Gone Fishin PDF
Gone Fishin PDF
Gone Fishin PDF
by Atherton
Written by Atherton
Edited by Olli Bjrkqvist
Art on page 11 by RFlowers
Cartography by R.S Barker (Bloated Blowfish)
This is a free product. Use this, abuse this, distribute this, host this, do
whatever you wish with it - its all good. But please dont be a douche and
try to sell this. Free should be free.
The art on page 10 and the map on the last page are used with permission
from the artists, and are under their copyright. While this PDF can be
freely distributed, you are expected to contact the artguys in question if
you wish ask for permission to do anything with these pieces. We at B&B
are only using them because the fellas were cool enough to contribute to the
project. Art not specifially credited is from public domain resources.
The production team would like to thank the Dragonsfoot Lounge crew,
your input and comments were most helpful during the creation of this
The recitation of the strange tale was met
with enthusiastic acclaim and on its
Having a foreword on what is supposed to
completion the king stood and being
be a mini module might be the height of
desirous of a trophy to mount in his hall,
pretension, but pretentious or not, here
decreed that anyone who would present
goes. First of all, I hope you have as much
him with the carcass of the giant fish
fun reading, and hopefully running this
should receive its weight in silver. In the
module, as I did writing it. The contents are
excitement following this proclamation, the
freely reproduceable to you the reader,
nobles of the court have sallied forth,
and if you think highly enough of the
joined by fortune seekers from all walks of
adventure, please pass it on to your
life in a gold rush to scour the banks of the
friends. And if I may mangle the old
great river for the elusive creature.
Judges Guild slogan, please feel free to
adapt, to mutilate, to borrow from, or in
any way, to adjust or tailor this module to Start
your requirements.
The module begins with the arrival of the
A few quick notes about running this characters at the village of Abbotsford, a
scenario. The adventure is presented in a small settlement of the upper reaches of
highly linear fashion where it is assumed the great river (also known as the river
that the party will follow the course of the Runne). The town is located on a wide
river. This assumption purely made for the gravelly ford of nearly half a miles width.
sake of simplicity. If your players choose to The water is clear and swift flowing, but
travel overland or by air, then the not overly deep.
adventure should lend itself to a more
open sandbox style of play. The village has When the party arrives at Abbotsford they
been left deliberately vague. Should it be will find the streets of the normally sleepy
required, it is intended that you should little town a hive of frantic activity. The
develop your own or plug in one that suits chaotic, bustling crowds swarm aimlessly
your requirements. everywhere, and the party will quickly find
that all accommodation has been booked,
Background and that most of the towns fishermen and
their boats have been hired or purchased.
Recently there appeared at the royal court
The nobles and knights of the royal court
an old man telling an exceedingly odd tale
are clearly in evidence, pushing arrogantly
of a great fish. According to his account, a
through the milling throngs, and
local hero, being parched by the heat of
demanding preferential treatment of the
the day had gone down to the river Runne
inn keeps and bar tenders. The river
to drink. The fish, an immense pike,
surface will be dotted with dozens of small
appeared before the warrior and was
craft ranging from dugouts and coracles to
heard to speak by a score of
small barge, punts and other river craft.
eyewitnesses, asking him in watery tones
Along the shore, the unlucky and those
what was best in life. The warrior, afrighted
less-well-to-do try their luck, wading
by the sudden and unexpected
through the shallows or casting out with
appearance of the pike was heard to
pitifully inadequate lines.
mumble a reply, at which point, the fish,
with singular force and swiftness, struck
Across the other of the river, about a mile
the hapless man, towing him into the
back from the riverbank is the monastery
depths of the river whereupon he was
which gives the eponymous town its name.
The monks have taken vows of silence 61-70% A passing wagon runs over the
and reclusion, but for a small fee they will foot of a random character. Lose 2 hp.
tend to any wounds which the characters
may have suffered (curing will generally 71-75% A drunk 4th level magic user
cost in the order of 10 gold sovereigns per drapes himself over the shoulders of 2 or
hp). more characters and loudly insists they
watch him shoot the king standard from
Random Town Encounters atop the magistrates house with a magic
01-20% accosted by garrulous fishwife. If
76-80% A drunk dwarf insistently asks for
a purchase is made from her, she will
directions to the Iron Hills, and then sits on
confidentially inform the party (and any
a doorstep crying maudlinly to himself
bystander in a radius of 10 yards) of one of
regardless of the answer.
the rumours from the rumour table. Roll
randomly to determine rumour.
81-85 % A stinking and mangy cur (hp 3,
the stench oddly reminiscent of what a
21-30% challenged to a duel by a fop. A
character may have regurgitated some
swaggering young knight accuses the
hours previously) trails the characters
party of insulting him, and slaps the face of
where ever they go, eyeing them balefully
the biggest character with his gauntlet.
and barking at them continuously.
Fop 2nd level fighter hp 10 AC 2 (plate
mail + shield) Alignment stupid, Weapons
86-90% Local youths jeer at the party as
long sword & dagger
they pass by, throwing horse droppings at
them. If seriously challenged, the youths
31-40 % The party is accosted by a
will scatter and cravenly flee to the derisive
phalanx of knights who block the parties
laughter of onlookers.
way making derogatory remarks about
their parentage. 6 bullies (1st level
91-95% A passing noble invites the party
fighters) hp 3x 5, 3x 6 AC 3 (plate mail)
into a public house and proceeds to drown
armed with long swords and daggers. If
them with drinks while telling incredibly
the party wins, all the surrounding
boring and unlikely stories.
townsfolk burst into cheers and drag them
into a local pub for an impromptu
96-98% A fisherman approaches the party
and offers to built them a coracle in the
space of a day for a surprisingly
41-50% An enterprising fortune hunter
reasonable price (only double the going
decides to go fishing in the characters
pockets instead of the river. The would be
pickpocket is a 1st thief (AC 10 hp 4
99-100% A chamberpot is emptied from
armed with a dagger). The picket pocket
the second story onto a random characters
attempt will be at +5% due to the bustling
head. The perpetrator is a cranky ex-
chaos of the towns streets and public
fisherman (hp 3). The victim temporarily
houses. Roll randomly for the item stolen.
loses 1-6 charisma points as the townsfolk
stand around pointing and laughing their
51-60% A fisherman attempts to sell his
heads off.
punt to the players for quadruple its worth.
The only problem is that the punt is at the
bottom of the river with a hole in its hull.
The hole can be repaired in half a day.
Rumour Table
31-35% The pike is actually a magician in If the characters try their hand at fishing,
disguise who is seeking to lure they will have the following results (per
adventurers to their doom (false) person/averaged over half hour blocks):
71-80% The pike isn't a giant pike at all, 91-95% Pike (medium)
but a dolphin. The knights of the court
have sown a false tale so that they can 96-99% Pike (large)
capture the dolphin themselves (false)
100% Special
81-90% There are nixies up the river (true)
who demand a tribute from all passers by Special includes:
1: Bootleggers 6x 0 level humans hp 3, 4,
91-95% Further up the river is a giant 4, 4, 5, 5 AC10 armed with clubs &
beaver dam (true) daggers are smuggling 4 barrels of beer
down to Abbotsford. They will be hostile,
96-100% Beware the enchanted woods unless the party can convince them that
they say, few that enter survive to return they aren't excise collectors. The barrels of
(partially true) beer are being carried on a small barge
which the smugglers are towing using a
dinghy. These barrels of beer can be sold
for up to 25 sovereigns apiece in the public
houses of Abbotsford.
2: Giant otter. This playful creature will 16-20% a group of horribly sober
invite itself into whatever craft the the party housewives sporting determined
maybe sailing and will cheerfully proceed expressions on their hardened faces will
to devour any foodstuff it can get at. pass by in pursuit of their husbands, whom
they claim to have gone sloping off into the
3: Giant pike, hp 16. Truly a giant pike, countryside on a beer drinking excursion.
however on return to Abbotsford the old Any farmers in the party will be the subject
man who originally brought the story to of lynching attempt.
court will identify it as another individual.
21-25% a motley assortment of ducks,
geese, chickens, pigs, dogs, cats and
Country Encounters for the Civilised children in pursuit of the aforementioned
Lands groups.
Should the party travel overland in the 26-30% A farmer carting hay on his way to
vicinity of Abbotsford, then a random the market. Knows nothing, cares even
encounter check should be made every 2 less. An old vorpal sword is hidden under
hours of travel time the hay (the farmer finds it particularly
efficacious as a pruning knife).
01-05% a troupe of hobbit buskers who
regale the party with a selection of reels, 31-40% a tinkers wagon. The tinker sells a
jigs and folk dances. The male musicians variety of common items including
will saw away with demented enthusiasm agricultural equipment (scythes, axes,
at their zithers, while the halfling lasses grindstones and the like) for vastly inflated
coquettishly offer the party jugs of ale and prices (150-200% of the normal price).
invitations to dance with them. The little
halfling lasses will attempt the pick the 41-60% Herd of cows, who refuse to give
character pockets while dancing (base way.
25% chance of success, rising to 50% if
they are inebriated). 61-70% a group of cheerful pilgrims en
route to a local harvest festival. They
06-10% a group of drunken dwarves clutch sheaves of corn (wheat), rye and
unsteadily pilot a wagon partially laden barley. The young women will offer the
with slopping barrels of half drunken beer party draughts of a particularly sweet and
(a particularly rich stout) in hot pursuit of a heady cider which they bear in stone
group of halfling musicians who they claim glazed urns.
robbed them blind. The dwarves will
summarily attempt to lynch any halfling on 71-90% a flock sheep, who bleat
sight, and any information on the fleeing plaintively. The shepherd boy seems full
troupe will be rewarded by with a barrel of and uninterested
91-100% Knights of the Court. Looking for
11-15% a group of yodelling farmers sway sport, be it fox or man or woman, these
drunkenly, arm-in-arm, back and forth on knights are only trouble. Lacking
the back of a large flat bed wagon, stacked excitement they will try to provoke the
high with barrels of beer. They claim that a party into attacking them, so they can
group of dwarves hijacked one of their claim self defence. They will harry the
beer wagons. Any dwarves in the party will party by impeding their progress and
be the subject of a lynching attempt. hurling crude insults at them until the party
attacks or the knights lose interest or find approached in a peaceable manner, and
some other quarry. the party leavens negotiations by a small
bribe (say a barrel of beer or three) the
AC 2 (plate mail + shield) Levels 1-4 (hp booka might be persuaded to tell all they
5-24 on average) armed with long swords know of smugglers activities.
and daggers. If mounted they will
additionally have a heavy lance and a The Enchanted Woods
heavy warhorse (hp 16-17 on average).
4th level fighters will typically have plate A few miles upstream from Abbotsford are
barding for their war horses, 2nd and 3rd the Enchanted woods. It is an area seldom
level fighters will typically have chain visited by the inhabitants of the town for it
barding. Each knight will carry items and is home to ...
money to the approximate value of 25 gold
pieces per level.
The Wee Folk
recovered) as well as a thick leather belt The Faerie
studded with amethysts (worth 50 gp).
Few of the fair folk walk the woods, which
If approached peaceably and if the is just as well as far as the rest of the wee
characters are willing to part with various folk are concerned, for they are aloof and
pieces of jewellery or raiment, the nixies arrogant. They know nothing
might be convinced to tell of the pike, and will not
the adventurers what they even deign to
know. If so, they will tell the acknowledge the parties
adventurers that a strange existence, save should
pike, bigger than any they there be a full blooded Elf
have ever seen, was in the party. 20 Gray elves
spotted swimming strongly led by a
upstream a week ago.
3rd level fighter AC 5 hp 14
The Leprechauns armed with long bow &
long sword
Widely known for their
19 1st level fighters AC 5
whimsical sense of
hp average 5-6 armed with
humour, the leprechauns
long bows & long swords
are avoided by the
fishermen due to their
All wear elven chain mail,
mischievous nature. They
cloaks and boots and carry
will happily make the
wafers of elf food.
acquaintance of the big
folk, promising all sorts of
outrageous things to the Brownies
naive and stupid. Naturally
they rarely honour these A few of these reclusive
promises, unless folk linger in the woods.
something hilariously funny The brownies are kindly
results. However should people and will go to the
the party encounter the parties aid should they
leprechauns it is possible require it, otherwise they
that for information that they might trade a keep to themselves and will avoid
funny limerick or a rude joke, or equally, confrontations. 4 Brownies hp 4, 2x 3, 2
they might demand a jewel of great price.
Red Deer Herd
Should they find the parties humour to be
lousy, they will use their polymorph non This herd consists about 30 individuals
living objects ability to transform any and and is under the protection of the wee folk.
all armour worn by the party to a hideous The herd is led by a large buck (hp 21)
hue of iridescent pink. called the Hart of Harts a truly
magnificent creature whose antlers brush
12 Leprechauns AC 8 Hp 2-5 apiece branches 9' high and weights near on 1100
pounds. Should he be slain and the party
make the mistake of lingering in the area,
then they will feel the wrath of the wee folk
as they are ruthlessly and relentlessly
hunted down. Pursuit will only end once The First Move - The Pike Heads
the party reaches the borders of the forest.
The wee folk will not object to the party Upstream
harvesting a doe, provided that they
offered a portion of the meat. If the party fails to make any headway in
their efforts to find the pike, then after the
third day a rumour that the great fish has
Pixies been sighted upriver will sweep through
the town and throughout the day, an
endless flotilla of small vessels will be
seen heading upriver and by nightfall the
town will be deserted save for a few
drunks and some hopeless blackguard
drifters and of course the townsfolk, who
will quickly fall back into their old routines,
shaking their heads at the foolishness of
exactly six days previously. The beavers Onward from the Marshes
won't oppose passage over their weir, they
just want the humans to keep away from Clearing the marshes, the pursuit enters
the area where they are raising their kits. wilder lands on the borders marches of the
kingdom. With each passing day the party
Leaving the Beavers Lodge behind, the will pass an ever diminishing trickle of
river snakes through the countryside in drop-outs from the great chase who will
slow, indolent loops, the water becoming line the shore, despondently watching the
progressively stiller and as green as the parties passage upstream.
heavily forested banks until they reach
the ...
The Wilderlands
Blackwater Marshes For wilderness encounters see the tables
at the back. Typically a check should be
Of traditionally evil repute, few are brave made every 6 hours of travel time.
or foolhardy enough to venture into these
foreboding swamps of dark, thickly As the countryside suddenly takes a turn
wooded quicksands. A morass of decaying for the rougher, the party will find
vegetation fills the turgid waters and themselves entering a swift flowing gorge
swarms of buzzing midges and where the water flows strong and clear.
mosquitoes will attach themselves to any About a half a mile in they will encounter
exposed flesh. Three passages of clear two knights stranded on a tiny rocky islet in
water wend 1 (large and 2 small) their way the middle of the stream. From the shore,
through the swamp. an unshaven man in rough leathers
watches them in considerable disgust as
If the character(s) have not led the charge they flail their arms and beg piteously for
upriver, then the main channel will have the parties assistance. Should the party
been cleared by the time they arrive. If not, take pity on them and rescue them from
vast intertwined spider webs will cover a the islet they will quickly prove demanding.
stretch of at least 200 yards, and lurking in If allowed, they will begin to command that
dappled shade of the overhanging boughs the party attend to their every whim.
are 4 giant spider (hp 25, 2x 24, 22) which However should the party suggest heaving
will agilely scuttle through the webbing the them overboard, they will immediate shut
first moment they feel a boat (or a wading up and behave themselves.
person flailing to free themselves) bump
into their sticky nets. Sir Roscoe and Sir Belvedear, Knights of
the court
If the characters try one of the side-
channels, they will find a boat trapped mid Level 2 & 3, hp 9, 12 AC 3 (plate armour),
channel and the desiccated bodies of two weapons long sword & dagger Align
adventurers hanging from the webs. Two neutral
of the giant spiders from the main channel
will arrive in a matter of less than a minute. The man in homespuns is Quintish a 2nd
The bodies have nothing of recoverable level ranger, AC 8 (leather/fur armour) hp
worth, having already been looted by 18 armed with a hatchet and knife Align
passing adventurers. Chaotic good
The Green Lake never to return.
The Fanged Horror
Although this long and green lake lies
AC 4 HD 8 (hp 36) Att 3 1-8 1-8 1-10
outside the domain of the kingdom, it is
Special attacks Drowning Int semi Al
known for the strange tribe of lizard folk
who live on a narrow island in its middle.
These scaly creatures are fiercely
The product of some malign sorcerers mad
territorial and will recklessly defend the
research, the fanged horror comprises the
lake from any invasion, no matter how
head of a shark atop the torso of a lizard
peaceful. As soon as the flotilla appears on
man with the claws of a giant lobster or
the lake, the males will seize their stone
crab. Its tough shark skin hide, insatiable
headed weapons, launch their dugout
appetite and ferocious temperament all
canoes and paddle briskly towards the
combine to make it a dangerous
approaching armada of vessels.
adversary. Fanged horrors typically lurk in
the rivers, bays and along the coasts of
Four to five canoes swarming with lizard
tropical through to temperate lands,
men will target the characters craft. If the
usually either as single predators or in
party is victorious then the tide of battle
small family clans.
turns against the defenders, and the
human armada will brush aside the
The village will otherwise be found to be
remnants of the lizard man forces.
empty, the non combatants having left
during the battle on the lake to hide in the
8-12 (adjust upwards if necessary) lizard
reed beds along its shores. A number of
men AC 5 hp 10-11 average, armed with
small, poorly formed pearls can be found
stone headed maces and javelins
in the huts. These will have a total value of
between 50 200 gold sovereigns.
On the island is the lizard mens rude
village, a cluster of squat huts constructed
from reeds. The huts form a rough semi The Falls
circle crowding around a crude stone idol
of a gigantic crouching lizard man. Behind Here a powerful waterfall descends a
the idol is an enclosure of wooden stakes. series of drops amounting to a vertical
Inside is a fanged horror, which the lizard height of about 30'. Due to their power, the
men believe to be the chosen one of their falls are known as the Highforce Falls.
deity. The fanged one is ritualistically fed Downstream of the boiling plunge pool, the
the bodies of the slain, and hearing the swift waters are unusually clear, and
sounds of combat it will be waiting with a unusually barren of fish life. Local Legend
fearsome hunger. tells of a watery serpent that by reputation
haunts the plunge pool. When the party
When the party approaches, it will dart arrives (unless they are first on the scene)
forth out of the enclosure (the gate having they will find the plunge pool the occupied
been released by a retreating lizard man) by mystified adventurers looking for the
and will descend upon the hapless pike.
Quintish, who if he agreed to accompany
the part and surviving the battle on the A basic examination of the falls will reveal
lake, will be somewhat in advance of the that they would be impossible for any giant
party. Before the party can come to his aid, pike to climb, let alone one as massive as
the luckless ranger will be torn limb from claimed.
limb. Should the party not enter the village,
the ranger will disappear into the village
The answer to this mystery lies in a inlet Note: if the statue or pool are desecrated
about half a mile downstream where a or vandalised in any way, the curse will be
salmon ladder climbs through the invoked and persist until such time as the
surrounding woodland to the long lake at damage has been restored. The curse can
the head of the falls. The salmon ladder is only be lifted by a cleric of 17th level or
a stone lined culvert about 6' wide and 3' more.
deep at the centre, semi-circular in profile.
Blockages of fallen tree limbs have been A detect magic spell if available will reveal
recently forced aside by the passage of two separate magical aura's surrounding
something of obviously great size. the shrine. One emanates weakly from the
statue and pool area generally, a second
more intensive field is located within the
The Ancient Shrine pond. An investigation of the second aura
will reveal an ancient broadsword nestled
About half way between where the lake beside the ribcage of a partially
feeds into the ladder, and where it empties disarticulated skeleton. The sword will in
back into a river is a small shrine of the fullness of time prove itself to a +2
ancient lichen encrusted stone. From broadsword (if used sufficiently).
amongst the dangling willow fronds a Pan
headed statue regards the characters Should anyone make the mistake of
serenely. Slightly unnervingly, its blank lingering in the pool for more than a few
eyed gaze seems to track their every minutes, the reason for the barren stretch
move. of water in the main river will become
apparent as the water swirls and forms
At the statues foot, a spring bubbles into a into a sinuously twisting serpent of water
stone lined votive pool which drains into which attempt to drag any character down
the fish ladder. Scattered in the mud at the into the murky centre of the pool and
bottom of the pool are hundreds of silver drown them.
and gold coins, which if even so much as a
single coin is taken will bestow a curse on The Guardian of the Pool - Water weird AC
the offending characters. This curse will 4 hp 18
invoke the immediate summoning of 2-3
satyrs (AC 5 hp 22,23, 23) who will By the time the party leaves the Highforce
demand that the characters restore the Falls behind they will find themselves
money to the pool. If the coins are travelling alone as the last few of their
returned, the curse is immediately lifted. dispirited competitors drop out of the race.
The Satyrs will try to persuade the party of
the foolishness of their actions, and will
Journeys End - The Lake of the
only attack in response to an attack upon
themselves or unless the party attempts to Clouds
leave the pool area. If the satyrs are slain
the curse will remain, and manifest itself in After many days of travelling through
that the offending characters will country that progressively becomes more
mysteriously lose 10% of their wealth per wild and hilly, the party will arrive at their
week, regardless of any precautions they ultimate destination, the fog blanketed
might take (treasure will even evaporate Lake of Clouds, nestled in the arms of the
from securely locked vaults) until such time mountains. Overlooking the reedy, fog
as the characters restore what they stole bound shores of the lake is an ancient
from pool. stone broch, so covered with moss and
lichens that seems to grow naturally from
the hillside.
On investigation is will appear to be a solid If the party gives the wrong answer or
core of masonry without any doorway (a delays too long (more than 5 minutes of
detect magic spell will reveal the existence actual game time) the pike (hp 28) will
drive itself powerfully forward and attack
of one such a portal). the party, attacking the smallest first and
attempting to swallow them whole. Bigger
However its unlikely that their attention will characters will be dragged out into the
remain on the broch for long, for a loud centre of the lake in an attempt to drown
splash will sound from the lake, and near them.
to the shore they will see an enormously
long stream lined shape cruising through
the murky shallows. The biggest giant pike The Final Showdown
that any of them will have ever seen.
Regardless of the outcome, as the party
If the party approaches the pike it will raise begin to prepare to retrace their weary
its mouth from the water and ask: What is steps back to where it all began, or as they
best in life before slipping back beneath go to investigate the ancient broch, they
the water to await their answer. Should the will hear the subdued clink of metal from
party answer to eat or to eat before one further down the lakes shore, and as the
is eaten the pike will be satisfied and with mists part, through the streamers of grey
a flick of its massive tail it will gouge a cut vapour trudge five figures. Battered,
in the silty bottom of the a lake, within dishevelled. Travel worn, their armour
which the party will see the bright gleam of rusting, and with grizzled whiskers rasping
gold. The pike will then swim away and against their visors, this last remnant of the
can be hunted down later, if the party so knights of the court have come for a final
desires. The treasure consists of a number reckoning with the outsiders who have
of bejeweled goblets of heavy yellow gold dared to show themselves, their rightful
that spill from a rotten sack. lords and masters, up.
The goblets can be assayed as being The leader of the knights, Sir Lyonal will
collectively worth between 3000 and 5000 call on the party to throw down their arms.
gold sovereigns. Should they be foolish enough to comply,
the knights will strip them of their
equipment and treasure and with many Wilderness Encounters (Overland)
blows and curses send them staggering,
bound, unarmed, bruised and bleeding into 01-10% a group of drunk moonshiners lie
the wilderness. collapsed (and mostly snoring) around
their still, one still singing lustily at the top
Should the party not heed the call to of his voice, as he lies slumped back to
surrender, they might attempt to negotiate back with his dead friend (who has expired
with Sir Lyonal. A character with a high from alcohol poisoning). Several drunk
charisma may be able to talk sense into crows stagger merrily around the branches
him, but should the negotiations fail, then of a nearby oak. Treasure: approximately
Sir Lyonal will brand them traitors to the 500 gallons of moonshine.
realm and attack. The knights will neither
ask for, or give quarter. It will be a bloody 11-20% A gigantic ogre (hp 24) returning
fight to the death. from a raid on human lands lumps an
enormous sack jiggling with treasure.
Sir Lyonal 5th level fighter AC 1 hp 30 Inside the bag are the following items: a 3
armed with a +1 long sword, wears full legged upholstered chair, 2 sheep (live)
plate armour (AC 2). Also carries shield, and two clothes lines, complete with still
dagger and wears a ring worth 100 golden pegged male and female garments.
21-30% a monstrous eagle (hp 20) circles
Knights of Quality the party. Will drop tree limbs on the party
should they stop to rest, just to check
2x 4th fighter AC 2 hp 25, 24. Armed with whether they're still alive or not.
long swords and daggers. Plate mail +
shield. One knight has a magical (+1) 31-40% goblin worg riders rest in the
dagger, and the other wears a ring of fire shade of a grove of tall ash trees. They are
resistance. Both wear rings and necklaces well armed but treasureless. Goblins hp 2x
to the value of 150 sovereigns. 5, 3x 4. Worg hp 24, 2x 22, 2x 20
Veteran Knights 41-50% a family of wild boars snuffle
around the roots of oak trees, looking for
2x 3rd level fighters AC 2 hp 15, 16. Armed truffles. They will briefly look up as the
with long swords and daggers. Plate mail + party approaches but will not molest them,
shield. Rings and other items to the value unless attacked (or unless they are
of 100 sovereigns. carrying truffles, in which case the pigs will
relentlessly pursue them). 1 Boar hp 18, 2
With the knights defeated, and as this Sows hp 15, 14 and 5 piglets hp 3-4
story draws to a close, an old man
descends the path from the broch. He has 51-60% Giant wasps buzz around the
a job for them . (and a story about a carcass of a dead elk. They will
cursed golden ring dropped into a river... aggressively attack if the party attempts to
and a greedy pike). come too close, hp 23, 2x 22, 17
party fail to the comply, the treant will 91-95% A group of rangers out hunting
bellow an earth shattering cry, the sound goblins. 2-4 rangers of levels 1-3. AC
rolling away and echoing throughout the 8(furs)-5(chain mail) armed with hatchet,
surrounding hills. Presently it will be joined knives and long bows. The rangers will, if
by 3 more treants (hd 10 each, hp 50, 55, approached in a friendly manner agree to
48) who will order the party out of the accompany the party for a ways (until such
forest, attacking them if they fail to leave time as the party reaches the river at
immediately. which point they will turn back to the wild).
71-75% an ancient bear trap snaps closed 96-100% A giant wolverine trails the group.
on the leg of one of the characters (roll If the party sets up camp and makes the
randomly). The trap does 1-8 hp damage mistake of leaving it unattended, the
and requires 20 strength points to open. wolverine will search the camp site for
The jaws are rusty and a save vs. tetanus food, destroying packs, tents and clothing
must be rolled. in hunger. Giant Wolverine hp 25.
41-50% Disconsolate knights watch the The Fish Soup Recipe
party pass from the shore, if the party hails
them, the knights will steadfastly ignore The rural folk in this adventure are likely to
them. eat this. Someone will probaly offer some
to the adventurers too.
51-60% The current tears at half
submerged boat trapped between two
1 kilo of vendace
water worn boulders. Nearby a body
100 grams of butter
dressed the manner of a fisherman bobs
2 onions
face down, its legs trapped in the roots of
a tree. If the body is turned over, the eyes
flick open and it lunges for the neck of the
would be rescuer with razor sharp talons,
for it is a ghoul (hp 10). Gut and clean the vendace and rinse them
until the scales come off. Put a decent
61-70% A flock of ducks passing sized cast iron pot over a fire. Cut the
overhead, dips down to inspect the party, onions into ring and fill the pot with layers
and then continue to wing their way north. of fish and onion. Add enough water to
cover the fish and the butter. Throw in the
71-80% Muskrats fight over the decayed peppers and a small handful of salt. Let
body of a deer in the shallows. the soup cook for about an hour and serve
it with dark rye bread and whatever local
81-90% The water boils with a massive alcohol happens to be available.
shoal of small silvery fish (trout
fingerlings). Enough can be caught to
supply 2 decent meals.