29 98850443 AnnnualReport PDF
29 98850443 AnnnualReport PDF
29 98850443 AnnnualReport PDF
Company Information
Mr. Lalit Kumar Gandhi (Managing Director) FORWARD LOOKING STATEMENTS
Mr. Sandeep Shah (Independent Director) This annual report contains forward looking
Ms. Nirzari Shah (Independent Director) Information so that investors are able to
Mr. Harsh Gandhi (Executive Director) comprehend companys prospects and take
Mr. Ashok Kavdia (Additional Independent Director) informed investment decisions. It basically
addresses expectations or projections about
CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER the future identified by words like plans,
Ms. Nisha Makwana expects wills, anticipation, believe, intends
(Resigned w.e.f. 06.08.2016) seen to be/projects, estimates and so on. The
Mrs. Mamta S Patel achievement of results is subject to risks
(Appointed w.e.f. 06.08.2016) uncertainties and even less than accurate
assumptions. All statements are forward
STATUTORY AUDITORS looking statements. Since these are based on
M/s. Vidya & Co certain assumptions and expectations of future
Chartered Accountants event the company cant guarantee that this
are accurate or will be realized. The companys
INTERNAL AUDITOR actual result, performance or achievements
M/s. Gandhi & Gandhi Co. could thus differ from those achievements could
Chartered Accountants thus differ from those projected in any forward
looking statements. The company undertakes
no obligation to publicly update any forward
Skyline Financial Services Pvt. Ltd.
looking statements, whether as a result of new
D-153-A, 1st Floor, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase - I,
information future events or otherwise.
New Delhi-110020
Ms. Anamika Jajoo
Practising Company Secretary
Company Information 1
Bombay Stock Exchange Directors Report 13
BANKERS Report on Corporate Governance 23
HDFC Bank Limited Management Discussion & Analysis 40
Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited CEO/CFO Certification 46
ISIN NO- INE558F01026
MGT-9 (Extract of Annual Return) 47
CIN L74140GJ1995PLC026351 Auditors Report 62
WEBSITE : www.chartered.co.in Balance Sheet 68
Profit & Loss Account 69
C-1, Jay Tower, Ankur Commercial Center, Cash Flow Statement 70
Naranpura, Ahmedabad-380013 Notes to Accounts 71
Significant Accounting Policies 79
6, Chartered House, Sanand Road, E-Proxy 85
Sarkhej, Ahmedabad- 382210
NOTICE is hereby given that the 21st Annual General Meeting of the Members of Chartered Logistics Ltd. will
be held on Wednesday, September 28, 2016 at 11.00 A.M. at the registered office to transact the following
1. Adoption of Financial Statements
To receive, consider and adopt the Audited Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2016, the Profit and Loss
Account for the year ended on that date and the Reports of the Directors and Auditors thereon.
2. Re-appointment of director(s) retiring by rotation
To appoint a Director in place of Mr. Lalit Kumar Gandhi (DIN: 00618427) who retires by rotation,
and being eligible offers himself for reappointment.
3. Ratification of appointment of Statutory Auditors
To re-appoint Auditors of the company to hold office from conclusion of this Annual General
Meeting to the conclusion of next annual General Meeting and to fix their remuneration and in this
regard to consider and if thought pass, with or without modification(s), the following resolution
RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provisions of Section 139(1), 142 and all other applicable provi-
sions of the Companies Act, 2013 (the Act) with Rules of the Companies (Audit and Auditors)
Rules, 2014 (including any statutory modification(s) or re-enactment thereof for the time being in
force), the Company hereby ratifies the appointment of M/s Vidya & Co. Chartered Accountants
(Firm Registration No. 308022E), Ahmedabad be and is hereby re-appointed as the Statutory Audi-
tors of the Company to hold office from the conclusion of this meeting until the conclusion of the
next Annual General Meeting and the Board of Directors be and are hereby authorised to fix such
remuneration as may be determined by the audit committee in consultation with auditors, and
such remuneration may be paid as agreed upon between auditors and Board of Directors.
4. Appointment of Ms. Nirzari Shah (DIN: 01946102) as Woman Director w.e.f. 6th August, 2016
To consider and, if thought fit, to pass, with or without modifications, the following resolution as
an Ordinary Resolution:
RESOLVED THAT, Pursuant to the provisions of Section 149 of the companies act, 2013, and
Regulation 17 of the SEBI (Listing obligations and disclosure requirements), 2015, Ms. Nirzari Shah
DIN: 01946102 who was appointed as a non executive independent Director of the Company with
effect from 16thJuly 2015 on the Board of the Company for a consecutive term of 5 years till 25th
Annual general meeting of the Company be and is hereby designated as the women director of the
company w.e.f. 6th August, 2016 , not liable to retire by rotation.
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Board be and is hereby authorised to do all acts and take steps as
may be necessary, proper or expedient to give effect to above resolution.
1. A member entitled to attend and vote is entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and vote instead of
himself and the proxy need not be a member. Proxies in order to be effective must be received by the
company not later than forty eight (48) hours before the meeting
2. The Register of members and Share Transfer Books of the Company will remain close from Septem-
ber 22, 2016 to September 28, 2016 (both days inclusive)
3. Members are requested to bring their attendance slips duly completed and signed mentioning
therein details of their DP ID and Client ID/ Folio No.
4. (a) In accordance with the provision of section 108 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with
Companies (Management & Administration) Rules, 2014, the shareholders may exercise
their option to participate through electronic voting system and the company is providing
the facility for voting by electronic means (e-voting) to all its members. The company has
engaged the services of Central Depository Securities Limited (CDSL) to provide e-voting
facilities and enabling the members to cast their vote in a secured manner. It may be noted
that this e-voting facility is optional. This facility will be available at the link
www.evoting.cdsl.com during the following voting period:
Commencement of e-voting : From 10.00 am on 25th September, 2016
End of e-voting : Up to 6.00 pm on 27th September, 2016
E-voting shall not be allowed beyond 27th September, 2016. During the E-voting period, the
shareholders of the company, holding shares either in physical form or dematerialized form, as on
the closing of business hours of the cutoff date, may cast their vote electronically. The cut-off date
for eligibility for e-voting is 21st September, 2016.
(b) The company has engaged the services of CDSL as the Authorized Agency to provide e-
voting facilities.
(c) The company has appointed Ms. Anamika Jajoo, Practicing Company Secretary as scru-
tinizer for conducting and scrutinizing the e-voting process in a fair and transparent
The instructions for shareholders voting electronically are as under:
(i) The voting period begins on 25th September, 2016 at 10 a.m. and ends on 27th
September, 2016 at 6.00 p.m. During this period shareholders of the Company,
holding shares either in physical form or in dematerialized form, as on the cut-
off date 21st September, 2016 may cast their vote electronically. The e-voting
module shall be disabled by CDSL for voting thereafter.
(ii) The shareholders should log on to the e-voting website www.evotingindia.com.
(iii) Click on Shareholders.
(iv) Now Enter your User ID
The Shareholders,
Chartered Logistics Limited
Yours Directors are pleased to present the 21st Annual Report together with the Audited Accounts of the
Company for the year ended on 31ST March, 2016.
1. Financial Summary or Highlights/Performance of the Company (Standalone)
The Boards Report shall be prepared based on the stand alone financial statements of the company.
(Rs. in lakhs)
Particulars 31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Gross Income 16955.67 17887.10
Profit Before Interest and Depreciation 1572.12 1710.82
Interest & Finance Charges 680.48 978.19
Depreciation 189.28 713.21
Profit Before Tax 702.36 19.42
Provision for Tax 168.05 2.57
Less: Deferred Tax Credit (33.59) 141.03
Profit/Loss After Tax 622.44 361.15
Net Profit 622.44 361.15
agement policies and their effectiveness. The composition of the Board is in conformity with the
Securities and Exchange Board of India Listing Obligations and Disclosure Regulations, 2015.
The Board of Directors of the company comprises of following Directors as on 31st March, 2016.
Ms. Nisha Makwana has resigned from the position of Executive Director and CFO of the company w.e.f. 6th
Aug, 2016.
Mr. Ashok Kavdia has been appointed as Additional Independent Director on the Board w.e.f. 6th August,
Each Director informs the Company on an annual basis about the Board and Board Committee positions he
occupies in other companies including Chairmanships and notifies changes periodically and regularly
during the term of their directorship in the Company. None of the Directors on the Board are Members of
more than ten Committees or Chairman of more than five Committees across all the public companies in
which they are Directors.
Pursuant to good corporate governance and as per clause 49 of listing agreement and provisions of SEBI
(LODR) Regulations 2015 the independent directors on the Board:
z A part from receiving sitting fees if any, directors do not have any material pecuniary relationship
with the company, its promoters, directors, senior management and associates which may affect
the independence of director.
z Are not related to promoter or person occupying management position at the Board level or at one
level below the Board.
z Have not been an executive of the company in the immediately preceding 3 financial years. Are not
partners or executives or were not partners during the preceding 3 years of the Statutory audit firm
z Legal firms and consulting firms that may have a material association with the company are not
the substantial shareholders of the company i.e. do not own 2% or more of the shares of the
There was no transaction of material nature with any of the related party, which is in
conflict with the interest of the company.
b. Details of non compliance by the company, penalties, and strictures imposed on the
company by the Stock Exchange or SEBI or any authority on any matter related to capital
markets during last 3 years.
There was no instance of levy of any penalties during the financial year under review.
The Company has adopted a Code of Conduct for Prevention of Insider Trading with a view to
regulate trading in securities by the Directors and designated employees of the Company. The Code
requires pre-clearance for dealing in the Companys shares and prohibits the purchase or sale of
Company shares by the Directors and the designated employees while in possession of un pub-
lished price sensitive information in relation of the Company and during the period when the
Trading Window is closed. The Company Secretary & Head Compliance is responsible for imple
mentation of the Code.
All Board Directors and the designated employees have confirmed compliance with the code.
As required by the Securities & Exchange Board of India (SEBI) quarterly audit of the Companys
share capital is being carried out by an independent external auditor with a view to reconcile the
total share capital admitted with National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) and Central De-
pository Services (India) Limited (CDSL) and held in physical form, with the issued and listed
capital. The Auditors Certificate in regard to the same is submitted to BSE Limited and is also
placed before Stakeholders Relationship Committee and the Board of Directors.
Any Member/Investor, whose grievance has not been resolved satisfactorily, may kindly write to
the Company Secretary and Head Compliance at the Registered Office with a copy of the earlier
Mr. Ashok Kavdia (Non-Executive Independent Director) has been appointed as member of the
audit committee w.e.f. 6th August, 2016
(d) Audit Committee report for the year ended March 31, 2016
The committee has reviewed the internal control over financial reporting put in place to ensure
that the accounts of the company are properly maintained and that the accounting transactions
are in accordance with prevailing laws and regulations. In conducting such reviews, the commit-
tee found no material discrepancy or weakness in the Companys internal control over financial
The committee also reviewed the financial policies of the Company and expressed its satisfaction
with the same.
Annexure I
As on financial year ended on 31.03.2016
Pursuant to Section 92 (3) of the Companies Act, 2013 and rule 12(1) of the Company
(Management & Administration) Rules, 2014.
1. CIN L74140GJ1995PLC026351
2. Registration Date 16TH June 1995
3. Name of the Company Chartered Logistics Limited
4. Category/Sub-category of the Company Company limited by shares/public
5. Address of the Registered office & contact details C-1 Jay Tower ,Ankur Comm. Centre,
6. Whether listed company Yes, Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE Ltd.)
7. Name, Address & contact details of the Sharepro Services(India)Private
Registrar & Transfer Agent, if any. LimitedDevnandan Mall, Opposite Sanyas
Ashram, Ashram Rd, Madalpur Gam,
Ahmedabad, Gujarat079 2658 2381
S. No. Name and Description NIC Code of the % to total turnover
of main products / services Product/service of the company
1 The company is acting as transport N.A 100 %
service provider
Category No. of Shares held at the beginning of No. of Shares held at the end of %
of Share the year the year Changeduring
holders the year
Demat Physical Total % of Demat Physical Total % of
Total Total
Shares Shares
A. Promoters
Category No. of Shares held at the beginning of No. of Shares held at the end of the %
of Share Change the year[As on 31-March-2015] year[As on 31-March-2016] during
holders the year
Demat Physical Total % of Demat Physical Total % of
Total Total
Shares Shares
i) Individual
nominal share 4143377 1130010 5273387 5.31% 9306279 1190015 10496294 10.57% 5.26%
capital upto
Rs. 1 lakh
ii) Individual
nominal share
capital in
excess of 15883873 1656000 17539873 17.66% 9677457 1466000 11143457 11.22% -6.44%
Rs 1 lakh
c) Others 58845 58845 0.06% 474135 474135 0.48% 0.42%
(B)(2):- 38500201 3732010 42232211 42.51% 38630196 3602015 42232211 42.51% 0.00%
-Total Public - - - - - - - - -
C. Shares
held by - - - - - - - - -
Custodian for
Grand Total
(A+B+C) 95607990 95607990 99340000 100.00% 95737985 3602015 99340000 100.00% 0.00%
Sr. No. and Name of Shareholder Particulars Date Reason Shareholding Cumulative
during the year
No. of % Of No. of % of
Shares Total Shares Total
Shares Shares
1. CHARTERED SPEED PVT. LTD. At the beginning of the year 3322900 3.34
Changes during the year 11/09/20105 Transfer -84 0.00 3322816 3.34
09/10/2015 Transfer -450000 -0.45 2872816 2.89
27/11/2015 Transfer -325000 -0.33 2547816 2.56
08/01/2016 Transfer -100000 -0.10 2447816 2.46
At the end of the year 2447816 2.46 2447816 2.46
2. Raj Raman Transport Pvt Ltd At the beginning of the year 10750900 10.82
Changes during the year 04/03/2016 Transfer -490000 -0.49 10260900 10.33
31/03/2016 Transfer -75000 -0.08 10185900 10.25
At the end of the year 10185900 10.25 10185900 10.25
3. Websmith India Pvt ltd At the beginning of the year 3445100 3.47
Changes during the year 11/09/2015 Transfer -200000 -0.20 3245100 3.27
25/09/2015 Transfer -307314 -0.31 2937786 2.96
30/09/2015 Transfer -269900 -0.27 2667886 2.69
09/10/2015 Transfer -208816 -0.21 2459070 2.48
16/10/2015 Transfer -317842 -0.32 2141228 2.16
11/12/2015 Transfer -1000000 -1.01 1141228 1.15
11/12/2015 Transfer 925000 0.93 2066228 2.08
25/12/2015 Transfer 59070 0.06 2125298 2.14
25/12/2015 Transfer -1059070 -1.07 1066228 1.07
31/12/2015 Transfer -669439 -0.67 396789 0.40
08/01/2016 Transfer -396789 -0.40 0 0.0
At the end of the year 0 0 0 0
4. hitesh Keharchand Jain At the beginning of the year 1200000 1.21
Changes during the year 23/10/2015 Transfer -250000 -0.25 950000 0.96
13/11/2015 Transfer -200000 -0.20 750000 0.75
27/11/2015 Transfer -100000 -0.10 650000 0.65
04/12/2015 Transfer -200000 -0.20 450000 0.45
18/12/2015 Transfer -200000 -0.20 250000 0.25
25/12/2015 Transfer -100000 -0.10 150000 0.15
08/01/2016 Transfer -150000 -0.15 0 0.00
At the end of the year 0 0 0 0
5. VIMAL BIPINCHANDRA PATEL At the beginning of the year 1090000 1.10
Changes during the year 23/10/2015 Transfer -200000 -0.20 890000 0.90
05/02/2016 Transfer -846929 -0.85 43071 0.04
18/03/2016 Transfer -500 0.00 42571 0.04
25/03/2016 Transfer -42571 -0.04 0 0.00
At the end of the year 0 0 0 0
6. DHAVAL KEHARCHAND JAIN At the beginning of the year 1078000 1.09
Changes during the year 23/10/2015 Transfer -300000 -0.30 778000 0.78
27/11/2015 Transfer -100000 -0.10 678000 0.68
04/12/2015 Transfer -400000 -0.40 278000 0.28
25/12/2015 Transfer -100000 -0.10 178000 0.18
At the end of the year 178000 0.18 178000 0.18
7. NIKHIL KEHARCHAND JAIN At the beginning of the year 999600 1.01
Changes during the year 06/11/2015 Transfer -300000 -0.30 699600 0.70
27/11/2015 Transfer -100000 -0.10 599600 0.60
04/12/2015 Transfer -200000 -0.20 399600 0.40
11/12/2015 Transfer -200000 -0.20 199600 0.20
At the end of the year 199600 0.20 199600 0.20
10. AMIT KIRTILAL SHAH At the beginning of the year 552000 0.56
Changes during the year 29/01/2016 Transfer -552000 -0.56 0 0
At the end of the year 0 0 0 0
11. HEMANT ASHOKBHAI CHOURASIA At the beginning of the year 540000 0.54
Changes during the year - - - -
At the end of the year 540000 0.54
12. ASE CAPITAL MARKETS LIMITED At the beginning of the year 29100 0.03
Changes during the year 07/08/2015 Transfer -26100 -0.03 3000 0.00
14/08/2015 Transfer -2800 0.00 200 0.00
21/08/2015 Transfer -200 0.00 0 0.00
28/08/2015 Transfer 50 0.00 50 0.00
04/09/2015 Transfer 99950 0.10 100000 0.10
11/09/2015 Transfer -95000 -0.10 5000 0.01
18/09/2015 Transfer -4600 0.00 400 0.00
25/09/2015 Transfer 299600 0.30 300000 0.30
30/09/2015 Transfer 40250 0.04 340250 0.34
09/10/2015 Transfer -139447 -0.14 200803 0.20
16/10/2015 Transfer -50803 -0.05 150000 0.15
23/10/2015 Transfer -148700 -0.15 1300 0.00
30/10/2015 Transfer 200 0.00 1500 0.00
06/11/2015 Transfer 15 0.00 1515 0.00
13/11/2015 Transfer 1485 0.00 3000 0.00
20/11/2015 Transfer 500 0.00 3500 0.00
27/11/2015 Transfer -867 0.00 2633 0.00
04/12/2015 Transfer 5067 0.01 7700 0.01
11/12/2015 Transfer 495334 0.50 503034 0.51
18/12/2015 Transfer -502345 -0.51 689 0.00
25/12/2015 Transfer 1563366 1.57 1564055 1.57
31/12/2015 Transfer -1120416 -1.13 443639 0.45
08/01/2016 Transfer -443639 -0.45 0 0.00
14. NETWORTH STOCK BROKING LIMITED At the beginning of the year 140 0.00
Changes during the year 07/08/2015 Transfer -140 0.00 0 0.00
14/08/2015 Transfer 19100 0.02 19100 0.02
21/08/2015 Transfer -2000 0.00 17100 0.02
28/08/2015 Transfer 4250 0.00 21350 0.02
04/09/2015 Transfer 21140 0.02 42490 0.04
11/09/2015 Transfer 662300 0.67 704790 0.71
18/09/2015 Transfer 500 0.00 705290 0.71
25/09/2015 Transfer 348534 0.35 1053824 1.06
30/09/2015 Transfer -4985 -0.01 1048839 1.06
09/10/2015 Transfer -556062 -0.56 492777 0.50
16/10/2015 Transfer -102027 -0.10 390750 0.39
23/10/2015 Transfer -192240 -0.19 198510 0.20
30/10/2015 Transfer 14200 0.01 212710 0.21
06/11/2015 Transfer 2065 0.00 214775 0.22
13/11/2015 Transfer -1796 0.00 212979 0.21
20/11/2015 Transfer 10589 0.01 223568 0.23
27/11/2015 Transfer 87936 0.09 311504 0.31
04/12/2015 Transfer 198130 0.20 509634 0.51
11/12/2015 Transfer -61640 -0.06 447994 0.45
18/12/2015 Transfer 27813 0.03 475807 0.48
25/12/2015 Transfer 174767 0.18 650574 0.65
31/12/2015 Transfer -645099 -0.65 5475 0.01
08/01/2016 Transfer 15251 0.02 20726 0.02
15/01/2016 Transfer 66787 0.07 87513 0.09
22/01/2016 Transfer -4054 0.00 83459 0.08
29/01/2016 Transfer 1020282 1.03 1103741 1.11
05/02/2016 Transfer 24529 0.02 1128270 1.14
12/02/2016 Transfer 557730 0.56 1686000 1.70
19/02/2016 Transfer 17672 0.02 1703672 1.71
26/02/2016 Transfer -1703672 -1.71 0 0.00
ii) Interest due but not paid 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
iii) Interest accrued but not due 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Indebtedness at the end of the financial year 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ii) Interest due but not paid 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
iii) Interest accrued but not due 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 Stock Option 0 0
3 Sweat Equity 0 0
Priti Shah
(Resigned w.e.f 08-04-2016)
1 Gross salary
2 Stock Option
3 Sweat Equity
4 Commission
- as % of profit
others, specify
Rajendra K. Nagar
M. No. 057240
Ahmedabad, 30th May 2016
Rajendra K. Nagar
M. No. 057240
Ahmedabad, 30th May 2016
Rajendra K. Nagar
M. No. 057240
Ahmedabad, 30th May 2016
(Figures in Rs Lakhs)
Particulars Notes 31st March 2016 31st March 2015
I. Revenue from Truck Fleet Operations 16422.09 17456.08
II. Other Income 17 533.58 431.02
III. Total Revenue ( I+II) 16955.67 17887.10
IV. Expenses:
Truck Fleet Operation and Hire Charges 15064.48 15932.32
Employee benefits expense 18 151.90 78.80
Finance Costs 19 680.48 978.19
Depreciation and Amortization 20 189.28 713.21
Other expenses 21 167.18 165.15
Total expenses 16253.31 17867.68
V. Profit before exceptional and extra
ordinary items and tax( III-IV) 702.36 19.42
VI Extraordinary Items:
Net off Income tax Refund 0.00 203.26
Liability Written back 121.72 0.00
VII. Tax expense
Provision for Current Tax 168.05 2.57
Deferred Tax Asset/(Deferrred Tax Laibility) (33.59) 141.03
VIII. PROFIT AFTER TAX (V + VI)-VII 622.44 361.15
Earnings per Equity Share:
(1) Basic 0.63 0.36
(Figures in Rs Lakhs)
Particulars As at 31st As at 31st As at 31st As at 31st
March 2016 March 2016 March 2015 March 2015
A. Cash flows from operating activities:
Net Profit before Taxation and 702.36 19.42
Extra ordinary items
Adjustments for :
Depreciation expense 189.28 713.21
Interest and finance charges 680.48 978.19
Interest Dividend etc. received (292.78) (244.06)
(Profit)/Loss on sale of shares (Net) (22.95) (69.27)
(Profit)/Loss on sale of assets (Net) (211.82) (114.34)
Extra Ordinary Items :
Liability Written back 121.72 0.00
Income Tax Refund 0 203.26
Total adjustments 463.93 1467.00
Operating Profit before working capital 1166.29 1486.43
changes after extraordinary items
Adjustments :
Trade and other receivables 256.61 (34.27)
Inventories (1.66) (56.34)
Trade Payables (7.69) (216.75)
Short Term Loans & Advances (198.96) 337.52
Increase/(Decrease) in Other Current Liability (13.25) 35.05 50.18 80.33
Cash generated from operations 1,201.34 1566.76
Excess (Short) Provision Written back 186.53 (216.53)
Income Tax Provision (168.05) (2.57)
18.48 -219.09
Net cash provided by operating activities 1,219.82 1347.67
B. Cash flows from investing activities:
Cash payment to purchase fixed assets (180.31) (22.04)
Net Sale/ (Purchase) of investment (46.76) 105.98
Sale of Fixed assets 365.41 440.61
Long Term Loans & Advances 313.46 1426.17
Investing in other non current asset 0 0.19
Interest,Dividend etc. received 292.78 244.06
Net cash flow from Investing Activities 744.58 2194.97
C. Cash flows from financing activities:
Net increase/(decrease) in borrowings (1,166.90) (2,178.37)
Interest and finance charges paid (680.48) (978.19)
Net cash flow from financing activities -1847.37 -3156.56
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents (A+B+C) 117.03 386.07
Cash balance, April 1, 2015 1078.24 692.17
Cash balance, March 31, 2016 1195.27 1078.24
Chartered Accountants
Rajendra K. Nagar Lalit Kumar Gandhi Harsh Gandhi
Partner Managing Director Executive Director
M. No. 057240
Place : Ahmedabad Nisha Makwana Shail N Shah
Date :30th May 2016 Chief Financial Officer Company Secretary
Annual Report- 2015-2016 70
Chartered Logistics Ltd.
31st March 2016 31st March 2015
Rs Lakhs Rs Lakhs
Authorised Share Capital
250000000 equity shares of Rs 1/- each 2500.00 2500.00
Issued, Subscribed and Paid-up share Capital
100059000 equity shares of Rs 1/- each fully paid up. 1000.59 1000.59
Less: Equity Shares Forfeited 7.19 7.19
Total issued, subscribed and paid-up share capital 993.40 993.40
Reconciliation of the shares outstanding at the beginning and at the end of the reporting period (Figures
in Lakhs)
31st March 2016 31st March 2015
Equity Shares No. Amount No. Amount
At the beginning of the period 1000.59 1000.59 1000.59 1000.59
All shares at the beginning sub- 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
divided into 10 shares of Re. 1/- each
Issued During the period-Bonus Issue 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Issued During the period-ESOP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Shares forfeited # 7.19 7.19 7.19 7.19
Outstanding at the end of the period 993.40 993.40 993.40 993.40
Of the above:
*In 2010-11, 49670000 equity shares of the face value of Rs 1/- each were allotted as Bonus Shares by
Capitalisation of Accumulated Balances in Profit & Loss Account.
# In 2009-10 71900 Equity Shares of the face value of Rs. 10/- each were forfieted, vide BSE Notice No.
Details of shareholders holding more than 5% shares in the company
316.76 130.23
(Figures In Rs Lakhs)
Particulars Land Buliding Plant Trucks Vehicles Compu Furnitures Office TOTAL
& -ters and Equip
Machinery Fixtures ments
Comme Others
Cost or Valuation
At 1 April 2014 201.43 25.02 8.59 54.53 7987.83 221.68 62.50 26.79 76.88 8665.25
Additions 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.80 0.00 0.93 0.27 0.98 22.97
Disposals 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.97 2520.5 91.87 0.00 3.20 27.66 2648.16
As at March 31st, 2015 208.43 25.02 8.59 49.56 5481.17 129.81 63.43 23.86 50.21 6040.07
Additions/Adjustments 92.57 - - 0.55 84.96 - 1.13 0.34 0.76 180.31
Disposals/Adjustments 107 - - - 156.31 8.11 - - - 270.92
As at March 31st, 2016 194.49 25.02 8.59 50.11 5409.81 121.70 64.56 24.20 50.96 5949.46
At 1 April 2014 0.00 3.02 2.00 8.68 5151.63 89.44 46.35 10.70 14.14 5325.96
Charge for the year 0.00 0.39 0.13 7.67 651.74 26.13 11.00 3.89 12.27 713.21
Disposals 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.70 2,233.18 46.83 0.00 2.60 12.67 2296.98
As at March 31st, 2015 0.00 3.42 2.13 14.64 3570.19 68.75 57.35 11.97 13.74 3742.20
Charge for the year 0.39 0.13 6.57 151.71 13.63 3.89 3.15 9.80 189.28
Disposals/Adjustments 117.33 117.33
As at March 31st, 2016 0.00 3.81 2.26 21.22 3604.58 82.38 61.24 15.13 23.54 3814.15
Net Block
At 31st March 2015 208.43 21.61 6.46 34.91 1,910.97 61.06 6.08 11.89 36.47 2297.88
At 31st March 2016 194.49 21.21 6.33 28.89 1805.24 39.32 3.32 9.08 27.43 2135.30
as my/ our proxy to attend and vote( on a poll) for me/us and on my/our behalf at the ______________Annual General Meeting / Extra-Ordinary
General Meeting of the company, to be held on the ____ day of ___at_____ a.m. / p.m. at ____________(place) and at any adjournment thereof in
respect of such resolutions as are indicated below:
* Applicable for investors holding shares in Electronic form.Affix Revenue Stamps Affix Revenue
Signed this _____day of _____20___
1) This form of proxy in order to be effective should be duly completed and deposited at the Registered Office of the Company not less than
48 hours before the commencement of the Meeting.
2) The proxy need not be a member of the company.
I hereby record my presence at the21st Annual General Meeting of the Chartered Logistics Ltd.