03 Fischer10e SM Ch03 Final

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1. (a) Subsidiary Income = $30,000 by fair value adjustments on the acquisition

Investment in Subsidiary ($400,000 + date. The NCI share of consolidated net in-
$30,000 $5,000) = $425,000. come has, in the past, been shown as an
(b) Subsidiary Income ($30,000 $5,000) expense. That is no longer allowed. It is to
= $25,000. be shown as a distribution of consolidated
Investment in Subsidiary ($400,000 + net income.
$25,000 $5,000) = $420,000. 4. The $80,000 excess attributed to the con-
(c) Subsidiary Income = $0. trolling interest means that the patent is ad-
Dividend Income = $5,000. justed by $100,000 ($80,000/80%).
Investment in Subsidiary = $400,000. (a) Parent net income for 20X1 ... $140,000
2. Date alignment means adjusting the in- Subsidiary net income in
vestment account to reflect the same date 20X1 ($60,000 year) ..... 30,000
as the subsidiary equity accounts so that Amortization of excess for
their balances reflect the same point in 20X1 ($100,000 10
time. year) ................................. (5,000)
Consolidated net income ........ $165,000
(a) Simple equity methodThe subsidi-
arys equity accounts reflect beginning- (b) NCI share of net income = 1/2
of-year balances, yet the investment ($60,000 $10,000) 20% = $5,000.
account reflects an end-of-year bal- 5. In 20X1, consolidated net income would be
ance. During the consolidation process, reduced by $20,000 as a result of the in-
the subsidiary income and the parents ventory and equipment. The inventory
share of the subsidiarys declared divi- would increase cost of goods sold by
dends are closed to the investment ac- $10,000 ($60,000 $50,000). The equip-
count to return it to its beginning-of- ment would increase depreciation expense
year balance. by $10,000 [($150,000 $100,000) 5
(b) Sophisticated equity methodThe years]. In 20X2, consolidated net income
subsidiarys equity accounts reflect be- would be reduced by $10,000 as a result of
ginning-of-year balances, yet the in- the equipment. The equipment would in-
vestment account reflects an end-of- crease depreciation expense by $10,000
year balance. During the consolidation [($150,000 $100,000) 5 years].
process, the subsidiary income and the
6. The total noncontrolling interest will consist
parents share of the subsidiarys de-
of 20% of the subsidiarys common stock,
clared dividends are closed to the in-
paid-in capital in excess of par, retained
vestment account to return it to its be-
earnings, dividends declared, and internally
ginning-of-year balance.
generated income. The NCI is shown, in to-
(c) Cost methodThe subsidiarys equity tal, as a subdivision of equity on the consol-
accounts reflect beginning-of-year bal- idated balance sheet.
ances, yet the investment account re-
flects the balance on the date of acqui- 7. Consolidated net income could exceed the
sition. Therefore, the investment ac- sum of the separately calculated net in-
count is converted to its simple equity comes of the parent and subsidiary. This
balance at the beginning of the period would occur if the fair value of the subsidi-
to create date alignment. arys net assets were less than their book
value, resulting in a markdown of assets.
3. The noncontrolling share of consolidated The amortization of this markdown would
net income is the outside ownership share decrease expense; therefore, consolidated
of the subsidiarys internally generated in- net income is increased.
come as adjusted for amortizations created

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Ch. 3Exercises



Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Fair value of subsidiary ..................... $450,000* $360,000 $90,000
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock ($5 par)............... $ 50,000
Paid-in capital in excess of par ... 100,000
Retained earnings ....................... 150,000
Total equity ............................ $300,000 $300,000 $300,000
Interest acquired ......................... 80% 20%
Book value ........................................ $240,000 $ 60,000
Excess of fair value over book
value............................................ $150,000 $120,000 $ 30,000

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Worksheet Amortization
Adjustment Key Life per Year
Equipment ......................................... $ 25,000 debit D1 5 $5,000
Goodwill ............................................ 125,000 debit D2
Total ............................................ $150,000
*$360,000/80% = $450,000

(a) Event Simple Equity Method

Subsidiary income of Investment in Hill Company .............. 48,000
$60,000 reported to parent Subsidiary Income ....................... 48,000
Dividends of $10,000 paid Cash .................................................. 8,000
by Hill Investment in Hill Company......... 8,000
Subsidiary income of Investment in Hill Company .............. 32,000
$40,000 reported to parent Subsidiary Income ....................... 32,000
Dividends of $10,000 paid Cash .................................................. 8,000
by Hill Investment in Hill Company......... 8,000

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Ch. 3Exercises

Exercise 3-1, Concluded

(b) Event Sophisticated Equity Method

Subsidiary income of Investment in Hill Company .............. 44,000
($60,000 $5,000 Subsidiary Income ....................... 44,000
amortization) 80%
reported to parent
Dividends of $10,000 paid Cash .................................................. 8,000
by Hill Investment in Hill Company......... 8,000
Subsidiary income of Investment in Hill Company .............. 28,000
($40,000 $5,000 Subsidiary Income ....................... 28,000
amortization) 80%
reported to parent
Dividends of $10,000 paid Cash .................................................. 8,000
by Hill Investment in Hill Company......... 8,000

Event Cost Method
Subsidiary income of No entry
$60,000 reported to parent
Dividends of $10,000 paid Cash .................................................. 8,000
by Hill Dividend Income ......................... 8,000
Subsidiary income of No entry
$40,000 reported to parent
Dividends of $10,000 paid Cash .................................................. 8,000
by Hill Dividend Income ......................... 8,000

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Ch. 3Exercises


Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (75%) (25%)
Fair value of subsidiary ..................... $616,667* $462,500 $154,167
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock ($5 par)............... $ 50,000
Paid-in capital in excess of par ... 150,000
Retained earnings ....................... 200,000
Total equity ............................ $400,000 $400,000 $400,000
Interest acquired ......................... 75% 25%
Book value ........................................ $300,000 $100,000
Excess of fair value over book
value............................................ $216,667 $162,500 $ 54,167

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Worksheet Amortization
Adjustment Key Life per Year
Inventory ($50,000 fair $40,000
book value).................................. $ 10,000 debit D1
Buildings and equipment
($300,000 fair $200,000
book value).................................. 100,000 debit D2 20 $5,000
Patent ($50,000 fair
$30,000 fair value) ...................... 20,000 debit D3 10 2,000
Goodwill ............................................ 86,667 debit D4
Total ............................................ $216,667
*$463,500/75% = $616,667

(a) Simple equity ........................................................................................ $462,500

+ (75% Increase in Retained Earnings of $78,000*) ......................... 58,500**
Balance ................................................................................................. $521,000
(b) Sophisticated equity.............................................................................. $462,500
+ (75% Increase in Retained Earnings of $78,000*) ......................... 58,500**
20X4 Amortization of Excess
75% ($10,000 Inventory + $5,000 Buildings and Equipment +
$2,000 Patent) ................................................................................ (12,750)
20X5 Amortization of Excess
75% ($5,000 Buildings and Equipment + $2,000 Patent) ............ (5,250)
Balance ................................................................................................. $503,000
(c) Cost ...................................................................................................... $462,500
*Shaws ending retained earnings, December 31, 20X5 ..................... $278,000
Shaws beginning retained earnings, January 1, 20X4 ................. 200,000
Increase in retained earnings ............................................................ $ 78,000
**Or 75% ($70,000 $20,000 + $48,000 $20,000)

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Ch. 3Exercises


(1) Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Fair value of subsidiary .............. $312,500* $250,000 $ 62,500
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock ($10 par) ........ $100,000
Retained earnings .................. 150,000
Total equity ......................... $250,000 $250,000 $250,000
Interest acquired..................... 80% 20%
Book value ................................. $200,000 $ 50,000
Excess of fair value over book
value ....................................... $ 62,500 $ 50,000 $ 12,500

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Worksheet Amortization
Adjustment Key Life per Year
Fixed assets............................... $62,500 debit D 10 $6,250
Total ...................................... $62,500
*$250,000/80% = $312,500

(2) (CY1) Subsidiary Income ................................................................... 20,000

Investment in Sultan Company.......................................... 20,000
To eliminate parents share of subsidiary earnings
for the current year.
(CY2) Investment in Sultan Company ($5,000 80%) ...................... 4,000
Dividends Declared ........................................................... 4,000
To eliminate parents share of dividends for the
current year.
(EL) Common StockSultan ($100,000 80%) ............................ 80,000
Retained EarningsSultan ($150,000 80%) ....................... 120,000
Investment in Sultan Company.......................................... 200,000
To eliminate pro rata share of the beginning-of-
year Sultan equity balances.
(D) Depreciable Fixed Assets ........................................................ 62,500
Investment in Sultan Company.......................................... 50,000
Retained EarningsSultan (NCI adjustment) ................... 12,500
To distribute excess per determination and
distribution of excess schedule.
(A) Depreciation Expense ............................................................. 6,250
Accumulated Depreciation................................................. 6,250
To amortize excess for the current year.

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Ch. 3Exercises

Exercise 33, Continued

(3) Pepper Company and Sultan Company

Consolidated Income Statement
For Year Ended December 31, 20X1
Sales ................................................................................................................ $250,000
Less expenses (add $6,250 adjustment) ......................................................... 191,250
Consolidated net income ................................................................................. $ 58,750
Distributed to noncontrolling interest ............................................................... 3,750
Distributed to controlling interest ..................................................................... $ 55,000

Subsidiary Sultan Company Income Distribution

Depreciation adjustment ....... $6,250 Internally generated net
income ................................. $25,000

Adjusted income ........................ $18,750

NCI share ................................... 20%
NCI ............................................. $ 3,750

Parent Pepper Company Income Distribution

Internally generated net
income ................................. $40,000
80% Sultan adjusted
income of $18,750 ............... 15,000

Controlling interest ..................... $55,000

(4) Pepper Company and Subsidiary Sultan Company

Consolidated Statement of Retained Earnings
For the Year Ended December 31, 20X1
Noncontrolling Controlling
Interest Retained Earnings
Retained earnings, January 1, 20X1 ................ $30,000 $200,000
Consolidated net income .................................. 3,750 55,000
Dividends declared ........................................... (1,000)
Retained earnings, December 31, 20X1........... $32,750 $255,000

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Ch. 3Exercises

Exercise 33, Concluded

(5) Pepper Company and Subsidiary Sultan Company

Consolidated Balance Sheet
December 31, 20X1
Current assets .......................................................................... $190,000
Depreciable fixed assets........................................................... $662,500
Less accumulated depreciation ................................................ 132,250b 530,250
Total assets .............................................................................. $720,250
Liabilities and Stockholders Equity
Current liabilities ....................................................................... $100,000
Stockholders equity:
Noncontrolling interest ........................................................ 65,250c
Controlling interest:
Common stock ($10 par) ................................................ $300,000
Retained earnings .......................................................... 255,000 555,000
Total liabilities and stockholders equity.................................... $720,250
$400,000 + $200,000 + $62,500 = $662,500
$106,000 + $20,000 + 6,250 = $132,250
($100,000 x 20%) + $32,750 retained earnings + $12,500 NCI adjustment = $65,250


(1) (CY1) Subsidiary Income ................................................................... 12,000

Investment in Sultan Company.......................................... 12,000
To eliminate parents share of subsidiary earnings
for the current year.
(CY2) Investment in Sultan Company ............................................... 8,000
Dividends Declared ........................................................... 8,000
To eliminate parents share of dividends for the
current year.
(EL) Common StockSultan .......................................................... 80,000
Retained EarningsSultan ($170,000 80%) ....................... 136,000
Investment in Sultan Company.......................................... 216,000
To eliminate pro rata share of the beginning-of-
year Sultan equity balances.
(D) Depreciable Fixed Assets ........................................................ 62,500
Investment in Sultan Company.......................................... 50,000
Retained EarningsSultan (NCI adjustment) ................... 12,500
To distribute excess per determination and
distribution of excess schedule.
(A) Depreciation Expense ............................................................. 6,250
Retained EarningsPepper (80% $6,250) .......................... 5,000
Retained EarningsSultan (20% $6,250) ........................... 1,250
Accumulated Depreciation (2 years $6,250) .................. 12,500
To amortize excess for the prior and current years.

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Ch. 3Exercises

Exercise 34, Concluded

(2) Pepper Company and Sultan Company

Consolidated Income Statement
For Year Ended December 31, 20X2
Sales ................................................................................................................ $300,000
Less expenses (add $6,250 adjustment) ......................................................... 251,250
Consolidated net income ................................................................................. $ 48,750
Distributed to noncontrolling interest ............................................................... 1,750
Distributed to controlling interest ..................................................................... $ 47,000

Subsidiary Sultan Company Income Distribution

Depreciation adjustment ...... (A) 6,250 Internally generated net
income ..................................... $15,000

Adjusted income ............................ $ 8,750

NCI share ...................................... 20%
NCI ................................................ $ 1,750

Parent Pepper Company Income Distribution

Internally generated net
income ..................................... $40,000
80% Sultan adjusted
income of $8,750 ..................... 7,000

Controlling interest ........................ $47,000

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Ch. 3Exercises


(1) Same as Exercise 3, part (1).

(2) (CY1) Subsidiary Income ................................................................... 15,000
Investment in Sultan Company.......................................... 15,000
(CY2) Investment in Sultan Company ............................................... 4,000
Dividends Declared ........................................................... 4,000
(EL) Common StockSultan .......................................................... 80,000
Retained EarningsSultan ..................................................... 120,000
Investment in Sultan Company.......................................... 200,000
(D) Depreciable Fixed Assets ........................................................ 62,500
Investment in Sultan Company.......................................... 50,000
Retained EarningsSultan (NCI adjustment) ................... 12,500
To distribute excess per determination and
distribution of excess schedule.
(A) Depreciation Expense ............................................................. 6,250
Accumulated Depreciation................................................. 6,250
To amortize excess for the current year.
(3) Same as Exercise 3, part (3).
(4) Same as Exercise 3, part (4).
(5) Same as Exercise 3, part (5).


(1) (CY1) Subsidiary Income ................................................................... 7,000

Investment in Sultan Company.......................................... 7,000
(CY2) Investment in Sultan Company ............................................... 8,000
Dividends Declared ........................................................... 8,000
(EL) Common StockSultan .......................................................... 80,000
Retained EarningsSultan ..................................................... 136,000
Investment in Sultan Company.......................................... 216,000
(D) Depreciable Fixed Assets ........................................................ 56,250
Investment in Sultan Company.......................................... 45,000
Retained EarningsSultan (NCI adjustment) ................... 11,250
To distribute excess per determination and
distribution of excess schedule. Amounts are
9/10 of original amounts since 1 year has been
(A) Depreciation Expense ............................................................. 6,250
Accumulated Depreciation................................................. 6,250
To amortize excess for the current year.
(2) Same as Exercise 4, part (2).

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Ch. 3Exercises


(1) Same as Exercise 3, part (1).

(2) (CY2) Dividend Income ...................................................................... 4,000

Dividends Declared ........................................................... 4,000
To eliminate parents share of subsidiary dividends
for the current year.
(EL) Common StockSultan .......................................................... 80,000
Retained EarningsSultan ..................................................... 120,000
Investment in Sultan Company.......................................... 200,000
To eliminate pro rata share of the beginning-of-
year Sultan equity balances.
(D) Depreciable Fixed Assets ........................................................ 62,500
Investment in Sultan Company.......................................... 50,000
Retained EarningsSultan (NCI adjustment) ................... 12,500
To distribute excess per determination and
distribution of excess schedule.
(A) Depreciation Expense ............................................................. 6,250
Accumulated Depreciation................................................. 6,250
To amortize excess for the current year.

(3) Same as Exercise 3, part (3).

(4) Same as Exercise 3, part (4).

(5) Same as Exercise 3, part (5).

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Ch. 3Exercises


(1) (CV) Investment in Sultan Company ............................................... 16,000

Retained EarningsPepper .............................................. 16,000
Convert from cost to equity method by adding to
investment account parents share of subsidiary
equity increase. [80% ($170,000 $150,000)]
(CY2) Dividend Income ...................................................................... 8,000
Dividends Declared ........................................................... 8,000
To eliminate parents share of subsidiary dividends
for the current year.
(EL) Common StockSultan .......................................................... 80,000
Retained EarningsSultan ..................................................... 136,000
Investment in Sultan Company.......................................... 216,000
To eliminate pro rata share of the beginning-of-
year Sultan equity balances.
(D) Depreciable Fixed Assets ........................................................ 62,500
Investment in Sultan Company.......................................... 50,000
Retained EarningsSultan (NCI adjustment) ................... 12,500
To distribute excess per determination and
distribution of excess schedule.
(A) Depreciation Expense ............................................................. 6,250
Retained EarningsPepper (80% $6,250) .......................... 5,000
Retained EarningsSultan (20% $6,250) ........................... 1,250
Accumulated Depreciation (2 years $6,250) .................. 12,500
To amortize excess for the prior and current year.

(2) Same as Exercise 4, part (2).


Amortization Schedule
Account Adjustments Life Amount 20X1 20X2 20X3 20X4
Inventory ........................................ 1 $ 6,250 $ 6,250
Investments .............................. 3 5,000 5,000 $ 5,000 $5,000 $
Buildings (net) .......................... 20 12,500 12,500 12,500 12,500
Equipment (net)........................ 5 34,500 34,500 34,500 34,500
Patent ....................................... 10 2,250 2,250 2,250 2,250
Trademark ................................ 10 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
Discount on Bonds Payable ..... 5 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500
Total ......................................... $65,000 $58,750 $58,750 $53,750

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Ch. 3Exercises


(1) Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Fair value of subsidiary .............. $387,500 $310,000 $ 77,500
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock ...................... $100,000
Retained earnings ................. 300,000
Total equity ...................... $400,000 $400,000 $400,000
Interest acquired ................... 80% 20%
Book value ................................. $320,000 $ 80,000
Excess of fair value over book
value ...................................... $ (12,500) $ (10,000) $ (2,500)

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Worksheet Amortization
Adjustment Key Life per Year
Fixed assets ................................ $(12,500) credit D 5 $(2,500)
Total ...................................... $(12,500)

(2) (EL) Common StockKraus ........................................................... 80,000

Retained EarningsKraus ...................................................... 240,000
Investment in Kraus Company .......................................... 320,000
To eliminate pro rata share of the beginning-of-
year Kraus equity balances and purchased income.
(D) Investment in Kraus Company ................................................ 10,000
Retained EarningsKraus (NCI adjustment) .......................... 2,500
Equipment ......................................................................... 12,500
To distribute excess book value to plant assets.
(A) Accumulated Depreciation [($12,500 5) 1/2] ..................... 1,250
General Expenses ............................................................. 1,250
To reduce depreciation expense for one-half year.

(3) Neiman Company and Subsidiary Kraus Company

Consolidated Income Statement
For Year Ended December 31, 20X2
Sales ..................................................................................................... $400,000
Less cost of goods sold ........................................................................ 225,000
Gross profit ........................................................................................... $175,000
Less general expenses (less $1,250 adjustment) ................................ 83,750
Consolidated net income ...................................................................... $ 91,250
Distributed to noncontrolling interest .................................................... 6,250
Distributed to controlling interest .......................................................... $ 85,000

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Ch. 3Exercises

Exercise 3-10 Concluded

Subsidiary Kraus Company Income Distribution

Internally generated net
income .................................... $30,000
Adjustment of depreciation ........... 1,250

Adjusted income ........................... $31,250

NCI share ...................................... 20%
NCI ................................................ $ 6,250

Parent Neiman Company Income Distribution

Internally generated net
income .................................... $60,000
80% Kraus adjusted
income of $31,250
(past 6 months) ....................... 25,000

Controlling interest ........................ $85,000


Calculation of book value of Subsidiary:

Fair value at purchase ....................................................................................... $1,062,500

Add $200,000 increase in Barker retained earnings ......................................... 200,000
Deduct amortization of excess (5 years $10,000 per year) ............................ (50,000)
Book value balance............................................................................................ $1,212,500

Fair value of Barker Company, December 31, 20X5 (given) ............................. $1,000,000

Since the adjusted (for acquisition) book value ($1,212,500) exceeds the fair value balance
($1,000,000), goodwill is impaired.

Impairment loss:

Fair value of Barker Company ........................................................................... $1,000,000

Fair value of Barker Company identifiable assets .............................................. 900,000
Estimated goodwill ............................................................................................. $ 100,000
Existing goodwill ................................................................................................ 262,500
Impairment loss.................................................................................................. $ 162,500

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Ch. 3Exercises



(1) Investment in Largo Company ........................................................ 500,000

Common Stock ........................................................................... 100,000
Paid-In Capital in Excess of Par ................................................. 400,000

(2) Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (100%) (0%)
Company fair value ........................................... $500,000 $500,000 N/A
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill ...... 386,000 386,000*
Goodwill ............................................................ $114,000 $114,000
*$330,000 equity + $80,000 asset adjustment $24,000 (30% tax $80,000) DTL

Based on the above information, the following D&D schedule is prepared:

(1) Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (100%) (0%)
Fair value of subsidiary .............. $500,000 $500,000 N/A
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock ($10 par) ........ $100,000
Retained earnings .................. 230,000
Total equity ......................... $330,000 $330,000
Interest acquired..................... 100%
Book value ................................. $330,000
Excess of fair value over book
value ....................................... $170,000 $170,000

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Worksheet Amortization
Adjustment Key Life per Year
Inventory ($120,000 fair
$100,000 book value) ............ $ 20,000 debit D1 1
Deferred tax liability (30% tax
rate $20,000) ...................... (6,000)credit D1t 1
Depreciable fixed assets
($270,000 fair $210,000
book value) ............................ 60,000 debit D2 10 $6,000
Deferred tax liability (30% tax
rate $60,000) ...................... (18,000)credit D2t 10 (1,800)
Goodwill ..................................... 114,000 debit D3
Total ................................ $170,000

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Ch. 3Exercises

Exercise 3B-1 Concluded

(3) Elimination Entries:

Common Stock ............................................................................... 100,000
Retained Earnings .......................................................................... 230,000
Investment in Largo Company ................................................... 330,000
Inventory ......................................................................................... 20,000
Equipment....................................................................................... 60,000
Goodwill .......................................................................................... 114,000
Deferred Tax Liability (on inventory and equipment) ................. 24,000
Investment in Largo Company ................................................... 170,000


(1) Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (90%) (10%)
Company fair value ........................................... $520,000 $468,000 $52,000
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill ...... 329,000* 296,100 32,900
Goodwill ............................................................ $191,000 $171,900 $19,100
*$280,000 equity + $70,000 asset adjustment $21,000 (30% tax $70,000) DTL

Based on the above information, the following D&D schedule is prepared:

(1) Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (90%) (10%)
Fair value of subsidiary .............. $520,000 $468,000 $ 52,000
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock ($5 par) .......... $100,000
Paid-in capital in excess of par 130,000
Retained earnings .................. 50,000
Total equity ......................... $280,000 $280,000 $280,000
Interest acquired..................... 90% 10%
Book value ................................. $252,000 $ 28,000
Excess of fair value over book
value ....................................... $240,000 $216,000 $ 24,000

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Ch. 3Exercises

Exercise 3B-2 Continued

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Worksheet Amortization
Adjustment Key Life per Year
Inventory .................................... $ 20,000 debit D1 1
Deferred tax liability (30% tax
rate $20,000) ...................... (6,000)credit D1t 1
Depreciable fixed assets............ 50,000 debit D2 10 $5,000
Deferred tax liability (30% tax
rate $50,000) ...................... (15,000)credit D2t 10 (1,500)
Goodwill ..................................... 191,000 debit D3
Total ................................ $240,000

(2) Lucy Company and Subsidiary Diamond Company

Consolidated Income Statement
For Year Ended December 31, 20X1
Sales ......................................................................................... $550,000
Less cost of goods sold (add $20,000 adjustment) .................. 310,000
Gross profit ............................................................................... $240,000
Less expenses:
General expenses............................................................... $75,000
Depreciation expense (add $5,000 adjustment) ................. 80,000 155,000
Consolidated income before tax ......................................... $ 85,000
Provision for tax (30%) ............................................................. 25,500
Consolidated net income .......................................................... $ 59,500
Distributed to NCI ..................................................................... (350)
Distributed to controlling interest .............................................. $ 59,850

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Ch. 3Exercises

Exercise 3B-2 Concluded

Subsidiary Diamond Company Income Distribution

Inventory consumption............. $20,000 Internally generated
Building depreciation ............... 5,000 income before tax ............... $20,0

Adjusted income before tax ...... $ (5,0

Provision for tax, 30% ............... 1,5
Adjusted net income ................. $ (3,5
NCI share .................................. 10%
NCI ............................................ $ (350)

Parent Lucy Company Income Distribution

Internally generated
income before tax .................... $ 90,000

Adjusted income ............................ $ 90,000

Tax, 30% ....................................... (27,0
Adjusted net income ...................... $ 63,000
90% Diamond adjusted
net income of ($3,500) ............ (3,
Controlling interest ........................ $ 59,850

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Ch. 3Exercises


Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (100%) (0%)
Company fair value .................................................. $700,000 $700,000 N/A
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill .............. 445,000* 455,000
Goodwill ................................................................... $255,000 $255,000
*$350,000 equity + $50,000 asset adjustment $15,000 (30% tax $50,000) DTL + $60,000
deferred tax expense ($200,000 30%)

Based on the above information, the following D&D schedule is prepared:

Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (100%) (0%)
Fair value of subsidiary ..................... $700,000 $700,000 N/A
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock, $5 par ................ $250,000
Retained earnings ....................... 100,000
Total equity ............................ $350,000 $350,000
Interest acquired ......................... 100%
Book value ........................................ $350,000
Excess of fair value over book
value............................................ $350,000 $350,000

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Worksheet Amortization
Adjustment Key Life per Year
Buildings and equipment ................... $ 50,000 debit D1 10 $5,000
Deferred tax liability (30% tax
rate $50,000)............................ (15,000)credit D1t 10 (1,500)
Current deferred tax expense
($40,000 30%) ......................... 12,000 debit D2
Noncurrent deferred tax expense
($160,000 30%) ....................... 48,000 debit D3
Goodwill ............................................ 255,000 debit D4
Total ...................................... $350,000

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Ch. 3Problems



(1) Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Company fair value ........................................... $900,000 $720,000 $180,000
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill ...... 720,000* 576,000 144,000
Goodwill ............................................................ $180,000 $144,000 $ 36,000
*$550,000 equity + $170,000 asset adjustments

Based on the above information, the following D&D schedule is prepared:

Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Fair value of subsidiary .............. $900,000 $720,000 $180,000
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock ($10 par) ........ $100,000
Paid-in capital in excess of par 200,000
Retained earnings .................. 250,000
Total equity ......................... $550,000 $550,000 $550,000
Interest acquired ........................ 80% 20%
Book value ................................. $440,000 $110,000
Excess of fair value over book
value ....................................... $350,000 $280,000 $ 70,000

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Worksheet Amortization
Adjustment Key Life per Year
Land ($190,000 book
$120,000 fair value) .............. $ 70,000 debit D1
Building ($450,000 book
$350,000 fair value) .............. 100,000 debit D2 20 $5,000
Goodwill ..................................... 180,000 debit D3
Total ................................ $350,000

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3-1 Continued

(2) Investment Entries:

Simple Equity Method Sophisticated Equity Method Cost Method

Investment Entries
Subsidiary reports Investment in Investment in No entry
income of $60,000. Sardine Company ...... 48,000 Sardine Company ......... 44,000
Subsidiary Income Subsidiary Income
(80% reported) .... 48,000 [80% (reported
$5,000 depreciation)] 44,000

Subsidiary pays Cash .......................... 8,000 Cash .............................. 8,000 Cash .............................. 8,000
$10,000 dividend. Investment in Investment in Dividend (or
Sardine Company Sardine Company Investment)
(80% declared) .... 8,000 (80% declared) ....... 8,000 income ....................... 8,000

Subsidiary reports Investment in Investment in
income of $45,000. Sardine Company ...... 36,000 Sardine Company ......... 32,000 No entry
Subsidiary Income Subsidiary Income
(80% reported) .... 36,000 [80% (reported
$5,000 depreciation)] 32,000

Subsidiary pays Cash .......................... 8,000 Cash .............................. 8,000 Cash .............................. 8,000
$10,000 dividend. Investment in Investment in Dividend (or
Sardine Company Sardine Company Investment)
(80% declared) .... 8,000 (80% declared) ....... 8,000 income ....................... 8,000

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3-1 Continued

Simple Equity Method Sophisticated Equity Method Cost Method

(CY1) Subsidiary Income ..... 48,000 Subsidiary Income ........ 44,000 No conversion
Eliminated current- Investment in Investment in needed first year
year entries Sardine Company... 48,000 Sardine Company ...... 44,000

(CY2) Investment in Investment in Dividend Inc. ................. 8,000

Sardine Company... 8,000 Sardine Company 8,000 Dividends Declared.... 8,000
Dividends Declared 8,000 Dividends Declared.... 8,000

(EL) Common Stock .......... 80,000 Common Stock.............. 80,000 Common Stock.............. 80,000
Eliminate Paid-In Capital in Paid-In Capital in Paid-In Capital in
investment as Excess of Par ............ 160,000 Excess of Par ................ 160,000 Excess of Par ................ 160,000
of January 1. Retained Earnings ..... 200,000 Retained Earnings ........ 200,000 Retained Earnings ........ 200,000
Investment in Investment in Investment in
Sardine Company... 440,000 Sardine Company ...... 440,000 Sardine Company ...... 440,000

(D) Land ........................... 70,000 Land .............................. 70,000 Land .............................. 70,000
Distribute excess. Building ...................... 100,000 Building ......................... 100,000 Building ......................... 100,000
Goodwill ..................... 180,000 Goodwill ........................ 180,000 Goodwill ........................ 180,000
Investment in Investment in Investment in
Sardine Company... 280,000 Sardine Company ...... 280,000 Sardine Company ...... 280,000
RESardine (NCI) 70,000 RESardine (NCI) .... 70,000 RESardine (NCI) .... 70,000

(A) Depr. Expense ........... 5,000 Depr. Expense .............. 5,000 Depr. Expense .............. 5,000
Amortize excess Acc. Depreciation ... 5,000 Acc. Depreciation ....... 5,000 Acc. Depreciation ....... 5,000
for current year.

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3-1 Concluded

Simple Equity Method Sophisticated Equity Method Cost Method

(CV) Investment in
Sardine Company
(80% $50,000) ........... 40,000
Equity conversion. REPeter .................. 40,000

(CY1) Subsidiary Income ..... 36,000 Subsidiary Income ........ 32,000 Investment in
Eliminated current- Investment in Investment in Dividend Inc. ................. 8,000
year entries. Sardine Company... 36,000 Sardine Company ...... 32,000 Dividends Declared.... 8,000

(CY2) Investment in Investment in

Sardine Company ...... 8,000 Sardine Company ......... 8,000
Dividends Declared 8,000 Dividends Declared.... 8,000

(EL) Common Stock .......... 80,000 Common Stock.............. 80,000 Common Stock.............. 80,000
Eliminate Paid-In Capital in Paid-In Capital in Paid-In Capital in
investment as Excess of Par ............ 160,000 Excess of Par ................ 160,000 Excess of Par ................ 160,000
of January 1. Retained Earnings ..... 240,000 Retained Earnings ........ 240,000 Retained Earnings ........ 240,000
Investment in Investment in Investment in
Sardine Company... 480,000 Sardine Company ...... 480,000 Sardine Company ...... 480,000

(D) Land ........................... 70,000 Land .............................. 70,000 Land .............................. 70,000
Distribute excess. Building ...................... 100,000 Building (19 years) ........ 95,000 Building ......................... 100,000
Goodwill ..................... 180,000 Goodwill ........................ 180,000 Goodwill ........................ 180,000
Investment in Investment in Investment in
Sardine Company... 280,000 Sardine Company ...... 276,000 Sardine Company ...... 280,000
RESardine (NCI) 70,000 RESardine (NCI) .... 69,000 RESardine (NCI) .... 70,000

(A) RESardine.............. 4,000 Depr. Expense .............. 5,000 RESardine ................. 4,000
Amortize excess REPeter ................. 1,000 Acc. Depreciation ....... 5,000 REPeter ..................... 1,000
for current and Depr. Expense ........... 5,000 Depr. Expense .............. 5,000
prior years. Acc. Depreciation ... 10,000 Acc. Depreciation ....... 10,000

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Ch. 3Problems


(1) Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Company fair value ........................................... $385,000 $308,000 $77,000
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill ...... 335,000 268,000 67,000
Goodwill ............................................................ $ 50,000 $ 40,000 $10,000

Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Fair value of subsidiary .............. $385,000 $308,000 $ 77,000
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock ...................... $ 50,000
Paid-in capital in excess of par 100,000
Retained earnings ................. 150,000
Total equity ...................... $300,000 $300,000 $300,000
Interest acquired ................... 80% 20%
Book value ................................. $240,000 $ 60,000
Excess of fair value over book
value ...................................... $ 85,000 $ 68,000 $ 17,000

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Worksheet Amortization
Adjustment Key Life per Year
Inventory .................................... $10,000 debit D1
Buildings .................................... 25,000 debit D2 10 $2,500
Goodwill ..................................... 50,000 debit D3
Total ...................................... $85,000

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3-2, Continued

(2) Peres Company and Soap Company

Worksheet for Consolidated Financial Statements
For Year Ended December 31, 20X2

Consolidated Controlling Consolidated

Trial Balance Eliminations Net Retained Balance
Peres Soap Dr. Cr. Income NCI Earnings Sheet
Inventory ......................................................... 100,000 50,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... 150,000
Other Current Assets ...................................... 148,000 180,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... 328,000
Investment in Soap ......................................... 388,000 ............ ........... (CY1) 72,000 ........... ........... ........... ...........
........... ............ (CY2) 24,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... ...........
........... ............ ........... (EL) 272,000 ........... ........... ........... ...........
........... ............ ........... (D) 68,000 ........... ........... ........... ...........
Land ................................................................ 50,000 50,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... 100,000
Buildings and Equipment ................................ 350,000 320,000 (D2) 25,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... 695,000
Accumulated Depreciation .............................. (100,000) (60,000) ........... (A2) 5,000 ........... ........... ........... (165,000)
Goodwill .......................................................... ........... ............ (D3) 50,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... 50,000
Other Intangible Assets ................................... 20,000 ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... 20,000
Current Liabilities ............................................ (120,000) (40,000) ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... (160,000)
Bonds Payable ................................................ ........... (100,000) ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... (100,000)
Other Long-Term Liabilities............................. (200,000) ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... (200,000)
Common StockSoap ................................... ........... (50,000) (EL) 40,000 ........... ........... (10,000) ........... ...........
Other Paid-In CapitalSoap .......................... ........... (100,000) (EL) 80,000 ........... ........... (20,000) ........... ...........
Retained EarningsSoap .............................. ........... (190,000) (EL) 152,000 ............... ........... (52,500) ........... ...........
........... ............ ........... (NCI) 17,000 ........... ........... ........... ...........
........... ............ (D1) 2,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... ...........
........... ............ (A2) 500 ........... ........... ........... ........... ...........
Common StockPeres .................................. (200,000) ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... (200,000)
Other Paid-In Capital in
Excess of ParPeres ................................. (100,000) ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... (100,000)
Retained EarningsPeres ............................. (214,000) ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ...........
........... ............ (D1) 8,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... ...........
........... ............ (A2) 2,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... ...........
........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... (204,000) ...........
Sales ............................................................... (520,000) (450,000) ........... ........... (970,000) ........... ........... ...........
Cost of Goods Sold ......................................... 300,000 260,000 ........... ........... 560,000 ........... ........... ...........
Operating Expenses ....................................... 120,000 100,000 (A2) 2,500 ........... 222,500 ........... ........... ...........
Subsidiary Income .......................................... (72,000) ............ (CY1) 72,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... ...........
Dividends DeclaredSoap ............................. ........... 30,000 ........... (CY2) 24,000 ........... 6,000 ........... ...........
Dividends DeclaredPeres ............................ 50,000 ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... 50,000 ...........
Totals .......................................................... 0 0 458,000 458,000 ........... ........... ........... ...........
Consolidated Net Income ..................................................................................................................................................... (187,500) ........... ........... ...........
NCI Share ............................................................................................................................................................................ 17,500 (17,500) ........... ...........
Controlling Share ................................................................................................................................................................. 170,000 ........... (170,000) ...........
NCI ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ (94,000) ........... (94,000)
Controlling Retained Earnings .............................................................................................................................................................................................. (324,000) (324,000)
Totals ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 0

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3-2, Concluded

Eliminations and Adjustments:

(CY1) Current-year subsidiary income.
(CY2) Current-year dividend.
(EL) Eliminate controlling interest in Sub equity.
(D)/(NCI) Distribute excess and adjust NCI.
(D1) Inventory (retained earnings).
(D2) Buildings and equipment.
(D3) Goodwill.
(A2) Amortize excess.

Income Distribution Schedules

Soap Company
Amortizations ................................ $2,500 Internally generated net
income ..................................... $90,000

Adjusted income............................ $87,500

NCI share ...................................... 20%
NCI ................................................ $17,500

Peres Company
Internally generated
net income ............................... $100,000
Controlling share of subsidiary ...... 70,000

Controlling interest ........................ $170,000


(1) Use part (1), from Problem 3-2.

(2) Entries under the sophisticated equity method: 20X1 20X2
Debit Credit Debit Credit
Investment in Soap ..................................... 38,000a 70,000b
Subsidiary Income................................. 38,000 70,000
Cash ............................................................ 16,000 24,000
Investment in Soap ............................... 16,000c 24,000d
80% of $60,000 net income less $12,500 ($10,000 write-off of inventory and
$2,500 extra depreciation)
80% of $90,000 net income less $2,500 (extra depreciation)
80% of $20,000 dividends
80% of $30,000 dividends
(3) Balance in Investment in Soap Company:
$308,000 + $38,000 $16,000 + $70,000 $24,000 = $376,000

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3-3, Continued

(4) Peres Company and Soap Company

Worksheet for Consolidated Financial Statements
For Year Ended December 31, 20X2
Eliminations Consolidated Controlling Consolidated
Trial Balance and Adjustments Income Retained Balance
Peres Soap Dr. Cr. Statement NCI Earnings Sheet
Inventory, December 31 ......................... 100,000 50,000 .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... 150,000
Other Current Assets ............................. 148,000 180,000 .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... 328,000
Investment in Soap ................................ 376,000 .......... (CY2) 24,000(CY1) 70,000 ......... .......... .......... ..........
.......... .......... .......... (EL) 272,000 ......... .......... .......... ..........
.......... .......... .......... (D) 58,000 ......... .......... .......... ..........
Land ....................................................... 50,000 50,000 .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... 100,000
Buildings and Equipment ....................... 350,000 320,000 (D2) 22,500 .......... ......... .......... .......... 692,500
Accumulated Depreciation ..................... (100,000) (60,000) .......... (A2) 2,500 ......... .......... .......... (162,500)
Goodwill ................................................. .......... .......... (D3) 50,000 .......... ......... .......... .......... 50,000
Other Intangibles .................................... 20,000 .......... .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... 20,000
Current Liabilities ................................... (120,000) (40,000) .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... (160,000)
Bonds Payable ....................................... .......... (100,000) .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... (100,000)
Other Long-Term Liabilities .................... (200,000) .......... .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... (200,000)
Common StockPeres .......................... (200,000) .......... .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... (200,000)
Other Paid-In Capital in Excess of
ParPeres ......................................... (100,000) .......... .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... (100,000)
Retained EarningsPeres ..................... (204,000) .......... .......... .......... ......... .......... (204,000) ..........
Common StockSoap ........................... .......... (50,000)(EL) 40,000 .......... ......... (10,000) .......... ..........
Other Paid-In Capital in Excess of
ParSoap .......................................... .......... (100,000)(EL) 80,000 .......... ......... (20,000) .......... ..........
Retained EarningsSoap ...................... .......... (190,000)(EL) 152,000(NCI) 14,500 ......... (52,500) .......... ..........
Net Sales ............................................... (520,000) (450,000) .......... .......... (970,000) .......... .......... ..........
Cost of Goods Sold ................................ 300,000 260,000 .......... .......... 560,000 .......... .......... ..........
Operating Expenses ............................... 120,000 100,000 (A2) 2,500 .......... 222,500 .......... .......... ..........
Subsidiary Income.................................. (70,000) .......... (CY1) 70,000 .......... ......... .......... .......... ..........
Dividends DeclaredPeres ................... 50,000 .......... .......... .......... ......... .......... 50,000 ..........
Dividends DeclaredSoap .................... .......... 30,000 .......... (CY2) 24,000 ......... 6,000 .......... ..........
Total ................................................... 0 0 441,000 441,000 ......... .......... .......... ..........
Consolidated Net Income ............................................................................................................................... (187,500) .......... .......... ..........
To Noncontrolling Interest (see distribution schedule) ................................................................................ 17,500 (17,500) .......... ..........
To Controlling Interest (see distribution schedule)...................................................................................... 170,000 .......... (170,000) ..........
Total NCI ............................................................................................................................................................................. (94,000) .......... (94,000)
Retained EarningsControlling Interest, December 31, 20X2 ................................................................................................................. (324,000) (324,000)

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3-3, Concluded

Eliminations and Adjustments:

(CY) Eliminate the current-year entries made in the investment account and in the
subsidiary income account.
(EL) Eliminate the pro rata share of Soap Company equity balances at the beginning
of the year against the investment account.
(D)/(NCI) Distribute the $58,000 remaining excess of cost over book value ($68,000 less
20X1 charges of $8,000 to Cost of Goods Sold for inventory and $2,000 to Oper-
ating Expenses for extra depreciation). Adjust NCI, $14,500 ($17,000 on acquisi-
tion date 20% $12,500 amortizations for 20X1).
(D2) Buildings for $22,500 (original $25,000 $2,500 amortization for 20X1).
(D3) Goodwill for $50,000.
(A2) For 20X2 only, depreciate the write-up to Buildings and Equipment over 10
Charge the 20X2 Accumulated Depreciation against Operating Expenses.

Use Income distribution schedules from Problem 3-2 above.


(1) Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (100%) (0%)
Fair value of subsidiary .............. $460,000 $460,000 N/A
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock ($5 par) ......... $ 50,000
Paid-in capital in excess of par 15,000
Retained earnings ................. 135,000
Total equity ...................... $200,000 $200,000
Interest acquired ................... 100%
Book value ............................ $200,000
Excess of fair value over book
value ...................................... $260,000 $260,000

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Worksheet Amortization
Adjustment Key Life per Year
Goodwill ..................................... $260,000 debit D

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3-4, Concluded

(2) Chango Company and Subsidiary Lhasa, Inc.

Consolidated Income Statement
For Year Ended December 31, 20X3
Revenue ............................................................................................... $670,000
Expenses .............................................................................................. 620,000
Consolidated net income ...................................................................... $ 50,000

Chango Company and Subsidiary Lhasa, Inc.

Retained Earnings Statement
For Year Ended December 31, 20X3
Retained earnings, Chango Company, January 1, 20X3
($230,000 Chango + $35,000 equity conversion) ................................. $265,000
Add consolidated net income................................................................ 50,000
Less dividends declared ....................................................................... (10,000)
Balance, December 31, 20X3 ............................................................... $305,000

Chango Company and Subsidiary Lhasa Inc.

Consolidated Balance Sheet
December 31, 20X3
Current assets .......................................................................... $ 660,000
Depreciable fixed assets........................................................... $2,245,000
Accumulated depreciation .................................................. (475,000) 1,770,000
Goodwill .................................................................................... 260,000
Total assets .............................................................................. $2,690,000
Liabilities and Stockholders Equity
Liabilities ................................................................................... $1,125,000
Stockholders equity:
Common stock, $1 par........................................................ $ 220,000
Paid-in capital in excess of par ........................................... 1,040,000
Retained earnings............................................................... 305,000 1,565,000
Total liabilities and stockholders equity.................................... $2,690,000

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Ch. 3Problems


(1) Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (100%) (0%)
Fair value of subsidiary .............. $220,000 $220,000 N/A
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock ($10 par) ....... $100,000
Paid-in capital in excess of par 50,000
Retained earnings ................. 100,000
Total equity ...................... $250,000 $250,000
Interest acquired ................... 100%
Book value ................................. $250,000
Excess of fair value over book
value ...................................... $ (30,000) $ (30,000)

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Worksheet Amortization
Adjustment Key Life per Year
Building ...................................... $(30,000) debit D 10 $(3,000)

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3-5, Continued

(2) Bell Corporation and Subsidiary Stockdon Corporation

Worksheet for Consolidated Financial Statements
For Year Ended December 31, 20X7
Eliminations Consolidated Controlling Consolidated
Trial Balance and Adjustments Income Retained Balance
Bell Stockdon Dr. Cr. Statement NCI Earnings Sheet
Cash....................................................... 180,000 143,000 .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... 323,000
Inventory ................................................ 60,000 30,000 .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... 90,000
Land ....................................................... 120,000 120,000 .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... 240,000
Building (net) .......................................... 600,000 162,000 (A) 3,000 (D) 30,000 ......... .......... .......... 735,000
Investment in Stockdon Corporation ...... 220,000 .......... (D) 30,000 (EL) 250,000 ......... .......... .......... ..........
Accounts Payable .................................. (405,000) (210,000) .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... (615,000)
Common Stock ($3 par)Bell................ (300,000) .......... .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... (300,000)
Paid-In Capital in Excess of ParBell ... (180,000) .......... .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... (180,000)
Retained EarningsBell ........................ (255,000) .......... .......... .......... ......... .......... (255,000) ..........
Common Stock ($10 par)Stockdon..... .......... (100,000)(EL) 100,000 .......... ......... .......... .......... ..........
Paid-In Capital in Excess of Par
Stockdon ............................................ .......... (50,000)(EL) 50,000 .......... ......... .......... .......... ..........
Retained EarningsStockdon ............... .......... (100,000)(EL) 100,000 .......... ......... .......... .......... ..........
Sales ...................................................... (210,000) (40,000) .......... .......... (250,000) .......... .......... ..........
Cost of Goods Sold ................................ 120,000 35,000 .......... .......... 155,000 .......... .......... ..........
Other Expenses ..................................... 45,000 10,000 .......... (A) 3,000 52,000 .......... .......... ..........
Dividends Declared ................................ 5,000 .......... .......... .......... ......... .......... 5,000 ..........
Total ................................................... 0 0 283,000 283,000 ......... .......... .......... ..........
Consolidated Income ..................................................................................................................................... (43,000) .......... (43,000) ..........
Retained EarningsControlling Interest, December 31, 20X7 ................................................................................................................. (293,000) (293,000)
Eliminations and Adjustments:
(EL) Eliminate 100% of the subsidiarys January 20X7 equity balances against the balance of the investment account.
(D) Distribute excess of Stockdon book value over cost of investment according to the determination and distribution of excess sche-
(A) Reduce the building account by $3,000 as a result of the amortization resulting from the excess adjustment resulting from entry 2.

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3-5, Concluded

(3) Bell Corporation and Subsidiary Stockdon Corporation

Consolidated Income Statement
For Year Ended December 31, 20X7
Revenues ................................................................................................... $ 250,000
Cost of goods sold ...................................................................................... (155,000)
Gross profit ................................................................................................. $ 95,000
Other expenses .......................................................................................... (52,000)
Consolidated net income ............................................................................ $ 43,000

Bell Corporation and Subsidiary Stockdon Corporation

Retained Earnings Statement
For Year Ended December 31, 20X7
Retained earnings, January 1, 20X7 .......................................................... $255,000
Add consolidated net income...................................................................... 43,000
Less dividends declared ............................................................................. (5,000)
Balance, December 31, 20X7 ..................................................................... $293,000

Bell Corporation and Subsidiary Stockdon Corporation

Consolidated Balance Sheet
December 31, 20X7
Current assets:
Cash ............................................................................. $323,000
Inventory ....................................................................... 90,000 $ 413,000
Property, plant, and equipment:
Land .............................................................................. $240,000
Building (net)................................................................. 735,000 975,000
Total assets ........................................................................ $1,388,000

Liabilities and Stockholders Equity

Current liabilities ................................................................. $ 615,000
Stockholders equity:
Common stock, $3 par.................................................. $300,000
Paid-in capital in excess of par ..................................... 180,000
Retained earnings......................................................... 293,000 773,000
Total liabilities and stockholders equity.............................. $1,388,000

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Ch. 3Problems


(1) Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Company fair value ........................................... $337,500* $270,000 $67,500
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill ...... 235,000**
188,000 ............................................................. 47,000
Goodwill ............................................................ $102,500 $ 82,000 $20,500
**$195,000 equity + $40,000 asset adjustments

Based on the above information, the following D&D schedule is prepared:

Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Fair value of subsidiary .............. $337,500 $270,000 $ 67,500
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock ($10 par) ....... $100,000
Paid-in capital in excess of par 120,000
Retained earnings ................. (25,000)
Total equity ...................... $195,000 $195,000 $195,000
Interest acquired ................... 80% 20%
Book value ................................. $156,000 $ 39,000
Excess of fair value over book
value ...................................... $142,500 $114,000 $ 28,500

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Worksheet Amortization
Adjustment Key Life per Year
Buildings .................................... $ 40,000 debit D1 10 $4,000
Goodwill ..................................... 102,500 debit D2
Total ...................................... $142,500

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3-6, Continued

(2) Prescott Company and Subsidiary Sandin Company

Worksheet for Consolidated Financial Statements
For Year Ended December 31, 20X2
Eliminations Consolidated Controlling Consolidated
Trial Balance and Adjustments Income Retained Balance
Prescott Sandin Dr. Cr. Statement NCI Earnings Sheet
Current Assets ....................................... 180,000 115,000 .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... 295,000
Land ....................................................... 150,000 75,000 .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... 225,000
Buildings ................................................ 590,000 350,000 (D1) 40,000 .......... ......... .......... .......... 980,000
Accumulated DepreciationBuildings ... (265,000) (182,000) .......... (A) 8,000 ......... .......... .......... (455,000)
Investment in Sandin Company ............. 294,000 .......... (CY2) 4,000(CY1) 20,000 ......... .......... .......... ..........
.......... .......... .............. (EL) 164,000 ......... .......... .......... ..........
.......... .......... .............. (D) 114,000 ......... .......... .......... ..........
Goodwill ................................................. .......... .......... (D2) 102,500 .......... ......... .......... .......... 102,500
Liabilities ................................................ (175,000) (133,000) .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... (308,000)
Common Stock ($10 par)Prescott ...... (200,000) .......... .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... (200,000)
Retained Earnings, Jan. 1, 20X2
Prescott ........................................... (503,000) (A) 3,200 .......... ......... .......... .......... ..........
.......... .......... .......... .......... ......... .......... (499,800) ..........
Common Stock ($10 par)Sandin ........ .......... (100,000)(EL) 80,000 .......... ......... (20,000) .......... ..........
Paid-In Capital in Excess of Par
Sandin ............................................. .......... (120,000)(EL) 96,000 .......... ......... (24,000) .......... ..........
Retained Earnings, Jan. 1, 20X2
Sandin ............................................. .......... 15,000 (A) 800 (EL) 12,000 ......... (24,700) .......... ..........
.......... .......... .......... (NCI) 28,500 ......... .......... .......... ..........
Sales ...................................................... (360,000) (120,000) .......... .......... (480,000) .......... .......... ..........
Cost of Goods Sold ................................ 179,000 50,000 .......... .......... 229,000 .......... .......... ..........
Expenses ............................................... 120,000 45,000 .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... ..........
.......... .......... (A) 4,000 .......... 169,000 .......... .......... ..........
Subsidiary Income.................................. (20,000) .......... (CY1) 20,000 .......... ......... .......... .......... ..........
Dividends Declared ................................ 10,000 5,000 .......... (CY2) 4,000 ......... 1,000 10,000 ..........
Total ................................................ 0 0 350,500 350,500 ......... .......... .......... ..........
Consolidated Net Income ............................................................................................................................... (82,000) .......... .......... ..........
To Noncontrolling Interest (see distribution schedule) ............................................................................ 4,200 (4,200) .......... ..........
To Controlling Interest (see distribution schedule) .................................................................................. 77,800 .......... (77,800) ..........
Total NCI ............................................................................................................................................................................. (71,900) .......... (71,900)
Retained EarningsControlling Interest, December 31, 20X2 ................................................................................................................. (567,600) (567,600)

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3-6, Continued

Eliminations and Adjustments:

(CY1) Eliminate the subsidiary income against the investment account.
(CY2) Eliminate the 80% ownership portion of the subsidiary dividends, including
$15,000 negative retained earnings.
(EL) Eliminate the 80% ownership portion of the subsidiary equity accounts against
the investment.
(D)/(NCI) Distribute the excess cost and NCI adjustment as follows, in accordance with the
Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule:
(D1) Increase buildings by $40,000.
(D2) Increase Goodwill $102,500.
(A) Record $4,000 annual increase in building depreciation for current and prior

Subsidiary Sandin Company Income Distribution

Building depreciation .............. (A) $4,000 Internally generated net
income .................................... $25,000

Adjusted income ........................... $21,000

NCI share ...................................... 20%
NCI ................................................ $ 4,200

Parent Prescott Company Income Distribution

Internally generated net
income .................................... $61,000
80% Sandin adjusted
income of $21,000 .................. 16,800

Controlling interest ........................ $77,800

(3) Prescott Company and Subsidiary Sandin Company

Consolidated Income Statement
For Year Ended December 31, 20X2
Sales ................................................................................................................ $480,000
Cost of goods sold ........................................................................................... 229,000
Gross profit ...................................................................................................... $251,000
Expenses ......................................................................................................... 169,000
Consolidated net income ................................................................................. $ 82,000
Distributed to noncontrolling interest ............................................................... 4,200
Distributed to controlling interest ..................................................................... $ 77,800

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3-6, Concluded

Prescott Company and Subsidiary Sandin Company

Retained Earnings Statement
For Year Ended December 31, 20X2
NCI Interest
Retained earnings, January 1, 20X2 ........................................ $(3,000)* $499,800
Add distribution of net income .................................................. 4,200 77,800
Less dividends declared ........................................................... (1,000) (10,000)
Balance, December 31, 20X2 ................................................... $ 200 $567,600
*$15,000 debit balance 20%

Prescott Company and Subsidiary Sandin Company

Consolidated Balance Sheet
December 31, 20X2
Current assets .................................................. $ 295,000
Property, plant, and equipment:
Land ............................................................. $225,000
Buildings ....................................................... $ 980,000
Accumulated depreciation ............................ (455,000) 525,000 750,000
Goodwill ............................................................ 102,500
Total assets ...................................................... $1,147,500

Liabilities and Stockholders Equity

Liabilities ........................................................... $ 308,000
Stockholders equity:
NCI ............................................................... $ 71,900
Controlling interest:
Common stock ($10 par) ........................ 200,000
Retained earnings .................................. 567,600 839,500
Total liabilities and stockholders equity ........... $1,147,500

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Ch. 3Problems


(1) Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Company fair value ........................................... $343,750* $275,000 $68,750
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill ...... 260,000**
208,000 ............................................................. 52,000
Goodwill ............................................................ $ 83,750 $ 67,000 $16,750
**$200,000 equity + $60,000 asset adjustments

Based on the above information, the following D&D schedule is prepared:

Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Fair value of subsidiary .............. $343,750 $275,000 $ 68,750
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock ($5 par) .......... $150,000
Retained earnings .................. 50,000
Total equity ......................... $200,000 $200,000 $200,000
Interest acquired..................... 80% 20%
Book value ................................. $160,000 $ 40,000
Excess of fair value over book
value ....................................... $143,750 $115,000 $28,750

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Worksheet Amortization
Adjustment Key Life per Year
Equipment.................................. $ 10,000 debit D1 5 $2,000
Building ...................................... 50,000 debit D2 20 2,500
Goodwill ..................................... 83,750 debit D3
Total ................................ $143,750

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3-7, Continued

(2) Jeter Corporation and Subsidiary Super Company

Worksheet for Consolidated Financial Statements
For Year Ended December 31, 20X1
Eliminations Consolidated Controlling Consolidated
Trial Balance and Adjustments Income Retained Balance
Jeter Super Dr. Cr. Statement NCI Earnings Sheet
Cash....................................................... 296,600 91,000 .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... 387,600
Land ....................................................... 160,000 90,000 .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... 250,000
Building .................................................. 225,000 135,000 (D2) 50,000 .......... ......... .......... .......... 410,000
Accumulated DepreciationBuilding ..... (100,000) (50,000) .......... (A2) 1,250 ......... .......... .......... (151,250)
Equipment .............................................. 450,000 150,000 (D1) 10,000 .......... ......... .......... .......... 610,000
Accumulated DepreciationEquipment . (115,000) (60,000) .......... (A1) 1,000 ......... .......... .......... (176,000)
Investment in Super Company ............... 284,600 .......... .......... (CY1) 9,600 ......... .......... .......... ..........
.......... .......... .......... (EL) 160,000 ......... .......... .......... ..........
.......... .......... .......... (D) 115,000 ......... .......... .......... ..........
Goodwill .......... .......... (D3) 83,750 .......... ......... .......... .......... 83,750
Liabilities ................................................ (480,000) (150,000) .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... (630,000)
Common Stock ($100 par)Jeter.......... (400,000) .......... .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... (400,000)
Paid-In Capital in Excess of ParJeter . (40,000) .......... .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... (40,000)
Retained EarningsJeter ...................... (251,600) .......... .......... .......... ......... .......... (251,600) ..........
Common Stock ($5 par)Super ............ .......... (150,000)(EL) 120,000 .......... ......... (30,000) .......... ..........
Retained Earnings, 7/1/X1Super ........ .......... (50,000)(EL) 40,000(NCI) 28,750 ......... (38,750) .......... ..........
Sales ...................................................... (460,000) (60,000) .......... .......... (520,000) .......... .......... ..........
Cost of Goods Sold ................................ 220,000 30,000 .......... .......... 250,000 .......... .......... ..........
Other Expenses ..................................... 210,000 24,000 (A2) 1,250 .......... 236,250 .......... .......... ..........
.......... .......... (A1) 1,000 .......... ......... .......... .......... ..........
Subsidiary Income.................................. (9,600) .......... (CY1) 9,600 .......... ......... .......... .......... ..........
Dividends Declared ................................ 10,000 .......... ......... .......... ......... .......... ................ 10,000 ..........
Total ................................................... 0 0 315,600 315,600 ......... .......... .......... ..........
Consolidated Net Income ............................................................................................................................... (33,750) .......... .......... ..........
To Noncontrolling Interest (see distribution schedule) ................................................................................ 750 (750) ............. ..........
To Controlling Interest (see distribution schedule)...................................................................................... 33,000 .......... (33,000) ..........
Total NCI ............................................................................................................................................................................. (69,500) .......... (69,500)
Retained EarningsControlling Interest, December 31, 20X1 ................................................................................................................. (274,600) (274,600)

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3-7, Continued

Subsidiary Super Company Income Distribution

Equipment depreciation ....... (A1) $1,000 Internally generated net
Building depreciation ........... (A2) 1,250 income .................................. $6,000

Adjusted income ......................... $3,750

NCI share ................................... 20%
NCI ............................................. $ 750

Parent Jeter Corporation Income Distribution

Internally generated net
income ................................. $30,000
80% Super adjusted income
of $3,750 (last 6 months) ..... 3,000

Controlling interest ..................... $33,000

Eliminations and Adjustments:

(CY1) Eliminate parents current-year entry for subsidiary income.
(EL) Eliminate the pro rata share of Super Company equity balances and purchased
(D)/(NCI) Distribute the excess and adjust NCI as determined by the determination and dis-
tribution of excess schedule:
(D1) Increase equipment by $10,000.
(D2) Increase building by $50,000.
(D3) Record goodwill of $83,750.
Record amortizations resulting from the asset and liability revaluations of entry 3:
(A1) Amortize equipment for $2,000 ($10,000 5 years) for the half year ($1,000)
(A2) Amortize building for $2,500 ($50,000 20 years) for the half year ($1,250).

(3) Jeter Corporation and Subsidiary Super Company

Consolidated Income Statement
For Year Ended December 31, 20X1
Revenues ........................................................................................................ $520,000
Cost of goods sold ........................................................................................... 250,000
Gross profit ...................................................................................................... $270,000
Other expenses ............................................................................................... 236,250
Consolidated net income ................................................................................. $ 33,750
To noncontrolling interest .......................................................................... 750
To controlling interest ................................................................................ $ 33,000

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3-7, Concluded

Jeter Corporation and Subsidiary Super Company

Consolidated Retained Earnings Statement
For Year Ended December 31, 20X1
NCI Interest
Retained earnings, January 1, 20X1* ....................................... $10,000 $251,600
Add distribution of net income .................................................. 750 33,000
Less dividends declared ........................................................... (10,000)
Balance, December 31, 20X1 ................................................... $10,750 $274,600

*July 1 balance for NCI

Jeter Corporation and Subsidiary Super Company

Consolidated Balance Sheet
For Year Ended December 31, 20X1
Current assets:
Cash ................................................................................... $ 387,600
Property, plant, and equipment:
Land .................................................................................... $ 250,000
Building ............................................................................... 410,000
Equipment........................................................................... 610,000
Less accumulated depreciation* ............................................... (327,250) 942,750
Goodwill .................................................................................... 83,750
Total assets .............................................................................. $1,414,100

Liabilities and Stockholders Equity

Current liabilities ....................................................................... $ 630,000
Stockholders equity:
NCI...................................................................................... 69,500
Controlling interest:
Common stock, $100 par ............................................... $400,000
Paid-in capital in excess of par....................................... 40,000
Retained earnings .......................................................... 274,600 714,600
Total liabilities and stockholders equity.................................... $1,414,100
*Includes both building and equipment depreciation.

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Ch. 3Problems


(1) Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Company fair value ........................................... $2,000,000* $1,600,000 $400,000
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill ...... 1,860,000**
1,488,000 .......................................................... 372,000
Goodwill ............................................................ $ 140,000 $ 112,000$ 28,000
**$1,700,000 equity + $160,000 asset adjustments

Based on the above information, the following D&D schedule is prepared:

Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Fair value of subsidiary .............. $2,000,000 $1,600,000 $ 400,000
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock ($10 stated
value) ................................. $1,000,000
Paid-in capital in excess of par 300,000
Retained earnings .................. 400,000
Total equity ......................... $1,700,000 $1,700,000 $1,700,000
Interest acquired ........................ 80% 20%
Book value ................................. $1,360,000 $ 340,000
Excess of fair value over book
value ....................................... $ 300,000 $ 240,000 $ 60,000

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Worksheet Amortization
Adjustment Key Life per Year
Inventory .................................... $ 10,000 debit D1
Equipment.................................. 50,000 debit D2 8 $ 6,250
Patents ...................................... 100,000 debit D3 10 10,000
Goodwill ..................................... 140,000 debit D4
Total ................................ $300,000

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3-8, Continued

(2) Detner International and Subsidiary Hardy Company

Worksheet for Consolidated Financial Statements
For Year Ended December 31, 20X7
Eliminations Consolidated Controlling Consolidated
Trial Balance and Adjustments Income Retained Balance
Detner Hardy Dr. Cr. Statement NCI Earnings Sheet
Current Assets ....................................... 632,000 505,000 .............. ............. ............. .............. ............. 1,137,000
Equipment (net)...................................... 1,320,000 940,000 (D2) 50,000 (A2) 18,750 ............. .............. ............. 2,291,250
Patents ................................................... 100,000 35,000 (D3) 100,000 (A3) 30,000 ............. .............. ............. 205,000
Other Assets .......................................... 1,620,000 730,000 .............. ............. ............. .............. ............. 2,350,000
Investment in Hardy Company ............... 1,600,000 ....... (CV) 144,000 (EL) 1,504,000 .............. ............. .............
............. .............. .............. (D) 240,000 ............. .............. ............. .............
Goodwill ................................................. ............. .............. (D4) 140,000 ............. ............. .............. ............. 140,000
Accounts Payable .................................. (658,000) (205,000) .............. ............. ............. .............. ............. (863,000)
Common Stock ($5 par)Detner ........... (2,000,000) ...... .............. ............. ............. .............. ............. (2,000,00
Paid-In Capital in Excess of Par
Detner ................................................. (1,200,000) ...... .............. ............. ............. .............. ............. (1,200,00
Retained EarningsDetner,
Jan. 1, 20X7 ....................................... (1,255,000) ...... (D1) 8,000 (CV) 144,000 .............. ............. .............
............. .............. (A2) 10,000 ............. ............. .............. ............. .............
............. .............. (A3) 16,000 ............. ............. .............. ............. .............
............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. (1,365,000) .........
Common Stock ($10 par)Hardy .......... ............. (1,000,000) (EL) 800,000 ............. ............. (200,000) .............
Paid-In Capital in Excess of Par
Hardy .................................................. ............. (300,000)(EL) 240,000 ............. ............. (60,000) ............ .............
Retained EarningsHardy,
Jan. 1, 20X7 ....................................... ............. (580,000)(EL) 464,000(NCI) 60,000 ............. (167,500) ............ .............
............. .............. (D1) 2,000 ............. ............. .............. ............. .............
............. .............. (A2) 2,500 ............. ............. .............. ............. .............
............. .............. (A3) 4,000 ............. ............. .............. ............. .............
Sales ...................................................... (905,000) (425,000) .............. ............. (1,330,000)...... ............. .............
Cost of Goods Sold ................................ 470,000 170,000 .............. ............. 640,000 .............. ............. .............
Other Expenses ..................................... 250,000 100,000 (A2) 6,250 ............. ............. .............. ............. .............
............. .............. (A3) 10,000 ............. ............. .............. ............. .............
............. .............. .............. ............. 366,250 .............. ............. .............
Dividend Income .................................... (24,000) ............. (CY2) 24,000 ............. ............. .............. ............. .............
Dividends Declared ................................ 50,000 30,000 .............. (CY2) 24,000 ............. 6,000 50,000 .............
Total ................................................... 0 0 2,020,750 2,020,750 .............. ............. .............
Consolidated Net Income ............................................................................................................................... (323,750) ............ ............. .............
To Noncontrolling Interest (see distribution schedule) ................................................................................ 27,750 (27,750) ............ .............
To Controlling Interest (see distribution schedule)...................................................................................... 296,000 .............. (296,000) .............
Total NCI ............................................................................................................................................................................. (449,250) ............ (449,250
Retained EarningsControlling Interest, December 31, 20X7 ................................................................................................................. (1,611,000) (1,611,000)

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3-8, Concluded

Eliminations and Adjustments:

(CV) Convert from cost to the equity method as of January 1, 20X7. ($580,000
January 1, 20X7 $400,000 January 1, 20X5 = $180,000 80% = $144,000.)
(CY2) Eliminate intercompany dividends.
(EL) Eliminate subsidiary equities.
(D)/(NCI) Distribute the excess cost and adjust NCI as given by the determination and dis-
tribution of excess schedule:
(D1) Distribute inventory adjustment for units sold in prior years to retained earnings,
80% controlling.
(D2) Increase Equipment $50,000.
(D3) Increase Patents $100,000.
(D4) Increase Goodwill $140,000.
Record amortizations resulting from the revaluations:
(A1) No amortizations necessary.
(A2) Record $6,250 annual increase in equipment depreciation for the current and
past two years.
(A3) Record $10,000 annual increase in patents depreciation for the current and past
two years.

Subsidiary Hardy Company Income Distribution

Equipment depreciation ....... (A2) $ 6,250 Internally generated net
Patent depreciation .............. (A3) 10,000 income ................................. $155,000

Adjusted income ........................ $138,750

NCI share ................................... 20%
NCI ............................................. $ 27,750

Parent Detner International Income Distribution

Internally generated net
income ................................. $185,000
80% Hardy adjusted
income of $138,750 ............. 111,000

Controlling interest ..................... $296,000

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Ch. 3Problems


(1) Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (100%) (0%)
Company fair value ........................................... $400,000 $400,000 N/A
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill ...... 434,000 434,000
Gain on acquisition ........................................... $ (34,000) $ (34,000)

Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (100%) (0%)
Price paid for investment............. $400,000 $400,000 N/A
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock ...................... $ 10,000
Paid-in capital in excess of par 90,000
Retained earnings ................. 112,000
Total equity ...................... $212,000 $212,000
Interest acquired ................... 100%
Book value .................................. $212,000
Excess of fair value over book
value ...................................... $188,000 $188,000

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Worksheet Amortization
Adjustment Key Life per Year
Inventory ($38,000 fair $40,000
book value) ............................ $ (2,000) credit D1
Land ($150,000 fair $60,000
book value) ............................ 90,000 debit D2
Bonds payable ($96,000 fair
$100,000 book value) ............ 4,000 debit D3 5 $ 800
Buildings ($300,000 fair
$200,000 net book value) ...... 100,000 debit D4 20 5,000
Equipment ($100,000 fair
$70,000 net book value) ........ 30,000 debit D5 5 6,000
Gain on acquisition .................... (34,000) credit D6
Total ................................ $188,000

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3-9 Continued

Annual Current Prior
Account Adjustments Life Amount Year Years Total Key
Inventory ........................ 1 $ (2,000) $ $ (2,000)$(2,000) (D1)
Subject to amortization: .
Bonds payable ............... 5 800 800 1,600 2,400 (A3)
Buildings ........................ 20 5,000 5,000 10,000 15,000
Equipment...................... 5 6,000 6,000 12,000 18,000 (A5)
Total amortizations .... $11,800 $11,800 $23,600 $35,400

Subsidiary Sailfast Corporation Income Distribution

Current-year amortizations ............ $11,800 Internally generated net
income ................................. $35,000

Adjusted income ........................ $23,200

NCI share ................................... 0%
NCI ............................................. $23,200

Parent Pcraft Corporation Income Distribution

Internally generated net
income ................................. $165,000
Controlling share of subsidiary .. 23,200

Controlling interest ..................... $188,200

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3-9 Continued

Pcraft Corporation and Subsidiary Sailfast Corporation

Worksheet for Consolidated Financial Statements
For Year Ended December 31, 20X3
Eliminations Consolidated Controlling Consolidated
Trial Balance and Adjustments Income Retained Balance
Pcraft Sailfast Dr. Cr. Statement NCI Earnings Sheet
Cash ................................................................ 180,000 60,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... 240,000
Accounts Receivable ...................................... 90,000 55,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... 145,000
Inventory ......................................................... 120,000 86,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... 206,000
Land ................................................................ 100,000 60,000 (D2) 90,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... 250,000
Investment in Sailfast ...................................... 495,000 ........... (CY1) 35,000 ........... ........... ........... ...........
........... ............ (CY2) 10,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... ...........
........... ............ ........... (EL) 282,000 ........... ........... ........... ...........
........... ............ ........... (D) 188,000 ........... ........... ........... ...........
Buildings ......................................................... 800,000 300,000 (D4) 100,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... 1,200,000
Accumulated Depreciation .............................. (220,000) (80,000) ........... (A4) 15,000 ........... ........... ............... (315,000)
Equipment ....................................................... 150,000 100,000 (D5) 30,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... 280,000
Accumulated Depreciation .............................. (90,000) (72,000) ........... (A5) 18,000 ........... ........... ........... (180,000)
Current Liabilities ............................................ (60,000) (102,000) ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... (162,000)
Bond Payable .................................................. ........... (100,000) ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... (100,000)
Discount (Premium) ........................................ ........... ............ (D3) 4,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... ...........
........... ............ ........... (A3) 2,400 ........... ........... ........... 1,600
Common Stock ($1 par)Sailfast .................. ........... (10,000) (EL) 10,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... ...........
Paid-In Capital in Excess of ParSailfast ...... ........... (90,000) (EL) 90,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... ...........
Retained EarningsSailfast ........................... ........... (182,000) (EL) 182,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... ...........
Common Stock ($1 par)Pcraft ..................... (100,000) ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... (100,000)
Paid-In Capital in Excess of ParPcraft ........ (900,000) ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... (900,000)
Retained EarningsPcraft ............................. (385,000) ............ ........... (D6) 34,000 ........... ........... ........... ...............
........... ............ ........... (D1) 2,000 ........... ........... ........... ...............
........... ............ (A35) 23,600 ........... ........... ........... (397,400) ...............
Sales ............................................................... (800,000) (350,000) ........... ........... (1,150,000) ........ ........... ...............
Cost of Goods Sold ......................................... 450,000 210,000 ........... ........... 660,000 ........... ........... ...............
Depreciation ExpenseBuilding .................... 30,000 15,000 (A4) 5,000 ........... 50,000 ........... ........... ...............
Depreciation ExpenseEquipment ................ 15,000 14,000 (A5) 6,000 ........... 35,000 ........... ........... ...............
Other Expenses .............................................. 140,000 68,000 ........... ........... 208,000 ........... ........... ...............
Interest Expense ........... 8,000 (A3) 800 ........... 8,800 ........... ........... ...............
Subsidiary (dividend) Income .......................... (35,000) ............ (CY1) 35,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... ...............
Dividends DeclaredSailfast ......................... ........... 10,000 ........... (CY2) 10,000 ........... ........... ........... ...............
Dividends DeclaredPcraft ............................ 20,000 ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... 20,000 ...............
Total ................................................................ 0 0 586,400 586,400 ........... ........... ........... ...............
Consolidated Net Income ..................................................................................................................................................... (188,200) ........... ........... ...............
To Noncontrolling interest (see distribution schedule) ..................................................................................................... ........... ........... ........... ...............
To Controlling Interest (see distribution schedule)........................................................................................................... 188,200 ........... (188,200) ...............
Total NCI ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ........... ...........
Retained EarningsControlling Interest, December 31, 20X3............................................................................................................................................. (565,600) (565,600)

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3-9 Concluded

Eliminations and Adjustments:

(CY1) Current-year subsidiary income.
(CY2) Current-year dividend.
(EL) Eliminate controlling interest in Sub equity.
(D) Distribute excess according to D&D schedule (gain and inventory go to Pcraft's
retained earnings).
(A) Amortize excess using amortization schedule (prior years go to Pcraft's retained


(1) Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (100%) (0%)
Company fair value ........................................... $500,000 $500,000 N/A
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill ...... 434,000 434,000
Goodwill ............................................................ $ 66,000 $ 66,000

Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (100%) (0%)
Fair value of subsidiary .............. $500,000 $500,000 N/A
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock ($1 par) .......... $ 10,000
Paid-in capital in excess of par 90,000
Retained earnings .................. 112,000
Total equity ......................... $212,000 $212,000
Interest acquired..................... 100%
Book value ................................. $212,000
Excess of fair value over book
value ....................................... $288,000 $288,000

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3-10 Continued

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Worksheet Amortization
Adjustment Key Life per Year
Inventory ($38,000 fair $40,000
book value) ............................ $ (2,000) credit D1
Land ($150,000 fair $60,000
book value) ............................ 90,000 debit D2
Bonds payable ($96,000 fair
$100,000 book value) ............ 4,000 debit D3 5 $ 800
Buildings ($300,000 fair
$200,000 book value) ............ 100,000 debit D4 20 5,000
Equipment ($100,000 fair
$70,000 book value) .............. 30,000 debit D5 5 6,000
Goodwill ..................................... 66,000 debit D6
Total ................................ $288,000

(2) Annual Current Prior

Account Adjustments Life Amount Year Years Total Key
Inventory ........................ 1 $ (2,000) $ $ (2,000)$(2,000) (D1)
Subject to amortization: .
Bonds payable ............... 5 800 800 1,600 2,400 (A3)
Buildings ........................ 20 5,000 5,000 10,000 15,000
Equipment...................... 5 6,000 6,000 12,000 18,000 (A5)
Total amortizations .... $11,800 $11,800 $23,600 $35,400
Cost-to-Equity Conversion:
Subsidiary retained earnings, worksheet .................................. $182,000
Subsidiary retained earnings, purchase date ........................... 112,000
Increase (decrease) .................................................................. $ 70,000
Ownership interest .................................................................... 100%
Adjust investment ..................................................................... $ 70,000

Subsidiary Sailfast Corporation Income Distribution

Current-year amortizations ............ $11,800 Internally generated net
income ................................. $35,000

Adjusted income ........................ $23,200

NCI share ................................... 0%
NCI ............................................. $23,200

Parent Pcraft Corporation Income Distribution

Internally generated net
income ................................. $165,000
Controlling share of subsidiary .. 23,200

Controlling interest ..................... $188,200

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Ch. 3Problems
Problem 3-10 Continued

Pcraft Corporation and Subsidiary Sailfast Corporation

Worksheet for Consolidated Financial Statements
For Year Ended December 31, 20X3
Eliminations Consolidated Controlling Consolidated
Trial Balance and Adjustments Income Retained Balance
Pcraft Sailfast Dr. Cr. Statement NCI Earnings Sheet
Cash ................................................................ 80,000 60,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... 140,000
Accounts Receivable ...................................... 90,000 55,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... 145,000
Inventory ......................................................... 120,000 86,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... 206,000
Land ................................................................ 100,000 60,000 (D2) 90,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... 250,000
Investment in Sailfast ...................................... 500,000 ............ (CV) 70,000 (CY1) 10,000 ........... ........... ........... ...............
........... ............ (CY2) 10,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... ...............
........... ............ ........... (EL) 282,000 ........... ........... ........... ...............
........... ............ ........... (D) 288,000 ........... ........... ........... ...............
Buildings ......................................................... 800,000 300,000 (D4) 100,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... 1,200,000
Accumulated Depreciation .............................. (220,000) (80,000) ........... (A4) 15,000 ........... ........... ........... (315,000)
Equipment ....................................................... 150,000 100,000 (D5) 30,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... 280,000
Accumulated Depreciation .............................. (90,000) (72,000) ........... (A5) 18,000 ........... ........... ........... (180,000)
Goodwill .......................................................... ........... ............ (D6) 66,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... 66,000
Current Liabilities ............................................ (60,000) (102,000) ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... (162,000)
Bonds Payable ................................................ ........... (100,000) ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... (100,000)
Discount (Premium) ........................................ ........... ............ (D3) 4,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... ...........
........... ............ ........... A3 2,400 ........... ........... ........... 1,600
Common Stock ($1 par)Sailfast .................. ........... (10,000) (EL) 10,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... ...........
Paid-In Capital in Excess of ParSailfast ...... ........... (90,000) (EL) 90,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... ...........
Retained EarningsSailfast ........................... ........... (182,000) (EL) 182,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... ...........
Common Stock ($1 par)Pcraft ..................... (100,000) ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... (100,000)
Paid-In Capital in Excess of ParPcraft ....... (900,000) ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... (900,000)
Retained EarningsPcraft ............................. (315,000) ............ ........... (CV) 70,000 ........... ........... ........... ...........
........... ............ ........... (D1) 2,000 ........... ........... ........... ...........
........... ............ (A35) 23,600 ........... ........... ........... ........... ...........
........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... (363,400) ...........
Sales .............................................................. (800,000) (350,000) ........... ........... (1,150,000) ........ ........... ...........
Cost of Goods Sold ......................................... 450,000 210,000 ........... ........... 660,000 ........... ........... ...........
Depreciation ExpenseBuildings................... 30,000 15,000 (A4) 5,000 ........... 50,000 ........... ........... ...........
Depreciation ExpenseEquipment ................ 15,000 14,000 (A5) 6,000 ........... 35,000 ........... ........... ...........
Other Expenses .............................................. 140,000 68,000 ........... ........... 208,000 ........... ........... ...........
Interest Expense ............................................. ........... 8,000 (A3) 800 ........... 8,800 ........... ........... ...........
Subsidiary (dividend) Income .......................... (10,000) ............ (CY1) 10,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... ...........
Dividends DeclaredSailfast ......................... ........... 10,000 ........... (CY2) 10,000 ........... ........... ........... ...........
Dividends DeclaredPcraft ............................ 20,000 ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... 20,000 ...........
Total ................................................................ 0 0 697,400 697,400 ........... ........... ........... ...........
Consolidated Net Income ..................................................................................................................................................... (188,200) ........... ........... ...........
To Noncontrolling Interest (see distribution schedule) ..................................................................................................... ........... ........... ........... ...........
To Controlling Interest (see distribution schedule)........................................................................................................... 188,200 ........... (188,200) ...........
Total NCI ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ........... ...........
Retained EarningsControlling Interest, December 31, 20X3............................................................................................................................................. (531,600) (531,600)

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3-10 Concluded

Eliminations and Adjustments:

(CV) Conversion to equity.
(CY1) Current-year subsidiary income.
(CY2) Current-year dividend.
(EL) Eliminate controlling interest in Sub equity.
(D) Distribute excess according to D&D schedule (goodwill and inventory to Pcraft's
retained earnings).
(A) Amortize excess using amortization schedule (prior year to Pcraft's retained


(1) Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Company fair value ........................................... $500,000 $400,000 $100,000
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill ...... 434,000 347,200 86,800
Goodwill ............................................................ $ 66,000 $ 52,800 $ 13,200

Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Fair value of subsidiary .............. $500,000 $400,000 $100,000
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock ($1 par) .......... $ 10,000
Paid-in capital in excess of par 90,000
Retained earnings .................. 112,000
Total equity ......................... $212,000 $212,000 $212,000
Interest acquired..................... 80% 20%
Book value ................................. $169,600 $ 42,400
Excess of fair value over book
value ....................................... $288,000 $230,400 $ 57,600

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3-11 Continued

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Worksheet Amortization
Adjustment Key Life per Year
Inventory ($38,000 fair
$40,000 book value) .............. $ (2,000) credit D1 1
Land ($150,000 fair $ 60,000
book value) ............................ 90,000 debit D2
Bonds payable ($96,000 fair
$100,000 book value) ............ 4,000 debit D3 5 $ 800
Buildings ($300,000 fair
$200,000 book value) ............ 100,000 debit D4 20 5,000
Equipment ($100,000 fair
$70,000 book value) .............. 30,000 debit D5 5 6,000
Goodwill ..................................... 66,000 debit D6
Total ................................ $288,000

Annual Current Prior
Account Adjustments Life Amount Year Years Total Key
Inventory ........................ 1 $ (2,000) $ $ (2,000)$(2,000) (D1)
Subject to amortization: .
Bonds payable ............... 5 800 800 1,600 2,400 (A3)
Buildings ........................ 20 5,000 5,000 10,000 15,000
Equipment...................... 5 6,000 6,000 12,000 18,000 (A5)
Total amortizations .... $11,800 $11,800 $23,600 $35,400
To IDS ....................... 4,720
To controlling interest 18,880

Subsidiary Sailfast Corporation Income Distribution

Current-year amortizations ............ $11,800 Internally generated net
income ................................. $35,000

Adjusted income ........................ $23,200

NCI share ................................... 20%
NCI ............................................. $ 4,640

Parent Pcraft Corporation Income Distribution

Internally generated net
income ................................. $165,000
Controlling share of subsidiary .. 18,560

Controlling interest ..................... $183,560

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Ch. 3Problems
Problem 3-11 Continued
Pcraft Corporation and Subsidiary Sailfast Corporation
Worksheet for Consolidated Financial Statements
For Year Ended December 31, 20X3
Eliminations Consolidated Controlling Consolidated
Trial Balance and Adjustments Income Retained Balance
Pcraft Sailfast Dr. Cr. Statement NCI Earnings Sheet
Cash ................................................................ 178,000 60,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... 238,000
Accounts Receivable ...................................... 90,000 55,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... 145,000
Inventory ......................................................... 120,000 86,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... 206,000
Land ................................................................ 100,000 60,000 (D2) 90,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... 250,000
Investment in Sailfast ...................................... 476,000 ............ ........... (CY1) 28,000 ........... ........... ........... ...........
........... ............ (CY2) 8,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... ...........
........... ............ ........... (EL) 225,600 ........... ........... ........... ...........
........... ............ ........... (D) 230,400 ........... ........... ........... ...........
Buildings ......................................................... 800,000 300,000 (D4) 100,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... 1,200,000
Accumulated Depreciation .............................. (220,000) (80,000) ........... (A4) 15,000 ........... ........... ........... (315,000)
Equipment ....................................................... 150,000 100,000 (D5) 30,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... 280,000
Accumulated Depreciation .............................. (90,000) (72,000) ........... (A5) 18,000 ........... ........... ........... (180,000)
Goodwill .......................................................... ........... ............ (D6) 66,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... 66,000
Current Liabilities ............................................ (60,000) (102,000) ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... (162,000)
Bonds Payable ................................................ ........... (100,000) ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... (100,000)
Discount (Premium) ........................................ ........... ............ (D3) 4,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... ...........
........... ............ ........... (A3) 2,400 ........... ........... ........... 1,600
Common Stock ($1 par)Sailfast .................. ........... (10,000) (EL) 8,000 ........... ........... (2,000) ........... ...........
Paid-In Capital in Excess of ParSailfast ...... ........... (90,000) (EL) 72,000 ........... ........... (18,000) ........... ...........
Retained EarningsSailfast ........................... ........... (182,000) (EL) 145,600 ........... ........... (89,680) ........... ...........
........... ............ (A35) 4,720 (NCI) 57,600 ........... ........... ........... ...........
........... ............ ........... (D1) 400 ........... ........... ........... ...........
Common Stock ($1 par)Pcraft ..................... (100,000) ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... (100,000)
Paid-In Capital in Excess of ParPcraft ........ (900,000) ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... (900,000)
Retained EarningsPcraft ............................. (371,000) ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ...........
........... ............ ........... (D1) 1,600 ........... ........... ........... ...........
........... ............ (A35) 18,880 ........... ........... ........... ........... ...........
........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... (353,720) ...........
Sales ............................................................... (800,000) (350,000) ........... ........... (1,150,000) ........ ........... ...........
Cost of Goods Sold ......................................... 450,000 210,000 ........... ........... 660,000 ........... ........... ...........
Depreciation ExpenseBuildings................... 30,000 15,000 (A4) 5,000 ........... 50,000 ........... ........... ...........
Depreciation ExpenseEquipment ................ 15,000 14,000 (A5) 6,000 ........... 35,000 ........... ........... ...........
Other Expenses .............................................. 140,000 68,000 ........... ........... 208,000 ........... ........... ...........
Interest Expense ............................................. ........... 8,000 (A3) 800 ........... 8,800 ........... ........... ...........
........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ...........
........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ...........
Subsidiary (dividend) Income .......................... (28,000) ............ (CY1) 28,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... ...........
Dividends DeclaredSailfast ......................... ........... 10,000 ........... (CY2) 8,000 ........... 2,000 ........... ...........
Dividends DeclaredPcraft ............................ 20,000 ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... 20,000 ...........
Total ................................................................ 0 0 587,000 587,000 ........... ........... ........... ...........
Consolidated Net Income ..................................................................................................................................................... (188,200) ........... ........... ...........
To Noncontrolling Interest (see distribution schedule) ..................................................................................................... 4,640 (4,640) ........... ...........
To Controlling Interest (see distribution schedule)........................................................................................................... 183,560 ........... (183,560) ...........
Total NCI ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... (112,320) ........... (112,320)
Retained EarningsControlling Interest, December 31, 20X3............................................................................................................................................. (517,280) (517,280)
....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 0

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3-11 Concluded

Eliminations and Adjustments:

(CY1) Current-year subsidiary income.
(CY2) Current-year dividend.
(EL) Eliminate controlling interest in Sub equity.
(D)/(NCI) Distribute excess according to D&D schedule (goodwill and inventory go to Pcraft
and to Sailfast's retained earnings).
(A) Amortize excess using amortization schedule (prior years to Pcraft and to
Sailfast's retained earnings).


(1) Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Company fair value ........................................... $500,000 $400,000 $100,000
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill ...... 434,000 347,200 86,800
Goodwill ............................................................ $ 66,000 $ 52,800 $ 13,200

Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Fair value of subsidiary .............. $500,000 $400,000 $100,000
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock ($1 par) .......... $ 10,000
Paid-in capital in excess of par 90,000
Retained earning .................... 112,000
Total equity ......................... $212,000 $212,000 $212,000
Interest acquired..................... 80% 20%
Book value ................................. $169,600 $ 42,400
Excess of fair value over book
value ....................................... $288,000 $230,400 $ 57,600

To download more slides, ebook, solutions and test bank, visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com

Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3-12 Continued

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Worksheet Amortization
Adjustment Key Life per Year
Inventory ($38,000 fair
$40,000 book value) .............. $ (2,000) credit D1 1
Land ($150,000 fair $60,000
book value) ............................ 90,000 debit D2
Bonds payable ($96,000 fair
$100,000 book value) ............ 4,000 debit D3 5 $ 800
Buildings ($300,000 fair
$200,000 book value) ............ 100,000 debit D4 20 5,000
Equipment ($100,000 fair
$70,000 book value) .............. 30,000 debit D5 5 $6,000
Goodwill ..................................... 66,000 debit D6
Total ................................ $288,000

Annual Current Prior
Account Adjustments Life Amount Year Years Total Key
Inventory ........................ 1 $ (2,000) $ (2,000)$ $(2,000) (D1)
Subject to amortization: .
Bonds payable ............... 5 800 800 800 (A3)
Buildings ........................ 20 5,000 5,000 5,000 (A4)
Equipment...................... 5 6,000 6,000 6,000 (A5)
Total amortizations .... $11,800 $11,800 $ $11,800

Subsidiary Sailfast Corporation Income Distribution

Current-year amortizations ............ $11,8 Internally generated net
income ................................. $34,000
Inventory adjustment ................. 2,000

Adjusted income ........................ $24,200

NCI share ................................... 20%
NCI ............................................. $ 4,840

Parent Pcraft Corporation Income Distribution

Internally generated net
income ................................. $185,000
Controlling share of subsidiary .. 19,360

Controlling interest ..................... $204,360

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Ch. 3Problems
Problem 3-12 Continued
Pcraft Corporation and Subsidiary Sailfast Corporation
Worksheet for Consolidated Financial Statements
For Year Ended December 31, 20X3
Eliminations Consolidated Controlling Consolidated
Trial Balance and Adjustments Income Retained Balance
Pcraft Sailfast Dr. Cr. Statement NCI Earnings Sheet
Cash ................................................................ 178,000 31,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... 209,000
Accounts Receivable ...................................... 80,000 35,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... 115,000
Inventory ......................................................... 90,000 52,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... 142,000
Land ................................................................ 100,000 60,000 (D2) 90,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... 250,000
Investment in Sailfast ...................................... 400,000 ............ (CY1) 8,000 ........... ........... ........... ...........
........... ............ (CY2) 8,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... ...........
........... ............ ........... (EL) 169,600 ........... ........... ........... ...........
........... ............ ........... (D) 230,400 ........... ........... ........... ...........
Buildings ......................................................... 800,000 250,000 (D4) 100,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... 1,150,000
Accumulated Depreciation .............................. (200,000) (60,000) ........... (A4) 5,000 ........... ........... ........... (265,000)
Equipment ....................................................... 150,000 100,000 (D5) 30,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... 280,000
Accumulated Depreciation .............................. (75,000) (44,000) ........... (A5) 6,000 ........... ........... ........... (125,000)
Goodwill .......................................................... ........... ............ (D6) 66,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... 66,000
Current Liabilities ............................................ (50,000) (88,000) ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... (138,000)
Bonds Payable ................................................ ........... (100,000) ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... (100,000)
Discount (Premium) ........................................ ........... ............ (D3) 4,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... ...........
........... ............ ........... (A3) 800 ........... ........... ........... 3,200
Common Stock ($1 par)Sailfast .................. ........... (10,000) (EL) 8,000 ........... ........... (2,000) ........... ...........
Paid-In Capital in Excess of ParSailfast ...... ........... (90,000) (EL) 72,000 ........... ........... (18,000) ........... ...........
Retained EarningsSailfast ........................... ........... (112,000) (EL) 89,600 ........... ........... (80,000) ........... ...........
........... ............ ........... (NCI) 57,600 ........... ........... ........... ...........
........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ...........
........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ...........
Common Stock ($1 par)Pcraft ..................... (100,000) ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... (100,000)
Paid-In Capital in Excess of ParPcraft ........ (900,000) ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... (900,000)
Retained EarningsPcraft ............................. (300,000) ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ...........
........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ...........
........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ...........
........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... (300,000) ...........
Sales ............................................................... (750,000) (300,000) ........... ........... (1,050,000) ........ ........... ...........
Cost of Goods Sold ......................................... 400,000 180,000 ........... (D1) 2,000 578,000 ........... ........... ...........
Depreciation ExpenseBuildings................... 30,000 10,000 (A4) 5,000 ........... 45,000 ........... ........... ...........
Depreciation ExpenseEquipment ................ 15,000 14,000 (A5) 6,000 ........... 35,000 ........... ........... ...........
Other Expenses .............................................. 120,000 54,000 ........... ........... 174,000 ........... ........... ...........
Interest Expense ............................................. ........... 8,000 (A3) 800 ........... 8,800 ........... ........... ...........
........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ...........
Subsidiary (dividend) Income .......................... (8,000) ............ (CY1) 8,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... ...........
Dividends DeclaredSailfast ......................... ........... 10,000 ........... (CY2) 8,000 ........... 2,000 ........... ...........
Dividends DeclaredPcraft ............................ 20,000 ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... 20,000 ...........
Total ................................................................ 0 0 487,400 487,400 ........... ........... ........... ...........
Consolidated Net Income ..................................................................................................................................................... (209,200) ........... ........... ...........
To Noncontrolling Interest (see distribution schedule) ..................................................................................................... 4,840 (4,840) ........... ...........
To Controlling Interest (see distribution schedule)........................................................................................................... 204,360 ........... (204,360) ...........
Total NCI ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... (102,840) ........... (102,840)
Retained EarningsControlling Interest, December 31, 20X1............................................................................................................................................. (484,360) (484,360)

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3-12 Concluded

Eliminations and Adjustments:

(CV) Conversion to equity
(CY1) Current-year subsidiary income.
(CY2) Current-year dividend.
(EL) Eliminate controlling interest in Sub equity.
(D)/(NCI) Distribute excess according to D&D schedule.
(A) Amortize excess using amortization schedule.


(1) Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (70%) (30%)
Company fair value ........................................... $600,000 $420,000 $180,000
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill ...... 434,000 303,800 130,200
Goodwill ............................................................ $166,000 $116,200 $ 49,800

Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (70%) (30%)
Fair value of subsidiary .............. $600,000 $420,000 $180,000
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock ($1 par) .......... $ 10,000
Paid-in capital in excess of par 90,000
Retained earnings .................. 112,000
Total equity ......................... $212,000 $212,000 $212,000
Interest acquired..................... 70% 30%
Book value ................................. $148,400 $ 63,600
Excess of fair value over book
value ....................................... $388,000 $271,600 $116,400

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Worksheet Amortization
Adjustment Key Life per Year
Inventory ($38,000 fair
$40,000 book value) .............. $ (2,000) credit D1 1
Land ($150,000 fair $60,000
book value) ............................ 90,000 debit D2
Bonds payable ($96,000 fair
$100,000 book value) ............ 4,000 debit D3 5 $ 800
Buildings ($300,000 fair
$200,000 book value) ............ 100,000 debit D4 20 5,000
Equipment ($100,000 fair
$70,000 book value) .............. 30,000 debit D5 5 6,000
Goodwill ..................................... 166,000 debit D6
Total ...................................... $388,000

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3-13 Continued

Annual Current Prior
Account Adjustments Life Amount Year Years Total Key
Inventory ........................ 1 $ (2,000) $ $ (2,000)$(2,000) (D1)
Subject to amortization: .
Bonds payable ............... 5 800 800 1,600 2,400 (A3)
Buildings ........................ 20 5,000 5,000 10,000 15,000
Equipment...................... 5 6,000 6,000 12,000 18,000 (A5)
Total amortizations .... $11,800 $11,800 $23,600 $35,400
To NCI ....................... 7,080
To controlling interest 16,520
Cost-to-Equity Conversion:
Subsidiary retained earnings, worksheet .................................. $182,000
Subsidiary retained earnings, purchase date ........................... 112,000
Increase (decrease) .................................................................. $ 70,000
Ownership interest .................................................................... 70%
Adjust investment ..................................................................... $49,000

Subsidiary Sailfast Corporation Income Distribution

Current-year amortizations ............ 11,8 Internally generated net
income ................................. $35,000

Adjusted income ........................ $23,200

NCI share ................................... 30%
NCI ............................................. $ 6,960

Parent Pcraft Corporation Income Distribution

Internally generated net
income ................................. $165,000
Controlling share of subsidiary .. 16,240

Controlling interest ..................... $181,240

To download more slides, ebook, solutions and test bank, visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com

Ch. 3Problems
Problem 3-13 Continued
Pcraft Corporation and Subsidiary Sailfast Corporation
Worksheet for Consolidated Financial Statements
For Year Ended December 31, 20X3
Eliminations Consolidated Controlling Consolidated
Trial Balance and Adjustments Income Retained Balance
Pcraft Sailfast Dr. Cr. Statement NCI Earnings Sheet
Cash ................................................................ 157,000 60,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... ............... 217,000
Accounts Receivable ...................................... 90,000 55,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... ............... 145,000
Inventory ......................................................... 120,000 86,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... ............... 206,000
Land ................................................................ 100,000 60,000 (D2) 90,000 ........... ........... ........... ............... 250,000
Investment in Sailfast ...................................... 420,000 ............ (CV) 49,000 (CY1) 7,000 ........... ........... ............... ...........
........... ............ (CY2) 7,000 ........... ........... ........... ............... ...........
........... ............ ........... (EL) 197,400 ........... ........... ............... ...........
........... ............ ........... (D) 271,600 ........... ........... ............... ...........
Buildings ......................................................... 800,000 300,000 (D4) 100,000 ........... ........... ........... ............... 1,200,000
Accumulated Depreciation .............................. (220,000) (80,000) ........... (A4) 15,000 ........... ........... ............... (315,000)
Equipment ....................................................... 150,000 100,000 (D5) 30,000 ........... ........... ........... ............... 280,000
Accumulated Depreciation .............................. (90,000) (72,000) ........... (A5) 18,000 ........... ........... ............... (180,000)
Goodwill .......................................................... ........... ............ (D6) 166,000 ........... ........... ........... ............... 166,000
Current Liabilities ............................................ (60,000) (102,000) ........... ........... ........... ........... ............... (162,000)
Bonds Payable ................................................ ........... (100,000) ........... ........... ........... ........... ............... (100,000)
Discount (Premium) ........................................ ........... ............ (D3) 4,000 ........... ........... ........... ............... ...........
........... ............ ........... (A3) 2,400 ........... ........... ............... 1,600
Common Stock ($1 par)Sailfast ................. ........... (10,000) (EL) 7,000 ........... ........... (3,000) ............... ...........
Paid-In Capital in Excess of ParSailfast ...... ........... (90,000) (EL) 63,000 ........... ........... (27,000) ............... ...........
Retained EarningsSailfast ........................... ........... (182,000) (EL) 127,400 ........... ........... (164,520) ............... ...........
........... ............ ........... (NCI) 116,400 ........... ........... ............... ...........
........... ............ ........... (D1) 600 ........... ........... ............... ...........
........... ............ (A35) 7,080 ........... ........... ........... ............... ...........
Common Stock ($1 par)Pcraft ..................... (100,000) ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ............... (100,000)
Paid-In Capital in Excess of ParPcraft ........ (900,000) ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ............... (900,000)
Retained EarningsPcraft ............................. (315,000) ............ ........... (CV) 49,000 ........... ........... ............... ...........
........... ............ ........... (D1) 1,400 ........... ........... ............... ...........
........... ............ (A35) 16,520 ........... ........... ........... ............... ...........
........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... (348,880) ...........
Sales ............................................................... (800,000) (350,000) ........... ........... (1,150,000) ........ ............... ...........
Cost of Goods Sold ......................................... 450,000 210,000 ........... ........... 660,000 ........... ............... ...........
Depreciation ExpenseBuildings................... 30,000 15,000 (A4) 5,000 ........... 50,000 ........... ............... ...........
Depreciation ExpenseEquipment ................ 15,000 14,000 (A5) 6,000 ........... 35,000 ........... ............... ...........
Other Expenses .............................................. 140,000 68,000 ........... ........... 208,000 ........... ............... ...........
Interest Expense ............................................. ........... 8,000 (A3) 800 ........... 8,800 ........... ............... ...........
........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ............... ...........
Subsidiary (dividend) Income .......................... (7,000) ............ (CY1) 7,000 ........... ........... ........... ............... ...........
Dividends DeclaredSailfast ......................... ........... 10,000 ........... (CY2) 7,000 ........... 3,000 ............... ...........
Dividends DeclaredPcraft ............................ 20,000 ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... 20,000 ...........
Total ................................................................ 0 0 685,800 685,800 ........... ........... ........... ...........
Consolidated Net Income ..................................................................................................................................................... (188,200) ........... ........... ...........
To Noncontrolling Interest (see distribution schedule) ......................................................................................................... 6,960 (6,960) ........... ...........
To Controlling Interest (see distribution schedule)............................................................................................................... 181,240 ........... (181,240) ...........
Total NCI ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... (198,480) ........... (198,480)
Retained EarningsControlling Interest, December 31, 20X3............................................................................................................................................. (510,120) (510,120)

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3-13 Concluded

Eliminations and Adjustments:

(CV) Conversion to equity.
(CY1) Current-year subsidiary income.
(CY2) Current-year dividend.
(EL) Eliminate controlling interest in Sub equity.
(D)/(NCI) Distribute excess according to D&D schedule (goodwill and inventory go to Pcraft and to
Sailfast's retained earnings).
(A) Amortize excess using amortization schedule (prior years to Pcraft and to Sailfast's re-
tained earnings).


(1) Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (100%) (0%)
Company fair value ........................................... $800,000 $800,000 N/A
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill ...... 630,000 630,000
Goodwill ............................................................ $170,000 $170,000

Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (100%) (0%)
Fair value of subsidiary .............. $800,000 $800,000 N/A
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock ($1 par) .......... $100,000
Paid-in capital in excess of par 200,000
Retained earnings .................. 180,000
Total equity ......................... $480,000 $480,000
Interest acquired..................... 100%
Book value ................................. $480,000
Excess of fair value over book
value ....................................... $320,000 $320,000

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3-14 Continued

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Worksheet Amortization
Adjustment Key Life per Year
Inventory ($65,000 fair
$60,000 book value) .................. $ 5,000 debit D1
Land ($100,000 fair $50,000
book value) ............................ 50,000 debit D2
Mortgage payable ($205,000
fair $200,000 book value) ... (5,000) credit D3 5 $(1,000)
Buildings ($500,000 fair
$350,000 book value) ............ 150,000 debit D4 20 7,500
Equipment ($100,000 fair
$120,000 book value) ............ (20,000) credit D5 5 (4,000)
Patent ($50,000 fair $40,000
book value) ............................ 10,000 debit D6 5 2,000
Production backlog ($10,000
fair $0 book value) .............. 10,000 debit D7 2 5,000
Goodwill ($170,000 $50,000
book value) ............................ 120,000 debit D8
Total ................................ $320,000

(2) Annual Current Prior

Account Adjustments Life Amount Year Years Total Key
Inventory ........................ 1 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ $ 5,000
Subject to amortization: .
Mortgage payable .......... 5 (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) (A3)
Buildings ........................ 20 7,500 7,500 7,500 (A4)
Equipment...................... 5 (4,000) (4,000) (4,000) (A5)
Patent ............................ 5 2,000 2,000 2,000 (A6)
Production backlog ........ 2 5,000 5,000 5,000
Total amortizations .... $ 9,500 $ 9,500 $ $ 9,500

Subsidiary Fast Air Company Income Distribution

Inventory adjustment ..................... $5,000 Internally generated net
Current-year amortizations ............ 9,500 income ................................. $47,500

Adjusted income ........................ $33,000

NCI share ................................... 0%
NCI ............................................. $ 0

Parent Fast Cool Company Income Distribution

Internally generated net
income ................................. $253,000
Controlling share of subsidiary .. 33,000

Controlling interest ..................... $286,000

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Ch. 3Problems
Problem 3-14 Continued
Fast Cool Company and Subsidiary Fast Air Company
Worksheet for Consolidated Financial Statements
For Year Ended December 31, 20X2
Eliminations Consolidated Controlling Consolidated
Trial Balance and Adjustments Income Retained Balance
Fast Cool Fast Air Dr. Cr. Statement NCI Earnings Sheet
Cash .................................................................... 147,000 37,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 184,000
Accounts Receivable ........................................... 70,000 100,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 170,000
Inventory.............................................................. 150,000 60,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 210,000
Land .................................................................... 60,000 50,000 (D2) 50,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ 160,000
Investment in Fast Air .......................................... 837,500 ............ ............ (CY1) 47,500 ............ ............ ............ ............
............ ............ (CY2) 10,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
............ ............ ............ (EL) 480,000 ............ ............ ............ ............
............ ............ ............ (D) 320,000 ............ ............ ............ ............
Buildings .............................................................. 1,200,000 400,000 (D4) 150,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ 1,750,000
Accumulated Depreciation................................... (176,000) (67,500) ............ (A4) 7,500 ............ ............ ............ (251,000)
Equipment ........................................................... 140,000 150,000 ............ (D5) 20,000 ............ ............ ............ 270,000
Accumulated Depreciation................................... (68,000) (54,000) (A5) 4,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ (118,000)
Patent .................................................................. ............ 32,000 (D6) 10,000 (A6) 2,000 ............ ............ ............ 40,000
Production Backlog ............................................. ............ ............ (D7) 10,000 (A7) 5,000 ............ ............ ............ 5,000
Goodwill............................................................... ............ 50,000 (D8) 120,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ 170,000
Current Liabilities................................................. (80,000) (40,000) ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ (120,000)
Mortgage Payable ............................................... ............ (200,000) ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ (200,000)
Discount (Premium) ............................................. ............ ............ ............ (D3) 5,000 ............ ............ ............ ............
............ ............ (A3) 1,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ (4,000)
Common Stock ($1 par)Fast Air ...................... ............ (100,000) (EL) 100,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
Paid-In Capital in Excess of ParFast Air .......... ............ (200,000) (EL) 200,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
Retained EarningsFast Air ............................... ............ (180,000) (EL) 180,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
Common Stock ($1 par)Fast Cool ................... (100,000) ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ (100,000)
Paid-In Capital in Excess of ParFast Cool ....... (1,500,000).......... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ (1,500,000
Retained EarningsFast Cool ............................ (400,000) ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ (400,000) ............
Sales ................................................................... (700,000) (400,000) ............ ............ (1,100,000) .......... ............ ............
Cost of Goods Sold ............................................. 380,000 210,000 (D1) 5,000 ............ 595,000 ............ ............ ............
Depreciation ExpenseBuildings ....................... 10,000 17,500 (A4) 7,500 ............ 35,000 ............ ............ ............
Depreciation ExpenseEquipment ..................... 7,000 24,000 ............ (A5) 4,000 27,000 ............ ............ ............
Other Expenses................................................... 50,000 85,000 (A6) 2,000 ............ 142,000 ............ ............ ............
............ ............ (A7) 5,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
Interest Expense ................................................. ............ 16,000 ............ (A3) 1,000 15,000 ............ ............ ............
............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
Subsidiary (dividend) Income .............................. (47,500) ............ (CY1) 47,500 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
Dividends DeclaredFast Air ............................. ............ 10,000 ............ (CY2) 10,000 ............ ............ ............ ............
Dividends DeclaredFast Cool .......................... 20,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 20,000 ............
Total .................................................................... 0 0 902,000 902,000 ............ ............ ............ ............
Consolidated Net Income ................................................................................................................................................................ (286,000) ............ ............ ............
To Noncontrolling Interest (see distribution schedule) ..................................................................................................................... ............ ............ ............ ............
To Controlling Interest (see distribution schedule) .......................................................................................................................... 286,000 ............ (286,000) ............
Total NCI ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ............ ............
Retained EarningsControlling Interest, December 31, 20X1............................................................................................................................................................ (666,000) (666,000)

To download more slides, ebook, solutions and test bank, visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com

Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3-14 Concluded

Eliminations and Adjustments:

(CY1) Current-year subsidiary income.
(CY2) Current-year dividend.
(EL) Eliminate controlling interest in Sub equity.
(D) Distribute excess according to D&D schedule.
(A) Amortize excess using amortization schedule.


(1) Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (100%) (0%)
Company fair value ........................................... $800,000 $800,000 N/A
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill ...... 630,000 630,000
Goodwill ............................................................ $170,000 $170,000

Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (100%) (0%)
Fair value of subsidiary .............. $800,000 $800,000 N/A
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock ($1 par) ......... $100,000
Paid-in capital in excess of par 200,000
Retained earnings ................. 180,000
Total equity ...................... $480,000 $480,000
Interest acquired ................... 100%
Book value ................................. $480,000
Excess of fair value over book
value ...................................... $320,000 $320,000

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3-15 Continued

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Worksheet Amortization
Adjustment Key Life per Year
Inventory ($65,000 fair
$60,000 book value) .............. $ 5,000 debit D1
Land ($100,000 fair
$50,000 book value) .............. 50,000 debit D2
Mortgage payable ($205,000
fair $200,000 book value) ....... (5,000) credit D3 5 $(1,000)
Buildings ($500,000 fair
$ 350,000 book value) ........... 150,000 debit D4 20 7,500
Equipment ($100,000 fair
$120,000 book value) ............ (20,000) credit D5 5 (4,000)
Patent ($50,000 fair $40,000
book value) ............................ 10,000 debit D6 5 2,000
Production backlog ($10,000
fair $0 book value) .............. 10,000 debit D7 2 5,000
Goodwill ($170,000 $50,000
book value) ............................ 120,000 debit D8
Total ................................ $320,000

(2) Annual Current Prior

Account Adjustments Life Amount Year Years Total Key
Inventory ........................ 1 $ 5,000 $ $ 5,000 $5,000
Subject to amortization:...
Mortgage payable ........... 5 (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) (2,000)
................................. (A3)
Buildings.......................... 20 7,500 7,500 7,500 15,000
................................. (A4)
Equipment ....................... 5 (4,000) (4,000) (4,000) (8,000)
................................. (A5)
Patent .............................. 5 2,000 2,000 2,000 4,000
................................. (A6)
Production backlog ........ 2 5,000 5,000 5,000 10,000
Total amortizations .... $ 9,500 $ 9,500 $ 9,500 $19,000

Subsidiary Fast Air Company Income Distribution

Current-year amortizations ............ $9,500 Internally generated net
income ................................. $67,500

Adjusted income ........................ $58,000

NCI share ................................... 0%
NCI ............................................. $ 0

To download more slides, ebook, solutions and test bank, visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com

Ch. 3Problems

Parent Fast Cool Company Income Distribution

Internally generated net
income ................................. $253,000
Controlling share of subsidiary .. 58,000

Controlling interest ..................... $311,000

To download more slides, ebook, solutions and test bank, visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com

Ch. 3Problems
Problem 3-15 Continued
Fast Cool Company and Subsidiary Fast Air Company
Worksheet for Consolidated Financial Statements
For Year Ended December 31, 20X2
Eliminations Consolidated Controlling Consolidated
Trial Balance and Adjustments Income Retained Balance
Fast Cool Fast Air Dr. Cr. Statement NCI Earnings Sheet
Cash .................................................................... 396,000 99,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 495,000
Accounts Receivable ........................................... 200,000 120,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 320,000
Inventory.............................................................. 120,000 95,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 215,000
Land .................................................................... 60,000 50,000 (D2) 50,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ 160,000
Investment in Fast Air .......................................... 895,000 ............ ............ (CY1) 67,500 ............ ............ ............ ............
............ ............ (CY2) 10,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
............ ............ ............ (EL) 517,500 ............ ............ ............ ............
............ ............ ............ (D) 320,000 ............ ............ ............ ............
Buildings .............................................................. 1,200,000 400,000 (D4) 150,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ 1,750,000
Accumulated Depreciation................................... (200,000) (85,000) ............ (A4 15,000 ............ ............ ............ (300,000)
Equipment ........................................................... 140,000 150,000 ............ (D5) 20,000 ............ ............ ............ 270,000
Accumulated Depreciation................................... (80,000) (78,000) (A5) 8,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ (150,000)
Patent .................................................................. ............ 24,000 (D6) 10,000 (A6) 4,000 ............ ............ ............ 30,000
Production Backlog ............................................. ............ ............ (D7) 10,000 (A7) 10,000 ............ ............ ............ ............
Goodwill............................................................... ............ 50,000 (D8) 120,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ 170,000
Current Liabilities................................................. (150,000) (50,000) ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ (200,000)
Mortgage Payable ............................................... ............ (200,000) ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ (200,000)
Discount (Premium) ............................................. ............ ............ ............ (D3) 5,000 ............ ............ ............ ............
............ ............ (A3) 2,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ (3,000)
Common Stock ($1 par)Fast Air ...................... ............ (100,000) (EL) 100,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
Paid-In Capital in Excess of ParFast Air .......... ............ (200,000) (EL) 200,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
Retained EarningsFast Air ............................... ............ (217,500) (EL) 217,500 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
Common Stock ($1 par)Fast Cool ................... (100,000) ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ (100,000)
Paid-In Capital in Excess of ParFast Cool ....... (1,500,000).......... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ (1,500,000
Retained EarningsFast Cool ............................ (680,500) ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
............ ............ (D1) 5,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
............ ............ (A37) 9,500 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ (666,000) ............
Sales ................................................................... (700,000) (500,000) ............ ............ (1,200,000) .......... ............ ............
Cost of Goods Sold ............................................. 380,000 260,000 ............ ............ 640,000 ............ ............ ............
Depreciation ExpenseBuildings ....................... 10,000 17,500 (A4) 7,500 ............ 35,000 ............ ............ ............
Depreciation ExpenseEquipment ..................... 7,000 24,000 ............ (A5) 4,000 27,000 ............ ............ ............
Other Expenses................................................... 50,000 115,000 (A6) 2,000 ............ 172,000 ............ ............ ............
............ ............ (A7) 5,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
Interest Expense ................................................. ............ 16,000 ............ (A3) 1,000 15,000 ............ ............ ............
............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
Subsidiary (dividend) Income .............................. (67,500) ............ (CY1) 67,500 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
Dividends DeclaredFast Air ............................. ............ 10,000 ............ (CY2) 10,000 ............ ............ ............ ............
Dividends DeclaredFast Cool .......................... 20,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 20,000 ............
Total .................................................................... 0 0 974,000 974,000 ............ ............ ............ ............
Consolidated Net Income ................................................................................................................................................................ (311,000) ............ ............ ............
To Noncontrolling Interest (see distribution schedule) ..................................................................................................................... ............ ............ ............ ............
To Controlling Interest (see distribution schedule) .......................................................................................................................... 311,000 ............ (311,000) ............
Total NCI ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ............ ............
Retained EarningsControlling Interest, December 31, 20X2............................................................................................................................................................ (957,000) (957,000)

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3-15 Concluded

Eliminations and Adjustments:

(CY1) Current-year subsidiary income.
(CY2) Current-year dividend.
(EL) Eliminate controlling interest in Sub equity.
(D) Distribute excess according to D&D schedule (inventory goes to Fast Cool's re-
tained earnings).
(A) Amortize excess using amortization schedule (prior year's goes to Fast Cool's re-
tained earnings).


(1) Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (100%) (0%)
Company fair value ........................................... $500,000 $500,000 N/A
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill ...... 630,000 630,000
Gain on acquisition ........................................... $130,000 $130,000

Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (100%) (0%)
Price paid for investment ........... $500,000 $500,000 N/A
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock ($1 par) .......... $100,000
Paid-in capital in excess of par 200,000
Retained earnings .................. 180,000
Total equity ......................... $480,000 $480,000
Interest acquired..................... 100%
Book value ................................. $480,000
Excess of fair value over book
value ....................................... $ 20,000 $ 20,000

To download more slides, ebook, solutions and test bank, visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com

Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3-16 Continued

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Worksheet Amortization
Adjustment Key Life per Year
Inventory ($65,000 fair
$60,000 book value) .............. $ 5,000 debit D1
Land ($100,000 fair $50,000
book value) ............................ 50,000 debit D2
Mortgage payable ($205,000
fair $200,000 book value) ... (5,000) credit D3 5 $(1,000)
Buildings ($500,000 fair
$ 350,000 book value) ........... 150,000 debit D4 20 7,500
Equipment ($100,000 fair
$120,000 book value) ............ (20,000) credit D5 5 (4,000)
Patent ($50,000 fair $40,000
book value) ............................ 10,000 debit D6 5 2,000
Production backlog ($10,000
fair $0 book value) .............. 10,000 debit D7 2 5,000
Goodwill (remove 50,000
book value) ............................ (50,000) credit D8
Gain on acquisition ($500,000
fair $630,000 book value) ... (130,000) credit D9
Total ................................ $ 20,000

Annual Current Prior
Account Adjustments Life Amount Year Years Total Key
Inventory ........................ 1 $ 5,000 $ $ 5,000 $5,000
Subject to amortization: .
Mortgage payable .......... 5 (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) (2,000)
................................ (A3)
Buildings ........................ 20 7,500 7,500 7,500 15,000
................................ (A4)
Equipment...................... 5 (4,000) (4,000) (4,000) (8,000)
................................ (A5)
Patent ............................ 5 2,000 2,000 2,000 4,000
................................ (A6)
Production backlog ........ 2 5,000 5,000 5,000 10,000
Total amortizations .... $ 9,500 $ 9,500 $ 9,500 $19,000

To download more slides, ebook, solutions and test bank, visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com

Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3-16 Continued

Subsidiary Fast Air Company Income Distribution

Current-year amortizations ............ $9,500 Internally generated net
income ................................. $67,500

Adjusted income ........................ $58,000

NCI share ................................... 0%
NCI ............................................. $ 0

Parent Fast Cool Company Income Distribution

Internally generated net
income ................................. $253,000
Controlling share of subsidiary .. 58,000

Controlling interest ..................... $311,000

To download more slides, ebook, solutions and test bank, visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com

Ch. 3Problems
Problem 3-16 Continued
Fast Cool Company and Subsidiary Fast Air Company
Worksheet for Consolidated Financial Statements
For Year Ended December 31, 20X2
Eliminations Consolidated Controlling Consolidated
Trial Balance and Adjustments Income Retained Balance
Fast Cool Fast Air Dr. Cr. Statement NCI Earnings Sheet
Cash .................................................................... 396,000 99,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 495,000
Accounts Receivable ........................................... 200,000 120,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 320,000
Inventory.............................................................. 120,000 95,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 215,000
Land .................................................................... 60,000 50,000 (D2) 50,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ 160,000
Investment in Fast Air .......................................... 595,000 ............ ............ (CY1) 67,500 ............ ............ ............ ............
............ ............ (CY2) 10,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
............ ............ ............ (EL) 517,500 ............ ............ ............ ............
............ ............ ............ (D) 20,000 ............ ............ ............ ............
Buildings .............................................................. 1,200,000 400,000 (D4) 150,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ 1,750,000
Accumulated Depreciation................................... (200,000) (85,000) ............ (A4) 15,000 ............ ............ ............ (300,000)
Equipment ........................................................... 140,000 150,000 ............ (D5) 20,000 ............ ............ ............ 270,000
Accumulated Depreciation................................... (80,000) (78,000) (A5) 8,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ (150,000)
Patent .................................................................. ............ 24,000 (D6) 10,000 (A6) 4,000 ............ ............ ............ 30,000
Production Backlog ............................................. ............ ............ (D7) 10,000 (A7) 10,000 ............ ............ ............ ............
Goodwill............................................................... ............ 50,000 ............ (D8) 50,000 ............ ............ ............ ............
Current Liabilities................................................. (150,000) (50,000) ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ (200,000)
Mortgage Payable ............................................... ............. (200,000) ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ (200,000)
Discount (Premium) ............................................. ............. ............ ............ (D3) 5,000 ............ ............ ............ ............
............................................................................ ............. ............ (A3) 2,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ (3,000)
Common Stock ($1 par)Fast Air ...................... ............. (100,000) (EL) 100,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
Paid-In Capital in Excess of ParFast Air .......... ............. (200,000) (EL) 200,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
Retained EarningsFast Air ............................... ............. (217,500) (EL) 217,500 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
............. ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
............. ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
............. ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
Common Stock ($1 par)Fast Cool ................... (85,000) ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ (85,000)
Paid-In Capital in Excess of ParFast Cool ....... (1,215,000).......... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ (1,215,000
Retained EarningsFast Cool ............................ (680,500) ............ ............ (D9) 130,000 ............ ............ ............ ............
............ ............ (D1) 5,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
............ ............ (A37) 9,500 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ (796,000) ............
Sales ................................................................... (700,000) (500,000) ............ ............ (1,200,000) .......... ............ ............
Cost of Goods Sold ............................................. 380,000 260,000 ............ ............ 640,000 ............ ............ ............
Depreciation ExpenseBuildings ....................... 10,000 17,500 (A4) 7,500 ............ 35,000 ............ ............ ............
Depreciation ExpenseEquipment ..................... 7,000 24,000 ............ (A5) 4,000 27,000 ............ ............ ............
Other Expenses................................................... 50,000 115,000 (A6) 2,000 ............ 172,000 ............ ............ ............
............. ............ (A7) 5,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
Interest Expense ................................................. ............. 16,000 ............ (A3) 1,000 15,000 ............ ............ ............
............. ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
Subsidiary (dividend) Income .............................. (67,500) ............ (CY1) 67,500 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
Dividends DeclaredFast Air ............................. ............ 10,000 ............ (CY2) 10,000 ............ ............ ............ ............
Dividends DeclaredFast Cool .......................... 20,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 20,000 ............
Total .................................................................... 0 0 854,000 854,000 ............ ............ ............ ............
Consolidated Net Income ................................................................................................................................................................ (311,000) ............ ............ ............
To Noncontrolling Interest (see distribution schedule) ..................................................................................................................... ............ ............ ............ ............
To Controlling Interest (see distribution schedule) .......................................................................................................................... 311,000 ............ (311,000) ............
Total NCI ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ............ ............
Retained EarningsControlling Interest, December 31, 20X2............................................................................................................................................................ (1,087,000) (1,087,000)

To download more slides, ebook, solutions and test bank, visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com

Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3-16 Concluded

Eliminations and Adjustments:

(CY1) Current-year subsidiary income.
(CY2) Current-year dividend.
(EL) Eliminate controlling interest in Sub equity.
(D) Distribute excess according to D&D schedule (gain and inventory go to Fast Cool's
retained earnings).
(A) Amortize excess using amortization schedule (prior year's goes to Fast Cool's re-
tained earnings).


(1) Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Company fair value ........................................... $875,000 $700,000 $175,000
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill ...... 630,000 504,000 126,000
Goodwill ............................................................ $245,000 $196,000 $ 49,000

Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Fair value of subsidiary .............. $875,000 $700,000 $175,000
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock ($1 par) ......... $100,000
Paid-in capital in excess of par 200,000
Retained earnings .................. 180,000
Total equity ......................... $480,000 $480,000 $480,000
Interest acquired..................... 80% 20%
Book value ................................. $384,000 $ 96,000
Excess of fair value over book
value ....................................... $395,000 $316,000 $ 79,000

To download more slides, ebook, solutions and test bank, visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com

Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3-17 Continued

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Worksheet Amortization
Adjustment Key Life per Year
Inventory ($65,000 fair
$60,000 book value) .............. $ 5,000 debit D1 1
Land ($100,000 fair $50,000
book value) ............................ 50,000 debit D2
Mortgage payable ($205,000
fair $200,000 book value) ... (5,000) credit D3 5 $(1,000)
Buildings ($500,000 fair
$350,000 book value) ............ 150,000 debit D4 20 7,500
Equipment ($100,000 fair
$120,000 book value) ............ (20,000) credit D5 5 (4,000)
Patent ($50,000 fair $40,000
book value) ............................ 10,000 debit D6 5 2,000
Production backlog ($10,000
fair $0 book value) .............. 10,000 debit D7 2 5,000
Goodwill ($245,000 $50,000
book value) ............................ 195,000 debit D8
Total ................................ $395,000

Annual Current Prior
Account Adjustments Life Amount Year Years Total Key
Inventory ........................ 1 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ $ 5,000
Subject to amortization: .
Mortgage payable .......... 5 (1,000) (1,000) (1,000)
Buildings ........................ 20 7,500 7,500 7,500
Equipment...................... 5 (4,000) (4,000) (4,000)
Patent ............................ 5 2,000 2,000 2,000
Production backlog ........ 2 5,000 5,000 5,000
Total amortizations .... $ 9,500 $ 9,500 $ $ 9,500

To download more slides, ebook, solutions and test bank, visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com

Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3-17 Continued

Subsidiary Fast Air Company Income Distribution

Inventory adjustment ..................... $5,000 Internally generated net
Current-year amortizations ............ 9,500 income ................................. $47,500

Adjusted income ........................ $33,000

NCI share ................................... 20%
NCI ............................................. $ 6,600

Parent Fast Cool Company Income Distribution

Internally generated net
income ................................. $253,000
Controlling share of subsidiary .. 26,400

Controlling interest ..................... $279,400

To download more slides, ebook, solutions and test bank, visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com

Ch. 3Problems
Problem 3-17 Continued
Fast Cool Company and Subsidiary Fast Air Company
Worksheet for Consolidated Financial Statements
For Year Ended December 31, 20X2
Eliminations Consolidated Controlling Consolidated
Trial Balance and Adjustments Income Retained Balance
Fast Cool Fast Air Dr. Cr. Statement NCI Earnings Sheet
Cash .................................................................... 145,000 37,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 182,000
Accounts Receivable ........................................... 70,000 100,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 170,000
Inventory.............................................................. 150,000 60,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 210,000
Land .................................................................... 60,000 50,000 (D2) 50,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ 160,000
Investment in Fast Air .......................................... 730,000 ............ ............ (CY1) 38,000 ............ ............ ............ ............
............ ............ (CY2) 8,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
............ ............ ............ (EL) 384,000 ............ ............ ............ ............
............ ............ ............ (D) 316,000 ............ ............ ............ ............
Buildings .............................................................. 1,200,000 400,000 (D4) 150,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ 1,750,000
Accumulated Depreciation................................... (176,000) (67,500) ............ (A4) 7,500 ............ ............ ............ (251,000)
Equipment ........................................................... 140,000 150,000 ............ (D5) 20,000 ............ ............ ............ 270,000
Accumulated Depreciation................................... (68,000) (54,000) (A5) 4,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ (118,000)
Patent .................................................................. ............ 32,000 (D6) 10,000 (A6) 2,000 ............ ............ ............ 40,000
Production Backlog ............................................. ............ ............ (D7) 10,000 (A7) 5,000 ............ ............ ............ 5,000
Goodwill............................................................... ............ 50,000 (D8) 195,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ 245,000
Current Liabilities................................................. (80,000) (40,000) ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ (120,000)
Mortgage Payable ............................................... ............ (200,000) ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ (200,000)
Discount (Premium) ............................................. ............ ............ ............ (D3) 5,000 ............ ............ ............ ............
............................................................................ ............ ............ (A3) 1,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ (4,000)
Common Stock ($1 par)Fast Air ...................... ............ (100,000) (EL) 80,000 ............ ............ (20,000) ............ ............
Paid-In Capital in Excess of ParFast Air .......... ............ (200,000) (EL) 160,000 ............ ............ (40,000) ............ ............
Retained EarningsFast Air ............................... ............ (180,000) (EL) 144,000 ............ ............ (115,000) ............ ............
............ ............ ............ (NCI) 79,000 ............ ............ ............ ............
............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
Common Stock ($1 par)Fast Cool ................... (95,000) ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ (95,000)
Paid-In Capital in Excess of ParFast Cool ....... (1,405,000).......... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ (1,405,000
Retained EarningsFast Cool ............................ (400,000) ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ (400,000) ............
Sales ................................................................... (700,000) (400,000) ............ ............ (1,100,000) .......... ............ ............
Cost of Goods Sold ............................................. 380,000 210,000 (D1) 5,000 ............ 595,000 ............ ............ ............
Depreciation ExpenseBuildings ....................... 10,000 17,500 (A4) 7,500 ............ 35,000 ............ ............ ............
Depreciation ExpenseEquipment ..................... 7,000 24,000 ............ (A5) 4,000 27,000 ............ ............ ............
Other Expenses................................................... 50,000 85,000 (A6) 2,000 ............ 142,000 ............ ............ ............
............ ............ (A7) 5,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
Interest Expense ................................................. ............ 16,000 ............ (A3) 1,000 15,000 ............ ............ ............
............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
Subsidiary (dividend) Income ............................. (38,000) ............ (CY1) 38,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
Dividends DeclaredFast Air ............................. ............ 10,000 ............ (CY2) 8,000 ............ 2,000 ............ ............
Dividends DeclaredFast Cool .......................... 20,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 20,000 ............
Total ...................................... ............................. 0 0 869,500 869,500 ............ ............ ............ ............
Consolidated Net Income ................................................................................................................................................................ (286,000) ............ ............ ............
To Noncontrolling Interest (see distribution schedule) ..................................................................................................................... 6,600 (6,600) ............ ............
To Controlling Interest (see distribution schedule) .......................................................................................................................... 279,400 ............ (279,400) ............
Total NCI ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... (179,600) ............ (179,600)
Retained EarningsControlling Interest, December 31, 20X1............................................................................................................................................................ (659,400) (659,400)

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3-17 Concluded

Eliminations and Adjustments:

(CY1) Current-year subsidiary income.
(CY2) Current-year dividend.
(EL) Eliminate controlling interest in Sub equity.
(D)/(NCI) Distribute excess according to D&D schedule.
(A) Amortize excess using amortization schedule.


(1) Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Company fair value ........................................... $875,000 $700,000 $175,000
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill ...... 630,000 504,000 126,000
Goodwill ............................................................ $245,000 $196,000 $ 49,000

Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Fair value of subsidiary .............. $875,000 $700,000 $175,000
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock ($1 par) .......... $100,000
Paid-in capital in excess of par 200,000
Retained earnings .................. 180,000
Total equity ......................... $480,000 $480,000 $480,000
Interest acquired..................... 80% 20%
Book value ................................. $384,000 $ 96,000
Excess of fair value over book
value ....................................... $395,000 $316,000 $ 79,000

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3-18 Continued

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Worksheet Amortization
Adjustment Key Life per Year
Inventory ($65,000 fair
$60,000 book value) .............. $ 5,000 debit D1 1
Mortgage payable ($205,000
fair $200,000 book value) ... (5,000) credit D3 5 $(1,000)
Land ($100,000 fair
$50,000 book value) .............. 50,000 debit D2
Buildings ($500,000 fair
$350,000 book value) ............ 150,000 debit D4 20 7,500
Equipment ($100,000 fair
$120,000 book value) ............ (20,000) credit D5 5 (4,000)
Patent ($50,000 fair $40,000
book value) ............................ 10,000 debit D6 5 2,000
Production backlog ($10,000
fair $0 book value) .............. 10,000 debit D7 2 5,000
Goodwill ($245,000 $50,000
book value) ............................ 195,000 debit D8
Total ................................ $395,000

Annual Current Prior
Account Adjustments Life Amount Year Years Total Key
Inventory ........................ 1 $ 5,000 $ $ 5,000 $5,000
Subject to amortization: .
Mortgage payable .......... 5 (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) (2,000)
................................ (A3)
Buildings ........................ 20 7,500 7,500 7,500 15,000
................................ (A4)
Equipment...................... 5 (4,000) (4,000) (4,000) (8,000)
................................ (A5)
Patent ............................ 5 2,000 2,000 2,000 4,000
................................ (A6)
Production backlog ........ 2 5,000 5,000 5,000 10,000
Total amortizations .... $ 9,500 $ 9,500 $ 9,500 $19,000

To NCI ....................... 1,900

To controlling interest 7,600

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3-18 Continued

Subsidiary Fast Air Company Income Distribution

Current-year amortizations ............ $9,500 Internally generated net
income ................................. $67,500

Adjusted income ........................ $58,000

NCI share ................................... 20%
NCI ............................................. $11,600

Parent Fast Cool Company Income Distribution

Internally generated net
income ................................. $253,000
Controlling share of subsidiary .. 46,400

Controlling interest ..................... $299,400

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Ch. 3Problems
Problem 3-18 Continued
Fast Cool Company and Subsidiary Fast Air Company
Worksheet for Consolidated Financial Statements
For Year Ended December 31, 20X2
Eliminations Consolidated Controlling Consolidated
Trial Balance and Adjustments Income Retained Balance
Fast Cool Fast Air Dr. Cr. Statement NCI Earnings Sheet
Cash .................................................................... 392,000 99,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 491,000
Accounts Receivable ........................................... 200,000 120,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 320,000
Inventory.............................................................. 120,000 95,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 215,000
Land .................................................................... 60,000 50,000 (D2) 50,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ 160,000
Investment in Fast Air .......................................... 776,000 ............ ............ (CY1) 54,000 ............ ............ ............ ............
............ ............ (CY2) 8,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
............ ............ ............ (EL) 414,000 ............ ............ ............ ............
............ ............ ............ (D) 316,000 ............ ............ ............ ............
Buildings .............................................................. 1,200,000 400,000 (D4) 150,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ 1,750,000
Accumulated Depreciation................................... (200,000) (85,000) ............ (A4) 15,000 ............ ............ ............ (300,000)
Equipment ........................................................... 140,000 150,000 ............ (D5) 20,000 ............ ............ ............ 270,000
Accumulated Depreciation................................... (80,000) (78,000) (A5) 8,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ (150,000)
Patent .................................................................. ............. 24,000 (D6) 10,000 (A6) 4,000 ............ ............ ............ 30,000
Production Backlog ............................................. ............. ............ (D7) 10,000 (A7) 10,000 ............ ............ ............ ............
Goodwill............................................................... ............. 50,000 (D8) 195,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ 245,000
Current Liabilities................................................. (150,000) (50,000) ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ (200,000)
Mortgage Payable ............................................... ............ (200,000) ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ (200,000)
Discount (Premium) ............................................. ............ ............ ............ (D3) 5,000 ............ ............ ............ ............
............ ............ (A3) 2,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ (3,000)
Common Stock ($1 par)Fast Air ...................... ............ (100,000) (EL) 80,000 ............ ............ (20,000) ............ ............
Paid-In Capital in Excess of ParFast Air .......... ............ (200,000) (EL) 160,000 ............ ............ (40,000) ............ ............
Retained EarningsFast Air ............................... ............ (217,500) (EL) 174,000 ............ ............ (119,600) ............ ............
............ ............ ............ (NCI) 79,000 ............ ............ ............ ............
............ ............ (D1) 1,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
............ ............ (A37) 1,900 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
Common Stock ($1 par)Fast Cool ................... (95,000) ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ (95,000)
Paid-In Capital in Excess of ParFast Cool ....... (1,405,000).......... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ (1,405,000
Retained EarningsFast Cool ............................ (671,000) ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
............ ............ (D1) 4,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
............ ............ (A37) 7,600 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ (659,400) ............
Sales ................................................................... (700,000) (500,000) ............ ............ (1,200,000) .......... ............ ............
Cost of Goods Sold ............................................. 380,000 260,000 ............ ............ 640,000 ............ ............ ............
Depreciation ExpenseBuildings ....................... 10,000 17,500 (A4) 7,500 ............ 35,000 ............ ............ ............
Depreciation ExpenseEquipment ..................... 7,000 24,000 ............ (A5) 4,000 27,000 ............ ............ ............
Other Expenses................................................... 50,000 115,000 (A6) 2,000 ............ 172,000 ............ ............ ............
............ ............ (A7) 5,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
Interest Expense ................................................. 16,000 ............ (A3) 1,000 15,000 ............ ............ ............
............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
Subsidiary (dividend) Income .............................. (54,000) ............ (CY1) 54,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
Dividends DeclaredFast Air ............................. ............ 10,000 ............ (CY2) 8,000 ............ 2,000 ............ ............
Dividends DeclaredFast Cool .......................... 20,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 20,000 ............
Total .................................................................... 0 0 930,000 930,000 ............ ............ ............ ............
Consolidated Net Income ................................................................................................................................................................ (311,000) ............ ............ ............
To Noncontrolling Interest (see distribution schedule) ..................................................................................................................... 11,600 (11,600) ............ ............
To Controlling Interest (see distribution schedule) .......................................................................................................................... 299,400 ............ (299,400) ............
Total NCI ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... (189,200) ............ (189,200)
Retained EarningsControlling Interest, December 31, 20X2............................................................................................................................................................ (938,800) (938,800)

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3-18 Concluded

Eliminations and Adjustments:

(CY1) Current-year subsidiary income.
(CY2) Current-year dividend.
(EL) Eliminate controlling interest in Sub equity.
(D)/(NCI) Distribute excess according to D&D schedule.
(A) Amortize excess using amortization schedule.

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Ch. 3Problems



(1) See part (1) of solution to Problem 3-2.

(2) Peres Company and Soap Company

Worksheet for Consolidated Financial Statements
For Year Ended December 31, 20X2
Financial Eliminations Non-
Statements and Adjustments controlling Consoli-
Peres Soap Dr. Cr. Interest dated
Income Statement:
Net Sales .............................................. (520,000) (450,000) ........... ........... ........... (970,000)
Cost of Goods Sold .............................. 300,000 260,000 ........... ........... ........... 560,000
Operating Expenses ............................. 120,000 100,000(A) 2,500 ........... ........... 222,500
Subsidiary Income ................................ (72,000) ........... (CY1) 72,000 ........... ........... ...........
Net Income ..................................... (172,000) (90,000) ........... ........... ........... ...........
Consolidated Net Income ..................... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... (187,500)
NCI (see income distribution schedule) ........... ........... ........... ........... (17,500) ...........
Controlling Interest (see income
distribution schedule) ..................... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... (170,000)
Retained Earnings Statement:
Balance, Jan. 1, 20X2Peres ............. (214,000) ........... (D1) 8,000 ........... ........... ...........
....................................................... ........... ........... (A) 2,000 ........... ........... (204,000)
Balance, Jan. 1, 20X2Soap .............. ........... (190,000)(EL) 152,000 ........... (52,500) ...........
....................................................... ........... ........... ........... (NCI) 17,000 ........... ...........
....................................................... ........... ........... (D1) 2,000 ........... ........... ...........
....................................................... ........... ........... (A) 500 ........... ........... ...........
Net Income (from above) ..................... (172,000) (90,000) ........... ........... (17,500) (170,000)
Dividends DeclaredPeres ................. 50,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... 50,000
Dividends DeclaredSoap .................. ........... 30,000 ........... (CY2) 24,000 6,000 ...........
Balance, December 31, 20X2 ................... (336,000) (250,000) ........... ........... (64,000) (324,000)

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3A-1Continued
Peres Company and Soap Company
Worksheet for Consolidated Financial Statements
For Year Ended December 31, 20X2
Financial Eliminations Non-
Statements and Adjustments controlling Consoli-
Peres Soap Dr. Cr. Interest dated
Consolidated Balance Sheet:
Inventory, December 31, 20X2 ............ 100,000 50,000 ........... ........... ........... 150,000
Other Current Assets ........................... 148,000 180,000 ........... ........... ........... 328,000
Investment in Soap Co. ........................ 388,000 ........... (CY2) 24,000(CY1) 72,000 ........... ...........
........... ........... ........... (EL) 272,000 ........... ...........
........... ........... ........... (D) 68,000 ........... ...........
Land ..................................................... 50,000 50,000 ........... ........... ........... 100,000
Building and Equipment ....................... 350,000 320,000(D2) 25,000 ........... ........... 695,000
Accumulated Depreciation ................... (100,000) (60,000) ........... (A) 5,000 ........... (165,000)
Goodwill ............................................... ........... ........... (D3) 50,000 ........... ........... 50,000
Other Intangibles .................................. 20,000 ........... ........... ........... ........... 20,000
Current Liabilities ................................. (120,000) (40,000) ........... ........... ........... (160,000)
Bonds Payable ..................................... ........... (100,000) ........... ........... ........... (100,000)
Other Long-Term Liabilities .................. (200,000) ........... ........... ........... ........... (200,000)
Common StockPeres ........................ (200,000) ........... ........... ........... ........... (200,000)
Other Paid-In Capital in Excess
of ParPeres ................................. (100,000) ........... ........... ........... ........... (100,000)
Common StockSoap ......................... ........... (50,000)(EL) 40,000 ........... (10,000) ...........
Other Paid-In Capital in Excess
of ParSoap .................................. ........... (100,000)(EL) 80,000 ........... (20,000) ...........
Retained Earnings, Dec. 31, 20X2
(carrydown) .................................... (336,000) (250,000) ........... ........... ........... ...........
Retained EarningsControlling
Interest, Dec. 31, 20X2................... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... (324,000)
Retained EarningsNCI Dec. 31, 20X2 ........... ........... ........... ........... (64,000) ...........
Total NCI .............................................. ........... ........... ........... ........... 94,000 (94,000)
Totals ........................................................ ......... 0 ......... 0 ..... 458,000 ..... 458,000 ......... 0 ......... 0

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3A-1, Concluded

See solution to Problem 3-2 for value analysis, D&D schedule, and amortization schedules.

Eliminations and Adjustments:

(CY) Eliminate the current-year entries made in the investment account and in the
subsidiary income account.
(EL) Eliminate the pro rata share of Soap Company equity balances at the beginning
of the year against the investment account.
(D)/(NCI) Distribute the $68,000 excess cost and $17,000 NCI adjustment as required by
the determination and distribution of excess schedule.
(D1) Because FIFO is used for inventory, allocate the $10,000 write-up to the January
1, 20X2, retained earnings of Peres Company.
(D2) Building and Equipment, $25,000.
(D3) Goodwill, $50,000.
(A) Cumulatively depreciate the write-up to Building and Equipment over 10 years.
Charge the 20X1 Depreciation against January 1, 20X2, retained earnings of
Peres Company. Charge the 20X2 Depreciation to Operating Expenses.

Income Distribution Schedules

Soap Company
Building depreciation ..................... $2,500 Internally generated net
income ..................................... $90,000

Adjusted income ............................ $87,500

NCI share ....................................... 20%
NCI ................................................. $17,500

Peres Company
Internally generated net
income ................................... $100,000
80% Soap adjusted
net income ............................. 70,000

Controlling interest ....................... $170,000

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Ch. 3Problems


Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Company fair value .................................................. $1,000,000 $800,000 $200,000
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill .............. 910,000 728,000 182,000
Goodwill ................................................................... $ 90,000 $ 72,000 $ 18,000

Based on the above information, the following D&D schedule is prepared:

Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Fair value of subsidiary ..................... $1,000,000 $800,000 $200,000
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock ($10 par)............. $ 150,000
Paid-in capital in excess of par ... 200,000
Retained earnings ....................... 400,000
Total equity ............................ $ 750,000 $750,000 $750,000
Interest acquired ......................... 80% 20%
Book value ........................................ $600,000 $150,000
Excess of fair value over book
value............................................ $ 250,000 $200,000 $ 50,000

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Worksheet Amortization
Adjustment Key Life per Year
Land .................................................. $ 20,000 debit D1
Equipment ......................................... 80,000 debit D2 10 $8,000
Buildings ........................................... 60,000 debit D3 20 3,000
Goodwill ............................................ 90,000 debit D4
Total ...................................... $250,000

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3A-2 Continued

Annual Current Prior

Account Adjustments Life Amount Year Years Total Key
Subject to amortization: ........
Equipment ............................. 10 $ 8,000 $ 8,000 $16,000 $24,000
Building ................................. 20 3,000 3,000 6,000 9,000 (A3)
Total amortizations .......... $11,000 $11,000 $22,000 $33,000
Controlling retained earnings adjustment $17,600
NCI retained earnings adjustment 4,400

Eliminations and Adjustments:

(CY) Eliminate the current-year entries made in the investment account to arrive at the
January 1, 20X7, balance:
(CY1) 80% of subsidiary loss.
(CY2) 80% of subsidiary dividends.
(EL) Eliminate the 80% ownership portion of the beginning-of-year subsidiary equity ac-
counts against the investment.
(D)/(NCI) Distribute the excess cost and the NCI adjustment as follows, in accordance with the
determination and distribution of excess schedule:
(D1) Increase Land by $20,000.
(D2) Increase Equipment by $80,000.
(D3) Increase Building by $60,000.
(D4) Create Goodwill, $90,000.
Record amortizations resulting from the revaluations:
(A2) Record $8,000 annual increase in equipment depreciation for current and prior years.
See account adjustment schedule.
(A3) Record $3,000 annual increase in building depreciation for current and prior years.
See account adjustment schedule.

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3A-2, Continued

Booker Enterprises and Kohl International

Worksheet for Consolidated Financial Statements
For Year Ended December 31, 20X7
Financial Eliminations Non-
Statements and Adjustments controlling Consoli-
Booker Kohl Dr. Cr. Interest dated
Income Statement:
Sales ....................................................... (650,000) (320,000) ........... ........... ........... (970,000)
Cost of Goods Sold ................................. 260,000 240,000 ........... ........... ........... 500,000
Operating Expense ................................. 170,000 70,000 ........... ........... ........... 240,000
Depreciation Expenses ........................... 65,000 30,000(A2A3) 11,000 ........... ........... 106,000
Subsidiary (Income)/Loss........................ 16,000 ........... ........... (CY1) 16,000 ........... ...........
Net (Income)/Loss ......................................... (139,000) 20,000 ........... ........... ........... ...........
Consolidated Net Income .............................. ........... ........... ........... ........... (124,000)
Noncontrolling Interest (see distribution
schedule)................................................. ........... ........... ........... 6,200 ...........
Controlling Interest (see distribution
schedule)................................................. ........... ........... ........... ........... (130,200)
Retained Earnings:
Retained Earnings, Jan. 1, 20X7Booker (625,000) ........... (A2A3) 17,600 ........... ........... (607,400)
Retained Earnings, Jan. 1, 20X7Kohl.. (460,000)(EL) 368,000(NCI) 50,000 (137,600) ...........
........... (A2A3) 4,400 ........... ........... ...........
Net (Income)/Loss (carrydown) ............... (139,000) 20,000 ........... ........... 6,200 (130,200)
Dividends Declared ................................. 10,000 ........... (CY2) 8,000 2,000 ...........
Retained Earnings, Dec. 31, 20X7 .......... (764,000) (430,000) ........... ........... ........... ...........
NCI in Retained Earnings, Dec. 31, 20X7 ........... ........... ........... (129,400) ...........
Controlling Interest in Retained
Earnings, Dec. 31, 20X7 ................... ........... ........... ........... ........... (737,600)

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3A-2, Continued

Booker Enterprises and Kohl International

Worksheet for Consolidated Financial Statements
For Year Ended December 31, 20X7
Financial Eliminations Non-
Statements and Adjustments controlling Consoli-
Booker Kohl Dr. Cr. Interest dated
Balance Sheet:
Cash ........................................................ 338,000 170,000 ........... ........... ........... 508,000
Inventory ................................................. 135,000 400,000 ........... ........... ........... 535,000
Land ........................................................ 145,000 150,000(D1) 20,000 ........... ........... 315,000
Building ................................................... 900,000 500,000(D3) 60,000 ........... ........... 1,460,000
Acc. Dep.Building ................................ (345,000) (360,000) ........... (A3) 9,000 ........... (714,000)
Equipment ............................................... 350,000 250,000(D2) 80,000 ........... ........... 680,000
Acc. Dep.Equipment ............................ (135,000) (90,000) ........... (A2) 24,000 ........... (249,000)
Investment in Kohl................................... 824,000 ........... (CY1) 16,000(EL) 648,000 ........... ...........
........... ........... (CY2) 8,000(D) 200,000 ........... ...........
Goodwill .................................................. ........... ........... (D4) 90,000 ........... ........... 90,000
Liabilities ................................................. (248,000) (40,000) ........... ........... ........... (288,000)
Bonds Payable ........................................ ........... (200,000) ........... ........... ........... (200,000)
Common StockBooker......................... (1,200,000)..... ........... ........... ........... (1,200,0
Common StockKohl ............................. ........... (150,000)(EL) 120,000 ........... (30,000) ...........
Paid-In Capital in Excess of ParKohl ... ........... (200,000)(EL) 160,000 ........... (40,000) ...........
Retained Earnings, Dec. 31,
20X7 (carrydown) .............................. (764,000) (430,000) ........... ........... ........... ...........
Retained EarningsControlling
Interest, Dec. 31, 20X7 ..................... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... (737,600)
Retained EarningsNCI, Dec. 31, 20X7 ........... ........... ........... ........... (129,400)
Total NCI ................................................. ........... ........... ........... ........... (199,400) (199,400)
Total .............................................................. 0 0 955,000 955,000 0

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3A-2, Concluded

Subsidiary Kohl International Income Distribution

Internally generated net loss ....... $20,000
Building depreciation ................... 3,000
Equipment depreciation .............. 8,000

Adjusted loss ............................... $31,000

NCI share .................................... 20%
NCI .............................................. $ 6,200

Parent Booker Enterprises Income Distribution

80% Kohl adjusted Internally generated net
loss of $31,000 ...................... $24,800 income ............................... $155,000

Controlling interest .................. $130,200

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Ch. 3Problems


Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (90%) (10%)
Company fair value .................................................. $800,000 $720,000 $80,000
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill .............. 730,000* 657,000 73,000
Goodwill ................................................................... $ 70,000 $ 63,000 $ 7,000
*Equity of $550,000 + $180,000 adjustments

Based on the above information, the following D&D schedule is prepared:

Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (90%) (10%)
Fair value of subsidiary ..................... $800,000 $720,000 $ 80,000
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock ($10 par)............. $350,000
Retained earnings ....................... 200,000
Total equity ............................ $550,000 $550,000 $550,000
Interest acquired ......................... 90% 10%
Book value ........................................ $495,000 $ 55,000
Excess of fair value over book
value............................................ $250,000 $225,000 $ 25,000

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Worksheet Amortization
Adjustment Key Life per Year
Building ............................................. $180,000 debit D1 20 $9,000
Goodwill ............................................ 70,000 debit D2
Total ...................................... $250,000

Annual Current Prior

Account Adjustments Life Amount Year Years Total Key
Subject to amortization: ........
Building ................................. 20 $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 $18,000
Total amortizations .......... $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 $18,000
Controlling retained earnings adjustment $8,100
NCI retained earnings adjustment 900

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3A-3, Continued

Harvard Company and Subsidiary Bart Company

Worksheet for Consolidated Financial Statements
For Year Ended December 31, 20X2
Financial Eliminations Non-
Statements and Adjustments controlling Consoli-
Harvard Bart Dr. Cr. Interest dated
Income Statement:
Sales ....................................................... (580,000) (280,000) ........... ........... ........... (860,000)
Cost of Goods Sold ................................. 285,000 155,000 ........... ........... ........... 440,000
Operating Expenses................................ 140,000 55,000 ........... ........... ........... 195,000
Depreciation Expense ............................. 72,000 30,000(A) 9,000 ........... ........... 111,000
Dividend Income ..................................... (9,000) (CY2) 9,000 ........... ........... ...........
Net Income .............................................. (92,000) (40,000) ........... ........... ........... ............
Consolidated Net Income ........................ ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... (114,000
Noncontrolling Interest (see
distribution schedule) ........................ ........... ........... ........... ........... (3,100) ...........
Controlling Interest (see
distribution schedule) ........................ ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... (110,900)
Retained Earnings Statement:
Retained Earnings, Jan. 1,
20X2Harvard ................................. (484,000) ........... ........... (CV) 108,000 ........... ...........
........... ........... (A) 8,100 ........... ........... (583,900)
Retained Earnings, Jan. 1, 20X2Bart .. ........... (320,000)(EL) 288,000(NCI) 25,000 (56,100) ...........
........... ........... (A) 900 ........... ........... ...........
Net Income (carrydown) .......................... (92,000) (40,000) ........... ........... (3,100) (110,900)
Dividends Declared ................................. 20,000 10,000 ........... (CY2) 9,000 1,000 20,000
Retained Earnings, Dec. 31,
20X2 .................................................. (556,000) (350,000) ........... ........... ........... ...........
Noncontrolling Interest in
Retained Earnings, Dec. 31, 20X2 .... ........... ........... ........... ........... (58,200) ...........
Controlling Interest in Retained
Earnings, Dec. 31, 20X2 ................... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... (674,800)

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3A-3, Continued

Harvard Company and Subsidiary Bart Company

Worksheet for Consolidated Financial Statements
For Year Ended December 31, 20X2
Financial Eliminations Non-
Statements and Adjustments controlling Consoli-
Harvard Bart Dr. Cr. Interest dated
Balance Sheet:
Cash ........................................................ 330,000 170,000 ........... ........... ........... 500,000
Inventory ................................................. 260,000 340,000 ........... ........... ........... 600,000
Land ........................................................ 99,000 150,000 ........... ........... ........... 249,000
Building .................................................. 800,000 500,000(D1) 180,000 ........... ........... 1,480,000
Accumulated Depr.Building ................. (380,000) (360,000) ........... (A) 18,000 ........... (758,000)
Equipment ............................................... 340,000 250,000 ........... ........... ........... 590,000
Accumulated Depr.Equipment ............. (190,000) (90,000) ........... ........... ........... (280,000)
Investment in Bart Company ................... 720,000 ........... (CV) 108,000 ........... ........... ...........
........... ........... ........... (EL) 603,000 ........... ...........
........... ........... ........... (D) 225,000 ........... ...........
Goodwill .................................................. ........... ........... (D2) 70,000 ........... ........... 70,000
Current Liabilities .................................... (123,000) (60,000) ........... ........... ........... (183,000)
Bonds Payable ........................................ ........... (200,000) ........... ........... ........... (200,000)
Common StockHarvard ....................... (800,000) ........... ........... ........... ........... (800,000)
Paid-In Capital in Excess of
ParHarvard .................................... (500,000) ........... ........... ........... ........... (500,000)
Common StockBart ............................. ........... (350,000)(EL) 315,000 ........... (35,000) ...........
Retained Earnings (carrydown) .............. (556,000) (350,000) ........... ........... ........... ...........
Retained EarningsControlling
Interest, Dec. 31, 20X2 ..................... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... (674,800)
Retained EarningsBart (NCI)
Dec. 31, 20X2 ................................... ........... ........... ........... ........... (58,200) ...........
Total NCI ................................................. ........... ........... (93,200) (93,200)
Total .............................................................. 0 0 988,000 988,000 0

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3A-3, Concluded

Eliminations and Adjustments:

(CV) Convert from the cost to the equity method as of January 1, 20X2 [90% ($320,000
(CY2) Eliminate the 90% ownership portion of the subsidiary dividends.
(EL) Eliminate the 90% ownership portion of the subsidiary equity accounts against the
(D)/(NCI) Distribute the excess cost and NCI adjustment as follows, in accordance with the de-
termination and distribution of excess schedule:
(D1) Increase Building by $180,000.
(D2) Increase Goodwill by $70,000.
(A) Record amortizations resulting from the revaluations of entry 3. Record $9,000 annual
increase in building depreciation for current and prior years. See amortization

Subsidiary Bart Company Income Distribution

Building depreciation..................... $9,000 Internally generated net
income ................................. $40,000

Adjusted income ........................ $31,000

NCI share .................................. 10%
NCI ............................................ $ 3,100

Parent Harvard Company Income Distribution

Internally generated net
income ................................. $ 83,000
90% Bart adjusted income
of $31,000 ........................... 27,900

Controlling interest .................... $110,900


Entry to record investment:

Investment in Jones ......................................................................... 720,000
Common Stock........................................................................... 100,000
Paid-In Capital in Excess of Par................................................. 620,000

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3B-1 Concluded

Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (90%) (10%)
Company fair value .................................................. $800,000 $720,000 $80,000
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill .............. 679,000* 611,100 67,900
Goodwill ................................................................... $121,000 $108,900 $12,100
*Equity of $500,000 + $170,000 asset adjustments $51,000 DTL ($170,000 30%) +
$60,000 ($200,000 30%) tax loss carryover

Based on the above information, the following D&D schedule is prepared:

Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (90%) (10%)
Fair value of subsidiary ..................... $800,000 $720,000 $ 80,000
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock ($10 par)............. $100,000
Paid-in capital in excess of par ... 150,000
Retained earnings ....................... 250,000
Total equity ............................ $500,000 $500,000 $500,000
Interest acquired ......................... 90% 10%
Book value ........................................ $450,000 $ 50,000
Excess of fair value over book
value............................................ $300,000 $270,000 $ 30,000

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Worksheet Amortization
Adjustment Key Life per Year
Inventory ($200,000 fair $150,000
book value).................................. $ 50,000 debit D1
Depreciable fixed assets ($500,000
fair $400,000 book value)......... 100,000 debit D2 20 5,000
Investment in marketable securities
($170,000 $150,000 book value) 20,000 debit D3
DTL on above adjustments
($170,000 30%) ....................... (51,000)credit tD1-3
Current deferred tax expense
($40,000 30%) ......................... 12,000 debit D4
Noncurrent deferred tax expense
($160,000 30%) ....................... 48,000 debit D5
Goodwill ............................................ 121,000 debit D6
Total ...................................... $300,000

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Ch. 3Problems


Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Company fair value .................................................. $3,000,000 $2,400,000 $600,000
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill .............. 2,477,000*
1,981,600 .......................................................... 495,400
Goodwill ................................................................... $ 523,000 $ 418,400 $104,60
*Equity of $1,847,000 + $900,000 asset adjustments $270,000 ($900,000 30%) DTL

Based on the above information, the following D&D schedule is prepared:

Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Fair value of subsidiary ..................... $3,000,000 $2,400,000 $ 600,000
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock ($100 par)........... $1,000,000
Retained earnings ....................... 847,000
Total equity ............................ $1,847,000 $1,847,000 $1,847,000
Interest acquired ......................... 80% 20%
Book value ........................................ $1,477,600 $ 369,400
Excess of fair value over book
value............................................ $1,153,000 $ 922,400 $ 230,600

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Worksheet Amortization
Adjustment Key Life per Year
Depreciable fixed assets
($3,000,000 fair $2,100,000
book value).................................. $ 900,000 debit D1 20 $45,000
DTL on above adjustment
($900,000 30%) ....................... (270,000) credit 1t 20 (13,500)
Goodwill ............................................ 523,000 debit D2
Total ...................................... $1,153,000

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3B-2, Continued

Tip Company and Subsidiary Kord Company

Worksheet for Consolidated Balance Sheet
December 31, 20X6
Financial Eliminations Non-
Statements and Adjustments controlling Consoli-
Tip Kord Dr. Cr. Interest dated
Cash.................................................. 1,200,000 50,000 ............. .............. .............. 1,250,000
Accounts Receivable ........................ 2,400,000 300,000 ............. .............. .............. 2,700,000
Inventory ........................................... 11,200,000 1,500,000 ............. .............. .............. 12,700,
Prepayments ..................................... 422,000 47,000 ............. .............. .............. 469,000
Depreciable Fixed Assets (net) ......... 18,978,000 2,100,000 (D1) 900,000 .............. .............. 21,978,
Investment in Kord ............................ 2,400,000......... ............. (EL) 1,477,600 ..............
............. .............. ............. (D) 922,400 ............ ..............
Goodwill ............................................ ............. .............. (D2) 523,000 .............. .............. 523,000
Payables ........................................... (7,200,000) (1,750,000) ............. .............. .............. (8,950,0
Accruals ............................................ (1,615,000) (400,000) ............. .............. .............. (2,015,000)
Deferred Tax Liability ........................ ............. .............. ............. (D1t) 270,000 ............ (270,00
Common Stock ($100 par)Tip ....... (10,000,000) ....... ............. .............. .............. (10,000
Retained EarningsTip .................... (17,785,000) ....... ............. .............. .............. (17,785
Common Stock ($100 par)Kord ..... ............. (1,000,000) (EL) 800,000 ..............
(200,000) .....................................
Retained EarningsKord ................. ............. (847,000)(EL) 677,600 (NCI) 230,600 (400,000)............
Total ............................................ 0 0 2,900,600 2,900,600 ..............
Total NCI ........................................................................................................................................................... (600,000) (600,00
Eliminations and Adjustments:
(CY) N/A because worksheet is prepared on the same day as consolidation.
(EL) Elimination of 80% of the subsidiary equity against the investment.
(D)/(NCI) Distribute the balance of the investment account, $922,400 and the $230,600 NCI adjustment, to the specific subsidiary
accounts to the determination and distribution of excess schedule:
(D1) Increase depreciable fixed assets by $900,000.
(D1t) Record a deferred tax liability of $270,000 relating to the increase in depreciable fixed assets.
(D2) Record goodwill of $523,000.

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Ch. 3Problems

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3B-2, Concluded

Tip Company and Subsidiary Kord Company

Consolidated Balance Sheet
December 31, 20X6

Current assets:
Cash ..................................................................................... $ 1,250,000
Accounts receivable ............................................................. 2,700,000
Inventory .............................................................................. 12,700,000
Prepayments ........................................................................ 469,000 $17,119,000
Depreciable fixed assets ............................................................ $21,978,000
Goodwill ..................................................................................... 523,000 22,501,000
Total assets................................................................................ $39,620,000

Liabilities and Stockholders Equity

Payables .................................................................................... $ 8,950,000
Accruals ..................................................................................... 2,015,000
Deferred tax liability ................................................................... 270,000
Total liabilities ............................................................................ $11,235,000
Stockholders equity:
Noncontrolling interest ......................................................... 600,000
Controlling interest:
Common stock ($100 par) .............................................. $10,000,000
Retained earnings .......................................................... 17,785,000 27,785,
Total liabilities and stockholders equity ..................................... $39,620,000

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Ch. 3Problems


(1) Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (90%) (10%)
Company fair value ........................................... $700,000 $630,000 $70,000
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill ...... 430,000* 387,000 43,000
Goodwill ............................................................ $270,000 $243,000 $27,000
*Equity of $300,000 + $100,000 asset adjustments $30,000 ($100,000 30%) DTL +
$60,000 ($200,000 30%) tax loss carryover

Based on the above information, the following D&D schedule is prepared:

Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (90%) (10%)
Fair value of subsidiary .............. $700,000 $630,000 $ 70,000
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock ($50 par) ....... $200,000
Retained earnings ................. 100,000
Total equity ...................... $300,000 $300,000 $300,000
Interest acquired ................... 90% 10%
Book value ................................. $270,000 $ 30,000
Excess of fair value over book
value ...................................... $400,000 $360,000 $ 40,000

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Worksheet Amortization
Adjustment Key Life per Year
Building and equipment ............. $100,000 debit D1 10 $10,000
DTL on above adjustment.......... (30,000)credit D1t 10 (3,000)
Current deferred tax expense
($40,000 30%).................... 12,000 debit D2
Noncurrent deferred tax expense
($160,000 30%).................. 48,000 debit D3
Goodwill ..................................... 270,000 debit D4
Total ................................ $400,000

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3B-3, Continued

(2) Campton Corporation and Subsidiary Dorn Corporation

Worksheet for Consolidated Financial Statements
For Year Ended December 31, 20X1
Eliminations Consolidated Controlling Consolidated
Trial Balance and Adjustments Income Retained Balance
Campton Dorn Dr. Cr. Statement NCI Earnings Sheet
Current Assets ................................. 150,000 100,000 ............. ............ ............ ............ ............. 250,000
Land ................................................. 400,000 100,000 ............. ............ ............ ............ ............. 500,000
Building and Equipment (net) ........... 900,000 240,000(D1) 100,000(A1) 10,000 ........... ............ ............. 1,230,00
Investment in Dorn Corporation ....... 642,600 ........... ............. (CY1) 12,600. ............ ............. ............
............ ............ ............. (EL) 270,000 ........... ............ ............. ............
............ ............ ............. (D) 360,000 ............ ............. ............
Noncurrent Deferred Tax Expense .. ............ ............ (D3) 48,000 ............ ............ ............ ............. 48,000
Goodwill............................................ ............ ............ (D4) 270,000 ............ ............ ............ ............. 270,000
Current Tax Liability ......................... (3,000) (12,000) ............. ............ ............ ............ ............. (15,000)
Other Current Liabilities ................... (130,000) (100,000) ............. ............ ............ ............ ............. (230,000)
Deferred Tax Liability ....................... ............ ............ (A1t) 3,000(D1t) 30,000 ........... ............ ............. (27,000)
Common Stock ($5 par)
Campton ....................................... (500,000) .......... ............. ............ ............ ............ ............. (500,000
Paid-In Capital in Excess of Par
Campton ....................................... (750,000) .......... ............. ............ ............ ............ ............. (750,000
Retained Earnings, Jan. 1, 20X1
Campton ....................................... (650,000) .......... ............. ............ ............ ............
(650,000) .......................................
Common Stock ($50 par)Dorn ..... ............ (200,000)(EL) 180,000 ............ ............ (20,000) ........... ............
Retained Earnings, Jan. 1, 20X1
Dorn .............................................. ............ (100,000)(EL) 90,000(NCI) 40,000 ........... (50,000) ............
Sales ................................................ (309,000) (170,000) ............. ............ (479,000) .......... ............. ............
Subsidiary Income............................ (12,600) (CY1) 12,600 ............ ............ ............ ............. ............
Cost of Goods Sold .......................... 170,000 80,000 ............. ............ 250,000............ ............. ............
Expenses.......................................... 89,000 50,000(A1) 10,000 ............ 149,000............ ............. ............
Provision for Tax .............................. 3,000 12,000 (D2) 12,000 (A1t) 3,000........ 24,000 ............ ............
Total .............................................. 0 0 725,600 725,600 ........... ............ ............. ............
Consolidated Net Income ................................................................................................................ (56,000) .......... ............. ............
To NCI (see distribution schedule) .............................................................................................. 900 (900) ............. ............
To Controlling Interest (see distribution schedule) ...................................................................... 55,100............
(55,100) ........................................................................................................................................
Total NCI ............................................................................................................................................................ (70,900) ........... (70,900)

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Ch. 3Problems

Retained EarningsControlling Interest, December 31, 20X1 ............................................................................................. (705,100) (705,100)


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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3B-3, Continued

Subsidiary Dorn Corporation Income Distribution

Internally generated
Equipment depreciation .... (A1) $10,000 income before tax .................... $40,0

Adjusted net income before tax ..... $30,0

Consumed deferred Provision for tax (30%) .................. (9,0
tax asset .................... (D3) $12,000
Adjusted net income $ 9,000
NCI share 10%
NCI $ 900

Parent Campton Corporation Income Distribution

Internally generated net
income ..................................... $47,000
90% Dorn adjusted
income of $9,000 ..................... 8,100

Controlling interest ........................ $55,100

Eliminations and Adjustments:

(CY1) Eliminate current-year investment entries.
(EL) Eliminate the 90% ownership portion of the subsidiary equity accounts against
the investment.
(D)/(NCI) Distribute the excess cost and NCI adjustment in accordance with the determina-
tion and distribution of excess schedule:
(D1) Increase building and equipment by $100,000.
(D1t) Record a $30,000 deferred tax liability relating to the increase in building and
(D2) Increase the provision for tax by the current deferred tax expense by $12,000.
(D3) Record a noncurrent deferred tax expense (asset) of $48,000 for the portion of
the tax loss carryover to be used in future years.
(D4) Record goodwill of $270,000.
(A1) Record $10,000 annual increase in Building and Equipment depreciation for cur-
rent year.
(A1t) Reduce provision for tax by 30% of the increase in Depreciation Expense,

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Ch. 3Problems

Problem 3B-3, Continued

(3) Campton Corporation and Subsidiary Dorn Corporation

Consolidated Income Statement
For Year Ended December 31, 20X1
Sales ..................................................................................................... $479,000
Cost of goods sold ................................................................................ 250,000
Gross profit ........................................................................................... $229,000
Expenses .............................................................................................. 149,000
Consolidated net income before tax ..................................................... $ 80,000
Provision for tax (30%) ......................................................................... (24,000)
Consolidated net income ...................................................................... $ 56,000
To noncontrolling interest .................................................................... 900
To controlling interest ........................................................................... $ 55,100

Campton Corporation and Subsidiary Dorn Corporation

Retained Earnings Statement
For Year Ended December 31, 20X1
NCI Controlling
Retained earnings, January 1, 20X1 ............................ $10,000 $650,000
Add net income ............................................................. 900 55,100
Balance, December 31, 20X1 ....................................... $10,900 $705,100

Campton Corporation and Subsidiary Dorn Corporation

Consolidated Balance Sheet
December 31, 20X1
Current assets .......................................................................... $ 250,000
Property, plant, and equipment:
Land ..................................................................................... $ 500,000
Building and equipment (net) ............................................... 1,230,000 1,730,000
Goodwill .................................................................................... 270,000
Noncurrent deferred tax expense ............................................. 48,000
Total assets .............................................................................. $2,298,000

Liabilities and Stockholders Equity

Current liabilities ................................................................... $ 230,000
Current tax liability ................................................................ 15,000
Deferred tax liability .............................................................. 27,000
Total liabilities ................................................................. $ 272,000
Stockholders equity:
NCI ....................................................................................... 70,900
Controlling interest:
Common stock ($5 par) .................................................. $ 500,000
Paid-in capital in excess of par....................................... 750,000
Retained earnings .......................................................... 705,100 1,955,1
Total liabilities and stockholders equity.................................... $2,298,000


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