Non-Destructive Test Methods For Hollow-Core Composite Insulators
Non-Destructive Test Methods For Hollow-Core Composite Insulators
Non-Destructive Test Methods For Hollow-Core Composite Insulators
Composite Insulators
Armin Merten
Department of Research & Development
Reinhausen Power Composites GmbH
D-93057 Regensburg, Germany
Email: [email protected]
AbstractSeveral test methods were evaluated in order to between tube and flange will not lead to electrical problems,
prove their suitability to detect voids, air bubbles, and adhesion this paper concentrates on the investigation of the sheds, the
failure in hollow-core composite insulators. Due to the relatively interface between sheath and tube, and the glued scarf joint.
complex geometry of the insulators (bowed surface, shed-profile)
and the criticality of even comparably small defects in high- II. N ON -D ESTRUCTIVE T EST M ETHODS FOR P LASTICS
voltage equipment, most of the methods did not provide satisfying
results. Most promising seem to be Computed Tomography and This sections describes various non-destructive methods
a rather new method, the so-called Micro-Wave Based Detection. to detect irregularities in plastic material. Experiments have
been performed with only four of them. The two others (i.e.
Thermography and Laser-Shearography) will be evaluated in
Inhomogeneities like voids, air bubbles, or impurities should future work.
generally be avoided in electrically insulating materials in
order to prevent partial discharges, electrical breakdown, or A. Ultrasonic Detection
- if applicable - mechanical failure. Although in a well Ultrasonic Detection is a well established method in non-
controlled production process the aforementioned defects do destructive testing not only for plastics but also for all other
not occur, it could be useful to be able to find imperfections kinds of material. The results exhibit a high reproducibility if
without destroying the part to be investigated, i.e. during an the investigator is well experienced. Furthermore, it is possible
homologation process or in order to find the origin in case of to automize this method e.g. for continuous quality control.
failure. The measuring principle relies on the dependence of the
Non-destructive testing methods for plastic components are speed of sound in the medium to be investigated. If an acoustic
widely available for quality assurance and fault diagnostics. wave propagating through a material with acoustic velocity c1
Most of the methods described in the following are approved meets an inhomogeinity with acoustic velocity c2 6= c1 , the
to be suitable particularly for parts with a simple geometry wave will be scattered and partially reflected. Knowing the
and with plain surfaces. However, in case of hollow insulators runtime of the wave through the homogeneous material and
for high-voltage equipment, the situation is much more com- measuring the time of the reflected fraction to come back, the
plicated because of the circular cross-section of the insulator position of the defect can be determined [1].
and the wavelike sheds on the outside. Figure 1 illustrates The costs for a commercially available system are moderate
schematically the setup of a typical hollow composite insula- and defects > 1 mm can easily be detected. However, the
tor. application of this technique to hollow insulators is restricted
for the following reasons:
Due to the sheds, the testing probe can not be attached
to the outer surface of the insulator.
Special probes are necessary to fit the curvature of the
tubes. Therefore, for each diameter of an insulator another
probe is required.
For longer parts the access to the center area inside the
insulator is difficult.
Fig. 1: Schematic view on the composition of an insulator The resolution is insufficient to detect critical defects. In
particular, spots of weak adhesion between the sheds and
There are several critical spots at an insulator which are the tube are almost impossible to find.
vulnerable for mechanical or electrical failure, e.g. the bonding
between the flanges and the tube, the bonding between the B. X-Ray
sheath and the tube, and for long assembled insulators the The consistency, the density, and the thickness of the part
scarf joint between the partial tubes. Since flaws in the bonding investigated determine the degree of absorption of X-Ray
A. Ultrasonic Detection
As already indicated in section II-A the detection with
ultrasonic is difficult, particularly if the defect is smaller than
1 mm. Adhesion failure between GFRP tube and the housing
material is impossible to find. Flat samples with intentionally
missing adhesion were prepared and sent to two different
manufacturers. Both were not able to detect the defects in (a) Air bubble near the core (b) Air bubble in a shed
a reliable and reproducible way. This is consistent with the Fig. 4: Detectable defects with CT
results described in another work [8].
B. Computed Tomography
1) Insulator: Figure 3 shows the results of the examination 2) Scarf Joint: Figure 5 shows the cross section of an
with computed tomography at three different positions along assembled GFRP tube at the position of the scarf joint.
the axis of an insulator. The pictures were taken in 1 mm
probability to find a defect depends not only on its size but
also on its shape and its orientation.