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Journal of

Bioinformatics and Proteomics Review

Nootropic Effects of Quince Leaf (Cydonia oblonga Miller)

Decoct in Mice: A Neurobehavioral Approach Complemented
With Kinetics and Molecular Docking Studies of Encephalic
Acetylcholinesterase Inhibition
Isaac Karimi1,2*, Zahraminoosh Siavashhaghighi3, Airin Najafi2, Lora A Becker4

Abstract Open Access

Cydonia oblonga Miller (Quince) is an herbal medicine that is reported to prevent
amnesia in Kurdish ethnomedicine. The aim of this study was to evaluate nootropic effects of Research Article
quince leaf decoction (QLD). Forty mice subdivided into four equal groups i.e., control group
was gavaged daily with distilled water while other three groups were gavaged with 0.92, 1.85,
and 3.70 g/dl of fresh QLD for 28 days. Behavioral toxicology, encephalic acetylcholinesterase
(AChE) activity and molecular docking of quince phyto-compounds against AChE were mea-
sured. The anxiety, exploration and learning and spatial memory were not altered after intake of
QLD in mice. The encephalic AChE activity decreased hormetically in QLD-treated mice com- 1
Department of Biology, Faculty of
pared with control group, which connotes nootropic property of QLD. Based on the results of Science, Razi University, Kermanshah,
molecular docking of earlier reported phyto-chemicals of QLD, quercetin-3-O-galactoside and Islamic Republic of Iran
Department of Basic Veterinary Sci-
3- and 5-caffeoylquinic acid showed considerable binding energies to AChE and may involve ences, Laboratory of Molecular and
in AChE inhibitory effects of QLD in mice. QLD intake did not lead to behavioral toxicity and Cellular Biology 1214, Faculty of Vet-
exerted AChE inhibition and would be rationalized as a putative phyto-nootropic remedy. erinary Medicine, Razi University, Ker-
manshah, Islamic Republic of Iran
Keywords: Quince leaves; Nootropics; Behavioral toxicology; Acetylcholinesterase; Molecular docking
Department of Pathobiology, Faculty
of Veterinary Medicine, Razi Univer-
sity, Kermanshah, Islamic Republic of
Introduction Iran
Department of Psychology, University
of Evansville, Evansville, IN 47722,
Growing body of evidence implicates that disturbances within the neurochemical mi- USA
lieu play pivotal role in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimers dis-
ease (AD). Cholinesterase inhibitors are commonly used to improve memory in AD-affected
Received date: February 08, 2017
patients suffering from mild dementia[1]. In this regard, studies showed that hippocampus medi- Accepted date: February 21, 2017
ated learning and memory functions are associated with an increase in hippocampal level of ex- Published date: February 28, 2017
tracellular neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh)[2,3]. During neurotransmission, vesicle-stored
ACh is released from the nerve terminal into the synaptic cleft and binds to ACh receptors on
the post-synaptic membrane, thereby relaying the signal from the presynaptic nerve to the post- *
Corresponding author:
synaptic nerve. Acetylcholinesterase (AChE, acetycholine acetylhydrolase, E.C., also Isaac Karimi; Department of Biol-
embedded in the postsynaptic membrane, terminates the signal transmission by hydrolyzing ogy, Faculty of Science, Razi Uni-
ACh. Choline liberated from ACh decomposition is taken up by the presynaptic nerve and the versity, Kermanshah, Iran.
neurotransmitter is synthesized by combining with acetyl-CoA through the action of choline E-mails:
acetyltransferase[4]. Acetylcholinesterase exists in multiple molecular forms that possess similar [email protected];
catalytic properties but differ in their oligomeric assembly and mode of cell attachment to the [email protected]
cell surface. In the mammalian brain the majority of AChE occurs as a tetrameric G4 form with
much smaller amounts of a monomeric G1 form[4].
Cholinergic nootropics include ACh precursors and cofactors, and AChE inhibitors[5]. Citation: Isaac Karimi, et al. Noo-
To improve ACh activity in the brain, a group of drugs known as cholinesterase inhibitors act tropic Effects of Quince Leaf (Cy-
donia Oblonga Miller.) Decoct in
by blocking the actions of the enzyme, AChE, thus allowing ACh to act longer at the synapses
Mice: A Neurobehavioral Approach
between cells. The herbal drugs acting on the brain to enhance memory and learning are called Complemented With Kinetics and
nootropic herbs or phyto-nootropics and their isolated constituents referred as smart drugs. Molecular Docking Studies of En-
An array of nootropic herbs (e.g., quince) have been used in Kurdish ethnomedicine through cephalic Acetyl Cholinesterase In-
millennia, however results to confirm their evidence-based medicine are scarce. Quince (Cydo- hibition (2017) J Bioinfo Proteom-
nia oblonga Miller.), deciduous tree belongs to the Rosaceae family, is a prehistoric plant culti- ics Rev 3(2):1-7.
vated in countries extending from Iran to India[6]. Various parts of this plant (Beh in Persian)
have been employed against various diseases (e.g., diabetes mellitus and neuropathies) in both DOI: 10.15436/2381-0793.17.1345

Copy rights: 2017 Isaac Karimi. This is an Open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International License.
Isaac Karimi, et al. 1 J Bioinfo Proteomics Rev |Volume 3: Issue 2
Nootropic Effects of Quince Leaf

traditional and orthodox medicine (for a review see[7]). Hence, mice was explored after QLD intake using an EPM[9].
this study was aimed to investigate the memory enhancing ef-
fects of quince leaf decoct with a focus on encephalic AChE Object recognition test (ORT): ORT consisted of three steps.
activity and behavioral toxicology of normal mice. In silico mo- On day one mice were habituated in an empty arena (363636
lecular docking has been also implemented to elucidate possible cm3) for 5 min. Twenty four hours after habituation, two identi-
mechanisms governed by main components of quince leaves cal objects were presented in the arena, and mice were allowed
that interact with AChE. to explore the arena freely for 20 min. On day three, the mice
were allowed to explore the arena for 3 minutes in the presence
Materials and methods of the familiar object and a novel object videotaped ORT be-
havior consisted of counting the number of times the mouse ex-
Plant materials and preparation of decoction plored each object (exploration consisted of being within 0.7 cm
The fresh yellow leaves of quince (Cydonia oblonga around the object and/or touching it with the nose). Time spent
Miller.) were collected from Anbar Bozan village (35 27 N, exploring the familiar object was used as a measure of long
46 90 E and 1812 m above sea level), Abidar rural district, term recognition memory. To identify time spent attending to the
Kurdistan, Iran in October 2014 and authenticated by botanist. novel object the following discrimination ratio was calculated:
The voucher specimens were stored at the herbarium of our uni- B A/B + A wherein A = the time spent exploring old object, B
versity. The harvested leaves were washed with distilled water = the time spent exploring novel object. The ORT was used to
(DW) and then air-dried in the shade. Daily preparation of the assess the effect of QLD in associative learning and recognition
quince leaf decoction (QLD), consisted of dried leaves boiled in memory[10].
DW pot (600 ml) for two hours that preserved in a water bath
(100C). Lightdark box (LDB): The LDB apparatus consisted of two
vitreous boxes: one light chamber (272727 cm3) brightly illu-
Animal subjects minated and the other was dark chamber (272718 cm3). The
Male Naval Medical Research Institute (NMRI) mice, mice were allowed to move from one box to the other through
Mus musculus, were maintained under 45%55% relative hu- an interfacial gate. A mouse was put into the dark box facing the
midity, 12 h light: 12 h dark photocycle and temperature 25 2 hole for three seconds, after which the gate was opened allowing
C. The animals (2030 g) were divided to 4 groups (n = 10 for the mouse to transition at will between the light and dark box-
each group) housed in colony cages with free access to pelleted es for 5 minutes. The transition between the light and the dark
feed (Gharbdaneh Co., Iran) and tap water except throughout boxes and time spent in the light box were analyzed from video
behavioral tests. Animals in control group receive pelleted feed recording[11]. The LDB is a conventional test for assessment of
and gavaged daily by DW while animals in other three groups anxietylike behavior, specifically approach-avoidance conflict
treated with fresh QLD at dosages of 5, 10, and 20% of QLD anxiety in laboratory mice[11].
equivalent to Q0.92, Q1.85, and Q3.7, respectively when con-
verted dosages to grams per deciliter via gavage for 28 days. Morris water maze (MWM): The Morris water navigation task
The Animal Ethical Committee of Razi University reviewed and apparatus consisted of a plastic child swimming pool (111 cm in
approved this study. diameter and 35 cm in height) divided into four equal quadrants.
The pool was filled with drinking yoghurt (23C) to the depth
Behavioral endpoints of 15 cm and an invisible platform (514 cm2) was submerged
All tests were performed from 08:00 to 15:00 in a homogeneous- 1 cm below the opaque surface in the center of one of the quad-
ly lightened room. rants[12]. The pool was located in a test room with external cues
Open field test (OFT): The open field wooden apparatus positioned around the mazes that were visible from within the
(363636 cm3) consisted of a bright blue square floor marked maze. These cues were accessible to the mice as markers for
with 16 equal blocks and one red lined square in the center. At spatial orientation.
the beginning of the test, mice were positioned in the open field Each mouse was exposed to the pool for 2 min one day
apparatus facing one of the four corners. Mouse movement (lo- before training trials. The five training days consisted of each
comotion and rearing) was video recorded for 5 min[8]. Video animal receiving 4, 60-second trials per day, with 5 minutes in-
analysis of mouse behavior in the OFT consisted of counting tertrial intervals. A successful escape from the maze was count-
the number of squares crossed through, total time in movement, ed when the mouse was able to locate and climb on the invisible
time spent rearing (standing on feet) and the time spent in the platform. Once the mouse located the platform, it was permitted
central red square of the apparatus. The motobehaviors of mice to remain on it for 10 sec. If the mouse did not locate the plat-
was explored after QLD intake using an OFT[8,9]. form within 90 sec, it was placed on the platform for 15 sec and
then removed from the pool. The point of entry of the mouse into
Elevated plus maze (EPM): The wooden apparatus comprised the pool and the location of the platform for escape remained
two open arms (50 cm long 10 cm wide) and two closed arms unchanged between training trials. During the probe trial (sixth
(50 cm long 10 cm wide 40 cm height) perpendicular to each day) the platform was moved to a new quadrant and the mouse
other and situated 50 cm above the ground. Mice were placed was released into the quadrant opposite to the one that had pre-
in the center square and their behaviors were videotaped for viously contained the platform and allowed to swim for 1 min.
5 min[9]. Recordings were evaluated for total time spent in the During each trial, escape latencies (time to reach the platform)
open arms, total time spent in the closed arms, and entries into were videotaped for analysis. Escape latencies were averaged
the open and closed arms. The anxietyassociated behavior of for each session of trials and for each mouse[12]. The decrease 2 J Bioinfo Proteomics Rev |Volume 3: Issue 2

Nootropic Effects of Quince Leaf

in escape latency from day to day represents longterm memo- Statistical analysis
ry or reference memory while that from trial to trial, represents
shortterm memory or working memory[12]. Escape latency on The results were expressed as means and standard error
the probe day represents the mouses ability to break free of their of the mean (SEM). The Shapiro Wilk test showed that all data
learned behavior to find the new platform position[12]. fitted a Gaussian distribution. When parametric analysis of vari-
ance revealed a significant difference, a post hoc Turkeys test
Biochemical assay was used to check the difference between groups. Significance
level was set at p < 0.05 and all statistical analyses were carried
Brain preparation: The mice were killed under deep anesthe- out using SPSS version 16.0 for Windows (SPSS, Chicago, Illi-
sia with intraperitoneal injection of ketamine (100 mg/kg)/xyla- nois, USA).
zine (30 mg/kg) cocktail at the end of study, then mice were
decapitated and their whole brain removed, weighted and halved Results
through longitudinal fissure. For preparation of brain homoge-
nate, brain tissue was homogenized in 10 volumes of 0.9% w/v Behavioral endpoints
sodium chloride solution. The homogenate was centrifuged at
3000 g for 10 min and the supernatant was used to assay to- OFT. In OFT, number of crossing squares as an index of loco-
tal homogenate protein using bovine serum albumin as a stan- motor activity/horizontal activity (F3, 14 = 1.290; p = 0.326), the
dard[13], and brain AChE activity (vide infra). time of rearing as an index of exploratory activity/vertical activ-
ity (F3, 14 = 1.089; p = 0.394), and center arena time as an index
AChE assay: The AChE activity was measured according to of anxiety (F3, 14 = 0.292; p = 0.830); did not yield significant
Ellmans method[14] by providing an artificial substrate, ACh io- differences after QLD treatment (Table 1).
dide (0.075 M dissolved in DW; Merck Co. Germany). Choline
was released with the cleavage of ACh by AChE is allowed to Table 1: Open field behavior after oral intake of quince leaf decoction
react with SH reagent 2, 2Dinitro5, 5dithiodibenzoic acid in mice (n = 4 for each group)
(DTNB; 0.01 M; pH 8.0; Merck Co. Germany). The reduction Group
produced yellow color with absorption maximum at 412 nm. NC Q0.92 Q1.85 Q3.7
The brain homogenate (0.4 ml) was added to a cuvette contain- Crossing square no. 87.527.1 99.228.3 39.37.6 122.536.6
ing 2.6 ml phosphate buffer solution (0.1 M, pH 8.0) and 100 l
Rearing time (s) 19.29.1 12.76.6 1.00.5 3.01.4
of DTNB, mixed thoroughly by bubbling air, when absorbance
reached a stable value at 412 nm the basal reading was recorded. Center arenatime 3.02.5 2.71.7 1.00.5 20.29.5
After that, 20 l of substrate solution was added and change in
absorbance was recorded at 2-minute intervals for duration of 16
Note: NC = Normal control group, Q0.92 = Quince treated group at
minutes. The change in the absorbance ( Abs) per minute was dosage 0.92 g/dl, Q1.85 = Quince treated group at dosage 1.85 g/dl,
determined. Activity was calculated as follows: Activity (mol/ Q3.7 = Quince treated group at dosage at 3.7 g/dl.
min/mg) = ( Abs homogenate buffer vol.)/extinction coeffi-
cient time (min) homogenate protein (mg). EPM. In EPM, time spent in open arm (F3,15 = 1.44; p = 0.280),
number of entries into open arms (F3,15 = 1.706; p = 0.219), num-
Molecular docking simulation of AChE inhibition ber of entries into close arms (F3,15 = 1.915; p = 0.181), sum of
number of entries onto open and close arms (F3,15 = 1.813; p =
Simulations of the docking between the AChE and 0.198) and number of entries into open arms as a percent of all
major bioactive compound of QLD were performed with PyRx entries (F3,15 = 1.044; p = 0.409) did not show significant differ-
software version 0.8[15] through setting up and running up Aut- ence (Table 2).
oDockVINA[15] using default parameters. For the docking stud-
ies, crystal structures of the protein target were obtained from Table 2: Elevated plusmaze behavior after oral intake of quince leaf
the Protein Data Bank, PDB ID 1EVE for Tetronarce californica decoction in mice (n = 4 for each group)
AChE. The PDB format of target protein has been edited, opti- Group
mized and trimmed in Molegro Virtual Docker[16] and Chimera
NC Q0.92 Q1.85 Q3.7
1.8.1 ( before submission to
OT 32.7 7.7 40.00 4.49 33.00 8.55 53.70 10.7
PyRx (vide infra). The structures of the major known bioactive
compounds of quince leaves were retrieved from ChemSpider OE 10.2 2.0 9.25 1.49 7.75 2.28 16.00 4.3
( and PubChem ( CE 11.2 2.0 9.00 1.58 7.75 1.75 16.50 4.6 databases. Binding affinity (kcal/mol) was TE 21.5 4.1 18.25 3.03 15.05 4.03 32.50 8.9
determined after completion of the docking procedure. More OE % 47.32 0.64 51.04 1.47 48.23 2.41 49.01 0.79
negative the binding affinity means a better orientation of the
ligand in the binding site. The selected conformer of ligand has Note: NC = Normal control group, Q0.92 = Quince treated group at
been combined with 1EVE protein in Molegro Virtual Docker[16] dosage 0.92 g/dl, Q1.85 = Quince treated group at dosage 1.85 g/dl,
or Chimera 1.8.1 ( and their Q3.7 = Quince treated group at dosage at 3.7 g/dl. OT: time (s) spent in
graphical interface has been analyzed with LigPlot+ software[17]. open arm, OE: number of entries into open arms, CE: number of entries
into close arms, TE: sum of number of entries onto open and close arms,
OE percent: OE/ OE+CE*100.

Isaac Karimi, et al. 3 J Bioinfo Proteomics Rev |Volume 3: Issue 2

Nootropic Effects of Quince Leaf
ORT. There were no significant differences in the total time Figure 1: Effects of quince leaf decoction on water maze behaviours in
spent exploring old (F3, 15= 2.586; p = 0.102) and novel (F3, 15 = pretrained mice (n=4 or 5 for each group). Latency to escape was mea-
0.396, p = 0.758) objects and discrimination ratio (F3,15 = 1.51; sured at each mouse. Values are mean SEM for four to five mice. NC
p = 0.262) between control and QLDtreated groups (Table 3). = Normal control group, Q0.92 = Quince treated group at dosage 0.92
g/dl, Q1.85 = Quince treated group at dosage 1.85 g/dl, Q3.7 = Quince
treated group at dosage at 3.7 g/dl.
Table 3: Object recognition test after oral intake of quince leaf decoc-
tion in mice (n = 4 for each group)
AChE activity
The specific AChE activity (mol/min/mg) was signifi-
NC Q0.92 Q1.85 Q3.7 cantly decreased in QLDtreated group compared to that of nor-
Old object recog- 34.59.7 40.07.1 139.053.7 162.261.4 mal mice (F3,15 = 1.963; p = 0.007). In this regard, specific AChE
nition (s) activity in Q0.92 (16.313.81; p = 0.001), Q1.85 (25.842.66; p
Novel object rec- 23.59.7 35.28.3 19.010.2 29.215.2 = 0.008), and Q3.7 (27.622.71; p = 0.012) was less than that of
ognition (s) NC (52.7110.8) group, however no differences were found in
Discriminative ra- 3.501.50 8.503.37 2.250.25 5.70+2.49 AChE activity between the QLDtreated groups.
Molecular docking
Note: NC = Normal control group, Q0.92 = Quince treated group at
dosage 0.92 g/dl, Q1.85 = Quince treated group at dosage 1.85 g/dl, According to the docking results of major reported
Q3.7 = Quince treated group at dosage at 3.7 g/dl. components of QLD[18-21], hyperoside (quercetin3Ogalacto-
side; Figure 2) and 3 and 5caffeoylquinic acid showed con-
LDB. The total transfer between two chambers (F3,14= 1.873; p siderable binding energies to AChE (Table 5). The Torpedo cali-
= 0.193), the latency to enter the light chamber (F3,14 = 0.796; fornia AChE interacted residues were indicated (in parentheses)
p = 0.521), and time spent in light chamber (F3,14 = 1.204; p = throughout the paper[22]. We also reported the number of hydro-
0.354) and dark chamber (F3,14=1.204; p = 0.354) did not show gen bonds between the quercetin3Ogalactoside (Figure. 3)
significant difference among groups (Table 4) bounded to AChE. In the complex of quercetin3Ogalactoside
and AChE, H bondings were observed between quercetin3O
Table 4: Anxietylike behavior in light/dark box behavior after oral galactoside and Tyr129 (Tyr130), Asp71 (Asp72), Tyr69 (Tyr70)
intake of quince leaf decoction in mice (n = 4 for each group) and Asp84 (Asp85) residues during simulation. Several hydro-
Group phobic interactions occurred between several residues of AChE
NC Q0.92 Q1.85 Q3.7
and quercetin3Ogalactoside as shown in Figure. 3.
Total transfer no. 21.0 4.6 29.3 10.4 25.2 7.3 8.5 4.0
Table 5: Molecular docking simulation of acetylcholinesterase (PDB
Latency to enter ID: 1EVE) inhibition by major components of quince leaves
the light cham- 8.0 3.1 11.3 5.3 10.7 8.1
120.1 Binding Affinity
ber (s) Ligand code Ligand name
Time spent in 124.5
74.7 21.5 88.0 18.1 48.5 27.8 PC: 12310830 5Caffeoylquinic acid 8.8
light chamber (s) 40.4
Time spent in 475.5 551.5 PC: 1794427 3Caffeoylquinic acid 8.4
525.221.5 512.0 18.1
dark chamber (s) 40.4 27.8 PC: 5280805 Quercetin3Orutinoside 3.7
CS: 553148 Hydroxycinnamic acid 6.8
Note: NC = Normal control group, Q0.92 = Quince treated group at
dosage 0.92 g/dl, Q1.85 = Quince treated group at dosage 1.85 g/dl, PC: 6474310 3,5Dicaffeoylquinic acid 5.5
Q3.7 = Quince treated group at dosage at 3.7 g/dl. PC: 90657624 Quercetin3Ogalactoside 13.2

MWM: As shown in Figure. 1, the latencies to escape (s) af- Note: PC: PubChem ID; CS: ChemSpider ID
ter oral intake of QLD tended to be increased dosedependent-
ly in Q3.7 (51.256.73), Q1.85 (41.756.51), and Q0.92
(33.2515.09) groups as compared to NC group (32.813.18)
at 6th day, however this difference was not significant (F3,12 =
1.078; p = 0.406). Quince decoction had no improving effect on
spatial memory.

Figure 2: Chemical structures of quercetin3Ogalactoside 4 J Bioinfo Proteomics Rev |Volume 3: Issue 2

Nootropic Effects of Quince Leaf

es thus results in downregulation of neuronal or glial cholin-

ergic receptors, so transmission pathway had been stopped[23].
Although we did not see any memory improvement based on
results of behavioral tests, it seems that repetition of this study in
an amnesic model treated with scopolamine[24] may theoretically
show memory improvement at the behavioral level.
Major phyto-chemicals of QLD have been reported
previously[18-21,25,26]. Among major phenolic compounds of QLD,
5Ocaffeoylquinic acid (36.2%) and quercetin 3Orutinoside
(21.1%)[18], the former showed more negative binding affinity
to AChE. Chlorogenic acid (3Ocaffeoylquinic acid) has an-
tioxidant ability[27] and its antiamnestic effects against sco-
polamineinduced amnesia was mediated via inhibiting AChE
and reducing oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation[28]. The
results of our study also showed that 3Ocaffeoylquinic acid
produced acceptable binding affinity with AChE. In this con-
tinuum, quince leaves presented the highest relative contents
of kaempferol derivatives, especially of kaempferol3Oruti-
Figure 3: Molecular docking simulations of binding between Tetr-
noside, which represented 12.5% of the total phenolics content
onarce californica acetylcholinesterase (PDB ID 1EVE) and querce-
tin3Ogalactoside are depicted. The right photo corresponding sur-
, however to hydroxycinnamic acid and 3,5dicaffeoylquinic
face structure of protein interacting with quercetin3Ogalactoside. acid did not dock with AChE. Other major components of QLD
The cyanic parts show the residues of protein, which bind with querce- like quercetin3Orutinoside did not dock firmly with AChE.
tin3Ogalactoside to develop a gorge. The coarser stick structure in Among major phyto-compounds found in quince leaves, hyper-
yellow was used to represent quercetin3Ogalactoside, in right photo oside (quercetin3Ogalactoside) showed the most negative
which is buried in the gorge as shown in lower photo. The interactions binding affinity with AChE.
between quercetin3Ogalactoside and protein are shown in left pho- The AChE has a catalytic site and peripheral anionic
to. The coarser stick structure mainly in purple on the center was used site (PAS) for its activity[22]. The PAS binds ACh and allosteri-
to represent quercetin3Ogalactoside while the coarser stick with or-
cally modulates catalysis[29] along with binding specific inhibito-
ange colors shows the residues of proteins. Hydrogen bonds are shown
in olive green breaking line while hydrophobic bonds are shown in ry compounds. The PAS has also been identified that promotes
brick red. amyloidosis through an interaction with the amyloid--pep-
tide in AD[30]. The catalytic or acylation site of AChE (Ser200,
Discussion His440 and Glu327) lies deep within the molecule at the base
of a narrow 20 deep gorge, lined predominantly with aromatic
There was no statistically significant difference in terms residues[22]. An array of subsites have been differentiated within
of anxiety, exploration and spatial memory among groups. The the gorge that are also important in the catalytic process[31,32].
activity of AChE was significantly decreased in mice receiving The anionic subsite (Trp84, Tyr130, Tyr330 and Phe331)
QLD compared with the control mice, which indicates putative binds the quaternary trimethylammonium choline moiety of
nootropic property of QLD at molecular level. On the other the substrate, largely through -cation interactions[33], optimally
hand, the AChE enzyme activity in groups receiving QLD was positioning the ester at the acylation site. In the present study,
increasingly less inhibited with increasing dosages, although ac- Tyr129 (Tyr130) interacted with quercetin3Ogalactoside
tivity was it was still lower than that of control group. This refers with hydrogen bondings while Phe330 (Phe331) and Trp83
to the hormetic effect of QLD whereby a beneficial effect (AChE (Trp84) interacted hydrophobically with quercetin3Ogalac-
inhibition) results from exposure to low dose of QLD and toxic toside. The oxyanion hole, Gly118, Gly119 and Ala201, pro-
or lethal effects will be occurred when given at higher doses. vides hydrogen bond donors to stabilize substrate[34]. Querce-
Based on behavioral tests, our results showed that tin3Ogalactoside interacted hydrophobically with Gly117
QLD intake has no overt impact on locomotor activity, anxiety, (Gly118) in the oxyanion hole. The PAS consists of 5 residues
learning memory, spatial memory, short-term memory, and anx- (Tyr70, Asp72, Tyr121, Trp279 and Tyr334) gathered around the
iety-like behavior. Although intake of QLD did not lead to the entry of the active site gorge[31,35]. Quercetin3Ogalactoside
overt behavioral improvement like memory enhancement, our formed hydrogen bondings only with Tyr69 (Tyr70) and Asp71
study shows that QLD will not cause any kinds of behavioral (Asp 72) while it interacted with Tyr120 (Tyr121) via hydropho-
toxicities like depression or anxiety disorders. Encephalic AChE bic interaction. The binding of the quercetin3Ogalactoside to
activity declined after intake of QLD, however QLDtreated the PAS has been described above. To sum, quercetin3Oga-
groups did not show significant differences in AChE activity. lactoside had a reasonable binding with PAS in AChE therefore
Once AChE activity decreases, the level of ACh increases in it may be a good lead molecule for drug designing used against
the synaptic clefts in the brain, thus allowing ACh to act longer AD. Moreover, the AChE inhibitory of QLD may be mediated
at the synapses between cells and it could potentially enhance by the inhibitory effects of quercetin3Ogalactoside against
memory[3,5]. In the present study, AChE activity in the groups PAS of AChE. This bioactive compound has also been isolated
received QLD was less than 50 percent of control group, so a from other plants[36,37] and its neuroprotective property has been
strong AChE inhibition occurred in mice treated with QLD. reported in PC12 cells against cytotoxicity induced by hydrogen
More inhibition of AChE increases ACh levels in the synaps- peroxide and tert-butyl hydroperoxide[38].

Isaac Karimi, et al. 5 J Bioinfo Proteomics Rev |Volume 3: Issue 2

Nootropic Effects of Quince Leaf

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This paper emanates from Doctor of Veterinary Medi- 16. Thomsen, R., Christensen, M.H.MolDock: a new technique for
cine thesis of third author, School of Veterinary Medicine, Razi highaccuracy molecular docking. (2006) J Med Chem 49(11): 3315
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imoradian and Mohammadmehdi Zanganeh for technical assis- Pubmed | Crossref
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tance. The in vivo part of this study was supported by a grant
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from Razi University while in silco part was supported by per- 51(10): 27782786.
sonal money of corresponding author. Pubmed | Crossref
18. Oliveira, A.P., Pereira, J.A., Andrade, P.B., et al. Phenolic profile of
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