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X1 Z1 X2 Z2 B+ B-

U DC supply F+

V = = F-






AI 1 AI 2 DI1 DI2



LS proprietary protocol / J1939 D500
Installation and maintenance
Electric Power Generation Installation and maintenance 4971 en - 2016.07 / c

CAN D500 series - LS proprietary protocol / J1939 D500

This manual concerns the alternator A.V.R. which you have just purchased.
We wish to draw your attention to the contents of this maintenance manual.


Before using your machine for the first time,

it is important to read the whole of this
installation and maintenance manual. Warning symbol for electrical danger to
All necessary operations and interventions
on this machine must be performed by a
qualified technician.

Our technical support service will be pleased

to provide any additional information you All servicing or repair operations
may require. performed on the AVR should be
undertaken by personnel trained in the
The various operations described in this commissioning, servicing and main-
manual are accompanied by recommen- tenance of electrical and mechanical
dations or symbols to alert the user to components.
potential risks of accidents. It is vital that you
understand and take notice of the following
warning symbols.

WARNING When the generator is driven at a

frequency less than 28 Hz for more than
Warning symbol for an operation capable 30 seconds with an analogic regulator,
of damaging or destroying the machine the AC power must be disconnected.
or surrounding equipment.

This A.V.R. can be incorporated in a
machine marked C.E.
This manual is be given to the end user.
Warning symbol for general danger to

Electric Power Generation Installation and maintenance 4971 en - 2016.07 / c

CAN D500 series - LS proprietary protocol / J1939 D500

- We reserve the right to modify the characteristics of its products at any time in order to
incorporate the latest technological developments. The information contained in this document
may therefore be changed without notice.

This document may not be reproduced in any form without prior authorization.
All brands and models have been registered and patents applied for.

Electric Power Generation Installation and maintenance 4971 en - 2016.07 / c

CAN D500 series - LS proprietary protocol / J1939 D500



1 - Generalities........................................................................................................................ 6

2 - Specification for the CAN LS proprietary protocol..........................................................6

2.1 - Hard CAN......................................................................................................................... 6

2.2 - Protocol............................................................................................................................6

2.2.1 - Read Only Mode.......................................................................................................... 6

2.2.2 - Read and Write Mode..................................................................................................8

2.2.3 - Frames examples:.....................................................................................................10

2.3 - List of parameters...........................................................................................................13

2.3.1 - Reference Voltage LAM Soft Start.......................................................................13

2.3.2 - Measured values ......................................................................................................15

2.3.3 - Power Factor.............................................................................................................17

2.3.4 - KVAR.........................................................................................................................17

2.3.5 - Reference Iexc..........................................................................................................17

2.3.6 - Operating mode.........................................................................................................18

2.3.7 - Fault and outputs assignments..................................................................................18

2.3.8 - Trip Enable................................................................................................................19

2.3.9 - PT100........................................................................................................................19

2.3.10 - Diodes trip parameters............................................................................................20

2.3.11 - Serial number parameters.......................................................................................20 - The D510c firmware version number..................................................................20 - Serial number of the product...............................................................................20

3 - J1939 D500....................................................................................................................... 22

3.1 - Broadcast.......................................................................................................................22

3.1.1 - PGN 65030 (0X00FEO6) Generator Average Basic AC Quantities-GAAC................22

3.1.2 - PGN 64934 (0X00FDA6) Voltage Regulator Excitation status-VREP........................23

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CAN D500 series - LS proprietary protocol / J1939 D500


3.1.3 - PGN 65028 (0X00FEO4) Generator Total AC Reactive Power-GTACR....................24

3.1.4 - PGN 65029 (0X00FEO5) Generator Total Power-GTACP.........................................25

3.1.5 - PGN 65281 (0X00FF01) Proprietary PT100 Temperature+TRIP+ALARM................25

3.1.6 - PGN 65027 (0X00FEO3) Generator Phase A Basic AC Quantities-GPAAC..............26

3.1.7 - PGN 65024 (0X00FEO0) Generator Phase B Basic AC Quantities-GPBAC............. 28

3.1.8 - PGN 65021 (0X00FDFD) Generator Phase C Basic AC Quantities-GPCAC............. 29

3.2 - Command and request...................................................................................................30

3.2.1 - PGN 65284 (0X00FF04) Requested Generator Average AC Quantities RGAAC

LS PROPRIETARY...................................................................................................30

3.2.2 - PGN 65285 (0X00FF05) Requested Generator Total AC Reactive Power RGTACRP
LS PROPRIETARY...................................................................................................30

3.2.3 - PGN 65286 (0X00FF06) Voltage Regulator Operating mode -VROM LS


3.2.4 - PGN 65282 (0X00FF02) Proprietary Command Reset Trip D500.............................33

3.2.5 - Request PGN 59904 0XEA00...................................................................................33

3.3 - Active Diagnostic Troubles Codes DM1..........................................................................33

3.3.1 - No trip DM1 or only one trip.......................................................................................35

3.3.2 - DM1 more than one trip + transport protocol + BAM..................................................36

4 - Comments........................................................................................................................41

4.1 - Undefined Parameters in J1939......................................................................................41

4.1.1 - Grey Area..................................................................................................................41

4.1.2 - Specific CAN protocol................................................................................................41

4.2 - General comments......................................................................................................... 41

Electric Power Generation Installation and maintenance 4971 en - 2016.07 / c

CAN D500 series - LS proprietary protocol / J1939 D500


The purpose of this document is to define the specification of CAN LS proprietary and the J1939
for the D500 series.


2.1 - Hard CAN
CAN functionality according to CAN specification V2.0 B active
A programmable data transfer rate.

Baud rate Maximum length Data transfer rate parameter 12.06

1M 30 m 0
500 K 100 m 1
250 K 250 m 2
125 K 500 m 3
100 K 700 m 4
50 K 1000 m 5
Programmable Extended 29-bit identifiers.
DLC = 6 6 byte data Message object Data Length Code (Read and Write Mode)
DLC = 88 byte data Message object Data Length Code (only Read Mode)

2.2 - Protocol
2 modes are defined:
- The most simple is the only Read Mode .In that case, only four programmable parameters can
be read from the D500.The identifier and the data transfer rate are also programmable.
- The message with these four parameters is sent according to a time defined by the sending
time parameter.
The other one is the Read and Write Mode, and all parameters from D500 can be read and

2.2.1 - Read Only Mode

With a PC and EasyReg, the final customer is able to select the four parameters to be read, the
identifier and the data transfer rate as given by the example below.

Electric Power Generation Installation and maintenance 4971 en - 2016.07 / c

CAN D500 series - LS proprietary protocol / J1939 D500


DLC = 8 8 byte data Message object Data Length Code (Only Read Mode).

Parameter Designation Minimum Maximum Type Factory setting

12.05 Identifier1 0 32000 RW 0 x 321
12.06 data transfer rate 0 8 RW 5
12.07 Sending time 50 ms 10000 ms RW 100
12.08 Parameter 1 0 2151 RW 535
12.09 Parameter 2 0 2151 RW 501
12.10 Parameter 3 0 2151 RW 587
12.11 Parameter 4 0 2151 RW 492
12.45 Source address 0 255 RW 144 (0 x 90)

For example, to select the excitation current (5.87) in parameter 1, the parameter 1s value has
to be 587.
5 is the Menu number.
87 is the Parameter number.
It is necessary to set up the parameter 12.06 data transfer rate to the desired value.

Electric Power Generation Installation and maintenance 4971 en - 2016.07 / c

CAN D500 series - LS proprietary protocol / J1939 D500


And then the power must be switched off to allow the parameter 12.06 data transfer rate to be
taken into account by the D510.
The identifier value for LS only read mode is = 0xCFF2000 +m1245_Source_adress
The default setting for the source address is (hex 0x90)
The default value for the identifier value for LS only read mode is 0xCFF2090

2.2.2 - Read and Write Mode

- All parameters from D500 can be read and written.
- The CAN identifier and the data transfer rate are programmable.
Identifier LS Write = 0xCFF0F00 + m1245_Source_adress default value = 0xCFF0F90
Identifier LS Write Answer = 0XcFF1000+m1245_Source_adress default value = 0XcFF1090
Identifier LS Read = 0xCFF0E00 +m1245_Source_adress default value = 0xCFF0E90
Identifier LS Read Answer = 0XcFF1100 +m1245_Source_adress default value = 0XcFF1190
- The specific protocol LS is encapsulated inside the CAN frame.
At the specific protocol LS level, the customer is the master and the D500 the slave.
The parameters of the D500 database are accessible from a Menu number and a Parameter
- Frames for the specific LS protocol
The customer sends commands:

Write :
Question Customer D500
WRITE-QUESTION (header_WR, Parameter number, Menu number, value)
Answer D500 Customer
WRITE-ANSWER (header_WR +ok, Parameter number, Menu number, value)
WRITE_ANSWER (header_WR +Nok, Parameter number, Menu number, memory value)

Read :
Question Customer D500
READ_QUESTION (header_RD, Parameter number, Menu number, value)
Answer D500 Customer
READ_ANSWER (header_RD, Parameter number, Menu number, value)

Electric Power Generation Installation and maintenance 4971 en - 2016.07 / c

CAN D500 series - LS proprietary protocol / J1939 D500


Master Customer: Management of a time out.

Read frame:
Read UPN
Header: Parameter Menu All other bytes
0xFF 0xFF Master
0001.1011 number number exclusive or

Read UPN
Header: Parameter Menu Parameter Parameter All other bytes
0001.1000 number number value (low) value (high) exclusive or
Answer ok

Read UPN
Header: Parameter Menu Parameter Parameter All other bytes
0001.1001 number number value (low) value (high) exclusive or
Answer n ok

Response: Header.0 = UPN inexistent

Write Frame:
Write UPN
Header: Parameter Menu Parameter Parameter All other bytes
0001.1010 number number value (low) value (high) exclusive or

Write UPN
Header: Parameter Menu Parameter Parameter All other bytes
Slave answer
0001.1000 number number value (low) value (high) exclusive or

Write UPN
Header: Parameter Menu Parameter Parameter All other bytes
Slave answer
0001.1000 number number value (low) value (high) exclusive or

Response: Header.0 = UPN inexistent

Electric Power Generation Installation and maintenance 4971 en - 2016.07 / c

CAN D500 series - LS proprietary protocol / J1939 D500


- Header + OK, Header + NOT functionality of the protocol.

When the customer wants to write a parameter :
If the parameter exits and its value is accessible then the header for the answer is 0x18
Otherwise the header of the answer changes to indicate a problem.
Header.0 =1 then parameter does not exist or is not accessible for the writing.
When the customer wants to read a parameter:
If the parameter exits then the header for the answer is 0x18
Otherwise the header of the answer changes to indicate a problem.
Header.0 =1 then parameter does not exist

2.2.3 - Frames examples

With the PC and Easyreg, it is possible to set up 3 different CAN Identifier.
Only read mode
Identifier LS only read mode = 0xCFF0000+ (m1205_identifier1*256) +m1245_Source_adress

Write mode
Frame coming from customer to D500
Identifier LS Write = 0xCFF0000+ (m1220_identifier2*256) +m1245_Source_adress
Frame coming from D500 to Customer
Identifier LS Write Answer =0xCFF00090+ (m1240_ Identifier4*256) +m1245_Source_adress;

Read mode
Frame coming from customer to D500
Identifier LS Read = 0xCFF0000 + (m1221_identifier3*256) + m1245_Source_adress
Frame coming from D500 to Customer
Identifier LS Read Answer = 0xCFF0090 + (m1241_ Identifier5*256) + m1245_Source_adress

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CAN D500 series - LS proprietary protocol / J1939 D500


12.07 Sending time 200

12.08 Parameter 1 535 Alternator Voltage
12.09 Parameter 2 539 I u alternator
12.10 Parameter 3 570 I v alternator
12.11 Parameter 4 571 I w alternator

Read Only mode

The cyclic frame of the D500 will be as follow.
Alternator voltage = 4100 = 0x1004 high value = 0x10, low value = 0x4 parameter1
Alternator current u = 2500 = 0x9c4 high value = 0x9, low value = 0xc4 parameter2
Alternator current v = 2510 = 0x9ce high value = 0x9, low value = 0xce parameter3
Alternator current w = 2520 = 0x9d8 high value = 0x9, low value = 0xd8 parameter4

Identifier1 param1(low) param1(high) param2(low) param2(high) param3(low) param3(high) param4(low) param4(high)

Id1 0x4 0x10 0xc4 0x9 0xce 0x9 0xd8 0x9

The D500 will now start to transmit following CAN telegrams every 200ms DLC=8 so 8 BYTES
are transmitted
Id1=Identifier LS only read mode

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CAN D500 series - LS proprietary protocol / J1939 D500


Read and write mode

Example : Customer Write 5.12 Voltage set point with 390.0V

Parameter number =12=0xc
Menu number =5=0x5
Value=390*10=3900=0xf3c high value=0xf low value=0x3c

Customer transmits following CAN telegram DLC=6 so 6 BYTES are transmitted

Identifier LS Write 0x1a 0xc 0x5 0x3c 0xf XOR

D500 replies with following CAN telegram

Identifier LS Write Answer 0x18 0xc 0x5 0x3c 0xf XOR

Example : Customer read 5.12 Voltage set point (reading value is 390.0V)

Customer transmits following CAN telegram DLC=6 so 6 BYTES are transmitted

Identifier LS Read 0x1b 0xc 0x5 0xff 0xff XOR

D500 replies with following CAN telegram

Identifier LS Read Answer 0x18 0xc 0x5 0x3c 0xf XOR

Electric Power Generation Installation and maintenance 4971 en - 2016.07 / c

CAN D500 series - LS proprietary protocol / J1939 D500


2.3 - List of parameters

2.3.1 - Reference Voltage LAM Soft Start.

Parameter Designation Minimum Maximum Type Factory setting

5.03 knee LAM 37 Hz 100,0 Hz RW 48 Hz
70% of reference 100% of reference 100% of
5.05 adjustable LAM RW
Voltage voltage reference voltage
5.06 U/F variable slope 1,0 3,0 RW 1.0
5.12 Voltage set point 90,0V 530,0 V RW 400,0V
5.14 Adjustable Voltage -30.0% +30.0% RW 0
5.16 Voltage Reference 2 90,0 V 530,0 V R
Reactive drop
5.17 0.0% +10,0% RW 0.0%
5.20 soft Start Acceleration 0,1 s 120,0 s RW 1.0s
5.21 Soft voltage recovery 0,1 s / 10HZ 30,0 s / 10HZ RW 0,1 s / 10HZ
Voltage reference after
5.23 0,0 V 530,0 V R
Voltage line drop
5.41 0,0% 10,0% RW 0,0%
5.28 PID Scale factor 1 100 RW 100
5.89 PID RMS Enable 0 1 RW 0
RW Read Write
R Read only
Please note, if a ratio is used for the return alternator voltage, the set point reference
voltage 5.12 must take into account this ratio.

Knee point and soft start principles

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CAN D500 series - LS proprietary protocol / J1939 D500


Soft recovery principle

Example for [5.17] reactive drop compensation set to 10% and a reference voltage at 400V

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CAN D500 series - LS proprietary protocol / J1939 D500


Example for [5.41] Voltage line drop compensation set to 10% and a reference voltage at 400V
NOTA: The user can refer to the D500 series manual (ref : 4243) for more information
about these functions

2.3.2 - Measured values

Parameters Dsignation Minimum Maximum Type

5.01 Alternator Frequency 10,0 Hz 100,0 Hz R

5.80 Alternator Voltage 0,0 V 530,0 V R
5.39 I u alternator 0A 5000 A R
5.70 I v alternator 0A 5000 A R
5.71 I w alternator 0A 5000 A R
5.08 Grid input Frequency 10,0 Hz 100,0Hz R
5.82 Grid input Voltage 50,0 V 530,0 V R

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CAN D500 series - LS proprietary protocol / J1939 D500


Electric Power Generation Installation and maintenance 4971 en - 2016.07 / c

CAN D500 series - LS proprietary protocol / J1939 D500


2.3.3 - Power Factor

Parameters Designation Minimum Maximum Type setting
4.01 Power factor set point 0 1.00 RW 0
4.09 Forward / Reverse Power factor 0 1 RW 0

Current transformer phase 15.00

4.28 0.00 RW 0.00
correction degrees
5.45 measured value of Power factor 0.000 1.000 R
measured value of Sign of Power
5.46 0 1 R

2.3.4 - KVAR
Parameters Designation Minimum Maximum Type setting
4.05 reactive power Reference -100 % +100 % RW 0
measured value of reactive -32000 +32000
4.07 R
measured value of apparent
4.15 -32000 KVA +32000 KVA R
measured value of Active
4.16 -32000 KW +32000 KW R
5.42 I Nominal alternator 0A 5000 A RW 0A
4.91 V Nominal alternator 0 1000,0V RW 400,0V

Please note, if a ratio is used for the return alternator voltage, the nominal voltage
alternator 4.91 must take into account this ratio.
Similarly, the reactive power measured 4.07 by the D500 is calculated with the voltage
received by the D500. So to find the real measure, it is necessary to multiply 4.07 by the
inverse ratio.

2.3.5 - Reference Iexc.

Parameters Designation Minimum Maximum Type setting
5.33 Iexc Reference 0,0A 20,0A RW 0,0A
measured value of Excitation
5.34 0.0 A 20 .0A R

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CAN D500 series - LS proprietary protocol / J1939 D500


2.3.6 - Operating mode

Parameters Designation Minimum Maximum Type setting
5.30 PF/KVAR or Voltage Select 0 1 RW 0
4.08 Regulation Cos or KVAR Select 0 1 RW 0
5.13 U=u 0 1 RW 1
5.49 Manual Mode 0 1 RW 0

2.3.7 - Fault and outputs assignments

Parameters Designation Minimum Maximum Type

10.01 No trip 0 1 R
10.06 short circuit Alarm 0 1 R
10.07 Loss of voltage sensing Alarm 0 1 R
10.23 under excitation Alarm 0 1 R
10.26 over excitation on level Alarm 0 1 R
10.27 over excitation on curve Alarm 0 1 R
10.42 overvoltage Alarm 0 1 R
10.52 Over temperature PT100_1 Alarm 0 1 R
10.54 Over temperature PTC Alarm 0 1 R
10.62 Over temperature PT100_2 Alarm 0 1 R
10.72 Over temperature PT100_3 Alarm 0 1 R
10.83 Stator overcurrent limitation Active 0 1 R

Parameters Designation Minimum Maximum Type

10.36 trip state 0 32000 R
Bit0 0 10.01 No trip
Bit1 1 10.06 short circuit Alarm
Bit2 2 10.07 Loss of voltage sensing Alarm
Bit3 3 10.23 under excitation Alarm
Bit4 4 10.26 over excitation on level Alarm
Bit5 5 10.27 over excitation on curve Alarm
Bit6 6 10.42 overvoltage Alarm
Bit7 7 10.52 Over temperature PT100_1 Alarm
Bit8 8 10.54 Over temperature PTC Alarm
Bit9 9 10.62 Over temperature PT100_2 Alarm
Bit10 10 10.72 Over temperature PT100_3 Alarm
Bit11 11 10.72 Over stator current
Bit12 12 10.72 Over stator current U
Bit13 13 10.72 Over stator current V
Bit14 14 10.72 Over stator current W
Bit15 15 10.72 imbalance stator current

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CAN D500 series - LS proprietary protocol / J1939 D500


Parameters Designation Minimum Maximum Type

10.38 trip state 0 32000 R
Bit0 0 10.15 open diode
Bit1 1 10.16 short circuit diode
Bit2 2 unused
Bit3 3 unused
Bit4 4 unused
Bit5 5 unused
Bit6 6 unused
Bit7 7 unused
Bit8 8 unused
Bit9 9 unused
Bit10 10 unused
Bit11 11 unused
Bit12 12 unused
Bit13 13 unused
Bit14 14 unused
Bit15 15 unused

2.3.8 - Trip Enable

Parameters Designation Minimum Maximum Type Factory

10.03 Voltage loss detection Enable 0 1 RW 1
10.20 Excitation current protection Enable 0 1 RW 1
10.40 Overvoltage protection Enable 0 1 RW 1

2.3.9 - PT100

Parameters Designation Minimum Maximum Type Factory

10.51 PT100_1 temperature threshold 50 200 degrees Celsius RW 160
10.61 PT100_2 temperature threshold 50 200 degrees Celsius RW 160
10.71 PT100_3 temperature threshold 50 200 degrees Celsius RW 160
10.50 PT100_1 temperature 0 250 degrees Celsius R
10.60 PT100_2 temperature 0 250 degrees Celsius R
10.70 PT100_3 temperature 0 250 degrees Celsius R

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CAN D500 series - LS proprietary protocol / J1939 D500


2.3.10 - Diodes trip parameters

Parameters Designation Minimum Maximum Type setting
10.13 Enable diode fault 0 1 RW 0
10.14 Enable shut down diodes 0 1 RW 1
10.15 Open diode trip 0 1 R
10.16 Short circuit diode trip 0 1 R

2.3.11 - Serial number parameters - The D510 C firmware version number

The D510C firmware is available in the parameter 5.99 - Serial number of the product

The serial number is available in these following parameters.

Parameter Designation Minimum Maximum Type setting
19.50 D500 type 0 32000 R
19.51 Serial number 1 0 32000 R
19.52 Serial number 2 0 32000 R
19.53 Serial letter 0 32000 R

19.50 D500 Type

0 D510 REVA
1 D510 C REVA
2 D515 REVA
3 D515 C REVA

NOTA: The current revision is REVB

19.53letter or number
Decimal value of ASCCI code

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CAN D500 series - LS proprietary protocol / J1939 D500


Serial number example:

19.51 19.53 19.52
Year week Letter or number Number of incrementation
207 46 L 02539

NOTA: 207 above must be read as 2007

D510_REVA_S/N: 20746L02539
D515CREVA_S/N: 20746L02539

Electric Power Generation Installation and maintenance 4971 en - 2016.07 / c

CAN D500 series - LS proprietary protocol / J1939 D500


3 - J1939 D500
The J1939 for the D510 is done according to the SAE J1939 standards. The SAE J1939-75
document defines the OSI Application layer data parameters (SPNs) and messages (PGNs) for
information predominantly associated with monitoring and control generators and driven
equipment in electric power generation and industrial applications.

3.1 - Broadcast
3.1.1 - PGN 65030 (0X00FEO6) Generator Average Basic AC Quantities -GAAC
Transmission repetition rate 100ms
Priority 3
Extended data page 0
Data page 0

Identifier 29 bits Data

Priority EDP DP PGN SA SPN 2440 SPN 2444 SPN 2436 2448
C FE06

SPN 2440 Generator Average Line-Line AC rms Voltage:

Resolution: 1V/bit, 0 Offset
Data range: 0 to 64255 V
Type: measured

SPN 2444 Generator Average Line-Neutral AC rms Voltage:

Resolution: 1V/bit, 0 Offset
Data range: 0 to 64255 V
Type: measured

SPN 2436 Generator Average AC Frequency:

Resolution: 1/128 Hz/bit, 0 offset
Data range: 0 to 501.992 1875 Hz
Type: measured

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CAN D500 series - LS proprietary protocol / J1939 D500


SPN 2448 Generator Average AC rms current:

Resolution: 1A/bit, 0 Offset
Data range: 0 to 64255 A
Type: measured
Voltage: Line to Line AC rms Voltage SPN 2440 Average
Current AC rms current SPN 2448 Average
PGN 65030 = 0XFE06 priority 3
Voltage=400V =0x190
Current=50A =0x32
SA=parameter 12.45=0x90 (parameter 12.45 is the source address of the D500)

Identifier 29 bits Data

Priority R DP PGN SA SPN 2440 SPN 2448
C FE06 90 90 01 FF FF FF FF 32 00
0XC=01100 P=011 =3 priority R=0 DP=0

3.1.2 - PGN 64934 (0X00FDA6) Voltage Regulator Excitation status VREP

Transmission repetition rate 100ms
Priority 3
Extended data page 0
Data page 0

Identifier 29 bits Data

Priority EDP DP PGN SA SPN 3380 SPN 3381 SPN 3382

SPN 3380 Generator Excitation Field Voltage:

Not used

SPN 3381 Generator Excitation Field Current:

Resolution: 0.05 A/bit, 0 offset
Data range: 0 to 3212.75 A
Type: measured

SPN 3382 Generator Output Voltage Bias percentage

Not used

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CAN D500 series - LS proprietary protocol / J1939 D500


3.1.3 - PGN 65028 (0X00FEO4) Generator Total AC Reactive Power - GTACR

Transmission repetition rate 100ms
Priority 3
Extended data page 0
Data page 0

Identifier 29 bits Data

Priority EDP DP PGN SA SPN 2456 SPN 2464 SPN 2518
C FE04

SPN 2456 Generator Total Reactive Power:

Resolution: 1Var /bit, -2000 000 000 Offset
Data range: -2000 000 000 to 2211 081 215 Var
Type: measured

SPN 2464 Generator Overall Power Factor:

Resolution: 1/16384 per bit, -1 Offset
Data range: -1.00000 to 2.921 814
Type: measured

SPN 2518 Generator Overall Power factor lagging:

Resolution: 4 states/ 2 bit, 0 offset
Data range: 0 to 3
00 : leading
01 : lagging
10 : errors
11 : not available
Type: measured

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CAN D500 series - LS proprietary protocol / J1939 D500


3.1.4 - PGN 65029 (0X00FEO5) Generator Total Power - GTACP

Transmission repetition rate 100ms
Priority 3
Extended data page 0
Data page 0

Identifier 29 bits Data

Priority EDP DP PGN SA SPN 2452 SPN 2460
C FE05

SPN 2452 Generator Total Real Power:

Resolution: 1W /bit, -2000 000 000 Offset
Data range: -2000 000 000 to 2211 081 215 W
Type : measured

SPN 2460 Generator Total Apparent Power:

Resolution: 1VA / bit, -2000000000 offset
Data range: -2000 000 000 to 2211 081 215 VA
Type : measured

3.1.5 - PGN 65281 (0X00FF01) Proprietary PT100 Temperature +TRIP +ALARM

Transmission repetition rate 100ms
Priority 3
Extended data page 0
Data page 0

Identifier 29 bits Data

Priority EDP DP PGN SA PT100_1 PT100_2 PT100_3 TRIP+ALARM
C FF01

PT100_1 Temperature:
Resolution: 1 degree /bit, 0 offset
Data range: 0 to 250 degree Celsius
Type: measured

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CAN D500 series - LS proprietary protocol / J1939 D500


PT100_2 Temperature:
Resolution: 1 degree /bit, 0 offset
Data range: 0 to 250 degree Celsius
Type: measured

PT100_3 Temperature:
Resolution: 1 degree /bit, 0 offset
Data range: 0 to 250 degree Celsius
Type: measured


Resolution: 65535 states /16bit, 0 offset
Data range: 0 to 65535
Type: measured
16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
BlinkIEXC Power on HZ Volt iexc Fault manu PFKVAR U=U
Nota: Every trip can be broadcasted with this PGN

3.1.6 - PGN 65027 (0X00FEO3) Generator Phase A Basic AC Quantities -GPAAC

Transmission repetition rate 100ms
Priority 3
Extended data page 0
Data page 0

Identifier 29 bits Data

Priority EDP DP PGN SA SPN 2441 SPN 2445 SPN 2437 SPN 2449
C FE03

SPN 2441 Generator Phase AB Line-Line AC RMS Voltage:

Resolution: 1V/bit, 0 Offset
Data range: 0 to 64255 V
Type: measured

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CAN D500 series - LS proprietary protocol / J1939 D500


SPN 2445 Generator Phase A Line Neutral AC RMS Voltage:

Resolution: 1V/bit, 0 Offset
Data range: 0 to 64255 V
Type: measured

SPN 2437 Generator Phase A AC Frequency:

Resolution: 1/128 Hz/bit, 0 offset
Data range: 0 to 501.992 1875 Hz
Type: measured

SPN 2449 Generator Phase A AC RMS current:

Resolution: 1A/bit, 0 Offset
Data range: 0 to 64255 A
Type measured
Example :
Voltage line line SPN 2441 Generator Phase AB Line-Line AC RMS Voltage
Current SPN 2449 Generator Phase A AC RMS current
SPN 2445 Generator Phase A Line Neutral AC RMS Voltage
Voltage line neutral
Frequency phase A SPN 2437 Generator Phase A AC Frequency:
PGN 65030 = 0XFE06 priority 3
Voltage=400V =0x190
Current=50A =0x32
Voltage line neutral=400V / Racine (3) =231V =0XE7
Frequency phase A=50.0 Hz ==> (50.0 *128) /10=6400 =0x1900
SA=parameter 12.45=0x90 (parameter 12.45 is the source address of the D500)

Identifier 29 bits Data

Priority R DP PGN SA SPN 2441 SPN 2445 SPN 2437 SPN 2449
C FE03 90 90 01 E7 00 19 00 32 00

0XC=01100 P=011 =3 priority R=0 DP=0

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CAN D500 series - LS proprietary protocol / J1939 D500


3.1.7 - PGN 65024 (0X00FEO0) Generator Phase B Basic AC Quantities -GPBAC

Transmission repetition rate 100ms
Priority 3
Extended data page 0
Data page 0

Identifier 29 bits Data

Priority EDP DP PGN SA SPN 2442 SPN 2446 SPN 2438 SPN 2450
C FE00

SPN 2442 Generator Phase BC Line-Line AC RMS Voltage:

Resolution: 1V/bit, 0 Offset
Data range: 0 to 64255 V
Type: measured

SPN 2446 Generator Phase B Line Neutral AC RMS Voltage:

Resolution: 1V/bit, 0 Offset
Data range: 0 to 64255 V
Type: measured

SPN 2438 Generator Phase B AC Frequency:

Resolution: 1/128 Hz/bit, 0 offset
Data range: 0 to 501.992 1875 Hz
Type: measured

SPN 2450 Generator Phase B AC RMS current:

Resolution: 1A/bit, 0 Offset
Data range: 0 to 64255 A
Type: measured

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CAN D500 series - LS proprietary protocol / J1939 D500


3.1.8 - PGN 65021 (0X00FDFD) Generator Phase C Basic AC Quantities -GPCAC

Transmission repetition rate 100ms
Priority 3
Extended data page 0
Data page 0

Identifier 29 bits Data

Priority EDP DP PGN SA SPN 2443 SPN 2447 SPN 2439 SPN 2451

SPN 2443 Generator Phase CA Line-Line AC RMS Voltage:

Resolution: 1V/bit, 0 Offset
Data range: 0 to 64255 V
Type: measured

SPN 2447 Generator Phase C Line Neutral AC RMS Voltage:

Resolution: 1V/bit, 0 Offset
Data range: 0 to 64255 V
Type: measured

SPN 2439 Generator Phase C AC Frequency:

Resolution: 1/128 Hz/bit, 0 offset
Data range: 0 to 501.992 1875 Hz
Type: measured

SPN 2451 Generator Phase C AC RMS current:

Resolution: 1A/bit, 0 Offset
Data range: 0 to 64255 A
Type: measured

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CAN D500 series - LS proprietary protocol / J1939 D500


3.2 - Commands and requests

3.2.1 - PGN 65284 (0X00FF04) Requested Generator Average AC Quantities RGAAC LS
Transmission repetition rate 100ms
Priority 3
Extended data page 0
Data page 0
Identifier 29 bits Data
Priority EDP DP PGN SA SPN 3386 LS
C FF04

SPN 3386 LS Requested Generator Average Line-Line AC RMS Voltage:

Resolution: 1 /128/bit, 0 offset
Data range: 0 to 32899071 V
Type: Status

3.2.2 - PGN 65285 (0X00FF05) Requested Generator Total AC Reactive Power

Transmission repetition rate 100ms
Priority 3
Extended data page 0
Data page 0
Identifier 29 bits Data
Priority EDP DP PGN SA SPN 3383 LS SPN 3384 LS SPN 3385 LS

SPN 3383 LS Requested Generator Total AC Reactive Power:

Resolution: 1 VA / bit, -2000 000000 VA offset
Data range: -2000000000 to +2211081 215 VA
Type : Status

SPN 3384 LS Requested Generator Overall Power Factor:

Resolution: 1 /16384 per bit, -1 offset
Data range: -1.00000 to +2.291 814
Type: Status

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CAN D500 series - LS proprietary protocol / J1939 D500


SPN 3385 LS Requested Generator Overall Power Factor lagging:

00 leading
01 lagging
10 reserved
11 dont care
Resolution: 4 states /2 bit, 0 offset
Data range: 0 to 3
Type: Status


SPN 3385 LS
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 1 1 1 1 1

3.2.3 - PGN 65286 (0X00FF06) Voltage Regulator Operating mode - VROM LS

Transmission repetition rate 1s
Priority 7
Extended data page 0
Data page 0

Identifier 29 bits Data

Priority EDP DP PGN SA

SPN 3375 LS SPN3376 LS SPN3377 LS
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

SPN 3378 LS SPN3379 LS F
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

SPN 3375 LS Voltage regulator load Compensation mode

Not used

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CAN D500 series - LS proprietary protocol / J1939 D500


SPN 3376 LS Voltage regulator Var/Power Factor Operating mode

000 Var / Power Factor regulation disabled
001 Power Factor regulation enabled
010 Var regulation enabled
011 Reserved
100 Reserved
101 Reserved
110 Reserved
111 dont care
Resolution: 8 states/ 3bit, 0 offset
Data range: 0 to 7
Type: status

SPN 3377 LS Voltage regulator under frequency Compensation Enabled

Not used

SPN 3378 LS Voltage regulator soft start state

00 Soft start is inactive
01 Soft start is active
10 Reserved
11 dont care
Resolution: 4 states/ 2bit, 0 offset
Data range: 0 to 3
Type: status

SPN 3379 LS Voltage regulator enabled

00 No regulating voltage unit disabled
01 regulating voltage
10 Reserved
11 dont care
Resolution: 4 states/ 2bit, 0 offset
Data range: 0 to 3
Type: status

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CAN D500 series - LS proprietary protocol / J1939 D500


3.2.4 - PGN 65282 (0X00FF02) Proprietary Command Reset Trip D500

Transmission repetition rate 100ms
Priority 3
Extended data page 0
Data page 0
Identifier 29 bits Data


8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Byte8.1 1 Reset Trip 0 OFF
Byte8.2 1 reinit soft start

3.2.5 - Request PGN 59904 0XEA00

Request PGN PGN= 59904 EA00 Priority 6 6=110 11000=0x18
Priority 6
Extended data page 0
Data page 0

Identifier 29 bits Data

Priority R DP On Request SA PGN REQUESTED
18 EA00
The D500 has to give an answer with the PGN requested as defined in the broadcast mode but
only one time
Request PGN 61468 (0X00F01C)

Identifier 29 bits Data

Priority R DP On Request SA PGN REQUESTED
18 EA00 1C F0 00

3.3 - Active Diagnostic Troubles Codes DM1

The diagnostic messages for the D510 are done according to the Active Diagnostic Troubles
Codes DM1 specified in the SAE J1939-73 (Application layer Diagnostic)

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CAN D500 series - LS proprietary protocol / J1939 D500


The DM1 message is sent every 1 second.

The associated PGN is PGN 65226 (0X00FECA) Active Diagnostic Troubles Codes DM1 priority 6

Byte 1
Bits 8-7 Malfunction Indicator Lamp Status
Bits 6-5 Red Stop Lamp Status
Bits 4-3 Amber Warning Lamp Status
Bits 2-1 Protect Lamp Status

Byte 2 Not used

Bits 8-7 Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp Status
Bits 6-5 Flash Red Stop Lamp Status
Bits 4-3 Flash Amber Warning Lamp Status
Bits 2-1 Flash Protect Lamp Status

Byte 3
Bits 8-1 SPN, 8 least significant bits of SPN (most significant at bit 8)
Byte 4
Bits 8-1 SPN, second byte of SPN (most significant at bit 8)

Byte 5
Bits 8-6 SPN, 3 most significant bits (most significant at bit 8)
Bits 5-1 FMI, (most significant at bit 5)

Byte 6
Bits 8 SPN Conversion method
Bits 7-1 Occurrence count
The DM1 message is only applied to the following SPN:
SPN 2440 Generator Average Line-Line AC rms Voltage
SPN 2448 Generator Average AC rms current
SPN 3381 Generator Excitation Field Current

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CAN D500 series - LS proprietary protocol / J1939 D500


3.3.1 - No trip DM1 or only one trip

No trip
Identifier 29 bits Data
Priority R DM1 SA Red lamp Unused SPN SPN +FMI CM+OC
18 FECA 00 FF 00 00 00 00 FF FF
Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6 Byte 7 Byte 8

One trip DM1

Identifier 29 bits Data
Priority R DM1 SA Red lamp Unused SPN SPN +FMI CM+OC
Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6 Byte 7 Byte 8
SPN 2440 Generator Average Line-Line AC rms Voltage: Under voltage
Byte 1
Bits 8-7 Malfunction Indicator Lamp Status 00 Lamp MIL off
Bits 6-5 Red Stop Lamp Status 01 Lamp red on
Bits 4-3 Amber Warning Lamp Status 00 Lamp Amber Warning off
Bits 2-1 Protect Lamp Status 00 Lamp Protect Status off
Byte1 =0x 10 red lamp

Byte 2 Not used

Byte 2 = 0xFF
SPN 2440 =0X988

Byte 3 SPN
Byte3 = 0x88

Byte 4 SPN
Byte4 = 0x09

Byte 5 SPN +FMI

Bits 8-6 SPN, 3 most significant bits (most significant at bit 8) 000
Bits 5-1 FMI, (most significant at bit 5) 4 voltage under level
Byte5 = 0x04

Byte 6
Bits 8 SPN Conversion method 0 version 4 recommended
Bits 7-1 Occurrence count 1
Byte6 = 0x01

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CAN D500 series - LS proprietary protocol / J1939 D500


Identifier 29 bits Data

Priority R DM1 SA Red lamp Unused SPN SPN +FMI CM+OC
18 FECA 10 FF 88 09 04 01 FF FF
Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6 Byte 7 Byte 8

3.3.2 - DM1 more than one trip + transport protocol + BAM

In that case it is necessary to send several packets, and to use the Transport Protocol Connection
Management (TP.CM) defined in the SAE J1939 -21.
This type of message is used to initiate and close connections and also to control flow.
The associated PGN is PGN 60416 (0X00EC00) Transport Protocol connection management
TP.CM priority 7.
The Broadcast Announce Message (BAM) is used to inform all the nodes of the network that a
large message is about to be broadcast. It defines the parameter group and the number of bytes
to be sent. After TP.CM_BAM is sent, the Data Transfer Messages are sent and they contain the
packetized broadcast data.

Identifier 29 bits Data

Nbr of
Priority R DP BAM SA Nbr of bytes DM1
1C EC00 20 FF CA FE 00
Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6 Byte 7 Byte 8

Byte 1
Control Byte 32 BAM 0x20

Byte 2 -3
total message size, number of bytes
a = lamp status
b = SPN
d = CM and OC
a 2 bytes
bcd 4 bytes
Message is as follow abcdbcdbcd
2 trips 2bytes +2*4bytes =10 bytes
3 trips 2bytes +3*4bytes =14 bytes

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CAN D500 series - LS proprietary protocol / J1939 D500


Byte 4
total number of packets
2 Trips
10 bytes/7=1.42 ==> 2 packets
3 Trips
14 bytes/7=2 ==> 2 packets

Byte 5
reserved FF
Byte 6 -7-8 Parameter Group number of the packeted message, DM1 (FECA) in that case
According to SAE J1939-21, the TP.DT message is also used. The TP.DT message is an
individual packet of a multipacket message transfer. For example if a large message had to be
divided into 5 packets in order to be communicated, then there would be 5 TP.DT messages.
The associated PGN is PGN 60160 (0X00EB00) Transport Protocol Data Transfer TP.DT priority 7
Byte 1 Sequence Number
Byte 2-8 Packetized Data

Identifier 29 bits Data

First SPN1
Priority R DP TP.DT SA Red lamp Unused SPN1 Count SPN2
packet + FMI
1C EB00 01 FF
Byte1 Byte2 Byte3 Byte4 Byte5 Byte6 Byte7 Byte8
2 Trips
Identifier 29 bits Data
Second SPN 2
Priority R DP TP.DT SA SPN 2 Count Unused Unused Unused Unused
packet +FMI
18 EB00 02 FF FF FF FF
Byte1 Byte2 Byte3 Byte4 Byte5 Byte6 Byte7 Byte8
3 Trips
Identifier 29 bits Data
Second SPN 2
Priority R DP TP.DT SA SPN 2 Count SPN3 SPN3 SPN3+FMI Count
packet +FMI
18 EB00 02
Byte1 Byte2 Byte3 Byte4 Byte5 Byte6 Byte7 Byte8

Trips Example n1 :
The D500 sends two trips:
SPN 2440 Generator Average Line-Line AC rms Voltage: Under voltage
SPN 2448 Generator Average AC rms current Over current
SA=parameter 12.45=0x90 (parameter 12.45 is the source address of the D500)
For each trip the counter is only 1.

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CAN D500 series - LS proprietary protocol / J1939 D500


Message # 1
Priority R Nbr of
BAM SA Nbr of bytes DM1
DP packets
1C EC00 90 20 0A 00 02 FF CA FE 00
Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6 Byte 7 Byte 8

Message # 2
Identifier 29 bits Data
Priority R First Red SPN1
TP.DT SA Unused SPN1 Count SPN2
DP packet lamp +FMI
1C EB00 90 01 10 FF 88 09 04 01 90
Byte1 Byte2 Byte3 Byte4 Byte5 Byte6 Byte7 Byte8
Message # 3
Identifier 29 bits Data
Priority R TP.DT SA Second SPN 2 SPN 2 Count Unused Unused Unused Unused
DP packet +FMI
18 EB00 90 02 09 06 01 FF FF FF FF
Byte1 Byte2 Byte3 Byte4 Byte5 Byte6 Byte7 Byte8

Message # 2
Byte 2
Bits 8-7 Malfunction Indicator Lamp Status 00 Lamp MIL off
Bits 6-5 Red Stop Lamp Status 01 Lamp red on
Bits 4-3 Amber Warning Lamp Status 00 Lamp Amber Warning off
Bits 2-1 Protect Lamp Status 00 Lamp Protect Status off
Byte2 =0x 10 red lamp

Byte 3 Not used

Byte3 = 0xFF
SPN1 2440 = 0X988

Byte 4 SPN
Byte4 = 0x88
Byte 5 SPN
Byte5 = 0x09

Byte 6 SPN +FMI

Bits 8-6 SPN, 3 most significant bits (most significant at bit 8) 000
Bits 5-1 FMI, (most significant at bit 5) 4 voltage under level
Byte6 =0x04

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CAN D500 series - LS proprietary protocol / J1939 D500


Byte 7
Bits 8 SPN Conversion method 0 version 4 recommended
Bits 7-1 Occurrence count 1
Byte7 =0x01
SPN2 2448 =0X990

Byte 8 SPN
Byte8 =0x90

Message # 3

Byte 2 SPN
Byte5 =0x09

Byte 3 SPN +FMI

Bits 8-6 SPN, 3 most significant bits (most significant at bit 8) 000
Bits 5-1 FMI, (most significant at bit 5 6 Over current
Byte3 =0x06

Byte 4
Bits 8 SPN Conversion method 0 version 4 recommended
Bits 7-1 Occurrence count 1
Byte4 =0x01
Trips Example n2 :
SPN 2440 Generator Average Line-Line AC rms Voltage: Under voltage
SPN 2448 Generator Average AC rms current Over current
SPN 3381 Generator Excitation Field Current: Over current
SA=parameter 12.45=0x90 (parameter 12.45 is the source address of the D500)

Message # 1
Priority R Nbr of
BAM SA Nbr of bytes DM1
DP packets
1C EC00 90 20 0E 00 02 FF CA FE 00
Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6 Byte 7 Byte 8

Message # 2
Identifier 29 bits Data
Priority R TP.DT SA First Red
Unused SPN1
Count SPN2
DP packet lamp +FMI
1C EB00 90 01 10 FF 88 09 04 01 90
Byte1 Byte2 Byte3 Byte4 Byte5 Byte6 Byte7 Byte8

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CAN D500 series - LS proprietary protocol / J1939 D500


Message # 3
Identifier 29 bits Data
Priority R TP.DT SA Second SPN 2
packet SPN 2 Count SPN3 SPN3 SPN3+FMI Count
18 EB00 90 02 09 06 01 35 0D 06 01
Byte1 Byte2 Byte3 Byte4 Byte5 Byte6 Byte7 Byte8

Message # 1
Number of bytes= 14=0xE

Message # 2 idem as previous

Message # 3
SPN2 3381 =0XD35
Byte 5 SPN
Byte 5 = 0x35
Byte 6 SPN
Byte 6 = 0x0D
Byte 7 SPN +FMI
Bits 8-6 SPN, 3 most significant bits (most significant at bit 8) 000
Bits 5-1 FMI, (most significant at bit 5) 6 Over current
Byte7 =0x06
Byte 8
Bits 8 SPN Conversion method 0 version 4 recommended
Bits 7-1 Occurrence count 1
Byte8 =0x01

Electric Power Generation Installation and maintenance 4971 en - 2016.07 / c

CAN D500 series - LS proprietary protocol / J1939 D500



4.1 - Undefined Parameters in J1939

4.1.1 - Grey Area

Grey area for specific LS parameters undefined in J1939
FF 1

For example:
Broadcast mode
PGN 65281 (0X00FF01) Proprietary PT100 Temperature +TRIP +ALARM
Command and request
PGN 65282 (0X00FF02) Proprietary Command Reset Trip D500

4.1.2 - Specific CAN protocol

The proprietary LS CAN protocol is used to access any parameters inside of the D500.
The identifiers of the LS protocol frames are in the grey area in order to be compliant with J1939
Identifier LS broadcast = 0xCFF0090+ (m1205_identifier1*256)
Identifier LS Write = 0xCFF0090+ (m1220_identifier2*256)
Identifier LS Write Answer =0xCFF0090+ (m1240_can_test1*256);
Identifier LS Read = 0xCFF0090+ (m1221_identifier3*256)
Identifier LS Read Answer = 0xCFF0090+ (m1241_can_test2*256)

4.2 - General comments

No support for address claiming. No name

Electric Power Generation Installation and maintenance 4971 en - 2016.07 / c

CAN D500 series - LS proprietary protocol / J1939 D500

Disposal and recycling instructions system should be considered as a hazardous
We are committed to limit the environmental waste and has to be handled according to
impact of our activity. We continuously local legislation.
survey our production processes, material
sourcing and products design to improve
recyclability and diminish our footprint.
These instructions are for information
purposes only. It is the user responsibility to
comply with local legislation regarding
product disposal and recycling.

Recyclable materials
Our alternators are mainly built out of iron,
steel and copper materials, which can be
reclaimed for recycling purposes.
These materials can be reclaimed through a
combination of manual dismantling,
mechanical separation and melting
processes. Our technical support depar-
tment can provide detailed directions on
products dismounting upon request.

Waste & hazardous materials

The following components and materials
need a special treatment and need to be
separated from the alternator before the
recycling process:
- electronic materials found in the terminal
box, including the Automatic Voltage
Regulator (198), Current Transformers
(176), interference suppression module
(199) and other semi-conductors.
- diode Bridge (343) and Surge suppressor
(347), found on the alternator rotor.
- major plastic components, such as the
terminal box structure on some products.
These components are usually marked with
plastic type information.
All materials listed above need special
treatment to separate waste from
reclaimable material and should be handed
to specialized disposal companies.
The oil and grease from the lubrication

Service & Support

Our worldwide service network of over 80 facilities is at your service.

This local presence is our guarantee for fast and efficient repair, support and
maintenance services.
Trust your alternator maintenance and support to electric power generation experts.
Our field personnel are 100% qualified and fully trained to operate in all environments
and on all machine types.
We know alternators operation inside out, providing the best value service to
optimize your cost of ownership.
Where we can help:
Consulting & specification

Life Extension
Remanufacturing Start-up
System upgrade

Monitoring Operation
System audit Genuine spare parts
Repair services

Contact us:
Americas: +1 (507) 625 4011
Europe & International: +33 238 609 908
Asia Pacific: +65 6263 6334
China: +86 591 88373036
India: +91 806 726 4867
Scan the code or go to:
[email protected] www.lrsm.co/support

4971 en - 2016.07 / c

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