Bata Shoe Is A Multinational Company. Bata Will Be The No. 1 Brand in Footwear Market
Bata Shoe Is A Multinational Company. Bata Will Be The No. 1 Brand in Footwear Market
Bata Shoe Is A Multinational Company. Bata Will Be The No. 1 Brand in Footwear Market
Bata shoes The Most comfortable shoes.
To help customer look and feel well.
To attract and retain the best customer.
To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in Egypt.
We want to grow share of mind, share of market and share of trend.
Creating the New is the headline for our next five-year strategic business
Creating the New is the attitude that leads us into the future an
exciting future, because our industry is growing in size and scope and will
continue to do so. In fact, the sporting goods industry is growing faster
than most other industries, including consumer electronics. This trend will
continue. Sport is central to every culture and society and is core to an
individuals health and happiness.
The average wholesale price of $249 per unit and variable cost per unit of
$110 for unit sales volume of 100,000 units
Research objectives:
By end of this survey, we will be able to acknowledge the below
.To know the level of consumers awareness and perception about Bata -3
Research design:
:Research Approach*
:Data Sources*
:Sampling Units*
:We will define the segment of footwear consumers with these criteria
:Sampling Size*
2-Secondary data:
Bata Information -1
.Bata.The Company that Egyptian love, neglecting kills it -6
Bata is present across the country through more than 70 stores. This
means Bata is a product for all Egypt.
3- Demographic segmentation:
Divide the market on variables such as age, life cycle, gender,
income, generation, and social class
Age : 20-27 years old 28-37 years old 37-
45 years old
Life cycle: Adolescence ,Youth and Adulthood
Life stage: NA Single, Divorce, Second marriage
Gender: Male
Generation: Generation X
Generation Y
Income: Less than 1500 L.E
1500-3000 L.E
3000-4500 L.E
More than 4500 L.E
Social class: Class (B.C1.C2)
Class B: Middle
Class C1: Lower Middle
Class C2: Skilled working
*We decide to target those are independent persons and able to
decide, afford the buying decision without any social or income
4- Psychographic segmentation:
Buyers are divided into different groups on the basis of psychological/personality traits, lifestyle,
or values Achiever
*We decide to target: thinker, achiever and maker persons those are fit
Bata vision to the characteristic and responsibilities of customers.
5- Behavior segmentation:
Divide buyers into groups on the basis of their knowledge of, attitude
toward, use of, or response to a product.
Decision Roles:
*Initiator *Influencer *Decider *Buyer *User
Behavioral Variables:
Occasions: Regular occasion and special occasion (which vary
according to the nature of each segment)
As about 60 % of customer prefer to buy during special occasion
and during special sales offers.
User Status: nonusers, ex-users, potential users, first-time users, and regular