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The Camarilla's Rules Supplement for the Sanctioned Chronicle

Reprinted material is White Wolf Game Publishing, Inc. Terms and ideas trademarked
by White Wolf are used with permission, and any mention of said intellectual properties
should not be considered a challenge to their ownership.


Chapter One: Character Guidelines

Chapter Two: Traits

(Note: There is no Chapter Three in Prime)

Chapter Four: Systems

This supplement details rules for use in all venue games of the Camarilla's Sanctioned
Minds Eye Theatre chronicle. These rules are intended for use with Dark Epics,
published by White Wolf Game Studios. These rules replace all prior rules for the
Camarilla's Sanctioned Minds Eye Theatre chronicle.

These rules, when used for Sanctioned play, are to be applied without change, deviation,
alteration or addition by any member, save a countrys National Storyteller. This is to
enforce a homogenous set of rules throughout the organization, insuring that wherever a
member goes, they may play with a minimum of problems.

Storytellers are allowed and encouraged to use their judgment in the World of Darkness
to develop stories and enrich the flavor of the game. If a Storyteller judges that the flow
of the story would be enhanced by minor exceptions to the rules (on an individual basis
only), this creative license is allowed. It is strongly suggested that Storytellers stick to
the letter and intent of the rules in situations where one or more characters may die.
Storytellers found to be abusing this occasional liberty are subject to review and possible
disciplinary action. These licenses are not to be for such things as the approval of magic
items or the allowing of players to play rare character "Types".

Chapter One: Character Guidelines (Pr.1.0.00)

Concept (Pr.1.0.01)
All of a player's characters must be designed in such a way as to not conflict and/or
interact with each other in any way. Interactions, relationships, or other deliberate
connections between two characters played by the same player are prohibited. Concepts
that give characters backgrounds specific to another venue (i.e. a Kindred that used to be
a mage, Changeling, Garou, etc.) require High Approval.

Any historical figure or character taken from White Wolf materials or from any work of
fiction, without direct, written consent of the author, may not be recognizably used as the
basis for a character.

Some Important Changes (Pr.1.0.02)

The system of free monthly Lore Traits that was previously given is now changed. All Lores on the old
seven point scale must be converted to the new five point scale. Lores currently on the five point scale do
not change in value. Some level of Lores have changes in Approval required, as listed below:

Level 7 (Top Approval) turns into Level 5 (High Approval)

Level 6 (High Approval) turns into Level 4 (Mid Approval)
Level 5 (High Approval) turns into Level 4 (Mid Approval)
Level 4 (Low Approval) turns into Level 3 (Low Approval)
Level 3 (Low Approval) turns into Level 2 (Low Approval)
Level 2 (Low Approval) turns into Level 1 (Low Approval)
Level 1 (Low Approval) turns into Level 1 (Low Approval)

Characters with Influence no longer get double the normal number of monthly Influence actions for each

The Supernatural Ally Merit has been altered to curb rampant abuse. Previously existing supernatural
allies will not be grandfathered. Any that are to remain in play must satisfy the new approval requirements.

Further guidelines for the Movement in Combat rules have been provided, to reflect what Storytellers have
learned in the years since those rules were introduced into the MET mechanics.

Types (Pr.1.0.03)
No player may have more than one Primary character that is considered to be of an
unusual Type (a clan, Tribe, kith, etc. which requires High or Top Approval). Because
of this limitation, each venue supplement will list the venues Types as a separate set of
approvals in the Character Creation chapter. A character approved for permanent cross-
venue play counts as a special approval Type for these purposes (see Venue Cross-Overs
in Chapter Three).

Membership Benefits (Pr.1.0.04)

Members who have performed certain duties or attained positions in the real world
organization (as described in the Camarillas membership materials), receive higher
levels of Member Class (MC), allowing them to create more experienced characters for
use in Sanctioned games. If your country does not make use of the Camarillas
International Prestige System, skip this section and consult the membership benefit
documentation provided by your National Coordinator.

Each player is limited to one Primary character for each Sanctioned venue. A player may
choose to have a second Primary in one venue, at the cost of selecting a venue to not have
a Primary in. A player may only have one venue "doubled up" in this manner at any
given time. Players should not in such cases play two characters of the same Type (see
Concept limitations, above). A Primary that has approval for permanent cross-venue play
(see below) is considered to take up two Primary slots, one for both venues. Characters
that are not Primaries are called Secondary characters, and are made as though the player
were MC 1. The distinction between Primary and Secondary is applied to a character at
its creation and may not be changed afterward.

Primary characters may all begin with five extra Experience Traits for each of the
players MCs. Secondary characters only begin play with five extra Experience Traits (as
though the player were MC 1). Some venues apply additional character creation
guidelines based upon MC. Specifics can be found in the appropriate Version Six venue

When a player gains MC, all of his Primaries may apply an additional five Experience
Traits per MC gained. If a player loses one or more MCs, the Experience Traits granted
to the character for the player's lost MCs must be re-accounted for. These Traits are not
removed from the character sheet. Instead an Experience Trait "debt" is applied which
must be paid off before the character can spend Experience Traits on anything else.

Experience Trait Restrictions (Pr.1.0.05)

The maximum number of Experience Traits that a player character can earn in a month is
four, though some countries make use of a graduated Experience Trait cap. (Check
your national addendum to see if this is the case.) Experience Traits gained for MC are
an exception, as are the Experience Traits granted from the Lore of the Stage Ordeal (if
the Camarillas Ordeals are used by your nation). High or Top Approval may be given
for a character to exceed their cap in a given month by one or two Experience Traits
respectively. This exception is usually reserved as an "exceptional role-playing award"
given to a few players at regional or national events.

ET expenditures after character creation take a minimum of one week to implement,

though the Storyteller (or certain items noted specifically in the venue supplements) can
require a longer training period.

Character Sanctioning and Records (Pr.1.0.06)

All characters must be approved by the players Low Approval Storyteller. A copy should
be kept up to date and on file with that Storyteller. Low Approval Storytellers register
their characters with their Mid Approval Storyteller. See Chapter Four for approval level

A complete character record should include a character sheet, the character's Experience
Trait log, and records/verification of any special approvals made on the character. An
Experience Trait log will detail how starting Traits (including Free Traits) were spent at
character creation, and how Experience Traits earned after were spent. It will also list
games attended and the Experience Traits gained for each game. Dates should be noted
for each entry in the Experience Trait log. Games in which the PC crossed into another
Venue must also be noted. If there is uncertainty over a discrepancy between what is on
the player's character sheet and the copy kept in the Storyteller's records, the copy in the
records will be considered accurate.

Character Retirement (Pr.1.0.07)

Since a player is limited to a specific number of Primary characters, they will sometimes
wish to retire a Primary from play to allow them to utilize the slot on a new character.
Retired characters are considered dead for all intents and purposes, and may not later be
brought back into play.

Non-Player Character Limitations (Pr.1.0.08)

The creation process of non-player characters is limited in the same manner as it is for
player characters, except that Experience Traits may be added to reflect the length of the
chronicle. The Type is still subject to the Storyteller approval levels shown in the venue
supplements, but is one level lower than indicated for player-characters. Venue-specific
antagonist such as Fomori for the Garou venue or Autumn People for Changeling venue,
are allowed with Low Approval. Types eligible to be player characters in other venues
require Mid Approval, or the same Approval as the type in question, whichever is higher.
Please note that only "types" are subject to the "one level lower" clause. Thus, a Samedi
NPC in the Cam/Anarch Venue would be Mid Approval (one level lower than the High
Approval needed to have a Samedi PC) but a Brujah NPC with True Faith would be High
Approval, as True Faith is a Merit, not a "type".

Certain non-player characters should remain the sole province of National Storytellers;
specifically unique non-player characters from the source material (Caine, Gaia, the First
Ronin, High King David, Charon, Voormas, etc.), and very powerful non-player
characters (Methuselah vampires, Justicars, Ferrymen, Malfeans, Celestian Spirits,
Changeling Kings and Queens, Garou Legends, Archmasters and Oracles, world leaders
and national level politicians, etc.) Use good judgment, and when in doubt, consult with
your National Storyteller to see which non-player characters are appropriate for use.

Because creatures in most venues have no reasonable means of protecting themselves

from wraiths, they have additional restrictions outside their own venue. High Approval is
required for NPC wraiths outside the Wraith venue, unless they are made as common
wraiths (see Merits and Flaws in Chapter Two, below).

Players may only play NPCs that their MC would normally allow them to create (not
counting Type restrictions and Experience Trait totals). Any of these limitations above
may be superseded with High Approval.

Chapter Two: Traits (Pr.2.0.00)

The Camarillas Sanctioned games make use of the special rules for Abilities and
Backgrounds in Dark Epics, pages 48 through 70.
While the Traits referred to in this chapter are universal, some venues have Abilities,
Backgrounds, Merits, and Flaws that remain specific to those venues, and as such will be
addressed in the appropriate venue supplement (if not their venue MET rulebook).

Any Ability, Background, power, etc. for a player character that requires the creation of
new rules mechanics requires Top Approval. Any Ability, Background, power, etc. for a
player character that requires tabletop rules to be translated into Mind's Eye Theater
format requires Top Approval. Any other items not covered in the Sanctioned source
material (or supplement) for a characters venue, automatically defaults to Top Approval.
Once this Approval is obtained, it requires Top Approval for another to learn the item in
question from your character. Example: A Giovanni creates a new Necromancy Ritual.
This Ritual requires Top Approval to enter play, and it requires Top Approval for another
Necromancer to learn this Ritual from a Necromancer who possesses it.

Recovering Traits (Pr.2.0.01)

Temporary Attribute and Ability Traits are recovered at the beginning of the day after the
end of the session. Venue-specific Traits such as Blood, Rage, Glamour, Pathos,
Quintessence, etc, are regained as described in the Sanctioned source material or
appropriate Venue supplement. Willpower Traits are recovered naturally at a rate of one
per week.

ABILITIES (Pr.2.2.00)
Mid Approval is required to take a (normally Low Approval) Ability Trait from a
Sanctioned MET source book that is not part of the venue source material for the
characters home. If a MET sourcebook is not Sanctioned in any of the Supplements, then
it requires Top Approval.

These Ability descriptions, and those in Dark Epics, override any found in other venue
Linguistics (Pr.2.2.01)
Linguistics is a single Ability, which allows a character to know languages other then her
native tongue. One Trait gives the character one additional language; two Traits gives
two, three Traits gives four, four Traits gives eight, and five Traits gives the character 16
additional languages. While most PCs are capped at five traits of an Ability, those PCs
with six Traits of Linguistics know 24 additional languages, while those with seven Traits
know 32 additional languages.

Lore (Pr.2.2.02)
Individual Lore Abilities cannot exceed five Traits. Level four in a Lore requires Mid
Approval. Level five in a Lore requires High Approval. Learning a Lore specific to
another venue requires High Approval. Learning a Lore that is specific to a special
approval character type, organization, etc. (one that the character does not belong to)
requires a minimum level of approval equal to the character type or group that the Lore
refers to.
The Storyteller may award free Traits of Lore Abilities to a character at its creation,
based upon the characters history. The total Traits of Lore given in this manner cannot
exceed the players Member Class, though characters made by MC 1 and MC 2 players
can always have up to three such Traits. Once per month, a Storyteller may award one
Trait of Lore to a character without an Experience Trait cost. This award must be noted in
the Experience Trait log for the character. Level four and level five Lores may not be
awarded in this fashion. In the case of Lores awarded without Experience Trait cost prior
to this rules set, Lores of level one, two, or three require no Experience Trait purchase to
keep, but Lores of level four or level five do require the expenditure of an Experience
Trait for each such level.

High Approval is required to take a (normally Low Approval) Background from
Sanctioned source material (or supplement) outside of a characters home Venue. Any
Background or power that would duplicate an item or power that would otherwise require
Approval requires the same Approval as the duplicated item. (Example: A Wonder that
duplicates the Stormwarden Merit would require High Approval.)

If a character gains a Background during play (keeping it more than a month), Experience
Traits must be spent to pay for it. If a character loses a Background (or levels of) during
play, those lost levels are held in reserve in case the character should later reacquire or
develop more levels of that Background during play. Influences do not follow this

Unless otherwise noted, each Background is limited to five Traits, although those
representing items (such as Treasures or Fetishes) or specific people (such as Companion
or Retainers) are only limited to five Traits per item / person. Influences do not follow
this restriction.

Fame (Pr.2.3.01)
Level four requires High Approval, while level five requires Top Approval.

Influence (Pr.2.3.02)
Use the rules in Dark Epics (beginning on page 54) for additional Influence endeavors,
and the rules in Laws of the Night: Camarilla Guide for standard Influence endeavors
at levels six through ten. Military and Espionage Influences are not used in the
Sanctioned Chronicle.

Characters may not purchase more than five levels of any given Influence at character
creation, although levels may rise as high as level ten through the course of play. Mid
Approval is required for a character to have Influence in any given category above level
five. Each Influence category within a city should not have more than one character with
level ten, two characters with level nine, and three characters with level eights. This
recommended total is inclusive of all venues within the city. Thus, in a Domain that
offers Cam/Anarch, Garou, and Mage, one could find a Ventrue with Political 10, a Glass
Walker with Finance 10, and a Hermetic with Occult 10, and it is recommended that no
other character in this Domain, in any Venue, possess ten levels of the Political, Finance,
or Occult Influences.

For the Camarilla's Sanctioned games, characters may use a number of actions each
month (not session) equal to his or her Influence level. No more than twenty actions can
be spent towards a single endeavor in any given month, including all actions spent for
modifications. Players should register actions with their local Storyteller who will
moderate their interaction with other Influences if necessary.

The example given in Dark Epics for Attack contradicts the system described. Banked
Growth actions are lost if the Attack is successful. Ignore the example that allows the
Attacked player to spend Banked actions as the result of a successful Attack.

Retainers (Pr.2.3.03)
If a character sheet is needed for a Retainer, create it with 6-4-3 Attributes, five Ability
Traits, three Humanity Traits, and 1 Willpower Trait. For each additional Background
Trait spent on a particular Retainer, add five Experience Traits to its character sheet (to a
maximum of four additional Background Traits, or twenty Experience Traits). Retainers
may take Derangements and Negative Traits to gain up to five Free Traits, but may not
have Merits, Flaws, or Backgrounds (including Influence). The Retainers character
sheet cannot have anything on it that requires Mid, High, or Top Approval. Retainers do
not gain Experience Traits in the course of play. Retainers may be partially Awakened
mortals specific to your venue (ghouls for the Vampire venues, kinfolk for the Garou
venue, or kinain for the Changeling venue). There is no additional cost for this. These
venue-specific Retainers do not need to purchase the Merits typically required to be
partially Awakened. Example: A Retainer in the Cam/Anarch Venue may be a Ghoul.
This Ghoul does not need to purchase the Ghoul Merit.


High Approval is required to take a (normally Low Approval) Merit or Flaw from a MET
source book that is not part of the venue source material for the characters home Venue.

A character cannot possess more then seven Traits of Merits nor take Free Traits from
more then seven Traits of Flaws. Example: a vampire could take both Disease Carrier
and Thin Blood as flaws, but would only gain seven (not eight) Traits for doing so. If a
Merit or Flaw is no longer applicable to the character, the Storyteller should assign an
appropriate number of Merit or Flaw Traits as replacements. This also applies if the
Storyteller feels that the Merit or Flaw is being abused or ignored. These limitations may
be surpassed with Top Approval.

Players may not choose Flaws that describe qualities already inherent to the character,
such as a Lasombra antitribu taking the Dark Secret Flaw: "true clan" while pretending to
be a Brujah, or a Silent Strider taking the Haunted Flaw, or an Ahl-I-Batin taking Sphere
Inept: Entropy.

Bonus Traits granted by Merits or Flaws do not apply to challenges involving

supernatural powers. Exceptions are noted in the appropriate venue supplement.

Below are listed some clarifications and additions to Merits and Flaws for all venues. If
the description and/or cost of a Merit or Flaw differs between this source and the Mind's
Eye Theatre source book appropriate to the character's venue, use what is listed in this

Some Merits and Flaws like Spirit Mentor and Haunted bring wraith NPCs into play.
Common NPC wraiths use the base statistics for a wraith (per the rules in Oblivion)
without any Backgrounds, Merits, Flaws, or benefits from Membership Class. They have
no starting Arcanoi, but can buy Innate Abilities or the first Basic level of an Arcanoi
with Free Traits. 'Common' may never possess the second Basic, or any higher, Arcanoi.
They may not have anything that requires Mid, High, or Top Approval. The Sharpened
Senses power of such wraiths allows them to test against Basic level powers of
concealment. Storytellers must moderate the interactions of wraith NPCs in the
Sanctioned Chronicle. (See Chapter One for further rules on NPCs.)

Ability Aptitude [1 Trait Merit] (Pr.2.4.01)

You have a natural affinity for a particular (but not combat related) Ability. You are up 2
Traits on all tests directly related to that Ability only (not with powers that would use the
Ability for a retest). This bonus only applies to a single Ability (for those that require a
specific focus such as Performance or Science).

Ambidextrous [1 Trait Merit] (Pr.2.4.02)

You are equally skilled at using either hand. You do not suffer the normal two Trait
penalty for performing actions with your off hand. In addition, you do not need to have
the prerequisite number of Ability levels appropriate to a weapon in order to get the
advantage of using two weapons (or a shield) in combat.

Destiny (Pr.2.4.03)
This Merit is not used in the Sanctioned Chronicle.

Iron Will [3 Trait Merit] (Pr.2.4.04)

This Merit gives the character a free retest when attempting to resist Dominate and
Dementation, or when fending off other mind-influencing powers. You get three bonus
Traits against magic or Thaumaturgy that both influences your mind and requires a
Mental Challenge.

Luck/Lucky [3 Trait Merit] (Pr.2.4.05)

The character gets a free retest once per session on any non-combat challenge.

Magic Resistance [2 Trait Merit] (Pr.2.4.06)

The Traits granted by this Merit are an exception to the above rule that prohibits Merit-
granted Traits from affecting challenges for supernatural powers.

Mistaken Identity [1 Trait Flaw] (Pr.2.4.07

Resemblance with this Flaw to an actual player character requires permission of the
player who portrays it (or the Storyteller responsible in the case of a NPC).

Natural Linguist [2 Trait Merit] (Pr.2.4.08)

You have a remarkable grasp of any languages that you speak or write (as per your
Linguistics Ability). You gain 3 bonus Traits on all challenges related to language. You
also know twice the number of languages that your level of the Linguistics Ability would
normally allow.

Nine Lives (Pr.2.4.09)

This Merit requires High Approval. Each "life" used must be reported to the Approval

Quiet Heart [4 Trait Merit] (Pr.2.4.10)

This Merit gives the character a free retest when attempting to resist Presence and
Fascination, or when fending off other emotion- influencing powers. You get three
bonus Traits against magic or Thaumaturgy that both influences your emotions and
requires a Social Challenge. If a Presence user has Superior levels, this Merit only works
if the defender is a vampire of eighth generation or better.

Supernatural Ally [3 Trait Merit] (Pr.2.4.11)

You maintain a secret relationship with another supernatural creature, maybe even a Type
from another venue. Sometimes you must go to some lengths to maintain your friendship
with this creature, and to keep your relationship secret. In return, he will sometimes
perform small favors for you. This ally is not your retainer. It is created and controlled
entirely by the Storyteller.

This Merit requires Approval one degree less than would be needed to play a creature of
the same Type if it is from same venue, or High Approval if it is from a different venue.
For example, a Bone Gnawer character could take a Ratkin ally with Mid Approval, since
Ratkin normally require High Approval to be played in the Garou venue. A Nosferatu
would need High Approval to have the same Ratkin (or the Bone Gnawer) as an ally,
since they are from a different venue. Top Approval Types require Top Approval as an
ally in any venue.

True Faith [7 Trait Merit] (Pr.2.4.12)

This Merit requires High Approval. Traits of True Faith beyond the first cost three
Experience Traits each and must receive High Approval before being purchased. Use the
rules for True Faith as found in Laws of the Hunt: Revised, pages 267 through 272.

Unbondable (Pr.2.4.13)
This Merit requires High Approval.
EQUIPMENT (Pr.2.7.00)
Non-standard magical items that do not adhere to the systems presented in the venue
source material (those not covered by Backgrounds like Artifact, Fetish, Treasure,
Wonder; or covered by approved item creating powers like Alchemy and Enchantment)
require High Approval.

The Camarillas Sanctioned chronicle uses the simplified weapon and armor statistics
presented in Dark Epics, beginning on page 81. High Approval is required for any
weapon or armor whose statistics do not match those listed.


Most Mind's Eye Theatre source books list different ways to use Willpower Traits.
Rather than list them all out, we will instead list what source book uses are not allowed or
are altered for the Camarilla's Sanctioned chronicle.

When spending a Willpower Trait to replenish all lost Traits in a category (Physical,
Social, or Mental), each given category may only be replenished once in any game

Expending a Willpower Trait allows a retest to defend against a Mental or Social

Challenge; it does not automatically negate the challenge. This may not be used for such
challenges as those involving perception, using Mental Traits with Firearms, or Mental
versus Physical Challenges. It may not be used to retest challenges that are the result of a
character's own power (such as Auspex), even if he is the challenge's defender (such as
with Majesty).

Willpower may not be used to automatically succeed in Static Challenges or Simple


Chapter Four: Systems (Pr.4.0.00)

The Camarillas Sanctioned chronicle makes use of the generic systems presented in
Dark Epics, pages 70 through 72.
The Camarillas Sanctioned chronicle specifically does not make use of the Experience
Trait Standards (page 97) and Changing the Rules (page 98) systems.


Throughout the supplements, there are various items that require approval of a specific
level of Storyteller. Any time a supplement uses the term special approval it is
referring to any level above Low Approval. Anything that requires a specific level of
approval requires the approval of all Storytellers in the chain of command beneath it. All
characters and character changes require Low Approval, regardless of the approval level
Consult the list below to determine which Storyteller equates to each approval level in
your country. If your country is not listed below, consult your National Storyteller to
determine the approval level equivalents used.

Australia (Pr.4.1.01)
Low (CST); Mid (DST); High (Venue ANST); Top (NST)

Canada (Pr.4.1.02)
Low (CST); Mid (DST); High (Venue ANST); Top (NST)

United Kingdom (Pr.4.1.03)

Low (DST); Mid (RST); High (Venue ANST); Top (NST)

United States (Pr.4.1.04)

Low (VST); Mid (DST); High (RST); Top (NST)


Characters must be made according to the guidelines given in the appropriate
supplement, and each character must be created within a "home venue" (even mortals).
Characters may occasionally be played in other venues, provided Mid Approval is given
on a case-by-case basis (up to three times in a calendar year). This must be noted on the
experience log as noted above. High Approval is required for all occasional crossovers
that exceed three in a calendar year.

High Approval is required to approve a character for permanent cross-venue play.

Special rules regarding Primary characters are applied to permanent cross-venue
characters (see Membership Benefits, above).

The power comparison chart on page 94 of Dark Epics should only be used when
specifically opposed powers interact. By far the most common instance is with detection
powers attempting to pierce illusions or concealment powers. The use of Archmaster-
rank Spheres compare to Superior level Disciplines on the chart.

PROXY PLAY (Pr.4.3.00)

Proxy play occurs when one or more player characters are given to a Storyteller to
portray in the player's absence. At least 48 hours notice must be given to the
Storyteller(s) involved in the proxy scene. In order to proxy a character, the player must
give the Storyteller their character sheet and a brief write-up describing the characters
intentions, motivations, personality, and reactions to possible situations.

By giving a character over to a Storyteller for proxy play, the player grants the Storyteller
all rights to the character for the duration of the proxy scene. The requirements above are
the minimum. If a Storyteller wishes to further limit proxy play, she should list any
restrictions in the games Venue Style Sheet.

TESTING (Pr.4.4.00)
When comparing Traits in the case of a tied challenge, no character may declare more
Attribute Traits than twice her normal maximum (counting bonuses gained from forms,
powers, weapons, etc) for overbids and the comparison of Ties. Neither the bonus Traits
granted from Shifter forms (such as Lupus, Hispo, Crinos, or Glabro for the Garou) nor
bonus Traits granted by a Shifter's pack lending towards the Shifter during a mob
challenge count towards this limitation.

Example: Michael is an 8th Generation Malkavian. Thus, he can not bid more than 28
Traits in a challenge. Natasha is a Shadow Lord Fostern. Thus, she can not bid more than
24 Traits in a challenge. But Natasha can take Crinos form, and the +8 traits that she
receives from doing so does not apply to her cap, allowing her to bid a maximum of 32

Example: The baby Thunderwyrm attacking the Caern has 35 Traits. Even in Crinos,
Natasha can only bid a maximum of 32 Traits. However, Natasha has her pack at her
back, and in a mob challenge, the +4 Traits that her four packmates lend to her does not
apply to her cap, allowing her to bid a maximum of 36 Traits.

In cases of vampire cross-venue interaction, the "bomb" is kept, but the "Win All Ties"
mechanic is replaced by a +10 trait bonus when declaring Traits. This bonus is not
subject to the above limitation.

Example: Natasha, now overconfident, attacks Billy. Billy is an 8th Generation Brujah
with Fleetness and Puissance. Billy could normally bid up to 28 Traits in a challenge.
Because of the cross-venue rule, Billy retains use of the "bomb", but his "Win All Ties"
turns into a +10 Trait bonus. Billy may now bid up to 38 Traits against the overconfident

Current Traits (Pr.4.4.01)

When players compare Traits, they declare their total, permanent number of Traits
(including Traits lost in previous challenges or for other reasons). A player may still
declare fewer Traits than she actually possesses in the category if she desires. The
Camarilla makes use of this rule to more easily suit the large-scale nature of its
Sanctioned Chronicle.

Mob Rules (Pr.4.4.02)

In order to simplify mob combat, the following rules are used:

First, the narrator must decide who is challenging whom among the group. This is
usually obvious, but when it's not, have the players all point to the person they are
challenging on the count of three. Each combatant must bid one Trait, plus an additional
Trait for each person attacking her beyond the first (no more than five individuals may
attack a character at a time). If the defender cannot match the required number of Traits
to be bid, she automatically loses the challenge. If she does have enough Traits, she tests
as normal with the leader of the group. The group has five seconds to choose the leader,
and should not compare stats while doing so. If a leader is not chosen, then the leader is
selected by the defender.

Only the leader of the group calls out Negative Traits. The defender against Negative
Traits need only bid extra Traits once for each Negative Trait applicable, not each
Negative Trait per person challenging.

The leader of the group may apply a number of bonus Traits to his total (for ties and
overbids) equal to the number of people assisting him (up to four).

If the defender wins, she remains unharmed and can choose to affect any single member
of the attacking group (usually by inflicting a wound), and the attackers lose all Traits
they bid. If the attackers win, the leader may choose which attackers victory condition
applies (usually inflicting a wound), and the defender loses all of the Traits she bid.
Continue the process until all who declared an action have been the target of a challenge
or donated Traits as appropriate.

Metamorphosis is the process by which a character changes into another creature Type
(the most common being death). Rules for metamorphosis into specific Types (including
rules for non-mortal metamorphosis) may be found in the appropriate venue supplements.
Additional rules for metamorphing from a mortal Type into another creature Type are
presented in the Mortal Supplement.

General Guidelines (Pr.4.5.01)

Top Approval is generally required for metamorphosis if the character is/was not one of
the mortal Types (see Mortal for details). Top Approval is also required for any
supernatural Type to become mortal. Only High Approval is required if a character is
becoming a wraith or specter (see Wraith for details), regardless of their former Type.
The approving Storyteller will decide the exact effects of the metamorphosis, if the
standard rules do not cover that particular type of change.

A minimum of High Approval is required if metamorphosis changes the character's

venue. (Approval is also required appropriate to what the new Type would normally take
if the character stays in the same venue.) For example, a character at home in the Mortal
venue gets killed, and the player would like the character to become a wraith. Wraiths
are not one of the character types appropriate for the venue, so the character must receive
High Approval, either to stay in the venue, or to change to the Wraith venue. Conversely,
a mortal in one of the vampire venues requires no special approval to get Embraced,
unless she is Embraced into a clan that requires special approval.
Characters that undergo metamorphosis normally lose access to all their previous Types
powers (though some exceptions exist for mortal characters). They also lose all Arete,
Glamour, Gnosis, Rage, and similar Traits, unless their new Type normally possesses
them. Ability, Attribute, Willpower, and similar Traits that are carried over remain at
their current level, regardless of the new Types starting amount. (The number of these
cannot exceed the new Types maximums, so any excess Traits are lost.)

Unspent Experience Traits may be carried over. Any Experience Traits spent on things
that are lost as a result of metamorphosis are subtracted from the characters earned
Experience Trait total (for those countries who make use of a varying monthly cap based
on earnable Experience Traits).

Most Backgrounds, Merits, and Flaws from the old creature Type are lost or rendered
useless with a metamorphosis. The Storyteller will work with the player to choose new
Backgrounds, Merits, and Flaws from the source material for their new Type, attempting
to duplicate the old ones as closely as possible. In rare cases, characters may be allowed
to keep one or more out-of-venue Merits or Flaws, in accordance with the approval
guidelines given in Chapter Two.


Damage Types (Pr.4.6.01)

Bashing damage is defined as any injury that is painful but fades relatively quickly, such
as kicks, punches, or tackles. Bashing damage may not be used to declare a killing blow.
Lethal damage comes from bullets, swords, etc. and is intended to kill. Aggravated
damage often comes from fire, or from mystical sources like the claws and teeth of
supernatural creatures. It is more difficult for regenerating creatures to heal, and indeed,
such creatures often take aggravated damage from exotic sources such as sunlight or
silver weapons. The Storyteller is the final arbitrator on what damage type any particular
source inflicts, but damage from the natural weapons and powers of supernatural
creatures is very rarely considered to be bashing.

Contrasting rules for bashing damage are presented in some of the MET source books.
To clarify, bashing damage is not halved in the Sanctioned chronicle. Living creatures
heal one level of bashing damage after an hour of rest.

Normally creatures require a week to heal each level of lethal or aggravated damage
through such means as rest and medical attention. Many supernatural creatures suffer
from aggravated damage on a more frequent basis than normal humans do, and heal it
more slowly than they do other damage types. Some supernatural creatures have
different or faster means for healing, as described in the applicable supplements.

Blood Loss (Pr.4.6.02)

Humans (and other living beings in the World of Darkness) are considered to have a
maximum of ten Blood Traits in their bodies. They suffer a level of damage for each
Trait they lose beyond two. Humans fall to Mortally Wounded when completely drained
of blood. Damage suffered from blood loss cannot be healed until the blood is regained.
Regenerating a Blood Trait should be treated as "healing an aggravated wound" for
purposes of effects that can do so, as described above. Otherwise, humans (and other
living beings in the World of Darkness) normally regenerate one Blood Trait per week.

Movement (Pr.4.6.03)
Powers, shapes, magic items, and other effects that increase a characters movement rate
are not cumulative. Unless otherwise clarified in their appropriate venue supplement, a
character may not attack and make use of such movement increases in the same action.
Prime 6.0 - US Addenda

Camarilla US 6.0 Addenda

Prime 6.0 Addenda
Pr.0.00.US, Conversion to 6.0

This Addenda becomes active on Insert Date here.

This conversion will not be a conceptual rewrite of characters. Some items have changed their costs and
must be accounted for (example: Lores of level five, some of the combination disciplines cost differently,
etc.) However, all Mortal characters will be conceptually rewritten as described in Mortals 6.0.

Any item that increased in approval must be re-approved. If this is a Type (clan, kith, etc.) or similarly
the basis of a character, then the character may not be played until successfully re-approved. Characters
with other items needing re-approval can be played without those items in the meantime. All such items
must be submitted for re-approval by two weeks after the date of this Addenda becomes active.

Any ET debt thatt exists due to the conversion to 6.0, will be paid off by spending at least half (round up)
of the ET earned each month towards the ET debt.

Each domain will need to decide to implement the changes to influence either at the beginning or end of
month that this Addenda goes active. Banked actions at the point of conversion are to be halved.

Pr.0.01.US, Terminology

The term Shifters when found in either 6.0 or the Addenda refers solely to Garou and the other Changing

Pr.1.0.01.US, Concept

Interactions between a player's characters include relatives (descendent, childe, heir, etc), being of the
same Type in the same Venue, and also include any present and past characters (up to six months).

Pr.1.0.05.US, Experience Traits

The maximum number of Experience Traits that a player's character can earn in a month is based upon
the amount that it has previously earned. At the beginning of the month check the amount of earned
Experience Traits that the character has, and compare it to the chart below to see how many the character

http://www.jyhad.net/usnst/Archives/Addenda6.0/Prime_6.htm (1 of 3) [8/23/2003 10:17:35 PM]

Prime 6.0 - US Addenda

can earn in that month. Earned Experience refers to those traits gained through the course of play, not
from Membership Class or Ordeals. The first month in which this calculation should be done is January
2001. Prior to January 2001, all characters were subject to a 4 Experience Trait per month maximum.
Prior to June 2002, all characters were subject to the chart below with the addition of a 1 ET cap at 221+
experience traits. All characters should begin tracking their new Experience Traits as of 01-Jun-2002
with the new chart below.

Earned Total Monthly Maximum

0 - 66 6

67 - 121 5

122 - 165 4

166 - 198 3

199+ 2

Pr.1.0.5.US, Ordeals and Experience Traits

The Ordeal of the Stage (aka Creation) is valid in the US and gives the ET as described on the ordeal
itself (which is 3 additional experience traits for any primary character with an appropriately detailed

Pr.1.0.08.US, Non-Player Character Limitations

Mage NPCs are a minimum of High Approval in venues other than the Mage venue. Salubri (not Salubri
Antitribu) NPCs are a minimum of High Approval in any venue.

Pr.2.2.02.US, Lore Clarification

Odd lores, such as Nod Lore or Golconda lore must be taken as a specialization of the Venue Lore
(Kindred, Garou, Mage, etc.) rather than existing as a separate lore. For a list of standard lores, consult
the Settings Team website.

Pr.2.7.00.US, Special Weapon Capabilities and Simple Tests

http://www.jyhad.net/usnst/Archives/Addenda6.0/Prime_6.htm (2 of 3) [8/23/2003 10:17:35 PM]

Prime 6.0 - US Addenda

The simple tests associated with Special Weapon Capabilities cannot be retested. Example: The two
simple tests with staking cannot normally be retested.

Pr.2.7.00.US, Magic Items

The use of influences to obtain a magical item does not remove the need to get the appropriate approval
for the magic item. For clarity, all magical items in the Vampire venues are a minimum of High

Pr.3.00.US, Top Approval Custom Items

Any custom power/item requiring Top Approval that is approved in another country must receive Top
Approval within the US before use.

Pr.4.4.03.US, Extended Challenges

The damage restriction on Extended Challenges only applies to non-wraiths. Also, to use the less-
cumbersome system of attribute spending requires the agreement of both players.

Pr.4.6.04.US, Traveling to Umbral Realms found in Tabletop Sources

RST notification is required three days prior to running in any Venue plotlines that include visiting one
or more unique named Umbral Realms described in tabletop sources (example: Silent Strider Homeland,
Wolfhome, Stygia, other Dark Kingdoms, etc.) This will just be for the RST to track the usage and
inclusion of these story elements and potentially work with local Storytellers to ensure that the
effects/dangers of these Realms maintain accordance with the RSTs vision for them.

http://www.jyhad.net/usnst/Archives/Addenda6.0/Prime_6.htm (3 of 3) [8/23/2003 10:17:35 PM]

The Camarilla's Rules Supplement for the Sanctioned Chronicle

Reprinted material is White Wolf Game Publishing, Inc. Terms and ideas trademarked
by White Wolf are used with permission, and any mention of said intellectual properties
should not be considered a challenge to their ownership.


Chapter One: Character Creation

Chapter Two: Traits

Chapter Three: Powers

Chapter Four: Systems

This supplement details rules for Camarilla and Sabbat venue games in the Camarilla's
Sanctioned Minds Eye Theatre chronicle. These rules are intended for use with Laws of
the Night: Revised, Laws of the Night Camarilla Guide, Laws of the Night Sabbat
Guide, Laws of the Night Storytellers Guide, and Dark Epics by White Wolf
Publishing, and with the Prime Supplement.

These rules, when used for Sanctioned play, are to be applied without change, deviation,
alteration or addition by any member, save a countrys National Storyteller. This is to
enforce a homogenous set of rules throughout the organization, insuring that wherever a
member goes, they may play with a minimum of problems.

Storytellers are allowed and encouraged to use their judgment in the World of Darkness
to develop stories and enrich the flavor of the game. If a Storyteller judges that the flow
of the story would be enhanced by minor exceptions to the rules (on an individual basis
only), this creative license is allowed. It is strongly suggested that Storytellers stick to
the letter and intent of the rules in situations where one or more characters may die.
Storytellers found to be abusing this occasional liberty are subject to review and possible
disciplinary action. These licenses are not to be for such things as the approval of magic
items or the allowing of players to play rare character Types.

Chapter One: Character Creation (Va.1.0.00)

Vampire characters are created using Laws of the Night: Revised, Laws of the Night
Camarilla Guide, and Laws of the Night Sabbat Guide in conjunction with this
supplement and with Prime.
Concepts (Va.1.0.01)
It is suggested that a vampire characters age be appropriate to the generation at which it
is made. Extremely old Neonates and Ancilla are very unlikely according to the source
material, and should be discouraged or denied by Storytellers.

Concepts that include holding a sect position above the city level require High Approval.
This includes, but is not limited to, Archons, Black Hand, Cardinals, Justicars, and Prisci.
This restriction applies to characters that achieve these positions through game play, as
well as those who had (or have) them as result of their history. High Approval is also
required if the character used to be a member of the venues opposing sect, such as a
former Camarilla member who joined Sabbat.

Membership Benefits (Va.1.0.02)

Characters may not normally take more than two Traits of the Generation Background at
creation. Characters whose players have achieved Member Class 4 may take up to three
Traits. MC 6 allows up to four, MC 9 allows up to five, MC 12 allows up to six, and MC
14 allows characters to take up to seven Traits of Generation. Further rules for
Generation are found under Backgrounds, below.

TYPES (Va.1.1.00)
Special approval is required to play vampire characters of certain clans, even if the
character is Embraced during the course of play. Clans not listed require Top Approval.

Camarilla Venue Types (Va.1.1.01)

In the Camarilla venue, Brujah, Caitiff, Gangrel, Malkavian, Nosferatu, Toreador,
Tremere, and Ventrue require Low Approval to play.

Followers of Set and Giovanni require Mid Approval to play.

Assamite, Daughter of Cacophony, Gargoyle, Lasombra antitribu, Ravnos, Samedi,

Salubri, and variant bloodlines, such as Setite Warriors, require High Approval.

Sabbat Venue Types (Va.1.1.02)

In the Sabbat venue, Assamite antitribu, Brujah antitribu, Gangrel antitribu (city or
country bloodline), Lasombra, Malkavian antitribu, Nosferatu antitribu, Pander,
Toreador antitribu, Tzimisce, and Ventrue antitribu require Low Approval to play.

Ravnos antitribu, Salubri antitribu, and Serpent of the Light require Mid Approval to

Harbinger of Skulls, Kiasyd, Samedi, and variant bloodlines, such as Tzimisce Koldun,
require High Approval.

Chapter Two: Traits (Va.2.0.00)

Vampires use the Trait maximum rules (but not any of the optional rules) on page 95 of
Laws of the Night. Note that Status Traits are discussed at the end of Chapter Four,

CLANS (Va.2.1.00)

Caitiff (Va.2.1.01)
The maximum number of Generation Background Traits a Caitiff may take is two less
than the player is normally allowed (see Membership Benefits, above). Example: the
maximum number of Traits that can be taken by a MC 9 member is three. Known Caitiff
receive the additional Negative Status Trait Caitiff (see Camarilla Status, below).

Caitiff only pay one Experience Trait more than normal in-clan costs for each Discipline
power they learn. Though they have no clan Disciplines of their own, Caitiff select any
three Disciplines at character creation for which they require no teacher. Disciplines
selected are subject to the normal out-of-clan approval levels at the characters creation.
The characters free starting Basic Disciplines must be selected from among the three
selected Disciplines. If no Disciplines are selected, the Caitiff's "default" Disciplines are
Celerity, Potence, and Presence.

Giovanni (Va.2.1.02)
The one Trait wraith Retainer option for Giovanni uses the rules for common wraiths
in the Merits and Flaws section of Primes Chapter Two. For each additional
Background Trait the Giovanni spends on a particular Retainer, add five Experience
Traits to its character sheet (to a maximum of four additional Background Traits, or 20
Experience Traits). Retainers do not gain Experience Traits in the course of play.
Giovanni have a good deal more control over these wraiths than a PC would normally
have over a Supernatural Ally. Because other PCs have no reasonable means of
protecting themselves from such retainers, Storytellers will strictly limit their interactions
in the Sanctioned game.

Harbinger of Skulls (Va.2.1.03)

A Harbinger in his "normal" visage cannot initiate any Social Challenges except for the
purpose of intimidation, although he may defend against Social Challenges normally.
This does not apply to the usage of Necromancy.

Malkavian (Va.2.1.04)
As noted in their Clan Advantage, Malkavian vampires are often able to instinctually
identify one another. A Malkavian may engage an individual (once per night per
individual) in a Mental Challenge (retest with Awareness) to determine if they are a
Malkavian. However, it is impossible to determine if a vampire is a Malkavian while she
is using powers that shield the mind (such as Mind Blank).

Lasombra (Va.2.1.05)
The Status Trait of Lasombra granted for being a member of this clan cannot be
permanently removed but does not count in excess of the character's Status maximum.
(See the Status rules in Chapter Four, below.)

Pander (Va.2.1.06)
Panders use the rules for Caitiff (above). However, they do not receive the Caitiff
Negative Status Trait.

Salubri (Va.2.1.07)
Instead of two free Traits of the Generation Background, Salubri receive two free Traits
in any Vampire Background (except Generation) of their choice. This does not replace
the necessary approval for any specific Background, such as the fifth level of Fame.

Tremere (Va.2.1.08)
Starting a character with the rank of Regent of the first through Regent of the sixth
requires Mid Approval. Starting a character with the rank of Regent of the seventh, or
Lord or the first through Lord of the sixth requires High Approval. Starting a character
with any higher rank requires Top Approval. No rank should be assigned until the
Storyteller examines the current in-game hierarchy to determine the need for another
character of any particular rank. After character creation, ranks are subject to the whim
of appropriately ranked player and non-player characters within the established hierarchy.

Tremere who take part in the Vaulderie immediately gain the Infertile Vitae and Thin
Blooded Flaws. They gain no Free Traits for these Flaws. Every day after the Vaulderie,
the player must win a Physical Challenge against 30 Traits. The Survival Ability and
Willpower may be used for retests. Any time the player loses the test the character
permanently loses three Physical Traits, which can never be regained. When the character
has no Physical Traits remaining, they combust, and enter Final Death. Avoiding these
effects requires Top Approval.

Tzimisce (Va.2.09)
The ability to purchase Lores does not extend to those that would require High or Top
Approval. The ability to have Revenants as retainers does not cost additional Traits.
Revenants for Tzimisce (Bratovitch, Grimaldi, or Obertus) fall under the Retainer
Backgrounds venue-specific partially Awakened mortal clause.

Additional Backgrounds can be found on page 53 of Dark Epics.

Generation (Va.2.3.01)
Levels of this Background are free during character generation. However, levels cannot
be taken beyond what is allowed by the players MC (see Membership Benefits, above).
After character creation, vampires may only acquire more Generation Traits through
diablerie. Unless otherwise stated, none of the optional rules found under the Generation
chart in Laws of the Night: Revised are used in the Sanctioned Chronicle.
Herd (Va.2.3.02)
Herd may be called upon each week, rather than each session.

Mentor (Va.2.3.03)
Mentors may not teach Disciplines.

Retainers (Va.2.3.04)
Each of a vampires Retainers dedicated to increasing her Influences maximum increases
it by three levels, rather than just one level. They may have an unlimited number of such


Camarilla vampires may take Merits and Flaws from Laws of the Night Sabbat Guide,
and Sabbat vampires can take Merits and Flaws from Laws of the Night Camarilla
Guide. This requires only Low Approval, but Storytellers should be aware that while
most of these Merits and Flaws are appropriate to the opposing venue, some are certainly
not and should not be allowed.

Flesh of the Corpse (Va.2.4.01)

This Flaw is worth only one Trait in the Sanctioned chronicle.

Prestigious Sire (Va.2.4.02)

This Merit is High Approval if the Sire is a PC, Top Approval if the Sire is an NPC.

Infamous Sire (Va.2.4.03)

This Flaw is High Approval if the Sire is a PC, Top Approval if the Sire is an NPC.

Probationary Sect Member (Va.2.4.04)

Any sect member, not just Elders, may treat the character as if she had only one Status
Trait. Anytime a character joins a new sect she gains this Flaw (with no benefits) for one
year. Characters who started play with Probationary Sect Member (those benefiting from
the additional Free Traits) do not lose the Flaw after this period.

VIRTUES and MORALITY (Va.2.5.00)

Characters compare current Traits on all Virtue tests, but they lose ties on them. Thus if
he currently has the same number of Traits as the difficulty of the Test, the character
loses the Virtue Test. If a character relents to a Virtue Test of Self-Control, Instinct, or
Courage, they do not lose any Traits or gain any Negative Traits.

Vampires with Instinct automatically frenzy only if their Instinct is less then twice the
level of the provocation.

To stay awake during the day requires a Courage Test vs. three Traits at the beginning of
each hour. If the Courage Test is lost, the player may choose to stay awake and gain a
permanent Negative Trait (either Cowardly or Submissive) or fall asleep where they are.

A new Virtue Trait costs two Experience or Free Traits and a new Morality/Path Trait
costs three Experience or Free Traits. Twelve months must pass between purchases of
Morality Traits. Three months must pass between purchases of Virtue Traits. This limit
does not apply during character creation.

Your Storyteller may remove a Virtue or Morality Trait once a month if she feels you are
not playing the character's level of Morality appropriately. For example, Conrad has five
Traits of Humanity and Conscience. In the last month, Conrad ate five babies. He
succeeded each of his Morality Tests, but his Storyteller still has the option of removing a
Morality Trait and a Conscience Virtue Trait to reflect Conrad's unrepentant ways.

In the Camarilla venue, any Path of Enlightenment other than Humanity require High
Approval. Clan-specific paths from Laws of the Night: Revised require only Mid
Approval for members of the appropriate clan.

In the Sabbat venue, the Paths of Enlightenment from Laws of the Night: Revised and
Laws of the Night Sabbat Guide are Mid Approval, save for the Path of Evil
Revelations, which requires High Approval. Sabbat vampires require High Approval to
learn clan-specific paths if they are not a member of that clan.

OTHER TRAITS (Va.2.6.00)

Use of Willpower Traits (Va.2.6.01)

Willpower may be used to stave off frenzy for ten minutes in a non-combat situation or
one turn in a combat situation.

Generation Maximum and Willpower Traits (Va.2.6.01)

The "Generation Maximum Willpower" rating for all Kindred of eleventh (and weaker)
Generation is 10. Disregard the limitations of 6 or 8 as found on page 95 of Laws of the

Chapter Three: Powers (Va.3.0.00)

Follow the rules in Laws of the Night page 133 for learning Disciplines. All teachers
must be active player characters and may teach up to one level less then they possess of
their in-clan Disciplines. Characters may not teach out-of-clan Disciplines. Non-Player
Characters may not teach Disciplines. For example, a vampire possessing an Intermediate
level of an in-clan Discipline may teach the Basic levels. In the teaching of Superior
Disciplines, characters are further limited to teaching only powers that they possess.
To teach Advanced Necromancy or Thaumaturgy, the teacher must be eighth (or more
potent) generation, have the Discipline in-clan, and must know two paths of the
Discipline through the Advanced level.

Basic through Advanced levels in a Discipline path must be purchased in the order listed.
Superior levels need not be purchased in order, so long as the character has a Discipline
in the same path from the level just below the one she wishes to purchase. For example,
a Master level is required before a character can purchase an Ascendant level of a
Discipline path.

Out-of-clan Disciplines may be taken at character creation, but this must be justified in
the character's background and approved by the Storyteller. This includes Disciplines
purchased with Experience Traits granted by Membership Class. Advanced (or higher)
Out-of-clan Disciplines may not be taken at character creation. The Experience Traits
cost for out-of-clan Disciplines has been changed to 4 Experience Traits for Basic, 8
Experience Traits for Intermediate, 12 Experience Traits for Advanced, 16 Experience
Traits for Elder, and 20 Experience Traits for Master.

Low Approval Disciplines (Va.3.1.01)

Low Approval out-of-clan Disciplines: Animalism, Auspex, Celerity, Dominate,
Fortitude, Obfuscate, Potence, and Presence.

Mid Approval Disciplines (Va.3.1.02)

Mid Approval out-of-clan Disciplines: Dementation. Additionally, after character
creation, the approval level for Sabbat members to learn any out-of-clan Basic Discipline
is reduced to Mid Approval, if the teacher is a member of the character's pack. Otherwise
the normal restrictions apply.

High Approval Disciplines (Va.3.1.03)

High Approval out-of-clan Disciplines: Chimerstry, Dark Thaumaturgy, Necromancy
(Ash, Bone, and Sepulchre Paths), Protean, Serpentis, and Thaumaturgy. Sabbat venue
vampires may learn Obtenebration and Vicissitude with High Approval. Tremere
characters may learn Thaumaturgical Countermagic with High Approval.

Top Approval Disciplines (Va.3.1.04)

Top Approval out-of-clan Disciplines: Daimoinon, Obtenebration, Temporis,
Thaumaturgical Countermagic, Vicissitude, and any Discipline not listed above. The
Mortuus path of Necromancy requires Top Approval to be learned by anyone except
Harbingers of Skulls. The Vitreous path of Necromancy requires Top Approval to be
learned by anyone except Nagaraja.

Custom powers of any kind require Top Approval, including any new custom Discipline,
custom Superior Disciplines, and custom Thaumaturgy paths. The new powers presented
in this supplement require only Low Approval, unless otherwise noted.

Thaumaturgy (Va.3.1.05)
All characters possessing Thaumaturgy as an in-clan Discipline use the following

Unless otherwise stated, a Path of Thaumaturgy requires Mid Approval. The only Paths
that may be learned at Low Approval are: Path of Blood, Lure of Flame, & Movement of
the Mind.

All characters require High Approval for the following Paths:

Biothaumaturgy, the Focused Mind, the Green Path, the Path of the Blood's Curse, the
Path of Corruption, the Path of Curses, the Path of Technomancy, the Path of the Vine of
Dionysus, and Spirit Manipulation.

Camarilla characters also need High Approval for Hands of Destruction, the Path of
Mars, and the Path of the Father's Vengeance.

Sabbat characters also need High Approval for Elemental Mastery, Neptune's Might, and
Weather Control.

Characters may change their primary path of Thaumaturgy to another with High
Approval (or Top Approval if the new path normally requires Top Approval to learn).


A character cannot simultaneously use multiple powers that substantially transform the
characters body. Such powers should be considered mutually exclusive, with the
activation of one canceling any other that is active. Powers such as Shape of the Beast,
Horrid Form, Skin of the Adder, and Black Metamorphosis invoke this rule, but minor
transformations like Eyes of the Beast or The Tongue of the Asp do not.

Extra levels of damage caused by Disciplines apply only to the specific type of attack
noted in the Disciplines description, which rarely includes weapon attacks. Be careful to
note the difference between general combat bonuses (like Puissance), brawling attacks
(such as Horrid Form), and even more specific attacks (like the bite bonus from The Skin
of the Adder).


Disciplines are listed alphabetically by Discipline path and sub-path (for such powers as
Necromancy and Thaumaturgy). Specific Discipline powers within a path are listed in
the order they are learned, or alphabetically in the case of Superior levels.

Animalism, Quell the Beast (Va.3.3.01)

This power lasts for an hour or scene.

Animalism, Subsume the Spirit (Va.3.3.02)

The Negative Traits gained from using this Discipline are only cumulative to a maximum
of five. Animals generally have between two and ten Health Levels, and between three
and twelve Physical Traits, depending on size.

Animalism, Drawing Out the Beast (Va.3.3.03)

A Beast lost through use of this power returns after one month, if not otherwise

Auspex (Va.3.3.04)
The interaction between Auspex and Obfuscate is changed thusly for the Sanctioned
chronicle: Auspex and Obfuscate are opposing Disciplines. The examples listed under
Auspex and Obfuscate in Laws of the Night conflict. Do not use the listed system of
bonus Traits. Instead, players compare their Discipline levels. Precise powers
(Heightened Senses, Aura Perception) do not matter, only the Discipline levels matter for
this comparison (Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, Elder, Master, or Ascendant). Note that
this only comes into effect for purposes of concealment, or of piercing concealment.

A character with the appropriate Auspex power active may attempt to accurately perceive
characters or objects that have been rendered invisible or altered by use of Obfuscate. If
the Auspex level is higher than the Obfuscate level, the Auspex user wins without a test.
If it is lower, the Auspex user loses without a test. Only if the two Disciplines are of the
same level is the standard challenge actually performed.

To compare the Auspex vs. Obfuscate levels in a challenge, the player using Auspex
announces her Auspex level. She states the level she has (Basic, Intermediate, Advanced,
Elder, Master, or Ascendant). The visual sign for this is counting numbers on fingers,
one through six; one finger is for Basic, two is for Intermediate, three for Advanced, four
for Elder, five for Master, and six fingers for Ascendant . The character under Obfuscate
will give a verbal level or hold up fingers to show their level of Obfuscate. The same
process applies to Auspex vs. Chimerstry.

Auspex, Aura Perception (Va.3.3.05)

Characters using Aura Perception on an individual who is Possessed or otherwise under
the control of another entity see the aura of the controlling entity only, not that of the host

Auspex, Psychic Projection (Va.3.3.06)

Characters in Psychic Projection are limited to using perception-based powers. Any
powers that require a non-static challenge can only be used while the character has
manifested his form. Projecting characters have no access to their bodies, which prevents
the use of blood for any purpose.

Auspex, Telepathic Communication [New Elder] (Va.3.3.07)

The character can create a telepathic web allowing communication between everyone so
connected. Including an unwilling target requires a Mental Challenge as per Telepathy,
and the expenditure of a Mental Trait. Those known to the Auspex user, but not within
line of sight, can also be included in the web, up to a maximum range of one hundred
miles times the character's permanent Mental Traits. Telepathic Communication does not
allow the user or participants to pluck information from one anothers mind as Telepathy

Auspex, Mirror Reflex [New Master] (Va.3.3.08)

This power taps into the physical reflexes of an opponent, allowing the vampire to
anticipate an enemy's actions in personal combat. At the beginning of any turn of combat,
you may spend a Blood Trait to prevent a specific character from using any retest in
physical challenges with you during that turn. Additionally, that opponent must declare
victory conditions for the challenge before you.

Auspex, Psychic Assault (Va.3.3.09)

The third (kill) challenge for Psychic Assault is not used in Sanctioned play. A character
can at most be put to the Torpor or Mortally Wounded health levels by this power.

Celerity, Alacrity (Va.3.3.10)

The additional action granted by Alacrity can be used for any physical action, except
movement, so long as it does not involve an opposed (non-Static) Challenge. Alacrity
cannot be used to avoid a normal everyman challenge that has already been declared.

Celerity, Flower of Death (Va.3.3.11)

Other Celerity powers may be used while Flower of Death is active, but the costs for
each must be paid normally.

Chimerstry, Ignis Fatuus and Fata Morgana (Va.3.3.12)

You do not need to defeat an opponent in a Social Challenge to activate these powers.
Pay the cost listed and the illusion springs into life, visible by anyone present. If a
character has a valid reason to disbelieve the illusion, they may attempt a Static Mental
Challenge against the illusionists permanent Social Traits. Success on this challenge
allows the character to see through the illusion (or hear through it, smell through it, etc.).

Chimerstry, Horrid Reality (Va.3.3.13)

All of the challenges for Horrid Reality apply, regardless of the target's level of Auspex.
(An exception to the Auspex vs. Chimerstry rule.) Horrid Reality cannot be used to
dictate reality without engaging in challenges. Each turn the illusionist may make Social
Challenge to have the illusion create a new effect on the target, such as being hit by a
chimerical attacker or engulfed in flame. Damage from attacks created by Horrid Reality
is equal to the normal damage such an attack would cause, such as a punch doing one
level and a pistol doing two levels. Additional effects of attacks, such as staking, must be
tested as normal. Where there is a question on the amount of damage done, consult a

Daimoinon, Fear the Void Below (Va.3.3.14)

The difficulty of the Courage Test caused by this Discipline is equal to twice the number
of Traits risked in the preceding Sense the Sin challenge.

Daimoinon, Psychomachia (Va.3.3.15)

The difficulty of the Courage Test caused by this Discipline is twice the number of Traits
risked in the preceding Sense the Sin challenge. The nightmare construct created is a
match or near match for the character in every way, taking into account powers and
equipment the character has available to them.

Daimoinon, Condemnation (Va.3.3.16)

To clarify, the character does not permanently expend Traits to use this Discipline.
Instead, Traits used to reduce those of his victim are unavailable to the character in any
way until he chooses to end the curse or the victim dies. This means the Traits cannot be
bid or expended, nor do they count in comparisons of Traits for ties, overbids, or other

Daimoinon, Concordance (Va.3.3.17)

Mechanics representing powers granted by this Discipline require Top Approval. This
Discipline can be purchased multiple times.

Dementation, Personal Scourge (Va.3.3.18)

The damage caused by Personal Scourge cannot be resisted with Fortitude, nor is it
reduced by other Disciplines.

Dominate (Va.3.3.19)
The limit of one retest mentioned in the description of Dominate refers only to the use of
Willpower Traits. It does not prevent the target from using Abilities, overbids, etc.

Dominate, Mesmerism (Va.3.3.20)

Once triggered, the command from Mesmerism has a duration of no longer then a single
scene. A victim may only have one Mesmerism implanted per mesmerist at any given

Dominate, Conditioning (Va.3.3.21)

The victim of this power does not shake off the Conditioning as described in Laws of the
Night. The victim must instead go six consecutive months (minus one month per
Willpower Trait spent toward resisting the bond). The minimum period that the victim
must go without being around her regnant in order to successfully shake off the
Conditioning is one month. Morality Tests may apply for using this power.

Dominate, Possession (Va.3.3.22)

Partially Awakened mortals, such as ghouls or mortals with Numina, may be targets of
Possession. While possessing such mortals, the vampire may only access powers
inherent to the physical form, such as Celerity, Fortitude and Potence, but not other
supernatural powers possessed by the mortal in question. The vampire uses the blood
pool and maximum expenditures per turn of her host. If a character assumes another
shape before possessing, the special powers granted do not transfer with her into the
possessed body. This includes such things as the bonus Mental Traits from Shape of the
Beast, the Dominate/Presence immunity from Felis Negrum, and the darkness immunity
granted by The Form of the Cobra.

Dominate, Still the Mortal Flesh (Va.3.3.23)

The duration of this Discipline is the user's permanent Willpower Traits in turns.

Dominate, Far Mastery (Va.3.3.24)

Note that this Discipline replaces the need for eye contact, but not the need for the target
to hear your voice.

Fortitude, Aegis (Va.3.3.25)

The invocation of Aegis requires spending permanent Willpower or temporary Stamina-
based Traits. Only Physical Traits that are Stamina-based may be spent on Aegis.
Stamina and Willpower Traits expended to power Aegis must be available to bid or
expend. Invoking Aegis does not prevent a successful staking of the character, unless the
power is invoked before either of the staking tests are performed.

Fortitude, Personal Armor (Va.3.3.26)

Damage caused to unarmed attackers by Personal Armor is always bashing, regardless of
the type of damage caused by the attack. Attackers do not suffer the inability to use
limbs when they take damage due to Personal Armor.

Fortitude, Shared Strength (Va.3.3.27)

The ability to use Shared Strength is not transferred to a recipient of Shared Strength,
regardless of the amount of Fortitude they receive.

Mytherceria, Riddle Phantastique (Va.3.3.28)

A character under the effects of this Discipline will temporarily snap out of the trance if
he enters imminent danger (such as an attack on himself or the rising of the sun for a
vampire). He may then take whatever actions are necessary to remove himself from the
danger. Once out of danger, the trance returns, with the timing of challenges restarting
where it was when he left the trance.

Necromancy (Va.3.3.29)
Necromancy is considered blood magic and is thus subject to Thaumaturgical
Countermagic, the Magic Resistance Merit, and similar magic-affecting phenomenon.

Few vampires become wraiths upon suffering the Final Death, as most immediately slip
into Oblivion. It requires High Approval for a dead vampire to be an eligible target for
summoning with Necromancy.

Necromancy, the Bone Path, Shambling Hordes (Va.3.3.30)

The number of animated corpses you control at any time may never exceed the number of
permanent Willpower Traits you possess.
Necromancy, the Bone Path, Soul Stealing (Va.3.3.31)
A spirit ejected through Soul Stealing may return to its body immediately if the body is
injured, although it must still perform the normal test to eject any other spirit inhabiting
the body. This is true, even if the spirit is Compelled or Haunted. If the spirit is damaged
enough to be Incapacitated, it returns to the body as above and regains consciousness 10
minutes later.

For example, Conrad's soul is stolen from his body. Conrad's body is placed carefully in
the trunk of a car. As the car is driving down the street, a bus hits the car, causing two
levels of bashing damage to Conrads body. Conrad's soul is automatically pulled back
into his body.

Necromancy, the Bone Path, Daemonic Possession (Va.3.3.32)

If the original owner of a body returns to their possessed body, they may engage in a
Mental Challenge once each hour for control of the body. If the true owner succeeds,
they have removed the foreign spirit and need not test again. Daemonic Possession may
not be used to take a vampire's soul and place it another vampire's body. You cannot use
Daemonic Possession on yourself.

For a dead PC to receive a new body with the use of this power requires High Approval.

Necromancy, the Sepulchre Path, Compel Soul (Va.3.3.33)

Compel Soul will fail if you order the wraith to perform an action that will cause it harm
(such as requiring to leave an area it is being held in by Haunting). You may not Compel
a soul to remain out of its body more than one day. If it is a PC or NPC from the Wraith
Venue, then you may Compel it longer.

Necromancy, the Sepulchre Path, Haunting (Va.3.3.34)

You may not keep a soul out of its body by using Haunting for longer than one day. If it
is a PC or NPC from the Wraith Venue, then you may Haunt it longer.

Necromancy, the Vitreous Path (Va.3.3.35)

This Discipline is retested with the Occult Ability, not Wraith Lore.

Obfuscate (Va.3.3.36)
Cloak of Shadows, Unseen Presence, Vanish from the Mind's Eye, and similar
'invisibility' powers have much the same effect, with varying degrees of skill. A
character cannot benefit from layering these powers, even if someone attempts to assist
him by using Cloak the Gathering in an attempt to duplicate the 'invisibility'.

Obfuscate, Mask of a Thousand Faces (Va.3.3.37)

You may modify the specific details of clothing but not add or remove items in full.
Thus, a ratty windbreaker can be made to appear as a new and stylish tuxedo jacket, but
not a trench coat. Mask of a Thousand Faces cannot conceal items, nor does it increase
the character's ability to conceal items with the alteration of clothing.
Obfuscate, Vanish from the Mind's Eye (Va.3.3.38)
A character attempting to vanish only bids one Trait regardless of the number of
observers bidding against her.

Obfuscate, Cloak the Gathering (Va.3.3.39)

Cloak the Gathering cannot be used on unwilling, torpored, or unconscious targets.

Obtenebration, Arms of the Abyss (Va.3.3.40)

Potence and Fortitude cannot be added to the arms. The number of Traits possessed by
each arm is equal to the number of Discipline powers the character has in Obtenebration.
For example, a character with Advanced Obtenebration would create Arms of the Abyss
tentacles with five Physical Traits each.

Obtenebration, Black Metamorphosis (Va.3.3.41)

The Clumsy Negative Trait is not cumulative with other Negative Traits inflicted by

Potence (Va.3.3.42)
Potence does not modify ranged combat except where specifically mentioned in the
power's description.

Potence, Might (Va.3.3.43)

The use of Might is the last retest. Even if the use of Might is cancelled by the opponent
declaring the use of Might as well, no further retests may be performed for this challenge.

Potence, Imprint (Va.3.3.44)

Imprint causes one extra level of damage when squeezing or crushing any target. Imprint
does not cause extra damage when the user is wielding a weapon. The extra damage is
not limited to just affecting vampires, and it can be inflicted by biting, hugging, etc.

Presence, Awe (Va.3.3.45)

Awe may only be used with Presence powers or Social Challenges that do not involve
supernatural powers. It may only be used in challenges where the user is visible to the
other character.

Presence, Summon (Va.3.3.46)

The Social Trait bid and the Leadership Ability used (if you elect to use one) are
considered expended regardless of the result of the challenge. The Summon power
dissipates at dawn at the victim's location. Also, Summon cannot cause the subject to
travel through extremely dangerous or directly damaging areas. A summoned individual
will take steps to avoid danger and mitigate risk when traveling, but the Summons is
broken if there is no way to reach the summoner, except through dangerous or fatal
territory. The summoning character's intent is not considered when determining if a
situation is "dangerous". Only the condition of the physical environment is relevant.
Presence, Father Knows Best (Va.3.3.47)
This Discipline requires High Approval to possess.

Protean, Earth Meld (Va.3.3.48)

Normal disturbances to the ground will not end the effects of Earth Meld, although
digging will cause the character to be ejected.

Protean, Shape of the Beast (Va.3.3.49)

Vampires in wolf form gain the Physical Traits Quick, and Lithe, in addition to the Sharp
Trait granted by Feral Claws. The form allows them to travel an additional six un-
penalized steps per action in combat during any round in which they do not attack.

Vampires in bat form may only declare three Traits in challenges to harm or otherwise
attack someone. (They are not limited to bidding three Traits in challenges of defense.)
They can fly at their normal running speed and all attacks against them suffer a two Trait
penalty. If more then five steps away from the nearest attacker, they can declare a Fair
Escape unless an attacker possesses more heightened speed. Note that vampires in either
"fight" or "flight" form may not make use of weapons in combat.

Quietus (Va.3.3.50)
The maximum number of Quietus toxin coatings that may be applied to any single
weapon is three times the weapons normal bonus Traits. Different Quietus powers
cannot be used on the same weapon, as the different poisons render themselves inert
when mixed. Unless a duration is otherwise noted in the Disciplines text, coatings of
Quietus toxins last for a single session.

Quietus, Scorpion's Touch (Va.3.3.51)

Traits lost to Scorpion's Touch also apply to the comparison of ties, causing the victim to
bid fewer Traits.

Quietus, Dagon's Call (Va.3.3.52)

This power takes one turn to activate. Only base Physical Traits are applicable for the
comparison of ties in these Static Physical challenges, not Traits added for blood
expenditure, alternate forms, etc.

Quietus, Taste of Death (Va.3.3.53)

This power does two levels of aggravated damage instead of one.

Serpentis, The Form of the Cobra (Va.3.3.54)

Characters using The Form of the Cobra are not affected by the darkness rules. Also,
their venom causes living beings one level of lethal damage each turn after a bite, for
three turns.

Temporis (Va.3.3.55)
The optional rules in the box labeled You Can't Get There From Here: A Storyteller
Option are used in the Sanctioned Chronicle. No character can have both Celerity and

Temporis, Clotho's Gift (Va.3.3.56)

The maximum number of Physical Traits a character can risk on this Discipline is equal
to half the number of Temporis powers the character possesses, rounded down.

Temporis, Clio's Kiss (Va.3.3.57)

Every use of this Discipline requires High Approval.

Thanatosis, Withering (Va.3.3.58)

A successful use of Withering against the head of a vampire prevents him from using any
Disciplines except Celerity, Fortitude, and Potence.

Thanatosis, Necrosis (Va.3.3.59)

This power inflicts aggravated damage, rather than lethal.

Thaumaturgy (Va.3.3.60)
Thaumaturgical powers that require touch do not require skin contact, despite the rule on
page 47 of Laws of the Night Storytellers Guide. Only effects that keep the
thaumaturge from speaking (carving out her tongue, Vicissitude) will prevent her from
using Thaumaturgy. Unless a power specifically requires the subject to hear the
thaumaturges voice, circumstances that simply prevent it from being heard (a raging
storm, Silence of Death) will not hinder Thaumaturgy.

While the Thaumaturgy possessed by the Tremere, the Assamites, and the Setites share
game mechanics, in the World of Darkness these are widely different magical paths. It
requires High Approval for a Thaumaturge to learn paths or rituals from someone
possessing a different Clan's 'version' of Thaumaturgy.

Thaumaturgy, Elemental Mastery, Animate the Unmoving (Va.3.3.61)

Objects animated with this power have Physical Traits equal to the thaumaturges current
Willpower and can inflict one level of damage in combat, the type of which is determined
by the Storyteller.

Thaumaturgy, Elemental Mastery, Summon Elemental (Va.3.3.62)

Storyteller assistance is required for use of this power. Storytellers are encouraged to be
harsh towards players who make frivolous use of Summon Elemental, as it can disrupt
game play if not closely monitored. This power may only be used once per session. The
elemental will serve the caster for the duration of the session.

Thaumaturgy, the Green Path, Speed the Seasons Passing (Va.3.3.63)

Using this power to destroy an item in combat may require a Physical Challenge at
Storyteller discretion.

Thaumaturgy, the Green Path, Dance of Vines (Va.3.3.64)

Consult with a Storyteller to determine the exact damage and reach of plants animated
with this Discipline.

Thaumaturgy, Hands of Destruction, Acidic Touch (Va.3.3.65)

This power lasts for the duration of the scene. The vampire can choose to inflict an
aggravated wound level upon an unarmed attacker, even if the thaumaturge loses the
Physical Challenge. The acid can only inflict a maximum of one aggravated level of
damage per turn, regardless of the amount that comes in contact with a victim, or the
means by which it does so.

Thaumaturgy, Mastery of the Mortal Shell, Seizure (Va.3.3.66)

This power lasts for one turn per Mental Trait expended by the thaumaturge (up to a
maximum of five Traits), not one scene.

Thaumaturgy, Mastery of the Mortal Shell, Body Failure (Va.3.3.67)

This power lasts for one turn per Mental Trait expended by the thaumaturge (up to a
maximum of three Traits). Each turn, a vampire may "soak" the damage by winning a
Static Physical Challenge against the thaumaturge's Mental Traits to avoid one level of
lethal damage. The "Bomb" or "Win All Ties" mechanics may not be used in this

Thaumaturgy, Mastery of the Mortal Shell, Marionette (Va.3.3.68)

This power lasts for one turn per Mental Trait expended by the thaumaturge (up to a
maximum of three Traits). While in control of a target's body, the vampire may force the
target to utilize as much Potence and Celerity as the thaumaturge knows the target to
possess (except any Superior levels). The target may utilize Fortitude as he desires.

Thaumaturgy, Movement of the Mind, Flight (Va.3.3.69)

To retain an ensnared victim, the thaumaturge must win another Mental vs. Physical
Challenge at the end of every other turn. The use of the "Bomb" or "Win All Ties"
mechanics in this challenge is at Storyteller discretion.

Thaumaturgy, Movement of the Mind, Control (Va.3.3.70)

To retain an immobilized victim, the thaumaturge must win another Mental vs. Physical
Challenge at the end of every third turn. The use of the "Bomb" or "Win All Ties"
mechanics in this challenge is at Storyteller discretion.

Thaumaturgy, Neptunes Might, Blood to Water (Va.3.3.71)

Using this power requires an action, which includes a Physical Challenge to touch the
target. A maximum of three Mental Traits may be spent on each use of this power.

Thaumaturgy, the Path of Blood, Blood Rage (Va.3.3.72)

Blood Rage cannot force a subject to commit a feat of which they are normally incapable.
It can be used to bypass the generational limits for blood expenditure. Blood Rage cannot
force a character out of torpor. If a character entered torpor due to injury, Blood Rage
may be used to heal the wounds, allowing the character a single opportunity to wake
prematurely. The normal cost and test for waking still apply. Additional healing does
not provide additional opportunities to wake early.

Thaumaturgy, the Path of Blood, Blood of Potency (Va.3.3.73)

The generation granted by this power only affects the character's Blood Pool size, her
number of Blood Traits expendable in a turn, her ability to awaken vampires from torpor,
and her interaction with powers that compare generation. No other benefits of the lower
generation are gained. No character can reduce her effective generation below 4th with
Blood of Potency.

Thaumaturgy, the Path of the Bloods Curse (Va.3.3.74)

All levels of this path are lost, without refunding of experience or other Traits used to
purchase it, should the Thaumaturge permanently acquire a generation below tenth.

Thaumaturgy, the Path of the Bloods Curse, Ravages of the Beast (Va.3.3.75)
The difficulty of the Virtue Test to avoid frenzy is four Traits.

Thaumaturgy, the Path of Corruption (Va.3.3.76)

Followers of Set and Serpents of the Light with Path of Corruption do not possess
Thaumaturgy; rather they possess Setite Sorcery. A Storyteller should be consulted to
help determine the exact effects of Basic Path of Corruption Disciplines. Path of
Corruption uses the Subterfuge Ability for retests.

Thaumaturgy, the Path of the Fathers Vengeance, Feast of Ashes (Va.3.3.77)

No more than three Mental Traits can be spent when activating this Discipline.

Thaumaturgy, the Path of Transmutation, Gaol (Va.3.3.78)

Using this Discipline to trap an unwilling subject requires the thaumaturge to make a
Mental Challenge against his subjects Physical Traits. The use of the "Bomb" or "Win
All Ties" mechanics in this challenge is at Storyteller discretion. No Disciplines or
supernatural powers can be exercised across the barrier created by Gaol. As stated in the
power's description, a Gaol completely encapsulates the target. Once created, a Gaol may
not be moved.

Thaumaturgy, Spirit Manipulation, Entrap Ephemera (Va.3.3.79)

Creating a fetish requires High Approval. The approving Storyteller will provide a
signed write-up of the exact effects of the fetish.

Thaumaturgy, Spirit Manipulation, Duality (Va.3.3.80)

This power may not be used to move creatures between worlds.

Valeren, Burning Touch (Va.3.3.81)

Endurance and other similar powers do not negate the wound level effects caused by this

Valeren, Blissful Agony (Va.3.3.82)

Endurance and other similar powers do not negate the wound level effects caused by this

Visceratika, Scry the Hearthstone (Va.3.3.83)

Use the Auspex vs. Obfuscate interaction rules given under Auspex instead of those in
Laws of the Night.

Visceratika, Armor of Terra (Va.3.3.84)

As a reminder, bashing damage is not halved in the Sanctioned chronicle.

Visceratika, Rockheart [New Elder] (Va.3.3.85)

The vampires innards become hard and rocklike. Incoming damage from physical
attacks such as fists, claws, swords, firearms, or explosives is reduced to half (round up),
after considerations for other reductions such as armor and Fortitude. This effect does
not reduce damage from fire, sunlight, or magic. Additionally, the vampire cannot be
staked unless his attacker possesses superhuman strength, such as granted by Potence (of
at least Intermediate level), Horrid Form, Crinos form, etc.

Visceratika, Dark Statue [New Elder] (Va.3.3.86)

By spending three Blood Traits and remaining completely still, the user is invulnerable to
sunlight until the next sundown. This power does not preclude the vampire from having
to make a Courage check for the presence of sunlight, but she only has to make one for
the entire day. While in this form, the user is aware of her surroundings, and can use her
complete range of senses and sensory powers. If the vampire moves while Dark Statue is
active, the power ends, and she becomes vulnerable to sunlight. Additionally, she is then
subject to the rules for staying awake during the day.

Visceratika, Crawling Chamber [New Master] (Va.3.3.87)

By spending three Blood Traits, the user can animate up to one hundred cubic feet of
freestanding stone (usually a statue) for the remainder of the scene. The animated mass is
not sentient, but it can move and attack at the user's bidding. It has Physical Traits and
health levels equal to the user's, but no Abilities or other powers. The user can only
control a number of these equal to her permanent Willpower Traits at any given time.

RITUALS (Va.3.4.00)
Casting Superior level rituals requires a Static Mental Challenge (against 11 Traits for
Elder, 13 Traits for Master, and 15 Traits for Ascendant level Rituals). The standard
casting times are 40 minutes for Elder, 50 minutes for Master, and 60 minutes for
Ascendant level rituals.

For Necromancy, Thaumaturgy, and clan-specific sorceries, free rituals are only gained
from the primary path, not all paths the character learns. (Characters will only receive a
maximum of five free rituals.)

Rituals from Laws of the Night Storytellers Guide are Low Approval, unless noted
otherwise below. Those with a Thaumaturgy path listed after their name cannot be
learned unless the character possesses at least one power from that Discipline path.
Necromancy and Thaumaturgy rituals from Laws of the Night Sabbat Guide require
High Approval to be learned by vampires who are not members of the Sabbat venue.
New rituals with a clan or sect listed in the title require High Approval to be learned by
one who is not a member of that clan or sect.

Cobra's Favor, Court of Hallowed Truth, Pavis of Foul Presence, Rite of Introduction,
Stone Slumber, and Track Transgressor are Low Approval for Tremere, but High
Approval for others. Custom rituals require Top Approval.

To learn Elder, Master, or Ascendant Thaumaturgy rituals, a character must know two
paths at Advanced level and must be of sufficient generation to learn Disciplines of
equivalent level (i.e. you must be at least seventh generation to learn Master Disciplines).
The Experience Trait costs for Superior rituals are eight Experience Traits for Elder, ten
Experience Traits for Master, and twelve Experience Traits for Ascendant level rituals.


Necromancy Ritual, Call of the Hungry Dead (Va.3.6.01)

The lock of hair used in this ritual is destroyed during the casting.

Thaumaturgy Ritual, Bind the Accusing Tongue [New Camarilla] (Va.3.5.01)

This power lays a compulsion upon the subject preventing her from speaking, writing or
otherwise communicating ill of the caster, thus allowing the thaumaturge to commit
literally unspeakable acts without fear of reprisal. Casting requires a picture or effigy of
the target, a lock of the target's hair, and a black silk cord. The caster then cast the ritual,
winding the cord around the image and the lock of hair, and engages the target in a
Mental Challenge. If successful the target must spend a Willpower Trait and defeat the
thaumaturge in a Mental Challenge to communicate ill of the caster in any manner. The
ritual lasts until the target manages to speak ill of the caster or the cord is unwound, at
which point the components turn to dust.

Thaumaturgy Ritual, Blood Walk [New Camarilla] (Va.3.5.02)

This ritual is used to trace a subject's vampire lineage and the blood bonds in which the
subject is involved. The thaumaturge must have a Trait of the subject's blood, and must
win or tie a series of Simple Tests, continuing until she loses. Each successful test allows
the vampire to look back one generation, giving both the true identity of the ancestor and
an image of his face. The caster also learns the generation and clan from which the
subject is descended. If at least three tests were successful, the identities of all parties
with whom the subject shares a blood bond, either regnant or thrall, are revealed. Note
that this ritual does not allow the character to see ancestors beyond the originator of the
subjects clan or bloodline.

Thaumaturgy Ritual, Burning Blade [New Camarilla] (Va.3.5.03)

This ritual can only be used on melee weapons. The caster spends at least three Blood
Traits to cast the ritual. At any time during that session, she may then wound herself with
the weapon to activate the power until the end of that scene. When activated, the weapon
flickers with an unholy green flame, inflicting aggravated wounds. The ritual ends
prematurely if, after activation, the number of times the weapon inflicts damage ever
equals the number of Blood Traits spent in the casting.

Thaumaturgy Ritual, Donning the Mask of Shadows [New Camarilla] (Va.3.5.04)

While this ritual does not create true invisibility, it renders the subject translucent. Her
form becomes dark and smoky, and the sounds of her footsteps are muffled. The ritual
may be cast to affect a number of willing subjects equal to the thaumaturge's level of the
Occult Ability. The subjects are concealed exactly as per the Obfuscate power, Unseen
Presence. The effect may be seen through or dispelled in exactly the same manner as
that Basic power. For example, Conrad is concealed by Donning the Mask of Shadows.
Johnny successfully uses Auspex to see Johnny, who appears as a dark and smoky shape.
Donning the Mask of Shadows lasts a number of hours equal to the caster's level of the
Occult Ability or until he dispels the effect.

Thaumaturgy Ritual, Engaging the Transference Vessel [New Tremere] (Va.3.5.05)

This ritual enchants a container filled with blood to transfer its contents with blood from
any living or unliving being making skin contact with it. When the ritual is cast the
object, which must be between the size of a mug and a gallon jug, is sealed with a
quantity of blood that it transfer with an equal amount of blood from anyone who touches
it, until the object is opened. The target feels a slight chill as the container trades the
Blood Trait within it for a Blood Trait within the target. As this sensation seems quite
normal and varies with each casting, characters must have at least 4 levels of the Occult
Ability or 3 levels of the Tremere Lore Ability to recognize the effect for what it is, even
if they have experienced it before. Tremere find this ritual useful for acquiring blood and
creating blood bonds.

Thaumaturgy Ritual, Impressive Visage (Va.3.5.06)

This ritual lasts for one scene, not a full session.

Thaumaturgy Ritual, The Imp's Affliction (Va.3.5.07)

While under the effects of this ritual, the target has a one Trait penalty to all Physical
Challenges and a two Trait Penalty to all Social Challenges. The effects of this ritual
cannot be stacked with multiple castings.

Thaumaturgy Ritual, Incantation of the Shepherd [New Camarilla] (Va.3.5.08)

This ritual allows the vampire to locate any member of his herd. If the character does not
have any Herd Background, it locates the closest five mortals from whom he has fed at
least three times each.

Thaumaturgy Ritual, Principal Focus of Vitae Infusion (Va.3.5.09)

After breaking down the ensorcelled object, it becomes a pool of the casters blood. To
utilize this blood, a character will need to ingest this blood. As listed on page 106 of
Laws of the Night: Revised, only three Traits of blood may be consumed in a turn.
Thaumaturgy Ritual, Purge the Inner Demon (Va.3.5. 10)
This ritual will not help a vampire in Wassail.

Thaumaturgy Ritual, Purity of Flesh [New Camarilla] (Va.3.5.11)

The caster cleanses her body of all foreign material with this ritual. This includes dirt,
alcohol, drugs, poison, bullets lodged in the flesh, tattoo ink, etc. The character spends a
Blood Trait in the execution of this ritual. She must be completely naked in the casting,
lest her clothes, jewelry, makeup, etc. be dissolved as well.

Thaumaturgy Ritual, Wards (Va.3.5.12)

Once cast; Wards remain on the object until it is destroyed or until the passing of a year
and a day. The same ritual can be used to attune an old Ward so as to immunize a new
person). Anyone who will be affected by a ward can sense it just before they touch it.
When a ward is placed on a melee weapon, the weapon does normal damage, plus one
lethal wound from the ward. Damage from a Ward may not be converted into aggravated
damage through the use of additional powers. Characters do not receive cumulative
damage from contact with multiple wards at the same time.

Thaumaturgy Ritual, Ward vs. Ghouls (Va.3.5.13)

This ritual has no effect on either normal humans, or mages, and there is no known
Warding ritual that does.

Thaumaturgy Ritual, Warding Circles (Va.3.5.14)

The casting time for all Warding Circles is as normal to create a circle that lasts until
sunset, or one entire night to create one that will last for a year and a day.

The Tremere have access to seven Warding Circle rituals: Warding Circle versus Ghouls
(Basic, see below), Warding Circle versus Fae, Lupines, and Kindred (all Intermediate),
and Warding Circle versus Spirits, Ghosts and Demons (all Advanced). Each of these
Warding Circles must be learned separately. The effects against the targeted beings are
the same as for Warding Circle versus Ghouls, except the affected creature is determined
by the version of the ritual. All such rituals require material components equal to those
of the corresponding Ward ritual, multiplied for each five feet of radius in the Warding
Circle. Warding Circles cross all planes of reality, and will affect the target creatures
regardless of current form.

Thaumaturgy Ritual, Warding Circle vs. Ghouls [New Tremere] (Va.3.5.15)

This ritual is enacted in a manner similar to Ward vs. Ghouls, but it creates a circle (up to
fifty feet in radius) centered on the caster into which a ghoul cannot pass without risking
harm. Any ghoul who attempts to cross the boundary of the circle feels a sleight tingle
on her skin, just in time to stop herself from crossing it. Those who ignore this warning
must succeed in a Static Willpower Challenge (no Traits risked) vs. the ritualist's
permanent Willpower Traits in order to cross the barrier. Should the challenge be failed,
the ghoul suffers a lethal wound, and is barred from the area protected by the Warding
Circle until the next sunset. Attempts to leave the circle are not opposed, but once the
ghoul has left, it must challenge again to reenter.


Necromancy Ritual, Call Upon the Shadow's Grave (Va.3.6.03)

This ritual only works on wraiths and only on one wraith per casting.

Thaumaturgy Ritual, Blood Allergy (Va.3.6.01)

The blood focus must be that of the target, who must also be defeated in a separate
Mental Challenge for the ritual to work. The caster does not need to be within sensory
range of the target to use Blood Allergy.

Thaumaturgy Ritual, Bottled Voice [New Camarilla] (Va.3.6.02)

This ritual draws out an individual's ability to create any sound with their voice. The
caster prepares a bottle (sealed by wax) into which the voice becomes trapped, remaining
lost to the target until the seal or bottle is broken. The caster performs the incantation
within the normal speaking range of the target. Once cast, the vampire must expend a
Willpower Trait and then win a Mental Challenge to successfully capture the voice of the
target. The victim knows the source of the attack.

Thaumaturgy Ritual, Flesh of Fiery Touch [New Camarilla] (Va.3.6.04)

This defensive ritual inflicts one level of aggravated damage on anyone who voluntarily
touches the ritualist (such as an unarmed attack). The caster must swallow a red-hot
ember, suffering one aggravated wound, after which she is protected for the entire night.

Thaumaturgy Ritual, Heart of Stone [New Camarilla] (Va.3.6.05)

A vampire under the effect of this ritual is rendered impervious to staking and gains three
bonus Traits in challenges to resist Presence powers, as his heart is transformed into solid
stone. This ritual requires the caster to suffer one level of aggravated damage as a candle
burns on his chest. The effects last until the caster desires to break them. While affected,
the thaumaturge's emotional capacity becomes almost non-existent, giving him an
effective Conscience Virtue of one, barring the use of the Empathy Ability, allowing him
to bid only half his Traits in non-intimidation Social Challenges he initiates, and
temporarily negating all Merits pertaining to positive social interaction.

Thaumaturgy Ritual, Pavis of Foul Presence (Va.3.6.06)

When a Presence power is used on the ritualist, she may elect to activate the ritual
reflexively after the challenge. If the ritualist won the challenge to resist the Presence
power used against her, the Presence user is affected by the power instead. If the ritualist
failed the challenge, the Presence power is simply nullified. Pavis of Foul Presence
cannot be used on Presence powers that do not directly target the thaumaturge (such as
Majesty). The casting is dispelled after a single use.

Thaumaturgy Ritual, Sanguine Assistant [New Camarilla] (Va.3.6.07)

This ritual creates an automaton out of the caster's spare laboratory pieces. The construct
stands about one foot high and is roughly human in shape. It aids the thaumaturge in
research and rituals, but is useless in combat. The exact benefits of the aid of these
constructs are left to the Storyteller, but they generally allow research to be completed in
a shorter amount of time.

Thaumaturgy Ritual, Scry (Va.3.5.08)

When this ritual is used to spy on someone using powers of concealment (such as
Obfuscate), the caster must use Auspex to defeat his target's concealment, lest the ritual
automatically fail. This is the only way that Auspex can be used in conjunction with Scry.

Thaumaturgy Ritual, Shaft of Belated Quiescence [New Camarilla] (Va.3.6.09)

This ritual turns an ordinary stake (or other pointed weapon) made of rowan wood into a
particularly vicious weapon. It costs three Blood Traits to treat the stake in this fashion.
A successful strike with the treated weapon causes its tip to break off in the target and
burrow towards the heart. A normal staking check is immediately performed against the
victim, which if successful, stakes a vampire or Mortally Wounds a mortal, ghoul, etc. If
the check fails, another is made each hour until the tip succeeds in its attempts. Each
hour, a character with the Medicine Ability may surgically remove the tip if she succeeds
in a Static Mental Challenge against ten Traits.

Thaumaturgy Ritual, Splinter Servant [New Camarilla] (Va.3.6.10)

Splinter Servant consists of a stake carved of wood from a tree that has nourished itself
on the dead and is bound in wax-sealed nightshade. When activated, the servant splits
itself into roughly human form and begins single-mindedly trying to impale the target's
heart. A Splinter Servant has three health levels and a number of Physical Traits equal to
the caster's permanent Willpower Traits. It will continually attempt to stake its target
until it succeeds, is destroyed, or it destroys itself (runs out of Traits). This ritual is not
usable in combination with Shaft of Belated Quiescence. The Splinter Servant has no
Auspex, and thus may not attempt to pierce Obfuscate or similar effects.

Thaumaturgy Ritual, Ward versus Kindred [New Camarilla] (Va.3.6.11)

This ritual wards an object in a manner identical to Ward versus Ghouls, except that it
affects vampires instead of ghouls. Casting the ritual requires a Trait of the casters
blood, instead of a Trait of mortal blood, and the ward does not affect the caster. This
ritual has no effect on Kuei-Jin, and there is no known Warding ritual that does.

Thaumaturgy Ritual, Ward versus Lupine [New Camarilla] (Va.3.6.12)

This ritual wards an object in a manner identical to Ward versus Ghouls, except that it
affects werewolves instead of ghouls. Additionally, to cast the ritual requires a handful
of silver (approximately $1,000 worth) instead of a Trait of mortal blood. Note that this
ritual has no effect on Changing Breeds other than the Garou, and there is no known
ritual that does.


Thaumaturgy Ritual, Enchant Talisman [New Camarilla] (Va.3.7.01)
This ritual is the first taught to most Tremere once they have attained mastery of their
first path. A thaumaturge's talisman is a source of personal pride. It costs a permanent
Willpower Trait to enchant the item, which may be any rigid object close to a yard in
length. Swords and staves are the most common, but even violins, shotguns, pool cues,
and classroom pointers can be used. When grasping his talisman, a thaumaturge is one
Trait up on all challenges involving Thaumaturgy and its rituals. He also gains one bonus
Trait while using it in melee combat (in addition to what is normally given for using such
a weapon or item). A vampire can only have one talisman at a time and ownership of a
talisman cannot be transferred. If another thaumaturge gets a hold of the ritualist's
talisman, she is up three Traits up on all Thaumaturgy challenges against the ritualist
while she holds it.

Thaumaturgy Ritual, Escape to a True Friend [New Camarilla] (Va.3.7.02)

Escape to a True Friend allows the caster to travel to a person whose friendship and trust
she values. The vampire steps into a ritual circle (which requires six nights to create),
speaks the True Name of her friend, and is instantly transported to that individual. She
does not appear directly in front of the friend. Instead she materializes in a location out
of sight of any observer and within a few minutes' walk from the friend. Activating this
ritual requires a full turn of concentration while within the circle. The thaumaturge does
not actually escape until the end of the turn.

Thaumaturgy Ritual, Nectar of the Bitter Rose (Va.3.7.03)

This ritual requires Top Approval.

Thaumaturgy Ritual, Stone of the True Form (Va.3.7.04)

The effect lasts only three turns, not a scene. The pebble talisman becomes inert after
one successful use. A character may only have one such talisman made at a time.

Thaumaturgy Ritual, Ward versus Spirits [New Camarilla] (Va.3.7.05)

This ritual wards an object in a manner identical to Ward versus Ghouls, but the ward
created also extends beyond the physical world to affect spirits, such as those controlled
with Spirit Manipulation. The material component of this ritual is a handful of pure sea
salt, instead of the Trait of mortal blood required in Ward versus Ghouls. The ward
created affects spirits in both the physical and the spirit realm, allowing the ward to harm
them even when they are not material.

There are two variations to this ritual, Ward versus Ghost and Ward versus Demons,
which function in the same manner but must be learned separately. The material
components of these Advanced rituals are a handful of powered marble from a tombstone
for Ward versus Ghost, and a vial of holy water for Ward versus Demons.


Combination powers are listed in the Clanbooks (see Vampire Appendix A), or are
converted from tabletop sources (with the appropriate special approval). For the
Sanctioned chronicle, all combination powers cost half the number of Experience Traits
as the tabletop versions (rounded up).

To teach a combination power she knows, a character must also be able to teach the
Discipline levels that the combination power requires. For example, to teach Burning
Wrath (which requires Intermediate Celerity and Intermediate Potence), a character must
have Burning Wrath, Advanced Celerity, and Advanced Potence.

Combination powers based on Dominate do not work on a vampire of lower generation

than the user. Combination powers based on Chimerstry or Obfuscate interact with
Auspex is the same manner as those Disciplines normally would.

RITAE (Va.3.9.00)
The optional Performing the Rites rules on page 140 of Laws of the Night: Sabbat
Guide are used in the Sanctioned chronicle.

The Blood Feast (Va.3.9.01)

A character's blood pool cannot exceed his generational limit by more then half (round
down) as a result of this ritae. Additional Traits are lost.

Fire Dance (Va.3.9.02)

No more then three Traits can be gained as a result of this ritae. It is suggested than only
the most impressive jumper should receive more then one Trait.

The Vaulderie (Va.3.9.03)

This ritual purifies the blood used, removing the taint of disease and negating powers that
leave lingering harmful effects in the blood. Note that unlike traditional Blood Bonds, the
Vaulderie does not fade over time.

Chapter Four: Systems (Va.4.0.00)

The crossover rules in Chapter Six of Laws of the Night Storytellers Guide are not used
in the Sanctioned chronicle. Instead, refer to the rules beginning on page 92 of Dark

DAMAGE (Va.4.1.00)

Healing with Blood Traits is reflexive, and can be done while performing other actions.
One Blood Trait heals one level of lethal damage, or two levels of bashing damage. It
requires three Blood Traits and one Willpower Trait for a vampire to heal one aggravated
wound level, and the wound will not heal until the vampire arises the next night.
Firearms (Va.4.1.01)
Vampires take Bashing, not Lethal, damage from firearms.

Torpor (Va.4.1.02)
Vampires in torpor remain there for twelve weeks minus two weeks for each Morality
Trait they possess.

Staking (Va.4.1.03)
The mechanics for Staking operate exactly as written in Laws of the Night: Revised.

Note that additional rules for metamorphosis exist in Prime, and Mortal. Most
supernatural creatures that are Embraced simply die. (Awakened mortals are an
exception.) Being Embraced during the course of a game does not allow a character to
circumvent the necessary approval levels for certain clans (see Types in Chapter One for

When a character is turned into a vampire, the players Member Class limits her starting
Generation Background (see Chapter One and Chapter Two for details). This means that
the characters generation is either one higher than her sires or is the lowest that her MC
allows (whichever is worse). Characters that did not already have three Discipline levels
gain enough Basic in-clan Disciplines to bring them up to three.


Blood Bonds (4.3.01)

A character may have any number of one- and two-stage blood bonds. However, they
may only have one three-stage bond. When a three-stage blood bond is achieved, all
other bonds have no effect upon the thrall but still exist for purposes of determining
future blood bonds.

When a bond breaks through the isolation process described in Laws of the Night, the
bond is simply reduced by one stage. Through this same method, even first and second-
stage blood bonds can be lost. The thralls number of permanent Willpower Traits
cannot reduce the time requirement to less than two months. Note that time will not
reduce any type of blood bond that a Tremere has to the Council of Seven, as described in
the Clan Disadvantage.

Diablerie (Va.4.3.02)
Diablerie attempts on NPCs that would result in a lowering of the character's generation
below what the players Member Class allows at character creation, automatically fail in
the fourth phase.

All diablerie that results in a lowering of generation constitutes an increase in the

Generation Background and must be reported to the High Approval Storyteller within
one month. It must also be included in all reports to higher level Storytellers until the
High Approval Storyteller acknowledges it. Each instance of diablerie that increases
generation must be noted in the character's Experience Log. This information must
include date of the diablerie, the name and generation of the character diablerized, and
the name and membership number of the player of that character, or the name and
membership number of the Storyteller behind the NPC. Previous diableries are not

No Experience Traits are gained from Diablerie, nor does improving generation increase
the vampires number of Willpower Traits. However, a successful Diablerie allows the
vampire to gain one Generation Background Trait, at no cost, so long as the diablerie
resulted in a lowering of generation.

Golconda (Va.4.3.02)
Achieving Golconda, or any step toward it, requires Top Approval.


The importance of reputation and standing is deeply ingrained in older Kindred. Though
it is considered incredibly offensive to ignore or show disrespect to those with more
standing, it should be noted that a straight comparison of Status Traits is not always
appropriate to every situation. As examples, a prince is always considered to be the
master of her own domain, and a characters standing means very little in a domain where
he has been blood hunted.

Temporary Status Traits expended are regained at the end of the month (unless they were
a loan). Any extra temporary Status Traits accrued are lost at this time. This return also
applies to Status Traits that cannot be permanently lost, such as those attached to
currently held sect positions, and those from social class.

Permanent (not temporary) Status Traits may be added to a characters Social Traits
during Social Challenges. This applies to Social Challenges with members of the
Camarilla in which the source of the challenge is obvious, but not to challenges where
supernatural powers are involved. When characters compare Status Traits to determine
social importance or credibility, only permanent Traits are considered.

For the purpose of the Status granting limitations in Laws of the Night, each calendar
month represents one story. The Trait-lending system Laws of the Night assigns to
Prestation is not used in the Sanctioned chronicle.

Status may not be bought during character generation.

Patronage Status (Va.4.4.01)

Patronage Status refers to those Traits not granted by sect position or social class.
(Acknowledged is considered to be Patronage Status). Camarilla vampires are limited to
four such permanent Status Traits. Sect members that are not members of the common
Camarilla clans (Brujah, Malkavian, Nosferatu, Toreador, Tremere, or Ventrue) have a
maximum of only three. When a character receives Patronage Status, the Traits full
name must include its source. For example, the prince of Springfield wishes to declare a
member of her court to be honorable. The Trait is named Honorable from Madame
Colleen, the Prince of Springfield.

Status granted by sect position and social class may exceed the maximums applied to
Patronage Status. Characters cannot receive Status from more than one sect position and
one social class at a time. Using these rules, the most Status a Camarilla member could
possess is ten, as an Elder Prince of a Camarilla Clan: Acknowledged, (Patronage),
(Patronage), (Patronage), Elder, Established, Venerated, Exalted, Well-Known, &

Social Class (Va.4.4.02)

Camarilla characters are divided by society into social classes determined by a
combination of their age and generation. The classes are neonate, Ancilla, and Elder. It
is common knowledge what social class a character belongs to, although its possible
(with Storyteller approval) for a character to be seen as belonging to a class other then
what is allowed by her true age and generation.

Neonates are vampires of eleventh generation or higher, or who have existed less then 50
years in Kindred society. It is advised that characters created of these generations be
made at less than 200 years of age, as very old neonates tend to suffer a good deal of

Ancilla are vampires that have proven themselves worthy of respect within Kindred
society. They are known to be of the tenth (or lower) generation, and have existed for not
less than 50 years. It requires Mid Approval for a vampire of neonate generation and/or
age to have the Ancilla social class.

Pretender Elders are characters of the eighth generation or better, who have not lived the
centuries that true Elders have. True Elders consider age and experience to be a necessity
to temper the power of Elder blood. They often fear or distrust pretenders because many
pretenders get their generation through diablerie. It requires High Approval for a vampire
of neonate or Ancilla generation and/or age to have the pretender social class.

Elder characters are known to be eighth generation or better, and to have lived in excess
of 300 years. Most Elders know of one another or have heard of one another over the
span of the centuries they have lived. It requires High Approval for a vampire of neonate,
Ancilla, or pretender generation and/or age to have the Elder social class.

Ancilla gain the new additional Status Trait of Ancilla. Pretenders gain the new
additional Status Traits of Elder and Venerated. Elders gain the new additional Status
Traits of Elder, Established, and Venerated. As with Status granted by sect positions,
social class Status cannot be lost permanently. The new Traits mentioned are used
exclusively for social class.

A character can begin play with a lesser social class than her age and generation entitle
her to. A change in social class after character creation requires Storyteller approval,
even if the characters generation changes during play. (A change in generation may take
months or years to become sufficiently known for the characters social class to change.)
Gaining Ancilla requires Mid Approval. Gaining pretender or Elder requires High

Using Status (Va.4.4.03)

All changes in Status must occur in a public forum (such as the local court or a regional
e-mail list). To affect those who are absent from a domain, or who are not members of a
domain, an announcement must be made either over a public forum that extends outside
the domain or via the Storyteller hierarchy. The ability of a prince or court officer
(primogen, harpy, and all stations appointed by the prince) to grant or remove status can
only affect Kindred physically present in the city, or those who have been in the city
within the last month.

A character cannot use her sect position to grant Status Traits to those of equal or greater
standing. (I.e. if Julie has four Status Traits, she cannot give someone their fifth.)

Negative Status (Va.4.4.04)

Anytime a character can remove a Status Trait from a character, he may instead elect to
award a Negative Status Trait. Similarly, anytime a character can grant or restore a
Status Trait, they can remove a Negative Status Trait instead.

A character that possesses a Negative Status Trait is down one Trait in all comparisons of
Status. A character can normally only possess one Negative Status Trait. Should another
be gained, the earlier Trait is replaced with the new, and the character loses a permanent
Status Trait. Examples of Negative Status Traits are Deceitful, Despised, Disreputable,
Foolish, Hated, Ignorant, Incompetent, Powerless, and Reviled.

In Camarilla society, known Caitiff are scorned and always possess the extra Negative
Status Trait of Caitiff. This is the only exception to the rule preventing a Camarilla venue
character from having more than one Negative Status Trait.

Archons, Alastors, and Justicars (Va.4.4.05)

The Justicar may appoint (or create) archons during the course of play, but High
Approval is required for any that are actually player characters. Alastors (and Red
Alastors) require Top Approval, regardless of how the appointment is achieved.

The Justicars themselves are completely immune to the powers and authority of the
domain stations, answering only to the Inner Circle of the Camarilla. They have four
additional Status Traits granted by their position, though these Traits are not a standard
set. (Thus, the most Status that an Elder Justicar could possess is eleven: Acknowledged,
Elder, Established, Venerated, three additional Patronage Status Traits, and four for
being a Justicar) Justicars are non-player characters created by the Master Storyteller with
assistance of the National Storytellers, and assigned to specific National Storytellers (or a
selected Assistant or Associate NST) to portray in the Sanctioned chronicle.


Temporary Status Traits expended are regained at the end of the month. Any extras
accrued are lost at this time. This return also applies to the permanent Status Traits that
cannot be permanently lost while the station is held (like those linked to currently-held
sect positions).

Status Maximums (Va.4.5.01)

Sabbat vampires have a Status Trait maximum of eight, though Traits gained from (one
of) a characters stations can exceed this maximum, as can Traits gained in recognition of
having a high Morality rating. A vampire must have the Status Trait Initiated before it
can have other Sabbat Status Traits.

Path Traits are not added to Sabbat Status on a one-for-one basis. Sabbat characters
instead receive the additional Status Trait(s): Devoted (for a rating of three), Devoted and
Blessed (for a four), Devoted, Blessed, and Enlightened (for a five). The benefit is only
applied for characters on the Paths of Cathari, Caine, Death and the Soul, Feral Heart,
Honorable Accord, Metamorphosis, Night (all versions), and Power and the Inner Voice.

Gaining Status (Va.4.5.02)

A characters pack can grant her one new permanent Status Trait if each of them expends
one temporary Status to that effect.

Negative Status (Va.4.5.03)

The Sabbat makes use of a Negative Status Trait system similar to the one described
under Camarilla Status. Sabbat can have up to two Negative Status Traits at the same
time, but if they gain a third they remove the oldest Negative Status and one permanent
Status Trait.
Vampire Appendix A:
This appendix describes alterations to the following Revised Clanbooks for use in the
Sanctioned chronicle: Assamite, Brujah, Followers of Set, Gangrel, Giovanni,
Lasombra, Malkavian, Nosferatu, Ravnos, Toreador, Tremere, Tzimisce, and
Ventrue. Backgrounds, Merits, Flaws, and other items from the Revised Clanbooks are
restricted to members of that clan (unless otherwise noted), requiring only Low Approval
for them, but High Approval for others. Disciplines are not limited to clan members, and
may be selected by others, subject to the normal limitations for approval and learning
(see Vampire, Chapter 3). Top Approval is required for creatures outside the Vampire
venues to take anything from these books.

CLANS (Va.A.1.00)

Assamite (Va.A.1.01)
The variant bloodline weaknesses are not used in Sanctioned Play. Instead, all Assamites
use the standard disadvantages listed in Laws of the Night (for all Assamites whose
primary venue is the Cam Venue) or Laws the Night Sabbat Guide (for all Assamites
whose primary venue is the Sabbat Venue). Assamite Sorcerers and Viziers require High
Approval to play. Characters whose concept includes membership in the Web of Knives
use the normal creation rules.

Follower of Set (Va.A.1.02)

Followers of Set, Children of Damballah, and Daitya use the standard rules for Followers
of Set in Laws of the Night and are Mid Approval in the Camarilla venue, while
Tlacique and Warrior Setites are High Approval for the Camarilla venue. These
bloodlines are Top Approval for the Sabbat venue.

The Path of Sutekh is Mid Approval for Followers of Set and High Approval for other
vampires. The more rare Paths of Enlightenment Ecstasy and the Warrior are both High
Approval for Followers of Set, and Top Approval for others.

Lasombra (Va.A.1.03)
Alternate Paths of Night are Mid Approval for Lasombra, High Approval for others.

Malkavian (Va.A.1.04)
Malkavian Time is not used in the Sanctioned Chronicle.

Tremere (Va.A.1.05)
Membership in the Astors requires High Approval.

Tzimisce (Va.A.1.06)
The Flavoring Blood Bonds Optional Rule is not used in the Sanctioned Chronicle.
Ventrue (Va.A.1.07)
Flavor text on page 49 aside, Ventrue cannot gain any special knowledge from tasting
blood, except to determine whether or not it is blood allowed by their feeding restriction.


Bound to the Council, Consanguineous Resistance, Deadened Nerves, Double Betrayer,
Dynamic Personality, Embraced Without the Cup, False Reflection, Paragon, Proxy
Kissed, Revenant Disciplines, Sleep Unseen, Sanguine Incongruity, Song in the Dark and
Sympathetic Bond require High Approval.

Animal Traits [Gangrel] (Va.A.2.01)

All of the Animal Traits listed on page 58 of the Gangrel Clanbook are two Trait Merits
for Gangrel (which count against their maximum number of Merit Traits). They can be
taken during character creation, or purchased after the character gains a Negative Trait
due to frenzy. No more than one such Trait can be taken at character creation. Once in
play characters should only take such Traits after extreme cases of frenzy (Storyteller
discretion). For taking an Animal Trait during character creation, the character begins
with one of the Negative Traits from the Clan Disadvantage without any Free Trait
benefits. Advantages gained from these Traits do not apply if the character uses a power
that substantially transforms the her body, such as Form of the Beast, Shape of the Beast's
Wrath, or Mythic Form. Armor granted by Animal Traits will absorb the first wounds of
the appropriate type inflicted in the session (calculated before the damage is reduced by
any other power the character might have).

Attuned Taste [Tremere] (Va.A.2.03)

This Merit requires Mid Approval.

Lizard Limbs [Nosferatu] (Va.A.2.04)

The cost to re-grow a limb is the same as the cost to heal an aggravated wound, although
it doesnt prevent the vampire from healing an actual aggravated wound during the same

Long Fingers [Nosferatu] (Va.A.2.05)

The Dexterous Trait gained from this Merit may exceed the characters normal
maximum, but it is not usable in combat.


Military Force (Va.A.3.01)

This Background is not used in the Sanctioned Chronicle.

Spirit Slaves (Va.A.3.02)

This Background has been modified in the Sanctioned Chronicle. Each level of this
background represents a hold upon an additional "common wraith" as described in Prime,
Chapter 2, with a maximum of five wraiths so held. Disregard the option to obtain a more
powerful wraith, instead of multiple weaker ones.

Six dot (***** *) Disciplines equate to Elder Disciplines in the MET system. Seven dot
(***** **) Disciplines are Master, and eight dot (***** ***)Disciplines are Ascendant.

Mask of Cathay, Path of the Levinbolt, and Path of Shadowcrafting require High
Approval. Only Malkavians may learn Babble, The Call, Scrawl, and Sibyl's Tongue.

Animalism, Drawing Out the Beast [Ravnos] (Va.A.4.01)

The Optional Rules for Drawing Out the Beast are not used in the Sanctioned Chronicle.

Animalism, Quell the Herd [Gangrel] (Va.A.4.02)

Quell the Herd works on vampires, but requires a Willpower Trait to be spent (before the
mob challenge is made).

Assamite Sorcery [Assamite] (Va.A.4.03)

Assamite Sorcery (a version of Thaumaturgy developed by the Assamites) is a High
Approval Discipline for any but Amr caste Assamites. Assamite Sorcery uses the same
rules and approval levels as Thaumaturgy. The primary path for Assamite Sorcery is
Lure of Flames (instead of Path of Blood).

Assamite Sorcery, Awakening of Steel [Assamite] (Va.A.4.04)

This path requires High Approval for practitioners of Assamite Sorcery, and is not
available to characters practicing other versions of Thaumaturgy.

Dominate, Oberon's Grail [Tremere] (Va.A.4.05)

This is an Elder level Discipline, not Master level. Only vampires who possess Oberon's
Grail can restore memories lost to Oberon's Grail. In that case, the memories can be
restored using the rules outlined under Forgetful Mind.

Koldunic Sorcery [Tzimisce] (Va.A.4.06)

The Tzimisce Koldun bloodline practices Thaumaturgy, not actual Koldunic Sorcery.
Possession of Koldunic Sorcery (such as the Path of Sorrows) requires Top Approval.

Necromancy, the Maelstrom and Nigrimancy [Giovanni] (Va.A.4.07)

These rules are not used in the Sanctioned Chronicle.

Obfuscate, Mental Maze [Followers of Set] (Va.A.4.08)

It costs a Willpower Trait to use this Discipline on a supernatural creature or a Partially
Awakened mortal. The effects last no longer than one scene (or three turns if the subject
is engaged in combat).

Obtenebration, Special Effects and Optional Rules [Lasombra] (Va.A.4.09)

These rules are not used in the Sanctioned Chronicle.

Obtenebration, Shroud of Absence [Lasombra] (Va.A.4.10)

The Shroud of Absence has no effects on mechanical recording devices, acting identically
to Obfuscate in that respect only. A maximum of three Social Traits can be spent to raise
the user's Willpower for challenges to the Shroud of Absence. They must be spent when
the power is activated, and they last for the duration of the powers use. Any attacks
made out of a Shroud of Absence allow those around it to immediately test against the
Shroud, even if they have recently failed to pierce it.

Presence, Temptation and Phobia [Followers of Set] (Va.A.4.11)

Effects of these Disciplines are not permanent. Instead, they last until the victim spends
as many Willpower Traits as the user spent to activate it. Each time the victim spends
Willpower to resist, they stop the effects of the Discipline for ten minutes (or one turn of
combat). Temptation and Phobia are High Approval for non-Setites.

Presence, Corruption [Followers of Set] (Va.A.4.12)

The Setite must spend at least as many Willpower Traits as the target's Morality rating for
this power to be successful. It will then last until the target spends as many Willpower
Traits to resist this discipline as the Setite has permanent Social Traits. Each time the
victim spends Willpower to resist, they stop the effects of the Discipline for ten minutes
(or one turn in combat). Corruption is High Approval for non-Setites.

Protean, Shape of the Beast [Gangrel] (Va.A.4.13)

The Sanctioned Chronicle allows the flavor text for different shapes (Animal Forms on
page 67 of Clanbook Gangrel) for use with Gangrel characters. Non-Gangrel do not
have the option of choosing different shapes, but default to the 'wolf' and 'bat' as
described in Laws of the Night: Revised. However, the rules mechanics found in the
Clanbook for Shape of the Beast are not used in the Sanctioned Chronicle. Use the rules
in Laws of the Night and Vampire, Chapter 3 to define the capabilities of your animal

Protean, Animal Swarm [Gangrel] (Va.A.4.14)

The animals created by this Discipline can have from one to four Blood Traits each
(divided evenly between the creatures). Each creature has Physical Traits equal to three
plus the number of Blood Traits it started with, and health levels as follows: Healthy,
Bruised, Wounded, Incapacitated, and Dead.

Protean, Mythic Form [Gangrel] (Va.A.4.15)

This Discipline and all the mechanics involved are High Approval.

Quietus, Blood Sweat [Assamite] (Va.A.4.16)

To use Blood Sweat, the character concentrates for two turns, doing nothing more than
walking a step each turn, and then initiates the challenge as his action on the third turn.
He expends Mental Traits (up to a maximum of three) and makes a Simple Test for each
Trait expended. Each Simple Test won will cause the victim to lose three Blood Traits.
Each tie causes a loss of two Blood Traits, and each Test lost will cause the victim to lose
only one Blood Trait.

Quietus, Baals Bloody Talons [Assamite] (Va.A.4.17)

Additional damage caused as a result of winning the Simple Tests is also aggravated. A
weapon may hold a maximum number of coatings equal to its normal bonus Traits.
Other special enhancements of the weapon (other Quietus blood powers, wards or any
other special enhancements) are destroyed as soon as the weapon is coated with Baal's
Bloody Talons. As each Blood Trait degrades, the weapon loses one bonus Trait. When
reduced to 0 bonus traits the weapon is destroyed as per the description.

Serpentis, Cobra Fangs [Followers of Set] (Va.A.4.18)

After activating this discipline, a successful bite by the Setite inflicts an extra level of
aggravated damage, plus one additional damage level per Blood Trait expended at that
time (up to a maximum of three Blood Traits).

Serpentis, Heart Thief [Followers of Set] (Va.A.4.19)

To use this Discipline successfully, the Setite must win a Physical Challenge and then
win or tie two Simple Tests to steal a vampire's heart. These may be retested with Brawl.

Setite Sorcery [Followers of Set] (Va.A.4.20)

Setite Sorcery (a version of Thaumaturgy developed by the Followers of Set) is a High
Approval Discipline for which all characters (even Setites) must pay out of clan
Experience Traits costs. Setite Sorcery uses the same rules and approval levels as
Thaumaturgy. The primary path of Setite Sorcery is the Path of Corruption instead of the
Path of Blood. Followers of Set and Serpents of the Light who know Setite Sorcery may
teach it to others as if it were an in-clan Discipline.

RITUALS (Va.A.5.00)
All Thaumaturgy rituals in Clanbook Tremere require Low Approval to be learned by
Tremere, but High Approval for others. Only Tremere can learn Power of the Pyramid
and Transubstantiation of Seven.

Abandon the Fetters, Blood Certmen, Inscription, Mark of Amaranth, and Night of the
Red Heart require High Approval. Curse Belated requires High Approval to successfully

Bone of Contention [Tremere] (Va.A.5.01)

This is an Elder level ritual.

Deny the Intruder [Tremere] (Va.A.5.02)

Influence endeavors directed at a chantry protected by this ritual require twice the normal
level of Influence, and twice the number of Influence actions expended. Failure to meet
these requirements causes the endeavor to fail.
Inscription [Tremere] (Va.A.5.03)
Inscription works on Basic rituals only. A character cannot use this ritual if her effective
maximum blood pool has been reduced to five or less.

Rutors Hand (Va.A.5.04)

Rutors Hand does not establish line of sight for the purpose of using other powers.

Transubstantiation of Seven [Tremere] (Va.A.5.05)

This ritual is only effective if the subject is Tremere.


Combination powers from the Clanbooks may be learned with Mid Approval for
members of the appropriate clan, and High Approval for members of other clans (except
as noted below). No teacher is required for combination powers from these sources if the
learning vampire has three Traits of Lore for the appropriate clan.

Birth the Vozhd [Tzimisce] (Va.A.6.01)

It requires Top Approval to learn and to use this power. Possessing it is required before a
character can use the rules for creating Vozhd in Laws of the Night Sabbat Guide.

Calling the Thing in Darkness and Descent Into Darkness [Lasombra] (Va.A.6.02)
These rules are not used in the Sanctioned Chronicle.

Claw Immunity [Gangrel] (Va.A.6.03)

This power is effective against shapechangers in their animal or near-animal forms
(Lupus and Hispo for Garou).

Iron Heart [Brujah] (Va.A.6.04)

This power requires High Approval for Brujah and Top Approval for others.

Pater Szlachta [Tzimisce] (Va.A.6.05)

All Blood Traits spent for this power must be spent in one turn.
Vampire 6.0 - US Addenda

Vampire 6.0 - US Addenda

Va.1.0.01.US, Concepts and Age

In Sabbat, most characters are less than 50 years. Mid Approval is required for all Sabbat PCs over 50
years of age. High approval is required for all Sabbat PCs over 1000 years of age.

In the US, Cam-Anarch kindred are typically younger than in Europe. Neonates over 200 years in age
and Ancilla over 400 years in age require Mid Approval. Any Kindred more than 1000 years in age
requires High Approval. Ghouls are considered to be of the social class of their oldest domitor for
determining the approval required for their age.

Va.1.0.01.US, Revenants

Any Revenant family not found in the MET books used in Sanctioned Play requires Top Approval.

Va.1.0.01.US, Black Hand - Sabbat

All Black Hand PCs must enter at a base level. No PC may begin play above the rank of Specialist.

Va.1.0.01.US, Sabbat National Positions

Holding the position of Cardinal, Priscus, Seraphim of the Black Hand, or Regent in the Camarilla
Sanctioned Chronicle requires Top Approval. These are not grandfathered: if existing, they must be
applied for.

Va.1.0.01.US, Infernal, Infernalism: PCs, NPCs, and Plotlines

Top Approval is required for Infernalist PCs, High Approval for Infernalist NPCs. All plotlines involving
Infernalists require High Approval with ANST notification (AANST Inquisition/Infernalism for the
Sabbat Venue).

Top Approval is required for membership in the Sabbat's Inquisition.

Va.2.1.01.US, Caitiff

Caitiff characters whose starting generation is now not allowable under 6.0, are grandfathered (and must
be reigstered with their RST).

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Vampire 6.0 - US Addenda

Va.2.5.00.US, Virtues and Morality - Paths

Path of Blood is High Approval in the Sabbat Venue.

Va.3.3.50.US, Auspex - Clairvoyance

Only Auspex may be used through Clairvoyance.

Va.3.3.50.US, Dominate - Chain the Psyche

Chain the Psyche's effect continues even if the Dominate power that it modifies expires.

Va.3.3.51.US, Dominate - Mass Manipulation

Mass Manipulation may not be combined with Possession.

Va.3.3.52.US, Necromancy - Speulchre Path - Torment

Torment requires a Stamina-related physical challenge. As such, it does not gain the Might retest, Bomb,
or Win-All-Ties benefits of Potence and Celerity.

Va.3.3.53.US, Obtenebration

Wraiths (not Spectres) within the confines of an effect of Obtenebration perform a simple test each
minute of contact. On a tie or loss, the character gains 1 temporary Angst.

Va.3.3.54.US, Potence - Gentle Rebuke

Gentle Rebuke is an offensive action and requires touch (although this contact may not seem offensive)
and may not be used as an alacrity action. When Gentle Rebuke is activated, other Potence powers may
not supplement the use of Gentle Rebuke.

Va.3.3.55.US, Vicissitude - Horrid Form

Someone using Horrid Form is not allowed to use weapons (use of Body Weaponry excepted) due to the
spikes and spines that form keeping them from appropriately holding said weapons.

Va.3.4.00.US, Thaumaturgy - Rituals

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Vampire 6.0 - US Addenda

The following rituals are incorrectly marked: Refined Digestion is a 6-dot ritual making it Elder level.
Eyes of the Ever Vigilant is a 7-dot ritual making it Master level.

Va.3.9.00.US, Sabbat Ritae

Bonus traits may be gained from the Auctorius Ritae only.

The Hunt that can be called by an Archbishop or Cardinal is not the same as the Wyld Hunt ritus.

You can relent to tests for Viniculum ratings.

The leader calling the Wild Hunt can specify whether or not the Hunt is to result in the target's
destruction and or diablerie.

Va.3.9.00.US, Monomacy Clarification

The arbiter, not the defender, names the terms of the monomacy, which may or may not be to the death.
If the terms are set to non-lethal, there is no loss of respect for the participants of the monomacy.

In the absence of the defender's pack priest, the challenger may still challenge the defender to
monomacy, although the defender has the right to get his pack priest before proceeding. The one
exception to this is in cases of capital crimes that need immediate resolution. In this case, the defender
may select any another Sabbat member to stand in the place of his Pack Priest.

Va.4.1.02.US, Torpor

Kindred in torpor may not spend Blood Traits, but may otherwise take advantage of Fortitude and Armor
of Terra. Being in torpor does not protect a vampire from being a target from any power otherwise

Va.4.1.03.US, Staking

A staked Kindred is conscious (and may use Fortitude and Armor of Terra), but may not move or spend
Blood Traits. Being staked does not protect a vampire from being a target from any power otherwise

Va.4.3.01.US, Blood Bond clarification

During the months of absolutely no contact with the regnant, the thrall must spend Willpower to avoid
the regnant. The amount of Willpower necessary should be determined by the player's storyteller, and

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Vampire 6.0 - US Addenda

should be based on the thrall's relationship with the regnant, as well as physical distance, the last time the
thrall fed from the regnant, and any other factors the storyteller deems relevant.

This does not apply to the Tremere bond that is created upon embrace. The Tremere Clan Flaw and the
Tremere flaw Bound to the Council do not fall under this clarification, as they can not be broken by
normal means, nor can they be avoided by attempting to completely bind oneself to someone. However,
it is possible, with the obvious difficulties, for the ritual Abandon the Fetters to remove the flaw Bound
to the Council.

Va.4.4.00.US, Camarilla Status

Losing a Negative Status Trait counts as a Status gain.

Va.4.4.01.US, Camarilla Patronage Status

The status *Oath Sworn* was removed from play in 2002 and replaced with *Loyal in the eyes of the
Justicars*. This status is a normal Patronage status treated the same as any other Patronage status.

Errata, Va.4.4.02.US, Camarilla Social Class

It requires High Approval for Kindred who are Ninth Generation or weaker to have the Pretender Elder
social class. Ignore the flavor text for pretender elders presented in the Vampire Supplement. Refer
instead to Laws of the Night: Camarilla Guide, pg. 130.

It requires High Approval for Kindred who are Ninth Generation or weaker, or who are of insufficient
age, to have the Elder social class.

Va.4.4.05.US, Justicars

A Justicar can use all of the powers that are granted to Archons.

Va.4.5.00.US, Sabbat Status

Characters can hold only one Sabbat position, plus one additional pack position (Ductus, Priest, etc.)

False Sabbat have no status under 6.0. True Sabbat have *Initiated*.

Bishops, Arch-Bishops, Cardinals, Prisci, and the Regent may grant status by expending one of their
temporary status traits to do so.

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Vampire 6.0 - US Addenda

Unlisted position related status:

Black Hand Members: *Branded*

Dominions: *Branded, Feared, Ominous*
Seraphim: *Branded, Feared, Ominous, Glorified*
Knight or Judge Inquisitor - *Blessed, Feared, Sanctified*
Inquisitor General - *Blessed, Feared, Glorified, Sanctified*
Paladin (or Templar to the Inquisition) - switch *Ominous* for *Sanctified*, so
*Respected, Sanctified*

Va.4.5.03.US, Negative Sabbat Status

All Sabbat not in a Pack gain the negative status trait of *Packless*. This status trait is an exception to
the normal negative status rules; it is in addition to the normal negative status traits and is only removed
when the character has joined a pack.

Va.A.4.10.US, Combination Power - Shroud of Absence

The cost is 9 ET.

Va.A.4.21.US, Celerity - Stutter Step

Stutter Step is now available as an Elder Level Discipline. In the turn that Stutter Step is active,
opponents may not use a Might retest against you.

Va.A.6.00.US, Combination Power - Typhonic Beast

Typhonic Beast is a four legged animal form and thus cannot use weapons while in this form.

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The Camarilla's Rules Supplement for the Sanctioned Chronicle

Reprinted material is White Wolf Game Publishing, Inc. Terms and ideas trademarked
by White Wolf are used with permission, and any mention of said intellectual properties
should not be considered a challenge to their ownership.


Chapter One: Character Creation

Chapter Two: Traits

Chapter Three: Powers

Chapter Four: Systems

This supplement details rules for Garou venue games in the Camarilla's Sanctioned
Minds Eye Theatre chronicle. These rules are intended for use with Laws of the Wild:
Revised and Dark Epics by White Wolf Publishing, and with the Camarillas Prime

These rules, when used for Sanctioned play, are to be applied without change, deviation,
alteration or addition by any member, save a countrys National Storyteller. This is to
enforce a homogenous set of rules throughout the organization, insuring that wherever a
member goes, they may play with a minimum of problems.

Storytellers are allowed and encouraged to use their judgment in the World of Darkness
to develop stories and enrich the flavor of the game. If a Storyteller judges that the flow
of the story would be enhanced by minor exceptions to the rules (on an individual basis
only), this creative license is allowed. It is strongly suggested that Storytellers stick to
the letter and intent of the rules in situations where one or more characters may die.
Storytellers found to be abusing this occasional liberty are subject to review and possible
disciplinary action. These licenses are not to be for such things as the approval of magic
items or the allowing of players to play rare character Types.

Chapter One: Character Creation (Ga.1.0.00)

Garou characters are created using Laws of the Wild in conjunction with this supplement
and with Prime.

Concept (Ga.1.0.01)
Character concepts that include being a former or current member in a Silver Pack or that
include high levels of leadership in the character's Tribe or species require High

Because of their rarity in modern times, lupus characters require Mid Approval (though
lupus is not considered to be a special Type).

Some Important Changes Made (Ga.1.0.02)

If the required level of approval for anything on the character sheet has been raised, you must register
the character with the Storyteller whose approval is required under this rule set. This must be done
before you can make use of the item, or in the case of special character type, before you can play the
character. Prior to the release of this supplement, MC 12 allowed members to start characters at Elder
Rank. This was used to populate the game with a few Elders right off, and encourage more players to
join the venue. To prevent the ongoing venue from becoming overpopulated with Elders, this option is
no longer offered at character creation.

The Rites Background now has a maximum of five Traits. Additional Experience Traits or Background
Traits will need to be allotted for characters to keep additional rites.

Types (Ga.1.0.03)
Characters of the Black Fury, Bone Gnawer, Child of Gaia, Fianna, Get of Fenris, Glass
Walker, Red Talons, Shadow Lord, Silent Strider, Silver Fang, Uktena, and Wendigo
Tribes require Low Approval.

Additional shifter Types require varying levels of approval, as noted in the appropriate
appendices. Human kinfolk characters require the same approval level as normal shifters
of their specific Tribe or changing breed.

Membership Benefits (Ga.1.0.04)

Members who have achieved certain levels of Member Class may create their characters
at a higher starting Rank than one (Cliath). MC 4 allows Rank two (Fostern), MC 6
allows Rank three (Adren), and MC 9 allows a character to be made at Rank four (Athro).
The characters starting Renown is the minimum number necessary to achieve her
starting Rank.

Players may always choose to make their character at a lower starting Rank than their
Member Class allows, even as low as Rank zero (Cub). In this case, the character may
start with more Renown Traits than required to reach current Rank, but not more than is
required to reach the next Rank.

Chapter Two: Traits (Ga.2.0.00)

Regardless of Rank, Garou (and other shifters) characters have a maximum of ten
Traits each of Gnosis, Rage, and Willpower, and five Traits in any given Ability.

All shifters gain five Free Traits in addition to those gained from Negative Traits and
Flaws (even though some of the source books dont include this). A character may gain
two Free Traits by taking a Derangement at character creation. If she does so, she may
only gain Free Traits from three Negative Traits.

A shifter may gain an Ability Trait, Attribute Trait, or Background Trait at the cost of one
Free Trait. Gnosis and Rage Traits cost two each, while Willpower and Basic Gifts
(subject to normal approval restrictions) cost three Free Traits.

TRIBES (Ga.2.1.00)
Should you elect to create a Cub (Rank zero), you are not required to select a Tribe. If
you don't you will be able to select your Tribe after your rite of passage, although you
cannot choose a Tribe that has Background requirements or limitations which do not
match the Backgrounds you possess. As an example, if you create a 'tribeless' Cub and do
not have any Traits of Pure Breed, you will not be able to select the Silver Fangs as your
Tribe after your rite of passage. Cubs without Tribes start at character creation with three
Willpower Traits. They have no Advantage or Drawback and may not purchase Tribal
Gifts until after they have passed their rite of passage.

Black Fury (Ga.2.1.01)

The Tribal Advantage restores a maximum of one Willpower Trait per week during

Bone Gnawer (Ga.2.1.02)

Rather then being available once per session, the Tribal Advantage gives a number of
extra monthly Influence actions (as Contacts) equal to the Bone Gnawers Rank. This is
separate from the Contacts Background. Note that the starting Gifts for Bone Gnawer
characters are Cooking, Resist Toxin, and Tagalong.

Fianna (Ga.2.1.03)
Add Craft to the list of Abilities under the Fianna Tribe Advantage.

Get of Fenris (Ga.2.1.04)

The starting Gifts for Get of Fenris characters are Razor Claws, Resist Pain, and Visage
of Fenris.

Glass Walker (Ga.2.1.05)

In addition to the free Influence Trait, Glass Walkers have the following advantage. Each
of their Kinfolk levels dedicate to increasing the Influence maximums increases it by
three levels, rather than just one.

Shadow Lord (Ga.2.1.06)

For the Tribal Advantage, before the first test is thrown in a Social Challenge, the
Shadow Lord can spend one Gnosis to gain a number of bonus Social Traits for that
challenge equal to his Rank. This works regardless of the opponents Pure Breed.
Silent Strider (Ga.2.1.07)
After successfully exercising his Advantage, a Silent Strider negates the first surprise he
is subjected to during the remainder of the scene.

Silver Fang (Ga.2.1.08)

The Silver Fang Advantage is that they may expend a Social Trait to retest a Social
Challenge. Ignore the list of Derangements under the Disadvantage. Instead take any
Derangement listed on pages 212-214.

Uktena (Ga.2.1.09)
The Uktena Advantage is that they do not need to spend Mental Traits to gain vivid
clarity when peeking across the Gauntlet.

Wendigo (Ga.2.1.10)
Traits granted by the Wheel of Seasons allow the Wendigo to exceed his Trait
maximums. The Physical Traits granted during the winter by the Wheel of Seasons are
not restricted to soaking damage.


Ancestors (Ga.2.3.01)
A Narrator may disallow any Ability if it is inappropriate for an Ancestor to have had it.
For example, Quantum Mechanics or Revenant Lore would have to be well justified in
the history of characters ancestors. A character cannot use Ancestors to gain Traits of an
Ability the character has, even if he has expended some or all of those Traits.

Additional Backgrounds can be found on page 53 of Dark Epics. Garou cannot take

Fetish (Ga.2.3.02)
All non-standard Fetishes, and all Fetishes level five or higher, require High Approval.
Note that a list of additional (Low Approval) Fetishes and Talens is presented at the end
of Chapter Four.

Klaives or Grand Klaives that have different melee-weapon shapes than normal, or are
made from materials other than silver, require High Approval. They typically give no
more benefits than the standard forms of these weapons. The tradition of crafting and
wielding Klaives is a sacred one steeped in honor. Few with the skill to make these
sacred weapons are willing to deviate from the standard form accepted by the Garou

Creatures without Rage may attempt a Willpower challenge instead, to resist the effects
of a Harmony Flute.

No more than two extra levels of damage can be inflicted by an (activated) Fang Dagger.
An activated Fang Dagger remains active for the remainder of the scene.

Kinfolk (Ga.2.3.03)
Kinfolk takes the place of Retainers for Garou, a Background that Garou cannot purchase
due to the effects of The Curse. For determining the statistics of kinfolk, use the same
guidelines as those for Retainers in Prime.

Mentor (Ga.2.3.04)
Mentors will not teach out-of-Tribe Gifts. Learning a Gift form a mentor includes all the
disadvantages of learning Gifts from another Garou. Mentors can teach rites of the same
level as the Gifts they can teach.

Pure Breed (Ga.2.3.05)

Level five in Pure Breed requires Mid Approval.

The Traits granted by Pure Breed are not automatically added to all Social Challenges
with Garou. The challenge must be one where the Garous noble bearing can be seen (or
is known), and where such a patrician demeanor would affect the outcome of the
challenge. This includes challenges for stare downs, Etiquette and Leadership Ability
challenges, and Gifts such as Calm, Curse of Hatred, Mastery, Obedience, Paralyzing
Stare, Roll Over, Staredown, and Visage of Fenris.

Because of the greater weight of accounting placed upon the descendants of the Garou
Nations heroes, whenever a character with Pure Breed loses temporary Renown Traits,
he will never lose less than half his Pure Breed total, rounding up. For example, a
character with Pure Breed three will lose two Honor for not protecting a helpless
human, rather than one Honor.

Rites (Ga.2.3.06)
Characters may not have more than five total Traits in the Rites Background. The cost of
rites through this Background is one Trait for a Basic rite, two Traits for an Intermediate,
and three Traits for an Advanced rite. Two Minor Rites can be purchased for 1 Trait of
the Rites Background.

The number of Rituals Ability Traits required before a character may learn rites is one
Trait for Minor, two Traits for Basic rites, three Traits for Intermediate, and five Traits
for Advanced rites. A Garou of any Rank may learn any rite, but the use of a rite not
allowed by Rank is a dishonorable and unwise act. It is worth the loss of a temporary
Honor and a temporary Wisdom Renown unless a septs Master of the rite is directly
supervising the Garou.

Further rules for rites can be found in Chapter Three, below.

Totem (Ga.2.3.07)
Pack totems are Jaggling spirits. A base totem (see page 90) costs a number of
Background Traits equal to the Background cost of the totem (see pages 243-248).
Ignore the charts in the book and use the following for purchasing improvements to the
base totem.

Totem Improvement Table (Ga.2.3.08)

Improvement Cost
Per 2 Traits divided among Rage, Gnosis, and Willpower 1
Per additional Trait of Essence 1
Per Ability Trait 1
Totem can speak to pack without Spirit Speech 1
Totem can always find pack members 1
Per additional Charm possessed 2
Totem is nearly always with pack members 2
Totem is respected by other spirits 2
Per extra member who can use Totem powers in the same turn 3
Totem allows members to communicate at great distances 4
Totem can materialize without cost 5

Additional Traits, Abilities, or Rage received from a totem may exceed the Garou's Trait
maximums. Ability Traits granted by a totem are granted per scene, not per turn. Gnosis
or Rage Traits granted by totems (normally listed as per story) are independent pools of
Traits that refresh at a rate of one per day. Willpower Traits granted by totems are an
independent pool of Traits that refresh at a rate of one per week.

Children of Uktena ignore the first health level of damage they suffer each scene while in
the Umbra to reflect their automatic level of soak against all damage. Each story is
considered to be a month for the purposes of the additional Experience Traits granted to
Uktena's children. These Totem-granted Experience Traits can exceed the characters
monthly maximum, but may never be used to buy Gifts.

Top Approval is required for any new totem affiliations not found in the Camarilla's
Rules Supplement.


Silver Tolerance (Ga.2.4.01)

Instead of allowing you to "soak damage" from silver weapons, a win or tie on a Simple
Test (re-testable with the Survival Ability) allows the character to treat the attack as
though it had not come from a silver source.

Supernatural Companion (Ga.2.4.02)

Treat this as the Supernatural Ally Merit from Prime.

Wolf Years (Ga.2.4.03)

This Flaw is worth only one Trait in the Sanctioned chronicle.

Chitinous Skin (Ga.2.5.01)

This Disfigurement does not give the character an additional Health Level.

Weak Immune System (Ga.2.5.02)

Rather then having no Bruised health levels, a character with this Disfigurement has one
less Healthy health level.

RAGE TRAITS (Ga.2.6.00)

A character may not spend more Rage Traits than half his permanent Physical Traits in
any given turn (rounding down).

Chapter Three: Powers (Ga.3.0.00)

High Approval is required for a character to enter play with any out-of-Tribe Gift, or with
any Advanced Gifts that is not from their breed or auspice list.

The spirits that teach Tribal Gifts do so based upon ancient pacts made between certain
spirits and the Tribes. Spirits only teach Tribal Gifts to outsiders when a high-Ranked
Tribe member intercedes with the spirit on the students behalf. An Athros word is
required in such cases for Basic or Intermediate Gifts, while only the word of an Elder
can sanction passing an Advanced Gift to an outsider. (This supersedes the rule on page
76 of Dark Epics.)

Garou require protracted periods of time to learn a Gift from another Garou, during
which the two Garou must have ready access to each other for training sessions. The
period is generally one month for Basic Gifts, two months for Intermediate Gifts, and
three months for Advanced Gifts. In addition to the Notoriety penalty mentioned in
Dark Epics, further Notoriety (and even Renown loss) will be in order if the student later
uses the Gift to harm members of the teachers Tribe.


Some Gifts require a challenge, but are unclear as to who is being challenged. Unless
specifically stated otherwise, the challenge is against the target of the Gift. If there is not
a target, then it is a Static Challenge against seven Traits.

Many Gifts allow the Garou to expend additional Traits to increase the effectiveness of
the Gift. A Garou may only spend three Traits to enhance the effect of such Gifts. This
does not apply to Gifts that have a specific chart showing the number of Traits spent
versus effect or duration gained.
Each clarification below includes a reference to the part of Laws of the Wilds Gift
section where the original text can be found.

Aura of Confidence [Basic Shadow Lord] (Ga.3.2.01)

This Gift also works against supernatural powers.

Balors Gaze [Intermediate Fianna] (Ga.3.2.02)

Ignore the tabletop reference to Crippled health penalties, substituting penalties for the
Wounded health level instead. Willpower spent to ignore would penalties will also allow
this gift to be ignored for one round.

Bloody Feast [Intermediate Wendigo] (Ga.3.2.03)

Gain one Ferocious or Tough Trait per level of damage inflicted, instead of one per two

Coupe de Grace [Intermediate Black Fury] (Ga.3.2.04)

This Gift will not add more then two levels of damage to an attack.

Create Element [Basic Metis] (Ga.3.2.05)

Flames created as weapons inflict one aggravated wound per Gnosis Trait expended
(maximum of three), and requires the Garou to win a Mental Challenge against his
opponents Physical Traits.

Exorcism [Intermediate Theurge] (Ga.3.2.06)

Spirits bound into objects cannot be the target of Exorcism if the object is in the
possession of someone else. Spirits bound into people or animals cannot be targeted by
Exorcism unless the subject is restrained or trapped during the current and prior turn.
Fetishes in the hands of an opponents or unrestrained Fomori are not viable targets of this
Gift. Ignore the stated requirement to gain more successes then the binder gained.
Fomori who have their Banes successfully removed with this Gift will die.

Feral Lobotomy [Advanced Theurge] (Ga.3.2.07)

Ignore the reference to successes. Only one Mental Trait can be destroyed per use of this
Gift. Mental Traits can be repurchased with Experience Traits as normal.

Fetish Doll [Advanced Uktena] (Ga.3.2.08)

The Garou can only have one Fetish Doll created at a time. The challenge to injure the
target is a Willpower Challenge (not a Static Mental Challenge against the target's
Willpower). Additionally, this Gift allows ten challenges, not ten levels of damage,
before the doll is automatically destroyed.

Geas [Advanced Philodox] (Ga.3.2.09)

Use of this Gift requires a Willpower Challenge (not a Social Challenge against the
Target's Willpower).
Gift of the Porcupine [Intermediate Metis] (Ga.3.2.10)
Anyone striking you with bare flesh (i.e. without using a weapon] suffers one level of
aggravated damage [not the same damage they inflict on you). Note that you cannot bite
or claw in the same action where you tackle, grapple, or immobilize an opponent (to
inflicting the level of aggravated damage).

Gift of the Spriggan [Advanced Fianna] (Ga.3.2.11)

You can gain no more than six Physical Traits from the use of this Gift.

Gorge [Intermediate Red Talon] (Ga.3.2.12)

The Garou does not need to designate only one Trait type when he purchases the Gift.
Instead, he can only store one type of Trait with this Gift at a time. This Gift can only be
taken once.

Halo of the Sun [Advanced Child of Gaia] (Ga.3.2.13)

This Gift causes attacks to inflict one additional level of aggravated damage, not two.

Howl of the Banshee [Basic Fianna] (Ga.3.2.14)

To clarify, the user makes a Static Social Challenge against seven Traits. If successful,
everyone within ten feet must win a Static Social Challenge against the Gift users Social
Traits or flee as noted.

Inspiration [Basic Ahroun] (Ga.3.2.15)

Comrades gain either a Willpower Trait that must be expended that scene, or a free retest
(not an automatic success) on one Willpower Challenge in that scene. A character cannot
benefit from Inspiration more then once in a scene.

Invoke the Spirits of the Storm [Advanced Wendigo] (Ga.3.2.16)

Lightning bolts cause three levels of aggravated damage, not ten.

Jam Technology [Basic Homid] (Ga.3.2.17)

Successful use of this Gift prevents the use of items of the target complexity or lower.
Therefore if you test against six Traits, you block use of all electronic devices but no
mechanical devices.

Kiss of Helios [Advanced Ahroun] (Ga.3.2.18)

This Gift causes attacks to inflict one additional level of aggravated damage, not two.

Lunas Armor [Basic Child of Gaia] (Ga.3.2.19)

This Gift may only be used once per scene, and its effects do not last longer than a scene.
The Garou activating Lunas Armor is not bound by the standard limitation of expending
no more than three Traits to power a Gift (but is limited to no more than her Rank).

Might of Thor [Intermediate Get of Fenris] (Ga.3.2.20)

The Garou activating Might of Thor is not bound by the standard limitation of expending
no more than three Traits to power a Gift.
Name the Spirit [Intermediate Lupus] (Ga.3.2.21)
When learned by Garou other than Theurges, this is an Intermediate Gift.

Open Wounds [Intermediate Shadow Lord] (Ga.3.2.22)

The Physical Challenge is a Static Challenge against the target's Physical Traits. No
bonus Traits are counted for forms or powers during this challenge. A character can only
be affected by this Gift once per scene.

Reshape Object [Intermediate Homid] (Ga.3.2.23)

Weapons created by this Gift will only inflict aggravated damage for five minutes after
creation, regardless of how long they stay reshaped.

Resist Pain [Basic Philodox] (Ga.3.2.24)

This Gift allows you to ignore the wound penalties for the Bruised, Wounded, and
Incapacitated wound levels.

Roll Over [Intermediate Philodox] (Ga.3.2.25)

This Gift costs one Gnosis Trait and requires a Social Challenge to use, (not a Willpower
Challenge). The submission effect of the Gift ends if the subject is attacked. Against
supernatural creatures, Roll Over will not force submission, but will keep the subject
respectful of the Gift user, and prevent her from attacking the Gift user for the remainder
of the scene. The defensive effect ends if the Gift user attacks (anyone) or takes a
directly threatening action.

Scream of Gaia [Intermediate Get of Fenris] (Ga.3.2.26)

Each level of damage may be avoided with a successful Simple Test. If a victim does not
take any damage from the Gift, she does not fall down.

Shadows by the Firelight [Intermediate Galliard] (Ga.3.2.27)

This Gift causes the participants to act out the story as described, much like actors on a
stage. The participants do not cause real harm to one another, nor do they actually
employ Gifts or use Traits of any type. While affected by this Gift, the participants can
do nothing except act out their parts and resist the effect of actions taken against them by

Seizing the Edge [Basic Shadow Lord] (Ga.3.2.28)

The Traits are divided among the character's Attribute categories (as evenly possible),
and last for the remainder of the scene.

Spirit of the Fray [Basic Ahroun] (Ga.3.2.29)

Traits granted by this Gift count for determining Initiative only. If Trait-based initiative
is not being used, characters with Spirit of the Fray perform their first action of the turn
before other characters can act. This includes the resolution of the effects of that
challenge. Characters with Spirit of the Fray resolve who goes first amongst themselves
in the same manner as other characters would.
Strength of the Dominator [Intermediate Shadow Lord] (Ga.3.2.30)
To use this Gift, you must defeat your opponent in a Social Challenge instead of winning
a Static Social Challenge.

Strength of Purpose [Basic Philodox] (Ga.3.2.31)

You only regain one Willpower Trait with this Gift, and it may only be attempted once
per session.

Thousand Forms [Advanced Ragabash] (Ga.3.2.32)

The form assumed grants no supernatural powers or capabilities.

True Fear [Basic Ahroun] (Ga.3.2.33)

Use of this Gift requires a Willpower Challenge (not a Physical Challenge against your
opponents Willpower).

Visceral Agony [Intermediate Black Fury] (Ga.3.2.34)

Ignore the wound penalty examples given. Refer to actual MET wound penalties instead.

Wall of Granite [Advanced Philodox] (Ga.3.2.35)

The wall can absorb ten levels of damage per scene (not per turn).

Whelp Body [Intermediate Ragabash] (Ga.3.2.36)

There is no limit to the number of times a specific individual can be affected by this Gift,
but he may not lose more then a total of six Physical Traits to this Gift. Traits lost and
later repurchased with Experience Traits still count towards the maximum number of
Traits that can be lost, so once six Traits have been repurchased, the character is immune
to this Gift.

Wither Limb [Intermediate Metis] (Ga.3.2.37)

To use this Gift, you must defeat your opponent in a Willpower Challenge (instead of
winning a Static Willpower Challenge versus the target's Physical Traits).

RITES (Ga.3.3.00)
Rules for the Rites Background are found in Chapter Two, above. Gathering for the
Departed, Rite of the Winter Wolf, Baptism of Fire, and Rite of Passage need not be
purchased with Experience Traits; they can simply be learned with Storyteller approval.
The same is true of Seasonal Rites. All other rites must be purchased with the Rites
Background or Experience Traits.

Punishment Rites can only be performed in the presence of the target.

Rite of Accomplishment (Ga.3.3.01)

This rite is not used to gain Rank, but rather to turn temporary Renown Traits into
permanent Renown Traits (as noted on page 179 of Laws of the Wild). Otherwise, use
the rules on page 160-161 for performing the rite.

Rite of Passage (Ga.3.3.02)

The first successful Rite of Passage gives the new character three Basic Gifts, one from
each of the starting lists for their auspice, breed, and Tribe. With a successful Rite of
Passage, the character is officially accepted into their Tribe. This is an important moment
for Garou who previously were without a Tribe.

Rite of Summoning (Ga.3.3.03)

While this rite can be used to summon totem, Incarna, and Celestine avatars, Social Traits
cannot be spent to speed up or control their reaction to being summoned. The speed and
reaction of such spirits are up to the Storyteller or Spirit Guide.

Chapter Four: Systems (Ga.4.0.00)

Do not use the clarification titled Rage on page 75 of Dark Epics. The Sanctioned
chronicle makes use of the standard rules for extra rage actions in Laws of the Wild.

TESTS (Ga.4.1.00)

Gnosis, Rage, and Willpower Challenges (Ga.4.1.01)

These challenges are performed like any other, except that no Traits are risked and no
Negative Traits can be called. In the case of a tie (both players throw the same hand
sign), compare the total number of permanent Traits of the appropriate Trait pool
(Gnosis, Rage, or Willpower), just as you would with an Attribute Trait category.

Unlike standard Static Challenges, Static Challenges of this variety allow the player to
win in the case of a true tie (same hand sign thrown, and same number of Traits as the

Garou interaction with Powers that Wins All Ties (Ga.4.1.02)

There are no rank-based advantages for Crinos form. Rather, in Physical Challenges
where a Garou's opponent has a strength-based or speed-based power that allows them to
Win All Ties instead of comparing Traits, the opponent instead gains 10 bonus Physical
Traits for comparison of ties and overbidding, as found in (Pr.4.4.00).

HEALTH (Ga.4.2.00)
To clarify, once per scene a Garou who has been reduced to Incapacitated or Mortally
Wounded by an attack may attempt to stay active by spending a Rage Trait. If he then
wins a Static Rage Challenge against eight Traits (re-testable with Survival), he returns to
his first Wounded health level, gains a battle scar, and must immediately test for frenzy
(see page 185). This Rage Healing may not be used if the attack that reduced the Garou
to Incapacitated or Mortally Wounded is one that cannot be soaked, (such as attacks
made with silver). Note that some changing breeds have different metal allergies than
Garou that determines when they cannot Rage Heal.

Garou that are not in their breed forms regenerate bashing and lethal damage at an
astonishing rate. At the beginning of each turn, they recover one level of damage. (All
bashing levels must heal before lethal levels can start to heal.) Non-metis Garou in breed
form heal only one level of lethal damage per day of rest. All Garou heal aggravated
damage at a rate of one level per day of rest, regardless of the form they are in.

Battle Scars (Ga.4.2.01)

Each time a Garou is reduced to Mortally Wounded, he gains a battle scar. The first three
battle scars a Garou receives are superficial. The fourth and fifth battle scars are
deep. For all battle scars exceeding the fifth, the Storyteller will select one of the battle
scars on the chart (page 191) to inflict upon the character, as appropriate to the attack that
caused the scar.

THE MANY FORMS (Ga.4.3.00)

Shifting Forms (Ga.4.3.01)

Shifting forms only requires a challenge under stressful conditions. The Garou selects
the desired form and engages in a Static Physical Challenge using his base Physical Traits
only (no bonus Traits from Gifts or forms). Traits are not lost if this challenge fails. If
successful, he transitions to that form from his current form at a rate of one form per turn.

Additionally, a character can change into his breed form instantly without a challenge or
the use of Rage or Primal-Urge Traits.

Form-based Attribute Traits are replenished when the Garou's normal Attribute Traits of
that category are replenished.

The Customizing Forms Optional Rule is not used in the Sanctioned Chronicle.

Crinos Form (Ga.4.3.02)

Metis in their breed form (Crinos) regenerate and are allergic to silver.

Hispo Form (Ga.4.3.03)

Bite and claw attacks in Hispo form do aggravated damage.


Note that rules for starting Rank can be found in the Membership Benefits section, above.

Characters can accumulate any number of temporary Renown Traits, but they may only
convert one Renown Trait into permanent Renown each month. This can be increased to
two Renown Traits for a month with High Approval, or three Renown Traits for a month
with Top Approval.

Successful completion of a challenge for Elder Rank requires that the High Approval
Storyteller be notified within one months time. Information sent should include details
on the challenge, the challenger, and the challenged, as well as any further information
that Storyteller asks for.

Renown Loss (Ga.4.4.01)

It is possible for a Garou to lose enough Renown to go down in Rank. A Garou risks
Renown loss if he uses rites and Gifts above what is allowed by his new Rank. If
characters outside the Garou's Sept wish to strip or add Renown (through Rites and such),
they should undertake the appropriate in-character actions and then contact that
character's Storyteller.


The Triat, Celestines, and the Incarnae (Ga.4.5.01)

Spirits of this level are immensely powerful, far more powerful then any Garou or even
pack of Garou. They do not lose challenges unless they are willing to do so. The Triat
are never seen in a manifest form, while the Celestines are merely rarely encountered
(High Approval is required for direct interaction with the Celestines). The Incarnae are
easier to find, but they have little patience for those whom would waste their time on
unimportant matters. Storytellers should have them punish those who dare to bring them
trivial questions or attempt to use them to avoid performing their own task.

Jagglings and Gafflings (Ga.4.5.02)

The Trait maximums for Jagglings and Gafflings are ten Traits of Willpower, Rage, or
Gnosis, although Gafflings very rarely near the maximum. Spirits do not lose Willpower,
Rage, or Gnosis Traits as a result of challenges. The following rules also apply when
running challenges for the various types of Spirits.

Spirit Willpower (Ga.4.5.03)

Use the rules on page 238 for unopposed actions by Spirits. When engaged in Physical
Challenges with others, including when they attack but not when just resisting other
attacks, Spirits use twice their Willpower in comparison to other's Physical Traits.

Spirit Rage (Ga.4.5.04)

When defending against attacks, but not counterattacking, Spirits use twice their Rage in
Physical Challenges. When Spirits attack others, they do damage equal to their Rage
divided by three (round down, minimum of one). This damage is typically aggravated.

Spirit Gnosis (Ga.4.5.05)

Spirits use twice their Gnosis when engaged in Mental and Social Challenges.
Spirit Charms (Ga.4.5.06)
Use of Armor allows a spirit to ignore a number of wound levels equal to half its Gnosis
during the remainder of the scene. This can only be done once per scene.

Blast does aggravated damage equal to the spirits Rage divided by three (rounded up),
with a successful Physical Challenge.

Anyone in the area of effect for Freeze may make a Static Physical Challenge against
twice the spirits Rage to avoid the damage from this Charm.

Caerns (Ga.4.5.07)
Each city (domain) may have one Caern of rank one, two, or three without need of any
additional approval. High Approval is required for a city to have a rank four Caern, or a
second Caern. Top Approval is required for a city to have a rank five5 Caern, or three or
more Caerns.


The following new Fetishes and Talens are approved for use in the Sanctioned chronicle
at Low Approval.

Baneskin [Level 3, Gnosis 7 Fetish] (Ga.4.6.01)

This tiny piece of spirit, carefully wrapped in leather, causes all malevolent spirits,
especially Banes, to react to the wearer as if she were a Wyrm-creature and a trusted soul.
A Baneskin does not need to be activated, but its effects can be seen through with close
scrutiny by suspicious spirits who win a Gnosis Challenge against the Fetish's Gnosis.

Basket of Bones [Gnosis 8 Talen] (Ga.4.6.02)

This basket is woven from plant fibers and the bones of fallen agents of the Wyrm.
Decorated with beads, it has a handle carved from ash wood. Any one item of the Wyrm,
be it a gob of toxic waste, or an evil Fetish, instantly burns to powder when placed in the
basket. The Basket of Bones itself turns to ash after three uses. The item must fit
completely within the basket for it to work. Example, you can't jam this Talen on a
fomori's head and hope for the best.

Blanket of Peaceful Dreams [Level 2, Gnosis 7 Fetish] (Ga.4.6.03)

This handsome blanket protects the sleeper from bad dreams and invasion of his dreams.
Any creature attempting to influence or harm a sleeper ensconced within the Blanket of
Peaceful Dreams must win a Static Willpower Challenge against the blanket's Gnosis. A
failure means that the attacker cannot affect the sleeper for the rest of the night. The
blanket also lulls nightmares into submission, allowing peaceful sleep.

Clear Water [Gnosis 4 Talen] (Ga.4.6.04)

This Talen contains a purifying spirit in a flask of water. When the spirit is poured into a
polluted body of water, up to and including bodies as large as rivers and lakes, the water
is instantly cleaned of Wyrm-taint. When consumed, the Talen acts like the Gift Resist

Elk Tooth Necklace [Level 2, Gnosis 5 Fetish] (Ga.4.6.05)

This necklace of teeth allows the wearer to run and jump twice as far and twice as fast.
When activated in combat, its bonuses are not cumulative with those of other Gifts.

Gaia's Poultice [Level 2, Gnosis 8 Fetish] (Ga.4.6.06)

Gaia's Poultice is an herb-filled bandage. This wrapping, when activated, automatically
heals one level of damage (any type) from an open wound on which it is placed. This
Fetish takes one hour to recharge between uses.

Gnostic Bag [Level 4, Gnosis 9 Fetish] (Ga.4.6.07)

The Gnostic Bag appears as nothing more than a small leather pouch with fringes, odd
paintings, and Garou pictograms on it. The pouch literally holds Gnosis. To activate it,
the user reaches into the bag, "grabs" a Gnosis Trait, and eats it. The bag holds nine
Gnosis Traits. These can be recharged if the owner expends temporary Gnosis from his
pool into the bag. Taking or leaving a Gnosis in this way is an action unto itself, so it the
bag is not easily usable in combat.

Heart of the Spirit [Level 5, Gnosis 10 Fetish] (Ga.4.6.08)

This Fetish is a small, heart-shaped piece of rose quartz. The Heart of the Spirit allows
the character attuned to it to store up to ten Traits worth of Gnosis, Rage, or Willpower
(only one type at a time). Storage of these Traits is accomplished by activating the Fetish
and spending the Traits from the user's own pool. These Traits may be called upon by
activating the Fetish. This allows the Garou to draw on one Trait from the Heart of the
Spirit each turn for the remainder of the scene.

Key to the Umbra [Level 2, Gnosis 8 Fetish] (Ga.4.6.09)

This small key, when activated, reduces the difficulty of passing through the Gauntlet by
two. If a character spends three Gnosis Traits, she can take one other willing character
with her when using the Key to the Umbra, though she must be touching them skin to
skin for the Fetish to work.

Kinship Doll [Level 2, Gnosis 8 Fetish] (Ga.4.6.10)

This Fetish appears to be nothing more than a crude handmade doll. However, when a
Garou holds and activates it, the doll announces the location and condition of any one
Kinfolk whose name is spoken by the user.

Loon's Refund [Level 3, Gnosis 8 Fetish] (Ga.4.6.11)

This Fetish is an ATM card with mystic Garou symbols covering both sides. It is a
universal card that can be used at any ATM machine to get up to $500.00, or the local
equivalent. In order to use it, the Fetish's owner simply needs to succeed in activating it
(and has to remember to get the receipt!). If the wielder of the Loons Refund uses it
more than once per session, he must make a Simple Test or the Fetish is destroyed by
Weaver spirits.
Moon Watch [Level 1, Gnosis 4 Fetish] (Ga.4.6. 12)
The Moon Watch acts like a normal wristwatch that also shows accurately the phases of
the moon, except that it never needs to be wound or set. Furthermore, the when it is
activated, the watch displays the auspice of any one Garou in the vicinity.

Nightshade [Gnosis 5 Talen] (Ga.4.6.13)

This Talen is distilled from the very essence of night. One fluid ounce of this liquid,
when quaffed, turns the imbiber's body into shadow for the next two scenes, rendering
him virtually invisible in dark areas and allowing him access through the smallest of
openings. Any form of heightened senses will reveal that the shadow is out of place with
a successful Mental Challenge, but it is otherwise undetectable. Nightshade grants the
equivalent of a Basic power of concealment for the purpose of cross-venue power

Pine Dagger [Gnosis 6 Talen] (Ga.4.6.14)

This Talen destroys the Materialized form of a spirit upon contact. When struck, the
spirit must win a Willpower Challenge against six Traits or be banished back to the
Umbra. This dagger is made from the heartwood of a downed pine tree.

Rat's Tooth Necklace [Level 1, Gnosis 4 Fetish] (Ga.4.6.15)

When activated, the Rat's Tooth Necklace gives the user the temporary Physical Trait
Nimble, the temporary Mental Trait Cunning, and the temporary Negative Mental Trait
Impatient. Whoever wears the necklace openly gains the respect and admiration of most
Bone Gnawers, who constantly try to barter for it, if not steal it outright.

Sands of Sleep [Level 1, Gnosis 3 Fetish] (Ga.4.6.16)

When this Fetish is activated and the sand is scattered in an area, all those in the area
must spend a Willpower Trait immediately or fall asleep. Even if a character spends a
Willpower Trait, she gains the Negative Physical Trait Lethargic for the duration of the
scene. Those in frenzy either fall asleep (if they don't spend a Willpower Trait) or come
out of frenzy (although they will not be Lethargic at that point). The sleep lasts until
some loud noise or other outside stimulus wakes the sleepers, some kind of impending
threat is presented to them, or until they have gotten a good eight hours of sleep. The
Sands of Sleep work only once per scene.

Stone of Wealth [Level 3, Gnosis 8 Fetish] (Ga.4.6.17)

This Fetish appears to be nothing more than a very old "worry stone. When rubbed
(activated), it brings the user wealth. Wealth does not always mean money, which is
Wyrm-tainted, nor does the summoned wealth necessarily come instantly. Instead, the
stone provides the resources a Garou needs to complete her tasks. These resources
usually appear in the form of funds or marketable items. The Storyteller is the final
arbitrator as to how the Fetish's power manifests. Each time the stone is used in a single
session, the next test using the Stone of Wealth during that session is against an additional
two Traits.

Tear of Renewal [Level 3, Gnosis 6 Fetish] (Ga.4.6.18)

These milky-white, tear-shaped stones grant a Garou Gnosis. By activating this Fetish,
the Garou gains three Gnosis Traits, up to his maximum. A Tear of Renewal can only be
used this way seven times before the spirit within dies and the Fetish becomes useless.

Wise Bag [Level 3, Gnosis 4 Fetish] (Ga.4.6.19)

A Wise Bag is a bag of tokens, bones, or other small items. When the Fetish is activated,
the owner can reach inside and gain on small "fact" about people in his surrounding area
(e.g., breed, tribe, species, vampire, mage, ghoul, kinfolk, etc.) This bag cannot detect
the Wyrm, but can relate knowledge of a previously unknown Negative Trait possessed
by a nearby target if the Fetish owner can defeat the target in a Mental Challenge. If any
of the pieces inside the Wise Bag ever goes missing for more than twenty-four hours, the
bag becomes spiritually dead and no longer functions.
Garou Appendix A:
This appendix describes alterations to the following Revised Tribebooks: Black Furies,
Bone Gnawers, Children of Gaia, Fianna, Get of Fenris, Glass Walkers, Red Talons,
and Shadow Lords, for use in the Camarillas Sanctioned chronicle. This appendix will
be updated as future Tribebooks are released. Unless otherwise noted, Low Approval is
required for items from a characters appropriate Revised Tribebook (if that Tribebook
has been incorporated into this chapter). High Approval is required for a member of a
different Tribe to take them. High Approval is also required for camp-specific items to
be taken by those who are not members of both the Tribe and the camp. All other
approval requirements and restrictions from the chapters above also apply. Top Approval
is required for creatures outside the Garou venue to take anything from these books.

New Charms or Optional Rules found in these Tribebooks are not used in the Sanctioned
chronicle, unless otherwise noted in this chapter.

TYPES (Ga.A.1.00)
Kucha Ekunda, (from Tribebook Red Talons) require Top Approval.

Some of the Tribebooks introduce new Abilities, most of which are just variations of
standard, currently-used Abilities. Unless otherwise noted in this chapter, Abilities from
the Tribebooks are not used in the Sanctioned chronicle.


Clout (Ga.A.3.01)
The Clout Background requires High Approval.

Fetish (Ga.A.3.02)
Air Hightops: The system to avoid falling damage is a Static Physical Challenge. The
difficulty is 2 Traits per 10 feet of the fall.

Boars Tusk: This may only be activated once per session.

Body Reformation Engine: This Talen requires High Approval. It takes an hour to make
any change.

Cubs Vigor: Willpower is recovered as though the Garou had meditated [per the
Ability], though no test or time is required. It is not compatible with further meditation in
a night.
The Final Draught: This Talen requires High Approval.

Foggs 9mm: This unique item is not used in the Sanctioned Chronicle.

Judges Dagger: The dagger inflicts only one additional level of damage per strike, and
only for a number of strikes equal to the number of Gnosis stored in it.

Labrys Axe: The rules for this weapon may not be used in the Sanctioned Chronicle
without High Approval. Otherwise, substitute the statistics for a Large Axe, from Dark

Quiver of Silvered Arrows: The arrows that are not recovered and returned to the quiver
within twenty-four hours will lose their power. When all the arrows are lost, the quiver
likewise loses its power.

Thunders Bracers: This unique item is not used in the Sanctioned Chronicle.

Torque of Wisdom: This may only be activated once per session.

Ultimate Search Engine: This is not used in the Sanctioned Chronicle.

Totem (Ga.A.3.03)
The Tribe-specific guidelines apply even to totems. It requires High Approval to be part
of a pack with a totem from a Tribebook that is not the characters own. This helps to
ensure that some of the standard Totems from Laws of the Wild will be used, since the
ones in the Tribebooks are so much better.

When using the Totems presented in the Tribebooks, levels, or dots of Abilities
translate into Ability Traits on a one for one basis. The MET systems for the American
Dream are left to the discretion of the Narrator to create on a case-by-case basis in any
given scene.

Eagle (Child of Gaia) grants its retest to each pack member only once per session.

Epona (Fianna) only grants the three Tireless Traits in challenges involving extended
travel and endurance, not in combat.

Medusa (Black Fury) has vanished in the Sanctioned chronicle. This Totem requires Top


Caern Child and Camp Affinity/Enmity (Ga.A.4.01)

The Social bonus/penalty Traits follow the same rules presented under Pure Breed in
Chapter Two.
Mentor/Feared Mentor (Ga.A.4.02)
Feared Mentor does not grant a bonus Social Trait.

GIFTS (Ga.A.5.00)
Level one and two Gifts from the Tribebooks equate to Basic level in the MET system.
Levels three and four equate to Intermediate, and level five Gifts equate to Advanced.
Level six Gifts may only be learned by Legend rank Garou, and only with Top Approval.

Gifts from the Boli Zouhisze, Iron Rider, and Tetrasomians lists (Tribebook Glass
Walker) require High Approval.

Blessing of the First Pack [Red Talon] (Ga.A.5.01)

Learning this Gift requires Top Approval. The originators of the auspices should not be
called upon in any but the direst of circumstances. Frivolous use of this Gift will earn the
user Notoriety Traits, or worse.

Blizzard of Arrows [Black Fury] (Ga.A.5.02)

The Fury need not bid Physical Traits in the challenges to use this Gift. Blizzard of
Arrows may only be used once per scene. Ammunition may limit the number of shots the
Garou can actually make. After Blizzard of Arrows is used, the bow must succeed in a
Simple Test, or be destroyed by the strain.

Cool Mind [Glass Walker] (Ga.A.5.03)

This Gift does not immunize the recipient to emotion-affecting powers, granting instead a
retest to resist.

Corner Shot [Glass Walker] (Ga.A.5.04)

The restriction against autofire refers to the weapons Fully Automatic and/or Spray

Cubs Lesson [Red Talon] (Ga.A.5.05)

Ignore the sentence beginning: If you succeed, the original results This sentence
makes no sense using Minds Eye Theatre rules.

Electroshock [Glass Walker] (Ga.A.5.06)

This Gift only inflicts one aggravated wound level per touch. The cost to use
Electroshock is a single Rage Trait.

Find the Transgressor [Shadow Lord] (Ga.A.5.07)

This Gift requires High Approval.

Flames of Hestia [Black Fury] (Ga.A.5.08)

The extra level of damage in combat is only inflicted upon targets that are tainted by
corruption or the Wyrm (which is determined by the Narrators whim).
Interrogator [Shadow Lord] (Ga.A.5.09)
This Gift requires a Social Challenge, not a Static Social Challenge against the targets
Willpower. The once per month per target limit applies even if the Gift is not successful.

Jam Weapon [Child of Gaia] (Ga.A.5.10)

The effects of this Gift last for a scene, not a turn.

Kalis Tongue [Black Fury] (Ga.A.5.11)

This Gift requires a touch, and a regular Social Challenge to activate. No more than four
Social Traits may be spent to increase the Gifts duration.

Mules Bane [Child of Gaia] (Ga.A.5.12)

The effects of this Gift last for a scene, not a turn.

Reap the Soul [Red Talon] (Ga.A.5.13)

This Gift is usable only once per scene.

Repel Metal [Glass Walker] (Ga.A.5.14)

This Gift has no affect on incoming projectiles such as bullets.

Reverie [Fianna] (Ga.A.5.15)

This Gift requires a normal Social Challenge (not one against the targets Willpower).

Seeds of Doubt [Shadow Lord] (Ga.A.5.16)

This Gift requires a normal Social vs. Mental Challenge, not a Social Challenge vs. the
targets Wits-related Mental Traits.

Shadow Cutting [Shadow Lord] (Ga.A.5.17)

The Trait penalty applies to all combat challenges, not just dodging. The Storyteller may
increase or decrease this penalty by one Trait, based on lighting conditions.

Silence the Slain [Red Talon] (Ga.A.5.18)

This Gift requires a normal Social Challenge against any it is used on, not a Static Social

Tommys New Trick [Glass Walker] (Ga.A.5.19)

This Gift does not allow the user to automatically change failed firearms challenges into
successes. Instead, while active it allows the Garou to retest any use of firearms with a
Willpower Trait.

Troll Skin [Get of Fenris] (Ga.A.5.20)

This Gift can be activated no more than once per scene.

Truest Sacrament [Black Fury] (Ga.A.5.21)

This Gift uses a normal Social Challenge.
Trust Me [Bone Gnawer] (Ga.A.5.22)
This Gift can also be learned from appropriate spirits, not just Munchmausen Ratkin.

Wounding Lies [Shadow Lord] (Ga.A.5.23)

This Gift requires a Social Challenge, not a Static Social Challenge against the targets

Wyrm Taint [Shadow Lord] (Ga.A.5.24)

This Gift requires High Approval.

Yus Endurance [Glass Walker] (Ga.A.5.25)

The benefits of this Gift apply only during tests of endurance, not in combat.

RITES (Ga.A.6.00)
Level one and two rites from the Tribebooks equate to Basic level in the MET system.
Level three and four equate to Intermediate, and level five rites equate to Advanced.

Avenge the Innocent [Black Fury] (Ga.A.6.01)

This rite does not work on supernatural creatures (though semi-Awakened mortals can be
affected). The subject need not be present for the rite to take place.

Rite of Conquest [Get of Fenris] (Ga.A.6.02)

Experience Traits must be spent as normal for these Gifts, though no teacher is required.

Rite of Defiance [Red Talon] (Ga.A.6.03)

This rite is should not be performed commonly, typically only at a moot following an
unsuccessful battle.

Rite of Gaias Rebirth [Red Talon] (Ga.A.6.04)

To learn this rite requires Top Approval. To use this rite requires Top Approval. .

Rite of the Hurricane [Shadow Lord] (Ga.A.6.05)

To learn this rite requires High Approval. To use this rite requires High Approval.

Rite of Conquest [Shadow Lord] (Ga.A.6.06)

To learn this rite requires High Approval. To use this rite requires High Approval. The
approving High Storyteller moderates the rites application and its result.
Garou Appendix B:
Changing Breeds
This appendix describes alterations to Laws of the Wild Changing Breeds: 1, Laws of
the Wild Changing Breeds: 2, and Laws of the Wild Changing Breeds: 3, for use in
the Camarillas Sanctioned chronicle. A minimum of High Approval is required for
Garou venue characters to take anything from these books. Top Approval is required for
creatures outside the Garou venue to take anything from these books. Even special
approval Type characters require approval after creation if they decide to take anything
from these sources specifically marked here for High or Top Approval.

A shifter cannot take items specific to another shifter Type without Top Approval,
regardless of the fact that these items are all listed together in this chapter. Top Approval
is required for creatures outside the Garou venue to take anything from these books.


Corax, Nuwisha, and Ratkin require High Approval in the Garou venue. Ananasi, Bastet,
Gurahl, and Mokole require Top Approval in the Garou venue.

The changing breeds use all the same rules for forms as Garou in Laws of the Wild,
including tests to change forms (except where their rules note specific changes). The
difficulty to change forms is the same as the equivalent Garou forms in Laws of the
Wild. There are no rank-based advantages for Crinos form.

Shifters who are not Garou commonly have Rank and Renown systems quite different
from those of the werewolves. For these characters, the same level Storyteller that is
required to approve them as a Type will moderate increases in Rank.

Ananasi (Ga.B.1.01)
The Sanctioned chronicle makes use of the optional rule on page 46 of Laws of the Wild
Changing Breeds: 3 (the one regarding female Ananasi forms having a higher number of
Physical Traits than male Ananasi forms). Ananasi may initiate Social Challenges
normally in their various forms (beyond those involving just Intimidation.)

Bastet (Ga.B.1.02)
Bubasti start with one Rage Trait. Bagheera, Qualmi, and Swara start with two Rage
Traits. Ceilican and Pumonca start with three Rage Traits. Balam start with four Rage
Traits. Khan and Simba start with five Rage Traits.

Khan and Simba start with two Willpower Traits. Balam and Ceilican start with three
Willpower Traits. Bagheera, Pumonca, and Swara start with four Willpower Traits.
Bubasti and Qualmi start with five Willpower Traits.
All Bastet start with one more Trait of Gnosis than Garou of the same breed.

Corax (Ga.B.1.03)
All Corax start with six Gnosis Traits and three Willpower Traits (not four and two).

Gurahl (Ga.B.1.04)
The effect of spending Rage to gain extra Physical Traits or extra Health Levels lasts for
the remainder of the scene. Gurahl use the Rage Healing rules for all shifters as noted in
Garou (not the Remaining Active rule in Changing Breeds 2, page 53).

Mokole (Ga.B.1.05)
A Mokole receives a number or Archid Traits equal to his starting Gnosis plus any
Gnosis Traits purchased with Free Traits. Gnosis Traits purchased with Experience
Traits do not add Archid Traits.

Archid Traits with similar effects do not stack. (For example, extra damage from Long
Teeth is not added to extra damage from Poison Sacs.) Movement changes listed for the
Varna are for Suchid form only.

The Poison Sacs Archid Trait inflicts only one additional level of damage. If it is bought
more than once, it can be applied to different attack forms, but the damage bonus does
not increase.

Nuwisha (Ga.B.1.06)
Being a member of the Umbral Danse (successful completion of the rite) requires High

All Nuwisha start with four Willpower Traits (instead of three). Latrani start with five
Gnosis Traits (instead of three).


Den Realm (Ga.B.3.01)

This Background requires High Approval.

Fetish (Ga.B.3.02)
The Ball of Death, Mirror of Ti Malice, Mother Tongues, Soul Brush, and Helios' Mirror
require High Approval.

Fylfot (Ga.B.3.03)
All of these fetish items are unique and require Top Approval for the Ananasi to have at
character creation or to create later.

Secrets (Ga.B.3.04)
The approval level for Secrets is equal to that of the Storyteller who overseas the area the
secret covers. (If the secret is specific to another venue, a minimum of Mid Approval is
required.) For example, knowledge of the local vampire prince's dark secret would be
Mid Approval, while knowledge of a Justicar's haven would be Top Approval.

Totem (Ga.B.3.05)
A Nuwisha may have up to eight Traits in the Totem Background and can only gain
bonus Traits from one Totem. Note that Nuwisha do not get Totem spirits like Garou
packs, just bonus Traits from following a Totem. A Nuwisha gains only the benefits of
his current Totem. Those of past Totems are lost.

For the purposes of the Willpower Traits granted by Oghma, a story is one month. These
Willpower Traits are temporary and do not count during the resolution of challenges

The bonus health levels gained from Xochipilli are for the scene the Nuwisha is
attempting his outrageous stunt. The free retest (to soak) counts only in challenges
where the Nuwisha is not attempting to harm or otherwise affect his opponent.

The totem Ptah requires High Approval.

Trinkets (Ga.B.3.06)
Non-Fetish Trinkets use the rules for Wonders in Laws of Ascension, Laws of
Ascension Companion, and the Mage supplement to determine Trait value.


Rip Van Winkle, Step Sideways, and Umbra Affinity require High Approval.

Gold Tolerance (Ga.B.4.01)

This Corax Merit operates like Silver Tolerance following the rules in Chapter Two,
affecting gold rather than silver.

GIFTS (Ga.B.5.00)
Baring the Will, Dark Truths, Feed the Gods, Ghost Dance, and Spirit Touch are not used
in the Sanctioned Chronicle. If a Gift states that it uses the system from Laws of the
Wild, but the Gift referred to does not exist in that book, the Gift is not used in the
Sanctioned Chronicle.

Bastet require High Approval to swipe Gifts or learn mortal Sorcery Numinae.

Aversion Therapy [Advanced Kojubat Gurahl] (Ga.B.5.01)

To use this Gift, engage the target in a Willpower Challenge (not a Static Mental
Challenge against the target's Willpower).

Awe [Basic Eclipsed Sun Mokole] (Ga.B.5.02)

This gift is as the Homid Gift Staredown in Laws of the Wild.
Backbite [Intermediate General Ratkin] (Ga.B.5.03)
Each use of this Gift beyond the first in a scene requires the Ratkin to win a Mental
Challenge to actually surprise her opponent.

Backfire [Advanced Nuwisha] (Ga.B.5.04)

Powers that change that type of damage that would be inflicted by an attack instead
inflict unmodified damage on the Nuwisha while his attacker takes the damage the
Nuwisha should have taken. For example, Prowess causes an attacker's punch to do
lethal damage instead of bashing. Successful use of Backfire would result in the Nuwisha
taking a bashing wound while the attacker takes a lethal wound.

Battery [Intermediate Engineer Ratkin] (Ga.B.5.05)

The effects of this Gift last for ten minutes, after which another power source must be
jury-rigged (and more Gnosis spent) to give the recipient more juiced-up time.

Become Log [Basic Shrouded Sun Mokole] (Ga.B.5.06)

When a Mokole that is not a Shrouded Sun learns this Gift, it is learned at Advanced

Blur of the Weeping Eyes [Basic Plague Lord Ratkin] (Ga.B.5.07)

Using this Gift requires a successful Physical Challenge against the target.

Burning Blood [Advanced Hatar Ananasi] (Ga.B.5.08)

A character cannot suffer more than three level of damage per Turn from this blood
through contact and/or ingestion.

Calm the Flock [Advanced Decorated Sun Mokole] (Ga.B.5.09)

As the Homid Gift Part the Veil in Laws of the Wild.

Combat Healing [Intermediate Rising Sun Mokole] (Ga.B.5.10)

Once activated the Mokole does not need to test to heal damage during combat.

Command Attention [Basic General Bastet] (Ga.B.5.11)

No more then four Social Traits can be gained by use of this Gift.

Dance of Abandon [Intermediate Nuwisha] (Ga.B.5.12)

To use the Gift, the Nuwisha must succeed in a normal Social Challenge (not a Social
Challenge against his opponent's Willpower).

Dragonroar [Intermediate Khan Bastet] (Ga.B.5.13)

This Gift inflicts 2 aggravated wounds the first Turn and 1 on the second and third Turns.

Entropic Bite [Intermediate General Ananasi] (Ga.B.5.14)

Defenders without Gnosis Traits (or with more Willpower than Gnosis) may use their
Willpower Traits to resist the Gnosis Challenge.
Gaia's Breath [Advanced General Gurahl] (Ga.B.5.15)
Use of this Gift requires Top Approval.

Grasp the Beyond [Intermediate Shrouded Sun Mokole] (Ga.B.5.16)

When a Mokole that is not a Shrouded Sun learns this Gift, it is learned at Advanced

Happy Thoughts [Intermediate Nuwisha] (Ga.B.5.17)

Touching the target when activating this Gift requires a Physical Challenge.

Image of the Sky Bear [Advanced Kieh Gurahl] (Ga.B.5.18)

The seven actions to heal wounds allows the Gurahl to touch and heal one wound level
for no cost. This is a single action.

Judgment of Pestilence [Advanced Feline Bastet] (Ga.B.5.19)

Willpower is used to retest any of the Simple Tests of this Gift.

Lead-Line [Basic Kumoti Ananasi] (Ga.B.5.20)

The Ananasi must perform the Mental Challenge each hour to maintain the tracking line.

Nature of the Beast [Intermediate Kumoti Ananasi] (Ga.B.5.21)

The Ananasi must win a Social Challenge against the victim, rather than winning a
Simple Test. The victim may stave off the effects of this Gift for ten minutes by
expending a Willpower Trait.

Ojas Surge [Basic Bagheera Bastet] (Ga.B.5.22)

The Traits must be divided among the character's Attribute categories as evenly possible,
and last for the remainder of the scene.

Paws of the Raging Spirit Tiger [Intermediate Khan Bastet] (Ga.B.5.23)

This Gift only functions to allow Bastet in the Realm to strike into the Umbra.

Perfect Poison [Advanced General Ratkin] (Ga.B.5.24)

Characters affected make a Simple Test for each wound level inflicted. On a win, they
do not suffer that level of damage. Perfect Poison can only affect a character once per

Persecution Complex [Intermediate Warrior Ratkin] (Ga.B.5.25)

The subjects Trait penalty only applies to Physical Challenges when attacking the

Plague Bite [Advanced General Ratkin] (Ga.B.5.26)

Surviving the resulting plague makes the victim immune to further uses of this Gift.

Quell the Mob Rage [Intermediate Rishi Gurahl] (Ga.B.5.27)

To use this Gift requires a Static Social Challenge (not a Static Social Challenge against
the target's Willpower).

Razor Feathers [Basic Corax] (Ga.B.5.28)

This Gift may be used in Corvid or Rara Avis forms.

Razor Webs [Advanced Wyrsta Ananasi] (Ga.B.5.29)

Multiple contacts with the webs inflict a maximum of three levels of damage per Turn.

Song of Kokopelli [Basic Nuwisha] (Ga.B.5.30)

The effects of this Gift are negated if the subject is attacked.

Spines [Basic General Ananasi] (Ga.B.5.31)

Ignore the system presented in the book. This Gift functions as Gift of the Porcupine
from Laws of the Wild, including the clarifications noted in Chapter 3.

Spirit Healing [Intermediate Kieh Gurahl] (Ga.B.5.32)

This Gift replenishes Essence, not Power.

Sticky Fingers [Basic Homid Ratkin] (Ga.B.5.33)

Items dedicated with the Rite of Talisman Dedication cannot be stolen with this Gift.

Still Blood [Intermediate Hatar Ananasi] (Ga.B.5.34)

In a combat situation, the adrenaline rush reduces the duration of this Gifts paralysis to
one Turn per Blood Trait, rather than one scene per Blood Trait.

Strength of the Dominator [Intermediate Noonday Sun Mokole] (Ga.B.5.34)

When a Mokole that is not a Noonday Sun learns this Gift, it is learned at Advanced

Sweet Hunter's Smile [Basic Homid Bastet] (Ga.B.5.35)

This Gift cannot be reactivated until the Traits gained are lost.

Swollen Tongue [Basic Nuwisha] (Ga.B.5.36)

Touching the target when activating this Gift requires a Physical Challenge.

Thousand-Hands [Advanced Myrmidon Ananasi] (Ga.B.5.37)

Contrary to the text, the Ananasi may not perform follow-up challenges for any of her
multiple attacks gained through the use of this Gift.

Threaten [Basic Uzmati Gurahl] (Ga.B.5.38)

To use this Gift, engage the target in a Willpower Challenge (not a Static Social
Challenge against the target's Willpower).

Trickster's Skin [Advanced Nuwisha] (Ga.B.5.39)

This Gift requires a Mental Challenge against the target (not a Static Mental Challenge
against half the target's Mental Traits).

Vulture's Feast [Intermediate Corax] (Ga.B.5.40)

The Negative Trait caused by this Gift lasts only one month.

Waken [Intermediate Rishi Gurahl] (Ga.B.5.41)

To use this Gift, engage the target in a Static Willpower Challenge (not a Static Mental
Challenge against the target's Willpower).

Walking Between Worlds [Intermediate General Mokole] (Ga.B.5.42)

When a Mokole that is not a Decorated, Eclipsed, or Shrouded Sun learns this Gift, it is
learned at Intermediate level.

Withering Stare [Advanced General Bastet] (Ga.B.5.43)

When using this Gift, the Bastet spends a Rage Trait each Turn to inflict one aggravated
wound upon the subject.

RITES (Ga.B.6.00)
Rite of the Changing Moon, Rite of Conquest, Rite of the Fetish Egg, Rite of Memory
Theft, and Rite of Weaving require High Approval, both to learn and to use.

Battle Blessing, Fighting the Death Bear, Rite of Nine Lives, Rite of One, and Sing Back
the Dead require Top Approval, both to learn and to use.

Rite of Freed Spirit (Ga.B.6.01)

If this rite fails and the Gurahl becomes inhabited by the Bane, he becomes a non-player
character under the control of the High level Storyteller.
Garou Appendix C:
This appendix describes alterations to Hengeyokai, for use in the Camarillas Sanctioned
chronicle. A minimum of High Approval is required for Garou venue characters to take
anything from this book. Top Approval is required for creatures outside the Garou venue
to take anything from this book.

High Approval is required for Stargazers (Sunset People) in the Garou venue. Stargazers
that revere the Way of Emerald Virtue require Top Approval, as do all other shifter Types
from Hengeyokai.

Where there are discrepancies, hengeyokai forms use the standard Traits from their
equivalent Types in the Changing Breeds books. Any other applicable rules or
clarifications from Garou Appendix A: Changing Breeds also apply.

Kitsune (Ga.C.1.01)
An alteration has been made to the Gukutsushis Gift list (see Gifts, below).

Stargazers (Ga.C.1.02)
Stargazers previously approved in the Garou venue are now considered Sunset People
(with auspices from Laws of the Wild), unless they have received Top Approval for the
Way of Emerald Virtue.


Sempai (Ga.C.3.01)
Rules clarifications applied to the Mentor Background also apply to Sempai.

Totem (Ga.C.3.02)
Dog grants Alert x 3 only for the purpose of making perception-related challenges.


Auspicious Birth [2 Trait Merit] (Ga.C.4.01)

The automatic success can only be used for a Simple Test or Static Challenge.

GIFTS (Ga.C.5.00)
The following Gifts on the Gukutsushi Kitsune list are Intermediate: Distant Whispers,
Ebisu's Fingers, Moon-Fan-Face-Shadow, Shadow-Fan-Flowers, and Whelp Body.
The Kitsune Ju-Fu spells cost the same to learn as Gifts taught by spirits. The Gnosis
spent to ensorcel a kami is not recoverable until the kami is expended or destroyed.

References to Simple Gnosis Tests just mean Simple Tests.

Blaze Talons [Basic Hengeyokai Gift] (Ga.C.5.01)

The additional damage is not cumulative with additional damage from other fire-based
sources such as Kiss of Helios.

Blessings of Kali [Intermediate Nagah Gift] (Ga.C.5.02)

This Gift may be activated only once per scene. The armor levels may be bypassed only
by those that know of the sides vulnerability (Top Approval for non-Nagah).

Blind [Intermediate Roko Gift] (Ga.C.5.03)

This power requires a Social vs. Physical Challenge. An affected target may spend a
Willpower Trait to see through the blindness for a scene.

Blood Scent [Basic Same-Bito Gift] (Ga.C.5.04)

Each target must be challenged individually.

Bolt [Basic Eji Gift] (Ga.C.5.05)

Bolt inflicts only a single aggravated wound level. Whenever a character is stunned,
they lose only their next action. If they have more than one action coming in the turn,
they do not lose them all.

Breath of the Dragon Lords [Advanced Nagah Gift] (Ga.C.5.06)

The damage inflicted is no more than three levels, even if the Nagah has four or more
remaining Gnosis Traits.

Call of the Dead [Intermediate Eji Gift] (Ga.C.5.07)

Having lost the challenge, the victim may opt to spend Willpower Traits to reduce the
effects of this Gift. Each Willpower Trait so spent reduces the effect by one level (see
page 212), to a minimum of the effects first degree.

Clarity [Intermediate Stargazer Gift] (Ga.C.5.08)

Invisible creatures must be spotted with a successful Mental Challenge. They are not
seen automatically.

Crushing the Centipede [Basic Khan Gift] (Ga.C.5.09)

After this Gift halves damage, the remainder is rounded down. For example, when the
Khan would take half a level of damage, she instead takes none.

Dragon Ally [Advanced Eji Gift] (Ga.C.5.10)

No test is performed to summon the dragon (ignore the reference to a Simple Gnosis
Test). The damage that the dragon can inflict either attack does not increase as the size
increases. This Gift can be used only once per session.
Dream of a Thousand Cranes [Basic Hakken Gift] (Ga.C.5.11)
Only 1 retest is allowed before the Gifts effects are expended. Dream of a Thousand
Cranes may only be used once per session.

Fair Path [Basic Hakken Gift] (Ga.C.5.12)

The bonus Social Traits are only applicable in challenges involving appearance (i.e. when
the Hakken is visible and bidding an appearance-based Trait).

Fan-Shadow Robe [Basic Gukutsushi Gift] (Ga.C.5.13)

No challenge is required to initiate this Gift. Suspicious persons may attempt a Mental
Challenge to see through the illusion. The illusion dissolves if the Kitsune attacks or
makes a hostile challenge against another creature.

Forgetfulness [Intermediate Kojin Gift] (Ga.C.5.14)

Each use of this power affects only fifteen minutes of memories.

Flow of Aura [Basic Shinju Gift] (Ga.C.5.15)

The more detail-discerning use of this power does not allow the Kitsune to identify
specific persons.

Gaze of the Serpent [Intermediate Nagah Gift] (Ga.C.5.16)

The challenge required is a normal Mental Challenge, not a Static Mental Challenge
against the targets Willpower Traits.

Heavy Thunder Hammer [Advanced Khan Gift] (Ga.C.5.17)

The Khan makes a separate physical challenge against all secondary targets within the
area of effect (no participants bid Traits). Other Gifts may enhance the effectiveness of
the attack against the primary target, but not against any secondary targets.

Kidnap [Advanced Ju-Fu Gift] (Ga.C.5.18)

The Kitsune must win a Physical Challenge against his target in addition to all other tests
required for this paper magic.

Labyrinth [Basic Ju-Fu Gift] (Ga.C.5.19)

Creatures trapped in the Labyrinth may make a Mental Challenge against the Kitsune to
escape. The challenge may be attempted once per hour.

Lore [Basic Kataribe Gift] (Ga.C.5.20)

This Gift is not used in the Sanctioned Chronicle.

Moon Dance [Basic Kitsune Gift] (Ga.C.5.21)

Any hostile act or challenge breaks the effect of this Gift.

Past Whispers [Basic Shinju Gift] (Ga.C.5.22)

The whispers heard by the Kitsune are too distorted to allow her to identify specific

Paws of the Raging Tiger [Intermediate Khan Gift] (Ga.C.5.23)

The Khan may only use natural weaponry in combination with this Gift. Additional Gifts
may not enhance the effectiveness of her attacks.

Preternatural Awareness [Intermediate Stargazer Gift] (Ga.C.5.24)

Ignore the system of limiting an opponent to 2 hand signs. Instead, this Gift gives the
user a free retest on any combat challenge. Each such retest costs a Gnosis Trait.

Shadow Step [Basic Kumo Gift] (Ga.C.5.25)

This Gift functions automatically (the Kumo need not initiate challenges against those
present). Instead, those wishing to remain unaffected may challenge the Kumo.

Silence [Intermediate Kataribe Gift] (Ga.C.5.26)

The opposed Gnosis Challenge is replaced with an opposed Mental Challenge (not all
creatures have Gnosis).

Silver Sigil [Basic Ju-Fu Gift] (Ga.C.5.27)

Suspicious persons may attempt a Mental Challenge to see through the illusion.

Slicing Feathers [Basic Tengu Gift] (Ga.C.5.28)

Characters striking the Gift user with their natural weapons suffer one level of aggravated
damage. Ignore the phrase successful defense. The Tengu need not win the challenge
for damage to be inflicted this way.

Snake Bites Itself [Advanced Nezumi Gift] (Ga.C.5.29)

The challenge required is a normal Mental Challenge, not a Static Mental Challenge
against the targets Willpower Traits.

Song of Frenzy [Intermediate Eji Gift] (Ga.C.5.30)

The duration of the effect is ten minutes, not one turn.

Tsunami Form [Intermediate Same-Bito Gift] (Ga.C.5.31)

Successful combat attacks deal only one additional level of damage. This bonus is not
compatible with extra damage from other Gifts.

Wisdom of the Seer [Advanced Stargazer Gift] (Ga.C.5.32)

Because secrets are the foundation of intrigue in any live action game, powers that simply
pluck secrets from the air such as Wisdom of the Seer are prohibited or severely restricted
in the Camarillas games. High Approval is required for any use of this Gift.

Yoshitsunes Sword [Intermediate Tengu Gift] (Ga.C.5.33)

The recipient gains specialization in all swords in addition to the levels of Melee. The
Ability levels granted, combined with the recipients permanent Melee levels, cannot
exceed the Tengus number of permanent Gnosis Traits. If the recipients level of Melee
is equal to or higher than the Tengus Gnosis, one additional Ability Trait is gained.

RITES (Ga.C.6.00)
Rite of the Fetish Egg and Rite of Hell Made Flesh require High Approval both to learn,
and to use.
Garou Appendix D:
Laws of the Wyld West
This appendix describes alterations to Laws of the Wyld West, for use in the Camarillas
Sanctioned chronicle. A minimum of High Approval is required for Garou venue
characters to take anything from this book. Top Approval is required for creatures
outside the Garou venue to take anything from this book.


Do not use the rules for Nuwisha or Corax from Laws of the Wyld West.


Fetish (Ga.D.3.01)
The Spirit Axe and Warbow Fetishes have initial statistics based upon their size (check
the weapon statistics beginning on page 83 of Dark Epics).

The Turtle Necklace gives extra Traits that are applied only in challenges where the
character is defending (not when he is affecting his foe in return).

GIFTS (Ga.D.5.00)
Most of the old Gifts in Laws of the Wild West have fallen into disuse. Rarely will a
Garou have even heard of them, so discovering which spirits teach them is somewhat
difficult. Gifts that reference the Storm Umbra are nearly useless to the Garou in these
times. They can only be used in areas with extreme amounts of Wyld energy present,
such as in the heart of the Amazon rain forest, or in a few rare pocket realms that are
charged with Wyld energies.

If a Gift states that it uses the system from Laws of the Wild, but the Gift referred to
does not exist in that book, the Gift is not used in the Sanctioned chronicle.

Healing Breath of Mother Gaia [Advanced Black Fury] (Ga.D.5.01)

Because this Gift takes a day or two to implement, Wyrm creatures can easily avoid the
damage unless they are restrained or otherwise unable to move away from the Gift user.

Iron Fur [Basic Iron Rider] (Ga.D.5.02)

The extra Traits are applied in challenges only where the character is defending, not
when he is attacking his foe in return.

Kachina's Luck [Advanced Uktena] (Ga.D.5.03)

The doll created a number of Traits equal to half the Garou's permanent Gnosis (ignore
the Extended Challenge system presented). A character may only have one of these dolls
created at a time.
Mirage [Intermediate Fianna] (Ga.D.5.04)
This Gift may only add to the environment and not suppress or turn objects invisible.

Rattler's Bite [Intermediate Metis] (Ga.D.5.05)

This Gift only works on "alive", biological creatures that have a circulatory system.

Roar of Vengeance [Advanced Get of Fenris] (Ga.D.5.06)

A maximum of three levels of damage may be inflicted per use of this power.

Weave of Steal [Advanced Homid] (Ga.D.5.07)

Apparel can only grant its wearer four levels of armor, so the Gift user can give normal
clothing four bonus levels, or she can give chain mail armor two bonus levels. Multiple
uses of this Gift, or the stacking of clothing and armor cannot grant more than four levels.

RITES (Ga.D.6.00)
Rites of the Frontier and Rites of the Pure Ones are simply no longer useful (or even
heard of) in modern times. Even discovering which spirits teach them is somewhat

Rite of the Trodden Track (Ga.D.6.01)

Multiple uses of this rite are not cumulative.
Garou Appendix E:
Book of the Wyrm
This appendix describes alterations to Book of the Wyrm, for use in the Camarillas
Sanctioned chronicle. The contents of the book are intended for use as antagonists,
primarily in the Garou venue. Top Approval is required for any player character to take
anything from this book, or to be of any special Type from this book.


Rites of Accord that directly affect a target character require a normal Challenge against
the target, not a Static Challenge.

Bane Protector [Basic Black Spiral Dancer Gift] (Ga.E.5.01)

One Jaggling bane is summoned for every Social Trait spent by the Dancer after the
Static Social Challenge.

Brain Eating [Fomori Power] (Ga.E.5.02)

A game session is defined as one month for the purpose of this power. The brains must
be human or Garou.

Dagger of the Mind [Intermediate Black Spiral Dancer Gift] (Ga.E.5.03)

This Gift requires an opposed Social Challenge if the target is not also the user.

Hands from Beyond [Fomori Power] (Ga.E.5.04)

This power also requires a Physical Challenge to successfully grab an unwilling target.

Mind Blast [Fomori Power] (Ga.E.5.05)

An affected subject may spend a Willpower Trait to act normally for any given turn.

Poison Tumors [Fomori Power] (Ga.E.5.06)

A maximum of thee levels of damage can be accrued per turn for coming into contact
with the poison.

Sting [Heart Eater Power] (Ga.E.5.07)

Use of Sting requires that the target first be grappled, followed by a second Physical
Challenge to inject the venom.

Stomach Pumper [Fomori Power] (Ga.E.5.08)

The victims retching lasts for one turn.

Targeted Heave [Basic Buzzard Gift] (Ga.E.5.09)

The victims retching lasts for one turn.

Wyrm Hide [Basic Black Spiral Dancer Gift] (Ga.E.5.10)

This Gift can only be activated once per session.
RITES (Ga.E.6.00)
The following rites may be learned with no expenditure of Experience Traits: Rite of the
Goodbye Party, Rite of Unburdening the Soul, Rite of the Sixth Circle, and Springtime
Procreation Rite.

Winter Rite of the Wandering Soul (Ga.E.6.01)

This rite is more powerful than Gathering for the Departed. It will take precedence if
performed on the same night


Megadon Pharmaceuticals (Ga.E.7.01)

It requires High Approval for any player character to make use of Wyrm fetishes or
Megadon pharmaceuticals. Most Megadon pharmaceuticals must be stored under special
conditions or they will lose their potency, and the spirits in Wyrm fetishes rarely
cooperate with Garou and other non-Wyrm creatures.
Garou 6.0 - US Addenda

Garou 6.0 - US Addenda

Ga.1.0.03.US, Types

Non-Standard Metis deformities are High Approval.

Red Talons are Mid Approval in the US. Homid Red Talons and Male Lupus/Homid Black Furies are not
allowed in Sanctioned play in the US.

Characters whose background is reliant upon NPCs that would normally require higher levels of
Approval (example: a Garou raised by Bubasti) needs that level of approval for that background.

Ga.1.0.03.US, NPC Types

Unless otherwise noted in your Regional VSS, BSDs of Rank 4 or 5 (Athro/Elder) cannot be made
Venue Specific Antagonists; they require High Approval for use in a sanctioned Garou game. Rank 0-3
BSDs (Cub, Cliath, Fostern, Adren) require RST notification 2 weeks prior to their inclusion.

Ga.2.1.05.US, Glass Walker Tribal Advantage

Glass Walkers may purchase unlimited influence Retainers/Kinfolk.

Ga.2.2.00.US, Bete/Fera Languages

The ability to learn the unique languages used by the Bete/Fera is High Approval. Note that neither
Kheaur nor the Mokole tongues are capable of being spoken by any but Natives. These can still be
learned, but only to understand, not speak.

Ga.2.3.00.US, Character Creation and Tribal Adoption clarification

Characters may not take Pure Breed or tribal advantages from a tribe not their own.

For example, a PC starts out as a Silent Strider with the Pure Breed background and is adopted by the
Shadow Lords. The now "Lord" will lose the Pure Breed background and the Spirits will restrict access
to the benefits of the Striders - the new "Lord" gains access to resources and influences, while losing all
benefits of Pure Breed. However, they may still have the appearance of a hero(ine) of their old Tribe.
Purchasing the Pure Breed background for their new Tribe would require extremely unique
circumstances (High Approval).

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Garou 6.0 - US Addenda

Ga.2.3.02.US Fetishes

Non-Standard Talens are High Approval.

The loss of Gnosis due to carrying a Klaive only drains it from the bearer, not from the entire pack.

Ga.2.3.06.US, Rites

The Rites Background may only be purchased at Character Creation.

Ga.2.6.00.US, Rage Traits

A character may not spend more Rage Traits than half his permanent Base Homid Physical Traits in any
given turn (rounding down).

Ga.3.1.00.US, Learning Gifts

Out of Tribe Gifts: (minimum approval required)

Mid Approval is required to learn Basic Out of Tribe Gifts.
High Approval is required to learn Intermediate Out of Tribe Gifts.
Top Approval is required to learn Advanced Out of Tribe Gifts.

Out of Breed or Auspice Gifts: (minimum approval required)

Mid Approval is required to learn Intermediate Out of Breed/Auspice Gifts.
High Approval is required to learn Advanced Out of Breed/Auspice Gifts.

Ga.3.2.00.US, Gifts and Range

Due to inherent limitations in a Global LARP, gifts that do not list a maximum range will be limited as
follows: During the course of a game, a gift is limited to the confines of the game at which it is used.
During downtime, distance limitations of a gift are determined by the controlling STs of the PC/NPC
using the gift and the PC/NPC being targeted. Conflict over the usability of a gift at extreme range
should be worked out by the RSTs of the PCs/NPCs involved.

Ga.3.2.06.US, Malleable Spirit [Advanced Theurge]

Cannot be used to alter a Spirit that is bound into a Fetish without first removing the spirit from the

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Garou 6.0 - US Addenda

Ga.3.3.04.US, Rite of Accomplishment

It takes a minimum of 10 temporary renown for Rite of Accomplishment to be performed for a PC. The
Rite awards the PC one permanent Renown in the appropriate category and resets the Temporary
Renown in that category to zero, even if it exceeded 10 when the Rite was performed.

Errata, Ga.4.2.00.US, Health

Amend the line that reads: "At the beginning of each turn, they recover one level of damage" to read "At
the beginning of each turn, they recover one level of Bashing or Lethal damage."

Ga.4.4.00.US, Elder Challenges

High Notification is required when an Athro PC challenges for Elder. (Example: When a PC has accrued
sufficient renown they may challenge an Elder PC for the right to be called an Elder of the Nation. When
the Elder PC accepts the challenge the player of the Athro PC should notify their High Approval ST
informing them of the fact that the challenge has begun, as well as any further information that
Storyteller asks for.)

Ga.4.4.02.US, Ronin Garou

Ronin Garou are High Approval. Ronin Garou have no Tribal Advantage, but maintain the Tribal
Disadvantage of their former Tribe. They also have no benefit of the Pure Breed, Kinfolk, Mentor or
Ancestors backgrounds. Ronin Garou are usually referred to in a previous tense with the suffix -lurf
added to their name. It is not unusual for Gaian Garou to strip a Ronin of all Fetishes and Talens and
forbid them to gain new ones.

Ronin Garou are shunned by all non-Wyrm Spirits. They may not regain Gnosis willingly from Englings;
they are abandoned by Pack Totems (Ronin may NOT be in a Pack), Spirit Mentors and Spiritual
Companions; Rites no longer work as the Spirits refuse to co-operate, unless performed under the direct
supervision of a non-Ronin Garou of appropriate rank; Gifts become difficult if not impossible to learn
(All Tribal Gifts are considered Out of Tribe in regards to the strictures and cost to learn. All Breed and
Auspice gifts are Mid Approval to learn.).

Ronin Garou gain no Renown and cannot advance in Rank and must be reduced to Rank One/Cliath to be
adopted by a new Tribe. At such a point in time they gain their new Tribal Advantage and Disadvantage
(but still keep their old Tribal disadvantage as well) and access to their Gifts as In Tribe.

Casting a Garou out of their Tribe or adopting them into a new one requires High Approval.

A Tribeless Garou who is not Ronin is Top Approval and the strictures for such a situation will be dealt

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Garou 6.0 - US Addenda

with on a case-by-case basis.

Ga.4.4.03.US, Renown Charts

While the Renown chart found in Laws of the Wild: Revised is suitable for an average game, other
Renown charts (such as those found in Source material) may be used with ST discretion.

Ga.4.4.04.US, Kinfolk and Renown

Kinfolk can never gain more than 1 (one) temporary renown for any action in any given category. If and
when a Kinfolk has enough renown for Rite of Accomplishment the Rite can be performed at the regular
difficulty. Kinfolk cannot hold Rank in the Garou Nation. Kinfolk may never have more than 5 (five)
permanent Renown traits in any category.

Ga.4.5.01.US, Contacting Avatars, Celestials and Incarnae

In an effort to maintain a consistent continuity in the Chronicle as well as make the higher level spirits
more in line with the way they are describe in the WW source material, any attempt by a PC in the
Shifters Venue in the US to contact an Incarnae, Celestine, Triat or Gaia herself will need to coordinate
such actions with the ST of the appropriate level and authority.

Totem Avatars in the form of Pack Totems: Low Approval

Totem Avatars in the form of Caern Totems: Mid Approval
Incarnae/Celestial Avatars and unique spirits that are not Tribal Totems (Charyss, Phoenix,
etc): High Approval
Speaking directly to the Incarnae Themselves (or any other higher-level spirits): Top

Ga.4.5.02.US, Spirit Challenges

Gafflings can bid up to 2 times their Trait pool against an opponents Physical Traits in challenges.
Jagglings can bid up to 3 times their Trait Pool against an opponents Physical Traits in challenges.

When dealing with Cross Venue Antagonists, spirits do not use the chart when comparing power levels:
they always test.

Ga.4.5.07.US, Caern Clarification

The Creation and founding basis for a Sept is the Caern. Without it there is no true Sept. The Garou in
the area can refer to themselves as anything they want, but the Spirits do not recognize it as such. The

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Garou 6.0 - US Addenda

PCs can call themselves a Sept, organize the same way and work out the logistics, but the spirits do not
give renown, Permanent or Temporary for holding a Sept position. In the same vein, Caern Rites (Moot,
Opened Caern, Badger's Burrow, Opened Bridge, Shrouded Glen) cannot be performed without the
presence of a Caern.

Ga.4.5.08.US, Packless Garou

Packless Garou of Fostern (rank two) or higher rank are subject to the harshest mental trauma a Garou
faces: living life alone. The Garous very fiber of being rebels against such a life and their mind takes the
brunt of this life harshly. All Packless Garou of Fostern Rank or higher, who have been without a pack
for 3 months, gain the Temp Derangement: Paranoia, then starting with the next month must test for
Harano on each new moon, until such time as they have been accepted by a Pack. (Rules for Harano are
on page 214 of Laws of the Wild: Revised.) The Paranoia Derangement goes away naturally after the
Garou has been in a Pack for 30 days.

Ga.4.5.09.US, Kinfolk and other creatures in Packs

High Approval is required for any non-Garou (Mages, Fera, Changelings, Kinfolk, etc) to be a full
member of a Pack in any Garou (or sub-set thereof) venue. Undead creatures (Wraiths, Kindred,
Mummies, etc) are never allowed to be a full pack member.

Ga.4.5.10.US, Movement Clarifications

A Shifter is allowed to take their full form based movement prior to attacking in any given action; 3 steps
for Homid/Glabro, 4 for Crinos, 5 for Hispo and 6 for Lupus. Any Gift or other supernatural power that
increases a Shifters speed does not allow them to attack after they have moved past their base movement
unless the power specifically states such.

Gifts, Fetishes, or other Supernatural Powers that increase the movement rate of a Shifter do stack with
their form based movement rate. Gifts, Fetishes, or other Supernatural Powers do not stack with each
other, unless specifically noted.

Errata, Ga.4.6.08.US, Heart of the Spirit

Heart of the Spirit is High Approval fetish.

Ga.A.4.02.US, Ratkin Buddies [Bone Gnawer]

The Bone Gnawer Merit: Ratkin Buddies is Mid Approval.

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Garou 6.0 - US Addenda

Ga.A.5.26.US, Grandmother's Touch [Child of Gaia]

The Children of Gaia Gift: Grandmothers Touch is Intermediate, not Basic.

Ga.A.5.27.US, Lover's Touch [Child of Gaia]

This gift cannot be used to heal the Garou who is utilizing it.

Ga.A.7.00.US, Camps

For a Garou to change from any Tribal Camp that receives unique gifts to another or to be members of
more than one such camp at the same time requires High Approval.

Membership in any of the following camps requires High Approval: Man Eaters (Bone Gnawers),
Bringers of Eternal Peace (Children of Gaia), Loki's Smile (Get of Fenris), Cyberdogs (Glass Walkers),
Children of Bat (Shadow Lords), Eaters of the Dead (Silent Striders), Ivory Priesthood (Silver Fangs),
Bane Tenders (Uktena)

Ga.B.1.00.US, Shifting Breed Types

In the US, the following Bastet Breeds are lowered to High Approval: Pumonca, Qualmi.

There are some minor tweaks for the Top Approval Fera (Ananasi, etc). Please consult with the ANST
Shifters Office before employing such as NPCs or submitting an application.

Ga.C.1.02.US, Stargazers

In the US the Stargazers (Sunset People) maintain their Tribal advantage as follows:

Advantage: The Stargazer gains the free Mental trait of Calm that can exceed trait maximums, as well as
a free level of the Enigmas ability not to exceed ability maximums.

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The Camarilla's Rules Supplement for the Sanctioned Chronicle

Reprinted material is White Wolf Game Publishing, Inc. Terms and ideas trademarked
by White Wolf are used with permission, and any mention of said intellectual properties
should not be considered a challenge to their ownership.


Chapter One: Character Creation

Chapter Two: Traits

Chapter Three: Powers

Chapter Four: Systems

This supplement details rules for Mage venue games in the Camarilla's Sanctioned
Minds Eye Theatre chronicle. These rules are intended for use with Laws of Ascension,
Laws of Ascension Companion, and Dark Epics by White Wolf Publishing, and with
the Camarillas Prime Supplement.

These rules, when used for Sanctioned play, are to be applied without change, deviation,
alteration or addition by any member, save a countrys National Storyteller. This is to
enforce a homogenous set of rules throughout the organization, insuring that wherever a
member goes, they may play with a minimum of problems.

Storytellers are allowed and encouraged to use their judgment in the World of Darkness
to develop stories and enrich the flavor of the game. If a Storyteller judges that the flow
of the story would be enhanced by minor exceptions to the rules (on an individual basis
only), this creative license is allowed. It is strongly suggested that Storytellers stick to
the letter and intent of the rules in situations where one or more characters may die.
Storytellers found to be abusing this occasional liberty are subject to review and possible
disciplinary action. These licenses are not to be for such things as the approval of magic
items or the allowing of players to play rare character Types.

Chapter One: Character Creation (Ma.1.0.00)

Mage characters are created using Laws of Ascension and Laws of Ascension
Companion in conjunction with this supplement and with Prime.

Concepts (Ma.1.0.01)
There are slight paradigm differences between White Wolfs source material and what is
used for the Camarilla's Sanctioned chronicle. For example, the Avatar Storms in the
Sanctioned chronicle occurred in May 2001 rather than September 1999.

Players are encouraged to limit their character's age upon entering play to that of a
normal mortal lifespan. Concepts that include holding high positions in the various
Traditions, whether past or present, require High Approval. High Approval is also
required if the character is from another Realm. High Approval is required if the
character is, or used to be, a member of a Technocratic Convention.

Some Important Changes Made (Ma.1.0.02)

The Wonder Background is changed in the Supplement, due in part to the release of the Laws of
Ascension Companion. All wonders must be recreated under the Supplement's Wonder rules. (The
ability for wonders to have extra Grades of Success was limited for game balance.)

The rules on Sanctums were changed to reflect changes made in Revised material.

The Merits and Flaws from LotN:R that were used in previous editions are now removed in favor of the
Merits and Flaws found in LoA:C. Reallocation of Free Traits on Merits and Flaws to reflect this is
permitted, with Low Approval. Please note that in some cases, different Merits and Flaws from each
book have the same name, and to retain a Merit or Flaw that appears in LotN:R but not in the
Companion requires High Approval.

Existing characters must be approved by the appropriate level Storyteller(s) if something on the
character sheet now requires a higher level of approval than it did previously. Prior to this series, MC
12 allowed members to purchase 5 Traits of Arete at character creation. This was used to populate the
game with a few Masters right off, and encourage more players to join at the venues inception. To
keep the venue from becoming overpopulated with Masters, this option is no longer allowed. Any
characters that were created with 5 Traits of Arete must be registered with the High Approval
Storyteller before they can be played. Any PC that has gained six or more Arete Traits must be
registered with the High Approval Storyteller before they can be played. Characters are now all subject
to the same time interval requirements between successful seekings, regardless of a players
Membership Class.

Types (Ma.1.0.03)
Some mages require special approval to play. Top Approval is required for anything not
rated here.

Members of the Akashic Brotherhood, Celestial Chorus, Cult of Ecstasy, Dreamspeakers,

Euthanatos, Order of Hermes, Sons of Ether, Verbena, or Virtual Adepts, require only
Low Approval, as do Hollow Ones and Orphans.

Members of the Ahl-I-Batin, Sisters of Hippolyta, Taftani, Templars, or Wu Nung Crafts

require High Approval.

Members of the Wu Keng Craft require Top Approval.

Membership Benefits (Ma.1.0.04)
Players may not normally create characters with a starting Arete higher than two. Players
with a Member Class of 4 or higher may start with three Traits. MC 9 allows the
character four Traits of starting Arete, but this requires High Approval. These higher
Arete scores must be purchased as normal.

Chapter Two: Traits (Ma.2.0.00)

A mage has Trait maximums of ten (plus her Arete) for each Attribute category, five for
each Ability, and ten Willpower. The Beyond Human Limits and Archmage Spheres
optional rules are used in the Sanctioned chronicle.


The High Approval Storyteller can approve a character changing Traditions, moderating
the game effects of such a change on a case-by-case basis.

Some Tradition, Union, and Disparate Advantages give permanent Traits of some kind or
another. These Traits act as normal but can exceed the characters maximums.

Akashic Brotherhood (Ma.2.1.01)

Akashics do not need to have three levels of Brawl to possess the Do specialization. It
requires High Approval for any non-Akashic to learn the Do specialization of Brawl.

Virtual Adept (Ma.2.1.02)

Virtual Adepts do not gain extra time to solve puzzles if doing so will disrupt game play.
Instead, the Narrator should give them the extra clues.

Orphan (Ma.2.1.03)
Orphans have no Advantage or Disadvantage, but may select a specialty sphere during
the Assign Specialty Spheres step of character creation, as noted on page 76 of Laws of
Ascension. Once selected, the specialty may not be changed. Hollow Ones do not get a
specialty sphere.

ABILITIES (Ma.2.2.00)
High Approval is required for characters outside the Technocracy to have any of the
following Abilities: Biotech, Construct Politics, Energy Weapons, Helmsman, High
Ritual, Hypertech, Jetpack, Microgravity Operations, RD Data, and Subdimensions.

Note that Node and Resources can also be considered Chantry Backgrounds. Additional
Backgrounds can be found on page 53 of Dark Epics.
High Approval is required for the following Backgrounds: Backup, Requisitions, Secret
Weapons, and Spies.

Adversarial Backgrounds are not used in the Sanctioned Chronicle.

Blessing (Ma.2.3.01)
If this Background duplicates a custom Effect that would normally require approval, the
same level of approval is required. A blessing can only use one Sphere, and employs no
additional Grades of Success.

Destiny (Ma.2.3.02)
Rather then making a test at any point in a session to regain Willpower, a character must
expend a Destiny Trait at the same time he spends a Willpower Trait. If he succeeds in
the Simple Test for Destiny, he immediately regains that Willpower Trait.

Enhancement (Ma.2.3.03)
This Background has been altered for the Sanctioned chronicle. A players character may
gain Attribute Traits, mechanical devices, or biological modifications, but all
Enhancements suffer from the Cyborg disadvantage.

Library (Ma.2.3.04)
Each Trait of this Background shaves two weeks off of the characters learning time for
Spheres. No Sphere may be learned in less time than two weeks per level.

Mentor (Ma.2.3.05)
Due to the scarcity of Adepts and Masters, four Trait Mentors are Mid Approval while
five Trait Mentors are High Approval.

Node (Ma.2.3.06)
Due to their extreme value and rarity, two and three Trait Nodes require Mid Approval,
while four and five Trait Nodes require High Approval. Nodes provide Tass once every
two weeks, as detailed in Laws of Ascension.

Influence (Ma.2.3.07)
Because the Technocracy is the undisputed master of Influence among mortals, any mage
who acquires a large number (twenty or more) of Influences should be warned that they
risk drawing Technocratic attention.

A Word on Background Maximums (Ma.2.3.08)

While most Backgrounds levels are limited to a maximum of five, the total levels of Chantry/Construct,
Familiar/Companion, & Wonder are not. Players should make suggestions for these Backgrounds
regarding statistics and powers, but the Storyteller always holds the final decision on the specifics.
Wonder (Ma.2.3.09)
A wonder can have an Effect that uses multiple Spheres, but not more then five Sphere
levels. It can also have multiple Effects, as long as no specific Effect has more then five
Sphere levels. Effects created by a wonder are at the first Grade of Success. (Effects
may make use of one additional Grade of Success, but only to increase duration.) Thus, a
wonder that duplicates Trick Shot is allowed, as that only requires four Sphere levels, but
one that duplicates Void Strike is not, since that requires six Sphere levels.

Talismans will absorb all Paradox generated for using one to create a Vulgar Effect. If a
Talisman absorbs Paradox equal to it's Trait value in a twenty-four hour period, it is
rendered inoperative for twenty-four hours thereafter. Failing to create an Effect with a
Talisman renders it inoperative for an hour or scene.

A talisman can only have more than one Trait of Arete with High Approval. (Each
additional Arete Trait requires four more Wonder Traits). When using any Effect
generated by a talisman, the mage uses the Arete of the talisman to create the Effect,
ignoring modifiers for Resonance and any Effects the mage is maintaining, while
reducing the difficulty by two Traits for using a Unique Focus. Talismans can benefit
from the Spending Extra Time rule.


Note that the rules in Prime for Merits and Flaws override those on page 54 of the Laws
of Ascension Companion where they conflict. Thus, a character can gain a maximum of
seven Free Traits from Flaws, and any Merit with a Trait value of eight or greater
defaults to Top Approval.

Physical Enhancement, Resistant Pattern, Sleepwalker, and Twin Souls require Mid

Dual Traditions, Fae Blood, Ghoul, Shapechanger Kin, and Stormwarden require High

Shattered Avatar requires Top Approval. Bigot, Construct, Inner Knight, and
Technobabbler require Top Approval for non-Technocrat player characters.

Non-Technocratic player characters may not take Demented Eidolon, Fifth Degree, or

Sphere Inept (Ma.2.4.01)

This Flaw is only worth one Trait in the Sanctioned chronicle, unless it is taken with the
mages specialty Sphere.

ARETE (Ma.2.5.00)
The Extended Challenge rules in Prime are not used for Arete Tests.
In addition to spending Experience Traits and succeeding in a Seeking to raise a
characters Arete, there is a minimum amount of time required to have passed since the
character's last successful Seeking (or since its creation). This minimum time is a
number of months equal to two plus the characters current Arete. Thus, someone with an
Arete of three must wait at least five months before attempting to undergo a new Seeking
to raise his Arete to four.

Characters with Arete ratings of five, six, seven, and eight require High Approval for a
successful Seeking. Characters with Arete nine require Top Approval for a successful

Chapter Three: Powers (Ma.3.0.00)

Gaining Spheres and Rotes (Ma.3.1.01)
Characters training with a member of their Tradition (or using the Mentor Background)
learn Spheres at the rate of two weeks per level. It takes one month per Sphere level to
learn a Sphere from another type of teacher. Add another month to the learning time if
you dont have a teacher at all. Learning time for your specialty Sphere is halved. All
learning times for Archmaster-rank Spheres are doubled. These latter two factors cancel
out if you are learning an Archmaster-rank Sphere in your Specialty. The Library
Background can help improve learning times.

A mage must have a higher level of the Sphere than the level they are teaching, with
these two exceptions: A Master of a Sphere may teach up to Master level in that Sphere,
and an Archmage of a Sphere may teach up to Archmage levels in that Sphere.

The cost of Rotes is changed to one Experience Trait for every five Sphere levels
involved in the Rote (or fraction of thereof). Thus, Trick Shot would require one
Experience Trait, while Void Strike would require two.

Upon learning each level of a Sphere, a character automatically learns one Rote of the
appropriate level for that Sphere. A Rote requiring additional Spheres may be selected if
the mage also meets the other Sphere requirements.

Custom Rotes (Ma.3.1.02)

Custom rotes require Mid Approval, unless they cause a Restricted Effect (see below). If
a character with custom Rotes is played in another Storytellers game, that Storyteller (or
the Narrator) is at liberty to disapprove or alter the system for any new Rote.

USING MAGIC (Ma.3.2.00)

High Approval is required for any Effect that attempts to bring a dead character back to
life. Returning from the dead is one of the most Paradox-ridden actions a Mage could
attempt to perform, and it rarely works in the post-Storms Tellurian.
High Approval is required for any Effect that fundamentally changes the nature of a
supernatural creature for longer then a turn. Few mages possess the power and
knowledge necessary to rid a vampire of the Curse, return a ghost to life, rob a shifter of
the blessing of Gaia.

High Approval is required for any Effect that interacts with an Avatar. This includes
forcing a Sleeper to Awaken, destroying an Avatar through Gilgul, interrogation of an
Avatar, or any attempt to negate a mage's ability to use magic.

High Approval is required for any Effect whose area extends outside the area of the
current scene. For an example, Ball of Abyssal Flame should not normally be allowed to
damage everything within half a mile of the casting. This rule is not intended to keep
Correspondence Effects from functioning. This rules is intended to keep the effects of a
game contained within the game (and under the authority umbrella of the Storyteller
running the game). It is extremely difficult to moderate effects that cross the boundaries
of other games, venues, regions, etc. and mages have a higher than average ability to
create such effects.

High Approval is required for any Effect that will change the history of the chronicle
beyond that of the current scene. The events of the past made the present. It is possible
to see the past and even change the immediate past, but those who tamper with long
settled history will fail and fall to Paradox.

High Approval is required for any finite duration Effect that becomes permanent or lasts
longer than 6 months due to Grades of Success applied for duration. For an example, see
the Adept and Master levels of the Prime Sphere. Any Effect that results in the creation
of permanent magic must be cast via Superhuman Ritual.

Any effect that would create a Shallowing must be undertaken at the strongest of Nodes.
It takes a Node with a minimum rating of four for any attempt to create a Shallowing to
work. Otherwise, Shallowings are High Approval.

Spending Extra Time (Ma.3.2.01)

The advantage of Spending Extra Time when creating an Effect is one Bonus Trait on
your Arete Test as detailed on page 136 (ignore the contradicting one Trait reduction
indicated by the chart).

Inflicting Damage with Spheres (Ma.3.2.02)

It requires at least Adept level to directly harm a living creature with Entropy. All
damage caused solely by use of the Mind Sphere is automatically bashing. The
Telekinesis Effect found on page 151 does a base of two levels of damage (not three).

Healing Damage with Spheres (Ma.3.2.03)

The Life Sphere can be used to heal aggravated damage. Such Effects are always vulgar,
except in the caster's Sanctum (where they are coincidental for the caster). Healing
aggravated damage with magic requires the expenditure of one Trait of Quintessence per
level healed, to be spent by the caster, the target, or a combination of both.

Mages do not need to spend Quintessence to heal aggravated wounds in the normal way,
at the normal rate. (See Prime for rules on normal healing.)

Magical healing of Paradox damage is automatically Vulgar if done within twenty-four

hours of the backlash.

Using Quintessence (Ma.3.2.04)

The lowest possible difficulty for an Effect is one. This is true even if there are other
modifiers that would theoretically reduce the difficulty of the Effect below this minimum
if you stacked them on after spending Quintessence.

Arete and Foci (Ma.3.2.05)

A mage may discard the use of a focus for one Sphere at Arete six, as stated on page 117
of Laws of Ascension. (Ignore the contradictory statements on page 178.)

Chapter Four: Systems (Ma.4.0.00)

Rules and clarifications for using magic can be found above in Chapter Three: Powers.

MET Optional Rules used in the Sanctioned Chronicle (Ma.4.0.01)

The following Optional Rules are used in the Sanctioned chronicle: Acting in Concert, Archmage Spheres,
Beyond Human Limits, Conjunctional Effects, Dynamic Magic, Extended Grades of Duration, Fast-
Casting, Merits and Flaws, Negative Reputation, Optional Casting Modifiers, Overbidding for Success,
Power Source Separation, Reputation Maximums, Rituals and Extended Magic, Slow Reputation Build, and
Using Willpower.

The Contested Effect Optional Rule is used, except where the published text of a power specifically says a
follow-up challenge is not required, such as with Slay Machine.

The Extended Grades of Duration Optional Rule is used, with the addition of "one week" and "one month"
to the chart found on page 119 of Laws of Ascension Companion. These do not require an additional
Grade of Success to be used.

The Superhuman Ritual Optional Rule is used, but each application requires High Approval.

The following Optional Rules are not used in the Sanctioned Chronicle: Half-Dead, Final Retribution,
Grades of Power, Mixed Paradigm Flaws, Reputation Erosion, Stacking Backgrounds, and Staggered

The following Optional Rules may be used for an Orphan with Low Approval: Avatar Filter and Do-It-
Yourself Paradigm.

The following optional rules may be used in a game with Low Approval: Animal Form Knowledge,
Consensus Coincidence, Paradox Flaws, and Paradox Realms. Any use of these rules must be noted in the
Venue Style Sheet.
The following optional rules are superseded (in part or in full) by rules in Prime: Combat Mobility, Limited
Mobs, Merits and Flaws, and No Instant Kill.

Avatar Storm Damage (Ma.4.0.02)

To clarify pages 165 and 220, crossing the Gauntlet inflicts one level of aggravated
damage on the mage for every two of his Arete Traits (rounded up). In addition, the
mage is one Trait down on all challenges for the next ten minutes.

Digital Web (Ma.4.0.03)

The Digital Web follows all the mechanics for an Umbral Realm, though the flavor text
differs. This may change with the future release of the Revised Traditionbook: Virtual
Adepts. As such, virtually entering the Web via Mind is the same as Astrally Projecting
to another Realm, but holistically entering the Web via Spirit, Life, or Correspondence
subjects the mage to the fury of the Avatar Storm.

Testing Mechanics (Ma.4.0.04)

Any Background or Effect that would cause the addition of "The Bomb", or "Win All
Ties", or other such Rock / Paper / Scissors modifications from other Sanctioned source
material requires High Approval.

Ascension (Ma.4.0.05)
Achieving Ascension, becoming an Ascended being, or any interaction with Ascended
beings requires Top Approval.
Mage Appendix A:
Tradition Books
This appendix describes alterations to Revised Traditionbook: Akashic Brotherhood,
Revised Traditionbook: Celestial Chorus, Revised Traditionbook: Cult of Ecstasy,
Revised Traditionbook: Dreamspeakers, Revised Traditionbook: Euthanatos, and
Revised Traditionbook: Hollow Ones, for use in the Camarillas Sanctioned chronicle.
This appendix will be updated as future Traditionbooks are released. It requires High
Approval to take something from a Traditionbook if the character is not a mage of that
Tradition. Top Approval is required for creatures outside the Mage venue to take
anything from these books.


Do [Akashic Brotherhood] (Ma.A.1.01)

This is a separate Ability from Brawl. The Tradition Advantage applies in that a
character must possess the Brawl Ability with a specialization in Do before one can
learn the Do Ability. All Do rules found on pages 64 and 65 of Tradition Book Akashic
Brotherhood are used in the Sanctioned chronicle, except the Dragon Rules system, and
the Butterfly's Palm Maneuver.


Totem (Ma.A.2.01)
Mages that wish a personal Totem are to use the rules found in Ga.2.3.07, this requires
High Approval.


Deathwalker, Ecumenist, Judge's Wisdom, and Techgnosi (the six Trait version) each
require High Approval.
Mage 6.0 - US Addenda

Mage 6.0 - US Addenda

Ma.2.3.09, Artifacts and Invoked Powers

An Artifact with an invoked power requires a standard Arete test to activate the power, as if the mage
were themselves performing the rote.

Ma.3.2.00.US, Effects and Backgrounds

Any custom Effect or Background that would duplicate the properties of an item (Merit, Effect, Flaw,
Background, etc.) requires, at a minimum, the same approval as the item being duplicated.

Ma.3.2.06.US, Using Magic and Willpower

Only one Willpower may be spent per effect.

Ma.3.2.07.US, Paradox Backlash

Due to the actions of the Technocracy in the United States, the weight of the Consensus is stronger here
and therefore violations of the Consensus often incurs a heavy price. Because of this, the Paradox
damage levels found in Laws of Ascension, pg 173, are not used. Instead, the following system is used to
determine Paradox damage levels:

Backlash of one to ten Paradox Traits: Divide Traits by two, rounding up. Take that much Bashing
damage. This damage may only take the mage to Mortally Wounded, ignore any additional damage.

Backlash of eleven to twenty Paradox Traits: Divide Traits by three, rounding up. Take that much Lethal
damage. This damage may only take the mage to Mortally Wounded, ignore any additional damage.

Backlash of twenty-one or more Paradox Traits: Divide Traits by four, rounding up Take that much
Aggravated damage. This damage *may* take the mage past Mortally Wounded into dead. In this case,
no "killing blow" need be declared, as the damage results from the mage's own actions.

Primium (Ma.4.0.06)

High Approval is required before any item made of Primium is allowed to enter sanctioned play.
Primium items are Artifact Wonders, with a Trait value assigned by the approving storyteller. Primium
Armor has a Trait Value equal to its health levels of protection.

http://www.jyhad.net/usnst/Archives/Addenda6.0/mage_6.htm (1 of 2) [8/23/2003 10:18:59 PM]

Mage 6.0 - US Addenda

Ma.4.1.00.US, Venue Antagonists

Nephandi, Marauder, and Technocrats are venue specific antagonists in the US Mage venues.

http://www.jyhad.net/usnst/Archives/Addenda6.0/mage_6.htm (2 of 2) [8/23/2003 10:18:59 PM]

The Camarilla's Rules Supplement for the Sanctioned Chronicle

Reprinted material is White Wolf Game Publishing, Inc. Terms and ideas trademarked
by White Wolf are used with permission, and any mention of said intellectual properties
should not be considered a challenge to their ownership.


Chapter One: Character Creation

Chapter Two: Traits

Chapter Three: Powers

Chapter Four: Systems

This supplement details rules for Mortal venue games in the Camarilla's Sanctioned
Minds Eye Theatre chronicle. It is also used to create mortal characters that are based in
one of the other venues. These rules are intended for use with Laws of the Hunt:
Revised and Dark Epics by White Wolf Publishing, and with the Camarillas Prime

These rules, when used for Sanctioned play, are to be applied without change, deviation,
alteration or addition by any member, save a countrys National Storyteller. This is to
enforce a homogenous set of rules throughout the organization, insuring that wherever a
member goes, they may play with a minimum of problems.

Storytellers are allowed and encouraged to use their judgment in the World of Darkness
to develop stories and enrich the flavor of the game. If a Storyteller judges that the flow
of the story would be enhanced by minor exceptions to the rules (on an individual basis
only), this creative license is allowed. It is strongly suggested that Storytellers stick to
the letter and intent of the rules in situations where one or more characters may die.
Storytellers found to be abusing this occasional liberty are subject to review and possible
disciplinary action. These licenses are not to be for such things as the approval of magic
items or the allowing of players to play rare character Types.

Chapter One: Character Creation (Mo.1.0.00)

Mortal characters are created using Laws of the Hunt in conjunction with this
supplement and with Prime. While mortal characters are (for the most part) created
independently of the assorted venue supplements, they must be assigned to a particular
venue, whether that is the Mortal venue, or another. Reference to other venue
sourcebooks and supplements may be required to create characters of certain Types.

Some Important Changes Made (Mo.1.0.02)

Many previously existing Numina, Backgrounds, Merits, and Flaws are altered or not present in the
Revised material. If something that a character possessed is no longer available, it is removed from the
character sheet and the Traits spent on it are refunded. In almost every case, mortal character sheets
will simply need to be reconstructed from the ground up, using the new rules. Your Storyteller will
help you to make sure the new character sheet should resemble the old one as closely as possible.
Sorcerer character sheets will be especially altered, as their powers are now quite different.

Some Merits that were previously exempted from counting against a characters seven-Trait maximum
are no longer exempt.

If an item on a character sheet (including the characters Type) has increased in approval level,
approval must be applied for as though it were a new character. It is the players responsibility to
submit the character for standard approval within one month of the release of this document.

Kinfolk require High Approval to keep Gifts that are not from their breed or Tribe list.

Ghouls that were previously approved to be of an Approval clan (per the guidelines of the Vampire
supplement) can consider that approval to mean Approval to learn that clans special approval
Disciplines (unless the Approval specifically stated otherwise).

The Humanity rules found in Laws of the Hunt:Revised are not used. The Morality rules from Vampire
are used, instead.

Types (Mo.1.0.03)
A characters Numina and/or venue subtype Merits determine its Type. In the Mortals
venue, Dauntain, Mediums, Psychics, Sorcerers, and Theurgists require only Low
Approval, as do the venue subtypes (Kinain, Kinfolk, Ghouls, and Revenants). This is
providing that the game they are being played in is of the appropriate Setting (see
Chapter Four for information on Mortal venue Settings).

Playing one of the above in another venue requires the standard High Approval for cross-
venue Types. Sorcerers in the Mage venue are an exception, requiring only Low
Approval for that venue. In addition, the venue subtypes have certain exceptions in their
parent venue (see Merits and Flaws in Chapter Two).

Mortal characters without Numina or venue-subtype Merits (normal humans) require

only Low Approval in any venue.

Chapter Two: Traits (Mo.2.0.00)

Regardless of age, mortal and partially Awakened mortal characters have the following
maximums: Ten Traits in each Attribute category, ten Willpower Traits, and five Traits in
any given Ability.
Only mortals in the Mortal venue choose an association. (See The Mortals Venue in
Chapter Four).

Government Agencies (Mo.2.1.01)

Members of Government Agencies have a different Advantage than the one listed in
Laws of the Hunt. Each of their Retainers dedicated to increasing their Influence
maximum increases it by three levels, rather than just one.

ABILITIES (Mo.2.2.00)
Mortals begin play with five starting Abilities, not three.

Alchemy and Herbalism (used with the Alchemy path of sorcery) both fall under the
Hobby/Professional/Expert Ability in Laws of the Hunt.

Ignore the occasional reference to Arcane and Library, Backgrounds that are not actually
available in the Revised Laws of the Hunt. Additional Backgrounds can be found on
page 53 of Dark Epics.

Mentor (Mo.2.3.01)
In addition to the standard use for this Background, Mentor non-player characters may
teach psychic phenomenon to psychics or Theurgy to Theurgists. A character may not
learn more Numina powers from her Mentor than her level in this Background, so the
characters Experience Trait log should reflect which powers have been learned this way.


Characters may not have more than one venue subtype Merit (Kinain, Kinfolk, Ghoul,
or Revenant) without High Approval. Further rules regarding these Merits are listed
under Type (above) and Metamorphosis (below).

Clear Sighted (Mo.2.4.01)

This Merit requires Mid Approval. Use the power comparison chart on page 94 of Dark
Epics, comparing the Clear Sighted Merit as an Intermediate Sphere.

Faerie Blood (Mo.2.4.02)

The cost of learning a Basic level Art is changed to four Experience Traits. A kinain may
purchase up to two levels of any given Realm at the cost of three Experience Traits per
level. You do not take a Merit or Flaw from The Shining Host; instead you are allowed
to take Fae Gifts and Fae Marks from The Shining Host Players Guide. Treat these as a
separate set of Merits and Flaws that does not count toward your normal maximums.
Your number of Traits in Fae Gifts and Fae Marks are each limited to being no more than
the level you have taken in this Merit.
Ghoul (Mo.2.4.03)
If a mortal characters home venue is Camarilla or Sabbat, this Merit requires only Low
Approval and can be taken at no cost. Players in the Mortals venue who want this Merit
for their characters should work with the Storyteller to come up with a suitable domitor,
typically a non-player character.

Ghouls have safe, usable access to six of their ten Blood Traits, and suffer a level of
damage for each Blood Trait they lose (or use) beyond that. Ghouls may only spend one
Blood Trait per turn, to increase Physical Traits, power Disciplines, or heal wounds as
vampires do.

Ghouls begin play with only one Discipline, the first power of Celerity, Fortitude, or
Potence (usually whichever the domitor has in-clan, but not necessarily). All Disciplines
are considered out-of-clan for ghouls, thus teachers must be acquired, and out-of-clan
Experience Trait costs must be paid (see Chapter Three of the Vampire Supplement for
adjusted out-of-clan Discipline costs). Additional levels of the ghouls initial physical
Discipline can be bought without a teacher (but the other restrictions still apply). Ghouls
whose domitors have in-clan access to special approval Disciplines do not find those
powers any easier to learn (Approval must still be acquired, as with all out-of-clan

In the Camarilla and Sabbat venues, a ghouls current domitor limits the level of
Disciplines that she may learn (and use). Normally ghouls may not learn higher than
Basic level powers, but ghouls of a domitor that is tenth generation or better may learn
and make use of Intermediate Disciplines. Ghouls of a domitor that is eighth generation
or better may learn and make use of Advanced Disciplines.

To balance this Merit with the other venue subtype Merits, ghouls who are also Dauntain,
Mediums, Psychics, Sorcerers, or Theurgists may not have additional Disciplines. This
restriction does not apply to characters outside the Mortal venue or to those with High
Approval for permanent cross-venue play.

Kinfolk (Mo.2.4.04)
If a mortal characters home venue is Garou, this Merit requires only Low Approval and
can be taken at no cost. If a character also takes the Merit Gnosis, Kinfolk does not count
against the characters maximum number of Merit Traits.

The cost of learning a Basic Gift is changed to four Experience Traits, but the kinfolk
may only purchase Gifts from her breed and Tribe lists. If the character does not select a
Tribe (see Laws of the Wild page 70), she may only purchase breed Gifts.

Kinain (Mo.2.4.05)
Kinain in the Changeling venue dont require a Merit to be kinain. They use the
character creation rules beginning on page 138 of The Shining Host Players Guide.
Kinain in the Changeling venue require only Low Approval.
Kinain in the Mortals venue (or another venue) choose a Heritage from The Shining
Host Players Guide (page 142), but otherwise do not use the character creation rules
from that book. If a character in the Mortal venue also takes the Merit Faerie Blood, one
of these Merits (the lowest level one) does not count against the characters maximum
number of Merit Traits.

Medium (Mo.2.4.06)
Possession of this Merit is required for all Medium Types (Benandanti, Boardwalk
Mediums, Dannati, Orphic Circle, PRW, Shamans, and Specter Cultists), though simply
possessing it does not require the characters type to be Medium.

Magical Item (Mo.2.4.07)

This Merit is only available to characters in a home venue whose regular members have
access to such item Backgrounds as Artifact, Fetish, or Treasure. The item in question
must conform to the rules for the Background appropriate to the characters home venue,
with its level being no higher than the level of this Merit.

Potent Blood (Mo.2.4.08)

The characters blood is so powerful that nearby vampires can smell it when they come
within ten feet of him. (Double this distance if the character is bleeding, or if the vampire
has a heightened sense of smell.) Because the blood can be smelled, hungry vampires
may have to check their Self Control to avoid attempting to feed on a character with
Potent Blood, and a vampire already in a feeding frenzy will most certainly choose a
mortal possessing this Flaw as her first victim.

Revenant [New 7 Trait Merit] (Mo.2.4.09)

If a mortal characters home venue is Sabbat, this Merit requires Mid Approval and can
be taken at no cost.

Revenants use the standard mortal character creation rules for their Traits, with additional
rules taken from Laws of the Night Sabbat Guide (page 168). Revenants who have a
Path of Enlightenment use the rules for them presented in Laws of the Night and the
Vampire Supplement (including approval requirements based upon venue). Revenants
may buy age with Mid Approval, but not more than four Traits. They do not
automatically get bonus Path Traits based on age.

Revenants use blood exactly as ghouls, except they may safely spend (or lose) all of their
Blood Traits without losing health levels or falling to Mortally Wounded.

To balance this Merit with the other venue subtype Merits, revenants who are also
Dauntain, Mediums, Psychics, Sorcerers, or Theurgists may not have additional
Disciplines, regardless of age. This restriction does not apply to characters outside the
Mortal venue or to those with High Approval for permanent cross-venue play.
Symbol Independence (Mo.2.4.10)
This Merit does not count against your maximum number of Merits.

True Faith (Mo.2.4.11)

Additional rules for this Merit are found at the end of Chapter Three.

HUMANITY (Mo.2.5.00)

The rules for Humanity Traits from Laws of the Hunt are not used. Instead, all Mortal
characters (regardless of Venue) use the Virtue and Morality rules from Laws of the
Night Revised. However, Mortal characters start off with ten points of Virtues, which are
assigned during character creation in exactly the same way as they are for vampires. All
Virtue and Morality rules from Vampire apply to Mortal characters, as well. Storyteller
discretion should be used to determine when a Virtue Test is required, and at what
difficulties. A Mortal that loses his last Morality Trait does not enter Wassail. Instead, he
automatically regains the Morality Trait at no cost, but is inflicted with a permanent,
incurable Derangement of the Storytellers choice. It requires Top Approval for any
Mortal character to be on a Morality (and use the alternate Virtues) other than Humanity,
with the exception of Revenants. Revenants may be on the Paths of Cathari, Death and
the Soul, Honorable Accord, Lilith, or Power and the Inner Voice with Low Approval.
Revenants may choose either the Path of Evil Revelations or Humanity with High
Approval. Any Path not listed would require Top Approval.

Chapter Three: Powers (Mo.3.0.00)

Mortals may buy Numina with Experience Traits at character creation (the text on page
140 implies otherwise). They may not take multiple types of Numina, with the exception
of True Faith). Multiple paths within the same type are acceptable, though certain
Numina types have additional restrictions.

Numina that add Attribute Traits are not cumulative, so Physical Traits gained from an
Alchemy potion would not add to those gained from an Enchantment talisman; only the
highest bonus will apply.

Numina that allow for the recovery of Willpower do not allow a character to recover
more than two Traits per session.


Psychics must choose a primary path of psychic phenomenon (making all other paths
secondary). The psychic may develop the entirety of her primary path without
assistance, but learning additional paths is both costly and difficult.

To learn a secondary psychic power, the psychic must seek out another who has the
desired power and is willing to teach it to her, or have a generous and widely versatile
mentor. She must also pay higher Experience Trait costs for any secondary path powers
(four for Basic, eight for Intermediate, twelve for Advanced). A psychic can rarely
develop more than a single path of psychic phenomenon, and she may never be as skilled
in a secondary path as she is in her primary path. Thus a psychic cannot study additional
paths (Basic levels) until her primary path reaches Intermediate level, and she cannot take
Intermediate levels in any secondary path unless her primary path has reached Advanced.
It requires High Approval for a mortal to learn powers from more than two secondary

When a psychic phenomenon does not specifically list the difficulty for the Static
Challenge (or does not provide an alternate system of testing), use the following
guideline: three Traits for Basic powers, six Traits for Intermediate, and nine Traits for

Anti-Psychic (Mo.3.1.01)
Buying any level of this path requires Mid Approval.

Astral Projection (Mo.3.1.02)

The projecting psychic can only use her other psychic phenomenon to affect the physical
plane while she is manifested. Powers that rely upon (or exude from) your physical body
cannot be used, nor can powers above Basic level.

Clairvoyance (Mo.3.1.03)
Despite the effects of an identically named power from another venue, the Revised
version of this psychic phenomenon does not locate objects or people. It functions only
on locations.

Very familiar typically applies only to the clairvoyants home, a place (about the size
of a building) that she has lived at almost exclusively for six months or more. Such
places may be tuned in upon with relative ease. What the psychic perceives is limited
only by the Clairvoyance power she is using.

Known places are those that the clairvoyant frequents, and has spent a lot of time
studying in person. Only Basic level psychic phenomenon may be used in conjunction
with this power (provided the psychic has sufficient levels of Clairvoyance to do so). A
character may only Refocus once from her original point of reference (as described on
page 168). Such locations are treated as being unfamiliar.

Unfamiliar locations are those that the clairvoyant has only been to once, or has only
been able to study from a distance (perhaps through a telescope). Such locations may not
be viewed in anything better than a haze. Sounds are slightly muffled, scents are difficult
to discern, and vision is too blurry to read any writing or recognize those who are in the
area. No powers can be used through an unfamiliar connection.

Clairvoyance may not be used on a completely unknown location (unfamiliar

replaces that difficulty level on the chart). The Storyteller has the final word on the
degree of familiarity the psychic has with the location being spied upon.

Psychic Invisibility (Mo.3.1.04)

Do not use the bonus Trait system presented on page 179. Instead, if a character attempts
to perceive the psychic, use the chart on page 94 of Dark Epics, equating Psychic
Invisibility levels to mage Spheres.

Psychic Invisibility, Forget You Ever Saw Me (Mo.3.1.05)

If the psychic affected a subject significantly before attempting to disappear from sight
and memory (such as having inflicted damage or stolen a possession), the subject will not
forget that the psychic was there or what she did.

Psychic Vampirism (Mo.3.1.06)

The psychic may not gain more than one bonus Willpower Trait above her normal level.

Psychometry (Mo.3.1.07)
Even at the Advanced level, the rough images described by the text are not enough to
positively identify them or allow for the use of Clairvoyance upon them. Psychometry is
a powerful tool for seeing events in the past, but is imprecise when it comes to
identifying people or specific details.

Psychometry, Touch the Soul (Mo.3.1.08)

A general impression of the owners location means your knowledge of their location
is accurate to within 5 miles, and the Storyteller will provide a vague description of the
area (i.e. a damp cave about the size of a closet or a comfortable apartment with a
view of the river). When the psychic begins to use an object as a focus in this way, the
link between it and its owner begins to decay. After a few days, the object will no longer
be usable to determine the previous owners location.

Psychoportation (Mo.3.1.09)
These powers still require the normal concentration and activation time, and may not be
fast cast. This means that that when Psychoportation is used, the character will not leave
the scene until the end of the turn. The entirety of the travel takes place in the following
turn, regardless of distance.

Pyrokinesis, Fireworks (Mo.3.1.10)

The difficulty of the Static Willpower Challenge to extinguish ones self is 6.

Synergy (Mo.3.1.11)
This Numina is not used in the Sanctioned Chronicle.

Telepathy (Mo.3.1.12)
Note that the Sanctioned chronicle makes use of the optional rule splitting Telepathy into
three different Numina paths: Telepathic Sensing, Telepathic Projection, and Telepathic
Control. Each is a separate path of psychic phenomenon.
SORCERY (Mo.3.2.00)
The Camarillas Sanctioned chronicle makes use of the optional rules for Freeform
Spells, Grades of Success, and Tradition Advantages and Disadvantages, where

The Willpower Trait spent to hang a spell is in addition to the normal cost to cast it.
The test to cast must be made as the spell is hung, and then again when the spell is
actually cast. Hanging complex spells is extremely difficult, such that the sorcerer may
not successfully hang a ritual spell, nor may she employ teamwork or extra Grades of
Success in the casting.

New sorcery spells are Low Approval, but their use from game to game is somewhat
limited. If a sorcerer is played in another Storytellers game, that Storyteller must
specifically approve each of the characters spells before they can be used. The
Storyteller is at liberty to deny any new spell brought into her game, or alter the system
for it when it is used in her game.

In the text under the heading Rituals, ignore the reference to the Rituals Ability.

Alchemy (Mo.3.2.01)
Storytellers should discourage sorcerers from flooding the game with items not
intended for the their own use. It requires High Approval for an Alchemy item to be
transferred to another character that is not a member of the Mage or Mortal venue.

Alchemy never benefits from extra Grades of Success. The duration of Alchemy items is
one scene, not one turn.

Enchantment (Mo.3.2.02)
Enchantment may not be used to mimic non-Sorcery powers.

Healing (Mo.3.2.03)
Only one level of damage is healed per level of the spell used. A single extra Grade of
Success allows the sorcerers healing spell to take effect instantly.

Hellfire (Mo.3.2.04)
The range and duration of Hellfire are unmodified by this supplement, but the damage
levels it can inflict are altered thusly: one level for Basic effects, two levels for
Intermediate, and three levels for Advanced effects. Spells that combine this damage
with damage from other attacks simply add a level to the guideline above. For example,
Hellblade as an Initiate spell adds only one level of damage (the maximum for its level),
but as a Master spell adds three levels of damage. In the example of the Master level
spell, attacks from the weapon inflict a maximum of four levels of damage, regardless of
the type of weapon, or additional affects used in combination with it.

Variations of Hellfire are allowed in the Sanctioned chronicle (see the Hellwind, etc.
boxed text on page 211), but very limited game mechanics are applied. Unlike fire,
varied energy types do not cause combustible materials to catch fire, nor do they cause
vampires to test for Rtschreck. Non-standard elemental effects apply a one-Trait
penalty to a certain type of challenge for a number of turns equal to the level of the spell
being used (Apprentice, Initiate, Disciple, Adept, Master).

For example, cryogenic attacks may cause surfaces to become icy, applying a penalty to
all physical challenges where movement is involved. Poisonous vapors make apply the
penalty to all challenges involving perception, or where the challenger needs to see her
target. The Storyteller designs the penalty at the time the sorcerer learns her first level of
the power. The penalty is applied over the entirety of the spells area of effect, so in
some cases, it might be applicable to only a single person.

Summoning (Mo.3.2.05)
The challenge against the target, which occurs after the challenge to see if the spell is
successful, is a Mental Challenge (rather than a Mental vs. Willpower Challenge), unless
the target does not have Mental Traits (as is the case with many types of spirits).


New Stigmas are Low Approval and require no expenditure of Experience Traits, but
their use from game to game is somewhat limited. If a Dauntain is played in another
Storytellers game, that Storyteller must specifically approve each of the characters
Stigmas before they can be used. The Storyteller is at liberty to deny any new Stigma
brought into her game, or alter the system for it when it is used in her game.

The Banal Bunks optional rule on page 234 is only used for Agendas in the Changeling

THEURGY (Mo.3.4.00)
Theurgists must choose a primary path of Theurgy (making all other paths
secondary). The theurgist may develop the entirety of her primary path without
assistance, but learning additional paths is both costly and difficult.

To learn a secondary path of Theurgy, the theurgist must seek out another who has the
desired power and is willing to teach it to her, or have a generous and widely versatile
mentor. She must also pay higher Experience Trait costs for any secondary path powers
(four for Basic, eight for Intermediate, twelve for Advanced). A theurgist can rarely
develop more than a single path of psychic phenomenon, and she may never be as skilled
in a secondary path as she is in her primary path. Thus a psychic cannot study additional
paths (Basic levels) until her primary path reaches Intermediate level, and she cannot take
Intermediate levels in any secondary path unless her primary path has reached Advanced.
It requires High Approval for a mortal to learn powers from more than two secondary
Via Geniorum (Mo.3.4.01)
To clarify, there are five levels of this Numina: Grade One (Basic), Grade Two (Basic),
Grade Three (Intermediate), Grade Four (Intermediate), and Grade Five (Advanced).
Each level of Via Geniorum purchased gives the theurgist a free ritual from that paths
list, of the same (or lower) level.

Via Medicamenti (Mo.3.4.02)

Any normal use of these powers that halves healing time can be further improved by the
expenditure of an additional Willpower Trait. In this case, the healing takes places
instantly. No patient can be instantly healed of more health levels in a single day than the
theurgist has levels in Via Medicamenti. (one wound level at Basic, two at Intermediate,
and three levels at Advanced.)

Via Medicamenti, Ease Suffering (Mo.3.4.03)

The highest type of wound level penalty that can be negated is Incapacitated, requiring
the theurgist to have the first Intermediate power (or higher) in the Via Medicamenti (one
power negates Bruised, two negates Wounded, and three negates Incapacitated).

Via Medicamenti, Hand of Christ (Mo.3.4.04)

When the theurgist reaches this level of power, she can affect aggravated damage as
though it were only lethal.

Via Oraculi (Mo.3.4.05)

This path of Theurgy is not used in the Sanctioned Chronicle.

TRUE FAITH (Mo.3.5.00)

Characters require High Approval for True Faith. Traits of True Faith beyond the first
cost 3 Experience Traits each and must receive High Approval before being purchased,
even by Inquisition hunters. This Numina does not determine or change the characters
Type. Some rare characters (theurgists in most cases) possess it in addition to other

Chapter Four: Systems (Mo.4.0.00)

No Mortal venue game is required to be focused toward the extermination of supernatural
creatures (as might have been implied by the title "Laws of the Hunt"). For the purpose
of Mortal venue games, the Storyteller must also supply a Setting. This can sometimes
be defined in as little as a single phrase or sentence, such as 'FBI Special Affairs
Department' or 'A Cabal of shamans dedicated to worshiping Rat, and defending her
people'. Obviously these two Settings have little or nothing in common, meaning that
cross-Setting play would be as difficult as or more difficult than cross-venue play. If the
excuse for a character to show up in another Setting of the Mortals venue is too
improbable, the Storyteller is encouraged to deny it.
Storytellers must be very careful with games in the Mortal venue, lest they turn into 'zoos'
supporting many different characters types who have nothing in common. Venue Style
Sheets are extremely important for letting players know what sort of Mortal game is
being run. Storytellers will deny vague Settings in a Mortal games Venue Style Sheet.
Play of a mortal character in a Setting that is not appropriate to it is considered to be
cross venue play, and is handled according to the rules in the Prime supplement.

Note that additional rules for metamorphosis exist in Prime, and additional rules for
metamorphing into specific Types (including rules for non-mortal metamorphosis) may
be found in the appropriate Supplements.

Things Lost, Things Retained (Mo.4.2.01)

Mortals that undergo metamorphosis normally lose access to all their Numina. (The
possible exceptions are listed in the book beginning on page 274, all of which require
High Approval.) Mortals with Arts, Disciplines, or Gifts lose access to them upon
metamorphosis unless they are morphing into a character Type that normally has access
to them (in which case keeping them requires no special approval).

Mortal to Mage: Awakening (Mo.4.2.02)

As a full-fledged will-worker, the mage who receives special approval to retain one or
more praxis now suffers Paradox for using them (as per the optional rule on page 196).
Notes for Paradox are found throughout the descriptions of mortal sorcery in Laws of the

Mortal to Ghoul: Enthrallment (Mo.4.2.03)

A mortal whose ghoul condition has lapsed because of lack of blood regains all
Discipline levels upon being ghouled again, provided her new domitors generation is
powerful enough for her to access them (see the guidelines under the Ghoul Merit,
above). If her domitors generation is not sufficient to allow access to all levels,
switching to a powerful enough domitor later can allow her access to these Disciplines

Ghoul and Revenant Embrace (Mo.4.2.04)

When Embraced, ghouls and revenants may keep any Disciplines that are now in-clan for
them, with no special approval. Any other Disciplines that the player wishes her
character to keep require Storyteller approval - the same level that would be needed for a
vampire to get the Discipline out-of-clan (see the Vampire Supplement for Discipline
approval levels). It is not common for former ghouls to keep out-of-clan Disciplines that
do not fall into the eight that are inherent to all vampiric blood (Animalism, Auspex,
Celerity, Dominate, Fortitude, Obfuscate, Potence, and Presence). If approval is not
obtained, the Experience Traits are refunded.

Wraith: into Oblivion (Mo.4.2.05)

Contrary to the implication on page 277, no character with True Faith can become a
Mortal 6.0 - US Addenda

Mortal 6.0 - US Addenda

Mo.1.0.03.US, Types

The "venue subtypes" may have certain exceptions from their parent venue (example: Stargazer Kinfolk
take High Approval.)

Mo.2.3.05.US, Mana

This background is restricted to Mortals with Sorcery. Each Trait of the Mana Background allows the
sorcerer to store a single Trait of Mana for use in his magic and higher levels allow for the expenditure of
multiple Mana Traits (to lower casting difficulties) in one turn. A Sorcerer may expend temporary Mana
Traits up to half (round up) of their background in a single turn. In order to refresh Mana Traits each
sorcerer must engage in some kind of meditative state. Each hour spent undertaking this activity, the
sorcerer makes a Simple Challenge (retest with the Meditation Ability). On a win or a tie, the character
regains a single temporary Mana Trait.

Mo.2.4.00.US, Approval Levels for Merits and Flaws

The following Merits and Flaws are Mid Approval: Addicted to Vampiric Vitae, Detached, Ecclesiastical
Rank (2 points), Poisonous Blood, Potent Blood, Prophecy, Spectre Meat, Supernatural Enemy (3
points), Wyrm Tainted.

The following Merits and Flaws are High Approval: Double Identity, Ecclesiastical Rank (3 points),
Mysterious Guardian, Supernatural Enemy (4 points).

The following Merits and Flaws are Top Approval: Fist of God, License to Kill, Supernatural Enemy (5
points), Top Secret Access.

Mo.2.4.12.US, Wraith Venue and Medium-like Merits

The Merits Shivers, Medium, Ghostsight, and Speaker With the Dead do not count towards the 7-point
limit on Merits for Mortals in the Wraith Venue. These Merits must still be purchased as normal.

Mo.3.0.00.US, Powers

A character typically only has a single Numina Type (example: Sorcery or True Faith), or is of a "venue
sub-type" (example: Kinfolk or Revenant). It is High Approval to have a second (example: have both
Sorcery and Kinfolk, or both Psychic and Theurgy.) The second type et al is limited to a single set power

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Mortal 6.0 - US Addenda

(a single discipline, an art, etc.). The Powers associated with additional Numina (or "venue subtype") are
double cost for free traits and +1 ET otherwise.

Mo.3.3.00.US, Bonus Traits

Generic Numinae effects (especially the Sorcery Paths of Alchemy, Enchantment and Fascination) that
grant Bonus Traits are normally, unless otherwise specified, limited to 1 Bonus Trait for Basic effects, 2
Bonus Traits for Intermediate effects and 3 Bonus Traits for Advanced effects. At the cost of a Negative
Trait (to be borne by the character for same duration as the Bonus Traits granted by the effect) a single
additional Bonus Trait may be added to this total. Only one additional Bonus Trait may be gained in this

Mo.3.2.01/02.US, Alchemy, Enchantment

Using Alchemy or Enchantment to replicate the effect of an item, requires a minimum of the same
approval as the item in the Mortals Venue.

Mo.3.2.07.US, Summon/Binding/Warding

Durations for these Paths are changed by the following definitions:

Turn - combat round or, if not in combat, 5 minutes

Story - one month

Grades of success may be used during the casting to increase duration. To make a permanent ward
requires the use of Level 6 Warding or the Enchantment Path to make a permanently warded item (ritual
for such an item needed).

S/B/W rituals may be cast and "held" per the standard penalties for held spells. The maximum amount of
time an S/B/W ritual may be held is one day or until the caster sleeps, whichever comes first.

Mo.4.3.03.US, Freeform Rituals

The US Mortal Venue uses a Freeform Rituals mechanic for Paths of Sorcery. All Sorcery Paths save for
Enchantment may use the Freeform Rituals mechanic.

A Freeform Ritual is time-consuming. While the newly-dynamic sorcerer can now begin to innovate on
the patterns established long ago, she must re-tread a lot of old ground and rebuild from the bottom up.
As a result, Freeform Rituals take days or even weeks to research and cast. (The chart below presumes

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Mortal 6.0 - US Addenda

regular daily work on the Ritual and may not be accelerated by any means.) Time required to cast a
Freeform Ritual is as follows;

Apprentice: Two days

Initiate: Four days
Disciple: Seven days
Adept: Twelve days
Master: Twenty days

If the Ritual is not bought as a known Ritual, the sorcerer will have to satisfy this time requirement with
every single casting of the Freeform effect. During this time period, the sorcerer may not cast any other
Rituals, Freeform or otherwise, without ruining the current casting process.

Freeform Rituals are difficult to get one's head around. They hint at a level of fluidity which the semi-
static caster instinctively recoils from. The difficulty of a Freeform Ritual may be determined with the
following formula:

1. Determine the Ritual's base difficulty (1 for Apprentice, 2 for Initiate, etc.) and add 2 to the result

2. Double the base difficulty +2

3. Add +1 for Vulgar casting or +3 for Vulgar casting with witnesses, if appropriate (calling down a
blizzard in August in Tampa, for example)

4. Subtract difficulty for successful teamwork (maximum of -2 difficulty), if any

5. Subtract difficulty for Mana expenditure (maximum of -3), if any

6. Account for Wound Penalties, if any

7. Expend a Willpower Trait (above and beyond any other expenditures normally required for a
Ritual of the Path in question)

8. Conduct appropriate challenge

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The Camarilla's Rules Supplement for the Sanctioned Chronicle

Reprinted material is White Wolf Game Publishing, Inc. Terms and ideas trademarked
by White Wolf are used with permission, and any mention of said intellectual properties
should not be considered a challenge to their ownership.


Chapter One: Character Creation

Chapter Two: Traits

Chapter Three: Powers

Chapter Four: Systems

This supplement details rules for Changeling venue games in the Camarilla's Sanctioned
Minds Eye Theatre chronicle. These rules are intended for use with The Shining Host,
The Shining Host Players Guide, and Dark Epics by White Wolf Publishing, and with
the Camarillas Prime Supplement.

These rules, when used for Sanctioned play, are to be applied without change, deviation,
alteration or addition by any member, save a countrys National Storyteller. This is to
enforce a homogenous set of rules throughout the organization, insuring that wherever a
member goes, they may play with a minimum of problems.

Storytellers are allowed and encouraged to use their judgment in the World of Darkness
to develop stories and enrich the flavor of the game. If a Storyteller judges that the flow
of the story would be enhanced by minor exceptions to the rules (on an individual basis
only), this creative license is allowed. It is strongly suggested that Storytellers stick to
the letter and intent of the rules in situations where one or more characters may die.
Storytellers found to be abusing this occasional liberty are subject to review and possible
disciplinary action. These licenses are not to be for such things as the approval of magic
items or the allowing of players to play rare character Types.

Chapter One: Character Creation (Ch.1.0.00)

Changeling characters are created using The Shining Host and The Shining Host
Players Guide in conjunction with this supplement and with Prime.

Concepts (Ch.1.0.01)
For the Camarilla's Sanctioned chronicle, there is a slight change with starting seeming,
making the relation between a character's chimerical self and mortal self less concrete in
terms of age. For example, Storyteller approval allows a character to have a mortal self
that is fifteen years old, just been released from sleeping, and a Childling of ten years. A
Seeming may be changed by more than five years beyond normal in either direction with
Mid Approval, or by more than ten years beyond normal with High Approval.

Membership in the Shadow Court requires High Approval, as does membership in the
following houses:
Ailil, Balor, Leanhaun, and Scathach.

Some Important Changes Made (Ch.1.0.02)

Attribute Trait maximums have changed in the Supplement. Traits that exceed the new maximums are
removed, and their Experience Trait costs are refunded.

As with the other venues, changeling characters now get 5 starting Free Traits in addition to those
gained from Negative Traits and Flaws. These may be added to existing characters after character
creation, but may not be used to increase Title or Holdings in that case.

New or altered approvals levels were applied to some Backgrounds and powers in the Supplement.
Existing characters must be approved by the appropriate level Storyteller(s) if something on the
character sheet now requires a higher level of approval than it did previously.

Types (Ch.1.0.03)
Special approval is required to play some Kith or Kinain. Top Approval is required for
anything not rated here.

Boggan, Eshu, Nocker, Pooka, Redcaps, Satyr, Sluagh, and Troll require only Low

Clurichaun, Ghille Dhu, Piskie, Selkie, and Sidhe require Mid Approval.

Autumn People, Dauntain, Inanimae, Nunnehi, and all Thallain require High Approval.

Chapter Two: Traits (Ch.2.0.00)

All Changelings have a Trait maximum of ten in Willpower. Childlings have a Trait
maximum of ten in each of the Attribute Categories. Wilders are limited to twelve, and
Grumps to fourteen. Childlings can purchase up to a maximum of ten Traits of Glamour,
Wilders can purchase up to nine Traits of Glamour, and Grumps can purchase up to seven
Traits of Glamour. Characters who begin in one Seeming then "age" to the next and lose
Glamour traits in the process may "move" the spent-points to Willpower at the cost of
one-for-one (or get a refund of Experience Traits if that is not possible).

All changeling characters get five Free Traits at character creation in addition to those
gained from Negative Traits and Flaws. One Free Trait can be spent to take an additional
Ability, Attribute, or Background Trait, or to specialize in an Ability. Two Free Traits
can be spent to take one level of a Realm. Three Free Traits can be used to purchase a
Basic Art, a Glamour Trait, or a Willpower Trait.

Some Kith Advantages give permanent Traits of one kind or other. These Traits act as
normal Traits but can exceed normal maximums. They are expended as normal in
challenges but can not be permanently lost. These Traits are chimerical unless otherwise
noted in Sanctioned source material. Non-Sidhe characters dont gain the advantages or
disadvantages listed for membership in a House.

ABILITIES (Ch.2.2.00)
Gremayre takes the place of Kithain Lore and the same level of approval as any other
Lore. It may only be used when canceling Cantrips, not when employing them.
Gremayre may not be combined with the Ability Aptitude Merit.

The Mists protect Shadow Court Lore and Dreaming Lore. High Approval is required for
player characters to have either.

Even if gained or created in play, the Chimera, Companion, Political Connections,
Remembrance, Title, Treasure, and Trod Backgrounds require Mid Approval to take level
four, High Approval to take level five, and (for Chimera, Title, and Treasure) Top
Approval to take level six. These Backgrounds require extensive Storyteller assistance in
order to be woven into the Sanctioned chronicle.

For Nunnehi, the Nunnehi Backgrounds (Household, Spirit Companion, and Totem)
require Mid Approval to take level 4, and High Approval to take level five.

For Inanimae, the Inanimae Backgrounds (Regard and Famous Anchor) require Mid
Approval to take level four, and High Approval to take level five.

For Kinain, the Kinain Backgrounds (Dross, Faerie Blood, Faerie Mentor, Feth Fiada,
and Kenning) require Mid Approval to take level 4, and High Approval to take level five.
Dross and Feth Fiada are available to Kithain characters with a minimum of Mid

Additional Backgrounds can be found on page 53 of Dark Epics.

A Word on Background Maximums (Ch.2.3.01)

While most Backgrounds levels are normally limited to a maximum of 5 (or 6), the total levels of
Chimera, Companion, and Treasure are not limited when referring to multiple creatures or treasures.
(Any single creature or item of levels 4 or higher still requires the level of approval stated above.)
Players should make suggestions for these Backgrounds regarding statistics and powers, but the
Storyteller always holds the final decision on the specifics. Many nations have specific creation rules
for these three Backgrounds in their National Addenda.

Holdings (Ch.2.3.02)
The number of Glamour Traits that characters can "use" or "absorb" that the Holding
generates each week is equal to the number of Traits invested in this Background. The
Glamour is distributed as the Storyteller sees fit, though the "controlling" character's
desires should be considered when making this determination. For example, four Knights
sleep around the balefire at a level two Holding. Only two Glamour Traits are available
for the Storyteller to split among the four characters (each week that they have spent
some time resting in the Holding).

Storytellers should keep in mind that a characters who constantly draws from freeholds
(three to four weeks out of every month, or more) run the risk of entering Bedlam from
spending so much time in the chaotic energies of a freehold. Furthermore, caring for a
freehold should be a give-and-take. If there is no upkeep and the freehold is constantly
drawn upon for Glamour, it runs the risk of "burning out" and losing levels of power, at
Storyteller discretion. A freehold will produce Dross each month equal to its rating,
which will "appear" in a treasure- or store-room within the freehold, as long as the
Glamour-supply has not been "tapped out".

The Storyteller may approve a "commoner freehold" in which at least three players invest
points into a Holding (which may only be as high as level four.) A character may not
choose this Background without taking at least the same level of Title unless it is part of a
commoner freehold. Where a commoner freehold is less than three points, or where
division makes fractions of points cost, then the players may decide between themselves
who pays for the Background, but at least three must be sworn to it as the "controlling"

Storytellers are encouraged to use the "Freehold Realm Affinity" system when helping
players create freeholds. This will help give flavor to freeholds, and will help the STs
determine the style of the holding, as well as the type of Chimera that "come with" the
holding. For example, a level two Medieval Fortress holding with the Actor Affinity
would have a few serfs, and a few guards in chainmail patrolling the battlements. The
same holding at level four would have a full staff of wenches, serfs, cooks and grooms, as
well as armored patrols that roam the freehold's lands and defend it if attacked. A level
four Freehold that is a skyscraper would also probably have the Actor realm, and might
have restaurant cooks, accountants, and other assorted corporate-chimera.

Under no circumstance will the Chimera who "come with" a Freehold ever leave the
immediate vicinity of the Freehold. They are meant to give flavor and life to this
background, and to provide in-game stories for the characters who frequent such places.
Influence (Ch.2.3.03)
Because dealing too heavily in Influences may result in Banality, changeling characters
are limited to beginning with five total levels of Influence. The Storyteller should apply
one to three temporary Banality Traits to the Influence holder on a monthly basis if she
acquires more than five levels, or if she uses her Influence in a particularly banal fashion.
However, Storytellers are urged to keep in mind the type and usage of Influence before
applying temporary Banality Traits.

Prestige [Shadow Court] (Ch.2.3.04)

This Background requires High Approval.

Remembrance (Ch.2.3.05)
Remembrance cannot be used to retest a Gremayre counter Cantrip retest.

Political Connections (Ch.2.3.06)

This Background represents a character's station in a court other than the one in which
they currently reside. Characters with Political Connections are either Heralds or

A Herald is a character who serves a court (the level of this Background equal to the
presiding Noble's Title) as a messenger, when acting in an official capacity, may invoke
their liege's status and title instead of their own.

An Ambassador also serves a court similar to the Herald, but in courtly settings is always
considered to have the same Status as their liege, but only within certain "boundaries".
For example, if Tony the Troll is the Ambassador to the court of Count Crispy of the
Kingdom of Pacifica, from the court of Count Boris of the Kingdom of Dalarna, Tony's
"Ambassadorial" status only functions within that County, and not in a different County
even in the same Duchy. It requires the Approvals of both the PC's home location as well
as the location he is actually in to be an Ambassador. Example: Tony the Troll would
need the approval of the STs for both Count Crispy & Count Boris.

Status traits utilized by this background are superceded by those with the Title
background, thus a Knight in the court of Count Crispy can interrupt the Ambassador
from the court of Count Boris without having to "ignore" the Status outright. Further,
characters with this Background who abuse it and use it for their own personal gain rather
than their liege's wishes may find themselves cast out as frauds at best...Oath-breakers at

Title (Ch.2.3.07)
The Titles of Squire, Knight or Baron require Low Approval. The Title of Count requires
Mid Approval. The Title of Duke requires High Approval. The titles of King (level six)
or High King (level seven) each requires Top Approval. After character creation, title
may raise through role-play, however approval requirements still apply. The Titles of
Baron, Count, and Duke for non-Sidhe (Entitled Commoners) require one higher level of
approval than what is listed above.
Only Sained characters can use the benefits of Status. Status is largely enforced by the
Nobility, and it can be ignored, but is seen very much as a social "blunder" or "faux pas".
The Dreaming oftimes enforces "higher" Status, such as that of Dukes, Princes, Kings,
and High Kings.

A noble with Title can give lesser levels of Title to others if they are sworn (or do swear)
fealty to that noble. This ability is not to be taken lightly or used without prior Storyteller
permission. The Dreaming itself chooses Kings and High Kings. Kings have the Status
trait of "Regal", and High Kings have the Status trait of "Lordly". The title of "Prince" or
"Princess" is a variation of "Duke" or "Duchess", but must have High Approval, as the
characters must be the heirs of current Kings or High Kings.

Any noble with good reason may refuse (or terminate) the service of another below them
in the chain of fealty. So refused, the character does not lose Title, but may not use the
accompanying Status Traits in Social Challenges until he finds service with another noble
of appropriate rank. A knight thus refused will become a Knight Errant.

Only a noble 2 ranks higher than a character may strip or reduce a character's Title (and
accompanying Treasures), and only then if the offending character falls within that
noble's fealty chain. Only the High King can remove a Title of Duke or King, and it is a
very rare occurrence. The Dreaming itself may remove the Duke or King if they are very
unsuitable, and even the High King, although this has not happened since before the

Characters with titles receive free "Title-Treasures" that represent the duties and powers
of the office, as described in pages 210 through 214 of the Shining Host Players Guide.


Merits that duplicate Birthright Advantages require High Approval. Fae Marks act as
Flaws and count towards the Kinains seven Trait limit.

Poetic Heart [3 Trait Merit] (Ch.2.4.01)

This Merit requires High Approval.

Endless Frustration [3 Trait Flaw] (Ch.2.4.02)

The cost of this Flaw has changed for the Sanctioned chronicle.

Fae Songs [1-5 Trait Merit] (Ch.2.4.03)

These powers will not work on changelings.

Chapter Three: Powers (Ch.3.0.00)

Only Inanimae may learn Slivers.
ARTS (Ch.3.1.00)
The three Arts that changelings start with must be Basic Arts.

Approval Levels (Ch.3.1.01)

Some Arts require special approval to learn. The Storyteller may approve an Art to be
learned only to a certain level, due to the unbalancing nature of some of the higher levels.
Because certain Arts are much more common to certain characters (Sidhe with Chronos,
Nockers with Infusion, Shadow Court members with Delusion, etc.), the approving
Storyteller will take this into account when processing the application.

Aphrodesia, Infusion, Kryos, Oneiromancy, and Skycraft require High Approval to learn.

Chronos, Contempt, Delusion, and Naming require Top Approval.

Metamorphosis requires Top Approval. Commoners (non-Sidhe) may learn the Basic and
Intermediate levels with only Mid Approval.

Sovereign requires only Low Approval for Sidhe to learn. Commoners (non-Sidhe) may
learn the Art with High Approval.

Inanimae Approval Levels (Ch.3.1.02)

Manikins require Mid Approval to learn Kith Arts. Other Inanimae require High
Approval to learn Kith Arts.


Chicanery (Ch.3.2.01)
This entire Art is centered on not directly causing harm. Any time that a Chicanery
Cantrip is cast that will cause direct harm, the Cantrip fails.

Chronos (Ch.3.2.02)
This Art can cause a lot of confusion in game play and should be used carefully. It is
required that a Narrator be present for any casting of this Art.

Chronos, Dream Time (Ch.3.2.03)

This cannot be used to reduce a character below twelve months of age, nor can it be used
to age a target to death.

Chronos, Reversal of Fortune (Ch.3.2.04)

This level can cause catastrophic problems within a game, and should be carefully

Dream Craft (Ch.3.2.05)

Changelings with this Art may physically enter a sleeping mortal or prodigals dream (a
simple Bunk with Realms appropriate to the dreamer is required). Once in, interaction
with the dream is possible but direct control is not. This effectively allows the caster to
enter the Dreaming. If a changeling dies in a dream, in reality she also dies a Banal

Dream Craft, Dream Riding (second Intermediate, Added) (Ch.3.2.06)

The character may cast this Cantrip (from the Near Dreaming) upon a sleeping mortal or
prodigal, physically transport the caster into the target's dream. Once in the sleeper's
dreams interaction with the dream is possible but direct control is not. This effectively
allows the caster to "ride" the dream into the dreaming. This art may also be used as a
Fair Escape if a sleeping mortal is present, by tagging along with the sleeper's dream.
This escape may only be used from the physical world and costs a Glamour Trait. This
can be somewhat risky as it could deposit the Changeling anywhere in the Dreaming.
Use of Dream Riding is dangerous. If a Changeling dies in a dream, in reality she also
dies a Banal Death.

Dream Craft, Dream Weaving (Ch.3.2.07)

Chimera and companions created with this Art do not require Background Traits to be
purchased. Normal approval restrictions for Backgrounds still apply. Players should
keep in mind that these chimera are highly susceptible to Banality (even more so than
other chimera).

Infusion, Animantis (Ch.3.2.08)

While the player may make suggestions as to the attributes and other traits, the storyteller
is the one who actually makes the decision, and is responsible for writing them officially.

Kryos, Cold Heart (Ch.3.2.09)

Damage from this Art is limited to four levels. The permanent effect can only occur on a
willing target.

Legerdemain, Ensnare (Ch.3.2.10)

Regardless of whether or not the difficulty exceeds the target's Physical Traits, the target
always receives at least one Static Physical Challenge to break free.

Legerdemain, Phantom Shadows (Ch.3.2.11)

Un-enchanted mortals will only see the Phantom Shadows if they are made real by
calling upon the Wyrd.

Naming, Runic Circle (Ch.3.2.12)

You may not spend more Mental Traits than twice the Bunk level of the Cantrip. The
circle may only be inscribed on the ground, not on people or objects.

Naming, Reweaving (Ch.3.2.13)

Willpower Traits spent for retests to resist this Art are not spent permanently.

Oneiromancy, Oneirodynia (Ch.3.2.14)

The affect cannot be combined with Dreamwalk when cast upon a waking target.
Oneiromancy, Embrace of Morpheus (Ch.3.2.15)
Normally no link is needed, but the Realm may require one.

Oneiromancy, Expiation (Ch.3.2.16)

Use of this power on another players character requires that players permission.

Primal, Willow-Whisper (Ch.3.2.17)

Information gleaned from objects needs to be presided over by a Storyteller.

Primal, Eldritch Prime (Ch.3.2.18)

No more than one level of damage may be inflicted per use of this power.

Primal, Oakenshield (Ch.3.2.19)

No armor may provide more than four levels of protection, regardless of stacked effects.

Primal, Holly Strike (Ch.3.2.20)

Ignore the system of resisting given in The Shining Host. The caster must engage his
target in a Physical Challenge, and the target need not spend a Willpower Trait to resist.
If successful, the caster may spend two, four, or six Physical Traits to inflict one, two, or
three lethal levels of damage.

Primal, Elder Form (Ch.3.2.21)

This Art may not be used in conjunction with Metamorphosis: Mythic Transformation.
Other than the shape changing aspect, Elder Form should not be used to mimic the
effects of Arts that requires special approval, including Chronos, Naming, Sovereign, and
any Arts from The Shining Host Players Guide.

Pyretics (Ch.3.2.22)
If caught on fire, a target may use a physical action to put out the flames with a
successful Simple Test. Additional fire damage is taken at the rate of one health level per
turn if the flames are not extinguished.

Pyretics, Willow Light [second basic, added] (Ch.3.2.23)

This Cantrip will allow you to illuminate or cast auras of light upon objects or places.
The caster creates a dim and ethereal glow to illuminate the object of the Art. This glow
will last for approximately one hour for each glamour spent at it's creation.

Pyretics, Prometheus' Fist (Ch.3.2.24)

A subject that is engulfed catches on fire. If the victim puts out the flames, the Cantrip
ends immediately.

Pyretics, Burn and Boil [second intermediate, added] (Ch.3.2.25)

This Cantrip allows the caster to engulf an object or person in real flame, igniting and
burning the target of the Cantrip (and objects in direct contact with the target) just as
normal flames would. To use this art, you must spend a Willpower trait to initiate the
flames, followed by a Glamour trait for each turn it is controlled. The flames inflict one
Health level of damage per turn a subject is engulfed, although the target may attempt to
put the flames with a successful simple test as described above, if this works the Cantrip
immediately ends. If it is used on an item or person in combat, that item or person does
one extra level of damage per turn and anyone else near you must win or tie a Simple
Test to avoid catching fire for each turn or challenge she is exposed to you.

Pyretics, Star Body (Ch3.2.26)

Use of this power against another Kithain may well be considered a breech of the

Skycraft, Compass Winds (Ch.3.2.27)

The affect causes one level of bashing damage.

Soothsay, Tattletale (Ch.3.2.28)

This power cannot cross the Gauntlet or the Shroud.

Sovereign, Grandeur (Ch.3.2.29)

This Arts duration is now one scene or hour, whichever is longer. Grandeur drops
immediately if the user makes an attack or employs an offensive power.

Sovereign, Geasa (Ch.3.2.30)

As this power can be very abusive, Narrator arbitration is required when it is used. The
exact wording of the commanded task is important, but the Narrator is the final call on
what the target must do to fulfill it.

Wayfare, Flicker Flash (Ch.3.2.31)

This power does not allow crossing of the Gauntlet or Shroud. The caster must know the
destinations teleported to (from a prior visit, seen with Tattletale, etc).

REALMS (Ch.3.3.00)
Inanimae require Mid Approval to learn a Kith Realm. The Inanimae Realm of Water
equates to Time, not Actor.

Time Realm (Ch.3.3.01)

A Changeling using the Time Realm on a Cantrip may "hold" a Cantrip and chose to
activate it at any point up to the standard limits for their level in Time. This decision
need not be made at the time of the Cantrip's casting, but any Glamour spent in the
casting of the Cantrip is immediately used at the time of the original casting, and can not
be regained until the Cantrip is used. Cantrips that are not used by the end of their
maximum "holding" period are lost, and all traits spent for it are also lost (although they
can be regained later as per normal). A character may choose to let the "held" Cantrip
expire unused.

All other realms and decisions for casting the Cantrip must be made the first time the
Cantrip is cast, and cannot be changed when the held Cantrip is actually used. Thus, a
"Flicker Flash" Cantrip can be held, but the caster must specify at the time of casting
what Realm it will effect, and where the location will be, and these parameters cannot be
changed when the "held" Flicker Flash is used.

All challenges involved in the Cantrip are resolved when the held Cantrip is actually
used. Only one Cantrip may be held at a time. Using a "Held" Cantrip takes an action,
but does not require any Bunk or physical action, and is merely a mental command.

Any use of the Time Realm costs an additional Glamour, in addition to any other used to
normally cast the Cantrip.

Realms Re-test (Ch.3.3.02)

Some nations participating in the Camarillas Sanctioned chronicle use a new rule for
retesting Cantrips. Consult your national addendum to see if your country uses the
following optional rule.

A changeling can spend a Realm level in order to retest the challenge for a Cantrip she is
casting. The Realm must be the same one that was used to describe the target in the
Cantrips casting. Realm retests count as Ability retests for the purpose of the retest
interaction rules. Realm levels spent in this way are recovered at the end of the session.
Their temporary expenditure does not affect the changelings ability to make full, normal
use of her permanent Realm levels.

Chapter Four: Systems (Ch.4.0.00)

Dark Epics has several pages of rules pertinent to the Changeling venue (pages 79, 80,
81, and 96).

Banality (Ch.4.0.01)
This chart describes some of the ways a Changeling can gain Banality. Since Banality is a
nebulous concept and what some see as banal can be a source of glamour for others,
storytellers are strongly encouraged to keep an open mind about what is and is not a
source of Banality based on the circumstances of the action, and on the character-
concepts of those characters who might be applicable.

Remember, "Modern" or "Evil" does not automatically mean "Banal". For example, Fae
have been killing each other Chimerically (and killing humans) for thousands of years, so
this should perhaps not generate Banality unless the situation seems to be Banal to the
presiding storyteller. The rule of thumb for assigning Banality - If the actions of a
character kill even a small part of a dream, or the Dreaming itself, then the actions
generate Banality. Remember that when a character has accumulated ten or more
Temporary Banality Traits, the character gains one Permanent Banality Trait, and all
Temporary Banality Traits are removed. Additionally, all Sidhe (except the Scathach)
receive twice as many Banality Traits for the actions listed below.
Action: Banality

Active Banality
Defending against a Cantrip with Banality: 1 Temporary Banality Trait
Failed to overcome a target who defended with Banality: 1 Temporary Banality Trait
Actively denying the Dreaming (per instance): 1 Temporary Banality Trait
Using a Dauntain power: 2 Temporary Banality Traits

Destruction of the Dreaming

Destroying a treasure or chimera: 1 Temporary Banality Trait
Killing a Kithain chimerically: 1 Temporary Banality Trait
Killing a Kithain mortally: 2 Temporary Banality Traits
Destroying a freehold (per level destroyed): 3 Temporary Banality Traits
Dying Chimerically: 5 Temporary Banality Traits

Cold Iron
Being struck by Cold Iron (per hit): 1 Temporary Banality Trait
Contact with or Possession of Cold Iron(per scene): 1 Temporary Banality Trait
Killing a Kithain with Cold Iron: 1 Permanent Banality Trait

Locational (Time spent in areas that...)

Banality more than Kithain's Glamour (per scene): 1 Temporary Banality Trait
Banality twice as much as Kithain's Glamour: 2 Temporary Banality Traits
Banality Rating of Nine (per scene): 3 Temporary Banality Traits
Banality Rating of Ten (per scene): 4 Temporary Banality Traits

Bunks (Ch.4.0.02)
For the Jesters Rules system in the Shining Host Players Guide, the following
restrictions also apply. For a level one, two, or three Bunk, any of the appropriate
number of conditions must be met. For a level four Bunk, one of those conditions must
take longer than a minute in a combat situation; take longer than an hour; or be especially
unique to the Kith or character. For a level five Bunk, two of the three conditions named
above must be met.

Cantrips in the Deep Dreaming (Ch.4.0.03)

The normal Glamour cost for Cantrips is removed in the Deep Dreaming, however a
character may still chose to spend one point of Glamour to gain an extra Bunk or to gain
one Bunk Trait in place of a Bunk.

Cold Iron (Ch.4.0.04)

Cold Iron is iron that has been "cold forged" by hand, and as such, can only be formed
into very crude tools. As a material it is brittle, prone to rust, and has great difficulty
holding an edge or point. Cold Iron weapons and tools are usually limited in form to
clubs, crude daggers, crowbars, hammers, or poor-quality swords (that do not stand up to
use for very long) and have a tendency to break under duress. As Cold Iron is harmful to
Changelings because of its intrinsically non-supernatural nature, using supernatural
effects to enhance it in any way would negate its banal nature. It requires Top Approval
to supernaturally enhance a item of Cold Iron and have it retain it's Fae-harming
Dragons Ire (Ch.4.0.05)
Characters in bedlam that invoke the dragons ire gain a number of extra ire successes
equal to the stage of bedlam that they are in. At the end of the scene, the character enters
the next stage of bedlam, or is devoured by a cataclysmic blast in the case of characters
that are already in the third stage of bedlam.

Changelings who witness a bedlam-embraced character invoking the dragons ire may
enter bedlam if they were close to doing so already (Storytellers discretion).

Siochain (Ch.4.0.06)
This aspect of the Camarilla's Sanctioned game requires Top Approval.

Oaths (Ch.4.0.07)
The gaining of Traits from Oaths may exceed listed maximums, but these are always the
first Traits spent. Taking the same Oath multiple times (even in different situations) does
not grant cumulative positive effects.

Breaking Oaths is considered to be one of the more heinous crimes a Changeling can
commit, and storytellers are encouraged to see this aspect of the venue through as best as
they can.

The creation of new Oaths requires Mid Approval if the benefits do not grant any positive
traits for the character who swears such an Oath, High Approval if the benefits involve
the granting of traits. New Oaths must be proposed by Storytellers for Approval, so that
Oaths already approved do not require re-approval if multiple characters decide to swear
the Oath. Each Nation is encouraged to publish new Oaths in their National Addendum,
and to provide a list of currently-approved Oaths available in their Nation.

Oath of Adoption
Sidhe that change Houses neither lose their original House Boon or Flaw, nor gain the
Boon or Flaw of their new House in doing so.

Oath of Fealty
A character can only be under one Oath of Fealty at a time. It is possible for a character
to be released from their Oath of Fealty by the Noble they are sworn to. Without being
released (or being stripped of all title and then later given title elsewhere), a character
who swears another Oath of Fealty is to break the first. The only exception to this is if the
new Oath of Fealty is to the direct superior (all of the way "up the chain" to the High
King level) of the original Oath. Characters can swear Fealty to whomever they wish, as
long as their title is equal or lesser than the character they are swearing to.

Oath of the Long Road

Use of this Oath on a trivial quest results in consequences as dire as if the Oath were

Oath of the Undoing

This Oath carries with it a storyteller warning, that not many characters who swear this
Oath will be expected to survive themselves

Kingdoms (Ch.4.0.08)
Note that for the Camarillas Sanctioned chronicle, the Kingdoms and their divisions are
different from those listed in The Shining Host Players Guide. Consult with your
National Storyteller to learn more details.
Changeling 6.0 - US Addenda

Changeling 6.0 - US Addenda

Ch.2.2.01.US, Lore

Gremayre/Chimera Lore:
Lore regarding Chimera is covered by Gremayre. Gremayre may be specialized in specific Chimera-

Lore Approvals (for characters not belonging such groups):

Low Approval: Autumn People, Boggan, Eshu, Nocker, Pooka, Redcap, Satyr, Sluagh, Troll, Seelie
Court, Unseelie Court, Near Dreaming, Concordia (Geography, Politics, etc.)
Mid Approval: Clurichaun, Ghille Dhu, Piskie, Selkie, Sidhe, Dougal, Eiluned, Fiona, Gwydion, Liam
High Approval: Thallain, Dauntain, Denizens, Nunnehi, Merfolk, Inanimae, Scathach, Ailil, Balor,
Leanhaun, Shadow Court, Far Dreaming, Deep Dreaming
Top Approval: Any Lore not listed, or falling under the procedures set forth in the Prime rules set.

Ch.2.3.03.US, Influence

Clarification: The reference to five levels is to any Influence at more than five levels, not five levels of
Influence total.

Ch.2.3.05.US, Remembrance

In addition to the rules presented in The Shining Host, this background, at a rate of one-for-one reduces
the level of the Mists effects on characters upon suffering chimerical death, upon falling into temporary
Forgetting (loss of Glamour), or from forgetting events that happened in the Dreaming. Remembrance
may not be used to reduce a characters "Mist Rating" by more than half (round up) in this fashion.

Ch.2.3.07.US, Title

The "Title-Treasures" that are granted in The Shining Host Players Guide do not have any traits unless
points are invested to turn them into Treasures as per the rules presented in this Addendum.

To be the heir or relative of a Regional NPC requires High Approval and Top Approval for a National

Variant names for titles (military ranks, other cultures, etc.) are possible, but must be chosen to not cause
confusion with standard title names.

http://www.jyhad.net/usnst/Archives/Addenda6.0/changeling_6.htm (1 of 5) [8/25/2003 6:45:31 AM]

Changeling 6.0 - US Addenda

Ch.2.3.08.US, Chimera

Chimera as a background is defined as a chimerical object, not a living creature. Chimerical items only
rarely have a real-world counterpart (physical item that represents them). Chimerical items that are
weapons or armor have a cost equal to the half the bonus traits those items provide (rounded up). For
example, a Chimerical Great Sword would be a two-point Chimera. Storytellers are allowed to waive the
cost of simple chimerical items that characters are supposed to have, or picked up through plot or role-
play (rope, knife, parchment, clothing, etc.). Creating chimerical items in-play is difficult, and is best left
to Nockers and craftsmen NPCs such as armorers. Chimerical items may have cosmetic powers which
have no mechanics and no meaurably detrimental effects on others.

Ch.2.3.09.US, Companion

The Companion background describes a chimerical creature or vehicle friendly, allied, or owned by the
character. Vechicles fall under "non-sentient companions." Contact the ANST-Changeling office for
guidelines for companion construction.

Characters who make use of many levels of these backgrounds run the risk of entering Bedlam.

Ch.2.3.10.US, Treasure

Treasures are chimerical items that almost always have a real-world counterpart (see Chimera). Some
Treasures have counterparts that are identical to their Chimerical seeming (a sword that is also a real-life
sword), but most have other counterparts (a smelly flannel shirt that represents a flying carpet).
Characters may not create Treasures without a difficult and lengthy quest, and acquiring Treasures
during play should always be accompanied with a Quest of some sort, the difficulty/length to be
determined by the Player's Storyteller. Contact the ANST-Changeling office for guidelines for treasure

Characters who make use of many levels of these backgrounds run the risk of entering Bedlam.

Ch.3.1.00.US, ARTS

Player Characters do not require a teacher for the Arts that they enter play with, but do for all others.
There is no additional cost for "out-of-Kith" Arts.

Low Approval Arts: Chicanery, Dream Craft, Kryos, Legerdemain, Primal, Pyretics, Skycraft, Soothsay,
Wayfare, Infusion (Nockers only), Metamorphosis (Non-Sidhe only), Sovereign (Sidhe only), Spirit Link
(Nunnehi only), Inanimae Slivers (Inanimae only)
Mid Approval Arts: Contempt (Shadow Court only), Delusion (Shadow Court only), Low Approval
Kithain Arts (Manikin Inanimae), Dance of Destiny (2nd Advanced Soothsay), Elder Form (2nd

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Changeling 6.0 - US Addenda

Advanced Primal), Mythic Transformation (Advanced Metamorphosis - non-Sidhe only)

High Approval Arts: Aphrodesia, Infusion (Non-Nocker), Metamorphosis (Sidhe), Naming,
Oneiromancy, Sovereign (Non-Sidhe), Contempt (Non-Shadow Court), Delusion (Non-Shadow Court),
Low Approval Kithain Arts (Non-Manikin Inanimae), Geasa (Advanced Sovereign)
Top Approval Arts: Chronos, Inanimae Slivers (Non-Inanimae), Spirit Link (Non-Nunnehi), Reweaving
(2nd Advanced Naming), Expiation (2nd Advanced Oneiromancy)

Ch.3.2.21.US, Primal, Elder Form

Transformed targets of this power do not gain any supernatural abilities from their new form, but they do
retain the supernatural powers of their original form, though some of them may be difficult or impossible
to use. As a result, creatures that are able to change their own shape through supernatural means maintain
their usual restrictions for doing so (Garou, unsupervised Pooka, etc.).

Attribute traits and other benefits gained through the transformation should be limited to two attribute
traits / health levels / etc per bunk trait used in the casting of this Art. Storytellers may impose negative
traits or restrictions on a form as they see fit (within reason), but should not lower health levels of the
form below normal maximum for the target. The size of the form changed into is limited by the amount
of the Scene realm the character has. It is encouraged that players work with their Storyteller in advance
to develop the effects of likely forms, so as to avoid confusion and delays during play. As with other
powers, the final decision as to the mechanics of the new form is up to the Storyteller.

As the attempted destruction of living characters carries a degree of Banality, this power is less effective
when used to change a target into another form to make it easier to destroy them (a Fae into a glass vase
or a Vampire into a lawn chair). Whenever a target is transformed against their will, and takes any levels
of damage, they may spend a Willpower trait and retest the Cantrip to return to their original form.

Ch.3.2.2.US, Soothsay

Any visions seen as a part of a "seeing" power (Omen, Tattletale, Augury, etc.) may only be seen by the
character who uses the Art. Other characters may "see" only if a Telepathy-equivalent is used, or through
creative applications of the Chicanery Art (Fuddle to make movement in a mirror or a TV appear as the
vision appears, or Phantom Shadows to make the vision "play out" in front of the characters).

Ch.3.3.00.US, Realms

One Realm may be used per Cantrip cast, and with the exception of Scene, other Realms may be added
for one Glamour Trait per Realm. The US will be using the Realm Retest optional rule as presented in
Changeling 6.0.

Fae Realm

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Changeling 6.0 - US Addenda

Fae 4 Elusive Gallain is the Realm for Nunnehi, Denizens, Thallain, and Inanimae. For one of these
above characters to affect themselves, they use Fae 1 Hearty Commoner or Fae 2 Lofty Noble as is
appropriate. To affect other Fae, Fae 4 Elusive Gallain is required.

Scene Realm
Use the following chart instead of the levels presented in The Shining Host.

Scene x1: 25 sq. ft (person spinning with arms outstretched, space for 4-6 people).
Scene x2: 200 sq. ft (small Ryder truck).
Scene x3: 750 sq. ft (an entire supermarket aisle, a floor of an office building).
Scene x4: 2000 sq. ft (medium-sized house).
Scene x5: 50000 sq. ft (half mile of 2-lane road, a battlefield).

Adding the Scene Realm to a Cantrip does not cost Glamour, unlike the Time Realm.

Ch.4.0.08.US, Kingdoms

In the United States, Kingdoms are broken down as follows:

North East Region - Kingdom of Apples

East Central Region - Kingdom of the Rolling Hills
South East Region - Kingdom of Willows (all except FL), Kingdom of White Sands (FL
South Central Region - Kingdom of the Burning Sun
Great Lakes Region - Kingdom of Shimmering Waters
North Central Region - Kingdom of Grass
North West Region - Kingdom of Storms
South West Region - Kingdom of Pacifica

Ch.4.0.09.US, Travel in the Dreaming

No special approval is required for characters to enter and traverse the Near Dreaming, approval from the
RST office is required prior to a journey into the Far Dreaming, and approval from the NST office is
required for journeys into the Deep Dreaming.

Ch.4.1.01.US, Status (Change from Player's Guide)

Characters may loan status to another temporarily, but no more than one status may be gained in this
manner. Noble Status can only be used or held by characters who have Title. Commoners with Title
receive one less status trait than Sidhe with the same Title. Commoner Status may only be used or held
by characters who do not have Title. A character who is a Duke or higher may, once per month, "honor"

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Changeling 6.0 - US Addenda

a character with one status trait for some great deed, but no character may hold more than one status trait
in this fashion. This status counts as neither Commoner nor Noble status, and functions anywhere within
the lands it was awarded.

Commoner Status is a function of local public opinion. A group of Commoners who wish to bestow
Commoner Status to an individual must show proof of a Fae's worth (or lack of worth for removing
status) and must have the support of at least 3 Fae for each point of status the honored Fae has prior to
the award. The bestowing group need not actually be gathered together, but must all actively support the
change of status. The group may be composed of commoners or nobles, but at least 2/3 of the group must
be commoners to effect commoner status.

Commoner Status does not function outside of the home kingdom it was awarded in, and even in the
home kingdom it may be ignored in the same manner as Noble Status. Just as disrespecting a highly-
regarded Noble can get a character punished, banished, Gaesed, or pained in other ways, doing so to a
well-loved commoner should earn the offender many enemies in "low places". If a character accepts
another character's Commoner Status, that status may be used following the same rules as Noble Status.
No character may have more than four Commoner Status, and no Kinain may hold more than two.

Ch.4.1.02.US, Retainers/Retinue

Non-standard Retainer positions such as Quartermaster, Master of Horse, Marshall of Arms, Standard-
Bearer, etc. may be used, but they must tie (relate) to a Retainer position that exists in the Shining Host
Players Guide, including Investment cost and powers.


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The Camarilla's Rules Supplement for the Sanctioned Chronicle

Reprinted material is White Wolf Game Publishing, Inc. Terms and ideas trademarked
by White Wolf are used with permission, and any mention of said intellectual properties
should not be considered a challenge to their ownership.


Chapter One: Character Creation

Chapter Two: Traits

Chapter Three: Powers

Chapter Four: Systems

This supplement details rules for Wraith venue games in the Camarilla's Sanctioned
Minds Eye Theatre chronicle. These rules are intended for use with Oblivion and Dark
Epics by White Wolf Publishing, and with the Camarillas Prime Supplement.

These rules, when used for Sanctioned play, are to be applied without change, deviation,
alteration or addition by any member, save a countrys National Storyteller. This is to
enforce a homogenous set of rules throughout the organization, insuring that wherever a
member goes, they may play with a minimum of problems.

Storytellers are allowed and encouraged to use their judgment in the World of Darkness
to develop stories and enrich the flavor of the game. If a Storyteller judges that the flow
of the story would be enhanced by minor exceptions to the rules (on an individual basis
only), this creative license is allowed. It is strongly suggested that Storytellers stick to
the letter and intent of the rules in situations where one or more characters may die.
Storytellers found to be abusing this occasional liberty are subject to review and possible
disciplinary action. These licenses are not to be for such things as the approval of magic
items or the allowing of players to play rare character Types.

Chapter One: Character Creation (Wr.1.0.00)

Wraith characters are created using Oblivion in conjunction with this supplement and
with Prime.

Concept (Wr.1.0.01)
Membership in the Alchemists, Mnemoi, and Solicitors Guilds requires High Approval.

Some Important Changes Made (Wr.1.0.02)

As with the other venues, wraith characters now get five starting Free Traits in addition to those gained
from Negative Traits and Flaws. These may be added to existing characters after character creation.

Wraiths now begin with five (Basic) Arcanoi, rather than three. Add two Basic Arcanoi to the character
sheet, or refund the Experience Traits spent on two Basic Arcanoi bought beyond the old initial starting
number of three.

Wraiths now have different Attribute maximums. Any Traits in excess of these are reduced to match the
new maximum(s), and the Experience Traits spent on the lost Attributes are refunded.

New or altered approvals levels were applied to some Backgrounds and powers in the Wraith Supplement.
Existing characters must be approved by the appropriate level Storyteller(s) if something on the character
sheet now requires a higher level of approval than it did previously.

Types (Wr.1.0.03)
Playing a spectre of any kind, or a Risen, requires High Approval.

Chapter Two: Traits (Wr.2.0.00)

Wraiths have a maximum of ten Traits in each of the Attribute categories, ten Willpower
Traits, and five Traits in any single Ability. All wraiths have a maximum Pathos Trait
capacity of 10. Common wraiths begin play with three Willpower Traits, and one
permanent Angst Trait.

Older characters may begin with better Traits, but in exchange they suffer penalties that
represent their extended un-life spans. Players may select a higher maximum for all of
their Attribute categories: eleven, twelve, thirteen, or fourteen. Each point increased
costs the wraith a permanent Corpus level or a fetter, and adds a permanent Angst Trait to
her total. (A character can never lose or remove her starting permanent Angst Traits.)

For example: Bill creates a wraith with Attribute maximums of thirteen. He starts with
four permanent Angst Traits, and chooses to sacrifice one fetter and two permanent
Corpus levels.

Wraith characters also increase their Attribute maximums naturally through time in play.
A character that has been in play for more than six months has an Attribute category
maximum of eleven. This increases to twelve after one year in play, thirteen after
eighteen months in play, fourteen after two years in play, sixteen after four years in play,
and eighteen after six years in play.

For example: Bills wraith already has Attribute maximums of thirteen, so they do not
improve until the character has been in play for two years. At that time, its maximums
increase to fourteen.

Free Traits (Wr.2.0.01)

Like characters in other venues, wraiths get five Free Traits in addition to those gained
from Negative Traits and Flaws. One Free Trait can be gained per additional Thorn Trait
the player assigns to her shadow during creation. Free Traits gained from the
combination of Derangements, Negative Traits, and additional Thorns cannot exceed

Recovering Traits (Wr.2.0.02)

Each session a wraith begins play with the same number of temporary Angst and Pathos
Traits as she had the last time she played. This is modified by the use of Memoriam, or
by Storyteller-approved activities performed in downtime.

ABILITIES (Wr.2.2.00)

Empathy (Wr.2.2.01)
A wraith with this Ability can make a Static Mental Challenge against six Traits to locate
a nearby source of strong emotion, coming from a creature within the immediate area
(about one city block). The source is not guaranteed to be the type needed to fulfill the
characters Passions.

Survival (Wr.2.2.02)
Wraiths with this Ability know how to survive in the harsh places of the Shadowlands,
from the Tempest to the Labyrinth. It allows the wraith to test to find shelter and similar
things when out of the safety of the Necropolis, and the Storyteller may allow the
character to predict upcoming atmospheric changes in the Shadowlands.

Having (and using) Influence requires Mid Approval for wraith characters. The same is
true of Allies, Contacts, Resources, and other similar, real-world Backgrounds.
Additional Backgrounds can be found on pages 53 and 77 of Dark Epics.

Artifact (Wr.2.3.01)
This Background may be purchased multiple times to represent different Artifacts. Mid
Approval is required for any level four Artifact, and High Approval is required for any
level five Artifact.

Eidolon (Wr.2.3.02)
Eidolon can only be used as many times per night as the character has points in the
Background, but each use lasts only fifteen minutes. Characters must have five levels in
Eidolon to even begin to be considered for Transcendence.
Memoriam (Wr.2.3.03)
A character can test at the beginning of each game once per level of Memoriam, and gain
one Trait of Pathos for each win or tie. Losses do not count, but a wraith tests as many
times as they have levels in the Background, regardless of how many losses they make.

Status (Wr.2.3.04)
Mid Approval is needed to gain or purchase Guild Status, which may only be acquired
with Free Traits or earned in game. A wraith must have at least one level in Guild Status
to be considered part of the Guild. Membership in a Guild is quite uncommon, and
players should be encouraged to avoid it at character creation.


Given here is a list of new Merits and Flaws specific to the Wraith venue.

Addiction [1-2 Trait Psychological Flaw] (Wr.2.4.01)

The Restless Dead can develop a psychological addiction to a thing or even a person. If
denied daily access to the subject of the character's addiction, she will be down one or
two Traits (depending on the level of the Flaw) in all challenges until access is acquired.

Botched Moliation [1-3 Trait Physical Flaw] (Wr.2.4.02)

Something went wrong in a past effort at Moliate. Perhaps the character goofed, or
someone else really flubbed it. Take a one Trait penalty to Social Challenges for each
level of this Flaw.

Bound [3 Trait Supernatural Flaw] (Wr.2.4.03)

The wraith is bound, and cannot move more than one hundred feet from a particular spot.
She must take the location as a Fetter, and can leave it once the Fetter is resolved (and the
Flaw is bought off). This imposes a very severe limitation on the character, and your
Storyteller may simply rule that it doesn't fit the chronicle.

Bright [4 Trait Supernatural Merit] (Wr.2.4.04)

Emotions of the character have a particular quality that makes it easy to cross the Shroud.
She gets a one Trait bonus to all challenges involving piercing the Shroud.
Unfortunately, mortals seeking wraiths tend to find her first.

Cold [2 Trait Supernatural Merit] (Wr.2.4.05)

The Corpus of wraiths with this Merit is very cold. Mortals who pass near feel a distinct
chill. This is one of the classic para-psychological manifestations of haunting, and makes
it easy for the character to get mortals' attention whether she wants to or not.

Concentration [1 Trait Mental Merit] (Wr.2.4.06)

The character can focus her mind and shut out distractions and annoyances. She cannot
take more than two Traits in penalties based on distractions and disorientation for a
Damned [1 Trait Supernatural Flaw] (Wr.2.4.07)
The wraith believes that she missed her chance at salvation. Every minute she spends in
a site dedicated to her old religion drains a Trait of Willpower. If she touches a religious
artifact of her old religion, she immediately loses a level of Corpus from the burning

Disembodied Shadow [3 Trait Supernatural Flaw] (Wr.2.4.08)

The character's Shadow manifests in a form only she can see, generally that of a small
animal. She can talk with it, but she must speak out loud to do so. The Shadow has one
Physical Trait with which it can move small objects.

Distinctive Appearance [1 Trait Physical Flaw] (Wr.2.4.09)

Something about the wraith stands out and stays in others' minds, like a strange hairstyle,
a prominent tattoo, or differently colored eyes. This can be concealed with Moliate, but it
always comes back each evening.

Echoes [2-5 Trait Supernatural Flaw] (Wr.2.4.10)

The character is vulnerable to old wives' tales about handling ghosts. Salt keeps her from
crossing a threshold, animals detect her presence, she cannot cross running water,
skeptical disbelief repels her, and so on. Wherever the character goes, she leaves an
ectoplasmic residue, and her sounds can be taped with mundane recording devices.
Review ghost stories and para-psychological accounts for details of the effects of this
Flaw. The cost depends on how severe the limitations are. For the purposes of
challenges, take a one Trait penalty to affected tests per level of this Flaw.

Echoes of the Past [1 Trait Psychological Flaw] (Wr.2.4.11)

The wraith manifests in the Skinlands in ways she can't consciously control. Often her
Haunt offers some clue as to her presence, which alert mortals may notice. For level, the
Haunt retains a faint but distinctive scent, sound, or image of something that was
important to the character: her favorite lilac perfume, gentle sobbing, or images of Fetters
in the corner of an observer's eye. Those in the Haunt may make a Static Mental
Challenge (difficulty equal to the local Shroud rating) to notice the effect. This Flaw
manifests only when the wraith is present, though she is not embodied or otherwise
present in the Skinlands, and cannot gain Memoriam from the emotions of observers.

Fragile Corpus [3 Trait Corporeal Flaw] (Wr.2.4.12)

The character just doesn't hang together very well. She loses two Corpus rather than the
usual one when
dis-corporating. If she loses more than four Corpus levels in any single blow, she must
make a Static Willpower Challenge, difficulty five, to avoid being dragged into a

Full of Life [2 Trait Corporeal Merit] (Wr.2.4.13)

These wraiths were vibrant, energetic, and full of life when alive, and this continues to
serve them in death. The character has one extra Corpus level, but when her Corpus is
above ten, she looks more real and alive to other Wraiths; taking a one Trait penalty to all
efforts at concealment and disguise.

Heretic Boon [1-3 Trait Social Ties Merit] (Wr.2.4.14)

The members of a Heretic cult owe the character a favor for aid rendered. The higher the
level, the more significant and lasting the favor. For one Trait of this Merit, she can enter
a meeting of the group, while for three Traits she could get access to some of the group's
resources. Arrange the details with your Storyteller, and make sure you agree on the
limits of the boon.

Hierarchy Boon [1-4 Trait Social Ties Merit] (Wr.2.4.15)

The members of one of the Legions or Hierarchy administration owe the character a favor
for aid rendered. The higher the level, the more significant and lasting the favor. For one
Trait of this Merit, she can enter a meeting of the group, while for three Traits she could
get access to some of the group's resources. Arrange the details with your Storyteller,
and make sure you agree on the limits of the boon.

Improperly Buried [1 Trait Supernatural Flaw] (Wr.2.4.16)

Whatever the wraith's beliefs say shouldn't be done for the dead, she got. Perhaps she
was turned facedown in her coffin, or buried on unconsecrated ground, or died without
last rites. In any case, you must choose the character's corpse as a Fetter, but she cannot
regain Pathos or get other bonuses from it. All actions involving the corpse incur a one
Trait penalty. What's wrong can be fixed over time, but it's the Storyteller's discretion
how difficult this should be.

Malleable [2 Trait Corporeal Merit] (Wr.2.4.17)

The Corpus of such wraiths bends and flows easier than normal. They have a two Trait
bonus on all efforts to use Moliate on themselves. Unfortunately, the same bonus applies
to others' attempts to use Rend/Moliate on the character.

Mortal Companion [2 Trait Social Ties Merit] (Wr.2.4.18)

The wraith maintains close ties with a particular mortal, either one of her Fetters or just a
chance friendship. The mortal must have some way of interacting with the character;
perhaps he's a medium, or a parapsychologist. In most cases the wraith will want to be
attuned to him, though this must be done in play. Enemies who find out about this
companion can use him against the character, of course.

Notoriety [3 Trait Social Ties Flaw] (Wr.2.4.19)

The character has a bad reputation among her peers, whichever faction that is. She takes
a two Trait penalty to all Social Challenges involving those wraiths that have heard of

Renegade Boon [1-3 Trait Social Ties Merit] (Wr.2.4.20)

The members of a Renegade faction owe the character a favor for aid rendered. The
higher the level, the more significant and lasting the favor. For one Trait in this Merit,
she can enter a meeting of the group, while for three Traits she could get access to some
of the group's resources. Arrange the details with your Storyteller, and make sure you
agree on the limits of the boon.

Reputation [2 Trait Social Ties Merit] (Wr.2.4.21)

Some wraiths enjoy a good reputation among the Hierarchy, Heretics, or Renegades.
This might come from the character's own actions or as a result of a mentor. She is able
to interact with wraiths of the appropriate group as though she had an additional Status
Trait with that group. This doesn't actually give an additional Status Trait to bid or
spend. This Merit may not be taken multiple times unless each Reputation applies to a
different group (Hierarchy, Heretics, or Renegades).

Rotting [2 Trait Physical Flaw] (Wr.2.4.22)

In life, the character thought of the dead as rotting, festering things from horrible
nightmares. That image now marks her own Corpus. Muscle and tissue show through
ragged holes in her flesh, giving a three Trait penalty to Social Challenges where
appearance might play a part. If Embodied, the character actually gets some benefit from
it; mortals who see her are affected by the Fog as if they had two fewer Willpower than
they actually do.

Time Cycle [1-5 Trait Supernatural Flaw] (Wr.2.4.23)

At certain times it's much harder for the wraith to act across the Shroud. The time might
be some hours of the day, some days of the week, or some phases of the moon; work out
the details with your Storyteller, along with a reason for the obstruction to exist. The
character takes a one Trait penalty during the affected times per level of this Flaw. Add
one Trait to the value of the Flaw if the obstruction applies to days of the week. Add two
if it applies to hours of the day.

Tomb [1-2 Trait Social Ties Merit] (Wr.2.4.24)

The character was buried with a relic or memorabilia. For one Trait, she has a variety of
small personal items as relics; for two Traits she has a substantial array of furnishings and

Twisted Apprenticeship [1 Trait Social Ties Flaw] (Wr.2.4.25)

The character's Reaper taught her all the wrong things about wraith society. Her
misconceptions will often get her into trouble.

Unknown Fetter [2 Trait Supernatural Merit] (Wr.2.4.26)

The wraith has an additional Fetter, but doesn't know where or what it is. The Storyteller
decides the nature of this Fetter, based on the wraith's history. The character must
identify the nature of the connection before she can locate the specific person, place, or
thing. Lifeweb can locate it, but Fatalism will not reveal the connection.

Weak Shadow [4 Trait Supernatural Merit] (Wr.2.4.27)

The Psyche gets a two Trait bonus to efforts at resisting her Shadow.
THORNS (Wr.2.5.00)
When a character earns a certain number of Experience Traits, the Storyteller must assign
it an additional Thorn. Only Experience Traits earned in game count toward gaining
Thorns; Experience Traits from Member Class do not. Thorns taken at character creation
have no effect on this process.

A Thorn is assigned when twenty Experience Traits have been earned. A new Thorn
need not be assigned until another twenty Experience Traits have been earned, and so on.
If a two Trait Thorn is assigned, the character doesnt get another until fifty more
Experience Traits have been gained. A three Trait Thorn means the character doesnt get
another until ninety more Experience Traits have been earned. A four Trait Thorn
prevents another Thorn from being gained until one hundred and forty additional
Experience Traits are earned, and a five Trait Thorn staves off the next until two hundred
more Experience Traits have been earned.

The following expands the list of Thorns to give players more options when fleshing out
their characters. Every wraith's Shadow starts off with two Traits of Thorns. Additional
Thorns may be taken in lieu of Negative Traits, but the character is still limited in the
number of Negative Traits it can take (these extra Thorns do count against that

Dark Allies [1 Trait/level] (Wr.2.5.01)

The character's Shadow communicates regularly with specific specters, and can call on
them for assistance.

Death's Sigil [1-3 Traits] (Wr.2.5.02)

The character carries a prominent sign of Oblivion's touch: wings of choking smoke,
footprints of sea water, the smell of a charnel house, and so on. Each Trait of Death's
Sigil reduces the wraith's effective total Social Traits by one for the purpose of ties and
overbids. The character can spend a Willpower Trait to stifle (negate) the effects for a

Infamy [1 Trait/level] (Wr.2.5.03)

Similar to Memoriam, this represents the measure of fear and loathing the character
inspires in the living. Each time the character falls into slumber, the player must make
one Simple Test per Trait of this Thorn. Each test that she does not win or tie gives the
character a temporary Angst Trait.

Deafened Ear [1 Trait] (Wr.2.5.04)

The Shadow may spend a temporary Angst Trait to inflict total deafness on the wraith for
fifteen minutes. This can be done once per session, and does not grant the wraith
immunity to Keening and other sound-based powers.

Mirror, Mirror [1 Trait] (Wr.2.5.05)

Whenever the wraith sees itself in a reflective surface, the Shadow can activate this
Thorn. Everyone who sees the reflection sees it as horribly distorted, in whatever manner
the Shadow desires. This costs nothing to activate, but repeated usage mutes the surprise
and shock value it can have.

Nightmares [1 Trait] (Wr.2.5.06)

The Shadow can inflict wracking nightmare on the Psyche. The Shadow spends a
temporary Angst Trait and engages in a Static Challenge of the wraith's permanent Angst
against its Willpower (no Traits bid). Success means the Shadow causes the Psyche to
immediately wake from slumber without the usual benefits.

Shadow Face [1 Trait] (Wr.2.5.07)

The wraith can take on a completely different appearance when the Shadow takes over
(should it desire to do so).

Shadow Call [2 Traits] (Wr.2.5.08)

The Shadow can use this only when the wraith is in the Tempest or near the mouth of a
Nihil. For each Trait of permanent Angst the wraith possesses, the Shadow can spend a
Trait of temporary Angst and perform a Simple Test. Each win (not loss or tie) summons
a specter, the exact nature of which is decided by the Storyteller.

Wrack [2 Traits/level] (Wr.2.5.09)

The Shadow can inflict the Psyche with shooting pain during a Physical Challenge. The
Shadow simply spends a temporary Angst Trait, and forces the wraith to bid an additional
Trait per level of this Thorn. A Willpower Trait can be spent to negate the use of this
Thorn for a scene.

Silenced Tongue [3 Traits] (Wr.2.5.10)

The Shadow can (once per session) spend a Trait of temporary Angst to render the wraith
unable to make any sound for thirty minutes. The wraith cannot use any sound-based
powers, though it can communicate by writing, gesturing, and the like. Remember that
writing implements are rare in the Shadowlands.

Honeyed Tongue [3 Traits] (Wr.2.5.11)

The Shadow can spend a temporary Angst Trait and engage its target in a Social
Challenge. If successful, the next sentence the Shadow speaks will be believed by the
target (until irrefutable evidence is shown to the contrary). The Psyche can spend a
Willpower Trait to negate this effect.

Shadow Mentor [3 Traits] (Wr.2.5.12)

The Shadow can tap into the Hive-Mind to produce knowledge (Lores) for the Psyche.
The player informs the Narrator that he wishes to gain some knowledge, and that he is
making a pact with his Shadow. The narrator then determines the level of Lore required
for the information, and that number is then added to the wraith's temporary Angst Traits.
As a side effect of these frequent pacts, each time the Psyche gains any Lores on its own,
the player must make as Simple Test for each level learned, with a loss giving the wraith
one temporary Angst Trait.
Shadowplay [4 Traits] (Wr.2.5.13)
The Shadow can offer an additional action to the Psyche after the wraith uses up all of its
normally available actions for a turn. This offer is at the discretion of the Shadow, the
Psyche can't ask. If the Psyche agrees, it losses one, two or three Pathos Traits (win, tie
or loss on a Simple Test). It gains one, two, or three temporary Angst Traits (win, tie or
loss on another Simple Test). This affect can be offered only once per scene. The
Psyche must spend a Willpower Trait in order to resist when the Shadow offers this.

Tainted Touch [4 Traits] (Wr.2.5.14)

The wraith becomes a psychic Typhoid Mary. When the character brushes against
another's corpus (or vice versa), he must engage that individual in a Physical, Social, or
Mental Challenge (whichever is his strongest category). If successful, the other character
gains a temporary Angst Trait. Willpower cannot be used to negate the effects of this
Thorn, nor does this Thorn work when the character is in combat.

Whispers [4 Traits] (Wr.2.5.15)

The Shadow can speak directly to other Shadows, without the Psyche's knowledge.

Manifestation [5 Traits] (Wr.2.5.16)

The Shadow can take on independent corporeal existence, with the same Traits as the
Psyche. The Shadow must spend three Traits of temporary Angst for every ten minutes
that it wishes to maintain its manifestation.

Chapter Three: Powers (Wr.3.0.00)

ARCANOI (Wr.3.1.00)
The wraiths five initial Arcanoi must all be Basic level. The wraith receives the Innate
Abilities of each of these Arcanoi paths for free.

The Experience Trait cost reduction to Guild Arcanoi for Guild members is not
applicable in the Sanctioned chronicle. The bonus encourages too many players to play
Guild members, something uncommon in the wraith side of the World of Darkness.

A character cannot possess Flux, Mnemosynis, or Intimation at character creation without

holding Status in the proper Guild (Alchemists for Flux, Mnemoi for Mnemosynis, or
Solicitors for Intimation). These Guilds are fairly protective of their secrets and rarely
teach their Arcanoi to non-members, so taking these Arcanoi requires Mid Approval.
Flux, Mnemosynis, and Intimation cannot be learned without the instruction of a teacher
that already has them (including the Innate Abilities). Learning these Arcanoi in the
course of the game also requires Mid Approval.

Basic Arcanoi do not make sufficient impact on their users to be detected through
markings. Intermediate Arcanos markings can be observed with a successful Simple
Test. Advanced Arcanoi leave inimitable marks, and are always able to be seen.
Note that the Storyteller may change the difficulty of Static Challenges of any Arcanos
from what the Shroud rating is to a level of difficulty that they feel is appropriate to the
situation at hand.

As a standard, Arcanoi use the following Abilities when retesting: Argos [Survival],
Castigate [Intimidation], Contaminate [Empathy], Embody [Athletics], Fascinate
[Empathy], Fatalism [Enigmas], Flux [Science], Inhabit [Repair], Intimation
[Subterfuge], Keening [Performance], Larceny [Occult], Lifeweb [Investigation],
Mnemosynis [Empathy], Moliate [Medicine], Outrage [Brawl], Pandemonium [Occult],
Phantasm [Enigmas], Puppetry [Leadership], Shroud-Rending [Investigation], and Usury

Argos, Enshroud (Wr.3.1.01)

This Arcanos allows wraiths to remain hidden to all creatures looking into the
Shadowlands, including Sluagh. Enshroud users who win the Static Mental Challenge to
stay concealed in combat still become partly visible, but cannot be recognized. They are
up one Trait in combat challenges, but gain no other combat benefits from the power.

Argos, Flicker (Wr.3.1.02)

The optional rule for this power is used in the Sanctioned chronicle.

Argos, Oubliette (Wr.3.1.03)

The secondary use of this power lasts for one turn per success.

Embody, Phantom Whispers (Wr.3.1.04)

Supernatural creatures can not normally hear wraiths, despite the text for this Arcanos.

Fatalism (Wr.3.1.05)
Fatalism is difficult to work into a live-action setting and is recommended for non-player
characters only. High Approval is required for player characters to learn this Arcanos.

Fatalism, Luck (Wr.3.1.06)

This power is used to give the wraith a number of free retests in challenges for the
evening (Ignore the described system of changing ties into wins).

Flux (Wr.3.1.07)
Possessing this Arcanos marks a wraith as a member of the Alchemist's Guild (regardless
of whether or not she has Status in that guild). Though possession of this Arcanos is hard
to notice, characters can be destroyed if they are found to possess it.

Intimation (Wr.3.1.08)
Possessing this Arcanos marks a wraith as a member of the Solicitor's Guild (regardless
of whether or not she has Status in that guild). Characters can be destroyed merely for
possessing Intimation.

While the uses of Deep Desiring (if used to remove desires) and The Craving are
unsubtle, most non-Solicitors will attribute the behavior to something else (psychological
problems, Dominate, Keening, etc). Over time however, and with the Storyteller
decision, they may figure out the cause.

Some of the higher uses of this Arcanos (especially Cupitatis) can completely change a
character's motivations and desires. In any case, a complete changing of a character's
personality should require many uses of this Arcanos over time and requires the
adjudication of the Storyteller. A Storyteller can rule that drastic changes to a character's
behavior can fade with therapy and time (at least a few months).

Keening, Crescendo (Wr.3.1.09)

This power does bashing damage, and may be used to affect more than one target at a
time. The Chanteur using this power bids one Trait regardless of the number of targets

Keening, Requiem (Wr.3.1.10)

The subject may initiate a Social Challenge to resist the effects of this Arcanos,
regardless of whether or not they are ready for it. The effect is broken if a victim of the
reverie is seriously attacked (the Narrator rules that the characters existence is threatened
something is occurring that might send it into a Harrowing).

Lifeweb (Wr.3.1.11)
NPCs may have Lifeweb at Mid Approval, but its use should be strictly regulated. Since
there are no systems presented, Top Approval is required for a PC to have this Arcanos.

Mnemosynis (Wr.3.1.12)
Possessing this Arcanos marks a wraith as a member of the Mnemoi (regardless of
whether or not she has Status in that guild). Characters can be destroyed merely for
possessing Mnemosynis.

Moliate (Wr.3.1.13)
Moliate can only be used on wraiths, specters, plasmics, shadowed plasmics, and other
ecologies of the Underworld. Anything composed of plasm is malleable (unless
soulforged or otherwise locked into a form). Visitors to the Underworld can be affected
by this power. However, the power fades away when the visit ends. Example: someone
who is the target of Soul Stealing can be moliated, however, any changes made disappear
when the target re-enters his body.

Moliate, Sculpt (Wr.3.1.14)

Sculpt can be used to hide Arcanos markings on the corpus of a wraith, but the effect is
not permanent. The mark of an Arcanos returns the next time the sculpted character uses

Moliate, Martialry (Wr.3.1.15)

Weapons created by Martialry cannot have moving parts. For example, swords and
claws are fine, but crossbows and guns are not. A weapon created by Martialry can only
do a maximum of three levels of damage (including base damage of the weapon + the
number of success gained with the activation of Martialry). Only one weapon can be
created at a time, and a weapon created by Martialry is still attached to the wraith that
made it. Armor can only provide a maximum of three temporary Corpus and also must
remain attached to the wraith that creates it.

Phantasm, Phantasmagoria (Wr.3.1.16)

This power costs three Pathos Traits to activate and lasts for ten minutes. Each additional
Pathos Trait spent during activation extends the duration by ten minutes.

Pandemonium, Tempus Fugit (Wr.3.1.17)

Each use of this power can reduce the number of actions that a single victim can perform
in combat. Each success removes an action gained from Celerity, Rage, or similar
effects, to a minimum of one action per turn (the victim's normal action). Tempus Fugit's
effect lasts one turn for each success.

If the wraith has no Tempus Fugit effects working at the time, she can increase her own
speed in combat. She gains an additional physical action in a turn if she acquires three
successes, or two additional physical actions if she acquires five or more successes. This
effect lasts for one turn for each success, during which time Tempus Fugit cannot be used
again (even if the wraith gained no extra actions by scoring only one or two successes).

Risen can buy up to the Advanced levels of Celerity, Fortitude, Obfuscate, and Potence.
See Laws of the Night: Revised and Vampire for rules on Disciplines and their use.
Substituted Pathos Traits for any system that uses Blood Traits for activation. The risen
pays four Experience Traits for Basic Discipline powers, eight for Intermediate, and
twelve for Advanced. These powers are not technically Disciplines risen require no
instruction to learn them, nor can they teach them to others.

Chapter Four: Systems (Wr.4.0.00)

The Sharpened Senses capability of powerful wraiths (those native to the Wraith Venue)
allows them to spend a Pathos Trait and make a Mental Challenge in order to pierce a
supernatural power of concealment, up through Advanced level. This is a specific
exception to the Prime cross-venue rules. Weaker wraiths (those described in Prime as
common wraiths) do not possess this exception, and may only test against Basic levels.
The Pathos expenditure allows the wraith to attempt to pierce powers of concealment for
the remainder of the scene.

HEALTH (Wr.4.2.00)
Wraiths, specters, and risen do not follow the health level system presented in Prime.
Wraith 6.0 - US Addenda

Wraith 6.0 US Addenda

Wr.1.0.01.US, Concept

Non-Stygian Wraiths from outside of North America (Dark Kingdom of Jade, Swar, etc.) require High
Approval for use as PCs or NPCs. Non-Stygian Wraith from North America (Dark Kingdom of Flint, Les
Invisibles, etc.) require Mid Approval for use as PCs or NPCs. Use all the standard character creation
rules. Some trait names may change (Shadow vs. P'o) but all mechanics are the same as for Stygian

Wr.2.3.05.US, Backgrounds from MET Journal

Living Family, Wraith Family from MET Journal 4 requires High Approval. Magisterial Office from
MET Journal 4 requires Top Approval.

Wr.3.1.18.US, Keening - Muse

Muse may not cause the target to perform any self-destructive acts.

Wr.3.1.19.US, Arcanoi from MET Journals

The following Arcanoi from MET Journal 4 require High Approval:

The Way of the Scholar (Empathy)

The Way of the Artisan (Crafts)
The Way of the Farmer (Intimidation)
The Way of the Merchant (Finance)
The Way of the Soul (Meditation)

Chains of the Emperor (Brawl) requires Top Approval.

The following Arcanoi from MET Journal 6 require High Approval:

Behest (Awareness)
Displace (Occult)

Wr.3.3.00.US, Dark Arcanoi

It requires High Approval for any wraith to learn a Dark Arcanoi. Wraiths must pay double the free trait

http://www.jyhad.net/usnst/Archives/Addenda6.0/wraith_6.htm (1 of 2) [8/23/2003 10:20:23 PM]

Wraith 6.0 - US Addenda

or ET cost of a normal Arcanoi. After character creation, learning a Dark Arcanoi requires a teacher.

When a wraith uses a Dark Arcanoi, replace expenditures of Being with Willpower, expenditures of
Angst with Pathos, and gaining of Composure with Angst.

Wr.3.3.01.US, Dark Arcanoi from MET Journals

The following Dark Arcanoi from MET Journal 6 are available to wraiths with High Approval and
Spectres with Low Approval: Corruption (Subterfuge), Hive Mind (Meditation), Tempest Weaving

The variant versions of Contaminate and Shroud-Rending from MET Journal 6 are not used in
Sanctioned play. Refer instead to the versions in Oblivion.

http://www.jyhad.net/usnst/Archives/Addenda6.0/wraith_6.htm (2 of 2) [8/23/2003 10:20:23 PM]

They instead use the Corpus rules on page 149 of Oblivion. They do not suffer wound
penalties for losing Corpus.

Note that additional rules for metamorphosis exist in Prime. Vampires who have been
the victim of diablerie, or who have achieved Golconda, may not become wraiths.
Changelings may not become wraiths unless slain by cold iron. Garou may not normally
become wraiths unless they die with Wyrm-taint and do not have a Rite of the Departed
performed for them within a day of their death. If a mage dies while holistically present
in the Shadowlands, he becomes a wraith (if the necessary Approval is granted,
otherwise, he simply dies). No character with True Faith can become a wraith.

Supernatural characters that metamorph into wraiths start with five permanent Angst
Traits. Normal humans and partially-Awakened (ghoul, kinfolk, etc.) character that
metamorph into wraiths start with one to five permanent Angst Traits (at approving
Storyteller's discretion). Thorns, passions, fetters are chosen as normal.

For the purposes of increasing Trait Maximums over time in play, the date of the
character's metamorphosis is considered to be the date the character entered play.
Example: A Giovanni that was played in the Cam/Anarch Venue for three years before
dying and gaining the Approval to become a wraith must wait six months before his Trait
Maximum rises to eleven.

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