Addendum GTS 2009-12
Addendum GTS 2009-12
Addendum GTS 2009-12
I. ADDITIONAL BOOKS: A listing of errata and books specifically sanctioned for this venue.
II. CHARACTERS: Basic rules for Geist Characters.
III. ORGANIZATIONS AND KREWES: Rules pertaining to Sin-Eater krewes.
IV. REALMS: Rules pertaining to magical places.
V. MERITS: Rules pertaining to Sin-Eater specific merits.
VI. KEYS AND MANIFESTATIONS: Rules pertaining to various Sin-Eater powers.
VII. CEREMONIES: Rules pertaining to Sin-Eater Ceremonies.
VIII. STORYTELLER RULES AND CLARIFICATIONS: Optional rules and other settings information.
A. Background
1. Longevity
a. Born in 1915 or earlier: High Approval.
b. Born in 1890 or earlier: Top Approval.
c. Born in 1865 or earlier: Global Approval.
2. Youth
a. Bound with a Geist prior to age 3: Global Approval (Mid for NPCs).
b. Bound with a Geist prior to age 12: High Approval (Low for NPCs).
c. Currently under the age of 16: High Approval (Low for NPCs).
3. Bound Geists
a. It is impossible to determine the complete age or history of a Bound Geist, as
communication is nigh impossible.
b. A PC cannot benefit from knowledge of the supernatural a Geist may have gleaned from
previous Hosts or its former life
4. Krewes
a. Being a member of a Fallen Tier 3 Krewe: Global approval.
b. Being a Founder of a Fallen Tier 3 Krewe: Not sanctioned.
B. Character Types
1. Sin-Eaters: Low Approval.
a. The Vacant: Top approval (High for NPCs).
b. The Wretched: Not available as PCs (Low for NPCs, a PC that reaches Synergy 0 is
retired and becomes an NPC).
c. Other Supernaturals: Only mortals without a template (of any type) may enter the
2. Geists: Not available as PCs.
a. Unfettered Geists are High approval as NPCs unless as part of the story of a PC's
Bargain in game.
3. Ghosts: Not available as PCs. (Low for NPCs)
a. Ghosts may not possess Geist numina.
b. Use of the "Other Sources" sidebar increases the approval level of the ghost to Mid.
4. Kerberoi: Not available as PCs. Ignore "Maximum Key" category in their creation. It is
Global Approval for Kerberoi to be used outside of the Underworld; within the Underworld, the
various ranks of Kerberoi are available for NPC use at the following approval levels:
A. Underworld: Approval levels are based on ST authority of the geography. Travel to that "level" of
the Underworld represents a proxy through the ST chain to your goal, handled by the presiding
ST or Geist specific assistant.
1. Autochthonous Depths: Low authority, unique and standardized to each domain.
2. First River: Mid authority, standardized to multiple venues within a domain.
3. Second to Third Rivers: High authority.
4. Fourth to Fifth Rivers: Top authority.
5. Sixth+ Rivers: Global authority
B. Deep Doors: Global Approval, must be noted in VSS.
C. The Shadow: Finding an Avernian Gate from the Underworld to the Shadow is Top Approval.
A. Merits Affected by the Addendum
1. Codex:
a. : High Approval.
i. Cannot teach Tier 2 Founder benefits.
ii. As a Memento: Top Approval.
b. : Top Approval.
i. Cannot teach Tier 2 or 3 Founder benefits.
ii. As a Memento: Global Approval.
2. Haunt:
a. Haunts are not detectable by other supernaturals, and are therefore not considered
'places of power.'
b. Haunt Utility: Replace all use of "Haunt Accessibility" in the passage with "Haunt Utility."
c. Haunt Fluidity: cannot be used by non Sin-Eaters to pass into the Underworld.
3. Mementos:
a. Keystone: Low Approval.
i. All Bound receive one for free, which cannot be replaced or destroyed.
ii. Must be built per Geist: the Sin-Eaters p. 195 and notated on character sheet.
iii. The two Keys chosen to represent the Keystone's Threshold must be the two free
Key's chosen at character creation.
iv. If the item chosen to represent the Keystone Memento would impart an equipment
bonus (i.e. a weapon, vehicle, lockpick, etc.), then the bonus conferred is capped at
v. The Keystone Skill: when boosted with plasm, is not considered the natural rating of
the skill.
4. Charm: Low Approval.
a. Build per Geist: the Sin-Eaters p. 195.
b. Must be created via the Dedicate Charm Ceremony after character creation.
5. Vanitas: Mid Approval.
A. Cost: Ceremonies are always considered simple merits that cost 3 XP per dot.
B. Updating and Modifying Ceremonies: High Approval to modify method of performing a
ceremony at the cost of 1 extra dot of rating.
C. Ceremonies Affected by the Addendum:
1. The Devils Bargain [The House Always Wins]: This ceremony is reserved for use by the
Master Storyteller's office.
2. Plumbing the Depths: Not sanctioned at this time.
3. Reverse Bargain: Top Approval (High Approval for NPCs).
4. Unbinding: Top Approval (High Approval for NPCs).