1.1. Background
1.1. Background
1.1. Background
1.1. Background
The literary work is the creation of human beings who have artistic value, the value of
the function, and also historical value. The literary work is the imagination, feelings, and
views a person, in this case the authors. The literary work is made not only to enjoy its
beauty as works of art, but through a literary work we can know how the authors looked at
the reality around it. Even in certain literary works can we meet the facts of history in a time
of a society that is mixed with a fictional world created by the author. Departing from this
a literary work through the process of interpretation, the relationship between aspects of
society and social facts that appear in the literature can also be explained.
From the description above, the researchers wanted to discuss a literary work that is
more about reality. So the researchers chose literary novel of famous author Charles Dickens
is titled "Oliver Twist". This novel is one of the greatest literary works in English literature.
Charles Dickens best essay written in the first half of the 19th century has been so widely
translated, adapted, and raised in the big screen because the charge universal humanitarian
values it contains. Oliver Twist is the title of the second novel of Charles Dickens, published
in 1838. The novel is the story of an orphan named Oliver Twist who lived in Britain in the
1830s. Through this novel, Dickens theme of poverty, social class, and the abuse that
occurred during the industrial revolution in England. The novel Oliver Twist is said to come
from childhood experiences Dickens dark and hard as a result of poverty. Within this novel
Oliver also explained how the figures as the main character in the novel interacting with its
Abuse is one of the many problems that afflict Oliver, various kinds of abuse whether
born. The period of his life he spent in social homes up the street. During his life in a
rehabilitation center, he often got the inhumane treatment of the nursing supervisor. Abuse,
verbal abuse, and profanity into daily meal in social institutions. The cruel treatment that
befell Oliver did not stop there, he then sold to a cemetery attendant named Mr.Sowerberry.
Here Oliver is treated like a slave. Until then, a fight between Oliver with boys lift host
Mr.Sowerberry triggered by humiliation on who the mother of Oliver. Since then, Oliver
considered terror that threaten the family. Daily beatings and torture he received from the
family. This difficulty forcing Oliver, planned to leave the house go to London. However,
good fortune has not approached Oliver, in London he met with hordes of pickpockets and he
was forced to survive by picking pockets with a bunch of other poor children under the
control of a thug.
abuse, said there are four kinds of abuse, the emotional abuse, verbal abuse, physical abuse,
and sexual abuse. 4 kinds of abuse at the top researchers will analyze the two abuse in the
novel Oliver Twist which is emotional abuse and physical abuse. Emotional abuse are all
acts of degrading or belittling others. If this becomes a pattern of behavior it will disrupt the
process of development of the next child. This is because the child's self concept disturbed,
then the child feel unworthy to be loved and be loved. Children who are constantly
humiliated, insulted, threatened or denied will cause suffering not less terrible than the
physical suffering. Perpetrators usually act mental Abuse, blame, labeling, or also scapegoat
While all forms of physical abuse occurs when a parent or caregiver frustrated or
angry, then perform actions physically aggressive, can be a pinch, punches, kicks, burns, and
action - other actions that may harm the child. Very difficult to imagine how a child can
endure all the suffering. Often, physical abuse is the result of physical punishment that aims
From the above, researchers interested in analyzing this novel with the topic
"emotional abuse and physical abuse in the novel Oliver Twist" by Charles Dickens by using
Oliver Twist?
1.2.2. What are the causes and the impact caused by the occurrence of physical abuse
discussion. In this study, the problem is limited to the researcher focuses on the analyze of
physical abuse and emotional abuse experienced by the main character in the novel Oliver
Twist and the cause and impact of the child abuse by using a psychological approach.
there are:
1.4.1. To find out the physical abuse and emotional abuse experienced by the main
In this research, the researcher hopes this script can give some significances to the
reader which can be divided there are two significances of study that the researcher wants to
present those are theoretical and practical.
The review of related research is the exposure results of research conducted by other
researchers or experts. With the existence of this literature review of research one can note its
authenticity. The literature review aimed to determine the authenticity of a scientific paper.
Basically, a study did not move from the start, but usually has no reference was already
underlying. It is intended as a starting point to conduct a study. Therefore it is desirable to
Janwarti Gani (2012) Faculty of Letters and Culture Khairun University, conduct
research in the thesis entitled "child abuse in the novel A Child Called it" by Dave J. Pelzer. In
his script she discusses problems of forms of abuse against children is the persecution of the
physical, psychological and neglect of the physical needs, education and child psychological .
In addition, this thesis discussed the worst case of child abuse in California history as well as
the impact of child abuse. The author's purpose in writing this thesis which is to determine
forms of abuse as well as to find evidence of the effects of child abuse described by the author
In the thesis Amina Ali (2009) Faculty of Letters and Culture Khairun University,
entitled "The Immorality in the novel Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens". The purpose of this
study the authors wanted to analyze about the intentions of the authors who want to criticize
the actions of unscrupulous happened in the Victorian era. Where the government still has a
legal value has not been strong. In this study, researchers used the approach of sociology in
describing immorality implicit in the novel Oliver Twist. Researchers analyzed about immoral
behavior that is the violent and criminal acts that were made by children who do not get
protection from the government in the Victorian period. The researchers concluded that the
immorality portrayed through the novel Oliver Twist is an expression of Dickens in criticizing
In the thesis Herman (2009) Faculty of Syariah University Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta.
Thesis with the title of child abuse according to Islamic law (cases of child abuse in the child
protection agency Yogyakarta). Explained that the bad reality of child abuse continue to grow
from year to year both violent physical and psychological violence. It was also explained that
in the city of Yogyakarta child abuse is divided into various shapes such as identity abuse,
exploitation of children and the most cruel murder. The purpose of this study which is to
describe and analyze the forms of violence by parents against children and factors causing
violence against children and child abuse analyzed from the viewpoint of the Islamic religion.
Results from the study showed that the outline child abuse is divided into several forms,
namely physical abuse, emotional abuse, social abuse and sexual abuse. Factors that lead to
child abuse including poverty, past parents who have experienced violence, harsh environment
In the book Nyoman Kutha Ratna (2004) in his book entitled Theory, Methods and
Techniques research letters explains that the psychological approach associating with the
authors, the creative process, literature, and readers. Nonetheless, this approach is
essentially related to the three major symptoms, the authors, literary works, and the reader,
with the consideration that a psychological approach more in touch with the author and
literary works. If the author's attention was focused on the research models closer to the
expressive approach, on the contrary, when attention was focused on the work of its research
commonly done by those who have responsibility for child welfare where it all is indicated
with a loss and a threat to the health and welfare of children. The most obvious examples of
abuse acts experienced by children is beating or physical assaults repeatedly until briefly
unsettled the market cuts or abrasions (scrapes / scratches). However, be aware that child
abuse is actually not just a beating or physical assault, but also can include various forms of
exploitation through, for example, pornography and sexual assault, the provision of food was
not fit for children or food malnutrition, neglect and health education.
All forms of physical abuse occurs when a parent or caregiver frustrated or angry,
then perform actions physically aggressive can be a pinch, punches, kicks, burns, and action -
other actions that may harm the child. Very difficult to imagine how a parent or caregiver can
hurt a child. Often, physical abuse is the result of physical punishment that aims to enforce
discipline, which is not in accordance with the child's age. Many parents want to be good
parents, but out of control in dealing with the child's behavior. Oliver as the main character in
a novel Oliver Twist often experience less favorable treatment of one is often the case that
Emotional abuse was covering the attack on the feelings and dignity of children.
Abuse is also often go unnoticed, but these events can very often because usually related to
the inability and lack of effective parents, teachers, and adults in dealing with children. The
form can be embarrassing, humiliation, rejection, scolded child and so on. Aqib (2008).
Emotional abuse can affect children's self confidence where emotional abuse
impact on various aspects of child development is one example where the problem often
confidence and phobic anxiety. In a novel Oliver twist emotional abuse often happens to
Oliver. Insults and invective and neglect purposes Oliver is that every day when the override
Oliver living in social homes. Similarly, when it was sold to a coffin maker. He even got to
experience things that are not much different from the social homes. Hart and Brassart
(Goldman, 2003) divides into six forms of emotional abuse that is;
Lately, child abuse often seems to be a "trend" for parents to discipline their children,
or even just as a mere emotional outlet. The existence of problems between her parents that
resulted in the children who live in households in which violence, experiencing abuse. Most
are not abused physically, some emotionally or sexually. Procedures for educating children
who loud. Some parents believe that by educating children with a bang is a part of learning
against children. It could be mental parents who abuse the child because his soul is disturbed,
Economic factors. Most abuse arising from economic pressure. Depressed conditions
caused family economic pressure is a factor that many occur that cause abuse in children. But
not necessarily the economically poor would do physical abuse to their children, something
else that triggered the abuse to children, among others are the inheritance of abuse between
the generations, and social stresses, such as unemployment, sickness, housing and poor
Experiencing abuse experience. This possibility can lead parents physical abuse in
children. with the heart to do violence to his son because he wanted revenge. Parents who
abuse the children tend to be socially isolated, then there is also the factor of family
structures in which single parents more often abuse the children or the parents who
dominated every important decision, "Children And Physical state. this factor is also the
Factor causes of child abuse described above is a factor that generally occur.
However, in the case of Oliver twist abuse experienced is not obtained from her parents but
from caregivers Oliver in social institutions. Oliver Caregivers often physical abuse to
children including Oliver homes if they do something that is considered wrong by the
caregiver homes. Emotional abuse also happens to Oliver when he fled to London and caught
between the pickpocket. He was forced into pickpocket under the control of a thug.
child, and leave scars both physically and psychologically, the child becomes withdrawn,
insecure, difficult to develop trust to others, destructive behavior, etc. And if this happens
then repeat occurrences healing process takes much longer anyway. While Torture emotions
difficult to identify or diagnose because they do not leave scars that are as real as physical
torture. Thus, efforts to stop it is also not easy. Type this torture left scars hidden manifested
in several forms, such as lack of confidence, difficulty friendships, destructive behavior such
as sudden burn of goods or cruel to animals and people around him, withdraw, drug and
From the above explanation it can be seen that the impact caused by the torture is
extremely diverse. Various of these effects likely to be felt by the children victims of abuse.
However, from the various effects in the picture above is not entirely Oliver feel and do. For
example, in this novel, describing the character of Oliver who was always steadfast in the
face of all the struggle of life although Oliver always trials and torture barrage. Oliver never
do anything negative. Oliver could do was pray when it comes to her ordeal. This novel
(Jones,1968: 33). The term characterizations broader sense than the character and the
"disposition", because at the same characterizations include the issue of who the characters,
how dispositive, and how the placement and illustrator in a story so easily understood by the
reader. Characterizations was once suggest the manifestation techniques and the development
of character in a story. Characters, character, and all the emotions that contains is the aspect
of content, while the technique of expression in works of fiction are aspects of the form.
Thus, in terms of the characterizations contained two aspects of content and form
In this section, the researcher provides an overview of the research that aims to make
researcher remain focused on the goals of the study. So there is the Conceptual Scheme by using
of the researcher .
Method descriptive analysis was used to get an idea of systematic, factual and
accurate information of the facts, properties and relationship between the phenomenon
under investigation he problems dictates what kinds of information has to be analyzed, and
on the type of information depends the object as the statement by Kutha Ratna below;
investigate the cause of particular phenomenon (Khuta Ratna, 2004:321). So, the
researcher method descriptive analysis because that can use the researcher to human nature
in the novel that will be explained clearly in written from analyzing words and sentences.
In this section, the researcher will divide the Technique of collecting data, these are as
The researcher search from several books to find various resources for getting clear
explanation about definition, theory and to get depth understanding in creating this
1.10.2. Reading comprehension
has decide linguistic symbol and reconstruct them up to meaningful whole intended by the
writer, it is only a term referring to reading skill through the important thing is not on the
The research used internet to see opinions and explanations from different people
about the topic and review of the title and the novel as well.
After reading the novel, the researcher classified roomates Analyzed parts that
will be started from the title, until the moral character message.
1.11.2 Interpretation
In this section, the researchers interpret data consists of data that stand out, and
supporting data in the problem. From a classification of data to be analyzed in the novel
1.11.3 Explanation
The next technique that researchers try to explain every data obtained data. This
step is used so that the researchers can easily gat understanding associated with the data
that has been analyzed, such as sentences and paragraphs contained in the novel "Oliver
1.11.4. Conclusion
After classification, interpretation and explanation, the researchers made the final
step is to give a conclusion to all the data that has been analyzed into the final outcome of
this study.
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