UNT Lesson Plan Template: Listening
UNT Lesson Plan Template: Listening
UNT Lesson Plan Template: Listening
The student applies (A) use prior knowledge and III. Geometric Reasoning
mathematical experiences to understand A. Figures and their properties
process standards to meanings in English;
analyze attributes of (B) monitor oral and written 1. Identify and represent the
two-dimensional language production and employ features of plane and space
geometric figures to self-corrective techniques or other figures.
develop resources;
generalizations 2. Make, test, and use
about their Listening conjectures about two
properties. (I) demonstrate listening dimensional figures and their
comprehension of increasingly properties.
3.6(B) Use attributes complex spoken English by following
to recognize directions, retelling or summarizing
rhombuses, spoken messages, responding to
parallelograms, questions and requests,
collaborating with peers, and taking
notes commensurate with content
rectangles, and and grade-level needs.
squares as examples
of quadrilaterals and Speaking
draw examples of (D) speak using grade-level content
quadrilaterals that area vocabulary in context to
do not belong to any internalize new English words and
of these build academic language
subcategories. proficiency;
(E) share information in cooperative
learning interactions;
Technology Integration
Document camera
Pattern Shapes APP
Begin the lesson by recalling what the students remember about polygons (a closed
figure with straight sides). Then, discuss what a non-polygon is (an open figure with
curved sides).
1. Pull out the Word Resource cards. Use the document camera or point to the
Quadrilateral resource card.
a. Ask:
i. What is a Quadrilateral?
ii. Can they remember from previous lesson? if not, can
they use the pictures on the front of the card to help generate a
UNT Lesson Plan Template
2. After some discussion, turn the card over and have a student volunteer read
the definition to the class: A quadrilateral is a 4-sided polygon. Review the
definition of a polygon: any closed 2-dimensional figure made up of 3 or more line
3. In pairs, allow the students to discuss and identify the shapes that are on the
quadrilateral card. (answers: (Left to right, top to bottom) rhombus, quadrilateral,
quadrilateral, trapezoid, square, rectangle, quadrilateral.)
4. Show the students where the rest of the resource cards are posted. They may
use this resource whenever they have trouble identifying a shape during the next
activity. Go over each resource card with the class.
5. Explain that over the next few days, students will learn about the different
types of quadrilaterals. Today, you will be making foldables to put into their science
notebooks. Show the templates and your teacher made example to review
expectations of what the finished product should look like.
a. First they will cut out the shape, fold the shape, glue in the shape
into their notebooks and fill out the information. Coloring once finished. All
the shapes should fit on one or two pages.
6. Once they finish, students will get into pairs and be challenged to make at
least 4 different quadrilaterals using geoboards and rubber bands. Each time they
make a quadrilateral on the geoboard, they will record their shape into geoboard
grid paper (using pencils and rulers to make straight lines).
7. As students finish their quadrilaterals, have volunteers share with the class.
Make sure to include a variety of different examples.
UNT Lesson Plan Template
UNT Lesson Plan Template
UNT Lesson Plan Template
UNT Lesson Plan Template
UNT Lesson Plan Template