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Thermowell Velocity Rating

(Program Ver. 4.3)

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Fluid Steam Kf 3.05 t/A 0.22
Operating Temperature To 500 F K1 0.413 t/B 0.38
Operating Pressure Po 100 psig K2 49.2 FA 1.3
Fluid Velocity V 85 ft/sec K3 0.075 FB 1.0
v 5.588 ft3/lb


Well Material 304 Natural Frequency @ To fn 643 Hz
Unsupported Length U 7.50 in Wake Frequency fw 359 Hz
Bore Diameter d 0.260 in Frequency Ratio r 0.56
Tip Diameter B 0.625 in Magnification Factor Fm 1.45
Root Diameter A 1.100 in Max Length @ V (r=0.8) Um 9.0 in
Specific Weight @ To w 0.285 lb/in3 Max Velocity @ U (r=0.8) Vm 122 ft/sec
Mod of Elasticity @ To E 40.0 psi x 10 6
Max Static Pressure Pm 10337 psig
Allowable Stress @ To S 25.0 psi x 103 Max Stress Length Ls 111.37 in
Max Stress Velocity Vs 1262.2 fps


These calculations are performed according to the paper "Power Test Code Thermometer Wells" by J. W. Murdock, and also
meet the requirements of ASME PTC 19.3-1998. Note that ASME PTC 19.3-1998 is NOT current and has been replaced with
ASME PTC 19.3 TW-2010 released in April, 2010. The results of running this program should only be used as a guide for
thermowell design. Thermo-Kinetics assumes no responsibility for failure of a well based on the results of these calculations,
and accepts no liability direct or consequential, arising from error or misinformation supplied herein, or due to program misuse.

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