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Unit I
Introduction: History and concept of EMI, Definitions of EMI/EMC, Electromagnetic
environment, Practical experiences and concerns, frequency spectrum conservation, mechanisms
of EMI generation, EMI testing, Methods of elimination of EMI and Biological effects of EMI

Unit II
Natural and manmade sources of EMI/EMC: Sources of Electromagnetic noise, typical noise
paths, modes of noise coupling, designing for EM compatibility, lightening discharge, electro
static discharge (ESD), electromagnetic pulse (EMP).

Unit III
EMI from Apparatus / Circuits and open area test sides: Electromagnetic emissions, noise form
relays and switches, non-linearities in circuits, passive inter modulation, transients in power
supply lines, EMI from power electronic equipment, EMI as combination of radiation and
conduction. Open area test sides: OATS measurements, measurement precautions.

Unit IV
Radiated Interference Measurements: anechoic chamber, TEM cell, reverberating
chamber, GTEM cell, comparison of test facilities.

Unit V
Conducted Interference Measurement: Characterization of conduction currents / voltages,
conducted EM noise and power line, conducted EMI from equipment, immunity to conducted
EMI, characteristics of EMI filters and power line filter design.

Unit VI
Grounding and Cabling: Safety and signal grounds, low and high frequency grounding methods,
grounding of amplifiers and cable shields, isolation, neutralizing transformers, shield grounding
at high frequencies, digital grounding, types of cables, mechanism of EMI emission / coupling in

Unit VII
Shielding and Bonding: effectiveness of shielding, near and far fields / impedances, methods of
analysis, total loss due to absorption and reflection effects, composite absorption and reflection
losses for electric fields / magnetic fields, magnetic materials as a shield, shield discontinuities,
slots and holes, seams and joints, conductive gaskets Electrical Bonding, Shape and Material for
Bond straps, General Characteristics of good bonds.

Components for EMC and EMC Standards: Choice of capacitors, inductors, transformers
and resistors, EMC design components National / International EMC standards, military
and civilian standards

Text Book:

1. Engineering Electromagnetic Compatibility by Dr. V.P. Kodali, IEEE Publication, Printed

in India by S. Chand & Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 2000.
2. Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility IMPACT series, IIT-Delhi, Modules 1-9.

1. Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility, Ny, John Wiley, 1992, by C.R. Pal


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