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Aircraft Painting Centre Painting Process Document: Publication No QA/DOC/094

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Aircraft Painting Centre

Painting Process Document

Publication No QA/DOC/094


Aircraft Painting Centre
Process Document




Part : 1-2
Date : 31-03-2013
Issue No: 0
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Aircraft Painting Centre
Process Document

Contents and List of Effective Pages

Part No Content Page Date Issue No

11 ApprovalofManual 1of1
12 AmendmentRecordSheet 1of1
13 ContentsandListofeffectivePages 1of2
14 UseandDistributionList 1of2
20 1of1
30 PreparationforPaintStripping 1of3
40 PaintStripping 1of2
50 MaskingSealing 1of1
60 PreTreatment 1of1
70 PrimerApplication 1of2
80 TopcoatApplication 1of4
90 Marking/StencilandLiveryapplication 1of2
100 Clearcoatapplication 1of1
110 CompletionofPainting 1of1

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Aircraft Painting Centre
Process Document

Part No Content Page Date Issue No

120 ListofForm 1of4
130 1of1

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Aircraft Painting Centre
Process Document

Use and Distribution List

1. Introduction

The Emirates Airlines Aircraft Painting Centre document describes Paint processes,
equipments and materials used to perform de-painting/re-painting of Emirates
Aircraft exterior.

Part 1 - General information

Part 2 - Preparation General / Aircraft arrival in Hangar-H
Part 3 - Preparation before paint strip
Part 4 - Paint stripping
Part 5 - Masking and Sealing
Part 6 - Pre treatment
Part 7 - Primer application
Part 8 - Top coat application
Part 9 - Marking application
Part 10 - Clear coat application
Part 11 - Completion of Painting
Part 12 - List of Form
Part 13 - List of instruments used to obtain gloss, thickness and orange peel

2. Conditions of use of this manual

The following condition shall be observed by holders of this manual.

The custodian of this manual is the Paint shop/Paint Hangar Section, Aircraft
Painting Centre, Engineering Department, and Emirates Airline.

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Aircraft Painting Centre
Process Document

The contents of this manual shall not be deleted, added or altered in any
way without the approval of the Manager Aircraft Painting Centre. The Manager
Aircraft Painting Centre is responsible to ensure that all the amendments are
carried out and forwarded to the Quality Assurance Department. The Technical
Resource Section will be responsible to distribute the manuals.

It is the responsibility of the holder of the manual to ensure that his copy is
kept updated and in a good condition.

3. Quality Assurance approved forms.

The latest revision of all approved forms listed in this manual are
to be used. These forms are to be obtained from the Engineering Quality
Assurance website under Q.A. Applications Approved Forms.

Dry Film Thickness (DFT) Measurement Table . QA/F/1143

Paint Gloss and Orange Peel Measurement Table .. QA/F/1144
Primer/Top Coat Mixing and Application Traceability .. QA/F/1142

4. Distribution list

This manual is distributed to the following areas.

4.1 Paint shop/Hangar-H Section Office --- Master

4.2 Technical Resource Center -------------- Soft copy
4.3 Quality Assurance -------------------------Soft copy

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Aircraft Painting Centre
Process Document

Preparation General
Aircraft arrival in Hangar H
Part 2 Task performed by Base Maintenance Engineers
1.1 Electrically ground the aircraft.
1.2 A/F Engineer to open landing gear Doors clean seals and mask inside surface of doors
and seals and close doors to prevent overspray.
Note: For protection of the Probe, Pitot, Static Port.
1.3 Close both outflow valves.
1.4 Disconnect main and APU battery.
1.5 Doors and escape hatches to be disarmed.
1.6 Install suitable staging and platforms.
1.7 Remove both windshield wipers and cover the wipers motor with aluminum tape.
1.8 Ensure portable water System and waste systems are fully drained.
1.9 Do a walk around and ensure no damage or leak (Fuel, Oil, and Hydraulic).
1.10 Carry out complete de-fueling.
1.11 Drain fuel tank completely.
1.12 Extend flap and slat.
1.13 Ensure all cockpit sliding windows are fully closed.
1.14 Ensure all Passenger doors, cargo doors and other external doors closed.
1.15 Close APU inlet doors.
1.16 Manually close crew oxygen bottle (Raise NRI).
1.17 Rinse aircraft fuselage, wings, vertical stab, horizontal stabs, and engines to remove
grease and dust.
a) When carrying out the following process, the health and safety precautions detailed in
EPM 03-57 needs to be followed diligently.
b) Personnel should fully familiarize themselves with this Procedures, associated references
and engineering drawings prior to accomplishment.
c) Obey all the warnings and cautions given in the specified manuals chapters, sections and

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Aircraft Painting Centre
Process Document

Pre Paint Inspection

2.1 Engineers with Paint Controller to perform aircraft visual inspection and record all
visual damages/findings (Dents, Cracks, Delaminating, etc).

2.2 Carry out survey of all cockpit and cabin transparencies and record all defects and

2.2 Perform DFT Dry Film Thickness and record as per QA/F/1143.

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Aircraft Painting Centre
Process Document

Preparation for Paint Stripping / Abrading

Part 3 Task performed by Aircraft Painting Centre
Ref. to EO, and Aircraft manufacturer. Follow the health and safety instructions ref to EPM 03-

Paint Controller to check with facility systems officer correct phase has been selected for the
task on hand.
1. Masking :
1.1 Check aircraft for cleanliness, locally clean as required to prevent degradation of the
materials applied.

1.2 Doors and hatches gap to seal with aluminum tape.

1.3 All transparencies to be masked using aluminum foil blank as per aircraft type and
edge masked using aluminum tape.

1.4 Mask all antennas, Pitot heads, Static Ports, Angle of Attack, pressure relief doors
and housing, out flow valves protect lubricated parts; rubber parts laminated plastics,
composites, metal bonding edges, drain holes and vents.

1.5 All composite fairings and components to be masked with barrier plastic and
aluminum tape.

1.6 All inspection and removable panels to be gap sealed with aluminum tape.

1.7 Mask Radom with barrier/polythene and aluminum tape and gap seal.

1.8 Mask nose and main U/C with polythene and aluminum tape.

1.9 Mask off wing gaps and seals with aluminum tape.

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Aircraft Painting Centre
Process Document

1.10 Cover wings with polythene.

1.11 Mask off top and bottom of THS, elevators with polythene and aluminum tape.

1.12 Mask off vertical tail and rudder and fairings using polythene and aluminum

1.13 Mask off APU exhaust and inlets, close gaps with aluminum tape.

1.14 Items 1.1 to 1.13 to be inspected by Paint Controller/Shift manager.

Paint stripping of A380 Deviation to the above is as follows:
a) Carry out masking as above
b) Apply correct stripper as per paint manufacture
c) Strip to intermediate coat ONLY
d) Clean off intermediate coat using correct cleaning solvent.

2. Masking Preparation Prior to Abrading

2.1. Mask all areas not to be painted IAW Aircraft manufacturer.

2.2. Reactivate/Abrade the surface by sanding using abrasive paper or pads as per
IAW Aircraft manufacturer. and Technical Data Sheet TDS.

Note: Pay attention to tape lines, Paint Controller to inspect all.

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Aircraft Painting Centre
Process Document

Cautionary notes

1. Do not strip or repaint all antennas protect using aluminum

and barrier paper from paint strip. (Boeing and Airbus) do not use aluminum tape directly
top of antennas.

2. Do not paint or strip bare metal areas of all pitot and static ports. (Boeing and Airbus)

3. Ensure all camera and lights are cover with barrier paper and aluminum tape. (Boeing
and Airbus)

4. Ensure all leveling point is cover with aluminum tape (Boeing and Airbus).

5. Ailerons, elevators and rudder and stab must be balanced (calculated) (Boeing aircraft

6. Removal of aerodynamic sealant only use approved non metallic scrapers. (Boeing and

5. Do not direct high pressure water in the areas of pitot and static ports as it will
damage/destroy instrumentation attach there to. (Boeing and Airbus)

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Aircraft Painting Centre
Process Document

Paint stripping
Part 4
Use Approved Paint stripper Ref. to CML 12-001 to 12-016
Ref. to Airbus and Boeing Maintenance manual and follow the health and safety instruction EPM
03-57 and Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).

1.1. Apply polythene sheets over the floor and make weirs to capture paint stripper and paint.
1.2. Apply paint stripper IAW manufacturers procedure/Technical Data Sheet and (TDS)
recommendation using non atomizing pressure spray pump or brush. Allow paint stripper
according manufacturers Technical Data Sheet.
1.3 Remove all edge and aerodynamic sealant using approved scrapper so as to insure that no
damage or scribe marks will afflicted to metal surfaces.
Solvent clean complete aircraft using wipe on wipe off procedure.
1.4. Abrade all composite, THS elevators, vertical fin and rudder, wings top
and bottom, flap, flap fairings, body fairing, Radome, etc.

Note: Abrade composite components down to original primer if any crazing evident.

1.5. Remove gap sealant between engine cowl nose lip and composite.

1.6. Remove foil from window frame edge and structure and feather in paint by
detail strip.
1.7. Remove all gap seal tape on panels and feather paint by detail strip.
1.8 Accomplish power wash of all area process.
1.9. Solvent clean complete aircraft using wipe on wipe off procedure.
1.10 Details of paint stripper to be recorded as per QA/F/1142

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Aircraft Painting Centre
Process Document

1.11 Wings and Horizontal surfaces

Remove top coat (wing guard) on underside of in spar area by washing off using
solvent cleaner and unwoven cloths to primer.
Abrade all composite panels to obtain a smooth surface.
Wash all composite with approved shampoo/cleaner.

1.12 Perform DFT Dry Film Thickness and record per QA/F/1143.

1.13 With the LAE and Paint Controller inspect all metal areas for corrosion, scribe line
and dents.

Note: Any findings will evaluated by structure engineer and ETS and correct action
to be carried out before continuing with the next paint process.

HF Antenna - Boeing 777 Vertical tail leading edge panel.

Inspect H.F Antenna and if it requires rework.
Inform LAE to have the leading edge panel removed and routed to paint shop for
controlled rework as it is a lengthy process and difficult to carry out insitu raise
appropriate paper work.

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Aircraft Painting Centre
Process Document

Masking and Sealing

Part 5
Ref. to Airbus, and Boeing maintenance manual and follow the health and safety
instruction detail per EPM 03-57 and Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).
1.1 Mask edges and panels to be sealed.

1.2 Apply adhesive and corrosion inhibitor promoter

1.3 Details of Promoter (Corrosion inhibitor) to be recorded as per QA/F1142.

Note: Engine Lip sealant to be only applied after final finish

1.4 Reseal areas masked to ensure complete edge sealing and ensure a smooth line to
finished paint scheme.

1.5 Remove masking and clean off surplus sealant.

1.6 Inspect sealing and rectify defects.

1.7 Details of sealant to be recorded as per QA/F1142.

1.8 Item 1.1 to 1.7 to be checked by Paint Controller and Shift Manager.

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Aircraft Painting Centre
Process Document

Part 6
Ref. to Airbus and Boeing maintenance manual and follow the health and safety
instruction detail per EPM 03-57 and Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).

1.1Mask all areas that do not require pre- treatment with polythene and tape Ref to
aircraft paint scheme Drawings manuals.

1.2 Check all transparencies masking is sealed.

1.3 Ensure temp and humidity is within acceptable limits of the products
Data Sheets and MSDS.

1.4 Details of solution (corrosion removal) to be recorded as per QA/F1142.

1.5 Dilute material as per manufacturers specification.

1.6 Apply solution (Corrosion removal) on recommended surfaces per EO Drawing

and Technical Data Sheet TDS.

1.7 Wash off solution using copious amount of water and check for water breaks
during removal of solution and re- apply/re work to areas were water breaks
appear and check again.

1.8 Obtain a total water break free surface.

1.9 Blow off water with dry compressed air.

1.10 Item 1.1 to 1.9 to be checked by Paint Controller and Shift Manager.

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Aircraft Painting Centre
Process Document

Primer application
Part 7
Ref. to Airbus and Boeing maintenance manual, Technical Data Sheet for the
practical use of the product and follow safety instructions per EPM 03-57 and
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

Note: Composite components have Pore filler applied to make sure the surface smooth.
Some external composite components have Anti-Static paint coatings.

1.1 Paint Controller to check with Facility system officer that the correct system is

1.2 Ensure all areas that do not require for painting masked and sealed. Ref to EO
aircraft paint scheme Drawings.
Note: Ensure that aircraft is grounded.

1.3 Check all transparencies masking is sealed.

1.4 Ensure temp and humidity is within acceptable limits of the products Data sheets.

1.5 Details of Etch/Wash primer to be recorded per QA/F/1142.

1.6 Apply Etch/Wash Primer on recommended surfaces per reference EO Drawing

and Technical Data Sheet TDS.

1.7 Apply Conversion Coating to the complete aircraft (for Boeing Aircraft only).

1.8 Details of Conversion Coating to be recorded ref. QA/F/1142.

1.9 Inspect primed surfaces and rectify defects.

Caution: Etch/Wash primer to be applied to metal areas only

Etch/Wash primer and Conversion Coating not to applied using electro-static
gun in armed position (as it has a high water base).
Etch/Wash primer not to be applied over Conversion Coating.
Etch/Wash primer not required on composite panels.

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Aircraft Painting Centre
Process Document

1.10 Refer to Technical Data Sheet for the minimum and maximum Recoatable time.

1.11 Perform DFT Dry Film Thickness and record as per QA/F/1143.

1.12 Clean off areas with tack cloths.

1.13 Apply Primer on recommended surfaces per reference EO Drawing and
Technical Data Sheet TDS.

1.14 Details of Primer to be recorded as per QA/F/1142.

1.15 Inspect primed surfaces and rectify defects.

1.16 Items 1.1 to 1.15 to be inspected and checked by Paint Controller/Shift

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Aircraft Painting Centre
Process Document

Top coat application
Part 8
1. Top Coat
Ref. to Airbus, Boeing maintenance manual and Technical Data Sheet for the
practical use of the product and follow safety instructions per EPM 03-57 and
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

1.1 Perform DFT Dry Film Thickness and record as per QA/F/1143.

1.2 Inspect primed surfaces and rectify defects.

1.3 Inspect all masking and blanking.

1.4 Clean off areas with tack cloths as approved by Paint Controller/Shift manager

1.5 Apply Top Coat on recommended surfaces per reference EO Drawing, and
Technical Data Sheet TDS.

1.6 Details of Top coat to be recorded as per QA/F/1142

1.7 Inspect Top Coat surfaces and rectify defects.

1.8 Items 1.1 to 1.6 to be inspected and checked by Paint Controller/Shift manager.

1.9 Perform DFT Dry Film Thickness and record as per QA/F/1143 after the
recommended drying time per TDS Technical Data Sheet.

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Aircraft Painting Centre
Process Document

2. Top Coat Wings, Pylons, Flight Controls, THS, and Elevators

Ref. to Airbus, Boeing) and Technical Data Sheet for the practical use of the product
and follow safety instructions per EPM 03-57 and Material Safety Data Sheet
2.1 Paint Controller to check with Facility system officer that the correct system is

2.2 Masking fuselage, vertical fin, THS elevator, winglets and engines prior to
wings painting.

Note: Ensure all areas painted Top coat to be masked on recommended

drying time after painting according to Technical Data Sheet (TDS).

2.3 Clean off areas with tack cloths.

2.4 Apply etch/wash primer to areas of exposed metal refer to Technical Data Sheet
(TDS) for practical use.

2.5 Details of etch/wash to be recorded as per QA/F/1142.

Note: Perform DFT Dry Film Thickness and record as per QA/F/1143 on recommended
drying time after painting according to Technical Data Sheet (TDS).

2.6 Apply Top Coats upper wings center plank area IAW EO/Task card ref. to
Drawing Technical Data Sheet (TDS).

2.7 Details Top coats to be recorded as per QA/F/1142.

2.8 Mask off upper wings prior to paint center plank area prior to painting.

2.9 Mask off upper wings center plank area and apply Primer.

2.10 Details of Primer to be recorded as per QA/F/1142.


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Aircraft Painting Centre
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Note: Perform DFT Dry Film Thickness and record as per QA/F/1143 on recommended
drying time after painting according to Technical Data Sheet (TDS).

2.11 Mask upper wings center plank area above prior to Prime and Top coat spar
Areas Lower wing box area, flight controls, fairings and pylon IAW EO/Task
card ref. to drawing.

2.12 Details of primer/top coat to be recorded as per QA/F/1142.

2.13 Mask off THS and elevators to be Prime and Top coats IAW EO/Task card ref. to

Note: Perform DFT Dry Film Thickness and record as per QA/F/1143 on recommended
drying time after painting according to Technical Data Sheet (TDS).

2.14 Details of primer/top coat to be recorded ref. QA/F/1142.

2.15 Inspect primed surfaces and rectify defects.

2.16 Items 2.1 to 2.15 to be inspected and checked by Paint Controller/Shift manager.

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Aircraft Painting Centre
Process Document

3. Special Coatings

Ref. to Airbus, Boeing Maintenance manual and Technical Data Sheet for the
practical use of the product and follow safety instructions per EPM 03-57 and
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

Note: When a repair or cleaning procedure removes the original surface protection the special
coatings must also be repaired.

3.1 Apply Teflon ARC on recommended surfaces per EO/Task card reference

3.2 Apply Non slip paint on recommended surfaces per EO/Task card reference

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Aircraft Painting Centre
Process Document

Marking/Stencil and Livery application

Part 9
Install all Stencils/Exterior Technical Markings, Logos and Livery spray mask reference to
Airbus/Boeing maintenance manual, EO drawings and follow health safety instructions per EPM
03-57 and Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).

Note: All Markings/Stencils and decals to be applied on recommended drying/curing time

after painting per process manual and Technical Data Sheet (TDS).

1.1 Paint Controller to check with Facility system officer that the correct system is selected.

1.2 Position and install all Emirates Livery/Logos spray mask per EO reference livery

1.3 Line out Tail livery/Logos per EO reference livery drawing.

1.4 Install Emirates website spray mask per EO reference drawing.

1.5 Paint black to fuselage, winglets, and engines cowlings per EO livery

1.6 Paint Gold and colors to fuselage, winglets, and engines cowlings per EO livery
1.7 Paint clear coat over Gold colors to fuselage, winglets, and engines cowlings per EO
livery drawing.

1.8 Paint Red color to Fin and rear fuselage per EO Livery drawings.

1.9 Paint Black color to Fin and rear fuselage per EO Livery drawings.

1.10 Paint Green color to Fin and rear fuselage per EO Livery drawings.

1.11 Install Aircraft registration on fuselage, Nose landing gear doors and left hand underside
wing as per EO reference to drawing.

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Aircraft Painting Centre
Process Document

1.12 Paint Black color to aircraft registration on fuselage, Nose landing gear and left
hand underside wing as per EO reference to drawing.

1.13 Install all exterior mandatory markings/stencils as per EO drawings and aircraft
maintenance manual.

1.14 Paint all exterior stencils as per EO, TDS, and aircraft maintenance manual.

1.15 Install stencils for all exterior panel identification numbers as per EO drawings,
and aircraft maintenance manual.

1.16 Paint all panel identification numbers as per EO, TDS, and aircraft maintenance

1.17 Line out door band for all passenger door and emergency door as per EO reference

1.18 Cargo door instructions to be applied using decal as per Emirates /Boeing
commercial markings. (For Boeing aircraft only)

1.19 Inspect all markings/Stencils and rectify defects.

1.20 Items 1.1 to 1.19 to be inspected and checked by Paint Controller/Shift manager.

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Aircraft Painting Centre
Process Document

Clear coat application

Part 10
Cleat coat application to be applied on recommended surfaces per engineering Order
E.O, and (TDS) Technical Data Sheet and follow health safety
instructions per EPM 03-57 and Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).

1.1 Paint Controller to check with Facility system officer that the correct system is

1.2 Mask the area/surfaces were is not require/recommend for clear coat per EO

1.3 Lightly abrade top coat by scotch brite or sanding paper per Technical Data Sheet.

1.4 Check and inspect all markings and livery for damage and correct locations and
rectify the defects.

1.5 Air blows the area to be clear coat and cleans using mild cleaning solvent and final
tack cloth.

1.6 Inspect the complete area for defects and rectify defects.

1.7. Apply clear coat as on recommended surfaces per EO Drawings, and Technical
Data Sheets.

1.8 Details of Clear coat to be recorded as per QA/F/1142.

1.9 Inspect the coating for defects and rework as required.

1.10 Items 1.1 to 1.9 to be inspected and checked by Paint Controller Shift manager.

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Aircraft Painting Centre
Process Document

Completion of Painting
Part 11

Apply below steps after top coat applied and completion of painting.

1.1 Controller to check with Facility system officer that the correct system is

1.2 Measure and record the DFT, Gloss, and Orange Peel as per QA/F/1143.

Note: The RVSM static port edges between the bare and painted area to make sure that
thickness is within the limit and not exceeding 400 micron maximum as per Maintenance

1.3 De-mask aircraft completely and inspect complete aircraft for any defects which
were not picked up during the process record and rectify.

1.4 Inspect aircraft after de-masking for masking tape and gum especially pitot and
static ports. (See Cautionary notes)

1.5 Measure and record total Paint Thickness, Gloss levels and Orange Peel level ref to
Part 12.

1.6 Remove masking from inside U/C doors and bays and inspect for overspray and

1.7 Mask and Apply correct sealant to engine nose lips and nose cowl and smooth out
to form an aerodynamic finish.

1.8 Make sure that the areas are clean and clear of tools and other items or equipment.

1.9 Return the aircraft back to Paint serviceable condition if no further work is required.

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Paint Specification and Traceability Pageof.
Part 12

Aircraft Registration:
......... Paint Specification and Traceability Data
Work Order number:
Manfr Part Manufacturer Batch Date Time Visc/ Cup Hum Air Qty. Sign
No GRN No. Area Processed Ratio Temp
Supplier Number Expiry Date Number Applied Applied Sec. Size (RH) Flow Mixed Stamp

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Dry Film Thickness (DFT) Measurement Table

Paint Thickness
Aircraft Reg.: Job Card #: Date:
Total Sign
Thickness &
Post Wash Top
Description Primer Primer, Stamp
Sanding Primer Coat Top Coat +
Clear coat
Vertical stabilizer on right
2 Upper area fuselage
3 Right middle area fuselage
4 Top Central area fuselage
5 Right side fuse (RVSM) area
6 Right front fuselage
7 Right rear fuselage
8 Lower rear area
9 Lower central area
10 Front right fuselage
11 Upper front area
12 Left side fuse (RVSM) area
13 Left middle area fuselage
14 Vertical stabilizer on left side
15 Left rear fuselage
16 Lower area fuselage
17 Left front fuselage
18 Bottom skin of right THS
19 Top skin of right THS
20 Top skin of left THS
21 Bottom skin of left THS
22 Top skin right wings
23 Bottom skin right wing
24 Top skin left wings
25 Bottom skin left wing


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Paint Gloss and Orange Peel Measurement Table
Aircraft Reg.: Job Card #: Date:
Gloss Level Orange Peel Sign and
> 90 GU >8 Stamp
1 Vertical stabilizer on right side
2 Upper area fuselage
3 Right middle area fuselage
4 Top Central area fuselage
5 Right side fuse (RVSM) area
6 Right front fuselage
7 Right rear fuselage
8 Lower rear area
9 Lower central area
10 Front right fuselage
11 Upper front area
12 Left side fuse (RVSM) area
13 Left middle area fuselage
14 Vertical stabilizer on left side
15 Left rear fuselage
16 Lower area fuselage
17 Left front fuselage
18 Bottom skin of right THS
19 Top skin of right THS
20 Top skin of left THS
21 Bottom skin of left THS
22 Top skin right wings
23 Bottom skin right wing
24 Top skin left wings
25 Bottom skin left wing


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Process Document

List of instruments used to obtain gloss, thickness and orange peel

Part 13

Calibrate the instrument; follow different methods of calibration or adjustment. Verify

calibration according to manufacturer's instructions.

1.1 Wave Scan Dual (BYK 4840)

a) To Measure the smoothness and Orange Peel level of paint finished.
b) To Measure the Gloss Level of Paint finished.

1.2 Trio Novo Gloss

The Novo-Gloss Trio Gloss meter is an instrument to measuring the gloss of
all flat surfaces Coating finish. The 60 is the reference angle and is be used to measure any
surface from matt to mirror finish.

13. Dual Scope MPOR USB

The DUALSCOPE MP0R USB is Dry Film Thickness gauge to measure coating thickness of
paint by micron or mil.

a. Operation
Switching the instrument ON
The instrument will switch ON automatically when it is placed on a specimen.

The instrument is required for a self calibration before performing the test; refer to
operation manual to perform the calibration and operational/practical use.

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Part 14
Intentionally Blank

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