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Designation: A 700 05

Standard Practices for

Packaging, Marking, and Loading Methods for Steel
Products for Shipment1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation A 700; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

1. Scope* 1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the
1.1 These practices cover the packaging, marking, and safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
loading of steel products for shipment. Assuming proper responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
handling in transit, the practices are intended to deliver the priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
products to their destination in good condition. It is also bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
intended that these recommendations be used as guides for 2. Referenced Documents
attaining uniformity, simplicity, adequacy, and economy in the
shipment of steel products. 2.1 ASTM Standards: 2
1.2 These practices cover semi-finished steel products, bars, D 245 Practice for Establishing Structural Grades and Re-
bar-size shapes and sheet piling, rods, wire and wire products, lated Allowable Properties for Visually Graded Lumber
tubular products, plates, sheets, and strips, tin mill products, D 774 Test Method for Bursting Strength of Paper
and castings. A glossary of packaging, marking, and loading D 828 Test Methods for Tensile Breaking Strength of Paper
terms is also included. and Paperboard
1.3 The practices are presented in the following sequence: D 2555 Test Methods for Establishing Clear-Wood Strength
General Provisions 4 D 3953 Specification for Strapping, Flat Steel and Seals
General 4.1 2.2 Association of American Railroads:3
Railcar Loading 4.2
Truck Loading 4.3
Rules Governing the Loading of Commodities on Open Top
Barge Loading 4.4 Cars
Air Shipment 4.5 Pamphlet 23 The Rules Governing the Loading of Steel
Packaging Materials 4.6
Package Identification 4.7
Products in Closed Cars and Protection of Equipment
Weight and Count 4.8 2.3 American Society of Agricultural Engineers:4
Packaging Lists or Tally 4.9 ASAE Standard S 229, Baling Wire for Automatic Balers
Loss or Damage 4.10
Semifinished Steel Products 5
Hot-Rolled Bars and Bar-Size Shapes 6
3. Terminology
Cold-Finished Bars 7 3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
Structural Shapes and Steel Sheet Piling 8
Rods, Wire, and Wire Products 9
3.1.1 The following glossary defines packaging, marking,
Tubular Products 10 and loading terms:
Plates 11 3.1.2 AARAssociation of American Railroads.
Sheets and Strip 12
Tin Mill Products 13
3.1.3 A end of cararbitrary definition used to describe
Castings 14 the end of a freight car opposite the end on which the manual
brake control is located. In the event there is a manual brake
1.4 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded
control on both ends, the ends are designated by stenciling the
as standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematical
letters A and B respectively on both sides near the ends.
conversions to SI units that are provided for information only
and are not considered standard.
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
These practices are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A01 on Steel, Standards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page on
Stainless Steel, U.S. Government Requirements for Steel Mill, and Related Alloys the ASTM website.
and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee A01.94 on Government Specifi- Available from Association of American Railroads, American Railroads Bldg.,
cations. 1920 L St., NW, Washington, DC 20036.
Current edition approved Sept. 1, 2005. Published September 2005. Originally Available from American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 2950 Niles Rd., St.
approved in 1994. Last previous edition approved in 1999 as A 700 99e1. Joseph, MI 49085.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard.

Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

A 700 05
3.1.4 air tooltool operated by air pressure used for strap 3.1.25 bracingmaterial used to make the unit or load firm
tensioning, sealing, nailing, and so forth or rigid.
3.1.5 anchor platea plate that is nailed to side or floor of 3.1.26 brandproducers or consumers identification
car used to attach steel strapping for load securement. marks.
3.1.6 anchor tiea coil eye-tie that is applied in a special 3.1.27 bulkheadfabricated and affixed barrier used to
manner to resistant movement on bar or rod coils. A typical prevent lengthwise movements of a unit or load.
method is to wrap the tie around several strands, then around 3.1.28 bulkhead, movablebulkhead, part of railroad
the complete coil. equipment, that is capable of being adjusted for load secure-
3.1.7 anti-skid platea device with sharp projections ment.
placed under the package to retard shifting of the load in 3.1.29 bumper blockmaterial affixed to ends or sides of a
transit. unit or load to prevent damaging contact.
3.1.8 A racka rack built in the form of the letter A for 3.1.30 bundle two or more pieces secured together.
storing steel bars. 3.1.31 cleata piece of material, such as wood or metal,
3.1.9 asphalt-laminated paperpaper used for packaging attached to a structural body to strengthen, secure, or furnish a
or shrouding, or both, composed of two or more sheets of paper grip.
bonded by asphalt. 3.1.32 clinched tiea coil eye-tie (round wire) that is
3.1.10 back-up cleatwood strip nailed to floor or side of tensioned after manual twisting. Normally done with special
car to strengthen or prevent displacement of the primary twisting tool or a bar.
blocking. 3.1.33 coila continuous length of wire, bar, rod, strip,
3.1.11 banding, bandSee strapping. sheet, and so forth, cylindrically wound.
3.1.34 coil carrailroad car specially equipped for the
3.1.12 band protectormaterial used under package or load
transportation of sheet or strip coils.
ties to protect product from damage and to prevent shearing of
3.1.35 coil carriera carrying and dispensing device pri-
the package ties.
marily for wire coils.
3.1.13 bareany product that has not been protectively
3.1.36 coil grouptwo or more coils secured into a unit that
wrapped or covered when packaged.
can be handled as a single package.
3.1.14 barrel, slackwooden barrel, not watertight by con- 3.1.37 coil skidSee (coil) platform.
struction, used for solid materials.
3.1.38 corea cylinder on which coiled products are
3.1.15 basis weightstandard weight accepted by trade wound and which remains in the inside diameter after winding.
customs, based upon standard size for the given class of 3.1.39 corrosion inhibitorany material used by the steel
material. The weights of all other standard sizes are propor- industry to inhibit corrosion. This includes chemicals, oils,
tionate to the size and weight established for the given class of treated packaging materials, and so forth.
material. 3.1.40 corrugated boxshipping container made of corru-
3.1.16 batten stripsstrips of wood used to protect ma- gated fiber board.
chined surface or projections on castings from damage by the 3.1.41 coveredtop, sides, and ends of package covered
securing tie or contact with other objects. Their location is with paper under the ties.
optional but must be so located to afford maximum protection. 3.1.42 cratea container of open-frame construction.
3.1.17 bearing piecessupports beneath but not secured to 3.1.43 cross member DFa wood or metal support of
lift, package, or load. rated strength that is attached to the belt rails of a vehicle and
3.1.18 belt railsperforated angle or channel, running that may be used with or without a bulkhead to contain the
length-wise at various levels along wall of vehicle, used to affix load.
load-securement devices such as cross members or bulkheads. 3.1.44 cushion underframea device affixed to the under-
3.1.19 B end of carthe end of a freight car on which the frame of a railroad car to absorb longitudinal shocks caused by
manual brake control is located. In the event there is a manual impacts.
brake control on both ends, the ends are designated by 3.1.45 damage-free box carbox car equipped with load
stenciling the letters A and B respectively, on both sides securement.
near the ends. 3.1.46 decktop surface of a platform or pallet.
3.1.20 beveledusually refers to a packaging or loading 3.1.47 desiccantchemical used to absorb moisture.
member with ends or edges cut at an angle other than 90 deg. 3.1.48 double decktwo-level stacking.
3.1.21 bindera clamping device used to secure chains or 3.1.49 double-door box carbox car equipped with two
cables. doors on each side. The doors may be staggered or directly
3.1.22 blockingmaterial used to prevent or control move- opposite.
ment of the unit or load or to facilitate handling. 3.1.50 drumsfiber or metal cylindrical containers.
3.1.23 boxa fully enclosed rigid container having length, 3.1.51 eye (of coil)center opening of coil.
width, and depth. 3.1.52 eye verticalplacement of coil with eye of coil
3.1.24 box cara freight car completely enclosed by ends, vertical.
sides, and roof equipped with doors to permit entry of loading 3.1.53 filler blockwood block used to fill voids when
equipment and lading. necessary for effective packaging or loading.

A 700 05
3.1.54 fixed bulkheadimmovable bulkhead permanently 3.1.78 laminantthe bonding agent used to combine two or
attached to car. more sheeted materials such as films, foils, paper, and so forth.
3.1.55 floating loada rail load that is permitted to move in Often selected to improve barrier qualities of the laminated
a longitudinal direction so that impact shocks are dissipated product.
through movement of the load. 3.1.79 lifta unit prepared for handling by mechanical
3.1.56 gondolaa freight car with sides and ends but equipment. It may be either secured or loose.
without a top covering. May be equipped with high or low 3.1.80 lift trucka wheeled device used to lift and to
sides, drop or fixed ends, solid or drop bottoms, and is used for transport material. May be a fork lift, ram lift, platform, or
shipment of any commodity not requiring protection from the straddle truck.
weather. 3.1.81 light weightSee definition under weights.
3.1.57 gondola, covereda gondola with a movable or 3.1.82 load limitthe maximum load in pounds that the
removable cover. Used for the shipment of any commodity that conveyance is designed to carry.
requires protection from the weather. 3.1.83 looseoften used to mean shipping unsecured.
3.1.58 gondola, drop-enda gondola with ends in the form 3.1.84 LTLless truck load; quantities shipped in amounts
of doors which can be lowered to facilitate loading and less than truck load.
unloading, or for transporting long material that extends 3.1.85 markingterm applied to any of several methods of
beyond the ends of the car. identifying steel products such as stenciling, stamping, free
3.1.59 gondola, fixed-enda gondola with fixed ends and handwriting, printing, or bar coding.
sides but without top covering. 3.1.86 metal packagea paper-wrapped package enclosed
3.1.60 gondola, low-sidea gondola with car sides under with metal intended for overseas shipment.
45 in. (1.14 m). 3.1.87 multiple liftusually refers to unsecured individual
3.1.61 greaseproof paperpaper treated to inhibit absorp- lifts of sheets combined one on top of another to make a
tion of grease or oil. package.
3.1.62 gross weightSee definitions under weights. 3.1.88 MVTmoisture vapor transmission.
3.1.63 guide stripslumber secured to car floor to prevent 3.1.89 nailable steel floorsteel floor designed with slots
lateral movement of lading. or perforations to permit nailing of lumber blocking.
3.1.64 hand bundlea secured or unsecured unit that can 3.1.90 nestable steel productsrolled or formed steel
be handled manually. products or containers that can be fitted into each other when
3.1.65 headerboardbulkhead on the front end of a trailer packaged or loaded.
to protect the cab from shifting of the load. 3.1.91 net weightSee definition under weights.
3.1.66 IDinside diameter or inside dimension. 3.1.92 ODoutside diameter or outside dimension.
3.1.67 idler car flat car or drop-end gondola placed 3.1.93 oilproofa term used to describe packaging materi-
adjacent to a car carrying an overhanging load. als that are oil resistant.
3.1.68 inserta support used in the inside diameter of a coil 3.1.94 packageone or more articles or pieces contained or
placed in position after the coil is formed to prevent collapse. secured into a single unit.
3.1.95 palleta structure of wood, metal, or other materials
3.1.69 integral covera retractable permanently affixed
having two faces separated by stringers. Either or both faces
cover on a gondola or flat car.
may be solid or skeleton construction.
3.1.70 interleavingplacing paper between sheets in a lift
3.1.96 piggy backhighway trailers transported on freight
or between coil wraps for protection against abrasion.
3.1.71 interlockingprocedure for stacking small channels 3.1.97 platforma structure of wood, metal, or other ma-
and shapes. terials consisting of a deck supported by runners used to
3.1.72 joint strengththe tension measured in pounds that a facilitate mechanical handling. The deck may be solid or
tied joint can withstand before the joint slips or breaks. skeleton.
3.1.73 kega small barrel. 3.1.98 pneumatic toola tool operated by air pressure for
3.1.74 knee bracea triangular brace against the load purpose of tensioning, sealing, nailing, and so forth.
consisting of a vertical and a diagonal member used to prevent 3.1.99 polyethylenea synthetic material used as a free film
shifting of the load. It is frequently supplemented with cleats. or in combination with other materials (usually paper) as a
3.1.75 kraft paperwood pulp paper made by the sulfate protective wrap, cover, or shroud.
process. 3.1.100 port markmarking that identifies the port of
3.1.76 labelpaper or other material affixed to the package discharge.
containing identification of product, consignee, producer, and 3.1.101 racks, storagea structure on which material is
so forth stored.
3.1.77 laggingnarrow strips of protective material, usu- 3.1.102 reelany device with a flange on each end of
ally wood, spaced at intervals around a cylindrical object as which material may be wound, having a flange diameter of 12
protection against mechanical damage. in. (305 mm) or over.

A 700 05
3.1.103 retarder platesformed metal plates secured to the 3.1.128 tarpaulinwater-resistant material used to protect
floor through which unit securement bands are threaded. They load or materials from the elements.
are used to retard movement of loads. 3.1.129 tension tiestrapping applied with mechanical
3.1.104 rub rail: tools.
a rail extending around the perimeter of a flat-bed trailer. 3.1.130 theoretical weighta calculated weight based on
a buffer strip used in a conveyance between the side and nominal dimensions and the density of material.
the lading. 3.1.131 tierone of two or more rows placed one above the
a guide on flat cars used in TOFC service. other.
3.1.105 runnermember supporting platform deck. 3.1.132 TOFCtrailer on flat car. See piggy back.
3.1.106 rust inhibitora chemical agent used to retard 3.1.133 trucka rubber-tired highway vehicle in the form
oxidation. of a straight truck, semi-trailer, full trailer, or any combination
3.1.107 seal: thereof.
means of effecting strapping joints. flat beda truck whose cargo-carrying area is a
protective device used to provide evidence that closure flat surface without sides, ends, or tops.
has not been disturbed. low sidea truck whose cargo-carrying area is a
3.1.108 seal protectora protector to prevent strapping seal flat surface equipped with side and ends and approximately 2
indentation damage to the product. ft 6 in. to 4 ft (0.76 to 1.22 m) in height. removable sidea truck whose cargo-carrying
3.1.109 secured liftSee lift.
area is a flat surface equipped with removable sides and rear
3.1.110 separatorany material placed between units of
door approximately 2 ft 6 in. to 8 ft (0.76 to 2.44 m) in height.
the package or load to provide clearance. open top high sidea truck whose cargo-carrying
3.1.111 shrouda protective cover placed over the load,
area is a flat surface equipped with high sides and ends but no
unit, or package, covering the top and four sides.
permanent top. The end at rear of vehicle opens to facilitate
3.1.112 skeleton platformSee platform. loading.
3.1.113 skid protector (stain protector)any of various pole trailerhighway trailer with a pole-like
practices followed to prevent corrosion damage from packag- connection between the front and back wheels for transporting
ing lumber. long material.
3.1.114 skidssupporting members placed either length- expandable trailera flat trailer of more than one
wise or crosswise beneath and secured to the material to section which may be extended for long product.
facilitate handling. vana truck or trailer with nonremovable top.
3.1.115 solid platformSee platform. 3.1.134 twist tiesround or oval ties in which the joint is
3.1.116 spoola device with a flange at each end on which made by twisting the two ends together.
material may be wound, having flange diameters up to 12 in. 3.1.135 unitizedsegments of the load secured into one
(305 mm). unit.
3.1.117 stackplacement of materials or package in tiers. 3.1.136 unsecured liftsSee lift.
3.1.118 stake pocketa metal receptacle that is part of the 3.1.137 VCIvolatile corrosion inhibitor. One type of rust
vehicle and that is designed for the acceptance of stakes. inhibitor.
3.1.119 stakesmetal or lumber placed vertically along 3.1.138 waster sheeta secondary grade sheet, sometimes
sides of vehicle to prevent movement of the lading beyond the used in packaging to increase resistance to mechanical damage.
side of the vehicle. Also used to provide clearance between the 3.1.139 waterproof paperpaper constructed or treated to
lading and the side of the vehicle. resist penetration of water in liquid form for specific lengths of
3.1.120 stampto identify with either metal or rubber die. time.
3.1.121 stencilto provide identification through the use 3.1.140 weights (package):
of a precut stencil. gross weighttotal weight of commodity and all
3.1.122 strappingflexible material used as a medium to packaging.
fasten, hold, or reinforce, for example, steel strapping; flat steel lift weightthe weight of the material in a lift.
band designed for application with tensioning tools. net weightthe weight of the commodity alone
3.1.123 strapping jointlocation or method of providing a excluding the weight of all packaging material or containers.
strapping closure. tare weightweight of packaging components.
3.1.124 stringerssupporting members that separate the 3.1.141 weights (transportation):
two faces of a pallet. gross weighttotal weight of lading and trans-
3.1.125 tagmaterial, such as paper, plastic, or metal, on porting vehicle.
which product or shipping data are furnished and which is light weightthe weight of the empty transport-
fastened to a package or container by wires, staples, tacks, and ing vehicle. On rail cars, the light weight is stenciled on car
so forth. sides.
3.1.126 tallya recapitulation of items comprising a load. tare weightsame as light weight.
3.1.127 tare weightweight of container or packaging 3.1.142 wrappeda package or shipping unit completely
materials. enclosed with protective material.

A 700 05
TABLE 1 Protective Coatings Used to Protect Steel Mill Products
Type Method of Purpose
Type AThin soft film preservative consisting of a rust cold; spray, dip or to provide protection against corrosion and staining of steel mill
inhibitor in petroleum oil brush products for short-term preservation periods (up to 3 months
indoor storage)
Type CHard drying varnish resinous or plastic coating cold; spray, dip or to provide protection against corrosion of steel mill products for
brush intermediate-term preservation periods (up to 6 months
outdoor storage)
Type DMedium soft film preservative in a solvent cold; spray, dip or to provide protection for edges of coils or cut lengths

4. General Provisions Single pieces or bundles of steel stock shall have a
4.1 GeneralIt is recommended that producers and users snug-fitting wood cap secured over each end. End caps shall be
follow the packaging, marking, and loading methods for fabricated as shown in Fig. 1. Lumber and construction of end
individual steel products so described and illustrated herein. It caps shall be as specified in 4.6.2. End capse shall be secured
is the responsibility of the purchaser to provide the producer to each other by flat or round wire steel strapping. Straps
with his requirements concerning protective wrapping materi- should be secured to end caps with staples. Caps shall be a
als. When unusual or special conditions require packaging, minimum of 18 in. (450 mm) in length and a minimum of 212
marking, and loading methods not covered herein, the pur- in. (60 mm) square at the end.
chaser should consult with the supplier. Each load involves Castings, forgings, and other large or irregular
variables in lading and equipment which cannot be precisely shapes shall be preserved, packed, and marked as agreed
covered by loading rules. Therefore, it is essential that the between purchaser and seller.
receiver supply the shipper with pertinent information on his 4.6 Packaging Materials:
unloading methods and equipment. 4.6.1 GeneralMaterials not covered by specifications or
4.2 Railcar LoadingAll domestic rail shipments of steel which are not specifically described herein shall be of a quality
products are loaded in accordance with the latest rules govern- suitable for the intended purpose. Specifications described are
ing the loading of either open top cars or closed cars as intended as the minimum requirements for packaging of steel
published by the Association of American Railroads. These products. After the product has been delivered, purchasers are
publications are entitled Rules Governing the Loading of faced with the problems of disposal of the packaging materials.
Commodities on Open Top Cars and Pamphlet 23The For this reason the simplest effective packaging is the most
Rules Governing the Loading of Steel Products in Closed Cars desirable. The packaging materials described are subject to
and Protection of Equipment. change in accordance with the rapidly developing technology
4.3 Truck LoadingThe trucker is responsible for the and the changing regulations affecting ecology.
arrangement and securement of the load for safe transit, the 4.6.2 LumberThe proper selection of lumber for use in
protection of the lading from damage by binders, and the the packaging of steel products depends upon many factors,
prevention of damage to the lading from the elements. These such as end use, compressive strength, beam strength, hard-
loads shall be in accordance with applicable state and federal or ness, moisture content, nail-holding power, condition, and so
provincial, national, and international regulations.5 forth. Detailed information is contained in Specifications
4.4 Barge LoadingThere are no formal rules covering D 245 and Test Methods D 2555.
barge loading. Steel products are suitably packaged and the 4.6.3 Protective Wrapping MaterialProtective wrappings
barge is loaded to provide ample clearance or blocking, or are used in packaging to (1) retard moisture penetration, (2)
both, for subsequent handling and unloading. Covered or minimize loss of oil, and (3) provide protection from dirt.
open-top barges may be used depending upon the nature of the PaperThe basis weight is determined by the
product. number of pounds per 500 sheets of 24 by 36 in. For example,
4.5 Air Shipment: 50-lb kraft paper will equal 50 lb per 500 sheets of 24 by 36 in.
4.5.1 When metal plates, strips, sheets, bars, rods, angle The following tests may be used to determine the physical
stock, tubes, and pipe are to be shipped by air, they shall be properties of paper:
packed as follows: Test ASTM Method
Bursting strength D 774 Plate, sheet, and strip shall be packed in snug-fitting Tensile strength D 828
boxes reinforced with steel straps or in metal packs. Bar, rod, angle stock, pipe, and tube shall be packed Oil-Resistant PaperPaper treated, laminated, or
in snug-fitting crates with solid wood ends or in boxes, as constructed to resist absorption of oil from the packaged
required for protection. product. Waterproof PaperThese papers are laminated,
coated, or impregnated with a moisture-barrier material.
Code of Federal Regulations Title 49Transportation, Chapter III-Federal 4.6.4 Protective CoatingsIn selecting corrosion-
Highway Administration, Department of Transportation, Subchapter B-Motor Car-
preventive materials to protect steel mill products during
rier Safety Regulations, Part 393, Parts and Accessories Necessary for Safe
Operation, Safe Loading of Motor Vehicles. This footnote applies only to U.S. shipment and storage, consideration should be given to ease
domestic shipments. and method of application, coverage desired, severity of

A 700 05
When steel products are invoiced on theoretical weights, the
invoice weights are based on the number of pieces or lineal feet
4.9 Packaging Lists or TallyFurnished as required. Such
lists are compiled as accurately as practicable, subject to
confirmation by the official shipping notice or invoice.
4.10 Loss or DamageIf upon delivery there is any evi-
dence of loss or damage, exception should be taken by notation
on the freight bill, and the carriers representative should be
called in to inspect the lading before unloading.

5. Semifinished Steel Products

5.1 Semifinished steel products are generally produced for
further processing and, because of their nature, only the simple
methods of packaging and loading described below are recom-
FIG. 1 End Caps for Air Shipment mended.
5.2 Product Grades:
5.2.1 Carbon, alloy, and stainless steel ingots, blooms,
conditions expected, and ease of removal. The material and billets, and slabs.
method of application determined to be the best suited for 5.2.2 Carbon steel skelp in coils.
protection of a product are based on experience. Therefore, 5.3 Marking:
selection of protective coatings should be left to the discretion 5.3.1 It is normal practice to stamp or paint the heat number
of the steel supplier whenever possible. The protective coatings on each piece shipped loose and to show the heat number on a
used on steel products are listed in Table 1. tag attached to each secured lift of smaller size billets. The
4.6.5 Package TiesTying of packages shall be accom- ordered size and weight may be painted on at least one piece of
plished by tension-tying with bands or wire; or by hand tying each size when shipped loose or on at least one piece of each
and twisting heavy-gage wire or rods. Either bands or wire may secured lift. Each skelp coil is tagged or marked with the heat
be used for package ties, regardless of which type of tie is number and the size.
shown in illustrations in the individual product sections of this 5.3.2 Color MarkingThere is no generally recognized
practice. color code for identification of steel grades. When specified, Breaking Strength Tiesused in packaging steel color marking to denote grade is applied. In such cases a dash
mill products shall have the minimum breaking strengths of of color on one end of loose pieces is sufficient. In the case of
Specification D 3953. secured lifts of smaller sizes, the grade is shown on a tag
4.6.6 ProtectorsProtectors are used with certain products attached to the lift or by a dash of one color on one end of the
to protect them from damage and to prevent shearing of the lift.
ties. Various materials, such as lumber, metal, plastic, fiber, or 5.4 Packaging:
other suitable materials, are used under the package ties as 5.4.1 Semifinished steel products are usually shipped loose.
required. When specified, lifts of billets 9 in.6 (58 cm6) and under in
4.7 Package Identification: cross section may be secured into lifts of 5 tons (4.5 Mg) or
4.7.1 All marking shall be legible and of a size consistent heavier. The securement of this type of package consists of ties
with the space available to be marked. All tags shall be of soft wire rod or tensioned flat bands. The number of ties to
securely affixed to the package to prevent loss in transit. Tags be used on any specific lift can best be determined by the
shall be of a size to show clearly all of the information shippers experience.
required, and shall be able to withstand reasonable exposure to 5.4.2 Skelp in coils is secured with a minimum of two ties
the elements. per coil.
4.7.2 Marking Metal SurfacesUnless otherwise specified, 5.4.3 Semifinished steel products are usually shipped in
metal surfaces shall be marked with either permanent ink or open-top equipment and require no further protection from the
paint. elements.
4.7.3 Marking ContainersAll materials used for marking 5.5 LoadingSemifinished steel products are usually
containers shall be resistant to the elements. shipped loose with different sizes or weights segregated.
4.8 Weight and CountWhen steel products are invoiced Unitizing requires additional labor and material.
on mill scale weights and such weights are checked after
shipment, variations from invoice weights up to 1 % are 6. Hot-Rolled Bars and Bar-Size Shapes
normally expected due to differences in the kind, type, and 6.1 Hot-rolled bars and bar-size shapes are usually further
location of the scales. When invoiced on mill scale weights, processed by the purchaser. Simple methods of packaging and
where there are large quantities of one size or thickness, or
where the number of pieces in a lift or bundle is required to be
shown on the identification tags and shipping papers, the count 6
A revision of Simplified Practice Recommendation R 24762, formerly
is considered approximate and the weight is the more accurate. published by the U. S. Department of Commerce.

A 700 05
loading are recommended. The major consideration is the
prevention of physical damage in transit, such as bending or
6.2 Product Grades:
6.2.1 Carbon, alloy, and stainless steel bars, and bar-size
6.2.2 Concrete reinforcing bars.
6.3 Marking:
6.3.1 Carbon, Alloy, and Stainless Steel Bars, and Bar-Size
Shapes: It is normal practice to identify each lift or coil with
a tag containing the following information:
(1) Producers name, brand, or trademark,
(2) Size,
(3) ASTM designation (year date is not required),
(4) Heat number,
(5) Weight (except coils),
(6) Customers name, and
(7) Customers order number. Die Stamping of Carbon Steel BarsThe ultimate
uses of the products do not usually require die stamping.
Therefore, this method of marking for other than mill identi-
fication requires additional labor and handling. Die Stamping of Alloy and Stainless Steel Bars
When specified, heat numbers or symbols are stamped on one
end or on the surface near the end of rounds, squares, FIG. 2 Suitable Secured Lift-Hot-Rolled and Cold-Finished Bars
hexagons, and octagons 2 in. (51 mm) and larger, and on flats and Bar-Size Shapes
2 in. in width or 2 in. or over in thickness. The above described marking is practicable on (1) Producers name, brand, or trademark,
smaller sizes down to a minimum of 1 in. (25 mm) in thickness (2) Size or bar designation number, and
and 1 in. in width for flats, and not less than 1 in. in thickness (3) Grade and specification.
or diameter for other bars, but because of its precise nature, Color MarkingWhen specified, a dab of paint, one
such marking delays normal production. color only for each grade, is placed on one end of each lift to Stamping of sizes under 1 in. is not practicable. distinguish grades. Such marking augments but does not
These sizes are secured in lifts and tagged to show heat replace the marking requirements contained in the product
numbers or symbols. specification. Color MarkingThere is no standard color code for 6.4 Packaging:
identification of steel grades. When marking of bars with 6.4.1 Carbon, Alloy, and Stainless Steel Bars, and Bar-Size
identification colors is required, the following practices are Shapes:
regularly employed: Secured LiftsBars are generally packaged into
(1) Sizes 2 in. (51 mm) and over are marked on one end secured lifts (see Fig. 2 and Fig. 3). The recommended weight
with not more than two colors. of hot-rolled bars in a secured lift is 10 000 lb (4.5 Mg). Lifts
(2) Sizes 112 in. (38 mm) up to 2 in. (51 mm) are marked under 10 000 lb require additional material and handling.
on one end with not more than one color. Producers recommend that purchasers specify the maximum
(3) Sizes smaller than 112 in. (38 mm) are not marked possible weight for lifts because heavier units withstand
individually; but the bundle, lift, or pile (any size bar or flats) transportation hazards better and result in greater economy to
is marked on one end with a dab of paint of one color or not both the purchaser and the producer. The securement of this
more than two different colored stripes. type of package consists of ties of soft wire rod or tensioned
(4) Bars are regularly painted after assembly into lifts, and flat bands. The number of ties to be used on any specific lift can
due to the nonuniformity of ends, it is not expected that paint best be determined by the shippers experience. This recom-
will be on every bar in the lift. Any other paint marking slows mended securement is adequate for normal handling and transit
normal production. Superimposed color marking requires ad- requirements. Handling by means of the package ties or by
ditional labor and time for drying. magnet is considered an unsafe practice and is not recom-
(5) When the back of the tag is color marked, one or two mended.
colors are used or the names of the colors are given. Loose BarsThe term loose means single pieces
6.3.2 Concrete Reinforcing Bars: that can be handled individually. This method of loading is It is normal practice to identify each lift with a tag sometimes used when shipping to purchasers who unload by
containing the following information: hand or magnet or for shipping large bars.

A 700 05

FIG. 3 Suitable Secured Lift-Flats Stack PilingThis method of piling is regularly protection by shipment in covered equipment or by wrapping
used for straightened flats and certain shapes and consists of or shrouding when loaded in open-top equipment. In covered
arranging pieces in order and securing into lifts of 10 000 lb rail equipment, shrouding may be required. Fig. 5 illustrates a
(4.5 Mg) minimum weight. Stack piling of bars under 1 in. (25 suitable method of wrapping lifts for loading in open-top
mm) in width is impractical. When stack piling is specified for equipment. Fig. 6 illustrates a suitable method of shrouding the
other than straightened flats or shapes, additional handling is carload. The material is a waterproof paper or plastic sheet
generally required. Fig. 4 illustrates a suitable lift of stack-piled placed over a number of lifts or over the entire carload and
straightened flats. suitably secured. Bar CoilsHot-rolled bar coils are regularly se-
cured with two ties of soft wire or flat steel bands and loaded 7. Cold-Finished Bars
loose, unprotected, in open-top equipment. Bar coils that have 7.1 Cold-finished carbon, alloy, and stainless steel bars are
had special treatment, such as cleaned and coated or cleaned among the most highly finished products of the steel industry.
and oiled, are loaded in closed or covered equipment and Because of their high finish and the exacting uses to which
require additional labor and material. Securing two or more bar such products are put, packaging and loading methods are very
coils into a coil group requires additional labor and material. important. Protective CoatingsThe nature of hot-rolled bars 7.2 Product GradesCarbon, alloy, and stainless steel bars.
or bar-size shapes is such that protective coatings are not 7.3 Marking:
regularly applied. 7.3.1 Carbon, Alloy, and Stainless Steel Bars:
6.4.2 Concrete Reinforcing BarsConcrete reinforcing It is normal practice to identify each lift with a tag
bars are secured in lifts as illustrated in Fig. 2. The recom-
containing the following information:
mended weight of bars in the secured lift is 10 000 lb (4.5 Mg)
(1) Producers name, brand, or trademark,
or more. Lifts under 10 000 lb require additional labor and
(2) Size,
materials. The securement of this type of package consists of
(3) ASTM designation (year date is not required),
ties of soft wire rods or tensioned flat bands. The number of ties
to be used on any specific lift can best be determined by the (4) Heat number,
shippers experience. Secured lifts in the smaller sizes may (5) Weight,
contain individually tied bundles within the lift. Bundling of (6) Customers name, and
the smaller sizes requires additional material and handling. (7) Customers order number.
Packaging of concrete reinforcing bars into units of specified Die StampingIt is not regular practice to die-
count, weight, or dimensions requires additional handling and stamp cold-finished bars. Therefore, when specified, this
material. method of marking retards the normal flow of materials.
6.5 Loading: Color MarkingWhen the marking of bars with
6.5.1 Carbon, alloy, and stainless steel bars, bar-size shapes, identification colors is required, the following practices are
and concrete reinforcing bars are regularly shipped unprotected employed:
in open-top equipment. Loading of closed equipment and (1) Sizes 112 in. (38 mm) and over are marked on one end
flatcars requires additional handling and materials. with not more than two colors.
6.5.2 When separation of lifts is required to allow sufficient (2) Sizes smaller than 112 in. are not marked individually,
clearances needed for unloading equipment, separators or but the bundle, lift, or pile is marked on one end with a dab of
bearing pieces are furnished up to a maximum of commercial paint of one color or not more than two different colored
4-in. lumber. stripes.
6.5.3 Weather ProtectionHot-rolled bars, hot-rolled heat- (3) Any other paint marking slows normal production.
treated bars, bar-size shapes, and concrete reinforcing bars (4) Superimposed color marking also requires additional
generally require further processing or fabrication and, there- labor and time for drying.
fore, are regularly shipped in open-top equipment, unprotected. (5) When the back of the tag is marked, one or two colors
When the bars are scale-free or have been processed beyond are used or the names of the colors are spelled out.
the as-rolled or heat-treated condition, such as by pickling and 7.4 Packaging:
oiling or by pickling and liming, producers usually recommend 7.4.1 Carbon, Alloy, and Stainless Steel Bars:

A 700 05

FIG. 4 Suitable Lift of Stack-Piled Straightened Flats

specified count or dimensions involves additional handling.

Fig. 4 illustrates a suitable lift of stack-piled straightened flats. BundlingCold-finished round, square, hexagon, or
similar bar sections 516 in. (7.9 mm) and under are put up in
hand bundles because of the flexible nature of the material.
Bundling of sizes over 516 in. requires additional handling.
Fig. 7 illustrates a suitable hand bundle. Such bundles regularly
contain not less than three pieces, the package weighs from 150
to 200 lb (68 to 91 kg), and is tied with No. 14 gage (1.63-mm)
wire or its equivalent as follows:
Up to 8 ft (2.44 m), incl 2 ties
Over 8 ft to 16 ft (2.44 to 4.88 m), incl 3 ties
Over 16 ft to 20 ft (4.88 to 6.10 m), incl 4 ties
Over 20 ft to 24 ft (6.10 to 7.32 m), incl 5 ties

Fig. 8 illustrates a bundle of bars banded to a board. Small

quantity items unable to support their own weight without
possible damage from bending or distortion are usually secured
FIG. 5 Suitable Method of Wrapping Lifts for Loading in Open-
Top Equipment to boards or boxed. ContainersDue to the special high finish and very
close tolerances of some cold-finished bars, packaging in Secured Lifts (Fig. 2)The recommended minimum special containers for extra protection against damage is
quantity of cold-finished bars in the secured lift is 6000 lb (2.7 required. This type of packaging requires additional material
Mg). Producers recommend that purchasers specify the maxi- and handling. Less than carload or less than truckload ship-
mum possible weight for lifts because heavier lifts withstand ments of polished, turned ground and polished, cold-drawn
transportation hazards better and result in greater economy to ground and polished bars and shafting, or any bars produced to
both the purchaser and the producer. The packaging of bars into a high finish, are packaged in chipboard tubes, wood boxes,
lifts for closed-car loading requires additional handling. The corrugated fiberboard boxes or other suitable containers. Fig. 9
illustrates a suitable chipboard container. Such containers are
securement of this type of package consists of ties of soft wire
made of heavy spirally wound chipboard with various end
or flat steel bands. Ties are regularly applied as follows:
closures. Fig. 10 illustrates a suitable wood box. Such boxes
Up to 15 ft (4.57 m), incl 3 ties
Over 15 ft to 22 ft (4.57 to 6.71 m), incl 4 ties are made of seasoned lumber, lined with paper, and are
Over 22 ft to 33 ft (6.71 to 10.06 m), incl 5 ties reinforced with bands or wire at the ends and at intermediate
Over 33 ft (10.06 m) 6 ties points, as required.
The recommended securement is adequate for normal han- Protective CoatingsCold-finished bars are coated
dling and transportation requirements. Handling by means of with corrosion preventatives or shipped without protective
the package ties or by magnet is considered an unsafe practice coating depending upon the use and the purchasers specifica-
and is not recommended. tion. Loose BarsThe term loose means single pieces 7.5 Loading:
that can be handled individually. This method of loading is 7.5.1 Cold-finished carbon, alloy, and stainless steel bars are
used by producers in the loading of large sizes. normally shipped in closed or covered equipment. Loading in Stack PilingThis method of piling is regularly box cars requires additional handling.
used for straightened flats and certain shapes and consists of 7.5.2 When separation of lifts or piles in cars is required to
arranging pieces in order, in one or more piles, into secured allow sufficient clearances for unloading equipment, separators
lifts of 6000 lb (2.7 Mg) minimum weight. Stack piling of bars or bearing pieces are furnished up to a maximum of commer-
under 1 in. (25 mm) in width is impractical. When stack piling cial 4-in. lumber. Loads are often shipped in bulkhead equip-
is specified for other than straightened flats, additional han- ment or are rigidly braced for protection in transit.
dling is generally required. The stacking or piling of all bars or 7.5.3 Where additional protection is specified in covered
bar-size shapes, including straightened flats, into lifts of gondolas, material may be wrapped or shrouded as illustrated

A 700 05

FIG. 6 Suitable Method of Shrouding Carload

FIG. 7 Suitable Hand Bundle of Cold-Finished Bars

FIG. 8 Bundle of Cold-Finished Bars Secured to a Board

FIG. 9 Suitable Chipboard Container

in Fig. 9 or Fig. 10. Fig. 5 illustrates a suitable method for 8. Structural Shapes and Steel Sheet Piling
wrapping lifts of cold-finished bars. Fig. 6 illustrates a suitable
8.1 Product Grades:
method of shrouding the carload.

A 700 05

FIG. 10 Suitable Wood Box for Cold-Finished Bars

8.1.1 Carbon, high-strength low-alloy, and stainless steel 8.3 Packaging:

structural shapes. 8.3.1 Carbon, High-Strength Low-Alloy and Stainless Steel
8.1.2 Steel sheet piling. Structural ShapesStructural shapes are normally shipped in
8.2 Marking: unsecured lifts or units weighing approximately 10 000 to
8.2.1 Carbon, High-Strength Low-Alloy, and Stainless Steel 20 000 lb (4.5 to 9.0 Mg). Various methods are used to
Structural Shapes: maintain the unity of such lifts during transit. At manufactur- It is normal practice to mark each individual struc- ers option, small sizes may be secured to facilitate identifica-
tural shape shipped loose or tag each secured lift with the tion, handling, or transportation.
following information: 8.3.2 Steel Sheet PilingSteel sheet piling is normally
(1) Producers name, brand, or trademark, handled and loaded in lifts or units weighing approximately
(2) Section designation or size of section, 10 000 to 20 000 lb (4.5 to 9.0 Mg), depending on the size of
(3) Heat number, piling sections.
(4) Length, and 8.4 Loading:
(5) Grade or type (stainless steel).
8.4.1 Carbon, High-Strength Low-Alloy, and Stainless Steel Die StampingWhen specified, the heat number is
Structural Shapes:
die-stamped in one location. Die stamping or hot rolling the
heat number into structural shapes is not universally practiced. Loading PracticeStructural shapes are loaded un-
The standard sizes of steel die-stamps are 14 in., 516 in., and 38 protected in open-top equipment because of their nature and
in. (6.4 mm, 7.9 mm, and 9.5 mm). Any additional or different the universal use of mechanical unloading equipment. The
marking other than as indicated above or specifying stamping method used to separate lifts in the car to facilitate unloading
with steel die-stamps of sizes other than indicated is negotiated can best be determined at the time of loading. Wood blocking
between purchaser and manufacturer. and endwise staggering are typical means of separating lifts. Color MarkingOn structural shapes made to cer- Segregation of sections by size, type, or item into separate cars
tain ASTM specifications, color marking is required. Each requires additional handling.
structural shape shipped loose is marked with one or two color Weather ProtectionStructural shapes, due to their
stripes. When shipped in secured lifts, the lift is marked with a nature, are seldom protected from the weather in transit.
vertical stripe for the full height of the lift. Each piece in the lift Protection such as shrouding requires additional labor and
shall be marked by this stripe. material.
8.2.2 Steel Sheet PilingIt is normal practice to mark each 8.4.2 Steel Sheet PilingBecause of its nature and the
steel sheet piling with the following: universal use of mechanical unloading equipment, steel sheet
(1) Producers name, brand, or trademark, piling is loaded unprotected in open-top equipment. The
(2) Heat number, and method used to separate lifts in the car and thus facilitate
(3) Length. unloading can best be determined at the time of unloading.
Additional or different marking requires additional handling Wood blocking and endwise staggering are typical means of
and complicates the normal marking procedure. separating lifts.

A 700 05

FIG. 11 Securement of Hot-Rolled Rods in Individual Coils

9. Rods, Wire, and Wire Products 9.3.2 Merchant Wire ProductsIt is normal practice to
9.1 Hot-rolled wire rods are regularly produced for further identify each package with the following information, as
processing, and because of their nature only simple methods of applicable:
marking, packaging, and loading are required. Producers name, brand, or trademark,
9.1.1 The major consideration is the prevention of physical Product name:
damage in transit, such as bending and twisting. (1) Design or construction
9.1.2 Other wire and wire products however, are among the (2) Style
most highly finished products of the steel industry, and Size,
marking, packaging, and loading methods are very important. Type or class of coating,
9.1.3 Because of the many specific combinations of size, Finish,
grades, and types supplied in wire, no standard limits for types, Length,
diameters, weights, and coil sizes are established. Limitations Width and mesh, and
for coil sizes are controlled by manufacturing practices and Height.
other factors. 9.3.3 Carbon, Alloy, and Stainless Steel WireIt is normal
9.1.4 The purchaser should give careful consideration to practice to identify each coil or package with the following
marking, packaging, and loading requirements when ordering, information:
and if in question about a suitable method, should consult with Customers name,
the manufacturer. Consultation is usually essential to develop Customers order number,
mutually satisfactory methods for packaging of specific prod- Producers name, brand, or trademark,
ucts. Grade, product identification or type (stainless steel
9.2 Product Grades: only),
9.2.1 Hot-rolled rods (all grades). Size,
9.2.2 Merchant wire products. Heat number,
9.2.3 Carbon, alloy, and stainless steel wire (in coils). Quality (when applicable),
9.2.4 Carbon, alloy, and stainless steel wire (straightened Finish, and
and cut). Weight (except coil).
9.3 Marking: When identification colors are specified, marking practice
9.3.1 Hot-Rolled Rods in CoilsIt is normal practice to tag shall be limited to paint striping coil, one end of bundle or lift
each coil with the following information: with one color. Producers name, brand, or trademark, 9.4 Packaging: Grade, product identification or type (stainless steel 9.4.1 Hot-Rolled Rods in Coils are shipped as individual
only), coils or in coil groups. Securement of individual coils is with Size, a minimum of two twisted wire ties, or tensioned flat bands Heat number, (Fig. 11). Coil groups are secured with a minimum of two Customers name, and tensioned flat bands (Fig. 12). Customers order number. Protective CoatingsIt is not standard practice to
(1) When identification colors are specified, marking prac- apply protective coatings to hot-rolled rods, as the product is
tice shall be limited to paint striping coil with one color. generally intended for further processing.

A 700 05

FIG. 12 Securement of Hot-Rolled Rods in Coil Group

9.4.2 Merchant Wire Products are finished products sold handling and interferes with normal processing. Spray oiling of
through distributors or merchandisers and are primarily in- packages may be helpful but affords inadequate protection
tended for agricultural, building and home consumption. These under normal conditions. Shipment should be in closed equip-
products are packaged in various ways depending upon the end ment.
use as shown in Table 2 and Figs. 13-26. 9.4.4 Carbon, Alloy, and Stainless Steel Wire, Straightened
9.4.3 Carbon, Alloy, and Stainless Steel Wire in Coils and Cut Lengths, is packed in containers, bundles, or lifts as
Wire is among the most highly finished products of the steel shown in Table 4 and Figs. 38-47.
industry. Packaging, marking, and preservation methods are Protective CoatingsOiling of straightened and cut
very important and the purchaser should give careful consid- length wire requires additional handling and material. Flat wire
eration to these requirements when ordering. Wire is drawn is generally oiled for protection in transit. The use of special
from hot-rolled rods. The choice of the wire drawing block brands of oil involves excessive inventory of oil and disrupts
diameter for a given wire size varies from manufacturer-to- the normal manufacturing process. Spray oiling of packages
manufacturer and is dependent upon the equipment in the may be helpful but affords inadequate protection under some
plants and the buyers uncoiling equipment. Wire is commonly conditions.
produced in catchweight coils of one single length and gener- 9.5 LoadingHot-rolled wire rods are regularly shipped in
ally wound in a counterclockwise direction. For special re- open-top equipment except material that has had special
quirements, wire may also be furnished in exact weight coils, treatment, such as cleaning and coating or oiling. Such material
exact length coils, or straightened and cut lengths. Carbon, is generally loaded in closed equipment and may require
alloy, and stainless steel wire in coils may be packaged as additional handling and material. Due to the nature and high
shown in Table 3 and Figs. 27-37. When protection is neces- finish of steel wire and wire products, they are normally
sary it should be specified, depending on finish, end use, type shipped in closed equipment. Special rail equipment, such as
of package, mode of transportation, etc. The following types of DF (damage free), compartment, and insulated cars, are suit-
protection are available when specified: able and can be used for wire products.
Package Protection
Single coil Spiral wrap(s) up to approximate 600-lb 10. Tubular Products
(272-kg) maximum weight. Protection of
heavier coils should be negotiated with
10.1 Tubular products can be used in the as-shipped condi-
manufacturer tion or further processed into a finished product. The end use
Coil on carrier Shroud directly affects the extent and types of packaging and marking
Reel-less coil Shroud
Wood rack Shroud
Reel Wrap(s) between flanges 10.2 Product Grades:
Container Liner or shroud, depending on type of 10.2.1 Mechanical tubing.
10.2.2 Pressure tubing.
NOTE 1If special finishes require additional protection, negotiate with 10.2.3 EMT conduit.
manufacturer. 10.2.4 Rigid conduit. Protective CoatingDepending upon finish, end 10.2.5 Standard pipe.
use, and shipping or storage conditions, oiling may be speci- 10.2.6 Line pipe.
fied. The use of specified brands of oil involves special 10.2.7 Oil country goods.

A 700 05
TABLE 2 Packaging Merchant Wire Products
Bale ties (3 to 20-ft (0.91 to 6.10-m) lengths) Ends protected, secured with spiral tie wire the entire length of the bundle (Fig. 13).
Size, gage Ties per Bundle
11 125
12, 13, and 14 250
14, 15, 15, 16, and 16 500
Baling wire:
6500-ft (1981-m) minimum length coil (100 lb One coil in self-dispensing corrugated carton (Fig. 14).
(45.4 kg) approximate weight)
3150-ft (960-m) minimum length coil (48.5 lb Two coils in corrugated box.
(22 kg) approximate weight) NotePackaging must comply with ASAE Standard S 229 (latest revision).
Barbed wire 80-rod spool, secured with wire ties (Fig. 15).
Fence and netting In rolls secured with wire ties (Fig. 16).
Fence panels Ten sheets per bundle, inverted; five bundles per lift (Fig. 17).
Bundles secured at the four corners with wire ties.
Lift secured in the four corners with rod ties.
Fence posts Five posts per bundle, 40 or 50 bundles per lift (manufacturers option), secured (Fig. 18
and Fig. 19).
Bundle is secured with minimum of two flat bands.
Lift is secured with minimum of two flat bands.

Fence wire 150-lb (68-kg) catchweight coil secured with four wire ties (Fig. 20).
Fence assemblies/accessories:
End and corner posts Secured into a set.
Brace, complete with bolts Five braces per bundle.
Stretchers and tools Single unit.
Stays 100 per bundle, secured with a minimum of three ties.
Fasteners (clamps) 25 or 50 fasteners in a bag; 1000 or 2500 fasteners in a shipping bag or container
(manufacturers option).
Gates, complete with screws, fittings, and Single unit.
Lath-tie wire One 25-lb (11-kg) bundle in corrugated box (Fig. 24).
Merchant quality wire One or more pieces of wire in a 100-lb (45-kg) coil secured with a minimum of three wire
ties or flat bands (Fig. 20).
100-lb coil group secured with a minimum of three wire ties or flat bands segregated in
increments of 10 or 25 lb (4.5 or 11 kg), each secured with three wire ties or flat bands
Fig. 20).
When specified, two or more 100-lb coils may be combined into coil groups secured with
a minimum of three wire ties or flat bands (Fig. 20).
Nails, brads, staples, spikes:
Bulk 50-lb (22-kg) corrugated box (Fig. 21).
Packaged 1 and 5-lb (0.5 and 2-kg) boxes, packed in 50-lb shipping containers (Fig. 22 and Fig.
Reinforcing bar tie wire Twenty, approximate 4-lb (1.8-kg) coils in corrugated box (Fig. 25).
The following items may be furnished on pallets: baling wire, barbed wire, lath-tie wire, netting, nails, brads, staples and spikes, and reinforcing bar tie
wire (Fig. 26).

FIG. 13 Bale Ties

FIG. 14 Coil of Baling Wire and Self-Dispensing Carton

10.2.8 Couplings and fittings. specifications if applicable.

10.2.9 Stainless steel tubing and pipe.
10.4 Packaging:
10.3 MarkingIt is normal practice to identify each piece
10.4.1 Mechanical and Pressure Tubing This product is
of large diameter steel pipe or tubing shipped loose, or each
shipped loose or in packages (secured lifts) up to 10 000 lb
secured lift or package of smaller sizes with the following
(454 kg). The type of package normally depends on the length
and surface quality of the tubing, the user handling facilities,
(1) Producers name, brand, or trademark.
and the method of storage. Thin-wall, polished, or bright finish
NOTE 2The above practice is subject to modification as to standard tubing subject to possible damage during transit is furnished in

A 700 05

FIG. 19 Secured Lift of 5-Post Bundles

FIG. 15 Spool of Barbed Wire 10.4.2 EMT ConduitThis product is normally shipped in
packages weighing 2000 lb (907 kg) or more. All EMT conduit
of 2-in. nominal diameter and smaller is sub-bundled as listed
in the following table. Before it is packaged, all sub-bundles
are secured with either bands or tape. All packages are secured
with tension ties. See 10.4.1 for number of ties.
Size, in. Pieces ft (m) Weight, lb (kg)
1 2 10 100 (30.5) 32 (14.5)
3 4 10 100 (30.5) 49 (22.2)
1 10 100 (30.5) 71 (32.2)
1 1 4 5 50 (15.2) 50 (22.7)
1 1 2 5 50 (15.2) 59 (26.8)
2 3 30 (9.1) 45 (20.4)

10.4.3 Rigid ConduitThis product is normally shipped in

packages weighing 2000 lb (907 kg) or more. All rigid conduit
of 112-in. nominal diameter and smaller is sub-bundled as in
the following table. Before it is packaged, all sub-bundles are
secured with either bands or tape. All packages are secured
with tension ties. See 10.4.1 for number of ties.
FIG. 16 Roll of Fence/Netting
Size, in. Pieces ft (m) Weight, lb (kg)
1 2 10 100 (30.5) 79 (35.8)
3 4 5 50 (15.2) 53 (24.0)
1 5 50 (15.2) 77 (34.9)
1 1 4 3 30 (9.1) 60 (27.2)
1 1 2 3 30 (9.1) 75 (34.0)

10.4.4 Standard Pipe, Line Pipe, and Oil Country Goods

These products in sizes 112 in. nominal diameter and smaller
may be shipped in sub-bundles as shown in Table 5 or in larger
lifts as requested. Sub-bundles are secured with soft annealed
wire, tape or secured with tension ties. A minimum of two ties
are used for lengths 22 ft (6.71 m) or less and a minimum of
FIG. 17 Secured Lift of Fence Panels
three ties for lengths over 22 ft. Sub-bundles may be shipped in
packages (secured lifts) of up to 10 000 lb (4540 kg). Larger
sizes are shipped loose. Thread protectors are used as indicated
FIG. 18 5-Post Bundle in Table 6. Protective CoatingsStandard pipe, line pipe, and
oil country goods are normally protected with a varnish-type
wrapped packages, frame packages, or boxes. All packages are coating (see 4.6.4). The purchaser may order the pipe shipped
secured with tension ties. See Figs. 48-51 for types of bare or with other coatings.
packages. The number of ties are shown as follows: 10.4.5 Couplings and Fittings:
Length, ft (m) Minimum Number of Conduit Couplings and FittingsThese products
Ties are generally shipped on wires, in burlap sacks, or corrugated
Up to (3.05), incl 2 fiberboard cartons, dependent upon quantities. The weight of a
Over 10 to 15 (3.05 to 4.57), incl 3
Over 15 to 22 (4.57 to 6.71), incl 4
carton generally does not exceed 200 lb (91 kg).
Over 22 to 33 (6.71 to 10.06), incl 5 Pipe CouplingsThese are generally shipped in
Over 33 (10.06) 6 either burlap sacks or wooden boxes, dependent upon quanti-
NOTE 3Sub-bundles are used for EMT conduit (10.4.2), rigid conduit ties. The weight of a wooden box generally does not exceed
(10.4.3), and standard pipe (10.4.4). 600 lb (272 kg).

A 700 05

Single Coil Coil Group

FIG. 20 Coils of Merchant Quality Wire

FIG. 21 Corrugated Box for 50-lb Nails

FIG. 24 Bundle of Wire in Corrugated Box

FIG. 22 Box for 1-lb and 5-lb Nails

FIG. 25 Coils of Wire in Corrugated Box Stainless steel tubular products are variously pack-

aged according to product, finish, size, and method of ship-
ment. Stainless steel tubular products are pipe, pressure tubing,
FIG. 23 Shipping Container for Packaged Nails
mechanical tubing, and structural tubing (including ornamen-
tal). Finishes are as-produced (welded or seamless), annealed
and pickled, cold finished, ground and polished, and ornamen- Pipe FittingsThese are generally shipped loose, tal (including stainless clad). Due to the many sizes, grades,
in burlap sacks, in wooden boxes, in corrugated fiberboard and finishes produced, the purchaser should give careful
cartons, on pallets, and by other acceptable means at the option attention to the packaging, marking, and loading methods when
of the manufacturer. ordering: if in doubt about a suitable method, the purchaser
10.4.6 Stainless Steel Tubular Products: should consult with the supplier.

A 700 05

FIG. 26 Typical Palletizing

TABLE 3 Packaging Carbon, Alloy, and Stainless Steel Wire in Coils

Single coil Secured with a minimum of two ties (Fig. 27).
Coil group Individually tied coils secured into a unit with minimum of two tensioned flat bands (Fig. 28).
(16 in. (406 mm) inside diameter and larger)
Coil carrierA Single or multiple coils on carrier; normally not secured to carrier (Fig. 29).
Reel-less coil Approximate 600 to 1000-lb (272 to 474-kg) coil wound on a fiber core and secured with minimum of three
tensioned flat bands; pack eye vertical on wood pallet (Fig. 30 or Fig. 32).
Wood rack Small single coils secured with minimum of two ties nested in rack. Approximate maximum weight 2000 lb (907
kg) (Fig. 31).
Fiber drum Small single coils secured with a minimum of two ties, nested in drum; or a single coil laid loose in drum.
Maximum diameter of drum 23 in. (584 mm). Approximate maximum weight 550 lb (249 kg) (Fig. 33 or Fig.
34). Available loose; or palletized on wood pallets, to improve handling (see Fig. 36).
Pay-off drum Single coil laid in drum with a fiber core. Core diameters: 11, 1112 , 13, or 16 in. (279, 292, 330, or 406 mm).
Maximum diameter of drum 23 in. (584 mm). Approximate maximum weight 550 lb (249 kg) (Fig. 35).
Available loose; or palletized on wood pallets, to improve handling (see Fig. 36).
Reel Single or multiple lengths wound on a reel. Reel size and weight vary by product and manufacturer (Fig. 37).
List of commonly used sizes of coil carriers:

Arbor Base Height Tube Diameter and Gage Identification

11 23 35 1 3 16 pink
*13 23 35 1 3 16 orange
13 32 46 114 3 13 purple
*15 32 46 114 3 13 green
*16[n|]P 36 48 114 3 13 yellow

*18 37 46 114 3 13 red

2012 34 46 114 3 13 white
22 42 46 1 1 4 3 13 aluminum
*2212 42 46 158 3 13 blue
*26 50 50 1 5 8 3 13 brown
*30 50 50 1 5 8 3 13 black
*Preferred sizes.

FIG. 27 Single Coil, Bare FIG. 28 Coil Group, Bare Stainless steel tubular products are packaged in

bundles, boxes, or protective containers. Tubes over 6 in. in method. Polished tubing is always packed in boxes or contain-
outside diameter may be shipped loose. Packages may be ers of wood or other suitable material.
wrapped or bare. Length, outside diameter, wall, finish, and BundlesIf tubing is shipped in such quantities
method of shipment will determine the most suitable packaging that a risk of its being bent, crushed, or distorted from handling

A 700 05
on black or galvanized pipe and tubes noncoated, or, when
coated with nondrying coating, regardless of the type of
protection specified.
10.6 LoadingCertain steel tubular products are regularly
shipped unprotected in open top-cars. It is common practice to
load pipe nested without separators, except for external upset
pipe and tubing. Consideration should be given to using
wood-lined, high-end, bulkheaded, gondola cars for added
protection. Securing or separating pipe into lifts, separating
sizes and quantities, requires additional handling and material.
Loading tubular products in closed cars or closed trucks
requires additional handling. Loading small outside diameter
pipe on flat cars requires additional labor and material.
11. Plates
11.1 Product Grades:
11.1.1 Carbon, high-strength low-alloy, and alloy steel
FIG. 29 Single Coil, Bare on Coil Carrier
plates, cut length.
11.1.2 Carbon and alloy steel plate in coils.
11.1.3 Stainless steel plates.
11.1.4 Floor plates.
11.2 MarkingIt is normal practice to identify each piece,
lift, or coil with those requirements as specified in applicable
specifications (ASTM, ASME, and so forth).
11.3 Packaging and Loading:
11.3.1 It is regular practice to load carbon, high-strength
low-alloy, and alloy steel plates unprotected in open-top
equipment. When specified, loading in closed cars requires
additional labor and handling. Carbon, high-strength low-alloy,
FIG. 30 Reel-less Coils and alloy steel plates are regularly loaded in unsecured lifts.
Loading plates in lifts weighing less than 5 tons (4.5 Mg)
involves additional labor and handling. The method used to
maintain the unity of unsecured lifts is best determined by the
shippers experience. An example of a suitable method is the
staggering of lifts. Segregation of sizes and items involves
additional handling, often causes congestion in the manufac-
turers plant, and may retard production. Such segregation is
not considered feasible. The use of special or particular
methods of loading or blocking and specifying the use of bands
and wire ties to secure lifts disrupts the normal packaging and
loading procedures. This requires additional labor and materi-
11.3.2 Carbon and Alloy Steel Plates in Coils are secured
with a minimum of either one circumferential tie and one eye
FIG. 31 Coils Nested in Wood Rack
tie or with two eye ties.
11.3.3 Stainless Steel PlatesPackaging requirements of
exists, the bundle may require additional support. Bundles are stainless steel plates are determined by the method of trans-
normally secured with flat steel bands but other suitable portation, the finish specified, and the dimensions of the plates.
materials may be used. The amount of securement required is Stainless steel hot-rolled and hot-rolled annealed plates are
dependent upon length and weight of bundle. shipped loose, or when specified, in secured lifts and are loaded ContainersSpecial finishes, quantities ordered, in open-top equipment. When processed beyond the as-rolled
methods of transportation, or other factors may require special or annealed condition, such as by pickling or blast cleaning, the
containers such as fiberboard or clipboard tubes, fiberboard plates may also be shrouded or tarped if specified on the order
boxes, wooden boxes or crates, or similar containers. or contract. Cold-rolled stainless steel plates may require
10.5 Weather ProtectionWrapping, shrouding, or cover- greater protection such as wrapping or shrouding and the use of
ing pipe involves additional labor and material. However, skids or platforms. Polished stainless steel plates are boxed
when outside diameter or inside diameter surfaces are critical, when shipped in small quantities. Larger quantities are pack-
shrouding of rail shipments and tarping of trucks is normal aged on skids or platforms and are paper wrapped and may
practice. Some amount of dirt and oxidation may be expected have additional protection when necessary.

A 700 05

FIG. 32 Reel-less Coils

FIG. 35 Single Length Coil in Pay-Off Drum

FIG. 33 Coils Nested in Fiber Drum

FIG. 34 Coil in Fiber Drum

FIG. 36 Palletized Drums

11.3.4 Floor Plates are handled in the same manner as

carbon and alloy steel plates. exemplified in this section recognize these general require-
ments, the end use of the material, the quantity involved, and
12. Sheets and Strip the methods of transportation. The purchaser should give
12.1 Sheets and strip, in cut lengths, coils, and circles, are careful consideration to the marking, packaging, and loading
among the most highly finished products of the steel industry. requirements when ordering and, if in question, about a
Because of their nature and the exacting uses to which such suitable method, should consult with the manufacturer.
products are put, the marking, packaging, and loading methods 12.1.1 Suitable LiftsIn order to facilitate handling, the
are very important. The many sizes, grades, and finishes manufacturer generally prepares these products into lifts or
produced require various methods of packaging and loading, packages so that various mechanical handling equipment can
along with surface and weather protection. The methods be utilized to advantage. The maximum acceptable package

A 700 05
mechanical equipment. When protection of surface is impor-
tant, packaging bare as illustrated by these methods is not
recommended and, when specified, the responsibility for dam-
age due to inadequate protection rests with the purchaser. The
customary weight of this package is 10 000 lb (4.5 Mg) or
more. Lengthwise skids are not used on sheets over 192 in.
(4.88 m) long or less than 22 in. (559 mm) wide. CoveredFig. 54 illustrates a suitable method for
covered sheet packages. The bottom of the package is not
covered. Sheets lighter than 11 to 16 gage (2.30 to 1.29 mm),
inclusive, for shipment in open-top equipment may be covered
as illustrated by this figure, which requires additional labor and
material. This type of packaging is not used for highly finished
sheets for shipment in open-top equipment. WrappedFig. 55 illustrates a suitable method of
FIG. 37 Wire on Reel wrapping sheet packages. Hot-rolled pickled, and other more
highly finished sheets, for shipment in open-top equipment
may be wrapped as illustrated by this figure.
weight should be specified whenever possible, because the
heavier packages withstand transportation hazards better and Multiple LiftFig. 56 illustrates a method of
result in greater economy for both the manufacturer and the packaging two or more smaller lifts into a secured lift. This
purchaser. The recommended minimum weight for single lift method, because of the higher center of gravity of the unit and
packages is 10 000 lb (4.5 Mg). Lifts lighter than 10 000 lb a tendency for the wood separators to mark the steel, is less
require additional labor, material, and handling. desirable than the conventional single lift of 10 000 lb (4.5
12.1.2 Skid Arrangements and PlatformsFigs. 52-59 Mg). Such packaging requires additional labor and materials.
show packages on skids only, but platforms may be used when Separators are usually from 1 to 2 in. (25 to 51 mm) in
required. Suitable arrangements of skids and platforms are thickness and from 2 to 4 in. (51 to 102 mm) wide, aligned with
covered in 12.5. the skids, and extending the full dimension of the sheets. The
12.2 Product Grades: individual lift weight in this type of package is generally not
12.2.1 Carbon steels. less than 2000 lb (907 kg), and the total weight of the multiple
12.2.2 Alloy steels. lift package is usually not less than 10 000 lb. The individual
12.2.3 Electrical steels. lifts are not tied, covered, or wrapped. Fig. 56 shows length-
12.2.4 Metallic coated (except in mill products). wise skids and separators, but crosswise skids and separators
12.2.5 Nonmetallic coated. may be used.
12.2.6 Painted. Short-Length or Narrow-Width Sheets,
12.2.7 Stainless steels. CrosswiseFig. 57 illustrates a suitable method of packaging
12.3 MarkingIt is normal practice to identify each coil, short length or narrow width sheets arranged crosswise, side by
group of coils, or lift of cut lengths with the following side, into secured lifts. Minimum weight of secured lift for
information: such package is 10 000 lb (4.5 Mg). This package is recom-
12.3.1 Producers name, brand, or trademark, mended for short sheets 48 in. (1.22 m) or less in length or
12.3.2 Width and gage or thickness, narrow sheets under 22 in. (559 mm) in width. Suitable vertical
12.3.3 Product type, separators between piles are used when required. When
12.3.4 Weight (except strip, coil), handled as a unit lift, this package should be handled with a
12.3.5 Customers name, and sheet lifter. Fig. 57 shows material piled on skids. Platforms
12.3.6 Customers order number. may also be used when required; however, such packaging
Stainless steel coils and cut lengths are also identified with requires additional labor and material. Fig. 57 also shows a
the following: method of wrapping such a package when protection of steel in
12.3.7 Finish, and open-top equipment requires it to be fully wrapped.
12.3.8 Heat number or coil number. Short-Length Sheets, Lengthwise, End to End
12.4 Packaging: Fig. 58 illustrates a suitable method of packaging short-length
12.4.1 Carbon Steel Sheets, Cut Lengths: sheets arranged lengthwise end to end into secured lifts. This BareFig. 60 and Fig. 61 illustrate suitable meth- package is generally not used for sheets under 22 in. (559 mm)
ods of packaging carbon steel sheets in unsecured lift and in width; otherwise, the method of packaging is similar to that
secured lift, bare. Hot-rolled carbon steel sheets, not pickled, in shown for short length or narrow width sheets, crosswise, Fig.
heavier gages can be shipped in unsecured lifts as illustrated by 57. When handled as a unit lift, this package should be handled
Fig. 60 or in secured lifts as illustrated by Fig. 61. with a sheet lifter. Fig. 59 illustrates a suitable method of Bare on SkidsFig. 52 and Fig. 53 illustrate packaging narrow long sheets side by side.
suitable methods of packaging bare unwrapped carbon steel Protective MaterialsHot-rolled pickled and bet-
sheet on lengthwise and crosswise skids for handling with ter grades may require protection from contact with separator

A 700 05
TABLE 4 Packaging Table for Carbon, Alloy, and Stainless Steel Wire, Straightened and Cut LengthsA
Length, in. (mm) Package Approximate Weight, lb (kg)
Bundle/Lift Package
12 (305) and under loose in corrugated box (Fig. 38) ... 125 (57) max
Over 12 to 36 (305 to 914), incl loose in container (Fig. 47) ... 1500 to 1800
(680 to 816)
Over 12 to 18 (305 to 457), incl hand bundles 25 to 50 (11 to 23) ...
Over 18 to 36 (457 to 914), incl hand bundles 50 to 100 (23 to 45) ...
in containers (Fig. 47) ... 1500 to 1800
(680 to 816)
on skids ... 2000 (907)
on platform (Fig. 44) ... 2000 (907)
Over 36 (914) hand bundles (Fig. 39)
loose 100 to 200 (45 to 91) ...
secured lifts (Fig. 43) 4000 to 6000 (1814 to 2722) ...
Over 36 to 96 (914 to 2438) secured lift (Fig. 42) 2000 to 4000 (907 to 1814) ...
Over 96 (2438) secured lift 4000 to 6000 (1814 to 2722) ...
SecurementThe number of bands or wire ties depends upon the length and weight of the lift or bundle, or both, as follows:
Length, ft (m) of Ties
8 (2.44) and under 2
Over 8 to 16 (2.44 to 4.88), incl 3
Over 16 to 20 (4.88 to 6.10), incl 4
Over 20 (6.10) 5
ProtectionAWhere protection is required, wire may be packaged as follows:
Package Protection
Hand bundles Ends wrapped (Fig. 40)
Hand bundles Wrapped entire length (Fig. 41)
Lifts Shrouded (Fig. 45)
Lifts Wrapped (Fig. 46)
Loose or hand bundles Special containers constructed of
fiberboard, chipboard, wood, or
other suitable material. Containers
are to be lined when required (Fig.
Some manufacturers determine type of packaging and protection by gage and other factors, and these should be considered in ordering.

FIG. 38 Short Lengths of Straightened and Cut Wire in

Corrugated Box

FIG. 40 Hand Bundle of Wire, Ends Wrapped

FIG. 41 Hand Bundle of Wire, Wrapped Entire Length

finished sheets, protection against band seal damage is recom-

mended. Protecting sheets with metal wrapping, or the use of
metal protector sheets on top or bottom, or both, of lift or
package involves additional labor and material.
FIG. 39 Hand Bundle of Wire, Bare Protective CoatingsOiling to customers specifi-
cations requires additional labor and material. Weather Protection:
or skid lumber. Wrapping sheets with more than one layer of (1) Open-Top Equipment, GeneralExperience has shown
paper requires additional labor and materials. On highly that the amount of weather protection required for shipping

A 700 05

FIG. 42 Secured Lift of Wire, Bare

FIG. 43 Secured Lift of Hand Bundles of Wire, Bare

FIG. 46 Wrapped Lift of Wire

shrouding requires additional labor and material. Truck tarpau-

FIG. 44 Hand Bundles of Wire, Secured to Skids or Platforms lins are considered to be the equivalent of waterproof paper
(2) Shrouded Package Open-Top EquipmentFig. 62 and
Fig. 63 illustrate suitable methods of shrouding lifts of cut-
length sheets for shipment in open-top equipment.
(3) Covered or Closed Equipment (General)While this
type of equipment is recommended for rail and affords better
protection from the elements, covering, wrapping, or shrouding
of sheets may be required for preservation of the surface. Such
protection, when specified, requires additional labor and ma-
12.4.2 Carbon Steel Sheets, Coils:
FIG. 45 Shrouded Lift of Wire GeneralAll coil weights are subject to mill
manufacturing limits. When individual coil weights are re-
sheets in open-top equipment depends upon the quality, size, quired, narrow sheet coils are generally weighed in groups and
and method of transportation. Hot-rolled sheets, due to their the weight of the group averaged over the number of coils in
nature, are not generally protected from the weather when the group. This average is not intended to be the actual weight
loaded in open-top equipment. Hot-rolled pickled and more of each individual coil of the group. Weighing such coils
highly finished sheets are regularly wrapped and shrouded individually, recording, and marking the weight of each coil
when loaded on open-top equipment. Such wrapping and requires additional time and handling. Individual coils are

A 700 05

FIG. 47 Loose or Hand Bundles of Wire in Containers

(1) OilingOiling coils to customers specifications re-

quires additional labor and material.
12.4.3 Circles: GeneralFig. 71 illustrates suitably wrapped or
covered sheet circles on skeleton platform. Circles 17 in. (432
mm) and over in diameter are packaged single pile on square
or round platforms, or on crossed skids. To avoid top heavi-
ness, the maximum height of the single pile package should not
FIG. 48 Secured Lift exceed the diameter of the circle. Circles under 17 in. in
diameter may be packaged in several piles on square or
rectangular platforms.
usually secured with one to four flat steel bands. Hot-rolled Weather Protection:
coils are regularly shipped in the as-rolled condition, unpro- (1) Hot-rolled pickled and more highly finished sheet coils
tected, in open-top equipment. It is not standard practice to ship are regularly wrapped and shrouded when loaded in open-top
hot-rolled coils on platforms. Hot-rolled pickled or other equipment. Such wrapping and shrouding requires additional
highly finished sheet coils may be packaged on platforms when labor and material. Truck tarpaulins are considered to be the
required. However, the use of platforms requires additional equivalent of waterproof paper shrouding.
labor and material. Supporting coils with special cores, or (2) Covered or Closed Equipment (General)While this
placing coils on spools, requires additional labor and material. type of equipment affords better protection from the elements,
Wrapping narrow coils individually requires additional labor covering, wrapping, or shrouding of sheets may be required for
and material. preservation of the surface. Such protection, when specified, Bare, Unwrapped, Individual CoilsFig. 64 illus- requires additional labor and material.
trates a suitable method of packaging individual hot-rolled Loading:
sheet coil in the as-rolled condition. Fig. 65 illustrates a method
of packaging often used on more highly finished coils. (1) Open-Top Equipment (General)Hot-rolled sheet Bare, Unwrapped, Coil Group PackageFig. 66 coils, due to their nature, are not generally protected from the
illustrates a suitable method of packaging two or more narrow weather when loaded in open-top equipment.
sheet coils into a coil group package. Securing sheet coils into 12.4.4 Stainless Steel Sheets, Cut Lengths:
specified groups requires additional labor and material. GeneralThe minimum net weight for conven- Coils, Bare Unwrapped, on PlatformFig. 67 tional single-lift packages of stainless sheets depends on the
illustrates a suitable method of packaging bare unwrapped type of package specified. Small amounts regardless of finish
sheet coils on skeleton platform with the eye of the coils are regularly packaged in boxes.
vertical. The use of separators between coils requires addi- Cut Lengths, BareFig. 52 and Fig. 53 illustrate
tional labor and material. suitable methods of packaging bare, unwrapped, stainless steel Wrapped Individual CoilFig. 68 illustrates a sheets on lengthwise and crosswise skids. The figures show the
suitably wrapped individual sheet coil with eye of the coil package on skids only, but skeleton deck platforms are also
horizontal. Wrapping coils requires additional labor and mate- used when required. The recommended weight for this type
rial. package is 5000 lb (2268 kg) or more. Finishes and gages Wrapped Individual Coil on Cradle PlatformFig. generally confined to this type of package are:
69 illustrates a suitably wrapped individual coil on cradle (1) No. 1 Finish, 0.0418 in. (1.062 mm) and thicker, on
platform with the eye of the coil horizontal. skids. Wrapped Individual Coil on PlatformFig. 70 (2) No. 1 Finish, under 0.0418 in. (1.062 mm), on skeleton
illustrates a suitably wrapped individual coil on platform with platforms.
the eye of the coil vertical. When protection of surface is important, packaging bare, as Surface Protection: illustrated by these methods, is not recommended. Suitable

A 700 05

FIG. 49 Rectangular Package

FIG. 50 Frame Package

TABLE 5 Pieces, Feet, and Weight per Sub-bundle for Standard

Pipe, Line Pipe, and Oil Country GoodsA
Nominal Size, in. Pieces ft (m) Weight,
lb (kg)

18 30 630 (192) 151 (69)

14 24 504 (154) 212 (96)
3 8 18 378 (115) 215 (98)
1 2 12 252 (77) 214 (97)
3 4 7 147 (45) 166 (75)
FIG. 51 Hexagonal Package 1 5 105 (32) 176 (80)
1 1 4 3 63 (19) 144 (65)
1 1 2 3 63 (19) 172 (78)
Extra Strong Pipe:
1 8 30 630 (192) 195 (89)
arrangements of skids and platforms are shown by Fig. 52 to 60 1 4 24 504 (154) 272 (123)
and Table 7 and Table 8. 3 8 18 378 (115) 280 (127) Cut Lengths, WrappedFig. 72 and Fig. 73 illus- 1 2

3 4
12 252 (77) 275 (125)
7 147 (45) 216 (98)
trate suitably wrapped stainless steel sheets on lengthwise and 1 5 105 (32) 228 (104)
crosswise skids. The illustrations show the package on skids 1 1 4 3 63 (19) 189 (86)
only, but skeleton deck platforms are also used when required. 1 1 2 3 63 (19) 229 (104)
Double Extra Strong
Skeleton deck platforms may have either lengthwise or cross- Pipe:
wise runners. The customary weight of this type package is 1 2 7 147 (45) 251 (114)
3 4 5 105 (32) 256 (116)
5000 lb (2268 kg) or more. Finishes and gages generally
1 3 63 (19) 230 (104)
confined to this type of package are: 1 1 4 3 63 (19) 328 (149)
(1) No. 1 Finish, 0.0418 in. (1.062 mm) and thicker, on 1 1 2 3 63 (19) 404 (184)
skids. A
Other bundling practices may be available, subject to agreement between the
(2) No. 1 Finish, under 0.0418 in. (1.062 mm) on skeleton purchaser and the manufacturer.

When protection of surface is important, wrapped packages, as arrangements of skids and platforms are shown in Fig. 52 to
illustrated by these methods, are not recommended. Suitable Fig. 59 and Table 7 and Table 8.

A 700 05
TABLE 6 Thread Protection for Standard Pipe, Line Pipe, and individual stainless steel sheet coil on cradle platform with the
Oil Country Goods eye of the coil horizontal. This method of packaging provides
Types of Pipe Nominal Size adequate protection for most grades and gages, when surface
112 in. and 2 to 312 in., 4 in. and protection is not important.
Smaller incl Over Wrapped Individual Coil on Cradle PlatformFig.
Standard pipe none none threads pro-
69 illustrates a suitable method of packaging a wrapped
Standard pipe, none threads pro- threads pro- individual stainless steel coil on a cradle platform with the eye
reamed and tectedA tectedA of the coil horizontal. This method of packaging is recom-
Line pipe threads pro- threads pro- threads pro-
mended for practically all domestic usage and for most finishes
tectedB tectedA tectedA and gages. Gages and finishes requiring additional protection
Oil country pipe threads pro- threads pro- threads pro- should be boxed.
tectedC tectedD tectedD
A Bare Individual Coil on PlatformFig. 77 illus-
Thread protectors are used on pipe threads not protected by a coupling.
Either burlap cloth or waterproof paper is used to wrap the ends of sub-bundles trates a suitable method of packaging bare unwrapped indi-
or lifts, or thread protectors are used to protect exposed threads.
vidual sheet coil on platform with the eye of the coil vertical.
Burlap cloth or waterproof paper is used to wrap the end of sub-bundles or lifts
to protect the exposed threads.
This method of packaging provides adequate protection for
Thread protectors are used on pipe threads not protected by a coupling. The most grades and gages, when surface protection is not impor-
exposed coupling threads are protected with either a protective coating or thread tant.
protectors. Wrapped Individual Coil on PlatformFig. 70 Cut Lengths, Fully Enclosed Packages 5000 lb illustrates a suitably wrapped individual stainless steel coil on
(2268 kg) and HeavierFig. 74 illustrates a suitable method of platform with the eye of the coil vertical. This method of
packaging steel sheets in a fully enclosed package on a packaging provides adequate protection for most grades and
skeleton platform, using wood materials. Other materials used gages.
are hardboard, composition board, fiberboard, plywood, angles Boxed on Platform with Eye of Coil VerticalFig.
and channels, depending on the materials available, the type of 78 illustrates a suitable method of packaging individual sheet
package, and the discretion of the shipper. This package is coil or group of sheet coils in solid box, on platform, with the
designed for lifts 5000 lb and over, and is recommended for eye of the coil vertical. This type of package, an entirely
maximum protection of all domestic shipments of all gages and enclosed container made of suitable solid material, is recom-
finishes. Sideboards are not usually needed if material is less mended for maximum protection of all finishes and gages.
than 1 in. (25 mm) piling height. Surface Protection: Cut Lengths, BoxedFig. 75 illustrates a suitable (1) Protective CoatingsThe usual method of protecting
method of packaging steel sheets in a wooden box of suitable surfaces is to interleave with nonabrasive antitarnish paper.
solid protective material to provide an entirely closed flat Protection of surfaces by means of gluing or pasting paper, or
container. This type container is designed for maximum otherwise applying protective coverings, requires additional
protection of small quantities of all grades, gages, and finishes. labor and material. Spiral wrapping is not applied to stainless Surface Protection: steel sheet coils. The use of metal protective wrapping on coils
(1) Protective CoveringsThe usual method of protecting requires additional labor and material.
surfaces is to interleave with nonabrasive antitarnish paper.
12.4.6 Stainless Steel Sheets, Circles:
Protection of surfaces by means of gluing or pasting paper or
otherwise applying protective coverings requires additional Circles, Bare Unwrapped Single Pile on
labor and material. Protecting sheets with metal wrapping or PlatformFig. 79 illustrates a suitable method of packaging a
the use of metal protector sheets on top or bottom, or both, of single pile of bare stainless steel sheet circles on skeleton
lift or package requires additional labor and material. platform. This type of packaging is generally confined to No. 1
12.4.5 Stainless Steel Sheets, Coils: Finishes 0.062 in. (1.57 mm) and thicker. This package is not Bare Unwrapped Individual CoilFig. 64 illus- recommended for light gage material or for any material when
trates a suitable method of packaging individual stainless steel protection of surface is important.
hot-rolled sheet coil in the as-rolled condition. This type of Circles, Wrapped Single Pile on PlatformFig. 71
packaging is confined to hot-rolled or hot-rolled annealed illustrates a suitable method of packaging wrapped stainless
material. steel sheet circles on skeleton platform. This type of package is Wrapped Individual CoilFig. 68 illustrates a generally recommended for practically all domestic usage, for
suitable method of packaging fully wrapped individual stain- all gages and finishes.
less steel sheet coil with eye of coil horizontal. This type of Circles, Multiple Piles on Platform, Covered with
packaging is not recommended for light gage material or for Corrugated FiberboardFig. 80 illustrates a typical method
any material when protection of the surface is important. of packaging multiple piles of stainless steel circles on plat-
Stainless steel coils, No. 1 Finish, 0.062 in. (1.57 mm) and forms, covered with corrugated fiberboard. This type of pack-
thicker, are generally confined to this type of package. For age is generally recommended for practically all domestic
thinner gages, platforms are recommended. usage and for all gages and finishes in lots of 2000 lb (907 kg) Bare Individual Coil on Cradle PlatformFig. 76 or more. Quantities less than 2000 lb should be packaged in
illustrates a suitable method of packaging bare, unwrapped, individual piles or in boxes.

A 700 05

FIG. 52 Bare Package on Lengthwise Skids

FIG. 53 Bare Package on Crosswise Skids

FIG. 54 Covered Package on Skids Boxes Wrapped Multiple Piles of Circles on Bare Oval LiftFig. 3 illustrates a suitable method
PlatformFig. 81 illustrates a suitable method of packaging of packaging narrow hot-rolled steel strip, 5 in. (127 mm) or
multiple piles of stainless steel sheet circles in a box on a solid less in width, into conventional oval lifts.
deck platform. Secured Lift, Strip LengthwiseFig. 59 illustrates Surface Protection: a suitable method of packaging narrow steel strip piled
(1) Protective CoveringsThe usual method of protecting lengthwise on crosswide skids, in multiple rows, into secured
surfaces is to interleave with nonabrasive antitarnish paper.
lift. The illustration shows material piled on skids, but skeleton
Protection of surfaces by means of gluing or pasting paper, or
platforms are also used when required. Such packaging re-
otherwise applying protective coverings, requires additional
labor and material. quires additional labor and material. Light-gage reinforcing LoadingDue to the nature of stainless products, shields or channels are used to maintain alignment of strip in
shipment in covered or closed equipment is recommended. If the piles. Fig. 59 also shows the method of wrapping packages
shipped in open-top equipment, shrouding of the package or when protection of steel is required for shipping in open-top
load is recommended. equipment.
12.4.7 Carbon Steel Strip, Cut Lengths: Surface Protection:

A 700 05

FIG. 55 Wrapped Package on Skids

average is not intended to be the actual weight of each

individual coil of the group. Weighing coils individually,
recording, and marking the weight of each coil require addi-
tional time and handling. Individual coils are usually secured
with one to four flat steel bands. Hot-rolled coils are regularly
shipped in the as-rolled condition, unprotected, in open-top
equipment. It is not regular practice to ship hot-rolled coils on
platforms. When specified, the use of platforms requires
additional labor and material. Supporting coils with special
cores or placing coils on spools requires additional labor and
material. Individual Narrow Strip CoilsFig. 82, Fig. 83,
and Fig. 84 illustrate suitable methods of packaging individual
narrow-strip coils. Bare Unwrapped Coil Group PackageFig. 85
FIG. 56 Multiple-Lift Package on Skids illustrates a suitable method of packaging narrow-strip coils
into a coil group package. Banding coils into coil group
(1) OilingOiling to customers specifications requires package requires additional labor and material.
additional labor and material. Coils on PlatformsFig. 86 illustrates a suitable
(2) Protective CoveringsWrapping strip with more than method of packaging narrow-strip coils on skeleton platform
one layer of paper has been found unnecessary for satisfactory with the eye of the coils vertical. The illustration shows the
delivery. package on skeleton platform. Placing individual coils or Loading: stacking coils on platforms requires additional labor and
(1) Open-Top Equipment, GeneralHot-rolled strip, due material. Separators between coils decrease the security of the
to its nature, is not protected from the weather when loaded in package, and requires additional labor and material.
open-top equipment. It is recommended that hot-rolled pickled Coils WrappedFig. 87 illustrates suitably
and more highly finished strip be covered or shrouded when wrapped individual strip coils or groups of coils. Wrapping
loaded in open-top equipment. When specified, such protection individual coils or wrapping or shrouding coil group packages
requires additional labor and material. Truck tarpaulins are requires additional labor and material.
considered to be the equivalent of waterproof paper shrouding. Bare Coils in ContainerFig. 88 illustrates a
(2) Covered or Closed Equipment, GeneralWhile this suitable method of packaging narrow-strip coils in a container
type of equipment affords better protection from the elements, with the eye of the coils vertical. This type of package is an
covering, wrapping, or shrouding of strip may be required for entirely enclosed container made of suitable solid materials,
preservation of the surface. Such protection, when specified, and is designed for maximum protection of all finishes and
requires additional labor and material. gages.
12.4.8 Carbon Steel Strip, Coils: Surface Protection: GeneralAll coil weights are subject to mill (1) OilingOiling coils to customers specifications re-
manufacturing limits. When individual coil weights are re- quires additional labor and material.
quired, coils are generally weighed in groups, and the weight of (2) Protective CoveringsWrapping coils requires addi-
the group averaged over the number of coils in the group. This tional labor and material. Wrapping individual coils or groups

A 700 05

FIG. 57 Suitable Package for Short-Length or Narrow-Width Sheets on Skids

FIG. 58 Suitable Package for Short-Length Sheets Lengthwise, End to End, on Skids

of coils with more than one layer of paper has been found
unnecessary for satisfactory delivery. The use of metal protec-
tive wrapping on coils requires additional labor and material. Loading:
(1) Open-Top Equipment, GeneralHot-rolled strip
coils, due to their nature, are not generally protected from the
weather when loaded in open-top equipment. It is recom-
mended that hot-rolled pickled and more highly finished strip
coils be wrapped or shrouded when loaded in open-top
equipment. Truck tarpaulins are considered to be the equivalent
of waterproof paper shrouding.
(2) Closed Equipment, GeneralWhile this type of
equipment affords better protection from the elements, wrap-
ping or shrouding of strip may be required for preservation of FIG. 59 Suitable Package for Narrow Long Sheets Side by Side,
the surface. Such protection, when specified, requires addi- on Skids
tional labor and material.
12.4.9 Stainless Steel Strip, Cut Lengths:

A 700 05

FIG. 60 Suitable Method of Packaging Carbon Steel Sheets in Unsecured Lift, Bare

FIG. 61 Suitable Method of Packaging Carbon Steel Sheets in Secured Lift, Bare

FIG. 63 Suitable Shrouded Package of Cut-Length Sheets, Wired

FIG. 62 Suitable Shrouded Package of Cut-Length Sheets,
Banded Cut Lengths, WrappedFig. 59 and Fig. 91 illus-
trate suitably wrapped stainless steel strip on crosswise skids or Cut Lengths, BareFig. 89 and Fig. 90 illustrate platforms. Platforms may have either lengthwise or crosswise
suitable methods of packaging bare unwrapped stainless steel runners. The recommended weight of this type package is 5000
strip on crosswise skids or platforms. The recommended lb (2268 kg) or more. Finishes and gages generally confined to
weight of this type package is 5000 lb (2268 kg) or more. this type of package are:
Finishes and gages generally confined to this type of package (1) No. 1 Finish, 0.0418 in. (1.062 mm) and thicker, on
are: skids.
(1) No. 1 Finish, 0.0418 in. (1.062 mm) and thicker, on (2) No. 1 Finish, under 0.0418 in. (1.062 mm), on
skids. skeleton platforms.
(2) No. 1 Finish, under 0.0418 in. (1.062 mm), on When protection of surface is important, packages wrapped, as
skeleton platforms. illustrated by these methods, are not recommended. Suitable
When protection of surface is important, packaging bare, as arrangement of skids and platforms is shown in 12.5.
illustrated by these methods, is not recommended. Suitable Cut Lengths, Fully Enclosed Package 5000 lb
arrangement of skids and platforms is described in 12.5. (2268 kg) and HeavierFig. 92 illustrates a suitable method of

A 700 05

FIG. 67 Suitable Packaging of Bare Unwrapped Sheet Coils on

FIG. 64 Suitable Method of Packaging Individual Hot-Rolled Skeleton Platform with the Eye of the Coils Vertical
Sheet or Strip Coil in the As-Rolled Condition

FIG. 65 Suitable Packaging of Highly Finished Individual Coil

FIG. 68 Suitably Wrapped Individual Sheet Coil with Eye of the

Coil Horizontal

FIG. 69 Suitably Wrapped Individual Coil on Cradle Platform with

the Eye of the Coil Horizontal
FIG. 66 Suitable Packaging of Two or More Narrow Sheet Coils
into a Coil Group Package
mended for maximum protection of all domestic shipments of
packaging stainless steel strip in a fully enclosed package on a all gages and finishes. Sideboards are not usually needed if
platform using wood materials. Other materials generally used material is less than 1 in. (25 mm) piling height.
are hardboard, composition board, fiberboard, plywood, angles Cut Lengths BoxedFig. 75 illustrates a suitable
and channels, depending on the materials available, the type of method of packaging stainless steel strip in a box of suitable
package, and the discretion of the shipper. This package is solid protective material, lined or unlined, to provide an
designed for lifts 5000 lb (2268 kg) and over, and is recom- entirely closed flat container. This type container is designed

A 700 05
otherwise applying protective coverings, requires additional
labor and material. Protecting stainless steel strip with metal
wrapping or using metal protector sheets on top or bottom, or
both, of lift or package requires additional labor and material. LoadingDue to the nature of stainless products,
shipment in covered or closed equipment is recommended. If
shipped in open-top equipment, shrouding of the package or
load is recommended.
12.4.10 Stainless Steel Strip, Coils: Bare Unwrapped Individual CoilsFig. 64 illus-
trates a suitable method of packaging individual hot-rolled
stainless steel strip coil in the as-rolled condition. This type of
packaging is generally confined to hot-rolled or hot-rolled
FIG. 70 Suitably Wrapped Individual Coil on Platform with the annealed material.
Eye of the Coil Vertical Coils on PlatformFig. 93 illustrates a suitable
method of packaging narrow stainless steel strip coils on
skeleton platform with eye of the coils vertical. Placing
individual coils or stacking coils on platforms requires addi-
tional labor and material. Separators between coils decreases
the security of the package, and requires additional labor and
material. This method of packaging is considered to be
adequate for practically all domestic shipments of most gages
and finishes. Material requiring maximum protection should be
boxed. Coils, Fully WrappedFig. 87 illustrates a suit-
ably wrapped individual stainless steel strip coil or group of
coils. This method of packaging is not recommended for
light-gage material nor for any material when protection of
surface is important. Wrapping individual coils or wrapping,
covering, or shrouding coil group packages requires additional
labor and material. Coils in a ContainerFig. 88 illustrates a suit-
FIG. 71 Suitably Wrapped or Covered Package of Sheet Circles
on Skeleton Platform
able method of packaging narrow stainless steel strip coils in a
container with the eye of the coils vertical. This type of
TABLE 7 Number of Lengthwise Skids for Sheet Steel
package is an entirely enclosed container made of suitable solid
PackagesA material, and is recommended for maximum protection of all
Sheet Gage Use 2 Skids, Use 3 Skids, Use 4 Skids,
finishes and gages.
(in.) (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm) Coils, Boxed on Platform with Eye of Coils
28 to 24 (0.0149 to 22 to 36 (559 36 to 56 56 to 75 VerticalFig. 78 illustrates a suitable method of packaging
0.0239) (0.378 to to 914) wide (1422) wide (1905) wide individual stainless steel strip coils or group of strip coils in
Under 24 to 20 22 to 42 (559 42 to 68 68 to 96
solid box on platform with the eye of the coils vertical.
(0.0239 to 0.0359) to 1067) wide (1727) wide (2438) wide Surface Protection:
(0.607 to 0.912) (1) Protective CoveringsThe usual method of protecting
Under 20 to 16 22 to 50 (559 50 to 84 Over 84 wide
(0.0359 to 0.0598) to 1270) wide (2134) wide surfaces is to interleave with nonabrasive antitarnish paper.
(0.912 to 1.519) Protection of surfaces by means of gluing or pasting paper, or
Under 16 to 12 all widths otherwise applying protective coverings, requires additional
(0.0598 to 0.1046)
(1.519 to 2.657) labor and material. Protecting stainless steel coils with metal
Lengthwise skids are not used on sheets over 192 in. (4877 mm) long or less wrapping requires additional labor and material.
than 22 in. (559 mm) wide. LoadingDue to the nature of stainless products,
shipment in covered or closed equipment is recommended. If
for maximum protection of small quantities of all grades, shipped in open-top equipment, shrouding of the package or
gages, and finishes. Boxes are designed for packaging quanti- load is recommended.
ties of less than 5000 lb (2268 kg). Placing boxes on runners or 12.5 Skid Arrangements and Platforms:
platforms requires additional labor and material. 12.5.1 Skid ArrangementsAll skids shall be made of Surface Protection: sound lumber of commercial sizes not less than 3 in. (76 mm)
(1) Protective CoveringsThe usual method of protect- in width nor more than 4 in. (102 mm) in height. The overall
ing surfaces is to interleave with nonabrasive antitarnish paper. length of skids shall be approximately equal to the full
Protection of surfaces by means of gluing or pasting paper, or dimension of the package along the direction in which they are

A 700 05
TABLE 8 Number of Crosswise Skids for Sheet Steel PackagesA
Sheet Gage (in.) (mm) Use 2 Skids, Use 3 Skids, Use 4 Skids. Use 5 Skids, Use 6 Skids,
in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm)
24 and lighter (0.0239) (0.607) 22 to 36 (559 to 914) 36 to 56 (1422) long 56 to 76 (1930) long 76 to 96 (2438) long 96 to 120 (3048) long
Under 24 to 20 (0.0239 to 22 to 42 (559 to 42 to 68 (1727) long 68 to 96 (2438) long 96 to 122 (3099) long 122 to 149 (3785)
0.0359) (0.607 to 0.912) 1067) long long
Under 20 to 16 (0.0359 to 22 to 50 (599 to 50 to 84 (2134) long 84 to 120 (3048) long 120 to 154 (3912) 154 to 188 (4775)
0.0598) (0.912 to 1.519) 1270) long long long
Under 16 to 12 (0.0598 to 22 to 72 (559 to 72 to 120 (3048) long 120 to 164 (4166) 164 to 208 (5283) 208 to 253 (6426)
0.1046) (1.519 to 2.657) 1829) long long long long
Heavier than 12 (0.1046) 22 to 82 (559 to 86 to 146 (3708) long 146 to 206 (5232) 206 to 266 (6756) 266 to 327 (8306)
(2.657) 2083) long long long long
The arrangements shown in Fig. 52 and Fig. 53 illustrate lengthwise and crosswise skid arrangements used for packaging cut length sheets.

FIG. 72 Suitably Wrapped Package on Lengthwise Skids

FIG. 73 Suitably Wrapped Package on Crosswise Skids

used. The number of skids required on packages using skids runners. The minimum number of deckboards shall be the
parallel to their lengthwise direction are shown in Table 7. The same as the number of lengthwise or crosswise skids shown in
number of skids required on packages using skids parallel to Table 7 and Table 8. Illustrations are general and actual
their crosswise direction are shown in Table 8. Fig. 52 to Fig. construction may vary among producers.
59 illustrate typical packaging of cut length sheets on skids.
12.5.2 Platforms for Cut LengthsStructures consisting of 13. Tin Mill Products
deckboards and runners. The arrangements shown in Fig. 94 13.1 Tin mill products are among the most highly finished
are often used for packaging of wide sheets of light gage or for products of the steel industry; and marking, packaging, and
packaging long, narrow sheets and strip of any gage piled side loading methods are very important. The purchaser should give
by side on one platform. Deckboards shall be equal in length to careful attention to these requirements when ordering and, if in
full width or length of the unit and shall have a minimum question about a suitable method, should consult with the
thickness of 1 in. (25 mm). Deckboards may be nailed to the manufacturer.

A 700 05

FIG. 74 Steel Sheets in a Fully Enclosed Package on a Skeleton Platform, Using Wood Materials

FIG. 75 Steel Sheets in a Box of Suitable Solid Protective Material

FIG. 77 Suitably Packaged Bare Unwrapped Individual Sheet Coil

on Platform with the Eye of the Coil Vertical
FIG. 76 Suitably Packaged Bare Unwrapped Individual Stainless
Steel Sheet Coil on Cradle Platform, with the Eye of the Coil
Horizontal 13.3 Marking:
13.3.1 Cut LengthsPackages of cut length tin plate are
13.2 Product Grades: identified with the following:
13.2.1 Tin plate. (1) Producers name, brand, or trademark,
13.2.2 Black plate. (2) Basis weight,
13.2.3 Electrolytic chromium-coated steel (tin-free steel). (3) Size,

A 700 05

FIG. 81 Multiple Piles of Circles in Box on Solid Deck Platform

FIG. 78 Suitably Packaged Individual Sheet or Strip Coil or Group

of Sheet or Strip Coils in Solid Box, on Platform with the Eye of
the Coil Vertical

FIG. 82 Narrow Strip Coil with Flat Twist Bands

(6) Coating weight (when applicable),

(7) Product classification,
(8) Surface treatment (when applicable), and
(9) Differential markings (when applicable).
13.3.2 CoilsIt is normal practice to identify each coil
package with the following information:
(1) Producers name, brand, or trademark,
(2) Width,
(3) Basis weight,
(4) Type,
FIG. 79 Suitably Packaged Single Pile of Bare Stainless Steel (5) Temper,
Sheet Circles on Skeleton Platform
(6) Coating weight (when applicable),
(7) Coil number,
(8) Lineal feet,
(9) Weight,
(10) Product classification,
(11) Differential markings (when applicable), and
(12) Surface treatment (when applicable).
13.4 Packaging:
13.4.1 Cut Lengths Most tin mill products in cut lengths
are shipped in multiple-package units secured to platforms.
Such units consist of 10, 12, 15, or more packages, containing
112 sheets per package. The amount of protection and secure-
ment may vary with the method of transportation, the ultimate
destination, and the experience of the shipper. The components
of a typical package unit are as follows:
FIG. 80 Multiple Piles of Circles on Solid Platform, Covered with (1) Standard platform with two or three runners,
Corrugated Fiberboard (2) Protection on top of platform when required,
(3) Paper lining when specified or required,
(4) Type, (4) Edge protectors under ties,
(5) Temper, (5) Wire or flat band ties, and

A 700 05

FIG. 83 Narrow Strip Coil with Machine Tension Bands

FIG. 84 Narrow Strip Coil with Knockdown or Buckle Bands

FIG. 85 Coil Group Package

(6) Fiberboard covering. Edge protectors are used under ties. Ties may be bands or wire.
Regardless of which type of ties are shown in the illustrations, Modifications may be made for units shipped to certain points.
either flat bands or wires may be used. Fig. 95 illustrates a Standard platforms used for tin mill products are illustrated by
suitable method of packaging cut-length tin mill products in a Fig. 96 and Fig. 97. The illustrations show platforms with only
multiple-package unit. This package has fiber-board covering. two runners, but three runners are used when required. The

A 700 05

FIG. 86 Narrow-Strip Coils on Skeleton Platform with the Eye of

the Coils Vertical

FIG. 87 Suitably Wrapped Individual Strip Coils or Groups of


FIG. 88 Suitably Packaged Bare Narrow Strip Coils in Container

two-runner platform is regularly used for sheets up to 30 in. dressed to 134 in. (44.4 mm) in width and not less than 2 in.
(762 mm) maximum length. The third runner, when used, is (50.8 mm) or more than 4 in. (101.6 mm) in height with the
placed midway between the two outside runners. Decks are ends beveled. Unless otherwise specified, they are placed
usually of single thickness, made from lumber dressed not parallel to the short dimension of the sheet.
lighter than 38 in. (9.5 mm) nor more than 1316 in. (20.6 mm) 13.4.2 CoilsIt is regular practice to package tin mill coils
in thickness, depending on the size and weight of the package. on platforms. It is not recommended that coils be shipped eye
Deck sizes should be the same or slightly smaller than plate horizontal either with or without cradle platforms on those
size, never larger. Runners are regularly made from lumber products where transit abrasion might be detrimental. Coil

A 700 05

FIG. 89 Bare Package of Stainless Steel Strip on Crosswise Skids

FIG. 90 Bare Package of Stainless Steel Strips on Skeleton Platform

FIG. 91 Suitably Wrapped Stainless Steel Strip on Platform

packages are secured with tension-tied bands. The number of 13.5 LoadingCut length tin mill products are shipped in
ties depends upon the size and weight of the coil, and the closed cars or by truck. Coiled tin mill products are usually
method of handling. Edge protectors are used under all ties. shipped in covered or closed cars or by truck.
Platform runners not over 6 in. (152 mm) high have been found
adequate in practically all instances. Supporting coils with 14. Castings
special cores or spools is unnecessary and requires additional 14.1 All castings shall be separated by class, type, and
labor and material. It is regular practice to paper wrap coils. condition when packed for shipment.
(See Fig. 69 and Fig. 98.) Fiberboard covers may be used for 14.1.1 When castings are packed into containers they shall
further protection when required. Protecting coils with metal be adequately blocked, braced, or otherwise secured to prevent
wrapping requires additional labor and material. their movement within the containers.

A 700 05

FIG. 92 Suitably Packaged Stainless Steel Strip in a Fully

Enclosed Package on a Platform Using Wood Materials

FIG. 93 Suitably Packaged Narrow Stainless Steel Strip Coils on Skeleton Platform

14.1.2 Finished or polished castings shall be adequately 14.1.4 Castings having projections that may be damaged in
protected from mechanical damage. Where practical the cast- handling or shipping may be boxed, crated, or secured on skids
ings shall be boxed. All polished or finished surfaces shall be or pallets with the projections adequately protected with batten
protected with a suitable cover such as paper or plastic. strips. When boxing is not practical because of size or 14.2 Containers when used shall afford maximum protec-
weight, the castings shall be secured on skids or pallets. Large tion from the normal hazards of transportation and shall be so
polished or finished castings shall have the polished or finished constructed as to ensure safe delivery by common carrier.
surfaces protected with batten strips. The entire surfaces may
be covered with a protective cover such as paper or plastic. 14.3 MarkingIt is normal practice to have the heat num-
14.1.3 Rough castings unless otherwise specified may be ber, alloy type, and pattern number cast or stamped on the
shipped unpacked or bundled, unless by so doing the castings surface of castings. The purchase order number may be shown
may be subject to damage. on a tag attached to each box, skid, pallet or loose casting. Large castings weighing more than 250 lb (114 kg)
may be secured on skids or pallets for convenience in handling. 15. Keywords
(1) When shipped on skids or pallets they may be secured 15.1 loading; marking; packaging; shipment; steel products
by ties of soft wire or tensioned flat bands. The number of ties
is at the shippers option but must be adequate to secure the

A 700 05

FIG. 94 Two Types of Skeleton Platform Systems

FIG. 95 Suitable Method of Packaging Cut-Length Tin Mill

Products in Multiple Package Unit

FIG. 96 Standard Skeleton Deck Two-Runner Platform

A 700 05

FIG. 97 Standard Solid Deck Two-Runner Platform

FIG. 98 Paper Wrapped Tin Plate Coil on a Platform


Committee A01 has identified changes to this standard since the last version (A 700 99e1) that may impact
its use.

(1) Changed the title. (3) Revised 4.2

(2) Revised 1.1 (4) Revised 4.3 and the footnote.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or [email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website


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