Creativity & Intelligence
Creativity & Intelligence
Creativity & Intelligence
4.0 Introduction
4.1 Objectives
4.2 Creativity
4.2.1 Meaning and Aspects of Creativity
4.2.2 Investment and Confluence Theory of Creativity
4.2.3 Aspects of Creativity
4.2.4 Stages of Creativity
4.2.5 Creativity and Intelligence
4.2.6 Measurement of Creativity
4.3 Problem Solving
4.3.1 Terms Related to Problem Solving
4.3.2 Typologies of Problems
4.3.3 Stages of Problem Solving
4.3.4 Strategies of Problem Solving Algorithms Heuristics
4.3.5 Factors Affecting Problem Solving
4.4 Let Us Sum Up
4.5 Unit End Questions
4.6 Glossary
4.7 Suggested Readings and References
Human being is exceptionally blessed with the higher level thinking abilities of
creativity and problem solving. Such activities require use of already stored
information along with the information concurrently received from the
environment. A thorough account of these multi-step processes will be presented
in this unit. First of all, we will discuss meaning, aspects and stages of creativity.
This will be followed by a description of measurement of creativity and its
relationship with intelligence. We will also discuss meaning, stages and strategies
of problem solving. Finally, factors affecting problem solving will be discussed.
After reading this unit, you will be able to:
Explain meaning, aspects and stages of creativity;
Describe the tests to measure creativity and relate it with intelligence;
Explain meaning, stages and strategies of problem solving; and
Analyse the factors affecting problem solving.
Intelligence and Creativity
The most advanced thought process, creativity, involves production of uncommon
and novel ideas that are highly relevant to the situation. Creativity is defined as
something different from intelligence and as a parallel construct to intelligence,
but it differs from intelligence in that it is not restricted to cognitive or intellectual
functioning or behaviour. Instead, it is concerned with a complex mix of
motivational conditions, personality factors, environmental conditions, chance
factors, and even products (Michalko, 1998).
Newell, Shaw and Simon (1963) have explained the nature of creativity on the
basis of following four criteria:
a) Novelty and usefulness
b) Rejects previously accepted ideas
c) Requires intense motivation and persistence
d) Results from organising the unclear situation in a coherent, clear and new
Sternberg (2006) reports five commonalities in the research of creativity. These
1) Creativity involves thinking that aims at producing ideas or products that
are relatively novel and that are, in some respect, compelling.
2) Creativity has some domain-specific and domain-general elements in the
sense that it needs some specific knowledge, but there are certain elements
of creativity that cut across different domains.
3) Creativity is measureable, at least to some extent.
4) Creativity can be developed and promoted.
5) Creativity is not highly rewarded in practice, as it is supposed to be in theory.
Sternberg and Lubart (1999) define creativity as the ability to produce work that
is both novel (i.e. original, unexpected) and appropriate (i.e. useful concerning
tasks constrains).
There are two types of creativeity (i) little-c (or everyday) creativity and (ii) Big-
C (or eminent) creativity. The latter two forms of creativity rely on interpersonal
and historical judgments of novelty, appropriateness, and lasting impact.
Intellectual skills: Three intellectual skills are particularly important: (a) the
synthetic skill to see problems in new ways and to escape the bounds of
conventional thinking, (b) the analytic skill to recognise which of ones ideas are
worth pursuing and which are not, and (c) the practicalcontextual skill to know
how to persuade others ofto sell other people onthe value of ones ideas.
The confluence of these three skills is also important. Analytic skills used in the
absence of the other two skills results in powerful critical, but not creative,
thinking. Synthetic skill used in the absence of the other two skills results in new
ideas that are not subjected to the scrutiny required to improve them and make
them work. Practicalcontextual skill in the absence of the other two skills may
result in societal acceptance of ideas not because the ideas are good, but rather,
because the ideas have been well and powerfully presented.
Knowledge: On the one hand, one needs to know enough about a field to move
it forward. One cannot move beyond where a field is if one does not know where
it is. On the other hand, knowledge about a field can result in a closed and
Intelligence and Creativity entrenched perspective, resulting in a persons not moving beyond the way in
which he or she has seen problems in the past. Knowledge thus can help, or it
can hinder creativity.
Thinking styles: Thinking styles are preferred ways of using ones skills. In
essence, they are decisions about how to deploy the skills available to a person.
With regard to thinking styles, a legislative style is particularly important for
creativity, that is, a preference for thinking and a decision to think in new ways.
This preference needs to be distinguished from the ability to think creatively:
Someone may like to think along new lines, but not think well, or vice versa. It
also helps to become a major creative thinker, if one is able to think globally as
well as locally, distinguishing the forest from the trees and thereby recognising
which questions are important and which ones are not.
4.2.3 Aspects of Creativity Creativity and Problem
Guilford (1986) considered creative thinking as involving divergent thinking,
which emphasises fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration. Guilford,
however, noted that creative thinking is not the same as divergent thinking,
because creativity requires sensitivity to problems as well as redefinition abilities,
which include transformations of thought, reinterpretations, and freedom from
functional fixedness in driving unique solutions. In order to develop Torrance
Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT) and in its further revisions, Torrance (1966,
1974) has explained six components of creativity. He has described these aspects
of creativity in terms of their mode of measurement. These aspects of creativity
1) Fluency: The number of relevant ideas; shows an ability to produce a number
of figural images.
2) Flexibility: Flexibility is the individuals ability to produce not only a large
number of responses, ideas or solutions to a problem, but also a variety of
responses, ideas or solutions to a problem.
3) Originality: The number of statistically infrequent ideas; shows an ability
to produce uncommon or unique responses.
4) Elaboration: The number of added ideas; demonstrates the subjects ability
to develop and elaborate on ideas.
5) Abstractness of Titles: The degree beyond labeling; based on the idea that
creativity requires an abstraction of thought. It measures the degree a title
moves beyond concrete labeling of the pictures drawn.
6) Resistance to Premature Closure: The degree of psychological openness;
based on the belief that creative behaviour requires a person to consider a
variety of information when processing information and to keep an open
Stage of preparation: The subject begins to gather information about the problem
to be solved and attempts some solutions. This stage is characterised by a state
of trial-and-error in learning. Therefore, the subject is advised to learn as much
as possible about the problem area. In preparation the thinker begins recalling
personal experiences and investigating in all different directions to gather
information about the problem to be solved. The object of defining the focus
question of interest is to list all concepts associated with the focus question.
Since the goal from this procedure is to generate the largest possible list, the
thinker should not worry about redundancy, relative importance, or relationships
at this point.
Stage of incubation: In the second stage the solution exists but is not clear. The
subject must not intentionally work on the problem. Instead it is allowed to sink
into the unconscious. In this stage the solution exists but is not clear. Therefore,
the thinker must not intentionally work on the problem. Instead, he/she should
be allowed to sink into the unconscious and the thinker is advised to relax and
reflect on his/her focus question which might lead him/her to modification of
the focus question.
Stage of illumination: In the third stage the subject suddenly experiences insight
into the problem when a new solution, idea, or relationship emerges. In other
words, the subject attempts to reformulate his/her ideas or to formulate new
ones. The subject is more active and more conscious work is needed in this
stage. In the stage of illumination the thinker experiences insight into the problem
when a new solution, idea, or relationship emerges. Thus, he/she attempts to
reformulate his/her ideas or to formulate new ones.
Stage of verification: Finally, the subject tries and checks the solution. In this Creativity and Problem
stage some modification may also occur to ideas reached in the previous stages.
In the stage of verification the thinker tests, tries and checks the solution he/she
created. Since this stage is the final one, the thinker may well make some
modification to his/her ideas which he/she reached in the previous stages. In this
stage thinker should rework the structure of his/her map to represent his/her
collective understanding of the interrelationships and connections among
groupings, which may include adding, subtracting, or changing super-ordinate
concepts, thus, he/she may need to review his/her concept map as he/she gains
new knowledge or new insights.
In some situations, the above stages may appear in a different order, or combined
into two or three stages. They also do not occur regularly. For example, sometimes
the subjects knowledge of the problem area allows him/her to pass over the first
stage (preparation) and move on to the next stage (incubation) or even to the
third stage.
This position denies not only the influence of intelligence, but of any individual
difference beyond knowledge and motivational factors, on creativity.
A high IQ has proven as insufficient for creativity ever since Termans (1925)
famous longitudinal study of 1528 highly gifted children, which had a mean IQ
of 151. While most of these children achieved remarkable occupational success
in later life, none of them showed a noteworthy sign of creativity. Most of the
studies concerning the association between psychometric intelligence and
creativity yielded only a weak relationship. For example, Torrance (1977) reported
that the median of 178 correlation coefficients between IQ and the TTCT was
only .20. Also, factor analyses of IQ and creativity tests yielded separate factors.
The most widely used test on creativity is the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking
(TTCT). It is also the one that has the most extended research on their reliability
and validity (Kim 2006). This test has been translated into more than 30 languages
and it is used in different places as a tool to assess creative potential. It is based
on Guilfords Structure of the Intellect (SOI) battery that included some measures
of divergent thinking. Thus, it measures creativity through divergent thinking.
The TTCT was developed in 1966, and it has been re-normed four times: 1974,
1984, 1990 and 1998. There are two forms, TTCT-Verbal and Figural with two
parallel tests (form A and B). Each test is expected to measure
1) Fluency: The number of ideas: Total number of relevant responses.
2) Originality: The rarity of ideas: Number of statistically infrequent ideas.
The score is 0 if the idea is common, and 1 if it is unique.
3) Elaboration: The number of added ideas.
4) Flexibility: Number of categories of the relevant responses.
In 1990 Torrance deleted the flexibility scale, since it correlated highly with
fluency and added two measures of creative potential, viz., (i) abstractness of
titles and (ii) resistance to premature closure.
While (i) abstractness of title refers to the degree a title moves beyond concrete
labelling of pictures drawn, (ii) resistance to premature closure pertains to measure
the degree of psychological openness. The test can be administered in around 30
minutes, but the process of scoring requires some training and specific country
The 1998 manual provides norms for the United States and includes both grade
related and age related norms. Thus, there is some country specificity in the
measurement of creativity. Kim (2006) reported some normative measures in
other countries. These norms have usually been developed for research activities.
Criticisms against TTCT
There are 4 main criticisms against this test and these are:
1) The response set might influence the results. Thus, different order in the
presentation of the items leads to different results.
2) Creativity tests administered under different conditions lead to differences
in performance.
3) Raters of the TTCT might differ considerably in their scores to a similar
4) The structure of the test itself is inadequate.
Creativity and Problem
Self Assessment Questions Solving
1) Explain the stages of creativity.
2) Describe how creativity is related to intelligence.
3) Explain the threshold hypothesis.
4) Give an account of measurement of creativity.
The person concerned who is with the initial state of the problem and wants to
reach the goal, puts in efforts to reach that goal. There may be obstacles to reach
the goal which will have to be overcome.
Person / operator: This refers to the person who is in the initial state and strives
to achieve the coal or end state through application of certain skills and techniques
which would facilitate overcoming the obstacle and reaching the goal state.
Operator manipulates the elements involved in the problem internally with the
help of some global or personal symbols or visual images.
Problem space: Initial state, goal state and operator combine to form the problem
space. The problem space includes a number of elements in it that are required
to be organised in a particular manner. A successful understanding of the problem
space would require: coherence, correspondence and relationship to background
knowledge. Coherent understanding of the problem space refers to connecting
the elements in a meaningful manner. A successful understanding also requires a
close correspondence between the internal representation and the elements of
the problem space. None of the elements should be left unmatched and also
none of them should be mismatched. Therefore, proper matched connections
should be made among all the elements.
Rules: These refer to rules that exist in converting the problem state into a goal
More specifically it may be stated that Problem solving behaviour begins with
an obstacle or difference between original or initial state and goal or end state.
The goal is desired by the person/s or operator/s in the situation and has some
properties defined by the operator.., defined by some rules, to convert the problem
state into the goal state.
Initial State
Goal State
At the initial state, there are three discs placed in peg A. Operator is required to
move all the three discs on to the peg C. Rules of the game are that only one and
the top disc can be moved at a time and the bigger disc cannot be placed over the
smaller one.
Intelligence and Creativity Problems of Arrangement:
Problems of arrangement requires the operator to rearrange the elements of the
problem according to some criterion. In some of such problems the arrangement
criterion is predefined, while in others the operator himself is required to discover
it. An example of such problems is anagram in which order of letters of a word
changed and the operator is asked to rearrange their sequence to form a meaningful
4.3.4 Strategies of Problem Solving Creativity and Problem
Even if the operator has all the basic knowledge and background skills, yet there
is no guarantee that they will solve the problem successfully. Algorithms
An algorithm is a strategy that ensures the correct solution of the problem, if the
well-defined rule of the solution is properly followed. In an anagram problem,
an algorithm would be attempting all the possible letter sequences until the correct
and meaningful word is found. There are four essential properties of an algorithm:
1) Each step of an algorithm must be exact. An algorithm must be precisely
and unambiguously described, so that there remains no uncertainty.
2) An algorithm must terminate. The ultimate purpose of an algorithm is to
solve a problem. If the process does not stop when executed, one will not be
able to get any result from it. Therefore, an algorithm must contain a finite
number of steps in its execution.
3) An algorithm must be effective. It must provide the correct answer to the
4) An algorithm must be general. This means that it must solve every instance
of the problem. For example, a program that computes the area of a rectangle
should work on all possible dimensions of the rectangle, within the limits
of the programming language and the machine.
Although algorithm is a guarantee to reach to the solution, the effort and time
involved in using it is so great that a human operator rarely uses this strategy. Heuristics
Heuristics are general suggestions or rules of thumb that are useful in solving
a variety of problems. Heuristics are powerful and general. They do not ensure
a correct solution to the problem. That is why there are so many of them and if
one does not work, another may be tried upon. General heuristics are usually
context free and apply across many different situations. Specific heuristics are
used in specialised areas, like applying the conservation of momentum principle
to solve collision problems in physics, or telling students to check the units,
neglect small terms, or use crude approximations.
Means-end analysis
Probably the most common and general heuristic is the means-end analysis.
Simply stated, this heuristic says to do something to get a little closer to the goal.
This heuristic helps break down a problem into pieces. For example, the ultimate
Intelligence and Creativity goal is taken in short term goals and each of these short term goals will have to
be achieved and doing so helps the person to get closer to the goal and ultimately
reach it.
If a large problem is broken down into pieces, it is important to self monitor the
sub goals, that is whether the person has achieved it or not. This self-monitoring
is known as meta-cognition. Meta-cognition is essential for any extended activity,
especially problem solving, because the problem solver needs to be aware of the
current activity, of the overall goal, the strategies used to attain the goal and the
effectiveness of those strategies.
Working backward
This strategy starts with the goal state and the operator moves backward toward
the initial state. This strategy is found to be very useful in solving problems like
paper-pencil maze. Sometimes the problem solver uses this method by combining
it with the means end analysis. However, working backward is useful only when
the end state is uniquely well defined with an unclear initial state.
Heuristic of analogy uses experiences of strategies used to solve past problems
in solving a current problem. This strategy relies on discovering common attributes
among various problems solved at previous occasions and the problem being
faced presently.
If the problem is a general one which is frequently encountered, the problem Creativity and Problem
solver becomes familiar with the steps to be followed to reach the solution
and therefore, the problem becomes less difficult.
iii) The perceivers Set is defined as a tendency to perceive and respond to a
particular stimulus in a stereotypical manner. Set is formed in a situation
where a person successively and systematically perceives and responds to a
stimulus in a similar way. Set may prove to have facilitatory, as well as
inhibitory impact on problem solving.
If the past experience paved the way to the formation of certain mental set,
then the solution will become easier. But in case of greater difference among
the experiences, the mental set would hinder finding solution to the problem.
An example of the effect of set may be observed by pronouncing the
following words:
If you pronounced the last word as MacHinery, the effect of set worked on
you. However, the effect of set can be minimized by increasing time interval
between practice and trial, by explicit instruction to not follow the previously
learned rules and by introducing some exceptions in the practice.
iv) Functional fixedness: Generally we categorise objects on the basis of their
use in our daily life. Whenever we think of those objects their functional
features dominate our thought process. Functional fixedness refers to the
tendency to perceive the objects with their customary and stereotypical use.
In a broader sense, functional fixedness is also an example of mental set, which
hinders the probability to achieve solution.
Intelligence and Creativity
3) Explain the various types of problems.
4) Give an account of the strategies used in problem solving.
5) Describe the factors affecting problem solving.
Problem solving is another kind of directed thinking that begins with an obstacle
or a difference between initial state and the goal state. The person is required to
reorganise the problem situation to remove the obstacle and convert the problem
state into then goal state. A successful understanding of problem space requires
coherence, correspondence and relationship to background knowledge. Types of
problems referred in the psychological researches are well-defined and ill-defined Creativity and Problem
problems, problems of inducing structure, transformation and arrangement.
Cognitive psychologists have described two major types of strategies used in
problem solving: algorithms and heuristics. The factors affecting the success of
problem solving behaviour include the size of the problem, difference between
problem state and goal state, generality of tje problem and set and functional
fixedness of the problem solver.
Creativity : Creativity is a goal directed thinking which is
unusual, novel and useful.
Historical creativity : Historical creativity is a creative thinking that
becomes so important that it influence the whole
human civilisation.
Investment theory : Investment theory states that creativity requires
a confluence of six distinct but interrelated
resources: intellectual abilities, knowledge,
styles of thinking, personality, motivation, and
Threshold hypothesis : The hypothesis that state that a minimal level
of IQ, often arbitrary set to 120 should be
necessary, but not sufficient for creativity.
Problem solving : The directed thought process involved in a
persons effort to remove obstacles in the way
to achieve the goal state is called problem
Well-defined and : A problem is well-defined if there is a definable
ill-defined problems initial state and a goal state, the number of
operators is definite and they all are well
identified and there are quite explicit rules and
Intelligence and Creativity sub-goals to convert the initial state into the goal
state. On the contrary, in case of ill-defined
problem one or all of the elements of the
problem space (initial state, goal state, operators
and rules) are not clearly defined.
Problems of inducing : Problems of inducing structure require determining
structure relationship among several elements of the
Problems of transformation : Problems of transformation require finding a
sequence of operations to transform the initial
state into the goal state.
Problems of arrangement : Problems of arrangement requires the operator
to rearrange the elements of the problem
according to some criterion.
Strategy of problem solving : A strategy is a set of sequential steps (or
procedure) used by a problem solver in arriving
at a solution.
Algorithm : An algorithm is a strategy that ensures the
correct solution of the problem, if the well-
defined rule of the solution is properly followed.
Heuristics : Heuristics are general suggestions or rules of
thumb that are useful in solving a great variety
of problems but do not ensure a correct solution
to the problem.
Set : Set is defined as a tendency to perceive and
respond to a particular stimulus in a stereotypical
Functional fixedness : Functional fixedness refers to the tendency to
perceive the objects with their customary and
stereotypical use.