Iloilo City Regulation Ordinance 2016-334

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Republic of the Philippines

City of Iloilo


DECEMBER 15, 2016.

City Vice Mayor & Presiding Officer

Hon, Lady Julie Grace L Baronda Member

Hon, Ely A, Estante, Jr. Member
Hon, Jeffrey P, Ganzon Member
Hon, R Leone N, Gerochi, Asst, flour Leader Member
Hon. Rey land Y. Hervias, J,iga ng n1ga Barangay Pres. Ex Officio Member
Hon, Mandrie T: Malabor Member
Hon, Plaridel C, Nava II Member
Hon, Armand S, Parcon Member
Hon, Eduardo L, Pefiaredondo, Noor Leader Member
Hon, Liezl Joy Zulueta-Salazar Member
Hon, Jose Efrain G, Trefias Ill Member
Hon, Candice Magdalane A, Tupas, M,O, Member


Hon, Joshua C Alim (On Vacatwn I.eave) Member



Sponsored by Hon, Lady Julie Grace Baronda and

/ unanimously co-sponsored by Hon, Eduardo L

Peftaredondo, Reyland V, Hervias, Hon, Plaridel C Nava
II, Hon, Liezl Joy Zulueta Salazar, Hon, Jose Efrain G,
Trefias III, Hon. Mandrie T: Malabor, Hon, R Leone N,
Gerochi, Hon, Candice Magdalane A, Tupas, Hon,
Armand S, Parcon and Hon, Ely A, Estante, Jr,

WHEREAS, under the ''General Welfare Clause" of the Local Government

~""'e, every local government unit shall exercise the powers expressly granted,
those necessarily implied therefrom, as well as powers necessary, appropriate, or
.Reg_ Ord. No. 2016-1J4 Dec. 15 2016 Page 2

incidental for its efficient governance, and those which are essential to the
promotion of the general welfare.

WHEREAS, under the 1987 Philippine Constitution, one of the declared

policies of the state is that it recognizes the vital role of the youth in nation-
building and shall promote and protect their physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual,
and social well-being, inculcating in the youth patriotism and nationalism, and
encourage their involvement in public and civil affairs.

WHEREAS, Article 12 of the United Nations Human Rights Convention

states that young people, under the age of 18 have the legal right to formally
express their opinions to be taken seriously. It places a legal responsibility on the
decision-makers to consult young people about the things that will affect them and
recommends that this be done through establishing youth based groups such as
youth councils.

WHEREAS, under Section 25 of Republic Act 10742, otherwise known as

the Sangguniang Kabataan Reform Act of 2015, there shall be in every province,
city, and municipality a youth development office.

WHEREAS, under Section 27 of Republic Act 10742, otherwise known as

the Sangguniang Kabataan Reform Act of 2015, the local government unit shall
incorporate in its annual budget snch amount as may be necessary for the operation
and effective functioning of the local youth development office and in accordance
with the COA accounting and auditing rules and regulations.

WHEREAS, creating youth council can act as a real means of incorporating

young people into our communities and can lead to a more safer, vibrant and
sustainable community for all residents of Jloilo City.

NOW THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Sangguniang Panglungsod of

lloilo City in session duly assembled that:

Section 1. Title - This Ordinance shall be known as "An ordinance creating

City Youth Development Council of the City of lloilo, appropriating funds and
r other purposes."

Section 2. Declaration of Policy It is declared policy of the city to

promote the positive development of the social and emotional environment of the
outh, protect their rights and interests, inculcating in them patriotism and
ationalism, and encourage their involvement in public and civic affairs.

Section 3. Definition of Terms - As used in this ordinance, the following

rms shall mean:

a) Church-based groups - refers to those Youth-Serving Organizations

that have affiliations or roots with existing religious associations;
Reg. Ord_ No. 2016-334 Dec. !5 2016 Page 3

b) Commission - refers to the National Youth Commission created under

Republic Act No. 8044;

c) Community-based groups refers to those Youth-Serving

Organizations that have affiliations or roots with the community;

d) In-School-Youth - refers to a youth attending either formal school or

non-school based educational programs under institutions recognized by
the State;

c) City Youth Development Council (CYDC) - may be referred to as

"Council", is a multi-sectoral youth association, which shall be called,
City Youth Development Council (CYDC), headed by the concerned
Sangguniang Kabataan Pederasyon President and composed of
representatives of youth and youth-serving organizations in the city level;

d) Local Youth Development Plan (LYDP) - refers to the city youth

development plan as initially drafted by the Sangguniang Kabataan
Pederasyon, finalized by the CYDC and approved by the local
sanggunian. Local Youth Development Plan (L YDP) shall be anchored
on the Philippine Youth Development Plan (PYDP) and the local
development plans oflloilo City;

e) Out-of-School Youth - refers to youth not enrolled in any formal school

or vocational school, not employed or self-employed, and who is not in
college or technical/vocational school graduate;

f) Working Youth - refers to youth who is either employed, self~

employed, underemployed, or who belongs to specific employable job
seeking youth groups (such as graduates of tertiary and vocational
schools, or those who previously were employed, job seeking youth
groups and are actively looking for work) both in the formal and informal

/ g) Youth - refers to a person whose age ranges from fifteen (15) to thirty
(30) years as provided for under Republic Act 8044 or the Youth in
Nation-Building Act of 1998; For the purpose of targeted programming
for the youth, the age disaggregation shall be as follows:

I 5-17 - child youth

I 8-24 - core youth
25-30 - adult youth;

h) Youth Organizations - refer to those organizations whose membership

or composition are youth;
!leg Ord. No ..~9.!2-334 Dec. 15 2016 Page 4

i) Youth-Serving Organizations - refers to those registered organizations

whose principal programs, projects, and activities are youth-oriented and
youth-related, and whose composition are not limited to the youth. The
organization shall be duly-recognized or accredited either by proper
national or local government entities;

j) Youth with Special Needs - refers to youth marginalized by existing

societal forces, namely: youth in indigenous cultural communities, youth
with disabilities, vouth in situations of armed conflict, victims of natural
disa~ters and calamities, youth in conflict with the law, drug-dependent
youth, street youth, abused/exploited youth, and abandoned/neglected

Section 4. City Youth Development Council (CYDC) - To ensure wide

and multi-sectoral youth participation in local governance, there shall be created in
Jloilo City a City Youth Development Council. The CYDC shall be headed by the
concerned Sangguniang Kabataan Pederasyon President and composed of
representatives of Youth Organizations and Youth-Serving Organizations in lloilo
City. The CYDC shall assist the plarming and execution of projects and programs
of the Sangguniang Kabataan, Youth Organizations, and Youth-Serving
Organizations in lloilo City.

Section S. Composition of the Council - The Council shall be composed of

the following:

a) SK Federation President - Chairperson

b) SK Federation Vice-President- Vice-Chairperson
c) Youth Organization Representative - There shall be one ( 1)
member represe.nting these different advocacies:
i) Youth Participation in Nation-Building
ii) Sustainable Youth Development and Empowerment
iii) Equitable Access to Quality Education
iv) Environmental Protection
v) Climate Change Adaptation

vi) Disaster Risk Reduction and Resiliency
vii) Youth Employment and Livelihood
viii) Health and Anti-Drug Abuse
ix) Gender Sensitivity
x) Social Protection
xi) Capability Building
xii) Sports Development

d) Youth Serving Organization Representative - There shall be one

( 1) member representing these sectors:
i) Church-based groups
ii) Community-based groups
Reg Ord. No. 2016-334 Dec . 15. 2016 Page 5

Section 6. Advisory Committee - An Advisory Committee shall be created

to supervise and monitor the operation of the City Youth Development Council.
The following are the members of the Advisory Committee:

a) City Mayor - Chairperson

b) Chairman of the Committee on Youth & Sports Development of
the City Council - Vice Chairperson
c) There shall be one (I) member representing these offices:
i) Commission on Higher Education
ii) City Planning and Development Officer
iii) City Health Officer
iv) Schools Division Superintendent of the Department of
Education or his duly designated representative
v) City Population Officer
vi) City Environment and Natural Resources Officer
vii) City Social Welfare and Development Officer

Section 7. Secretariat - The City Youth Development Division shall be the

secretariat of the City Youth Development Council.

Section 8. Manner of Election - Within 60 days after this ordinance has

been passed, the CYDD shall notify all the presidents or authorized representatives
of the accredited/registered Youth Organizations or Youth-Serving Organizations
in that locality, assemble them in a public venue, and by consensus or secret
balloting, they shall choose 1 representative for each sector mentioned above. One
accredited/registered Youth Organization or Youth Serving Organization is entitled
to one vote. These representatives shall serve for a term of three (3) years in the

Section 9. Convening of the City Youth Development Council - The duly

elected chairperson or vice-chairperson of the Panglungsod na Pederasyon ng mga
Sangguniang Kabataan, shall automatically become members of the CYDC,
respectively. The Sangguniang Kabataan Pedera~yon chairperson, or in her/his
absence, the vice-chairperson shall convene the council and shall preside over all
its meetings. If both the Sangguniang Kabataan Pederasyon chairperson and vice-
chairperson are absent, the Sangguniang Panlungsod Chairman on Committee on
Youth and Sports Development shall act as the chairperson and shall preside over
of its meetings.

All Youth Organizations and Youth-Serving Organizations shall submit an

/ official and alternate representative for their respective sectors. If the official
representative fails to attend or do his/her duties, he/she shall be replaced by the
alternative representative as member of the CYDC. If both representatives fail to
attend or do their duties, their position in the CYDC shall be considered forfoit.
Reg_ Ord. No. 2016-334 Dec_ 15 2016 Page6

Section 10. Meetings and Quorum - The CYDC shall schedule a meeting
every quarter, and as often as needed. However, if the chairperson, vice-
chairperson, or Sangguniang Panlungsod Chainnan on Committee on Youth and
Sports Development fails to convene the CYDC as scheduled, at least one-third of
the total membership of the CYDC may call for a meeting. In both instances, a
written notice shall be sent, either through traditional or non-traditional means, to
all members setting the date, time, place and agenda of the meeting which must be
received at least two (2) days in advance.

Section l l. Qualifications of members of the City Youth Development

Council -A member of the CYDC must:

a) Be a citizen of the Philippines;

b) Be a resident of the city for not less than one(!) year immediately
preceding the day of his/her election to the CYDC;
c) Be at least fifteen (15) years old, but not more than thirty (30) years
of age on the day of his/her election at the council. This shall not
apply to Youth Serving Organizations;
d) Be able to read and write Filipino, English or Hiligaynon;
e) Not have been convicted by final judgment of any crime involving
moral turpitude.

Section 12. Functions of the City Youth Development Council - The

following shall be the functions of the CYDC:

a) Serve as the core of the advocacy on youth participation in nation-

building and youth empowennent;
b) To formulate policies and programs that encourages youth development
in the city through various programs, projects and activities.
c) To assist in the planning and implementation of various activities and
organizations in the City engaged in youth development programs.
d) To oversee and provide support in the formulation and implementation of
the Local Youth Development Plan that is anchored in the Philippine
Youth Development Plan.
f) To perform such other functions as may be prescribed by law or

~ Section 13. Accreditation/Registration of Youth Organizations and

/ , outh-Serving Organizations

Accreditation of Youth Organbations or Youth Serving Organio:ations -

Accreditation shall be done through the Office of the Vice Mayor.

b) Requirements for Accreditation to the CYDC - The requirements are as

i) Letter expressing intent for accreditation to join the CYDC;
Reg.Ord.No._;?.0[6-334 Dec.15.2016 Page 7

ii) Resolution requesting for accreditation of the Youth Organization or Youth-

Serving Organization with their official and alternate representative;
iii) Certification of existence and veracity of infonnation submitted to the
council from any of the following:
I .Office of the Student Affairs or any school administrators, for the
in-school youth organizations
2. Punong Barangay, Department of Labor and Employment,
Department of Social Welfare and Development, Department of
Interior and Local Government, Department of Agriculture,
Department of Agricultural Refonn for the out-of-school youth,
Special youth and community youth organizations;
iv) Constitution and by-laws;
v) List of activities undertaken within the calendar year with financial
statement, except for the newly established organizations;
vi) Registered at the Securities and Exchange Commission, Certification
from the Securities and Exchange Commission;
vii) List of officers and members. There should be at least 10 members
including the officers;
viii) List of programs and activities conducted over its existence;
ix) Other requirements as decided by the Office of the Vice Mayor.

c) Registration of Youth Organi=ations or Youth-Serving Organi=ations -

Registration shall be done through the lloilo City Youth Development Division.
Only those registered Youth Organizations or Youth-Serving Organizations which
exist in the City of lloilo shall be accredited by the Office of the Vice Mayor.

d) Requirements/or registration to the CYDD- Jn addition to the revitalized

Youth Organizations' Registration Program guidelines of the Commission, the
requirements are as follows:

i) Letter expressing intent for registration to JOIIl the City Youth

Development Council;
ii) Certification of existence and veracity of infonnation submitted to the
City Youth Development Division from any of the following:
I. Office of the Student Affairs or any school administrators, for the
in-school youth organizations
2. Punong Barangay, Department of Labor and Employment,
Department of Social Welfare and Development, Department of
Interior and Local Goven1ment, Department of Agriculture,
Department of Agricultural Refonn for the out-of-school youth,
Special youth and community youth organizations;
iii) Organizational policies and guidelines;
iv). List of officers and members. There should be at least I0 members
including the officers;
v) Other requirements as decided by the CYDD.
Reg. Ord. No_ 2016-334. Dec, 15 2016 Page 8

e) Verification of Youth Organi=ations and Youth-Serving Organizations -

The City Youth Development Division shall verify the registration infonnation
provided by these organizations. The CYDD shall send a list of registered and
verified Youth Organizations and Youth-Serving Organizations to the

f) Renewal, Verification and Continuing City Registration - Registered

Youth and Youth Serving Organizations shall renew their local registration and
verification every three (3) years. The CYDD shall conduct a continuing
registration procedure taking into consideration the budgetary and manpower
requirements and the presence of Youth Organizations and Youth-Serving

g) Condition Precedent - Registration and verification of Youth

Organizations and Youth Serving Organizations is a condition precedent for
participation in the CYDC elections. However, if a Youth Organization or Youth-
Serving Organization is denied registration and verification by the CYDD, such
organization can apply for special registration and verification to the Commission.
Such special registration and verification entitles the organization to participate in
the CYDC elections.

h) Accreditation and Registration Forms - Accreditation fonns for

interested applicants may be taken from the Office of the Vice Mayor. Registration
fonns for interested applicants may be taken from the CYDD.

i) Inaction of the CYDD - Negative action of the CYDD on application can

be appealed to the Sangguniang Panlungsod whose decision shall be deemed final
and executory.

Section 14. Rights, Duties and Obligations of Accredited Youth

Organizations and Youth-Serving Organizations

a) The rights of accredited youth organizations are as follows:

i) The right to participate in all activities of the City Youth

Development Council;
ii) The right to vote and be voted as a member of the CYDC;
iii) The right to avail of the services of the CYDC;
iv) The right to use the facilities of the CYDC;
v) The right to create an event in partnership with the CYDC;
vi) The right to enter into contracts with the lloilo City Government.

b) The duties and obligations of members of accredited youth organizations

are as follows:

i) To actively participate in all activities of the CYDC;

Reg. Ord. No 2016-~34 Dec. lS 2016 Page 9

ii) To propagate by word and by deed the principles, objectives and

programs of the CYDC;
iii) To abide by the rules and regulations provided by the
Commission, CYDC and CYDD for Youth Organizations and
Youth Serving Organizations.

Section 15. Rights, Duties and Obligations of Registered Youth

Organizations and Youth-Serving Organizations

a) The rights of registered youth organizations are as follows:

i) The right to participate in all activities of the City Youth
Development Council;
ii) The right to vote and be voted as a member of the CYDC;
iii) The right to avail of the services of the CYDC;
iv) The right to use the facilities of the CYDC.

b) The duties and responsibilities of members of registered youth

organizations are as follows:

i) To actively participate in all activities of the CYDC:

ii) To propagate by word and by deed the principles, objectives and
programs of the CYDC.

Section 16. Incentive - Any Youth Organization and/or Youth-Serving

Organization who failed to register or accredit are entitled to any benefit that the
City Government may provide and are not entitled to representation in the CYDC.

Section 17. Domicile - The CYDC shall hold its office at the lloilo City Hall
and should have a separate staff whose sole concern is the day-to-day operation of
the Council.

Section 18. Non-Partisan Nature of the CYDC - The CYDC shall not
allow itself to be used for the purposes of partisan politics and shall adopt
measures to ensure that it is adequately shielded from any political partnership or

Section 19. Local Youth Development Plan (LYDP) - The CYDC shall
finalize the three (3) year LYDP that is anchored in the Philippine Youth
Deve pment Plan (PYDP) and the development plans of lloilo City.

The LYDP shall be submitted to the Office of the City Mayor for inclusion
m the City Development Plan and subsequently endorsed to the Sangguniang
Panlungsod for approval. These plans shall give priority to programs, projects and
activities that will promote and ensure the meaningful youth participation in
nation-building, sustainable youth development and empowerment, equitable
ac ess to quality education, environmental protection, climate change adaptation,
di aster risk reduction and resiliency, youth employment and livelihood, health and
Reg Ord. No. 2016-334 Dflc. 15. 2016 Page 10

anti-drug abuse, gender sensitivity, social protection, capability building and sports

Section 20. Youth Center - The CYDC may establish a Youth Center
which shall be located within the City of lloilo. The Youth Center shall operate as
a multi-purpose center or a One-stop facility.

Section 21. Youth Certification - The CYDC shall provide a certificate for
youth residing in lloilo City to avail any privilege that may be created in the future.

Section 22. Appropriations - The lloilo City Government shall allocate and
appropriate budget for the implementation of this Ordinance.

Section 23. Repealing Clause - All other policies or laws creating

organizations, councils or boards in the city which exists having similar program
with the Local Youth Development Council are hereby repealed.

Section 24. Effectivity Clause. This ordinance shall take etlect within thirty
(30) days from its approval and publication in a newspaper of local circulation.

ENACTED, December 15, 2016

I hereby certify to the correctness of the above quoted ordinance.

Se etary to the S




Ina ts, I 6-12-1?19 (t.:oroflary)

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