Addendum GTS 2009-12

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Effective Date: 15 December 2009

Last Updated: 09 December 2009

This addendum is organized into the following sections:

I. ADDITIONAL BOOKS: A listing of errata and books specifically sanctioned for this venue.
II. CHARACTERS: Basic rules for Geist Characters.
III. ORGANIZATIONS AND KREWES: Rules pertaining to Sin-Eater krewes.
IV. REALMS: Rules pertaining to magical places.
V. MERITS: Rules pertaining to Sin-Eater specific merits.
VI. KEYS AND MANIFESTATIONS: Rules pertaining to various Sin-Eater powers.
VII. CEREMONIES: Rules pertaining to Sin-Eater Ceremonies.
VIII. STORYTELLER RULES AND CLARIFICATIONS: Optional rules and other settings information.

Text in red indicates new or changed items in this addendum cycle.

Text in blue indicates new or changed items from the last addendum cycle.


A. The House Always Wins (SAS)

A. Background
1. Longevity
a. Born in 1915 or earlier: High Approval.
b. Born in 1890 or earlier: Top Approval.
c. Born in 1865 or earlier: Global Approval.
2. Youth
a. Bound with a Geist prior to age 3: Global Approval (Mid for NPCs).
b. Bound with a Geist prior to age 12: High Approval (Low for NPCs).
c. Currently under the age of 16: High Approval (Low for NPCs).
3. Bound Geists
a. It is impossible to determine the complete age or history of a Bound Geist, as
communication is nigh impossible.
b. A PC cannot benefit from knowledge of the supernatural a Geist may have gleaned from
previous Hosts or its former life
4. Krewes
a. Being a member of a Fallen Tier 3 Krewe: Global approval.
b. Being a Founder of a Fallen Tier 3 Krewe: Not sanctioned.
B. Character Types
1. Sin-Eaters: Low Approval.
a. The Vacant: Top approval (High for NPCs).
b. The Wretched: Not available as PCs (Low for NPCs, a PC that reaches Synergy 0 is
retired and becomes an NPC).
c. Other Supernaturals: Only mortals without a template (of any type) may enter the
2. Geists: Not available as PCs.
a. Unfettered Geists are High approval as NPCs unless as part of the story of a PC's
Bargain in game.
3. Ghosts: Not available as PCs. (Low for NPCs)
a. Ghosts may not possess Geist numina.
b. Use of the "Other Sources" sidebar increases the approval level of the ghost to Mid.
4. Kerberoi: Not available as PCs. Ignore "Maximum Key" category in their creation. It is
Global Approval for Kerberoi to be used outside of the Underworld; within the Underworld, the
various ranks of Kerberoi are available for NPC use at the following approval levels:

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a. Rank 1: Mid Approval.
b. Rank 2 to 3: High Approval.
c. Rank 4 to 5: Top Approval.
d. Rank 6+: Global Approval.
5. Abmortals: Not available as PCs (Mid for NPCs).
a. Use of Geist page 247-249 and Night Horrors: The Camarilla to build.
6. Cthonians: Not available at this time.
C. Psyche
1. to : High Approval.
2. to : Top Approval.
3. : Global Approval.
4. Anchors that allow for increased Psyche must be specifically identified in the application for
D. Archetypes
1. Custom Archetypes: Not available at this time.
2. Changing Your Archetype: Mid Approval.


A. Charonites: Approval level based on scope of control of the Twilight Network.
1. Local: Mid Approval.
2. State: High Approval.
3. Nation: Top Approval.
4. International: Global Approval.
B. Krewe Founders: The Founders of a krewe must be noted in the application. You cannot add
more founder slots at a later date.
1. Successorship: If a Founder's successor is to take the mantle of the Founder slot, this
requires the same approval level as the initial approval for the Krewe.
2. Innocent Successors: This method may not be used to justify a new character of the same
player as the Founder character that was just lost nor can it be used to justify adding in new
Founder slots at a later date.
C. Non-founder Krewe Members: Low Approval, with Founder approval number listed in
D. Tier 1 Krewes: Founder Approval level is lowest ST with Jurisdiction over all Founding PCs, or
Low Approval.
1. Founding Benefits:
a. Krewe Fate: This is a shared merit, to a maximum of 5 dots.
b. Mythic Aspect: Low Approval, benefit must be notated on character sheet.
2. Supernatural Benefits:
a. Deathsoul Initiation: Mid Approval
i. Keys do not have dots.
ii. Associated Key and Manifestation cannot be changed once chosen, even for new
dots purchased.
iii. Founder's PC and OOC contact info must be noted in the approval along with shared
3. Temporal Benefits:
a. Pooled Merits: Low Approval.
i. When the limit of users is reached, the upgrade to Tier 2 temporal benefits is not
automatic without approval for Tier 2 krewe.
E. Tier 2 Krewes: Founder approval level is lowest ST with jurisdiction over all Founding PCs, or
Mid Approval with High Notification.
1. Founding Benefits:
a. Mythic Avatar: Mid Approval.
i. Aspect Attribute must be noted in the approval.
b. Death Rite: Low Approval.
i. Participants in the Rite need not be Sin-Eaters.
2. Supernatural Benefits:

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a. Key Initiation: Mid Approval.
i. The benefit should read: "...The Sin-Eater can learn this Key for free."
ii. Drawback: Select only one of the three Flaws presented as the drawback.
F. Tier 3 Krewes: Global Approval. Not available at Character Creation. At the time of Chronicle
Start, there are no Tier 3 Krewes.
1. Founding Benefits:
a. Forge Key: This benefit is reserved for use by the Master Storyteller's Office.
b. Revenance: High Approval (Mid for Approved Tier 3 NPCs).
i. The Drawback triggering Threshold must be noted in the approval.
ii. Global Approval to purchase in background.
iii. Regular age approvals apply.
2. Supernatural Benefits:
a. Mythic Aspect: The mechanical benefit must conform to the Founder's Mythic Aspect.
The Founder's Aspect that is shared is permanent once chosen.

A. Underworld: Approval levels are based on ST authority of the geography. Travel to that "level" of
the Underworld represents a proxy through the ST chain to your goal, handled by the presiding
ST or Geist specific assistant.
1. Autochthonous Depths: Low authority, unique and standardized to each domain.
2. First River: Mid authority, standardized to multiple venues within a domain.
3. Second to Third Rivers: High authority.
4. Fourth to Fifth Rivers: Top authority.
5. Sixth+ Rivers: Global authority
B. Deep Doors: Global Approval, must be noted in VSS.
C. The Shadow: Finding an Avernian Gate from the Underworld to the Shadow is Top Approval.

A. Merits Affected by the Addendum
1. Codex:
a. : High Approval.
i. Cannot teach Tier 2 Founder benefits.
ii. As a Memento: Top Approval.
b. : Top Approval.
i. Cannot teach Tier 2 or 3 Founder benefits.
ii. As a Memento: Global Approval.
2. Haunt:
a. Haunts are not detectable by other supernaturals, and are therefore not considered
'places of power.'
b. Haunt Utility: Replace all use of "Haunt Accessibility" in the passage with "Haunt Utility."
c. Haunt Fluidity: cannot be used by non Sin-Eaters to pass into the Underworld.
3. Mementos:
a. Keystone: Low Approval.
i. All Bound receive one for free, which cannot be replaced or destroyed.
ii. Must be built per Geist: the Sin-Eaters p. 195 and notated on character sheet.
iii. The two Keys chosen to represent the Keystone's Threshold must be the two free
Key's chosen at character creation.
iv. If the item chosen to represent the Keystone Memento would impart an equipment
bonus (i.e. a weapon, vehicle, lockpick, etc.), then the bonus conferred is capped at
v. The Keystone Skill: when boosted with plasm, is not considered the natural rating of
the skill.
4. Charm: Low Approval.
a. Build per Geist: the Sin-Eaters p. 195.
b. Must be created via the Dedicate Charm Ceremony after character creation.
5. Vanitas: Mid Approval.

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a. Build per Geist: the Sin-Eaters p. 199
6. Fetters: High Approval.
a. Build per Geist: the Sin-Eaters p. 202.
b. Fetters made after Character Creation require the character sheet of the ghost to be
posted into the application by the presiding ST.
c. Fetters made after Character Creation require the "Fetter's Binding" ceremony, Geist:
the Sin-Eaters p. 167.
d. Geists and spirits cannot be bound into a Fetter.
7. Deathmasks: Top Approval.
a. Build per Geist: the Sin-Eaters p. 206.
b. The deathmask's associated Skill bonus is not added to the natural level of the skill.
c. The associated "ghost power" of the deathmask is thematic and should not confer any
mechanical advantages beyond this.
8. Memorabilia: Global Approval.
a. Build per Geist: the Sin-Eaters p. 209.
b. As truly unique historical items, Memorabilia applications require the history of how the
item came into the character's possession as well as details of its history.


A. Keys
1. Character Creation
a. The second free Key at Character Creation can be chosen from any Threshold, but
should represent the connection between the Sin-Eater and his Geist.
b. A starting character may not spend more than 50% of their starting XP on Keys.
2. Keys Do Not Have Dots: Remove any mention of Keys with variable levels. All keys have a
flat XP cost of 10 xp, regardless of Threshold affinity.
3. Quests: Adding such a fundamental aspect of Death to the connection between a Sin-Eater
and their Geist is difficult. Storytellers are encouraged to require specific quests (please see
Document Geists of a Thousand Faces) or trips into the Underworld for PCs to acquire
these abilities.
B. Manifestations
1. Activation Successes: Capped by the highest of natural Attribute, Skill, or Manifestation
rating involved in activation draw.
2. Bonuses to attributes or skills derived from the basic activation of a Manifestation are not
considered natural levels of the attribute or skill nor can they be added to a draw for a
separate manifestation or ceremony.
3. Manifestations Affected by the Addendum
a. Boneyard:
i. There is no assumption that use of Boneyard allows for sensing activities of other
venues in a domain, and actual interactions via use of the power require standard
cross venue approvals.
ii. While a boneyard is active the Sin-Eaters physical body cannot move, despite not
needing to be in the center of the Boneyard. The only actions available to the Sin-
Eater are the activation of manifestations through the Boneyard.
iii. Cold Wind Boneyard:
(a) and : Replace "resisted by target's Stamina" to "Contested by target's
Stamina+Psyche or equivalent Supernatural Advantage."
iv. Grave-Dirt Boneyard:
(a) and : Replace "resisted by target's Composure" with "Contested by
target's Composure+Psyche or equivalent Supernatural Advantage."
v. Pyre-Flame Boneyard:
(a) and : Replace "resisted by target's Stamina" to "Contested by target's
Stamina+Psyche or equivalent Supernatural Advantage."
vi. Tear-Stained Boneyard:
(a) and : Replace "resisted by target's Composure" with "Contested by
target's Composure+Psyche or equivalent Supernatural Advantage."

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vii. Passion Boneyard:
(a) and : Replace "Anyone who enters...whose Composure+Psyche is less
than activation successes" with "Anyone who enters must draw
Composure+Psyche vs the users draw to activate the ability."
viii. Phantasmal Boneyard:
(a) : Replace "Any character who enters...whose Resolve is less than the
successes rolled..." with "Any character who enters resists the illusion with
ix. Primeval Boneyard:
(a) : Replace "Any character who enters...whose Resolve is less than the
successes rolled..." with "Any character who enters resists the illusion with
(b) : Armor applies.
x. Stillness Boneyard:
(a) : Replace "resisted" with "Contested."
(b) : This power is contested by Resolve+Psyche and only can effect one
target a round. Someone attacked while under the effects of this power, even in
the "unnatural sleep", wakes immediately and can defend themselves. Damage
by an ally does not invoke this effect.
(c) : Someone attacked while unconcious as a result of this ability
immediately wakes immediately and can defend themselves.
b. Caul:
i. Cold Wind Caul:
(a) : Only applies to the initial grapple challenge. Does not apply to normal brawl
or touch attacks.
(b) : Standard plasm expenditure limits apply.
(c) : Only can be activated on character's initiative.
ii. Pyre-Flame Caul:
(a) : Cannot use plasm to negate the lethal taken. Does not apply to lethal
garnered when attacked.
(b) : Contested drawing Stamina+Composure vs Activation successes.
iii. Tear-Stained Caul:
(a) : Targets can make a Dexterity+Athletics challenge to move out of the
way, with their successes negating levels of damage.
iv. Passion Caul:
(a) : This ability is negated if the user attacks the target at any time.
v. Stillness Caul:
(a) : The Sin-Eater can still harm and be harmed while in this form.
(b) : Shifting out of this form is an Instant action.
c. Curse:
i. All curses are resisted by the higher of the target's Resolve or Composure.
ii. Passion Curse:
(a) : Replace "dramatic failure" with "draw of 1."
iii. Phantasmal Curse:
(a) This power affects Dexterity dice pools, not derived traits such as Defense.
(b) : The penalty to Resolve and Composure dice pools does not apply to
resisting powers that cause damage.
iv. Stigmata Curse:
(a) : This damage can be mitigated through the use of plasm.
(b) : This power is contested by Stamina+Psyche.
d. Marionette:
i. Elemental Marionette:
(a) The cap on attributes and skills for a homonculus is equal to the character's
Psyche or 5, whichever is higher.
ii. Phantasmal Marionette:

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(a) and : The maximum bonus to a lethal attack gained in this way is
iii. Stillness Marionette:
(a) : Successes added to increase a zombie's attributes may not take them
higher than the Sin-Eater's Psyche or 5, whichever is greater
e. Oracle:
i. Passion Oracle:
(a) : Must have succeeded on the previous Wits+Empathy check. Can only
spend 1 plasm a turn for this effect, and the bonus lasts for only a turn.
f. Rage:
i. Rage manifestations may not be used through other manifestations, e.g., Boneyard
and Oracle projections.
(a) The range of Rage manifestations while utilizing an active Boneyard is the
standard Psyche x number of yards, regardless of the character's Rage dot
ii. Passion Rage:
(a) This combination only inflicts bashing, not lethal or aggravated, damage.
iii. Stigmatic Rage:
(a) : This range should be Psyche x 10 yards.

A. Cost: Ceremonies are always considered simple merits that cost 3 XP per dot.
B. Updating and Modifying Ceremonies: High Approval to modify method of performing a
ceremony at the cost of 1 extra dot of rating.
C. Ceremonies Affected by the Addendum:
1. The Devils Bargain [The House Always Wins]: This ceremony is reserved for use by the
Master Storyteller's office.
2. Plumbing the Depths: Not sanctioned at this time.
3. Reverse Bargain: Top Approval (High Approval for NPCs).
4. Unbinding: Top Approval (High Approval for NPCs).


A. Channeling Manifestations through Archetype: Can be done once per Game session. Once
done, the character receives the "2 again" effect, her next drawn 2 is considered a 1 for the
purposes of automatic failures.
B. Premeditated Murder and Synergy: Premeditated murder (not accidental death, manslaughter,
or serial murder) is not a discord trigger for Synergy unless planned as a ritualistic murder for
healing, as per Geist: the Sin-Eaters pp. 172-173.
C. Krewe Experience: Not sanctioned at this time.
D. NPC Mentors of Krew Benefits: Not Sanctioned at this time.

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