Crushers For The Mining Industry: Application Notes

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Application Notes

Crushers for the mining industry

Crushers reduce the size of the coarse pieces from the mine Making things right
through one or more processing stages so that they can be
ground in mills. Crushers operate with pressure or impact, Electrical Drives for Crushers
and they exist in stationary and mobile versions. To provide The inclusion of an electrical drive at the crushers front end
Integrated Drive Systems for Crushers, Siemens draws on its provides several benefits:
extensive portfolio of products, which have been tried and
tested thousands of times and are readily available. n Improved energy efficiency during operation.
n Ideal torque vs. speed control.
Typical components for a crushing drive system include an n Compensation for variation in ore characteristics
electrical drive, motor and possibly a mechanical gearbox. n Superior particle size consistency through accurate
While each component can be specified and supplied speed control
separately, only through engineered integration will a n Reduction of inrush current at start-up
superior performing optimized system be realized. n Reduced negative impact on power network stability
n Smooth starting control
n Improved capability to avoid or clear system jams.
In addition to the above, crusher systems with multiple motors
benefit significantly from drive control:

n Reduction of crusher mechanical wear due to torque

n Operational flexibility through independent motor control
n Improved maintenance capability

Motors for crushers

The demands placed on crusher motors represent some of the
most extreme conditions found in mining. Crusher motors are
inherently subjected to vibration, dust, and extreme operating
temperatures. Experience has shown that crusher motors are the
most likely motors to fail in the mine. This makes the selection of
the proper crusher motor critical for ensuring process reliability.
Siemens is recognized for providing the most durable and reliable
motors for crusher use. Specific crusher motor attributes include:

n Very high locked rotor and breakdown torques to avoid

jamming conditions and ease starting when the crusher
is loaded
n Superior enclosure design protects windings from dust,
moisture and faults
n Air or water cooled options
n Sleeve or antifriction bearing options
The Integrated Drive System
n Stator and bearing temperature protection options
Siemens provides all components in an Integrated Drive System,
n Application experience for high altitudes and extreme
ensuring a near perfect fit to each applications unique needs and
specifications. Choosing from over 5,000 different possible
combinations of components, Siemens engineers are able to
Mechanical drives
optimize the drive system to provide maximum efficiency and
Mechanical drives, or gearboxes, share the same hostile
reliability while helping mineral operators maximize throughput.
environment as motors. In addition, space between the motor
and crusher mechanics is often limited and represents a
significant engineering challenge to crusher design. Siemens
is capable of providing mechanical drives with the following

n Planetary gear units

n Nominal output torque from 22,000 to 2,600,000 Nm (higher
torque available on request)
n Reduction ratios from 25 to 125
n Compact, space-saving design
n Complete system from a single source minimizes installation
time: Gear units, torque reaction arm, couplings, and oil supply
systems can be supplied ready for installation

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