Oscilador de Inverter BD9897FS

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STRUCTURE Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuit


FUNCTION 36V High voltage process
1ch control with Full-Bridge
Lamp current and voltage sense feed back control
Sequencing easily achieved with Soft Start Control
Short circuit protection with Timer Latch
Under Voltage Lock Out
Mode-selectable the operating or stand-by mode by stand-by pin
Synchronous operating the other BD9897FS ICs
BURST mode controlled by PWM and DC input
Output liner Control by external DC voltage

Absolute Maximum RatingsTa = 25

Parameter Symbol Limits Unit
Supply Voltage VCC 36 V
BST pin BST 40 V
SW pin SW 36 V
BST-SW voltage difference BST-SW 7 V
Operating Temperature Range Topr -40+85
Storage Temperature Range Tstg -55+150
Maximum Junction Temperature Tjmax +150
Power Dissipation Pd 950* mW
Pd derate at 7.6mW/ for temperature above Ta = 25 (When mounted on a PCB 70.0mm70.0mm1.6mm)
Operating condition
Parameter Symbol Limits Unit
Supply voltage VCC 7.530.0 V
BST voltage BST 4.036.0 V
BST-SW voltage difference BST-SW 4.06.5 V
CT oscillation frequency fCT 60180 kHz
BCT oscillation frequency fBCT 0.051.00 kHz
Status of this document
The Japanese version of this document is the official specification.
Please use the translation version of this document as a reference to expedite understanding of the official version.
If these are any uncertainty in translation version of this document, official version takes priority.


Electric CharacteristicsTa=25VCC=24V

Parameter Limits
Symbol Unit Conditions
Operating current Icc1 7.2 13 mA CT_SYNC_IN = OPEN
Stand-by current Icc2 13.0 30.0 A
Stand-by voltage H VstH 2.0 VCC V System
Stand-by voltage L VstL -0.3 0.8 V System
Operating voltage (VCC) VuvloH 5.7 6.0 6.3 V
Hesteresis width (VCC) VCC_Vuvlo 0.26 0.35 0.43 V
Operating voltage (UVLO) Vuvlo2 2.179 2.25 2.321 V
Hesteresis width (UVLO) Vuvlo 0.074 0.098 0.122 V
REG output voltage VREG 5.68 5.80 5.92 V VCC>7.0V
REG source current IREG 20.0 mA
Active edge setting current Iact 1.35/(RT*7) 1.5/(RT*6) 1.65/(RT*5) A
Negative edge setting current Ineg Iact29 Iact35 Iact41 A
OSC Max voltage VOSCH 1.8 2.0 2.2 V fCT=120kHz
OSC Min voltage VOSCL 0.35 0.45 0.60 V fCT=120kHz
Soft start current ISS 0.6 1.1 1.6 A
SRT ON resistance RSRT 100 200
BOSC Max voltage VBCTH 1.94 2.00 2.06 V fBCT=0.3kHz

BOSC Min voltage VBCTL 0.40 0.50 0.60 V fBCT=0.3kHz

BOSC constant current IBCT 1.35/BRT 1.5/RT 1.65/RT A VBCT=0.2V
BOSC frequency fBCT 291 300 309 Hz (BRT=33k BCT=0.048F)
IS threshold voltage 1 VIS 1.225 1.250 1.275 V

IS threshold voltage 2 VIS VREFIN VIS V VREF applying voltage

VS threshold voltage VVS 1.220 1.250 1.280 V

IS source current 1 IIS1 0.9 A DUTY=2.2V
IS source current 2 IIS2 32 50 68 A DUTY=0V IS=0.5V
VS source current IVS 0.9 A
IS COMP detect voltage VISCOMP 0.90 0.94 0.98 V VREFIN1.25V
IS COMP detect voltage VISCOMP VREFIN0.73 V VREFIN1.25V
VREF input voltage range VREFIN 0.6 1.6 V No effect at VREF1.25V
High voltage VDUTY-OUTH 2.8 3.1 3.4 V
Low voltage VDUTY-OUTL - 0.5 V
DUTY-OUT sink resistance RDUTY-OUTSink 150 300
DUTY-OUT source resistance RDUTY-OUTSouce 250 500
LN output sink resistance RsinkLN 0.75 1.5 3.0
LN output source resistance RsourceLN 2.5 5 10
HN output sink resistance RsinkHN 1.25 2.5 5.0 VBST-VSW=5.0V
HN output source resistance RsourceLN 2.5 5 10 VBST-VSW=5.0V
MAX DUTY MAX DUTY 46.0 48.0 49.5 % FOUT=60kHz
OFF period TOFF 100 200 400 ns
Drive output frequency FOUT 58.5 60.0 61.5 kHz (RT=4.7k CT=235pF)
Timer Latch setting voltage VCP 1.94 2.0 2.06 V
Timer Latch setting current ICP 0.40 0.55 0.70 A
COMP1 over voltage detect voltage VCOMPH 2.460 2.485 2.510 V VSS2.2V
COMP2 over voltage detect voltage VCOMP2_H 2.460 2.485 2.510 V VSS2.2V
COMP2 under voltage detect voltage VCOMP_L_1 1.225 1.25 1.275 V VSS2.2V
COMP2 under voltage detect voltage VCOMP_L_2 0.606 0.625 0.644 V VSS2.2V
((Synchronous Block))
High voltage VCT_SYNCH 2.8 3.1 3.4 V
Low voltage VCT_SYNCL 0.5 V
CT_SYNC sink resistance RCT_SYNC_SYNC 150 300
CT_SYNC source resistance RCT_SYNC_SOURCE 370 740
High voltage input range VCT_SYNC_IN_H 2.0 3.3 V
Low voltage input range VCT_SINK_IN_L -0.3 0.6 V

This product is not designed to be radiation-resistant.


Package Dimensions Pin Description

Device Mark PIN

1 PGND Ground for FET drivers

2 LN2 NMOS FET driver

BD9897FS 3 HN2 NMOS FET driver

4 SW2 Lower rail voltage for HN2 output

5 BST2 Boot-Strap input for HN2 output

6 CT_SYNC_IN CT synchronous signal input pin

Lot No.
7 CT_SYNC_OUT CT synchronous signal output pin
External resistor from SRT to RT for adjusting
the triangle oscillator
External resistor from SRT to RT for adjusting
9 RT
the triangle oscillator
External capacitor from CT to GND for adjusting
10 CT
the triangle oscillator

SSOP-A32 (Unitmm)
External capacitor from BCT to GND for adjusting
12 BCT
the BURST triangle oscillator
External resistor from BRT to GND for adjusting
13 BRT
Block Diagram the BURST triangle oscillator

14 DUTY Control PWM mode and BURST mode

15 DUTY_OUT BURST signal output pin

16 STB Stand-by switch

17 CP External capacitor from CP to GND for Timer Latch

18 FAIL COMP2 under voltage protect clock output

19 VREF Reference voltage input pin for Error amplifier

20 VS Error amplifier input

21 IS Error amplifier input

22 FB Error amplifier output

External capacitor from SS to GND for Soft Start
23 SS

24 COMP2 Under, over voltage detect pin

25 COMP1 Over voltage detect pin

26 VCC Supply voltage input

27 UVLO External Under Voltage Lock Out

28 REG Internal regulator output

29 BST1 Boot-Strap input for HN1 output

30 SW1 Lower rail voltage for HN1 output

31 HN1 NMOS FET driver

32 LN1 NMOS FET driver



. When designing the external circuit, including adequate margins for variation between external devices and
IC. Use adequate margins for steady state and transient characteristics.
. The circuit functionality is guaranteed within of ambient temperature operation range as long as it is within
recommended operating range. The standard electrical characteristic values cannot be guaranteed at other
voltages in the operating ranges, however the variation will be small.
. Mounting failures, such as misdirection or miscounts, may harm the device.
. A strong electromagnetic field may cause the IC to malfunction.
. The GND pin should be the location within 0.3V compared with the PGND pin.
. BD9897FS incorporate a built-in thermal shutdown circuit (TSD circuit). The thermal shutdown circuit (TSD
circuit) is designed only to shut the IC off to prevent runaway thermal operation. It is not designed to
protect the IC or guarantee its operation of the thermal shutdown circuit is assumed.
. Absolute maximum ratings are those values that, if exceeded, may cause the life of a device to become
significantly shortened. Moreover, the exact failure mode caused by short or open is not defined. Physical
countermeasures, such as a fuse, need to be considered when using a device beyond its maximum ratings.
. About the external FET, the parasitic Capacitor may cause the gate voltage to change, when the drain voltage
is switching. Make sure to leave adequate margin for this IC variation.
. On operating Slow Start Control (SS is less than 2.2V), It does not operate Timer Latch.
. By STB voltage, BD9897FS are changed to 2 states. Therefore, do not input STB pin voltage between one
state and the other state (0.82.0V).
. The pin connected a connector need to connect to the resistor for electrical surge destruction.
This IC is a monolithic IC which (as shown is Fig-1) has P+ substrate and between the various pins. A
P-N junction is formed from this P layer of each pin. For example, the relation between each potential
is as follows,
(When GND > PinB and GND > PinA, the P-N junction operates as a parasitic diode.)
(When PinB > GND > PinA, the P-N junction operates as a parasitic transistor.)
Parasitic diodes can occur inevitably in the structure of the IC. The operation of parasitic diodes can result
in mutual interference among circuits as well as operation faults and physical damage. Accordingly you must
not use methods by which parasitic diodes operate, such as applying a voltage that is lower than the GND
(P substrate) voltage to an input pin.
This IC is a monolithic IC which (as shown is Fig-1)has P+ substrate and between the various pins. A P-N
junction is formed from this P layer of each pin. For example, the relation between each potential is
as follows,
(When GND > PinB and GND > PinA, the P-N junction operates as a parasitic diode.)
(When PinB > GND > PinA, the P-N junction operates as a parasitic transistor.)
Parasitic diodes can occur inevitably in the structure of the IC. The operation of parasitic diodes can result
in mutual interference among circuits as well as operation faults and physical damage. Accordingly you must
not use methods by which parasitic diodes operate, such as applying a voltage that is lower than the GND
(P substrate) voltage to an input pin.

Resistance Transistor (NPN)

(PinA) B
(PinB) E

P substrate P substrate
Parasitic diode Parasitic diode


Parasitic diode E
Other adjacent components Parasitic diode

Fig-1 Simplified structure of a Bipolar IC


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