Updates (Company Update)

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ABC Bearings Limited

Registered Office : 402-B, Poonam Chambers,


Phone : +91 2224964500

Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai - 400018. F a x : +91 22 24950527
CIN: L29130MH1961 PLC012028 E-mail: [email protected]
Website : www.abcbearings.com

SEC/ABC/BSE/SBD/RKJ309/2017 21 st March, 2017.

BSE Limited,
P.J. Towers,

Dalal Street, Fort,

Mumbai - 400 001.

Dear Sirs,

Subject: Intimation under Regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and

Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015

Reference: Scrip Code No.505665.

Letter dated 17th March, 2017 bearing reference number
SEC/ABC/BSE/SBDIRKJ308/2017 addressed to BSE Limited.

We write to you in furtherance of the letter under reference. This is to inform you
that ABC Bearings Limited ("ABC") has sold its entire 2.5% equity stake in NSK
ABC Bearings Private Ltd. ("NABI") to NSK India Sales Company Pvt. Ltd.
("Purchaser"), pursuant to the terms of a share purchase agreement dated 21 st
March, 2017 entered into between ABC, NABI, NSK Limited and the Purchaser.

Neither the Purchaser nor NSK Limited are related to ABC or its promoters or the
promoter group and the aforesaid sale transaction is not a related party
transaction. The nominee directors of ABC on the board of NABI have resigned.

You are requested to kindly take the same on record.

Thanking You,

Yours faithfully
FJrJ;earinge_ I


- S.B. Desai
Company Secretary


NARMADA ~AGAR, BHARUCH-392015 Tel.: (02642) 248222/23/24 Fax: (02642) 247591

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