Comprehensive Fsa Case - Costco Winter 2017 - Ready
Comprehensive Fsa Case - Costco Winter 2017 - Ready
Comprehensive Fsa Case - Costco Winter 2017 - Ready
This is a class discussion case on applied financial analysis which is designed to tie
together and illustrate the topics discussed so far in the course. While the case contains
questions, you are not required to prepare detailed answers to any of them. I will
basically present the case in a lecture/class discussion format.
So you can participate in the class discussion of the case and so that you get the
maximum out of that discussion, I suggest you sketch out in your head, or on paper if
you like, how you would go about addressing the case questions. You can then compare
it with how I went about addressing the assigned questions as well as with the
suggestions made in class by students.
The case assignment includes financial statement data for Costco, some other financial
information related to Costcos operations and some ratio analysis. Familiarize yourself
with this information because it will be used to address the case questions. When we
discuss the case in class I will assume that you have carefully read the case itself and that
you are totally familiar with all of the information (e.g., ratios etc.) included in the case
Professor Charles Wasley 2
Question 1
Costco does a great job of squeezing costs out of the supply and
distribution channels and passes along the savings to customers
rather than retaining them as profits. As a result, it operates on a
very low net margin, about 2.0% (or even a little less). Professor
Wasley went on to say that Costco would be even better off if it was
able to reduce its net margin close to 0%.
1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Professor Charles Wasley 15
New Store Openings (Actual and