Planificaciòn 3º Inglés Bàsico 2016

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PROFESO Leslie Lira Contreras N HORAS
Guillermo Leiva Ayala




1 Welcome back to school. Getting to know each other and

warming- up. Games and songs.
2 Warm-up reviewing vocabulary and expressions about
introducing themselves and their families. Written tasks;
completion of worksheet all about me.
1 3 Vocabulary review- Short tasks to practice family members.
01 Notebook.
al Ss write a short text about their family.
04 4 Prepositions of place. In / on / under. Worksheet

5 Prepositions of place, video and song. Short activities to practice

written tasks.
1 Grammar review How many? Worksheet
07 2 Vocabulary review My body- PPT containing images with the
2 al parts of the body. Ss work on pronunciation. Video with body
11 parts. Miming game.
3 Ss work as a group, board activity to practice vocabulary about
body parts.

4 Ss review parts of the body through songs and worksheet. Ss

review grammar aspects have / has got.

5 Vocabulary review: Places in a house Ss talk about and write

about their favourite place in their house.
1 Ss practice the structure like and dont like. Notebook work.
14 Vocabulary review Food - Vocabulary about food and
3 al vegetables.
18 2 Vocabulary review : musical instruments, ss talk about what
musical instrument can they play , describing them. Worksheet.
3 The weather. Video + song
4 Evaluation unit 0

5 Feedback evaluation unit 0

1 Ss start Fairyland 3. Ss talk about the magic forest and its
21 characters. Introducing new characters. Student`s book.
4 al 2 Ss develop their activities from their ss book; module 1, unit 1a
25 Hello, nice to meet you! Reading and writing exercises.
3 Working on unit 1b-c Ss` book. Numbers 1-10, expression who
is that is...; How old are you? Oral practice; ss practice mini
dialogues. Notebook practice.
Ss`book 1c- Vocabulary review - colors, activities from the ss
4 and activity book.

5 Activity book unit 1- Activities for reinforcement after students

learn the vocabulary and grammar forms.

1 General review of the unit.

5 al 2 Interactive board games to reinforce contents for the test.
01 Worksheet.
3 Feedback evaluation 0
4 Unit 2a - School items. Ss work on vocabulary and learn the use
of the indefinite article a/an and the demonstrative adjective
this/ that.
5 Worksheet Demonstrative adjective this / that
1 Unit 2b- Ss practice on their books and learn how to use s for
04 possession. Listening comprehension activities.
6 al Worksheet reinforcing the Uses for possession
08 2
3 School vocabulary dictation

4 Unit 2c. Ss practise on their activity book to review grammar

points and vocabulary
5 Songs and listening comprehension activity
1 Classroom commands. Listening a song.
11 Classroom language Pictionary.
7 al 2 Development of reading and writing skill through the completion
15 of writing and reading tasks. Commands in Ss book.
3 St activity- reading comprehension reviewing contents of the
4 Worksheet. Commands in the classroom
5 Listening activity. Dictation
1 Ss make a general review of contents through the unit
18 checkpoint.
8 al Ss make a general review of contents through the unit
22 2 checkpoint.
Evaluation units 1-2
4 Evaluation units 1-2
5 Ss start module 2 - Unit 3a My family presentation of
vocabulary + verb to be (+), (-), (?)
1 Grammar review verb to be in all forms- Worksheet.
25 2 Reading Lees family video and book activities.
9 al 3 Reading and writing activities in their activity book applying the
29 verb to be. Handout about family; a family tree.
4 3b Grandma is here, Ss identify vocabulary (family members).
They review verb to be with emphasis in its plural form. Book
work. Craft; ss make their own family tree (they bring pictures
of their relatives)
5 Activity book unit 3-Activities for reinforcement after students
learn the vocabulary and grammar forms.

1 Unit 3c Its my job; vocabulary about jobs and occupations.

02 Story, reading and listening activity.

10 al 2 Ss book + Activity book. Vocabulary and grammar review .
06 3 Worksheet to review vocabulary; jobs and occupations and
verb to be.

4 Unit 4a At the toy shop. Presentation of vocabulary about toys.

Ss learn and identify these/ those. Video + listening and reading
5 To practice the unit contents in the activity book.
1 Worksheet to review vocabulary (toys) + memory game
09 2 Project: Ss prepare a written folder and an oral presentation.
11 al My family
13 3 Ss continue with the previous activity
4 Unit 4b Open it and see. Vocabulary to offer and accept a
present. Expressions related to a birthday celebration.
Ss work on their books and activity book to consolidate the unit
5 Unit 4c Happy birthday. Vocabulary about birthday presents.
Listening activity. Ss practice in their ss books and activity
1 Activity: to make a birthday card for a friend. + go green section.
16 2 Module revision for the test; check point from the book + troll
12 al tales
20 3 Module revision for the test; check point from the book + our
4 Evaluation units 3-4
5 Evaluation units 3-4
1 Feedback units 3-4
23 2 Module 3 - Unit 5a Hide, vocabulary about bedrooms objects.
13 al 3 Possessive adjectives, activity book and worksheet.
4 Extensive Reading Evaluation

5 Extensive Reading Evaluation


1 Unit 5b Come out, possessive adjectives practice.

30 2 Ss practice prepositions of place in their books and through a
14 al handout.
03 3 Unit 5c Wheres Alvin. Ss draw their own bedroom and write
about it.
General review of the unit. Activities for reinforcement of the
4 vocabulary and grammar checked in the unit.
5 Evaluation unit 5

1 General review for the semester evaluation

06 2 Semester Evaluation
15 al 3 Semester Evaluation
10 4 Semester Evaluation
5 Feedback semester evaluation
1 Unit 6a In the old house. Ss talk about rooms. Vocabulary
13 about parts of the house. There is/ there are.
16 al Ss + Activity book
17 2 Unit 6b Wheres Missy? Ss talk about rooms and things in a
house. Is there/ are there. Book activities

3 Unit 6c Welcome, listening activity and craft work (Itzy Bitzy
House from template, teacher resources pack)
4 Go green project: Ss make a big picture of the animal world
(they use the vocabulary given in their books) and describe it
using there is/ are and can /cant.
5 Ss continue working on the go green project
1 Revision for the test; checkpoint
20 2 Revision for the test , checkpoint
17 al 3 General review of the unit. Activities for reinforcement of the
24 vocabulary and grammar checked in the unit.
4 Worksheet / Rooms in a house.

5 Evaluation unit 6

1 Evaluation unit 6
27 2 Project: Folder / oral presentation My family
18 al 3 Project: Folder / oral presentation My family
4 Module 4 - Unit 7a Its so cute. Ss talk about the body and
physical appearance. Structure of have got (singular)
5 Ss practice in their activity book and develop worksheet
1 Unit 7b Were all wet. Ss talk about parts of the body and
04 learn the structure have got (interrogative/ short answers/
19 al negative)
08 2 Have got / Interrogative form
3 Ss work on their textbooks and develop handhout to practice
vocabulary and grammar structure. ( have got)
4 Unit 7c Im so sweet. Listening and writing task.

5 General review of the unit.

20 al Vacaciones de Invierno
21 al
1 Activities from the book. Ss make a mask to play and sing
25 applying the parts of the body. Can/ cant
22 al 2 Unit 8a Talent show. Ss talk about actions, expressing ability.
29 Vocabulary about actions (play the piano, swim, dance)
3 Worksheet Vocabulary review Abilities. Can / Can`t

4 Ss work on their books and prepare a short oral presentation of

what they can do.
5 Ss work on their books and prepare a short oral presentation of
what they can do.

1 Oral presentation
01 2 Oral presentation
23 al
05 3 Oral presentation

4 Ss make a revision of the previous unit (Unit 7) to remind

contents. Ss practice vocabulary of units 7a, b, c.
5 Ss practice song Im so sweet to check pronunciation and
1 Evaluation unit 7
24 al 2 Ss practice unit 8a. They review unit vocabulary through word
12 and spelling dictations. They watch the story and talk about it.
They review actions and expressing ability. (jump, play the
piano, etc).
3 Ss prepare a portfolio in their notebooks using the expressions of
the unit. I can/ cant. My favorite hero can

4 Activities for reinforcement after students learn the vocabulary

and grammar structures.
5 Handout, activity book pages and summary of contents of unit
1 Unit 8b. Abracadabra!. Presentation of the unit and vocabulary
15 work. Ss identify plural structures and use can.
25 al 2 Worksheet / Can Can`t
19 3 Use of can in its interrogative, positive and negative form. Ss do
written exercises of the book and make exercises of transforming
4 Unit 8c.Watch me go! Presentation of the unit and unit
vocabulary related to the means of transport (plane, bike, train,
car, etc). Ss repeat the words to check pronunciation
5 Ss read and then listen to the unit story. They identify vocabulary
and write the unknown words in their notebooks. Ss act out the
story in groups.
1 Ss write about their own abilities and draw them in their books
22 2 Board interactive game to consolidate contents.
26 al 3 Reading: Troll Tales. Ss read a story and then comment it. They
get vocabulary from the text and then watch a video related to
the topic

4 Written exercises in their notebooks and spelling dictation +

activity book pages. Go green section and our world section
5 Revision and assessment: self evaluation through the checkpoint
of the modular revision (book).

1 Evaluation unit 8
29 2 Feedback evaluation unit 8
27 al 3 Presentation of unit 9a My new clothes. Vocabulary about
02 clothes and actions. Grammar: present continuous. Exercises
from the book + exercises given by the T.
4 Grammar review . Present Continuous Affirmative form.
5 Ss+ Activity book unit 9. Activities for reinforcement of the
vocabulary and grammar structures.
1 What are you wearing? Worksheet.
05 2 Present Continuous . Interrogative / Negative form.
28 al 3 Present continuous practice. Ss do written activities. They use
09 verbs and put them into their progressive form. Reinforcement of
personal pronouns.
4 Consolidation of the unit, practice of present continuous through

activities in the activity book and handout.
5 Unit 9b. A lovely day! presentation of the unit. T elicit Sss
answers about the topic of the unit (weather). Vocabulary about
climate (Its raining, its snowing, its cold, its hot, etc.)
29 al 2 Fiestas Patrias
F 3 Fiestas Patrias

1 Spelling of continuous form of verbs.. Practice of the contents in
19 the Ss book and activity book. Listening and written exercises to
30 al apply grammar.
23 2 Listening activity and singing time. Unit 9c Whos wearing...?
Ss. read, practice and sing the song of unit 9c, they check
vocabulary about clothes (boots, socks, and shorts) and
3 Ss develop activities unit 9c. ( Activity book)
For reinforcement of the vocabulary and grammar to consolidate
4 Oral activity about the weather. Short individual presentations of
the students.
5 Evaluation unit 9
1 Unit 10a. At the animal park! Presentation of the unit and its
26 vocabulary, description of animals actions happening now.
31 al 2 Written activities to practice the structure of present continuous
30 in its interrogative form ( Are you eating?) and short answer
(Yes, I am/ No I m not)
3 Grammar review Present Continuous.

4 Activity book pages of unit 10a. + Unit 10b Wild Things.

Presentation of the unit; vocabulary about wild animals and
present continuous in 3rd person singular, describing actions.
Speaking skill development.
5 Activity book work and handout to review the unit contents.
Revision of present continuous in its interrogative, affirmative
and negative form.

1 Unit 10c. Two funny rabbits! Presentation of the unit.

03 Vocabulary about farm animals. Speaking practice through song.
32 al 2 Listening practice. Ss learn a song. Identify present Continuous.
07 3 General review of the unit. Consolidation of the vocabulary and
grammar structures.
4 Listen to a song. Ss practice the song learnt in previous class. T
checks for pronunciation. Exercises in the activity book. Work to
consolidate structures and vocabulary.
5 Checkpoint unit 9 and 10. Ss work assessing themselves,
individual work, then group revision. Ss read the Troll Tales
section and work on the Go Green and My World section
(group work).
1 Evaluation unit 10

33 al 2 Feedback evaluation unit 10
3 Unit 11a. Lunch time! Presentation of the unit. Vocabulary
about time, meals and food. Structure I like./ I dont like./
Do you like.?. Ss develop exercises in their book and activity
Worksheet to reinforce grammar do / don`t
1 Activity book for reinforcement the vocabulary and grammar
17 structures of the unit.
34 al 2 Unit 11b. Fairy cakes. Presentation of the unit. Vocabulary
21 about food and drink items. Use of some and any. Ss practice in
their book and activity book. Group revision of exercises in
3 Vocabulary review / Food and Drinks

4 Activity book unit 11b

5 Extensive Reading
1 Extensive Reading
35 al 2 Unit 11c. Listen to my tummy. Ss learn a song and sing in
28 class. They practice and identify vocabulary.
3 Spelling evaluation ( oral / written)

4 Spelling evaluation ( oral / written)

5 Feedback Spelling

1 Ss make a review of the unit. They develop handout to

consolidate contents. They ask their doubts in class.
al 2 Ss work in pair developing a mini quiz to evaluate their learning
04 of the unit and practice for the unit test.
3 General review of the unit. Activities for reinforcement of the
vocabulary and grammar checked in the unit.
4 Evaluation unit 11

1 Feedback evaluation unit 11

37 07
al 2 Videos and groups games (written and board games)
11 3 Interactive board games and group games in order to consolidate
the contents and vocabulary of the units
4 Interactive board games and group games in order to consolidate
the contents and vocabulary of the units

14 1 General Review for the exam


38 18 2 General Review for the exam

3 General Review for the exam

4 General Review for the exam

1 General Review for the exam
39 al 2 General Review for the exam
3 General Review for the exam

4 General Review for the exam


1 General Review for the exam

40 al 2 General Review for the exam
3 General Review for the exam
41 al 2

42 al 2

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