Impact of WASH Interventions During Disease Outbreaks in Humanitarian Emergencies: A Systematic Review Protocol
Impact of WASH Interventions During Disease Outbreaks in Humanitarian Emergencies: A Systematic Review Protocol
Impact of WASH Interventions During Disease Outbreaks in Humanitarian Emergencies: A Systematic Review Protocol
Travis Yates, Tufts University
Jelena Vijcic, Independent Research Scientist
Dr Myriam Leandre Joseph, Physician/Consultant
Dr Daniele Lantagne, Assistant Professor, Tufts University.
Dr Daniele Lantagne, Tufts University, Medford, MA: [email protected].
This is a report commissioned by the Humanitarian Evidence Programme, a partnership
between Oxfam and Feinstein International Center at Tufts University, and funded by the
Department for International Development. This material has been funded by UK aid from
the UK Government, however, the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the UK
Governments official policies.
As part of Oxfams cholera response in Juba, teams of public health volunteers have been
teaching affected communities about the importance of keeping themselves and their
environment clean. May 2014. Kieran Doherty/Oxfam.
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Impact of WASH Interventions during Disease Outbreaks in Humanitarian Emergencies: A systematic review protocol 3
1.1 Description of the problem 6
1.2 Why it is important to do this review 8
1.3 Description of the interventions 8
1.4 How the intervention might work 12
1.5 Context, heterogeneity, and mixed methods 21
Impact of WASH Interventions during Disease Outbreaks in Humanitarian Emergencies: A systematic review protocol 4
E1: Systematic review screening checklist 57
E2: Experimental screening checklist 57
E3: Quasi-experimental screening checklist 57
E4: Non-experimental screening checklist 58
E5: Qualitative screening checklist 58
E6: Economic screening checklist 58
CASP Critical Appraisal Skills Programme
CDC Centre for Disease Control
CENTRAL Cochrane Centre Registers for Clinical Trials
CINAHL Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health
CSB Corn-soy blend
CRD Centre for Reviews and Dissemination
CMAM Community-based management of acute malnutrition
DFID Department for International Development
ENN Emergency Nutrition Network
ELRHA Enhanced Learning and Research for Humanitarian Assistance
EMBASE Excerpta Medica Database
FANTA Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance
FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation
HPG Humanitarian Policy Group
INGOs International non-governmental organisations
IMEMR Index Medicus for Eastern Mediterranean Region
IMSEAR Index Medicus for South-East Asian Region
LILACS Latin America Caribbean Health Sciences Literature
MAM Moderate acute malnutrition
MSF Medicine Sans Frontiers
MUAC Mid-Upper Arm Circumference
ODI Overseas Development Institute
NCHS National Center for Health Statistics
SAM Severe acute malnutrition
SC Supper Cereal
RCT Randomised controlled trials
RUTF Ready-to-use therapeutic foods
RUF Ready-to-use foods
RUSF Ready-to-use supplementary foods
R4D Research for Development
TSF Target supplementary feeding
USA United States of America
UK United Kingdom
UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
UNSCN United Nations Standing Committee on Nutrition
USAID United States Agency for International Development
UNICEF United Nations Childrens Fund
WHO World Health Organization
Impact of WASH Interventions during Disease Outbreaks in Humanitarian Emergencies: A systematic review protocol 6
Thus, an outbreak could be defined as an increase above the normal background rate of
malaria, or defined as one case of Ebola in a country where the virus had not previously
been recognized. Worldwide, the number and diversity of disease outbreaks has increased
from 1980-2013 [2]. During those 34 years, 12,102 outbreaks of 215 human infectious
diseases, comprising more than 44 million cases, occurred in 219 nations. The most
common human specific outbreaks during this time period were: adenovirus, cholera,
enterovirus, gastroenteritis, hepatitis B, legionellosis, malaria, measles, meningitis, mumps,
pertussis, rotavirus infection, rubella, and typhoid. The most common zoonotic outbreaks
were anthrax, camplylobacterosis, chikungunya, cryptosporidiosis, dengue, E. coli diarrhea,
hepatitis A, hepatitis E, influenza A, salmonellosis, shigellosis, trichinosis, and tuberculosis.
Although the number of outbreaks increased with time in the human population both in total
number and richness of causal diseases, outbreak cases per capita appear to be declining
over time, indicating global improvements in prevention, early detection, control and
treatment are becoming more effective at reducing the number of people infected.
Outbreak response strategies vary depending on the disease type, resources, and local
context. Interventions cover a variety of sectors including: medical, public health, and/or
engineering aspects. Preventative vaccines, oral rehydration solution (ORS), and medicines
are some common health focused outbreak strategies. Water, sanitation, and hygiene
(WASH) interventions are other outbreak mitigation strategies that aim to prevent and control
waterborne and communicable diseases [3], [4]. WASH interventions are critical to the
prevention and control of outbreaks, as:
WASH coverage and provision prevents outbreaks caused by waterborne disease
agents, such as E. coli, cholera, and gastroenteritis [5].
WASH interventions can assist providers and responders in controlling the spread and
transmission of disease, both in treatment facilities and in communities.
Providing safe water and promoting handwashing are common WASH interventions in
outbreaks, but interventions could also include managing the local environmental hazards
like rubbish disposal or increasing latrine use. Infectious disease outbreaks that are not
necessarily waterborne (i.e. Ebola) can also benefit from WASH interventions by promoting
hand and environmental hygiene. Emergency WASH interventions, as in response to an
outbreak, are usually not initially intended to provide long-term sustainable programming, but
instead provide rapid relief to minimize the impact or spread of an outbreak [3].
Impact of WASH Interventions during Disease Outbreaks in Humanitarian Emergencies: A systematic review protocol 7
Organizational response
Local and national governments in low- and Figure 1: Cholera treatment center
middle-income countries (LMIC) are often
unable to effectively respond to disease
outbreaks. In this case, the WHO has
resources to help local governments and
protect the general population. The WHO
typically leads the UN or OCHA response in
an outbreak, but requires significant
coordination with the local government, as
well as other UN agencies. For instance,
the UN Childrens Fund (Unicef) guides
WASH interventions and the United Nations
High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) is
the technical lead in refugee settings. Non-
governmental organizations (NGOs) (e.g.
Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF), the Red WHO/Paul Garwood
Cross and Red Crescent Societies (ICRC),
or International Medical Corps (IMC)) specialize in outbreak/emergency response and
regularly manage hospitals or clinics. NGOs or UN agencies also set up specialized
treatment centers for some outbreaks, as in the case of a cholera treatment centers in Haiti
or Ebola treatment units in Sierra Leone. Additionally, the Global Outbreak Alert and
Response Network (GOARN) is a network of organizations with resources and expertise to
rapidly respond to outbreaks in conjunction with the WHO. The Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) also has extensive expertise in outbreak management and
coordinates with the WHO, governmental, NGO, and local partners. All of these partners are
in constant communication and coordination with national governments who will eventually
take over more responsibility and transition out of the emergency.
Disease outbreaks can be a primary (direct) cause of an emergency, but they can also
spring up after other emergencies as secondary (indirect) emergencies. An example of a
primary disease outbreak would be the 1994 cholera outbreak in Congo where mortality
rates rose 20-30 times above the baseline rates, 50,000 Rwandan refugees died from
cholera over a four week period [7] -[8]. More recently, hepatitis E outbreaks have occurred
in several African refugee camps and have killed hundreds of people, especially pregnant
women and children[9]. Secondary emergencies have been occurred specifically after
flooding emergencies and emergencies that cause large population displacement resulting in
significant increases in waterborne disease risk [10][15].
In this review, we will investigate the impact of eight WASH interventions in preventing
(reducing the risk of) and controlling outbreaks in LMIC, with particular focus on three diseases
of current concern to the response community cholera, Ebola, and Hepatitis E. Additionally,
we will explore economic outcomes related to WASH interventions within an outbreak.
There has been work recently completed by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical
Medicine (LSHTM) looking specifically at published literature on WASH interventions for
cholera-response [27]. However, this work did not consider unpublished (grey literature) from
UN agencies or NGOs and it did not consider lessons that could be adapted from other
outbreaks. Additionally, there have been literature reviews of individual WASH interventions
in the past (such as household water treatment) [28], but there has been no systematic
review including all WASH interventions in outbreaks that incorporates information from grey
literature to complete a cohesive picture of all WASH interventions in response to outbreaks.
This work aims to fill this gap.
The local environment (household, school, market) is often a route of disease transmission,
and in many outbreaks, there are local conditions that increase environmental hazards.
Environmental hygiene efforts aim to protect populations from existing or new risks by
reducing environmental pathways of disease. Two examples of environmental hygiene
interventions are rubbish collection and household spraying. Rubbish collection is the
removal, management, and disposal of rubbish, often most needed in a refugee camp or
informal settlements to minimize vectors that spread disease, like flies and rats. Household
spraying is when a team of people sanitize a home or building that has potential for risk for
contamination; for example, a strong chlorine solution is used to sanitize an Ebola patients
In some contexts, formal sanitation facilities my not be a viable because of space, timing, or
water table constraints. There is a significant amount of innovation in this space. One
innovation is the distribution of bags to households intended for single use human waste
needs (i.e. pee-poo bags).
There are many non-health related interventions that address the safety and well-being of
disaster affected populations. This can be described as quality of life aspects that are often
expressed as protection (i.e. feeling safer) or some form of equality (i.e. being less
marginalized or stigmatized). For example, women may report feeling safer and less
stigmatized when they have Menstrual Health Management (MHM) materials and a latrine
nearby. Quality of life impacts are important for this review; however, will be only considered
as a result of the interventions listed above.
Impact of WASH Interventions during Disease Outbreaks in Humanitarian Emergencies: A systematic review protocol 12
Beginning with the framework that outbreak-affected populations are at an increased risk of
disease, the theory of change that underpins all WASH interventions in outbreaks is:
A theory of change will be incorporated into the review by analyzing the outcomes and
impacts that lead to risk reduction from WASH interventions in the context of a disease
outbreak, and clarifying underlying assumptions. The logic model is a framework that
transitions between intervention activities that eventually lead to community impact (Figure 7).
Source: Authors
Activities of WASH interventions during outbreaks generally fall into one of two categories:
1) the distribution of products (i.e. soap, chlorine tablets); or 2) provision of services (i.e. well
chlorination, handwashing promotion). Products and services can be provided with, or
without, community involvement or training (i.e. nonfood item distributions compared to
programs focused on community health workers reaching a wide population).
At this point, we are unsure of the completeness and robustness of the studies that will be
included in this review; however, we have a quality assurance process (Section 3 and 4) and
will highlight any gaps in programming activities.
Outputs of WASH interventions are generally reported as the number of products delivered
or services completed by the implementing agency; for example: the number of buckets
distributed or the number families that attended a handwashing seminar.
Outcomes are the direct result of the intervention on the population; for example: use of the
distributed product or service to improve drinking water quality, increased knowledge, or a
reduced exposure to contamination.
Impacts show the final result of an intervention. For WASH interventions in outbreaks, the
impacts are the prevention and control of disease transmission; this is often shown as a
reduction in disease prevalence or incidence or a reduction in mortality. Impact can be
Impact of WASH Interventions during Disease Outbreaks in Humanitarian Emergencies: A systematic review protocol 13
difficult to assess with interventions intended to prevent disease during an outbreak because
of the uncertainty of potential future cases.
The wide variety of WASH interventions creates a complex causal chain that is difficult to
analyze in sufficient detail as one intervention. For example, the activities and outcomes for
a behavior change intervention, such as handwashing, is quite different than provision of
services, such as a building a latrine or treating water. In order to properly assess activities
and assumptions, we have developed a separate causal chain for each of the eight hygiene
In keeping with the Theory Based Impact Evaluation by Howard White (2009), the causal
chain is presented as separate interventions, but the remaining five criteria are presented
together. We feel this is appropriate because while there are differences in interventions, the
situation in which they are assessed and ability to be broadly applied is common among all
the interventions.
The causal chain for the rehabilitation or cleaning of water sources relies on the feasibility
and availability to repair damaged sources or clean contaminated sources. With the existing
infrastructure, populations are likely familiar with the operation and use of the water source.
Thus, critical assumptions are that the source can be repaired or cleaned, and that it
provides an adequate amount of water for the population for drinking, as well as, sanitation
and hygiene needs. Water tankering is another intervention that increases water access.
Critical assumptions for water tankering are that a source is available to collect water in a
timely manner with road access for hauling.
Activity: Assumptions:
Rehabilitation of water Sources previously exist
sources and tankering Sources are able to be repaired under time
and financial constraints
Tools and knowhow are available for repair
Water table is safe and accessible
Population accepts rehabilitation
Source is available for to tankering
Logistics for tankering are feasible
# of water sources
repaired/ cleaned or
m3 hauled Assumptions:
Amount of water is sufficient for population
Water is safe and free from contamination
Distance to source is appropriate for population
Queuing time is appropriate
All populations have access to water
Potable water is
Water is safe and free from contamination
Populations use rehabilitated source or tinkered
water exclusively
No recontamination in transport and storage
Reduced risk of
Impact of WASH Interventions during Disease Outbreaks in Humanitarian Emergencies: A systematic review protocol 14
The program theory for source-based water treatment is that a sufficient amount of water
quantity is accessible, but water quality is lacking at point sources (e.g. protected wells or
springs) and surface water. The critical assumption is that access to the treatment is
available at all the sources and at all the times the population collects water. Source based
treatment, like Dispensers, may be a new treatment method for the population and require
education on correct use.
Activity: Assumptions:
Source-based water Sources previously exist
treatment Source treatments are available in local
markets or able to be quickly procured or
Water table is safe and accessible
Source treatment is accepted by population
Logistically and financially feasible
Water treatment is
implemented at Assumptions:
source Treatment can be accomplished
Amount of water is sufficient for population
Water is safe and free from contamination
Distance to source is appropriate for
Queuing time is appropriate
Outcome: All populations have access to water
Potable water is Supplies are consistent and maintained
available Time needed for treatment is maintained
Treatment is sufficient for contamination
Water is safe and free from contamination
Populations use treated water exclusively
Impact: No recontamination from transport or storage
Reduced risk of containers
Impact of WASH Interventions during Disease Outbreaks in Humanitarian Emergencies: A systematic review protocol 15
Household water treatment (HWT) program theory is based on adequate access to some
water supply that is then treated at the home. This requires the one-time or continued
distribution of treatment materials and also an understanding of how to use the treatment
method. The critical assumptions are that the treatment is appropriate for the water
conditions, households know how to use the treatment correctly, households use the
treatment every day, and are able to acquire materials needed for ongoing use.
Activity 1: Activity 2:
Distribution of Household
HWT technology HWT technology
Assumptions: Assumptions:
Logistically Promoters available and
(procurement and able to rapid training
distribution) and Training materials
financially feasible accessible
Water sources HWT is socially
previously exist acceptable
Output 1: Output 2:
HWT technology Community
distributed to receives HWT
community education
Assumptions: Assumptions:
Amount of water is
Training on HWT can be
sufficient for population
given and is attended by
Distance to source is the water users
appropriate Outcome:
Populations understand
All populations have Potable water in
how to use treatment
access to water the household
Supplies are consistent
and maintained
Water is safe and free
from contamination in
Populations use HWT
Impact: correctly
Reduced risk of Populations use correctly
disease treated water exclusively
Impact of WASH Interventions during Disease Outbreaks in Humanitarian Emergencies: A systematic review protocol 16
4) Hygiene promotion
The program theory for hand hygiene at critical time is dependent on breaking the fecal-oral
route of contamination. The critical assumptions are that populations have access to soap or
ash and populations quickly adopt hygiene messages, including latrine use in CLTS or
CATS interventions.
Activity: Assumptions:
Promotion of Promotion materials are developed or can be
handwashing at developed rapidly in local languages
critical times Promotion materials are locally relevant and
easy to understand (field tested)
Promoters are available
Promoters are adequately trained to deliver
messages and hold discussions
# of households
receive educational Assumptions:
Community members attend sessions
Messages are compelling enough to change
Knowledge is retained
Handwashing materials are available in all
households and are accessible/convenient
Adoption of
handwashing at
critical times
Hands are washed with soap by all family
members at each critical time
Handwashing habit developed
Handwashing materials (soap) are consistently
present for continued practice
Reduced risk of
Impact of WASH Interventions during Disease Outbreaks in Humanitarian Emergencies: A systematic review protocol 17
The program theory for the distribution of soap and/or hygiene kits is that materials are
distributed directly to outbreak-affected populations to reduce their risk of transmission. The
critical assumption is that populations already know how to correctly use or is able to quickly
learn correct use of items in the kit, because distributions typically have concurrent or no
training components. Maintaining consistent supplies to households of different sizes or
households with small children is also a challenge. With cash or vouchers, there are
assumptions that hygiene materials can be acquired in the markets and prioritized by
beneficiary, as opposed to food or other needs.
Distribution of
soap/hygiene kit
Logistically (procurement and distribution) and
financially feasible
Soap/hygiene kits Assumptions:
distributed to Hygiene material is culturally appropriate
community Knowledge of importance of hygienic practices
or previous habit
Soap and other material amount is sufficient
Hygiene kit items are not repurposed for other
Handwashing materials are available in all
Outcome: households and are accessible & convenient
Soap and hygiene Presence of soap and hygiene materials is
materials used at enough to change/improve behavior
critical times
Hands are washed with soap by all family
members at each critical time
Impact: Handwashing habit developed
Reduced risk of Hygiene materials, especially soap, are
disease consistently present for continued practice
Impact of WASH Interventions during Disease Outbreaks in Humanitarian Emergencies: A systematic review protocol 18
Environmental hygiene intervention program theory is based on the assumption that living in
a clean environment reduces disease risk. Some of the basic assumptions are founded on
good sanitation and personal hygiene practices, like no open defecation and handwashing at
critical times. Education of households on routes of contamination relies on behavior change
and households wanting to adopt new practices. Cleaning materials, i.e. chlorine solution,
may have limited effectiveness if used on dirt floors or non-durable surfaces.
Activity 1: Activity 2:
Household Refuse
spraying collection
Logistically (procurement
and distribution) and
financially feasible
Services are socially
Output 1: Output 2:
# of households # of households
sprayed refuse collected Assumptions:
Knowledge of a safe
environment is
Rubbish collection is regular
and does not promote
contamination of the local
Outcome: environment
contamination in
the environment
Methods and products
effectively treat hazards
Adoption of products and
practices is high and
Impact: maintained
Reduced risk of
Impact of WASH Interventions during Disease Outbreaks in Humanitarian Emergencies: A systematic review protocol 19
The installation of sanitation facilities (i.e. latrines) program theory, assumes that there is
adequate and available space to install sanitation facilities close to living quarters but are not
a potential contamination hazard. The soil type and depth of the water table must also be
considered as critical assumptions. Further behavior change activities, like hand-washing
and no open defecation, are critical assumptions needed to make an impact.
Activity: Assumptions:
Installation or repair of Sanitation facility culturally acceptable
sanitation facility Sufficient space available for sanitation facility
Water table is low enough not to be
contaminated by latrine
Ground/soil type stable enough for construction
Logistically (procurement and distributions) and
financially feasible
# of sanitation
facilities constructed Assumptions:
or repaired Sanitation facilities are accepted by population
All members of community have equal access
Disabled persons and children can access
Distance of sanitation facility from housing is
Number of sanitation facilities is adequate to
Outcome: avoid long queues
Increased sanitation Waste management system in place
facility use
Use of sanitation facilities is high and consistent
Latrines are cleaned and maintained regularly
Reduced risk of
Impact of WASH Interventions during Disease Outbreaks in Humanitarian Emergencies: A systematic review protocol 20
Latrine alternatives are used in situations where latrines are not a viable option or will take
too long to construct. The critical assumptions are that people will use the alternatives (with
suitable training), but that there is a collection system that removes the waste from the
household and is disposed in a safe place. The relatively new technology may limit the
access in remote locations or willingness to move away from traditional sanitation actors.
Activity 1: Activity 2:
Availability of latrine Promotion of
alternatives latrine alternative
Assumptions: Promoters available and able
to rapid training
(procurement Training materials accessible
and distribution) Promotion messages are
and financially socially acceptable
feasible Latrines are not viable
This review will greatly benefit from the use of mixed methods. As described above, the
analysis will include a variety of sources, from peer-reviewed journals to grey literature.
These will include experimental, quasi-experimental (i.e. case control), and non-
experimental methodologies utilizing counter-factual and factual evidence. Counterfactual
studies are those that establish impact by comparing two or more groups found in
experimental or quasi-experimental evaluation designs. These study designs help to
minimize bias and can often better establish intervention impact by controlling for various
factors [30]. Factual analysis compliments the impact analysis of comparison studies by
following the causal chain logic described above. Investigating key assumptions along the
chain establish the success or failure of an intervention. Qualitative research will incorporate
interviews and focus groups, highlighting the opinions and feelings toward interventions that
are difficult to estimate in quantitative research. Investigating cost-effectiveness also
expands the assessment by adding another lens to view WASH programming during
disease outbreaks[33], [34].
Qualitative research and qualitative information will both be collected for this review.
Qualitative research is a research design that often involves interviews, focus group
discussions, or simple observation. The information gathered is typically coded into themes
and summarized as general thoughts and opinions of the persons involved.
We consider context data information which could be descriptive information from the
studies, quantitative, or qualitative data not necessarily related to the research objectives but
will enable a clearer assessment of homogeneity for analysis (e.g. country, disease type,
setting). Contextual factors are not in the inclusion criteria, as they will be collected only after
the selection of the studies.
To meet these objectives, a systematic process is described to identify and select studies in
Section 3. Section 4 describes the methods of data extraction and synthesis that will be used
to establish impact of emergency hygiene programs.
Impact of WASH Interventions during Disease Outbreaks in Humanitarian Emergencies: A systematic review protocol 23
Manuscripts in this review meet specifications defined by the following PICOS protocol for
inclusion criteria. Search methods for peer-reviewed and grey literature are described in
section 3.2 and the selection process is explained in section 3.3.
3.1.1 Populations
Populations considered in this review are outbreak-affected that are also in a LMIC defined
by the World Bank at the time the outbreak occurred. High income countries (HIC) are not
within the scope of this review because the resources available for the response vary
significantly from LMIC; in the case that there are valuable lessons to be learned from a HIC
outbreak, we will make note in the narrative, but not include it in the impact analysis. All age,
gender, and socio-economic demographics will be considered. Diseases can be endemic in
some populations, but not in others, thus a simple number of cases cannot be used as a
definition. For this analysis, we define an outbreak in accordance with the WHO as either:
The occurrence of disease in excess of the normal baseline (2 times the baseline) or a
sudden spike in cases (2 times the incidence of new cases); or
A single case of a communicable disease long absent from a population, or caused by an
agent (e.g. bacterium or virus) not previously recognized in that community or area; or
Emergence of a previously unknown disease [35]; or
Any case of particular diseases of interest (cholera, Ebola and Hepatitis E).
The WHO maintains a list of known outbreaks by disease type, year, and country dating back
to 1996 [36]. The WHO outbreak list will be foundational in identifying outbreaks included in
this review, but in situations that could be unreported or contexts are difficult to identify, a flow
chart was developed to help differentiate contexts eligible for review (Figure 16). The flow
chart is intended to assist in identifying an outbreak, but expert opinion and discussion of the
research team will also be used. The infectious disease database, Global Infectious Disease
and Epidemiology Online Network (GIDEON) [37], is the baseline information for the decision
tree. Additional criteria for selection of eligible outbreaks relate to communicable diseases
most relevant to WASH interventions. Outbreaks of interest are limited to common
waterborne and fecal-oral diseases, as well as Ebola. Ebola is not a waterborne or fecal-oral
disease, but important for review following the large-scale outbreak in western Africa. Not all
waterborne or fecal-oral diseases could be assessed, thus, this review is limited to the seven
diseases listed in Table 1. These diseases were selected because they are relevant to current
WASH practitioners or are common diseases where WASH interventions may break multiple
transmission routes. It is possible that WASH interventions could assist in prevention or
control of other transmission routes or vectors; however, they are not eligible for review.
Specific transmission routes not eligible for review include: vector borne (e.g. malaria,
Dengue); airborne (e.g. influenza, H1N1); foodborne (e.g. food related salmonella); and
blood/sexually transmitted (e.g. Hepatitis C, HIV) (Figure 16).
Impact of WASH Interventions during Disease Outbreaks in Humanitarian Emergencies: A systematic review protocol 24
Potential outbreak to be
considered for analysis
Infectious disease
Non-infectious disease
Reference GIDEON [55]
(i.e. cancer, genetic)
infectious disease database
Route of
Number or rate Previously
disease of
of cases is 2x unknown
the baseline disease to area
(i.e. cholera,
HEP E, Ebola)
3.1.2 Interventions
Inclusion for interventions fall into one of the eight interventions of interest: 1) increasing
water access; 2) source-based water treatment options; 3) distribution of household water
treatment technologies; 4) hygiene promotion; 5) distribution of soap and/or hygiene kits; 6)
environmental hygiene interventions; 7) installation of temporary or permanent latrines; and
8) distribution and management of latrine alternatives.
The WASH interventions for inclusion must also directly target the prevention (i.e. bucket
chlorination or HWT during a cholera outbreak) or control of disease transmission (i.e.
chlorination of surfaces in an Ebola treatment unit). Also, interventions related to Ebola in
West Africa, Hepatitis E in refugee camps, and cholera in new regions are of particular
interest for review because of the immediate relevance in outbreak response; however, other
infectious diseases are eligible for review (e.g. typhoid, dysentery) as described above.
3.1.3 Comparisons
As many relevant comparisons will be made to the best of ability of the data set. The eight
interventions impact will be compared with each other depending on intervention and control
groups. Cost-effectiveness comparisons will also be incorporated into the analysis.
Factual evidence will be used to stratify the studies by the three primary manuscript types
(peer-review, agency papers, and grey literature) as well as other WASH factors like:
disease type, displaced population, geographic region, urban/rural setting, training
components, concurrent emergencies, complimentary interventions, impact, and other
3.1.4 Outcomes
A study would be included in the review if it reported on at least one intermediate outcome or
final impacts that corresponds to the research questions in Section 2. Note: the program
design characteristics are not inclusion criteria, but will come from contextual information
collected from studies that also have at least one of the following outcomes or final impacts:
Intermediate Outcomes:
a) Use of service: Use of services is a general term that includes three specific definitions
for: self-reported use, confirmed use, and effective use.
a. Self-reported use is when a beneficiary reports the use of a product or event without
additional verification. For example, self-reported use could be the recall of diarrhea
episodes or daily use of a household treatment product. Self-reported use is often
heavily biased.
b. Confirmed use is when the evaluation tests, observes, or confirms in some way a
product or service is used. For instance, testing free chlorine residual (FCR) in
household drinking water confirms the use of a water treatment method regardless of
what the beneficiary reports.
c. Effective use is the percentage of households improving their environmental hygiene
quality from contaminated to uncontaminated by using a particular intervention; it
combines both methods of confirmed use (through FCR or microbiological testing) as
well as self-reported the use of the intervention.
b) Economic analysis: The outcomes collected for the economic analysis will include
quantitative research and may include:
a. Cost-benefit analysis;
b. Cost-utility analysis;
c. Cost per beneficiary; or
d. Cost per Disability Adjusted Life-Year (DALY) averted.
Impact of WASH Interventions during Disease Outbreaks in Humanitarian Emergencies: A systematic review protocol 26
Final Impacts:
c) Disease reduction: Morbidity and mortality reductions are the ultimate impact of the
interventions. Assessing both the intermediate and final outcomes of the interventions
allows the research team to evaluate the critical gap on the casual chain between
outcome and impact. Final outcome measures are likely limited to quantitative research
with several potential measures that are often expressed as a comparison over time or
with another group in the form of an odds ratio (OR) or risk ratio (RR). Prevalence is
expressed as a percent (%) of the population with a particular disease, while incidence is
a rate of new cases over a specified time period.
a. Morbidity rates (OR, RR, or case rates);
b. Mortality rates (OR, RR, or case rates);
c. Prevalence (%); or
d. Incidence rates (cases/time).
d) Non-health outcomes: The non-health related outcomes could be from qualitative or
quantitative research. The subjectivity of thoughts or feelings through focus groups or
household surveys may be assessed but difficult to verify or clearly express their true
meaning. For instance, questions like, Do you like the taste of your drinking water after
using a certain treatment method? or Why do you wash your hands? could be
quantified through a percentage of households in a survey, but primarily serve as
qualitative research valuable to understanding how or why some interventions could be
better suited in some contexts over others.
a. Use of service (sustained difference in action by the population due to promotion,
product input or context);
b. Quality of life and Psycho-social affects (i.e. populations felt safer, more time for other
things, less discrimination);
c. User or agency preference of different interventions.
Initial scoping and previous research into WASH interventions in response to outbreaks
yielded few experimentally designed evaluations from peer-reviewed journals. The majority
of information is from quasi-experimental and non-experimental studies or grey literature.
Some outbreaks have good WASH quasi-experimental information (such as case-control
studies to identify risk and protective factors for cholera), however, other interventions, like
handwashing, have more qualitative and non-experimental evidence. In order to fully capture
the policy-relevant information for all data sets, the primary sources of data for this review
will therefore include: the little existing experimental data supplemented by quasi-
experimental and non-experimental manuscripts, agency documents from the UN or
government body, and grey literature from NGOs.
In lieu of the breadth of grey literature, we will specifically exclude: personal blogs, diaries,
newspapers articles, magazine articles, and legal proceedings/court documents. Books and
dissertations will not be specifically searched but may be included in the review. Also,
systematic reviews that meet the inclusion criteria will not be included, but references of
systematic reviews will be collected for independent review.
Climate change may influence more frequent and severe weather, but the emergency
response intervention remains focused the immediate flood, drought, or other disaster; thus
climate change is outside the intended scope of review. We will record if studies identify
climate change interventions in the context data collection, but it will not be a condition to
include a study.
We have already consulted, and will continue to work with, Karen Vagts, a Tufts University
librarian and information retrieval specialist, to finalize the search strings for the electronic
databases. Additionally, the journals: Journal of Water and Health; Journal of Water,
Sanitation, and Hygiene for Development; Disasters; Disaster Medicine and Public Health
Preparedness; Prehospital and Disaster Medicine; and Waterlines will be manually searched
for relevant manuscripts. For studies with a specified document date (e.g. date of
publication), dates for inclusion will be 1995-2015, regardless of when the research took
occurred. For example, a study carried out from 1993-1994 but only published in 1995 would
be eligible for review. Searches will be conducted in the English, Spanish, and French;
however, manuscripts in any language are eligible for review. Native speakers will be asked
to volunteer their assistance in evaluating the eligible manuscripts not in English, Spanish, or
The identified limited number of quality peer-reviewed manuscripts increases the importance
of unpublished grey literature. Grey data repositories, and, will be
searched in a manner similar to the peer-reviewed databases. A wide array of agencies will
be approached through direct email solicitation and agency website searches (APPENDIX
D: List of Websites and Organizations for Electronic Searches), representative examples
Impact of WASH Interventions during Disease Outbreaks in Humanitarian Emergencies: A systematic review protocol 28
Websites often have less search capabilities than electronic journals. To address this, we
will work with the information retrieval specialist to customize the searches specifically for
websites. Reference snowballing will also be completed, particularly in reaching out directly
to authors of reports and authors in the reference list who might have additional unpublished
information. Systematic reviews will not be included in this research; however, references
from systematic reviews that meet initial screening criteria will be used to collected for
individual inclusion. References from manuscripts that meet the full inclusion criteria,
described in Section 3.3, will also be evaluated for inclusion.
Filter 1:
No hygiene
Filter 1 Clinical investigations
Not in LMIC
Pre 1995
Filter 3:
High bias and
Filter 3 possibly unclear bias
Not reporting an
outcome or impact
All comparison and
Record data criteria. Full Record
Data Review. Data
Filter 2: The downselected titles/abstracts will be coded only by type of most relevant
hygiene intervention then reviewed by a research assistant and Mr. Yates for more stringent
criteria. Exclusions for filter two result if any of the following are true:
1) Study not evaluating one of the eight types of hygiene interventions;
2) Interventions of more than 12 months.
3) Interventions in a protracted or chronic emergency.
4) Interventions in a development context.
5) Studies that fail the checklists in Appendix E. Short checklists for various quantitative
studies, as well as, qualitative and economic studies will help identify weak studies
without a full review. Each of these criteria will be coded in the master Excel spreadsheet.
Impact of WASH Interventions during Disease Outbreaks in Humanitarian Emergencies: A systematic review protocol 30
Abstracts will be included in the full analysis if one or both reviewers support inclusion. Full
studies will be downloaded then reviewed by Mr. Yates and one of the hygiene experts
(Table 1).
Filter 3: The two reviewers will evaluate the studies to independently assess the reported
outcome, impact, or assessment that is relevant to a hygiene intervention OR qualitative
information OR economic analysis.
During this process, the research team will assess potential for additional confounding
factors, adherence to the scope of review, inconsistent outcomes or impact, unjustified
conclusions and discuss any potential concerns with each other. Both reviewers must
approve study for final inclusion. Any discrepancy will be determined by a third reviewer.
We do not expect an overwhelming amount of relevant studies that would be included in the
review; however, given that possibility, we will remove manuscripts with the highest risk of
bias score, Annex F.
If the revised number of relevant studies eligible for inclusion remains greater than 200, we
will discuss possible options with 3ie and our advisory committee.
Impact of WASH Interventions during Disease Outbreaks in Humanitarian Emergencies: A systematic review protocol 31
Studies included in the review will be coded by research assistants and the review team.
The coding will be completed by a team of two to three people. Initially, the research
assistants and Mr. Yates will review and code at least 10 studies as a group to establish
consistency. Then the research assistants and Mr. Yates will code the remaining studies
individually. Outcome measures will be double screened for accuracy by a member of the
review team according to their expertise.
Information recorded from each manuscript is based on the Waddington et al. (2012)
protocol and will describe: author and publication details, type of intervention, context of the
intervention, study design, study quality, effect estimation, intermediate outcomes, qualitative
information, economic outcomes, and final outcomes. Detailed criteria from all included
studies (quantitative, qualitative, or economic) will be extracted into a master list in Microsoft
Excel (2010).
From the initial screening, studies have been sorted into quantitative or qualitative research.
Separating the studies by research method allows the data collection to address the
differences in the types of research. Figure 18 is a descriptive flow chart of the types of
studies expected in this review, with the different outcomes from the various study designs.
Impact of WASH Interventions during Disease Outbreaks in Humanitarian Emergencies: A systematic review protocol 32
Included Studies
Method of Research
Research Design
*Contextual data can originate from data from either qualitative or quantitative research designs
Each study will be scored across the five categories as Low Risk, High Risk, or Unclear.
The overall determination for the risk of bias for that study is assessed with the table below,
summarizing the five categories into a single quality assessment for each qualitative study.
Each study will be scored across the four appraisal questions categories: 1) design; 2) bias;
3) data collection; and clarity of finding as Low Risk, High Risk, or Unclear. The overall
determination for the risk of bias for that study is assessed with the table below.
Design: The overall design of the research is considered, especially the targeting of the
research population.
Bias: How representative is the research population compared and are there obvious
biases that affect the findings?
Data Collection: How was the data collected, recorded (audio, video, transcribed)? Who
collected the information?
Clarity of findings: Do the conclusions match what could be achieved from the study
design? Is there an inherent logic to the conclusions?
Impact of WASH Interventions during Disease Outbreaks in Humanitarian Emergencies: A systematic review protocol 34
Studies with that have effect sizes with more precision will have more influence for the
overall effect in the meta-analysis by using the 1/(standard error2) for random effects
variance. Additionally, small sample size correction and robust standard errors will be used
when necessary as described by Baird et al [40].
where R is the response ratio effect, Xt is the mean outcome of the intervention group, and
Xc is the mean control group [45]. The response ratio described above may be used to
compare different study designs with similar outputs. Waddington (2012) describes that due
to the response ratio comparing effect only, difference-in-difference designs or propensity
scoring designs can be compared side-by-side. Odds ratios may be converted to effect size
in accordance with Chinn (2000) [46]. Studies without control groups or datasets where a
response ratio cannot be used, baseline information will be used; if comparison is not
possible, then results will be reported qualitatively.
For qualitative research, we will also request the authors to provide primary data transcripts
of the key informant interviews, focus group discussions, or other data collected. All
reasonable attempts to include missing data will be made; however, given the timeframe
Impact of WASH Interventions during Disease Outbreaks in Humanitarian Emergencies: A systematic review protocol 35
allotted for analysis and reporting, this may not be possible. If missing data is thought to
jeopardize the deliverables, the studies will be documented, but removed from analysis after
discussion with the advisory board and HEP.
Example groupings are: time since the onset of the outbreak, training components,
displacement of the population, outbreak occurring after an emergency or not, outbreak
occurring in a new context or in a context where disease in known, urban/rural setting,
geographic region, and complementary interventions.
Meta-analysis techniques (e.g. weighted average, pooled effect, forest plots, and funnel plots)
for outcome assessments will be pursued if sufficient experimental design studies meet study
inclusion criteria. Forest plots will be most useful to display the range of effect sizes across
Impact of WASH Interventions during Disease Outbreaks in Humanitarian Emergencies: A systematic review protocol 36
the findings [39], [47]. Difference in the timing of interventions could be a unique analysis
regarding the time between the onset of a disaster and different interventions, with effect size
presumably changing over time. We would also like to assess the length of time before a
particular outcome or impact is achieved; however, this is not expected to be possible with
most interventions of interest. Improvements in water quality will likely be one area where
significant synthesis can occur. Before synthesis, we will critically evaluate the quality of water
quality testing in each of the studies to determine if E. coli or thermotolerant coliform data can
be included in the calculations. Case-control data, particularly from cholera outbreaks, is
another likely source of data that can be statistically analyzed.
The response ratio described above may be used to compare different study designs with
similar outputs. Waddington (2012) describes that due to the response ratio comparing
outcome effects only, some quasi-experimental designs can be compared side-by-side. We
will also highlight outcome effect consistency to determine expected impact and relevance.
Consensus among the review team with oversight from the Advisory Board will determine a
level of confidence in each intervention as low/moderate/high to help guide policy and future
Qualitative Synthesis
We will combine related qualitative research material into file sets, and re-code data (if
necessary) using qualitative analysis program Atlas.ti. We will review the codes to develop
themes that reflect the gaps in the causal chain and then develop qualitative result summaries
based on the themes. Direct quotations will be used to highlight key results. Qualitative
research will be used to evaluate the gaps in the casual chains through factual analysis.
Economic Synthesis
Cost-effectiveness will be assessed using the range of 1-3 times the per capita income for
the country of intervention [48]. Studies that have economic or cost-effectiveness outcomes,
we will use the CASP economic checklist to help synthesize data along with guidance from
the WHO Manual for Economic Assessment of Drinking Water Interventions[43], [49].
Results will be standardized to common metrics, such as $/DALY averted or cost per user,
and compared across interventions. Costs will be normalized and converted to 2015 USD.
Simple costs per beneficiary metrics will be considered high risk, unless there are clear
descriptions about what is included in the analysis.
Integrated synthesis
This comprehensive review makes use of qualitative, quantitative, and contextual factors. By
assessing all three data sources, an integrated synthesis of the causal chain can be
evaluated. We will combine and contrast data from all three data sources to have a more
robust understanding of the emergency hygiene interventions. This evaluation will shed new
light on how the humanitarian response community views the emergency hygiene causal
chain, potentially influencing how future programming is implemented or guiding future work
in the sector.
Examining the eight WASH interventions individually will help to narrow assumptions made
in the causal chain. Case studies, as well as, including relevant grey literature and qualitative
studies will also help to identify contextual factors of the interventions and potential
implementation hurdles that break the assumed causal chain.
Impact of WASH Interventions during Disease Outbreaks in Humanitarian Emergencies: A systematic review protocol 37
Where possible, sub-groups will be analyzed by outcomes. it is likely that we will synthesize
and summarize the same data set several times, following the methodology described by
Baird et al. 2013 [40].
Baird et al. describes synthetic effects from non-independent data; studies that use the same
populations with several different interventions or outcomes. Synthesis is simply the average
effect size, with the correlation coefficient assumed to equal 1.0, representing the variance of
the mean. Summary effects are when studies are independent and subgroup effect size is
often reported. A random effects model will be used to combine effect size for independent
studies. Forest plots will be utilized for graphic representation of the summary data.
Replication of research with the same population will be included and analyzed
Where the studies are assessed as independent with sufficient information, subgroup
analysis for meta-analysis will be carried out. When individual studies report on multiple
outcomes, we will attempt to summarize one outcome from the study according to each of
our outcomes of interest. Where multiple interventions are carried out simultaneously and
assessed together, secondary analysis will assess the difference in effect size of individual
interventions, indicating potential synergies.
For the final report, interventions will be grouped or clustered to most appropriately display
the data assessed. This may not necessarily be aligned with the eight interventions
described above, but may be grouped to be most relevant for field practitioners. Groupings
and the display of results will be made with suggestions from the advisory committee while
keeping a mindset of policy relevance and usability for humanitarian actors.
Impact of WASH Interventions during Disease Outbreaks in Humanitarian Emergencies: A systematic review protocol 38
We would like to thank the Humanitarian Evidence Program along with Oxfam Great Britain,
Feinstein International Center at The Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at
Tufts University, and UK Aid for the opportunity and funding to conduct this research.
Impact of WASH Interventions during Disease Outbreaks in Humanitarian Emergencies: A systematic review protocol 39
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[15] W. J. Moss, M. Ramakrishnan, D. Storms, A. Henderson Siegle, W. M. Weiss, I. Lejnev, and
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[16] H. Waddington and B. Snilstveit, Effectiveness and sustainability of water, sanitation, and
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[17] P. R. Hunter, Household Water Treatment in Developing Countries: Comparing Different
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[18] T. Clasen, I. Roberts, T. Rabie, W. Schmidt, and S. Cairncross, Interventions to improve
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[19] L. Fewtrell, R. B. Kaufmann, D. Kay, W. Enanoria, L. Haller, and J. M. Colford, Water,
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systematic review and meta-analysis, Lancet Infect. Dis., vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 4252, Jan.
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[20] M. Clarke, C. Allen, F. Archer, D. Wong, A. Eriksson, and J. Puri, What evidence is
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[21] J. Parkinson, A Review of the Evidence Base for WASH interventions in Emergency
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[22] J. Darcy, H. Stobaugh, P. Walker, and D. Maxwell, The use of evidence in humanitarian
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[23] J. Darcy, H. Stobaugh, P. Walker, and D. Maxwell, The Use of Evidence in Humanitarian
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Measham, G. Alleyne, M. Claeson, D. Evans, P. Jha, A. Mills, and P. Musgrove, Eds.
Washington (DC): World Bank, 2006.
[35] Disease outbreaks, The World Health Organization, 2015. .
[36] Disease outbreaks by year, The World Health Organization, 2015. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 14-Sep-2015].
[37] GIDEON, 2015. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 14-Sep-
[38] M. A. Connolly, Communicable disease control in emergencies: a field manual. World health
organization, 2005.
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for the conduct of new Cochrane Intervention Reviews (Version 2.3), 2013.
Impact of WASH Interventions during Disease Outbreaks in Humanitarian Emergencies: A systematic review protocol 41
Name: Dr. Daniele Lantagne
Title: Assistant Professor
Affiliation: Tufts University
Address: Medford, MA, United States
Email: [email protected]
We are not aware of any conflicts of interest that would affect the methods or results
presented herein. The research team is also carrying out a separate systematic review on
emergency hygiene interventions in emergencies with the International Initiative for Impact
Evaluation (3ie). Methodologies and timelines are aligned to benefit and streamline both
reviews. Payment was not duplicated, but supplemented for the additional work, mostly in
reporting. Ideally, both reviews will complement each other and provide separate
Impact of WASH Interventions during Disease Outbreaks in Humanitarian Emergencies: A systematic review protocol 44
The development of the protocol was primarily carried out by Travis Yates with guidance
from Daniele Lantagne and contributions from Myriam Leandre Joseph and Jelena Vujcic.
Inclusion of manuscripts will be managed by Travis Yates with extensive collaboration by
Daniele Lantagne, Myriam Leandre Joseph, and Jelena Vujcic. Data extraction and analysis
will be done by Travis Yates and Daniele Lantagne. Final report writing will be led by Travis
Yates with input from Daniele Lantagne, Myriam Leandre Joseph, and Jelena Vujcic.
Impact of WASH Interventions during Disease Outbreaks in Humanitarian Emergencies: A systematic review protocol 45
Start date: 15 July, 2015
End date: 14 July, 2016
Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Deliverable
Due Dates
Preparation of 23-Sep
Review of 21-Oct
Mapping of 21-Oct
networks for
research uptake
Revision of 11-Nov
Screening of 6-Jan
abstracts and
Assessment of 3-Feb
full-text studies
Preparation of 27-Apr
draft report
Publication of 14-Jul
final report
Impact of WASH Interventions during Disease Outbreaks in Humanitarian Emergencies: A systematic review protocol 46
General Information
First Author Surname
Year of Publication (YYYY)
Publication Type Journal Article
Working Paper
Unpublished Peer Reviewed
Unpublished Non-peer Reviewed
UN Report (Distributed)
NGO Report (Distributed)
Other Agency (Distributed)
UN Report (non-Distributed)
NGO Report (non-Distributed)
Other Agency (non-Distributed)
Funder of Intervention CDC
Private Funds
Local Government
Not Reported
Author Affiliation Employee of intervening body
Non-employee of intervening body
Not Reported
Impact of WASH Interventions during Disease Outbreaks in Humanitarian Emergencies: A systematic review protocol 48
Intervention Design
Implementer (primary International NGO
agency who received
Local NGO
majority of original
funds) UN agency / IFRC / ICRC / IOM
Local government
Intervention Partner Direct with no local partner
Direct and with local partner
Indirect with local partner
Target Group Outbreak-affected
Children (<5)
School age children (5-18 years)
General Population
Not Reported
PROGRESS-Plus Place of Residence
Social Capital
Socio-economic position
Sexual orientation
Other vulnerable groups
Intervention 1) Increasing water access
(Multiple Answer)
2) Source-based water treatment options
3) Distribution of household water treatment technologies
4) Promotion of hand hygiene at critical times
5) Distribution of soap and/or hygiene kits
6) Environmental hygiene interventions
7) Installation of temporary or permanent latrines
8) Distribution and management of latrine alternatives
Impact of WASH Interventions during Disease Outbreaks in Humanitarian Emergencies: A systematic review protocol 49
Intervention Period (MM/YY MM/YY)
Time from Onset of # of months
Length of Intervention # of months
Continuation of Yes / No / Unclear
Intervention Beyond
Impact of WASH Interventions during Disease Outbreaks in Humanitarian Emergencies: A systematic review protocol 50
Global Assessment Yes / No
Multi-country Yes / No
Country Specific country/countries
Region Sub-Saharan Africa
Middle East and North Africa
Central Asia
South Asia
East Asia and Pacific
Latin America Caribbean and South America
Outbreak Type Cholera
Hepatitis E
Recurrence Disease new to area
New disease
2x baseline
Spike in cases
Intervention Goal Prevention
Setting Urban / Rural / Peri-urban
Displacement Yes / No / Unclear
Camp Setting Yes / No / Unclear
Impact of WASH Interventions during Disease Outbreaks in Humanitarian Emergencies: A systematic review protocol 51
Study Design
Study Type Quantitative Mixed- Qualitative Economic
(Multiple Answer RCT / quasi-
economic or mixed RCT
Microbiological Yes / No / Unclear
Comparison Yes / No / Unclear
Purpose of Baseline
Rapid assessment
Annual study
Global assessment
Method of Random / Systematic / None / Not Applicable
Allocating Groups
Sample Size
Sample Attrition Yes / No / Minimal
Contamination Yes / No / Minimal
From other
Impact of WASH Interventions during Disease Outbreaks in Humanitarian Emergencies: A systematic review protocol 52
Geography LMIC Region
Fragile States Index
Population Gender
Refugee/IDP/ local population
Context Disease type
Additional emergency type
Complimentary programming
Intervention type
New disease to area / endemic
Timing Time since onset of outbreak
Length of intervention
Continuation of intervention
Source Journal/Agency/Grey
Agency type
Impact of WASH Interventions during Disease Outbreaks in Humanitarian Emergencies: A systematic review protocol 54
General: Increasing Water Access: Distribution of
emergency rehabilitation soap/hygiene kit:
complex cleaning soap
crisis source hygiene kit
humanitarian protected distribution
aid unprotected NFI
disaster improved non-food item
natural disaster unimproved CRI
outbreak tankering core relief item
emergency response
cholera Source-based treatment: Environmental hygiene:
Ebola chlorine rubbish collection
hepatitis E alum refuse collection
dysentery Dispenser trash collection
cryptosporidium HTH environmental
schistosomiasis well chlorination community plan
malaria bucket chlorination spraying
diarrhea pot chlorination household cleaning
diarrhoea community health worker
waterborne diseases HWT: health worker
disease burden PUR promoter
disease risk aquatab environmental hygiene
disease reduction bottled water
DALY SwS Sanitation facility:
mortality safe water system latrine
morbidity chlorine solution permanent
prevalence HTH temporary
evidence sodis septic tank
effectiveness filter sanitation
cost effectiveness alum
efficacy flocculation Latrine alternatives:
WASH chlorine pee-poo bags
water water treatment port-a-potties
water quality HWT port-a-john
water quantity
sanitation Handwashing promotion:
hygiene hygiene
low income country handwashing
middle income country hand-washing
LMIC promotion
community health worker
health worker
Impact of WASH Interventions during Disease Outbreaks in Humanitarian Emergencies: A systematic review protocol 55
Agency reports and grey literature will be an important data source; thus, we have listed
known agencies and websites that are likely to have manuscripts relevant for our review. In
situations where websites do not have a searchable database or listed publications, direct
solicitation of contacts from the organization will be made.
Screening checklists are intended to help the reviewer identify key aspects of a study without
a full review. Screening checklists are used at the second of four filters during the abstract
assessment. Each of the six study designs has a screening checklist that is described
below. Full assessment criteria are in Appendix F.
The assessment of different study methodologies require appropriate frameworks unique to
each design. The assessment tools listed below are intended to help the reviewer assess
manuscripts for common biases and internal validity and are separated by quantitative (G1)
and qualitative (G2) research methodologies.
F1.1.2: Quasi-Experimental
Score Criteria
I. Propensity score matching and combination of psm with panel models:
Unclear a. The study matched on either (1) baseline characteristics, (2) time invariant
characteristics or (3) endline variables not affected by participation in the programme.
b. The variables used to match are relevant (e.g. Demographic and socio-economic
factors) to explain a) participation and b) the outcome and thus there are not evident
differences across groups in variables that explain outcomes.
c. Except for kernel matching, the means of the individual covariates are equal for both
the treatment and the control group after matching based on t-test for equality of
means or ANOVA.
High Risk Otherwise
II. Regression discontinuity design
Low Risk a. Allocation is made based on a pre-determined discontinuity blinded to participants or
if not blinded, individuals cannot amend the assignment variable. The sample size
immediately at both sides of the cut-off point is sufficiently large.
b. The interval for selection of treatment and control group is reasonably small, or
authors have weighted the matches on their distance to the cut-off point.
c. the mean of the covariates of the individuals immediately at both sides of the cut-off
point (selected sample of participants and non-participants) are overall not statistically
different based on t test or ANOVA for equality of means.
d. If relevant (e.g. Clustered studies) and although covariates are balanced, the
authors include control for external factors through a regression analysis.
Unclear if a) or b is) not specified in the paper or d) scores no but authors control for covariate
differences across participants and control individuals.
High Risk Otherwise
III. Cross sectional regression studies using instrumental variables and Heckman procedures:
Low Risk a. The instrumenting equation is significant at the level of F 10; if an F test is not
if all the reported, the author reports and assesses whether the Rsquared (goodness of fit) of
following are the participation equation is sufficient for appropriate identification
b. For instrumental variables, the identifying instruments are individually significant
(p0.01); for Heckman models, the identifiers are reported and significant (p0.05)
c. For generalised IV estimation, if at least two instruments are used, the study
includes and reports an overidentifying test (p0.05 is required to reject the null
d. The study qualitatively assesses the exogeneity of the instrument/ identifier (both
externally as well as why the variable should not enter by itself in the outcome
equation); only score yes when the instrument is exogenously generated: e.g. natural
experiment or random assignment of participants to the control and treatment groups.
If instrument is the random assignment of the treatment, the systematic reviewer
should assess the quality and success of the randomisation (e.g. see section on
e. The study includes relevant control for confounding, and none of the controls is likely
affected by participation.
Unclear if d) scores no and c) scores yes.
High Risk Otherwise
Impact of WASH Interventions during Disease Outbreaks in Humanitarian Emergencies: A systematic review protocol 61
F1.1.3: Non-Experimental
Score Criteria
Non-experimental studies
Unclear Mixed methods individual components of mixed-methods research need to be
assessed independently and scored. It is possible that quantitative data from a mixed
method study scores a high bias and qualitative scores a low bias or vice versa.
High Risk Case reports
Case series
Uncontrolled before-after
Correlation research
Single variable research no control or comparison group
Impact of WASH Interventions during Disease Outbreaks in Humanitarian Emergencies: A systematic review protocol 62
Each study will be scored across the four appraisal questions categories as Low Risk, High
Risk, or Unclear. The overall determination for the risk of bias for that study is assessed
with the table below.
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