Revista Newsflash 7 3

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Table of Contents

Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
ELT Education Program Faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
ILEUSCO Faculty and Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
ILEUSCO Class of 2016 Picture Mosaic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7


Improving Speaking Skills through ICTs and Video Making . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Improving Learners' English Language Communicative Competence through Drama
in Elementary School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Using Videos and Computer Games to Motivate Students to Learn English . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Learning English through Games and Fun Activities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
"Recycling Means Life": A Classroom Pedagogical Project to Motivate Learners of English . . . . 28
The Use of YouTube Videos to Improve Communicative Skills in English . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Songs as a Means of Developing Second Graders' Pronunciation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
How to Be Gay without Being It . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
The Importance of Reading. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
The Replacement of Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Drug Addiction in Neiva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Is it Really Necessary to Test Students' Knowledge? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40


An Experience of a Lifetime. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41


Triad Commentary on John Keble's (1827) Poem "The Circumcision of Christ" . . . . . . . . . . . . 42


Table Talk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Poems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Mini Sagas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
To my Parents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Mother Earth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
The Mandala . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
The Elephant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Comics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Crossword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
October 2016
Seventh Edition
Neiva (Huila), Colombia

dgar Alirio Insuasty

Universidad Surcolombiana ILEUSCO Coordinator
Facultad de Educacin
Programa de Lengua Extranjera - Ingls I am very pleased to present the seventh edition
of Newsflash, which is a yearly publication of the
Rector the ILEUSCO Language School. Newsflash is an
Pedro Len Reyes Gaspar opportunity to get across research, teaching and
learning experiences as English language
Vicerrectora Acadmica learners and users.
Isabel Cristina Gutirrez

Vicerrector Administrativo
On this occasion, I would like to highlight the fact that ILEUSCO has not
Edwin Alirio Trujillo Cerquera only been a space for language learning and teaching, but it has also
become a propitious setting for doing research in these fields. As you
Vicerrectora de Investigacin may agree, research is the way to improve what we know and do as
y Proyeccin Social language learners and teachers. That is why a new research group
ngela Magnolia Ros Gallardo
called ILESEARCH was created at Universidad Surcolombiana, and it is
Decana de la Facultad de Educacin being efficiently coordinated by Professor Maria Fernanda Jaime. Up to
Nidia Guzmn Durn the moment, this group has conducted two studies. The first one
focused on identifying and describing the teaching practices of our
Jefe de Programa Licenciatura en Ingls school faculty. The second one explored a teaching proposal based on
Leonardo Herrera Mosquera
the use of authentic materials. It is our hope that this group will keep
Coordinador de ILEUSCO conducting further studies in the near future.
dgar Alirio Insuasty
In addition, it is worth mentioning that some members of our faculty
have obtained their master's degrees in language teaching by
conducting their thesis work at ILEUSCO. For instance, Ms. Luz Dary
Torres earned her master's degree in English language teaching from
ISSN: 2145-5627 the Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana (UNINI) sponsored by
the Fundacin Universitaria Iberoamericana (FUNIBER). Her thesis
Editorial Committee titled "Evaluating the Effectiveness of Existing Published Material and
Carlos A. Muoz Hernndez, Ph.D.
Mara Fernanda Jaime Osorio Adapting it for a Specific Class" at Ileusco presented some of the
strengths she identified in the American English File textbook adopted
Layout and Printing by Ileusco, and she also made some useful suggestions for a better
OTI Impresos -
Calle 28 No. 1A-46 Cndido implementation of this textbook in the classroom.
Telefax: 875 8485 - Neiva (Huila)
Ms. Mara Victoria Carvajal now holds a master's degree in English
Universidad Surcolombiana Teaching for Self-Directed Learning from Universidad de la Sabana.
Av. Pastrana Borrero - va Bogot Her work "Using Task Analysis to Improve the Reading Skills of English
Instituto de Lenguas Extranjeras Language Learners," in which students from one of our English levels
Neiva, Huila - Colombia
Tel. (0988) 752216 / 8754753 ext. 1157 participated, explored two particular strategies, namely SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound) goals and
Task Analysis, following a mixed methods approach for data gathering
The content of the articles and analysis. Her analysis of students' reading processes revealed
is the sole responsibility three important findings. Firstly, she found that the importance of
of their authors setting SMART goals increased each learner's independence.
Secondly, she found that managing their problem-solving abilities

through the use of resources allowed learners to be successful by addressing their own learning
difficulties. Finally, participants attained better comprehension levels by being aware of text genre. Overall,
students' reading skills improved significantly.

In a similar manner, Mr. Luis Alfonso Vanegas conducted a research study titled "Improving L2 Oral
Accuracy and Grammatical Range through Self-Assessment of Video Speech Drafts." This study intended
to examine the effect of self-assessment on grammatical range and grammar accuracy on the English
speaking performance of 27 foreign-language college and pre-college students (20 college and 7 pre-
college students) enrolled in three different language schools of three different cities in Colombia. The
results evidenced that English language learners tended to show positive outcomes when prompted to use
video speech drafts to evaluate their oral grammatical range and accuracy, as their performance enhanced
positively when comparing pre-test versus post-test measures.

At present, two other faculty members are conducting their research studies at ILEUSCO, as a graduation
requirement for the master's program in Didactics of English of Universidad Surcolombiana. All of these
really stimulating efforts fill us with hope for a promising future in our profession. That is why the English
Language Teacher Education Program is paving the way for empowering student-teachers as researchers
by means of innovation projects they carry out during their teaching practicum process.

In this respect, and as part of the dynamics in the development of language research, teaching, and
learning processes, Newsflash shares with its discerning readers an array of papers concerned with a
selection of sample innovation projects that have been explored in the program's teaching practicum
process. Some of these innovation projects deal with issues such as improving speaking skills through
ICTs and video-making; improving learner's English communicative competence through drama in
elementary school; using videos and computer games to motivate students to learn English; learning
English through games and fun activities; recycling means life: a classroom pedagogical project to
motivate learners of English; using YouTube videos to improve communicative skills in English; and using
songs as a means of developing second graders' pronunciation.

In addition, you will be able to read here some general reflection papers on drug addiction in Neiva, the
importance of reading, the replacement of books, and the necessity of testing students' knowledge.
Cultural and literary topics such as an experience of a lifetime and triad commentary on John Keble's poem
"The Circumcision of Christ" are also included in this issue.

Finally, we hope you will find this edition of Newsflash interesting and provoking enough in your capacity
as a foreign language teacher, learner, and user. We look forward to hearing from you and to receiving your
own contributions for our next Newsflash issues.

ELT Education Program Faculty

Osiris Hernndez Castro, M.A. in Applied Lingusitics to the Teaching of English

Marco Tulio Artunduaga Cullar, M.A. in English Didactics
Lilian Cecilia Zambrano Castillo, M.A. in English Didactics
Leonardo Herrera Mosquera, M.A. in TESOL
William Fernando Fernndez David, M.A. in Foreign Language Teaching & ICTs
Nidia Guzmn Durn, Ph.D. in Education
Mara Fernanda Jaime Osorio,
dgar Alirio Insuasty, Ph.D. in Education
Carlos Alcides Muoz Hernndez, Ph.D. in Foreign Languages and Literatures & SLA

ILEUSCO Faculty and Staff

Roco Reyes H.
Carlos Antonio Hermida G.
Luz ngela Rojas S.
dgar Alirio Insuasty
Alexandra Cullar

Edison Rodrguez
Luis Alfonso Vanegas
Mara Victoria Carvajal
Hctor Eduardo Cleves
Jacob Ober
Alexnder Aranda
Claudia M. Gonzlez Ober
Cameron Mullins

ILEUSCO Class of 2016 Picture Mosaic

ILEUSCO Class of 2016











Improving Speaking Skills

through ICTs and Video Making
Learners have always felt fear when they have to speak in class; they hesitate, they do not participate and they get
bored because they are not aware of the fact that speaking exercises can be meaningful to them. The following report
aims to explain an Innovation Plan and its process held at Humberto Tafur Charry High School with ninth graders.
The main purpose of the Innovation Plan was to have learners recording videos in order to improve their speaking
skills. While the classes were developing learners were losing their fear to use the English Language, they were
acquiring vocabulary, improving pronunciation and enjoying the English class.

By Mara Carolina Santa

During the observation visits made to grade section Innovation Plan and its implementation; also the
901, I could note that learners were afraid of theory taken into account, the methodology and
participating during the speaking exercises and they tools that were used and finally the findings that
were not using the target language. Learners were were collected using a survey applied after the
reluctant to participate and the speaking exercises Innovation Plan.
were monotonous, repetitive an uninteresting; the
exercises were taken from the book and the other This innovation plan was conducted at Humberto
exercises were the making and reading of posters. Tafur Charry high school with a section of ninth
Taking what has been said into account and graders in which there were 37 learners; 12 men
learners' development during the classes, the and 25 women, all of them aged between 14 and 16
Innovation Plan was designed and done in order to years old. They had three hours of English per week
improve student's speaking skills and to increase and their performance during the English class was
learners' interest during the English classes. As I good. These learners came from various socio-
wanted to really do something new for this economical strata; they behaved well during the
innovation plan, I decided to use the making of class and displayed a good attitude towards the
videos as a way to improve the speaking skill. teacher and the student-teacher. In addition, one of
the main strengths of this group was their
Some of the aspects that I considered before willingness to work and to do group work.
carrying out the project were:
? Learners love technology and everything related The theory taken into account for this project was
to it. Taking this into account a lot of Web 2.0 the "Task Based Learning." Task Based Learning
and ICT tools could be used to reach the goal. theory states that the attention of the learners has to
? Decontextualized speaking activities were not be focused on two things: the interactivity and the
motivating. Reading from the book and reading comprehensibility they and others use when they
posters were good activities, but learners have to accomplish a task (Foster 1999, cited by
needed something new and interesting. Insuasty & Zambrano, 2004). According to
? Learners' attitude towards the class was good as Richards, Platt & Weber, 1985 (cited by Insuasty &
they were interested in the activities and had a Zambrano, 2004 (a task is an activity or action that
good behavior. is carried out as the result of processing or
Giving the above, the following report aims to understanding language i.e., as a response).
explain the most important components of the Having that in mind, making a video can be
1 - This paper was presented as an innovation project to the practicum I process of the ELT Program at Surcolombiana University in the second
semester of 2014. The pilot project was carried out in the secondary cycle with second graders of "Humberto Tafur Charry' High School" in the city
of Neiva and under the supervision of Professor Yelitza Cedeo and the practicum coordinator, Professor Fernando Fernndez.


considered a task as learners have to focus their they handled the situation really well; with the
attention in talking about a topic using English. developing of the classes they got used to the idea
Now, the methodology used in the classes was one of being recorded and at the end they were not
that fulfilled students' needs and gave them a afraid to speak in front of the camera at all (of
different view of what an English class was like. course, some learners were the exception). Some
Also, the lesson was planned in order to help them pronunciation mistakes were reviewed during the
understand the topic better and be able to record pre-activities, and learners were aware of their
the video. Generally, I used the class I had on mistakes. After the Innovation Plan was finished,
Tuesdays to present the topic and I used the two the videos were uploaded on YouTube and learners
hours left to record the videos. The next steps were were able to see the results of their own work.
the ones followed during the classes:
? The topic was presented. Usually, a video, a According to the survey applied to twenty learners
Prezi or a Power Point presentation was used to at the end of the innovation plan, all the activities
introduce the topic to the learners. used to reinforce the speaking skill were
? Sometimes, a game was used to introduce new meaningful; however, "The use of songs related to
vocabulary. These included hangman and board the topic" and "The making of videos" were the ones
games among others. learners considered the most important. The survey
? A task was given to the learners. Learners also showed that the easiest topic was "I imagine"
completed exercises such as fill-in-the blank and the most difficult one was the one about
exercises, map drawing, poster making, directions, "How do I get to ______". This was the
interview preparation, and picture taking. first video recorded so, because of the difficulty
? The video was recorded. Sometimes the whole level, the pronunciation of the words and the stress
group appeared in the video, some others only of being in front of the camera for the first time,
one student appeared on behalf of the group. I learners were not so able to enjoy this activity in
used some of the learners' smartphone to do particular. Their favorite video-activity was "I
this. imagine" and "Let me take a Selfie." Those videos
were the best; "I imagine" allowed learners to
I used Facebook as the Learning Management express their dreams and "The Selfie" was a good
System. I created a group, and I posted there what activity to work the present continuous tense as
learners were going to need for the upcoming class; they had fun taking pictures and making the frames
the group was also a place where I posted for them. The videos were published in YouTube
information, videos and announcements for them (as it was said before) and on the Internet. Also, a
to take into account. I have to recognize that this blog called "901 English Class- Humberto Tafur
was a great idea as learners always brought to class Charry High School" was created to publish videos
what was required, and they were responsible. and some pictures.

Learners worked in groups during the whole Finally, I have to say that the main objective was
Innovation. The fact of being next to their achieved as learners enjoyed the classes a lot; their
classmates helped them to feel better when being speaking performance improved significantly.
recorded and the stress of the class exercises was Learners used the language to talk about something
reduced. Another thing to take into account was that caught their attention on the videos posted and
the games. Games were a god strategy to use the results were wonderful since they became more
vocabulary; learners were intrigued by what was aware of their oral capabilities while gaining
going to happen. Playing brought a new element to confidence.
class: relaxation. Learners felt much more ready to
work after we played. References
Insuasty, E.A., Zambrano, L., and Crdenas, M. (2004).
The student-teacher recorded learners talking about Adaptacin, diseo y aplicacin de tareas para el
aprendizaje comunicativo del ingls en la educacin
the topic. At the beginning, they were nervous, but
bsica secundaria.


SURVEY #1 (Applied after the Innovation Plan)


Nombre: __________________________________________ Grado______ Fecha: ______________

La siguiente encuesta se realiza con el objetivo de recoger informacin para evaluar el impacto y el desempeo del
Plan de Innovacin realizado por la estudiante-practicante. Agradecemos su informacin y sus sinceras respuestas.

1. Cules de las siguientes estrategias te ayudaron a comprender el tema y motivaron a usar el idioma?
Marque con una (X)
1. El uso del ingls por parte de la docente.
2. La aplicacin de canciones relacionadas a temas de estudio.
3. La realizacin de videos para presentar a la comunidad acadmica.
4. El uso de mapas y posters
5. El uso de lecturas.
6. La presentaciones en Prezi y Power Point

2. Consideras que las actividades realizadas en clase ayudaron a mejorar las habilidades de listening y
? S ____
? No ____
? Por qu?

3. Cul de los siguientes temas se te facilit ms para el desarrollo de la habilidad oral? Enumere de 1 a
4. Siendo 1 el que ms le gust y 4 el que menos le gust.
? How do I get to________?
? I imagine.
? Personal interview.
? Let me take a Selfie.
? Por qu?

4. Cul de los siguientes temas te gust ms?

? How do I get to________?
? I imagine.
? Personal Interview.
? The selfie.
? Por qu?


The following charts show the results of the survey.

Cul de las siguientes estrategias te ayudaron Consideras que las actividades realizadas en
a comprender el tema y motivaron clase ayudaron a mejorar las habilidades
a usar el idioma? de Listening y Speaking?

Las El uso del

presentaciones ingls
en Prezi y por parte de
Power la docente
El uso de
lecturas La aplicacin
de canciones
El uso de realizadas a
temas de
y posters estudio
La realizacin
de videos


Cul de los siguientes temas se te facilit El tema favorito

ms para el desarrollo de la habilidad oral?

How do I get to___? I Imagine

I Imagine How do I get to___?
The Interview The Interview
Let me take Selfie Let me take Selfie


La actividad ms difcil y la menos atractiva

I Imagine
How do I get to___?
Let me take Selfie
The Interview



Improving Learners' English

Language Communicative
Competence through Drama
in Elementary School
By Dorian Hermicson Sambon

meaningful way. This situation has challenged
This paper is a report of an innovation plan carried teachers who have had to come up with ways of
out with seven second graders from Claretiano High enabling students to practice English in more or
School. The innovation was an action research in less natural environments. Being aware of this
which the researcher aimed to make evident the phenomenon I decided to conduct this research
effectiveness of using theatre to improve students' study in which features of drama were used for (a)
English language communicative competence. improving the English communicative competence
in EFL students, (b) motivating students to learn
Claretiano is a public school in Neiva the students of English and (c) creating and facilitating different
which are from low and medium social strata. The tools that allowed students to get ready for acting
participants of this Innovation plan were a group of out a play.
seven second graders from course section 201.
This group consisted of eight students (four Literature Review
females and four males). These students were In order to achieve the purpose of this research
chosen for the development of this innovation plan study of improving the second graders'
because of their responsible, cooperating, and communicative competence through the use of
respectful attitude towards the English class. This drama, below you will see the most relevant theory
study was developed during six half-hour sessions about the core issues which are namely
in which the participants came up with, rehearsed communicative competence and the use of drama
and performed a play. This study revealed, on one in the English classroom.
hand, that drama does help students to improve
their English language communicative competence Communicative Competence
as it enables them to use different language skills. The term communicative competence was added
On the other hand, students felt that theater is a by the sociolinguist Dell Hymes (cited by Rincn,
powerful tool whose nature made them feel as if nd). Communicative competence is the more
they were interacting with native speakers -total general term for a person's communication skills,
immersion. ability to cover both language skills and the ability
to use it. The acquisition of such competence is
In countries in which English is taught as a foreign mediated by social experience, needs and
language (EFL), learners lack environments in motivations, and action, which is both a renewed
which they can use English in a communicative and source of motivations, needs and experiences.

2 - This Classroom Pedagogical Initiative was presented as an innovation project to the practicum I process of the ELT Program at Surcolombiana
University in the second semester of 2014. The pilot project was conducted in the elementary cycle with second graders of "Claretiano School" in
the city of Neiva and under the supervision of Professor Alirio Insuasty and the practicum coordinator, Professor Fernando Fernndez.


Based on the competency model, Celce-Murcia et "The use of drama in the EFL classroom is clearly
al. highlight the following competences as the most supported in the Communicative Language
important ones when facing the EFL learning Learning (CLL) approach because students work in
process: groups being themselves the protagonists of their
learning process. Likewise, it is closely related to
Actional Competence is the ability to use
? TPR (Total Physical Response) as it includes a
language to express communicative function substantial portion of motor activity that facilitates
(language act: spoken and written). the learning process especially in terms of
Socio-Cultural Competence is the ability to state
? memory."
and receive message correctly according to
socio cultural context. This shows that drama not only might help
Strategic Competence is the ability and skill to
? students in terms of academic performance, but it
be applied in various communication strategies also helps students increase their level of
how to handle the communication problems. motivation, a very important factor when in the
Discourse Competence is the ability to function
? learning process. A successful language learning
in a situation of intercultural communication. process is deeply linked to the passion of the
learner. Teachers must try to figure out the way of
Bearing these elements in mind different theories supporting that passion (Vahedi, 2011).
about ELL have been developed. These theories
emphasize the approaches in which the learner is Nez (quoted by Silva, 2004) claims that there are
regarded in a holistic way. some general goals that are important in learning a
foreign language when it is taught through drama,
The humanistic approaches arose between 1970 and these are:
and 1980 caring about teamwork, the need for
cooperation and relaxed environments looking for a Acquisition
? of vocabulary and language
more durable and effective learning. The structures = linguistic and sociolinguistic
approaches belonging to this set of approaches are: competence.
Improving communication skills and
The Total Physical Response method (TPR)
? pronunciation = linguistic and sociolinguistic
created by James Asher, who claimed the competence.
assimilation and comprehension of information Personal Relationship. Emotional, individual
is easier for students when it associated with and in groups = intercultural competence:
movements. Improvisation and memorization =
The Community Language Learning (CLL) in
? sociolinguistic and pragmatic competence.
which the analysis of the emotional experiences
of the apprentices is essential; for this approach It is under the previous theoretical framework and
the relationship among the students and with being aware that communicative competence is a
the teacher is more important than the content key factor since it not only has to do with
of the language as such. knowledge of any language but also with the
In 1983, it sprung the "natural approach"
? capacity any speaker has to use it properly (Hymes
developed by Krashen and Terrell in which cited in Peterwagner, 2005). That one can claim
interaction is regarded as the core issue. that drama is the most suitable tool to achieve the
purpose of improving the participants' English
Drama in the ELT Classroom communicative competence.
It is under the approaches listed above that drama
gains relevance. The use of drama in the language
classroom has been supported mostly in the last
two decades. For Silva (2004):


As this innovation plan had six stages, the following chart shows the de process of how the innovation was
carried out.

# (Week) & date Planning

Week 1 The very first thing done in the innovation plan was to show the students (all the
September 23, students in the classroom) a video clip of the "Little Red Hen", the story we had chosen
2014 beforehand to perform. When were done with watching the video clip, we took
advantage of it to practice some vocabulary about animals (characters on the video-
clip). After that, I announced what students were chosen to participate in the
innovation plan and I explained to them the procedures to be followed from that
moment on. I let them know that in the English class, we would work altogether during
1/2 an hour; then at 11:30 a.m. the participants and I would work at different setting
(the library) and the rest of the class would stay in the classroom working on their
school duties.

Week 2 The second time we met, we assigned the characters to each participant, I taught a
September 30, reading oriented lesson so that they could be aware of the content of the story. This
2014 time we decided to make changes in the plot of the original script. The students were
the ones who proposed the changes to be made. As mentioned on the theoretical
framework of this research study, through theater the participants were able to create
and/or change the scripts so that they are comfortable with their performance. In this
meeting, the students were asked to learn by heart as much as possible their own parts
of the script according to the way they were taught. To check the participants
understanding of the story by so doing I let the students to have fun while drawing.

Week 3 The third time we met, we worked on reading and the pronunciation of the script. This
October 07, time I brought with me some material to make up masks and posters to start practicing
2014 our performance in a proper environment. I also had with me two fellows who were
responsible for the videos and the pictures.

Week 4 The fourth time we practicing the pronunciation of the scrip. The students were able to
October 14, perform the entire story with the proper customs to make the rehearsal more
2014 meaningful. We also had the chance to watch a video of the participants performing so
that they were able to judge and identify their own performances and make evidence
the parts in which they would have to work on. The participants were given an audio
recording file so that they were able to practice in their free time at home.

Week 5 In this rehearsal the students had all the necessary tools perform the theater play. I
October 21, recorded my students one more time both to have evidence of the work we were doing
2014 but more than that to show them the progress they had had at that point of the
investigation. This meeting gave us the chance to try to improve our performing as
much as possible, by adding feelings and enthusiasm to our characters.

Week 6 During this meeting, we had the chance to asses critically our performance and to
October 28, record the presentation one more time with all the costumes and proper setting we had
2014 made in previous meetings. This meeting was to rehearse as much as we could as this
was our last rehearsal before the play at the 'English Day'


Week 7 This day was devoted to finalize the details for the next day.
November 04,

Week 8 This was the great day in which we had a live performance in front of an audience of
November 11, 300 attendees.

Results improvement regarding communicative

With the information provided by videos, the data
was analyzed and two main categories came up When it comes to students' communicative
to evaluate the advantages of using drama; competence it was easier to assess the progress
the students' communicative competence as it is more factual than motivation. Regarding
improvement on one hand, and the students' the subcategories (Vocabulary, Reading
motivation improvement on the other. Each of these comprehension, Pronunciation and Intonation,
categories had their own sub-categories for a more Improvisation and memorization) the students
precise assessment. showed great improvement. The students'
communicative competence improvement is
The subcategories in terms of students' shown in a sequential way. Their good level of
communicative competence improvement were: motivation allowed them to learn a wider range of
? Vocabulary vocabulary. Once they had learnt more vocabulary
? Reading comprehension it was easier for them to approach a reading text.
? Pronunciation and Intonation Due to the fact that they knew how to approach a
? Improvisation and memorization reading text they did better with the supra-
segmental features of the language in this specific
The subcategories in terms of students' motivation case: pronunciation and intonation. All these
improvement were: enabled the students to memorize their scripts as in
? Enjoyment the participants' words the better one understands
? Punctuality a story, the easier to memorize it. The narrator was
? Spontaneity not supposed to memorize the script but to read it
? Participation (it has been planned like that due to the scarcity of
time for the development of this innovation).
Once analyzed the data under the above categories Nevertheless they learned by heart all the scrip what
and subcategories it was discovered that students made the presentation even better.
were both highly motivated and that they had
improved their communicative competence at a Improvisation also relates to communicative
very high rate. competence and something that participants did
improve. The clearest example was at the end of the
Regarding students' motivation, all of them showed performance when the 'Little Red Hen' forgot her
great progress in terms of enjoyment, punctuality, script but she was competent to improvise, create a
spontaneity and participation from the very first new script and go on with her performance.
stage to the last one in which they performed the
theater play the students showed being highly Conclusions
motivated and thanks to the motivation they had the To sum up, this proposal led to the development of
performance was such a success. Thanks to how an innovation plan that brought students a useful
motivated they were, they were able to show great tool for the improvement of their communicative


competence. The objective of this innovation was References

to make evident the effectiveness of using drama Celce-Murcia, M., Drnyei, Z., and Thurrell, S. (1995).
to improve students' English language Communicative Competence: A Pedagogically Motivated
communicative competence. Model with Content Specifications. Issues in Applied
Linguistics. Vol. 6 No. 2, pp. 5-35.
Oroujlou, N. & Vahedi, M. (2011). Motivation, attitude,
It is a corollary that students can succeed in the EFL and language learning. Procedia- social and behavioral
classroom if they are allowed to practice what they sciences, vol. 29, pp. 994-1000.
have learnt in a meaningful and communicative Peterwagner, w. (2005). What is the Matter with
way. Communicative Competence?: An Analysis to
Encourage Teachers of English to Assess the very Basis
From the findings, we conclude that drama helps of Their Teaching (Vol. 1). LIT Verlag Mnster.
teachers to create settings in which English is Roman,S. (2011). El teatro como recurso didctico en
practiced in a communicative and meaningful way. la metodologa CLIL: Un Enfoque Competencial.
At the same time, it helps students to increase Encuentro, 20 ,102-108. Retrieved from
their level of motivation and to improve their
communicative competence. Silva R. M.T. (2006). La enseanza del ingls como
lengua extranjera en la titulacin de filologa inglesa: el
In this sense, one can say that drama let EFL uso de canciones de msica popular no sexistas como
students use English in a more or less natural recurso didctico (Tesis doctoral Versin electrnica).
environment. When students are allowed to Mlaga: Universidad de Mlaga. Recuperado el17 de
practice all the different language skills as a whole noviembre de 2014 de:
they learn better, and faster and in more meaningful
ways. Drama is a tool that lets students practice all /16853805.pdf
the components of the language not in isolation but
as a whole. In short, when using drama neither the
language nor the student are regarded in isolation
but as something that makes sense only when one
has the chance to get to know all their traits as a


Using Videos and Computer

Games to motivate Students
to learn English
This paper provides an insight into the use of video and computer games in the ESL classroom. Teaching English
requires constantly research and evolution in teaching approaches, especially here in Neiva where most of learners
have a really low English level. The innovation project was carried out at Gabriel Garca Mrquez, branch Jos Mara
Carbonell and was aimed to reawake fourth graders' motivation through the use of meaningful videos and computer
games. After having six sessions in which were shown videos and interactive games, the findings showed that the use
of videos and selective computer games actually can be a powerful resource and teaching tool not only to motivate
learners but to booster their speaking and listening skills.

Keywords: computer games, videos, teaching of English, ITC.

By Carlos Andrs Losada Meza


In the last five decades, English has become so boosts students' learning, and they can use videos
important all around the world. Globalization for revision and further practice. I believe that all
phenomena make necessary the learning of a video activities may be adapted to most classes.
foreign language, in this case English as a second What I need to do is to adapt instructions and
or foreign language. The process of learning difficulty levels. I also feel that it might be a good
English is better to start in the early years of idea to rely heavily on demonstration and
scholarship because of the easiness to learn; we as examples. Videos are often intrinsically more
teachers should take into account theoretical and interesting since many learners are more
practical resources, dynamic methodologies and familiarized with watching television than listening
effective didactic strategies to achieve. All of this, to music and songs, and this situation can be
trying to obtain a fruitful and rewarding teaching beneficial to my teaching practicum innovation
experience with our children at school. project.
Nevertheless, teaching English is not only about
giving information to learners inside the classroom, Finally, the use of videos and computer games in
it is also about teaching values, moral and ethical the classroom are powerful tools to motivate
contents so our learners can apply them and use learners as they can work on body gesture
their scholarly knowledge outside the classroom. activities, cultural elements and behaviors
through TPR activities. However, I know that some
In other words, the use of selective movie scenes materials must be adapted to my learners needs to
and YouTube videos is very important, because it achieve a fruitful educational process.

3 - This innovation project was developed in the Practicum I process of the ELT Program at Universidad Surcolombiana in the second semester of
2014. The pilot project took place in the elementary cycle with fourth graders of "Gabriel Garca Mrquez, branch Jos Mara Carbonell" in the city of
Neiva and under the supervision of Professor Leonardo Medina and the practicum coordinator, Professor Fernando Fernndez.


Objectives classroom, without much additional effort. Many

researchers stress the importance of also
To improve learners listening and English skills
? considering relevance as a factor to include along
while watching and enjoying video activities and with other motivators when designing multimedia
interactive computer games. lessons (Alessi & Trollip, 2001; Keller & Suzuki,
To reawake student's motivation by using
? 2004).
meaningful demonstrative role-play activities
inside the classroom related to the presented The use of videos is defined as a key for ESL
videos. instruction as Stempleski (1990) suggests, "Video
To expose learners to authentic language
? has gained popularity in the language teaching
interaction of real native speaker's classroom in recent years, articles and books about
conversations so as to providing an authentic its use have begun to appear in abundance," and it
look at the culture, aiding comprehension and a is certainly a channel to enhance learners' listening
better understanding of the English language experiences.

Specific Objectives Using videos in the classroom can enable learners

to loosen up and start talking and improving their
Provide learners with opportunities to practice
? listening skills. On top of that "Video technology has
using the language skills in an authentic the potential to expose teachers to rich and diverse
communicative setting. teaching situations and create flexible ways of
Set the classroom as comfortable place where
? representing and connecting information on
learners can feel free to speak their mind without teaching for the purposes of teacher education"
any difficulty. (Jain Wang, Kendall Hartley, 2003).
Design class activities according to student's
level and needs by using appropriate movies and In addition, Arthur (1999) claims that:
video scenes and well-designed worksheets.
Encourage learners to use and study English
? "Video can give learners realistic models to imitate
autonomously at home or with their friends for role-play; can increase awareness of other
Boost student's vocabulary as a useful key to
? cultures by teaching appropriateness and
learn English effectively suitability; can strengthen audio/visual linguistic
Establish and widespread the correct use of web
? perceptions simultaneously; can widen the
tool 2.0 in the student's English process. classroom repertoire and range of activities; can
Emphasize cooperative work and learners
? help utilize the latest technology to facilitate
participation in an organized way language learning; can teach direct observation of
Make learners feel, they have the main role in the
? the paralinguistic features found in association with
learning process and let them act according to the target language; can be used to help when
this. training learners in ESP related scenarios and
Take into account learners decisions and
? language; can offer a visual reinforcement of the
opinions to prepare and set appropriate target language and can lower anxiety when
activities for the learners. practicing the skill of listening."

Theoretical Framework Methodology

As I focused my innovation project on the use of When it comes to videos and computer games
videos and interactive computer games, here is there is a must to follow, there are three steps to get
some research that has addressed the issue before a meaningful teaching experience into the ESL
"Video offers instructors the opportunity to utilize classroom: Language, content and production.
many of these and other motivators in the According to Sherman's methodology, he states,


"In order to create effective teaching materials to be I can also use "Freeze Framing" when I want to
implemented in the EFL classroom by using video emphasize a fact on the video or make it clear for
equipment, I adopted the following method, taking the learners. I must focus on a defined objective.
into account three factors including: language, In order to increase the observation and listening
content, and production (Sherman, 2003). Now, I skills, I can use repeated viewing of the same
will describe in six points how to prepare and work segment (just as I will use it with the printed source
with videos in the ESL classroom. material).

1. Choosing the material: The selection of 6. After viewing Stage: After viewing the video
appropriate material, taking into account the have the groups answer questions, discuss new
English level, vocabulary, length, fluency, information and formulate new questions. Also,
Pronunciation, resolution and their pedagogical they can ask other learners about the description,
content. dialogues, location, depending on the topic of the
2. Preparing the material: I must be resourceful
and creative, imagination when preparing the Learners can also practice what they have just seen
material, using a wide designing a wide range of with a partner. All of this, before starting doing an
activities. All of this is to avoid learners' boredom assigned activity that can be a role-play, filling in
by evaluating the material according to student's the gaps material, matching sentences, recording
level and needs. session activities, games, songs, posters, etc.

3. Reviewing material: Review related print and Findings

Web materials, especially the teacher's guide that
may accompany the video series. Also to get Four grader learners at Jos Mara Carbonell show
acquainted myself with the video equipment and a positive improvement not only they got motivated
resources. Also, I need to determine whether I will but they also improved their listening and speaking
use the entire video/game or only relevant skills. These findings are better described on what
segments to illustrate my classroom objectives. A Stempleski (1987) states about using video
short video can even be useful. material in the ELT classroom. "Using video
material in a non-English Language Teaching (ELT)
4. Adjusting the Classroom to Project the Video: environment can motivate learners. They will
Prepare the classroom environment and video undergo a special experience of real feelings of
equipment. Choose lighting to enhance the learning accomplishment when they understand what is
experience. Low light increases the dramatic effect going on in a situation where native speakers use
while brighter light may be helpful in eliminating English. Thus, an EFL learner will realize that "with
distractions. Depending on the video activity, I will a bit of extra effort and practice, along with some
choose whether a position close to the video help from the teacher, 'real English' is not beyond
projector or move freely among learners to avoid their comprehension".
students' distraction.
The following charts show the learners' academic
5. While Viewing Stage: I should give learners a and human evolution, how motivated they were,
focused viewing assignment. Focused viewing how motivated they are now, learners that now play
questions can make viewing more meaningful by a different role into the classroom, learners that
encouraging active viewing and evaluation of really like learning English and cannot wait for the
content. I mean, I should give my learners a task, class to begin.
something they are responsible for remembering or
writing down (interesting facts or personal


Innovation Survey

1 - What students did not like about the class 4 - Students felt motivated to learn/work
3.9% autonomously at home

Yes Yes
97.1% No 78.6% No

2 - Students liked the use of videos and movie 5 - Students liked power point and computer
segments to assess the lessons games to practique the lessons
1.5% 1.5%

Yes Yes

98.5% No 98.5% No

3 - Students liked Power Point presentatios 6 - Students felt motivated to keep on learning English
to introduce the vocabulary 2.9%

Yes Yes

95.8% No 97.1% No

What students liked most about the class

4,2 1,4
Group Work
1,4 5,7 11,4 Movies and videos
General Activities
10 5,7 What the teacher says
English Class
1,4 Alphabet Game
4,2 Learning English
Computer Games
11,4 1,4 Spelling Bee Practice
8,5 Teacher treats me nice/is kind
The Teaching Style


Conclusions References
Stempleski, Susan. (1987). Short takes: Using authentic
The use of videos and computer games in the EFL video in the English class. Paper presented at the Annual
classroom involves listening and speaking skills, Meeting of the International Association of Teachers of
thus promoting a communicative setting into the English as a Foreign Language (21st, Westende,
Belgium, April 12-14, 1987).
classroom. What is more, learners get interested in
Shareman, Jane. (2003). Using Authentic Video in the
the class activities as shown in the charts above. Language Classroom. Cambridge: Cambridge University
They showed willingness to act, to sing, and to Press.
move. This teaching practicum experience also Jian Wang, Kendall Hartley (2003) Journal of
helped me to grow professionally. I feel now more Technology and Teacher, University of Nevada, Las
comfortable when delivering a lesson and that Vegas, USA
catches learners' attention, having a dynamic Arthur, P. "Why use video? A teacher's perspective",
teacher and a flexible teacher is what most learners VSELT 2:4 (1999): 4.
need at school. Alessi, S. M., & Trollip, S. R.?2001). Multimedia for
learning: methods and development?3rd ed. Needham
Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Keller, J. M., & Suzuki, K.?2004). Learner motivation
and E-learning design: A multinationally validated
process. Journal of Educational Media, 29?3), 229-
239.? Lear


Learning English through

Games and Fun Activities
This paper discusses the main stages of an innovation project implemented at Colegio Anglocanadiense in Neiva with
elementary school first graders during the teaching practicum process undertaken in the second semester of 2014.
Here, some important aspects dealing with what, when, where and why was done will be described and the objectives
of the innovation project based entirely on games and fun for children. In addition, I present the theoretical
framework, the methodology, the findings, and the conclusions of the project.

By Karen Andrea Losada Rojas

The effectiveness of these activities depended upon
In this project, the student teacher approached the the results obtained after each session. This type
teaching of English through games and fun of exercise is key to improving motivational tasks,
activities. This innovation project took place in the and it plays a role in maintaining learners' interests
second semester of 2014 at Colegio Anglocana- in the target language.
diese in Neiva.
The objectives of this project were:
Through a process of observation, I have looked for
a proper way to approach the difficulties that - To promote the development of the speaking
learners face when dealing with English-demanding skill in first graders in English language
situations. According to the outcomes obtained learning using fun activities.
through the activities and exercises conducted such - To encourage learners' confidence to speak
as games, roles plays and singing among other English.
activities, I concluded that learners need to improve - To create children's self-confidence in oral
their communicative skills. language.
- To foster the acquisition of vocabulary and
Based on such outcomes I had come to the decision commands.
of utilizing activities that strengthen an environment - To promote active learning through having fun
where learners have the time and accessibility to and motivation.
contents that really suit their needs, interests, and - To use games that use repetition and repetition
motivation. That is why I propose using games, enhances learning.
roles plays and sing-along activities as a way to - To use games as a way to introduce new topics
build a strong communicative competence and thus or review old ones.
improve learners' performance. The use of role- - To enhance learners' willingness to participate
play activities triggered different academic activities and get involved.
while contributing to the socialization of learners' - To improve learners' behavior.
opinions. - To maintain student motivation in order to
avoid frustration.

4 - This innovation project was developed in the practicum I process of the ELT Program at Surcolombiana University in the
second semester of 2014. The pilot project took place in the elementary cycle with first graders of Colegio Anglo-canadiense in
the city of Neiva and under the supervision of Professor Giovanny Mosquera and the practicum coordinator, Professor Fernando


Literature Review activities do not require a great deal of preparation

on the part of the teacher. TPR is aptitude-free,
Total Physical Response Method - TPR working well with a mixed ability class, and with
learners having various disabilities. It is good for
According to Asher, TPR is based on the premise kinesthetic learners who need to be active in class.
that the human brain has a biological program for Class size needs not be a problem, and it works
acquiring any natural language on earth including effectively for children and adults.
the sign language of the deaf. The process is visible
when we observe how children internalize their first However, it is recognized that TPR is suitable for
language. It looks to the way young learners learn beginners, though it can be used at higher levels
their native language. Communication between where preparation becomes an issue for the
parents and their children combines both verbal teacher. It does not give learners the chance to
and physical aspects. The child responds physically express their own thoughts in a creative way.
to the speech of their parents. The responses of the Further, it is easy to overuse TPR "Any novelty, if
child are in turn positively reinforced by the speech carried on too long, will trigger adaptation. It can
of the parent. For many months, the child absorbs be a challenge for shy learners. Additionally, the
the language without being able to speak. It is nature of TPR places an unnaturally heavy
during this period that internalization and code emphasis on the use of the imperative mood, that is
breaking occurs. After this stage, the child is able to say commands such as "Sit down" and "Stand
to reproduce the language spontaneously. With up". These features are of limited utility to the
TPR the language teacher tries to mimic this learner, and can lead to a learner appearing rude
process in class. The method also promises double when attempting to use his new language. Of
efficiency in terms of rate of learning. course, as a TPR class progresses, group activities
and descriptions can be used which continue the
In the classroom, the teacher and learners take on basic concepts of TPR into full communication
roles similar to that of the parent and child respecti- situations.
vely. Learners must respond physically to the
words of the teacher. The activity may be a simple Cooperative Learning
game such as Simon Says or may involve more According to Johnson and Johnson (1999),
complex grammar and more detailed scenarios. Cooperative learning exists when learners work
together to accomplish shared learning goals and
TPR can be used to practice and teach various Deutsch considers that each student can then
things. It is well suited to teaching classroom achieve his or her learning goal if and only if the
language and other vocabulary connected with other group members achieve theirs.
actions. It can be used to teach imperatives and
various tenses and children-related aspects. It is According to Salvin, Cooperative learning is an
also useful for story-telling. approach to organizing classroom activities into
academic and social learning experiences.
Because of its participatory approach, TPR may Learners should work in groups to complete tasks
also be a useful alternative teaching strategy for collectively toward academic goals.
learners with dyslexia or related learning
disabilities, who typically experience difficulty to As Chiu once stated, Cooperative learning gives the
learn foreign languages through traditional facility to share information between learners
classroom instruction. (asking one another for information, evaluating one
another's ideas, monitoring one another's work,
According to its proponents, it has a number of and so forth). Furthermore, the teacher's role
advantages: learners will enjoy getting up out of changes from giving information to facilitating
their chairs and moving around. Simple TPR learners' learning.


Ross and Smyth (1995) describe successful 2) Games provide a context for meaningful
cooperative learning tasks as intellectually communication. Even if the game involves discrete
demanding, creative, open-ended, and involving language items, such as a spelling game,
higher order thinking tasks. meaningful communication takes place as learners
seek to understand how to play the game and as
What is a Game? they communicate about the game: before, during,
According to Deesri (2002), one useful strategy to and after the game (Wright, Betteridge, & Buckby,
encourage language acquisition is using language 2005).
games. When using games in the classroom, it
is beneficial for teachers to have a complete 3) This meaningful communication provides the
understanding of the definitions of games, which basis for comprehensible input (Krashen, 1985),
usually are defined as a form of play concerning i.e., what learners understand as they listen and
rules, competition, and an element of fun. Teachers read, interaction to enhance comprehensibility,
should also consider the advantages of games: the e.g., asking for repetition or giving examples (Long,
ability to capture learners' attention; lower learners' 1991), and comprehensible output, speaking and
stress; and give learners the chance for real writing so that others can understand (Swain,
communication. Lastly, teachers need to assess 1993).
how to use games appropriately in the classroom.
It is important to choose an appropriate time and 4) The emotions aroused when playing games
integrate them into the regular syllabus and add variety to the sometimes dry, serious process
curriculum. However, because of the limitations of of language instruction (Bransford, Brown, &
the syllabus, games often cannot be used, as much Cocking, 2000; Ersoz, 2000; Lee, 1995).
as they should be. Therefore, it may be challenging
for teachers to try to add some games in class in 5) The variety and intensity that games offer
order to develop learners' English proficiency of the may lower anxiety (Richard-Amato, 1988) and
target language. encourage shyer learners to take part (Uberman,
1998), especially when games are played in small
There are various concepts about what a game is; groups.
here are some of them in order to understand it
clearly: 6) Games can involve all the basic language skills,
i.e., listening, speaking, reading, and writing, and a
"A game is a system in which players engage in
? number of skills are often involved in the same
an arti?cial con?ict, de?ned by rules, which game (Lee, 1995).
result in a quanti?able outcome." (Salen &
Zimmerman) 7) Games are learner-centered in that learners are
"play creates a zone of proximal development
? active in playing the games, and games can often be
of the child. In play a child always behaves organized such that learners have the leading roles,
beyond his average age, above his daily with teachers as facilitators.
behavior; in play it is as though he were a head
taller than himself." (Vigotsky) 8) Many games can be played in small groups,
thereby providing a venue for learners to develop
Use of Games in English Classes their skills in working with others, such as the skill
of disagreeing politely and the skill of asking for
1) Games add interest to what learners might help (Jacobs & Kline Liu, 1996). Other advantages
not find very interesting. Sustaining interest can of games played in groups include:
mean sustaining effort (Thiagarajan, 1999; Wright,
Betteridge, & Buckby, 2005). After all, learning a a) The team aspect of many games can encourage
language involves a long-term effort. cooperation and build team spirit (Ersoz, 2000).


b) Although many games involve competition, this Speaking

is not necessarily the case (Orlick, 2006). Bailey and Savage (1994) state that speaking in a
c)In most games, everyone has a turn, encouraging second or foreign language has often been viewed
everyone to take a turn, rather than letting others do as the most demanding of the four skills. However,
all the talking and other actions, and discouraging learners' communication in EFL is the goal that
one or two people from shutting out others. any English teacher wants to achieve. For instance,
in the classroom, the teacher is supposed to
9) As many games can be played outside of class, look for appealing alternatives to make learners
they provide a means for learners to use the communicate their ideas and needs.
language outside of class time (Ellis, 2005).
Guerrero (as cited in Prez (2010) claims that
10) Games can connect to a variety of intelligences "when foreign language learners try to speak, the
(Gardner, 1999), e.g., accuracy of their speech, the variety and precision
of their words, and the complexity of their
a) Games played with others involve interpersonal utterances are highly influenced by some specific
intelligence factors. Factors include anxiety that learners feel
b) Games involving drawing connect with visual/ as they speak, the degree of cognitive complexity of
spatial intelligence the task that they are trying to perform, and their
c) Games often have a hands-on element, such as proficiency level." Thus, using songs in the
cards, spinners, or pieces, which connect with classroom to encourage learners to speak in
bodily/kinesthetic intelligence. English is a great tool.

Motivation Today's world needs people who communicate

"Motivation is of crucial importance in the class- their points of view efficiently. Bearing this in mind
room, whether learners arrive with it or whether is important to promote the speaking skill in the
they acquire it through classroom experiences." classroom from the beginning of the learning
With this assertion Hedge (2000) means that if process. Hedge (2000, p. 261) states some reasons
the student is motivated working is going to be to promote speaking in the classroom: "They may
pleasant, but if the student is not motivated, then need this skill for a variety of reasons, for example
the teacher has to provide that environment where to keep up rapport in relationships, influence
he or she can get motivated. As Mora and Lopera people, and win or lose negotiations. It is a skill by
(2001) stated "games and fun activities have always which they are judged while first impressions are
been one of everybody's favorite things to do in a formed."
class, both for teachers and learners." Motivation
plays an important role when we apply a game, not Harmer (2007, pp. 346-347) points out that "a
only to get learners' concentration but also to major reason for the reluctance of some learners to
produce better learning conditions. take part in speaking activities is that they find
themselves having to talk in front of a big group. A
"Intrinsically motivated activities are ones for way of contrasting this is by making sure that they
which there is no apparent reward except the get chances to speak and interact in smaller
activity itself" Brown (2000). It is something we as groups, too." In fact, as learners feel ashamed of
teachers always have in mind. In addition, extrinsic talking in front of the whole class, a strategy taken
motivation, defined by grades or prizes that are for into account at the time of implementing the
sure one of the best reasons why learners want to lessons based on songs is to work in small groups;
learn. "Extrinsically motivated behaviors, on the no more than four learners, as a way to diminish the
other hand, are carried out in anticipation of a levels of anxiety among learners. This way, learners
reward from outside and beyond the self. Typical might feel more comfortable and easygoing.
extrinsic rewards are money, prizes, grades, and
even certain type of positive feedback" Bez (2013). "The challenge for the communicative classroom is


to find activities and procedures for speaking which and commands, the teacher explains through
will prepare learners for spontaneous interaction images and different examples the remarkable
and which will aid the acquisition process, though vocabulary. Then, learners are motivated to take
of course the two aims may usefully coincide" part in the class through a TPR activity. The teacher
(Hedge, 2000, p. 263). For instance, the use of is going to use these activities to reinforce and
songs in the classroom is an excellent strategy to review the topics studied.
develop speaking skills in English language owing
to the fact that these help to motivate learners in the With these kinds of activities the teacher is going
classroom, songs are also appealing for learners as to evaluate in a different way the knowledge the
these are moving and modern. In addition, the learners have learnt in the previous classes and give
activities and worksheets planned with the songs positive points and grades without using the word
are based on idiomatic expressions and useful "exam" which disturbs the learners somehow.
vocabulary taken from each song and analyzed
carefully in advance. Each activity is going to be selected carefully based
on the topic seen.
This project consisted of three stages, which were Then, learners are asked to make small groups to
launched since the beginning of the semester; start playing the games, play a story or sing.
the first one being the observation process, which Sometimes, the teacher asks learners different
led to a diagnosis and helped me to identify first questions related to the topic or the vocabulary
graders' language weaknesses. taken into account through the development of the
activity. Learners are also asked to interact among
To start the games, role-plays and songs were them regarding the activities proposed in the
planned to be used as a strategy to motivate activity.
learners towards speaking. The following games,
role-plays and songs were selected and On the other hand, competition is very important.
implemented: In that sense, I agree with Byrne (1984, p. 99) when
he stated, "We do not wish the learners to become
Games excessively competitive, but we want to recognize
- Word games such as crosswords, spelling that competition provides a valuable force to a
activities, and guess the word. purposeful use of language." This is because we are
- Bingo. looking for learners to develop their speaking skills
- Schoolyard games by avoiding a frustrating situation in the classroom.
- Game marathon: Hot Potato, Reach the Star and
Simon Says, "Telephone Whisper" Learners rapidly acquire the second language just
- Who am I? as Krashen imagined: effortlessly and involuntarily.
The method relies heavily on the five hypotheses of
Role plays The Natural Approach: the acquisition hypothesis,
- Little Red Riding Hood the input hypothesis, the natural order hypothesis,
- Little Red Riding Hood and the Pirates the affective filter hypothesis and the monitor
- This is the way Findings
- I am a firefighter The implementation of the innovation resulted in
- Vegetables these findings.
- At the zoo - Learners felt motivated and interested in games
where they have to participate actively. They
For the learners to learn and memorize the songs enjoyed being competitive and showing that


they were capable of achieving the different aims student. Games are one of the most useful tools to
of the games. They enjoyed it and put into achieve and encourage learners to use the speaking
practice all the lessons while they used the ability. The class environment changes as the
language to communicate with others. learners are doing something they enjoy.
- Games helped to systematize grammar
structures, word formation, pronunciation, and Speaking has been considered one of the
words use. With those games they did a good impeccable processes for academic purposes.
job as they achieve all the objectives of the While people speak, they are making use of
innovation. Learners not only developed one grammar structures and new vocabulary. The
skill. Instead, learners carried out activities that speaking skill is not an individual activity; it is
contributed to the correct development of more composed by some other aspects which are highly
skills. important when establishing a communicative
- Cooperative learning contributed to attain better setting. Playing games for learning purposes is a
results. They enjoyed working and playing perfect way to integrate different aspects that are
games in teams. They shared opinions while essential to the learning and teaching processes.
trying to look for strategies to win. Learners
were glad to work with their partners. It was a - Cooperative learning is of great help when
long hard process, but they managed to work as teaching. Learners can learn not only from
a team, which means they learned the the teacher but also from themselves. The
importance of working together. characteristics of this method are based on sharing
information, and working as a team. There are
Conclusions plenty of advantages if all teachers implement this
approach. There is a wide range of activities that
Developing the speaking skills is one of the most can be carried out as a way to make classes more
difficult parts of learning a second language. It is communicative. Learners feel motivation and care
difficult to motivate learners to participate in about their learning process.
activities where they have to speak. This is why it is
very important to find strategies than help learners - It is important to know the preferences and needs
to be involved in the process. It is necessary to think of learners in order to have a class where learners
about the students' interests and classify the kind of participate.

Ariza, E. (2001). Interacting in English through games. PROFILE, Issues in Teachers' Professional Development,
2, 6-8.
Hedge, T. (2000). Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press.
Johnson & Johnson. (1999). Introduction to Cooperative learning.
Total Physical Response. Retrieved from:
Richards, J. & Rodgers, T. (2001). Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Second Edition. NY: Cambridge
University Press
The importance of games in the ESL classroom. Retrieved from:
Slavin, R. E. Cooperative Learning. (1990). New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.


Means Life":
A Classroom Pedagogical Project
to Motivate Learners of English
Learners are always afraid when it comes to speaking; they do not participate and they get bored because they feel
frustrated and are not motivated because of the speaking exercises used and the senseless relationship to their needs
and context. The following report aims to explain the pedagogical innovation and its process held at Liceo Santa Ana
School with fourth and fifth graders. The main purpose of the project was to make learners solve a particular issue in
their school through the implementation of a Classroom Pedagogical Project (Fernndez, 2012) regarding recycling.
We will discuss the different stages of the innovation to end up with a conclusion of the project and its impact on the

Keywords: classroom pedagogical project, English teaching, recycling, elementary school

By Gloria Stefany Figueroa

Introduction When it comes to speaking English, one of the main

difficulties found is limited vocabulary, which
"Recycling means life" was a Classroom makes learners feel frustrated and afraid of being
Pedagogical Project that sought to merge the speechless in the middle of a conversation because
teaching of English in elementary cycles to the they do not know how to say a coherent sentence in
environmental issues, and particularly the need of English. This was one of the issues that students
recycling. Combining both of them, English class faced, so they did not even try to speak in English or
became one of the classes where students were to participate actively and emotively in class.
looking forward to change something in their Another problem that arose had to do with
school context. This showed that they became pronunciation patterns, which inhibited even more
motivated to learn differently. The innovation was to develop their speaking ability. Therefore, the
carried out with fourth and fifth graders of "Liceo objective of this project was to foster the English
Santa Ana School;" they were fourteen students in teaching and learning through environmental
total, aged between ten and twelve years old, who impact, close context activities. Teaching
were passive learners at the beginning of the vocabulary, dealing with pronunciation issues, and
teaching practicum who, little by little, stop being improving listening skills by changing students'
lazy to turn themselves into arts and crafts experts. attitudes towards the urgent need to help and
Taking advantage of what they were keen on, preserve the globe; the project focused on how to
learning a different way to recycle was a great reuse plastic bags efficiently and neatly.
strategy to teach English without making students
feel forced to learning a foreign language, it meant Mrquez (2003) claimed that "it is essential a
that students enjoyed the "new English class change in one's mind about the nature, not only for
teaching approach." ethics and ethics and aesthetic reasons, but to

5 - This innovation project was developed in the practicum I process of the ELT Program at Surcolombiana University in the second semester of
2014. The pilot project took place in the elementary cycle with four and fifth graders of Liceo Santa Ana in the city of Neiva and under the
supervision of Professor Milton Fonseca and the practicum coordinator, Professor Fernando Fernndez


guarantee the species' survival. To keep is not just counteract the issue: it was recycling. The project
a luxury as people think, it is an absolute necessity." was divided into two moments. It was so because
As we know our planet is dying due to the not only they carried it out at school, but at their
environment annihilation in the hands of mankind. houses too. The stage worked at home was
Also, as Sylvia Vuyokazi (2007) suggests: concerned with reducing the amount of trash
produced by the students' families. The student
"science projects with language components to teacher explained how to classify the elements and
reach an effective communication, good the importance of doing so.
communication skills are one of the fundamental
skills required in scientific discourse. In fact, one of In order to get evidence of the job undertaken by
the critical outcomes of teaching and learning in the learners, the student teacher received pictures of
New Revised Curriculum Statement (RNCS) in the work advancement printed on recycled paper or
South African education requires learners to be able sent via e-mail. The final idea of this section of the
to: "communicate effectively using verbal and visual project was to sell the paper and plastic recycled,
images"". but because of lack of time, this aim was
He also claimed that:
The following step was to start working on "the new
"Language art skills that include reading, writing, technique" of how to reuse plastic bags smartly. At
speaking, listening, presenting and viewing are very this stage students followed instructions in English
important in communication. For example, learners through commands and learnt vocabulary related
can do the following language related activities to materials and crochet techniques used in the
in a science classroom: taking notes, reading a process. This part of the activity took five hours of
textbook, science projects with language class to explain the whole process to reuse the
components, presentations, etc. In relation to plastic bags.
science teaching and learning, learners should
be able to use or interpret the verbal and visual The final step was a presentation made by the
language of science effectively. Learners learners showing how much they learnt about
understand science better when they use the pollution and how much they achieved using
language of science through talking, reading and recycled material. They shared the project with the
writing." rest of school, going to each classroom and
speaking with very simple vocabulary in order to be
The methodology applied was as follows: understood.

Firstly, the student-teacher made a digital As a result of this implementation, it was found that
presentation about environmental pollution. She participants spoke English or at least used English
showed shocking videos and statistics related to vocabulary more "often" during the development of
the huge detriment human activity has done to the the innovation sections, which indicates that they
planet. It served to motivate students to arise short- did feel motivated towards English class and were
term solutions to environmental problems locally not afraid of combining English and Spanish
and thereby practicing English. After this, students language. They made efforts to get themselves
broke into a brainstorming, trying to get possible understood by using English vocabulary they knew
solutions to those problems, using simple verbs and by making gestures.
like to plant, recycle, save, reuse, and reduce. That
was the premiere step, which took two classes time Learners enjoyed the methodology so much so that
hour (45 minutes each one). Once students became they approached the teacher during break times
aware and proposed planned solutions, the next asking her about how to continue with the
step was to put into practice one of the measures to classroom environmental project beyond the
English class.


In addition, they were able to explain what they References

learnt with English vocabulary to a public different Fernndez, Fernando (2012). Promoting Action-
from their partners (same grade). That was difficult oriented, Spontaneous Oral Interaction in English
to them because they were shy children who were, AOEOII - with students of sixth semester of the
undergraduate program in English at University of
at first, afraid of others' laughing at them for their
Amazonia. Simposio Internacional de Educacin, Quito.
English. However, once they practiced, they Noviembre 7 al 9 de 2012. ISBN 958-958-57440-9-7.
became confident and did their best. Mrquez, G. (2007). Ecosistemas estratgicos de
Colombia. Recovered from:
Teaching English to children could become a
headache when ideas just ran out. Here is when Vuyokazi, S. (2007) Science teaching and learning
innovation appears, the need of catching students' through the medium of English and isixhosa: a
attention drives us to a "wonderland" where student comparative study in two primary schools in the
teachers clear their sight and show that through Western Cape. A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the
English classes we can add to solve contemporary requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in
the Faculty of Education, University of the Western Cape.
world issues. Why not to get students become
Recovered from:
agents of world, social change who spread their
ideas through a "universal language"? The English 8Srv25Nme4_4269_1257246557.pdf
language is a way of broadcasting thoughts, ideas,
opinions and solutions to the rest of the world.
This innovation project served to make evident the
fact that the teachers' role is to mediate between
learners and their learning process to make them
realize their full potential and that most of the class
work can be done by themselves.


The use of YouTube Videos

to Improve Communicative
Skills in English
The purpose of this paper is to provide a brief summary of the pedagogical innovation The use of Youtube videos to
improve communicative skills. The objective of this innovation was to improve ninth graders' communicative skills
through the use of multimedia by letting them report situations they watched in videos. There were six interventions
where all thirty-three learners watched videos, answered questions and reported in a written and oral way. Learners
stated their own descriptions, reflections and suggestions about the videos.

Keywords: videos, to report, communicative skills

By Mara Goretti Daz

Introduction didactic strategies that let learners improve their

communicative skills.
Rodrigo Lara Bonilla, where the teaching practicum
took place is located on Calle 1G No. 15-28. The Related to the first and second reason I could not
ninth grade learners were the learners who carried look for a solution because the intensity of English
out the innovation process. Ninth grade has thirty- classes is responsibility of Ministerio de Educacin
three learners, twelve girls and twenty-one boys. Nacional. That is why I focused on the second
The learners' age oscillated between thirteen and reason. However, what strategy can I develop to
fifteen years old. The teacher in charge of the group make learners improve their communicative skills
is professor Samir Ramiro Laiseka Vega. During in English?
the observations I could notice that ninth grade
learners manage their mother tongue. They have At the beginning of the observations I realized that
already developed communicative skills in Spanish. learners liked when their English teacher show
At English class, learners have been working on them videos. Learners' attention gets focused on
developing some communicative skills. Learners what the video is about. Then, they always work on
have strengths at listening and reading however, what they watched before. Since learners enjoy
they struggle when speaking and writing. watching videos, I thought about the possibility to
introduce videos as a tool to make learners use
During the observation classes I was able to find out English and improve their communicative skills.
that learners are motivated to learn English. King (2002) states that "films provide enjoyable
However, they struggle at speaking and writing due language learning opportunities."
to two reasons: First of all, the low intensity of
English classes. In my opinion, three hours per Taking into account that ninth grade learners are
week is not enough for learners to learn English at teenagers and according to Piaget (1952) people
school. Secondly, the lack of pedagogical and who are 11 years old or older are at "Formal

6 -This paper was presented as an innovation project to the Practicum I process of the ELT Program at Universidad Surcolombiana
in the second semester of 2014. The pilot project was carried out in the secondary cycle with ninth graders of Rodrigo Lara
Bonilla high school in the city of Neiva and under the supervision of the practicum coordinator, professor Fernando Fernndez.


Operational" Stage of development. This means that answers and compare different points of view from
ninth grade learners are able "to manipulate ideas in the video. Then, learners got together in pairs. They
head and have abstract reasoning". Then, ninth had time to interact, shared their answers and
grade learners are able to make predictions and opinions about the video. Finally, learners wrote a
state their opinion about situations shown in short report using their answers of the previous
videos. exercise. Moreover, Learners mentioned whether
they liked or did not and any suggestion or interest
I also realized that it was easier for learners to on a specific video they wanted to watch. Next
understand a video through the body language classes I gave to learners feedback of their writings.
performed by actors. Learners might not They corrected mistakes and finally they attached
understand a whole sentence stated in the video, their texts in a folder.
for example. However, they could apprehend the
whole video by following the scenes. The materials I used to carry out the interventions
were short videos (Mr Bean's videos, trailers,
Then, I thought of introducing videos about Mr. speakers, video bean, flash cards and markers). At
Bean's show. The classical comedy performed by the end of the interventions, learners were a lot
the actor Rowan Atkinson. Through Mr. Bean's more motivated to learn English. In addition, most
videos learners will be able to understand the of learners improved their communicative skills. At
situation and talk about it. Gradually I would writing, learners improved step by step correcting
introduce short trailers that include short dialogues. their grammar and construction mistakes (see
This way, learners would get used to listening "real annex 1). When speaking, it was difficult to make
everyday English". learners take conversational turns. However, after
the second intervention, some learners started
King (2002) points that "A teacher might work at speaking. At the end of the interventions most
purposes and aim overtly at different aspects of learners pointed that they felt more comfortable
language, by using videos. English-captioned when speaking. I got a surprise, because in my
videos are a rich source of instructional materials innovation plan I did not predict that learners could
that provide examples and content in oral commu- have so much fun at watching videos. In their
nication. Non-captioned English videos are challen- writings their stated their like towards Mr Bean's
ging and can be exploited for listening comprehen- videos. They liked comedy and asked for more
sion practice, even if the comprehen-sion is limited videos.
to advanced learners".
From learners' experience and my own experience
During three weeks (six interventions) I chose a using videos to improve communicative skills, I can
video related to the topic of the class. At the conclude that videos are useful at learning process.
beginning learners watched the video twice. Then, I It motivates learners, make them have fun, and
asked them questions such as: "Did you like the improve writing and speaking skills.
video? Was the video funny or sad? Did you
understand the situation? After that I taught References
vocabulary related to the topic through mimics or King Jane, (2002) "Using DVD feature films in the EFL
flash cards. The vocabulary taught is based on the classroom" retried on November 18th from:
actions performed by actors (verbs) and objects
learners identified. After that, I asked learners
Ward, J & Lepeintre 1996 (In King, 2002). "The creative
questions about the situation in the video. (What connection in movies and TV" retried on November 18th
happened at the beginning/end?) They should from:
answer the questions in a written way. As soon as
everyone answered the questions we socialized the 509.13468#.VGvZ0vmG-P4


Songs as a Means of Developing

Second Graders' Pronunciation
This paper will present in the first place the need of having skills so as to come up with the best strategies to use in
language teaching. Secondly, it will describe how songs become important as a ludic strategy to foster and improve
learners' pronunciation of the target language (Papa & Iantorno cited in Rosov, 2007), De Cristofaro (n.d.), Lake
(n.d.)). Then, it will deepen in some interesting concepts that may be applied in the classroom. Finally, it will
demonstrate how karaoke becomes a useful strategy to encourage learners and helps them make their pronunciation
more accurate.

Key words: songs, pronunciation, motivation, learning

By Paola Julie Aguilar Cruz

Songs as a Means of Developing English (Lake, n.d.). Besides, learning while having
Second Graders' Pronunciation fun is the best way to reinforce and teach a
language, because if the learners are enjoying the
As teachers, we must be capable of thinking about class, then, knowledge will be easily acquired.
new strategies and ways to make the English
classes more dynamic and enjoyable for learners. Furthermore, De Cristofaro (n.d.) agrees that:
Likewise, we must be skillful when it comes to "Songs are a powerful tool for language learning
choosing the appropriate methodology and easy memorizing and consolidation of vocabulary;
resources to teach the class, because we must try to implicit practicing of pronunciation; mastering
make our learners love and feel motivated by the language linguistic communication patterns
English language. As songs are well known because through their repeated use and building motivation
of their great use in language teaching and learning, through emotional involvement" (p. 1). That being
they are very helpful when it becomes to developing said, throughout songs, pronunciation can be
second graders' pronunciation; attempting to learn practiced in an implicit way, learners will familiarize
new vocabulary, increase motivation, promote with the way the words are pronounced, and they
learners' participation in class and build ethical and will learn pronunciation without realizing it.
moral development as well.
Accordingly, Papa and Iantorno (as cited in Rosov,
Songs can be used as a tool for involving learners 2007) argues that learners' motivation and interest
in the target language. The use of music in ESL are among the most important factors for the
classroom has strong supporting evidence that learning of a foreign language. Thus, motivation
explains that this really works well, also language becomes a key factor if any methodology is to be
and music are tied together in brain processing by applied. Motivation helps learners to be constantly
pitch, rhythm and by symmetrical phrasing, as a working on the language, improve learners'
result, music can help familiarize learners with language skills and be more enthusiastic towards
connections and provides a fun way to acquire language classes. Songs will surely motivate

7 - This innovation project was developed in the practicum I process of the ELT Program at Universidad Surcolombiana in the second semester of
2014. The pilot project took place in the elementary cycle with ninth graders of Institucin Educativa Tcnico IPC in the city of Neiva and under the
supervision of Professor Fanny Gutirrez and the practicum coordinator, Professor Fernando Fernndez.


learners because of their rhythm, their musicality of the lyrics if they have the challenge of using a
and the fact that they are entertaining for children. microphone to sing the song they are learning. In
addition, taking videos of the songs is helpful too,
because learners get more concentrated on the
song. Learners get more motivated if they see
pictures or videos of the topics they are working on
class. In addition, as motivation increases, learners'
pronunciation will increase too.

The improvement in pronunciation using karaoke

can be seen during the assessment of three out
of the six songs chosen by the learners. Learners
chose "The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and
Round," "Incy Wincy Spider," and "My Tooth Brush".
The software used to assess learners'
pronunciation was Ultra Star Deluxe Karaoke. A
microphone was taken to the class, and, the results
of the assessment show that most of the learners
got high scores and their pronunciation was highly
Picture 1. Second graders at I.E. Promocin Social sede
Colombo Andino learning the song: Incy Wincy Spider improved, it can be seen in the following figures:

Song: The Wheels on the bus go round and round

Using songs in the class will help learners to get
familiar with the words' pronunciation, with the
sounds, stress and intonation. If the teacher takes
the lyrics of the songs to the class and develops 19% Under 3.500
exercises like: fill in the blanks, it would improve 66% Bewteen 3.500 y 4.200
learners' listening skills, and, therefore, learners Over 4.200
will learn how to pronounce the words in the lyrics.
Learners will feel more motivated if the lyrics have
pictures to illustrate the topic that is being treated
on them (see picture 1). Making learners repeat Song: My Tooth Brush
after the teacher the lyrics of the songs is also
helpful, because learners will get more related to the 16%
words' pronunciation.
Under 3.500
Also, it is a good idea if the lyrics of the song are cut 61% Bewteen 3.500 y 4.200
into pieces. To develop this activity, the classroom Over 4.200
must be divided into teams of four or five learners.
Giving each group the pieces of the lyrics of the
song is the first step. After that, learners must
listen to the song, and they must start organizing Song: Incy Wincy Spider
the sentences they got, so they can come up with 8%
the correct order of the lyrics. This is a good tool if
listening wants to be improved as well. 24% Under 3.500
68% Bewteen 3.500 y 4.200
Karaoke is another helpful tool. Learners are more
enhanced to participate and learn the pronunciation Over 4.200


To sum up, song-based teaching helps to prepare

children's brain to learn pronunciation in an implicit
manner. As learners are exposed to the natural
way of language, they can feel more comfortable
and confident with the language, making them
participate more in the classroom. Songs help
learners to increase their affective filters, involving
them in classroom activities and fostering
interaction among them.

De Cristofaro (n.d.).Languages Learning through Songs,
Karaoke and Internet. Retrieved from:
Lake, B. Music and language learning. Savannah
Technical College, s.f. The OAL connection. Retrieved
Rosov, V. (2007). The use of music in teaching English.
Retrieved from:


How to Be Gay without Being It

By Claudia Camila Coronado Rodrguez
English VIII
"Where there is love there is life."
Mahatma Gandhi

Through the years, humankind has developed a rights, and they have been accepted in some
society that is divided by social and political countries such as the United States, France, and
classes. It is a society in which racial and sexual Colombia. For example, in these countries same
discrimination play fundamental roles. Because of sex marriage is permitted now and these couples
this, I have decided to dedicate my writing to the can opt for child adoption. All this has been
community as the manipulation of media has achieved thanks to the perseverance and effort that
created a wrong idea about love and people's this community had to achieve "Gender equality".
gender. However, there are still some places such as work
or school, where they are discriminated against.
John 13:34 says: "says "A new command I give you:
Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must As straight people, we must support them and help
love one another. There are beautiful words from everyone to have the same rights. Therefore, we
the Bible, but those words do not apply to the gay must be the voice that they do not have, and we
community. This group of people are discriminated must make people aware of the fact that all of us
for being "abnormal," for having different likes and a can live in peace and harmony. People's likes
lifestyle which is not acceptable in this society. should not interfere with our lifestyle, and if been
agreeing with this type of union makes me gay.
Despite this, the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and Then, I am. Gender's equality is a right and a
transgender (LGBT) community has fought for their choice, not a constant struggle.

The Importance of Reading

By Edwin Ortiz Castillo
Reading is one of the biggest pleasures in the world of their daily duties, and they usually complain
for those who have discovered that this activity is about having to read something they do not like.
not only a part of the academic assignments but Maybe that is why they do not consider reading as a
also a hobby, a good habit. There are many different possible hobby; they grow tired of reading boring
kinds of readings, as for example literature, things.
newspapers, magazines and a lot more sources that
people can read. Reading has many benefits, it However, if people go beyond the reading they have
increases our knowledge and our vocabulary, to do by obligation, they will discover that there is
encourages our imagination and changes our way something interesting awaiting them in books.
of thinking. There are different and entertaining kinds of texts
that encourage people to use their imagination, and
Currently, most people do not usually read for they are so gripping that people spend hours
pleasure, so they only read when they have to do it. reading. Unlike television, where everything is
Students or professionals have to read a lot as part already there and people do not have the chance to


use their imagination, books do provide people an other cultures.

opportunity for the development of their
imagination. In conclusion, reading is not only important but
also very entertaining. Sometimes it is difficult for
Students of English find reading in English a good people to read due to the lack of time or because
way to expand their vocabulary. For that reason, it is they are lazy. However, when people acquire that
good to write down unknown words from the habit and they discover the pleasure and benefits of
reading and look for the definitions. Reading reading, they will keep on reading, as it becomes
literature in English also helps people to increase very useful and will contribute positively in their
their knowledge as it allows them to learn about lives.

The Replacement of Books

By Ivn Salazar

With the pass of time, new technologies have been readers more comfortable than printed books, as
created; in some cases the new technology replaces not all these functions can be done with an old-
a former technology that had the same purpose. fashioned printed book.
However, in some cases both technologies manage
to coexist; one example of this is TV and radio. Another reason for e-books to replace printed
There were people who said that there would be a books is that in a tablet, a Kindle or a smartphone
time in which radio would become obsolete. people can store thousands and thousands of e-
However, that has not happened yet, both books. On the other hand, the more printed books
technologies managed to coexist. Nonetheless, you carry, the heavier it will be and consequently
there are some other human tools that are very the more difficult. Moreover, with the pass of the
likely to be replaced with newer technologies as the time the technology industry is producing e-
time passes; one of these is the printed book. readers with even more storage capacity, which
means that more e-books will be available.
Nowadays, humans are saying goodbye to books,
because e-books are more comfortable to produce Green Hands USA, a green company that is
and use than printed books. I have to say that I committed to help local communities to improve
highly agree with the replacement of printed books their green projects and recover the good condition
with eBooks, because it is amazing to hold a of all the country's local environments, stated in
technological device such a kindle, or a tablet and to 2015 that when deciding between a book and an e-
know that in there I can store complete copies of book one has to take into account the comfortability
books, dictionaries and encyclopedias. Moreover, of the product. If you read a lot and generally need
these devices are very comfortable while reading in to search and take notes of your readings, then an
any kind of conditions; and as they have intelligent e-book could save you a lot of time and effort.
functions like accelerometer and light sensors, the Therefore, the e-reader is the greener option. This
text will adjust to our needs. For example if we are is because if you use a printed book (which has
indoors, the brightness will be lower than if we are already left a carbon footprint in the environment)
outside, and if it is dark the brightness will be very and then you need to turn on a computer to look for
high, which means that we can read in the nights unknown words and enrich your experience, your
without disturbing other people by turning the reading will have twice the environmental impact
lights on. Additionally, if one rotates the screen, the than just reading an e-book.
text will rotate as well. All these things make e-


Additionally, something relevant that people forget include e-piracy as a crime, which can give prison
when reading printed books is that printing to those who commit it. Moreover, piracy has
documents requires a lot of paper, which comes existed for decades; thus, even printed books are
from trees located in the jungles. By cutting trees victims of piracy nowadays. Therefore, there is no
down, we are reducing the oxygen producers. point in thinking that e-books are more likely to
Moreover, with the global warming and many experience piracy than printed books. Additionally,
natural disasters happening today, in the near with the constant rising of the e-book market, there
future cutting trees is not going to be an option if we is no point to say that honest people are not buying
want to survive the next century. What is more, we legal e-books in websites such as
do not have to forget about the impact that the
transportation of printed books causes to the There are groups of people that claim that printed
environment. Heist, Kirschner, and Lalonde who books are superior to e-books, as printed books are
are design strategists at Continuum, a global real objects that one can feel and smell. Thus,
innovation and design consultancy, wrote an article Michael Agresta, a journalist for the Late (a daily
in 2014 in which they say that the environmental magazine on the Web founded in 1996, that offers
impact of traveling to the bookstore is bigger than analysis and commentary about politics, news,
the impact of the book itself. Burning a single gallon business, technology, and culture), said in 2012
of gasoline in your way to the bookstore produces that some printed books will still remain in the
about 9 kg of carbon dioxide. This means that future, as people will see them as works of art.
driving 8 kilometers to the library or the bookstore Additionally, they will be very expensive and they
and back to your house has the equivalent carbon will be unusual. In fact, Agresta also said that Carl
emissions to the production of the book itself. Jung's Red Book sold despite its high price ($195)
Then, it means that buying books is less sustainable because it had painted texts and images. This is a
than buying an e-book, which can be done online, clear example that people buy books because they
and therefore, avoids the emissions caused by consider them special and beautiful objects. To
driving to a store. this, I may say that if books are considered works of
art there is no point in producing them in mass; in
Additionally, The Chartered Institute of Library fact, there should be just a small quantity of them,
and Information Professionals (CILIP), which is the and they should be in museums. Thus, people
leading professional body for librarians, informa- would own e-copies of the books that are too
tion specialists and knowledge managers in the valuable and have to be preserved.
United Kingdom, published an article in 2014 that
was written by Michael P. Wilson (an Assistant In conclusion, modern technology, such as the
Librarian from University of Cambridge). In this Internet and e-books will replace paper book as the
article Wilson argues that the environmental impact main source of information. It is because of many
of printed books is greater in the libraries because reasons, but specially because printing documents
the storage of books requires a considerable is more expensive and it damages the environment
amount of energy because a constant temperature in a greater way than using e-books; and it is for
and humidity condition has to be maintained surely easier and more comfortable to gain access
throughout the year. to documents online than carrying real books and
magazines. However, it may take some decades
However, despite the benefits of e-books, authors before we see all of the printed books (or most of
and publishers are worried due to piracy, as them) disappear. Additionally, some of the printed
copying e-books is as easy as sharing the e-book books will be still sold in the future, but they will be
through the Internet. Nevertheless, one has to take more expensive and rare objects for collectors.
into account that there are antipiracy laws that


Drug Addiction in Neiva

By Leonardo Vargas Renza

When talking about drug addiction issues, Secondly, we can start solving the main problems
everybody in Neiva, our country and even around inside the families of drug addicts. Thus, the
the world is astonished. Drugs are some damaging relationship between parents and children needs to
substances that affect not only our health but also be analyzed in order to solve the drug addiction
our identity as members who live in the same problem. Nowadays, it can be observed that
community. Although this problem is challenging to parents usually set a bad example on their children
solve, with little efforts we may be able to reduce the and that it is made unwittingly. In addition to this, it
number of people influenced by these kinds of is very common to see some parents smoking and
substances. It is of great importance to carry out consuming all kinds of substances. So, what can be
different strategies in order to diminish this social expected from a child whose parents are drug
problem. Personally, what I have in mind about addicts? On the other hand, it is visualized that
drug addiction is that it is a real problem that is when parents get divorced children are liable to
taking place everywhere and can be partially suffer the consequences. It is the case of Miguel
overcome by implementing some different whose parents got divorced and his mom started a
activities. relationship with another man who then was
Miguel's stepfather. Miguel points out that the main
First, we should identify the main points of drug reason for smoking marijuana was the problems he
selling around the city, so that drug addicts do not had had at home with his stepfather. So he just
have the opportunity to buy any kind of drugs. looked for an alternative and started to smoke.
Another aspect that we can take advantage of is the Sometimes, when he runs out of drugs he usually
police. For instance, we can cooperate with the steals in order to get money and buy more
police in order to implement the solution of the drug hallucinogen substances. This is what we have to
addiction problem. According to the police, a take into consideration and help parents and
neighborhood is the leader in drug selling. They children with psychological support.
say the majority of the drug selling points are
located in Galn neighborhood. The police states Finally, in those cases where people are so involved
that 8 out of 37 drug selling points around the city in drugs it is of great importance to say that we
are located in this area. Pelez (2013) who is the need to create some specific foundations. Those
chief officer of the Police in Huila, states that those foundations have to be managed by people who are
37 drug-selling points belong to organizations that experts in these topics and that have experience in
make part of micro trafficking. It works in this way: dealing with these kinds of population. Although
first, there are people who bring drugs to the city there are many foundations that help people
from other towns in the department or from other involved in drug addiction problems they are not
departments such as Caquet, where production is enough as for treat them in the best possible way.
substantially huge. Then, there are those who have One of the aims that these foundations should have
a house that functions as a drug-dealing place. In is to give drug addicts some refuge and to keep
the third place are the ones who buy drugs in order them away from streets and drug selling points.
to distribute them to other places. Finally, it is the Another important aspect is that these foundations
customer. Moreover, we can go beyond and seek should be able to train drug addicts in life skills in
for some help that community leaders can offer us. order for them to be capable of doing something
They are the nearest people who are aware of and else and that allow them to apply for any kinds of
know well where the drug selling points are located jobs.
in the neighborhoods.


In conclusion, it is not impossible to reduce or stop easily because they depend on hallucinogen
drug selling or drug consumption in our city. It substances to feel well and to live in harmony. All
depends on how we do it and the vocation we have in all, we need to be worried about them and do not
to do so. On the other hand, drug addiction has have to think as if they were invisible. They belong
been a very demanding problem to deal with to our society and they deserve to be treated as any
because the most difficult obstacle to overcome is other person needs.
people's minds. Miguel's case is just one of the
thousand cases that occur in our city that gives us a References
different view of what this social problem is and Pelez, J, F., (3th April 2013). Las ollas de Neiva se han
how it is caused. Nevertheless, in my opinion we convertido en verdaderos "bnkeres". [El Tiempo] from:
cannot change the way of thinking of drug addicts

Is it Really Necessary to
Test Students' knowledge?
By Diana Alexandra Aguirre Prez

Opinions about how to test students and their student's assimilation of knowledge and the
learning process are one of the most questioned effectiveness of an educator's strategies. This
issues in the educational field. As it can be position reroutes students' learning to a better and
expected, it is necessary to highlight the fact that restructured educational model.
testing plays meaningful roles, creates strategies
for improvement, and clarifies new perspectives. However, people disagree with the testing concept
In other words, testing students' knowledge helps as this consists of memory and repetition instead of
them direct their own development. asking students to put into practice what they learn
in real situations. This is acceptable, but education
In most cases, testing allows the detection of cannot remain only in practice, as it needs a
progress and determine the quality of the education criterion of knowledge. Students must have solid
that students are receiving. As evidence of this, theoretical notions before starting to propose ideas
Alonso Franco, a teacher from Medelln, proposed and attempt practice.
to understand testing as part of a wide and essential
evaluation process that needs to be permanent and In conclusion, testing and assessment are the
ongoing. Clearly, testing and assessment are not central focus in any educational process; therefore,
an endpoint but a guide. abolition or replacement of this practice is not the
answer. What needs to be done is an appropriate
Similarly, testing is a diagnostic mechanism that preparation of tests, where students are being
identifies strengths and weaknesses in the tested taking into account the contexts where they
educational system. It also measures somehow a live.


An Experience of a Lifetime
By Juan Jos Valderrama Artunduaga
Clase Nivel X ILEUSCO

I strongly think there is nothing more fleeting and than twice because women were quite beautiful.
sublime than life. It is invaluable, very complex, and Undoubtedly, I realized that there is an extravagant
demarcated by our decisions. I say very complex and wonder life which is awaiting you to live it. "You
because we have the possibility to do all that we only need to open an eye for the other one to open."
want to perform. As a popular adage says: "Who
works on what is passionate about is doomed to This trip was one of my best experiences of my life
success." The best in life for me is traveling. I because when you travel, you can feel excitement,
recommend taking a sabbatical year because a you think that you have to sacrifice many things to
traveling year equal ten years of life. However many enjoy and know everything you can, and the
people contaminated by current society predispose opportunities to leave your home sometimes are
with a "No" in their minds. Instead of that I tell you limited. Besides, I saw, felt, heard, smelled, and
that the rot that there is inside of us must be perceived amazing things that now I do not
discarded, and we need fill ourselves with linking remember but stayed in my subconscious and are a
and joyfulness. pleasant sensation. With only one trip to Europe I
was able to lose my shyness. It was quite
In 2015, I had the opportunity to do my first trip to significant for me because I have lost many things,
the "Old World." My trip can be described in three opportunities and people important to me. Now I
stages: the first one was the thrill of being there. I know that giving a simple happy greeting opens
was able to share together and experience the live doors.
that many people dream of. Nevertheless, the
second stage was opposite to the first one. There Everything in our life has a purpose: Improving
was a total decay by one of my friends. I tried to let your human skills, but you decide how hard it will
it go but then evil glances and arguments came up. be. There is a statement which says: "An intelligent
person learns about his mistakes, a wise one learns
Subsequently, some fake reconcilement came, and about people's mistakes." To sum up, I tell you: Live
lucky for me he forgot all about it. Of course, we each second, minute and hour, as if it were the
enjoyed it and we learnt about Don Bosco's life. beginning of something valuable or as if every
Furthermore, I do not deny that I fell in love more moment were the last one.


Triad Commentary8 on John Keble's (1827)

Poem "The Circumcision of Christ"
By Gloria Fernanda Corts
Fernando Fernndez David10

This commentary introduces a general depiction of a British romantic masterpiece from the nineteenth century, the
poem "The Circumcision of Christ" by John Keble. As a churchman and leader of the Oxford Movement, Keble's
perceptions of spiritual life contribute to the splendor of his encomium to the circumcision of Christ. First, there is an
analysis that introduces contextual and relevant aspects of Keble's life and literary work. Secondly, the approach to
the poem foregrounds the particularities of the text such as structure, language, Keble's poetic style, poem metrics,
figures of speech, linguistic devices, and rhetorical terms. Finally, the analysis portrays an intertextual approach to
make denotative and connotative innuendos evident in the version of Keble's Circumcision of Christ in light of biblical

Keywords: triad approach, metric analysis, British romanticism, John Keble, Circumcision of Christ

Poem "The Circumcision of Christ" by Introduction

John Keble (1972 -1866)
As an attempt to reinstate some of the Christian
`In whom also ye are circumcised with the traditions, the Oxford Movement had a great
circumcision made without hands.-COL. II. 11.
contribution from the English true poet and man of
THE YEAR begins with Thee, faith John Keble (Goodwin, 1987). Keble's book
And Thou beginn'st with woe, "The Christian Year" was extremely popular in the
To let the world of sinners see nineteenth century because of Keble's fine verses.
That blood for sin must flow.
Poetry written on days when All Saints Church
Thine infant cries, O Lord, 5 especially celebrated the deliverance from the
Thy tears upon the breast, heart; their own devout sense of spiritual use
Are not enough--the legal sword and meaning (Morley, 1887). Therefore, this
Must do its stern behest. commentary will introduce us to the analysis of one
Like sacrificial wine
of Keble's poems "The Circumcision of Christ,"
Pour'd on a victim's head 10 using the Triad Approach (Fernndez, 2013). The
Are those few precious drops of Thine, following paper integrates the contextual aspects. It
Now first to offering led. also summarizes the interpretive analysis of
semantic and linguistic elements wisely used by
They are the pledge and seal
Of Christ's unswerving faith Keble.
Given to His Sire, our souls to heal, 15
Although it cost His death. "The Circumcision of Christ" is a poem included in
the book "The Christian Year" published in the
summer of 1827 in two small thin volumes (Stock,

8 - This literary commentary is based on the teaching experiences in the Literature in English I seminar in 2016, professor's theology knowledge
gained in EAIMNUC and the magnificent expertise on faith matters of one female student of the same seminar.
9 - Current student of the seventh semester of the ELT program at Surcolombiana University. Gloria also holds studies on theology.
10 - Full time professor at Surcolombiana University. Member of the research group Aprenap, category C in Colciencias.


1897). In this poem, we recognize the elegiac ABAB became the new standards in literature, replacing
cross-rhyme type structure in Keble's quatrains. the decorous imitation of classical models favoured
Moreover, the thematic of his poem was an by 18th-century" (Baldick, 2001, p. 222). Hereby,
inspiration to people who believe in the renewed the author expressed his devout sense, emotional
Lord, a savior Christ who shed his blood on the passion and profound beliefs through his poem.
dratted cross to console humanity.
The literal message of this poem is not about the
The quatrain rhythmic structure divides poems into explanation of circumcision as a mere ritual; it
stanzas of four lines. That is, the elegiac cross- relates more to the implications of the crucifixion of
rhyme superposes the last vocalic or consonantal Christ for men. It is not the circumcision made with
sound of the first foot with the third one rhyme in hands in the shoulder or prepuce of men and
the first couplet and the last vocalic or consonantal women. Instead, the poetic voice urges readers to
of the second and fourth lines. It creates an aural reflect upon the real sacrifice of Christ and all the
effect that resembles an alliterated orchestra. advantages believers may experience in renewing
Keble's poem has seventeen stanzas. Below, a their beliefs and religious paradigms.
rhyming pattern of stanza 15 to exemplify The
Circumcision of Christ's rhythmic structure. In addition, Keble's Circumcision has several
particularities that help us better understand his
Rhyming innuendos. Therefore, we see that the poem starts
pattern Stanza with a parallelism for the use of similar structures in
A "And fall the sounds of MIRTH the first two feet of the first stanza "THE YEAR
B Sad on thy lonely HEART, begins with Thee", "And Thou beginn'st with woe"
A From all the hopes and charms of EARTH (lines 1 and 2). We infer two beginnings; "THE
B Untimely called to PART?" YEAR" started from Christ's assassination and the
beginning of a new era once the sacrifice took
Lastly, Britain was influenced by the tenets of the place. As we see, the poem starts with two words
raising industrial revolution and the Napoleonic in capital letters "THE YEAR" is probably more
wars, which caused profound changes in the important than the rest of the verse, as it is used as
European society and their States through their a literary trope emphasizing the renaissance of
reforms (Lambert, 2012). Members of High Church humankind. Here history is remarkable if we
associated with the University of Oxford worked consider that after Christ's death, a new era started
together to preside over the revival of a High- with the year zero (0), known today as the
Church part at the other extreme (Cody, 2014). Gregorian calendar in western civilizations. Then,
Hence, John Keble was fundamental to the the second stanza reads:
Tractarian Movement. Firstly, Oxfordists wanted a
State independent from Churches, and secondly "Thine infant cries, O Lord,
they introduced a new paradigm in religion Thy tears upon the breast,
assuming the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ Are not enough-the legal sword
through a new approach to faith from believers; the Must do its stern behest."
Savior's death was the circumcising moment to
crucify old traditions and Moses' Stone This stanza introduces a commiseration as the
Commandments and the old Covenant, that is, a poetic voice cruelly shouts that the pain of Jesus
new spiritual era. Christ is not enough, it does not matter how he was
feeling, and the crucifixion was an unavoidable
Furthermore, "The Circumcision of Christ" fits the bitter experience even if it was a pitiful moment.
literary movement British Romanticism, "Its chief Also, in lines 7 and 8 of this stanza, we recognize an
emphasis was upon freedom of individual self- antonomasia because "Pontius Pilate" was the
expression: sincerity, spontaneity, and originality person who had to accept the behest of the Jewish


chief priests and the elders, as recounted in anastrophe gives more poetic and dramatic weight
Matthew 27:111. Therefore, "the legal sword" may to the foot. Now in line 11 with "Are those", we
refer to the prefect "Pontius Pilate" of the Roman normally infer that inversions between auxiliary
province of Judaea. This is "intellectual plagiarism", verbs and pronouns suggest questions, but it is not
since the author reconfigures a Bible event to the case here. Thereupon, there are figures that,
poetize it in his own language style. We see it again with a naked eye, are easily identified. Simile is
in the final stanza of the poem, in feet 67 and 68, used by Keble in lines 21 and 22: "Now of Thy love
"So life a winter's morn may prove" and "To a bright we deem as of an ocean vast." Here, the "ocean
endless year." All in line with KJV bible of 1611, in vast" is compared to the limitless love of the Lord.
the Psalm 30:5 "weeping may endure for a night, Lines 33 and 34: "O bond of union, dear and strong
but joy cometh in the morning". as is thy grace!" introduce the comparison between
the bond of union and the grace of the Christ.
In addition, in line 16, we find the allegories,
"Although it cost His death" as this statement shows As we know, Romanticism revived medievalism
the sacrifice by Christ in his crucifixion. So, the (Perpinya, 2014). In this way, the author could also
pronoun "it" replaces the word crucifixion, which is use archaic language to rescue the value of the
not included in the stanza. A second allegory in lines sacred, as this is undoubtedly a religious poem.
9 and 10 "Like sacrificial wine" and "Pour'd on a That is way we find pronouns such as "Thee" (line
victim's head" in which the poetic voice refers to the 1), "Thou" (lines 2 and 25), "Thine" (lines 5, 11 and
blood poured in when Jesus was nailed to the log; 26), "Thy" (lines 6, 21 and 55), "Art" (lines 25 and
poetically speaking, a crucifixion worthy to be 53), "Thus" (line 36), "O" (lines 5 and 33) and
praised and remembered. In line 10, there is an "May'st" (line 41).
elision since the verb "Pour'd" missed the vowel 'e';
a mimicking the regular standard of archaic, We dare say that the poetic voice in "the
sacred language, which also alliterates reader's Circumcision of Christ" redes us profoundly to give
pronunciation. Likewise, line 9 "Like sacrificial wine" men hope, the poetic voice resorts to a diatyposis
and line 63 "The Giver of all good", contain two to enlighten the strong force of the poem in stanzas
antonomasias owing to the fact that the poetic voice 13 and 16. Now, in the stanza 13, we read in the
considered the blood of Christ as being the poetic voice his invitation to put blindly our trust in
sacrificial wine poured by the will and permission of the Lord who, through a metonymic process,
God, the Giver of all good. observes "all beneath the moon". Is the Lord in the
moon? Probably He is not, but certainly, the
Anastrophe was common in his poem too, in foot statement conveys a strong emotional effect in
21 the pair "ocean vast" are interchanged; as we readers as well as grants an almighty power to The
know, we commonly say "vast ocean", but the One as demonstrated through the following metric

"Come HERE | thy SOUL | to TUNE, Catalexis iambic trimeter.

Here SET | thy FEE | ble CHANT, Catalexis iambic trimeter.
Here, IF | at ALL || be NEATH | the MOON, Catalexis iambic tetrameter with caesura.
Is HO | ly DA | vid's HAUNT." Catalexis iambic trimeter.

In stanza 16,
"Look HERE, | and HOLD | thy PEACE: Catalexis iambic trimeter.
The GI | ver OF | all GOOD Catalexis iambic trimeter.
Even FROM | the WOMB || takes NO | re LEASE Catalexis iambic tetrameter with caesura.
From SUFF | ering, TEARS, | and BLOOD." Catalexis iambic trimeter.

11 - Based on the King James Version of the Holly Bible of 1611.


Keble likely wanted to introduce through his elegy and the hope for a new spiritual era in the Lord
the necessity to confirm and be calm because of His before his second coming in the latest days. It is
peace will shelter mortals who expect in Him. clear that the analysis here undertaken reveals the
strong poetic lyrics and emotional effect of Keble's
Yet, it is important to discuss the two aphorisms exquisite words. We find such exquisiteness
found in Keble's poem. In these stanzas, we through the following metric analysis of the fourth
identify the essence of the poem as the "Christ stanza (feet 13 to 16) and the last stanza (feet 65 to
assassination", which is symbolized through the 68).
ritual of circumcision, turned into the log crucifixion

They ARE | the PLEDGE | and SEAL Catalexis iambic trimeter.

Of CHRIST'S | uns WER | ving FAITH Catalexis iambic trimeter.
Given TO | His SIRE || our SOULS | to HEAL, Catalexis iambic tetrameter with caesura.
AlthOUGH | it COST | His DEATH. Catalexis iambic trimeter.
If THOU | would'st REAP | in LOVE, Catalexis iambic trimeter.
First SOW | in HO | ly FEAR: Catalexis iambic trimeter.
So LIFE | a WIN || ter's MORN | may PROVE Catalexis iambic tetrameter with caesura.
To A | bright END | less YEAR. Catalexis iambic timeter.

The two stanzas analysed above identify the stressed and unstressed syllables. Therefore, the catalexic
state in each foot ends in a stressed syllable. Also the "iambic" phenomenon appears when each foot
follows the pattern unstressed + stressed + unstressed, and finally, the "trimeter" (3 stressed syllables) and
"tetrameter" (4 stressed syllables), appear in capital letters in the metric analysis. Finally, the "Caesura" (the
separator '||') is added to each line in which their feet are even in number.

Now, we are able to find out that the first two stanzas are not directly related to the final stanza; it is because
Keble's poem denotes a highly elaborated poetic structure and connotes two different topics smoothly
intertwined. So, the first one is an appraisal to the Lamb of the Lord which is intimately linked to the title of
the poem, and the second one is cogitation for Christians of the Latest Days. Thus, the poetic voice, in the
first part, alludes to Jesus Christ as the symbol of the ultimate sacrifice in circumcision and crucifixion to
give believers a renewed hope (feet 1 to 36). In addition, the second part, where the audiences are religious
communities, with a specific message: help them face tribulation, (feet 36 to 68).

The title of the poem, "The Circumcision of Christ," suggests the act of circumcising. The Oxford Dictionary
defines it as "The action or practice of circumcising a young boy or man." Nevertheless, in Keble's elegy to
the log crucifixion, "circumcision" refers to "the sacred line" (line 7) to which "Kings, Prophets, Patriarchs-
all have part" belong to (line 7).

Therefore, Keble's circumcision is not made with hands, but with "blood and water too" (line 8). This is
"God's mark" (line 8) set to the Christ in order to renew the Gospel to "His Church of old," and ultimately "To
each true Jewish heart".

According to Minister (Tenes): "the circumcision of Christ, is totally different, this made directly by Jesus
Christ, this was done through his death. It took place when Christ separates or checks out the sinful nature
of us." Therefore, "Circumcision" and "Crucifixion" form up the ultimate heroic event from The Lord, who
delivers his "Son of the highest" (Luke 1:32), "His begotten son" (John 3:16) to save "Israel", his "firstborn"
(exodus 4:22).


Furthermore, the poem delineates a relationship Christians in tribulation times and literature served
between crucifixion and forgiveness such as in feet as a masterful, dlicat instrument to his goal.
3 and 4 "To let the world sinners see" and "That
blood for sin must flow" and foot 16 "Although it Thereupon, we see how he could rescue and keep
cost His death". the All Saints tradition and how he managed
emotion in stanzas 4, 10 and 13, discussed above.
Until now, we have developed in the first section the Keble's book "The Christian Year" deeply impinged
connotative patterns; in the second section we will upon Tractarians who strive for rescuing old
evidence one of the characteristics of romanticism: manners and Christian traditions.
emotion. In stanza 10, in feet 37 to 40, the poetic
voice tells: Accordingly, romanticism is the stronghold to
revive readers' profound emotions and hope.
"Is there a mourner true, Keble's exquisite poem confronts us to two
Who, fallen on faithless days, different perceptions; leeway is given to the
Sighs for the heart-consoling view audience for choosing if they read a poem depicting
Of those Heaven deign'd to praise?" senseless affairs or a transcending poem that helps
men to grow in faith beyond ephemeralness to
There, the poetic voice expresses deep sadness grasp everlasting joy.
and merriment when a person feels that the
circumstances of life are harsh and what a person References
may need when undergoing pains and grievances. BibleGateway. (1611). King James Version of the Holly
Keble made emphasis on Jesus Christ and His Bible.
circumcision in the first stanzas of his elegy, but Baldick, C. (2001). The Concise Oxford Dictionary of
Literary Terms. New York: Oxford University Press.
then he used poetry for reflection. In one's life,
Cody, D. (2014, 24, 11). The Church of England (the
everything goes downhill, one does not know Anglican Church) [Web log post]. Taken from:
what to do, and all one feels is pain and frustration.
In this poem, we find almighty support and Fernndez, Fernando (2013). Commentary on the poem
consolation. As we know, Keble's version of the "Villanelle: The psychological hour" by Ezra Pound
crucifixion and the circumcision is a call to men, so (1915). Opening Writing Doors Vol. 10 No. 2. Pag. 34-
bad experiences left their lives, their Christian's 50. Universidad de Pamplona. ISSN 2322-9187.
lives, Why Christians only? As the Bible says in Goodwin, G. (1987). Keble and Newman: Tractarian
John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave Aesthetics and the Romantic Tradition. Victorian
his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Studies, Volume 30, 475-494.
Lambert, T. (2012). A history of Britain in the 19th
him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
century [Web log post]. Taken from:
Probably in Keble's mind only true believers can
profit Christ's death. Thus, Keble's elegy makes Morley, H. (Ed.). (1887). The Christian year. London:
men reflect upon their ways if they are faithful, Cassell & Company.
obedient, and righteous even if circumstances Oxford Dictionary. Definition of circumcision. [Electronic
turned evil as we see it in the last stanza (lines 67 to version]. Taken from:
68): "So life a winter's morn may prove to a bright com/definition/english/circumcision?q=Circumcision
endless year." Which is that year? Likely the times Perpinya, N. (2014). Ruins, Nostalgia and Ugliness. Five
of refreshing of the Lord (Acts 3:19) and the Romantic perceptions of Middle Ages and a spoon of
acceptable year to preach the Lord (Luke 4:19). Game of Thrones and Avant-garde oddity. Berlin: Logos
Stock, E. (1897). Keble's Christian Year. London:
Finally yet importantly, The Circumcision of Christ Paternoster Row, E.C.
reveals that the author was a devoted churchman Tenes, O. La circuncisin de Cristo [Web log post].
who had profound knowledge of religious matters, Taken from:
because of the way he wrote about Circumcision
and the feat. The poem is a reflective elegy to help rcuncision_de_cristo.pdf


W. Garrett Horder, comp. / The Poets' Bible: New Testament. 1895.

The Circumcision of Christ

John Keble (1792-1866)

'In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands.'-COL. II.?11.

THE YEAR begins with Thee, Saints parted by a thousand year,

And Thou beginn'st with woe, May thus in heart embrace.
To let the world of sinners see
That blood for sin must flow. Is there a mourner true,
Who, fallen on faithless days,
Thine infant cries, O Lord, Sighs for the heart-consoling view
Thy tears upon the breast, Of those Heaven deign'd to praise?
Are not enough-the legal sword
Must do its stern behest. In spirit may'st thou meet
With faithful Abraham here,
Like sacrificial wine Whom soon in Eden thou shalt greet,
Pour'd on a victim's head A nursing Father dear.
Are those few precious drops of Thine,
Now first to offering led. Would'st thou a Poet be?
And would thy dull heart fain
They are the pledge and seal Borrow of Israel's minstrelsy
Of Christ's unswerving faith One high enraptured strain?
Given to His Sire, our souls to heal,
Although it cost His death. Come here thy soul to tune,
Here set thy feeble chant,
They to His Church of old, Here, if at all beneath the moon,
To each true Jewish heart Is holy David's haunt.
In Gospel graces manifold
Communion blest impart. Art thou a child of tears,
Cradled in care and woe?
Now of Thy love we deem And seems it hard, thy vernal years
As of an ocean vast, Few vernal joys can show?
Mounting in tides against the stream
Of ages gone and past. And fall the sounds of mirth
Sad on thy lonely heart,
Both theirs and ours thou art, From all the hopes and charms of earth
As we and they are Thine; Untimely called to part?
Kings, Prophets, Patriarchs-all have part
Along the sacred line. Look here, and hold thy peace:
The Giver of all good
By blood and water too Even from the womb takes no release
God's mark is set on Thee, From suffering, tears, and blood.
That in Thee every faithful view
Both covenants might see. If thou would'st reap in love,
First sow in holy fear:
O bond of union, dear So life a winter's morn may prove
And strong as is thy grace! To a bright endless year.


Table Talk
might have four. And we're talking, my friend, his
mum, and I, about how weird things are where I
come from. We eat beans too, I say, but cold, and in
the morning. Guanbana doesn't exist, and pltano,
and empanadas, and maracuy, they're foreign too.

My friend says, very solemn, "I don't want to live in

a world without arepa."

And his mother, "How often do you call your

By Matthew Appleby
"Once a week."
"Hungry, mate? I've killed you a chicken. And
there's mango from the tree. It's unripe. It's good." "Oh," she says, and chews the idea. "So you don't
All this is shouted over his shoulder. In the version really love them, then?"
of this story that I tell my family, I censor his
motorbike, which is thin and mudded, with a picture I explain that in England we talk less with our
of a naked woman wearing off the seat. He drives families, which is taken as criminal. That we leave
slowly, mercifully. Slow enough the country doesn't our homes at age eighteen is enough to make my
blur, and I can see ibis grubbing on the tilled land, mate rub forefinger and thumb, whispering, "plata."
and the hawk over the hill, and the vines that make As for my time at the university, I tell them how
the trees look unkempt, hungover almost, and a good my students are, how polite, how unpunctual,
shock of flies off the dung. From his farm I can see with the last one sounding so much like a
my block of flats, there, by the church in the valley. compliment that they almost don't notice.

"Mateo," he says. I hear my name in Spanish. I feel "And the women?"

I've been accepted.
His mother slaps his wrist. "What he means is, do
Not you. The dog's name is Mateo."" And a Labrador you believe in God?"
appears at his gate. The garden is stocked with
animals, and where my flat has ants and God is very easy in England. Either, like most young
cockroaches, here is a black horse, seven sheep, a people, you think religion is sticky and unpleasant,
parrot with clipped wings, and Mateo. Relics from or you stand on corners with a copy of the Bible.
the veterinary faculty are displayed in the hall. We But the energies, Virgin, karma, angels, witchcraft,
argue if that one was a rabbit or a cat; I'm wrong, sainthood, James Rodriguez, rosaries, and broad
I've checked it since. A toucan skull is unmistakable acceptance of homosexuality that make up
on the way to the kitchen, where his mum is Colombian Catholicism is a bit trickier. I say, "A
cooking pumpkin. The soup's been on the heat too little," and this seems to suit them well.
long, she worries for the taste. An avocado shows
bruises. The house smells wet and thick. The conversation moves slickly from religion to
vallenato. Ranchera, I explain, as well as Andean
For legal reasons I should say the lunch was techno, would be lumped as 'Latin' in England. I
delicious. The soup tastes of wood smoke, which still can't tell the difference between merengue and
for the mum was a disaster, but I eat two bowls and salsa, not that it changes the way I dance; one step


forward, two steps back, a clap if I feel brave, a video on his mobile phone. They laugh. They
sometimes catastrophic wiggling. In the university replay. The chat slows.
a month ago, with not a small amount of irony, I
was crowned winner of a reggaeton dance-off, And someone, though I'm not sure who, asks, "Are
which no-one is slow to bring up. My friend shows you staying in Colombia?" The only question I
can't think of an answer to.

Meet our New Teaching Assistants

He is very excited to be working at such an

impressive university and is excited to learn
from the students and faculty at Surcolombiana.
He hopes to help students develop their communi-
cation skills in English, eventually preparing them
to impart their knowledge and education on future

David comes from New York City in the United

States. Before arriving in Colombia, he spent eight
David Lenzner years teaching a variety of subjects including
bilingual math, Spanish language and literature,
David Lenzner is a Fulbright English Teaching English as a new language, and US History. He has
Assistant in the English Language Teacher Educa- a Bachelor of Arts from Trinity College (Hartford,
tion Program at La Universidad Surcolombiana. As CT), a Masters in Bilingual Education from Lehman
a native English speaker, he will be collaborating College (Bronx, NY), and a Masters in Educational
with and assisting Professors from the University. Leadership from City College (New York, NY).

Cameron Mullins (Born July 6th, 1993) is an American

teacher and Fulbright Scholar currently working at the
Universidad Surcolombiana in Neiva, Colombia. Cameron
was born and raised in the United States in Reno, Nevada,
but moved to Winter Park Florida where he received a
Bachelor's degree in History and Spanish from Rollins
College. Cameron has lived in many Spanish speaking
countries, including Chile and Spain, and will be residing
in Colombia until 2017, after which he will pursue a law
degree in the United States."
Cameron Mullins


Sadness when you have to pretend to be happy
Sadness is not to be able to hug someone on Skype
Sadness is missing someone who is even not thinking about you
Sadness when he has "seen" your message on Facebook but does not reply.
By Felipe Bravo

Sadness is...
Sadness is the time that has already passed
Sadness is the fall of the tears of my soul
Sadness is a man with ashes of a broken heart
Sadness is the blood wave that erased the beauty angel that was her
Sadness is me, remembering the heaven before the burning sea
Do you want to know who is the person here?
Just say sadness, it is me.
By Ivn Trujillo

"Happiness is...
Happiness is spending time with friends
Happiness in the mind has no end
Happiness goes around the world
When we all fall in love."
By ngela Carrasquilla

Mini Sagas
Never again
I woke up early as usual and made breakfast for me and Hellen. It was
a delicious steak and some fruit. I served quickly with some orange
juice. I added salt instead of sugar! What a mistake! Hellen threw it up
immediately. I promised not to cook breakfast asleep again.
By Karenth Zully Tatiana Garzn Duque

Revenge is sweet
It was a rainy day. I had forgotten my raincoat so I was completely
drenched. Then I saw a woman laughing at me. She had an umbrella. At
that moment a big truck overtook by her side and splashed her with
water from a huge puddle. Certainly she deserved it.
By Anderson Gmez


To my Parents
By Mabel Caicedo

My parents have loved each other for twenty-five years and today I would tell you that I know the
existence of love because of them. They taught me that people can love someone at first sight
although everyone thinks the opposite. They taught me that true love is not buying flowers or
candies as some others believe, but it is being strong enough to be by your couple's side in the
best and the worst moments of life. They taught me how to appreciate little things of every day, to
respect your beloved all the time and to be patient because love demands it.

Some people may think that it is impossible to be for twenty-five years by someone's side, but
believe me, it is not. To do this, you should learn that you do not have to let the time pass you by,
you should understand how to give your best to your lover to have a fantastic family. You also
have to learn that you will never know everything about her or him but this makes days different
from each other because you discover new things that will make your love bigger. Based on my
parents' life, I would tell you that being all this time with your couple is not easy but to do it you
should maintain your happiness, and your bravery. You have to be capable of admitting when you
are wrong and forgiving your couple's fault, and still loving her or him despite the different
personalities and thoughts. I hope one day I can follow the steps of my parents, build a lovely and
united family, and be as happy as they have been through all this 25 years. Happy anniversary dear



By Jairo Alberto Hoyos

This assembly of different types of objects which attitude through the installation their different
is called an installation was made by some opinion. According to some viewers who were
students from the program of Arts. Maybe some asked about an interpretation of this work of art;
young people from other programs were doing a it is a tomb. After people who are buried in
great job in giving ideas to impact the viewers. deserts, they are put a pile of stones and a cross
This work of art is located near the Hall of the on top of it. At the end of tentacles; there are
university. That place is called Agoras where some coconuts and pieces of papers with the
most of the students go to have some relaxing name of the programs in them. Those coconuts
time. I believe this installation was made on represent skulls which means that those
Thursday the twenty-fifth of February this year. programs of teaching are being infected by
death. They are no longer alive because of the
To start describing this form of art; it is quite previous reason mentioned. These students are
outstanding to know that these objects, which are manifesting their thoughts in order to save the
assembled, have the physical features of an Faculty of Education.
octopus. There is a pile of stones as its main
body. On top of this bunch of rocks, we can see a In my opinion, it is completely clear to
cross painted in three colors; red, yellow and blue understand that these people who are taking part
(the Colombian flag's colors). A large piece of of this revolution want to help the university from
paper is put over the batch of rocks. There are such unexpected and unwise decisions
two words written in that paper; they are "Faculty politicians make. If people who are involved in
of Education". The main body has seven tentacles this revolution try to support the university
made of sand. At the end of each tentacle; we can without violence or riots, it would be of much
see a coconut and a piece of paper which has significance of change to solve problems in a
written the name of the program of teaching. peaceful direction. The installation is showing a
big impact to politicians because of its main
Due to some disagreement with the Ministry of characteristic which is death. The death of the
Education towards professionals of teaching, programs due to the lack of excellence from
students from USCO decided to show by their professional people of teaching.


Mother Earth
By Jhurley Katherine Murcia Cuenca
An unknown author made the painting I chose. Students from
different programs inside the university have painted it.
Considering that the author does not provide this kind of
information anywhere. It is believed that it was painted about 2 or 3
years ago.

In the middle of the picture there is a sitting woman who might

represent our Earth, which I think is the most beautiful planet in our
solar system. As far as we know, the Earth is the only planet that
has life. Firstly, this woman is wearing earrings representing the
sun shining every day. Secondly, her blue hair represents the water
that is around us: seas, rivers and lakes. In addition, we can find
some falling leaves that could represent the beauty of our planet
which is changing its colors and landscapes in every single season.

I think those leaves are located in the most intimate woman part because their author is trying establish a
comparison between the most important body part and the planet.

As it was mentioned before, in my opinion the picture was painted with the intention to create awareness
about saving our planet, because humanity is not contributing to help our planet. People are blind (the
picture shows a woman without eyes) to face this huge problematic nowadays. There is a monster
standing over us, with a footprint so large it can trample a whole planet underfoot, without noticing or
caring. This monster is Industrial Civilization (Machines). If the Earth is to live, the monster must die.

The Mandala
By Eivar Toscano
different programs of the university. It is due to the
fact that it is of Indian origin that it has been
replicated all over the world. There is no precise
date of when it was first painted, but it is believed
that it was painted about 3 or 4 years ago.

The mural has a big circle in the center and it is

called the flower of life. In the middle, there are
fifteen small circles with geometric figures and
different shapes on them, all of them connected by
the flower of life. Around it there is an armadillo
which is coiled to cover the big circle. It has
The Mandala is a mural located in one of the different shapes on its skin as well. From the center
walls of the Jaime Garzn Plaza at Universidad of the flower of life there is a growing flower that
Surcolombiana and painted by students from goes from the center to the external part of the


circle across the body of the armadillo. The animal more circles that represent the different stages in
has lots of layers composing the protective shell it the universe and the dimensions that do exist. They
has as its body; they are really colorful and simulate are the ones to which we will move forward every
the rainbow colors from head to tail. time we die and reincarnate. To me the different
colors it has represent the different personalities
In my opinion, the Mandala represents the Indian and feelings people have. Finally, it has peace and
myth of reincarnation; the flower of life in the center freedom represented by its whole self.
represents the privilege of living. Around it there are

The Elephant
By Laura Manuela Trujillo Daz

This mural is located on the first floor of the

building of the Journalism Program at Univer-
sidad Surcolombiana. The painter's pseudonym is
"LoBo," and the mural was painted in 2014.

The artist painted the elephant by using chartreuse,

coral, and shades of black and blue. The painter
used shades of black and blue to create a two
dimensional image that portrays the elephant
walking towards the viewer. The elephant is also not
clearly outlined so the blurring of blues and blacks
form the elephant's shape. A variety of long brush
strokes and short brush strokes makes up the coral
backdrop behind the elephant, with excess of coral
paint dripping down the wall. The ground of the
mural is painted with a shade of chartreuse. Both
the coral background and chartreuse ground have
faded away, and there are non-faded black
lines/dots throughout which adds a new dimension
to the artwork.

In my personal opinion, the elephant is a wild,

strong and smart mammal from Africa, one of my
favorite animals actually, and this mural does not
change my point of view. As a viewer, this art work
makes me feel the strength and the wildness of the
animal through a psychedelic touch created by, as I
said before, shading and coloring which makes the
mural more interesting and striking to myself.


The Internet is Down!

What Do You Do?
1. PANIC!!!
2. Realize that maybe this is a good
opportunity to stop surfing the web
and get some real work done.
3. Wait, never mind. The Internet is
4. Go back to surfing the web.


1 2 3 4 5

7 8

9 10


12 13

14 15 16 17


19 20


Across Down
1 Portuguese - italian sun (anag) (10) 1 France's longest river (5)
7 German wine (8) 2 Hang (7)
8 Islamic republic (4) 3 Lean (4)
9 Biblical garden (4) 4 Person active in the small hours (5,3)
10 Straighten the arms (7) 5 Stay (5)
12 Flipping game (11) 6 Closed political meeting (6)
14 Painting with colours mixed with gum (7) 11 A-Z (8)
16 Handle-lump (4) 12 Part of human torso between neck and
19 Timbuktu is here (4) diaphragm (6)
20 Where sport traditionally 13 Skittle (7)
features in a newspaper (4,4) 15 Male (Spanish?) friend (5)
21 Informal folk-singing performance (10) 17 One over par for a hole (5)
18 Glance over (4)


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