Msds Aldacide y Barazan
Msds Aldacide y Barazan
Msds Aldacide y Barazan
Huard Overvllw Keep out o, reach of chlldren. May cause eye buma. May cause Irreversible eye
damage. May cause severe ski n Irritaton. May be hannful If 8wallowed. May be
harmfullf Inhaled. May cause allertlic skln reacllon.
Hazard Rltlngs
Flammablllty: o
Toxlclty: 2
lody Contact: 3
Rctlvlty: O
Chronlc: 2
Inhalltlon If inhaled, remove from area to fresh alr. Get medical attenlion If resptratory Irritatlon
develops or If brealhing becomes dlfftcult.
Skln In case of contaet, Immediately f1ush skln wlth plenty of soap and water for at least 15
minutes. Gel medlcal aHenlion,
Ey.. Immedlately f1ush eyes wlth large amounts of water for al least 30 minutes. Seek
prompt medlcal aHentlon.
In9..tlon Do NOT induce vomiling. Give nOlhlng by mouth. Oblain Immedlate medicar
Notla to Physlclan Probable mucosal damage may contralndlcate the use of gastrlc lavage.
Sultable Extlngulahlng Media Water fog, carbon dloxlde, foam, dry chemlcal.
Unsullabla Extlngulshlng Media None known.
Spaclal Exposure Haz.rds Decomposltlon In ftre may produce toxie gases.
Speclal Protectlvl Equlpment lar Full protective do1hing and approved self-containad brealhlng apparatus required for tire f1ghllng personnel.
Peraonal Precautlonary M.asures Use approprlate protecllve equlpmant. Use only competent persons for eleanup.
Envlronmental Praeaullonary Prevent from enlerfng sewers, walerways, or low areas.
Procedura for Claanlng I Isolate spill Bnd stop laak whare safe. Contain spill wtth aand or other n8rt materals.
Absorptlon Scoop up and remove.
Handling Precautlons Avold contael wlth eyes, skln, or clothlng. Avold breathlng vapors. Do not swallow.
Wash hands after use. Launder contaminated clolhlng befare reuse.
PIge 2 0111
Storage Informatlon Stora away from aeids. Slore 8Way from alkalls. Keep container closed when nol In
use. Product has a ahelf lite of 12 months.
Englneerlng Control. Use in a well ventllated area. Local exhausl ventlJatlon should be used In ereas
wilhout good cross venlilatlon. If vapora are strong enough lo be irrltating to the
nose or eyes, the TLV la probably belng exceeded and speclal ventllation or
resplratory protecUon maybe requlred.
R.splratory Protectlon Full Faceplece Respirator wlth Organic vapor cartridge with partlculate prefilter.
Hand Protecllon Nltrile gloves. Butyl rubber gloves.
Skln Protactlon ButyI costad apron or clothlng.
EYI Protectlon Splashproof chemical monogoggles or safety glasses wllh slde shlelds In conjuncllon
with a faca shleld. Do NOT wear contact tenses.
Other Precaut!ons Eyewash fountalns and safety showel'S mus! be easlly accessible.
'1IIe:l orl
Condltlon. to Avold Avold temperaturas greater than 100 F (38 C).
Incompltlbltlty (Mltarlal. to Strong aclds. Strong alkalls.
Hazardous Decompo.ltlon Carbon monolCide and calbon dioxide.
Addlllonal GuldelJne. Not Appllcable
'111'" 0'8
Blo-accumulaUon Not Determine<!
Acute Flsh Toxlclty: May be highly toxlc to aquello tlfe.
Acute Cru.tacean. Toxlclty:TLM48: 0.11 mgll (Acartla tonsa)
Acute A1g Toxlelty: EC50: 8.1 mgJI (Skeletonema costatum)
Chemleal Fatt Inform.tlon Not determined
Other Informatlon Not appllcable
DI.posal Method Disposal should be mada In Bcconlance wlth federal, state, and local regulatlons.
Contamlnatld Packaglng Followall appllcable natlonal or local regulallons.
Land Transportation
AOR Not restricted by surface modes.
Alr Transportation
ICAOnATA Not restricted by 8urface modes.
UN3334. Aviation Regulated Uquld, N.O.S (Contains Glutaraldehyde), 9
Saa Transportation
1M DO Not restrlcted by surface modes.
CI lfleatlon C Corroslve.
Page. ofll
Safety Phra S23 00 nol breathe gas, fumes, vapour or spray.
S26 In case of conlact with ayas, rlnaa immedlately with plenty of water and seek
medlcal advice.
545 In case of accidenl or If you feel unwell, seek medica! advice Immedlately.
S1/2 Keep klcked up and out of reach of children.
S36/37/39 Wear sultable protectlve clolhlng, gloves end eyefface protectlon.
Australlan Pollons Informatlon Centre
24 Hour Servlee: - 13 11 26
Pollee or Fire Brigada: - 000 (exchange): 1100
Addltlonallnformatlon For addltional informaUon on the use of thls product, contact your local Halliburton
For questlons about the Material Safety Data Sheet for thls or other Halllburlon
products, contact Chemlcal Compllance al 1-580251-4335.
Dllclalmer Statement Thls Informal/on is fumlshed wlthout warranty, expressed or Implied, as to accuracy
or complaleness. The Infonnation Is obtalned from vartous sourees Including the
manufacturar and olher Ihlrd party aources. The Informal/on may nol be valld under
all conditions nor If Ihls material Is used in comblnatlon wllh olher meleriars or In sny
process. FInal determlnatlon of sultabillty of sny matertalls the sole responslblllty of
the user.
Pace lofl
Tolallo 100%
Thls product contalns quartz, cristobali!e, andlor trlclymlte whlch may become
alrbome wlthout a visible cloud. Avold breathlng dusl Avo/eI Cfeating dusty
condltlons. Use only wlth adequate ventUatlon to keep exposurea below
recommended expolure IImlts. Wear a NIOSH eertlfied, European Standard EN
149, or equivalen! resplrator when using Ihls producl. Revlew the Malerlal Safety
Data Sheet (MSDS) for thla product, whlch has been provlded to your employer.
Hazard Ratlngs
Flammablllty: o
Toxlelty: O
Body ContaGt: O
Reacllvlty: O
Chronlc: 4
Inhalatlon If Inhaled, remove fmm area to fresh alr. Gel medlcal sltention If resplratory irritation
develops or If breathlng becomes difficult.
Sk'n Wash wlth soap and water. Get medlcal attentlon H Imtation persists.
Eye. In case ot contact, immedlately flush eyes with plenty of water for at leasl15 minutes
and get medlcal altentlon if Irrltation perslsts.
Ingtlon Under normal condltlons, flrat ald procedures are not required.
Note. lo PhYllclan Tres! symptomatlcally.
Personal Pracaullonlry Mlllur... Use approprlale prolecllve equlpmlnt. Avold creallng and brealhlng dust.
Envlronmental Precautlonary None known.
Procedur. for Claanlngl Collect uslng dusUeas melhod and ho/d for appropriate disposal. Conslder posslble
Abaorptlon tolde or flre hazards associated with contamlnatfng substancea and use appropriate
melhods for col/eellon. storage and d/sposal.
Handling Prlclutlona Thls product contalns quartz, erisloballte. and/or lridymlte whlch may become
a/rbome wfthout a visible cloud. Avo/d brealhlng dusl. Avold creatlng dusty
conditions. Use only wilh adequate venUlalion lo keep exposure below
recommended exposure IImlls. Wear a NIOSH cartinad, European Slandard En 149.
or equlvalent resp/ralor when us/ng th/s preducl. Materia//s s/ippery when wet.
Storage Informallon Use goOO housekeeplng /n atorage and work areas to prevent acaJmu/ation of dusl.
Close container when not in use. 00 not reuse .mpty container. Product has a she/f
IIfe of 24 months.
Eng/neerlng Controla Use approved industrial venlilatlon and local exhaust as requ/red lo ma/ntaln
exposures below appllcable exposur. IImlts IIsted in Section 2.
R.aplratory Prot.elIon Wear a NIOSH certlfled, European Standard EN 149, or equivalent respirator when
uslng thls produe!.
Color: Tan
Odor: Mlld earthy
pH: 8-10
Speclflc Gravlty@20C (Watar=1): 2.6
Oanllty @ 20 C (kgll): Not Determlned
Bulk D.nelty O 20 C (ka/mi): Not Determinad
Solllng PolntlRang. (C): Not Determlned
Freazlng PolntlRange (C): Not Determlned
Pour POlntlRanga (C): Not Determlned
Flash PolntlRanga (e): Not Determinad
Flash Polnt Mathod: Not Determlned
Autolgnltlon Temperalur. (e): Not Determined
Flammlblllty L/mi'" In Alr Lower (g/mI): Not Delermlned
Page 3017
Fllmmlblllty Limita In Alr - Low.r (%): Not Detenninad
Flammlblllty Limita In Alr - Upp.r (g1m J ): Not Detennined
Flammablllty Llmlts In Alr - Upper (%): Not Determinad
Vapor Prallura 020 C (mmHg): Not Determinad
Vapor Denslty (AIr-1): Not Determined
Parc.nt Volatll.. : Not Datermlned
EVlporatlon Rat. (Butyl Acetate=1): Not Detennln.d
Solublllty In Water (g/100ml): Insoluble
Solublllty In Solventa (g/100ml): Not Determinad
vaCa (gIl): No! Determinad
VIICOllty, Dynlmle @ 20 C (c.nUpols.): Not Determlned
V1scoalty, Klnematlc G 20 C (centlstrokes): Not Delennlned
Partltlon COlfflclentlnoOctanol/Water: Not Determinad
Molecular WIlght (gImo le): Not Determined
DlcampOlltlon Tamp.,.ture (e): Nol Determlned
Hazardoul O.composlllon Amorphous silica may transform at elevated temperaturas to tridymlte (870 C) or
Products cristoballta (1470 C).
Inhalatlon Inhaled crystallina slllca In the form of quartz or cristobalite from occupaOonal
sourcea la carclnogenlc lo humans (IARC. Group 1). There iB sufficient evldence In
experimental anlmals for tha carclnogenlclty of tridymlte (IARC. Group 2A).
Brealhlng sllles dusl may cause IrritaUon of Ihe nose, Ihroal, and resplratory
passeges. Breathlng slliea dusl may not cause nollceable InJury or IIIness aven
though permanent lung damaga may be occurring. Inhalatlon dust may 8160 have
sarlous chronic heallh effecls (See "Chronlc EffectslCarclnogenlclty- aubsectlon
Cancer Status: The Inlernatlonal Ageney for Research on Caneer (IARC) has
determlned \hat cryslalllne slllca inhaled In Ihe form 01 quartz or Cllsloballte ftom
occ:upatlonal sources can cause lung caneer In humans (GtoUP 1 carclnogenlc lo
human s) and has determinad Ihat there Is sufflelenl evldence In experimental
anlmals for Ihe carclnogenlclty of trldymlte (Group 2A posslble eare/nogen to
humans). Refer lo !ABC Monogtapb 68 SIIICI, Soma SlIIcales and Organlc Fibras
(June 1997) in conjunetlon wi1h Ihe use of !hese minerals. lhe National Toxlcology
Ptogram cJassifies respirable crystalllne sUlea as -Known lo be a human carclnogen".
Refer to Ihe 9th Repon on Csrelnogens (2000). The American Conferenee of
Govemmentallndus!"el Hyglenlsls (ACGIH) classlnes crystalllne sltlca. quartz. as a
suspected human esrclnogen (A2).
lhere Is some evldence that brea\hlng respirable crystalllne slSca or !he disease
silicosis la assoclaled wI!h an Incteasad Incldence of slgnlficant disease endpolnts
auch as scleroderma (an immune system disorder manlfested by scamng of Ihe
lungs, skln. and olher Intemal organa) and kIdney dlsease.
Other In'ormltlon For further Informallon consult "Adversa Effects of CrystalJine SlIIca Exposure"
publlshed by the American Thoraclc Soclety Medlcal Section of Ibe American Lung
Associalion, American Joumal of Resplratory and Critlcal Care Medicine. Volume
155, pages 761768 (1997).
Toxlclty Tests
Acute Flsh Toxlclty: Not determined
Acute Cruatlcaans Toxlclty:Not determlned
Acuta Alu.a Toxlclty: Not determlned
Pla' 50f7
Ch,mleal Fati Informatlon Not determlned
Other Informatlon Not appllcable
DI.posll Mathod Bury In a l\censad landflll accordlng to federal, atete, and local regulatlons.
Contamlnated Paeklglng Follow all applicable nallonal or local regulations.
Land Transportatlon
ADR Not restrlcted
Alr Transportation
ICAOIlATA Not reslticled
Saa Transportatlon
IMDG NoI restricted
AddlUonallnfonnatlon For addltlonallnformalion on tIle use of thls product, contact your local Halllburton
For quesUons about the Material Safety Dala Sheet for thls or otller Halliburton
products, contact Chemlcal CompUance at 1-580-251-4335.
Dllclllmer Statement This informatlon is fumished wlthout warranty, eICpressed or Irnplled, as lo accuracy
or completeness. The informellon is obtalned from various sources Includlng tIle
manufacturer and other Ihlrd party sourees. The Infarmallan may nol be valld under
aH condtlons nor if this materialls used In combinatJon wllh olher materlals or In any
process. Final determlnation o, suitability o, any material is the sole responslbility of
tha user.
Pago 1 016
Total to 100%
Hazard Overvlew May cause aya Irritallon. Alrbome dust may be explosiva.
Hazard Ratlngs
Flammablllty: 1
Toxlclty: O
Body Contaet: 1
Rctlvlty: O
Chronlc: O
Inhalltlon IIlnhaled, remove from araa to fresh airo Gel medical attenllon if respiralory Irritatlon
develops or If brealhing becomes diffiC\.lIt.
Skln Wash wlth soap and water. Get medlcal attention If irritaton perslsts.
Eyes In case of contact, Immedlately flush ayas wlth plenty of water far al least 15 minutes
and gel medical attenton if Irrltatlon perslsts.
Ingestlon Under normal condltions, first ald procedures are not requlred.
Not to Phyllclan Not Applicabla
Sultable Extlngullhlng Media Water fog, carbon dioxide, foam, dry chamical.
Unlultabla ExtIngulshlng Madla None known.
Speelal Expolure Hazards Decomposition in nre may produce toxle gases. Organie dust In lhe presence of an
IgnlUon souree can ba explosiva In hlgh concenlratlons. Good housekeeping
pracUces are requlred to mlnlmlze thls potenUal.
Speel.1 Prot.etlve Equlpmant for FuI! protective clothlng and approved self-contalned breathlng apparatus requlred for
Flr.-Flghtars lire fightlng personnel.
Personal Pracautlonlry Me.sures Use approprlate protectlve equlpment. Avoid creatlng and braalhlng dusl.
Envlronmental Precautlonary None known.
Procedure for Cleanlng I Scoop up and remove.
Ecotoxicologfcaf Informatlon
Acute Flah Toxlclty: TLM96: 320-560 ppm (Oncorhynchus myklss)
Acute Toxlclty:TLM96: > 75000 ppm (Mysidopsis bahla)
Acut. Alga. Toxlclty: Not determinad
ehemlca' Fate Intonnatlon Not determined
Olher Informallon Not appllcable
Dlspol.1 Method 8ury In a llcensed landflll eccordlng 10 federal, state. and local regulallons.
Contamlnated Packaglng Follow all appllcable natlonal or local regulations.
Land Transportatlon
ADR Not raslrlelad
Air Transportatlon
ICAOI/ATA Not restrlctad
Sea Transportation
IMDG Not restrleted
Australlan Polsons Inlonnatlon Centra
24 Hour Sarvice: - 13 11 26
Pollee or Are Brigada: - 000 (exchange): - 1100
Pille 50,e
Addltlonallnformatlon For addllionallnformatlon on the use of thls product, conlact your local Halllburton
For questlons about tha Material Safety Data Sheet for thls or other Hllllburton
products. contact Chemlcal CompHance al 1-580-251-4335.
Dlsel.lmer Statement This Information 16 fumlshed wlthout warranty, expressed or Implied, as to accuracy
or completeness. The nformallon Is obtalned (rom various sourees Including the
manufacturer and olher third party sourees. The informatlon may nol be valld under
all conditlons nor Ir lhls material la used In oomblnation wlth other malerlals or in any
proceas. Final delermlnatlon of sultablllty o, any materlalls Ihe sole responsiblllty of
the user.
P."., ."a
: -~ .
.' -< .
,1," ,
Barold Drflllng Flulds
Product Servfca Lina of Halllburton Energy Servlces, Inc.
P.O. Box 1615
) Houston, TX n251
Preparad By
Prodlrot Stewardshlp
T.lepllon.: 1-680-251-4335
Hazard Ovarvlew
)May cause-delayed injury lo lungs, PolenliBI carclnogen.
Page 1 of7
l' Inhalad, remove from area to Ireah alr. Get medk:al aHenllo" Ir raaplrafcry irritaDo" develops or Ir brealhlng becomes
Wash wflh aoap and wa1er. Gel medlcal attenUon If Imtatlon persista.
In case of contad, Immedlately nush eyes wlth plenty of water far allelal 15 minutes and gel medica! aHendon If Irritadon
00 nol Induce vomltlng. SIoWIy dllute wlth 1-2 glasees o, water or mili< and aaak medlcal attanHon. Naver glva anythlng by
mouth lo an unconsclous persono
Notes lo Phyalclan
Not Appllcabla
Storage Informatlon
Slore In a cooI, dry IocaUon.
Ra.plratory ProtecUon
Not nonnally needed. Bul if slgnlflcant exposures are posalbla then (he following resplratcr is recommended. Duatlmlat
Hand Prot.ctJon
Normal work g/oves.
Skln Protecllon
Normal wark coveralls.
Eye Protectlon
Wear saf.ty olasses or gaggl.s lo protect agalnsl exposure.
Olher Precaullons
CondltJons to Avold
None antlclpatad
Addltlonal QuldaUn
Not Appllcabla
May cause resplratory Irrttatlon. May cause silicosis, whlch reduce. fung function. Tha lung damaga can lead to haart
problema. .
Skln Contact
None known.
Eye Contact
May cause mlld aya Irritatlon.
In$l Oon
May produce n,/Vous system atreel! auch as feallng of weakn888. unsteady walk, and dllatlon of blood ves.el May affact
tha ha.rt and cardlovalClllar system.
Chronlc EffactsfCarclnoganlclty
Containa crystalllne sfllca whlcn may cause a delayed, progreasive lung dlsease (silicosis). The IARe and NTP haya
determinad lIlera Is sufflelant avldence In humana 01 tha carclnogenlclty of c:ryslalline aillca.
Other Informatfon
Nona known.
Toxlclty Te.ts
Inhalatlon Toxlclty: Not determinad
Nol determinad
Toxlclty: Not detennlned
Not appncabla
Not Oalennlnad
Acule Flsh Toxicity: No( detannlnad
Acula Crustaca8M Toxlclty: Not datennlnad
Acuta Algae Toxlclty: Not de18nnlned
oth,r Infonnation
Not appllclbla
DI.posal M.thod
Bury In a llcensed landflll accordlng to fedaral, state, and local ragulatlona.
Contamlnat.d Packaglng
Follow all appllcable naUonal or local regulatlons.
Land Transportatlon
Not rastricted
Canadlan TDG
Page 50f7
Not reslrfcled
Nol restrictad
Alr Transportatlon
Not restrfcted
Sea Transportation
Nat ,a.lncted
US Regulatlons
US TSCA Inventary )
AlI componants listad on Inventory.
CalifornIa Propoaltlon 65
The Callfomla ProposiUon 65 regulatlons apply lo thls product
MA Law
One or more componants lisiad.
Page 60f7
NJ Rlghtto.Know Llw
) One or more components listed.
PA Rlghtto.Know u.w
One or more components listad.
Canadlan Regulatlons
Canadlan DSL Inventory
AlI componenla listed en Inventory.
WHMIS Hazard C
D2A Ver Toxfc Materials
Far addlUona' infonnaticn on the use of Ihls product. contact your local Hal/iburton representa Uve.
For quaslions about Ihe Malarial Safety Data Sheet for Ihls DI' olhar Halllburton products, contact Product Slewardshlp at 1
DI.elalmer Slatement
Thla Informallon /a fumished wllhout w8rranty, expressed or Implled, 88 to accuracy or complateness. The Informal/on le
) obtalned rrom various aoulC.s Incfudlng the manufacturer and olher lhlrd perty aources. Ths InformaUon may not ba valld
undar aD condltlona nor If Ihle mat.1181ls used In comblnaUon wlth olher malerfals or in sny procesa. Final detennlnaUon 01
lultablllty of sny maleriells lhe IIcle responalblllly of lhe us.r.
Page 70f7