Enterocutaneous Fistula of The Scrotum: Case Report
Enterocutaneous Fistula of The Scrotum: Case Report
Enterocutaneous Fistula of The Scrotum: Case Report
Inguino-scrotal hernia is a very common surgical entity. Though much common in pediatric population, yet
no age is exempted. Enterocutaneous fistula in an inguino-scrotal hernia is a very rare surgical entity in
both developing as well as developed countries. Comparatively commoner in pediatric age group but no
age is exempt, the information gathered from few cases available in the surgical literature. About 08 cases
in pediatric age group and 06 cases in adult population are available in the literature that could be revealed
from Pubmed/Medline as well as medical library shelf search. We report here two rare cases of scrotal
enterocutaneous fistula in an adult in inguinoscrotal hernia.
Key Words
Scrotum, Enterocutaneous Fistula, Incarceration
Inguino-scrotal hernia is a very common surgical entity. background presenting as strangulated inguinoscrotal
Though much common in pediatric population, yet no age hernia with gangrenous scrotal skin.
is exempted. The diagnosis and management is also Case 1
prompt in expert surgical hands. The incarceration of 65 year old male presented in emergency unit of
inguinal hernia in children varies between 5 to 23.6% in surgery department with fecal discharge from scrotum.
many series and is more frequent in neonates and infants. The history suggested that patient went to a surgeon for
Incarceration and strangulation is more common in pain, swelling and redness of the inguinoscrotal region
developing countries probably due to not so good health for 07 days. Surgeon operated upon the patient thinking
care infrastructure and health education amongst the it as a case of scrotal abscess. The fecal discharge
comparatively less educated population (1,2,3,4).The started coming out of the cut and patient was referred to
scrotal enterocutaneous fistula following incarceration/ Government Medical College. On examination vitals of
strangulation of inguino-scrotal hernia is beyond doubt the patient were within normal limits except tachycardia
the very rare complication even in the developing world. (pulse rate of 110beats/mt) and fever 100 degree F.
(5,6).Due to rarity of this surgical entity we present here Abdominal examination revealed signs of peritonitis. It
two very rare case of scrotal enterocutaneous fistula one was a case of iatrogenic enterocutaneous fecal fistula of
following intervention by a surgeon misdiagnosing the scrotum. On further probing it was established that
strangulated inguinoscrotal hernia in a 65 years old male patient was a known case of inguinoscrotal hernia and it
and another 40 years male from very low socio-economic was incarcerated inguinoscrotal hernia that was
From the Postgraduate Department of Surgery, Govt Medical College, Jammu, J&K, India. (180001)
Correspondence to : Dr. Sanjay K. Bhasin, Assistant Professor, Postgraduate Department of Surgery, Govt Medical College, Jammu, J&K, India. (180001)
Fig.1 Fecal matter coming out of the incision in the Fig 3. Ileostomy and Scrotal drainage (Case 1)
Scrotum (Case 1)
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