with a minimum number of special sections to obtain the
necessary length.

A minimum underclearance of 17 ft. 0 in. over the high point of the

roadway shall be provided for all sign structures. The signs shall be
centered vertically on the box truss, and the top of the walkway
grating shall be positioned 1 ft. 0 in. below the bottom edge of the
highest sign. The shorter end frames shall only be used for repair or
replacement of existing damaged end frames. Only the longer end
frames shall be used for new designs. The longer end frames will
accommodate signs up to 18 ft. high. These standard end frame
sections shall be used wherever possible; where they cannot be used,
the Engineer shall design a special end frame of the required height.

Parkway Sign Structures General Criteria

These are to be used to support signs such that the panels hang
directly over the roadway lane to which the sign applies. The layout of
the sign structure shall be in accordance with Exhibits 2-409 to 2-411.

Span-type sign structures shall be the Vierendeel single plane or

double plane truss of rectangular tubes supported on rectangular
tubular trussed end frames. The truss shall support the signs, and, if
required, inspection and maintenance walkway, railing and sign
lighting system. Only weathering steel sign structures shall be

Standard Drawings for Parkway sign structures are under

development. Until the Standard Drawings are available the Authority
shall provide Engineers with applicable sign structure details on a
project by project basis.

A minimum underclearance of 17 ft. 0 in. over the high point of the

roadway shall be provided for all sign structures. The signs shall be
centered vertically on the truss, and, if required, the top of the
walkway grating shall be positioned 1 ft. 0 in. below the bottom edge
of the highest sign. The end frame will accommodate signs up to 18
ft. high.

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b. Cantilever-type Sign Structures

Turnpike Sign Structures General Criteria
This type of sign structure is used to support guide signs adjacent to
deceleration lanes in the vicinity of ramp gore areas and may also be
used to support overhead signing on narrow roadways and ramps.
The sign panel should be located over the lane to which the message
applies. The layout of the sign structure shall be in accordance with
Exhibit 2-408.

The structure shall have an arm consisting of a plane truss of

cylindrical tubes cantilevering from a single pipe column. The truss
shall support the signs and, if required, the sign lighting system. No
inspection and maintenance walkway shall be provided. A Standard
Drawing, SI-17, is provided for a weathering steel structure.

A minimum underclearance of 17 ft. 0 in. over the high point of the

roadway shall be provided for all sign structures. The sign shall be
centered vertically on the trussed cantilever arm, and, if required, the
underside of the luminaire support arms shall be positioned 1 ft. 6 in.
below the bottom edge of the sign. The Standard Drawing, SI-17
provides two (2) standard heights of end support. The shorter height
end supports are designed to accommodate signs up to 12 ft. high,
and the longer end supports will accommodate signs up to 16 ft. high.
These standard end supports shall be used wherever possible; where
they cannot be used, the Engineer shall design a special end post of
the required height.

The length of the trussed cantilever arm is not standardized but shall
be detailed to suit the width of the sign proposed to be mounted on
the arm. The arm shall extend to 6 in. beyond the outer edge of the
sign panel.

Parkway Sign Structures General Criteria

This type of sign structure is used to support guide signs adjacent to
deceleration lanes in the vicinity of ramp gore areas and may also be
used to support overhead signing on narrow roadways and ramps.
The sign panel should be located over the lane to which the message
applies. The layout of the sign structure shall be in accordance with
Exhibit 2-412.

The structure shall have an arm consisting of a plane Vierendeel truss

of rectangular tubes cantilevering from a single rectangular column or
two rectangular tubes simply cantilevered from the column. The truss
shall support the signs and, if required, a sign lighting system. No
inspection and maintenance walkway shall be provided. Only
weathering steel sign structures shall be permitted.

A minimum underclearance of 17 ft. 0 in. over the high point of the

roadway shall be provided for all sign structures. The sign shall be
centered vertically on the trussed cantilever arm, and, if required, the
underside of the luminaire support arms shall be positioned 1 ft. 6 in.

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below the bottom edge of the sign. Standard Drawings for Parkway
sign structures are under development. Until the Standard Drawings
are available, the Authority shall provide Engineers with applicable
sign structure details on a project by project basis.

The length of the trussed and simple cantilever arms shall be detailed
to suit the width of the sign proposed to be mounted on the arm. The
arm shall extend to 6 in. beyond the outer edge of the sign panel.

c. Butterfly-type Sign Structures

This type of sign structure is used to support signs on the Turnpike
and Parkway between a pair of adjacent roadways carrying traffic in
the same direction. With the approval of the Authority’s Engineering
Department, a butterfly type structure may be used at the nose of a
ramp split and other locations required by design where the use of a
span-type structure is not feasible. Structural details of this type of
sign structure are similar to cantilever-type sign structures except that
cantilever arms are provided on each side of the support post. The
layout of the sign structure shall be in accordance with Exhibit 2-408.

d. Bridge-Mounted Signs
Bridge mounted sign structures are not preferable where a proposed
location for a sign structure falls upon a bridge or viaduct, the
Engineer shall first attempt to move the planned location of the
structure off the bridge. Where this cannot be accomplished, the sign
structure shall either be mounted on one of the bridge substructure
units or on separate foundations carried down to the ground alongside
the bridge. Only as a last resort and only with written approval of the
Authority’s Engineering Department shall the sign structure be
mounted on the bridge superstructure, in which case it shall be
located as close as possible to a bearing. Under no circumstances
may a bridge mounted sign or associated appurtenances extend
below the bottom flange of the fascia beam of the structure to which it
is attached.

Bridge-mounted signs may include any sign type except variable

message signs/changeable message signs. The Engineer shall
design the appropriate sign attachment details and submit them with
calculations to the Authority’s Engineering Department for approval.
The sign structure components shall be galvanized unless otherwise
approved by the Authority’s Engineering Department.

Bridge-mounted signs structures details shall include Anti Snag

Nosing detail shown in Exhibits 2-413 and 2-414 in order to minimize
damage and snags from truck tarps.

2.5.2 Overhead Sign Structure Design

The design of overhead sign structures shall be in accordance with the
current edition of the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Structural
Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaries and Traffic Signals. Standard

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Drawings are available for span-type, cantilever and butterfly sign structures
for the Turnpike roadways, and these designs shall be used wherever
possible within the limits of span and loading noted on the drawings. Where
special designs are necessary, the Engineer shall use components and
details of the standard sign structures to the fullest extent possible.
Structures to be located on the Parkway Roadways shall be designed in
entirety using the criteria contained herein this section. Standard Drawings
for the Parkway sign structures are under development. Until the Standard
Drawings are available, the Authority shall provide Engineers with applicable
sign structure details on a project by project basis.

All foundations for Turnpike and Parkway sign structures shall have the top of
the concrete pedestal, shown as “Elevation A” on Exhibit 2-405 to 2-412 and
Standard Drawings SI-14, SI-,16A&B, SI-17 A&B, SI-18A&B and SI-22 , set
at 4 ft. 0 in. higher than the highest point of the roadway cross section at the
transverse centerline of the structure. The top elevation shall be the same for
both pedestals. Sign structures pedestals may be constructed on three types
of foundations; spread footing, driven pile supported footing, or drilled shafts.
Where spread footings or driven pile supported footings are to be used, the
elevation of sign structure foundations shall be set so that the soil cover over
the top of the footing at the centerline of the stem shall be at least 4 ft.
Where these footings are located in embankment slopes, the minimum cover
at the outside of the footings shall be 2 ft. Where it is deemed appropriate to
found sign structure pedestals on drilled shafts, the bottom of the pedestal
shall be min. 2 ft. below grade.

Foundations for sign structures shall be designed by the Engineer and shall
conform to the details shown on Standard Drawings SI-22 for spread footing
and pile foundations. The dead loads and wind loads defined below may be
used for foundation design of overhead sign structures. The loading
combinations given in the AASHTO Specification, Table 3-1, shall be used for
the design of sign structure foundations. Where foundations are to be
constructed adjacent to existing Turnpike or Parkway pavement, including
shoulders, the width of the foundation shall preferably be that which will not
require the removal of paved shoulders for its construction. When excavation
for a spread footing or pile bearing footing is required adjacent to Turnpike or
Parkway pavement, these excavations shall be protected by steel sheet piling
which shall be left in place. When determining the most cost effective
foundation type, the cost of the sheet piling to remain, if required, shall be
considered by the Engineer.

The maximum allowable soil bearing pressure under sign structure footings
founded in fill shall be 3 ksf under the effects of combinations of gravity and
wind loads, unless soils investigations indicate that a higher bearing pressure
can be safely sustained by the soil. The 3 ksf bearing pressure allowed
under these circumstances shall not be increased as provided for by in Table
3-1 of the AASHTO Specification. In accordance with Sections 5 of both the
Authority’s Procedures Manual and the Design Manual, a soils investigation
shall be conducted for all foundations in existing ground and a Geotechnical
Engineering Report shall be submitted. In areas where the maximum
allowable soils pressure is less than 3 ksf, the footing shall be founded on a

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pile foundation or drilled shafts of 30 in minimum diameter, with the required

analysis and recommendations included in the Geotechnical Engineering
Report. Shaft diameters and spacing shall account for clearance
requirements between the sign structure anchor bolts/anchor plates and the
shaft reinforcement, as well as the shaft construction tolerances.

The stability of the foundation against overturning shall be checked. The ratio
of the overturning moment divided by the righting moment shall be computed
for each principal axis of the foundation. Usually, the directions of the
principal axes of the foundation will be normal to the face of the signs and
parallel to the face of the signs. The sum of the computed ratios in these two
directions shall not exceed two-thirds.

Where footings carry eccentric gravity loads, as will be the case for cantilever
signs, the net vertical force and overturning moment at the centerline of the
footing shall be computed. This computed overturning moment of the gravity
loads shall be added to the overturning moment of the wind loads. The
righting moment of the gravity loads shall be taken about the outer edge of
the footing or the outer row of piles, whichever is applicable. Drilled shaft
foundations, where deemed appropriate, shall consider the above noted
eccentric loads at the top of pedestal elevation where it meets the vertical
centerline of the drilled shaft. The effects of torsion shall be considered in the
foundation design of all butterfly and cantilever structures.

1. Loadings for Design

Turnpike Sign Structures
The following sign areas shall be used for the design of foundations for
Turnpike sign structures constructed in accordance with the Standard
Drawings and conforming to the limits of span and loading shown on the
drawings. Where spans or installed sign areas exceed these values, a
special sign structure shall be designed or the standard design shall be
checked for the actual span and loading. In this case, sign areas used for
design shall consider the actual signs intended for use on the structure,
but in no case shall the area used for design be less than that provided

The foundations of standard Turnpike span-type sign structures shall be

designed for a band of signs having a length extending over the entire
width of the roadway plus shoulders and having a height equal to the
maximum height of sign that can be accommodated by the end frame of
the sign structure. End frame heights of 27’-3” shall be used for all new
designs, regardless of intended size of existing sign panels. The
maximum area of sign that need be used for design is 800 square ft.
Where the area of sign computed as provided above exceeds this limit,
the total area shall be kept at 800 square ft. by reducing the band length.
Where the actual sign panel(s) width x length is unknown, the most
conservative Wind Drag Coefficient (Cd) for sign panels shall be selected
from Table 3-6.

The foundations for standard Turnpike cantilever-type sign structures

shall be designed for a band of signs having a length of 18 ft. 9 in. and a

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height equal to the maximum height that can be accommodated on the

sign structure. Only 26’-6” tall end frames shall be used for new designs.
The arm front the centerline of this sign to the centerline of the end post
shall be assumed to be 23 ft.

The following dead loads may be used for the components of

standard Turnpike specific sign structures:

Steel box truss:

Span up to 100 ft: 125 lbs. per ft.
Span greater than 100 ft: 145 lbs. per ft.

Aluminum box truss (For analysis of existing structures only):

Span up to 100 ft: 60 lbs. per ft.
Span greater than 100 ft: 70 lbs. per ft.

Steel cantilever flat truss arm 190 lbs. per ft.

Aluminum end frame (For analysis of existing structures only):

24 ft. 9 in. high: 1,600 lbs.
27 ft. 3 in. high: 1,900 lbs.

Steel end frames:

24 ft. 9 in. high: 3,000 lbs.
27 ft. 3 in. high: 3,700 lbs.

Cantilever end posts (Steel):

24 ft. 6 in. high: 4,000 lbs.
26 ft. 6 in. high: 4,800 lbs.

Signs (including sign stringers):

Flat sign panel: 3 lbs. per sq. ft.
Emergency speed warning signs: 10 lbs. per sq. ft.
Changeable message signs: 25 lbs. per sq. ft.

Walkways, hangers, railings and luminaires:

Walkway for Fixed Message Sign
(FMS) Panels 61 lbs. per ft. @ 3.0 ft.**
Walkways for Variable Message
Sign (VMS) Panels: 81 lbs. per ft. @ 3.4 ft.**

Walkways for FMS/VMS Structures 87 lbs per ft. @ 3.2 ft**

Walkway for emergency speed
warning signs 63 lbs. per ft. @ 3.4 ft.**
Walkway for changeable message
signs 71 lbs. per ft. @ 3.9 ft.**
Hangers, luminaire supports,
luminaries for cantilever structures 40 lbs. per ft. @ 2.7 ft.**

** Note: These dimensions are the distance from the centroid of the
walkway to the outside face of the truss chord. Where

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walkways are provided without luminaires, 11 lbs. per ft.

should be deducted from the weight given.

Walkways (hangers, railings, etc.) not at sign locations:

Walkway for Fixed Message Sign
(FMS) Panels 58 lbs. per ft. @ 2.4 ft.**
Walkways for Variable Message
Sign (VMS) Panels 67 lbs. per ft. @ 3.1 ft.**
Walkways for FMS/VMS Structures 71 lbs per ft. @ 3.0 ft**

** Note: These dimensions are the distance from the centroid of the
walkway to the outside face of the truss chord. Where
walkways are provided with luminaires, 11 lbs. per ft.
should be added from the load given.

Parkway Sign Structures

Standard Drawings for the Parkway sign structures are under
development. Until the Standard Drawings are available, the Authority
shall provide Engineers with applicable sign structure details on a project
by project basis, and the Engineer shall design all Parkway structures to
accommodate the following design criteria.

The Engineer shall determine the individual loads for all members of
Parkway sign structures. Luminaires, catwalks, and, associated
appurtenances shall not be provided on Parkway sign structures unless
directed otherwise by the Authority.

All Parkway signs structures shall provide adequate under clearance and
design strength to allow for a provisional sign panel height of 18-0”.
For span type structures, the length of this provisional sign panel shall be
no less than 40% of the sign structure span and need not be greater than
80% of the sign structure span, unless required by original design. The
span of the sign structure shall be measured from centerline of end post
to centerline of end post. Under no circumstances shall any span type
sign structure be designed for less than 800 square feet of sign area.

For cantilever and butterfly type sign structures, the provisional sign panel
area shall extend from the outmost point on the cantilevered arm to 2’-0”
from the centerline of the mounting post. Under no circumstances shall
any cantilever type sign structure be designed for less than 300 square
feet of sign area, or any butterfly type of sign structure be designed for
less than 500 square feet of sign area.

All Contract Drawings prepared for Parkway Signs shall have the design
sign area clearly published on the General Plan and Elevation plan sheet.

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The following dead loads may be used for the components of

standard Parkway specific sign structures:

Steel truss (single and double plane):

Span up to 100 ft: Under development.
Span greater than 100 ft: Under development

Steel end frames:

27 ft. 3 in. high: Under development

Cantilever end posts (Steel):

26 ft. 6 in. high: Under development

Signs (including sign stringers):

Flat sign panel: 3 lbs. per sq. ft.

The following Loading shall be used for all Turnpike and Parkway Sign
Structure Designs.

Primary Wind Load

Basic Wind Speed as defined in Section 3.8.2 of the AASHTO Specification
shall be defined as a minimum of 110 mph for all Turnpike and Parkway sign
structures. Wind loading shall be considered on all sign structure elements
that are not directly shielded from wind by sign panels, including but not
limited to: exposed trusses, end frames, luminaires, walkway grating, hand
railing (in folded down position) and exposed support hangers.

Wind Drag Coefficients, Cd, shall be determined in accordance with Table 3.6
of the AASHTO Specification. Where the exact dimensions of a sign panel or
sign structure element cannot be determined, the Engineer shall select the
most conservative Drag Coefficient available for the most appropriate
element type denoted in Table 3-6 of the AASHTO Specification. When
determining the Wind Drag Coefficient for square shaped tubular truss
members, the radius (r) denoted in Table 3-6 of the AASHTO Specification
may be assumed as twice the thickness of the square shaped tubular

The Height and Exposure Factor, KZ, shall be no less than 0.94 for all parts of
the sign structure under normal exposure. Higher values of KZ shall be
considered, in accordance with Table 3-5 of the AASHTO Specification, when
structures are situated in abnormally exposed conditions on high
embankments or on bridge piers or superstructures. The standard designs
have been prepared using a value of KZ of 1.0. The Engineer shall check the
design of the standard sign structures for the particular use intended
wherever it is determined that a higher value of the KZ is appropriate.

The Wind Importance Factor and Velocity Conversion Factors defined in

Tables 3-2 and 3-4 of the AASHTO Specification shall consider a 50 year
design life, unless otherwise directed by the Authority.

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Ice Load
Ice load shall be considered as 3.0 PSF and shall be applied as directed in
Section 3.7 of the AASHTO Specification. For the purposes of placing ice
loading on walkway grating, the horizontal area of the walkway grating shall
be considered as solid with uniform ice loading on the top and bottom
surfaces, only. Given the conservative nature of this loading, additional ice
loading need not be considered on walkway hangers or walkway
appurtenances such as hand railing and luminaires. Where luminaires are
present on structures without walkway grating, ice loading on hangers and
walkway appurtenances shall be considered.

Fatigue Loading
Fatigue loading shall be considered for all span type and cantilever sign
structures. For the purposes of design, the fatigue stress shall be defined as
the stress experienced by the member, or connection detail, when loaded
only with the specific event fatigue load. Dead loads and Ice loads shall not
be considered to act in addition to the specific event fatigue loading. The
Importance Factor for all fatigue wind loads shall be taken as 1.0

Specific Event Fatigue Loads

Galloping induced wind loading shall be applied vertically and over the
same area as is used to determine the primary wind load design force.
Galloping need only be considered for cantilever/butterfly type structures.

Vortex Shedding
Fatigue loading induced by vortex shedding need not be considered for
the design of span type or cantilever/butterfly structures.

Natural Wind Gust

Natural wind gust loading shall be applied in the same direction and over
the same area as is used to determine the primary wind load design

Truck Induced Wind Gust

Truck induced wind gust loading shall be applied vertically over the plan
area of the sign structure and associated walkway and lighting
appurtenances, if applicable. For the purposes of design, the plan area of
walkway grating exposed to truck gust induced wind loading may be
assumed to have a 30% solidity ratio. Given the conservative nature of
this loading, additional truck induced wind gust loading need not be
considered on walkway hangers or walkway appurtenances such as hand
railing and luminaires. Where luminaires are present on structures
without walkway grating, truck induced wind gust loading on hangers and
electrical appurtenances shall be considered.

2.5.3 Walkways and Hangers

On every overhead sign structure; span, cantilever and butterfly, where
lighting is required, there shall be installed “L” shaped sign hangers fabricated

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of aluminum structural shapes as shown on Standard Drawing SI-19. These

sign hangers are to be attached to the front chords of the box beam span or
the arms of the cantilever and butterfly types of structures with stainless steel
“U” bolts and associated hardware. The vertical portions of these “L” shaped
hangers are to have the sign panels attached thereto. On all the different
types of sign structures, the horizontal portion of the “L” shaped hangers are
to support lighting fixtures and luminaire support channels. On the span-type
structures, the horizontal arms are additionally required to support
maintenance walkways made of aluminum gratings, and folding handrails
made of aluminum pipes and fittings.

Where required, the maintenance walkways on all the span-type sign

structures erected over mainline roadways shall extend across the entire
span to a point 2 feet from the centerline of each end frame. Span-type sign
structures erected in interchanges or over ramps away from the mainline
roadways shall have the walkways extend across the span from a point a
minimum of 2 feet to the left of the left sign panel to a point 2 feet from the
centerline of the right end frame. Maintenance walkways will not be installed
on cantilever or butterfly structures. When the tallest sign panel of a group
which is to be erected on any one overhead sign structure has a height less
than the maximum intended for that end frame or post, excess clearance will
result. Regardless of whether there will be excess clearance on a sign
structure or not, the vertical members of all sign hangers shall be so aligned
that the horizontal arms are at the same elevation across the entire span.
The tallest sign should be centered vertically between the two front chords of
the span section. Minimum clearance must be maintained between the
bottom of the tallest sign and the top of the walkway. On cantilever and
butterfly sign structures, the minimum distance from the bottom of the sign
panel to the top of the horizontal arms shall be 1 foot.

Sign hanger dimensions for Speed Limit – Emergency-Speed Warning signs,

and changeable message drum signs, vary as shown on Standard Drawing

All lighting associated with the illumination of sign panels will be discussed in Section
7 of this Manual.

All light poles shall be designed in accordance with the 2001 AASHTO Standard
Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires, and Traffic
Signals. It is noted that this code does not mandate that “common light poles” meet
the fatigue design criteria. The fatigue design criteria, however, will be required for
any “high-level lighting structures” that have a luminaire mounting height greater than
50 feet. Pole and equipment suppliers for roadside “common light pole” shall note
that the Authority will require these structures to meet the fatigue design criteria in
the event that the AASHTO specifications require it. Suppliers shall be responsible
for staying informed of any AASHTO updates that require fatigue design on these

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Lighting features placed on structures shall be located at or near piers and

abutments. When locating the lighting features at piers or abutments is not practical,
the maximum offset from a pier or abutment bearing line shall be 25% of the length
of the span in which the lighting features is to be located. Refer to Section 7 of this
Manual to determine bridge lighting requirements.


2.7.1 Preliminary Considerations
The Engineer shall obtain preliminary information necessary for the design of
noise barriers from the Authority. This information will include the following:

1. Types of noise barriers to be used

2. Required height, length and offset for noise abatement
3. Architectural treatments.

Refer to Subsection 2.7.2 for more information concerning preferred types of

noise barriers and architectural treatments.

In general, the Authority is responsible for determining the types of noise

barriers and the architectural treatments of noise barriers along with the
required height, length and offset of noise barriers for noise abatement.

The Engineer shall notify the State’s One Call System, identify and verify all
existing utility and fiber-optic conduits in the vicinity of the proposed noise
barrier wall alignment. If any existing facility interferes with the noise barrier,
the Authority’s Engineering Department shall be contacted for possible
relocation of the existing elements or realignment of the noise barrier as

2.7.2 Design Criteria

The AASHTO Guide Specifications for the Structural Design of Sound
Barriers, with current Interims, shall be used. The allowable stress design
method (working stress design method and a 90 mph wind design speed)
shall be used for all components of noise barriers.

Design criteria for the noise barrier structural components, not specifically
herein addressed, shall conform to applicable Sections of the AASHTO
Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, with current interims. For new
bridge superstructure components supporting noise barrier, design criteria
shall conform to applicable Sections of the AASHTO LRFD Specifications,
with current interims, as modified by Subsection 2.2. For evaluating existing
bridge superstructure components supporting noise barrier, design criteria
shall conform to applicable Sections of the AASHTO LFD Specifications, with
current interims, as modified by Subsection 2.2.

The Tables listed in the AASHTO Guide Specifications shall be referred to for
determining the design category and the design wind pressure, P, for the
design of noise barriers.

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1. Adjoining ground surface shall be defined as the ground elevation (or
water elevation) immediately adjacent to the structure. In situations
where noise barriers are mounted on bridges and retaining walls, the
height to be utilized in determining the design wind pressure, P, shall be
taken from the lowest average ground or water elevation adjacent to the
noise barrier, to the centroid of the loaded area.
2. Cc refers to the combined height, exposure and location coefficient.

2.7.3 Load Combinations

The following are load groups to which the noise barriers may be subjected.
Each part of the noise barrier structure shall be proportioned for the load
combinations. Foundations shall be proportioned according to Subsection

Dead Loads
Wind Loads
Seismic Loads
Earth Loads
Traffic Loads
Ice and Snow Loads
Bridge Loads

The AASHTO Standard Specifications shall be used to determine these

loading combinations for the noise barrier structural components. For noise
barriers attached to new bridge structures, the AASHTO LRFD Specifications
shall be used to determine these loading combinations, when designing the
bridge superstructure components, as modified by Subsection 2.2. For noise
barriers attached to existing bridge superstructures, the AASHTO Standard
Specification shall be used to determine these loading conditions, when
designing the bridge superstructure components, as modified by Subsection
2.2. The following information for Seismic Loads as well as the AASHTO
Standard Specifications shall be referenced in considering the Seismic load
combination on noise barrier structural components.

Seismic Loads
The seismic dead load, EQD, in the following formula shall be computed as

EQD = A x f x D

Where: EQD = Seismic dead load

D = Dead load of noise barrier, excluding foundations
A = Acceleration coefficient (as per Subsection 2.2.6)
f = Dead load coefficient (as shown below)

0.75 Dead load, except on bridges
2.50 Dead load, on bridges

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8.0 Dead load for connections of walls, not cast in place, to bridges
5.0 Dead loads for connections of walls, not cast in place, to retaining

The dead load shall consist of the weight of all the component materials
making up the noise barrier, excluding the foundation. The point of
application of the Seismic Dead Load, EQD, of the individual components
shall be at their respective centers of gravity.

When a noise barrier is supported by a bridge superstructure, the wind or

seismic load to be transferred to the superstructure and substructure of the
bridge shall be as specified herein. As noted below, additional steel support
framing and/or additional reinforcement may be required in concrete barrier
curbs and deck slab overhangs to resist the loads transferred by the noise

2.7.4 Functional Requirements:

1. Guide rail or concrete barrier curb shall be installed when the noise
barrier is located within the clear zone (see Section 1A and 1B of this
Manual for more information).

2. Stopping sight distance criteria shall apply in determining the location of a

noise barrier. Horizontal clearances which reduce the stopping sight
distance shall be avoided. In those extreme cases where reduced
stopping sight distances may be warranted, justification shall be provided
and approval from the Authority’s Engineering Department shall be
obtained to justify the need.

3. Noise Barrier Heights - Noise barrier heights shall be established based

on noise studies performed by the Authority and in accordance with the
Authority’s Noise Barrier Policy.

4. Consideration of surrounding features should be evaluated such that a

high wall does not create an unsightly impact on the environmental
aesthetic features of the territory.

5. When the tops of noise walls have to be stepped, the maximum height of
step should not exceed 2 feet.

6. Barriers can obstruct light as well as noise. Special consideration shall

be given to possible roadway icing and other induced environmental
conditions caused by the placement of the noise barrier wall.

7. It is important to have drainage facilities along noise barriers to assure

soil stability. Soil with phi (φ) angles of 25 degrees or less may develop
flowing characteristics when saturated. Surface runoffs should be
directed away from the noise barrier.

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8. Provisions may be necessary to allow access to fire hydrants on the

opposite side of the noise barrier. The Engineer should consult with local
fire and emergency officials regarding their specific needs.

9. For noise barriers that bridge conduits, provisions should be made to

accommodate differential settlement in the noise barriers substructures.

10. Noise barriers shall be designed to retain all anticipated differential fills
plus an additional 2 feet of soil as a minimum.

11. The Phase A Submission for noise barriers shall include a report to
address the possibility of icing, the storage of snow, utilities impact,
drainage, mounting on culverts or bridges and the issues discussed in
Items 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 above.

2.7.5 Maintenance Considerations:

1. Noise barriers placed within the area between the shoulder and right of
way line may complicate the ongoing maintenance and landscaping
operations, especially if landscaping is placed on both sides of the noise
barrier. Consideration should be given to maintaining the adjoining land
behind the noise barrier and adjacent to the right of way line.

2. In some urban areas, noise barriers may be subjected to graffiti being

placed on their surfaces. In these locations, the surface texture selected
should be such that it is difficult to place the graffiti or such that the graffiti
is easily removed. Noise barriers with rough textures and dark colors
tend to discourage graffiti.

3. Access to the back side of the noise barrier should be provided for
inspection, litter control, soil erosion monitoring, grass mowing and
maintenance. In subdivision areas, access may be via local streets,
when available. If access is not available via local streets, access gates
or openings are essential at intervals along the noise barrier. Offset
barriers concealing the access opening must be overlapped a minimum of
4 times the offset distance in order to maintain the integrity of the noise
attenuation of the main barrier. Location of the access openings should
be coordinated with the appropriate agency or landowner.

2.7.6 Noise Barriers on Bridges:

1. Provisions for expansion shall be placed in the noise barrier at locations
of bridge deck expansion joints and at parapet deflection joints.

2. When a noise barrier with a height up to 16 feet is designed to be

supported by a new bridge superstructure, the attachment to the
superstructure shall be made to the concrete parapet or directly to the
superstructure framing. When designing for wall attachments to the
concrete parapet, the mechanical behaviors of the bridge superstructure
framing and the deck slab overhang shall be analyzed, including the
effects of the torsional moments and twist caused by the weight of the
noise barrier and wind load. The distribution of the superimposed noise

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barrier dead load (non-light weight panels and posts) on the

superstructure’s three outside girders / stringers shall not be determined
in a manner of 50% to the fascia girder/stringer, 35% to the first interior
girder/stringer and 15% to the second interior girder/stringer, as described
in Subsection 2.2.2. A 3-dimensional analysis of the bridge
superstructure shall be performed in order to determine the effective
superimposed dead load and wind load distribution to the superstructure

When a noise barrier with a height over 16 feet and up to 25 feet is

designed to be supported by a new bridge superstructure, the noise
barrier structure shall be directly supported by the superstructure framing.
A 3-dimensional analysis of the bridge superstructure shall be performed.
The noise barrier panels made of lightweight materials are strongly

3. For noise barrier retrofit onto existing bridges, the noise barrier wall adds
a significant amount of stress on the bridge superstructure caused by the
additional weight and rotational loading for which the existing structure
may not have been originally designed. The Engineer must perform a
complete 3-dimensional analysis of the bridge superstructure, and verify
that the dead, live load and wind load from the wall do not overstress any
component of the bridge including the existing parapets, slab overhang,
girders and superstructure or substructure members. The analysis may
result in need to strengthen the existing superstructure (i.e. installation of
additional full depth diaphragms, girder/stringer cover plates, etc.).

Both the dead load of noise barriers and the wind load on the noise
barriers can affect the overload capacity and deflection of some existing
bridges. The effects of the torsional moments and twist shall be included.
The Engineer must check the change in the load capacity of the bridge
and verify whether the change is acceptable.

2.7.7 Types of Barriers

1. Precast reinforced concrete post and panel systems are preferred to be
used, except on bridge structures; however, if unusual site conditions
prohibit the use of a post and panel system, another noise barrier type
may be considered (such as aluminum or lightweight proprietary systems
for noise barrier on bridges). Determination of the type of barrier and
architectural treatments to be used at a site prior to the design of the
barrier will be made by the Authority. The Engineer shall obtain the
necessary information regarding barrier type and architectural treatments
from the Authority’s Engineering Department and shall refine and
incorporate this information into the design.

2. In most cases, foundations for noise barriers shall be drilled shafts;

however, in cases where shallow rock formations exist, spread footings
may be unavoidable. The Engineer shall select the most cost-effective
foundation based on a thorough geotechnical investigation. Noise

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barriers on bridges shall be mounted on the parapets, attached directly

behind the parapet, or directly supported by the superstructure framing.

In a bridge retrofit or rehabilitation situation, where it is determined that

the existing or rehabilitated structure cannot accommodate the noise
barrier loading, a separate supporting structure for the noise barrier may
be considered. Sound leakage between the parapet and noise barrier
shall be prevented by the use of flashing or other mechanical means.

3. A number of proprietary noise barrier systems are available for use on

bridges or where unusual site conditions prohibit the use of a precast
reinforced concrete post and panel system. The materials, load carrying
mechanisms and capabilities vary with each system; however, these
systems shall conform to the criteria outlined in Subsection 2.7.1 and
applicable project Special Provisions. Proprietary wall systems shall be
approved prior to the design of the barrier.

2.7.8 Materials
1. Concrete for cast in place foundations and precast / prestressed posts
and panels shall conform to the Standard Specifications. Class C
concrete shall be used for foundations and Class P concrete shall be
used for precast elements.

2. Reinforcing steel shall conform to ASTM A615, Grade 60, fs =24 ksi.

Welded wire fabric fabricated from deformed wire may be substituted for
reinforcing bars in noise barrier panels only. Refer to the Standard
Specifications for additional criteria concerning the use of welded wire
fabric reinforcement.

The provision of corrosion protected reinforcement shall be as determined

on a project to project basis. The location of the noise barrier panels, in
relationship to the offset distance from the roadway, shall be evaluated to
determine if provision of corrosion protected reinforcement is warranted.

If the location of the noise barrier panels may subject the panels to
splashing from the roadway surface, provision of corrosion protected
reinforcement, should be recommended. In such cases, the panels
anticipated to be affected by this splashing should be scheduled for
placement of corrosion protected reinforcement.

3. Allowable stresses for aluminum shall conform to the current edition of

the Aluminum Association Specifications for Aluminum Structures. The
allowable stresses pertaining to bridge structures shall be utilized.

2.7.9 Foundation Design

1. The method of design for drilled shaft foundations shall be approved, or
as directed, by the Authority’s Engineering Department. Acceptable
methods shall include Broms Theory and approved computer methods of
analysis such as COM624P and LPILE. The lateral load determined by

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the Controlling Group Load Case and from Section 20, Subsection I.C
shall be applied to the noise barrier and shall be multiplied by a factor of 2
to obtain F, the applied lateral load. The intent of this procedure is to
maintain a factor of safety of 2 against overturning. The allowable
overstresses referenced in the Section 20, Subsection I.B publications
should not be applied to the allowable soil strength.

2. Special Requirements for Sloped Soil Conditions

As stated in Appendix C, Part B of the AASHTO Guide Specifications for
the Structural Design of Sound Barriers, a level ground condition is
defined as one in which the ground surface is approximately level or,
when sloping down and away from the drilled shaft foundation, is not
steeper than 1:10 (V:H) for phi (φ) = 35 degrees or 1:14 (V:H) for phi (φ) =
25 degrees. When these conditions prevail within a distance of two times
the drilled shaft foundation embedment, the ground may be considered
level, regardless of steeper slopes outside these limits.

Drilled shafts located in slopes shall be protected by a berm that shall be

level and provide a minimum cover of 12 inches over the drilled shaft. It
shall extend a minimum of 12 inches beyond the face of the drilled shaft.

Sloped soil conditions shall be taken into account when computing the
required embedment length for drilled shaft foundations.

3. A foundation report shall be submitted for noise barriers in accordance

with Section 5 of this Manual.


Each year the Authority plans several structural repair contracts that are funded out
of their Capital Budget program. The structural repair contracts have included but
are not necessarily limited to: concrete deck replacements; repair or reconstruction
of deteriorated concrete in decks, superstructure and substructure elements;
repairing or replacing bridge deck joints; repair or reconstruction of damaged
structural elements; realignment of expansion bearings; strengthening, repair or
replacement of deteriorated structural steel and safety improvements to structures.

2.8.1 Format and Content

Information contained on the title sheet shall be as described in Section 6A of
the Procedures Manual. The title of the contract shall include the mile post
limits which bracket the bridge work sites. The typical arrangement of
information presented on the Title Sheet below the New Jersey Turnpike /
Garden State Parkway banner is as follows:

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The index of drawings on the Title Sheet shall be sufficiently detailed so as to

identify and locate every rehabilitation plan for each structure being affected
by the Contract.
The Plan format will vary depending upon the type of work to be done;
however, a General Location Plan and an Estimate of Quantities must be
included. For contracts involving a number of structure sites throughout the
Turnpike and Parkway, the Location Plan is to be a strip map upon which
each site has been indexed with its appropriate Structure Number. The
Estimate of Quantities is an item-by-item tabulation of pay items for each
structure site and includes a column for the insertion of “As-Built” quantities.
A separate tabulation of items concerning Maintenance and Protection of
Traffic for the total contract will also be given.

Due to the unique nature of repair contracts, the Standard Legend Sheet is
not usually applicable; a legend with the special symbols and general notes
pertaining to the specific contract at hand shall be included.

As a minimum, a general plan of every structure affected shall be included in

the Contract. The scale shall be no less than 1”=50’ preferably 1”=30’ or
1”=20’. Where applicable, the following data is to be furnished:

1. Abutment bearing lines and pier centerlines.

2. Turnpike/Parkway continuous stationing at each substructure element.

3. North Arrow

4. Lane lines and direction of travel

5. Proposed work areas

6. Drainage facilities

7. Utilities

8. Railroads tracks and right of way lines; each track shall be identified by
the railroad line and branch number and structure number where

9. Pertinent existing topographic and planimeter features which may have

an affect on the proposed work.

10. Vehicular detector loops/pavement sensors for weather system.

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Maintenance and protection of traffic plans shall also show Mileposts.

Inasmuch as repair plans require details of existing construction of many

bridges, a considerable number of reference drawings may be involved. It
has been the practice not to include all reference drawings of affected
structures as part of the plans, but to include only those reference drawings
necessary to determine the extent of work for the bidding process. Contract
specifications should identify applicable drawings which may be examined by
prospective bidders or obtained by the Contractor from the Authority after

In the preparation of repair contracts, considerable thought and planning

must be given to the maintenance and protection of traffic at, over, under and
adjacent to work sites. It is imperative that arrangements given in Contract
Documents for traffic and construction staging, including permissible work
times, lane closing, and type of protection devices, be closely coordinated
with the Authority’s Operations Department. Reference is made to the NJTA
Supplementary Standard Specifications for the Authorities general guidelines
and construction requirements. Engineers will be required to revise the
supplementary specifications on a project by project basis to properly
encompass the work.

It is required that, when arranging traffic protection on or over facilities owned

by other agencies, including railroads, the Authority’s Engineering
Department be provided with written statements attesting that all responsible
agencies have been informed of the work and have reviewed and concur with
the planned schemes for maintaining and protecting traffic on or over their
facilities. The Authority’s Engineering Department shall also be provided with
written statements attesting that all affected utilities have been informed of
the work, reviewed and concur with the planned schemes for protecting their
facilities. In scheduling plan preparation, time must be allotted for review by
these agencies. The concurrence of these agencies must be obtained in

2.8.2 Deck Replacement Contracts Details and Design
Slab replacements for deteriorated decks shall ordinarily span
between stringer centerlines. The length of replacement will have
been determined by field inspection. The replacement slab shall be
constructed, where possible, with permanent steel bridge deck forms.

Deck slab replacements shall be designed in accordance with


When the longitudinal limit of the replacement does not occur over an
existing diaphragm, the Plans shall provide for new intermediate
diaphragms of steel or reinforced concrete to provide edge support for
the replacement slab where it abuts the existing slab.

The details shall include the following:

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1. For each site, a bridge deck plan upon which the anticipated limits
of each replacement are outlined with respect to the lane lines of
the traveled roadways and substructure elements. Each deck
replacement location shall be identified by the lane to be closed in
order to conduct the construction. If the replacement requires a
concrete and debris catch and/or steel protection plates, it shall be

2. Cross-sections shall show the replacement slab with its new

reinforcement and splices to existing bars. This view shall show
the corrugations of the steel deck forms and dimensions which
position the bars with respect to the top and bottom concrete

3. Diaphragm details

4. Details for replacements which abut deck joints.

5. Schedule of slab replacement designs by structure site.

6. Traffic protection details and/or Detour Routes.

The design of the permanent metal bridge deck forms shall be the
Contractor’s responsibility. Requirements governing the selection,
design and fastening of the forms shall be set forth in the contract
specification. Shop drawings shall be furnished by the Contractor
showing design, details and connections.

The Contractor is responsible for the design and details of the

concrete and debris catch. Most agencies, railroads, utility
companies, etc., which have facilities that are spanned by the affected
structure, have specific requirements for catch design. Catches are
required to protect structures, building, houses, utilities, streets,
railroads, traffic, waterways, recreational and storage areas located
beneath the work sites. Traffic Protection

In planning the sequencing of slab replacements within a bridge deck,
consideration must be given to the maintenance and protection of
traffic (MPT).

The Plans shall show the required staging of construction and traffic
by sectional views which illustrate the available traffic lanes and slab
replacements in each stage. In general, replacement shall be
sequenced such that on bridges carrying mainline roadways of the
Turnpike or Parkway, one lane may be closed for construction but a
minimum of two traffic lanes must be available in every stage in each
direction. For example, the Turnpike’s Hudson County Extension is a
two-lane roadway in each direction. Two traffic lanes must be

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maintained when conducting slab replacement. This is accomplished

by using the right shoulder as a traffic lane during construction. It is
noted that the Parkway has areas where there are no shoulders.
Traffic protection within these areas requiring slab replacements may
require the reduction for the number of lanes over short
durations/weekends and shall be reviewed on project by project basis.

On Turnpike roadways and ramps, lane and shoulder closings for slab
replacement work will be done in accordance with standard
procedures as outlined in the “TP” series of Standard Drawings. Lane
and shoulder closings in interchange areas, ramps and mixing bowl
areas may require special details and arrangements of traffic
protection devices which must be given on the Plans. On Parkway
roadways and ramps, lane and shoulder closings for slab replacement
work will be done in accordance with standard procedures as outlined
in the Garden State Parkway Traffic Manual and MUTCD and details
and arrangements of traffic protection devices must be given on the

In general on contracts for Turnpike and Parkway roadways and

ramps, the Contractor will generally install the lane closings and
certain shoulder closings, and will install and maintain the all of the
MPT device, as required.

When planning slab replacements on bridges over Turnpike or

Parkway, where the Authority is responsible for maintenance of the
bridge, maintenance and protection of traffic will be governed by the
agency with jurisdiction over traffic. Full detailed plans of the various
stages of construction and of the traffic control devices required shall
be included in the Contract plans. These plans must be approved by
the governing agency before insertion into the Contract. Maintenance
and protection of traffic on a roadway under an agency jurisdiction
other than the Turnpike/Parkway is paid for as a lump sum item and
shall include all costs incurred for traffic and safety personnel,
materials and equipment that may be required by the agency having
jurisdiction. The Contractor will be responsible for installing and
maintaining traffic control devices for all non-NJTA roadways.

On Turnpike and Parkway roadways and ramps, traffic protection for

deck replacements consists of placing a continuous line of temporary
precast concrete construction barriers as detailed on Standard
Drawing TP-13 and TP-14. If the parapet is being replaced with the
deck slab or the median barrier between opposing directions of travel
on Turnpike/Parkway roadways is being replaced, traffic protection
shall consist of a continuous line of precast concrete construction
barrier, shielded at the entry end with a temporary impact attenuator
such as an array of sand barrels. Precast concrete construction
barrier and temporary impact attenuator shall be placed in accordance
with the latest FHWA recommendations and shall be detailed in the

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The Engineer shall strive to maintain the standard 12 ft traffic lane, if

possible. When lane width reductions are necessary, 11 ft minimum
travel lane is desirable with 10’-6” being the absolute minimum
allowed at an isolated location and only with the approval of the
Authority’s Operation Department. On Turnpike/Parkway ramps, 10 ft
travel lane width is the absolute minimum, but this should only be
used in long straight away sections. The minimum width to use for
ramps on curves shall be that which can be safely traversed by

In some cases, minimum ramp lane widths cannot be met without

some modifications to the ramp due to the stringer spacing. In these
cases, a temporary beam shall be constructed and the deck
replacement done in two separate stages to maintain traffic.

At locations where there are several deck replacements in a

longitudinal row, such as adjacent to the fascia or median or within a
continuous span unit, the deck replacements shall be staggered in
substages. This is due to the sequence of placing concrete in
continuous spans or the inability of the cantilever parapet or median
section to support itself in proper position when the adjacent slab is

At some locations in two lane roadways (mainly Newark Bay-Hudson

County Extension), the existing stringer spacing precludes the use of
standard procedures for maintaining two lanes of traffic. In these
instances, steel plates are used to protect newly placed concrete deck
replacement until sufficient time has elapsed for curing in order to
maintain two lanes of traffic. During periods of lower traffic volumes,
mainly weekends, two lanes are closed to traffic. The existing slab is
removed and the new concrete slab is placed and cured
approximately 18 hours prior to the placement of steel protection
plates and precast concrete construction barrier allowing the
reopening of a second lane to traffic. The following weekend, the
roadway is again reduced to one lane of traffic; the steel protection
plates are removed and membrane waterproofing and asphalt
concrete bridge surfacing is placed over the replacement area and the
roadway is then completely opened to traffic. Repair of Spalls

Contracts for deck replacements include items for the repair of deck
spalls. Except for the estimated and as-built quantities, the tabulation
of repaired locations will not be required. In accordance with the
NJTA Standard Specifications and the Standard Drawings RE-5 and
RE-6, the following spall repairs shall typically be specified:

Spall Repair, Type 1 Removal of concrete in deck and replacement

with non-shrink high strength mortar.

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Spall Repair, Type 2 Removal of existing surfacing, waterproofing

membrane, and concrete in deck and
replacement with non-shrink high strength
mortar, waterproofing membrane, and HMA
bridge surfacing.

Spall Repair, Type 3 Removal of concrete in deck and replacement

with a modified epoxy mortar.

Spall Repair, Type 4 Removal of full depth concrete deck slab

adjacent to filled or armored deck joint and
replacement with Class A concrete mix capable
of obtaining a 3,000 psi minimum compressive
strength within 24 hours and which contains a
water reducing admixture conforming to NJTA
Standard Specifications.

Spall Repair, Type 5 Removal of concrete in deck and replacement

with nonshrink, high early strength mortar.
Spall repair Type 5 shall be used only where
called for or expressly authorized in writing by
the Engineer.

Spall Repair, Type 6 Removal to full depth of concrete slab and

replacement with Class A concrete mix capable
of obtaining a minimum compressive strength of
3,000 psi within 24 hours, and which contains a
water-reducing admixture. The type of
admixture, as directed by the Engineer, shall
conform to NJTA Standard Specifications.

The item Removal of Existing Surfacing is generally specified for

bridge decks in areas where the asphalt surfacing is showing
evidence of cracking or possible deterioration of the underlying
concrete (spalling). This item typically consists of the removal of large
areas, usually a lane width wide and joint to joint of a span, of
deteriorated bridge asphalt surfacing. Any removal of existing bridge
surfacing greater than four square yards in size is paid for under this

The item of Removal and Replacement of Existing Surfacing is

specified for individual areas and when Spall Repair, Type 2 is called
for. In general, these areas are less than four square yards in size.

Headblock Repairs consists of the reconstruction with concrete of

existing abutment headblocks that are spalled or deteriorated or have
been surfaced over with asphalt. Care must be taken during the
removal of existing concrete to not displace or damage the joint
armoring and other embedded steelwork. The various types of
headblock repairs are dependent upon the configuration of the
headblock and/or the depth of concrete removal.

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Generally at locations where the existing bridge surfacing has been

removed abutting the deck joints, the headers are reconstructed using
materials other than asphalt. The type of joint reconstruction varies
depending upon the configuration of the joint, depth of removal of the
existing material and the replacement materials used. After the new
asphalt bridge surfacing has been placed and compacted, a sawcut is
made parallel to the joint armoring and the material between the
armoring and the sawcut is removed. The new header material is
then placed and cured as per the manufacturer’s instructions.

The original Turnpike bridges were designed and built with bare
concrete decks. In subsequent years, the decks received an overlay
of a waterproofing material and asphalt. In order to maintain the
height of the overlay at deck joints, a thin steel bar was welded to the
top of the joint armoring. The item Pavement Riser Repair consist of
removing and replacing these damaged steel bars atop the joint
armoring. The work is done in conjunction with the reconstruction of
the joint headers. Pay Items and Quantities

The following are some of the items associated with deck replacement

Deck Repair/Replacement Pay Items Unit

HMA Bridge Surfacing Ton
Membrane Waterproofing Sq. Yd.
Reinforcement Steel, Epoxy Coated Lbs.
Drill And Grout Reinforcement Bars Each
Concrete Deck Replacement Sq. Yd.
Concrete Deck Replacement with Catches Sq. Yd.
Concrete Deck Replacement with Steel Plates Sq. Yd.
Permanent Metal Form Removal Sq. Yd.
Diaphragms Each
Joint Reconstruction, Type ______ Lin. Ft.
Pavement Riser Repair Lin. Ft.
Removal Of Asphalt Surfacing And Scarify Concrete Sq. Yd.
Removal of Existing Surfacing Sq. Yd.
Removal and Replacement of Existing Surfacing Sq. Ft.
Spall Repair, Type _______ Sq. Ft.
Deck Haunch Repair Sq. Ft.
Headblock Repair, Type ______ Lin. Ft.
Joint Sealer (Eva) Lin. Ft.
Joint Seal Replacement, Type _______ Lin. Ft.
Emergency Concrete Deck Replacement Sq. Yd.
Emergency Pavement Replacement Sq. Yd.
Emergency Spall Repair, Type _______ Sq. Ft.
Emergency Head Block Repair Lin. Ft.
Emergency Joint Reconstruction, Type _______ Lin. Ft.
Removal Of Sip Metal Forms Sq. Yd.

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Dowel Bar Removal Each

Pavement Striping White, ____”Wide Lin. Ft.
Pavement Striping Yellow, ____”Wide Lin. Ft.

The above are to be tabulated on a per structure basis. This is

usually done by a distribution of quantities type table which is to be
located near the front of a Contract.

Turnpike Traffic Protection Pay Items Unit

Picking Up and Returning Authority’s Traffic
Protection Devices Lump Sum
Placing and Removing Concrete Barrier Lin. Ft.
Install, Maintain and Remove Supplementary Lane
Closings Each
Temporary Pavement Striping Lin. Ft.
Uniformed Flagmen Man hrs.
Maintenance and Protection of Traffic on ____ Lump Sum
Variable Message Sign Each
Truck and Attenuator Each
Furnish Variable Message Sign Each
Furnishing Temporary Impact Attenuator Each
Placing and Removing Temporary Impact attenuator Each
Resetting Concrete Barrier Lin. Ft.

Parkway Traffic Protection Pay Items Unit

Furnishing Traffic Control Devices Lump Sum
Traffic Directors Man hrs.
Precast Concrete Curb Construction Barrier Lin. Ft.
Temporary Crash Cushion, Frangible Module Type Unit
Police Traffic Directors Man hrs

Individual items for furnishing all MPT devices will be required when it
has been determined in advance that such devices are not available
from the Authority.

The above are to be tabulated for the entire Contract.

2.8.3 Miscellaneous Structural Repair Contracts

Miscellaneous structural repair contracts are basically catchall for the repair
of bridges. The work can consist of the repair of deteriorated or damaged
concrete in piers, abutments, bearing pads, parapets, median barrier, curbs
and safetywalks; waterproofing concrete surfaces of abutments, piers, pier
caps and bridge seats; repairing cracks in structural concrete; repairing and
resetting or replacing bridge bearings; repairing or replacing damaged or
deteriorated structural steel, and replacing dowels, sole plates and masonry

Work locations are generally labeled by a directional and/or numbering

convention. The Plans shall indicate the numbering convention used in the
general notes. Typically, the Turnpike’s numbering convention is from west

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to east or south to north; for example, Stringer S-4 would be the fourth
stringer, including the fascia stringer, from either the west or south. A few
bridges, Structure Nos. E107.87, E109.83, W107.88 and N2.01, violate this
numbering convention, but on the whole, most bridges have their various
structural elements numbered in this fashion. Traffic Protection

In planning the various repairs, consideration must be given to access
of the work site and, if needed, to the maintenance of traffic.

On Turnpike roadways and ramps, lane and shoulder closings for

repair work will be done in accordance with standard procedures as
outlined in the “TP” series of Standard Drawings. Lane and shoulder
closings in interchange areas, ramps and mixing bowl areas may
require special details and arrangements of traffic protection devices
which must be given on the Plans. On Parkway roadways and ramps,
lane and shoulder closings for repair work will be done in accordance
with standard procedures as outlined in the Garden State Parkway
Traffic Manual and MUTCD and details and arrangements of traffic
protection devices must be given on the Plans.

In general, the Contractor will install the lane closings and certain
shoulder closings on Turnpike and Parkway roadways and ramps for
miscellaneous repair contracts.

When the Contractor’s operations affect non-NJTA roadways and

railroads, the Contractor must first receive approval and comply with
the regulation of the agency with jurisdiction over the traffic. Pay items and Quantities

The following are some of the items associated with miscellaneous
structural repair contracts:

Bridge Repair Pay Items Unit

Drill And Grout Reinforcement Bars Each
Repair Spalled Concrete, Type____ - Abutment Sq. Ft.
Repair Spalled Concrete, Type ___ - Pier Sq. Ft.
Repair Spalled Concrete - Underwater Sq. Ft.
Repair Spalled Concrete - Bearing Pads Each
Sidewalk, Parapet And Curb Surface Repairs Sq. Ft.
Epoxy Resin Injection Lin. Ft.
Furnish Epoxy Resin Gal.
Replace Structural Steel Diaphragm Lump Sum
Repair Of Structural Steel Lump Sum
Repair Of Structural Steel, Type ___ Lump Sum
Repair Bearing Area - Abutment Each
Repair Bearing Area - Pier Each
Repair Bearing, Rocker Each
Epoxy Resin Injection - Pier Lin. Ft.
Furnish Epoxy Resin - Pier Gal.

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Epoxy Resin Injection - Abutment Lin. Ft.

Furnish Epoxy Resin - Abutment Gal.
Repair Bearing, Rocker - Abutment Each
Repair Bearing, Rocker - Pier Each
Reconstruct Bearing Area Each
Repair Bearing, Sliding Plate - Abutment Each
Repair Bearing, Sliding Plate - Pier Each
Repair Bearing___________ Each
Reset Bearing Each
Replace Masonry Plate Each
Replace Anchor Bolt Each
Substructure Waterproofing Sq. Ft.

The above are to be tabulated on a per structure basis.

Traffic protection pay items are similar to those given in Subsection

2.8.2 - Deck Replacement Contracts and are to be tabulated for the
entire Contract.

The table on the next page is an example of the descriptive quantity

table to appear on each plan sheet of all affected structures within the

Each location of work on an affected structure shall he noted. This is

typically done by labeling each and every work area with a letter(s)
designation. The letter is shown on the general plan with a leader
pointing to the work area that corresponds to the letter found in the
“KEY” row of the descriptive quantity table.

Near the front of the Contract shall be a distribution of quantities type

table showing the breakdown of quantities on a per structure basis
and also a total quantity for the Contract.

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4 Repair Spalled Concrete- 2 SF A S. Abutment under S-4 on
Abutment Brstw
4 Repair Spalled Concrete- 4 SF B S. Abutment near S-7 on Bkw
4 Repair Spalled Concrete- 4 SF E S. Abut top East WW
5 Repair Spalled Concrete- 6 SF H P4 E. End Cantilever Faced &
Pier Seat
5 Repair Spalled Concrete- 2 SF AA P14 N Face under S-4 at Top
8 Epoxy Resin Injection-Pier 10 LF J P4 N Face under S-5 at
8 Epoxy Resin Injection-Pier 15 LF BB P15 N Face under S-2 at Top

9 Furnish Epoxy Resin-Pier 2.3 Gal J P4 N Face under S-2 at Top

11 Clean and Resent Rockers- 5 Ea. BB P15 Face under S-2 of Top
12 Substructure Waterproofing 400 SF DDD N. Abut under S-1 thru S-7

2.8.4 Drainage Modifications Contracts

In the course of the years since the various Turnpike/Parkway structures
have been constructed, drainage facilities have deteriorated or clogged,
design standards have changed; or the area of outfall or discharge has been
developed. Thus, there is a need to modify existing drainage facilities.

The original design philosophy for drainage on structure was to place inlets in
the gutters uphill of a joint. If the joint can be sealed to prevent runoff from
going through the joint, then some inlets can be eliminated. A gutter flow
analysis should be run in accordance with Section 4 of this Manual to
determine the necessity of the inlets. Inlets that can be eliminated are then
plugged with concrete and the discharge piping removed.

Since the original construction of Turnpike and Parkway structures, the area
underlying the bridge has been developed. Thus, inlets that are air drop may
require piping of the runoff to the ground below and open joints without;
troughs may need to have troughs installed to collect the runoff and funnel it
to an acceptable discharge point.

Drainage facilities should be designed to be self-cleaning with smooth

surfaces and edges to prevent snagging of debris. Sharp bends in the piping
often causes debris such as a soda can or cigarette box to snag, which in
turn clogs the pipe.

Lately, an elastomeric membrane or sheet has been used in the construction

of troughs under open joints. This material offers a smooth surface to

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prevent snagging and is flexible enough, that under the vibration of the bridge
due to traffic, it provides a constant flushing action to remove debris.

Traffic protection shall be similar to that found in Subsection 2.8.3. Pay Items and Quantities

Drainage modification work items are usually unique in nature; they
differ from one work site to the other. Most items tend to be lump sum
per work site, therefore, no common pay items really exist. Because
of the pay items being lump sum, the details should be explicit and
fully explain the work to be done.

1. AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 3rd Ed, with 2006 Interims.
2. AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications, 2nd Ed, with 2006 Interims
3. AASHTO Guide Manual for Condition Evaluation and Load and Resistance Factor
Rating of Highway Bridges, 1st Ed., with 2005 Interim Revisions.
4. AASHTO Manual for Condition Evaluation of Bridges, 2nd Edition, with 2003 Interims
5. AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, 17th Edition
6. AASHTO Standard Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs,
Luminaires and Traffic Signals, 4th Edition with 2003 Interims
7. AASHTO Guide Specifications for the Structural Design of Sound Barriers, 1st Edition
with 2002 Interims
8. AASHTO/AWS D1.5 Bridge Welding Code
9. Guide Specifications for Seismic Isolation Design, 2nd Edition including 2000 interims
10. Stanton, J.F., et al. Stability of Laminated Elastomeric Bearings, ASCE Journal of
Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 116, No. 6, June 1990.
11. Applied Technology Council, 1997a, NEHRP Guidelines for the Seismic
Rehabilitation of Buildings, FEMA 273, Washington, D.C.
12. Applied Technology Council, 1997b, NEHRP Commentary for the Seismic
Rehabilitation of Buildings, FEMA 274, Washington, D.C.
13. Building Seismic Safety Council, 2003a, NEHRP Recommended Provisions for
Seismic Regulations for New Buildings and Other Structures, Part 1 - Provisions,
2003 Edition, FEMA 450, Washington, D.C.
14. Building Seismic Safety Council, 2003b, NEHRP Recommended Provisions for
Seismic Regulations for New Buildings and Other Structures, Part 2 - Commentary,
2003 Edition, FEMA 450, Washington, D.C.
15. Federal Highway Administration, Seismic Retrofitting Manual for Highway Bridges,
1995 Edition, FHWA-RD-94-052, MacLean, VA.

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