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Touareg Secrets

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- Touareg Secret #1: On the turn signal stalk, push it half way to blink 5 times, great for

changing lanes.

- Touareg Secret #2: Hold the "day/night" switch on NAV for 3 seconds to turn off the NAV
screen completely.

- Touareg Secret #3: Hold the Climate Control Auto button down for 3 secs and you can
change both sides just by the drivers side. Once you mess with the passenger side one you
will loss the sync between both and you will have to hold the auto button again for 3 secs to
resync both sides.
- Touareg Secret #4: The two 2 roof racks are different in aerodynamics. Their is a angled rack
and a flat rack. Make sure the angled rack is placed in the rear postion while the non-angled
rack is in the front. If you don't and have it the other way around you could have a real bad
roof shimmy. It will sound like the entire car is shaking apart.

- Touareg Secret #5: They probably all do this but, when you unlock the doors the head lights
come on. The HID's adjust themselves so, it looks like its winking at you.

- Touareg Secre #6t: There's an emergency release strap for the fuel filler door located in the
right-hand compartment in the trunk area.

- Touareg Secret #7: I found a little trick today. If you wipers are going at full speed and you
are driving, then when you stop say at a redlight or something, your wipers will stop also.
When you push the accelerator your wipers will start back up again

- Touareg Secret #8: You cant rev the engine above 4000 RPM while in Park with the engine

- Touareg Secret #9: During a repair for a Touareg that does not run, be careful. When you
turn the key to start and the engine crank request has been received by J518, cranking will last
approximately 10 seconds. The way to stop this long attempted start is to turn key back from
the twelve o'clock position (rest) to the ten o'clock position (same position as needed to
emergency remove key from lock cylinder).

- Touareg Secret #10: The issue with the compass at this time is the compass goes off after 30-
45 seconds. Although this meets design criteria, it was suggested that Training provide tips
how to explain the feature to avoid customer annoyance. Here's what I've discovered... so try
and give this to your Touareg Service Technician:

The issue with the compass at this time is "normal." The information below is how to change
this function. Because it will be in a tech bulletin you can share this.
- Address word 6E
- Function 10
- Channel 1
- Rest to 0 0
The display will stay on with the key on.
This can only be done in service with the 5051 either during PDI or during a customer visit.
- Touareg Secret #11: When you shift the Touareg into reverse, the climate control
automatically turns on the Recirculation feature, regardless of setting.

- Touareg Secret #12: If a turn signal is left on then when the key is removed, the parking
lights for that side of the car will remain on. This is a European parking aid, for parking on
narrow streets. All techs should be made aware of this in case a customer comes in thinking
they have a problem with parking lights staying on, on one side of the car with the ignition
key removed.

- Touareg Secret #13: If you crank the volume of the stereo without power, the volume button
is easy to turn to infinity. But do the same thing with the stereo on and you'll feel resistance in
the knob when you turn the dial.

- Touareg Secret #14: So, what happens if you're off-roading and you run out of windshield
washer fluid.? When you lift the hood (if equipped with 4 corner air suspension) the front end
will dive a little bit. Don't worry about bringing a stepladder to add your fluid!

- Touareg Secret #15: The Touareg has an anti-tow alarm, which must be disabled if the
vehicle is being towed. The switch is next to the drivers seat.

- Touareg Secret #16: If the Touareg battery dies while the keys are in the ignition, they
cannot be removed. The keys will only be able to be removed when you charge up the battery.
(Also, see #26 below)

- Touareg Secret #17: If the remote key is sitting in the Touareg, the vehicle will detect it and
not allow itself to be locked.

- Touareg Secret #18: I found that if electrical components didnt respond or were slow to
respond to switch movement (such as locks, mirrors, windows, or anything controlled by the
electrical control unit), I had to disconnect the battery and connect the cables together to
discharge all systems and reset all control units as needed. Then all system worked normally!
(Watch out HERE!)

- Touareg Secret #19: No more waiting or wondering when the battery in the remote will fail.
In the center display in the instrument cluster, there is a key symbol that will illuminate when
the ignition is switched on and the battery in remote is weak or dead.

- Touareg Secret #20: On Touaregs with air suspension, the air pump will shut itself off it is
starts to overheat.

- Touareg Secret #21: If you press the small button on the side of the steering column, the
steering wheel and seat will automatically move out of the way to make your entry/exit easier,
and then readjust to your preset position when you put the key in the ignition.

- Touareg Secret #22: (There was a "how to" on how to open the hood if the latch is busted,
but I didn't think it was a good idea to tell the world how to get into the engine bay without
getting into the car...)

- Touareg Secret #23: The stereo should get louder the faster you drive and turn down when
you slow down. If you have the regular stereo, press the menu button and adjust the speed
compensation. If you have a Nav unit, look for the GALA option, and turn it up.
(Reply#1): I don't know why some are seeing the GALA nomenclature in the NAV radio. I
vagged mine and don't. Anyway, try SDV in the tone settings --> Volume. It is the same thing
(Reply #2): If you are VAGGED to Euro settings, it should be called GALA and as aircooled
says it is in the volume menu which is in the tone control menu, which is accessed with the
music button on the lower left side of the radio. If you are still on US settings, this is called
SDV for speed dependant volume. Same location, different name.

- Touareg Secret #24: Even when I was warming the cabin, the vent in the glove box was still
cooling. I find this very strange. I would have figured that the vent was connected to the
regular ventilation system and would blow air based on the temperature the passengers were
calling for. But somehow, VW is putting cool air in the glove box in the winter and summer,
regardless of whether you are using the A/C or heating system. Not sure that I care for this
added level of complexity.

- Touareg Secret #25: I have always found B'n Betty, [British version - NAV voice] a bit loud
for my ear. I have finally cracked the code. I hope I am not the last. Push the music note
button under the volume knob. Push the volume soft key. Adjust NAV volume to minimum ...
you can also mute it. Check it out. If it is still too loud, go back and start turning "initial
volume" UP.
(Reply): Changing the verbal language also changes the text. However, the changes in terms
are slight, and are in keeping with English conventions. So far, I haven't come across a term,
written or verbal, on the NAVI that I don't understand, and have kept it at the imperial English

- Touareg Secret #26: If you should loose power to the Touareg, the ONLY way to get you key
out of the ignition is to insert the PAPER CLIP or SAFETY PIN in the small hole right next to
the key.

- Touareg Secret #27:

A few other items:

1. if the alarm is disarmed, and you hold the key in the open or left position of the driver's
door, the windows will all open. If you hold in the lock or right position, the windows will all
close, and then once closed, the sunroof will close if that was also left open. Will only work if
the alarm is first disarmed with the remote or convenience open. Will not work if you unlock
the car with the key.

2. The GALA in the volume sub menu in the nav will change to SDV is you change the
language on the Nav from English (Imperial) to American (Non Metric). This also changed
the menu option "Initial Volume" to "Power ON Max" and also activated the SDV (mine
didn't work when it was listed as GALA).

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