Problem and Prospect of Using Literature To Teach Writing in English As A Second Language
Problem and Prospect of Using Literature To Teach Writing in English As A Second Language
Problem and Prospect of Using Literature To Teach Writing in English As A Second Language
ABSTRACT: This conceptual paper intends to evaluate the problems and prospects of teaching English
language skills particularly writing skill through literature. The importance of literature in language teaching
will also be of emphasis in the paper. However, the poor performances of students in English language in both
internal and external examinations, low quality of education all over the world prompt educationists and
teachers of language to think and develop innovative approaches for teaching the language. In view of this, this
author decides to see how literature can be used to enhance students knowledge of the language and as a way
of developing knowledge of writing skill as innovation in language teaching. Therefore, this paper will look at
the problem and prospect of teaching literature in higher institutions as a way of enhancing English language
Keywords: literature, English as a second language, language skills,
Literature according to Alabere (2006) is an exercise of the mind and intellect which emanates from
mans desire to narrate stories using words creatively to expose aspects of the experiences of man. The Concise
Oxford Dictionary defines it as writings whose value is in the beauty of form or emotional effects and it can
also be defined as:
The organization of words to give pleasure through them to elevates and transforms experience, and
functions in society as a continuous symbolic criticism of value. Ogunsina (1976) also sees it as a vehicle of
human expression which seeks to investigate man, his behavior in the society, his knowledge of the universe in
which he finds himself. Literature is a means of enlarging ones imagination and experience. It offers a vast
reservoirs of human experiences and judgment of experience, development of imagination and entry into human
situation which otherwise might well fall outside our imagination. However, the educational planners in Nigeria
have made the teaching of literature in English a compulsory aspect of English language in our tertiary
institutions. Based on this, the curriculum designed for tertiary institutions and particularly, Colleges of Arabic
and Islamic Legal Studies, literature is taught in pre-diploma and diploma levels
Therefore, literature is the expression of the whole man who arts his own life out in the society in his
bid to survive through the exploration of the organic link between mans social relation and how the
interrelations produces some changes in his life. 53 | Page
Problem And Prospect Of Using Literacture To Teaching Writing In English As A Second 54 | Page
Problem And Prospect Of Using Literacture To Teaching Writing In English As A Second
different literary texts according to Alabere et al., (2015) the introduction of literary and debating societies,
reading/writing workshop and literary discussion group help students to communicate with other learners, share
ideas and gain confidence with books and other printed materials, language teachers should select books that
that are interesting and that appeal to the students both culturally and linguistically. They should direct learners
to read materials that could enhance their enthusiasm for reading and learning language structure that could lead
to better writing skill. Language teachers can also introduce audio-visual aids like watching plays and text
related films.
The school library should be well equipped with relevant books and materials that are current for
effective teaching and learning to take place. Teachers personal copies of books should be given to them as
recommended books for effectiveness and efficiency. Therefore, the study of literature helps to preserve the
precision and the vitality of language. Reading literary text for enjoyment relaxes the mind and enhances better
performance of students in English language. Young experts should be encouraged to engage in writing
textbooks so that there will be enough textbooks based on students background to make its use for teaching
language skills relevant.
In the process of using literature to teach English language skills, students are exposed to, different
themes and uses of language. Learners get to know different foreign cultures and countries all over the world.
Certain genre of Literature, such as drama and poetry tend to expose students to certain dilemmas and purgation
that can transform their real lives as well as provide for them the culture of the real speakers of the target
language. Literature encourages acquisition of language structures through extensive reading of novels and role
play in drama carried out outside the classroom and listening skill can be learned by listening to literary audio-
books. Therefore, students should be encouraged to do extensive reading of novels and plays as well as listen to
audio texts. According to Alabere et al (2015) Literary activities can also be used to expand students English
language. Students should be encouraged to join literary and debating society, press club etc to enhance
confidence and knowledge of the language. Although social aspects of students life, do not directly affect their
academic achievement, they do affect the overall performance of the students. Learning is not only achieved
through reading books, but also can be learnt from peers through out-of-classroom activities. Students learn how
to compromise and work in a group and interact with people who are not within their close group. Press club in
school helps to improve the level of interaction among students; it also develops the skills of writing and
preserves the norms and values of the school. It improves the intellectual activities by promoting learning
environment. Press club creates an exciting, entertaining and creative environment in schools, thereby
improving writing and speaking abilities for proficiency and efficiency in the use of English language.
Teaching language skills through literary texts can help to develop students ability to interpretive
contents of English text through multiple meanings of literary texts. Exposing students to stylistic use of words
and ambiguities of literary texts help them to understand multiple meaning that can help them in real life
situation. According to Borja and Morina (2005) apart from expanding the levels of interpretation of students, it
can also stimulate the level of imagination of students, critical abilities and increased emotional awareness.
Therefore, students will be able to respond personally to any text given to them and increased ability to respond
by using their own ideas and emotions in English language. 55 | Page
Problem And Prospect Of Using Literacture To Teaching Writing In English As A Second
students to gain extensive and connotative vocabulary as well as expanding their level of syntax and language
skills. Adeyanju (1978) is also of the view that literature can be used to develop language usage though it is not
an easy task to teach second language students (non-native speaking students). Introducing literary texts in
language class due to the fact that the students are expected to read texts in the language they are not so good in
and to discuss the structure and the style of the writer.
Why Literary Texts in English Second Language Class
The reasons why literature can be used to teach language in second language situation are numerous.
According to Collie and Slater (1990) the reasons why literary texts can be used to teach language at any level
of education are:
1. Valuable Authentic Materials
2. Cultural Value
3. Language Enhancement
4. Personal Involvement
5. Varieties and Interest
Cultural Value
According to Muria (2005) the best way to improve students knowledge and understanding of
language in second language classroom, literary texts help to enhance and imbibe the culture, language, and
style of the people in the community. Their level of imagination increases through the style and roles of the
characters in the literary texts. Muria (2005) asserts that through literary texts, the readers can learn from the
way or roles of the characters, thereby transforming their thoughts, feelings attitude to life, belief, fear, enjoy,
and learn from the way they speak.
Language Enhancement
In the process of learning English language by second language learners through literature, the learners
have personal involvement with the language learning process that literature is useful for. For instance, through
literature, students learn variety of language structures, writing skills, how ideas are connected, more productive
and adventurous through the richness of the richness and diversity of the language of the texts. Therefore, with
literature the students in language class increase in their knowledge and competence in communication.
Students Involvement
The usefulness of literature in language class cannot be over emphasized, as students read literary texts
they tend to have personal involvement and inhabit the text. They follow the story in the text wanting to see the
end of the story or the peak (climax) and trying to share emotional feeling of the character. The process of
personal involvement by students from the beginning to the end of the story helps to enhances students
language learning process while the level of expression and writing of the students increased.
Other reasons while literature could be source for language teaching according to Maley (1989)
literature is universal in nature because it deals with man and his cultures which are relevant to all human races.
For instance, love, belief, death etc are universal themes, when students read such texts their knowledge of the
world and language will increase. Literature has personal relevant ideas, things, and events which students can
relate to their personal lives and learn from them. He also believed that in literaturestudents can learn different
topics that are useful for ELT / L. they can find different language style or diction of different authors with
variety of interesting topics the can occupy students time and interest in knowing the theme of the texts and by
so doing, learn more about the language and speak differently in different social context. Therefore, students
learn wide range of language varieties like regional dialects, idiolects, jargons and sociolects and thereby enrich
their sociolinguistic competence in the second language.
In conclusion, teachers should be cleared with the fact that, literary text is not an end in itself but a
means of beginning a creative process in the minds and emotions of students (Turkey, 1991). Literature is a
potential means for illustrating language use, control of emotional thought and contributing positively not only
to his life but to the life of the larger society. On the part of the teacher, literary text will help students to 56 | Page
Problem And Prospect Of Using Literacture To Teaching Writing In English As A Second
understand use of language especially in contexts. In essence, literary text in teaching language does not only
enhance reading but is used to develop other language skills. Such as listening, speaking and writing skills.
To enhance proficiency in the teaching / learning of literature teachers, parents, students, school
management and educational planners must have to work hand in hand to see to the effectiveness and efficiency
of the learning of literature and the workability of the suggestions stated above. With the role of literature
immense contribution will be made to the development of students in higher institution through the use of
literary texts. Therefore, the teacher should determine the aim of language teaching in accordance to the needs
and expectations of the learners. Teacher has to put into consideration the learners language proficiency, age,
and interest before selecting texts to be used in language class. In advance levels students should be given the
texts in their original form to develop their language and literary competence.
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