Catalan Numbers BibGood Final

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Bell and Catalan Numbers: A Research

Bibliography of Two Special Number Sequences

Compiled by Henry W. Gould,

Edited by Timothy J. Glatzer

1979 Edition, Edited and Revised 2007

Chapter 1

Introduction and Discussion

Below we present what we believe to be fairly complete bibliographies up the

year 1979 for two interesting combinatorial number sequences:

The Catalan sequence: 1, 1, 2, 5, 14, 42, 132, 429, 1430, . . .

The Bell sequence: 1, 1, 2, 5, 15, 52, 203, 877, 4140, . . .

We shall designate terms in the two sequences by C(n) and B(n) respectively,
with n = 0, 1, 2, 3, . . . These sequences arise in a variety of novel combinatorial
situations, as will be seen from a perusal of the papers and books in our bibli-
Explicit formulas are:
1 2n 2n!
C(n) = = , (1.1)
n+1 n n!(n + 1)!

1 X kn
B(n) = Dobi
nskis formula. (1.2)
e k!

B(n) = S(n, k), (1.3)

Here, S(n,k) denotes a Stirling number of the second kind, where

1 k n 1
Pk kj k

S(n, k) = k! 0 = k! j=0 (1) j jn

X n
B(n + 1) = B(k) , with B(0) = 1. Recurrence. (1.4)

C(n) = C(k 1)C(n k), with C(0) = 1. Recurrence. (1.5)


C(n + 1) = C(k)C(n k) , with C(0) = 1. Alternative recurrence (1.6)

X xn
B(x) = ee = B(n) Generating function. (1.7)

1 1 4x X
C(x) = = C(n)xn Generating function. (1.8)
2x n=0

xC2 (x) = C(x) 1 Functional relation (1.9)

1 = C(n) Enumeration formula. (1.10)
1a1 a2
ai i

Combinatorial interpretations of the numbers are plentiful. For example,

C(n 1) = the number of ways of associating n elements in forming partial
products. Example: a(b(cd)), a((bc)d), (ab)(cd), ((ab)c)d, and (a(bc))d are
the only 5 = C(3) ways of associating 4 elements in multiplying out by partial
products. It is easy to confound the two sequences because of the similar values
1, 1, 2, 5, and 14 versus 1, 1, 2, 5, and 15. Thus, we have that B(n) = the
number of ways of factoring a product of n distinct primes. Example: (abc),
(a)(bc), (b)(ac), (c)(ab), (a)(b)(c) are the only 5 = B(3) ways, in the case of
three primes. In some cases of complexity, one can easily mistake 14 for 15 at
the next step! Thus, as far as the writer can determine, Rota, in his bibliography
on the exponential (= Bell) numbers, gave a reference to a paper of Catalan
which seems to have to do with the Catalan numbers and not the Bell numbers.
Another way to define the Bell numbers combinatorially is this: B(n) = the
number of distinct equivalence relations connecting n elements.
Two recent historical papers are given in the bibliographies which follow: a
paper of Rota on Bell numbers, and a paper of W. G. Brown on the Catalan
numbers. The Catalan numbers seem to trace back to Euler, and were also
studied by Fuss, Segner, and many others. The Bell numbers are named for
Eric Temple Bell, who did much to popularize them and generalize them. He
says that Euler is often credited with their discovery, but no specific reference in
any of Eulers work has been shown. The writer has found that the Bell numbers
were known to Christian Kramp in 1796. Also, Dobi nskis formula (1877) was
not only possibly known to Kramp, but also appears in the Matematicheskii
Sbornik as a problem in Vol. 3(1868), p.62, very explicitly. It is hoped that this
present bibliography will shed some light on the subject, containing, as it does,
470 items about the Catalan numbers and 202 about the Bell numbers. More
information exists in the authors card file, but it is entirely out of the question
to present this without doing a major book a l`a Leonard Eugene Dickson (c.e.
his monumental History of the Theory of Numbers. Let us indicate an item in

the Catalan bibliography by prefixing the letter C before a number and for the
Bell number bibliography by prefixing the letter B.
In items C141 through C153 will be found a very brief indication of the vast
a a+bk
literature concerning the coefficients defined by Ak (a, b) = a+bk k , which
include the Catalan numbers for a =1 and b = 2. The reviews noted in C147
will give considerable information about formulas such as
Ak (a, b)Ank (c, b) = An (a + c, b) (1.11)

which traces back to H.A. Rothe in 1793 and which reduces to (1.5) above
for a = c = 1, b = 2. Over 500 items bearing on this and the related
formula of Abel
Bk (a, b)Bnk (c, d) = Bn (a + c, b) (1.12)
a (a+bk)
(Bn (a, b) = a+bk k! )

could be listed! Formulas like these turn up frequently in graph theory.

Likewise, information about papers treating functional expansions and spe-
cial functions and polynomial systems has been omitted here. Exceptions are
Bells basic paper B16 and the authors work B72. Over 150 papers in this
direction could be mentioned.
The present bibliographies were announced in B73 (=C150), before it was
decided just how much detail to give, or how to coordinate the work.
The author would appreciate any further references anyone thinks ought to
be cited, as he does not guarantee he has included every reference.
The number B(n) enumerates the partitions of a set of n elements, e.g. the
number of different rhyme schemes for a verse of n lines.
Becker in C21 remarked that there are more than 40 different combinatorial
interpretations of the Catalan sequence. One of the challenging problems is to
show how to construct isomorphisms between these seemingly different struc-
tures. Here is an illustration of the five Catalan parenthesizations for a product
of four elements ABCD, where the order of the elements is unchanged:

(AB)(CD), ((AB)C)D, A(B(CD), (A(BC))D, A((BC)D),

For five elements there are 14 parenthesizations. By contrast, the Bell numbers
enumerate the number of ways a set of n elements may be partitioned into
disjoint sets. For example, a set of three elements has five possible partitionings:
(ABC), (A, BC), (B, AC), (C, AB), (A, B, C, D)
For a set of four elements there are 15 partitionings.
Another aspect of the Catalan sequence is the question of arithmetic prop-
erties. Here we have included quite a number of important items. Combina-
torially, it is clear that n + 1 divides 2n

n since this ratio turns out to count

the number ofways of doing various things. But it is also trivial to see that
1 2n 2n 2n

n+1 n = n n1 which proves that the ratio is indeed an integer. Let us
define a generalized binomial coefficient in terms of an arbitrary sequence An
with A0 = 0 and An 6= 0 for n 1, by writing
n An An1 . . . Ank+1
= (1.13)
k An Ak Ak1 . . . A1

with n0 An = 1.

In C151 and C154, the author has shown how we may obtain analogs of the
Catalan numbers and it is proved there that in the case when An = Fn = a
Fibonacci number defined by Fn+1 = Fn + Fn1 , F0 = 0, F1 = 1, it is true that
Fn+1 | . (1.14)
n An

Suitable combinatorial interpretations are now being investigated. Shaking

hands across the table might be an amusing way to describe the problem of
connecting 2n points on a circle in pairs. If arms do not cross (that is to say,
chords do not intersect), then the Catalan numbers enumerate the number of
Let Pk (n) denote the number of ways in which 2n points around a circle may
be joined in pairs with k intersections of chords. Then P0 (n) = C(n) = n+1 .
In our example, n = 3, so P0 (3) = 5. John Riordan, item C310, has shown
how to determine Pk (n) in general, using ideas from the work of Touchard, who
did not explain his results in this way, but who, nevertheless, had the solution
implicitly. The total number of ways of joining the pairs of points at all is
P n(n1)
k=0 Pk (n) = 1 3 5 (2n 1). For n = 3 the total is 1 3 5 = 15. There
are then 6 cases with just one crossing, 3 cases with two intersections, and 1
case with three intersections. The numbers Pk (n) have a number of interestin
The oldest reference I have found to a case of a combinatorial study involving
Bell numbers (and by implication, as a subset, the Catalan numbers) is in some
diagrams introduced by the old Japanese mathematicians (wasan) to editions
of the famous Tale of Genji by Lady Shikibu Murasaki (fl. 978 - 1031?) in the
seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
Lady Murasaki was the Japanese novelist who may well be called the Shake-
speare of Japan. Tale of Genji dates to about 1000 A.D. In the original, there
are 54 chapters. The middle 52 chapters have designs at the top of each chapter
showing the possible arrangements of 5 different incense sticks which may be all
the same color or any combination of 5 different colors allowing repetition. It
is not difficult to see that for n sticks the number of possible diagrams is B(n),
the number of partitions of a set of n things.
The horizontal bar in the diagrams connects those sticks of the same color.
A discussion of this combinatorial stucture is given by Tsuruichi Hayashi in

Japanese in item B82 (=C183) Unfortunately, the English editions 1 in our

libraries fail to carry these interesting diagrams so that the mathematical sig-
nificance of the 52 chapters is lost to Western readers. It is also unfortunate
that Hayashis paper seems to be the only reference discussing this, and reading
the old Japanese is not at all easy. If we omit all the diagrams where lines cross,
i.e. diagrams such numbers 4, 5, and 6 in our sample above, then it appears that
the number of diagrams we have left is a Catalan number. Of the 52 original
Murasaki diagrams, 10 have crossed lines and so the subset has 42. In the case
n = 4, there are, of course, 15 Murasaki diagrams. One of these, and only one,
has crossed lines.
Martin Gardner, C133(=B167), notes that Joanne Growney, C162 (=B169),
has proved that this remarkable property is indeed true in general.
It is certainly remarkable that a combinatorial structure had something to
do with a literary work as early as the 1600s. One is tempted to refer to
Murasaki structures in honor of Lady Murasaki. As with the ordering of the
64 hexagrams in the I Ching, it is interesting to speculate on why Wasanists
arranged the 52 diagrams in the particular order chosen. There is a very brief
review in German of Hayashis 1931 article, in JFdM, 57(1931), 20. I have
found no other discussion of the subject. A translation of Hayashis discussion
is being made by Sin Hitotumatu in Japan (1978). Harry Vandiver (On the
desirability of publishing classified bibliographies of the mathematics literature,
American Mathematical Monthly, 67(1960), January, 47-50) made an appeal to
mathematicians to do more in the way of information retrieval, and it is in this
spirit that the present work is offered.


In preparing this revised set of bibliographies I have had the pleasure of as-
sistance from many colleagues who suggested deletions, additions, and checked
the accuracy of references. It would be impossible to acknowledge each of these
by name, but special thanks do go to Roy Meyers (decd.) and John Riordan
(decd.) for many valuable suggestions. I am much indebted to Michael Kuchin-
ski for writing a thesis, C453, that attempts to catalogue Catalan structures
and the correspondence between them. I am indebted to my colleague Prof. Jin
Bai Kim for assistance in reading Hayashis 1931 article.
The biographical reference numbers in Kuchinskis thesis accord with the 1976
printing of the bibliographies and thereby differ from the bibliographies below
which have been re-alphabetized.
Remark: In preparing this new version of the bibliographies, Mr. Glatzer
was supported by a stipend from the Department of Mathematics, West Virginia
The totals in the present listing are approximately 200 Bell references and
470 Catalan references.

1 E.g. Arthur Waleys translation published in the Modern Library series



A valuable reference on Catalan numbers is a splendid article by Martin

Gardner (decd.), C133 (= B167), in the June 1976 Scientific American maga-
zine. Gardner has followed this with an equally interesting one on Bell numbers,
B186, in the May 1978 issue.

We end by dedicating our Bell bibliography to the memory of Lady Murasaki.

Department of Mathematics
West Virginia University
Morgantown, WV 26506

Combinatorial Research Institute

1239 College Avenue
Morgantown, WV 26505
Chapter 2

Bibliography of the Bell

Number Sequence

B(n): 1,1,2,5,15,52,203,877,4140,21147,115975,...

1. E.P. Adams and R. L. Hippisley, Smithsonian Mathematical Formulae and

Tables of Elliptic Functions, Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Vol.
74, No. 1, Washington, D.C., 1922. Note p. 141, formula 6.910, and p.
126, formula 6.460.

2. M. Aigner, Kombinatorik, Band I: Grundlagen und Zahltheorie, Springer-

Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1975, xvii+409pp. Note pp. 129,
158, 189.

3. A. C. Aitken, A Problem in Combinations, Edinburgh Math. Notes, Nr.

28 1933, 18 - 23. JFdM, 59(1933), 937.

4. Alex M Andrew, Table of Stirling Numbers of the Second Kind, with an

Introduction by H. von Foerster, Tech. Report No. 6, Elect. Engineering
Res. Lab., Eng. Exp. Stn., Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, Dec. 1965. Cf. rev.
in Math. of Computation, 21 (1967), 117 - 118, by J. W. Wrench.

5. J.B. dAlmeida Arez, Duas classes de numeros, Teixeiras J. Sci. Math.e

Astronom., 15 (1901), 3-24. JFdM, 32(1901), 283. Fortschritte has nm
for nm .
P r
6. N. Balasubramanian, On the number defined by Nr = 1e n=0 nn! , Math.
Student, 18(1951), 130-132.


7. G. Baroti, Calcul des nombres de birecouvrements et de birevetements

dun ensemble fini, employant la methode fonctionnelle de Rota, in: Com-
binatorial Theory and its Applications, I (Proc.Colloq.Balatonf
ured, 1969),
pp. 93 - 103. North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1970. MR 46 (1973), #8846.
8. Daniel Barsky, Analyse p-adique et nombres de Bell, C.R.Acad.Sci.Paris,
Ser.A-B, 282(1976), A1257-A1259. MR54 (1977),#10133.
t t
9. R.E. Beard, On the coefficients in the expansion of ee and ee , J. , Inst.
Actuaries, 76(1950), 152 - 163. Math. of Computation, 5(1951), 70, rev.
#858 by D.H. Lehmer.
10. H. W. Becker & John Riordan, The arithmetic of Bell and Stirling num-
bers, Amer. J. Math., 70(1934), 385 - 394.
11. H. W. Becker, The composite umbra theorem, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.,
51(1945), 58, Abstract #1.
12. H. W. Becker, The hyper-umbra theorem, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.,
51(1945), 58, Abstract #2.
13. H. W. Becker, Combinatory interpretations of Bells numbers, Bull. Amer.
Math. Soc. 52(1946), 415, Abstract #106.
14. H. W. Becker, The general theory of rhyme, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.,
52(1946), 415, Abstract #107.
15. H. W. Becker, Planar and nonplanar cadences, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.,
56(1950), 61, Abstract #89t.
16. H. W. Becker, Combinatory interpretations of the differences of the num-
bers of E. T. Bell, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 58(1952), 63, Abstract #76t.

17. H. W. Becker, Lattice interpolation between rhyme schemes and factorial

words, Bull. Amer. MAth. Soc., 61(1955), 174, Abstract #349t.
18. E. T. Bell, Exponential polynomials, Annals of Math., (2)35(1934), 258-
277. A main item in this bibliography.
19. E. T. Bell, Exponential numbers, Amer. Math. Monthly, 41 (1934), 411 -
20. E. T. Bell, The iterated exponential integers, Annals of Math., (2)39(1938),
539 - 557.
21. E. T. Bell, Generalized Stirling transforms of sequences, Amer. J. Math.,
61(1939), 89 - 101.
22. Edward A. Bender & Jay R. Goldman, Enumerative uses of generat-
ing functions, Indiana Univ. Math. Journal, 20(1971), 753-765. Zbl.
194(1970), 11.

23. E. A. Bender & J. R. Goldman, On the application of Mobius inversion

in combinatorial analysis, Amer. Math. Monthly, 82(1975), 789-803.

24. Claude Berge, Principes de combinatoire, Dunod, Paris, 1968.

25. Claude Berge, Principles of Combinatorics, Academic Press, N.Y.-London,

1971. Translation of B24. Note pp. 42 - 45.

26. Garrett Birkhoff, Lattice Theory, Amer. Math. Soc. Colloq. Publ. Vol.
25, Rev. ed. 1948, p. 17, ex. 5. Note also p. 108, ex 1(b), (c), (d).
27. M. L. L. Bizley, On the coefficients in the expansion of ee , J. Inst.
Actuaries, 77(1952), Part I, No. 348, June.

28. George Boole, Calculus of Finite Differences, 3rd ed., London, 1880. Chelsea
Publ. Co., N.Y., Reprint, 1958. Note p.30, ex.9.

29. John Brillhart, Note on the single variable Bell polynomials, Amer. Math.
Mondthly, 74(1967), pp. 695-696.

30. Ugo Broggi, Su di qualche applicazione dei numeri di Stirling, Rend. Ist.
Lombardo Sci. Lett., (2)66(1933), pp. 196 - 202. JFdM, 59 (1933), 368.

31. T. J. IAnson Bromwich, An Introduction to the Theory of Infinite Series,

Sec. ed. revised by T. M. MacRobert, MacMillan & Co., London, 1926.
Reprint 1949, etc. Note p. 197, ex. 7. Also p. 195, ex. A36.

32. N. B. deBruijn, Asymptotic Methods in Analysis, Amsterdam-Groningen,

1958. Note pp. 36-37. See also pp. 102 - 109.

33. Richard T. Burch, Approximate values of Stirling numbers of the second

kind for the first hundred degrees, Dept. of Defense, USA, Tech. Report,
1957. See review in Math. of Computation, 12(1958), 227, by J. D. Swift.

34. Kim Ki-Hang Butler, Connection between doubly stochastic matrices and
equivalence relations, Notices of Amer. Math. Soc., 21(1974), A-431,
Abstract #74T-A109.

35. L. Carlitz, Congruences for generalized Bell and Stirling numbers, Duke
Math. J. 22(1955), 193 - 205.

36. L. Carlitz, Some congruences for the Bell polynomials, Pacific J. Math.,
11(1961), 1215-1222. MR 24 (1962), #A3122

37. L. Carlitz, Single variable Bell polynomials, Collectanea Math. (Barcelona),

14(1962), 13-25.

38. L. Carlitz, A problem in partitions related to the Stirling numbers, Bull.

Amer. Math. Soc., 70(1964), 275-278.

39. L. Carlitz, Some arithmetic properties of the Bell polynomials, Rend. Circ.
Mat. Palermo, (2)13(1964), 345-368.

40. L. Carlitz, Some arithmetic properties of the Bell polynomials, Bull. Amer.
Math. Soc., 71(1965), 143-144.

41. L. Carlitz, Extended Stirling and exponential numbers, Duke Math. J.,
32(1965), 205-224.

42. L. Carlitz, Some partition problems related to the Stirling numbers of the
second kind, Acta Arith. 10(1965), 409-422.

43. L. Carlitz, Arithmetic properties of the Bell polynomials, J. Math. Anal.

Appl., 15(1966), 33-52.

44. L. Carlitz, Set partitions, Fibonacci Quart., 14 (1976), No.4, 327-342. MR

55(1978), #123.

45. John A. Carpenter & V. R. Rao Uppuluri, Number generatied by the

fucntion e(1e ) , Fibonacci Quart., 7(1969), No.4, 437-448. MR 41(1971),

46. E. Catalan, Memoire sur une suite de polynomes entiers et sur quelques
integrales definies, Nouv. Mem. lAcad. Roy. Belgique, 43(1881), 1-40.
JFdM, 13(1881), 394-395.

47. Stephen R. Cavior, Equivalence classes of functions over a finite field, Acta
Arith., 10(1964/1965), 119-136.

48. Stephen R. Cavior, Equivalence classes of functions over a finite field,

Ph.D. Diss., Duke University, 1963. Item B46 above based on this.

49. Mauro Cerasoli, Applicazioni della teoria di enu-merazione binomiale,

Boll.Un.Mat.Ital.,A (5)13(1976), No.3, 618-622. MR 55(1978), #7793.
Zbl. 342(26 Aug. 1977), #05006.

50. E. Ces
aro, Sur une equation aux differences melees, Nouv. Ann. Math.,
(3)4(1885), 36-40. ( = Opera Scelte, Vol.1, Rome, 1964, pp. 411-415).

51. E. Cesaro, Derivees des fonctions de fonctions, Nouv. Ann. Math.,

(3)4(1885), 41-55. JFdM, 17(1885), 243. ( = Opera Scelte, Vol.1, Rome,
1964, pp.416-429).
P r
52. A Chiellini, Sulla seria 1 nn! , Boll. Un. Mat. Ital., (2)10(1931), 134-
53. Chinthayama & J. M. Gandhi, On numbers generated by es(e 1) , Cana-
dian Math. Bull., 10(1967), 751-754. Cf. Ref.Zhur.Mat., 1968, #10C309,
Shirokova. Also: Abstract by A.M. Mathai, in Statistical Theory and
Method Abstracts, 10(1969), #1 Abstract #3. Zbl. 199 (1971), 85.

54. Martin Cohn, Shiman Even, Karl Menger, Jr., & Philip K. Hooper, On
the number of partitionings of a set of n distinct objects, Amer. Math.
Monthly, 69(1962), 782-785.
55. L. Comtet, Birecouvrements et berevetements dun ensemble fini, Studia
Sci. Math. Hung., 3(1968), 137-152. Cf. Zbl. 164(1969), p.329.
56. L. Comtet, Polynomes de Bell et formule explicite des derivees successives
dune fonction implicite, C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris, Ser. A, 267(1968), 457-
460. MR 38(1969), #2029, Riordan.
57. Louis Comtet, Analyse Combinatoire, Presses Universitaires de France,
Paris, Two Volumes, 1970. Various references.
58. L. Comtet, Advanced Combinatorics, D. Reidel, Dordrecht, Holland, 1974,
xi+343pp. Translation and expansion of item B55.
P nm
59. G. Dobi
nski, Summirung der Reihe n! fur m = 1, 2, 3, . . . , Grunerts
Archiv der Math. und Physik, 61(1877), 333-336. JFdM, 9(1877), 178-9.
60. G. Dobinski, Eine Reihenentwicklung, Grunerts Archiv der Math. und
Phys., 63(1879), 108-110. JFdM, 11(1897), 183.
61. Paul Dubreil & Marie-Louis Dubriel-Jacotin, Theorie algebrique des rela-
tions dequivalence, J. Math. Pures Appl., (9)18(1939), 63-95. Note esp.
62. E. A. Enneking & J. C. Ahuja, Generalized Bell numbers, Fibonacci
Quart., 14(1976), No.1, 67-73.
63. Leo F. Epstein, A function related to the series for ee , J. Math. and
Physics (M.I.T.), 18(1939), 153-173. Detailed remarks about references.
Note esp, ref. to Schwatts book.
64. A. Erdelyi, et al, Higher Transcendental Functions, Vol.3, Bateman Manuscript
Project, McGraw-Hill, N.Y., 1955. Note esp. pp. 254-255.
65. L. Euler, ??? E. T. Bell, item B20 above, remarks, p. 540, that Dobi nskis
result of 1877,. . . , has been ascribed to Euler, but without a specific ref-
66. A. E. Fekete, Substitution of power series, Mimeographed paper, 1965,
17pp. Dept. of Math. Memorial Univ. of Newfoundland, St. Johns,
Newfoundland. Note 4, exponential numbers.
67. Henry Charles Finlayson, Numbers generated by the function ee 1 , Mas-
ters Thesis, Univ. of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, April 1954.
Directed by Leo Moser. (6)+ii+89pp. There are a few puzzling discrep-
ancies in the list of references, e.g., a paper of Bell, Trans. Amer. Math.
Soc., 25(1923), 255 - 283, seems to be incorrect. Similarly, the ref. to
Bourq(g?)uet, Bull. Sci. Math., 16(1883), 43 does not seem right. Total
of 53 refs.

68. S. Forde & J. Wolstenholme, Solutions of Question 4116, Educational

Times, London, 20(1874), 34-36. JFdM, 6(1874), 159. Note Fortschritte
misprint in that xn should be nx .
69. H. O. Foulkes, Group transitivity and a multiplicative function of a parti-
tion, p. 101, abstract in Combinatorial Structures and their Applications,
Gordon & Breach, N.Y., 1970. Published as item B69 below.
70. H. O. Foulkes, Group transitivity and multiplicative function of a parti-
tion, J. Comb. Theory, 9(1970), 261-266.
71. Roberto Frucht W., Polynomials for composition numbers, a generaliza-
tion of the Bell polynomials. (Spanish. English summary) Scientia (Val-
paraiso), No. 128(1965), 49-54. MR 38(1969), #2031, J.R. Isbell.
72. J. M. Gandhi, Numbers generated by ee +1 , cited in his bibliography of
publications, to appear. Cf. item B71 below.
73. Martin Gardner, Catalan numbers: An Integer Sequence that Materializes
in Unexpected Places, Scientific American, 234(1976), June No.6, pp.120-
122, 124-125, 132. Although the article is about the Catalan numbers, the
Bell numbers are mentioned briefly.
74. Martin Gardner, The Bells: Versatile numbers that can count partitions
of a set, primes, and even rhymes, Scientific American, 238(1978), May,
No.5, pp.24-26,28,30; and refs. on p.172. Supplements his earlier column
on Catalan numbers [SITE ME] Ibid., June, 1978, p.28.
75. Jekuthiel Ginsburg, Iterated Exponentials, Scripta Mathematica, 11(1945),
340-353. Valuable item.

76. Maurice Glaymann, An aspect of combinatorial theory, Mathematics Teach-

ing, Bull. of Assoc. of Teachers of Math., No.57, 1971-72. Cited in No.
[B118] below.
77. J. W. Glover, Tables of Applied Mathematics in Finance, Inurance, Statis-
tics. Ann Arbor, Mich. 1923. xiii+676pp.

78. Jay Goldman & Gian-Carlo Rota, The number of subspaces of a vector
space, Recent Progress in Combinatorics (Proc. Third Waterloo Conf. on
Combinatorics, 1968), pp.75-83. Academic Press, New York, 1969. MR
40(1970), #5453.
79. Jay R. Goldman, J. T. Joichi, David L. Reiner, & Deennis E. White, Rook
Theory II: Boards of Binomial Type, SIAM J. Appl. Math., 31(1976), 618-
80. Jay R. Goldman, An identity for fixed points of permutations, quationes
Math., 13(1975), 155-156. MR 52(1976), #5436. Zbl. 351(13 Jan. 1978),

81. I. J. Good, The number of hypotheses of independence for a random vector

or for a multidimensional contingency table, and the Bell numbers, Iranian
J. Sci. Technology, 4 (1975), 77-83.

82. I. J. Good, On the application of symmetric Dirichlet distributions and

their mixtures to contingency tables, Annals of Statistics, 4(1976), 1159-

83. H. W. Gould & A. T. Hopper, Operational formulas connected with two

generalizations of Hermite polynomials, Duke Math. J. 29(1962), 51-63.

84. H. W. Gould, Research bibliography of two special number sequences,

Notices of the Amer. Math. Soc. 12(1965),612, Abstract #65T-329, Pub-
lsihed in full, May, 1971, iv+25pp. MR 43(1972), #4755: Zbl. 226(1972),
#10002; Math. of Computation, 26(1972), 302.

85. Joanne Simpson Growney, Finitely generated free groupoids, Ph.D. Diss.,
Math., Univ. of Oklahoma, 1970.

86. J. A. Grunert, Ueber die Summirung der Reihen von der Form A(0), A1 (1)x,
A2 (2)x2 , . . . , An (n)xn , . . . , wo A eine beliebige constante Groe, An
eine beliebige und (n) eine ganze rationale algebraische Function der
positiven ganzen Zahl n bezeichnet, J. Reine Angew. Math. (Crelle),
25(1843), 240-279. Exploits the operator (xD)k using Stirling numbers,
P k n
summing series such as n n n!x .

87. Hansraj Gupta, Tables of Distributions, East Panjab Univ. Research Bul-
letin Nr. 2, 1950, pp. 13-14. Rev. by D.H. Lehmer, Math. of Compu-
tation, 5(1951), 71. Also rev. by Lehmer in MR 12(1951), 750. Valuable

88. Richard K. Guy, Factors of the Bell numbers. Published [?]

89. J. Haag, Sur la sommation de certaines series, Nouv. Ann. Math.,

(4)12(1912), 181-185. Note esp. 184.

90. John Haigh, Random equivalence relations, J. Comb. Theory, Ser.A,

13(1972), 287-295.

91. Raoul Hailpern, On certain congruence properties of inverse factorials

arising from a generalized array of Aitken, Ph.D. Diss., Buffalo, 1962.
iv+75pp. Directed by Frank Olson.

92. Marshall Hall, Arithmetic properties of a partition function, Bull. Amer.

Math. Soc., 40(1934), 387, Abstract #200. Unpublished [?] but Becker
and Riordan, Item [site] above, cite this and details received from Hall.

93. Frank Harary & Abbe Moshowitz, Enumeration of end-labelled trees, Fi-
bonacci Quart., 13 (1975), No.3, Oct., 252-254.

94. G. H. Hardy, A Course in Pure Mathematics, Cambridge, 7th ed., 1938.

Note p. 424, ex.9. Also exs. 7,8.
95. Bernard Harris & Lowell Schoenfeld, The number of idempotent elements
in symmetric semigroups, J. Comb. Theory, 3(1967), 122-135. MR 35(1968),
#2754, rev. by B. Gordon. Errata on p. 1578. Erratum, J. Comb. Th.
5(1968), 104.
96. Bernard Harris & Lowell Schoenfeld, Asymptotic expansion for the coef-
ficients of analytic functions, Illinois J. Math., 12(1968), 264-277.
97. Tsuruichi Hayashi, On the combinatory analysis in the old Japanese math-
ematics, Tohoku Math. J., 33 (1931), 328-365. In Japanese. Note pp.
332-339, an account of the 52 symbols appearing in 1600s editions of the
Tale of Genji, by Lady Murasaki c.1000 A.D. Probably the earliest refer-
ence to a combinatorial structure enumerated by Bell numbers! JFdM,
57(1931), 20.
98. P. Hendle, Series representation 2e et 5e (question 4752 de H. Sebban),
Intermediare des Mathematiciens, 25(1918), 22-23. JFdM 46(1916-1918),
99. George P. M. Heselden, Some properties and applications of convolution
polynomials, Admiralty Research Laboratory, Teddington, England, Re-
port, Jan. 1959. 11pp.
100. Emil Hilb, Zur Theorie der linearen Differenzengleichungen, Math. An-
nalen, 85(1922), 89-98. JFdM, 48(1921-22), 532.
P p
101. S. K. Iyengar, The series n=1 nn , J. Indian Math. Soc., 5(1913), 178-
179. JFdM, 44(1913), 511(1918), where v.Schrutke cites also Cesaro, El-
ementares Lehrbuch der algebraischen Analysis und der Infinitesimalrech-
nung, Leipzig, 1904, 807d, p.872.
102. L. B. W. Jolley, Summation of Series, Chapman & Hall, Ltd., London,
1925. Rev. ed., Dover, N.Y., 1961. Note pp.20-21, series #107, also #101.
See pp. 68-69 for 8 values. He refers to Adams and Hippisley, B1 above.
103. Charles Jordan, On Stirlings numbers, Tohoku Math. J., 37(1933), 254-
104. Charles Jordan, Calculus of Finite Differences, Budapest, 1939; Chelsea
Publ. Co., N.Y., Reprint, 1950. Note pp. 179-181.
105. Adalbert Kerber, A matrix of combinatorial numbers related to the sym-
metric groups, Discrete Math., 21(1978), 319-312.
106. Konrad Knopp, Theorie und Anwendung der unendlichen Reihen, Springer,
Berlin, 1921. 5th ed. 1964. (Grundlehr.d.Math.Wiss., Bd. 2) Note pp.
278, ex. 112; p. 279, ex.116. Also see the 1928 English edition, p. 269,
ex. 112, p. 270, ex. 116, p. 563, ex. 236.

107. Christian Kramp, Coefficient des allgemeinen Gliedes jeder willk ulichen
Potenz eines Infinitinomiums . . . u.s.w., pp. 91 - 122 in: Der polynomische
Lehrsatz, das wichtigste Theorem der ganzen Analysis, Edited by Carl
Friedrich Hindenburg, Leipzig, 1796. Note expansion on pp. 112-113 of
ee . This is the oldest reference the writes knows for such an expansion.
Gives the series out to term involving 116015 which should be 115975.
Perhaps we should call the sequence after Kramp?
108. A. Krug, Solution of Problem 117, Grunerts Archiv der Math. und.
Phys., 9(1905), 189-191. Problem was posed by P. Epstein, ibid., 8(1905),
329-330. No. of ways of factoring a product of m primes.
109. J. L. Lavoie, The mth power of nn matrix and the Bell polynomials,
SIAM J. Appl. Math., 29(1975), 511-514.
110. D. H. Lehmer, Multisectioned moments of Stirling numbers of the second
kind, Notices of the Amer. Math. Soc., 18(1971), 538, Abstract #685-
111. D. H. Lehmer, Multisectioned moments of Stirling numbers of the sec-
ond kind, J. Comb. Theory, Ser.A., 15(1973), 210-224. Zbl. 262(1974),
#05006. MR 48(1974), #3748.
112. E. W. Lenstra, Partities en verzamelingen, Neuw Tijdschrift voor Wiskunde,
62(1975), 199.
113. Jack Levine, A binomial identity related to rhyming sequences, Math.
Mag., 32(1958), 71-74.
114. Jack Levine & R. E. Dalton, Minimum periods, modulo p, of first-order
Bell exponential integers, Math. of Computation, 16(1962), 416-423. Ta-
ble of B(n) for n=O(1)74 (i.e. 1, 1, 2, 5, 15, 52, 203, . . . )
P m
115. W. Ligowski, Zur Summirung der Reihe 0 nn! , Grunerts Archiv der
Math. u. Physik, 62(1878), 334 - 336. JFdM, 10(1878), 190.(m=1(1)8.)
116. A. Lugli, Un problema daritmetica, Periodico di matematica per linsegnamento
seconario, Roma, 5(1890), 15-17, 35-40. JFdM, 22(1890), 200.

117. Kurt Mahler, Uber die Nullstellen der unvollstandigen Gammafunktionen,
Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo, 54(1930), 1-41. JFdM, 56 (1930), 310 - 311.
P (n+a)r n
118. S. N. Marikarnikamma, Some Properties of the Series n=0 n! x ,
Math. Student, 18(1951), 132-135.
119. E. J. McShane, Stochastic intgrals and non-linear processes, J. Math. and
Mech., 11(1952), 235-283. Note esp. p. 263, where he discusses the nol.
of partitions of 1, 2, 3, . . . , n, obtaining 1,2,5,15,52,203, etc. Finds an easy
upper bound for the sequence; namely B(n) < Acn n! (to each positive
c, there corresponds a constant A, such that this holds for all positive
integers n).

120. N. S. Mendelsohn, Applications of combinatorial formul to generaliza-

tions of Wilsons theorem, Canadian J. Math., 1(1949), 328-336.

121. N. S. Mendelsohn, Those Stirling numbers again, Canadian Math. Bull.,

4(1961), 149-151. MR 23(1962), #A2336.

122. Russell Merris & Stephen Pierce, The Bell numbers and r-fold transitivity,
J. Comb. Theory, Ser.A, 12(1971), 155-157. RZMat. 1972, #5C247.

123. Russell Merris, Dobi

nskis formula for the Bell numbers, Notices of Amer.
Math. Soc., 22(1975), A-614, Abstract #75T-A212.

124. Russell Merris, The Kronecker power of a permutation, J. Res. Bureau of

Standards, 80B(1976), No. 2, 265-268.

125. Francis L. Miksa, A Table of Stirling numbers of the second kind, and of
exponential numbers, Mathematics Teacher, 49(1956), 128-133.

126. Francis L. Miksa, Stirling numbers of the second kind, Typewritten manuscript
of 32 pp. on deposit in UMT file, Reviewed in Math. of Comp., 9(1955),
198, rev. No. 85. First 50 values given.

127. L. M. Milne-Thompson, The Calculus of Finite Differences, Macmillan &

Co., London, 1960, Reprint of the first (1933) edition. Note p.54, probs,
36 & 37.

128. Silvio Minetola, Principii di analisi combinatoria con applicazioni ai prob-

lemi decomposizione e di partizione dei numeri, Gior. di Mat. Battaglini,
45(1907), 333-366; 47(1909), 173-200. JFdM, 38(1907), 228; 40(1909),

129. L. Moser & Max Wyman, On an array of Aitken, Trans. Roy. Soc.
Canada, Sect. III, (3)48(1954), 31-37.

130. Leo Moser & Max Wyman, An asymptotic formula for the Bell numbers,
Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, Sect. III, (3)49(1955), 49-54.

131. Leo Moser & Max Wyman, Restricted partitions of finite sets, Candian
Math. Bull., 1(1958), 87-96.

132. T. S. Motzkin, Sorting numbers for cylinders and other classification num-
bers, Proc. Symp. Pure Math., 19(1971), 167-176.

133. H. H. Nash, Single variable Bell polynomials, Ph.D. Diss. Duke Univ.,
1969. vi+104 pp. Directed by L. Carlitz.

134. E. Netto, Lehrbuch der Combinatorik, Teubner, Leipzig, 1901; Secon ed.,
1927 (with notes by Viggo Brun and Th. Skolem). In sec. ed. note table
on p. 169.

135. Maurice dOcagne, Sur une classe de nombres remarquables, Amer. J.

Math., 9(1887) 353-380.
136. D. J. M. Orts Aracil, Contribution to the functional study of a sequence
of polynomials. (Spanish, with French summary) Mem. Real Acad. Ci.
Art. Barcelona, 37(1965), no. 5, 95-105. MR, 33(1967), #7596.

137. R. V. Parker, Stirling and Stirlings numbers, Mathematics Teaching: The

Bull. of the Assoc. of Teachers of Math., England, No.59, Summer, 1972,
4pp. Cites [B69] above.
138. C. S. Pierce, On the algebra of logic, Amer. J. Math., 3(1880), 15-57.
JFdM, 12(1880), 41-44. Cited by Becker, item [B11] above because of
section 4 in this paper, pp.47-49, a classification of relatives.
139. Christian Radoux, Nouvelles proprietes arithmetiques des nombres de
Bell, Sem. Delange-Pisot-Poitou (16e annee: 1974/75, Theorie des nom-
bres, Fasc.2, Exp. No. 22, 12pp. Secretariat Mathematique, Paris, 1975.
Cf. MR 53(1977), #5461, rev. by H Scheid.

140. Christian Radoux, Une congruence pur les polynomes Pn (x) de fonction
generatrice ex(e 1) , C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser.A, 284(21 March 1977),
637-639. MR 55(1978), #246.
141. Christian Radoux, Essai sur larithmetique des nombres de Bell (et ques-
tions connexes), These, Universite de Mons, Belgique. 1976/77. Cited in
item [B180] above.
142. Christian Radoux, Nombres de Bell, modulo p premier, et extension de
degre p de Ep . (English Summary) C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. A-B
281(1975) no. 21, Ai, A879-A882. MR 53(1977), #13105. Zbl. 327(1 Feb.
1977), #10012, authors summary.
143. Christian Radoux, Proprietes de distribution de la suite des nombres de
Bell reduite modulo p premier, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser.A, 285(1977),
144. Christian Radoux, Query No. 145, Notices of Amer. Math. Soc., 25(1978),
No. 3, April, p. 197. Reply, ibid., No.4, June, p. 253. A determinant of
Bell numbers equals a product of factorials.
145. Srinivasa Ramanujan, Notebooks of Srinivasa Ramanujan, Tata Institute
of Fundamental Research, Bombay, 1957, 2 Volumes. Photographic copies.

146. Andras Recski, On random partitions, Discrete Math. 16(1976) 173-177.

MR 54(1977), #10035.
147. Ray Redheffer, Induced transformations of the derivative-vector, Amer.
Math. Monthly, 83(1976), 255-259.

148. Alfred Renyi, Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung, Hochshulb

ucher f
ur Math.,
Bd. 54 VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin, 1962. Note
p. 16, ex.3, also ex.4,5,6,7.

149. Alfred Renyi, New methods and results in combinatorial analysis, I, II,
MTA III. Oszt aly Kozlemenyei, 16(1966), 77-105, 159-177. English sum-
mary on p.177 (paper is in Hungarian), note esp. pp.78-91.

150. John Riordan, The number of impedances of an n terminal network, Bell

System Tech. Journal, 18(1939), 300-314.

151. John Riordan, Derivatives of composite functions, Bull. Amer. Math.

Soc., 52(1942), 664-667. MR, 8(1942), 200. Note references to early work
on higher derivatives, e.g. by Cskar X. Schlomilch.

152. John Riordan, An Introduction to Combinatorial Analysis, Wiley, N.Y.

1958. Note pp. 77-78, Array of Aitken. Bell polynomials discussed in this

153. John Riordan, Combinatorial Identities, Wiley & Sons, N.Y., 1968. Nu-
merous references, e.g. p. 192.

154. Gian-Carlo Rota, The number of partitions of a ser, Amer. Math. Monthly,
71(1964), 498-504. Baluable paper. Bibliography of 32 items; but beware
of errors in this listing! Zbl f
ur Math., 121(1966),18. Ref.Zhur.Mat.1965,
#3A139. Reprinted verbatim in Finite Operator Calculus, Acad. Press,
NY, 1976.

155. Gian-Carlo Rota, Combinatorial Theory and Invariant Theory, Lecture

notes by L. Guibas, Advanced Sminar in Combinatorial Theory, Bowdoin
College, Summer, 1971, Bowdoin, Maine, 1972. i+212pp. Note esp. pp.

156. Gian-Carlo Rota & Roberto Frucht W., Polinomios de Bell y particiones
de conjuntos finitos, Scientia (Chile), 32(1965), 5-10. (Spanish, English

157. H. C. Saxena, The Calculus of Finite Differences, S. Chand & Co., Dehli,
1961. Note p. 23, prob. 41, expansion of ee .

158. I. J. Schwatt, An Introduction to the Operations with Series, Univ. of

Pennsylvania Press, 1924; Chelsea Publ. Co. N.Y., Reprint, 1962. Note
p. 84.

159. Jeffrey Shallit, Table of Bell numbers to B(400), Princeton Univ., Prince-
ton, N.J., manuscript of 1 typewritten page + 59 computer sheets (re-
duced) deposited in the UMT file. Review by John Wrench in Math. of
Computation, 32(1978), April, p.656. This table extends that of Levine
and Dalton, item [B96] above. Uses Beckers algorithm ([B164]).

160. Neil J. A. Sloane, A Handbook of Integer Sequences, Academic Press, N.Y.,

1973. xiv+206 pp. Note supplements issued from time to time by the
author also.

161. R. P. Stanley, The Fibonacci lattice, Fibonacci Quart., 13(1975), No.3,


162. J. F. Steffensen, Interpolation, London, 1927. Chelsea Publ. Co., N.Y.

Reprint, 1950. Note p. 237, relation (27).

163. J. F. Steffensen, Some recent researches in the theory of statistics and

actuarial science, Cambridge, 1930.

164. J. F. Steffensen, The poweroid, an extension of the mathematical notion

of power, Acta Math., 73(1941), 333-366. Note esp. p.351, rel(69). Ref.
to item [B131] above.

165. J. J. Sylvester, cited by Becker, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1941, 701-703,

item [B164] below, but no exact citation to Sylvesters work is given.
Sylvester noted that B(n) counts planar rhyme schemes.

166. Gabor Szeg o, Orthogonal Polynomials, Amer. Math. Soc., Colloq. Publ.
Vol. 23, 1939, revised ed. 1959.

167. G. Szekeres & F. E. Binet, On Borel fields over finite sets, Ann. Math.
Statistics, 28(1957), 494-498. Cites Miksa, Bell, etc.

168. L
aszlo Sz
oke, Number-configurations for Bell numbers and Stirling num-
bers of the second kind, Mat. Lapok, 22(1971), 307-316 (1972). (Hun-
garian, with Russian and English summaries) MR 48(1974), #5879. Zbl.
297(1975), #05006.

169. Stephen M Tannery, On some numbers related to Bell numbers, Canad.

Math. Bull., 17(1975), 733-738. Zbl. 304(1976), #10007.

170. John Tate, A Treatise on Factorial Analysis, London,

P n Geoge Bell, publ.,
1845. x+51pp. Note esp. p.45. Series of form k=0 kk! summed.

171. L. Toscan, Una classe di polinomi della matematica attuariale, Rivista

Mat. Univ. Parma, 1(1950), 459-470. MR 12(1951), 700, Erdelyi.

172. Jacques Touchard, Sur la theorie des differences, Proc. International

Math. Congress(1924, Toronto), 1928, 623-629. JFdM, 54(1928) 485-486.

173. Jacques Touchard, Proprietes arithmetiques de certains nombres recurrents,

Ann. Soc. Sci., Bruxelles, A 53 (1933), 21-31. JFdM, 59(1933), 934.

174. Jacques Touchard, Sur les cycles des substitutions, Acta Math., 70(1939),
243-297. JFdM, 65(1939), 69-70.

175. Jacques Touchard, Nombres exponentiels et nombres de Bernoulli, Cana-

dian J. Math., 8(1956), 3C5-320.
176. Alojzij Vadnal,PQuelques proprietes du double logarithme et la somme des
series du type n=1 nn! , Bull. Soc. Math. Phys. Serbie, 4(1952), no.3-4,
pp. 11-15. MR 14(1953), 871.
177. J. H. van Lint, Combinatorial Theory Seminar, Eindhoven University of
Technology, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1974, vi+131pp.
(= Lecture Notes in Math. Vol. 382). Note pp. 27-32.
178. Mark B. Wells, Elements of Combinatorial Computing, Pergamon Press,
Oxford, N.Y., Toronto, 1971. xiv+258pp. Note esp. pp. 78, 233.
P np
179. F. Westwick, The series n! , Note No. 2256, Math. Gazette, 35(1951),
180. Albert D. Wheelon, Tables of Summable Series and Integrals Involving
Bessel Functions, Holden-Day, San Francisco, 1963. Note p. 5, p. 32,
values. This table was issued in a preliminary form as a technical report
for Douglas Aircraft Corp., 1953.
181. E. T. Whittaker & G. N. Watson, A Course of Modern Analysis, Fourth
Ed., 1927, Reprinted 1958, Cambridge. Note esp. p.336, prob. 48.
182. William A. Whitworth, Choice and Chance, Cambridge, Deighton, Bell
& Co., 1901. Stechert Hafner, N.Y., Reprint, 1959. Note pp. 88-89,
proposition 24.
183. G. T. Williams, Numbers generated by the function ee , Amer. Math.
Monthly, 52(1945), 323-327. A widely quoted paper.
R x

184. W. Wirtinger, Uber den asymptotischen Wert des Integrals xk ee dx,
Monatshefte f
ur Math., 37(1930), 343-348.
R z
185. W. Wirtinger, Bemerkungen u
ber das Integral z s xe dx, Monatshefte
ur Math., 39(1932), 239-240.
186. Joseph Wolstenholme, Mathematical Problems, London, 1867; 3rd ed.,
1891. Gives three problems related to ee 1 as follows: In 1867 ed., p.31,
Prob. 167; p. 34, Prob. 178; p.34, Prob. 179. In the 1891 edition these
are as follows: p.40, Prob.264; p.44-45, Prob. 290; p.45, Prob. 291.
187. Kyoichi Yoshinaga & Masato Mori, Note on an exponential generating
function fo Bell numbers, Bull. Kyushu Inst. Tech., Math. and Nat. Sci.,
No. 24, 1977, 23-27. Ref. Zhur. Mat. 1978, #4V334.
188. Mohammed Zafrullah, Number of partitions of a set, J. Natur. Sci. and
Math., Lahore, Pakistan, 19(1970), 1-6. MR 45(1973), #77.

189. Problem 3, Matematicheskii Sbornik, 3(1868),

P 62;n Solution, ibid., 4(1869-
70), p.39. Problem was to sum the series k=1 kn! . The problems were in
Part 2 of the Sbornik. This was 10 years before Dobi
190. Problem 6, Az 1957. evi Schweitzer Miklos matematikai emlekverseny,
Matematikai Lapok, 9(1958), 295 (statement), and 312-315 (solutions;
two). French resume on pp.322-323. (Concours Mathematique Commemoratif
M. Schweitzer pour lAnnee 1957).
191. Aufgabe 138, Elemente der Mathematik, 7(1952), 136-137. Posed by H.
Burger, with his solution published.
192. Problem 179, Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, (3)16(1968), 217-219. Posed
by N. G. de Bruijn & S. D. Shatterji. Published solutions by P. van
der Steen; W. Peremans; and e. Andresen and F. Skjelbred. No. of
equivalence relationships which can be defined on a set of n points.
193. Problem 129, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1901, 54; 1902, 11-13. Posed by F.
Anderegg, solution by G. B. M. Zerr.

194. Problem 389, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1913, 195; 1914, 23. Posed by W.
W. Beman.
195. Problem E109 Amer. Math. Monthly, 1934, 447; 1935, 111-112. Posed by
F. L. Manning, solved by J.D. Hill. D.W. Hall pointed out that the sum
in question was posed on the 1933 Joint Associate Exams for admission
to the Actuarial Society of America, the solution of which was published
later in the Societys Problems and Solutions. (Ed. I have not seen this.)

196. Problem E 461, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1941, 210; 1941, 701-703. Posed
by D. H. Browne; Solution by H. W. Becker.
197. Problem E 1985, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1967, 589; 1968, 1008-1009.
Posed by E. O. Buchman. Solutions by Douglas Lind and Dave P. Roselle.

198. Problem 4340, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1949, 187; 1951, 46-48. Posed by
N. S. Mendelsohn; solution by John Riordan. Equivalence relations again.
Chapter 3

Bibliography of the Catalan


C(n): 1, 1, 2, 5, 14, 132, 429, 1430, 4862, 16796, . . .

1. B. Devadas Acharya, Diophantine graphs, Graph Theory Newsletter, 6

(1976), No. 1, Sept., p.1, Abstract No. 1.

2. J. Aebly, Demonstration du probleme du Scrutin par des considerations

geometriques, lEnsignment Math., 23(1923), 185-186. JFdM, 50(1924),

3. A. Aeppli, A propos de linterpretation geometrique du probleme du Scrutin,

lEnseignement Math., 23(1923), 328-329.

4. M. Aigner, Kombinatorik, Band I: Grundlagen und Zahltheorie, Springer-

Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1975, xvii+409pp. Note pp. 149-
150, 368.

5. Ronald Alter, Some remarks and results on Catalan numbers, Proc. Louisiana
Conf. on Combinatorics, 1971, pp. 109-132. MR 48(1974), #8250. Zbl.
299(1975) #05002. (=Vol.III, Congressus Numerantium, Utilitas Math.,
Manitoba, Canada).

6. Ronald Alter & K.K. Kubota, Prime and prime power divisibility of Cata-
lan numbers, Notices of Amer. Math. Soc., 19(1972), A-48, #691-10-7.

7. Ronald Alter & K.K. Kubota, Prime and prime power divisibility of Cata-
lan numbers, J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. A, 15(1973), 243-256. MR
48(1974), #3867; Zbl. 273(1974), #10010; RZMat, 1974, #5C325.


8. R. Alter & T. B. Curtz, On binary nonassociative products and their

relation to a classical problem of Euler, Comment. Math. Prace Mat.,
17(1973), 1-8. MR 48(1974), #113.

9. J. Andersson & J. Legrand, Fractions etagees, Mathesis, 68(1959), Suppl.

to No. 10, Dec., pp.8-12.

10. George E. Andrews, Number Theory, W.B. Saunders Co., Phila., 1971,
x+259 pp. Catalan nos. and parenthesis problem, pp.41-43.

11. George E. Andrews, Identities in combinatorics, II: A q-analog of the

Lagrange inversion theorem, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 53(1975), 240-245.
Inter alia, q-Catalan numbers arise.

12. J. C. Arditti, Denombrement des arborescences dont le graphe de compa-

rabilite est hamiltonien, Discrete Math., 5(1973), 189-200. MR 47(1974),

13. Peter Avery, Semiorders and representable graphs, Proc. 5th Brit. Comb.
Conf. 1975, pp.5-9. Utilitas Math., Winnipeg, Canada. Cong. Numer.
Vol. XV, 1976.

14. P. Bachmann, Arithmetische Kleinigkeiten, Zeitsch. f

ur Math. u. Phys.,
20(1875), 161-163. JFdM, 7(1875), 97.

15. P. Bachmann, Niedere Zahlentheorie, Leipzig, Teil I, 1902, pp.62-64.

16. P. Bachmann, Die Elemente der Zahlentheorie, Leipzig, 1892, 37-39.

17. Anders Bager, Problem 218, Nordisk Matematisk Tidskrift, 9(1961), 185;
Solution, 10(1962), 161-162.

18. W. Barbenson, Calcul de sommes iterees, Mathesis, 70(1965), 81-86. Zbl.

ur Math., 135(1967), 11.

19. C. W. Barnes, A construction of Gauss, lEnseignement Math. (2)20(1974),


20. D. E. Barton & C. L. Mallows, Some aspects of the random sequence,

Annals of Math. Stat., 36(1965), 236-260.

21. H. W. Becker, Rooks and rhymes, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., 52(1946),
1016, Abstract #395.

22. H. W. Becker, Rooks and rhymes, Math. Mag., 22(1948), 23-26.

23. H. W. Becker, The closed diagonal binomial coefficient expansion, Bull.

Amer. Math. Soc., 57(1951), 298, Abstract #370t.

24. H. W. Becker, Planar rhyme schemes, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 58(1952),
39, Abstract #2t.

25. H. W. Becker, Network severances, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., 58(1952),

39-40, Abstract #3t.
26. L. W. Beineke & R. E. Pippert, A census of ball and disc dissections,
Lecture Notes in Math., No. 303, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg,
N.Y., 1973, pp. 25-40.
27. L. W. Beineke & R. E. Pippert, Enumerating dissectible polyhedra by
their automorphism groups, Canadian J. Math., 26(1974), 50-67.
28. E. T. Bell, The iterated exponential integers, Annalss of Math., (2)39(1938),
29. Claude Berge, The Theory of Graphs and its Applications, Wiley, N.Y.,
1962. See p.161.
30. Elwyn R. Berlekamp, Invertible arrays, convolutional codes and noise
bursts, cited by Alfred Renyi, in [C303] below. Unpublished?
31. E. R. Berlekamp, Unsolved Problem No. 3, Recent Progress in Combi-
natorics, Academic Press, N.Y., 1969, pp.341-342. (Vol. edited by W.T.
32. Gerald Berman & K. D. Fryer, Introduction to Combinatorics, Academic
Press, N.Y. & London, 1972, xiii+300pp. Note pp.230-231, triangulation
problem, solved by classical generating function method.
33. E. E. Bernard & P. D. A. Mole, Generating strategies for continuous separ-
ion processes, Computer Journal, 2(1959), 87-89. Note suppl. by E. S.
34. J. Bertrand, Solution dun probleme, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 105(1887),
369- . JFdM, 19(1887), 200-202.
35. J. Bertrand, Calcul des Probabilites, Paris, 1907.
36. Monique Bertrand, Algebres non associatives et algebres genetiques, Mem.
Sci. Math. Fasc. 162, 1966. Note pp. 5 and 10. MR 35(1968), #6720.
37. Norman Biggs, Perfect codes and distance-transitive graphs, pp. 1-8 in:
Combinatorics, Proc. of British Comb. Conf. Univ. Coll. of Wales,
Aberystwyth, 1973, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1974.
38. N. L. Biggs & G. H. J. Meredith, A theorem on planar partitions, Proc.
5th Brit. Comb. Conf., 1975, pp. 73-78. Congressus Numeratium Vol.
XV, 1976.
39. J. F. M. Binet, Sur un probleme traite autrefois par Euler et par Segner,
ayant pour objet la determination du nombre des manieres dont un poly-
gone plan et rectiligne peut etre partage en triangles par ses diagonales,
Extraits des Proces-Verbaux des Sciences de la Societe Philomatique de
Paris, 1838, pp.127-129.

40. J. P. M. Binet, Reflexions sur la Probleme de determiner le nombre de

manieres dont une figure rectiligne oeut etre partage en triangles au moyen
de ses diagonales, J. Math. Pures Appl., (1)4(1839), 79-90.

41. J. Binet, Note de M. J. Binet, J. Math. Pures Appl., (1)8(1843), 394-396.

42. G. D. Birkhoff & J. C. Lewis, Chromatic polynomials, Trans. Amer.

Math. Soc., 60(1946), 355-451.

43. David Blackwell & J.L. Hodges, Jr., Elementary path counts, Amer. Math.
Monthly, 74(1967), 801-804.

44. George Boole, Calculus of Finite Differences, 3rd ed. 1880; 4th ed.,
Chelsea Publ. Co., N.Y. 1958. Note p.31, problem 18.

45. Marek Bozejko, On (p) sets with minimal constant in discrete noncom-
mutative groups, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 51(1975), 407-412. MR
52(1976), #11481. The 2n-th root of a Catalan number appears as a

46. N. Bourbaki, Theorie des ensembles, Livre I, Chapitre III, Actualites Sci.
Ind., #1243, 1956, Note p.88.

47. Paul Brock & R. M. Baer, Natural sorting over spaces of binary sequences,
Berkeley (California) Computer Center Report No. 18, 1968.

48. John L. Brown Jr. & V. E. Hoggatt, Jr., A primer for the Fibonacci num-
bers, Part XVI, The central column sequence, Fibonacci Quart., 16(1978),
No. 1, 41-46.

49. W. G. Brown, Enumerational problems of linear graph theory, Ph.D. Diss.,

Toronto, 1963. Note pp. 187-189.

50. W. G. Brown, Enumeration of triangulations of the disk, Proc. London

Math. Soc., (3)14(1964), 746-768.

51. William G. Brown, Enumeration of quadrangular dissections of the disk,

Canadian J. Math., 17(1965), 302-317.

52. W. G. Brown, Historical note on a recurrent combinatorial problem, Amer.

Math. Monthly, 72(1965), 973-977. Bibliography of 46 items on Catalan
sequence. Ref. Zhur. Mat., 1966, #8A130.

53. N. G. deBruijn & B. J. N. Morselt, A note on plane trees, J. Comb.

Theory, 2(1967), 27-34.

54. N. G. de Bruijn, D. E. Knuth, & S. C. Rice, The average height of planted

plane trees, pp.15-22 in: Graph Theory and Computing, edited by R. C.
Read, Acad. Press, N.Y., London, 1972.

55. Tor Bu, Komposisjoner gruppoider, Norsk Mat. Tidskrift, 22(1974), 42-

56. Holger Busk-Jensen, Problem 160, Nordisk Mat. Tidskrift, 6(1958), 173;
Solution in 7(1959), 48-49, by Magnus Tideman.

57. L. Carlitz, Note on a formula of Szily, Scripta Mathematica, 18(1952),


58. L. Carlitz, Note on Schurs expansion of sin(x), Boll. Un. Mat. Ital.,
(3)20(1966), 353-357.

59. L. Carlitz, A note on the enumeration of line chromatic trees, J. Comb.

Theory, 6(1969), 99-101.

60. L. Carlitz, Enumeration of certain types of sequences, Math. Nachr.,

49(1971), 125-147. Zbl. 237(1972), #05003.

61. L. Carlitz, Enumeration of certain sequences,

 Acta Arith., 18(1971), 221-
232. The array def. by Akj = kj j1 k
generates a Catalan triangle.

62. L. Carlitz, Sequences, paths, ballot numbers, Fibonacci Quart., 10(1972),

No. 5, 531-549. Zbl. 257(1973), #05001.

63. L. Carlitz, Enumeration of rectangular arrays by length and coincidences,

Ann. Mat. Pura ed Appl., (4)99(1974), 155-182.

64. L. Carlitz, Problem: q-analog of the Lagrange expansion, Abstracts and

Problems from Cong. on Eulerian Series and Applications, May 1974,
Penn. State Univ. See solution by Andrews, item [C10] above.

65. L. Carlitz & J. Riordan, Two element lattice permutation numbers and
their q-generalizations, Duke Math. J., 31(1964), 371-388.

66. L. Carlitz & D.P. Roselle, Triangular arrays subject to MacMahons con-
ditions, Fibonacci Quart., 10(1972), No.6, 591-597, 658. Zbl. 254(1973),

67. L. Carlitz, D. P. Roselle, & R. A. Scoville, Some remarks on ballot-type

sequences of positive integers, p. 29 in: Combinatorial Structures and
Their Applications, Gordon & Breach, N.Y. 1970. Related to problem of
Berlekamp. Abstract of next item.

68. L. Carlitz, D. P. Roselle, & R. A. Scoville, Some remarks on ballot-type

sequences of positive integers, J. Comb. Theory Ser. A, 11(1971), 258-271.
MR 43(1972), #7351. Zbl. 227(1972), #05007.

69. L. Carlitz & Richard Scoville, A generating function for triangular parti-
tions, Math. of Computation, 29(1975), 67-77.

70. L. Carlitz & Richard Scoville, A note on weighted sequences, Fibonacci

Quart., 13(1975), No.4, 303-306. Possible q-analogs of Catalan numbers
are discussed here. Two types distinguished.

71. J. B. Carvalho & D. Tamari, Sur lassociativite partielle des symetrisations

de semi-groups, Portugal. Math., 21(1962), 157-169.

72. G. Castelnuovo, Una applicazione della geometria enumerativa alle curve

algebriche, Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo, 3(1889), 27-41. Note pp. 28-31.

73. E. Catalan, Note sur une equation aux differences finies, J. Math. Pures
Appl., (1)3(1838), 508-516; 4(1839), 95-99.

74. E. Catalan, Solution nouvelle de cette question: Un polygone etant donne,

de combien de manieres peut-on le partager en triangles au moyen de
diagonales? J. Math. Pures Appl., (1)4(1839), 91-94.

75. E. Catalan, Nelanges Mathematiques, Mem. Sci. Soc. Liege, 12(1885),

54- ; 13(1886), 399- . Cf. JFdM, 18(1886), 23-24, and Roy. Soc. Catalogue
of Sci. Papers, 1908.

76. E. Catalan, Sur les nombres de Segner, Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo,
(1)1(1887), 190-201. JFdM, 19(1887), 170.

77. E. Catalan, Sur quelques questions relatives aux fonctions elliptiques, Sec-
onde note, Atti Accad. Pont. dei Nuovi Lincei, 1873. Cited in footnoe to
article [C73] below.

78. E. Catalan, Question 1135, Nouv. Ann. Math., (2)13(1874), 207; Solution
by J. Bourguet, ibid., (2)14(1875), 89-90; and note pp.179-180, Extrait
dune lettre de M. Catalan, pointing out an error in Bourguets work.

79. E. Catalan, , Atti Accad. Pont. Nuovi Lincei, 37 (1883-84), 110-

113. Cited in Dickson, History of the Theory of Numbers, Vol. 1, p. 266.

80. E. Catalan, Problem 1548, Nouv. Ann. Math., (3)4(1885), 487; Solution
in (4)1(1901), 282-283, by E. Landau.

81. Arthur Cayley, Note on the summation of a certain factorial expression,

Phil. Mag., (4)13(1857), 419-423. ( = Coll. Works, 3 (1890), 250-253).

82. Arthur Cayley, On the analytical forms called trees, Part II, Philos. Mag.,
(4)18(1859), 374-378. ( = Coll. Math. Papers, 4(1891), 112-115).

83. Arthur Cayley, On the partitions of a polygon, Proc. London Math. Soc.,
(1)22(1891), 237-262. ( = Coll. Math. Papers, 13(1897), 93-113).

84. J. Chidambaraswamy, On a paper of M. H. McAndrew, Math. Annalen,

144(1961), 56-58.

85. J. Chidambaraswamy, A further extension of a result of Mordells, II, J.

Indian Math. Soc., 27(1963), 1-7.
86. J. Chidambaraswamy, Divisibility properties of certain factorials, Pacific
J. Math., 17(1966), 215-226. Part of Ph.D Diss., 1964, Berkeley.
87. J. Chidambaraswamy, A problem complementary to a problem of Erdos,
Pacific J. Math., 17(1966), 227-234. Like the above, part of Ph.D. Diss.
88. J. Chidambaraswamy & N. Venkateswara Rao, A further extension of a
result of Mordells, Math. Annalen, 142(1961), 246-253.
89. K. L. Chung & W. Feller, On fluctuations in coin-tossing, Proc. Nat.
Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 35(1949), 605-608.
90. Louis Comtet, Analyse Combinatoire, Presses Universitaires de France,
Paris, 1970. 2 volumes. Various references.
91. Louis Comtet, Advanced Combinatorics, D. Reidel Publ., Dordrecht, Hol-
land, English version of item above. Expanded and corrected. 1974.
92. J. H. Conway and H.S.M. Coxeter, Triangulated polygons and Frieze pat-
terns, Math. Gazette, 57(1973), 87-94; 175-183. Note pp.93-94.
93. Robert Cori, Graphes planaires et systemes de parentheses, These de 3e
cycle, Paris, 1969.
94. Robert Cori & Jean Richard, Enumeration des graphes planaires a laide
des series formelles en variables non commutatives, Discrete Math., 2(1972),
95. T. A. Cruse, A direct formulation and numerical solution of the general
transient elastodynamic problem, II, J. Math. Anal. & Appl., 22(1968),
341-355. Based on Ph.D. Diss., Univ. of Wash., Seattle. Note esp. p.
345, table of numbers.
96. Emanuel Czuber, Die Entwicklung der Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und ihrer
Anwendungen, Bericht, erstattet der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung,
Jber. DMV, 7(1899), viii+279pp. Cited by E. T. Bell, Item [C26] above,
p. 557. Is this correct reference?
97. Michael F. Dacey, A non associative arithmetic for shapes of channel net-
works, in Proc. AFIPS 1973 Nat. Computer Conf., AFIPS Press, Mont-
vale, N.J., pp. 503-508. Computing Reviews, 15(1974), #26, 206. Catalan
and related number arose in a problem in hydrology and geomorphology.
98. R. A. Dean & Gordon Keller, Natural partial orders, Canadian J. Math.,
20(1968), 535-554. MR 37(1969), #1279.
99. H. Delannoy, Sur la duree du jeu, Bull. Soc. Math. de France, 16(1888),
124-128. JFdM 20(1888), 213-214.

100. H. Delannoy, Emploi de lechiquier pour la resolution de divers problemes

de probabilite, Assoc. Franc. pur lavanc. des sciences, Compte rendu de
la 18me session (Congres a Paris), 18(1889), 43-53. JFdM, 21(1889), 204.

101. Hans Ludwig de Vries, On property B and on Steiner systems, Math.

Zeitschrift, 153(1977), 155-159. Note use of m2k+1 (k) = m2k+2 (k) =
k1 ) (2k
k = C(k+1)
2 ; C(k) = k+1 .
102. L. E. Dickson, History of the Theory of Numbers, Carnegie Institution of
Washington, Publ. No. 256, Vol. I, 1919. Chelsea Publ. Co., reprint,
N.Y. 1952. Note esp. Chapter 9 on divisibility of factorials.
103. C. Domb, On multiple returns in the random walk problem, Proc. Camb.
Phil. Soc., 50(1954), 586-591.
104. Robert Donaghey, Isomorphisms between special families of bracketings,
and related classes, Notices of Amer. Math. Soc., 23(1976), A-39,40,
Abstract #731-05-35.
105. Robert Donaghey, Automorphisms on Catalan trees and bracketings, No-
tices of Amer. Math. Soc., 24(1977), Jan., p.A-32, Abstract No.742-05-6.

106. Robert Donaghey, Restricted plane tree representations of four Motzkin-

Catalan equations, J. Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B., 22(1977), 114-121.
MR 55(1978), #5520.
107. Robert Donaghey & Louis W. Shapiro, Motzkin numbers, J. Combinato-
rial Theory, Ser. A, 23(1977), 291-301.
108. N. M. Dongre, Family trees, Sankhya, Indian J. Statist., Sect. A, 33(1971),
217-220. RZMat. 1972, #7C298.
109. H. Dorrie, 100 Great Problems of Elementary Mathematics: Their History
and Solution, Dover Publ., N.Y., 1965. Note esp. problem 7, pp.21-27.
Translated from the 5th German edition of 1958, which was published by
Physica-Verlag, W urzburg, and titled Triumphe der Mathematik: Hun-
dert ber
uhmte Probleme aus zwei Jahrtausenden mathematischer Kultur.
First edition was 1932/33.
110. E. F. Drion, Some distribution-free tests for the difference between two
empirical cumulative distribution functions, Ann. Math. Stat., 23(1952),
111. J. M. C. Duhamel, Integration dune equation aux differences, J. Math.
Pures Appl., (1)4(1839), 222-224.
112. D. B. Duncan, Multiple range and multiple F tests, Biometrics, 11(1955),

113. A Dvoretzky & Th. Motzkin, A problem of arrangements, Duke Math.

J., 14(1947), 305-313. MR 9(1948), 75.

114. A. Dvoretzky & T. Motzkin, The asymptotic density of certain sets of real
numbers. Duke Math. J., 14(1947), 315-321.

115. M. Eden, A two-dimensional growth process, Proc. of the Fourth Berke-

ley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability; J. Neyman,
Editor; Univ. of Calif. Press, Berkeley, 1961, pp. 223-239. MR, 24(1962)

116. Martin Eisen, Elementary Combinatorial Analysis, Gordon & Breach Sci.
Publ., N.Y. 1969. Note pp. 95-96.

117. Ora Engelberg, Exact and limiting distributions of the number of lead
positions in unconditional ballot problems, J. Appl. Probability, 1(1964),

118. Ora Engelberg, Generalizations of the ballot problem, Z. Wahrschein-

lichkeitstheorie, 3(1965), 271-275.

119. Ora Engelberg, On some problems concerning a restricted random walk,

J. Appl. Probability, 2(1965), 396-404. MR, 32(1966), #475.

120. A. Erelyi et. al., Higher Transcendental Functions, Bateman Manuscript

Project, Vol.3, McGraw-Hill, N.Y., 1955, note pp. 230-231.

121. Paul Erd

os & Irving Kaplansky, Sequences of plus and minus, Scripta
Mathematica, 12(1946), 73-75. (Catalan nos. enumerate null sequences.)


122. Paul Erdos, On some divisibility properties of n , Canadian Math. Bull.,
7(1964), 513-518.

123. Paul Erd

os, Aufgabe 557, Elemente der Mathematik, 22(1967), 116.

124. Alfred Errera, De quelques problemes danalysis situs, C. R. Congr. Nat.

Sci., Bruxelles, 1930, 106-110. JFdM, 57(1931), 1515.

125. Alfred Errera, Un probleme denumeration, Memoirs, Acad. roy. Bel-

gique, Classe des Sciences, (2)11(1931), No.6, 26pp. JFdM, 57(1931),

126. A. Errera, De quelques problemes danalysis situs, 2me Congres Nat. de

Sci., Bruxelles, 19-23 Juin 1935, 5pp.

127. I. M. H. Etherington, Nonassociate powers and a functional equation,

Math. Gazette, 21(1937), 36-39; 153. JFdM, 63(1937), 876. Zbl. 15,

128. I. M. H. Etherington, On non-associative combinations, Proc. Roy. Soc.

Edinburgh, 59(1939), 153-162. Zbl. f
ur Math., 21(1939), 294.

129. I. M. H. Etherington, Some problems of nonassociative combinations, Ed-

inburgh Math. Notes, No. 32(1940), 1-6; and with A. Erdelyi, pp.7-12.
MR, 4(1943), p.68; Zbl.60, p.25.

130. I. M. H. Etherington, Enumeration of indices of given altitude and degree,

Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc., (2)12(1960), 1-5. MR 23(1962), #A2452;
Zbl. 218, #17003; RZMat. 1961, #10A226.

131. L. Euler, Summary of the article by Andreas von Segner, Novi Com-
mentarii Academi Scientiarum Petropolitan, 7(1758/59), 13-15 (1761).
Segners paper is on pp. 203-209. The summary is unsigned but it is
evidently by Euler. It is reprinted in Eulers Opera Omnia, (1)26(1953),
xvi-xviii, with comment by editor Andreas Speiser. In the table printed
in the Opera Omnia, the 429 is incorrectly written as 492.

132. J. W. Evans, F. Harary, & M. S. Lyon, On the computer enumeration of

finite topologies, Comm. ACM, 10(1967), 295-298.

133. H. C. Feemster, Algebra-arithmetic problem No. 175, Amer. Math.

Monthly, 17(1910), 150; Solution in 18(1911), 41-43, by G. E. Wahlin.

134. W. Feller, An Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications, Vol.

I, 2nd ed., Wiley, N.Y., 1957. note pp. 71-73.

135. N. J. Fine, Binomial coefficients modulo a prime, Amer. Math. Monthly,

54(1947), 589-592.

136. H. M. Finucan, Some elementary aspects of the Catalan numbers, Lecture

Notes in Math. No. 560 (Combinatorial Math. IV, Adelaide, 1975),
pp.41-45, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1976. MR, 55(1978), #121.

137. J. H. Folkman and R. L. Graham, On highly non-associative groupoids,

Colloq. Mathematicum, 24(1972), 1-10.

138. H. G. Forder, Some problems in combinatorics, Math. Gazette, 45(1961),


139. D. de Fougeres & Dov Tamari, Polyhedral structure of bracket complexes,

Notices of Amer. Math. Soc., 19(1972),A-31, Abstract #691-05-6.

140. R. D. Fray & D. P. Roselle, Weighted lattice paths, Pacific J. Math.,

37(1971), 85-96.

141. Haya Friedman & Dov Tamari, Problemes dassociativite: Une structure
de treillis finis induite par une loi demi-associative, J. Comb. Theory,
2(1967), 215-242.

142. Nicolaus von Fuss, Solutio quaestionis, quot modis polygonum n laterum
in polygona m laterum per diagonlaes resolvi queat, Novi Acta Petrop.,
9(1795), .
143. William R. Gaffey, A consistent estimator of a component of a convolution,
Ann. Math. Stat., 30(1959), 198-205. Note series on p.202.
144. Martin Gardner, Mathematical Games, Scientific American, 216(1967),
Jan., pp.120,123. Catalan nos. appear in part of the solution to a checker
problem posed in the Dec. 1966 issue (vol.215, Dec., p.131).
145. Martin Gardner, Catalan numbers: An integer sequence that materi-
alizes in unexpected places, Mathematical Games, Scientific American,
234(1976), June pp.120-122, 124, 125, and bibliography on p. 132. This
is a very readable article (cites this bibliography) with abundant illustra-
tions, and problems for the reader.
146. lAbbe E. Gelin, Nombre de maniere de decomposer un polygone convexe
en triangles par les diagonales, Mathesis, 3(1883), 108-110; 4(1883), 37-38.
JFdM, 15(1883), 479.
147. E. N. Gilbert & E. F. Moore, Variable length binary encodings, Bell Sys-
tem Tech. Journal, 38(1959), 933-967. Note esp. p.952. MR 21(1960),
148. F. G
obel & R. P. Nederpelt, The number of numerical outcomes of iterated
powers, Amer. Math. Monthly, 78(1971), 1097-1103. Related to Problem
E 1903 in the Monthly; see below. MR 45(1973), #6643.
149. Karl Goldberg, Unpublished table of Catalan numbers. Originally planned
for Nat. Bureau of Standards Handbook of Math. Formulas and Tables,
c. 1959. (for n = 1(1)100)
150. I. J. Good, Legendre polynomials and trinomial random walks, Proc.
Comb. Phil. Soc., 54(1958), 39-42.
151. I. J. Good, Random motion and analytic continued fractions, Proc. Camb.
Phil. Soc., 54(1958), 43-57.
152. I. J. Good, The generalization of Lagranges expansion and the enumer-
ation of trees, Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., 61(1965), 499-517. Correction,
ibid. 64(1968), 489.
153. H. W. Gould, Some generalizations of Vandermondess convolution, Amer.
Math. Monthly, 63(1956), 84-91. (Case b = 2 yields Catalan numbers.)
154. H. W. Gould, Final analysis of Vandermondes convolution, Amer. Math.
monthly, 64(1957), 409-415.
155. H. W. Gould, Generalization of a theorem of Jensen concerning convolu-
tions, Duke Math. J., 27(1960), 71-76.

156. H. W. Gould, A q-binomial coefficient series transform, Bull. Amer. Math.

Soc., 66(1960), 71-76.

157. H. W. Gould, A series transform for finding convolution identities, Duke

Math. J., 28(1961), 193-202.

158. H. W. Gould, The q-series analogue of a formula of Szily, Scripta Math.,

26(1961), 155-157.

159. H. W. Gould, Congruences involving sums of binomial coefficients and a

formula of Jensen, Amer. Math. Monthly, 69(1962), 400-402. See rev. in
MR, 38(1969), #2033; and cf. rev. #2034.

160. H. W. Gould, A new convolution formula and some new orthogonal rela-
tions for inversion of series, Duke Math. J., 29(1962), 393-404.

161. H. W. Gould, Theory of binomial sums, Proc. W. Va. Acad. Sci.,

34(1962), 158-162(1963). Cf. MR, 36(1968), #3660.

162. H. W. Gould, Research bibliography of two special number sequences, No-

tices Amer. MAth. Soc., 12(1965), 612, Abstract #65T-329. Announce-
ment of a preliminary form of the present bibliographies. The bibliography
was first published May 1971, iv+25pp. as Mathematica Monongali No.
12. MR, 43(1972), #4755; Zbl. 226(1972), #10002; Math. of Comp.
26(1972), 302.

163. H. W. Gould, A new primality criterion of Mann and Shanks and its
relations to a theorem of Hermite, Fibonacci Quart., 10(1972), No. 4,
355-364; 372. Errata, ibid., No.6, 656. Abstract in Notices of Amer.
Math. Soc., 18(1971), 551-552, Abstract no. 71T-A75. MR, 47(1974),
#119; Zbl. 251(1973), #10015; RZMat. 1973, #5A123.

164. H. W. Gould, Combinatorial Identities, A Standardized Set of Tables List-

ing 500 Binomial Coefficient Summations, Rev. ed., published by the au-
thor, Morgantown, W. Va. 1972, viii+106pp. MR, 50(1975), #6879. Zbl.
241(1973), #05011, errata to review, ibid. 250/III (1973), p.2040; RZMat.
1976, #1C605K. First ed. 1959/60.

165. H. W. Gould, Fibonomial Catalan numbers: Arithmetic properties and a

table of the first fifty numbers, Notices of Amer. Math. Soc., 18(1971),
938, Abstract #71T-A216.

166. H. W. Gould, Generalization of a formula of Touchard for Catalan num-

bers, J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A, 23(1977), 351-353. Cf. Item [C442] below.

167. H. W. Gould, Lady Murasaki (1000 A. D.) and the Bell and Catalan
numbers, in preparation.

168. H. W. Gould & Josef Kauck

y, Evaluation of a class of binomial coefficient
summations, J. Comb. Theory, 1(1966), 233-247.

169. Donald W. Grace, Computer search for non-isomorphic convex polyhedra,

Tech. report CS15, 29 Jan. 1965, Computer Science Dept. Stanford Univ.
137pp. (Document No. AD11366 via Dept. of Commerce, Springfield,
Va.) Note esp. pp.28-34.

170. R. L. Graham, Personal letter to R. Alter, 1971. Cited in Item [C4]

171. Irwin Greenberg, Parameter estimation in a simple queue, Ph.D. Diss.,

School of Engineering and Science, N.Y.U., 1964. Dir. by Dr. Leo

172. Irwin Greenberg, The behavior of a simple queue at various times and
epochs, SIAM Review, 9(1967), 234-248. Note p.239, rel.(25), and rel.(70).

173. Robert E. Greenwood, Unpublished solution of Problem 5178 in Amer.

Math. Monthly. = Personal communication dated 16 Sept. 1965. 4pp.
copy of typescript. Shows connections with Catalan sequence.

174. Maurice Gross, Applications geometriques des langages formels, Commu-

nication au Colloque de Linguistique Algebrique et de Theorie des Auto-
mates, Jerusalem, Aug. 1964. 41pp. typescript. Many Catalan references.

175. Howard Grossman, Paths in a lattice triangle, Scripta Mathematica, 16

(1950), 207-212. (= No.22 in a series titled Fun with lattice points) MR,
12(1951), 663.

176. Joanne Simpson Growney, Finitely generated free groupoids, Ph.D. Diss.
Math., Univ. of Oklahoma, 1970.

177. J. A. Grunert, Uber die Berimmung der Anzahl der verscheidenen Arten,
auf welche sich ein n-eck durch Diagonalen in lauter m-ecke zerlegen lasst,
mit Bezug auf einige Abhandlungen der Herren Lame, Rodrigues, Binet,
Catalan, und Duhamel in dem Journal de Mathematiques, t.III, et IV,
Grunerts Archiv der Math u. Physik, 1 1841), 193-203.

178. Hansraj Gupta, Number of topologies on a finite set, Research Bull. (New
Series) of the Panjab University, 19(1968), Jene, 231-241.

179. H. Gupta, Three combinatorial problems, Research Bull., N.S., Panjab

Univ., 20(1969), 443-448. MR 42(1971). #5808. RZMat. 1971, #7C740.

180. H. Gupta, On the parity of (n+m1)!(n,m)

n!m! Res. Bull. Panjab Univ., N.S.,
20(1969), 571-575(1970). MR, 41(1972), #3201.

181. H. Gupta, On a problem in parity, Indian J. Math. (Allahabad), 11(1969),

157-163. MR, 41(1971), #5283.

182. H. Gupta, Meanings of non-associative expressions, Res. Bull. Panjab

Univ. N.S., 21(1970), 225-226.

183. H. Gupta, A restrictive Diophantine equation, J. Indian Math. Soc.,

37(1973), 71-77.

184. G. B. Gurevic, Some properties of standard Lie nulalgebras, Trudy Sem.

Vektor. Tenzor, Analizu, 10(1956), 89-104 (Russian) MR, 18(1957), p.659;
and Zbl., 73(1956), p.20, where P. M. Cohn quotes result g(n) = a Catalan
number, and see Tamaris paper (1962) on bracketings.

185. R. K. Guy, Dissecting a polygon into triangles, Bull. Malayan Math. Soc.,
5(1968), 57-60. Inter alia computes the number of triangulations of p-gons
for p=1(1)25.

186. R. K. Guy, Dissecting a polygon into triangles, Research paper No. 9,

Jan. 1967 Dept. of Math., Univ. of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Cf. item
above. Gives 54 references. Table of values has errors.

187. R. K. Guy & J. L. Selfridge, The nesting and roosting habits of the lad-
dered parenthesis, Univ. of Calgary Research Paper No.127, June 1971.
Cited in solution of Problem E 1903, Amer. Math. Monthly, 79(1972),

188. R. K. Guy & J. L. Selfridge, The nesting and roosting habits of the
laddered parenthesis, Amer. Math. Monthly, 80(1973), 868-876. MR,
50(1975), #128. RZMat. 1974, #5C329.

189. Marshall Hall, A Survey of Combinatorial Analysis in Some Aspects of

Analysis and Probability, pp.35-104 (Surveys in Applied Mathematics,
Vol.4) John Wiley and Sons, N.Y., 1958. Note esp. p.47.

190. Marshall Hall, Combinatorial Theory, Blaisdell Publ. Co., Waltham,

Mass., 1967. Note pp.25-26. Essentially same as in [C175] above.

191. Frank Harary, Unsolved problems in the enumeration of graphs, Publ.

Math. Inst. Hungar. Acad. Sci., 5(1960), 63-95.

192. Frank Harary, Combinatorial problems in graphical enumeration, pp.185-

217 (Chapter 6) in the book Applied Combinatorial Mathematics, Wiley,
N.Y., 1964. Note esp. p.210.

193. Frank Harary & Edgar M. Palmer, On acyclic simplicial complexes, Math-
ematika, 15(1968), 115-122. Note esp. p.120.

194. Frank Harary, Geert Prins, & W. T. Tutte, The number of plane trees,
Idagationes Mathematic, 26(1964), 319-329. Note p.320-321.

195. Frank Harary & Robert W. Robinson, The number of achiral trees, J.
Reine Angew. Math., 278/279 (1975), 322-335. Note esp. p.324.
196. T. E. Harris, First passage and recurrence distribution, Trans. Amer.
Math. Soc., 73(1952), 471-486. Has the mapping of plane trees on ballots.

197. Tsuruichi Hayashi, On the combinatory analysis in the old Japanese math-
eamtics, Tohoku Math. J., 33(1931), 328-365. Although this is cited in
the Bell number bibliography, a rather obvious subset of the structures
studied is enumerated by the Catalan numbers. JFdM, 57(1931), 20.
198. P. Hendle, Somme dune serie (question 4718, de H. Sebban), Intermediaire
des mathematiciens, 24(1917), 95-96. JFdM, 46(1916-18), 347.
199. Correspondance dHermite et de Stieltjes, Paris, 1905, Vol. 1, pp.407-420.

200. C. Hermite, Problems 257-258, Jour. de math. speciales, proofs by Cata-

lan, 1889, 19-22; 1891, 70 etc. Cf. Dickson, History of the Theory of
Numbers, Vol. 1, p.272.
201. Margaret Jones Hodel, Enumeration of certain sequences, Ph.D. Diss.,
Math., Duke Univ., 1972, Directed by L. Carlitz. viii+40pp. Diss. Ab-
stracts Intnl., 33(1973), pp.5391B-5392B. See also publications by Hodel/
Cf. Items [C58-C59] by Carlitz.
202. J. L. Hodges, Galtons rank-order test, Biometrika, 42(1955), 261-262.
203. Verner E. Hoggatt, Jr., Personal communication dated 27 Feb. 1971,
announcing research showing that Catalan numbers are generated by a
certain limit of two polynomials. Appears in item [C205], Jows thesis.
204. Verner E. Hoggatt, Jr. & Marjorie Bicknell, Triangular numbers, Fi-
bonacci Quart., 12(1974), No.3, 221-230.
205. Verner E. Hoggatt, Jr. & Marjorie Bicknell, Pascal, Catalan, and general
sequence convolution arrays in a matrix, Fibonacci Quart., 14(1976), No.2,
206. V. E. Hoggatt, Jr. & Marjorie Bicknell, Sequences of matrix inverses
from Pascal, Catalan, and related convolution arrays, Fibonacci Quart.,
14 (1976), Oct.
207. V. E. Hogatt, Jr. & Marjorie Bicknell, Catalan and related sequences aris-
ing from inverses to Pascals triangle matrices, Fibonacci Quart., 14(1976),
No.5, 395-405. MR, 55(1978), #119.
208. V. E. Hogatt, Jr. & Marjorie Bicknell-Johnson, Numerator polynomial
coefficient arrays for Catalan and related sequence convolution triangles,
Fibonacci Quart., 15(1977), No.1, 30-34. MR, 54(1977), #12535.

209. V. E. Hogatt, Jr. & P. S. Bruckman, The H-convolution transform, Fi-

bonacci Quart., 13(1975), No.4, 357-368.

210. Ross Honsberger, Mathematical Gems, Dolciani Math. Expositions, No.

1, Math. Assoc. of America, 1973, xi+176pp. Note esp. pp.130-134,
Catalan numbers and the standard Euler dissection of a polygon.

211. Fredric T. Howard, A property of a class of nonlinear difference equations,

Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 38(1973), 15-21. Zbl.254(1973), #10012. Ab-
stract in Notices of Amer. Math.Soc., 18(1971), 1041, Abstract #689-A14.
Also MR, 46(1973), #8954.

212. D. Huguet & D. Tamari, La structure polyedrale des complexes de par-

enthesages, J. Combin. Inform. System Sci., (3)2(1978), 7-13.

213. Herbert Izbicki, Uber Unterbaume eines Baumes, Monatshefte f
ur Math.,
74(1970), 56-62. Ref. Zhur. Math., 1970, #9C303.

214. D. E. Jackson & R. C. Entringer, Enumeration of certain binary matrices,

J. Combinatorial Theory, 8(1970), 291-298. See Lemma 2, p. 293.

215. Nathan Jacobson, Lectures in Abstract Algebra, D. van Nostrand, N.Y.,

Vol.1, 1951. Note pp.18-19.

216. H. Jager, Problem No. 67, Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, 8(1960), 53.
217. P. Jagannathan, On n!(n+r)! , J. Indian Math. Soc., 19(1932), 253-256.
JFdM, 58(1932), 156.

218. G. C. Jain, Joint distribution of intersections, () waves and () steps, I,

Proc. Nat. Inst. Sciences India, 32(1966), Pt. A., 460-471. MR, 34(1967),

219. Camille Jordan, Sur les assemblages de lignes, J. Reine Angew. Math.,
70(1869), 185-190.

220. Charles Jordan, Calculus of Finite Differences, Budapest, 1939. Reprinted

by Chelsea Publ. Co., New York, 1950 and later. Note table on pp.449-

221. Richard Jow, A study of lattice-generated integer sequences, Masters the-

sis, San Jose State Univ., 1972. Directed by V. E. Hoggatt, Jr.

222. J. N. Kapur, Combinatorial anlaysis and school mathematics, Educational

Studies in Mathematics, 3(1970), 111-127. Note pp.119-120.

223. C. Karanicoloff, Aufgabe 518, Elemente der Mathematik, 21(1966), 19;

Solution in 22(1967), 19, by H. Harborth.

224. Ki Hang Kim & F. W. Roush, Enumeration of semiorders and transitive

relations, Notices of the Amer. MAth. Soc., 24(1977), Nov., p.A-610,
n ) (2n
Abstract No. 77T-A244. Note that 2 n+1 = n+1 , so Catalan numbers

225. J. G. Kemeny & J. L. Snell, Mathematical Models in the Social Sciences,

N.Y., 1962, Note Appendix E, pp.134-137.

226. T. P. Kirkman, On autopolar polyhedra, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London,

147(1857), 183-215.

227. T. P. Kirkman, On the k-partitions of r-gon and r-ace, Phil. Trans. Royal
Soc., 147(1857), 217-272.

228. T. P. Kirkman, On the triedral partitions of the X-ace, and the trian-
gular partitions of the X-gon, Mem. Proc. Manchester Lit. Philos.
Soc.,(2)15(1860), 43-74. (Paper was read 17 Nov. 1857).

229. T. P. Kirkman, On the general solution of the problem of the polyedra,

Mem. Proc. Manchester Lit. Philo. Soc., (2)15 (1860), 92-103.

230. T. P. Kirkman, On the partitions and reticulations of the r-gon, Mem.

Proc. Manchest Lit. Philos. Soc., (2)15(1860), 220-237.

231. D. A. Klarner, Enumeration involving sums over compositions, Ph.D.

Diss., Math. Univ. of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 1966.

232. D. A. Klarner, Cell growth problems, Canadian J. Math., 19(1967), 851-


233. D. A. Klarner, A combinatorial formula involving the Fredholm integral

equation, J. Comb. Theory, 5(1968), 59-74.

234. David A. Klarner, A correspondence between two sets of trees, Indaga-

tiones Mathematic, 31(1969), 292-296. MR, 39(1970), #5416.

235. D. A. Klarner, Correspondence between plane trees and binary sequences,

J. Comb. Theory, 9(1970), 401-411. MR, 45(1973), #1773.

236. Victor Klee, Polytope pairs and their relationship to linear programming,
Acta Math., 133(1974),1-25.

237. Gary D. Knott, A numbering system for binary trees, Comm. ACM,
20(1977), Feb.,113-115.

238. Donald E. Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming, Vol.1, Fundamen-

tal Algorithms, Addison-Wesley Publ. Co., Reading, Mass. 1968. See
pp.388-389, 404-406, 531-533, etc.

239. I. V. Konovalcev & E. P. Lipatov, Concerning some properties of plane

rooted trees, Kibernetika, 1970, No. 5, 106-111 (Russian; rEsum
e in En-
glish) RZMat. 1971, #7C526.

240. Simon Kotelnikow, Demonstatio seriei 26(4n10)

23(n1) exhibit in recensione
VII tomi 7 Comment. Acad. Petr., Novi. Comm. Acad. Petrop.
10(1764), 199- ? (1766). Cited by Speiser in Opera Omnia of Euler,
(1)26(1953), xviii, as a later paper on the same result. Is this the same
ref. given in Poggendorffs Handworterbuch, Vol.1, 1863, where the for-
mula is given differently?

241. G. Kreweras, Sur une classe de problemes de denombrement lies au treillis

des partitions des entiers, Thesis, Univ. of Paris, 1965.

242. G. Kreweras, Thickness and spread in interval displays, International

Conf. on Comb. Math., 1970, Ann. New York Acad. Sci., 175(1970),
263-264. MR, 41(1971), #8251.

243. G. Kreweras, Sur les eventails de segments, Cahiers du Bureau Univ. de

Recherche Operationelle, No. 15, Paris, 1970.

244. G. Kreweras, Sur les partitions non croisees dun cycle, Discrete Math.,
1(1972), 333-350. MR, 46(1973), #8852.

245. G. Kreweras, Les preordres totaux compatibels avec un ordre partiel,

Math. et Sci. Humaines, 14(1976), No.53, 5-30. Note esp. pp.25-26.

246. C. Krishnamachary & M. Bheemasen Rao, Determinants whose elements

are Eulerian, prepared Bernoullian, and other numbers, J. Indian Math.
Soc., 14(1922), 55-62, 122-138. N.B. esp. p.138.

247. Michael J. Kuchinski, Catalan structures and correspondences, Thesis

for M.S. in Mathematics, West Virginia University, May 1977, v+100pp.
Standardized catalog of 31 structures enumerated by Catalan numbers,
plus exhibit of 158 one-to-one correspondences among pairs of these struc-
tures. This is a first attempt at listing all known Catalan structures and
identifying such correspondences. Directed by H. W. Gould. (Copies
avialable at $10.00 each.)

248. W. Kuich, Enumeration problems and context-free languages, Combinat.

Theory Appl. Colloquia Math. Soc. Janos Bolyai, 4, 1970, 729-735.
Zbl.228(1972), #68022.

249. W. Kuich, A context-free language and enumeration problem on infinite

trees and digraphs, J. Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B, 10(1971), 135-142.

250. P. Lafer & C. T. Long, A combinatorial problem, Amer. Math. Monthly,

69(1962), 876-883.

251. G. Lame, Extrait dune lettre de M. Lame a M. Liouville sur cette question:
Un polygone convexe etant donne, de combien de manieres peut-on le
partager en triangles au moyen de diagonales? J. Math. Pures Appl.,
(1)3(1838), 505-507.
252. B. V. Landau, An asymptotic expansion for the Wedderburn-Ethrington
sequences, Mathematika, 24(1977), 262-265.
253. E. Landau, Sur les conditions de divsibilite dun produit de factorielles
par un autre, Nouv. Ann. Math., (3)19(1900), 344-363, 576.
254. D. F. Lawden, On the solution of linear difference equations, Math. Gaz.,
36(1952), 193-196.
255. F. Levi, Einige topologische Anzahlbestimmungen, Christin Huygens,
2(1922/23), 307-314. JFdM, 48(1921-22), 1288-1289.
256. Jack Levine, Note on the number of pairs of non-intersecting routes,
Scripta Math., 24(1959), 335-338.
257. J. Liouville, Remarques sur un memoire de N. Fuss, J. Math. Pures Appl.,
(1)8(1843), 391-394.
258. C. L. Liu, Introduction to Combinatorial Mathematics, McGraw-Hill, N.Y.,
1968. Note pp.74-75.
259. Arunas Liulevicius, Homotopy rigidity of linear actions: characters tell
all, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., 84(1978), March, 213-221. Catalan numbers
appear in a curious instance. In the proof of Lemma 7, it is essential to
note that 2m 2m
n n+1 is never equal to zero. Since this difference is just
m )
m+1 which is just a Catalan number, the fact that all Catalan numbers
are nonzero is needed.
260. Michel Loeve, Probability Theory, Princeton, 3rd ed., 1963. Note pp. 47-
48, involves the Catalan numbers.
261. G. de Longchamps, Des fractions etagees, Gior. di Mat. (Battaglini),
(1)15(1877), 299-328. This paper is cited in Encyclopedie des Sciences
Math., Tome I, Vol.1, Fasc.1, p.47, footnote (1904).
262. E. Lucas, Theorie des nombres, Gauthier-Villars, Paris, Vol.1, 1891. Note
pp.14, 86-87, 90-96, 164, etc.
263. R. C. Lyness, Al Capone and the death ray, Math. Gaz., 25(1941),283-287.

264. P. A. MacMahon, Combinatory Analysis, Cambridge, 2 Vols/ 1915, 1916.

Reprinted by Chelsea Publ., N.Y. 1960. Note Vol. 1, pp.127-128.
265. M. H. McAndrew, Note on a problem of Erdos, Proc. Camb. Philos. Soc.,
55(1959), 210-212.

266. A. Meir & A. Sharma, Packing and covering constants for certain families
of trees, I, J. Graph Theory, 1(1977), 157-174.
267. Leroy F. Meyers, Personal communication dated 16 Aug. 1965. Points
out connection of Catalan and related sequences with linguistic problems.

268. Leroy F. Meyers, Corrections and additions to Tree representations in

Linguistics, Project on Linguistic Analysis (POLA), Report No. 13, Au-
gust 1966, pp. 135-139.
269. Leroy F. Meyers & W.S.-Y. Wang, Tree representations in linguistics,
pp.54-111 in : Project on Linguistic Analysis, Report No. 3r, The Ohio
State University Research Foundation, May 1963.
270. W. J. Meyers, Linear representation of tree stucture: A mathematical
theory of parenthesis-free notations. Ph.D. Diss., Standford Univ., May
271. W. J. Meyers, A mathematical theory of parenthesis-free notations, Polish
Scientific Publishers, Warsaw, 1975. (=Diss. item above.)
272. D. Mimimanoff, A propos de linterpretation geometrique du problemes
de Scrutin, lEnseignement Math., 23(1923), 187-189. JFdM, 50(1924),
273. D. S. Mitrinovic, Zbornik Matematickih Problema, Book I, 3rd. ed., Bel-
grade, Yugoslovia, 1961. Note p.98, problem 25.
274. D. S. Mitrinovic, Zbornik Matematickih Problema, Book III, Belgrade,
1960. Note p. 244, problem 13.
275. S. G. Mohanty, Some properties of compositions and their applications to
the ballot problem, Canad. Math. Bull., 8(1956), 359-372.
276. S. G. Mohanty & B. R. Handa, On lattice paths with several diagonal
steps, Canadian Math. Bull., 11(1968), 537-545.
277. S. G. Mohanty & T. V. Narayana, Some properties of compositions and
the applications to probability and statistics, I, Biometrische Zeitschrift,
3(1961), 252-258. For part 2, see Item[C252].
278. John W. Moon, Topics on Tournaments, Holt, Rinehart, & Winston, N.Y.,
1968. Note esp. pp.68-69, and problems 3-4 on p.70.
279. J. W. Moon, A problem on arcs without bypasses in tournaments, J.
Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B, 21(1976), 71-75. MR, 55(1978), #165.
280. John W. Moon & Leo Moser, Graph Theory Bibliography, 33 pp. 14-in pps.
Mimeographed c. 1961-1962. About 1000 items. Cf. later bibliographies
on graph theory by Zykov and Turner and also various others.

281. J. W. Moon & L. Moser, Triangular dissections of n-gons, Canadian Math.

Bull., 6(1963), 175-178.

282. L. J. Mordell, Integer quotients of products of factorials, J. London Math.

Soc., 34(1959), 134-138. Item [C402] below follows this.

283. L. Moser, King paths on a chessboard, Math. Gaz., 39(1955), 54.

284. L. Moser, Insolvability of 2n 2a 2b

n = a b , Canadian Math. Bull., 6(1963),

285. L. Moser & W. Zayachkowski, Lattice paths with diagonal steps, ,Scripta
Mathematica, 26(1963)., 223-229.

286. Th. Motzkin, The hypersurface cross ratio, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.,
51(1945), 976-984. Note esp. pp.980-981.

287. Th. Motzkin, Relations between hypersurface cross ratios, and a combina-
torial formula for partitions of a polygon, for permanent preponderance,
and for non-associative products, Bull. Amer. Math. soc., 54(1948),
352-360. MR, 9(1948), 489-490, rev. by Riordan.

288. Th. Motzkin, Independence of resultants, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.,

54(1948), 360-365.

289. R. C. Mullin, The enumeration of rooted triangular maps, Amer. Math.

Monthly, 71(1964), 1007-1010.

290. R. C. Mullin, On counting rooted triangular maps, Canadian J. Math.,

17(1965), 373-382. Based on Ph.D. Diss. at Waterloo, Canada.

291. R. C. Mullin, The enumeration of Hamiltonian polygons in triangular

maps, Pacific J. Math., 16(1966), 139-145.

292. R. C. Mullin, On the average number of trees in certain maps. Canadian

J. Math., 18(1966), 33-41.

293. R. C. Mullin, E. Nemeth, & P. J. Schellenberg, The enumeration of almost

cubic maps, pp.281-295 in Proc. Louisiana Conf. on Comb. and Graph
Theory, 1970, Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge, La., 1970.

294. R. C. Mullin & R. G. Stanton, A map-theoretic approach to Davenport

Schinzel sequences, Pacific J. Math., 40(1972), 167-172. MR, 46(1973),

295. T. V. Narayana, A combinatorial problem and its application to probabil-

ity theory, I, J. Indian Soc. Agricultural Stat., 7(1955), 169.

296. T. V. Narayana, A partial order and its application to probability theory,

Sankhya, 21(1959), 91-98. MR, 21(1960) #5230.

297. T. V. Narayana, Cyclic permutation of lattice paths and the Chung-Feller

theorem, Skand. Aktuarietidskr., 1967, 23-30. See MR, 37(1969), #85,
rev. by M. Skalsky.
298. T. V. Narayana, A note on a double series expansion, Cahiers Bur. Univ.
Rech. Operat., 1969, No.13, pp.19-24. RZMat. 1970, #9C269.
299. T. V. Narayana & G. E. Fulton, A note on the composition of an integer,
Canadian Math. Bull., 1 (1958), 169-173.
300. T. V. Narayana & S. G. Mohanty, Some properties of compositions and
their application to probability and statistics, II, Biometrische Zeitsch., 5
(1963), 8-18. for part I, see item [C250].
301. T. V. Narayana & Y. S. Sathe, Minimum variance unbiased estimation in
coin tossing problems, Sankhya, A, 23 (1961), 183-186. MR, 24 (1962),
302. E. Netanyahu, Extremal properties for schlicht functions in the exterior of
the unit circle, Canadian J. Math., 17(1965), 335-341. Catalan numbers
occur as upper bounds in this.
303. Eugen Netto, Lehrbuch der Combinatorik, 2nd. ed., 1927, Leipzig. Note
esp. pp. 192-194.
304. Ivan M. Niven, Mathematics of Choice, or How to Count Without Count-
ing, New Mathematical Library Vol. 15, 1965. Publ. by Random House,
N.Y. Note pp. 140-152.
305. Ivan M. Niven, Formal Power Series, Amer. Math. Monthly, 76(1969),
306. C. O. Oakley & R. J. Wisner, Flexagons, Amer. Math. Monthly, 64(1957),
143-154. Cf. MR, 19(1958), 241, where Motzkin cites Catalan numbers.
307. W. H. Olsen & V. R. R. Uppuluri, On valid sequences considered by
Wigner, Discrete Math., 5(1973), 159-169.
308. Edward T. Ordman, Algebraic characteristics of some classical combinato-
rial problems, Amer. Math. Monthly, 78(1971), 961-970. MR, 45(1973),
#3214. Zbl. 234(1972), #05002. RZMat. 1972, #6C238.
309. Richard Otter, The number of trees, Annals of Math., (2)49(1948), 583-
599. MR, 10(1949), 53.
310. K. J. Overholt, Optimal binary search methods, Nordisk Tidsk. Informa-
tionsbehandling (BIT), 13(1973), 84-91. Cites Knuth.
311. Edgar M. Palmer, Variations of the cell growth problem, Lecture Notes
in Math. Vol. 303, Graph Theory and Appl., Springer-Verlag, Berlin,
Heidelberg, N.Y., 1972, pp.213-224. Cites W. G. Brown, 1965.

312. Edgar M. Palmer & Ronald C. Read, On the number of plane 2-trees, J.
London, Math. Soc., (2)6(1973), 583-592. Cites W. G. Brown & R. K.
313. A. Papoulis, A new method of inversion of the Laplace transform, Quart.
Appl. Math., 14(1956), 405-414. Note p.407. Gives C(4) incorrectly as
314. Richard Peddicord, The number of full sets with n elements, Proc. Amer.
Math. Soc., 13(1962), 825-828. MR, 25(1963), #3846.
315. O. Perron, Die Lehre von den Kettenbruchen, Teubner, Leipzig, 1929.
Note p. 10, where Catalan numbers occur in an expansion.
316. Johann Friedrich Pfaff, According to Brown, item [C47] above, Pfaff posed
to Fuss the problem of counting the number of dissections of a convex n-
gon into m-gons. Is there a paper by Pfaff?
317. G. P
olya, Kombinatorische Anzahlbestimmungen f
ur Gruppen, Graphen
und chemische Verbindungen, Acta Math., 68(1937), 145-253. Note esp.
pp.152, 197, 198, 201, 229.
318. George Polya, Mathematics and Plausible Reasoning, Princeton, Vol. I,
1954. See p.102, problems 7,8,9. Soltions on p.237.
319. G. P
olya, On picture-writing, Amer. Math. Monthly, 63(1956), 689-697.
Note esp. p.693-695.
320. Yves Poupard, Denombement de chemins minimaux a sauts imposes et
de surdiagonalite donnee, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. A-B, 264(1967),
321. Yves Poupard, Etude et denombrement paralleles des partitions non-
croisee dun cycle et des decoupages dun polygone convexe, Discrete
Math., 2(1972), 279-288. Zbl. 252(1973), #05005.
322. Ruth Proksch, n-Ecksdiagonalisierungen, Math.-Phys. Semesterber. 21(1974),
12-19. MR, 50(1975), #4375.
323. P. M. E. Prouhet, Problem #774, Nouv. Ann. Math., (2)5(1866), 384.
No solution was published. The problem appears in a list of unsolved
problems, 1896. Cited in Lucas, Item [C240] above.
324. Paolina Quarra, Calcolo ielle parentesi, Atti della Reale Accademia di
Torino, 53(1918), 1044-1047. JFdM, 46(1916-18), 113, rev. by Szego.
325. Hans Rademacher, On the number of certain types of polyhedra, Illinois
J. Math., 9(1965), 361-380. Note esp. pp.368-370.
326. Raymond Raffin, These doctorat, soutenue le 30 mai 1951, Faculte des
Sciences de Paris. Cited by Monique Bertrand, item [C34] above.

327. George N. Raney, Functional composition patterns and power series re-
version, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 94(1960), 441-451.
328. N. V. Rao, Further generalization of a result of Mordells, Math. Annalen,
146(1962), 427-432.

329. P. N. Rathie, The enumeration of Hamiltonian polygons in rooted planar

triangulations, Discrete Math., 6(1973), 163-168.
330. Alfred Renyi, New methods and results in combinatorial analysis, I, II,
MTA III. Oszt aly Kozlemenyei, 16(1966), 77-105, 159-177. English sum-
mary on p.177 (paper is in Hungarian). Note esp. pp.160-161.

331. A. Renyi, On the enumeration of search-codes, Acta Math. (Hungary),

21(1970), 27-33. Note esp. p.30.
332. John Riordan, The number of labeled, colored and chromatic trees, Acta.
Math., 97(1957), 211-225.

333. John Riordan, The enumeration of election returns by number of lead

positions, Annals of Math. Statistics, 35(1964), 369-379.
334. John Riordan, Combinatorial Identities, Wiley, N.Y. 1968. Many refer-
335. John Riordan, Ballots and trees, J. Comb. Th., 6(1969), 408-411.

336. John Riordan, A note on Catalan parentheses, Amer. Math. Monthly,

80(1973), 904-906. MR, 49(1975), #73; Zbl. 301(1975), #05003; RZMat.
1974, #5C328.
337. John Riordan, The distribution of crossings of chords joining pairs of
2n points on a circle, Math. of Computation, 29(1975), 215-222. MR,
51(1976), #2933.
338. John Riordan, Enumeration of plane trees by branches and endpoints, J.
Comb. Theory, Ser. A, 19(1975), 214-222.
339. Olinde Rodrigues, Sur le nombre de manieres de decomposer un polygone
en triangles au moyen de diagonales, J. Math. Pures Appl., (1)3(1838),
340. Olinde Rodrigues, Sur le nombre de manieres deffectuer un produit de n
facteurs, J. Math. Pures Appl., (1)3(1838), 549.

341. D. G. Rogers, Pascal triangles, Catalan numbers, and renewal arrays,

Discrete Math. 22 (1978) 301-310.
342. D. G. Rogers, A Schroder triangle: Three combinatorial problems, Lecture
Notes in Math., Vol.622, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, N.Y., 1977.

343. D. G. Rogers, Similarity relations on finite order sets, J. Comb. Th. Ser.
A, 23 (1977), 88-99. MR 457297.

344. D. G. Rogers, The enumeration of a family of ladder graphs (2 parts),

Part I appearing in Quart. J. Math. (28)4 421-431., Part II appearing in
Quart. J. Math. (31)4 491-506.

345. D. G. Rogers & L. W. Shapiro, Some correspondences involving the Schroder

numbers and relations, Lecture Notes in Math., Vol. 686, Springer-Verlag,
Berlin, 1978.

346. V. K. Rohatgi, On lattice paths with diagonal steps, Canadian Math.

Bull., 7 (1964), 470-472.

347. Michel Y. Rondeau, The generating functions for the vertical columns of
(n+1)-nomial triangles, M.S. thesis, Math., San Jose State Univ., Califor-
nia, Dec. 1973. x+84pp. Directed by V.E. Hogatt, Jr.

348. Thomas Gerald Room, The Geometry of Determinantal Loci, Cambridge

Univ. Press, 1938, xxviii+483pp. Note esp. pp.196, 210, 213, 283, 133.

349. Israel H. Rose, Algebra: An Introduction to Finite Mathematics, Wiley,

N.Y., 1963. Note problem 10, p.36.

350. D. P. Roselle, An algorithmic approach to Davenport-Schinzel sequences,

Utilitas Mathematica, 6(1974), 91-93. MR, 50(1975), #9780.

351. D. P. Roselle, A combinatorial problem involving q-Catalan numbers, No-

tices of Amer. Math. Soc., 21(1974), A-609, Abstract #717-A39.

352. Jay Rosen, The number of product-weighted lead codes for ballots and its
relation to the Ursell functions of the linear Ising model, J. Comb. Th.
Ser. A, 20(1976), 377-384.

353. E. Rouche, Observations en reponse a une Note de M. Delannoy, Bull.

Soc. Math. France, 16(1888), 149-150. JFdM, 20(1888), 213-214.

354. E. Rouche, Sur la duree du jeu, C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris, 106(1888), 253-
256, 338-340. JFdM, 20(1888), 213-214.

355. Albert Sade, Sur les chevauchements des permutations, published by the
author, Marseilles, 1949. MR, 11(1950), 153.

356. A. Sade, Two letters to D. S. Mitrinovic, Mat. Vesnik, Belgrade, N.S.,

12(27)(1975) 228-230. Facsimile copies of two letters presenting an un-
solved problem involving Catalan numbers and a limit. The letters are
dated 5 June 1969 and 16 Nov. 1970 resp.

357. A. D. Sands, On generalized Catalan numbers, Discrete Math., 21(1978),

219-221. Catalan numbers arise, of course, in enumerating the number of
ways of multiplying out a product of numbers where the multiplication is
a binary operation and non-commutative. Here the analysis is extended
to a k-ary multiplication The analogue of Catalan numbers is now shown
r )
to be n+1 , where n = (k 1)r. When k = 2, r = n and we return to
Catalan numbers. See also item [C468] below.

358. O. X. Schlomilch, Aufgabe 542, Zeitsch. Math. Naturw. Unterricht,

16(1885), 430-431. The solution, ibid., 17(1886), 281, was compiled by the
editor form those submitted including Schlomilchs own solution. Cited
Dickson, History of the Theory of Numbers, Vol. 1. p.272. n | n+1 ,k =
2n 2n
( ) (n)
2. Indeed, n+1
n = n+1 .

359. Glenn Schober, Coefficients of inverses of meromorphic univalent func-

tions, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 67(1977), 111-116. Still another curious
instance where, in expansions leading to Theorem 1, Catalan numbers
afford an upper bound on certain coefficients.

360. E. Schr
oder, Vier combinatorische Probleme, Zeitschr. Math. u Phys.,
15(1870), 361-376. JFdM, 2(1869-1870), 108-109. Problem 1 gives the
Catalan numbers.

361. E. Schroder, Berichtigung zu dem Aufsatze Vier combinatorische Prob-

leme, Baden-Baden im Dezember 1870, Zeitsch. Math. u Phys., 16(1870),

362. Richard Scoville, Some properties of the Catalan numbers, Notices of

Amer. Math. Soc., 21(1974), A-602, Abstract #717-A12. Invited talk
at AMS meeting at Vanderbilt University.

363. Jir Sedl

acek, Uber
Systeme von Diagonalen im konvexen n-Eck, Casopis
Mat., 81(1956), 157-161. (In Czech.) Rev. in Zbl. 75 (1968), 155.

364. C. Segre, article in Encyklop

adie der Mathematischen Wissenschaften III,
C.7 (Leipzig, 1912), p. 931, footnote 499. Note also footnote 500 which
q2 )
has the order of a certain structure as q1 . Cited by T. G. Room,
Geometry of Determinantal Loci, Cambridge, 1938, pp.133, 196.

365. Johann Andreas von Segner, Enumeratio modorum, quibis figur plan
rectilinarum per diagonales dividuntur in triangula, Novi Commentarii
Scientiarum Petroplitan, 7(1758/59), 203-210 (1761). Summary 13-15.

366. L. W. Shapiro, Rings and Catalan numbers, Amer. Math. Monthly,

81(1974), 940, Title of paper read at MAA meeting, 27 April, 1974, George
Washington University.

367. L. W. Shapiro, Upper triangular rings, ideals, and Catalan numbers,

Amer. Math. Monthly, 82(1975), 634-637. The number of ideals and
the number of nilpotent ideals in a ring of upper triangular matrices turn
out to be Catalan numbers. Zbl. 307(1976), #05002.
368. Louis W. Shapiro, Catalan numbers and total information numbers,
Proc. Sixth Southwestern Conf. on Comb., Graph Theory, and Com-
puting, Florida Atlantic University, 1975, pp.531-539. (Congressus Nu-
merantium 14).
369. Louis W. Shapiro, A short proof of an identity of Touchards concerning
Catalan numbers, J. Combinatorial Theory, Ser. A., 20(1976), 375-376.
Cf. Item [C434] above.
370. L.W. Shapiro, A Catalan triangle, Discrete Math., 14(1976), 83-90.
371. Henry Sharp, Jr. Enumeration of transitive, step-type relations, Acta
Math. Hung., 22(1972), 365-371.
372. D. M. Silberger, The parity of the integer n!(n1)! , Notices of Amer. Math.
Soc., 15(1968), 615, Abstract #657-7.
373. D. M. Silberger, Occurences of the integer n!(n1)! , Prace Mat., 13(1969),
91-96. MR, 40(1970), #2556; Zbl. 251(1973), #05005; RZMat. 1970,
374. David Singmaster, An elementary evaluation of the Catalan numbers,
Amer. Math. Monthly, 85(1978), May, 366-368. Overlaps Item [C466]
above in that it has an independent descpvery of a use of certain notation.

375. David Singmaster, Some Catalan correspondences, J. London Math. Soc.

Ser. II, (19)2, 203-206.
376. Michael Slater, Query No. 148, Notices of Amer. Math. Soc., 25(1978),
April, No.3, p.198. Reply, ibid., June, No.4, p.253. (reply cites work of
Tamari, et. al.).
377. Neil J. A. Sloane, A Handbook of Integer Sequences, Academic Press, N.Y.
& London, 1973. xiv+206pp. Tabulation, with references, for (now well)
over 2372 sequences. Reader should consult supplements issued by au-
thor. Author welcomes new sequences for his tabulation. Reviews: MR,
50(1975), #9760; SIAM rev. 16(1974), 572; Amer. Math. Monthly,
81(1974), 421.
378. R. Srinivasan, On a theorem of Thrall in combinatorial analysis, Amer.
Math. Monthly, 70(1963), 41-44. MR, 27(1964), #5696.
379. R. P. Stanley, An extremal problem for finite topologies and distributive
lattices, J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A, 14(1973), 209-214.

380. R. P. Stanley, The Fibonacci lattice, Fibonacci Quart., 13(1975), No.3,


381. Paul K. Stockmeyer, The charm bracelet problem and its application,
Graphs and Combinatorics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1974, pp.339-349.
(Lecture Notes in Math., Vol. 406) Zbl. 299 (1975), #05011.

382. Volker Strehl, Enumeration of alternating permutations according to peak

sets, J. Comb. Th. Ser. A, 24(1978), 238-240. Catalan numbers and level

383. J. J. Sylvester, Outline of the theory of reducible cyclodes,..., Proc. Lon-

don Math. Soc., (1)2(1869), 137-160. (=Coll. Works, Vol. 2, 663-688)
Note esp. pp.668-670.

384. G. Sz
asz, L. Geher, I. Kovacs, L. Pinter, Editors, Contests in Higher Math-
ematics, Hungary, 1949-1961, Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, 1968. Note
esp. pp.248-250.

385. B. Szen
assy, Angabe zum Leben und zur mathematischen Tatigkeit von
Andreas von Segner, Proc. 2nd Hungarian Math. Congress (Budapest,
May, 1960), Vol.2, Sect. VII, pp. 17-18.

386. K. v. Szily, Problem 1647, 1648 (should be Nos. 1655, 1656), Nouv. Ann.
Math., (3)12(1893), 52-53. See H. Brocards solution in (4)16 (1916),

387. K. v. Szily, Uber die Quadratsummen der Binomialcoefficienten, Ungar.
Ber., 12(1894), 84-93. JFdM, 25(1894), 405-406.

388. L. Takacs, A generalization of the ballot problem and its application to

the theory of queues, J. Amer. Stat. Assoc., 57(1962), 327-337.

389. L. Tak
acs, Application of ballot theorems in the theory of queues, in:
Congestion Theory, edited by W. L. Smith & W. E. Wilkinson, Univ. of
N.C. Press, 1964, pp.337-398. MR, 32(1966), #6577, authors summary.

390. L. Tak
acs, An application of a ballot theorem in order statistics, Ann.
Math. Stat., 35(1964), 1356-1358.

391. L. Tak
acs, Combinatorial Methods in the Theory of Stochastic Processes,
John Wiley, N.Y., 1967. Note, e.g., p.3, relation (5). See refs. at bottom
of page 2, etc.

392. L. Tak
acs, On the fluctuations of election returns, J. Appl. Probability,
7(1970), 114-123.

393. Dov Tamari, Linear algebras in general rings, These M.Sc., Jerusalem,
1938 (In Hebrew).

394. Dov Tamari, Monodes preordonnes et chanes de Malcev, These, Paris,

1951. See MR, 14(1953), 532.

395. Dov Tamari, Monodes preordonnes et chanes de Malcev, Bull. Soc.

Math. France, 82(1954), 53-96. MR, 16 (1955), 110. =Thesis, 1951.

396. Dov Tamari, The algebra of bracketings and their enumeration, Nieuw
Archief voor Wiskunde, (3)10(1962), 131-146. MR, 26(1963), #3749.

397. D. Tamari, Problemes dassociativite des monodes et problemes des mots

pour les groupes, Seminaire Dubreil-Pisot 1962/1963, No.7, pp.1-29, Paris,
Secretariat Math.

398. Dov Tamari, Formulae for well formed formulae (wff), Notices of Amer.
Math. Soc., 18(1971), 928-929, Abstract #688-E2.

399. R. Tambs-Lyche, Remarques sur certains determinants, Det Kgl. Norske

Vid.-Selsk. Forh., B, 2(1929), No.19. Cited in Item [C366].

400. R. Tambs-Lyche, Sur le probleme du centre, Comptes Rendus 7th Scan-

dinavian Math. Congress, Oslo, 1929, publ. 1930, pp. 158-169.

401. H. M. Taylor & R. C. Rowe, Note on a geometrical theorem, Proc. London

Math. Soc. (1)13(1882), 102-106. JFdM, 14 (1882) 150-151.

402. A. Tellkampf, Combinatorische Losung der Euler-Pfaffschen Aufgabe in

Nr. XXVII des ersten Theils, Grunerts Archiv der Math. und Physik,
2(1842), 117-122.

403. H. N. V. Temperley & E. H. Lieb, Relations between the percolation and

colouring problem and other graph-theoretical problems associated with
regualr planar lattices: some exact results for the percolation problem,
Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., A, 322(1971), 251-280.

404. R. M. Thrall, A combinatorial problem, Michigan Math. J., 1(1952), 81-

88. MR, 14(1953), 234.

405. Jacques Touchard, Sur certaines equations fonctionnelles, Proc. Interna-

tional Math. Congress, Toronto, 1924, Vol.1, 1928, 465-472.

406. Jacques Touchard, Contributions a letude du probleme des timbresposte,

Canadian J. Math., 2(1950), 385-398. MR, 12(1952), 312.

407. Jacques Touchard, Sur un probleme de configurations et sur le fradctions

continues, Canad. J. Math., 4(1952), 2-25.

408. W. T. Tutte, A census of planar triangulations, Canad. J. Math., 14(1962),


409. W. T. Tutte, A census of Hamiltonian polygons, Canad. J. Math., 14(1962),


410. W. T. Tutte, A census of slicings, Canad. J. Math., 14(1962), 708-722.

411. W. T. Tutte, A census of planar maps, Canad. J. Math., 15(1963), 249-


412. W. T. Tutte, On the enumeration of four-colored maps, SIAM J. Appl.

Math., 17(1969), 454-460.

413. W. T. Tutte, The use of numerical computation in the enumerative theory

of planar maps, Proc. 21-st. Summer Meeting Canad. Math. Cong., 1971,
pp.2-40. (Congressus Numerantium IV)

414. W. T. Tutte, Chromatic sums for rooted planar triangulations, IV: The
case = , Canad. J. Math., 25(1973), 924-940.

415. W. T. Tutte, On elementary calculus and the Good formula, J. Comb. Th.
Ser. B, 18(1975), 97-137; erratum, ibid., 19(1975), 287. Zbl. 307.05003;
313.05008. This paper developsa new theory of formal power series. Note
that the Catalan numbers are used to illustrate the ideas, pp.135-136.

416. H. Urban, Zu Eulers Problem der Polygonzerlegung, Zeitschrift f

ur Math.
und Naturw. Unterricht, 4(1941), 118-119. Cited by Alter in his 1971
paper in Proc. Louisiana Conf. Cited by E. Dorrie, 100 Great Problems
of Elementary Mathematics.

417. J. V. Uspensky, Introduction to Mathematical Probability, McGraw-Hill,


418. J. H. van Lint, Combinatorial Theory Seminar Eindhoven University of

Technology, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, N.Y., 1974, vi+131pp.
(Lecture Notes in Math., Vol. 382) Note esp. pp.21-27.

419. N. Ya. Vilenkin, Kombinatorika, Nauka, Moscow, 1969, 328pp. MR,

39(1970), #2646.

420. N. Ya. Vilenkin, Combinatorics, Academic Press, N.Y., 1971, xiii+296pp.

Translation of the above item. MR, 46(1973), #5133, citing MR 39 #2646.
Translated by A. and Sara Shenitzer.

421. N. Ya. Vilenkin, Combinatorial Mathematics for Recreation, Transl. from

the Russian by George Yankovsky, 1972, Moscow, Mir Publishers. 208 pp.
This is still another translation of Vilenkins Russian original. (Vilenkins
book has besides a good text, a set of 439 combinatorial problems with
solutions or hints.)

422. Yu. M. Voloshin, Enumeration of function compositions, J. Comb. The-

ory, Ser. A, 12(1972), 202-216.

423. David W. Walkup, The number of plane trees, Mathematika, 19(1972),

200-204. Zbl. 253(1973), #05106.

424. Timothy R. S. Walsh, Combinatorial enumeration of non-planar maps,

Ph.D. Diss. Univ. of Toronto, 1971. Diss. Abstracts, 33(1972), p.336B.
(For copies, enquire via Nat. Library of Canada, Ottawa)

425. T. Walsh & A. B. Lehman, Counting rooted maps by genus, I, J. Comb.

Theory, Ser. B, 13(1972), 192-218.

426. T. Walsh & A. B. Lehman, Counting rooted maps by genus, II, J. Comb.
Theory, Ser. B., 13(1972), 122-141.

427. G. N. Watson, A proof of Kirkmans hypothesis, Proc. Edinburgh Math.

Soc. (2)13(1962), 131-138.

428. J. H. M. Wedderburn, The functional equation g(x2 ) = 2x + [g(x)]2 ,

Annals of Math., (2)24(1923), 121-140. JFdM, 49(1923), 244.

429. Mark B. Wells, Elements of Combinatorial Computing, Pergamon Press,

Oxford, N.Y., Toronto, 1971. xiv+258pp. Note pp. 154,233.

430. Hassler Whitney, A numerical equivalent of the four color map problem,
Monatshefte f
ur Math., 45(1937), 207-213. Note esp. problem IV.

431. W. A. Whitworth, Arrangements of m things of one sort and n things

of another sort, under certain conditions of priority, Messenger of Math.,
(2)8(1879), 105-114. JFdM, 10(1878), 156-157.

432. W. A. Whitworth, Choice and Chance, with 1000 Exercises, 5th ed., 1901,
Bell & Co., Cambridge, Hafner Reprint, N.Y. 1965. See p.111.

433. W. A. Whitworth, DCC Exercises in Choice and Chance, Deighton, Bell,

& Co., Cambridge, 1897, Hafner Reprint, N.Y. 1959.

434. E. P. Wigner, Characteristic vectors of bordered matrices with infinite

dimensions, Annals of Math., (2)62(1955), 548-564.

435. E. P. Wigner, On the distribution of the roots of certain symmetric ma-

trices, Annals of Math., (2)67(1958), 325-327.

436. R. L. Wine & John E. Freund, On the enumeration of decision patterns

involving a mean, Ann. Math. Stat., 28(1957), 256-259.

437. E.M. Wright, A generalization of a result of Mordell, J. London Math.

Soc., 33(1958),476-478. About ratios of factorials being integers. (Cf.

438. Akiva & Isaak Yaglom, Challenging Mathematical Problems with Elemen-
tary Solutions, Vol 1: Combinatorial Analysis and Probability Theory.
Translated from the Russian by James McCawley, Jr., rev. and edited by
B. Gordon. Holden-Day, San Francisco, 1964. Note esp. problems 51-54,
pp.13-14; 115-121; and problem 84, p.27, 184-192.
439. A. J. Zajta & W. Pandikow, Conversion of continued fractions into power
series, Math. of Compuptation, 29(1975), 566-572.
440. Problem P. 206, Canadian Math. Bull. 15 (1972), 455, posed by Jacques
Troue; Solution by author, ibid., 17 (1974), 311-312. Let i1 + + ir = k,
is positive integers. Then

2k+1 2k+1 2k+1

2k + 1 | i1 i2 ... ir


r=1 gives k + 1 | k .
441. Problem H-234, Fibonacci Quart., 12 (1974), No.2, 213, posed by R. E.
Whitney. Solution, ibid., 14 (1976), No.2, 182-184, by Paul Bruckman.
442. Question 333, Mathesis, (1)4 (1884), 119; (2)1 (1891), 29. Posed by H.M.
Taylor and R.C. Rowe. JFdM, 28 (1897), 198 gives incorrect title. Solution
by Stuyvaert. If m = n(p 2) + 2 one can partition a polygon of m sides
n )
into n polygons of p sides in np2n+1 ways. p=3 is Euler-Catalan.

443. Problem 193, Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, (3)16(1968), 126, by J. H.

van Lint; Solutions in 17(1969), 81-84 by W. H. Doesburg & J. Boersma.
444. Problem No. 251, Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, (3)18(1970), 171, cor-
rected version, p.294. Posed by J. Boersma.
445. Problem E 2659, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1977, 486-487; Posed by Arthur
L. Holshouser.
446. Problem E 760, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1947, 108; 1947, 478. Posed by
C.D. Olds. Solved by D. H. Lehmer.
447. Problem E 1700, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1964, 555; 1965, 553-554. Posed
by Jon Peterson. Solutions by W. D. Fryer & S. H. Greene.
448. Problem E 1903, Amer. Math. Monthly, 73(1966), 666, posed by George
Eldredge. Incomplete solution by M. Goldberg, ibid. , 77(1970), 525-
526; comment by E. F. Schmeichel, ibid., 78 (1971), 298. Completion of
solution, ibid., 79(1972), 395-396. Cf. papers by Guy & Selfridge, 1973
and G obel & Nederpelt, 1971.
449. Problem E2054, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1968, 77; 1969, 192-194. Posed
by L. Carlitz & R. A. Scoville. Solutions by G.A. Heuer & M. G. Beumer.

450. Problem E2083, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1968, 404; 1969, 419-420. Posed
by Erwin Just. Solution by Einar Andresen.

451. Problem E 2174, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1969, 553; 1970, 195-196. Posed
by Klaus Steffen. Solved by Harry Lass.

452. Problem E 2253, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1970, 882; 1971, 797. Posed by
L.A. Gehami. Solution by R. D. Fray. Cf. Problem E 2054.

453. Problem E 2383, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1972, 1034; 1973, 1066. Cf.
related Problem 2384, ibid. 1972, 1034; 1974, 170-171; 1976, 285-288
and Problem E 2395, ibid., 1973, 75; 1146.

454. Problem 2681, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1918,118; 1919, 127-128. Posed by
P. Franklin. Solved by C. F. Gummer. Cf. Item [C112].

455. Problem 2688, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1918, 119; 1926, 105. Posed and
solved by Frank Irwin. (Number of fractions using n elements).

456. Problem 3421, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1930, 196; 1931, 54-57. Posed by
Otto Dunkel. Solutions by W. A. Bristol & W. R. Church, partial by W.
F. Ivanoff.

457. Problem 3647, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1934, 269; 1935, 518-521. Posed
by Garrett Birkhoff. Solutions by E. D. Rainville & Morgan Ward.

458. Problem 3954, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1940, 245; 1941, 564-569. Posed
by Oystein Ore. Solutions by H. E. Vaughn & G. Szekeres.

459. Problem 4252, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1947, 286; 1949, 42-43. Posed by
Paul Erd
os. Solved by Fritz Herzog.

460. Problem 4277, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1948, 34; 1949, 697-699. Posed by
C. D. Olds. Discussion by H. W. Becker. See review by John Riordan in
MTAC (=Math. of Computation)5 (1951), 13, #838. Tables for n=1(1)25
and mention of history including Wedderburns work.

461. Problem 4914, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1960, 596; 1961, 516-517. Posed
by Leo Moser. Solution by L. Carlitz.

462. Problem 4931, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1960, 926; 1961, 1012-1013. Posed
by Harry Goheen. Solutions by J. R. Brown & James Singer.

463. Problem 4983, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1961, 1012-1013. Posed by M.S.
Klamkin & L. A. Shepp. Solution by John B. Kelly.

464. Problem 5178, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1961, 807; 1962, 930-931. Posed
by Robert Breusch. Solutions by M. T. L. Bizley, M. T. Bird, and S. G.
Mohanty/ Cf. Greenwood, Item [C159] above. Mohanty uses formula in

465. Problem 5231, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1964, 923; 1965, 921-923. Posed by
H. W. Gould. Solutions by M.S. Klamkin, L. Carlitz, and John Riordan.
This problem generalizes Problem 5178, item [C429] above.

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