Catalan Numbers BibGood Final
Catalan Numbers BibGood Final
Catalan Numbers BibGood Final
We shall designate terms in the two sequences by C(n) and B(n) respectively,
with n = 0, 1, 2, 3, . . . These sequences arise in a variety of novel combinatorial
situations, as will be seen from a perusal of the papers and books in our bibli-
Explicit formulas are:
1 2n 2n!
C(n) = = , (1.1)
n+1 n n!(n + 1)!
1 X kn
B(n) = Dobi
nskis formula. (1.2)
e k!
B(n) = S(n, k), (1.3)
1 k n 1
Pk kj k
S(n, k) = k! 0 = k! j=0 (1) j jn
X n
B(n + 1) = B(k) , with B(0) = 1. Recurrence. (1.4)
C(n) = C(k 1)C(n k), with C(0) = 1. Recurrence. (1.5)
C(n + 1) = C(k)C(n k) , with C(0) = 1. Alternative recurrence (1.6)
X xn
B(x) = ee = B(n) Generating function. (1.7)
1 1 4x X
C(x) = = C(n)xn Generating function. (1.8)
2x n=0
1 = C(n) Enumeration formula. (1.10)
1a1 a2
ai i
the Catalan bibliography by prefixing the letter C before a number and for the
Bell number bibliography by prefixing the letter B.
In items C141 through C153 will be found a very brief indication of the vast
a a+bk
literature concerning the coefficients defined by Ak (a, b) = a+bk k , which
include the Catalan numbers for a =1 and b = 2. The reviews noted in C147
will give considerable information about formulas such as
Ak (a, b)Ank (c, b) = An (a + c, b) (1.11)
which traces back to H.A. Rothe in 1793 and which reduces to (1.5) above
for a = c = 1, b = 2. Over 500 items bearing on this and the related
formula of Abel
Bk (a, b)Bnk (c, d) = Bn (a + c, b) (1.12)
a (a+bk)
(Bn (a, b) = a+bk k! )
For five elements there are 14 parenthesizations. By contrast, the Bell numbers
enumerate the number of ways a set of n elements may be partitioned into
disjoint sets. For example, a set of three elements has five possible partitionings:
(ABC), (A, BC), (B, AC), (C, AB), (A, B, C, D)
For a set of four elements there are 15 partitionings.
Another aspect of the Catalan sequence is the question of arithmetic prop-
erties. Here we have included quite a number of important items. Combina-
torially, it is clear that n + 1 divides 2n
n since this ratio turns out to count
the number ofways of doing various things. But it is also trivial to see that
1 2n 2n 2n
n+1 n = n n1 which proves that the ratio is indeed an integer. Let us
define a generalized binomial coefficient in terms of an arbitrary sequence An
with A0 = 0 and An 6= 0 for n 1, by writing
n An An1 . . . Ank+1
= (1.13)
k An Ak Ak1 . . . A1
with n0 An = 1.
In C151 and C154, the author has shown how we may obtain analogs of the
Catalan numbers and it is proved there that in the case when An = Fn = a
Fibonacci number defined by Fn+1 = Fn + Fn1 , F0 = 0, F1 = 1, it is true that
Fn+1 | . (1.14)
n An
In preparing this revised set of bibliographies I have had the pleasure of as-
sistance from many colleagues who suggested deletions, additions, and checked
the accuracy of references. It would be impossible to acknowledge each of these
by name, but special thanks do go to Roy Meyers (decd.) and John Riordan
(decd.) for many valuable suggestions. I am much indebted to Michael Kuchin-
ski for writing a thesis, C453, that attempts to catalogue Catalan structures
and the correspondence between them. I am indebted to my colleague Prof. Jin
Bai Kim for assistance in reading Hayashis 1931 article.
The biographical reference numbers in Kuchinskis thesis accord with the 1976
printing of the bibliographies and thereby differ from the bibliographies below
which have been re-alphabetized.
Remark: In preparing this new version of the bibliographies, Mr. Glatzer
was supported by a stipend from the Department of Mathematics, West Virginia
The totals in the present listing are approximately 200 Bell references and
470 Catalan references.
Department of Mathematics
West Virginia University
Morgantown, WV 26506
B(n): 1,1,2,5,15,52,203,877,4140,21147,115975,...
26. Garrett Birkhoff, Lattice Theory, Amer. Math. Soc. Colloq. Publ. Vol.
25, Rev. ed. 1948, p. 17, ex. 5. Note also p. 108, ex 1(b), (c), (d).
27. M. L. L. Bizley, On the coefficients in the expansion of ee , J. Inst.
Actuaries, 77(1952), Part I, No. 348, June.
28. George Boole, Calculus of Finite Differences, 3rd ed., London, 1880. Chelsea
Publ. Co., N.Y., Reprint, 1958. Note p.30, ex.9.
29. John Brillhart, Note on the single variable Bell polynomials, Amer. Math.
Mondthly, 74(1967), pp. 695-696.
30. Ugo Broggi, Su di qualche applicazione dei numeri di Stirling, Rend. Ist.
Lombardo Sci. Lett., (2)66(1933), pp. 196 - 202. JFdM, 59 (1933), 368.
34. Kim Ki-Hang Butler, Connection between doubly stochastic matrices and
equivalence relations, Notices of Amer. Math. Soc., 21(1974), A-431,
Abstract #74T-A109.
35. L. Carlitz, Congruences for generalized Bell and Stirling numbers, Duke
Math. J. 22(1955), 193 - 205.
36. L. Carlitz, Some congruences for the Bell polynomials, Pacific J. Math.,
11(1961), 1215-1222. MR 24 (1962), #A3122
39. L. Carlitz, Some arithmetic properties of the Bell polynomials, Rend. Circ.
Mat. Palermo, (2)13(1964), 345-368.
40. L. Carlitz, Some arithmetic properties of the Bell polynomials, Bull. Amer.
Math. Soc., 71(1965), 143-144.
41. L. Carlitz, Extended Stirling and exponential numbers, Duke Math. J.,
32(1965), 205-224.
42. L. Carlitz, Some partition problems related to the Stirling numbers of the
second kind, Acta Arith. 10(1965), 409-422.
46. E. Catalan, Memoire sur une suite de polynomes entiers et sur quelques
integrales definies, Nouv. Mem. lAcad. Roy. Belgique, 43(1881), 1-40.
JFdM, 13(1881), 394-395.
47. Stephen R. Cavior, Equivalence classes of functions over a finite field, Acta
Arith., 10(1964/1965), 119-136.
50. E. Ces
aro, Sur une equation aux differences melees, Nouv. Ann. Math.,
(3)4(1885), 36-40. ( = Opera Scelte, Vol.1, Rome, 1964, pp. 411-415).
54. Martin Cohn, Shiman Even, Karl Menger, Jr., & Philip K. Hooper, On
the number of partitionings of a set of n distinct objects, Amer. Math.
Monthly, 69(1962), 782-785.
55. L. Comtet, Birecouvrements et berevetements dun ensemble fini, Studia
Sci. Math. Hung., 3(1968), 137-152. Cf. Zbl. 164(1969), p.329.
56. L. Comtet, Polynomes de Bell et formule explicite des derivees successives
dune fonction implicite, C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris, Ser. A, 267(1968), 457-
460. MR 38(1969), #2029, Riordan.
57. Louis Comtet, Analyse Combinatoire, Presses Universitaires de France,
Paris, Two Volumes, 1970. Various references.
58. L. Comtet, Advanced Combinatorics, D. Reidel, Dordrecht, Holland, 1974,
xi+343pp. Translation and expansion of item B55.
P nm
59. G. Dobi
nski, Summirung der Reihe n! fur m = 1, 2, 3, . . . , Grunerts
Archiv der Math. und Physik, 61(1877), 333-336. JFdM, 9(1877), 178-9.
60. G. Dobinski, Eine Reihenentwicklung, Grunerts Archiv der Math. und
Phys., 63(1879), 108-110. JFdM, 11(1897), 183.
61. Paul Dubreil & Marie-Louis Dubriel-Jacotin, Theorie algebrique des rela-
tions dequivalence, J. Math. Pures Appl., (9)18(1939), 63-95. Note esp.
62. E. A. Enneking & J. C. Ahuja, Generalized Bell numbers, Fibonacci
Quart., 14(1976), No.1, 67-73.
63. Leo F. Epstein, A function related to the series for ee , J. Math. and
Physics (M.I.T.), 18(1939), 153-173. Detailed remarks about references.
Note esp, ref. to Schwatts book.
64. A. Erdelyi, et al, Higher Transcendental Functions, Vol.3, Bateman Manuscript
Project, McGraw-Hill, N.Y., 1955. Note esp. pp. 254-255.
65. L. Euler, ??? E. T. Bell, item B20 above, remarks, p. 540, that Dobi nskis
result of 1877,. . . , has been ascribed to Euler, but without a specific ref-
66. A. E. Fekete, Substitution of power series, Mimeographed paper, 1965,
17pp. Dept. of Math. Memorial Univ. of Newfoundland, St. Johns,
Newfoundland. Note 4, exponential numbers.
67. Henry Charles Finlayson, Numbers generated by the function ee 1 , Mas-
ters Thesis, Univ. of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, April 1954.
Directed by Leo Moser. (6)+ii+89pp. There are a few puzzling discrep-
ancies in the list of references, e.g., a paper of Bell, Trans. Amer. Math.
Soc., 25(1923), 255 - 283, seems to be incorrect. Similarly, the ref. to
Bourq(g?)uet, Bull. Sci. Math., 16(1883), 43 does not seem right. Total
of 53 refs.
78. Jay Goldman & Gian-Carlo Rota, The number of subspaces of a vector
space, Recent Progress in Combinatorics (Proc. Third Waterloo Conf. on
Combinatorics, 1968), pp.75-83. Academic Press, New York, 1969. MR
40(1970), #5453.
79. Jay R. Goldman, J. T. Joichi, David L. Reiner, & Deennis E. White, Rook
Theory II: Boards of Binomial Type, SIAM J. Appl. Math., 31(1976), 618-
80. Jay R. Goldman, An identity for fixed points of permutations, quationes
Math., 13(1975), 155-156. MR 52(1976), #5436. Zbl. 351(13 Jan. 1978),
85. Joanne Simpson Growney, Finitely generated free groupoids, Ph.D. Diss.,
Math., Univ. of Oklahoma, 1970.
86. J. A. Grunert, Ueber die Summirung der Reihen von der Form A(0), A1 (1)x,
A2 (2)x2 , . . . , An (n)xn , . . . , wo A eine beliebige constante Groe, An
eine beliebige und (n) eine ganze rationale algebraische Function der
positiven ganzen Zahl n bezeichnet, J. Reine Angew. Math. (Crelle),
25(1843), 240-279. Exploits the operator (xD)k using Stirling numbers,
P k n
summing series such as n n n!x .
87. Hansraj Gupta, Tables of Distributions, East Panjab Univ. Research Bul-
letin Nr. 2, 1950, pp. 13-14. Rev. by D.H. Lehmer, Math. of Compu-
tation, 5(1951), 71. Also rev. by Lehmer in MR 12(1951), 750. Valuable
93. Frank Harary & Abbe Moshowitz, Enumeration of end-labelled trees, Fi-
bonacci Quart., 13 (1975), No.3, Oct., 252-254.
107. Christian Kramp, Coefficient des allgemeinen Gliedes jeder willk ulichen
Potenz eines Infinitinomiums . . . u.s.w., pp. 91 - 122 in: Der polynomische
Lehrsatz, das wichtigste Theorem der ganzen Analysis, Edited by Carl
Friedrich Hindenburg, Leipzig, 1796. Note expansion on pp. 112-113 of
ee . This is the oldest reference the writes knows for such an expansion.
Gives the series out to term involving 116015 which should be 115975.
Perhaps we should call the sequence after Kramp?
108. A. Krug, Solution of Problem 117, Grunerts Archiv der Math. und.
Phys., 9(1905), 189-191. Problem was posed by P. Epstein, ibid., 8(1905),
329-330. No. of ways of factoring a product of m primes.
109. J. L. Lavoie, The mth power of nn matrix and the Bell polynomials,
SIAM J. Appl. Math., 29(1975), 511-514.
110. D. H. Lehmer, Multisectioned moments of Stirling numbers of the second
kind, Notices of the Amer. Math. Soc., 18(1971), 538, Abstract #685-
111. D. H. Lehmer, Multisectioned moments of Stirling numbers of the sec-
ond kind, J. Comb. Theory, Ser.A., 15(1973), 210-224. Zbl. 262(1974),
#05006. MR 48(1974), #3748.
112. E. W. Lenstra, Partities en verzamelingen, Neuw Tijdschrift voor Wiskunde,
62(1975), 199.
113. Jack Levine, A binomial identity related to rhyming sequences, Math.
Mag., 32(1958), 71-74.
114. Jack Levine & R. E. Dalton, Minimum periods, modulo p, of first-order
Bell exponential integers, Math. of Computation, 16(1962), 416-423. Ta-
ble of B(n) for n=O(1)74 (i.e. 1, 1, 2, 5, 15, 52, 203, . . . )
P m
115. W. Ligowski, Zur Summirung der Reihe 0 nn! , Grunerts Archiv der
Math. u. Physik, 62(1878), 334 - 336. JFdM, 10(1878), 190.(m=1(1)8.)
116. A. Lugli, Un problema daritmetica, Periodico di matematica per linsegnamento
seconario, Roma, 5(1890), 15-17, 35-40. JFdM, 22(1890), 200.
117. Kurt Mahler, Uber die Nullstellen der unvollstandigen Gammafunktionen,
Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo, 54(1930), 1-41. JFdM, 56 (1930), 310 - 311.
P (n+a)r n
118. S. N. Marikarnikamma, Some Properties of the Series n=0 n! x ,
Math. Student, 18(1951), 132-135.
119. E. J. McShane, Stochastic intgrals and non-linear processes, J. Math. and
Mech., 11(1952), 235-283. Note esp. p. 263, where he discusses the nol.
of partitions of 1, 2, 3, . . . , n, obtaining 1,2,5,15,52,203, etc. Finds an easy
upper bound for the sequence; namely B(n) < Acn n! (to each positive
c, there corresponds a constant A, such that this holds for all positive
integers n).
122. Russell Merris & Stephen Pierce, The Bell numbers and r-fold transitivity,
J. Comb. Theory, Ser.A, 12(1971), 155-157. RZMat. 1972, #5C247.
125. Francis L. Miksa, A Table of Stirling numbers of the second kind, and of
exponential numbers, Mathematics Teacher, 49(1956), 128-133.
126. Francis L. Miksa, Stirling numbers of the second kind, Typewritten manuscript
of 32 pp. on deposit in UMT file, Reviewed in Math. of Comp., 9(1955),
198, rev. No. 85. First 50 values given.
129. L. Moser & Max Wyman, On an array of Aitken, Trans. Roy. Soc.
Canada, Sect. III, (3)48(1954), 31-37.
130. Leo Moser & Max Wyman, An asymptotic formula for the Bell numbers,
Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, Sect. III, (3)49(1955), 49-54.
131. Leo Moser & Max Wyman, Restricted partitions of finite sets, Candian
Math. Bull., 1(1958), 87-96.
132. T. S. Motzkin, Sorting numbers for cylinders and other classification num-
bers, Proc. Symp. Pure Math., 19(1971), 167-176.
133. H. H. Nash, Single variable Bell polynomials, Ph.D. Diss. Duke Univ.,
1969. vi+104 pp. Directed by L. Carlitz.
134. E. Netto, Lehrbuch der Combinatorik, Teubner, Leipzig, 1901; Secon ed.,
1927 (with notes by Viggo Brun and Th. Skolem). In sec. ed. note table
on p. 169.
140. Christian Radoux, Une congruence pur les polynomes Pn (x) de fonction
generatrice ex(e 1) , C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser.A, 284(21 March 1977),
637-639. MR 55(1978), #246.
141. Christian Radoux, Essai sur larithmetique des nombres de Bell (et ques-
tions connexes), These, Universite de Mons, Belgique. 1976/77. Cited in
item [B180] above.
142. Christian Radoux, Nombres de Bell, modulo p premier, et extension de
degre p de Ep . (English Summary) C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. A-B
281(1975) no. 21, Ai, A879-A882. MR 53(1977), #13105. Zbl. 327(1 Feb.
1977), #10012, authors summary.
143. Christian Radoux, Proprietes de distribution de la suite des nombres de
Bell reduite modulo p premier, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser.A, 285(1977),
144. Christian Radoux, Query No. 145, Notices of Amer. Math. Soc., 25(1978),
No. 3, April, p. 197. Reply, ibid., No.4, June, p. 253. A determinant of
Bell numbers equals a product of factorials.
145. Srinivasa Ramanujan, Notebooks of Srinivasa Ramanujan, Tata Institute
of Fundamental Research, Bombay, 1957, 2 Volumes. Photographic copies.
149. Alfred Renyi, New methods and results in combinatorial analysis, I, II,
MTA III. Oszt aly Kozlemenyei, 16(1966), 77-105, 159-177. English sum-
mary on p.177 (paper is in Hungarian), note esp. pp.78-91.
153. John Riordan, Combinatorial Identities, Wiley & Sons, N.Y., 1968. Nu-
merous references, e.g. p. 192.
154. Gian-Carlo Rota, The number of partitions of a ser, Amer. Math. Monthly,
71(1964), 498-504. Baluable paper. Bibliography of 32 items; but beware
of errors in this listing! Zbl f
ur Math., 121(1966),18. Ref.Zhur.Mat.1965,
#3A139. Reprinted verbatim in Finite Operator Calculus, Acad. Press,
NY, 1976.
156. Gian-Carlo Rota & Roberto Frucht W., Polinomios de Bell y particiones
de conjuntos finitos, Scientia (Chile), 32(1965), 5-10. (Spanish, English
157. H. C. Saxena, The Calculus of Finite Differences, S. Chand & Co., Dehli,
1961. Note p. 23, prob. 41, expansion of ee .
159. Jeffrey Shallit, Table of Bell numbers to B(400), Princeton Univ., Prince-
ton, N.J., manuscript of 1 typewritten page + 59 computer sheets (re-
duced) deposited in the UMT file. Review by John Wrench in Math. of
Computation, 32(1978), April, p.656. This table extends that of Levine
and Dalton, item [B96] above. Uses Beckers algorithm ([B164]).
166. Gabor Szeg o, Orthogonal Polynomials, Amer. Math. Soc., Colloq. Publ.
Vol. 23, 1939, revised ed. 1959.
167. G. Szekeres & F. E. Binet, On Borel fields over finite sets, Ann. Math.
Statistics, 28(1957), 494-498. Cites Miksa, Bell, etc.
168. L
aszlo Sz
oke, Number-configurations for Bell numbers and Stirling num-
bers of the second kind, Mat. Lapok, 22(1971), 307-316 (1972). (Hun-
garian, with Russian and English summaries) MR 48(1974), #5879. Zbl.
297(1975), #05006.
174. Jacques Touchard, Sur les cycles des substitutions, Acta Math., 70(1939),
243-297. JFdM, 65(1939), 69-70.
194. Problem 389, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1913, 195; 1914, 23. Posed by W.
W. Beman.
195. Problem E109 Amer. Math. Monthly, 1934, 447; 1935, 111-112. Posed by
F. L. Manning, solved by J.D. Hill. D.W. Hall pointed out that the sum
in question was posed on the 1933 Joint Associate Exams for admission
to the Actuarial Society of America, the solution of which was published
later in the Societys Problems and Solutions. (Ed. I have not seen this.)
196. Problem E 461, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1941, 210; 1941, 701-703. Posed
by D. H. Browne; Solution by H. W. Becker.
197. Problem E 1985, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1967, 589; 1968, 1008-1009.
Posed by E. O. Buchman. Solutions by Douglas Lind and Dave P. Roselle.
198. Problem 4340, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1949, 187; 1951, 46-48. Posed by
N. S. Mendelsohn; solution by John Riordan. Equivalence relations again.
Chapter 3
5. Ronald Alter, Some remarks and results on Catalan numbers, Proc. Louisiana
Conf. on Combinatorics, 1971, pp. 109-132. MR 48(1974), #8250. Zbl.
299(1975) #05002. (=Vol.III, Congressus Numerantium, Utilitas Math.,
Manitoba, Canada).
6. Ronald Alter & K.K. Kubota, Prime and prime power divisibility of Cata-
lan numbers, Notices of Amer. Math. Soc., 19(1972), A-48, #691-10-7.
7. Ronald Alter & K.K. Kubota, Prime and prime power divisibility of Cata-
lan numbers, J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. A, 15(1973), 243-256. MR
48(1974), #3867; Zbl. 273(1974), #10010; RZMat, 1974, #5C325.
10. George E. Andrews, Number Theory, W.B. Saunders Co., Phila., 1971,
x+259 pp. Catalan nos. and parenthesis problem, pp.41-43.
13. Peter Avery, Semiorders and representable graphs, Proc. 5th Brit. Comb.
Conf. 1975, pp.5-9. Utilitas Math., Winnipeg, Canada. Cong. Numer.
Vol. XV, 1976.
17. Anders Bager, Problem 218, Nordisk Matematisk Tidskrift, 9(1961), 185;
Solution, 10(1962), 161-162.
21. H. W. Becker, Rooks and rhymes, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., 52(1946),
1016, Abstract #395.
24. H. W. Becker, Planar rhyme schemes, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 58(1952),
39, Abstract #2t.
43. David Blackwell & J.L. Hodges, Jr., Elementary path counts, Amer. Math.
Monthly, 74(1967), 801-804.
44. George Boole, Calculus of Finite Differences, 3rd ed. 1880; 4th ed.,
Chelsea Publ. Co., N.Y. 1958. Note p.31, problem 18.
45. Marek Bozejko, On (p) sets with minimal constant in discrete noncom-
mutative groups, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 51(1975), 407-412. MR
52(1976), #11481. The 2n-th root of a Catalan number appears as a
46. N. Bourbaki, Theorie des ensembles, Livre I, Chapitre III, Actualites Sci.
Ind., #1243, 1956, Note p.88.
47. Paul Brock & R. M. Baer, Natural sorting over spaces of binary sequences,
Berkeley (California) Computer Center Report No. 18, 1968.
48. John L. Brown Jr. & V. E. Hoggatt, Jr., A primer for the Fibonacci num-
bers, Part XVI, The central column sequence, Fibonacci Quart., 16(1978),
No. 1, 41-46.
55. Tor Bu, Komposisjoner gruppoider, Norsk Mat. Tidskrift, 22(1974), 42-
56. Holger Busk-Jensen, Problem 160, Nordisk Mat. Tidskrift, 6(1958), 173;
Solution in 7(1959), 48-49, by Magnus Tideman.
58. L. Carlitz, Note on Schurs expansion of sin(x), Boll. Un. Mat. Ital.,
(3)20(1966), 353-357.
65. L. Carlitz & J. Riordan, Two element lattice permutation numbers and
their q-generalizations, Duke Math. J., 31(1964), 371-388.
66. L. Carlitz & D.P. Roselle, Triangular arrays subject to MacMahons con-
ditions, Fibonacci Quart., 10(1972), No.6, 591-597, 658. Zbl. 254(1973),
69. L. Carlitz & Richard Scoville, A generating function for triangular parti-
tions, Math. of Computation, 29(1975), 67-77.
73. E. Catalan, Note sur une equation aux differences finies, J. Math. Pures
Appl., (1)3(1838), 508-516; 4(1839), 95-99.
76. E. Catalan, Sur les nombres de Segner, Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo,
(1)1(1887), 190-201. JFdM, 19(1887), 170.
77. E. Catalan, Sur quelques questions relatives aux fonctions elliptiques, Sec-
onde note, Atti Accad. Pont. dei Nuovi Lincei, 1873. Cited in footnoe to
article [C73] below.
78. E. Catalan, Question 1135, Nouv. Ann. Math., (2)13(1874), 207; Solution
by J. Bourguet, ibid., (2)14(1875), 89-90; and note pp.179-180, Extrait
dune lettre de M. Catalan, pointing out an error in Bourguets work.
80. E. Catalan, Problem 1548, Nouv. Ann. Math., (3)4(1885), 487; Solution
in (4)1(1901), 282-283, by E. Landau.
82. Arthur Cayley, On the analytical forms called trees, Part II, Philos. Mag.,
(4)18(1859), 374-378. ( = Coll. Math. Papers, 4(1891), 112-115).
83. Arthur Cayley, On the partitions of a polygon, Proc. London Math. Soc.,
(1)22(1891), 237-262. ( = Coll. Math. Papers, 13(1897), 93-113).
114. A. Dvoretzky & T. Motzkin, The asymptotic density of certain sets of real
numbers. Duke Math. J., 14(1947), 315-321.
116. Martin Eisen, Elementary Combinatorial Analysis, Gordon & Breach Sci.
Publ., N.Y. 1969. Note pp. 95-96.
117. Ora Engelberg, Exact and limiting distributions of the number of lead
positions in unconditional ballot problems, J. Appl. Probability, 1(1964),
122. Paul Erdos, On some divisibility properties of n , Canadian Math. Bull.,
7(1964), 513-518.
131. L. Euler, Summary of the article by Andreas von Segner, Novi Com-
mentarii Academi Scientiarum Petropolitan, 7(1758/59), 13-15 (1761).
Segners paper is on pp. 203-209. The summary is unsigned but it is
evidently by Euler. It is reprinted in Eulers Opera Omnia, (1)26(1953),
xvi-xviii, with comment by editor Andreas Speiser. In the table printed
in the Opera Omnia, the 429 is incorrectly written as 492.
141. Haya Friedman & Dov Tamari, Problemes dassociativite: Une structure
de treillis finis induite par une loi demi-associative, J. Comb. Theory,
2(1967), 215-242.
142. Nicolaus von Fuss, Solutio quaestionis, quot modis polygonum n laterum
in polygona m laterum per diagonlaes resolvi queat, Novi Acta Petrop.,
9(1795), .
143. William R. Gaffey, A consistent estimator of a component of a convolution,
Ann. Math. Stat., 30(1959), 198-205. Note series on p.202.
144. Martin Gardner, Mathematical Games, Scientific American, 216(1967),
Jan., pp.120,123. Catalan nos. appear in part of the solution to a checker
problem posed in the Dec. 1966 issue (vol.215, Dec., p.131).
145. Martin Gardner, Catalan numbers: An integer sequence that materi-
alizes in unexpected places, Mathematical Games, Scientific American,
234(1976), June pp.120-122, 124, 125, and bibliography on p. 132. This
is a very readable article (cites this bibliography) with abundant illustra-
tions, and problems for the reader.
146. lAbbe E. Gelin, Nombre de maniere de decomposer un polygone convexe
en triangles par les diagonales, Mathesis, 3(1883), 108-110; 4(1883), 37-38.
JFdM, 15(1883), 479.
147. E. N. Gilbert & E. F. Moore, Variable length binary encodings, Bell Sys-
tem Tech. Journal, 38(1959), 933-967. Note esp. p.952. MR 21(1960),
148. F. G
obel & R. P. Nederpelt, The number of numerical outcomes of iterated
powers, Amer. Math. Monthly, 78(1971), 1097-1103. Related to Problem
E 1903 in the Monthly; see below. MR 45(1973), #6643.
149. Karl Goldberg, Unpublished table of Catalan numbers. Originally planned
for Nat. Bureau of Standards Handbook of Math. Formulas and Tables,
c. 1959. (for n = 1(1)100)
150. I. J. Good, Legendre polynomials and trinomial random walks, Proc.
Comb. Phil. Soc., 54(1958), 39-42.
151. I. J. Good, Random motion and analytic continued fractions, Proc. Camb.
Phil. Soc., 54(1958), 43-57.
152. I. J. Good, The generalization of Lagranges expansion and the enumer-
ation of trees, Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., 61(1965), 499-517. Correction,
ibid. 64(1968), 489.
153. H. W. Gould, Some generalizations of Vandermondess convolution, Amer.
Math. Monthly, 63(1956), 84-91. (Case b = 2 yields Catalan numbers.)
154. H. W. Gould, Final analysis of Vandermondes convolution, Amer. Math.
monthly, 64(1957), 409-415.
155. H. W. Gould, Generalization of a theorem of Jensen concerning convolu-
tions, Duke Math. J., 27(1960), 71-76.
160. H. W. Gould, A new convolution formula and some new orthogonal rela-
tions for inversion of series, Duke Math. J., 29(1962), 393-404.
163. H. W. Gould, A new primality criterion of Mann and Shanks and its
relations to a theorem of Hermite, Fibonacci Quart., 10(1972), No. 4,
355-364; 372. Errata, ibid., No.6, 656. Abstract in Notices of Amer.
Math. Soc., 18(1971), 551-552, Abstract no. 71T-A75. MR, 47(1974),
#119; Zbl. 251(1973), #10015; RZMat. 1973, #5A123.
167. H. W. Gould, Lady Murasaki (1000 A. D.) and the Bell and Catalan
numbers, in preparation.
172. Irwin Greenberg, The behavior of a simple queue at various times and
epochs, SIAM Review, 9(1967), 234-248. Note p.239, rel.(25), and rel.(70).
176. Joanne Simpson Growney, Finitely generated free groupoids, Ph.D. Diss.
Math., Univ. of Oklahoma, 1970.
177. J. A. Grunert, Uber die Berimmung der Anzahl der verscheidenen Arten,
auf welche sich ein n-eck durch Diagonalen in lauter m-ecke zerlegen lasst,
mit Bezug auf einige Abhandlungen der Herren Lame, Rodrigues, Binet,
Catalan, und Duhamel in dem Journal de Mathematiques, t.III, et IV,
Grunerts Archiv der Math u. Physik, 1 1841), 193-203.
178. Hansraj Gupta, Number of topologies on a finite set, Research Bull. (New
Series) of the Panjab University, 19(1968), Jene, 231-241.
185. R. K. Guy, Dissecting a polygon into triangles, Bull. Malayan Math. Soc.,
5(1968), 57-60. Inter alia computes the number of triangulations of p-gons
for p=1(1)25.
187. R. K. Guy & J. L. Selfridge, The nesting and roosting habits of the lad-
dered parenthesis, Univ. of Calgary Research Paper No.127, June 1971.
Cited in solution of Problem E 1903, Amer. Math. Monthly, 79(1972),
188. R. K. Guy & J. L. Selfridge, The nesting and roosting habits of the
laddered parenthesis, Amer. Math. Monthly, 80(1973), 868-876. MR,
50(1975), #128. RZMat. 1974, #5C329.
193. Frank Harary & Edgar M. Palmer, On acyclic simplicial complexes, Math-
ematika, 15(1968), 115-122. Note esp. p.120.
194. Frank Harary, Geert Prins, & W. T. Tutte, The number of plane trees,
Idagationes Mathematic, 26(1964), 319-329. Note p.320-321.
195. Frank Harary & Robert W. Robinson, The number of achiral trees, J.
Reine Angew. Math., 278/279 (1975), 322-335. Note esp. p.324.
196. T. E. Harris, First passage and recurrence distribution, Trans. Amer.
Math. Soc., 73(1952), 471-486. Has the mapping of plane trees on ballots.
197. Tsuruichi Hayashi, On the combinatory analysis in the old Japanese math-
eamtics, Tohoku Math. J., 33(1931), 328-365. Although this is cited in
the Bell number bibliography, a rather obvious subset of the structures
studied is enumerated by the Catalan numbers. JFdM, 57(1931), 20.
198. P. Hendle, Somme dune serie (question 4718, de H. Sebban), Intermediaire
des mathematiciens, 24(1917), 95-96. JFdM, 46(1916-18), 347.
199. Correspondance dHermite et de Stieltjes, Paris, 1905, Vol. 1, pp.407-420.
216. H. Jager, Problem No. 67, Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, 8(1960), 53.
217. P. Jagannathan, On n!(n+r)! , J. Indian Math. Soc., 19(1932), 253-256.
JFdM, 58(1932), 156.
219. Camille Jordan, Sur les assemblages de lignes, J. Reine Angew. Math.,
70(1869), 185-190.
227. T. P. Kirkman, On the k-partitions of r-gon and r-ace, Phil. Trans. Royal
Soc., 147(1857), 217-272.
228. T. P. Kirkman, On the triedral partitions of the X-ace, and the trian-
gular partitions of the X-gon, Mem. Proc. Manchester Lit. Philos.
Soc.,(2)15(1860), 43-74. (Paper was read 17 Nov. 1857).
236. Victor Klee, Polytope pairs and their relationship to linear programming,
Acta Math., 133(1974),1-25.
237. Gary D. Knott, A numbering system for binary trees, Comm. ACM,
20(1977), Feb.,113-115.
244. G. Kreweras, Sur les partitions non croisees dun cycle, Discrete Math.,
1(1972), 333-350. MR, 46(1973), #8852.
251. G. Lame, Extrait dune lettre de M. Lame a M. Liouville sur cette question:
Un polygone convexe etant donne, de combien de manieres peut-on le
partager en triangles au moyen de diagonales? J. Math. Pures Appl.,
(1)3(1838), 505-507.
252. B. V. Landau, An asymptotic expansion for the Wedderburn-Ethrington
sequences, Mathematika, 24(1977), 262-265.
253. E. Landau, Sur les conditions de divsibilite dun produit de factorielles
par un autre, Nouv. Ann. Math., (3)19(1900), 344-363, 576.
254. D. F. Lawden, On the solution of linear difference equations, Math. Gaz.,
36(1952), 193-196.
255. F. Levi, Einige topologische Anzahlbestimmungen, Christin Huygens,
2(1922/23), 307-314. JFdM, 48(1921-22), 1288-1289.
256. Jack Levine, Note on the number of pairs of non-intersecting routes,
Scripta Math., 24(1959), 335-338.
257. J. Liouville, Remarques sur un memoire de N. Fuss, J. Math. Pures Appl.,
(1)8(1843), 391-394.
258. C. L. Liu, Introduction to Combinatorial Mathematics, McGraw-Hill, N.Y.,
1968. Note pp.74-75.
259. Arunas Liulevicius, Homotopy rigidity of linear actions: characters tell
all, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., 84(1978), March, 213-221. Catalan numbers
appear in a curious instance. In the proof of Lemma 7, it is essential to
note that 2m 2m
n n+1 is never equal to zero. Since this difference is just
m )
m+1 which is just a Catalan number, the fact that all Catalan numbers
are nonzero is needed.
260. Michel Loeve, Probability Theory, Princeton, 3rd ed., 1963. Note pp. 47-
48, involves the Catalan numbers.
261. G. de Longchamps, Des fractions etagees, Gior. di Mat. (Battaglini),
(1)15(1877), 299-328. This paper is cited in Encyclopedie des Sciences
Math., Tome I, Vol.1, Fasc.1, p.47, footnote (1904).
262. E. Lucas, Theorie des nombres, Gauthier-Villars, Paris, Vol.1, 1891. Note
pp.14, 86-87, 90-96, 164, etc.
263. R. C. Lyness, Al Capone and the death ray, Math. Gaz., 25(1941),283-287.
266. A. Meir & A. Sharma, Packing and covering constants for certain families
of trees, I, J. Graph Theory, 1(1977), 157-174.
267. Leroy F. Meyers, Personal communication dated 16 Aug. 1965. Points
out connection of Catalan and related sequences with linguistic problems.
285. L. Moser & W. Zayachkowski, Lattice paths with diagonal steps, ,Scripta
Mathematica, 26(1963)., 223-229.
286. Th. Motzkin, The hypersurface cross ratio, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.,
51(1945), 976-984. Note esp. pp.980-981.
287. Th. Motzkin, Relations between hypersurface cross ratios, and a combina-
torial formula for partitions of a polygon, for permanent preponderance,
and for non-associative products, Bull. Amer. Math. soc., 54(1948),
352-360. MR, 9(1948), 489-490, rev. by Riordan.
312. Edgar M. Palmer & Ronald C. Read, On the number of plane 2-trees, J.
London, Math. Soc., (2)6(1973), 583-592. Cites W. G. Brown & R. K.
313. A. Papoulis, A new method of inversion of the Laplace transform, Quart.
Appl. Math., 14(1956), 405-414. Note p.407. Gives C(4) incorrectly as
314. Richard Peddicord, The number of full sets with n elements, Proc. Amer.
Math. Soc., 13(1962), 825-828. MR, 25(1963), #3846.
315. O. Perron, Die Lehre von den Kettenbruchen, Teubner, Leipzig, 1929.
Note p. 10, where Catalan numbers occur in an expansion.
316. Johann Friedrich Pfaff, According to Brown, item [C47] above, Pfaff posed
to Fuss the problem of counting the number of dissections of a convex n-
gon into m-gons. Is there a paper by Pfaff?
317. G. P
olya, Kombinatorische Anzahlbestimmungen f
ur Gruppen, Graphen
und chemische Verbindungen, Acta Math., 68(1937), 145-253. Note esp.
pp.152, 197, 198, 201, 229.
318. George Polya, Mathematics and Plausible Reasoning, Princeton, Vol. I,
1954. See p.102, problems 7,8,9. Soltions on p.237.
319. G. P
olya, On picture-writing, Amer. Math. Monthly, 63(1956), 689-697.
Note esp. p.693-695.
320. Yves Poupard, Denombement de chemins minimaux a sauts imposes et
de surdiagonalite donnee, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. A-B, 264(1967),
321. Yves Poupard, Etude et denombrement paralleles des partitions non-
croisee dun cycle et des decoupages dun polygone convexe, Discrete
Math., 2(1972), 279-288. Zbl. 252(1973), #05005.
322. Ruth Proksch, n-Ecksdiagonalisierungen, Math.-Phys. Semesterber. 21(1974),
12-19. MR, 50(1975), #4375.
323. P. M. E. Prouhet, Problem #774, Nouv. Ann. Math., (2)5(1866), 384.
No solution was published. The problem appears in a list of unsolved
problems, 1896. Cited in Lucas, Item [C240] above.
324. Paolina Quarra, Calcolo ielle parentesi, Atti della Reale Accademia di
Torino, 53(1918), 1044-1047. JFdM, 46(1916-18), 113, rev. by Szego.
325. Hans Rademacher, On the number of certain types of polyhedra, Illinois
J. Math., 9(1965), 361-380. Note esp. pp.368-370.
326. Raymond Raffin, These doctorat, soutenue le 30 mai 1951, Faculte des
Sciences de Paris. Cited by Monique Bertrand, item [C34] above.
327. George N. Raney, Functional composition patterns and power series re-
version, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 94(1960), 441-451.
328. N. V. Rao, Further generalization of a result of Mordells, Math. Annalen,
146(1962), 427-432.
343. D. G. Rogers, Similarity relations on finite order sets, J. Comb. Th. Ser.
A, 23 (1977), 88-99. MR 457297.
347. Michel Y. Rondeau, The generating functions for the vertical columns of
(n+1)-nomial triangles, M.S. thesis, Math., San Jose State Univ., Califor-
nia, Dec. 1973. x+84pp. Directed by V.E. Hogatt, Jr.
352. Jay Rosen, The number of product-weighted lead codes for ballots and its
relation to the Ursell functions of the linear Ising model, J. Comb. Th.
Ser. A, 20(1976), 377-384.
354. E. Rouche, Sur la duree du jeu, C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris, 106(1888), 253-
256, 338-340. JFdM, 20(1888), 213-214.
355. Albert Sade, Sur les chevauchements des permutations, published by the
author, Marseilles, 1949. MR, 11(1950), 153.
360. E. Schr
oder, Vier combinatorische Probleme, Zeitschr. Math. u Phys.,
15(1870), 361-376. JFdM, 2(1869-1870), 108-109. Problem 1 gives the
Catalan numbers.
365. Johann Andreas von Segner, Enumeratio modorum, quibis figur plan
rectilinarum per diagonales dividuntur in triangula, Novi Commentarii
Scientiarum Petroplitan, 7(1758/59), 203-210 (1761). Summary 13-15.
381. Paul K. Stockmeyer, The charm bracelet problem and its application,
Graphs and Combinatorics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1974, pp.339-349.
(Lecture Notes in Math., Vol. 406) Zbl. 299 (1975), #05011.
384. G. Sz
asz, L. Geher, I. Kovacs, L. Pinter, Editors, Contests in Higher Math-
ematics, Hungary, 1949-1961, Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, 1968. Note
esp. pp.248-250.
385. B. Szen
assy, Angabe zum Leben und zur mathematischen Tatigkeit von
Andreas von Segner, Proc. 2nd Hungarian Math. Congress (Budapest,
May, 1960), Vol.2, Sect. VII, pp. 17-18.
386. K. v. Szily, Problem 1647, 1648 (should be Nos. 1655, 1656), Nouv. Ann.
Math., (3)12(1893), 52-53. See H. Brocards solution in (4)16 (1916),
387. K. v. Szily, Uber die Quadratsummen der Binomialcoefficienten, Ungar.
Ber., 12(1894), 84-93. JFdM, 25(1894), 405-406.
389. L. Tak
acs, Application of ballot theorems in the theory of queues, in:
Congestion Theory, edited by W. L. Smith & W. E. Wilkinson, Univ. of
N.C. Press, 1964, pp.337-398. MR, 32(1966), #6577, authors summary.
390. L. Tak
acs, An application of a ballot theorem in order statistics, Ann.
Math. Stat., 35(1964), 1356-1358.
391. L. Tak
acs, Combinatorial Methods in the Theory of Stochastic Processes,
John Wiley, N.Y., 1967. Note, e.g., p.3, relation (5). See refs. at bottom
of page 2, etc.
392. L. Tak
acs, On the fluctuations of election returns, J. Appl. Probability,
7(1970), 114-123.
393. Dov Tamari, Linear algebras in general rings, These M.Sc., Jerusalem,
1938 (In Hebrew).
396. Dov Tamari, The algebra of bracketings and their enumeration, Nieuw
Archief voor Wiskunde, (3)10(1962), 131-146. MR, 26(1963), #3749.
398. Dov Tamari, Formulae for well formed formulae (wff), Notices of Amer.
Math. Soc., 18(1971), 928-929, Abstract #688-E2.
414. W. T. Tutte, Chromatic sums for rooted planar triangulations, IV: The
case = , Canad. J. Math., 25(1973), 924-940.
415. W. T. Tutte, On elementary calculus and the Good formula, J. Comb. Th.
Ser. B, 18(1975), 97-137; erratum, ibid., 19(1975), 287. Zbl. 307.05003;
313.05008. This paper developsa new theory of formal power series. Note
that the Catalan numbers are used to illustrate the ideas, pp.135-136.
426. T. Walsh & A. B. Lehman, Counting rooted maps by genus, II, J. Comb.
Theory, Ser. B., 13(1972), 122-141.
430. Hassler Whitney, A numerical equivalent of the four color map problem,
Monatshefte f
ur Math., 45(1937), 207-213. Note esp. problem IV.
432. W. A. Whitworth, Choice and Chance, with 1000 Exercises, 5th ed., 1901,
Bell & Co., Cambridge, Hafner Reprint, N.Y. 1965. See p.111.
438. Akiva & Isaak Yaglom, Challenging Mathematical Problems with Elemen-
tary Solutions, Vol 1: Combinatorial Analysis and Probability Theory.
Translated from the Russian by James McCawley, Jr., rev. and edited by
B. Gordon. Holden-Day, San Francisco, 1964. Note esp. problems 51-54,
pp.13-14; 115-121; and problem 84, p.27, 184-192.
439. A. J. Zajta & W. Pandikow, Conversion of continued fractions into power
series, Math. of Compuptation, 29(1975), 566-572.
440. Problem P. 206, Canadian Math. Bull. 15 (1972), 455, posed by Jacques
Troue; Solution by author, ibid., 17 (1974), 311-312. Let i1 + + ir = k,
is positive integers. Then
r=1 gives k + 1 | k .
441. Problem H-234, Fibonacci Quart., 12 (1974), No.2, 213, posed by R. E.
Whitney. Solution, ibid., 14 (1976), No.2, 182-184, by Paul Bruckman.
442. Question 333, Mathesis, (1)4 (1884), 119; (2)1 (1891), 29. Posed by H.M.
Taylor and R.C. Rowe. JFdM, 28 (1897), 198 gives incorrect title. Solution
by Stuyvaert. If m = n(p 2) + 2 one can partition a polygon of m sides
n )
into n polygons of p sides in np2n+1 ways. p=3 is Euler-Catalan.
450. Problem E2083, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1968, 404; 1969, 419-420. Posed
by Erwin Just. Solution by Einar Andresen.
451. Problem E 2174, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1969, 553; 1970, 195-196. Posed
by Klaus Steffen. Solved by Harry Lass.
452. Problem E 2253, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1970, 882; 1971, 797. Posed by
L.A. Gehami. Solution by R. D. Fray. Cf. Problem E 2054.
453. Problem E 2383, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1972, 1034; 1973, 1066. Cf.
related Problem 2384, ibid. 1972, 1034; 1974, 170-171; 1976, 285-288
and Problem E 2395, ibid., 1973, 75; 1146.
454. Problem 2681, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1918,118; 1919, 127-128. Posed by
P. Franklin. Solved by C. F. Gummer. Cf. Item [C112].
455. Problem 2688, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1918, 119; 1926, 105. Posed and
solved by Frank Irwin. (Number of fractions using n elements).
456. Problem 3421, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1930, 196; 1931, 54-57. Posed by
Otto Dunkel. Solutions by W. A. Bristol & W. R. Church, partial by W.
F. Ivanoff.
457. Problem 3647, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1934, 269; 1935, 518-521. Posed
by Garrett Birkhoff. Solutions by E. D. Rainville & Morgan Ward.
458. Problem 3954, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1940, 245; 1941, 564-569. Posed
by Oystein Ore. Solutions by H. E. Vaughn & G. Szekeres.
459. Problem 4252, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1947, 286; 1949, 42-43. Posed by
Paul Erd
os. Solved by Fritz Herzog.
460. Problem 4277, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1948, 34; 1949, 697-699. Posed by
C. D. Olds. Discussion by H. W. Becker. See review by John Riordan in
MTAC (=Math. of Computation)5 (1951), 13, #838. Tables for n=1(1)25
and mention of history including Wedderburns work.
461. Problem 4914, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1960, 596; 1961, 516-517. Posed
by Leo Moser. Solution by L. Carlitz.
462. Problem 4931, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1960, 926; 1961, 1012-1013. Posed
by Harry Goheen. Solutions by J. R. Brown & James Singer.
463. Problem 4983, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1961, 1012-1013. Posed by M.S.
Klamkin & L. A. Shepp. Solution by John B. Kelly.
464. Problem 5178, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1961, 807; 1962, 930-931. Posed
by Robert Breusch. Solutions by M. T. L. Bizley, M. T. Bird, and S. G.
Mohanty/ Cf. Greenwood, Item [C159] above. Mohanty uses formula in
465. Problem 5231, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1964, 923; 1965, 921-923. Posed by
H. W. Gould. Solutions by M.S. Klamkin, L. Carlitz, and John Riordan.
This problem generalizes Problem 5178, item [C429] above.