Turbidimetry Encyclopedia Full Article
Turbidimetry Encyclopedia Full Article
Turbidimetry Encyclopedia Full Article
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possible as the differentiation is dened un- baseline drift in multivariate calibration. Applied Spectro-
changeable by the resistor and the capacitor of the scopy 54: 10551068.
differentiating circuit [7]. Dixit L and Ram S (1985) Quantitative analysis by
Analogous to the adjustment of the window width, derivative electronic spectroscopy. Applied Spectroscopy
different modulation amplitudes a [8] can be chosen Review 21: 311418.
Fell A (1983) Biomedical applications of derivative spectro-
in optical derivative spectroscopy. According to [12],
scopy. Trends in Analytical Chemistry 2(3): 6366.
larger derivative signals and hence better signal- Hager R and Anderson R (1970) Theory of the derivative
to-noise ratio can be gained by increasing a. This was spectrometer. Journal of the Optical Society of America
conrmed experimentally; however, a signal increase 60: 14441449.
comes along with a washing out of derivative shapes Hawthorne A and Thorngate J (1978) Improving analysis
and minute derivative features are lost (Figure 7). from second-derivative UV-absorption spectrometry. Ap-
The values for the modulation amplitude given in plied Optics 17: 724729.
Figure 7 are typical examples. Thus, the modulation Knowles A and Burgess C (1984) Practical Absorption
amplitude can be optimized for different applica- Spectrometry/Ultraviolet Spectrometry. New York: Chap-
tions: if several analytes in mixtures have very similar man & Hall.
and overlapping absorption spectra, a small modu- OHaver TC and Begley T (1981) Signal-to-noise in higher
order derivative spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry 53:
lation amplitude helps to pronounce minor differ-
ences for discrimination. If, however, clearly different Sassenscheid K, Klocke U, Marb C, et al. (1998) Dynamic
absorption spectra are present, a large modulation derivative UV-spectroscopy for combustion monitoring.
amplitude is selected for improved signal-to-noise Proceedings of SPIE 3535: 204214.
ratio. Sassenscheid K, Klocke U, Marb C, et al. (1998) Enhanced
selectivity and sensitivity in UV-analysis of volatile org-
See also: Chemometrics and Statistics: Multivariate anic compounds. Proceedings of SPIE 3533: 222233.
Calibration Techniques. Optical Spectroscopy: Radia- Savitzky A and Golay M (1964) Smoothing and differen-
tion Sources; Wavelength Selection Devices; Detection tiation of data by simplied least squares procedures.
Devices. Spectrophotometry: Overview. Analytical Chemistry 36: 16271639.
Steiner J, Termonia Y, and Deltour J (1972) Smoothing and
Further Reading differentiation of data by simplied least square proce-
dure. Analytical Chemistry 44: 19061909.
Bosch OC, Sanchez RF, and Cano PJ (1995) Recent Vogt F, Klocke U, Rebstock K, et al. (1999) Optical UV
developments in derivative ultraviolet/visible absorption derivative-spectroscopy for monitoring gaseous emis-
spectrophotometry. Talanta 42: 11951214. sions. Applied Spectroscopy 53: 13521360.
Brown C, Vega-Montoto L, and Wentzell P (2000) Williams D and Hager R (1970) The derivative spectro-
Derivative preprocessing and optimal correction for meter. Applied Optics 9: 15971605.
Figure 1 Inuence of particle size on the angular distribution of scattered light: (A) small particles (D o 0.1l); (B) large particles
(D B 0.25l); and (C) larger particles (D 4 1l). (From Vanous RD, Larson PE, and Hach CC (1982) The theory and measurement
of turbidity and residue. In: Minear RA and Keith LH (eds.) Water Analysis, vol. 1, pp. 163234. New York: Academic Press.)
Light absorbance (i c )
in terms of the Mie size parameter a 2pR=l,
<5 m
where R is particle radius. Particle size thus forms an
appropriate basis for the subdivision of the theoret- 68 m 1218m
ical discussion that follows. 3050 m
Instrumentation Lamp Sample cell
(vertical view)
Range of Turbidimetric and Nephelometric (A)
intensity of the beam after it has passed through the Units of Measurement and Instrument Calibration
sample, i.e., it quanties the amount of transmitted
The eld is hampered by a nonstandard, ill-dened,
light remaining (Figure 3B). Suspended matter in the
and historically changing unit of measurement. The
light path causes scattering and absorption of some
Nephelometric Turbidity Unit (NTU) is the most
light energy, which reduces the incident illumination
common unit employed. The precision with which
falling on the photocell. These instruments are more
turbidity data should be reported depends on how
appropriate for relatively turbid samples in which the turbid the sample is, but should be to the nearest
scattering particles are large in relation to the light
110%, approximately, of the NTU value deter-
wavelength used. This is because a signicant reduc-
mined. For example, NTU values for distilled water,
tion in the intensity of incident light is needed to
tap water, and raw water are 0.08, 0.54, and
yield precise results.
3.52, respectively, but much higher values, well
Some newer instruments, called ratio turbidi-
above 150 NTU, are common in many hydrological
meters, incorporate measurement systems for light
which is side-scattered (usually at 901), forward-
Formazin polymer, developed in 1926, can be used
scattered, and transmitted (Figure 3C). The turbidity for turbidimeter calibration, and is straightforward
value is obtained as the ratio of the 901 signal to
to prepare, control, and reproduce. Standard proce-
the sum of forward-scattered and transmitted
dures for the production of a stock formazin turbid-
values. The ratio feature has a number of advantages:
ity suspension of 400 NTU are given in American
it increases the long-term stability of the sensor
Public Health Association. Other calibration materi-
(by reducing effects of instrumental drift); it com-
als can be used (e.g., Fullers Earth or Hach Gelex
pensates for ageing of, and deposits on, the optics;
xed standards metal oxide particles permanently
it reduces the inuence of temperature changes in
and statically suspended in silica gel) and may
the electronics; it minimizes the need for repeated provide suitable alternatives, especially given the
recalibration; and it limits the effect of sample color
health concerns voiced in some quarters over form-
on readings. This can be more appropriate for
azin use.
strongly and/or variably colored liquids, or for sam-
ples of high turbidity. A four-beam instrument vers-
ion has emerged recently, which reduces error still
Field Calibration
Recent developments include laser-based turbidi- In natural waters, suspended material may largely
meters, reectometers, or ber-optic systems. The consist of particles in the size range of clay
development of the optical backscatter sensor (OBS) (Do2 mm), silt (2oDo63 mm), or even sand
has become popular for eld deployment in the hy- (63oDo2000 mm). It may also include organic mat-
drological and oceanographic sciences: this instru- ter and compounds and microscopic organisms. For
ment monitors water turbidity through the eld applications in hydrology or oceanography, an-
backscattering of pulsed infrared light emitted from alysts should preferably calibrate turbidity readings
the OBS instrument head. Also, remotely sensed tur- against known mass concentrations of the suspended
bidity measurement, using satellite or air borne sediment typical of that context, and declare
instruments (e.g., the CASI (Compact Airborne Spec- the strength of the diagnostic statistics for derived
trographic Imager) system deployed by the UK relationships. Such correlations can be weak,
Natural Environment Research Council), has recent- reecting temporal changes in suspended load
ly eased the mapping of turbidity patterns over large composition (and hence its light-scattering efcien-
spatial scales. cy), water color, or bubble presence. Predictive
There is a strong dependency of scattering ef- relationships can be strengthened by accounting
ciency on light wavelength (see above). Consequent- for such changes (especially in sediment load parti-
ly, for a given detector, light sources of short cle size distribution), which can occur over various
wavelength are more sensitive to, and therefore more timescales (e.g., interannual, seasonal, subseasonal,
useful for, the detection of small particles. Convers- ood event). It may even be necessary to produce
ely, longer wavelengths are more appropriate for multivariate or separate calibration equations to in-
samples containing large particles (e.g., sediment in corporate the effects of, for example, changing ow
many earth or environmental science systems). The levels, sediment source areas, and season on sediment
sourcedetector relationship can vary widely be- load constitution. For such eld applications, the
tween instruments, and is cited as the key reason turbidimeter reading (often in arbitrary units) is
explaining the different readings obtained on the converted to estimated SSC using a site-specific
same sample by different devices. calibration curve.
348 SPECTROPHOTOMETRY / Turbidimetry and Nephelometry
100 5000
40 2000
20 1000
0 0
18:00 20:00 22:00 00:00 02:00
GMT (also Icelandic time)
Figure 6 Two-minute scanning of turbidity and river discharge (89 Aug 1988) showing a compound pulsing of suspended sediment
concentration, unrelated to ow variations, in the Jokulsa a Solheimasandi glacial river in southern Iceland. (Reproduced with
permission from Lawler DM and Brown RM (1992) A simple and inexpensive turbidity meter for the estimation of suspended sediment
concentrations. Hydrological Processes 6: 159168; & John Wiley and Sons Ltd.)
OBS output (mV)
1700 1950 2200
OBS output
20 10 0 10 20
v (cm s1)
60 80 100 120
U (cm s1)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (min, from 16:57 h PST)
Figure 7 A high-frequency, 5 Hz, 10-min time series of OBS turbidity alongside river ow components (u, streamwise; v, normal to
the bed) for the Fraser River, near Mission, BC, Canada. (Reproduced with permission from Lapointe M (1992) Burst-like sediments
suspension events in the sand bed river. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 17: 253270; & John Wiley and Sons Ltd.)
U (m s1)
0.5 0.2
V (m s1)
0 are obtained at the eld sites themselves, rather
0 V 0.2
than in the laboratory subsequently, can allow in-
0.5 stant decisions to be made regarding any further
repeated estuarine turbidity measurement in revea-
ling the spatial and temporal structure of the turbi-
0 dity maximum.
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Start Time (h) Finish See also: Color Measurement. Environmental Analy-
04.02.96 19.02.96 sis. Geochemistry: Sediment. Particle Size Analysis.
12:00 08:00 Sensors: Photometric. Water Analysis: Particle Charac-
Figure 8 A high-frequency, 5 Hz record averaged to hourly time
series of OBS turbidity (SSC), in relation to signicant wave
height, Hs; cross-shore current, U; and longshore current, V, for
the North Sea nearshore zone at Holderness, UK. Data from Feb. Further Reading
1996; water depth 16.8 m. The OBS here has been deployed
within BLISS (Boundary Layer Intelligent Sensor System). (From American Public Health Association (1998) Turbidity.
Blewett J and Huntley D (1999) Measurement of suspended Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and
sediment transport processes in shallow water off the Holderness Wastewater. American Public Health Association, Amer-
coast, UK. Marine Pollution Bulletin 37(37): 134143.) ican Water Works Association, and Water Pollution
Control Federation.
180 Davies-Colley RJ and Smith DG (2001) Turbidity, suspe-
nded sediment, and water clarity: a review. Journal
of American Water Resources Association 37(5):
140 10851101.
ISO (International Organisation for Standardization)
Turbidity (NTU)
Inorganic Compounds
M A Zezzi-Arruda and R J Poppi, University of Introduction
Campinas, Campinas, Brazil
Spectrophotometry is an excellent alternative for
the determination of inorganic compounds. It is
& 2005, Elsevier Ltd. All Rights Reserved. characterized by a wide analytical working range,