Upgrading of Transmission Towers Using A Diaphragm Bracing System
Upgrading of Transmission Towers Using A Diaphragm Bracing System
Upgrading of Transmission Towers Using A Diaphragm Bracing System
Received 6 October 2003; received in revised form 11 December 2003; accepted 6 January 2004
Many older transmission towers are designed based on tension-only bracing systems with slender diagonal members. However,
the increased demand in power supply and changing global weather patterns mean that these towers require upgrading to carry
the resultant heavier loading. The failure of a single tower can rapidly propagate along the line and result in severe damage that
costs many millions of dollars. Hence, this research project aimed at developing ecient upgrade schemes using diaphragm bra-
cings. Tower strength improvement was investigated by adding a series of diaphragm bracing types at mid-height of the slender
diagonal members. Analytical studies showed that considerable strength improvements could be achieved using diaphragm bra-
cings. They also showed the eects of dierent types of bracings, including those of joining the internal nodes of diaphragm mem-
bers and the location of diaphragms. Experimental studies were undertaken using a tower sub-structure assembly that was
strengthened with a variety of diaphragm bracings under two types of loading. The results conrmed the analytical predictions
and allowed recommendations on the most ecient diaphragm bracing types. An upgrade scheme that used the most ecient dia-
phragm bracing type was successfully implemented on an existing 105 m high TV tower. This paper presents the details of both
the analytical and experimental studies and their results.
# 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
mm above the bottom horizontal edge of the horizon- Fig. 6b shows the details of the diagonal rod to
tal angles. The other end of the diagonal rod was bol- horizontal angle connections.
ted directly to the vertical angle legs at a distance of 35 Analytical studies showed that the xity of base con-
mm above the top of the base plate. Both rods were nections did not aect the buckling of diagonal rods.
placed outside the angle and hence were eccentrically Hence, no attempt was made to create a pinned base
connected. This is similar to the practice used in trans- connection. The vertical angle legs were welded to 12
mission line towers, whereby diagonal angle members mm plates. These plates were then bolted to thicker
are often lapped outside and bolted to horizontal mem- plates that were clamped to the supporting beams. The
base connection used in the test structure as shown in
bers. The inner rod was 8 mm away from the angle
Fig. 6c should therefore be considered as semi-rigid.
face whereas the outer rod was at a distance equal to
To simplify the fabrication of the test structure,
its diameter plus 8 mm from the angle face. The M10
6 mm gusset plates were rst welded to the top of verti-
bolts were wrapped with rubber sleeves and special cal angles as shown in Fig. 6d. The horizontal angles
care was taken to eliminate any friction in these joints, were then simply bolted to the plates on both legs using
i.e. between the end plates and between the bolt and M10 8.8 grade bolts. In this way, the corner connections
rod at the bolt holes. Hence, the connections can were made rigid as was assumed in the analyses.
be considered as in-plane pinned rather than As stated in Section 2, two load cases were con-
out-of-plane pinned. Indeed, they were closer to sidered. In the rst case, referred to as the bending
out-of-plane xed (some buckling modes tended to case, equal horizontal loads were applied at the cor-
indicate that they were not quite xed out-of-plane). ners of the test structure using a spreader beam, as
Fig. 6. Details of test structure: (a) Overall test structure; (b) diagonal rod to horizontal angle connections; (c) base connections; (d) corner con-
nections; (e) load application for the bending case; (f) load application for the torsion case.
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shown in Fig. 6e. A horizontal load was applied at 3.3. Results and discussion
only one corner in the second load case, referred to as
the torsion case (see Fig. 6f). The load distributors Table 2 compares the test results with the analytical
predictions. The diagonal and diaphragm members in
were located along the centroidal line of the horizontal
the analysis were modeled with end conditions as in-
angles. A 50 kN load cell was used in series with the
plane pinned and out-of-plane xed. This allowed
actuator to measure the applied load. accurate simulation of the test structure conditions
In most tests, at least a pair of strain gauges was reported in the previous section. The use of these end
used in the diagonal compression rods at diametrically conditions mean that the analytical results presented in
opposite locations (see Fig. 6a). This allowed the moni- Table 2 are dierent to those reported in Table 1 and
toring of axial strains in these rods during the test, i.e. Figs. 4 and 5 in Section 2.
using the average of the two strain gauge readings. Due The results of the preliminary test series using the
to the eccentric connections, there was noticeable out- larger 16 mm diagonal rods are also presented in
of-plane bending in the rods before buckling. To moni- Table 2. However, the results for the cable diaphragm
tor this eect, two pairs of strain gauges were used in system are not presented because the cable system was
some tests at diametrically opposite locations. These unable to provide much strength improvement. There
strain readings not only allowed the monitoring of were also practical diculties in installing the cable
axial strain, but also the in-plane and out-of-plane ex-
There was considerable eccentricity in all of the con-
ural strains caused by eccentric connections.
nections, and with the unavoidable imperfections in the
test structure and its components, both the diagonal
3.2. Test program compression rods were bending either in-plane or out-
of-plane before they reached buckling. In some cases,
The rst test series was undertaken using 16 mm
they were bending about both axes. Attempts were
diagonal rods and without any diaphragm bracings. made to minimize these eects so that such premature
This was to verify the test set-up and loading process. bending and yielding could be eliminated. Despite these
In all the tests, the test structure was loaded until one attempts, the diagonal compression rods were always
or both the slender diagonal compression members bending in plane or out-of-plane during the tests.
buckled. Following this, dierent types of diaphragm Therefore, as indicated in Section 3.1, strain gauge
bracings described in Fig. 2 were added one by one and measurements were used to determine the point of
tested until buckling. With the addition of diaphragm buckling of the diagonal rods. The buckling load was
bracings, the buckling capacity of diagonal rods calculated based on the measured maximum axial com-
increased considerably. Hence, the test structure could pression strain in the rods (average of the strain read-
not be loaded until buckling as there were local failures ings from the two strain gauges located diametrically
opposite on the rods). The axial compression strain
at connections. Hence, the diameter of the diagonal
remained constant or decreased after the buckling of
rods was reduced to 10.3 mm and the tests were
the compression rods. The test structure was able to
repeated. The corresponding diaphragm bracings were carry further load as the load was now shed to the ten-
only 5.3 mm in diameter, although in the preliminary sion diagonal rods. Table 2 reports the test buckling
test series both the diagonal and diaphragm bracing strain and load determined in this manner. In some
rods were 16 mm in diameter. In some tests, a cable tests, both diagonal compression rods buckled, and the
diaphragm system was used instead of rods because lower buckling load is reported in Table 2.
analyses showed very small forces in the diaphragm Table 2 also reports the applied load P at each cor-
bracing members. The same angle members were used ner of the test frame at the point of buckling. However,
in all of the tests because they were only stressed to this was not used in the comparisons with analytical
levels well below their yield stress. Strain gauge and predictions for the following reason. There appeared to
displacement transducer readings were monitored be some rigid frame action in the test structure even
with the presence of diagonal rods, in particular when
throughout all of the tests. Fig. 7 shows the test struc-
smaller rods (10.3 mm) were used for the bending case.
ture with various diaphragm bracings. The diaphragm
Hence, there was limited correlation between the mea-
bracing rods were simply welded to the diagonal rods
sured load in the rods and the applied load P. How-
at mid-height. The internal connections of the dia- ever, this situation was improved in the cases of larger
phragm were also welded, but in some cases they were diagonal rods (16 mm) and the torsion case.
joined together with steel ties. Table 2 presents the During the initial tests, considerable friction was
details of the tests that were carried out in this observed at the diagonal rod to angle member connec-
research. tions. However, the use of rubber sleeves and other
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Fig. 7. Diaphragm bracings used in the test structure: (a) Type 1a diaphragm; (b) type 2 diaphragm; (c) type 2a diaphragm; (d) type 3 dia-
phragm; (e) type 3ac diaphragm.
means to reduce the friction at these connections The diagonal rods always buckled in-plane in these
appeared to have worked, as seen from the good agree- tests, as predicted by analysis (see Fig. 8a). Therefore,
ment between test and analytical results obtained in the the test conditions for the connections can be con-
case of test structure without any diaphragm bracings. sidered equivalent to in-plane pinned.
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Table 2
Details of test program and results
Diag. Diaph. Load case Applied Test bucklinga Analysis Test Pcr Buckling mode Pcr/Pcrnb
Rod Type load P
Strain Load Pcr Pcr Analysis Pcr Test Analysis Test Analysis
(mm) (kN)c
(x106) (kN) (kN)
16.0 None Bending 5.75 146 5.87 5.31 1.11 IP-1 IP-1 1.00 1.00
16.0 1 Bending 5.75 5.31 IP-1 IP-1 1.00 1.00
16.0 1a Bending >13.5 12.01 OP-2 IP-1 >2.35 2.26
16.0 None Torsion 5.90 5.34 IP-1 IP-1 1.00 1.00
16.0 1 Torsion 5.70 5.34 IP-1 IP-1 0.97 1.00
16.0 1a Torsion >15.0 9.70 OP-2 IP-1 >2.54 1.82
10.3 None Bending 1.78 51 0.85 0.81 1.05 IP-1 IP-1 1.00 1.00
10.3 1ac Bending 4.52 175 2.91 3.26 0.89 OP-2/IP-2 IP-2 3.42 4.02
10.3 2 Bending 3.06 131 2.18 2.34 0.93 OP-2/IP-2 IP-2 2.56 2.89
10.3 2c Bending 4.50 193 3.21 3.26 0.98 OP-2/IP-2 IP-2 3.78 4.02
10.3 2ac Bending 4.53 199 3.31 3.28 1.01 OP-2/IP-2 IP-2 3.89 4.05
10.3 3 Bending 4.56 155 2.58 3.26 0.79 OP-2/IP-2 IP-2 3.04 4.02
10.3 3a Bending 4.57 174 2.90 3.28 0.88 OP-2/IP-2 IP-2 3.41 4.05
10.3 3ac Bending 4.80 172 2.87 3.26 0.88 OP-2/IP-2 IP-2 3.38 4.02
10.3 None Torsion 2.83 53 0.88 0.81 1.09 IP-1 IP-1 1.00 1.00
10.3 1a Torsion 5.31 157 2.62 3.26 0.80 OP-2/IP-2 IP-2 2.98 4.02
10.3 1ac Torsion 5.04 150 2.50d 3.25 0.77 OP-2/IP-2 IP-2 2.84d 4.01
10.3 2ac Torsion 5.04 187 3.11 3.25 0.96 OP-2/IP-2 IP-2 3.53 4.01
10.3 3 Torsion 5.05 158 2.63 3.26 0.81 OP-2/IP-2 IP-2 2.99 4.02
10.3 3a Torsion 5.05 170 2.83 3.26 0.87 OP-2/IP-2 IP-2 3.22 4.02
10.3 3ac Torsion 5.60 169 2.81 3.25 0.86 OP-2/IP-2 P-2 3.19 4.01
Test buckling load Pcr is the smaller buckling load of the two diagonal rods and is based on measured axial strains.
Pcr/Pcrn is the ratio of the buckling loads of diagonal rods with and without diaphragm braces.
P is the applied load at each corner of the frame at the point of buckling of diagonal rods.
Diaphragm member was deformed and hence did not adequately restrain the diagonal compression member.
With the addition of diaphragm bracings, consider- range of 2.563.89 (i.e. a 156289% increase). They
able strength improvements were obtained, as seen in also agreed reasonably well with corresponding analyti-
the results reported in Table 2. Depending on the dia- cal predictions (2.894.05). The analytical predictions
phragm bracing type used, the buckling loads of diag- were based on an idealized test structure and simplied
onal compression rods increased by a factor in the end conditions, hence the reason for some of the dier-
Fig. 8. Buckling mode of diagonal rods: (a) Without diaphragm bracing; (b) With diaphragm bracing.
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The upgrading scheme presented in the previous sec- Nonlinear analysis of the tower was undertaken
tion was implemented in strengthening a 30-year-old using the program AKTower. Twenty-ve load cases
TV tower. Fig. 9a shows an isometric view of this that account for the new antennas, various directions
tower. The lower part of the 105 m high tower has a of wind and ice were considered in the analysis. In
15 15 m square-base, while its upper 21 m is a tri- these load cases, the ultimate design loads in the trans-
angular mast. The self-weight of the tower is about 687 verse and longitudinal directions of the tower are of
kN. It was intended to add a number of new antennas the order of 1920 kN and 700 kN acting along the
to this tower, which was already displaying excessive height of the tower. Based on the nonlinear analysis
deection and rotation that was aecting its trans- results, a Type 2c diaphragm bracing system (see Fig. 2)
mission performance. The authority responsible for the was proposed at a number of levels along the tower, as
tower was planning to replace many of the diagonal shown in Fig. 9b. This strengthening scheme used less
members with heavier sections. Most of these diagonal steel and was easier to implement than the replacement
members were composed of back-to-back double of the existing diagonal bracings, and made a signi-
angles with typical sections being 127 89 9:5 mm cant improvement to the tower response in terms of
(5 3:5 3=8 inch) or 76 64 4:8 mm both strength and stiness. Fig. 10 compares the tower
(3 2:5 3=16 inch). The members were made of steel deected shape at collapse under one of the load cases.
with a yield stress of 250 or 350 MPa. A typical length The upper triangular mast of the tower is not shown in
of these diagonals is in the range of 7 to 11 m with a this gure so that it can oer a clearer comparison of
number of secondary bracings along the length, as the deected shapes. Fig. 10a shows the original tower
depicted in Fig. 9a. at collapse (load factor of one) and Fig. 10b shows the
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5. Conclusions