Climate Change Spending in Ethiopia: Recommendations To Bridge The Funding Gap For Climate Financing
Climate Change Spending in Ethiopia: Recommendations To Bridge The Funding Gap For Climate Financing
Climate Change Spending in Ethiopia: Recommendations To Bridge The Funding Gap For Climate Financing
Recommendations to bridge the funding gap for
climate financing in Ethiopia
Civil Society and government representatives attending the round table discussion on Ethiopias climate
finance study on 9th November 2015, Hilton Hotel, Addis Ababa. Photo: Tigist Gebru, Oxfam
POLICY BRIEF November 2015
POLICY BRIEF November 2015
Public spending on climate change actions, either for measures that increase the
resilience of communities to climate-related shocks or those that promote low
carbon development, is expected to increase as new government programmes
and projects are implemented and existing programmes augmented to address
climate change issues. In this context, the present level of such spending can
offer important insights as to how far the countrys climate change policy, the
Climate Resilient Green Economy strategy, has progressed. However, this type
of analysis a public expenditure review of climate change actions has not been
made before in Ethiopia. In response to this gap, in 2014 the Climate Science
Centre of Addis Ababa University, in collaboration with the Overseas
Development Institute of London, carried out an analysis of federal spending to
estimate the level of public spending on climate change.
Public expenditure on climate change can come from a variety of sources. These
include international climate funds, bilateral and multilateral donor funds, public
funds, and private sector finance. As a starting point, public funding allocated
through the federal budget was selected for study, as such spending is most
closely aligned with national policy setting and institutional arrangements. In the
2014 study, a four year period was reviewed, between 2008/2009 and 2011/12,
which represented the most recent available budget data.
Twenty three Federal Agencies were identified based on their policy engagement
and spending over the four year period and a total of 158 expenditure lines from
the development budget were classified as being climate change relevant. All
these expenditures were then categorised based on the degree of their relevance
to climate change. This approach allowed a first, broad estimate to be made of
climate change relevant expenditure that passes through the federal budget 1.
The detailed methodology and in-depth results are documented in the report Climate Finance in Ethiopia, available at:
POLICY BRIEF November 2015
The vulnerability of Ethiopia to the adverse impacts of climate change has spurred
much policy debate in recent years and Ethiopia is one of the few countries to have
formally merged its aims of developing a green economy with building greater resilience
to climate change under a single policy framework: the 2011 Climate Resilient Green
Economy (CRGE) Strategy. Significantly, the CRGE has now been mainstreamed into
the national development plan, the Growth and Transformation Plan II (2015-2020).
Public investment initiatives that have been selected to fast-track the implementation of
the green economy element of the CRGE strategy include hydropower development,
rural cooking technologies, the livestock value chain, and forestry development. These
initiatives represent a rational policy prioritization as they offer the prospect of
immediate economic growth, large carbon abatement potential, and are attractive to
international climate finance funding sources. The adaptation (or climate resilience) part
of the strategy has developed more slowly and this now needs to be enhanced so as to
secure the livelihoods of those most vulnerable to climate change. In that context, the
fast tracking of the climate resilient strategies for the agricultural, forestry and water
sectors demonstrates effective sector prioritisation by Government.
POLICY BRIEF November 2015
Implementing the CRGE strategy will require a major transformation of the entire
government administration. As already acknowledged in governments National
Capacity Development Programme, considerable public investment is now necessary
to strengthen the capacity of the government ministries and agencies charged with the
responsibility for implementing climate change programmes at all levels of government.
The public expenditure analysis of the federal budget found that climate change
relevant spending fluctuated quite considerably between 2008 and 2012, reflecting the
start-up of major development projects. The estimated average annual percentage
share of such expenditure over the four years was 15 percent of total government
expenditure, representing 1.8 percent of GDP.
Figure 1: Climate change relevant expenditure at federal level as a percentage of GDP (million
Budget year Total climate relevant expenditure Climate change relevant expenditure
(million Birr) (% GDP)
2008/09 5,945 1.5
2009/10 10,263 2.3
2010/11 8,409 1.7
2011/12 9,970 1.8
Most climate change relevant spending over the four year period was found in
investment programmes where responding to climate change was a secondary
objective of the expenditure. This pattern of spending is consistent with a government
resource prioritisation plan that focuses on economic development, whilst taking
climate change into consideration. Significant investments were found in agriculture
and infrastructure development, such as renewable energy generation (e.g. hydro,
geothermal and wind power), to ensure food security and the promotion of industrial
growth. However, this expenditure was found to have low budget credibility, with
execution rates of between 25 and 35 percent, suggesting that many climate change
related programmes are suffering from delays in implementation.
Spending was concentrated in relatively few federal Ministries and Agencies. The
Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy hosted
approximately three quarters of the total climate change relevant programmes in
2011/12, followed by the Ministry of Health, the Environmental Protection Authority, and
the Ministry of Urban Development and Housing Construction. This represents a logical
prioritisation of sectors where the early impacts of climate change can be expected to
be significant.
At least for its on-budget spending, Ethiopia depends mostly upon its own resources for
financing the public investment programmes designed to address climate change. The
international community has yet to meet its various commitments of pledged support.
POLICY BRIEF November 2015
Financial resources at the Woreda level come mainly from federal transfers through the
regions. Local government planning, and corresponding budgeting, is carried out to
comply with national development plan targets, following a framework plan determined
at federal and regional levels. At the Woreda level there is therefore very little flexibility,
if any, to include additional activities beyond this framework. This raises significant
challenges for new demands on public spending, such as for climate change actions.
However, with the mainstreaming of the CRGE strategy into the GTP II, there is now
potential for climate change related funding opportunities to appear at the Woreda level.
A major constraint to such actions is that the causes, impacts and possible responses
to climate change are poorly understood amongst district government officials. A range
of activities that are relevant to the response to climate change, e.g. early warning
systems for floods and droughts, integrated watershed development and the
diversification of income sources that increase the resilience of vulnerable
communities, need to be explicitly recognised as such.
POLICY BRIEF November 2015
The effectiveness of climate finance delivery depends on the linkages between policy
formulation, the institutional architecture of implementing agencies and the national
budgetary system. These interactions are complex and are dependent on there being
sufficient capacity to secure successful implementation. Much progress has been made
on developing an overarching policy framework for climate change in Ethiopia: the
CRGE strategy. This national strategy, which is now fully mainstreamed into the
national development plan, provides guidance for both the coordination and
implementation challenges that confront the countrys response to climate change. In
many respects, the trajectory of the governments delivery programme has been set.
There is now an opportunity to build on this first climate change public expenditure
review to develop a system that tracks the level of public spending on both mitigation
and adaptation actions within the national budget. Such a system would allow the
government to readily identify gaps in funding, thus improving the coordination and
management of the CRGE strategy. By demonstrating Governments own investment
on climate change actions in a transparent way, it would also strengthen the case for an
increased contribution from international climate funds.
Dr Zewdu Eshetu is Director of the Climate Science Centre at Addis Ababa University
Neil Bird is a Research Fellow at the Overseas Development Institute, London