Bioactivity of Seagrass Against The Dengue Fever Mosquito Aedes Aegypti Larvae

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570 Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine (2012)570-573

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Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine


Document heading

Bioactivity of seagrass against the dengue fever mosquito Aedes aegypti

M Syed Ali1, S Ravikumar1 , J Margaret Beula2
School of Marine Sciences, Division of Marine Microbiology and Medicine, Department of Oceanography and Costal Area Studies, Alagappa

University, Thondi Campus, Thondi-623409, Tamil Nadu, India

Department of Chemistry, Scott Christian College (Autonomous), Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu, India


Article history: Objective: To identify the larvicidal activity of the seagrass extracts. Methods: Seagrass
Received 15 August 2011 extracts, Syringodium isoetifolium (S. isoetifolium), Cymodocea serrulata and Halophila beccarii,
Received in revised form 3 October 2011
were dissolved in DMSO to prepare a graded series of concentration. Batches of 25 early 4th
Accepted 3 December 2011
instars larvae of Aedes aegypti (Ae. aegypti) were transferred to 250 mL enamel bowl containing
Available online 28 July 2012
199 mL of distilled water and 1 mL of plant extracts (0.01 mg 0.1 mg). After 24 h the mortality rate
was identified with the formulae [(% of test mortality - % of control mortality)/(100 - % of control
Keywords: mortality)] 100. Each experiment was conducted with three replicates and a concurrent control
Aedes aegypti group. A control group consisted of 1 mL of DMSO and 199 mL of distilled water only. Results: The
Bioinsecticides root extract of S. isoetifolium showed maximum larvicidal activity with minimum concentration
Dengue fever of extract of LC50= 0.0 604 0.0 040)g/mL with lower confidence limit (LCL) - upper confidence
Larvicides limit (UCL) = (0.051-0.071) and LC90=0.0 972g/mL followed by leaf extract of S. isoetifolium showed
Seagrass LC50= (0.062 0.005)g/mL. The regression equation of root and leaf extract of S. isoetifolium for
Syringodium isoetifolium 4th instar larvae were Y= 4.909 + 1.32x (R = 0.909) and Y= 2.066 + 1.21x (R =0.897) respectively. The
2 2

Cymodocea serrulata results of the preliminary phytochemical constituents shows the presence of saponin, steroids,
Halophila beccarii terpenoid, phenols, protein and sugars. Conclusions: From the present study the ethanolic
Mosquito extracts of seagrass of S. isoetifolium possesses lead compound for development of larvicidal
Extract activity.

1. Introduction to function as general toxicant, growth and reproductive

inhibitors, repllents and oviposition-deterrent[4]. Pyrethrin
Insect- transmitted diseases are major health problems based products have been widely used to protect people
in tropical regions. Aedes aegypti (Ae. aegypti) (Culicidae) from mosquito bites through their repellent and killing
occurs in Asia, Africa and Central and South America. effects. Many other products of botanical origin especially,
It transmits virus of Flavivirus genus, etiologic agents of essential oils hold significant promise in insect vector
human diseases like dengue and yellow fever[1]. Various management[5]. Marine organisms are a rich source of
synthetic products and devices have been designed to structurally novel and biologically active metabolites.
combat resistance developed by various mosquito species. M any chemically unique compounds of marine origin
Most of the mosquito control programmes target the larval with different biologically activity have been isolated
stage in their breeding sites, while adulticides may only and a number of them are under investigation and /or are
reduce the adult population temporarily[2,3]. The chemicals being developed as new pharmaceuticals[6-12]. Seagrass
derived from plants have been projected as weapons in are marine flowering plants that successfully grow in tidal
future mosquito control programme as they are shown marine environment. Seagrasses consist of about 60 species
*Corresponding author: Ravikumar S, School of Marine Sciences, Division of Marine
marine flowering plants, which form the most widespread
Microbiology and Medicine, Department of Oceanography and Costal Area Studies, and productive coastal systems in the world[13]. A variety of
Alagappa University, Thondi Campus, Thondi-623409, Tamil Nadu, India. medicines and chemicals are prepared from seagrass and
E-mail: [email protected]
Foundation Project: Supported by Ministry of Environment and Forest [Grant No. D.O. their associates[9,14]. Several species of seagrass produce
NO. 3/2/2004 CS(M)-11.12.2006]. antimicrobial compounds that may act to reduce or control
M Syed Ali et al./Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine (2012)570-573

microbial growth[15-17]. New trends in drug discovery from mosquitoes were moved into a mosquito cage where the
natural source emphasize on investigation of the marine emergent adults were fed with a 10% sucrose solution and
ecosystem to explore numerous complex and novel chemical allowed to blood feed from white mice for 2-3 h. A few days
entities for the treatment of many diseases such as cancer, after having a blood meal, the gravid mosquito laid their
inflammatory condition, arthritis, malaria and large variety eggs.
of viral bacterial, fungal disease[16-20]. In folklore medicine,
seagrasses have been used for a variety of remedial 2.4. Larvicidal activity
purposes, e.g. for the treatment of fever and skin diseases,
muscle pains, wounds and stomach problems, remedy The larvicidal effect of ethanolic crude extract of three
against stings of different kinds of rays, tranquillizer for seagrasses viz., S. isoetifolium, C. serrulata and H. beccarii
babies[21]. The objective of the present study was to evaluate against Ae. aegypti was conducted in accordance with the
larvicidal effect of ethanolic extract of seagrasses against the WHO standard method[22]. Seagrass extracts were dissolved
4th instar larva of Ae. aegypti mosquito. in DMSO to prepare a graded series of concentration. Batches
of 25 early 4th instar larvae of Ae. aegypti were transferred
to 250 mL enamel bowl containing 199 mL of distilled water
2.Materials and methods and 1mL of different concentration of plant extracts (0.01
mg - 0.1 mg). After treatment, symptoms in treated larvae
2.1. Plant materials were observed and recorded immediately at different time
intervals and no food was offered to the larvae at this time.
F resh seagrasses of Syringodium isoetifolium ( S. The larvae were considered dead if, at the end of 24 h,
isoetifolium ) , Cymodocea serrulata ( C. serrulata ) and showed no sign of swimming movements even after gentle
Halophila beccarii (H. beccariii ) (leaves and root ) were touching with a glass rod, as described in the World Health
collected from Thondi (Latitude 944 N, Longitude 7918 E) Organizations technical report series. Each experiment was
coast and authenticated by Dr. K Eswaran, Scientist, Central conducted with three replicates and a concurrent control
Salt and Marine Chemical Research Institute, Mandapam group. A control group consisted of 1 mL of DMSO and 199
Camp, Ramanathapuram District, Tamil Nadu, India. A mL of distilled water. Subsequently, the lower concentration
voucher specimen is deposited in the herbarium cabinet of crude extract that had successfully produced more than
facility, maintained in the Department of Oceanography and 50% larval mortality rate was used in a toxicity test on a
Coastal Area Studies, Alagappa University, Thondi Campus, non-target organism. T he percentage of mortality was
Thondi, Ramanathapuram District, Tamil Nadu, India. calculated with Abbotts formula: [(% of test mortality- % of
All the collected samples were washed thrice with tap control mortality- % of control mortality)/(100 - % of control
water and twice with distilled water to remove the adhering mortality)] 100.
salts and other associated organisms.
2.5. Statistical analysis
2.2. Extract preparation
The average larval mortality data were subjected to probit
Shade dried seagrasses were subjected to percolation by analysis to calculate LC50, LC90 and 95% fiducial limits of
soaking in ethanol and water mixture (3:1). After 21 days of upper confidence limit (UCL) and lower confidence limit
dark incubation, the filtrate was concentrated separately (LCL), regression equation, Chi- sequre. Analysis variation
by rotary vacuum evaporation (>45 ) and then freeze- were assessed using StatPlus 2009 software. Results with
dried at -80 to obtain solid residue. The percentage of P<0.05 were considered to be statistically significant.
extraction was calculated by using the following formula:
% of extraction= Weight of the extract /Weight of the plant
material 100. The extracts of seagrasses were further 3. Results
tested for the presence of phytochemical constituents by
following the methods of Ravikumar S et al[12]. Table 1
Extractive values of chosen seagrass species.
2.3. Mosquito larval culture Seagrass species Plant parts Weight of plant part (g) Yield [g (%)]
S. isoetifolium leaf 55.00 2.01 1.59 (2.89)
To satisfy the enormous number of mosquitoes need for root 110.00 1.69 8.00 (7.27)
the day to day bioassays, a colony is essential. The eggs and C. serrulata leaf 63.00 2.45 1.98 (3.14)
egg rafts of Ae. aegypti were procured from Vector Control root 81.00 2.01 2.71 (3.34)
R esearch C entre, P uducherry, I ndia. F ilter paper with H. beccariii leaf 60.00 2.60 1.65 (2.75)
attached eggs was dipped into a plastic tray containing 500 The percentage yields of extracts ranged from 2.75 to 7.27
mL of dechlorinated water for 30 - 40 min, time enough to and the values are presented in Table 1. It reveals that S.
allow for eggs to hatch into larvae. They were reared indoors isoetifolium root extract (7.27%) showed maximum yield
at (28 2) and 14:10 light and dark period cycle. The followed by C. serrulata root extract (3.34%). The LC50 and
larvae were fed with powdered mixture of dog biscuits and LC90 values of the seagrass extracts against Ae. aegypti are
yeast powder in 3:1 ratio. Five days after emergence, female listed in Table 2. The root extract of S. isoetifolium showed
572 M Syed Ali et al./Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine (2012)570-573

Table 2
Larvicidal activity of ethanolic extracts of seagrass against Ae. aegypti.
Name of the seagrass species Plant parts LC50 (LCL-UCL) (g/mL) LC90 (g/mL) Regression equation R X P-value
2 2

S. isoetifolium Leaf 0.0 620 0.0 050 (0.0 529-0.0 711) 0.8 970 Y= 2.066 + 1.21x 0.859 20.0757 0.733
Root 0.0 604 0.0 040 (0.0 510-0.0 710) 0.9 090 Y= 4.909 + 1.32x 0.995 25.7650** 0.049*
C. serrulata Leaf 0.0 780 0.0 090 (0.0 580-0.0 900) 0.1 675 Y= 3.667 + 0.84x 0.625 1.3334 0.762
Root No mortality
H. beccarii Leaf No mortality
*- P <0.05; 2 = Chi- square**. LCL- Lower confidence level; UCL- Upper confidence level.

maximum larvicidal activity with minimum concentration of larvicidal activities are too restricted. Hence, the present
the extract of LC50 at does of (0.0 604 0.0 040)g/mL and LC90 study was carried out to find out the mosquito larvicidal
(0.0 972g/mL) followed by leaf extract of S. isoetifolium LC50 effect of seagrass extract. T he seagrass root extract of
(0.062 0.005) g/mL and LC90 (0.0 992g/mL) and leaf extract S. isoetifolium showed maximum larvicidal extract with
of C. serrulata LC50 (0.078 0.009)g/mL. The Chi-square minimum concentration of the extract of LC50 values of
and analysis of variation was significant at P<0.05 level. The (0.0 604 0.0 040) g/mL when compared with other seagrass
preliminary phytochemical study reveals that the extracts species involved in this study. This might be due to the
from seagrasses have variety of phytochemical constituents, flavonoid sulfates which inhibits the mosquito larvae
such as saponin, steroids, terpenoid, phenols, protein and alterations in the spiracular valves of the siphon and anal
sugars (Table 3). papillae[33, 34]. The presence of phenols and reducing sugars
are proved to have potential mosquito larvicidal activity[35].
Table 3 Phenolic groups are highly hydroxylated which includes
Phytochemical constituents in chosen seagrass species. flavonols, hydroxycoumarins, hydroxycinnamate derivatives,
Phytochemical S. isoetifolium C. serrulata H. beccarii flavanols, flavanones, anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins,
constituents Root Leaf Root Leaf Leaf hydroxystilbene, aurones etc. Ravikumar et al reported
Alkaloids + + + - + that, the antibacterial activity of root extracts of C. serrulata
Carboxylic acid + + - - - against the poultry pathogen might be due to the presence
Coumarins - - - - - of major chemical classes such as alkaloid and tannins. It
Flavanoids ++ + - - - was evident that, all the extracts showed moderate and low
Quinones - - + - - larvicidal effects; however, the highest larval mortality was
Phenols + - + - - found in ethanolic root extract of S. isoetifolium (0.0 604
Saponins - - - - 0.0 040) g/mL. It is concluded from present findings that,
Xanthoproteins - - - - - the root extract of S. isoetifolium can be used as potential
Protein - - - - - larvicidal agent against Ae. aegypti mosquito larvae.
Resins - - - - -
This report demonstrating the mosquito larvicidal activity
Steroids - - - -
of the S. isoetifolium is an encouraging trend unraveling
the potential of the Indian coastline as a source of marine
Tannins + - + - -
organisms worthy of further investigation. These organisms
Sugars - -
++ + +
are currently being investigated in detail with the objective
-: Absent, +: Medium, ++: High.
of isolating biologically active molecules which could be
lead chemicals for bio-insecticides.
4. Discussion
Conflict of interest statement
Large number of terrestrial plants were screened for
mosquito larvicidal activity to avoid the environment We declare that we have no conflict of interest.
pollution caused by using synthetic chemicals in mosquito
control practices. Natural products of plant origin with
insecticidal properties have been tried in the past for the Acknowledgments
control of variety of insect pests and vectors. They are
generally preferred because of their less harmful nature to The authors are thankful to the authorities of the Alagappa
non-target organisms due to their innate biodegradability. University for providing the required facilities and also to
P lants are considered as a rich source of bioactive the Ministry of Environment and Forest, Delhi for providing
chemicals [23] and they may be an alternative source of financial assistance to carry out Ph.D degree for M Syed Ali,
mosquito control agents. Bioactive marine natural products Junior Research Fellow.
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