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Transmission Lines

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Gul Waqas Shahid

Component of Transmission Line

o Conductor

o Earth wire

o Insulator

o Transmission Tower

o Wave trap and other

hardware(Clamp, Spacer,
Vibration dampers,
connectors etc.

Design Methodology
Gather preliminary line design data and available climatic data

Select reliability level in terms of return period of design

Calculate climatic loading on components

Calculate loads corresponding to security requirements (failure containment)

Calculate loads related to safety during construction and maintenance

Select appropriate correction factors, if applicable, to the design components such

as use factor, strength factors related to numbers of components, strength
coordination, quality control, and the characteristic strength.

Design the components for the above loads and strength.

Reliability Levels

Reliability Level 1(One)

Higher the reliability level means higher safety factor and ultimately
more cost.

Selection of Transmission Voltage

Standard Voltage - 66,110,132, 220, 400 KV

Tolerances - 10% up to 220 KV & 5% for 400 KV

Selection Criterion of Economic Voltage

Quantum of power to be evacuated
Length of line
Voltage regulation
Power loss in Transmission
Initial and operating cost
Present and future voltage in neighborhood

Economic Voltage of Transmission of Power

E 5.5 E = Transmission voltage (KV) (L-L).
1.6 150 L = Distance of transmission line in KM
KVA=Power to be transferred

Types of Towers

Type A Tower (Tangent Tower with suspension string)

o Used on straight runs and up to 2 line diversion
Type B Tower (Small Angle Tower with tension string)
o Used for line deviation from 2 to 15
Type C Tower (Medium Angle Tower with tension string ).
o Used for line deviation from 15 to 30.
Type D Tower (Large angle tower with tension string)
o Used for line deviation from 30 to 60
Type E Tower (Dead End Tower with tension string)
o Used for line termination & starting
Special tower-
Suspension Tower (Span 1000 m)
o Used for River crossing, Mountain crossing etc.
Transposition Tower
o Used for transposition of tower

Different Types of Towers

Selection of Tower Structure
Single circuit Tower/ double circuit Tower

Length of the insulator assembly

Minimum clearances to be maintained between ground conductors, and

between conductors and tower

Location of ground wire/wires with respect to the outermost conductor

Mid-span clearance required from considerations of the dynamic

behavior of conductors and lightning protection of the line

Minimum clearance of the lowest conductor above ground level

Tower Design

Tower height
Base width
Top damper width
Cross arms length

Fig. Typical 765 KV Tower Structure

Height of Tower Structure
Height of tower is determine by-

H h1 h2 h3 h4

h1=Minimum permissible ground clearance

h2=Maximum sag
h3=Vertical spacing between conductors
h4=Vertical clearance between earthwire and
top conductor

Determination of Base Width
The base width(at the concrete level) is the distance between the centre of
gravity at one corner leg and the centre of gravity of the adjacent corner
A particular base width which gives the minimum total cost of the tower

The ratio of base width to total tower height for most towers is generally
about one-fifth to one-tenth.
Spacing and Clearances
Ground Clearances
CL 5.182 0.305 * K
V 33
Where- K

Minimum permissible ground clearance as per IE Rules, 1956,Rule 77(4)

S.No. Voltage level Ground

1. 33 KV 5.20
2. 66 KV 5.49
3. 132KV 6.10
4. 220 KV 7.01
5. 400 KV 8.84
Clearance for Power Line Crossings

Crossing over rivers:

3.05m above maximum flood level.

Crossing over telecommunication lines

Minimum clearances between the conductors of a power
line and telecommunication wires are-
Voltage Level Minimum
33 KV 2440
66KV 2440
132 KV 2740
220 KV 3050
400 KV 4880
Power line Crossing over railway tracks
under maximum sag condition minimum clearance over rail level
stipulated in the regulations for Electrical Crossings of Railway Tracks,

Table. For un-electrified tracks or tracks electrified on 1,500 volts D.C.


System Voltage Level Broad Gauge Meter & Narrow

Inside station Out side Inside Out side
limits(m) station station station
limits(m) limits(m) limits(m)
66 KV 10.3 7.9 9.1 6.7
132 KV 10.9 8.5 9.8 7.3
220 KV 11.2 8.8 10.0 7.6
400 KV 13.6 11.2 12.4 10.0
Table. Tracks electrified on 25 kV A.C. system

System Voltage Level Broad Gauge

Inside station Out side
limits(m) station
66 KV 10.3 7.9
132 KV 10.9 8.5
220 KV 11.2 8.8
400 KV 13.6 11.2

Power line Crossing another Power line

System Voltage Level Clearance(m)

66 KV 2.40
132 KV 2.75
220KV 4.55
400 KV 6.00
Spacing Between Conductor(Phases)

1) Mecomb's formula
Spacing (cm) 0.3048 * V 4.010 S
V= Voltage of system in KV
D= Diameter of Conductor in cm
S= Sag in cm

1) VDE formula W= weight of conductor in Kg/m

Spacing (cm) 7.5 S V

2000 Where-
V= Voltage of system in KV

17 S= Sag in cm
Still's formula

Spacing (cm) 5.08 1.814 *V

27.8 Where-
l = Average span length(m)

NESC formula

Spacing (cm) 0.762 *V 3.681 S

V= Voltage of system in KV
S= Sag in cm
L= Length of insulator string in cm
Swedish formula

Spacing (cm) 6.5 S 0.7 * E

E= Line Voltage in KV
S= Sag in cm
French formula
Spacing (cm) 8.0 S L
E= Line Voltage in KV
S= Sag in cm
L= length of insulating string(cm)
Offset of conductors (under ice-loading conditions)
Sleet Jump:
The jump of the conductor, resulting from ice dropping off
one span of an ice-covered line, has been the cause of many serious
outages on long-span lines where conductors are arranged in the same
vertical plane.

Offset in cm = 60 + Span in cm / 400

Clearances b/n Conductors
SYSTEM TYPE OF Vertical spacing Horizontal spacing
E conductors(mm) conductors(mm)
SINGLE A(0-2) 1080 4040
B(2-30) 1080 4270
C(30-60) 1220 4880
66 kV
DOUBLE A(0-2) 2170 4270
B(2-30) 2060 4880
C(30-60) 2440 6000

SINGLE A(0-2) 4200 7140

B(2-30) 4200 6290

C(30-60) 4200 7150

D(30-60) 4200 8820

132 KV
DOUBLE A(0-2) 3965 7020
B(2-15) 3965 7320

C(15-30) 3965 7320

D(30-60) 4270 8540

SINGLE A(0-2) 5200 8500
B(2-15) 5250 10500
220 kV C(15-30) 6700 12600
D(30-60) 7800 14000
DOUBLE A(0-2) 5200 9900
B(2-15) 5200 10100
C(15-30) 5200 10500

D(30-60) 6750 12600

SINGLE A(0-2) 7800 12760

B(2-15) 7800 12760
400 KV
C(15-30) 7800 14000

D(30-60) 8100 16200

Sag and Tension Calculation
Span 300 m Sag & Tension Span >300 m

Parabolic formula: Catenary formula:

Types of Conductors

ACSR Conductor(Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced)

AAC(All Aluminium Conductor)
AAAC(All Alloy Aluminium Conductor)

Selection of Conductor Size

Mechanical Requirement

Electrical Requirement

Mechanical Requirement

Tensile Strength(For Tension)

Strain Strength(For Vibration)

Use vibration damper for vibration control.

Electrical Requirement

o Continuous current rating.

o Short time current carrying rating.
o Voltage drop
o Power loss
o Minimum dia to avoid corona
o Length of line
o Charging current

Continuous Current Rating.

t 2 * R1
I 2 I1*
t1 * R 2

I1=current rating for temp rise t1

I2=current rating required to produced temp rise t2
R1= conductor resistance at conductor total temp T1(say 75C)
R2= conductor resistance at required conductor total temp T2

Short Time Rating

According to short time rating conductor size is given by-

A 7.58 * IF * t
Where A=area of conductor(mm2)
IF= fault current(KA)
t= fault duration(1 sec.)

Visual corona voltage in fair weather condition is given by-

r (1 0.3) D
V 0 21.1 m log n
V0= corona starting voltage, KV(rms)
r= radius of conductor in cm
D= GMD equivalent spacing b/n conductors in cm
m= roughness factor
= 1.0 for clean smooth conductor
=0.85 for stranded conductor

Voltage gradient at the surface of conductor at operating voltage-
g0 D
(rms kv/cm)
Log n
Corona discharge form at the surface of conductor if g0 corona
starting gradient i.e.
(1 0.3)
g 0 21.1 m r r
Conductor size will be so chosen that normal gradient of
conductor should not exceed 17.5 KV/cm.
For EHV transmission line 400KV and above use bundle
conductor from point view of corona.
Optimization of Conductor
When more than one conductor satisfied the requirement of current
capacity and corona performance than study required for conductor
C= cost in Rs. Per Km of 3- line

A= Annual fixed charge on capital in Rs./ Rupees of capital cost(interest

14%+depreciation 5%+ operation and maintenance cost 1-3%)

Pm= Maximum demand(KW)

Annual energy generated
V= Line voltage(KV) LF=
8760*maximum demand
R= Resistance of conductor/Km/phase L= Energy charge in Rs/Kwh
Cos=Power factor M= Demand charge in Rs/Kwh

H= Loss load factor

= 0.3[LF+0.7(LF)2] (For normal load variation)

= 0.2[LF+0.8(LF)2] (For more uniform load variation)

12M LF 8760 L H


Total annual fixed charge (C1)=C*A

Total annual running charges(C2)= (P2m*R*J)/(V2 Cos2 )

Total charges(T)= C*A + (P2m*R*J)/(V2 Cos2 )

Conductor giving minimum T will be optimum

Cost/KW/Km will be minimum i.e. T/Pm will be minimum when

Pm V cos
C A 1/ 2

Some Others Consideration in
Conductor Selection

AL/St Area (For longer span & less sag with economic consider)

River crossing (Span1000 m use AAAC conductor because of more

tendency to vibration and twisting)

Weight/ Dia (Less Weight/Dia ratio conductor swing more hence require longer
cross arms witch increase torsional load. Consider optimum value W/d in design.)

Insulator are required to support the line conductor and provide
clearance from ground and structure.

Insulator material-
High grade Electrical Porcelain

Toughened Glass
Fiber Glass

Choice of insulator material is govern by availability, price and ease of maintenance.

Porcelain insulator are largely used in India.

Type of Insulator-
Disc Type
Strut Type
Disc type Insulator
It consist of central suitable shaped porcelain/ glass body like a disc with an metal
clamp on one side and metal ball pin on other side

Cap is made of malleable cost iron and the ball pins is of forged steel.

Strut Type Insulator
It consist of several insulator disc cemented altogether without
any link.

It is rigid and can take both tension and compression load.

These are used for holding the conductor out of way of


Long Rod Insulator

Disc insulator are joint by their ball pins and
socket in their caps to form string.

No of insulator disc is decided by system

voltage, switching and lighting over voltage
amplitude and pollution level.

Insulator string can be used either suspension Fig. single string

or tension.

Two suspension string in parallel used at

railways, road and river crossing as statutory

Swing of suspension string due to wind has to

be taken into consider.
Fig. Double string
Earth Wire
Earth wire provided above the phase conductor across the line and
grounded at every tower.
o It shield the line conductor from direct strokes

o Reduces voltage stress across the insulating strings during lightning strokes

Design criterion:
Shield angle

25-30 up to 220 KV

20 for 400 KV and above

Earth wire should be adequate to carry very short duration lightning

surge current of 100 KA without excessive over heating

Duration should be consider as 200 -sec

Safe temp rise limited to 300C

A 5 I t
A= Area(in mm2) of cu conductor
I =current in KA
t = Time insecond

Area of Steel Wire = 3*A(cu mm2)

From mechanical consideration, size become higher than required

for current carrying rating.
For EHV line it is suggested as 70 mm2 (7/3.66 mm).
ACSR is used as earth wire (12/3.0 mm AL+7/3.0 mm steel) in
consideration of corrosion and resistance.

Mid span clearance:
Direct distance b/n earth wire and top power conductor.

As per IS 5613 following value of mid span clearance should be


System voltage Mid span clearance(m)

66 KV 3.0
110 KV 4.5
132 KV 6.1
220 KV 8.5
400 KV 9.0

Tower Grounding

Used to reduce earth wire potential and stress on insulators at the

time of stroke and also for safety

Tower footing resistance will be 10 and should not be more than

20 under any condition throughout the year.

Earth resistance depend upon soil resistivity(general 100 -m)

Method of Tower Grounding
Buried Conductor
One or more conductor are connected to tower lags and buried in back
filled of tower foundation.
o Used where soil resistivity is low
Counterpoise Wire
A length of wire/ Strip of 50 m is buried horizontally at depth of 0.5 m bellow
ground. This wire is connected to tower lags.
o Used when earth resistance is very high and soil conductivity is mostly
confined to upper layer)
Rod Pipe
Pipe/Rod of 3 to 4 m is driven into ground near the tower and top of rod is
connected to tower by suitable wire/strip
o Used where ground conductivity increase with depth
Treated Earth Pits
Pipe/Rod of 3 to 4 m are buried in treated earth pits and top of rod is
connected to tower by suitable wire/strip.
o Used in very high resistivity near tower
Reference Standards

IS-398 Specification of Aluminium Conductor for Over Head

Transmission Line(ACSR)

Code of Practice for use of Structural Steel in over head

IS-802 Transmission Line Tower

IS 3853
Specification of Aluminium Steel Core Wire for Aluminium

Code Practice for Design and Construction of Foundation of

IS 4091 Transmission Line Tower and Pole

Specification of Design, Installation and Maintenance of Line

IS 5613 above 11 KV and up to 220 KV

Manual on Transmission Line Tower, Technical Report N0. 9,

March 1977

43 IE Rules,
Thank You.


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