Learning The Lessons? Assessing The Response To The 2012 Food Crisis in The Sahel To Build Resilience For The Future
Learning The Lessons? Assessing The Response To The 2012 Food Crisis in The Sahel To Build Resilience For The Future
Learning The Lessons? Assessing The Response To The 2012 Food Crisis in The Sahel To Build Resilience For The Future
Suzanne Ouedraogo, 60, lives in Fanka village, Burkina Faso, and receives cash-for-work as part of the 2012 Sahel food crisis response.
Photo: Pablo Tosco/Intermon Oxfam.
Assessing the response to the 2012 food crisis in the Sahel to build resilience for
the future
In 2012, the Sahel was once again hit by a severe food crisis affecting
more than 18 million people. The regions governments, donors and aid
agencies were determined to avoid mistakes made in the response to
previous crises. But while their response was better in many respects,
there were still some critical shortcomings. The poorest families and
communities suffered most, as deep-seated inequalities made some
people far more vulnerable than others. While continuing to address the
enormous humanitarian and recovery needs in the region, we also must
all learn the lessons from the 2012 response and develop a new model
that will allow better prevention and management of future crises. The
growing momentum around the concept of resilience offers considerable
potential to achieve this, but only if all actors work together to turn
rhetoric into action that brings lasting improvements for the poorest
communities across the Sahel.
www.oxfam.org contributions
In 2012, the Sahel region of West and Central Africa was once again hit by a
severe food crisis as drought reduced food production, drove up food prices
and exposed millions of already chronically vulnerable people to another year
of hardship and hunger.
At its peak, over 18 million people across nine countries were affected, and
more than 1 million childrens lives were at risk because households could not
obtain enough food. In Chad, women were forced to dig in anthills to find
grains, while across the region, hundreds of thousands of families were forced
to cut down their meals to just one a day.
The crisis was certainly on a large scale, but it should not have been Weve only harvested
unexpected. Recurrent drought has become a feature of the Sahels four sacks of millet this
changing climate, and the 2012 crisis came shortly after similar drought- year, compared with the
related crises in 2010 and 2005, as well as a food price crisis in 2008. Many 20 we can get in a
normal year. But its a
communities are now chronically vulnerable230,000 children die of causes
long time since we had
related to undernutrition1 even in a good harvest year2so even relatively a normal year. We go
small shocks can have huge impacts. from one catastrophe to
another, because of
The humanitarian response to previous crises in the Sahel and, more either too much water or
recently, in the Horn of Africa had been widely criticised as too little, too too little.
late. At the start of 2012, when the crisis began to unfold, many Ramata Zore, Taffogo, Centre-
governments, donors and aid agencies were determined not to make the Nord region, Burkina Faso, April
same mistakes again. They were resolved not only to making a more
effective response to this crisis, but also to doing more to help communities
build their resilience in the face of inevitable future shocks and crises.
The analysis reveals that, although the 2012 response was better in many
respects than the response to previous crises, there were still some significant
shortcomings that need to be addressed.
Mixed performance
Looking back at the 2012 response gives no grounds for complacency. While
the early warning systems provided the information needed for an early
response, there was still disagreement about the likely severity of the crisis.
Some donors, such as the European Communitys Humanitarian Office
(ECHO), acted earlier than in previous years, but overall, donor funding was
no more timely than before. By the beginning of July 2012 and the peak of the
crisis, the UN appeal remained just under 50 per cent funded.3
Unlike in earlier crises, most governments in the region did react to the early
warning signs: Niger, for example, appealed for support six months earlier than
it did during the 2010 crisis. Yet significant technical, financial and political
barriers remained, and support provided by donors and international NGOs
failed to strengthen national capacity and leadership of the response. In
Senegal, for instance, the domestic focus on the presidential elections
prevented an early response; elsewhere, national governments were often
marginal players, with donor funding largely bypassing state systems.
So, despite some improvements, millions of people still did not get the help
they needed. On the one hand, more children received treatment for acute
undernutrition in the region than ever before, and the World Food Programme
(WFP) alone reaching between 5 and 6 million people with food and nutritional
assistance. On the other hand, 5.6 million people did not receive the seeds,
tools and fertiliser they needed to plant for the next harvest, making it even
harder for them to recover from the crisis and build up some reserves to
mitigate the impacts of the next crisis.
That is the most immediate priority. But governments, donors and aid What we learnt from
agencies must also get better at preventing and managing future crises. The repeated, massive
concept of resilience offers potential to do this, but only if it looks beyond the
immediate causes of recurrent crises. interventions in the
region is: it is imperative
All of those involved in dealing with food insecurity in the regionincluding to change the way we
respond to the crises in
Oxfammust use existing know-how to help communities build resilience as
the Sahel.
effectively and sustainably as possible. It is vital to increase investment in
David Gressly, UN Regional
small-scale agriculture, local and national food reserves, and social Humanitarian Coordinator4
protection programmes, as well as scaling up efforts to prevent and treat
undernutrition. It is also necessary to tackle key structural challenges that
weakened the 2012 response, just as they did previous responses. This report
recommends that action is taken to address three such challenges:
Develop a shared understanding of vulnerability to food insecurity so that
support is targeted to the poorest and responses can be launched rapidly;
Break down barriers between humanitarian and development actors so that
long-term and emergency programmes effectively support each other;
Invest in strengthening the capacity of national and local actors so that
governments can deliver large-scale, sustained support to their citizens.
Yet that cannot be all. Ultimately, governments, donors and aid agencies
must also tackle the inequalities that lie at the heart of crises present and The leadership of our
past, which make some people much more vulnerable than others. These regional organisations
must be recognised.
entrenched inequalities also prevent the benefits of economic growth
These organisations
reaching millions of people, particularly women, who are often socially and must in return commit to
economically marginalised and politically excluded. mobilising their own
resources to implement
Helping the Sahels poorest communities escape the vicious cycle of hunger their policies and
and poverty will be no easy task in the face of enormous challenges such as harmonise their
climate change, resource scarcity, population growth, urbanisation, and interventions at all
growing insecurity, with the crisis in Mali underlining the potential levels. Nowhere in
consequences of exclusion and under-development. But it can and must be the world has resilience
achieved, and 2013 provides a critical opportunity for a breakthrough. been achieved
National governments, regional bodies, donors, UN agencies, and national exclusively through
development co-
and international NGOs all have a responsibility to help communities in the
operation. That is why
Sahel to seize this opportunity.
we are asking the co-
operation agencies to
develop an approach
that supports our action,
standing behind us and
with us.
Mamadou Cissokho, Roppa
Honorary President and Civil
Society Representative to AGIR
In 2012, the Sahel region faced an extreme food crisis, affecting more than 18
million people in nine countries at its peak.6 Some 8 million people faced
severe food insecurity. Households across the region struggled to obtain
enough food to survive. One million children under the age of five were at risk
of dying from undernutrition.7
Food crises are not a new phenomenon in the Sahel. The region has a history
of drought, food insecurity and undernutrition. It has long had one of the
highest poverty rates in the world.8
Despite recent economic growth in some of the countries affected by the crisis,
the benefits are not reaching the most vulnerable and marginalised
communities. Notwithstanding a move towards urbanisation, populations in the
Sahel remain largely ruraldepending on traditional crop-based agricultural
and/or pastoral livelihoods. Even within rural areas, inequalities are
increasing.9 The outcomes from baseline surveys for the Household Economy
Approach10 (HEA) indicate a growing gap between rich and poor. For example,
in the Dosso district of Niger the survey revealed that wealthy household
income was almost 10 times greater than a typical very poor household.11 For
the poorest households, the situation is getting worse: population growth is
making it harder to produce enough food to meet their needs each year; the
weather-related impacts of climate change threaten to exacerbate the problem;
high and rising food prices are putting even basic foodstuffs out of reach of
many families; and governments have not invested sufficiently in policies to
support the poorest and most vulnerable citizens. As a result, even slight
reductions in rainfall or production are enough to reduce poor households
access to sufficient food, prompting a crisis. Coping mechanisms on which
communities have relied for generations, such as migrating herds to seek
better pasture elsewhere, no longer provide an adequate answer as herds are
depleted and pastureland reduced. Any reserves poor households had have
run desperately short as they had already faced three major drought-related
food crises in the past seven yearsin 2005, 2010 and 2012as well as the
food price crisis in 2008.
The response by national governments and aid agencies to food crises, in the
Sahel and elsewhere, has been generally poor. The responses to the 2005
and 2010 crises in the Sahel were heavily criticised as being too little, too
late.12 There was also widespread criticism of the dangerous delay in the
response to the 2011 East Africa food crisis, which resulted in the unnecessary
loss of lives and irreparable damage to livelihoods.13
The persistently high levels of need in the Sahel, coupled with an increasingly
fragile context, mean that a business-as-usual approach to responding to food
crises is no longer an option. National governments, donors, UN agencies and
NGOs are calling for a new collective approach to tackling vulnerability and
managing risk in the region. The shared goal must be to deliver effective
responses to crises, while at the same time addressing the underlying social,
economic and political factors that make some communities, households and
individuals more vulnerable than others during a crisis.
The rest of this report is divided into four sections. Section 2 examines the
impact of the 2012 crisis and its causes. Section 3 assesses the extent to
which collectively we were able to overcame past shortcomings and deliver a
better response in 2012. Section 4 looks at how key structural challenges that
emerged from the 2012 response can be overcome as part of a broader
agenda to help communities build their resilience. While the concept of
resilience covers the broad range of shocks and stresses populations may
face, this section focuses on the potential of resilience building measure to
tackle chronic food insecurity in the region. Section 5 sets out
recommendations for action by governments, donors and aid agencies.
The analysis presented here is drawn from a wide range of sources, including
interviews with Oxfam staff and more than 30 external bodiesUN agencies,
donors and government departmentsheld between September and
December 2012. It also reflects the views of communities expressed during
focus group discussions and via questionnaires in Burkina Faso (June 2012),
Chad (October 2012) and Niger (December 2012). It draws on the
perspectives of civil society groups in six countries and, in particular, their
analysis of the Charter for Food Crisis Prevention and Management produced
by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), as well as
numerous official documents and specific research on the response.14 Finally,
the report reflects the latest thinking around food security and resilience in the
Compared with other recent crises in the Sahel, the food and nutritional crisis
in 2012 was exceptional because of the number of people and countries
affected. The regional dimension of the crisis meant that there were few
options for support from neighbouring countries to help deal with its worst
impacts. Limited food supplies were available on local markets, and the
possibility of migration to seek pasture or alternative sources of income was
The first warnings of a potential crisis in the region came in November 2011
when it was confirmed that there would be below-average production for the
201112 harvest. In the end, production was 26 per cent lower than the
previous years bumper harvest and 3 per cent lower than the five-year
average, albeit with variation from country to country.15
Reduced production meant many food stocks were already depleted by the Weve only harvested
beginning of 2012. For some communities in the Gura region of Chad, for four sacks of millet this
example, this harvest only provided enough food for two months. This left year, compared with the
them with no food stocks for as much as 10 months until the next main 20 we can get in a
normal year. But its a
harvest towards the end of 2012.16
long time since we had
a normal year. We go
The hardships initially triggered by the poor harvests were exacerbated by
from one catastrophe to
soaring food prices. The impact of production deficits across the region, as another, because of
well as rising fuel prices and the impact of insecurity on market functioning, either too much water or
was further compounded by a lack of transparency around stock availability too little.
and speculation.17 Many of the poorest households in the region rely heavily Ramata Zore, Taffogo, Centre-
on local markets for food. Even druing a normal year, families can spend Nord region, Burkina Faso, April
more than 60 per cent of household income on purchasing food to survive.18
By the second half of 2011, food prices across the region were already well
above the five-year average, and continued to rise throughout 2012. As Figure
1 shows, the price of a 100kg bag of millet in the Nigerien capital, Niamey,
rose from 16,000 CFA francs in September 2011 to 28,000 CFA francs in
September 2012. In Bamako, Mali, food prices more than doubledthe
regional situation compounded by domestic political instability and insecurity in
the north of the country. These staggering price increases meant that many of
the poorest households could no longer afford to buy enough food.
Figure 1: The fluctuating price of 100kg of millet (December 2006 to
November 2012)
Dec 06 Dec 08 Dec 10
This situation is made all the more precarious because of climate change and
population growth. In East Africa, the link between climate change and the
latest food crisis has already been confirmed by a group of scientists, with
climate models indicating that climate change is responsible for between 24
per cent and 99 per cent of the risk of failure of the long rains.22 In the Sahel,
the combination of rising temperatures and greater variability in rainfall as a
result of climate change is likely to continue to shorten growing seasons and
reduce crop yields. According to the Agrhymet Regional Centre,23 a 3C rise in
temperate could result in a 1525 per cent drop in millet and sorghum yields,
and a 5 per cent drop in maize yields, in Burkina Faso and Niger by 2080,
compared with the average for the second half of the 20th century.24 Every
year, the population in the Sahel region increases by another 3 per cent, which
makes it harder to fill the gap between supply and demand at each harvest.25
The food security situation in the Sahel has been further compromised by
political instability. The crises in Libya and Cte dIvoire considerably reduced
opportunities for migrant workers, cutting off a vital source of additional income
for 3 million people, many of whom were heavily reliant on support from family
members working in neighbouring countries.26 The conflict in Mali forced
nearly 375,000 people to flee, seeking refuge elsewhere in the country or in
neighbouring Burkina Faso, Mauritania or Niger.27 Far from their homes, many
of these people have had to rely on the generosity of communities already
struggling to get enough to eat because of the food crisis.
The impact: critical food security needs and undernutrition The 2012 food crisis
has affected us all. In
The 2012 food crisis in the Sahel led to a significant deterioration in food the 1992 crisis,
security and an increase in mortality for undernourished children across the communities opened up
region. According to the Cadre Harmonis (CH), the framework for analysing their grain stores to
and classifying food security in the region, at the peak of the crisis in mid- refugees. This time,
those hosting refugees
2012, certain areasincluding parts of Mauritania, northern Mali and the
simply cant help them.
Sahel band in Chadfaced extreme food insecurity, just one category
Mayor of Deou, Sahel region,
away from famine, while vast swathes of the region were in a critical Burkina Faso, June 2012
Levels of undernutrition in the region are generally high all year round. In an
average year, 1015 per cent of children suffer from Global Acute Malnutrition
(GAM)the sum of those suffering from severe and moderate acute
malnutrition.29 The 2012 food crisis considerably worsened the situation,
surpassing emergency thresholds in many areas, as shown in Figure 3.30 The
number of those needing treatment for undernutritionconsistently high in the
regionwas 20 per cent higher in 2012 than in 2011, equalling the numbers
needing treatment during the 2010 crisis.31
Figure 3: Global acute malnutrition rates as a percentage of children
sampled in different areas of the Sahel, 2011 and 2012
Jun 2011 Jul 2012 May 2011 Jul 2012 Aug-Sep May-Jul
2011 2012
Mauritania Niger Chad - Sahel Band
Source: UNICEF presentation to Regional Food Security and Nutrition Working Group, October 2012
The hardest hit: the poorest women and children A lot of men leave the
village for the Salamat,
Women and children are the hardest hit during food crises. The systematic where they can find
marginalisation of womeneconomically, socially and politicallyand jobs. But a poor woman
discriminatory norms and practices mean that they have less access to land, like me does not have
these opportunities. My
credit, agricultural inputs and other means of generating income.32 Within the
children and I are at the
household, women tend to eat last and least, and their limited access to mercy of the crisiswe
quality nutrition is exacerbated during a food crisis. In addition, a survey will have to try and
conducted by the government of Chad in the Barh el Gazel region in 2011 survive whatever
showed that female-headed households were almost twice as likely to suffer happens to us.
from food insecurity as male-headed households.33 Khadidja Khazali, widow with
seven children, Chad, November
As initial warnings of the potential human impact of the 2012 crisis emerged,
considerable national, regional and international resources were mobilised in a
large-scale response. Governments in the region acknowledged the crisis
earlier than ever and developed ambitious response plans. The UN launched
appeals at the beginning of 2012, and updated requirements in June to call for
$1.6bn. Over the course of the year, 70 per cent of these appeals were
funded, and almost $500m was donated for response interventions outside the
scope of the appeals.34 Thanks to the efforts of the UN World Food
Programme (WFP), between 5 and 6 million people received food and
nutritional assistance. Collective efforts meant that more than 920,000 children
were treated for undernutritiona record in the Sahel.35 By the end of 2012,
Oxfam had provided assistance to more than 1 million people in the region.36
These are by no means the only criteria by which to judge the effectiveness of
a response; as such, this assessment does not seek to cover every possible
element of the 2012 crisis. These criteria do, however, represent critical
components that usually determine the timeliness and effectiveness of a
response and have been found lacking in the response to previous crises. For
instance, evidence clearly indicates that more lives can be saved and
livelihoods protected if:
national governments are willing and able to respond, with support from the
international community;
strong food security analysis tools and early warning systems are in place;
decisive action is taken by donors on the basis of early warnings to provide
early and flexible funding for integrated responses;
programmes are started and scaled up at the earliest sign of a crisis.
The analysis aims to address this key question: to what extent did lessons
learned from past responses inform and improve the quality of the
humanitarian response to the 2012 Sahel crisis?
Poor leadership and weak co-ordination were among the biggest impediments to
effective response in past crises.38 Thanks to the Charter for Food Crisis
Prevention and Management in the Sahel and West Africa, a strong regional
framework was in place to help cement leadership and co-ordination for the 2012
crisis response. The Charter was formally adopted as the crisis was unfolding, in
February 2012, by countries within the Economic Community of West African
States (ECOWAS), as well as Chad and Mauritania. It sets out the responsibilities
of national and international actors alike,39 and states that national governments
are responsible for leading and planning responses, developing systems for food
security and nutrition analysis and early warning, and providing an overarching co-
ordination structure for the response. In accordance with best practice, the
international aid community should provide support when national capacities are
overwhelmed, ensure that their work is aligned with national strategies and, where
possible, provide long-term assistance via national budgets.
Regional and African Union leadership
We underline the
At a technical level, food security was prioritised at the regional level by inadequacy, or even the
ECOWAS and the Permanent Inter-State Committee for the Fight Against insignificance, of the
Drought in the Sahel (CILSS). In contrast to previous responses, and with support provided in view
of the severity of the
the exception of Burkina Faso and Mali, ECOWAS was successful in
crisis and the extent of
encouraging its member governments to respect regional trade the vulnerability faced
commitments and not place restrictions on trade flows.49 However, by rural and peri-urban
engagement with the crisis at the highest political level in ECOWAS could populations. Equally,
have been stronger; it remained a marginal issue on the African Unions there was an
agenda.50 unacceptable delay
before interventions
The damage caused by a lack of effective leadership, and confusion about began, particularly
the roles and responsibilities of different humanitarian actors at the regional targeted food
and international levels, was especially apparent during the protracted distributions, which are
negotiations around a donor conference. The conference was initially still to begin.
Declaration by civil society group
proposed in March 2012 by the African Union Peace and Security Council, Consortium for the Right to
supported by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Food on theperformance of their
(OCHA) and ECHO. Many agencies believed that the conference could build governent, 24 August 2012
momentum in the donor community and lead to firm financial commitments.
Yet month after month, those involved gave new reasons for postponing the
conference, which ultimately never took place.
Figure 4: Response timeline
Early warning and Government International
analysis appeals begin mobilisation
According to Food Crisis
Prevention Network
Sep (FCPN), initial projections
2011 suggest lower than
average 2011-2012
EU is first donor to
The FCPN confirms low issue a press release
Nov production and declares a warning of looming
2011 risk of food and nutritional hunger crisis in Sahel
insecurity if nothing done and commits additional
Dec Chad UN preparedness plan
2011 Mali finalised
Famine Early Warning
Systems Network (FEWS
NET) analysis released
suggests that community
coping mechanisms will
suffice to overcome the
UN Regional
Response Strategy
At FCPN meeting,
commonly agreed maps Senegal
Apr Regional Humanitarian
projecting food insecurity
2012 The Gambia Co-ordinator appointed
for June not officially
FEWSNET underlines that
there is a high risk of Clusters established.
escalation of food security Final UN appeals
levels at start of growing released
Figure 5: ACFs geographic information based system for early warning
Source: ACF
Thanks to the strong systems in place, warnings of the 2012 Sahel crisis were
issued early, enabling indicators of potential shocks to be analysed according
to the vulnerability of specific populations. This allowed different food security
scenarios to be effectively predicted and appropriate interventions identified.
The first warnings issued by UN agencies came as early as November 2011.
By the beginning of 2012, a regional response strategy had been finalised. On
15 February 2012, heads of UN agencies and donors made a collective appeal
for the Sahel, stressing that humanitarian action could wait no longer.55 These
strong calls for action were made possible by good co-operation between key
food security and nutrition actors in the region.
However, despite strong early warnings of the impending crisis, and good
collaboration among food security actors in the region, there were significant
challenges in interpreting early warning information and using it to guide swift
action. From the first warnings, differing analyses of vulnerabilities emerged,
and there were difficulties in achieving consensus between the various
organisations involved. The well-respected Famine Early Warning Systems
Network (FEWS NET), funded by the United States Agency for International
Development (USAID), suggested that communities could rely on markets and
standard coping mechanisms to overcome shortfalls in production, but this did
not turn out to be the case.56 FEWS NET published its own food security
assessments that presented a more positive picture of the regional context,
while also participating in joint exercises to map food security needs led by
CILSS. For some donors, particularly those without a strong presence in the
region, these different assessments created confusion about the likely severity
of the crisis.
In contrast, there was common consensus over the nutritional situation in the
region. As early as February 2012, a regional working group comprising the
major UN agencies, key donors and international NGOs estimated that more
than 1 million children under five were at risk of severe acute malnutrition
(SAM). The working group developed a plan to scale up capacity and respond
urgently to these needs. A similar diagnosis was also presented by CILSS at a
meeting in April 2012.
Following the delayed response to the East Africa food crisis in 2011, there
was great interest in whether the response to the Sahel crisis in 2012 would be
timelier. As already noted, some donors initially reacted quickly to early
warnings of the crisis. The first contribution came in November 2011, when
ECHO provided $13m in addition to existing financial commitments to the
region.57 By mid-February 2012, donors had committed approximately
$250m.58 In comparison, less than a quarter of this amount had been raised by
the equivalent stage in response to the 2010 Sahel crisis.59
Figure 6: Comparison of the cumulative percentage of funding
committed month by month to UN appeals60
Sahel 2010
% appeal funded
East Africa
60 2011
40 Sahel 2012
Start Mar Jun Sep Dec
Month of crisis
Source: UN Financial Tracking Service
Figure 6 shows that funding commitments for the Sahel crisis in 2012 came
earlier than those for the 2011 East Africa crisis, which saw a huge
mobilisation of funds only once a famine was declared. However, it also shows
that apart from the early months, the 2012 crisis did not see a significantly
earlier response than the 2010 Sahel food crisis overall.61 By the peak of the
crisis at the beginning of July, approximately half of the total resources
requested$800mwas still to be committed to the UN appeals.62
Despite the outcry provoked by the slow funding response to the 2011 East
Africa crisis, in 2012, most donors still appeared reluctant to make funding
decisions on the basis of probability or risk.63 In interviews, donors pointed to
uncertainty about the severity of the crisis as a key inhibiting factor. Rather
than taking a no regrets optionlow-cost interventions that could have had a
beneficial impact regardless of the final scenariothey preferred to wait for
certainty. Others blamed delays in the publication of the finalised funding
appeals, which doubled the total funding requested just weeks before the crisis
reached its peak.64
Many donors now recognise the limitations of current practice, and are taking
measures to adapt funding mechanisms to better suit the operational context.
Some donors, such as the Swedish and Spanish governments, had already
established more flexible long-term funding mechanisms that allowed a more
timely response to those in need across the Sahel in 2012.67 During the crisis,
some donors tried to introduce additional flexibility in their funding to allow
partners to better meet evolving needs. While more ambitious donor
approachessuch as seeking to blend humanitarian and development funding
or design flexible programmeswere occasionally piloted, they were not fully
integrated into the response.68
Coverage: did the response reach enough people?
Many agencies acknowledge that the geographic reach of the response could
have been improved. Over recent years, agencies in Chad, for example, had
deliberately sought to shift their operational presence towards the poor and
highly vulnerable populations in the Sahelian band. As a result, the needs of
populations in these areas were largely well covered. However, border
regions, where security was challenging, were less well covered.73 Some NGO
staff interviewed for this report observed that need is not the only factor that
determines decisions about the timing and location of programmes: access,
security and logistics are also major considerations.74
However, the introduction of new programmes did not in itself lead to improved
targeting of assistance to the most vulnerable. The Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations (FAO), for example, introduced a deliberate
focus on women in view of their potential to boost overall agricultural
production.76 However, an analysis of the implementation of the FAOs
programme in Senegal revealed that the predominant role of men within
agricultural production in the country also resulted in them receiving a
disproportionate amount of assistance. A failure to take steps to compensate
for this in the design of the programme meant that only 10 per cent of support
provided went to women farmers.77 Oxfam too encountered challenges in
working with pastoralist groups. On initial assessment, Oxfams work with
pastoralist communities in North Dakoro, Niger, on effective coping
mechanisms during drought appeared successful in encouraging the timely
destocking of herds. However, an aid effectiveness study showed that the
programme did not lead to any difference in behaviour when compared to
other pastoralist communities. The study recommended a review of
Programming: did the different approaches adopted meet peoples
In areas where there had been strong investment in local food reserves (see
Box 1), these often played a critical role in mitigating the worst impacts of the
crisisdemonstrating the potential of reserves as a first line of defence.
However, some civil society organisations criticised the lack of information on
the availability of national stocks, and the inappropriate rules guiding their
use.84 There is clearly progress to be made in integrating such reserves into
national response plans, and further developing a regional approach through
In spite of the clear relationship between food and nutrition crises and
underlying causes of vulnerability, programmes that genuinely combined
humanitarian and development activities were still rare. In interviews, staff from
UN agencies highlighted some programmes that had been developed in light
of previous crises that could promote more sustainable resource use and
tackle the root causes of food insecurity, but noted that these were not
necessarily driven by an underlying objective of strengthening resilience or
linked to possible emergency interventions.
Nevertheless, these improvements still did not produce a response on the
scale required to meet the enormous needs. Achieving a truly effective
response demands a different approach to addressing vulnerability and
managing crisesmaking piecemeal improvements to existing systems will
not be enough for a region facing an ever growing threat from climate change
and population growth. This paper has identified three persistent weaknesses
on the part of humanitarian actors across all four areas of the response that
substantially reduced their collective impact. These weaknesses must be
addressed, not only to improve the quality of future responses but also to help
build the resilience of the people whose livelihoods and lives may be at risk
every year:
1. There is still insufficient understanding of the nature and scale of
vulnerability and a reluctance to respond on the basis of risk. In the
2012 crisis, this contributed to different messages being given about the
likely severity of the crisis. Some donors waited for more certainty before
making firm commitments, and programming could have further integrated
risk analysis and management.
2. There is still a divide between humanitarian and development
approaches, perpetuated by funding mechanisms, co-ordination systems
and organisational structures within individual agencies. In 2012, this meant
that flexible funding was not available in sufficient quantities at an early
enough stage, and that humanitarian interventions and longer-term
programmes did not sufficiently support each other. Most importantly, this
represented a significant barrier for international assistance to address the
root causes of vulnerability alongside meeting peoples immediate needs.
3. Limitations in national capacity and leadership were underlined by the
way in which governments in the region were marginalised; they received
inadequate support from the international community, highlighting the need
for renewed emphasis on institutional support. In 2012, shortcomings in
national government responses weakened co-ordination, meant some
responses were not driven by an overall plan, and ultimately undermined
the quality and reach of assistance provided.
Some 10 million people across the Sahel remain in a highly precarious
situation and will require assistance throughout 2013 and beyond to help them
recover from the 2012 crisis.86 Although the 2012/13 harvests were generally
favourable, food prices have not yet returned to their pre-crisis levels. As of the
beginning of March 2013, a 100kg bag of millet in Niamey cost 25,000 CFA
francsonly 3,000 less than the price in September 2012 and 3,500 more
than in March the previous year.87 Undernutrition also remains at critical levels:
across the region, 1.4 million children are expected to suffer from SAM and
another 3.6 million from moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) (see Figure 7).88
The severity of the situation is further compounded by the recent crisis in Mali;
almost 450,000 people are still displaced. As a result, opportunities for
livelihoods have been reduced, and overall humanitarian needs in the region
increased. While the conflict risks diverting domestic and international political
attention from pressing regional food security concerns, it should in fact be
shining a spotlight on the need to address the longer-term drivers of fragility
and political exclusion faced by all countries in the Sahel.
Action must be taken now to commit funds early, and to support the steady
recovery of households and communities across the region affected by the
2012 food crisis. At the time of this papers publication (April 2013), the window
for assistance is closing, if agriculture support is to reach people in time to
support preparations for the main harvest.89 Programmes tackling
undernutrition require adequate preparation and planning with government
At the same time, many organisations working in the region have long
acknowledged that simply making an emergency response to frequent crises is
not enough, and interventions must increasingly focus on addressing the root
causes of food insecurity and undernutrition. The desire to deliver progress on
resilience-building in the Sahel is palpable at national, regional and global
levels. The UN Strategy for the Sahel includes resilience-building as one of
three shared objectives for all humanitarian partners.
Figure 7: Expected severe acute malnutrition burden in 2013
When key governments, donors and other food security actors met at the end
of 2012 as part of the EUs Global Alliance for Resilience Initiative (AGIR
Sahel), they agreed on a definition of resilience: the capacity of vulnerable
households, families and systems to face uncertainty and the risk of shocks, to
withstand and respond effectively to shocks, as well as to recover and adapt in
a sustainable manner.91
Implementing existing national and regional food and agricultural
policies, such as the ECOWAS Agricultural Policy and National Agricultural
Investment Plans, and meeting the 2003 Maputo Declaration commitment
to invest at least 10 per cent of national budgets on agricultural
development.96 This must include the use of a comprehensive targeting
system to allocate resources to the poorest producers across geographic
regions,97 and move away from a traditional focus on a limited range of
export crops towards supporting small-scale producers, particularly women
farmers. According to the FAO, providing women with the same access to
resources as men could increase agricultural yields by 20-30 per cent,
allowing a further 100150 million people to escape from hunger.98
Supporting the rollout of the regional food reserve strategy, agreed by
ECOWAS agriculture ministers in September 2010 in Abidjan. Regionally
and nationally, reserves can boost availability of stocks and support
government responses to meet citizens immediate food needs during
deficit periods. At a local level, food reserves can play a critical role as a
first line of defencehelping producers get a better price for their products
in times of surplus and sustaining regular access to food in times of deficit.
Expanding safety nets and social protection schemes can ensure that
the most vulnerable households have a minimum level of income to meet
essential needs in the event of price increases or any other shock. If
combined with appropriate training or support for saving, transfers can also
help communities develop additional sources of income or reserve funds,
reducing their susceptibility to shocks in the future. Insurance schemes that
pay communities dividends in the case of shocks can offer similar benefits.
Developing nutrition-sensitive programmes through a multi-sectoral
programming approach that integrates efforts to reduce and prevent
undernutrition within interventions focused on food security, support to
livelihoods and agriculture, education, water and sanitation, health, gender
and care practices.
Enhancing the quality and coverage of, and access to, integrated
programmes to manage undernutritionparticularly through strengthening
national health systems and strengthening preparedness and response
plans to seasonal peaks.
Investing in these programmes and policies is essential, but must also form
part of a broader transformative approach to building resilience and tackling
the pervasive inequality and marginalisation faced by the poorest and most
vulnerable communities and households in the Sahel. It also means
addressing new realities: the pressures of population growth and climate
change, which pose questions about the sustainability of certain rural
livelihoods, and the challenges posed by an increasingly urbanised population.
Finally, it means learning from the experiences of the 2012 response, and
tackling the three structural challenges that underpinned weaknesses in that
response: developing a deeper understanding of vulnerability; breaking down
the humanitarian/development divide; and strengthening national and local
capacity to build resilience. These three challenges are discussed in more
detail in the following subsections.
Despite agreement on the definition of resilience within the EUs AGIR Sahel
Framework, there is still no shared understanding of what resilience and
vulnerability really mean, or of how the concepts should be applied.
A first priority in the region must be a political commitment at the highest The ambition is very
level within national governments and regional institutions to identify, support challenging as it means
and transfer resources to the poorest and most vulnerable communities, that we engage, within
households and individuals, including through the provision of basic public the next 20 years, to
reduce by at least two-
services. This requires a deeper and commonly shared understanding of the
thirds the number of
role of vulnerability within resilience to better inform humanitarian and people who suffer from
development activities by governments and aid agencies alike. food and nutritional
insecurity due to
At present, there is no shared view among the regions political leaders structural constraints.
about the extent of vulnerability and its implications for policy-making. Such However, I am
disagreement came most noticeably to the fore during a regional meeting of convinced that with
organisations working on food security in Ouagadougou in December everyones
2012.100 During the meeting, ECOWAS and others sought to soften the determination we will go
language describing the severity of the 2012 crisis. This reawakened fears even beyond this target
that the increased willingness to deal with food security shown by some objective.
Beyon Luc Adolphe Tiao, Prime
leaders during the crisis may have been short-lived. Reaching a shared Minister of Burkina Faso99
understanding of vulnerability will not be easy; however, the AGIR Sahel
Secretariat can provide much-needed support to facilitate dialogue and broker
an agreement.
Reforming the architecture of aid, and breaking down the barriers between
humanitarian and development institutions and practices, is vital if the
international aid community is to make good on its commitment to build
resilience in the Sahel. UN agencies and international NGOs need to adapt
their internal systems and adopt new ways of working to develop and
implement programming that can meet emergency as well as longer-term
needs, with joint risk analysis and common resilience objectives.
NGO efforts
Oxfam has been reflecting on how and where they should operate in the
region to be best positioned to tackle chronic food insecurity and vulnerability.
Plans are being developed for new resilience programmes that integrate
development and humanitarian perspectives and expertise. It will seek to
ensure that future operational presence is increasingly determined by
vulnerability mappings, enabling a stronger focus on the needs of the most
vulnerable communities and households. Joint meetings are taking place
across teams from different regions that face similar challenges in resilience
programming. Proposals are being developed for the internal changes that will
be needed at every level to make a new programming model possible.
Donors contributions
NGO efforts to adapt programming approaches are just part of the solution:
donors need to take similar steps and commit to making much-needed
changes to financing mechanisms, as well as providing funding for resilience-
building. This does not necessarily mean giving more moneyindeed, in the
long term, it could save money. For example, one study in Kenya showed that
resilience-building activities cost $1bn less on average each year than a
delayed humanitarian response.101 Given that humanitarian funding accounts
for less than 10 per cent of global international aid, and lacks the required
long-term timeframe, the majority of this money will have to come from
development budgets.102 So far, only a handful of donors have provided clear
commitments on how they intend to increase the focus of their funding on
resilience in the region (see Box 3).103 Within the AGIR Sahel initiative, further
details on the priorities and additional funding required for resilience are only
likely to be agreed by the end of 2013.104
In December 2012, USAID became the first donor to release policy and
programme guidance on building resilience. The guidance outlines a promising
commitment to link short-term humanitarian response with longer-term
development programming by creating joint planning cells, as well as making new
investments based on an in-depth analysis of chronic vulnerability. In its first
phase, the programme will focus on resilience needs in Burkina Faso and Niger
countries where USAID is already engaged in both development and emergency
work, and where greater collaboration across these arms of work, with a focus on
resilience, could deliver real dividends
Box 4: The 3Ns initiative
Strong national leadership on resilience and strengthening capacity to deliver The leadership of our
programmes and core public services at scale should be integral to efforts to regional organisations
promote good governance and develop greater accountability to citizens. In must be recognised.
spite of persistent food insecurity, governments in the Sahel (with a few These organisations
exceptions) have so far been reluctant to invest their limited but growing must in return commit to
resources into key sectors such as agriculture and social protection. Even mobilising their own
resources to implement
where there is relatively strong investment in agriculture, policies often support
their policies and
export crops managed by large businesses rather than small-scale food harmonise their
producers. interventions at all
levels. Nowhere in
Efforts to raise the voice of poor and marginalised communities and civil the world has resilience
society organisations working for greater social justice can play a pivotal role in been achieved
delivering reform (see Box 5). They will be critical in determining whether exclusively through
governments succeed in effectively building resilience and responding to development co-
crises while prioritising the needs of the most vulnerable groups. Such operation. That is why
approaches will form a central pillar of strategies for building resilience in the we are asking the co-
region, as well as working more closely with local authorities and NGOs to operation agencies to
develop an approach
boost local ownership and capacity to deliver.
that supports our action,
standing behind us and
with us.
Box 5: Civil society monitoring for better food security policies Mamadou Cissokho, Roppa
Honorary President and Civil
Society Representative to AGIR
During 2012, Oxfam helped to bring together civil society groups in six countries Sahel108
across the Sahel to monitor the extent to which West African governments had
implemented their commitments in the Charter for Food Crisis Prevention and
Management. National reports based on the information gathered highlighted
strengths and weaknesses in food security analysis, co-ordination mechanisms,
and government response plans, and were used to try and strengthen national
In Niger, for example, civil society groups were requested to brief
parliamentarians in the National Assembly, which led to a specific parliamentary
group being established to monitor the implementation of the Charters
obligations in Niger. A regional synthesis report was presented to the FCPN,
alongside calls to establish more regular and systemic monitoring, with civil
society organisations continuing to play a key role.
Supporting national governments
Donors can do more to support and incentivise change through their long-term
investments and their ways of working during crises. Recent experience in the
region suggests that the international aid community has not yet established
effective ways of working with fragile states.109 If efforts to build resilience are
to be successful, this must be addressed. Currently, the potential for progress
is undermined by a vicious circle of inaction: where states lack capacity and
donors decide not to invest in state structures, governance-related problems
remain entrenched.
The donor community can take a first step towards escaping this negative
cycle by changing the way they provide funding to national governments. In
accordance with aid effectiveness principles,110 providing resources via the
state should be the preferred mechanism for disbursement of development
funds, promoting greater national capacity and ownership. Any conditionalities
imposed should be limited to criteria of accountability and the desired food
security outcomes that assistance should be used to achieve. If such
conditions are not yet in place, donors should be clear about the changes
governments would need to make in order to qualify for this assistance
directly incentivising better governance.
UN agencies can also do more to ensure that ways of working support existing
national capacity and systems. Since the 2012 response, teams from OCHA
across the Sahel region have begun to shift their approachfor instance,
adapting the annual calendar for UN appeals to accommodate new information
from government harvest predictions, and examining ways in which the UN
cluster system113 can be more supportive of national capacity.114 Preparedness
measures should also be designed to build on national systems, while
enabling quicker and more efficient programme scale-up when a crisis
response is required.
With 10 million people still threatened by hunger in the aftermath of the 2012
food crisis in the Sahel, and a growing consensus that humanitarian What we learnt from
response alone will not break the cycle of crisis eroding any development repeated, massive
gains, 2013 is a critical year for establishing and strengthening the
interventions in the
foundations for resilience-building in the region. Lessons learned from the region is: it is imperative
2012 response highlight three areas in which the international community to change the way we
must work closely with national and regional partners to improve their respond to the crises in
collective performance: the Sahel.
UN Regional Humanitarian
1. Developing a deeper understanding of vulnerability as the basis for new Coordinator, David Gressly
Develop a deeper and shared understanding of resilience
National governments and ECOWAS should demonstrate stronger
political will to deliver pro-poor development strategies, committing to
targeting and transferring resources to support the poorest and most
vulnerable people, with the support of the international aid community.
All actors must seek to develop a deeper understanding of what makes
poor people more vulnerable to shocks and stresses and what builds their
resilience, conducting gender- and child-sensitive analyses as a basis for
developing appropriate pro-poor policy solutions and resilience measures.
They should develop new programming approaches and public service
provisions that are better targeted to the specific needs of the most
vulnerable and disadvantaged groups, such as children under five, women
and pastoralists. The AGIR Sahel Framework should be used to establish
greater political consensus and ensure that future national and regional
policies are driven by those considerations.
Governments across the region should work together with key regional
actors to develop more effective food security analyses based on early
warning systems that fully integrate understanding of risk and vulnerability.
Specifically, they should:
o continue to develop the Cadre Harmonis as a standard region-wide
basis for projections of food insecurity;
o advocate and fundraise for the development of HEA baselines and
outcome analysis across the region to assist better understanding of
vulnerabilities, of needs in times of shock, and better response
Links last accessed March 2013 unless otherwise specified
Malnutrition is used in more common terminology to refer to under nutrition. In this report, we chosen to use the term under
nutrition, since manutrition can also refer to over nutrition or obesity. There are a number of different types of under
nutrition: acute (severe or moderate), chronic, weight deficiency relative to age (underweight) and vitamin and mineral
3 OCHA (2012) Sahel Crisis: Funding Status as of 2 July 2012, as according to UN FTS
4 UNOCHA (2012) Humanitarian Actors request 1.6 billion dollars for harmonized response to the needs of Sahelian
populations in 2013 http://reliefweb.int/report/mali/humanitarian-actors-request-16-billion-dollars-harmonized-response-
6 Countries affected included: Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Gambia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria and Senegal.
8 UN (2011) The Millennium Development Goals Report 2011, New York: United Nations
http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/11_MDG%20Report_EN.pdf (last accessed 3 December 2012)
9 Save the Children (2009), Understanding Household Economy in Rural Niger, p.96
12 Oxfam International (2010) Hunger in the Sahel: A permanent emergency? Oxford: Oxfam International
13 D. Hillier and B. Dempsey (2012) A Dangerous Delay: The cost of late response to early warnings in the 2011 drought in
the Horn of Africa, Oxford: Oxfam International http://policy-practice.oxfam.org.uk/publications/a-dangerous-delay-the-cost-
14 APESS et al (2012) Food for Thought: A Civil Society Assessment on the State of Play of the Implementation of the
Charter for Food Crisis Prevention and Management in the Sahel and West Africa, Oxford: Oxfam International, APESS
(Association pour la Promotion de lElevage au Sahel et en Savane), CNCPRT (National Dialogue Council for the Rural
Producers of Chad), CONGAD, Consortium Droit lAlimentation et Souveraint Alimentaire, CSSA (Food Security
Monitoring Committee in Mauritania), FOSC (CSO Forum of Mali), SPONG (Permanent Secretariat of Non-Governmental
Organisations in Burkina Faso), ROPPA (Network of Peasant Organizations and Producers in West Africa) and Rseau
Bilital Maroob.
15 Food Crisis Prevention Network (2012) Compte rendu des travaux, 1213 April 2012,
16 PASISAT (Projet dAppui a lAmlioration du Systme dInformation sur la Scurit Alimentaire au Tchad) (2011), Bulletin
Trimestriel Numro 1, October
17 J-D. Crola (2012) Sahel markets under pressure, Oxford: Oxfam International http://www.oxfam.org/en/grow/policy/sahel-
18 P. Gubbels (2011) Escaping the Hunger Cycle: Pathways to Resilience in the Sahel, Sahel Working Group http://policy-
practice.oxfam.org.uk/publications/escaping-the-hunger-cycle-pathways-to-resilience-in-the-sahel-146171. Assessing the
2010 Sahel response, Gubbels identifies seven areas for an improved future response. These include: (i) preventing,
preparing and planning for better responses; (ii) adapting donor policies and practices; (iii) speeding up and improving
humanitarian response; (iv) strengthening resilience and incomes; (v) scaling up nutrition programmes; (vi) strengthening
capacity of regional and national institutions; and (vii) strengthening the capacity of civil society, local NGOs, local
government and communities. Oxfams 2012 report, A Dangerous Delay (Hillier and Dempsey, 2012, op. cit.) has two
areas of recommendation: (i) manage the risks, not the crisis; and (ii) earlier drought response, including national political
leadership, more agile and flexible funding and better programming by the international aid community (including long-term
development interventions adapted to the context, preventative humanitarian action and the internal systems to support
19 UNDP (2013) The Human Development Report 2013The Rise of the South: Human Progress in a Diverse World, p. 31
20 A. Thurston (2012) Chad: oil, electricity, and inequality, Sahel blog, 21 September
21 Emergency Capacity Building (ECB) Project (2012) Niger communities say they will run out of food before next harvest,
joint ECB / ACAPs study shows, 21 March http://www.ecbproject.org/news/latest-news-library/post/162-niger-communities-
22 M. Marshall (2013) Humanitarian disaster blamed on climate change, New Scientist, 1 March
Agrhymet Regional Centre website http://www.agrhymet.ne/eng/index.html
24 Oxfam (2012) An internal note on climate change, drought and food insecurity in the Sahel, unpublished
25 European Commission (2012a) ECHO Factsheet: Sahel Food & Nutrition Crisis,
27 C. Baudot (2013) Malis Conflict Refugees: Responding to a growing crisis, Oxfam Briefing Paper 167, Oxford: Oxfam
International http://policy-practice.oxfam.org.uk/publications/malis-conflict-refugees-responding-to-a-growing-crisis-266392
28 Interview conducted in framework of an Oxfam Assessment Mission to Ferrario and Damba camps and surrounding areas,
6-9 June 2012.
29 Global acute malnutrition (GAM) combines the percentage of children suffering from moderate acute malnutrition and those
suffering from severe acute malnutrition (SAM). See ACF, Types of acute malnutrition
30 According to the World Health Organization, more than 15 per cent of a population suffering from moderate acute
malnutrition, or more than 3 per cent from severe acute malnutrition, is considered as a critical or emergency threshold.
UN (2012) op. cit, p. 15
32 Oxfam GB (2012) Construire des Approches Sensibles au Genre pour Combattre la Crise Alimentaire et Soutenir la
Rsilience dans le Sahel, unpublished working document
33 78.4% of female headed households in Bahr El Ghazal were in a situation of food insecurity, compared to just 44.8% for
male-headed households. Government of Chad (2011) Evaluation de la Securite Alimentaire des Mnages dans la Bande
Sahelienne Ouest du Tchad, Republique du Tchad, Ministere de lAgriculture, VAM, PAM, p.12.
34 UN (2012) op. cit., p.10
36 Oxfam reached just over 1 million people, Action Contre la Faim 300,000 people.
37 Gubbels (2011) op. cit.; Hillier and Dempsey (2012) op. cit.
38 Gubbels (2011) p. 39
39 Charter for Food Crisis Prevention and Management in the Sahel and West Africa
(http://www.oecd.org/swac/publications/41276585.pdf). The Charter was adopted by national governments, regional
organisations, financial and technical partners and civil society groups. It provides an important set of commitments to
measure performance.
Le Niger sonne l'alarme sur la menace terroriste et l'inscurit alimentaire, Speech by President of Niger, 23 September
2011 http://www.un.org/apps/newsFr/storyF.asp?NewsID=26422&Cr=Niger&Cr1
41 Gubbels (2011) op. cit., p. 51. In response to the crisis in 2010, an international appeal for assistance in Niger was only
made in March 2010.
42 AllAfrica (2012) Sngal: Macky Sall appelle laide pour le monde rural, 3 April,
43 Comit de Suivi de la Securit Alimentaire Mauritanie (2012) Diagnostic rapide sur lapplication de la Charte de prvention
et de gestion des crises alimentaires en Mauritanie, p. 8
44 Consortium sur le Droit lAlimentation (2012) Diagnostic rapide sur lapplication de la Charte de prvention et de gestion
des crises alimentaires au Niger, p. 5
50 For example, the 41st Ordinary Session of the ECOWAS Authority of Heads of State & Government, which took place on
28-29 June in Cte dIvoire, did not prioritise discussion of the food crisis, even as it was reaching its peak. The final
communiqu from the meeting included just two paragraphs referencing food security, one on the crisis itself and the
second on the EUs AGIR Sahel initiative (http://www.emansion.gov.lr/doc/Final-Communique%20-%2041st-Ordinary-
51 A regional response plan had been developed at the beginning of the year, prior to national appeals being developed and
finalised. While this provided an initial indication of funding required, in some cases it captured just 50 per cent of the final
needs. For example, for Burkina Faso, the regional response plan requested $47m, a figure that was subsequently revised
in the appeal to $85m. For Mali, the figures rose from $72m to $149m.
Interviews with NGO staff, SeptemberNovember 2012
54 Dispositif National de Prvention et de Gestion des Crises et Catastrophes (2012) Etat de mise en oeuvre des actions du
volet alimentaire du plan de soutien 2011-2012, 21 September
55 WFP (2012) Urgent call for united action in the Sahel region of West Africa, 15 February http://www.wfp.org/news/news-
56 FEWS NET (2012), West Africa Food Security Outlook: January-September 2012,
57 European Commission (2011) Looming hunger crisis in Sahel: European Commission acts now to save lives, press
release, 18 November, http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-11-1374_en.htm?locale=en
58 For a breakdown of early commitments, see USAID (2012) FactSheet No.1, Fiscal Year (FY) 2013: SahelFood
Insecurity and Complex Emergency,
60 It is important to note that concerns have been raised about the degree to which the UN Financial Tracking Service
accurately captures all funding flows. In the future, improvements should be made to ensure that better quality information
is available. For the time being, it provides an adequate indicator for overall trends in funding for each crisis.
61 It is important to recognise that, in 2012, a much greater quantity of financial assistance (approximately double) was
provided compared with 2010. This is in line with overall estimates of need, which in 2012 were approximately double those
estimated for 2010.
62 OCHA (2012) Sahel Crisis: Funding Status as of 2nd July 2012, as according to UN FTS,
http://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/FundingUpdates%2004JUILLET2012.pdf. According to the UN
Financial Tracking Service, approximately $800m had already been contributed to the appeal, leaving a gap of $800m.
However, additional commitments of $200m had already been made outside the UN appeal.
67 Agreement between SIDA and Oxfam International on support of a humanitarian rapid response mechanism for Africa, 1
April 2011 to 30 June 2012. See also Intermon Oxfam (2012) Crisis Alimentaria en el Sahel: Prevenir o curar, p. 13,
68 For example, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) used an informal crisis modifier, using the
Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) to provide a new humanitarian dimension to a pre-existing USAID
development programme in Senegal.
69 Additional information may also be made available over the course of the year, with some national governments and UN
agencies intending to publish reports on the response.
71 According the UN Preparedness Strategy prepared at the end of 2011, just over 512,000 children were treated for severe
acute undernutrition during the 2010 response, compared to the 926,880 treated in 2012.These figures cover the same set
of countries, with the exception of Gambia, which is only included in 2012 figures.
75 URD Resilience Workshop, La resilience: du concept global aux specificites saheliennes, Dakar, 26-27 February 2013.
76 FAO (2012) La crise alimentaire et nutritionnelle du Sahel : lurgence dappuyer la rsilience des populations vulnrables.
Cadre stratgique de rponse rgionale. Burkina Faso, Cameroun, Gambie, Mali, Mauritanie, Niger, Sngal et Tchad, p.
21, http://www.fao.org/fileadmin/user_upload/sahel/docs/DocProg%20FAO%20SAHEL%20FR.pdf
77 Oxfam (2012) Construire des Approches Sensibles au Genre pour Combattre la Crise Alimentaire et Soutenir la Rsilience
dans le Sahel, p. 24, unpublished document.
78 R. Fuller (2012) Effectiveness Review: Livestock Commercialisation for Pastoralist Communities in North Dakoro, Niger,
Oxford: Oxfam http://policy-practice.oxfam.org.uk/publications/effectiveness-review-livestock-commercialisation-for-
79 F. Grnewald and J. Paul (2012) From Early Warning to Reinforcing Resilience: Lessons Learned from the 2011-2012
Sahel Response: A report for the IASC Principles,
80 Oxfam America (2012) Do Early Cash-Based Interventions in a Food Crisis Enhance Resilience? Experience from Niger,
draft discussion paper
81 FAO-WFP (2012) Food Security and Humanitarian Implications in West Africa and the Sahel, Joint Note, June 2012
While it is difficult to be certain about the reasons for this,, and the reliability of the figures has been questioned, UN reports
suggest that the reduction in the number of people affected resulted from prompt and effective early interventions by
governments and partners.
82 The fact that nine countries in the region were affected by the crisis meant that some food had to be purchased beyond the
region to prevent too much pressure on the local market.
83 IRIN (2012) Sahel : what went right in the crisis response? 24 October http://www.irinnews.org/report/96632/SAHEL-What-
85 Interviews with NGO staff (SeptemberNovember) provided a number of examples of lags between the signing of a funding
contract and the delivery of assistance to beneficiaries. One example was given where an organisation took months to plan
the response, including conducting market assessments and targetingwhich could have all been done before the final
green light on funding was given. In other cases, confusion about donor requirements and the possibility of backdating
agreements meant that programmes were only launched once funding had been fully secured.
87 Afrique Verte (2013) Point sur la situation alimentaire au Sahel: Suivi de Campagne no. 143, March
89 Food Security and Nutrition Working Group, Donor AlertSahel Summit, 20 February 2013
90 $403 million provided of the $1,698m requested. OCHA (2013) Sahel Crisis 2013: Funding status as of 05 April 2013,
91 Definition agreed at the December 2012 meeting of the AGIR Sahel initiative in Ouagadougou,
92 OECD (2012) Launching Ceremony of AGIR Sahel-West Africa, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 4-8 December,
93 IASC (2012) Response Plan for a Food Security and Nutrition Crisis in the Sahel, Inter-Agency Standing Committee
94 ECOWAS (2012) Note dorientation stratgiqueVers une scurit alimentaire de proximit en Afrique de lOuest : Faim
Zro en Afrique de lOuest
95 European Commission (2012b) Dclaration commune sur le renforcement de la rsilience pour faire face la crise
alimentaire au Sahel, 18 June, http://ec.europa.eu/echo/news/2012/sahel_conference_2012_fr.htm
97 Oxfam et al (2012) Food Crisis in the Sahel: Five steps to break the hunger cycle in 2012, Joint Agency Issue Briefing, p.
7, Oxfam International http://www.oxfam.org/sites/www.oxfam.org/files/ib-food-crisis-sahel-31052012-en.pdf
98 FAO (2011) The State of Food and Agriculture : Women in agricultureClosing the gender gap for development,
101 C. C. Venton, C. Fitzgibbon, T. Shitarek, L. Coulter and O. Dooley (2012) The Economics of Early Response and Disaster
Resilience: Lessons from Kenya and Ethiopia, http://reliefweb.int/report/kenya/economics-early-response-and-disaster-
Global Humanitarian Assistance (n.d.) Datastore, http://www.globalhumanitarianassistance.org/data-guides/datastore
103 At the December meeting of AGIR Sahel, The European Union announced it would be contributing 500m euros for
resilience in the Sahel over three years (2012-2014). USAID was expected to announce precise funding commitments for
resilience in Burkina Faso and Niger in April 2013.
104 Global Alliance for Resilience InitiativeSahel and West Africa (AGIR) Joint Statement, Ouagadougou 6 December 2013,
http://www.oecd.org/swac/topics/EN_Declaration_Ouagadougou_CD.pdf, p.4
107 Le Hub Rural (n.d.) Linitiative 3 N ( les Nigriens nourrissent les Nigriens ): un engagement politique pour mettre les
Nigriens labri de la famine et de la soif, http://www.hubrural.org/L-initiative-3-N-les-Nigeriens.html
110 Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness (2005), http://www.unrol.org/files/34428351.pdf; Accra Agenda for Action (2008),
111 A. Thurston (2012) Niger secures $4.8 billion for security and developmentis this a regional model?, Sahel blog, 16
November, http://sahelblog.wordpress.com/2012/11/16/niger-secures-4-8-billion-for-security-and-development-is-this-a-
112 Authors interviews in Niger, November 2012
UNOCHA (n.d.) Cluster Coordination, United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs,
115 UNOCHA (2012) Humanitarian Actors request 1.6 billion dollars for harmonized response to the needs of Sahelian
populations in 2013, http://reliefweb.int/report/mali/humanitarian-actors-request-16-billion-dollars-harmonized-response-
Oxfam International April 2013
This paper was written by Elise Ford. Oxfam acknowledge the assistance of
Steve Cockburnas well, as the numerous inputs and advice provided by staff
across the organisation. Oxfam would also like to thank ACF and Save the
Children for their important contributions, in particular Martin Morand, Anais
Lafite and Leah Finnegan. We also like to acknowledge the contribution of
Steven Salazar for the funding analysis. The paper is part of a series of reports
written to inform public debate on development and humanitarian policy issues.
For further information on the issues raised in this report please e-mail
[email protected]
This publication is copyright but the text may be used free of charge for the
purposes of advocacy, campaigning, education, and research, provided that the
source is acknowledged in full. The copyright holder requests that all such use
be registered with them for impact assessment purposes. For copying in any
other circumstances, or for re-use in other publications, or for translation or
adaptation, permission must be secured and a fee may be charged. E-mail
[email protected].
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