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Solutions To Chapter 8 Problems 2014 Structural and Stress Analysis Third Edition

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S.8.2 From Eq. (7.8) Youngs modulus E is equal to the slope of the stressstrain curve.
Then, since stress 5 load/area and strain 5 extension/original length, E 5 slope of the
load-extension curve multiplied by (original length/area of cross section).
From the results given the slope of the load-extension curve C402.6 kN/mm. Then

402:6 3 103 3 250

EC   C205 000 N=mm2
3 252

From Eq. (11.4) the modulus of rigidity is given by

Therefore the slope of the torque-angle of twist (in radians) graph multiplied by
(L/J) is equal to G. From the results given the slope of the torque-angle of twist graph
is C12.38 kN m/rad. Therefore

12:38 3 106 3 250

GC   C80 700 N=mm2
3 254

Having obtained E and G the value of Poissons ratio may be found from Eq. (7.21), i.e.
v5 2 1C0:27

Finally, the bulk modulus K may be found using either of Eqs (7.22) or (7.23). From
Eq. (7.22)

KC C148 500 N=mm2 :
31 2 2v

S.8.3 Suppose that the actual area of cross section of the material is A and that the original area
of cross section is Ao. Then, since the volume of the material does not change during
plastic deformation

AL 5 Ao Lo

where L and Lo are the actual and original lengths of the material respectively. The strain
in the material is given by

Solutions to Chapter 8 Problems e103

L 2 Lo Ao
5 5 21 (i)
Lo A

from the above. Suppose that the material is subjected to an applied load P. The actual
stress is then given by 5 P/A while the nominal stress is given by nom 5 P/Ao.
Therefore, substituting in Eq. (i) for A/Ao

5 21

nom 1 1 5 5 Cn

nom 5 (ii)
Differentiating Eq. (ii) with respect to and equating to zero gives

dnom nC1 1 n21 2 Cn

5 50
d 112


n1 1 n21 2 n 5 0

Rearranging gives
5 :
1 2 n

S.8.4 Substituting in Eq. (8.1) from Table P.8.4

104 105 106 107

1 1 1 5 0:39 , 1
5 3 104 106 24 3 107 12 3 107
Therefore fatigue failure is not probable.
S.8.5 For the Goodman prediction Eq. (8.3) applies in which Sa,0 5 460 N/mm2 and Sm 5 Sa/2.

Sa 5 4601  Sa =2 3 870

which gives

Sa 5 363 N=mm2
e104 Solutions Manual

S.8.6 For the Gerber prediction m 5 2 in Eq. (8.4). Then

Sa 5 4601 2 Sa =2 3 8702 

which simplifies to

S2a 1 6582Sa 2 3:03 3 106 5 0


Sa 5 432 N=mm2

S.8.7 Suppose that the component fails after P sequences of the three stages. Then, from
Eq. (8.5)

P200=104 1 200=105 1 600=2 3 105  5 1

which gives
P 5 40
The total number of cycles is 1000 so that at the rate of 100 cycles per day the total
number of days to fracture is 40 3 1000/100 5 400 days.
S.8.8 From Eq. (8.10)

S 5 K0 =a1=2

so that

S 5 3320= 3 2:01=2
from which

S 5 1324 N=mm2

S.8.9 From Eq. (8.7)

K 5 Sa1=2 3 1:12

so that
3 1802 3 1:122
which gives

a 5 25:4 mm
Solutions to Chapter 8 Problems e105

From the above data and Eq. (8.14) it can be seen that C 5 30 3 10215 and n 5 4.
Substituting these values in Eq. (8.17)

Nf 5 215
1=0:4 2 1=25:4
30 3 10 180 3
1=2 4

which gives

Nf 5 7916 cycles:

S.8.10 For a plate of finite width

5 seca=w1=2

so that

5 sec3=501=2 5 1:01

From Eq. (8.9)

K0 5 3500=1:01 5 3465:3

Then, from Eq. (8.11)

3465:3 5 3M 3 3=4 3 1:23 3 31=2

which gives

M 5 866:9 Nmm=unit thickness

The maximum bending moment the plate can withstand is therefore

Mmax 5 866:9 3 5 5 4334:5 Nmm


Mmax 5 4300 Nmm

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