A Business Proposal To Design A System For A Plywood Shop
A Business Proposal To Design A System For A Plywood Shop
A Business Proposal To Design A System For A Plywood Shop
1. Background:.................................................................................................................................6
1.1. Problem:....................................................................................................................6
2. System Requirements..................................................................................................................7
2.1. Outputs:.....................................................................................................................7
2.2. Inputs:.......................................................................................................................7
Business Proposal to design a System for a Plywood Shop 2
2.3. Processes:..................................................................................................................8
2.4. Performance:.............................................................................................................8
3. Approach used.............................................................................................................................8
4. Project Plan:.................................................................................................................9
5.3. Developer:...............................................................................................................13
5.4. Tester:......................................................................................................................13
6. Gantt chart.................................................................................................................................14
6.1. Timeline:.................................................................................................................15
9. Data Dictionary..........................................................................................................................20
Business Proposal to design a System for a Plywood Shop 4
The purpose of this project is to design a new application system for a plywood shop, in order to
maintain all the product information that are in the shop and in a warehouse so, that client can
manage his inventory without any hustles currently there is no software application existed in the
shop which is taking a lot of time to count the products individually to order the stock for
restocking the inventory and to deal with the customer enquiries about the product availability in
the shop by sitting in the same place instead of going and checking the inventory physically, the
proposed system can resolve these issues and can save time to run the business.
1. Background:
This paper proposes to design a new system for a plywood shop where the primary
products are plywood, glass, mirrors and few other furniture products. There is no existing
software to maintain the data of the products and this system makes the user/owner to manage
his inventory in the shop and in warehouse comfortably without going and checking them
1.1. Problem:
To maintain the whole database of the plywood sheets and other products inside the shop
particular model so that they can fill the stock without running out of them.
A lot of paper work to maintain the inventory information.
To save the time in addressing the customers about the stock.
For the very first time, the client/owner and employees of the shop need some training to
Stock information needs to be handled carefully during the extension of a shop or while
Client or employees must get hands-on experience on UI and options to use the system
Extra hardware like sensors and scanners will be included to count the stock which may
2. System Requirements
2.1. Outputs:
The application should track the stock and sales from the billing counter and must
The system will push notifications about low stock products in the inventory.
The system will have its own barcode generator for the products to maintain its inventory.
2.2. Inputs:
Each product has its own barcode which will be scanned using a handheld device and get
2.3. Processes:
The application system will stores all the data related to products and updates newly
entered products.
The system will create a log file for every operation (updating the stock and purchases).
Generates automatic bills for the purchases to customers.
The system must calculate and count the availability of stock.
Able to display the availability of stock upon the customer requests.
Business Proposal to design a System for a Plywood Shop 7
2.4. Performance:
3. Approach used
I used Iterative and Incremental model to complete this task because iterative model
initially uses a basic subset of requirements and iteratively upgrades to next versions by
satisfying all the requirements until the full system is implemented. Design adjustments,
enhancements and new functionalities can be added at each iteration, to use this model major
To achieve the desired objective of a system, iterations can be useful a lot which
is a repetitive process until the final goal is achieved, this method is mainly used for the projects
which are not manageable using old-fashioned step-by-step model. (What is Project Iteration?)
Business Proposal to design a System for a Plywood Shop 8
As per the discussion had with the client (my friend) the following changes are going to
4. Project Plan:
The aim of this project is to design a new system for a plywood shop where the primary products
are plywood, glass, mirror and few other furniture products. There is no existing system to
maintain the data of the products and to address customer queries regarding the products, this
system makes the user to manage his inventory in the shop and warehouse comfortably.
The plan to design this system was started with requirement gathering by using various
approaches and after confirming the requirements from client, a technical approach has been
drawn to solve several problems like to maintain the whole database of products in the shop, in
the warehouse and to know about the low stock products and several other problems have been
addressed, the following figure 1 shows the context diagram of the plywood shop.
Business Proposal to design a System for a Plywood Shop 9
In order to execute the project without any hurdles project management unit helps to scrutinize
each and every section of the project to identify the problems some of the elements that enhance
Cost and Schedule management: This plan is used to complete the project within the
requirements, if the requirements are satisfying the client we can complete the project by
application resources to control and to monitor the impact of unfortunate events. The
main objective of risk management is to promise the business goal is not deviating.
Quality management: Quality management has four main aspects quality control, quality
management, quality improvement and quality assurance for the project. To achieve more
consistent quality, quality management not only uses quality assurance but also control
processes, the main goal of quality management is to ensure the product, organization or
Work has been distributed among various departments in order to complete the project in the
given timeline and budget as shown in the following figure 2, each and every one involved in the
has their own roles and responsibilities which are discussed below.
Business Proposal to design a System for a Plywood Shop 11
The following are the different people who are involved in this system development:
Project manager is the person who has the responsibility for the successful completion of project,
The main roles of a project manager are communicating and coordinating with clients,
If any potential issues arises in the middle of the project, project manager takes the
System analyst plays an important role in designing and analysing the system, some of his duties
are of as follows:
System analyst gather the requirements from clients by studying the current business
He is solely responsible for whole system design and architecture and to make sure the
5.3. Developer:
Developer is responsible to develop the code by studying the functional requirements of the
Developer is the responsible person for developing the code and sometime he needs to
He involves in installing the system along with the project manager to ensure that the
5.4. Tester:
In order to test the developed application tester plays an important role to check that the
Mainly testers will design the test cases and as per the test cases they will test the
application and if they find and bugs they will inform to the developer.
Testing will be done based up on different aspects and different techniques will be used in
testing to carry out the application test until it satisfies the client. (Singh, I. 2010)
Business Proposal to design a System for a Plywood Shop 13
6. Gantt chart
The following figure 3 gives the detailed information of the project which requires 91 days
starting date is 27-SEP-2015 and finish date is 1-MAR-2016 involving numerous stages like
project planning, requirement gathering, designing, developing, testing and installing the system
In this project requirement gathering, developing and testing stages takes a long time compared
to other stages.
6.1. Timeline:
The following figure 4 shows the timeline of the project from starting date to end date which is
The resource sheet gives us the information about the resources which are working for the
project with their standard rate per hour. For developer and tester the hourly rate is $35.00 and
for project manager and system analyst it is $50.00. The following figure 4 represents the
The cost table of the project shows in the table 1, the total budget and duration of the project is
depending up on the resources assigned to the project which is $33,120 for 91 days and
744hours, the detailed cost for the project is been categorized for individual section shown in the
table 2, the highest cost is allocated for requirement gathering $14,000 which is an important
Fixed Cost
Task Name Fixed Cost Total Cost Baseline Variance Actual Remaining
System for Plywood Shop $0.00 Prorated $33,120.00 $0.00 $33,120.00 $0.00 $33,120.00
Project Plan $0.00 Prorated $3,200.00 $0.00 $3,200.00 $0.00 $3,200.00
Requirements $0.00 Prorated $14,000.00 $0.00 $14,000.00 $0.00 $14,000.00
Design $0.00 Prorated $5,200.00 $0.00 $5,200.00 $0.00 $5,200.00
Development $0.00 Prorated $4,060.00 $0.00 $4,060.00 $0.00 $4,060.00
Testing $0.00 Prorated $4,620.00 $0.00 $4,620.00 $0.00 $4,620.00
Installation $0.00 Prorated $2,040.00 $0.00 $2,040.00 $0.00 $2,040.00
Data process modelling is a set of analysis and design technique used to understand the
business data environment to logical data models and to physical data and physical structure, for
planning and designing of the system in an effective way data process modelling procedures
catch and make transformation of complex system requirements into actual representation of the
system. The following figure 6 shows the data process model of a plywood shop which gives a
brief idea about the business operation where the input of the system are customer related data
i.e., enquiries about product, billing information and product information such as design,
patterns, availability, size and many more. (Data Modelling and Process Modelling, n.d.)
Business Proposal to design a System for a Plywood Shop 17
The following figure 7 depicts the detailed process of the current system in detail and
their relationship between each entity, here the primary keys are customer-ID, product-ID,
administrator-ID, employee-ID, picking-ID and the foreign keys are customer-ID, and product
Data flow diagrams describes the process flow from one system to another along with its
local storage, the plan to design this system was started with requirement gathering by using
various approaches and after confirming the requirements from client, a technical approach has
been drawn to solve several problems like to maintain the whole database of products in the
Business Proposal to design a System for a Plywood Shop 19
shop, in the warehouse and to know about the low stock products and several other problems
have been addressed, the following figure 8 shows the context diagram of the plywood shop.
9. Data Dictionary
A logical model of the system is produced by set of DFDs on the other hand the details in
the DFDs are acknowledged separately by the data dictionary. A data dictionary also known as
data repository which is the second component of structured analysis, the data dictionary also
defines and describes all data elements and meaningful combinations of data elements.
In this particular project there are various data elements such as customer, billing, product
inventory, management/administrator, employee and warehouse, the following tables shows the
Customer table contains the information about the customer name, contact, address and a
unique ID which will be generated by the system during billing all other details should be
The administrator/management table gives the information about the type of user who
The employee table gives the information about the type of user logged into the
The billing table contains information about the billing ID which is a unique ID generated
by the system and consists of product name, customer ID and product description.
Business Proposal to design a System for a Plywood Shop 22
The product inventory table consists of all the information about the products in the shop
The warehouse table consists of unique picking ID generated by the system when the
orders are placed by the customers and based on the orders the billing will be generated.
Business Proposal to design a System for a Plywood Shop 23
known as object modelling which can be used to view the system interaction with objects and
working of the system an object can be a person, user, transaction or an action, the below figure
9 shows the object modelling for a plywood with various objects such as customers, employees
and with different transactions like placing and order, enquiring about products.
The use case diagram comprises of actors and use cases of this project the below figure
10 shows the use case diagram of the plywood processing system, the actors involved in this
Product inventory
Picking process
Prepare invoice
Business Proposal to design a System for a Plywood Shop 25
The physical design of a system represents the logical data of the project which is
collected during the requirement gathering phase in order to build a system. The physical design
is used to review the external and internal entities of a system and to know how the data is flows
into and out of the entities. In other terms, how data is given as input, how it is authenticated and
how it is processed and how it is displayed as output can be studied using physical design
The requirements are gathered to design a new system for a plywood shop where the
primary products are plywood, glass, mirrors and few other furniture products. There is no
existing software to maintain the data of the products and this system makes the user/owner to
manage his inventory in the shop and in a warehouse comfortably without going and checking
them manually and to maintain the whole database of the plywood sheets and other products
Once the products are ordered and during the billing the client wants to know the count of
the plywood so that they can restock the items in the inventory. The following figure 11 shows
the physical diagram for the specified requirements where there are several entities like
customer, owner, employee, products, product inventory, billing and reports generate.
Business Proposal to design a System for a Plywood Shop 27
Business Proposal to design a System for a Plywood Shop 28
The data design of the plywood system is showed in the below figure 12 and the entities
used in the system are customer, administrator, employee, products which are represented by
rectangle shapes and the relationship between the entities are placing order, verifying order,
The first normal form (1NF) for plywood system with sample data is shown in the below
Customer Numbe Product Descriptio Quantit Shippin Payment
Date Name r Number n y g Method
11/18/1 James Red Home
5 Thorley 9784 7654 plywood 10 Delivery Cash
11/19/1 Justine Film faced Credit
5 Wright 9785 8954 plywood 6 Pickup Card
11/20/1 Ginny Dining Home Credit
5 Hughes 9786 5695 chairs 4 Delivery Card
11/21/1 Charmaine Debit
5 Cox 9787 5454 Mirror 1 In Store Card
11/22/1 Adam Meranti Home
5 Lewis 9788 6885 Plywood 7 Delivery Cash
11/23/1 Block
5 Paul Usher 9789 6884 Board 2 Pickup Cash
The 2NF is shown in the below table 10 where the primary key is order line which is a
combination of two primary keys product number and order number as shown in the table 11.
Order Product Descriptio Customer Payment
Date Number Number n Name Shipping Method
11/18/15 9784 5454 Mirror Cox In Store Debit Card
Meranti Adam Home
11/19/15 9785 6885 Plywood Lewis Delivery Cash
11/20/15 9786 6884 Board Paul Usher Pickup Cash
Business Proposal to design a System for a Plywood Shop 31
Order Number Number Quantity
9784 7654 10
9785 8954 6
9786 5695 4
9787 5454 1
9788 6885 7
9789 6884 2
The 3NF of a plywood is shown in the following table 12 where the second normal form
table is transformed in which the primary key is order number the 3NF will consists of product
Product Customer Payment
Number Description Name Shipping Method
Product in 3NF
In this particular system there are two separate logins for administrator/management and
for employee having restrictions to certain functions, the following figure 13 shows the user
interface for the employee and the following figure 14 shows the user interface for
The system architecture for plywood shop is shown in the following figure 15 which
gives a basic idea about the functionality of the system where the plywood planks or the new
products of the shop are get scanned by a handheld scanner which will be registered in the
central inventory database, whenever the customer places for the order users will fetch the data
ERP can be used to complete many business needs. An example within manufacturing
would be if a company manufactures chairs. The ERP would keep an eye on how many raw
products the company has in stock. If it notices that the stock of one particular item needed to
make a chair is running low, it will automatically re order that product. This helps the
Total cost of ownership can be defined based upon several cost factors like:
The clients plywood shop has more than 1000 varieties of plywood designs and some
other furniture products, there is no previously existed system to maintain all the products in a
centralized location and stock is checked manually and maintained in books. Every time it is
hard to refer the books to check the stock with the proposed project client can save a lot of time
in addressing the customers and to maintain the inventory without getting the products out of
stock so, the proposed system can bring a better change in the business.
Operational feasibility is mainly concerned with issues like whether the system will be
used if it is developed and implemented. Whether there will be resistance from users that will
Business Proposal to design a System for a Plywood Shop 36
affect the possible application benefits? The essential questions that help in the operational
(operation) considerably? If yes, then they will welcome the change and the new system.
Have the users been involved in the planning and development of the project? Early
increase? Will accessibility of information be lost? Will the system affect the customers
in considerable way?
Proposed project is beneficial only if it can be turned into information systems that will
meet the organizations operating requirements. Simply stated, this test of feasibility asks if the
system will work when it is developed and installed. Are there major barriers to Implementation?
Here are questions that will help test the operational feasibility of a project:
Is there sufficient support for the project from management from users? If the current
system is well liked and used to the extent that persons will not be able to see reasons for change,
factors also. Since it might happen that developing a particular system may be technically
possible but it may require huge investments and benefits may be less. For evaluating this,
Evaluating the technical feasibility is the trickiest part of a feasibility study. This is
because, at this point in time, not too many detailed design of the system, making it difficult to
access issues like performance, costs on (on account of the kind of technology to be deployed)
commencing the project we have to be very clear about what are the technologies that are to be
required for the development of the new system. Find out whether the organization currently
possesses the required technologies. Is the required technology available with the organization?
For any system if the expected benefits equal or exceed the expected costs, the system
can be judged to be economically feasible. In economic feasibility, cost benefit analysis is done
in which expected costs and benefits are evaluated. Economic analysis is used for evaluating the
In economic feasibility, the most important is cost benefit analysis. As the name suggests,
it is an analysis of the costs to be incurred in the system and benefits derivable out of the system
A simple economic analysis which gives the actual comparison of costs and benefits are
much more meaningful in this case. In addition, this proves to be a useful point of reference to
compare actual costs as the project progresses. There could be various types of intangible
activities, improved accuracy of operations, better documentation and record keeping, faster
Project Management Institute. (2004). A guide to the project management body of knowledge
Singh, I. (2010, February 8). Responsibilities. Retrieved October 30, 2015, from