Plastic Sheeting: A Guide To The Specification and Use of Plastic Sheeting in Humanitarian Relief

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A guide to the specification
and use of plastic sheeting in
humanitarian relief
This booklet is aimed to help humanitarian aid workers make more informed decisions
on the use of plastic sheeting in emergencies. The target audience includes
programme managers, field based engineers and technical staff, logisticians and
others involved in providing emergency shelter and sanitation services to disaster
and conflicted families. Contents include:

Decision making guidelines for considering when plastic sheeting is an appropriate

How to efficiently specify, transport, warehouse and distribute plastic sheeting;
International standards and specifications of plastic sheeting;
Construction details of plastic sheeting as a building material;
Key climate and performance issues;
Environmental considerations and safe disposal;
Guidance on usage of other polyethylene based sheeting products;
Reference section on where to go for more detailed technical advice.

This booklet recognizes that plastic sheeting is an extremely versatile emergency

relief item that can be effective in addressing the immediate needs of displaced or
affected families. Although the humanitarian community spends millions of dollars
each year on plastic sheeting, some of this is wasted due to poor quality, inadequate
specification, and poorly informed usage. It is hoped that this booklet will help promote
a better understanding of when plastic sheeting is appropriate, as well as ensuring a
wider consistency in the quality of material and technical aid on its use.

Digital versions of this booklet are available to download free of charge (see inside
for details).
i - Introduction 1

A guide to the specification and use
of plastic sheeting
in humanitarian relief

i.1 Foreword:
Plastic sheeting is one of the most widely distributed nonfood relief items used in
humanitarian operations. Each year, hundreds of thousands of square meters of polyethylene
sheets are distributed by NGOs, government agencies and private sector. For families
displaced by conflicts or whose homes have been damaged by disasters, plastic sheeting
can be a useful temporary building material for repairs or emergency shelter structures.

Ensuring that displaced families and communities receive the appropriate types of
humanitarian aid in a timely manner is a key objective of all relief agencies and donors.
The versatility and low cost of plastic sheeting have made it a default choice for emergency
shelter interventions by agencies. Yet in recent disaster responses, variations in the sizes
and quality of plastic sheeting distributed to displaced persons suggests a lack of clarity
on how plastic sheeting can best support recovery efforts in affected households and their

As part of their organizational mandates to encourage more effective and coordinated

humanitarian aid, The International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
(IFRC) and affiliate members of Oxfam International have collaborated on the production and
distribution of these technical guidelines on the specification and uses of plastic sheeting in
emergencies. Informed by research into good practices in humanitarian responses where
the timely delivery of plastic sheeting has been proven effective in meeting emergency
shelter and sanitation needs, the contents of these guidelines have been reviewed by peer
review panels in Europe, the UK and the US. Over 75 persons representing humanitarian
agencies, donors, manufacturers, and independent consultants have contributed to draft
versions of these guidelines. IFRC and Oxfam are extremely grateful for the valuable input
these individuals have offered.

Given the variety of local building practices and cultures where humanitarian interventions
occur, these guidelines are not intended to be a definitive how-to guide for using plastic
sheeting as a construction material. The key question that the authors, editors, and reviewers
of these guidelines wish to ask is not how to build a better shelter, but how to best support
local recovery efforts while moving simultaneously towards more durable and dignified shelter
solutions. It is hoped that these guidelines will help decision makers and programme staff
better understand how plastic sheeting can be useful in addressing this goal.

Graham Saunders, IFRC Rick Bauer, Oxfam GB

July 2007

Plastic Sheeting
2 i - Introduction

i.2 Acknowledgments:
These guidelines are the result of an inter organisational collaboration between IFRC, Oxfam and
many other agencies. The lead author and illustrator is Joseph Ashmore, with editorial support from
Neil Bauman and additional illustrations by Seki Hirano.

The following individuals have provided content, comments and support:

John Adams, John Adlam, Madina Aliberdieva, Richard Allen, Eddie Argenal, Miriam Aschenasy, Sonia
Ashmore, Ralph Ashton, Lizzie Babister, Graham Barnes, James Shepherd-Barron, Andy Bastable,
Jane Bean, Elizabeth Bellardo, Naomi Bourne, Marc Bretton, Gordon Browne, Matthew Burns, Nan
Buzard, Heidi Chase, Mikhail Chitashvili, Hannah Claire, Ed Cooke, Nate Cooper, Tom Corsellis, Sally
Crook, Bob Demeranville, Dave Eastman, Matt Ellingson, Patrick Ettampola, Deborah Hayes, Charles
Kelly, James Kennedy, Rob Kissick, Liam Florey, Bill Flinn, Jon Fowler, Jacqui Gavin, Sara Gullo, John
Howard, Malcolm Johnstone, Bruce LeBel, Andrew Loven, Simon Lucas, Richard Luff, Peter Manfield,
Julia Macro, LeGrand Lee Malany, Charlie Mason, Susie Maugham, Robin Mays, Jean McCluskey,
Jerome Michon, Leon Miles, Trish Morrow, Isabelle de Muyser-Boucher, Patrick Oger, Morten Peterson,
Regan Potangaroa, Linda Poteat, Scott Powell, Kenny Rae, Maxwell Ramnaps, Simon Reeves, Omar
Horacio Rincon, Lucy Russell, Farhan Sarwar, Charles Setchell, Meredith Sisa, Elizabeth Stalder,
Sara Sywulka, Samuel Treglown, Baard Vandvik, Antonella Vitale, Mia Vukojevic, Wayne While, Tom
White, Eric Williams, Nicholas Willson, Vicki Wooding, Jake Zarins, Jrg Zwygart.

The financing of this booklet has been provided by the International Federation of Red Cross and
Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and affiliate agencies of Oxfam International.

These guidelines made use of material developed in "Tents, a guide to the use and logistics of tents in
humanitarian relief", (UN/OCHA, 2004) and the scoping study of "Timber, a guide to the procurement
and use of timber in humanitarian relief", (UN/OCHA 2007) (

The MSF Logistics Catalogue, the ICRC/IFRC Relief Items Catalogue and the MSF technical archives
provided essential technical content.

Inspiration for these guidelines came from Howard and Spice, 1973 Oxfam Technical Guide Plastic
Sheeting: Its Use for Emergency Housing and Other Purposes, Oxfam Publishing.

Digital versions of this document are available as a free download at the following websites:

French and Spanish editions will be available in print and digital versions in late 2007.

While Oxfam and IFRC have taken all reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the content
of this guidance, other than liability for death or personal injury arising from our negligence or for any fraudulent
misrepresentation made by us, we accept no liability for any errors or omissions contained within the guidance and
we cannot accept liability for any losses suffered, arising out of or in connection with, your use of this guidance.

This guideline is copyright 2007, by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societes, and
Oxfam International.

Plastic Sheeting
i - Introduction 3

i.3 Contents
i Introduction
i.1 Foreword: 1
i.2 Acknowledgments: 2
i.3 Contents 3
i.4 Booklet overview 5
i.4.1 What is plastic sheeting? 6

Section A Planning and Use

A.1 Planning think before you build 9
A.1.1 Is plastic sheeting an appropriate response? 9
A.1.2 When to use plastic sheeting 10
A.1.3 Which sheeting and fixings to use? 11
A.1.4 Selecting and planning a site 12
A.1.5 How much plastic sheeting do I need? 12
A.2 Alternatives to plastic sheeting 13
A.2.1 Materials 13
A.2.2 Tents and prefabricated structures 14
A.3 Logistics and distribution 15
A.3.1 Transport 15
A.3.2 Warehousing 15
A.3.3 Distribution 16
A.3.4 Monitoring 17
A.4 Using plastic sheeting 18
A.4.1 Shelter 18
A.4.2 Sanitation and water collection 20
A.4.3 Infrastructure and other uses 22
A.5 Fixing plastic sheeting 24
A.5.1 Spread the load 24
A.5.2 Keep sheeting tight - avoid flapping 27
A.5.3 Avoid sharp points 27
A.5.4 Avoid hot spots. 27
A.6 Climate 28
A.6.1 Cold climates 28
A.6.2 Hot climates 29
A.7 Fire safety 30
A.8 Disposal and re-use 31
A.8.1 Repair 31
A.8.2 Reuse / Recycle 31
A.8.3 Incineration (at 12000C) 32
A.8.4 Burial 32
A.9 Other types of sheeting 33
A.9.1 Shade net 33
A.9.2 Insecticide Treated Plastic Sheeting (ITPS) 33

Plastic Sheeting
4 i - Introduction

Section B Specification
B.1 Purchasing plastic sheeting 37
B.1.1 International Procurement 37
B.1.2 National / local purchase 37
B.2 Specifications 38
B.2.1 About plastic sheeting 38
B.2.2 Testing standards 39
B.2.3 Standard specification: Rolls and sheets 39
B.2.4 Translucent sheeting 42
B.2.5 Flooring 43
B.2.6 Insecticide treated plastic sheeting 43
B.2.7 Rope 44
B.3 Testing quality 45

ii Appendix
ii.1 Glossary and acronyms 49
ii.2 Further reading 51
ii.2.1 General reference 51
ii.2.2 Plastic sheeting / Shade net 51
ii.2.3 Sanitation 51
ii.2.4 Shelter guidelines 51
ii.2.5 Infrastructure 51
ii.2.6 Relief Item catalogues / specification 52

Plastic Sheeting
i - Introduction 5

i.4 Booklet overview

This booklet explains how and when plastic sheeting should
What is this
be used in humanitarian responses. It considers the key
book all about?
uses of plastic sheeting in construction, including family
shelter, sanitation and infrastructure usage. This booklet
does not see plastic sheeting as the ideal material for all
circumstances but is intended to support its effectiveness
when it is used.
This booklet is split into two key sections: Section A focuses on when and how to
use plastic sheeting, Section B on the detailed specification of plastic sheeting.
The Appendices contain a glossary of terms (Appendix ii.1) used and further
reading (Appendix ii.2).

The main themes of this booklet are:

z Plastic sheeting should be procured to minimum standards (Section B.2) to
ensure a minimum quality of response and that repeat distributions are not
z Materials more durable than plastic sheeting may be available locally and should
be considered as an alternative.
When distributed: I have my plastic
z Plastic sheeting is not a building solution on its sheeting, but how am I
own. It must be combined with materials to form a going to attach it?
structure and fixings to securely attach it.

Plastic sheeting is only a temporary solution

The anticipated lifetime of plastic sheeting is less than 2 years. It is often used
to cover emergency shelter and sanitation needs until more durable solutions
are found.

Plastic Sheeting
6 i - introduction

i.4.1 What is plastic sheeting?

Plastic sheeting (also known as plastic tarpaulin, tarp or polythene sheet) is a
sheet of strong, flexible, water resistant or waterproof material. Although different
qualities exist, those suitable for humanitarian relief are made from polyethylene.
A standard sheet has a black woven or braided core and is laminated on both
sides. All plastic sheeting must reach minimum performance standards (B.2.3).
Outer: sheet of polyethylene lamination sheet

Inner: woven black polyethylene

Outer: sheet of polyethylene lamination sheet

The illustration shows a section of plastic sheet with outer layers peeled away.
Uses of plastic sheeting
Plastic sheeting is primarily used in construction for family shelter, sanitation or
infrastructure projects, although it has many other uses.
Some of the many uses of plastic sheeting
Family shelter (A.4.1)
- Basic shelter structures
- Repair of damaged buildings
- Upgrade of tents and shelters
- Timber framed shelters
Sanitation and water supply (A.4.2)
- Latrines
- Washrooms
- Protection of water tanks
Infrastructure and other uses (A.4.3)
- Fencing
- Repair of schools and clinics
- Temporary structures
- Rainwater harvesting
- Cholera beds
- Market stalls
- Food storage and drying

Plastic Sheeting
Section A - Planning and Use 7


Section A
Planning and Use
This section is primarily aimed at programme and field staff. It focuses on
when and how to use plastic sheeting.
A.1 Planning think before you build 9
A.2 Alternatives to plastic sheeting 13
A.3 Logistics and distribution 15
A.4 Using plastic sheeting 18
A.5 Fixing plastic sheeting 24
A.6 Climate 28
A.7 Fire safety 30
A.8 Disposal and re-use 31
A.9 Other types of sheeting 33

Section B

Plastic Sheeting
8 Section A - Planning and Use

Plastic Sheeting
A.1 Planning - think before you build 9
A.1 Planning think before you build
A.1.1 Is plastic sheeting an appropriate response?
Plastic Sheeting is one of the most versatile materials available for humanitarian
relief. The emergency shelter, sanitation and infrastructure needs of hundreds
of thousands of people are assisted through the planned distribution of plastic
sheeting. However, plastic sheeting should not be used automatically in all
situations, simply because it is easily available.
Before new structures using plastic sheeting are built, a need for them should be
clearly established through a properly informed assessment. For example, people
might find their own shelter with relatives or friends, or make temporary repairs
to their damaged homes, so new shelters might not be needed. As part of the
assessment, focus group discussions or interviews should be used to identify the
needs and capacities of the affected population.
Can we help families to live with other families or to rent? Do
we really need to build a new camp?

Have we discussed with the people, including

the women, what their needs really are?
The site
Most disaster or conflict affected people prefer to stay in or
That is my
near their homes when possible. Displaced people (those
land - you cannot
who are forced to move) often remain at the new site long
build public
after supporting organisations have left. Before specifying
latrines there!
plastic sheeting as an emergency shelter material, ensure
that the site where people will rebuild is safe and that all
affected people feel secure and protected (Section A.1.4).
Plastic sheeting is not intended for long term use, especially in harsh climates.
When considering whether to use plastic sheeting, ensure that end users have the
tools and information needed to make simple repairs. For public buildings, ensure
that maintenance plans are agreed upon when organisations have left.
Environment This area is
When plastic sheeting is distributed, people often cut trees rapidly becoming
to provide frames for buildings. To reduce environmental a desert but I
damage consider distributing framing and support. need some poles
Plastic sheeting is made from non-renewable resources, to hold up my
and can be damaging to the local environment if not plastic sheet...
properly disposed of (A.8).

Plastic Sheeting
10 A.1 Planning - think before you build

A.1.2 When to use plastic sheeting

Needs. no Do
Maintenance. not
Siting. start the
Is the construction project necessary? (A.1.1) project.
Is there a plan for maintenance / handover? (A.1.1)
Are the sites appropriate for the construction? (A.1.1)

no !
you considered
these issues?
Are more durable building materials available in local markets?
(Materials - A.2.1)..........
Would tents be a more appropriate form of shelter?
(Tents - A.2.2).............
Will plastic sheeting provide adequate protection from the weather?
(Climate - A.6)........
Will plastic sheeting be the only shelter response by your organisation?
(Phase of response / Lifetime)..............
Will delivery be in time to meet emergency needs? (Lead Time)............
Have you included international freight costs in your budgets? (Cost) .......
Will the use of plastic sheeting compromise the needs of women and
vulnerable individuals? (Gender)..............
Are people likely to sell, rather than use the plastic sheeting?
Would a cash distribution or transitional shelter intervention meet shelter
needs more effectively? (Cash distribution).........
Where will the materials for the structure come from?
(Environment A.1.1)......
Are other organisations working in the area also planning to distribute the
same quantities of plastic sheeting? (Coordination)................

Plastic Sheeting
A.1 Planning - think before you build 11

A.1.3 Which sheeting and fixings to use?

will the
sheeting be used
for? (A.4)

Fencing, shading Latrines, fencing, floors, Window repair

(A.4.3) walls, roofs. etc. (Cold climate A.6.1)
(Uses A.4)

Shade net Standard specification Translucent

(A.8.1) (Specification B.2.3) (B.2.4)

will be
building with the plastic
Beneficiaries Direct build / contractors

Sheets Rolls
(Sheets facilitate distribution) (Rolls increase options for construction)
4m x 60m or 4m x 50m as standard
size sheets
do you need?

4m x 5m 4m x 6m 4m x 7m

fixings available?

Fixings (A.5)
Procure appropriate fixings / or kit of fixings

Plastic Sheeting
12 A.1 Planning - think before you build

A.1.4 Selecting and planning a site

Avoid camps Is this really
Often new settlements, or camps, are built far away from the best place to
work opportunities and require long term external support. build?
Camps should be avoided.
Develop a site plan
Before building with plastic sheeting, have a clear plan for the site. Care should
be taken to ensure privacy, access to water and safety at sanitation facilities.
Special care should be taken with placing vulnerable people.
Is the site big enough?
Often plastic sheeting is used in crowded environments. Sphere indicators and
guidelines from UNHCR (Appendix ii.2) suggest aiming to provide at least 45 m2
per person over the whole site including facilities such as water points, roads
and basic gardens.
Avoid using land prone to hazards such as flooding.
If it is necessary to build on land prone to landslides,
be aware plastic sheeting will not be able to stop
falling rocks. Plastic sheet provides no
protection from hazards
For more on site planning and selection see further
such as falling rocks...
reading in Appendix ii.2. Ideally hire experienced
specialists to help.

A.1.5 How much plastic sheeting do I need?

Common guidance (ii.2.1) suggests aiming to provide a minimum of 3.5m2 covered
space per person. By these indicators, one 5m x 4m sheet will provide a sloping
roof with no floor or walls for three people only. A 6m x 4m will provide roof with
no floor or walls for only four people.

Effective covered areas are smaller than plastic sheets themselves.

5m x 4m sheet: 6m x 4m sheet: 7m x 4m sheet:

13.5m effective covered 16.5m effective covered 19.5m2 effective covered

area (without walls). area (without walls). area (without walls).

(examples based on 300 pitched roof allowing 25cm each side for fixings.)

Plastic Sheeting
A.2 - Alternatives to plastic sheeting 13

A.2 Alternatives to plastic sheeting

A.2.1 Materials
In any construction, the design and materials used must be appropriate to the
local skills, climate and culture.
Plastic sheeting may not be the only material available for the given job. There
may often be more appropriate materials available locally. Some examples are
illustrated in the diagram below:
I could use these man-made
materials but I might have to bring
I could find these natural
them from the city:
materials locally:
- Waxed canvas tarpaulin
- Palm, banana or other leaves
- Tarred sheet
- Thatch or other grasses
- Corrugated iron (CGI)
- Adobe (particularly for walls)..
- Plywood or fibreboard
I might be able to get - Cement
these materials made locally - Tents
- Cement or fired earth tiles, - Foam or plastic mats (flooring)
- Woven bamboo sheets
I could even get beds made to keep people
off the ground.

Environment, lead time and market inflation

The environmental impact of the bulk use of local
materials should carefully be considered. Lead times This building uses
can be long as production might be on a small scale. many different materials
Additionally, large scale purchases of materials can including grass to
distort local and even national markets. protect the plastic sheet,
In some cases, a combination of different construction a low stone wall, plastic
materials could prove to be the most appropriate. sheeting and a timber
Resale value and cash distributions
Many materials distributed in emergencies can be re-traded and sold in local
markets. Plastic sheeting is more likely to be sold if there is a lack of coordination
among distribution agencies, or if the distribution continues after the initial
emergency phase. If agency-distributed plastic sheeting is appearing in large
quantities in local markets, assess whether the programme objectives might be
more effectively realized through other means. This might include distribution
of local building materials, cash, or engaging in more direct livelihood support

Plastic Sheeting
14 A.2 - Alternatives to plastic sheeting

A.2.2 Tents and prefabricated structures

Tents can rapidly create cover. They also contain the supporting structure and
the fixings. Tents should be considered when:
Supporting materials (e.g. Poles for structures) are scarce (especially in
fragile environments).
Existing structures cannot be used, even with rapid repairs.
Skills or the capacity to construct are limited.
Large structures (clinics or warehouses) are needed.
Basic structures made from plastic sheeting cannot provide sufficient
shelter from the climate.
However tents can have longer lead times than plastic sheeting, are significantly
more bulky, complex and more costly to procure. As with plastic sheeting they
also have a limited lifetime.
I like this tent because it is easy and quick to
use, and it contains both the cover and the structure.
But it is difficult and expensive to procure, rots
in storage, is heavy, and does not help toward the
long term housing needs of the people.

Prefabricated, flat-packed, and container structures generally have a high unit
cost, a long production and transportation time, a high transportation cost, and
can be inflexible. It is not advisable to use them as family shelter in any of
the guidelines listed in annex ii.2, however, they may be used to cover various
infrastructure needs, such as emergency operating theatres or accommodation
for organisations.

I do not like this metal box or this dome because

they are nothing like my old house.

These are expensive. I could have built something

better and cheaper!

Plastic Sheeting
A.3 Logistics and distribution 15

A.3 Logistics and distribution

Most organisations have their own logistics and procurement procedures which
should take precedence over the information provided in this booklet. Guidance
on specification and information for procurement can be found in Section B.

A.3.1 Transport
Air freight
Although plastic sheeting is lighter than most building
materials, air freighting it can cost more than the sheeting
costs to purchase.
Although slower than air freighting, shipping is significantly
cheaper. Approximate shipping times are given below:
China to Indonesia 18 days
China to East Africa 25 days
Weight / volume information
1MT of plastic sheeting occupies a volume of about 2.5m3 (number of sheets /
rolls / per container are in Section B.2.3)
Transport of fixings
Nails and loose fixings must be carefully packaged or alternatives sought if they
are to be transported by helicopter.

A.3.2 Warehousing
Plastic sheeting should be kept out of the sun, away from rodents and in a dry
Plastic sheeting comes in rolls or sheets, and should be warehoused in piles of
known size and quantity as per standard warehousing procedures. Plastic sheeting
is usually delivered in rolls or in bundles of either five or ten sheets.

Stored away from Dry Storage

sunlight (the key (to prevent
cause of plastic mould growth)
sheeting decay)
Easily countable piles Free from rodents
that can chew
Rolls in metal cages
through plastic
to prevent collapse of
piles stored off the ground

Plastic Sheeting
16 A.3 Logistics and distribution

As plastic sheeting is slippery (particularly when packed in plastic), stacks should

not be built too high in order to prevent stacks from falling over.

Bales will fall over if they are stacked too high.

Handling of Insecticide treated plastic sheeting

! If used, particular care should be taken when handling

insecticide treated plastic sheeting (Section A.9.2), as
workers can get irritated or inflamed skin.

A.3.3 Distribution
Sheets or rolls
In many cases plastic sheeting will be used directly by organisations or their
contractors. In other cases it will be distributed directly to families or community
based organisations, with the intention that it will be used for shelter, flooring for
latrines, or washroom construction.

With direct distribution, individual sheets (right) can be easier to distribute than
cutting sheets from a roll (left). Cutting sheets to size requires staffing, time,
can be difficult to do equitably, and can lead to off cuts remaining at the end of

Where distributed directly to beneficiaries, sheets can be easier to handle

as they do not require cutting. Where only rolls are available, a clean
location for cutting the sheet should be established. Most rolls have marks
every metre to facilitate cutting.
Whether 4m x 5m sheets or 4m x 6m sheets are selected, one sheet will
only provide a basic roof, and will not be sufficient for additional walls,
floor or partitioning of spaces.

Plastic Sheeting
A.3 Logistics and distribution 17

Distribution lists
The key to any distribution is the establishment of clear beneficiary selection
criteria. Special care is needed to ensure that vulnerable and hard to reach people
are identified. Beneficiary lists are normally compiled by either:
Asking community leaders or local authorities to provide a list (this may
need to be verified)
By direct registration of beneficiaries.
To ensure orderly and transparent distributions, tokens may be considered. A
suitable distribution site must be chosen carefully. Intended beneficiaries must
be informed of the distribution time, place and procedures.
Distribution with other NFIs
How will I get all of
If plastic sheeting is being distributed with this stuff home?
other Non-Food Items (NFIs), then support
for transport from the distribution site may okset
be required, especially for vulnerable
individuals. toolkit

Support people in using plastic sheet

Some people may require technical
How can I build with this stuff?
support to use plastic sheeting properly,
What are the
especially when distributed for shelter or
reinforcement bands for?
sanitation use. Additional physical support
may be required for vulnerable individuals.
Providing support additionally increases the
effectiveness and lifetime of plastic sheet.

A.3.4 Monitoring
Monitoring the distribution of plastic sheeting is important to ensure that the needs
of people have been met. Questions to ask when monitoring plastic sheeting
distributions include:
Are the right people being targeted?
Has enough plastic sheeting been distributed?
Is the plastic sheeting of good enough quality?
Is the short term measure of plastic sheeting still the most appropriate
covering material?
Are trees being cut down to provide poles for structures?
Is the plastic sheeting being re-sold in local markets?

Plastic Sheeting
18 A.4 - Using plastic sheeting

A.4 Using plastic sheeting

A.4.1 Shelter
Shelter is a habitable, covered living space.
Shelter is more than just a roof.
For a space to be habitable, it must offer protection from the elements and have
access to water and sanitation.

Health: I am less likely to get

Privacy / dignity: I can change
ill because I have a shelter.
clothes because I can close the door
More than a roof: I Security: I feel safer because
have clothes, blankets I have a wall even though it is
and access to water as only made of plastic.
well as a roof.
Livelihoods: I can
start some home
businesses now that I
have a shelter.
Plastic sheeting in shelter
Plastic sheeting is commonly used in emergency and transitional shelter
programmes to provide waterproof cover. It is commonly distributed along with
other materials to make rapid repairs or to provide cover to simple structures.
Self help shelter repair kits
Kits of construction materials are commonly distributed to help families repair
houses or build shelters with the materials that they have access to. At its most
basic, a kit (for the structural component of shelter only) should include plastic
sheeting and other fixings such as rope. Shelter kit distributions should be
accompanied by programmes providing support and training.
The tools distributed in kits should be those that are used locally, and should be of
good quality. Fixings should be appropriate to the available construction materials
in mind. (As an example 15cm (6") nails might split locally available timber.)
Plastic sheet, plus poles and fixings.
Various uses of plastic sheeting in basic shelters are illustrated overleaf. Although
these structures are not ideal, they are commonly required to meet emergency
needs following conflict or disasters.
Plastic sheeting can be used in cold climates to create a thermal buffer zone,
windows and for emergency upgrading of tents (Section A.6.1).

(Further reading on shelter and settlement can be found in appendix ii.2.4)

Plastic Sheeting
A.4 - Using plastic sheeting 19

Look around and consult with people to find what is being done locally
for shelter and how people can best be supported.

Example: A family shelter repair kit following an earthquake

(note: Most items can be purchased nationally. The kit will have to be adapted
according to circumstances.)
Roof, and / or walls and floor Fixings (A.5)
Plastic sheet (A.1.5 for quantities) Nails (5kg), 5cm -12.5cm, (2 -5")
Tools - possibly distributed per Washers (kg)
community instead of per family. Rope (20m)
Hammer Metal strap, 1mm thick (20 pcs.)
Saw (to nail over / strengthen timber
Binding wire (5kg)

Example: Waterproof covering for a bush pole and grass matting shelter.
(Design details depend on local construction and materials availability.)
Basic structure - quantities dependent Roof, and / or floor
on local design: Plastic sheet (A.1.5 for quantities)
Bush poles - type as used locally Fixings (A.5)
Strong binding wire Rope (20m) (for fixing sheeting)
Woven grass mats
Oil / diesel - termite treatment


Example: A very basic plastic sheeting shelter (with no ends) for hot
This type of emergency structure is a last resort when no other options are
possible. It should be upgraded as soon as possible.
Basic structure and fixings Roof, and / or walls and floor
Timber for ridge pole (4m long) Plastic sheeting - (A.1.5 for
Timber batten for ridge (A.5.1) quantities)
Rope (20m)
Nails, 5cm, (2"), (kg)
Nails, 12.5cm, (5"), (kg)
Ground pegs (metal or timber)

Plastic Sheeting
20 A.4 - Using plastic sheeting

A.4.2 Sanitation and water collection

The primary objective of sanitation programmes in disasters is to provide dignity
for people and to reduce the risks associated with faecal-oral diseases.
Sanitation programmes commonly include public health promotion, excreta
disposal, vector control, solid waste disposal and drainage.
Sanitation is more than a latrine
Construction on its own will not solve all sanitation issues. Ensure that disaster-
affected people have the necessary information, knowledge and understanding
to prevent disease from poor sanitation.
We did not use latrines or wash our hands with soap in our
old village - why should we start now?

Plastic sheeting is commonly used in latrine construction. In extreme emergency
situations, this might be a defecation field. In more established settings, it should
be possible to build individual family latrines. Remember that the needs of women,
children, disabled, and sick people are different than those of men. Special latrine
designs may be required.
Latrines always accompanied by hygiene promotion programmes

trench latrine

trench individual
defecation plus squat
latrine family
field plates latrines

Defection field
A defecation field is a fenced off area (fencing, section A.4.3) for defecation which
is managed in a controlled way. A defecation field requires large amount of land;
10,000 people will require nearly 2 hectares per week. Defecation fields should
be avoided wherever possible.
Trench latrine
A trench latrine is made by surrounding an area in plastic sheeting or fabric and
digging a few shallow trenches. Trench latrines can be upgraded by putting squat
plates over the trenches. Cubicles can then be placed on top.
Latrines and washrooms
Plastic sheeting is commonly used to cover the superstructures of latrines or
washrooms. Where blocks of latrines are built together, less material is used but
the risk of them falling into disrepair increases due to lack of ownership.

Plastic Sheeting
A.4 - Using plastic sheeting 21

Location of latrines
Proper attention to locating latrines can make it easier for people to use them.
Consult with beneficiaries to help to understand where it is best to build. In
particular, women and girls are often reluctant to use latrines if they do not feel
safe. This is especially true where latrines are located at the edge of settlements
or in dark places. In all cases, the siting of latrines must be carefully planned
before construction begins.
Example A basic superstructure for latrine / washroom
Structure Cover
Solid timber poles (6x3m) Plastic sheet , 6x3m (cut in half)
Domed head nails (1kg)
or nails and battening

Example A superstructure for latrine / washroom using plastic sheeting

Structure Cover
Timber (0.1M3) Plastic sheet (6.5m2)
Nails (3Kg) Domed head nails (1kg)
or nails and battening

Building blocks of latrines can save materials but

it can be harder to encourage ownership and keep
them clean.
Aim for a minimum of one latrine per twenty

Example: Use of plastic sheeting as temporary but washable latrine slab.

Consult Sphere 2004 (ii.2.1) and Engineering in Emergencies, 2003 (ii.2.3) for
further information on sanitation standards and construction.

Plastic Sheeting
22 A.4 - Using plastic sheeting

A.4.3 Infrastructure and other uses

What is infrastructure?
Infrastructure includes the basic facilities,
services and installations needed for the
functioning of a community or society.
Use of plastic sheeting in infrastructure Use of plastic sheeting to
Plastic sheeting is commonly used in the repair make temporary repairs and
or construction of temporary buildings for use as upgrades to a hospital
clinics, schools, community centres, distribution
or registration centres, way stations, offices or warehousing. It is also commonly
used for covering of materials and fencing.
Rolls not sheets
When plastic sheeting is to be used for infrastructure purposes by organisations
or contractors, it is easier to use by the roll than by using individual sheets.
Shade net
Shade net should be encouraged as a cheaper (but durable) alternative to plastic
sheeting for fencing and for the provision of shade in hot climates. (A.8.1, and
further reading ii.2.2)
Basic shed
Simple structures are commonly needed for use as clinics,
supplementary feeding centres, way stations, registration
centres, offices, clinics etc. If materials are available and
the land is prepared, simple timber framed structures with A basic shed
36m2 or more covered area can be built in one or two days
by a team of 2 carpenters and 4 labourers.
For more detail on sheds, read "Temporary and Semi-permanent Structures for
Health Structures in Refugee camps" (Appendix ii.2.5)

Plastic Sheeting
A.4 - Using plastic sheeting 23

Often plastic sheeting is used for fencing although it may not always be the most
cost effective or appropriate material available. Some examples of alternatives
to plastic sheeting are shade net, barrier netting (usually orange plastic netting),
wire, barbed wire, wire mesh (chicken wire), straw mats, thatch mats, bamboo,
reed mats or rice sacks sewn together.
Using plastic sheeting in fencing
When plastic sheeting is used for fencing, holes should normally be cut in it. The
holes will prevent the sheeting from acting like a large sail and will reduce risk
of theft.
Cross bracing at corners

Holes cut in plastic sheeting

to reduce wind load and Bracing at least every 5
reduce risk of theft posts and should connect at
2/3 height of post
Fencing posts
When using plastic sheeting in fencing, it is normally supported with solid timber
posts. These posts should be diagonally braced between posts at the corners.
At least every fifth post should have additional bracing.

Drainage ditches
Support people to dig drainage ditches around The plastic has kept our
structures to prevent them from flooding with the heads dry but our building
rain. Connect the drainage ditches around each has flooded.
building to a site drain.
In some locations, ditches around each structure
need to be as much as 50 cm deep.

Plastic Sheeting
24 A.5 - Fixing plastic sheeting

A.5 Fixing plastic sheeting

Once good quality plastic sheeting (B.2.3) has been procured, the main principles
to observe when fixing plastic sheeting are:
Spread the load (A.5.1).w
Prevent the sheeting from flapping (A.5.2).
Avoid contact with points of friction (A.5.3).
Avoid hot spots (A.5.4).

A.5.1 Spread the load

Fixings of plastic sheeting must be spread over a large area to prevent them from
pulling through.
The diagram below shows good and bad practice in fixing plastic sheeting to
timber, illustrating how to spread the load across the fixing points.

Standard nails will easily pull

weaker through plastic sheeting as they
have small heads.

Standard nails can be

improved by bending them or
nailing them through folded
plastic sheet or rope. U-shaped
fencing pins can also be used.
Standard nails can be improved
using washers or bottle caps
(sharp side away from plastic)
to spread the load. Alternatively
domed head nails can be used.

Using timber battening is very good

for spreading the load

Plastic sheeting should be folded

over on itself at connection points.

Plastic sheeting is best fixed so

as to spread the load along the
(smoothed) edge of the supporting
stronger structure.

Plastic Sheeting
A.5 - Fixing plastic sheeting 25

Reinforcement bands
Reinforcement bands (See B.2.1) in plastic sheeting are most commonly grey
in colour. If plastic sheeting with reinforcement bands is available, fixings should
pass through the bands to add strength to the fixings.

With only a few fixing points, this With many fixing points, this
sheeting is likely to pull free. sheeting is likely to last longer.

max. 30cm
bad good
Fixing points should be close together. A maximum of 30 cm apart is suggested

Fixing to the ground

When plastic sheeting is weaker
Tent pegs do
connected directly to the not spread
ground, 50cm of additional the load
plastic is required on each side
for burying in trenches. If timber
is available, then the plastic Dig a trench
sheeting can be nailed to timber and cover
runners that are pegged to the with earth
ground (or connected to the
Whilst sandy soils will not grip Wrap plastic
the plastic sheeting as well as around rocks
other soil types, it may be very and bury it
difficult to dig trenches in some
rocky soils. Choosing a method
for fixing the sheeting to the Wrap plastic
ground therefore depends upon around timber
the soil conditions as well as the and bury it
availability of materials.

Wrap around
timber and
stronger nail to pegs

Plastic Sheeting
26 A.5 - Fixing plastic sheeting

Fixing plastic sheeting to rope: Rock and stone

A strong way of fixing rope to plastic sheeting is to fold a smooth stone (minimum
3cm diameter) inside the plastic sheeting and tie rope or strong cord behind it. This
can cause sheets to crease and make them prone to flap in the wind (A.5.2).

good good
Use a smooth stone or tie a corner to attach the plastic sheeting to a rope.
Fixing plastic sheeting to rope: Reinforcement bands
Plastic sheeting either comes with reinforcement bands or with eyelets fitted. The
reinforcement bands are usually grey or blue. Sheeting can fixed by cutting a small
hole in the reinforcement band and tying thick cord through it. Where eyelets are
used, they must be of good quality and well fitted (Specification, section B.2.3).

bad good good

Rope through a hole in Thick rope through Use of a good quality
the sheet - outside the a hole in the eyelet to attach plastic
reinforcement band. reinforcement band. sheeting to a rope.
Sewing sheets together
Sheets are commonly sewn together with thread
when people need to join old sheets or need
larger sheets. This can be strong if suitable thread
is used and they are stitched tightly or sewn with
a machine. Because sewing makes holes in the Stitching plastic sheet:
sheet, it can cause leaks. It is best if the sheeting overlap sheeting, use strong
is folded over with an overlap before it is sewn. thread and tight stitching.

Specialised fixings
A variety of specialised fasteners and clips are available for use with plastic
sheeting. Made of durable materials, these can offer a strong and quick method
for fixing plastic sheeting. However, the high cost of these fixing materials in
relation to more commonly available methods suggests that they may be better
used in constructing larger buildings for infrastructure rather than single family
shelters or latrines.
Elastic cord
Elastic cord can be used to reduce the damage to the sheeting caused by flapping.
Elastic cord can be more difficult to find in local markets than rope (B.2.8).

Plastic Sheeting
A.5 - Fixing plastic sheeting 27

A.5.2 Keep sheeting tight - avoid flapping

When plastic sheeting is not tight, it flaps with the wind and can collect water
puddles. This is both noisy and damages the plastic sheeting. To avoid flapping,
always encourage people to pull plastic sheeting tight when building with it.
Ponding and puddles
With poorly designed roofs, puddles of water can collect on the plastic. These
puddles can break the roof, cause the plastic sheeting to stretch, increase the
likelihood that roofs will leak, and can become breeding ponds for mosquitos.

bad good
To avoid water puddles forming, ensure that plastic roofs are sloped, that the
plastic is fixed taught and there are sufficient well-placed supports.
Expansion with heat
Plastic sheeting can expand by as much as 1% for every 400C temperature change.
Allowance should be made to allow for expansion during the day (to prevent the
plastic being slack) and for contraction at night (to prevent the structure from

A.5.3 Avoid sharp points

Plastic sheeting is easily punctured by sharp points or worn away by rough
surfaces (especially if it is not fixed tightly - section 5.2). When building a frame for
plastic sheeting ensure that all nails are flush with the timber. Ensure that edges
and rough surfaces that will be in contact with the plastic have been smoothed.
External objects such as tree branches can puncture plastic sheeting.
I put some sticks inside my shelter to help keep up the roof. Unfortunately
they made small holes, and now my roof leaks.

A.5.4 Avoid hot spots.

Plastic sheeting can weaken and break where it is stressed over any structure that
will hold and release heat, especially metal or black surfaces. Prevent sheeting
from overheating at contact points by:
Designing structures to reduce the number of contact points.
Covering the plastic sheeting with opaque adhesive tape on the outside of
the cover.
Painting the plastic sheeting with aluminium or bitumastic paint at the contact
Covering the structure with light coloured insulating material.

Plastic Sheeting
28 A.6 - Climate

A.6 Climate
A.6.1 Cold climates
Plastic sheeting is frequently used as an emergency measure to improve thermal
comfort by creating warm rooms, or to help repair damaged buildings and tents.
Cold climate shelter priorities
Priority 1. Clothing and bedding
Warm clothes, hats and blankets can help to keep the Clothes,
immediate space around people warm. Blankets
Priority 2. Waterproofing
Plastic sheeting is commonly used to waterproof roof, Water-
walls and floors to help to keep people dry. proofing
Priority 3. Bedding
Plastic sheeting under mattresses can help to prevent
dampness from rising. It will provide limited thermal Bedding
insulation from the ground on its own.
Priority 4. Wind proofing / thermal buffer Wind

Higher priority
To ensure a warm living environment, wind proofing proofing /
is essential. Plastic sheets can block draughts and Thermal
can be used to help to create a thermal buffer zone. buffer
Priority 5. Heating zone
Heating of internal spaces must be conducted with
care to prevent fire. Stove
Priority 6. Insulation of floor and fuel
Although plastic sheeting itself is a poor insulator,
it can be used with gravel, straw or other Insulated
insulators to trap air and reduce damp. (B.2.5 for floor
Priority 7. Insulation of walls
Plastic sheeting can be used to sandwich insulation Insulated
material such as straw in walls and roofs. roof

Warm rooms and thermal buffer zones

Warm rooms are an approach to keep buildings habitable in cold climates. Plastic
sheeting and fixings can be used to help create thermal buffer zones (or lobbies)
where people can stop on their way into an inner heated area (the warm room).

Heating stove
Thermal buffer
Warm room zone / lobby

Plastic Sheeting
A.6 - Climate 29

Example: Repair of damaged buildings

Plastic sheeting is commonly used to make rapid repairs to damaged buildings,
to repair leaking roofs, or to reduce draughts. For family shelter it might be
distributed as kits (section A.4.1) so that people can make their own repairs.
Translucent plastic sheeting (section B.2.4) can be used to make temporary
windows. In some cases it might be distributed with window frames.

Example: Upgrade of tents: Although good quality tents should be provided

from the start, plastic sheeting is commonly used to prevent water leaking in
and to prevent draughts. A basic upgrade of a tent can be made using the
materials below. The plastic is attached to the rope with the rock and stone
method (A.5.1).
End walls Roof Floor
Plastic sheet Plastic sheet and Ground sheet
(cut in half) Rope (20m)

(Putting the plastic under the fly sheet will reduce the draughts and flapping of
the plastic in the wind. However, people may prefer to put the plastic sheeting
on top of the tent to protect the canvas and help snow to slide off.)
Shelters made from plastic sheeting must be sufficiently ventilated even in cold
climates. If they are not, vapour from breathing, cooking and sweating, will
condense and can lead to damp living conditions and mould growth.

A.6.2 Hot climates

The key challenges in hot climates are to provide protection from sun, heat and
rainwater. Plastic sheeting can make spaces very hot. Buildings using plastic
sheeting should always be well ventilated. Use ventilated air gaps to reduce heat
gain and improve heat loss. Standard plastic sheeting (B.2.3) is designed with a
black core that helps to prevent structures from behaving like greenhouses.

Insulation on plastic
Plastic sheet ceiling sheeting roof
Large roof overhang
Well ventilated
building Tall rooms
Some features of a building designed for hot climates.

Plastic Sheeting
30 A.6 - Climate

A.7 Fire safety

Unless specified to contain fire retardant, plastic sheeting is flammable and
produces toxic fumes when burned. Fires spread quickly and can destroy
emergency structures in less than 60 seconds. Fires can be a serious cause of
injury or even cause fatalities. To keep control, Prevent fire, prepare for fire
and know what to do in case of fire. Below are some simple rules to observe,
although local law should take precedence.

Candles MUST be NEVER leave a

There should be NO placed within a glass jar candle or a fire lit
open fires inside or metal tin. Be careful while sleeping or when
buildings with candles. leaving a building

15cm 15cm
DO NOT SMOKE Electric light bulbs must
inside emergency be secured a minimum
structures. Dispose of Stoves and chimneys of 15cm from plastic
cigarette butts carefully MUST NOT touch sheeting. Wiring must
if smoking nearby. plastic sheeting. be safe.


Emergency structures should be spaced 2 times their height apart to prevent

the spread of fire. There should also be regular fire breaks.

Plastic Sheeting
A.8 Insecticide treated plastic sheeting 31

A.8 Disposal and re-use

Recycling and re-use are the preferred means of disposal of plastic sheeting.
Plastic sheeting, even when old, usually has some value to people, so the key
challenges are often to ensure that it does not transmit disease and to ensure
that re-distribution is to those who need it most.
If plastic sheeting must be destroyed, incineration in excess of 12000C is the
preferred option. Physical disposal has to deal with the plastic material, the
reinforcing, the thread (if any) and eyelets (metal or other types of plastic).

A.8.1 Repair
Plastic sheeting is rarely welded in the field as specialised machines that operate
at over 2500C are required. Minor repairs to rips and holes in plastic sheeting can
be made by stitching or use of adhesive fibre tape.
Repair - stitching
Stitching plastic sheeting is the lowest cost local solution, but will lead to the plastic
leaking. It must also be done with durable thread and with tightly spaced stitches
to spread the load (A.5.1).
Repair - taping
While minor repairs using common adhesive fibre tape ("duct" or "gaffer" tape), this
material is not UV resistant and will degrade rapidly upon exposure to sunlight and
rain. Using specialized UV resistant tapes (butyl) is a better option for repairs.

A.8.2 Reuse / Recycle

Plastic sheeting must be cleaned prior to re-use. Surface dirt
should be removed and the sheet then washed in a 0.2%
chlorine solution to disinfect it. Ensure that cleaning areas
are established 50m from any water sources so that run off
does not contaminate streams or drinking water. Wash in chlorine
If an individual sheet cannot be repaired to make a sufficient solution
useable size, then a patch-work sheet can be made for uses
such as for sun shields, partitions, covers for barrels or vehicles. Sand bags could
also be made from the sheet.
Cut into strips
If entire sheets cannot be used, then the sheets can be cut into strips or shredded.
These can be used for making rope, weaving baskets, bags, screens or fencing,
and are easier to handle than entire sheets.

Plastic Sheeting
32 A.8 Insecticide treated plastic sheeting

Shredding reduces the area of the sheets, which makes them easier to handle and
transport. The same can be done with spare plastic bags, bottles, or containers.
The shredded sheets can be used in cushions and mattresses, or it can be burnt
as a fuel (see incineration below). Work is under way to see how effective plastic
shreds can be in the reinforcement of mud blocks or concrete.
Chemically processing plastic sheet to recover materials is not usually practicable
and depends on the capacity of the local recycling industry.
Income generation
Work is required to clean, shred and re-use plastic sheeting. This can be tied into
income generation projects.

A.8.3 Incineration (at 12000C)

For incineration or for using plastic sheeting as fuel, the combustion must be
above 12000C. This is hotter than open fires or domestic stoves usually get, so
industrial incinerators or cement kilns would be required. Care should be taken to
check for potentially toxic "Products of Incomplete Combustion" (PICs). Note that
the technical complexity of incineration may mean that it is not possible.

A.8.4 Burial
Burying plastic sheeting is not recommended as it may remain un-degraded in
the soil for hundreds of years. (It requires sunlight to help it degrade). However,
plastic sheeting is relatively inert and so is unlikely to cause contamination of
the soil. If plastic sheeting must be buried, it should be buried far away from any
water sources.

Plastic Sheeting
A.9 Disposal and re-use 33

A.9 Other types of sheeting

A.9.1 Shade net
Shade net is an air and water permeable fabric which blocks
out a fraction of the light. Various qualities are available, with
different opacities (shade factor) and colours. It is normally
supplied in rolls. Shade net is most commonly made from
woven or knitted polypropylene or polyethylene. The
opacity is affected by the colour, material, type of weave,
and density. A simple structure
made from shade
Uses net
Shade net is most effectively used in hot climates to shade
people, structures, vehicles or supplies from heat and UV radiation. It is also used
in fencing (A.4.3), for security, privacy and for crowd control.
More detail and specification on shade nets can be found in "shade nets, use
deployment and procurement of shade nets in humanitarian relief environments"

A.9.2 Insecticide Treated Plastic Sheeting (ITPS)

What is ITPS?
Insecticide treated plastic sheeting, or ITPS, is polyethylene
based sheeting impregnated during the manufacturing
process with deltamethrin or other insecticides. These
insecticides are released at a controlled rate over a
period of up to 12-18 months. The lifetime is dependent
on exposure to sunlight. Because plastic sheeting is used
and adapted by beneficiaries so widely, ITPS is not a
universal substitute for standard plastic sheeting (B.2.3)
for all plastic sheeting needs, and is not widely adopted
by humanitarian organisations.
ITPS as a vector control treatment
The sheeting is intended to kill mosquitos or flies that settle on it. This is different
from insecticide treated bed nets which are intended to stop people from getting
ITPS must NOT be distributed without close training and support in its use
because it contains pesticide.
As with other vector control treatments such as Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS)
or insecticide treated bed nets, ITPS should be used with a level of caution. The
decision to use it should be made after comparison with the other mosquito and
fly control options available.

Plastic Sheeting
34 A.9 Disposal and re-use

Where not to use ITPS

- ITPS must not be used as flooring for supplementary feeding centres or
- ITPS should not come into contact with food as contamination can occur.
- ITPS should be avoided for parts of structures that people come into regular
contact with, such as curtain doors that people have to push aside with their
When to use ITPS
ITPS distribution should only take place when it can be accompanied by specific
training and monitoring of its installation and use. ITPS can be used as one
component of a public health campaign directed at reducing the risks of mosquito
and fly borne diseases.
Where to use ITPS - Required coverage rates
ITPS is not effective in small settlements or with dispersed populations where
mosquitos are less likely to rest on the sheeting. It is best used in large camp
settings when high coverage rates can be achieved.
Where to use ITPS - Within shelters
ITPS is most effective if used on the walls where mosquitoes rest after biting. It
is less effective in malaria control when used in roofing and should be avoided
for flooring. Its effectiveness is enhanced if it can be placed in targeted locations
such as sleeping areas.
ITPS should be distributed with gloves and soap. Clothing to cover arms
and legs should also be available for warehouse and construction staff.

As with treated bed nets, a rash can result from touching or handling ITPS. This
usually goes away within a few hours and is best treated with soap and clean
Consult before purchasing
ITPS itself has not yet been fully approved by the World Health Organization.
Before procuring ITPS, check with government health authorities and coordinate
with other humanitarian organisations working in the area. The World Health
Organisation can be contacted for updates.

Plastic Sheeting
Section B - Specification 35

Section A
Planning and Use

Section B
This section provides specifications for plastic sheeting and information on
how some organisations buy plastic sheeting. Organisational guidelines on
procurement should take precedence over the examples offered here.

B.1 Purchasing plastic sheeting 37

B.1.1 International Procurement 37
B.1.2 National / local purchase 37
B.2 Specifications 38
B.2.1 About plastic sheeting 38
B.2.2 Testing standards 39
B.2.3 Standard specification: Rolls and sheets 39
B.2.4 Translucent sheeting 42
B.2.5 Flooring 43
B.2.6 Insecticide treated plastic sheeting 43
B.2.7 Rope 44
B.3 Testing quality 45

Plastic Sheeting
36 Section B - Specification

Plastic Sheeting
B.1 Purchsing plastic sheeting 37

B.1 Purchasing plastic sheeting

Procurement guidelines and procedures of organisations should take precedence
over the information provided in this section.

B.1.1 International Procurement

As most major relief organisations use framework agreements for plastic sheeting
procurement, contact headquarters before procuring plastic sheeting locally.
Regional and headquarters staff should identify sources of good quality sheeting
in preparedness rather than at the time of a crisis.
Procurement process
Major organisations follow the procurement process illustrated below.

Tenders sent to Supplier Laboratory Reject Issue

suppliers with sends tests sample substandard contract
specification. samples for according to samples
Sample required tendering specification
from each supplier (supplier pays)
B.1.2 National / local purchase
Local purchase of plastic sheeting is preferred only if the quality can be assured.
Quality is especially difficult to ensure with regards to UV resistance (which can
only be tested by laboratory experiment or after long term field exposure).
Get from other organisations
Often, when many international organisations are present, it may be possible
to obtain quality sheeting from another organisation. This option should be tried
before local procurement is attempted.
Field tests
If there is no option other than to procure nationally, then clear specifications should
be issued and the field tests in B.3.2 followed to validate the supply.
Local qualities
Some sheeting, such as translucent sheeting for windows, or small orders such
as individual tarpaulins to cover a vehicle, may be best purchased locally. In these
cases, conduct a market survey of the qualities that are available and the qualities
that are locally used before purchasing.

Plastic Sheeting
38 B.2 - Specifications

B.2 Specifications
B.2.1 About plastic sheeting
Although there are many qualities of plastic sheeting available on the market, this
document focuses on the standard qualities of plastic sheeting used by major
humanitarian organisations. These standards should be taken as a minimum.
What is plastic sheeting made of?
The majority of the plastic sheeting procured for use in humanitarian relief is made
by laminating a woven mesh of HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) between two
layers of LDPE (low density polyethylene). Additional chemicals (such as Calcium
Carbonate) are added to both the woven core and the exterior laminations to
add colouring, to make the material flexible, to add UV stability and to alter the
Printing and reinforcement bands
These sheets are frequently printed with logos, manufacturing dates / batch
numbers and marking to help with measuring. If reinforcement bands are added,
they are usually welded on by the laminating machine.
Reinforcement bands are usually grey in colour to prevent confusion between
plastic sheeting and any national flags.
Sheet size
Sheets are commonly produced on a standard size loom (for example 2m wide
and then heat welded together to form standard 4m wide sheets.) The resulting
sheet is then either cut into rolls of standard length - (commonly 50m or 60m long)
or cut into individual sheets. (Commonly 4mx6m or 4mx5m). Some factories are
now capable of producing 4m wide sheets without welds.
If eyelets are to be added, the edges are welded over a reinforcement cord and
the eyelets inserted.
After manufacture, the sheeting is finally baled and packed for transport.

Plastic Sheeting
B.2 - Specifications 39

B.2.2 Testing standards

Current specifications for plastic sheeting are all based on standards from the
ISO (International Standards Organisation), BSI (British Standards Institute),
ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials Standards) or the International
Fabrics Association (CPAI-84 for flame retardance). These organisations specify
detailed laboratory testing methods that enable samples of plastic sheeting to be
accurately compared with specifications.
Comparison of standards
The different standards have rough equivalents. As an example ISO 1421 contains
similar tests for fabric strength to BS 2576 and ASTM D 751, although technical
differences may exist between the tests.
What are the standards
The tests themselves generally require calibrated testing equipment such as a
constant rate of extension tensile testing machine. As a result laboratories are
required to ensure that samples meet specifications.

B.2.3 Standard specification: Rolls and sheets

Polyethylene sheet with black woven or braided core.
The specifications for "standard" plastic sheeting across the major relief
organisations are all for sheets or rolls made with a black woven or braided HDPE
inner with LDPE exterior lamination on both sides. These specifications were
developed by an international peer review process led by UNHCR, and MSF 1990's.
This sheeting must meet laboratory testable performance specifications. These
specifications are in the tables overleaf and should be taken as a minimum.



month year manufacturer batch month year manufacturer batch month year manufacturer batch mon
month year manufacturer batch month year manufacturer batch month year manufacturer batch mon

plastic sheets: left with reinforcement bands, right with seamed edges and

Plastic Sheeting
40 B.2 - Specifications

Minimum specification: 200g/m2 Rolls and sheets

Basic specification:
Weight 200g/m2 5% (ISO 3801). Add 10% for reinforcement.
(Lighter versions that meet the material performance
specifications below might also be considered)
Woven fabric HDPE, BLACK colour (Black colour provides privacy and
reduces heating under the sheeting due to the sun).
Lamination LDPE, WHITE colour on at least one side.
material (White colour reflects heat better in hot climates).
Either reinforcement bands (rolls and sheets) or eyelets (sheets only):
Sealed edges One strong aluminium eyelet every 1.00m 5% on edges.
(with eyelets) Sealed on all sides (or 2 sides heat sealed and two sides
double stitched), with nylon or HDPE ropes in hem.
Reinforcement 6 Grey bands of 7.5cm width made from black woven
bands HDPE laminated on both sides.
Material specification:
Tensile Outside of reinforcement bands:
strength Minimum 500N (ISO 1421) or
Minimum 600N (BS 2576 50mm grab test)
(US equivalent test ASTM D751)
(For reinforced tarpaulin only:
Inside of reinforcement bands: Minimum 700N (ISO1421) )
Tear strength Outside of reinforcement bands:
Minimum 100N (under ISO 1421) (or BS 4303 wing tear) .
Bursting Not necessarily specified. (200N/cm2 (BS 4768)).
Welding Maximum 1 welding along the middle.
Minimum 80% of the original tarpaulin strength in the weft.
(This means that sheets / rolls are made from two panels).
UV resistance Maximum 5% loss on original tarpaulin tensile strength
(ISO 1421) after a minimum of 1500 hours UV under ASTM
G53/94 (UVB 313 nm peak).
Temp -20 to 800C where defined. (This is not necessary to define
resistance as HDPE/LDPE perform well within this temperature range)
Fire resistance Ideally treated with fire retardant (CPAI 84-1995 section 6

Plastic Sheeting
B.2 - Specifications 41

Volatiles This is not generally defined. (0.07% under ASTM D 1203)

where defined.

Logo On request.
Fabrication Manufacturer name, month and year of production.
Markings Markings every metre (to aid cutting and distribution).
Sheets Packed in bales of 5 or 10, wrapped in polyethylene, sealed
with a polyester band.
Rolls Folded in the middle and wound. Wrapped in polyethylene
and sealed with a polyester band.
Stacking Criss cross stacking to avoid palette collapse.
Palettes As per organisational standard.
Example: "plastic: size 120cm x 110cm x 13cm. 3 longitudinal
bottom deck lead boards. Feet are not acceptable. The
packed goods must not exceed the length and width of the
Shipping Dependent on precise specification. Example below for
volumes 5mx4m sheets with eyelets.
sheets 3000 sheets / 20' container (without palettes)
6000 sheets / 40' container (without palettes)
2400 sheets / 20' container (with palettes)
5400 sheets / 40' container (with palettes)
Shipping Dependent on precise specification. Example below for
volumes 50mx4m rolls without reinforcement or eyelets.
Rolls 256 rolls / 20' container (without palettes)
576 rolls / 40' container (without palettes)
250 rolls / 20' container (with palettes)
550 rolls / 40' container (with palettes)

Plastic Sheeting
42 B.2 - Specifications

B.2.4 Translucent sheeting

Translucent plastic can be used to temporarily replace window glass and improve
Insulation in cold climates. (Note that anti-blast film which can be applied to
windows as a security measure is not covered in this booklet)
Qualities available
Translucent plastic sheeting for use as windows should ideally be reinforced.
However, reinforced types may be harder to source than plain film types which
are more common locally. Woven fabrics are not sufficiently translucent for use
as windows.

Specification - translucent sheeting:

Basic specification
Thickness Minimum 0.150mm. 0.200mm thickness preferred
Fabric Basic: Polyethylene film non-reinforced.
Preferred: LDPE reinforced with polyester or Polypropylene
or polyethylene mesh.
Rolls or sheets Rolls are preferred to sheets, due to variable sizes of
windows. Availability of rolls is usually better.
Lamination LDPE, translucent.
Eyelets / Reinforcement is preferred to eyelets.
Material specification
UV treatment As per 200g/m2 Rolls and sheets - see B.2.3 above.
Mechanical Maximum tensile strength in both directions.
Temperature -20 to 800C.
Printing and packing
Printing Printing should not reduce transparency of the sheeting.
Packing As per standard Rolls and sheets - see B.2.3 above.

Plastic Sheeting
B.2 - Specifications 43

B.2.5 Flooring
At the time of writing there is no common specification for plastic sheeting for
use as flooring. Standard plastic sheeting (section B.2.3) is currently used as
default, although heavier weight sheets (often in excess of 600g/m2) are preferable
because standard plastic sheeting has proved not to be hard wearing enough for
long-term use as flooring.

B.2.6 Insecticide treated plastic sheeting

ITPS is not included in this specification section as it is awaiting WHO approval
and is primarily for use in mosquito control. See section A.9.2. If approved it
should have the same properties as the standard specification plastic sheeting
in section B.2.3.

Plastic Sheeting
44 B.2 - Specifications

B.2.7 Rope
Rope is one of the most common fixings for plastic sheeting. For fixing plastic
sheeting, black 5mm to 14mm diameter rope is preferred. Black rope is preferred
as it resists UV degradation, although other colours (such as blue polypropylene
rope) may be cheaper or more available.
Ropes can be made from various types of material, properties of some of the
most common materials are summarised below.
Properties of the most common types of rope
(Based on the MSF catalogue - appendix B.2)
Natural fibre Polypropylene Nylon /
Strength - + ++
UV resistance +++ - +
Elasticity + ++ ++++
Wear resistance + + ++
Resistance to rot - ++++ ++++
Cost Cheap Average Expensive

Specification - Rope: (natural fibre, nylon and polypropylene)

Basic specification
Weight Large quanties are normally purchased by weight.
Minimum lengths should be specified.
Dimensions 5-14mm diameter. (or 3-4mm if polyester hard braid)
Colour Black for nylon and polypropylene, natural for natural
fibres (subject to availability / cost)
Material Polypropylene, Nylon, other polymers, or natural
materials. Fibres should not be recycled (for quality).
Material specification
Number of 3 or 4 strands for twisted rope. Twisted for
strands polypropylene and natural fibres, braided for nylon.
Testing ISO 9554
Printing and packing
Printing Bales of rope should be marked with type, material,
manufacturer, length, tensile strength, inspection

Plastic Sheeting
B.3 - Testing quality 45

B.3 Testing quality

In the event of plastic sheeting needing to be procured nationally, or on receiving
deliveries direct from suppliers, samples should be checked. Below is the
procedure used by MSF to validate samples.
Validating a delivery (2 3 people 2 hours per sample)
Materials required for field testing
- 10m tape - Two clamps with minimum 40mm jaws
- 100kg scale - One hook made of 8mm steel rod
- Cutter - One adjustable weight up to max. 10 kg
- Scissors (e.g. a bag filled with sand)
- 20 cm ruler - One weight of 70kg
- Pocket knife - 2x 40mm x 40mm x 1m wooden bars
- Permanent marker - 1 punch 8mm diameter
- Note book and pen - One hammer and some nails
- Report forms
A.1 Physical checking procedure:
Write a reference number on each piece of sheeting to be tested.
Weigh the roll or sheet of plastic without packaging. Write down the result
Open the sheet or the roll of plastic. Check that the sheet is white or
specified colour without fluctuation in colour.
Check that there is a length indicator every meter. Check in three locations
that the spacing is 1 metre.
Check that the date, logo and markings are all in place.
Measure the width of the plastic sheet at three locations. The width should
be between 3.96 and 4.04m. Write down any comments.
Measure the width and length of the sheet.
Calculate the exact surface area of the sample. Divide by the sample weight
in grams by the sample surface area in square metres. Check that this is within
expected weights.
Scratch the white coating of the sheet with the cutter, and check that the
yarns are black in both the warp and the weft directions. Light grey is not

A2. Physical check: For tarpaulin with reinforcement bands

The location of the bands should not fluctuate by more than 5cm.
Scratch the coating of the reinforcement bands with the cutter, and check
that all of the yarns are black. Light grey is not acceptable.
Peel off a band. It should leave white and black spots on the sheet and on
the band (peeling the band should not entirely de-laminate the sheet).

Plastic Sheeting
46 B.3 - Testing quality


cutting 6cm x 20cm samples from

month year manufacturer batch month year manufacturer batch month year manufacturer batch mon
a sheet for the tear test

B. Tear test
Perform each test a minimum of 4 times on different
samples. Cut 4 samples measuring 6cm x 20cm
lengthways on the sheet and 4 samples crosswise into 3cm
the sheet outside the reinforcement bands. Make an 6cm
8cm long cut (to start the tear) in the samples. 8cm 12cm
Mark samples L for lengthways and C for cross ways.
Tie the clamp to a support 2m from the floor. Clamp
the plastic sheet with the first clamp.
Clamp the second clamp to the other side of the cut in 10Kg total
the plastic sheet and carefully release it. weight
Add a weight to the bottom clamp so that the clamp
and the weight total 10 Kg in weight.

If any samples do not resist the 10 kg load then refer the

sheeting to a laboratory.
C. Tear tests
wooden support
Cut three 20cm x 60cm samples in three
different bands.
Roll one end of the sample around the 20cm
wooden pole and nail it using the second 60cm
timber as battening. 20cm
8mm punched
Support the timbers so that they lie 20cm hole
Punch a hole of 8mm diameter through the
70Kg total
band 20 cm from the border of the sample.
Place the hook in the hole and carefully add
70kg weight.
Repeat tests with sample without reinforcement band and 50kg weight.

If the sample tears then refer the sheeting to a laboratory for further testing.
D. Peeling test of the coating
Try to pull the white coating from the black fabric. It should be impossible to
pull pieces bigger than 1cm2.

Plastic Sheeting
ii - Appendix 47

Section A
Planning and Use
Section B
ii Appendix
Glossary and annexes common to all sections.

ii.1 Glossary and acronyms................49

ii.2 Further reading..............................51
ii.2.1 General reference..........................51
ii.2.2 Plastic sheeting / Shade net..........51
ii.2.3 Sanitation.......................................51
ii.2.4 Shelter guidelines..........................51
ii.2.5 Infrastruture...................................51
ii.2.6 Relief item catalogues...................52

Plastic Sheeting
48 ii - Appendix

Plastic Sheeting
ii - Appendix 49

ii.1 Glossary and acronyms

ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials Standards.
BS British Standard - performance standard certified by the
British Standards Institute (BSi).
CPAI-84 Standard from the International Fabrics Association
International for fire retardance.
Defecation field A managed roped off area for defecation. This is as an
emergency measure only and should be avoided or
upgraded as soon as possible.
Geosynthetic Synthetic material to simulate the properties of natural
geological deposits such as clay.
gsm or g/m2 The measured weight of plastic sheeting in grams per
square meter of sheet.
HDPE High Density Polyethylene. HDPE is made from un-
branched chains of ethylene. (commonly grocery bags
are made from HDPE).
ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross.
IFRC International Federation of the Red Cross and Red
Crescent Societies.
IRS (Indoor residual Spraying with insecticide with the main purpose of reducing
spraying) transmission by reducing the survival of malaria vectors
entering houses or sleeping units.
ISO International Standards Organisation.
ITPS Insecticide Treated Plastic Sheeting.
LDPE Low Density Polyethylene. LDPE is made from branched
chains of ethylene molecules. (flimsy plastic bags or plastic
wrapping / cling film can be made from highly branched
LLDPE Linear Low density Polyethylene. LLDPE is made from
un-branched chains of ethylene molecules. (Thick and
glossy plastic bags are made from LLDPE).
N / Newton Unit of force required to accelerate one kilogram one meter
per second per second. One kilogram exerts a downward
fore of roughly 10N at the earths surface.
Oxfam An international humanitarian organisation.

Plastic Sheeting
50 ii - Appendix

MSF Medecins sans Frontieres. An international humanitarian

medical organisation
Nylon A thermoplastic material. It is difficult to distinguish from
polyester by appearance, although nylon burns with white
smoke and polyester burn with a black smoke.
Plastic A range of materials made by reacting more simple
molecules together to make long molecular chains. Their
name comes from the fact that they are malleable.
Polyester A thermoplastic material. Polyester threads can be woven
on their own or mixed with cotton to make poly-cotton.
P o l y e t h y l e n e / A material made from chains of ethylene molecules. See
polythene HDPE, LDPE and LLDPE.
PolyPropylene / A thermoplastic polymer. It is less tough than HDPE and
Polypropene (PP) more brittle than LDPE. It has a lower melting temperature
and UV degrades faster than polyester.
Sanitation The sector of response with the objective to provide dignity
for people and to reduce the risks associated with faecal-
oral diseases.
Settlement A community of shelters.
Shade net An air and water permeable membrane that blocks a
percentage of light.
Shade factor The percentage of sunlight blocked by the shade net.
Shelter A covered living space providing a healthy, secure living
environment with privacy and dignity for the people living
within it.
Standard plastic 200g/m 2 plastic sheeting with a black core. A full
sheeting specification is in Section B.2.3.
Tarpaulin A strong flexible waterproof sheet of fabric or plastic.
UV Ultraviolet. Solar radiation with wavelengths 200-400nm
wavelength. UV is the component of sunlight that is most
damaging to plastic sheeting.
UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
UN/OCHA United Nations Organisation for the Coordination of
Humanitarian Affairs.
Warp Threads that run along the length of the roll of fabric.
Weft Threads that run across the roll of fabric.
WATSAN Water and Sanitation.
WHO World Health Organisation.

Plastic Sheeting
ii - Appendix 51

ii.2 Further reading

ii.2.1 General reference
The Sphere project, Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster
Response, 2004, (
Sets out what people affected by disasters have a right to expect from
humanitarian assistance. Contains standards, indicators and checklists.
UNHCR Handbook for Emergencies, UNHCR, 2007 edition (
A managers guide to setting up emergency operations. Provides advice on
how to tackle various aspects of emergency response.

ii.2.2 Plastic sheeting / Shade net

Howard and Spice, Plastic Sheeting, Oxfam Publishing 1989
A very readable technical booklet on plastic sheeting, its procurement and
its uses. Available from
Sheltercentre, MSF shade nets, use deployment and procurement of shade nets
in humanitarian relief environments, MSF, 2006. (

ii.2.3 Sanitation
Lambert and Davies, Engineering in Emergencies, 2003, RedR
A technical manual on field engineering. Contains practical information for
the field engineer, with strength in sanitation.

ii.2.4 Shelter guidelines

Shelterproject / Oxfam publishing, Transitional Settlement: Displaced populations,
2004. (
Guidelines aimed at strategic planners and implementers of settlement
responses. Considers settlement options for displaced populations
UN/OCHA, tents, A guide to the logistics and use of family tents in humanitarian
response, UN/OCHA, 2004 (Available from

ii.2.5 Infrastructure
MSF, Temporary and Semi-permanent Structures for Health Structures in Refugee
camps, MSF (Available from

Plastic Sheeting
52 ii - Appendix

ii.2.6 Relief Item catalogues / specification

ICRC / IFRC (International Committee of the Red Cross / International Federation
of the Red Cross) Emergency Relief Items Catalogue.
Contains specifications for plastic sheeting as well as other non food items.
MSF (Medecins Sans Frontires) Catalogue (
Contains specifications for plastic sheeting as well as other non food items.
additionally contains field testing procedures for plastic sheeting.
UN/OCHA Timber: A guide to the planning, use, procurement and logistics of
timber as a construction material in emergencies (first draft 2007).
(available from

Plastic Sheeting

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