The Heckman Correction: An Introduction: Jimmy Jin July 22, 2016

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The key takeaways are that the Heckman correction model aims to address sample selection bias by modeling sample selection and incorporating the inverse Mills ratio into the main regression model.

The Heckman correction model models sample selection using a probit or logit model and incorporates the inverse Mills ratio from the selection model into the main regression model to obtain consistent estimates.

The assumptions of the Heckman correction model are: 1) the error terms are independent of the covariates, 2) the error term in the selection model follows a normal distribution, and 3) the error terms are linearly related.

The Heckman correction: an introduction

Jimmy Jin

July 22, 2016

The basic setup

You have a population of N individuals and want to fit a linear model to this
y = X +  (1)
You have a sample of size n from this population but theres a problem: it was not
selected randomly, and so is probably not representative of the population. Clearly if
you ran a regression using this sample, you might be biased estimates. The Heckman
correction is designed to fix this.
Begin by modeling whether or not an individual in the population will be selected
into the sample. Let s be a binary variable representing this sample selection, so that
if si = 1 then the ith individual is sampled. The model that the Heckman correction
is based on is another linear model whose covariates are generally a superset of the
original design matrix X:
s = 1{X
+ > 0} (2)
is a design matrix; a superset of the base design matrix X
1. X
2. is a vector of coefficients for the model
3. is a noise term for the linear model

The assumptions

For the Heckman correction to produce consistent estimates, a couple assumptions

have to be made.
and is mean zero, i.e. E((, )) = (0, 0)
1. (, ) is independent of X
2. Normal(0,1)
3. E(| ) = for some R
The third is key. It basically says that the two error terms are linearly related, and
also specifies a parameter which turns out to control the degree to which the
sample selection biases estimation of .

Derivation of the bias (skippable)

In practice, since all we observe is the subset of the population for which s = 1, we
want to know what the relationship is between y|X, s and . That will show us the
right specification of model (1) to eliminate bias from sample selection.
First we first need to calculate what we might expect out of y if we knew the selection
design matrix X and also the value of the error term of the selection model:
) = X + E(|X,
E(y|X, )
= X + E(| )
= X +
Going from the first to the second line we used the assumption (, ) are independent
In all, this tells us that given information about X
of X. and the noise in the
selection model, the bias we can expect is .
Note here that this tells us something more. The bias is equal to . If is zero,
then the bias term drops out entirely. More generally in the case where we dont
assume that E(| ) = , we see that a sufficient condition for no bias is for to be
independent of . This is interesting because X can include more covariates than
X. But because we arent trying to estimate the coefficients of those covariates, it
does not bias our results.
Now in practice what we really observe is not the error term of the selection model
but rather just the coarser view of s (i.e. whether or not the point appeared in our
sample). So calculating the expectation of our response y conditioning on s instead,
we get
h i
E(y|X, s) = E E(y|X, )|X,
h i
= E X + |X, s
= X + E( |X,

The in-sample bias and the inverse Mills ratio

The last line of math above tells us that the bias introduced to the model by
non-random sample selection is equal to E( |X,
Now since s = 1 corresponds to the case of the data we actually observe in our
sample, we can further simplify the bias expression by calculating E( |X, s = 1).

Recall that by (2), if we know the values of X and s = 1, then it must be true that

> X
Furthermore since we assume that N (0, 1), then conditional on s = 1, must
It follows
follow a truncated standard Normal distribution with truncation at X.
then that the expected value of is

s = 1) = (X) := (X)
E( |X,


where () is the inverse Mills ratio.
To summarize, the Mills ratio arises only because of the linear component inside
our selection model. Because sample selection is modelled as whether or not a linear
component (X) exceeds a threshold, then conditioning on the sample selection = 1
is just imposing a requirement on the linear component being above that threshold.


Now we know that the true mean of the biased-sample observations is

s = 1) = X + (X)

This means that if we just knew (X), then we could throw those into a regression
and get an unbiased estimate of (as well as an unbiased estimate of ).
One problem: we dont know . But we can estimate it. We have data on observations
that are all inside (s = 1) and outside (s = 0) the sample of interest, as well as the
covariates x for all those points. We also know that the covariates are mapped to
{0, 1} after being subjected to standard normal noise. Therefore it makes sense to
estimate by probit regression.
The final procedure therefore is
1. Estimate from the probit model
= (X
P(s = 1|X)

using data on all N individuals in the population.

2. Use to estimate the inverse Mills ratios for each point i in your subsample

i ).
3. Fit the base model on your subsample with the estimated inverse Mills ratios
yi = Xi + (X + i
i )

There are two things to note:

1. Interpretation of the first step: The first step is sort of estimating the
probability that an individual will be in the sample, but not quite. Instead,
its estimating the parameter which in turn controls the selection model (2)
that determines whether or not an individual enters the sample.
2. Consistency: Since we are using instead of the true , it is no longer
guaranteed that our estimates are unbiased. However, it is shown in Heckmans
original paper that the estimates are consistent.

The issue of the exclusion restriction

Nothing above relies on the presence of an exclusion restriction. In other words, the
data matrices X and X can be exactly the same. So long as the design matrices in

(1) and (2) are of full rank, then the Heckman correction will produce consistent
However, there is a potential issue with multicollinearity. The inverse Mills ratio
() is very close to linear over a large portion of its range

Thus, if X and X contain exactly the same covariates and the range in X is not that
i )s will behave just like linear functions of the X
large, it is possible that the (X i s.
Then inserting these back into the second step will cause severe multicollinearity
and large standard errors.
One way to get around this is to impose exclusion restrictions on X and Xin

other words, throw in covariates into X which are not in X or highly correlated
with existing covariates. But at the end of the day, it isnt required to perform the
correction itself.

[1] James J. Heckman, Sample Selection Bias as a Specification Error. Econometrica,
47(1):153-161, 1979.
[2] Jeffrey M. Wooldridge, Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data.
The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2010.

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