EU Hypocrisy Unmasked: Why EU Trade Policy Hurts Development

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EU Hypocrisy Unmasked:

Why EU Trade Policy Hurts

5th May 2003

At the opening of the fourth ministerial meeting of the World Trade Organisation
(WTO) in Doha in November 2001, European Union Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy
pledged that Europe has listened, Europe has moved, and Europe is willing to go the
extra mile [to make this a development round]'. Such a promise was enough to
convince many developing countries of the sincerity of the EUs commitment to a new
WTO round the so-called Doha Development Round.

Eighteen months on, however, it is business as usual for EU trade negotiators. The gulf
between the principles enshrined in the Doha Ministerial Declaration and current
practice is as wide as ever, and closing that gulf will require more than fine words.
Tactics such as overloading the WTO agenda and denying developing countries the
very tools and policy options upon which European governments relied during
decades of national development do not offer much hope for a new and lasting
consensus on equitable and sustainable development.

After all the rich countries rhetoric about development being central to the WTO
negotiating programme, we still live in an upside-down world, where ironies and
hypocrisy abound.
EU Member States preach the gospel of free trade, while maintaining their own
spending on agricultural subsidies to the tune of 115 million per day.

EU Member States deny developing countries the right to protect their vulnerable
agricultural markets from competition from unfair subsidised European
agricultural exports.

The EU pushes for developing countries to negotiate new issues at the WTO that
will primarily benefit the rich economies and trans-national corporations in
return for progress that the EU promised ten years ago.

We need a radical new approach to trade policy, one that puts sustainable
development at the heart of negotiations, and an end to the double standards of rich
countries as they continue to rig the rules of international trade to suit themselves.

In five months time, Trade Ministers will reassemble in Cancun, Mexico to assess
progress in the WTO Round. This paper examines the EUs rhetoric on trade and
development, unmasks the hypocrisy behind the EUs current negotiating position,
and sets out a series of modest, achievable steps which, if enacted, will ensure that
trade starts to work more effectively for poor countries.


Agriculture is the issue in which developing countries have the biggest stake, which
they the greatest gains in the Doha Round. The EU consistently emphasises the critical
role of trade in reducing poverty in the developing world. The problem is that the EU
continues to spend the bulk of its annual 41.5 billion agricultural budget on trade-
distorting subsidies. Agricultural subsidies, which result in export dumping (exporting
at prices below the costs of production), cause farmers in developing countries to suffer
low prices, lost market shares, and unfair competition. For all the tortured language of
the Doha Declaration, there was a clear commitment to initiate negotiations aimed at
"reductions of, with a view to phasing out, all forms of export subsidies" and
substantial reductions in other trade distorting agricultural subsidies. This was a
welcome commitment to tackle head-on the most damaging forms of subsidies.

In December 2002, the EU unveiled its much anticipated negotiating proposal on

agriculture to the WTO. However, despite the Commissions opening hype, the
proposal offers little to satisfy the concerns of developing countries, and fails to fulfil
the commitments made at Doha with regard to the elimination of subsidies.

The EU trumpeted a 45 per cent cut in export subsidies. However, closer inspection
proves this to be a dishonest offer. The Commission has in fact proposed a reduction of

2 EU Hypocrisy Unmasked: Why EU Trade Policy Hurts Development

export subsidies by an average of 45 per cent, and from previously defined maximum
levels (bound levels) rather than actual amounts paid. This commits the EU only to a
minimal reduction in export subsidies on beef, sugar, and dairy products the sectors
in which export dumping is most prevalent. This commitment also includes existing
cuts made by previous reforms since the Uruguay Round base period, 1986-90. The EU
also stated that it was ready to eliminate export subsidies for key products, such as
wheat. In fact, traditional export subsidies for wheat have already virtually

The EU has proposed a six-year grace period for developed countries to implement
changes following an agriculture agreement at the WTO, a period which will not
conclude until 2005 at the very earliest. Moreover, in a further tactic to delay reform
at the Brussels Summit in October 2002, the French President, Jacques Chirac, and the
German Chancellor, Gerhard Schroeder, brokered a deal to maintain a ceiling on
agricultural spending until 2013. The deal in effect blocks the prospect of introducing
any substantive change in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) until 2006, and
delays any meaningful concessions until at least 2012. Without radical reform of the
CAP in the immediate term, the EU will not be able to go that promised extra mile.

The Mid-Term Review of the CAP offers an opportunity to set a new course.
Intransigence on the part of governments such as the French and the Irish makes this
difficult. While there are signs of positive elements in the proposals put forward by the
Commission, their approach to decoupling (de-linking subsidies from production)
raises serious problems. With decoupled payments, the traditional export subsidy will
disappear, only to be recreated in another guise the hidden export subsidy.

Decoupling on the current model, as supported by the UK and Sweden, is a cosmetic

exercise, designed to bring the EU into compliance with the letter of WTO law, while
violating the spirit of fair trade. In a cynical move, the Commission is proposing to
shift the bulk of domestic support for agricultural production into the so-called Green
Box a mechanism devised by the USA and EU during the Uruguay Round of trade
talks. Free of tight disciplines, the Green Box allows farm-income aids such as direct
payments that rise with the size of farm and level of past production, and
compensation to producers for low prices. These payments may perpetuate surplus
production and export dumping and so are clearly trade-distorting but they are
currently exempt from any cuts agreed in the agriculture negotiations at the WTO.

Bringing greater benefits to large corporate agriculture at the expense of smaller family
farms, decoupled direct payments would also reinforce the inequitable nature of CAP
spending. Domestic support to European farmers should be targeted towards rural
and environmental development, rather than increasing the profits of corporate

President Chiracs proposals on trade in agriculture at his meeting with African Heads
of State in February 2003 represent, however, an important recognition of the damage
caused to poor Africans by rich countries food dumping. The proposals are all the
more welcome as they come from the leader of a major agricultural nation which is

EU Hypocrisy Unmasked: Why EU Trade Policy Hurts Development 3

widely seen as a supporter of the current EU policies on agricultural dumping. Mr
Chirac proposed a moratorium on destabilising supports for exports to Africa, such as
subsidies, export credits, and certain forms of food aid, for the duration of the Doha
Round of negotiations at the World Trade Organisation.

Oxfam wants to see a comprehensive ban on agricultural export dumping. As a start,

the French proposal for a moratorium on export subsidies should be adopted,
extended to all developing countries, and immediately implemented.

All domestic support which acts as a disguised subsidy for exports should be
eliminated. As a rule, subsidised products should not be exported, unless subsidies
are minimally trade-distorting.

Some developing countries have asked for a rebalancing of WTO rules on agriculture.
At the moment, the EU and other rich countries use the so-called Peace Clause
negotiated by the EU and USA during the Uruguay Round to deny developing
countries any effective protection against cheap imports.

Oxfam believes that developing countries should have the right to protect markets
against subsidised imports. The Peace Clause should not be renewed when it
expires later this year, and developing countries should be given access to a
simplified mechanism to apply countervailing duties.

Developing countries should have the flexibility to protect markets against import
surges, subsidised or unsubsidised. The EU includes a welcome recognition of the
food-security needs of developing countries in its proposal to the WTO, and proposes
that developing countries request the use of special safeguards to protect their
domestic markets. The EU should forcefully defend this initiative in the negotiations.

Oxfam urges also that developing countries should be entitled to self-declare special
products which should not be subject to any further tariff reduction, and moreover that
the implementation of further tariff reductions should be based on development

Market access

Trade barriers in rich countries inflict real costs on vulnerable communities in

developing countries that are being denied an opportunity to enjoy the potential
benefits of integration into global markets. The EU provides more generous trade
preferences than other OECD countries, but it continues to delay the implementation of
Doha commitments on the further opening of markets to developing countries.

4 EU Hypocrisy Unmasked: Why EU Trade Policy Hurts Development

The EUs 2001 initiative Everything but Arms (EBA), originally intended to provide
immediate free-market access for all non-military exports from Least Developed
Countries (LDCs), was a step in the right direction. However, the main sectors in
which LDCs might have benefited were sugar and rice, and, following intensive
lobbying from powerful vested interests in the agricultural sector, Member States
deferred liberalisation in these sectors to 2009. Despite utterances of promises to
expand the EBA to a wider group of developing countries after it was launched at the
UN Conference for Least Developed Countries in May 2001, two years later EU
Member States have made little effort to expand the initiative, often using the excuse of
the EUs complex rules or origin as a barrier to further opening of markets.

The EU makes much of its position of being to be the worlds largest importer of farm
products from developing countries, but this does not tell the whole story. Many of
these imports are tropical or temperate products not grown in Europe, and in any case
the value of imported products like sugar, cereals, dairy, and rice is more than offset by
European subsidised exports of the same products.

Agriculture is not the only example that demonstrates EU protectionism. Like the USA,
the EU has eliminated only one-quarter of the import-quota restrictions that they are
committed to remove under the WTO Agreement on Textiles and Clothing.

Protectionist barriers should be dismantled by providing comprehensive duty-free

and quota-free access, not just for Least Developed Countries, but for allow-income
countries by 2005. Immediate action should be taken to provide duty-free and quota-
free access for all products exported by LDCs. Immediate action should be taken to
accelerate implementation of Multi-Fibre Agreement obligations under the Uruguay
Round agreement on textiles and clothing.

Patents and access to medicines

Owing to growing public concern, patents on and access to medicines are prominent in
the current public debate on trade and poverty. As a consequence, meaningful change
to WTO rules on TRIPs (Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) is
widely regarded as the litmus test of the so-called development round.

As the self-styled honest broker in the TRIPs negotiations at Doha between the USA
and developing countries, the EU has not been as ungenerous in this matter as that the
USA has been. At Doha, ministers promised, by the end of 2002, to find a solution to a
major flaw in the TRIPS Agreement which prevents developing countries that cannot
manufacture their own medicines from importing affordable generic versions of vital
new medicines.

EU Hypocrisy Unmasked: Why EU Trade Policy Hurts Development 5

However, the EU, and other rich countries, have put enormous pressure on developing
countries to accept a diluted and restricted solution. The solution proposed by the EU
would be very difficult for developing countries and generic companies to use, and
would fail to put developing countries on an equal footing with the rich countries, as

Oxfam wants to see a meaningful change to the TRIPS Agreement. We believe that
the current deadlock could offer the opportunity for a fresh start to develop a fair
and workable solution, one which honours the Doha Declaration but also addresses
the legitimate concerns of pharmaceutical companies.

If the EU and other rich countries do not accept the idea of a fresh start, they will
present developing countries with a cruel choice: either accept a bad deal with
unacceptable restrictions and burdensome conditions, or be content with no deal at all.
Neither option could be considered in keeping with rich countries' claimed
commitments to a Development Round. Such a solution will only discredit the Round
and intensify the demands for more substantive reforms to TRIPS, which are so
urgently required.

New issues

The EU hailed the launch of the Doha negotiating agenda as a breakthrough for
multilateralism, and an EU victory in the quest to expand the negotiating agenda to
include new agreements on investment, competition policy, and government

For developing countries, the immediate problem in expanding the WTO agenda is
that it is already overloaded, and most developing countries simply do not have the
capacity to participate meaningfully in negotiations about new global rules on the vast
and complex policy areas of investment, competition, and government procurement
even though these will have a huge impact on developing countries future
development. Moreover, negotiations are over-due on many other issues , on which
progress is vital for developing countries, but on which rich countries are making few
concessions, despite promises made at Doha. Under such circumstances, it is perverse
to insist on pushing for negotiations on investment, competition policy, and
government procurement at the WTO.

In the area of investment, the EU is the main driver for an international agreement at
the WTO. Foreign direct investment (FDI) can bring valuable benefits to developing
countries, but Oxfam believes that the WTO is the wrong forum in which to negotiate
an international agreement on investment. Its narrow liberalising mandate would
result in an unbalanced agreement that focused on investors rights and stripped, albeit
gradually, governments of their ability to regulate their own investors.

6 EU Hypocrisy Unmasked: Why EU Trade Policy Hurts Development

Following the failure of the discredited Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) at
the OECD, the EU has attempted to elaborate a development rationale. The
Commission proposes a bottom-up approach, as used in the negotiations on the
agreement on services (GATS), whereby countries can choose which sectors to
liberalise, a concession which would protect governments right to regulate sensitive
sectors. While this would be an improvement on the MAI, the prime aim remains a
general presumption in favour of non-discrimination requiring governments to treat
transnational corporations no less favourably than domestic ones and therefore the
gradual removal of government controls over foreign investment.

The new rules sought by the EU will, in practice, lead to the accelerated
monopolisation of developing country markets by transnational corporations and the
destruction of local industries. They will also rob local governments of the power to
ensure that foreign investments work for sustainable development. The experience of
GATS shows that, even in the case of a bottom-up approach, countries come under
heavy pressure to open up sectors of interest to rich-country transnational
corporations, rather than being free to follow a liberalisation schedule based on their
own development needs. This seems to be a hard lesson for the EU to learn. The latest
proposal from the Commission, entitled Investment for Development, is designed to
do little more than increase the freedoms and rights of TNCs. Despite the portentous
title, it fails to offer proposals to enhance the quantity and quality of FDI.

Oxfam believes that developing countries should ensure the right national-level
regulatory framework for foreign investment, to ensure that FDI contributes to
national development. Rich countries should regulate their companies to that end.
There are aspects of the operation of foreign firms in developing countries that must
be addressed internationally: these include price fixing, collusive tendering, tax
avoidance, environmental damage, violation of labour rights, and corruption. These
agreements should not be negotiated in the WTO, because of the current power
imbalances that prevail in that forum, and its institutional bias towards
liberalisation and deregulation.


The commercial service sector is the EUs largest and fastest-expanding export sector.
The EU arguably has a greater stake in the outcome of the negotiations of the WTO
General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) negotiations than any other sector.
Developing countries are not persuaded of the positive benefits it is claimed that they
will gain in the negotiations, and they have continued to approach these talks with

Last year, the EU made requests to 109 countries to open up specific services to them
under GATS. In comparison, it should be noted that only thirty countries made similar
requests to other countries. The EU's requests were not made fully public, even during
a 'consultation' exercise organised by the Commission in early 2003. When they were

EU Hypocrisy Unmasked: Why EU Trade Policy Hurts Development 7

finally leaked to the public, they revealed that the EU is including the world's poorest
countries in its requests for liberalisation commitments in basic service sectors such as
water delivery and energy distribution, and in key infrastructural services such as
transport and telecommunications. The EU has made requests to 14 of the 41 'low-
income' countries to open up their 'environmental services', including public water
supplies, to EU transnational corporations. The EU is also asking countries to remove
specific investor-regulation requirements which WTO Members listed as exempt from
GATS in previous negotiations. However, the great majority of countries have yet to
respond to the requests that the EU made of them at that time.

When it was launched in 1995, the development impact of GATS was planned for
review before any renegotiation started. This did not happen. Oxfam joins other
Southern and Northern NGOs in calling for a moratorium on the current
negotiations until such a review takes place.


The EU raised the expectations of developing countries in Doha. For a development

round to be meaningful, EU negotiators must abandon the mercantilist principle of
securing as much as they can from the other side, while giving away as little as

The EU has to take a leap forward before the ministerial meeting at Cancun, and
during the negotiations there, if it is to be at all credible as a force for development. We
have heard the rhetoric what we now need is genuine action.

8 May 2002

Oxfam International 2003

Oxfam International EU Advocacy Office, Rue du Commerce 22, Brussels, B-1000

Tel: 00 322 502 03 91 Fax: 00 32 502 0556

Published by Oxfam International May 2003

Published by Oxfam GB for Oxfam International under ISBN 978-1-84814-359-3

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